def setNextPositionPerlin(self, *args, **kwargs): self.updateFunction = self.updatePerlin if('slow' in args): self.currentSpeedLimit = StewartPlatform.SERVO_SPEED_LIMIT/2 else: self.currentSpeedLimit = StewartPlatform.SERVO_SPEED_LIMIT*2 t = (time()-StewartPlatform.INIT_TIME) * StewartPlatform.PERLIN_TIME_SCALE (x,y,z) = self.currentPosition.getTranslationAsList() # direction u = snoise4(x*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_POSITION_SCALE + 1*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_PHASE, y*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_POSITION_SCALE + 1*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_PHASE, z*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_POSITION_SCALE + 1*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_PHASE, t + 1*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_PHASE) v = snoise4(x*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_POSITION_SCALE + 2*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_PHASE, y*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_POSITION_SCALE + 2*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_PHASE, z*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_POSITION_SCALE + 2*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_PHASE, t + 2*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_PHASE) w = snoise4(x*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_POSITION_SCALE + 3*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_PHASE, y*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_POSITION_SCALE + 3*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_PHASE, z*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_POSITION_SCALE + 3*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_PHASE, t + 3*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_PHASE) #magnitude thisSpeedScale = StewartPlatform.PERLIN_SPEED_SCALE/3 if ('slow' in args) else StewartPlatform.PERLIN_SPEED_SCALE speed = min(StewartPlatform.PERLIN_MAX_SPEED, max(StewartPlatform.PERLIN_MIN_SPEED, thisSpeedScale*(snoise4(u,v,w,t)*0.5+0.5))) # result deltaDistances = ( u*speed, v*speed, w*speed) deltaAngles = ( snoise2(v,t)*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_ANGLE_SCALE, snoise2(w,t)*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_ANGLE_SCALE, snoise2(u,t)*StewartPlatform.PERLIN_ANGLE_SCALE) # pick new valid position translateArg = kwargs.get('translate', '') rotateArg = kwargs.get('rotate', '') done = False while not done: translation = Vector3( deltaDistances[0] if 'x' in translateArg else 0, deltaDistances[1] if 'y' in translateArg else 0, deltaDistances[2] if 'z' in translateArg else 0) + self.currentPosition.translation translation.constrain(-StewartPlatform.PERLIN_DISTANCE_LIMIT, StewartPlatform.PERLIN_DISTANCE_LIMIT) rotation = Vector3( deltaAngles[0] if 'x' in rotateArg else 0, deltaAngles[1] if 'y' in rotateArg else 0, deltaAngles[2] if 'z' in rotateArg else 0) + self.currentPosition.rotation rotation.constrain(-StewartPlatform.PERLIN_ANGLE_LIMIT, StewartPlatform.PERLIN_ANGLE_LIMIT) done = self.setTargetAnglesSuccessfully(translation, rotation) deltaDistances = map(lambda x:0.9*x, deltaDistances) deltaAngles = map(lambda x:0.9*x, deltaAngles)
def precipitation(seed, width, height): """"Precipitation is a value in [-1,1]""" border = width / 4 random.seed(seed * 13) base = random.randint(0, 4096) temp = [[0 for x in xrange(width)] for y in xrange(height)] from noise import snoise2 octaves = 6 freq = 64.0 * octaves for y in range(0, height): yscaled = float(y) / height latitude_factor = 1.0 - (abs(yscaled - 0.5) * 2) for x in range(0, width): n = snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) #Added to allow noise pattern to wrap around right and left. if x < border: n = (snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) * x / border) + (snoise2( (x + width) / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) * (border - x) / border) t = (latitude_factor + n * 4) / 5.0 temp[y][x] = t return temp
def __next__(self): num = len(self.path) # number of segments in spline # randomly permute path positions # generate a random number from (-1,1) for each spline section r = np.zeros(num) for i in range(num): r[i] = snoise2(i, self.i/self.noiseDetail) # dampen random values r *= self.noiseScale # permute our noise value by applying random values # remember they are centered around 0 so noise will not drift self.noise[:] += r # pick a new random set or angles to drive towards a = np.zeros(num) for i in range(num): a[i] = 2.0*pi*snoise2(i, self.i/self.noiseDetail) rnd = np.column_stack((np.cos(a), np.sin(a))) # using noise, move current points towards random points a little self.path += rnd * np.reshape(self.noise, (num, 1)) # always force last item to equal first so there isn't disconnection in spline self.path[num-1] = self.path[0] # output an interpolate spline path from the points self.interpolatedPath = self.randomInterpolation(self.path, self.density) self.i += 1 return self.interpolatedPath
def create_noise_map(octaves): biome = open("biome.pgm", 'wt') foliage = open("foliage.pgm", 'wt') width = 500 height = 500 biomefreq = 16.0 * octaves[0] biome.write('P2\n') biome.write('%s %s\n' % (width, height)) biome.write('255\n') foliagefreq = 20.0 * octaves[1] foliage.write('P2\n') foliage.write('%s %s\n' % (width, height)) foliage.write('255\n') for y in range(width): for x in range(height): biome.write("%s\n" % int( snoise2(x / biomefreq, y / biomefreq, octaves[0]) * 127.0 + 128.0)) for y in range(width): for x in range(height): foliage.write("%s\n" % int( snoise2(x / foliagefreq, y / foliagefreq, octaves[1]) * 127.0 + 128.0)) biome.close() foliage.close()
def _calculate(seed, width, height): """Precipitation is a value in [-1,1]""" border = width / 4 random.seed(seed * 13) base = random.randint(0, 4096) precipitations = numpy.zeros((height, width), dtype=float) octaves = 6 freq = 64.0 * octaves for y in range(height): #TODO: numpy y_scaled = float(y) / height latitude_factor = 1.0 - (abs(y_scaled - 0.5) * 2) for x in range(width): n = snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) # Added to allow noise pattern to wrap around right and left. if x < border: n = ( snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) * x / border) + (snoise2( (x + width) / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) * (border - x) / border) precipitation = (latitude_factor + n * 4) / 5.0 precipitations[y, x] = precipitation return precipitations
def temperature(seed, elevation, mountain_level): width = len(elevation[0]) height = len(elevation) random.seed(seed * 7) base = random.randint(0, 4096) temp = [[0 for x in xrange(width)] for y in xrange(height)] from noise import snoise2 border = width / 4 octaves = 6 freq = 16.0 * octaves for y in range(0, height): yscaled = float(y) / height latitude_factor = 1.0 - (abs(yscaled - 0.5) * 2) for x in range(0, width): n = snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) #Added to allow noise pattern to wrap around right and left. if x <= border: n = (snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) * x / border) + (snoise2((x+width) / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) * (border-x)/border) t = (latitude_factor * 3 + n * 2) / 5.0 if elevation[y][x] > mountain_level: if elevation[y][x] > (mountain_level + 29): altitude_factor = 0.033 else: altitude_factor = 1.00 - (float(elevation[y][x] - mountain_level) / 30) t *= altitude_factor temp[y][x] = t return temp
def gradients_perlin(writer, period, speed): """ Creates random Perlin-noise gradients emanating from centre. :param writer: A writer to use :type writer: :class:`skyscreen_core.memmap_interface.NPMMAPScreenWriter` """ period = float(period) speed = int(speed) with writer as writer_buf: screen = np.zeros((Screen.screen_vane_count, Screen.screen_max_magnitude, 3)) writer_buf_reshaped = writer_buf.reshape((Screen.screen_vane_count, Screen.screen_max_magnitude, 3)) count = 0 while True: for i in xrange(speed): r = noise.snoise2(1, count/period) * 128 + 128 g = noise.snoise2(2, count/period) * 128 + 128 b = noise.snoise2(3, count/period) * 128 + 128 colour = (r, g, b) screen[:, :-1, :] = screen[:,1:,:] screen[:, -1, :] = colour count += 1 writer_buf_reshaped[:,:,:] = screen writer.frame_ready()
def _calculate(seed, width, height): """Precipitation is a value in [-1,1]""" border = width / 4 random.seed(seed * 13) base = random.randint(0, 4096) precipitations = numpy.zeros((height, width), dtype=float) octaves = 6 freq = 64.0 * octaves for y in range(height):#TODO: numpy y_scaled = float(y) / height latitude_factor = 1.0 - (abs(y_scaled - 0.5) * 2) for x in range(width): n = snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) # Added to allow noise pattern to wrap around right and left. if x < border: n = (snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) * x / border) + ( snoise2((x + width) / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) * (border - x) / border) precipitation = (latitude_factor + n * 4) / 5.0 precipitations[y, x] = precipitation return precipitations
def land_gen(self): """ Uses simplex noise to create a random map of values that roughly resemble real life elevation values Uses notes from """ self.sea_value = 0 elevation_seed = np.random.randint(1, 1000) moisture_seed = np.random.randint(1, 1000) print("Elevation seed: ", elevation_seed, "\nMoisture seed: ", moisture_seed) for x in range(self.size[0]): for y in range(self.size[1]): elevation = snoise2(x / self.size[0], y / self.size[1], octaves=8, base=elevation_seed) / 2 + 0.5 moisture = snoise2(x / self.size[0], y / self.size[1], octaves=24, base=moisture_seed) / 2 + 0.5 sea_level = 0.4 if elevation < sea_level: self.sea_value += 1 self.elevation[x][y] = elevation self.moisture[x][y] = moisture
def precipitation(seed, width, height): """"Precipitation is a value in [-1,1]""" border = width / 4 random.seed(seed * 13) base = random.randint(0, 4096) temp = [[0 for x in xrange(width)] for y in xrange(height)] from noise import snoise2 octaves = 6 freq = 64.0 * octaves for y in range(0, height): yscaled = float(y) / height latitude_factor = 1.0 - (abs(yscaled - 0.5) * 2) for x in range(0, width): n = snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) #Added to allow noise pattern to wrap around right and left. if x < border: n = (snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) * x / border) + (snoise2((x+width) / freq, y / freq, octaves, base=base) * (border-x)/border) t = (latitude_factor + n * 4) / 5.0 temp[y][x] = t return temp
def random_pos(pos_x, pos_y): return [ pos_x * cell_size + noise.snoise2(pos_x * 124.324 - 519.6534, pos_y * 312.1253 + 812.1241) * cell_size * 0.5, pos_y * cell_size + noise.snoise2(pos_y * 224.324 - 219.6534, pos_x * 414.1253 + 912.1241) * cell_size * 0.5 ]
def fault_level(x, y, seed): FL = 1.0 - abs(snoise2(x * FAULT_SCALE_F, y * FAULT_SCALE_F, FAULT_OCTAVES, base=seed + 10, repeatx=FAULT_SCALE)) thold = max(0.0, (FL - FAULT_THRESHOLD) / (1.0 - FAULT_THRESHOLD)) FL *= abs(snoise2(x * ERODE_SCALE_F, y * ERODE_SCALE_F, FAULT_EROSION_OCTAVES, 0.85, base=seed, repeatx=FAULT_EROSION_SCALE)) FL *= math.log10(thold * 9.0 + 1.0) return FL
def random_color(pos_x, pos_y): return [ int(128 + noise.snoise2(pos_x * 124.324 - 519.6534, pos_y * 312.1253 + 812.1241) * 128), int(128 + noise.snoise2(pos_y * 224.324 - 219.6534, pos_x * 414.1253 + 912.1241) * 128), int(128 + noise.snoise2(pos_x * 274.324 - 119.6534, pos_y * 114.1253 + 512.1241) * 128) ]
def generateElevations(self): elevation = [0] * self.width base = self.height / 4 j = self.seed / Constants.SEED_MAX for i in range(self.width): elevation[i] += snoise2(i / self.width, j, 4) elevation[i] += snoise2(i / self.width, j, 16) elevation[i] *= base return elevation
def noise_tile(x, y, seed): """Computes a (simplex) noise value for a given coordinate and seed""" nx = float(x) / size - 0.5 ny = float(y) / size - 0.5 e = snoise2(nx, ny, octaves=8, base=seed) e += 0.5 * snoise2(2*nx, 2*ny, octaves=8, base=seed) e += 0.25 * snoise2(4*nx, 4*ny, octaves=8, base=seed) return e
def at_point(self, point: Tuple[float, float]) -> float: x = point[0] + self.seed[0] y = point[1] + self.seed[1] value1 = (snoise2(x / 10000, y / 10000) + 1) / 2 value2 = (snoise2((x / 20000) + 500, (y / 20000) + 500) + 1) / 2 value3 = (snoise2((x / 20000) + 1000, (y / 20000) + 1000) + 1) / 2 return math.pow(((value1 * value2) + value3), 2)
def f(x: float, y: float) -> float: scale = 15 fxy = ( 0 + scale / 1 * noise.snoise2(x / 100 * 1 + 0, y / 100.0 * 1 + 0) + scale / 4 * noise.snoise2(x / 100 * 2 + 100, y / 100.0 * 2 + 100) # + scale / 16 * noise.snoise2(x / 100 * 4, y / 100.0 * 4) ) return fxy
def sumNoise(point, frequency, octaves=2, lacunarity=2.0, persistence=0.5): sum = (snoise2(point[0] / frequency, point[1] / frequency) / 2.0) + 0.5 amplitude = 1.0 ran = 1.0 for o in range(1, octaves): frequency /= lacunarity amplitude *= persistence ran += amplitude sum += (snoise2(point[0] / frequency, point[1] / frequency) * 0.5 + 0.5) * amplitude return sum / ran
def sumInflectedNoise(point, frequency, octaves=2, lacunarity=2.0, persistence=0.5): sum = abs(snoise2(point[0] / frequency, point[1] / frequency)) amplitude = 1.0 ran = 1.0 for o in range(1, octaves): frequency /= lacunarity amplitude *= persistence ran += amplitude sum += abs(snoise2(point[0] / frequency, point[1] / frequency)) * amplitude return sum / ran
def make_world(self, map_width, map_height, player, entities, max_monsters_per_spawn, kolors, current_roster, current_mm): #elevation = randint(0, 3) #low, level, moderate, high #moisture = randint(0, 2) #dry, normal, water #temperature = randing(0, 2) #cold, normal, hot #vegetation = randint(0, 2) #none, grass, woods scale = 100.0 octaves = 6 persistence = 0.5 lacunarity = 2.0 seed_h = randint(0, 131072) seed_v = randint(0, 131072) water_threshold = -0.25 shallows_threshold = -0.2 sand_threshold = -0.1775 plains_threshold = 0.1 hills_threshold = 0.3 mountain_threshold = 0.425 vegetation_threshold = -0.05 world_height = [[0 for y in range(0, map_height)] for x in range(0, map_width)] world_vegetation = [[0 for y in range(0, map_height)] for x in range(0, map_width)] for y in range(0, map_height): for x in range(0, map_width): #Height map world_height[x][y] = noise.snoise2(x/scale, y/scale, octaves=octaves, persistence=persistence, lacunarity=lacunarity, repeatx=map_width, repeaty=map_height, base=seed_h) if world_height[x][y] < water_threshold: self.tiles[x][y].terrain = 0 #Water elif world_height[x][y] < shallows_threshold: self.tiles[x][y].terrain = 1 #Shallows elif world_height[x][y] < sand_threshold: self.tiles[x][y].terrain = 2 #Sand elif world_height[x][y] < plains_threshold: self.tiles[x][y].terrain = 3 #Plains elif world_height[x][y] < hills_threshold: self.tiles[x][y].terrain = 4 #Hills elif world_height[x][y] < mountain_threshold: self.tiles[x][y].terrain = 5 #Mountains else: self.tiles[x][y].terrain = 6 #Snow #Vegetation map world_vegetation[x][y] = noise.snoise2(x/scale, y/scale, octaves=octaves, persistence=persistence, lacunarity=lacunarity, repeatx=map_width, repeaty=map_height, base=seed_v) if world_vegetation[x][y] < vegetation_threshold: self.tiles[x][y].vegetation = 1 #Yes else: self.tiles[x][y].vegetation = 0 #None #Tile settings self.tiles[x][y].blocked = False self.tiles[x][y].block_sight = False
def snoise2(x, y=None, octaves=1, gain=0.5, lacunarity=2, amp=1, repeat=1): if y is not None: return amp * fit_11_to_01( noise.snoise2(x * repeat, y * repeat, octaves, gain, lacunarity)) else: r = np.empty((len(x), ), dtype=np.float64) for i, d in enumerate(x): r[i] = amp * fit_11_to_01( noise.snoise2(d[0] * repeat, d[1] * repeat, octaves, gain, lacunarity)) return r
def map_selection_lasso(self): url = + '/map/selection/lasso' # for lasso we will extrude a circle from a point placed upon the usa point = (util.rng_usa_lat(), util.rng_usa_lng()) # size of shape latsize = random.uniform(1, 5) lngsize = random.uniform(1, 10) # how many vertices detail = 3 # spacing on ellipsoid between each vertex spacing = (math.pi * 2) / detail # mag or magnitude refers to the amount our noise value should apply # should it be strong (large hills) or weak (small bumps) mag = random.uniform(1, 7) # mult refers to how much our positions should be taken into account. # a low value will result in a smooth surface, a large value equates to a very varying surface mult = random.uniform(0.25, 0.5) vertices = [] for i in range(0, detail): angle = spacing * i ax = math.cos(angle) ay = math.sin(angle) axm = ax * mult aym = ay * mult lat = point[0] + (ax * latsize * ((1.1 + noise.snoise2(axm, aym)) * mag)) lng = point[1] + (ay * lngsize * ((1.1 + noise.snoise2(axm, aym)) * mag)) vertices.append(str(lat) + "," + str(lng)) params = { 'filter[rating]': '0', 'filter[is_approved]': 'true', 'filter[type]': util.rng_event(), 'vertices[]': vertices } self.response = self.client.request( method='GET', url=url, headers=shared.get_headers(), params=params, )
def layeredSimplex(self, x, y, seed): period = 0.5 adjustedX = (x / 2) * period adjustedY = (y / 2) * period map1 = snoise2(adjustedX, adjustedY, 1, base=seed) map2 = snoise2(adjustedX, adjustedY, 2, base=seed) map3 = snoise2(adjustedX, adjustedY, 3, base=seed) merged = (map1 * 3 + map2 * 2 + map3 * 1) / 6 return merged
def gethighlow(): l = h = (noise.snoise2(((0 + shiftx) / freq), ((0 + shifty) / freq), octave) + 1) / 2 for x in range(imgwidth): for y in range(imgheight): i = (noise.snoise2(((x + shiftx) / freq), ((y + shifty) / freq), octave) + 1) / 2 if i > h: h = i if i < l: l = i h = (h - l) return h, l
def main(seed, mx, my, wx, wy, flatness=0.4): MAP_ROUND = 4 mx, my = range(mx * MAP_ROUND), range(my * MAP_ROUND) octaves = 32 freq = octaves * 8 l = [[0 for i in my] for i in my] for x in mx: for y in my: l[x][y] = snoise2(x / freq + wx * len(mx), y / freq + wy * len(my), octaves, base=0) fl = [] for x in range(len(l) // MAP_ROUND): fl.append([]) for y in range(len(l[0]) // MAP_ROUND): avg = 0 c = 0 for i in range(MAP_ROUND): for j in range(MAP_ROUND): c += 1 avg += l[MAP_ROUND * x + i][MAP_ROUND * y + j] fl[x].append(avg / c) return l
def create_noise_map(size, freq, octaves): nmap = [] freq *= octaves for x in range(size): for y in range(size): nmap.append(snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves)) return nmap
def createNoiseList(width, height, inBytes=False): octaves = 4 freq = 8.0 * octaves # minZ= 0 # maxZ = 0 # cumulativeZ = 0 # count = 0 texels = [] #[0 for n in range(width*height)] for y in range(height): row = [] for x in range(width): #z = int(snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves) * 127.0 + 128.0) # Noise between 0 and 1 z = snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves) if inBytes: z = struct.pak('<B', z & 0xFFFF) # if z < minZ: # minZ = z # if z > maxZ: # maxZ = z # cumulativeZ += z # count += 1 row.append(z) texels.append(row) # print("minZ: " + str(minZ)) # print("maxZ: " + str(maxZ)) # print("Average Z: " + (str(cumulativeZ/count))) return texels
def create_trees(pmap, spawn_rate, x_offset, y_offset): def mergeable(x, y): if (x, y - 1) not in pmap.ground_layer.keys() and (x + 1, y - 1) not in pmap.ground_layer.keys(): if pmap.get_tile("ground_layer", x, y) == ("na", 2, 2) and pmap.get_tile("ground_layer", x + 1, y) == ("na", 2, 2): if pmap.get_tile("secondary_ground", x, y - 1) == ("na", 2, 1) and pmap.get_tile("secondary_ground", x + 1, y - 1) == ("na", 2, 1): return True return False octaves = 2 freq = 40 for y in range(pmap.height): for x in range(pmap.width): if pmap.tile_heights.get((x, y), -1) <= pmap.highest_path: if (x, y) not in pmap.ground_layer.keys() and (x, y) not in pmap.secondary_ground.keys() and (x, y - 1) not in pmap.secondary_ground.keys() and (x, y) not in pmap.buildings.keys() and (x, y) not in pmap.decoration_layer.keys() and (x, y - 1) not in pmap.decoration_layer.keys(): if abs(snoise2((x + x_offset) / freq, (y + y_offset) / freq, octaves)) * 2 > 1 - (spawn_rate / 100) and random.random() > 0.5: pmap.decoration_layer[(x, y - 2)] = ("na", 2, 0) pmap.secondary_ground[(x, y - 1)] = ("na", 2, 1) pmap.ground_layer[(x, y)] = ("na", 2, 2) for y in range(pmap.height): for x in range(pmap.width): if mergeable(x, y): pmap.decoration_layer[(x, y - 2)] = ("na", 1, 5) pmap.decoration_layer[(x + 1, y - 2)] = ("na", 2, 5) pmap.secondary_ground[(x, y - 1)] = ("na", 1, 6) pmap.secondary_ground[(x + 1, y - 1)] = ("na", 2, 6) pmap.ground_layer[(x, y)] = ("na", 1, 7) pmap.ground_layer[(x + 1, y)] = ("na", 2, 7)
def create_heightmap(self, _freq_multiplier, _octaves): freq = self.size_x * _freq_multiplier offset = round((random() + random()) * 100000) # _min, _max = 1000, 0 for k in range(self.size_y): for i in range(self.size_x): self.height[i, k] = round((1 + snoise2( (i + offset) / freq, (k + offset) / freq, octaves=_octaves)) * (self.stepping / 2)) self.colormap[i, k] = Tools.get_color(self.height[i, k], self.stepping, self.waterlvl, self.grasslvl) # _min = self.height[i, k] if self.height[i, k] < _min else _min # _max = self.height[i, k] if self.height[i, k] > _max else _max print('-' * 24) print('Distribution of heights:') _terrain = ['Water', 'Forest', 'Mountain'] _prop_heights = Tools.get_prop_heights() for i in _prop_heights: print( _terrain[i].zfill(10).replace('0', ' '), '->', round((_prop_heights[i] * 100) / (self.size_x * self.size_y), 2), '%') print('-' * 24)
def test_simplex_2d_range(self): from noise import snoise2 for i in range(-10000, 10000): x = i * 0.49 y = -i * 0.67 n = snoise2(x, y) self.assertTrue(-1.0 <= n <= 1.0, (x, y, n))
def update(self, canvas): # count the number of neighbours canvas.clear() for x in range(0, canvas.width): for y in range(0, canvas.height): noise = int( snoise2((x + self.xoff) / self.freq, y / self.freq, self.octaves) * 127.0 + 128.0) if (noise > 200): canvas.draw_pixel(x, y, Color(1, 41, 95)) elif (noise > 170): canvas.draw_pixel(x, y, Color(67, 127, 151)) elif (noise > 140): canvas.draw_pixel(x, y, Color(132, 147, 36)) elif (noise > 110): canvas.draw_pixel(x, y, Color(255, 179, 15)) elif (noise > 80): canvas.draw_pixel(x, y, Color(253, 21, 27)) elif (noise > 50): canvas.draw_pixel(x, y, Color(181, 189, 104)) elif (noise > 20): canvas.draw_pixel(x, y, Color(245, 151, 78)) elif (noise > 0): canvas.draw_pixel(x, y, Color(241, 85, 65)) self.xoff += 1
def make_layer(type_id, width, height, threshold=0.3, jitter=0.5, scale=16, offset=None): layer = '' if offset is None: offset = random.random() * random.randint(width, width * 100) else: random.seed(offset) for y in range(0, height): for x in range(0, width): weight1 = noise.snoise2( x / scale, y / scale, octaves=1, persistence=0.01, base=offset, ) weight2 = random.random() * 2 - 1 weight = (weight1 * (2-jitter) + weight2 * jitter) / 2 if callable(threshold): t = threshold(x, y) else: t = default_threshold(x, y, threshold) if weight > t: layer += type_id else: layer += ' ' layer += '\n' return layer
def fill_map(cls, sim_map, octaves, freq, persistence, nb_clusters, seed): """Met à jour l'état de la grille. Calcule le bruit de Perlin pour chaque position x et y dans la grille et selon l'unité de temps actuelle. L'unité de temps est un entier itérant à l'infini dans un intervalle arbitraire (ici 0..W). Une fois le bruit calculé pour une position, teste si la valeur de cette position a changé et si c'est le cas, met à jour les pixels de l'image correspondants à cette position. """ for index, _ in ndenumerate(sim_map.grid): x, y = index i = cls.normalize(float(x), float(sim_map.width)) j = cls.normalize(float(y), float(sim_map.height)) noise = snoise2(i / freq, j / freq, persistence=persistence, octaves=octaves, base=seed) id_cluster = floor(cls.normalize(noise, -1, +1) * nb_clusters) sim_map.grid[x][y] = int(id_cluster)
def generate_noise(x, y=0, z=None, w=None, scale=1, offset_x=0.0, offset_y=0.0, octaves=1, persistence=0.5, lacunarity=2.0): """Generate simplex noise. :param x: The x coordinate of the noise value :param y: The y coordinate of the noise value :param z: The z coordinate of the noise value :param w: A fourth dimensional coordinate :param scale: The scale of the base plane :param float offset_x: How much to offset `x` by on the base plane :param float offset_y: How much to offset `y` by on the base plane :param int octaves: The number of passes to make calculating noise :param float persistence: The amplitude multiplier per octave :param float lacunarity: The frequency multiplier per octave """ x = (x + offset_x) / scale y = (y + offset_y) / scale if z is not None: z /= scale if w is not None: w /= scale if z is None and w is None: return noise.snoise2(x, y, octaves=octaves, lacunarity=lacunarity, persistence=persistence) elif w is None: return noise.snoise3(x, y, z, octaves=octaves, lacunarity=lacunarity, persistence=persistence) else: return noise.snoise4(x, y, z, w, octaves=octaves, lacunarity=lacunarity, persistence=persistence)
def generate_heightmap(mapsize, method): heightmap = np.zeros((mapsize, mapsize)) if (method == "perlin"): offset = randint(0, (mapsize - 1)) print("Generating Perlin Terrain...") for x in range(mapsize): for y in range(mapsize): heightmap[x][y] = noise.snoise2(x / (mapsize - 1) + offset, y / (mapsize - 1) + offset, octaves=4) * 128 + 128 if (method == "worley"): print("Generating Worley Terrain...") NUM_PTS = 50 N = 0 wp_ys = np.zeros((NUM_PTS)) wp_xs = np.zeros((NUM_PTS)) for i in range(NUM_PTS): wp_ys[i] = randint(0, (mapsize - 1)) wp_xs[i] = randint(0, (mapsize - 1)) for x in range(mapsize): for y in range(mapsize): distances = [ hypot(wp_xs[i] - x, wp_ys[i] - y) for i in range(NUM_PTS) ] distances.sort() heightmap[x][y] = (mapsize - 1) - ( 2 * (mapsize - 1) * distances[N] / distances[-1] + (mapsize - 1) / 1.25 * distances[N + 1] / distances[-1] + (mapsize - 1) / 1.5 * distances[N + 2] / distances[-1] + (mapsize - 1) / 1.75 * distances[N + 3] / distances[-1]) print("Complete!") return heightmap
def TempList(width, height, xoff, yoff, scale=.012, octaves=2, persistence=.2, lacunarity=4): start_time = time.clock() tlist = [[0 for i in range(width * 2)] for j in range(height)] miny = 1 maxy = 0 for x in range(width * 2): for y in range(height): lat = 2.0 * abs((1.0 * y / height) - 0.5) triglat = math.cos(math.asin(lat)) tlist[y][x] = triglat**2 * (snoise2( (x + xoff) * scale, (y + yoff) * scale, octaves, persistence, lacunarity, width * scale) + 1) / 2 #tlist[y][x] = triglat**5 if tlist[y][x] < miny: miny = tlist[y][x] if tlist[y][x] > maxy: maxy = tlist[y][x] #noise2(x, y, octaves=1, persistence=0.5, lacunarity=2.0, repeatx=1024, repeaty=1024, base=0.0) print "TempList created,", time.clock() - start_time, "SECONDS" #print "Miny", miny, "Maxy",maxy return tlist
def create_noise_map(size, freq, octaves): nmap = [] freq *= octaves for x in range(size): for y in range(size): nmap.append(snoise2(x/freq, y/freq, octaves)) return nmap
def get_elevation(x, y, seed=0): e = 0 e += DETAIL*snoise2(CONTINENT_SCALE*x, CONTINENT_SCALE*y, octaves=PERLIN_OCTAVES, persistence=PERLIN_PERSISTENCE, lacunarity=PERLIN_LACUNARITY, base=seed, repeatx=MAP_WIDTH*CONTINENT_SCALE) return e
def add_noise_to_elevation(world, seed): octaves = 6 freq = 16.0 * octaves for y in range(world.height): for x in range(world.width): n = snoise2(x / freq * 2, y / freq * 2, octaves, base=seed) world.elevation['data'][y][x] += n
def add_noise_to_elevation(world, seed): octaves = 8 freq = 16.0 * octaves for y in range(world.height): for x in range(world.width): n = snoise2(x / freq * 2, y / freq * 2, octaves, base=seed) world.layers['elevation'].data[y, x] += n
def image_layer_noise_old(width=256, height=256, white_min=0.5, white_range=None): #Add Noise #TODO: Make a function to generate different types of noise, some for blending colors, others for contrast, etc. x_start = 0 y_start = 0 # freq = 32.0 * octaves freq = width white_min *= 255.0 if not white_range: white_range = 1-white_min white_range *= 255.0 octaves = 42 period = 128.0 image_data = [] for y in range(height): for x in range(width): # noisenum = noise.snoise2(x_start + (x / freq), y_start + (y / freq), octaves) noisenum = noise.snoise2(x/period, y/period, octaves) # noisenum = pnoise2(x * 16.0 / width, y * 16.0 / width, octaves=64, repeatx=64.0, repeaty=64.0) image_data.append((255, 255, 255, int(noisenum * white_range + white_min))) return image_data
def __getitem__(self, idx): x, y, zoom = idx return snoise2( (self.xseed + (x)*zoom) / self.frequency, (self.yseed + (y)*zoom) / self.frequency, self.octaves )
def get_height(self, x, y): if 0 < y < or 0 < x < height = abs(noise.snoise2(self.seed + x / 64, self.seed + y / 64, 1)) height = int(height*255) return height else: return 0
def random_grass(): def choose_sne_type(excluded_sne): sne_type = random.randint(0, self.NB_SNE) while sne_type in excluded_sne: sne_type = random.randint(0, self.NB_SNE) # Turn 80 percent of the flowers into tall grass if sne_type == 2 and random.random() < 0.8: sne_type = 0 # Turn 0.5 percent of the tall grass into tall grass with a hidden item if sne_type == 0 and random.random() < 0.005: sne_type = "0_p" return "sne_" + str(sne_type) octaves = 1 freq = 7 sne_probability = snoise2((x + x_offset) / freq, (y + y_offset) / freq, octaves) + 0.5 if sne_probability > ( self.tall_grass_coverage / 100) or "l_1" in self.decoration_layer.get( (x, y), "") or "l_5" in self.decoration_layer.get( (x, y), ""): grass_type = random.randint(0, 3) return "g_" + str(grass_type) else: return choose_sne_type(self.EXCLUDED_SNE)
def generate_simplex_row(x, size, scale=100.0, octaves=6, persistence=0.5, base=0.0): """ generate_simplex_row - function of generating one row of simplex noise. :param x: number of row, just for purposes of generation 2d array :param size: size of the main array, here it is size of the row :param scale: for controlling speed of changes in the array :param octaves: number of layers, each with more detail :param persistence: influence of each octave on the main one :param base: seed for the array generation (same seed - same output) :return: list of simplex noise values, of given size """ noise_row = [] x_scale = x / scale for y in range(size): noise_row.append( snoise2(x_scale, y / scale, octaves=octaves, persistence=persistence, base=base)) return noise_row
def generate_map(worldId=0,width=WIDTH,height=HEIGHT,xoffset=0.0,yoffset=0.0,zoom=1.0): """ Return a simple matrix of simplex noise from 0-255.""" mapdata = [] random.seed(worldId) zoom=zoom * 100.0 riversource=[] for x in xrange(height): row=[] for y in xrange (width): xparam=float((x+xoffset)/zoom) yparam=float((y+yoffset)/zoom) noisevalue=snoise2(xparam, yparam, NOISEOCTAVES, 0.52,2.0, height/zoom*2, width/zoom, float(worldId) ) #convert 1.0...-1.0 to 255...0 pixel=int((noisevalue+1)/2*PIXEL_DEPTH-1) cell={'height': pixel, 'x':x, 'y':y } if (pixel < SEALEVEL): cell['type']='water' else: cell['type']='land' if (random.randint(0,10000) <5): cell['riverhead']=True riversource.append(cell) row.append( cell ) mapdata.append(row) #pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) #pp.pprint(riversource) return mapdata
def getBarricades(self, octaves=1, persistence=0.5, lacunarity=2.0, sensitivity=0.65, scale=0.05, underworld=False): barricades = {} for y in range(0, self.height): for x in range(0, self.width): if noise.snoise2(x * scale * 3, y * scale * 3, persistence=persistence, lacunarity=lacunarity, octaves=octaves) > sensitivity: if not underworld: # Generate for overworld if not self.overworld[y][x] in ["#", "H"]: barricades[f"{y}/{x}"] = Barricade( y, x, f"{y}/{x}", 0 ) # Assign id to each barricade based on initial coordinates else: # Generate for underworld if not self.underworld[y][x] in ["#", "H"]: barricades[f"{y}/{x}"] = Barricade( y, x, f"{y}/{x}", 1 ) # Assign id to each barricade based on initial coordinates return barricades
def add_noise_to_elevation(world, seed): octaves = 8 freq = 16.0 * octaves for y in range(world.height): for x in range(world.width): n = snoise2(x / freq * 2, y / freq * 2, octaves, base=seed) world.elevation['data'][y][x] += n
def noiseat(x, y): global dx global dy return 1 + noise.snoise2( (x+dx)/10.0, (y+dy)/800.0, 24, 1)
def get_noise(octaves=42, width=256, height=256): freq = 16.0 * octaves output = [] for y in range(height): for x in range(width): output.append(int(noise.snoise2(x / freq, y / freq, octaves) * 127.0 + 128.0)) return output
def test_simplex_2d_octaves_range(self): from noise import snoise2 for i in range(-1000, 1000): for o in range(10): x = -i * 0.49 y = i * 0.67 n = snoise2(x, y, octaves=o + 1) self.assertTrue(-1.0 <= n <= 1.0, (x, n))
def getElevationAtPoint(self, point): # Scale position and world dimensions according to elevation scaling value x, y, worldWidth, worldHeight = [e*self.elevationScale for e in point+self.dimensions] noiseValue = noise.snoise2(x, y, octaves=10, repeatx=worldWidth, repeaty=worldHeight) # noiseValue is [-1.0, +1.0], so let's rescale and quantize it over [0, 20] elevation = int(round((noiseValue + 1) * 10)) return elevation
def elevnoise(elevation, seed): width = len(elevation[0]) height = len(elevation) octaves = 6 freq = 16.0 * octaves for y in range(0, height): for x in range(0, width): n = int(snoise2(x / freq * 2, y / freq * 2, octaves, base=seed)) elevation[y][x] += n
def make_array(oct, scale, wlevel=False, lac=2.0): array = np.zeros((size, size), np.float32) val = random.randint(0, 256) for y in xrange(size): for x in xrange(size): v = snoise2(x * scale, y * scale, oct, persistence=.5, lacunarity=lac, base = val) if wlevel != False: v = add_waterlevel(v, wlevel) array[x, y] += v return array
def generateNoise(resolution, octaves, frequency): arr = list() for x in range(resolution): arr.append(list()) for y in range(resolution): sample = snoise2(x / frequency, y / frequency, octaves) + 0.5 arr[x].append(sample) return arr
def simplex_noise_1d(i, seed=0, octaves=1, freq_ratio=16.0) -> float: """ Create simplex noise between 0 and 1 :param i: index of the noise :param seed: seed to use :param octaves: higher number makes the noise smoother :param freq_ratio: how often to sample as the ratio changes :return: float between 0 and 1 """ freq = octaves * freq_ratio return (noise.snoise2(seed, i / freq, octaves) + 1) / 2
def generate(resolution, octaves, frequency): img ='RGB', (resolution, resolution), "black") pixels = img.load() for x in range(img.size[0]): for y in range(img.size[1]): sample = int(snoise2(x / frequency, y / frequency, octaves) * 127 + 128) color = (sample, sample, sample) pixels[x, y] = color return img