Beispiel #1
class Fibre(object):
    :param string name: Name of this module
    :param double length: Length of fibre
    :param object alpha: Attenuation of fibre
    :param object beta: Dispersion of fibre
    :param double gamma: Nonlinearity of fibre
    :param string sim_type: Type of simulation
    :param Uint traces: Number of field traces required
    :param double local_error: Relative local error used in adaptive stepper
    :param string method: Method to use in ODE solver
    :param Uint total_steps: Number of steps to use for ODE integration
    :param bool self_steepening: Toggles inclusion of self-steepening effects
    :param bool raman_scattering: Toggles inclusion of raman-scattering effects
    :param float rs_factor: Factor determining the amount of raman-scattering
    :param bool use_all: Toggles use of general expression for nonlinearity
    :param double centre_omega: Angular frequency used within dispersion class
    :param double tau_1: Constant used in Raman scattering calculation
    :param double tau_2: Constant used in Raman scattering calculation
    :param double f_R: Constant setting the fraction of Raman scattering used

    sim_type is either default or wdm.

    traces: If greater than 1, will save the field at uniformly-spaced points
    during fibre propagation. If zero, will output all saved points used.
    This is useful if using an adaptive stepper which will likely save
    points non-uniformly.

    method: simulation method such as RK4IP, ARK4IP.

    total_steps: If a non-adaptive stepper is used, this will be used
    to set the step-size between successive points along the fibre.

    local_error: Relative local error to aim for between propagtion points.
    def __init__(self,

        use_cache = not (method.upper().startswith('A')) = name
        self.length = length
        self.linearity = Linearity(alpha, beta, sim_type, use_cache,
        self.nonlinearity = Nonlinearity(gamma, sim_type, self_steepening,
                                         raman_scattering, rs_factor, use_all,
                                         tau_1, tau_2, f_R)

        class Function():
            """ Class to hold linear and nonlinear functions. """
            def __init__(self, l, n, linear, nonlinear):
                self.l = l
                self.n = n
                self.linear = linear
                self.nonlinear = nonlinear

            def __call__(self, A, z):
                return self.l(A, z) + self.n(A, z)

        self.function = Function(self.l, self.n, self.linear, self.nonlinear)

        self.stepper = Stepper(traces, local_error, method, self.function,
                               self.length, total_steps)

    def __call__(self, domain, field):

        # Set temporal and spectral arrays for storage: = domain.t =

        # Propagate field through fibre:
        return self.stepper(field)

    def l(self, A, z):
        """ Linear term. """
        return self.linearity.lin(A, z)

    def linear(self, A, h):
        """ Linear term in exponential factor. """
        return self.linearity.exp_lin(A, h)

    def n(self, A, z):
        """ Nonlinear term. """
        return self.nonlinearity.non(A, z)

    def nonlinear(self, A, h, B):
        """ Nonlinear term in exponential factor. """
        return self.nonlinearity.exp_non(A, h, B)
Beispiel #2
class Fibre(object):
    :param string name: Name of this module
    :param double length: Length of fibre
    :param object alpha: Attenuation of fibre
    :param object beta: Dispersion of fibre
    :param double gamma: Nonlinearity of fibre
    :param string sim_type: Type of simulation
    :param Uint traces: Number of field traces required
    :param double local_error: Relative local error used in adaptive stepper
    :param string method: Method to use in ODE solver
    :param Uint total_steps: Number of steps to use for ODE integration
    :param bool self_steepening: Toggles inclusion of self-steepening effects
    :param bool raman_scattering: Toggles inclusion of raman-scattering effects
    :param float rs_factor: Factor determining the amount of raman-scattering
    :param bool use_all: Toggles use of general expression for nonlinearity
    :param double centre_omega: Angular frequency used within dispersion class
    :param double tau_1: Constant used in Raman scattering calculation
    :param double tau_2: Constant used in Raman scattering calculation
    :param double f_R: Constant setting the fraction of Raman scattering used

    sim_type is either default or wdm.

    traces: If greater than 1, will save the field at uniformly-spaced points
    during fibre propagation. If zero, will output all saved points used.
    This is useful if using an adaptive stepper which will likely save
    points non-uniformly.

    method: simulation method such as RK4IP, ARK4IP.

    total_steps: If a non-adaptive stepper is used, this will be used
    to set the step-size between successive points along the fibre.

    local_error: Relative local error to aim for between propagtion points.
    def __init__(self, name="fibre", length=1.0, alpha=None,
                 beta=None, gamma=0.0, sim_type=None, traces=1,
                 local_error=1.0e-6, method="RK4IP", total_steps=100,
                 self_steepening=False, raman_scattering=False,
                 rs_factor=0.003, use_all=False, centre_omega=None,
                 tau_1=12.2e-3, tau_2=32.0e-3, f_R=0.18):

        use_cache = not(method.upper().startswith('A')) = name
        self.length = length
        self.linearity = Linearity(alpha, beta, sim_type,
                                   use_cache, centre_omega)
        self.nonlinearity = Nonlinearity(gamma, sim_type, self_steepening,
                                         raman_scattering, rs_factor,
                                         use_all, tau_1, tau_2, f_R)

        class Function():
            """ Class to hold linear and nonlinear functions. """
            def __init__(self, l, n, linear, nonlinear):
                self.l = l
                self.n = n
                self.linear = linear
                self.nonlinear = nonlinear

            def __call__(self, A, z):
                return self.l(A, z) + self.n(A, z)

        self.function = Function(self.l, self.n, self.linear, self.nonlinear)

        self.stepper = Stepper(traces, local_error, method, self.function,
                               self.length, total_steps)

    def __call__(self, domain, field):

        # Set temporal and spectral arrays for storage: = domain.t =

        # Propagate field through fibre:
        return self.stepper(field)

    def l(self, A, z):
        """ Linear term. """
        return self.linearity.lin(A, z)

    def linear(self, A, h):
        """ Linear term in exponential factor. """
        return self.linearity.exp_lin(A, h)

    def n(self, A, z):
        """ Nonlinear term. """
        return self.nonlinearity.non(A, z)

    def nonlinear(self, A, h, B):
        """ Nonlinear term in exponential factor. """
        return self.nonlinearity.exp_non(A, h, B)