Beispiel #1
def test_leap():
    """example from leap-seconds.list"""
    l = leapsec.LeapSeconds()
    jd9 = novas.julian_date(1972, 6, 30, 23 + (3599. / 3600))
    assert l.getLeapSeconds(jd9) == 10
    jd0 = novas.julian_date(1972, 7, 1, 0)
    assert l.getLeapSeconds(jd0) == 11
def main():
    jd_start, jd_end, number = eph_manager.ephem_open()
    output({}, """\
        'Auto-generated accuracy tests vs NOVAS (see'

        from numpy import abs, array, einsum, max
        from skyfield import (earthlib, framelib, nutationlib, positionlib,
                              precessionlib, starlib, timelib)
        from skyfield.api import Topos, load
        from skyfield.constants import AU_KM, AU_M
        from import hipparcos
        from skyfield.functions import length_of

        OLD_AU_KM = 149597870.691  # TODO: load from de405
        OLD_AU = AU_KM / OLD_AU_KM

        one_second = 1.0 / 24.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        arcsecond = 1.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        ra_arcsecond = 24.0 / 360.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        meter = 1.0 / AU_M

        def ts():
            yield load.timescale()

        def compare(value, expected_value, epsilon):
            if hasattr(value, 'shape') or hasattr(expected_value, 'shape'):
                assert max(abs(value - expected_value)) <= epsilon
                assert abs(value - expected_value) <= epsilon

        def de405():
            yield load('de405.bsp')

        def earth():
            eph = load('de405.bsp')
            yield eph[399]

        def reduce_precision(t):
            # The NOVAS library uses only 64-bit precision for Julian dates.
            # Some of these tests are so sensitive they can see the difference!
            # So we need to collapse the Julian dates back into single floats.
            delta = t.tdb -
            t.whole = t.tdb
            t.tt_fraction = delta
            t.tdb_fraction = 0.0


    moon_landing = novas.julian_date(1969, 7, 20, 20.0 + 18.0 / 60.0)
    first_hubble_image = novas.julian_date(1990, 5, 20)
    voyager_intersellar = novas.julian_date(2012, 8, 25)

    date_vector = [moon_landing, first_hubble_image, T0, voyager_intersellar]
    dates = date_vector + [date_vector]

def main():
    jd_start, jd_end, number = eph_manager.ephem_open()
    output({}, """\
        'Auto-generated accuracy tests vs NOVAS (see'

        from numpy import abs, array, einsum, max
        from skyfield import (earthlib, framelib, nutationlib, positionlib,
                              precessionlib, starlib, timelib)
        from skyfield.api import Topos, load
        from skyfield.constants import AU_KM, AU_M
        from import hipparcos
        from skyfield.functions import length_of

        OLD_AU_KM = 149597870.691  # TODO: load from de405
        OLD_AU = AU_KM / OLD_AU_KM

        one_second = 1.0 / 24.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        arcsecond = 1.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        ra_arcsecond = 24.0 / 360.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        meter = 1.0 / AU_M

        def ts():
            yield load.timescale()

        def compare(value, expected_value, epsilon):
            if hasattr(value, 'shape') or hasattr(expected_value, 'shape'):
                assert max(abs(value - expected_value)) <= epsilon
                assert abs(value - expected_value) <= epsilon

        def de405():
            yield load('de405.bsp')

        def earth():
            eph = load('de405.bsp')
            yield eph[399]


    moon_landing = novas.julian_date(1969, 7, 20, 20.0 + 18.0/60.0)
    first_hubble_image = novas.julian_date(1990, 5, 20)
    voyager_intersellar = novas.julian_date(2012, 8, 25)

    date_vector = [moon_landing, first_hubble_image, T0, voyager_intersellar]
    dates = date_vector + [date_vector]

Beispiel #4
def main():
    jd_start, jd_end, number = eph_manager.ephem_open()
    output({}, """\
        'Auto-generated accuracy tests vs NOVAS (see'

        from numpy import abs, array, einsum, max
        from skyfield import (earthlib, framelib, nutationlib, positionlib,
                              precessionlib, starlib, timelib)
        from skyfield.api import load
        from skyfield.constants import AU_KM, AU_M
        from import hipparcos
        from skyfield.functions import length_of

        OLD_AU_KM = 149597870.691  # TODO: load from de405
        OLD_AU = AU_KM / OLD_AU_KM

        one_second = 1.0 / 24.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        arcsecond = 1.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        ra_arcsecond = 24.0 / 360.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        meter = 1.0 / AU_M

        def ts():
            yield load.timescale()

        def compare(value, expected_value, epsilon):
            if hasattr(value, 'shape') or hasattr(expected_value, 'shape'):
                assert max(abs(value - expected_value)) <= epsilon
                assert abs(value - expected_value) <= epsilon

        def de405():
            yield load('de405.bsp')

        def earth():
            eph = load('de405.bsp')
            yield eph[399]


    moon_landing = novas.julian_date(1969, 7, 20, 20.0 + 18.0 / 60.0)
    first_hubble_image = novas.julian_date(1990, 5, 20)
    voyager_intersellar = novas.julian_date(2012, 8, 25)

    date_vector = [moon_landing, first_hubble_image, T0, voyager_intersellar]
    dates = date_vector + [date_vector]

Beispiel #5
def date2JD(dateObs):
    yr, mn, dy = parseDate(dateObs)
    if ' ' in dy:
        dy = dy.split(' ')[0]
    hr, dy = math.modf(float(dy))
    jd = novas.julian_date(int(yr), int(mn), int(dy), 24. * hr)
    return jd
Beispiel #6
def main(args):
    date =' ')
    leap_secs = 37
    epoc_hip = 2448349.0625
    # Date to convert the catalog to
    jd_utc = novas.julian_date(int(date[0]), int(date[1]), int(date[2]),
    jd_tt = jd_utc + (leap_secs + 32.184) / 86400
    # jd_tt = novas.julian_date(1991, 4, 2, 12.5)
    converted = []

    # Read the original catalog content
    with open(args.input, 'r') as raw:
        content = [[field.strip() for field in line.split()] for line in raw]

    for line in content:
        if not data_complete(line):
        ra_degrees = float(line[4]) * 180 / math.pi
        ra_hours = deg_to_decimal_time(ra_degrees)
        dec_degrees = float(line[5]) * 180 / math.pi
        parallax = float(line[6]) if float(line[6]) > 0 else 0.0
        vmag = float(line[19])
        star = novas.make_cat_entry(line[0], "HIP", int(line[0]),
                                    ra_hours, dec_degrees, float(line[7]),
                                    float(line[8]), parallax, 0.0)

        star_con = novas.transform_cat(1, epoc_hip, star, jd_tt, "HP2")
        star_entry = CatEntry(star_con.starname, star_con.catalog,
                              star_con.starnumber, star_con.ra, star_con.dec,
                              star_con.promora, star_con.promodec,
                              star_con.parallax, star_con.radialvelocity, vmag)

    # Write new catalog into a file
    with open(args.output, mode='w') as csv_file:
        fieldnames = [
            'HIP_number', 'ra_degrees', 'dec_degrees', 'promora', 'promodec',
            'parallax', 'vmag'
        writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames)
        for star in converted:
Beispiel #7
def to_julian_date(year, month, day):
    frac, d = math.modf(day)
    j = novas.julian_date(year, month, int(d), frac * 24)
    if j >= 2299159.5:  # start of Gregorian calendar, October 15, 1582
        return j
    # else compute correction for Julian calendar
    y = year - (14 - month) // 12
    return j + y // 100 - y // 400 - 2
Beispiel #8
    def calc_JD_UTC(date_string):

        (year, month, day) = date_string.split('-')
        hour = 0.0

        jd_utc = julian_date(int(year), int(month), int(day), hour)

        return jd_utc
Beispiel #9
def getOwlt(utc_time):
	'''Uses novas module to compute One Way Light Time at given UTC time.'''
	jd_start, jd_end, number = eph_manager.ephem_open()
	jd_tt = novas.julian_date(utc_time.tm_year, utc_time.tm_mon, utc_time.tm_mday, utc_time.tm_hour) 
	mars = novas.make_object(0, 4, 'Mars', None)
	ra, dec, dis = novas.astro_planet(jd_tt, mars)
	au_sec = 499.0047838061 # Light-time for one astronomical unit (AU) in seconds, from DE-405
	owlt = dis * au_sec
	return owlt
def main():
    jd_start, jd_end, number = eph_manager.ephem_open()
    output({}, """\
        'Auto-generated accuracy tests vs NOVAS (see'

        import pytest
        from numpy import abs, array, einsum, max
        from skyfield import (earthlib, framelib, nutationlib, positionlib,
                              precessionlib, starlib, timelib)
        from skyfield.api import JulianDate
        from skyfield.constants import AU_M
        from skyfield.functions import length_of
        from skyfield.jpllib import Ephemeris

            import de405
            de405 = Ephemeris(de405)
        except ImportError:
            pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason='de405 unavailable')

        one_second = 1.0 / 24.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        arcsecond = 1.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        ra_arcsecond = 24.0 / 360.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        meter = 1.0 / AU_M

        def compare(value, expected_value, epsilon):
            if hasattr(value, 'shape') or hasattr(expected_value, 'shape'):
                assert max(abs(value - expected_value)) <= epsilon
                assert abs(value - expected_value) <= epsilon


    moon_landing = novas.julian_date(1969, 7, 20, 20.0 + 18.0/60.0)
    first_hubble_image = novas.julian_date(1990, 5, 20)
    voyager_intersellar = novas.julian_date(2012, 8, 25)

    date_vector = [moon_landing, first_hubble_image, T0, voyager_intersellar]
    dates = date_vector + [date_vector]

def main():
    jd_start, jd_end, number = eph_manager.ephem_open()
    output({}, """\
        'Auto-generated accuracy tests vs NOVAS (see'

        from numpy import abs, array, einsum, max
        from skyfield import (earthlib, framelib, nutationlib, positionlib,
                              precessionlib, starlib, timelib)
        from skyfield.api import JulianDate
        from skyfield.constants import AU_M
        from import hipparcos
        from skyfield.functions import length_of
        from skyfield.jpllib import Ephemeris
        from skyfield.positionlib import Apparent

        import de405
        de405 = Ephemeris(de405)

        one_second = 1.0 / 24.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        arcsecond = 1.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        ra_arcsecond = 24.0 / 360.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
        meter = 1.0 / AU_M

        def compare(value, expected_value, epsilon):
            if hasattr(value, 'shape') or hasattr(expected_value, 'shape'):
                assert max(abs(value - expected_value)) <= epsilon
                assert abs(value - expected_value) <= epsilon


    moon_landing = novas.julian_date(1969, 7, 20, 20.0 + 18.0 / 60.0)
    first_hubble_image = novas.julian_date(1990, 5, 20)
    voyager_intersellar = novas.julian_date(2012, 8, 25)

    date_vector = [moon_landing, first_hubble_image, T0, voyager_intersellar]
    dates = date_vector + [date_vector]

Beispiel #12
def V_LSR(RA, dec, dss, timedate):
  Computes the velocity of the local standard of rest w.r.t. the observer
  @param ra : J2000 right ascension as a float or as "12h34m56.78s"
  @type  ra : float or str
  @param dec : J2000 declination as a float or as "-12d34m56.78s"
  @type  dec : float or str
  @param observer : DSN station
  @type  observer : int
  @param timedate : date/time of the observation
  @type  timedate : datetime object
    logger.debug("V_LSR: entered with coord types %s and %s", type(RA),
    if type(RA) == str and type(dec) == str:
        skypos = coord.SkyCoord(RA, dec, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
    elif type(RA) == float and type(dec) == float:
        skypos = coord.SkyCoord(RA * u.hour, dec *
        raise RuntimeError(RA, dec, "cannot be parsed")
    logger.debug("V_LSR: sky pos: %s", skypos)
    ra2000, dec2000 = skypos.ra.hour, skypos.dec.deg
    logger.debug("V_LSR: J2000 coordinates are %f, %f", ra2000, dec2000)
    sourcename = "%5.2f%+5.2f" % (ra2000, dec2000)
    cat_entry = novas.make_cat_entry(sourcename, "", 0, ra2000, dec2000, 0, 0,
                                     0, 0)
    source = novas.make_object(2, 0, sourcename, cat_entry)
    station = Astronomy.DSN_coordinates.DSS(dss)
    logger.debug("V_LSR: station lat=%f", * 180 / math.pi)
    logger.debug("V_LSR: station long=%f", station.lon * 180 / math.pi)
    if station.long > math.pi:
        longitude = station.long - 2 * math.pi
    elif station.long < math.pi:
        longitude = station.long + 2 * math.pi
        longitude = station.long
    observer = novas.make_observer_on_surface( * 180 / math.pi,
                                              longitude * 180 / math.pi,
                                              station.elev, 0, 0)
    jd = novas.julian_date(timedate.year, timedate.month,,
                           timedate.hour + timedate.minute / 60.)
    mjd = DatesTimes.MJD(timedate.year, timedate.month,
    earth = novas.make_object(0, 3, 'Earth', None)
    urthpos, urthvel = novas.ephemeris((jd, 0), earth, origin=0)
    (obspos, obsvel) = novas.geo_posvel(jd, 0, observer, 0)
    totvel = tuple(numpy.array(urthvel) + numpy.array(obsvel))
    (srcpos, srcvel) = novas.starvectors(cat_entry)
    V = novas.rad_vel(source, srcpos, srcvel, totvel, 0, 0, 0)
    logger.debug("V_LSR: velocity of observer w.r.t. Sun= %.2f", V)
    return V + Astronomy.v_sun(mjd, ra2000 / 15., dec2000)
 def test_julian_date(self): = 0.0
     for args in (
           (-4712, 1, 1, 0.0),
           (-4712, 3, 1, 0.0),
           (-4712, 12, 31, 0.5),
           (-241, 3, 25, 19.0),
           (530, 9, 27, 23.5),
           (1976, 3, 7, 12.5),
           (2000, 1, 1, 0.0),
         self.eq(c.julian_date(*args), timescales.julian_date(*args))
def test_julian_date():
    epsilon = 0.0
    for args in (
          (-4712, 1, 1, 0.0),
          (-4712, 3, 1, 0.0),
          (-4712, 12, 31, 0.5),
          (-241, 3, 25, 19.0),
          (530, 9, 27, 23.5),
          (1976, 3, 7, 12.5),
          (2000, 1, 1, 0.0),
        eq(c.julian_date(*args), timescales.julian_date(*args), epsilon)
Beispiel #15
def date2JD(dateObs):
    Converts the date string to a JD floating point number, using the NOVAS routine
    The time scale of the returned value will be same as that of the input date.
    RA      : string
    degRA   : float
    >>> ...
    yr, mn, dy = parseDate(dateObs)
    if ' ' in dy:
        dy = dy.split(' ')[0]
    hr, dy = math.modf(float(dy))
    jd = novas.julian_date(int(yr), int(mn), int(dy), 24. * hr)
    return jd
    import novas
    import novas_de405
except ImportError:
    novas = None
    import novas.compat as c
    import novas.compat.eph_manager

    jd_start, jd_end, number = c.eph_manager.ephem_open()  # needs novas_de405

    c_nutation = c.nutation
    import novas.compat.nutation  # overwrites nutation() function with module!

    TA = c.julian_date(1969, 7, 20, 20. + 18. / 60.)
    TB = c.julian_date(2012, 12, 21)

    D0 = 63.8285
    DA = 39.707
    DB = 66.8779

    P0 = (T0, D0)  # "pair 0"
    PA = (TA, DA)
    PB = (TB, DB)

arcminute = DEG2RAD / 60.0
arcsecond = arcminute / 60.0
meter = 1.0 / AU_KM

planet_codes = {
from novas import compat as novas

print("INFO: Converting Oct 2, 2012 to Julian date...")
jd_tt = novas.julian_date(2012, 10, 2, 12.0)
print("OK: " + str(jd_tt))

Beispiel #18
        return True
        return False

dtheta = 0.0
leap_second = 37  #闰秒
tt_tai = 32.184  #tt和国际原子时tai之差
ut1_utc = 0.06723
x_pole = -0.002
y_pole = +0.529
delta_t = tt_tai + leap_second - ut1_utc
jd_utc = novas.julian_date(year, month, day, hour)  #utc
jd_ut1 = jd_utc + ut1_utc / 86400.0  #ut1
jd_tt = jd_utc + (leap_second + tt_tai) / 86400.0  #tt
jd = (jd_tt, 0.0)
jd0 = (jd_tt - ta / 86400, 0.0)
jd_s, jd_e, num = eph_manager.ephem_open()
sun = novas.make_object(0, 10, 'sun', None)
moon = novas.make_object(0, 11, 'moon', None)
earth = novas.make_object(0, 3, 'earth', None)
location1 = novas.make_on_surface(latitude, longitude, height, 25.0, 1013)
location = novas.make_observer_on_surface(latitude, longitude, height, 25.0,
    import novas
    import novas_de405
except ImportError:
    novas = None
    import novas.compat as c
    import novas.compat.eph_manager

    jd_start, jd_end, number = c.eph_manager.ephem_open()  # needs novas_de405

    c_nutation = c.nutation
    import novas.compat.nutation  # overwrites nutation() function with module!

    TA = c.julian_date(1969, 7, 20, 20. + 18. / 60.)
    TB = c.julian_date(2012, 12, 21)
    TC = c.julian_date(2027, 8, 2, 10. + 7. / 60. + 50. / 3600.)

    D0 = 63.8285
    DA = 39.707
    DB = 66.8779
    DC = 72.  #

    P0 = (T0, D0)  # "pair 0"
    PA = (TA, DA)
    PB = (TB, DB)

arcminute = DEG2RAD / 60.0
arcsecond = arcminute / 60.0
arcsecond_in_hours = 24.0 / 360.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
Beispiel #20
from novas import compat as novas
from novas.compat import eph_manager
jd_start, jd_end, number = eph_manager.ephem_open()

jd_tt = novas.julian_date(2013, 12, 27, 6.0)
print jd_tt

def print_planet(planet_name, planet_num):
    # make_object(type, number, name, star)
    # type = 0;major planet, Pluto, Sun, or Moon
    # type = 1; minor planet
    # type = 2; object located outside the soloar system
    # number; Mercury = 1, ..., Pluto = 9, Sun = 10, Moon = 11
    print planet_name
    planet = novas.make_object(0, planet_num, planet_name, None)
    ra, dec, dis = novas.astro_planet(jd_tt, planet)
    print 'R.A. %d:%02f' % (ra, abs(ra) % 1. * 60.)
    print 'dec. %d:%02f' % (dec, abs(dec) % 1. * 60.)
    print 'distance %f AU' % (dis,)

# Where is mars located.
print_planet('Mars', 4)

print_planet('Mercury', 1)
print_planet('Pluto', 9)
print_planet('Sun', 10)
print_planet('Moon', 11)
def output_subroutine_tests(dates):
    date_floats = [d for d in dates if not isinstance(d, list)]
    delta_t_floats = [+39.707, +57.1136, +63.8285, +66.7846]

    def shorter_cal_date(jd):
        y, m, d, h = novas.cal_date(jd)
        return y, m, d + h / 24.0 - 0.5

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        cal_date = call(shorter_cal_date, jd)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_calendar_date_{i}():
                compare(timelib.calendar_date({jd!r}), array({cal_date}), 0.0)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        angle = novas.era(jd)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_earth_rotation_angle_date{i}():
                compare(earthlib.earth_rotation_angle({jd!r}), {angle},
                        0.000001 * arcsecond)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        angles = novas.e_tilt(jd)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_earth_tilt_date{i}():
                        array({angles}), 0.00001 * arcsecond)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        terms = novas.ee_ct(jd, 0.0, 0)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_equation_of_the_equinoxes_complimentary_terms_date{i}():
                        array({terms}), 0.0000000000000001 * arcsecond)

    vector = (1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
    tie1 = novas.frame_tie(vector, 0)
    tie2 = novas.frame_tie(vector, -1)
    output(locals(), """\
        def test_forward_frame_tie():
            compare({vector}), {tie1}, 1e-15)

        def test_reverse_frame_tie():
            compare({vector}), {tie2}, 1e-15)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        jcentury = (jd - T0) / 36525.0
        arguments = novas.fund_args(jcentury)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_fundamental_arguments_date{i}():
                        array({arguments}), 0.000000001 * arcsecond)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        psi, eps = nutation_module.iau2000a(jd, 0.0)
        psi *= 1e7 / ASEC2RAD
        eps *= 1e7 / ASEC2RAD
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_iau2000a_date{i}():
                        array([{psi}, {eps}]), 0.001)

    for i, args in enumerate([
          (-4712, 1, 1, 0.0),
          (-4712, 3, 1, 0.0),
          (-4712, 12, 31, 0.5),
          (-241, 3, 25, 19.0),
          (530, 9, 27, 23.5),
          (1976, 3, 7, 12.5),
          (2000, 1, 1, 0.0),
        jd = novas.julian_date(*args)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_julian_date_function_date{i}():
                compare(timelib.julian_date{args}, {jd!r}, 0.0)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        angle = novas.mean_obliq(jd)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_mean_obliquity_date{i}():
                        {angle!r}, 0.0)  # arcseconds

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        vector = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
        result = nutation_function(jd, vector)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_nutation_date{i}():
                matrix = nutationlib.compute_nutation(JulianDate(tdb={jd!r}))
                result = einsum('ij...,j...->i...', matrix, [1.1, 1.2, 1.3])
                        result, 1e-14)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        vector = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
        result = novas.precession(T0, vector, jd)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_precession_date{i}():
                matrix = precessionlib.compute_precession({jd!r})
                result = einsum('ij...,j...->i...', matrix, [1.1, 1.2, 1.3])
                        result, 1e-15)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        result1 = novas.sidereal_time(jd, 0.0, 0.0, False, True)
        result2 = novas.sidereal_time(jd, 0.0, 99.9, False, True)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_sidereal_time_on_date{i}():
                jd = JulianDate(tt={jd!r})
                compare(earthlib.sidereal_time(jd), {result1!r}, 1e-13)

            def test_sidereal_time_with_nonzero_delta_t_on_date{i}():
                jd = JulianDate(tt={jd!r} + 99.9 * one_second, delta_t=99.9)
                compare(earthlib.sidereal_time(jd), {result2!r}, 1e-13)

    p, v = novas.starvectors(novas.make_cat_entry(
        'POLARIS', 'HIP', 0, 2.530301028, 89.264109444,
        44.22, -11.75, 7.56, -17.4))
    output(locals(), """\
        def test_star_vector():
            star = starlib.Star(ra_hours=2.530301028, dec_degrees=89.264109444,
                                ra_mas_per_year=44.22, dec_mas_per_year=-11.75,
                                parallax_mas=7.56, radial_km_per_s=-17.4)
                    1e3 * meter)
                    1e-6 * meter)

    for i, (tt, delta_t) in enumerate(zip(date_floats, delta_t_floats)):
        jd_low = xp = yp = 0.0
        vector = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
        ut1 = tt - delta_t * one_second
        result = novas.ter2cel(ut1, jd_low, delta_t, xp, yp, vector)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_ITRF_to_GCRS_conversion_on_date{i}():
                jd = JulianDate(tt={tt!r}, delta_t={delta_t!r})
                position = positionlib.ITRF_to_GCRS(jd, {vector!r})
                compare(position, {result!r}, 1e-13)

    for i, jd_tdb in enumerate(date_floats):
        result = novas.tdb2tt(jd_tdb)[1]
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_tdb_minus_tt_on_date{i}():
                result = timelib.tdb_minus_tt({jd_tdb!r})
                compare(result, {result!r}, 1e-16)
def output_subroutine_tests(dates):
    date_floats = [d for d in dates if not isinstance(d, list)]
    delta_t_floats = [+39.707, +57.1136, +63.8285, +66.7846]

    def shorter_cal_date(jd):
        y, m, d, h = novas.cal_date(jd)
        return y, m, d + h / 24.0 - 0.5

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        cal_date = call(shorter_cal_date, jd)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_calendar_date_{i}():
                compare(timelib.calendar_date({jd!r}), array({cal_date}), 0.0)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        angle = novas.era(jd)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_earth_rotation_angle_date{i}():
                compare(earthlib.earth_rotation_angle({jd!r}) * 360.0, {angle},
                        0.000001 * arcsecond)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        angles = novas.e_tilt(jd)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_earth_tilt_date{i}():
                        array({angles}), 0.00001 * arcsecond)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        terms = novas.ee_ct(jd, 0.0, 0)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_equation_of_the_equinoxes_complimentary_terms_date{i}():
                        array({terms}), 0.0000000000000001 * arcsecond)

    vector = (1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
    tie1 = novas.frame_tie(vector, 0)
    tie2 = novas.frame_tie(vector, -1)
    output(locals(), """\
        def test_forward_frame_tie():
            compare({vector}), {tie1}, 1e-15)

        def test_reverse_frame_tie():
            compare({vector}), {tie2}, 1e-15)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        jcentury = (jd - T0) / 36525.0
        arguments = novas.fund_args(jcentury)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_fundamental_arguments_date{i}():
                        array({arguments}), 0.000000002 * arcsecond)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        psi, eps = nutation_module.iau2000a(jd, 0.0)
        psi *= 1e7 / ASEC2RAD
        eps *= 1e7 / ASEC2RAD
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_iau2000a_date{i}():
                        array([{psi}, {eps}]), 0.001)

    for i, args in enumerate([
          (-4712, 1, 1, 0.0),
          (-4712, 3, 1, 0.0),
          (-4712, 12, 31, 0.5),
          (-241, 3, 25, 19.0),
          (530, 9, 27, 23.5),
          (1976, 3, 7, 12.5),
          (2000, 1, 1, 0.0),
        jd = novas.julian_date(*args)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_julian_date_function_date{i}():
                compare(timelib.julian_date{args}, {jd!r}, 0.0)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        angle = novas.mean_obliq(jd)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_mean_obliquity_date{i}():
                        {angle!r}, 0.0)  # arcseconds

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        vector = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
        result = nutation_function(jd, vector)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_nutation_date{i}():
                matrix = nutationlib.compute_nutation(JulianDate(tdb={jd!r}))
                result = einsum('ij...,j...->i...', matrix, [1.1, 1.2, 1.3])
                        result, 1e-14)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        vector = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
        result = novas.precession(T0, vector, jd)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_precession_date{i}():
                matrix = precessionlib.compute_precession({jd!r})
                result = einsum('ij...,j...->i...', matrix, [1.1, 1.2, 1.3])
                        result, 1e-15)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        result1 = novas.sidereal_time(jd, 0.0, 0.0, False, True)
        result2 = novas.sidereal_time(jd, 0.0, 99.9, False, True)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_sidereal_time_on_date{i}():
                jd = JulianDate(tt={jd!r})
                compare(earthlib.sidereal_time(jd), {result1!r}, 1e-13)

            def test_sidereal_time_with_nonzero_delta_t_on_date{i}():
                jd = JulianDate(tt={jd!r} + 99.9 * one_second, delta_t=99.9)
                compare(earthlib.sidereal_time(jd), {result2!r}, 1e-13)

    p, v = novas.starvectors(novas.make_cat_entry(
        'POLARIS', 'HIP', 0, 2.530301028, 89.264109444,
        44.22, -11.75, 7.56, -17.4))
    output(locals(), """\
        def test_star_vector():
            star = starlib.Star(ra_hours=2.530301028, dec_degrees=89.264109444,
                                ra_mas_per_year=44.22, dec_mas_per_year=-11.75,
                                parallax_mas=7.56, radial_km_per_s=-17.4)
            star.au_km = de405.jplephemeris.AU
                    1e3 * meter)
                    1e-3 * meter)  # TODO: was 1e-6 before switch to modern au

    atp = product([-5, -1, 15, 89.95], [10, 25], [1010, 1013.25])

    for i, (angle, temperature, pressure) in enumerate(atp):
        location = novas.make_on_surface(0.0, 0.0, 0, temperature, pressure)
        r = novas.refract(location, 90 - angle, 2)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_refraction{i}():
                r = earthlib.refraction({angle}, {temperature}, {pressure})
                compare(r, {r}, 0.001 * arcsecond)

    northpole = novas.make_on_surface(90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1010.0)

    for i, angle in enumerate([-90, -2, -1, 0, 1, 3, 9, 90]):
        alt, az = altaz_maneuver(T0, northpole, 0.0, angle, ref=2)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_refract{i}():
                alt = earthlib.refract({angle!r}, 10.0, 1010.0)
                compare(alt, {alt!r}, 0.000000001 * arcsecond)

    usno = novas.make_on_surface(38.9215, -77.0669, 92.0, 10.0, 1010.0)

    ra = 12.34
    for i, (tt, dec) in enumerate(product(date_floats, [56.78, -67.89])):
        alt, az = altaz_maneuver(tt, usno, ra, dec, ref=0)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_from_altaz_{i}():
                jd = JulianDate(tt={tt!r})
                usno =
                    '38.9215 N', '77.0669 W', elevation_m=92.0)
                a = usno(jd).from_altaz(alt_degrees={alt!r}, az_degrees={az!r})
                ra, dec, distance = a.radec(epoch=jd)
                compare(ra.hours, {ra!r}, 0.000000001 * arcsecond)
                compare(dec.degrees, {dec!r}, 0.000000001 * arcsecond)

    for i, (tt, delta_t) in enumerate(zip(date_floats, delta_t_floats)):
        jd_low = xp = yp = 0.0
        vector = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
        ut1 = tt - delta_t * one_second
        result = novas.ter2cel(ut1, jd_low, delta_t, xp, yp, vector)
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_ITRF_to_GCRS_conversion_on_date{i}():
                jd = JulianDate(tt={tt!r}, delta_t={delta_t!r})
                position = positionlib.ITRF_to_GCRS(jd, {vector!r})
                compare(position, {result!r}, 1e-13)

    for i, jd_tdb in enumerate(date_floats):
        result = novas.tdb2tt(jd_tdb)[1]
        output(locals(), """\
            def test_tdb_minus_tt_on_date{i}():
                result = timelib.tdb_minus_tt({jd_tdb!r})
                compare(result, {result!r}, 1e-16)
Beispiel #23
def date2JD(dateObs):
    yr = dateObs[0:4]
    mn = dateObs[5:7]
    frac, dy = math.modf(float(dateObs[8:]))
    jd = novas.julian_date(int(yr), int(mn), int(dy), 24. * frac)
    return jd
def output_subroutine_tests(dates):
    date_floats = [d for d in dates if not isinstance(d, list)]
    delta_t_floats = [+39.707, +57.1136, +63.8285, +66.7846]

    def shorter_cal_date(jd):
        y, m, d, h = novas.cal_date(jd)
        return y, m, d + h / 24.0 - 0.5

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        cal_date = call(shorter_cal_date, jd)
            locals(), """\
            def test_calendar_date_{i}():
                compare(timelib.calendar_date({jd!r}), array({cal_date}), 0.0)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        angle = novas.era(jd)
            locals(), """\
            def test_earth_rotation_angle_date{i}():
                compare(earthlib.earth_rotation_angle({jd!r}) * 360.0, {angle!r},
                        0.000001 * arcsecond)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        angles = novas.e_tilt(jd)
            locals(), """\
            def test_earth_tilt_date{i}(ts):
                        array({angles}), 0.00001 * arcsecond)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        terms = novas.ee_ct(jd, 0.0, 0)
            locals(), """\
            def test_equation_of_the_equinoxes_complimentary_terms_date{i}():
                        array({terms!r}), 0.0000000000000001 * arcsecond)

    vector = (1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
    tie1 = novas.frame_tie(vector, 0)
    tie2 = novas.frame_tie(vector, -1)
        locals(), """\
        def test_forward_frame_tie():
            compare({vector}), {tie1}, 1e-15)

        def test_reverse_frame_tie():
            compare({vector}), {tie2}, 1e-15)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        jcentury = (jd - T0) / 36525.0
        arguments = novas.fund_args(jcentury)
            locals(), """\
            def test_fundamental_arguments_date{i}():
                        array({arguments}), 0.000000002 * arcsecond)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        psi, eps = nutation_module.iau2000a(jd, 0.0)
        psi *= 1e7 / ASEC2RAD
        eps *= 1e7 / ASEC2RAD
            locals(), """\
            def test_iau2000a_date{i}():
                        array([{psi!r}, {eps!r}]), 0.001)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        psi, eps = nutation_module.iau2000b(jd, 0.0)
        psi *= 1e7 / ASEC2RAD
        eps *= 1e7 / ASEC2RAD
            locals(), """\
            def test_iau2000b_date{i}():
                        array([{psi!r}, {eps!r}]), 0.001)

    for i, args in enumerate([
        (-4712, 1, 1, 0.0),
        (-4712, 3, 1, 0.0),
        (-4712, 12, 31, 0.5),
        (-241, 3, 25, 19.0),
        (530, 9, 27, 23.5),
        (1976, 3, 7, 12.5),
        (2000, 1, 1, 0.0),
        jd = novas.julian_date(*args)
            locals(), """\
            def test_julian_date_function_date{i}():
                compare(timelib.julian_date{args}, {jd!r}, 0.0)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        angle = novas.mean_obliq(jd)
            locals(), """\
            def test_mean_obliquity_date{i}():
                        {angle!r}, 0.0)  # arcseconds

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        vector = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
        result = nutation_function(jd, vector)
            locals(), """\
            def test_nutation_date{i}(ts):
                matrix = nutationlib.compute_nutation(ts.tdb_jd({jd!r}))
                result = einsum('ij...,j...->i...', matrix, [1.1, 1.2, 1.3])
                        result, 1e-14)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        vector = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
        result = novas.precession(T0, vector, jd)
            locals(), """\
            def test_precession_date{i}():
                matrix = precessionlib.compute_precession({jd!r})
                result = einsum('ij...,j...->i...', matrix, [1.1, 1.2, 1.3])
                        result, 1e-15)

    for i, jd in enumerate(date_floats):
        result1 = novas.sidereal_time(jd, 0.0, 0.0, False, True)
        result2 = novas.sidereal_time(jd, 0.0, 99.9, False, True)
            locals(), """\
            def test_sidereal_time_on_date{i}():
                jd = load.timescale(delta_t=0.0).tt_jd({jd!r})
                compare(earthlib.sidereal_time(jd), {result1!r}, 1e-13)

            def test_sidereal_time_with_nonzero_delta_t_on_date{i}():
                jd = load.timescale(delta_t=99.9).tt_jd({jd!r} + 99.9 * one_second)
                compare(earthlib.sidereal_time(jd), {result2!r}, 1e-13)

    p, v = novas.starvectors(
        novas.make_cat_entry('POLARIS', 'HIP', 0, 2.530301028, 89.264109444,
                             44.22, -11.75, 7.56, -17.4))
        locals(), """\
        def test_star_vector():
            star = starlib.Star(ra_hours=2.530301028, dec_degrees=89.264109444,
                                ra_mas_per_year=44.22, dec_mas_per_year=-11.75,
                                parallax_mas=7.56, radial_km_per_s=-17.4)
            star.au_km = OLD_AU_KM
                    1e3 * meter)
                    1e-3 * meter)  # TODO: was 1e-6 before switch to modern au

    atp = product([-5, -1, 15, 89.95], [10, 25], [1010, 1013.25])

    for i, (angle, temperature, pressure) in enumerate(atp):
        location = novas.make_on_surface(0.0, 0.0, 0, temperature, pressure)
        r = novas.refract(location, 90 - angle, 2)
            locals(), """\
            def test_refraction{i}():
                r = earthlib.refraction({angle}, {temperature}, {pressure})
                compare(r, {r!r}, 1e-9 * arcsecond)

    northpole = novas.make_on_surface(90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1010.0)

    for i, angle in enumerate([-90, -2, -1, 0, 1, 3, 9, 90]):
        alt, az = altaz_maneuver(T0, northpole, 0.0, angle, ref=2)
            locals(), """\
            def test_refract{i}():
                alt = earthlib.refract({angle!r}, 10.0, 1010.0)
                compare(alt, {alt!r}, 1e-9 * arcsecond)

    usno = novas.make_on_surface(38.9215, -77.0669, 92.0, 10.0, 1010.0)

    ra = 12.34
    for i, (tt, dec) in enumerate(product(date_floats, [56.78, -67.89])):
        alt, az = altaz_maneuver(tt, usno, ra, dec, ref=0)
            locals(), """\
            def test_from_altaz_{i}(earth):
                jd = load.timescale(delta_t=0.0).tt_jd({tt!r})
                usno = earth + Topos(
                    '38.9215 N', '77.0669 W', elevation_m=92.0)
                a ={alt!r}, az_degrees={az!r})
                ra, dec, distance = a.radec(epoch=jd)
                compare(ra.hours, {ra!r}, 1e-9 * arcsecond)
                compare(dec.degrees, {dec!r}, 1e-9 * arcsecond)

    for i, (tt, delta_t) in enumerate(zip(date_floats, delta_t_floats)):
        jd_low = xp = yp = 0.0
        vector = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
        ut1 = tt - delta_t * one_second
        result = novas.ter2cel(ut1, jd_low, delta_t, xp, yp, vector)
            locals(), """\
            def test_ITRF_to_GCRS_conversion_on_date{i}():
                jd = load.timescale(delta_t={delta_t!r}).tt_jd({tt!r})
                position = positionlib.ITRF_to_GCRS(jd, {vector!r})
                compare(position, {result!r}, 1e-13)

    for i, jd_tdb in enumerate(date_floats):
        result = novas.tdb2tt(jd_tdb)[1]
            locals(), """\
            def test_tdb_minus_tt_on_date{i}():
                result = timelib.tdb_minus_tt({jd_tdb!r})
                compare(result, {result!r}, 1e-16)
Beispiel #25
def yrmndy2JD(yrmndy):
    yr, mn, dy = yrmndy
    hr, dy = math.modf(float(dy))
    jd = novas.julian_date(int(yr), int(mn), int(dy), 24. * hr)
    return jd