Beispiel #1
    note1.setBody("Blaablaa, this is comment.")

    note2 = Note()
    note2.setTitle("note number 2")
    note2.setBody("blaablaa, this is another comment.")

    note3 = Note()
    note3.setTitle("Lenghty note")
    note3.setBody("This is a note with a very long text body.\n" +
                  "it continues all the way to here. and to \n" +
                  "here: Seems long, right?. Now it finally almost.\n" +
                  "here: Seems long, right?. xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx x.\n" +
                  "here: Seems long, right?. Now it finally ends.")

    note4 = Note()
    note4.setTitle("Different note")
    note4.setBody("only small text") = "note"

    # nb = NoteBook()
    # for note in [note1, note2, note3, note4]:
    #    print(note.createName() )

    #    nb.addNote(note)
    # nb.print()