def build_reference_bwa(global_config, sample_config): #build the reference if not available reference = sample_config["reference"] program = "bwa" if "bwa" in global_config["Tools"]: program = global_config["Tools"]["bwa"]["bin"] elif not common.which("bwa"): sys.exit("error while trying to run bwa index: bwa not present in " "the path and not in global config, please make sure to " "install bwa properly") # check if reference provided exisists reference = os.path.abspath(reference) path_name, base_name = os.path.split(reference) index_path = os.path.join(base_name, "bwa", "{}.bwt".format(reference)) # check if I have already the bwt index if os.path.exists(index_path): #index already present, nothing to do return reference #otherwise I need to build the reference, in this case I build it locally if not os.path.exists(reference): sys.exit("error, reference file {} does not exists".format(reference)) # check if bwa index already created current_dir = os.getcwd() bwa_index_folder = os.path.join(path_name, "bwa") #if needed create directory if not os.path.exists(bwa_index_folder): os.makedirs(bwa_index_folder) os.chdir(bwa_index_folder) # if needed soft link the reference if not os.path.exists(base_name): #check and remove broken links if os.path.lexists(base_name): os.remove(base_name) returnValue =["ln", "-s", reference, base_name]) if not returnValue == 0: sys.exit("error while trying to soft link reference sequence") # now I have a soflinked copy reference = os.path.join(path_name, "bwa", base_name) # now check if index alredy build or not if not os.path.exists("{}.bwt".format(reference)): # then create the index sequence bwa_stdOut = open("bwa_index.stdOut", "w") bwa_stdErr = open("bwa_index.stdErr", "w") command = [program, "index", reference] common.print_command(command) if not common.check_dryrun(sample_config): returnValue =, stdout=bwa_stdOut, stderr=bwa_stdErr) if not returnValue == 0: sys.exit("error, while indexing reference file {} " "with bwa index".format(reference)) #extra control to avoid problem with unexpected return value if not os.path.exists("{}.bwt".format(reference)): sys.exit("bwa index failed") os.chdir(current_dir) return reference
def _run_pileup(global_config, bamfile): """ Perform samtools pileup on a .bam-file """ if "samtools" in global_config["Tools"]: samtools = global_config["Tools"]["samtools"]["bin"] elif not common.which("samtools"): sys.exit("error while trying to run samtools: samtools not present in " "the path and not in global config, please make sure to " "install samtools properly") pileupfile = bamfile.replace('.bam', '_coverage.csv') pileup_cmd = "{} mpileup {} | awk '{print $2, $4}' > {}".format(samtools, bamfile, pileupfile) p1 = subprocess.Popen(pileup_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) p1.wait() if p1.returncode == 0: return pileupfile else: print("Could not perform mpileup") return 1
def align_bwa(read1, read2, reference): aligner = "bwa" if "bwa" in global_config["Tools"]: program = global_config["Tools"]["bwa"]["bin"] elif not common.which("bwa"): sys.exit("error while trying to run bwa aln: bwa not present in the " "path and not in global config, please make sure to install " "bwa properly") samtools = "samtools" if "samtools" in global_config["Tools"]: program = global_config["Tools"]["samtools"]["bin"] elif not common.which("samtools"): sys.exit("error while trying to run samtools: bwa not present in the " "path and not in global config, please make sure to install " "bwa properly") libraryBase = os.path.basename(read1).split(".")[0] if read2: libraryBase = "{}_{}".format(libraryBase.split("_")[0], libraryBase.split("_")[1]) if not os.path.exists(libraryBase): os.makedirs(libraryBase) os.chdir(libraryBase) mappingBase = "{}_to_{}".format(libraryBase, os.path.basename(reference).split(".fasta")[0]) BAMsorted = "{}.bam".format(mappingBase) BAMunsorted = "{}.unsorted.bam".format(mappingBase) if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(BAMsorted)): BAMsorted = os.path.abspath(BAMsorted) os.chdir("..") return BAMsorted if not os.path.exists(BAMunsorted): bwaAln_1 = "{}_1.sai".format(mappingBase); bwaAln_2 = "{}_2.sai".format(mappingBase); if not os.path.exists("{}_1.sai".format(mappingBase)): with open(bwaAln_1, "w") as fh: returnValue =["bwa", "aln", "-t", "8", reference, read1], stdout=fh) if not returnValue == 0: sys.exit("error, while aligning read {} \ against {}".format(read1, reference)) if read2: if not os.path.exists("{}_2.sai".format(mappingBase)): with open(bwaAln_2, "w") as fh: returnValue =["bwa", "aln", "-t", "8", reference, read2], stdout=fh) if not returnValue == 0: sys.exit("error, while aligning read {} \ against {}".format(read1, reference)) with open(BAMunsorted, 'w') as fh: if read2: cl1 = ["bwa", "sampe", "-P", "-s", reference, bwaAln_1, bwaAln_2, read1, read2] cl2 = ["samtools", "view", "-Shb", "-F", "4", "-"] p1 = subprocess.Popen(cl1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(cl2, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=fh).communicate() p1.stdout.close() else: cl1 = ["bwa", "samse", reference, bwaAln_1, read1] cl2 = ["samtools", "view", "-Shb", "-F", "4", "-"] p1 = subprocess.Popen(cl1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(cl2, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=fh).communicate() p1.stdout.close()["rm", bwaAln_1, bwaAln_2]) BAMsortedHeader = "{}".format(mappingBase)["samtools", "sort", BAMunsorted, BAMsortedHeader])["rm", BAMunsorted]) BAMsorted = os.path.abspath(BAMsorted) os.chdir("..") return BAMsorted
def _merge_bam_files(global_config, sample_config, sorted_libraries_by_insert): BAMfiles = {}; reference = sample_config["reference"] samtools = "samtools" if "samtools" in global_config["Tools"]: samtools = global_config["Tools"]["samtools"]["bin"] elif not common.which("samtools"): sys.exit("error while trying to run samtools: bwa not present in the " "path and not in global config, please make sure to install " "bwa properly") numInserts = 0 for library, libraryInfo in sorted_libraries_by_insert: read1 = libraryInfo["pair1"] read2 = libraryInfo["pair2"] orientation = libraryInfo["orientation"] insert = libraryInfo["insert"] std = libraryInfo["std"] alignment = libraryInfo["alignment"] if insert not in BAMfiles: BAMfiles[insert] = [alignment] numInserts += 1 else: BAMfiles[insert].append(alignment) BAMfilesMerged = {} for insert, insertGroup in BAMfiles.items(): dir_insert = "lib_{}".format(insert) if numInserts == 1: dir_insert = sample_config["output"] if not os.path.exists(dir_insert): os.makedirs(dir_insert) os.chdir(dir_insert) #check if file is already present bamMerged = "lib_{}.bam".format(insert) if numInserts == 1: bamMerged = "{}.bam".format(sample_config["output"]) if os.path.exists(bamMerged): BAMfilesMerged[insert] = [os.path.abspath(bamMerged), dir_insert] os.chdir("..") continue # nothiing to be done for this insert if len(insertGroup) == 1: # only one sample file for this insert length cl = ["ln", "-s", insertGroup[0], bamMerged] returnValue = if not returnValue == 0: sys.exit("error, while soft linking {}".format(insertGroup[0])) else: command = [samtools, "merge",bamMerged] for bamfile in insertGroup: command.append(bamfile) common.print_command(command) returnValue = 0 if not common.check_dryrun(sample_config): returnValue = if not returnValue == 0: sys.exit("error, while merging files {}".format( insertGroup)) BAMfilesMerged[insert] = [os.path.abspath(bamMerged), dir_insert] os.chdir("..") sorted_alignments_by_insert = [] for key in sorted(BAMfilesMerged.keys()): sorted_alignments_by_insert.append([key, BAMfilesMerged[key][0], BAMfilesMerged[key][1]]) # memorise insert length, bam file, folder return sorted_alignments_by_insert
def align_bwa_mem(global_config, read1, read2, reference, threads, dryrun): aligner = "bwa" if "bwa" in global_config["Tools"]: aligner = global_config["Tools"]["bwa"]["bin"] elif not common.which("bwa"): sys.exit("error while trying to run bwa mem: bwa not present in the " "path and not in global config, please make sure to install " "bwa properly") samtools = "samtools" if "samtools" in global_config["Tools"]: samtools = global_config["Tools"]["samtools"]["bin"] elif not common.which("samtools"): sys.exit("error while trying to run samtools: bwa not present in the " "path and not in global config, please make sure to install " "bwa properly") # extract base name libraryBase = "" if read2: libraryBase = os.path.basename(read1).split("_1.fastq")[0] else: libraryBase = os.path.basename(read1).split(".fastq")[0] if not os.path.exists(libraryBase): os.makedirs(libraryBase) os.chdir(libraryBase) mappingBase = "{}_to_{}".format(libraryBase, os.path.basename(reference).split(".fasta")[0]) BAMsorted = "{}.bam".format(mappingBase) BAMunsorted = "{}.unsorted.bam".format(mappingBase) SAMMapped = "{}.unsorted.sam".format(mappingBase) if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(BAMsorted)): BAMsorted = os.path.abspath(BAMsorted) os.chdir("..") return BAMsorted bwa_mem_command = [aligner, "mem", "-M", "-t", "{}".format(threads), reference, read1, read2] samtools_view_command = [samtools, "view", "-b", "-S", "-u", "-"] if not os.path.exists(BAMunsorted): command = "{} | {} > {}".format(" ".join(bwa_mem_command), " ".join(samtools_view_command), BAMunsorted) bwa_stdOut = open("bwa.stdOut", "w") bwa_stdErr = open("bwa.stdErr", "w") common.print_command(command) if not dryrun:, shell=True, stdout=bwa_stdOut, stderr=bwa_stdErr) samtools_sort_command = [samtools, "sort", "-@", "{}".format(threads), "-m" , "1G", BAMunsorted, mappingBase] command = " ".join(samtools_sort_command) if not os.path.exists(BAMsorted): stdOut = open("sam_sort.stdOut", "w") stdErr = open("sam_sort.stdErr", "w") common.print_command(command) if not dryrun:, shell=True, stdout=stdOut, stderr=stdErr) if os.path.exists(BAMsorted) and os.path.exists(BAMunsorted):["rm", BAMunsorted]) BAMsorted = os.path.abspath(BAMsorted) os.chdir("..") return BAMsorted