def run(self): try : nse = Nse() try : rate = nse.get_quote(str(self.code)) rate = rate['lastPrice'] except Exception,err : print err return share = stock.objects.get(code=self.code) if share.price != rate: share.update = share.update +1 share.price = rate if rate > share.max_price_of_day: share.max_price_of_day = rate print "sucess"
def __init__(self,index): self.nse = Nse() self.index = index self.stock_data = {} self.stock_data = self.init_content() if self.stock_data is None: self.stock_data={} self.update_index()
def addwatchlistitem(request): if request.method == "POST": # This is form class form = nse_f_addwatchlititem(request.POST) form.valid = True if form.is_valid(): post = post.stock_type = 'WL' #post.user = '******' #post.stamp = return redirect('Watch_List') else: form = nse_f_addwatchlititem() nse = Nse() all_stock_codes = nse.get_stock_codes() stock_list = all_stock_codes.items() return render(request, 'nse/addwatchlistitem.html', { 'form': form, 'stock_list': stock_list })
class Machine(): def __init__(self): self.nse = Nse() def getQuote(self, stockName): """ Fetches Quote for Given Stock """ return self.nse.get_quote(stockName) def showQuote(self, quote): """ Pretty Print a received Quote """ pprint(quote) def getIndexList(self): """ Fetches the available Index list """ return self.nse.get_index_list() def showIndexList(self): """ Pretty Print available Index List """ pprint(self.getIndexList()) def getIndexQuote(self, indexName): """ Fetch Index Quote """ return self.nse.get_index_quote(indexName) def showIndexQuote(self, indexName): """ Pretty Print Available Index Quote """ pprint(self.getIndexQuote(indexName))
def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher, tracker: Tracker, domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]: entities = tracker.latest_message["entities"] nse = Nse() name = "" msg = "" for e in entities: if e["entity"] == "st_list": name = e["value"] q = nse.get_quote(name) msg = name.upper() + " Day High: " + str( q["dayHigh"]) + " Day Low: " + str( q["dayLow"]) + " Average Price: " + str( q["averagePrice"]) + " Change: " + str( q["change"]) + " Delivery Quantity " + str( q["deliveryQuantity"]) + " pChange " + str( q["pChange"]) dispatcher.utter_message(msg) return []
def updateDatabaseCurrent(requests): (user,inputDict,getParams) = (request.user,,request.GET) if user.userType not in [3, 4]: return errorResp(401) if 'update' not in inputDict: return errorResp(406) if not inputDict['update']: return Response({}) nse = Nse() for symbol in COMPANIES: data = nse.get_quote(symbol) try: comp = company.objects.get(name = symbol) except: comp = company.objects.create(name = symbol) try: _=stockData.objects.get(companyDetails=comp, dataTime=data['secDate']) except: _=stockData.objects.create(companyDetails=comp, dateTime=data['secDate'], openPrice=data['open'], previousPrice=data['previousClose'], lowPrice=data['dayLow'], highPrice=data['dayHigh'], closePrice=data['closePrice'], # ltp=data['lastPrice'], # trades=data['totalTradedValue'], # turnover=data[''], volume=data['totalTradedVolume'], series=data['series']) return Response({'status': True, 'text': "Today's stockdata updated successfully." })
def get_market_data_for_stocks(stocks_list): nse = Nse() data = [] for stock in stocks_list: print(stock) try: d1 = nse.get_quote(stock) print(d1) except Exception as e: print(e) if d1: data.append(list(d1.values())) columns = list(d1.keys()) else: print('{} not found.'.format((stock))) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns) df= df[nse_config.nse_columns] df['pChange'] = df['pChange'].astype('float') df['low52'] = df['low52'].astype('float') df['high52'] = df['high52'].astype('float') df['closePrice'] = df['closePrice'].astype('float') df = df.sort_values('pChange', ascending=False) print('most increase changed stocks') print(df.head()) print('most decrease changed stocks') print(df.tail()) df['BELOW'] = ((df['high52'] - df['closePrice']) / df['closePrice']) * 100 df = df.sort_values('BELOW', ascending=False) print('most below stocks from 52high') print(df.head()) print('most above stocks to 52high') print(df.tail()) return df
def detail(request, product_id): nse = Nse() top_gainers = nse.get_top_gainers() top_losers = nse.get_top_losers() response = requests.get(bseurl) bsedetail = response.json() response = requests.get(nseurl) nsedetail = response.json() response = requests.get(usdinrurl) usdinrdetail = response.json() response = requests.get(goldurl) golddetail = response.json() productcode = get_object_or_404(Product, pk=product_id) url = '' + str( productcode.stockid) + '.json?api_key=a6QtRRy_axhp9mTMRvyC' url2 = '' print(url) response = requests.get(url) stockdetail = response.json() return render( request, 'products/detail.html', { 'stockdetail': stockdetail['dataset'], 'topgainers': top_gainers_nse, 'toplosers': top_losers_nse, 'bsedetail': bsedetail, 'nifty': nsedetail, 'usdinrdetail': usdinrdetail, 'golddetail': golddetail, 'topgainersnse': top_gainers_nse, 'toplosersnse': top_losers_nse, 'topgainersbse': top_gainers_bse, 'toplosersbse': top_losers_bse, })
def GetTopGainers(): nse = Nse() values_list = [ 'open', 'dayHigh', 'dayLow', 'previousClose', 'lastPrice', 'change', 'pChange', 'quantityTraded', 'totalTradedValue', 'high52', 'low52' ] a = [ 'ADANIPORTS', 'BPCL', 'COALINDIA', 'NTPC', 'SUNPHARMA', 'HINDALCO', 'RELIANCE', 'TATASTEEL', 'GAIL', 'NESTLEIND', 'SBILIFE', 'GRASIM', 'TCS', 'DIVISLAB', 'IOC', 'WIPRO', 'TATAMOTORS', 'ITC', 'TECHM', 'HDFCLIFE', 'SBIN', 'ONGC', 'UPL', 'HCLTECH', 'M&M', 'JSWSTEEL', 'POWERGRID', 'SHREECEM', 'LT', 'HDFCBANK', 'ULTRACEMCO', 'AXISBANK', 'INDUSINDBK', 'HDFC', 'ASIANPAINT', 'CIPLA', 'TITAN', 'DRREDDY', 'BAJAJFINSV', 'INFY', 'BAJAJ-AUTO', 'BRITANNIA', 'ICICIBANK', 'KOTAKBANK', 'HINDUNILVR', 'BAJFINANCE', 'EICHERMOT', 'MARUTI', 'HEROMOTOCO', 'BHARTIARTL' ] print(len(a)) company_data = [] start = time.time() for i in a: tempstart = time.time() result = nse.get_quote(i) temp = {} for itera in values_list: temp[itera] = result[itera] end = time.time() print( end - start, end - tempstart, i, ) data = {} data[i] = temp company_data.append(data) return Response(json.dumps(company_data[2]), mimetype='application/json')
class Command(BaseCommand): def __init__(self): self.trending_company_repo = TrendingCompanyRepo() self.company_repo = CompanyRepo() self.nse = Nse() def run(self): gainers = self.nse.get_top_gainers()[:5] losers = self.nse.get_top_losers()[:5] print gainers, losers return g_comapnies = [ self.company_repo.get_or_create(code=g['symbol']) for g in gainers ] l_comapnies = [ self.company_repo.get_or_create(code=l['symbol']) for l in losers ] trendings = g_comapnies.extends(l_comapnies) date = try: self.trending_company_repo.create(date=date, trendings=trendings) except Exception as e: print "error", e print "Done"
class Command(BaseCommand): def __init__(self): self.company_details_repo = CompanyDetailsRepo() self.company_repo = CompanyRepo() self.nse = Nse() self.stockapi = NSE() def run(self): nse_list = self.nse.get_stock_codes() for code, title in nse_list.iteritems(): company = self.company_repo.filter(stockExchangeCode='NSE', code=code).first() if company: if company.weight < 1: print "saving: ", code, title company.weight += 1 else: print "creating: ", code, title try: details = self.company_details_repo.create(**{}) c = self.company_repo.create(details=details, **self._extract_company_data( title, code)) c.details = details c = self.stockapi.latest(c) except: print "error for " + title def _extract_company_data(self, name, code): return { "name": name, "code": code, #"quandlCode": data['dataset_code'], "description": name, "stockExchangeCode": 'NSE', "type": 'Time Series', "frequency": 'daily', "refreshedAt":, #"oldestAvailableDate":, "newAvailableDate":, "history": [], "historyCount": 0, "weight": 1 }
class nseClass: def __init__(self): from nsetools import Nse self.nse = Nse() def createStockCodeNameCSV(self): ''' Creates a csv with 3 columns sl no, stock code name with stock name ''' self.all_stocks = self.nse.get_stock_codes() import csv with open('nse_code_name.csv', 'w', newline='') as file: self.writer = csv.writer(file) self.writer.writerow(["SN", "Code", "Name"]) for i, j in enumerate(self.all_stocks): if (i > 0): self.writer.writerow([i, j, self.all_stocks[j]])
class NSEDataFetch(Nse): def __init__(self): self.nse = Nse() self.equity_stock_watch_all = "" def get_active_monthly(self): pprint(self.nse.get_active_monthly()) def get_quote(self, symbol): pprint(self.nse.get_quote(symbol)) def download_bhavcopy(self, date_string): arr = [] response = self.nse.download_bhavcopy(date_string) s = io.StringIO(response.decode('utf-8')) headers = s.readlines(1)[0].split(',') filename = "BavCopy{}.xlsx".format( for line in s: fields = map(lambda s: s.strip(), line.split(',')) columns = list(fields) #bad coding here, need to remove the hardcoded values, #need to automate this hardcoded value arr.append({ headers[0]: columns[0], headers[1]: columns[1], headers[2]: columns[2], headers[3]: columns[3], headers[4]: columns[4], headers[5]: columns[5], headers[6]: columns[6], headers[7]: columns[7], headers[8]: columns[8], headers[9]: columns[9], headers[10]: columns[10], headers[11]: columns[11], headers[12]: columns[12], headers[13]: columns[13] }) pd.read_json(json.dumps(arr)).to_excel(filename) def get_equity_stock_watch_live(self): response = self.nse._get_json_response_from_url( self.equity_stock_watch_all, True) filename = "EquityMatketWatch{}.xls".format( df = pd.read_json(response) df.to_excel(filename) def get_stock_codes(self): self.nse.get_stock_codes()
class NseCommons(object): nse_obj = Nse() interval = 0 def corn_job(self): try: while not FbObj.STOP_NSE_TOOL: try: gainers = self.nse_obj.get_top_gainers() for gainer in gainers: if gainer.get("symbol") not in FbObj.TOP_MOVERS.keys(): FbObj.TOP_MOVERS[gainer.get("symbol")] = "None" losers = self.nse_obj.get_top_losers() for loser in losers: if loser.get("symbol") not in FbObj.TOP_MOVERS.keys(): FbObj.TOP_MOVERS[loser.get("symbol")] = "None" # time.sleep(self.interval) self.corn_job() except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) def top_mover_thread(self, interval=60): try:"Trying to get top market movers") """ Constructor :type interval: int :param interval: Check interval, in seconds """ self.interval = interval thread = threading.Thread(target=self.corn_job, args=()) thread.daemon = True # Daemonize thread thread.start() return thread except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex) logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
class Nsedata(object): def __init__(self): self.nse = Nse() = self.nse.get_preopen_nifty(as_json=True) @property def get_gap_up_scrips(self): data = json.loads( # load the json string into python list obj df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Create data frame obj df['perChn'] = df['perChn'].astype(float) # convert perChn value to float df = df[df['perChn'] > 1.0] # filter out the scrips if perChn > 1 df = df[df['iep'] < 500] return df[['symbol', 'iep', 'pCls', 'chn', 'perChn']] @property def get_gap_down_scrips(self): data = json.loads( # load the json string into python list obj df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Create data frame obj df['perChn'] = df['perChn'].astype(float) # convert perChn value to float df = df[df['perChn'] < -1.0] # filter out the scrips if perChn > 1 df = df[df['iep'] < 500] return df[['symbol', 'iep', 'pCls', 'chn', 'perChn']]
class get_all_stock_codes: """ This class will retrive all Stock codes from NSE website """ def __init__(self): self.all_stock_codes = [] self.nse = Nse() fileConfig('../properties/logging_config.ini') self.log = logging.getLogger() self.log.debug('Logger intiated ') def nsetools_get_codes(self, out_stock_file): """ This method retrivies all stock codes and write to CSV files Method uses NSETools to retrieve data from NSE website """"Retriving stock Codes from NSE site .. ") self.all_stock_codes = self.nse.get_stock_codes() df2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.all_stock_codes, orient='index')"Total Stock Codes received :" + str(df2.shape[0])) df2.to_csv(out_stock_file)
def __init__(self): self.json_stock_realtime_quotes = [] self.nse = Nse() fileConfig('../properties/logging_config.ini') self.log = logging.getLogger() self.log.debug('Logger intiated ')
from pprint import pprint import json from nsetools import Nse nse = Nse() q = nse.get_quote('infy') #pprint(q) dict={} dict['applicableMargin']=q['applicableMargin'] dict['averagePrice']=q['averagePrice'] dict['bcEndDate']=q['bcEndDate'] dict['bcStartDate']=q['bcStartDate'] print dict
argnum = len(sys.argv) scrip = str(sys.argv[1]) #logging.debug('A debug message!')'A debug message!') #logging.critical('This is a critical message') if argnum != 2:'More than one argument to script. Currently not supported') print(''); exit();'Attempting to fetch quotes for ' + scrip + '...'); from nsetools import Nse nse = Nse() if nse.is_valid_code(scrip):'Scrip name is valid') #Add Success attrib in JSON q=nse.get_quote(scrip, as_json=True) #q = '{ }'; quotedata = json.loads(q) quotedata['Success'] = 1; #Add timestamp: #quote_time = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000"); T_UTC = datetime.utcnow() T_in = T_UTC + timedelta(hours=5, minutes=30) quote_time = T_in.strftime("%s"); quotedata['timestamp'] = quote_time;
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Oct 14 12:56:51 2015 @author: itithilien """ from nsetools import Nse import pandas as pd import time from urllib2 import build_opener, HTTPCookieProcessor, Request # test nse = Nse() print nse all_stock_codes = nse.get_stock_codes() ticklist = all_stock_codes.keys() ticklist = sorted(ticklist) while True: sata = pd.DataFrame() for ticker in ticklist: ptime = time.ctime() try: q = nse.get_quote(ticker) qdf = pd.DataFrame(q.items(), columns=["Item", "Value"]) qdf["symbol"] = ticker qdf["timestamp"] = ptime # qdf = qdf.sort(['Item'])
from nsetools import Nse nse=Nse() with open("/home/arya/Desktop/.stocks","r") as stocks: for stock in stocks: symbol=stock.strip() quote=nse.get_quote(symbol) price=quote["lastPrice"] average=quote["averagePrice"] dayLow=quote["dayLow"] dayHigh=quote["dayHigh"] low52=quote["low52"] high52=quote["high52"] change=quote["change"] close=quote["closePrice"] if close < 0: ch=False else: ch=True bg="^bg(#0F0)" if ch else "^bg($F00)" print(bg, symbol, price, change, average, dayLow, dayHigh, low52, high52, close, "^bg()")
# open the window window.mainloop() while 1: #for generation of delay import time # displaying the stock market data from nsetools import Nse # gettinfg the sports data import sports from win10toast import ToastNotifier nse = Nse() stocks = { "ADANIPORTS": 284.95, "HINDALCO": 152.30, "ONGC": 279.70, "SBIN": 259.70 } qty = { "ADANIPORTS": 20, "HINDALCO": 20, "ONGC": 20, "SBIN": 20 }
def setUp(self): self.nse = Nse()
from nsepy import get_history from datetime import date from nsetools import Nse nse = Nse() import re file = open("C:\\Users\\Ranjith\\Desktop\\NSE Scripts\\NSECodesList.txt", 'r') OutputFile = open("C:\\Users\\Ranjith\\Desktop\\NSE Scripts\\NseHistory.txt", 'a+') for line in file.readlines()[:1]: Code = re.sub("'","",line.split(':')[0]) print (Code) data = get_history(symbol=Code, start=date(2017,11,1), end=date(2017,11,7)) #OutputFile.write(Code+":"+str(data['Close'].to_dict())+"\n") print (data)
from nsetools import Nse import json import cx_Oracle import sys nse = Nse() q = nse.get_quote(sys.argv[1]) parsed_json = json.loads(json.dumps(q)) v_open=parsed_json['open'] v_high=parsed_json['dayHigh'] v_low=parsed_json['dayLow'] v_quantitytraded=parsed_json['quantityTraded'] v_lastprice=parsed_json['lastPrice'] v_averageprice=parsed_json['averagePrice'] v_previousClose=parsed_json['previousClose'] con = cx_Oracle.connect('EQUITY/[email protected]/XE') cur = con.cursor() cur.callproc('DILLIP_FORMULA_PRC', (sys.argv[1],v_open,v_high,v_low,v_quantitytraded,v_lastprice,v_averageprice,v_previousClose)) cur.close()
#install these libraries - nsetools,pprint,csv from nsetools import Nse from pprint import pprint from csv import writer #function to insert things into csv def append_list_as_row(file_name, list_of_elem): # Open file in append mode with open(file_name, 'a+', newline='') as write_obj: # Create a writer object from csv module csv_writer = writer(write_obj) # Add contents of list as last row in the csv file csv_writer.writerow(list_of_elem) nse= Nse() #this list just stores names of the required stocks so that #you can use this directly into your code and use accordingly stocks_list = [] #top gainers top_gainers = nse.get_top_gainers() #remove comment of the next line to see all fields available #pprint(top_gainers[0]) #insert column titles row=['Stock name','Open price','High price','Low price','Previous price','Volume','Ltp'] #inserts the columns names into the csv file append_list_as_row('topGainers.csv',row)
from nsetools import Nse from pprint import pprint nse = Nse() symfile = open("symbolslist.txt") q = nse.get_quote('infy') varmar = q['varMargin'] varsym = q['symbol'] varh52 = q['high52'] varl52 = q['low52'] vardh = q['dayHigh'] vardl = q['dayLow'] varlstp = q['lastPrice'] varapm = q['applicableMargin'] varclp = q['closePrice'] varavp = q['averagePrice'] print "varMargin is" ,varsym print varh52 print varl52 print vardh print vardl print varlstp print varapm print varclp print varmar print varavp
class UpdateData: def __init__(self,index): self.nse = Nse() self.index = index self.stock_data = {} self.stock_data = self.init_content() if self.stock_data is None: self.stock_data={} self.update_index() #pprint(self.stock_data) def update_index(self): count = 0 with open(self.index) as myfile: for line in myfile: if count is not 0: line = line.split(',') try: self.update_content(line[2]) except: continue #self.update_hlc(line[2]) else : count = 1 self.save_content() # self.write_update('day') def get_index(): return self.index def update_content(self,stock): try: print stock data = self.nse.get_quote(stock) except: raise ValueError self.stock_data[stock] = data def get_content(self,stock): return self.stock_data.get(stock) def read_dict_from_file(self,dir_name,name): extension = 'txt' index = NIFTYLIST[self.index] filename = BASE_PATH+index+SEPERATOR+dir_name+SEPERATOR+name+'.'+extension try: if(os.path.isfile(filename)): with open(filename) as myfile: "+ 1 is done because of 1st line in file " data = json.load(myfile) return data except: raise ValueError def write_dict_to_file(self,dir_name,data,mode,name = None): if data is None: return extension = 'txt' index = NIFTYLIST[self.index] filename = BASE_PATH+index+SEPERATOR+dir_name+SEPERATOR+name+'.'+extension directory = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) with open(filename, mode) as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) def init_content(self): #self.update_index() name = 'Stocks Content' dir_name= 'Daily' return self.read_dict_from_file(dir_name,name) def save_content(self): name = 'Stocks Content' dir_name= 'Daily' self.write_dict_to_file(dir_name,self.stock_data,'w',name) def update_val(self,data,stock): change = False high = self.stock_data[stock]['dayHigh'] low = self.stock_data[stock]['dayLow'] if data['High'] < high: data['High'] = high change = True if data['Low'] > low: data['Low'] = low change = True return {"Data": data, "Change":change} def update_hlc(self,stock): data = self.read_dict_from_file('HLC',stock) change = False for key in data: val = self.update_val(data[key],stock) if val['Change']: data[key] = val['Data'] change = True if change: self.write_dict_to_file('HLC',data,'w',stock) print "Updated ",stock def read_update(self,period): extension = 'txt' filename = BASE_PATH+'update_'+period+'.'+extension if(os.path.isfile(filename)): with open(filename) as myfile: head = list(islice(myfile, 1)) return head else: self.write_update(period) return def write_update(self,period): extension = 'txt' filename = BASE_PATH+'update_'+period+'.'+extension with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write('%d-%m-%Y')) def update(self): day_update = self.read_update('day') month_update = self.read_update('month') day_update = datetime.strptime(day_update[0],'%d-%m-%Y').date() month_update = datetime.strptime(month_update[0],'%d-%m-%Y').date() flagday = False flagmonth =False count = 0 for ind in NIFTYLIST: self.index = ind index = NIFTYLIST[ind] if - > 0 or - day_update.month > 0: self.update_index() flagday =True if - month_update.month > 0: if self.check_month_change(month_update.month): self.update_monthly() shutil.rmtree(BASE_PATH+SEPERATOR+index+SEPERATOR+'HLC') flagmonth =True if flagday: self.write_update('day') if count ==1: return True if flagmonth: self.write_update('month') if count ==1: return True count = count + 1 return False def check_month_change(self,udate): data = StockData('INFY',self) mydate = #html = data.get_historical_data(mydate.strftime('%d-02-%Y'),mydate.strftime('%d-%m-%Y'),'m') html = data.get_today_data() line =html.split('\n') line = line[1].split(',') data_date = int(line[0].split('-')[1]) val = False if data_date - udate > 0: val= True return val def update_monthly(self): count = 0 with open(self.index) as myfile: for line in myfile: if count is not 0: line = line.split(',') try: stock = StockData(line[2],self) stock.save_historical_data('1-1-1976','%d-%m-%Y'),'m') except: continue #self.update_hlc(line[2]) else : count = 1 #self.write_update('month') def return_file_data(self): filename = self.index if(os.path.isfile(filename)): with open(filename) as myfile: "+ 1 is done because of 1st line in file " head = list(islice(myfile,1,1000)) return head
from nsetools import Nse from pprint import pprint nse = Nse() all_stock_codes = nse.get_stock_codes() pprint(all_stock_codes) for x in all_stock_codes: pprint(nse.get_quote(x))
from pytz import timezone from datetime import datetime from table_to_html import send_dataframe from capital_allocation import cap_split_allocate, pick_stock warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") os.chdir("C:\\Users\\tomdx\\Documents\\GitHub\\stock") ind_time = timezone("Asia/Kolkata")).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') with open('nifty_100.pickle', 'rb') as handle: stock_dict = pickle.load(handle) stocks_dict = {} nse = Nse() stock_parameters = ['dayHigh', 'dayLow', 'open', 'lastPrice', 'pChange'] @njit def get_stock_data(nse=nse, stock_parameters=stock_parameters, stock_dict=stock_dict): for i, stock in enumerate(stock_dict.keys(), 1): print(i, stock) stock_details = nse.get_quote(stock, as_json=True) stocks_dict.setdefault(stock, [])
class TestCoreAPIs(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.nse = Nse() def test_string_representation(self): self.assertEqual(str(self.nse) , "Driver Class for National Stock Exchange (NSE)") def test_instantiate_abs_class(self): class Exchange(AbstractBaseExchange): pass with self.assertRaises(TypeError): exc = Exchange() def test_nse_headers(self): ret = self.nse.nse_headers() self.assertIsInstance(ret, dict) def test_nse_opener(self): ''' should not raise any exception ''' opener = self.nse.nse_opener() def test_build_url_for_quote(self): test_code = 'infy' url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code) # 'test_code' should be present in the url self.assertIsNotNone(, url)) def test_negative_build_url_for_quote(self): negative_codes = [1, None] with self.assertRaises(Exception): for test_code in negative_codes: url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code) def test_response_cleaner(self): test_dict = { 'a': '10', 'b': '10.0', 'c': '1,000.10', 'd': 'vsjha18', 'e': 10, 'f': 10.0, 'g': 1000.10, 'h': True, 'i': None, 'j': u'10', 'k': u'10.0', 'l': u'1,000.10' } expected_dict = { 'a': 10, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 1000.10, 'd': 'vsjha18', 'e': 10, 'f': 10.0, 'g': 1000.10, 'h': True, 'i': None, 'j': 10, 'k': 10.0, 'l': 1000.10 } ret_dict = self.nse.clean_server_response(test_dict) self.assertDictEqual(ret_dict, expected_dict) def test_get_stock_codes(self): sc = self.nse.get_stock_codes() self.assertIsNotNone(sc) self.assertIsInstance(sc, dict) # test the json format return sc_json = self.nse.get_stock_codes(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(sc_json, str) # reconstruct the dict from json and compare six.assertCountEqual(self, sc, json.loads(sc_json)) # TODO: use mock and create one test where response contains a blank line # TODO: use mock and create one test where response doesnt contain a csv # TODO: use mock and create one test where return is null # TODO: test the cache feature def test_negative_get_quote(self): wrong_code = 'inf' self.assertIsNone(self.nse.get_quote(wrong_code)) def test_get_quote(self): code = 'infy' resp = self.nse.get_quote(code) self.assertIsInstance(resp, dict) # test json response json_resp = self.nse.get_quote(code, as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(json_resp, str) # reconstruct the original dict from json # this test may raise false alarms in case the # the price changed in that very moment. self.assertDictEqual(resp, json.loads(json_resp)) def test_is_valid_code(self): code = 'infy' self.assertTrue(self.nse.is_valid_code(code)) def test_negative_is_valid_code(self): wrong_code = 'in' self.assertFalse(self.nse.is_valid_code(wrong_code)) def test_get_top_gainers(self): res = self.nse.get_top_gainers() self.assertIsInstance(res, list) # test json response res = self.nse.get_top_gainers(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(res, str) def test_get_top_losers(self): res = self.nse.get_top_losers() self.assertIsInstance(res, list) def test_render_response(self): d = {'fname':'vivek', 'lname':'jha'} resp_dict = self.nse.render_response(d) resp_json = self.nse.render_response(d, as_json=True) # in case of dict, response should be a python dict self.assertIsInstance(resp_dict, dict) # in case of json, response should be a json string self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str) # and on reconstruction it should become same as original dict self.assertDictEqual(d, json.loads(resp_json)) def test_advances_declines(self): resp = self.nse.get_advances_declines() # it should be a list of dictionaries self.assertIsInstance(resp, list) # get the json version resp_json = self.nse.get_advances_declines(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str) # load the json response and it should have same number of # elements as in case of first response self.assertEqual(len(resp), len(json.loads(resp_json))) def test_is_valid_index(self): code = 'CNX NIFTY' self.assertTrue(self.nse.is_valid_index(code)) # test with invalid string code = 'some junk stuff' self.assertFalse(self.nse.is_valid_index(code)) # test with lower case code = 'cnx nifty' self.assertTrue(self.nse.is_valid_index(code)) def test_get_index_quote(self): code = 'CNX NIFTY' self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict) # with json response self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code, as_json=True), str) # with wrong code code = 'wrong code' self.assertIsNone(self.nse.get_index_quote(code)) # with lower case code code = 'cnx nifty' self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict) def test_get_index_list(self): index_list = self.nse.get_index_list() index_list_json = self.nse.get_index_list(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(index_list, list) # test json response type self.assertIsInstance(index_list_json, str) # reconstruct list from json and match self.assertListEqual(index_list, json.loads(index_list_json)) def test_jsadptor(self): buffer = 'abc:true, def:false, ghi:NaN, jkl:none' expected_buffer = 'abc:True, def:False, ghi:"NaN", jkl:None' ret = js_adaptor(buffer) self.assertEqual(ret, expected_buffer) def test_byte_adaptor(self): if six.PY2: from StringIO import StringIO buffer = 'nsetools' fbuffer = StringIO(buffer) else: from io import BytesIO buffer = b'nsetools' fbuffer = BytesIO(buffer) ret_file_buffer = byte_adaptor(fbuffer) self.assertIsInstance(ret_file_buffer, six.StringIO)
from nsetools import Nse nse = Nse() from pprint import pprint indices = nse.get_index_list() pprint(indices)
def getStockSymbols(all): nse = Nse() all_stock_codes = nse.get_stock_codes() print(all_stock_codes)
from pprint import pprint from nsetools import Nse nse = Nse() nifty_quote = nse.get_index_quote('cnx nifty') pprint(nifty_quote)
from nsetools import Nse nse = Nse() q = nse.get_quote('infy') # it's ok to use both upper or lower case for codes. from pprint import pprint # just for neatness of display pprint(q)
class TestCoreAPIs(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.nse = Nse() def test_string_representation(self): self.assertEqual(str(self.nse) , "Driver Class for National Stock Exchange (NSE)") def test_instantiate_abs_class(self): class Exchange(AbstractBaseExchange): pass with self.assertRaises(TypeError): exc = Exchange() def test_nse_headers(self): ret = self.nse.nse_headers() self.assertIsInstance(ret, dict) def test_nse_opener(self): ''' should not raise any exception ''' opener = self.nse.nse_opener() def test_build_url_for_quote(self): test_code = 'infy' url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code) # 'test_code' should be present in the url self.assertIsNotNone(, url)) def test_negative_build_url_for_quote(self): negative_codes = [1, None] with self.assertRaises(Exception): for test_code in negative_codes: url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code) def test_response_cleaner(self): test_dict = { 'a': '10', 'b': '10.0', 'c': '1,000.10', 'd': 'vsjha18', 'e': 10, 'f': 10.0, 'g': 1000.10, 'h': True, 'i': None, 'j': u'10', 'k': u'10.0', 'l': u'1,000.10' } expected_dict = { 'a': 10, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 1000.10, 'd': 'vsjha18', 'e': 10, 'f': 10.0, 'g': 1000.10, 'h': True, 'i': None, 'j': 10, 'k': 10.0, 'l': 1000.10 } ret_dict = self.nse.clean_server_response(test_dict) self.assertDictEqual(ret_dict, expected_dict) def test_get_stock_codes(self): sc = self.nse.get_stock_codes() self.assertIsNotNone(sc) self.assertIsInstance(sc, dict) # test the json format return sc_json = self.nse.get_stock_codes(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(sc_json, str) # reconstruct the dict from json and compare self.assertItemsEqual(sc, json.loads(sc_json)) # TODO: use mock and create one test where response contains a blank line # TODO: use mock and create one test where response doesnt contain a csv # TODO: use mock and create one test where return is null # TODO: test the cache feature def test_negative_get_quote(self): wrong_code = 'inf' self.assertIsNone(self.nse.get_quote(wrong_code)) def test_get_quote(self): code = 'infy' resp = self.nse.get_quote(code) self.assertIsInstance(resp, dict) # test json response json_resp = self.nse.get_quote(code, as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(json_resp, str) # reconstruct the original dict from json # this test may raise false alarms in case the # the price changed in that very moment. self.assertDictEqual(resp, json.loads(json_resp)) def test_is_valid_code(self): code = 'infy' self.assertTrue(self.nse.is_valid_code(code)) def test_negative_is_valid_code(self): wrong_code = 'in' self.assertFalse(self.nse.is_valid_code(wrong_code)) def test_get_top_gainers(self): res = self.nse.get_top_gainers() self.assertIsInstance(res, list) # test json response res = self.nse.get_top_gainers(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(res, str) def test_get_top_losers(self): res = self.nse.get_top_losers() self.assertIsInstance(res, list) def test_render_response(self): d = {'fname':'vivek', 'lname':'jha'} resp_dict = self.nse.render_response(d) resp_json = self.nse.render_response(d, as_json=True) # in case of dict, response should be a python dict self.assertIsInstance(resp_dict, dict) # in case of json, response should be a json string self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str) # and on reconstruction it should become same as original dict self.assertDictEqual(d, json.loads(resp_json)) def test_advances_declines(self): resp = self.nse.get_advances_declines() # it should be a list of dictionaries self.assertIsInstance(resp, list) # get the json version resp_json = self.nse.get_advances_declines(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str) # load the json response and it should have same number of # elements as in case of first response self.assertEqual(len(resp), len(json.loads(resp_json))) def test_is_valid_index(self): code = 'CNX NIFTY' self.assertTrue(self.nse.is_valid_index(code)) # test with invalid string code = 'some junk stuff' self.assertFalse(self.nse.is_valid_index(code)) # test with lower case code = 'cnx nifty' self.assertTrue(self.nse.is_valid_index(code)) def test_get_index_quote(self): code = 'CNX NIFTY' self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict) # with json response self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code, as_json=True), str) # with wrong code code = 'wrong code' self.assertIsNone(self.nse.get_index_quote(code)) # with lower case code code = 'cnx nifty' self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict) def test_get_index_list(self): index_list = self.nse.get_index_list() index_list_json = self.nse.get_index_list(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(index_list, list) # test json response type self.assertIsInstance(index_list_json, str) # reconstruct list from json and match self.assertListEqual(index_list, json.loads(index_list_json))
class TestCoreAPIs(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.nse = Nse() def test_string_representation(self): self.assertEqual(str(self.nse), "Driver Class for National Stock Exchange (NSE)") def test_instantiate_abs_class(self): class Exchange(AbstractBaseExchange): pass with self.assertRaises(TypeError): exc = Exchange() def test_nse_headers(self): ret = self.nse.nse_headers() self.assertIsInstance(ret, dict) def test_nse_opener(self): """ should not raise any exception """ opener = self.nse.nse_opener() def test_build_url_for_quote(self): test_code = "infy" url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code) # 'test_code' should be present in the url self.assertIsNotNone(, url)) def test_negative_build_url_for_quote(self): negative_codes = [1, None] with self.assertRaises(Exception): for test_code in negative_codes: url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code) def test_response_cleaner(self): test_dict = { "a": "10", "b": "10.0", "c": "1,000.10", "d": "vsjha18", "e": 10, "f": 10.0, "g": 1000.10, "h": True, "i": None, "j": u"10", "k": u"10.0", "l": u"1,000.10", } expected_dict = { "a": 10, "b": 10.0, "c": 1000.10, "d": "vsjha18", "e": 10, "f": 10.0, "g": 1000.10, "h": True, "i": None, "j": 10, "k": 10.0, "l": 1000.10, } ret_dict = self.nse.clean_server_response(test_dict) self.assertDictEqual(ret_dict, expected_dict) def test_get_stock_codes(self): sc = self.nse.get_stock_codes() self.assertIsNotNone(sc) self.assertIsInstance(sc, dict) # test the json format return sc_json = self.nse.get_stock_codes(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(sc_json, str) # reconstruct the dict from json and compare six.assertCountEqual(self, sc, json.loads(sc_json)) # TODO: use mock and create one test where response contains a blank line # TODO: use mock and create one test where response doesnt contain a csv # TODO: use mock and create one test where return is null # TODO: test the cache feature def test_negative_get_quote(self): wrong_code = "inf" self.assertIsNone(self.nse.get_quote(wrong_code)) def test_get_quote(self): code = "infy" resp = self.nse.get_quote(code) self.assertIsInstance(resp, dict) # test json response json_resp = self.nse.get_quote(code, as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(json_resp, str) # reconstruct the original dict from json # this test may raise false alarms in case the # the price changed in that very moment. self.assertDictEqual(resp, json.loads(json_resp)) def test_is_valid_code(self): code = "infy" self.assertTrue(self.nse.is_valid_code(code)) def test_negative_is_valid_code(self): wrong_code = "in" self.assertFalse(self.nse.is_valid_code(wrong_code)) def test_get_top_gainers(self): res = self.nse.get_top_gainers() self.assertIsInstance(res, list) # test json response res = self.nse.get_top_gainers(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(res, str) def test_get_top_losers(self): res = self.nse.get_top_losers() self.assertIsInstance(res, list) def test_render_response(self): d = {"fname": "vivek", "lname": "jha"} resp_dict = self.nse.render_response(d) resp_json = self.nse.render_response(d, as_json=True) # in case of dict, response should be a python dict self.assertIsInstance(resp_dict, dict) # in case of json, response should be a json string self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str) # and on reconstruction it should become same as original dict self.assertDictEqual(d, json.loads(resp_json)) def test_advances_declines(self): resp = self.nse.get_advances_declines() # it should be a list of dictionaries self.assertIsInstance(resp, list) # get the json version resp_json = self.nse.get_advances_declines(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str) # load the json response and it should have same number of # elements as in case of first response self.assertEqual(len(resp), len(json.loads(resp_json))) def test_is_valid_index(self): code = "CNX NIFTY" self.assertTrue(self.nse.is_valid_index(code)) # test with invalid string code = "some junk stuff" self.assertFalse(self.nse.is_valid_index(code)) # test with lower case code = "cnx nifty" self.assertTrue(self.nse.is_valid_index(code)) def test_get_index_quote(self): code = "CNX NIFTY" self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict) # with json response self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code, as_json=True), str) # with wrong code code = "wrong code" self.assertIsNone(self.nse.get_index_quote(code)) # with lower case code code = "cnx nifty" self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict) def test_get_index_list(self): index_list = self.nse.get_index_list() index_list_json = self.nse.get_index_list(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(index_list, list) # test json response type self.assertIsInstance(index_list_json, str) # reconstruct list from json and match self.assertListEqual(index_list, json.loads(index_list_json)) def test_jsadptor(self): buffer = "abc:true, def:false, ghi:NaN, jkl:none" expected_buffer = 'abc:True, def:False, ghi:"NaN", jkl:None' ret = js_adaptor(buffer) self.assertEqual(ret, expected_buffer) def test_byte_adaptor(self): if six.PY2: from StringIO import StringIO buffer = "nsetools" fbuffer = StringIO(buffer) else: from io import BytesIO buffer = b"nsetools" fbuffer = BytesIO(buffer) ret_file_buffer = byte_adaptor(fbuffer) self.assertIsInstance(ret_file_buffer, six.StringIO)
import os import sys from pprint import pprint # just for neatness of display from datetime import datetime print('####################################################################', file=open("NSE_FnO_Todays_ Top_G_L.txt", "a")) print('') #,file=open("NSE_FnO_Todays_ Top_G_L.txt", "a")) starttime = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #program data pull start time print('Start data pull for Stock Options from NSE server at time ', starttime, file=open("NSE_FnO_Todays_ Top_G_L.txt", "a")) # Importing the NIFTY dataset from NSE live site / portel nse = Nse() # NSE object creation day ="%A") daydate ="%d") if day == str('Thursday'): if int(daydate) >= 24: print( 'Today is Monthly option expiry day : Carefully trade todays expiry day Call or Put options' ) #,file=open("NSE_FnO_Todays_ Top_G_L.txt", "a")) #### #print (nse) #Creating data frame for Option lotsize and there Rs. 1000 to Rs. 5000 price
stock_codes_dataframe.to_csv('stock_codes.csv') def toCsv(stock, name, header=False): ts = time.time() timeStamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') transposedEntry = DataFrame(stock.values(), index=stock.keys(), columns=[timeStamp]) entry = transposedEntry.T with open(name+".csv", 'a') as file: if header: entry.to_csv(file, header=True) else: entry.to_csv(file, header=False) ################################################################################################# #Intialize Nse nse = Nse() stock_name = raw_input("Enter the stock nse id (eg: infy):") past_stock_value = nse.get_quote(stock_name) toCsv(past_stock_value, stock_name, True) while True: time.sleep(1) #assuming this delay will come from network :p print "Getting stock value" current_stock_value = nse.get_quote(stock_name) print current_stock_value["sellPrice1"] items_added, items_removed, items_modified, items_same = dict_compare(past_stock_value, current_stock_value) if items_modified: print "Stock value changed" toCsv(current_stock_value, stock_name)
def __init__(self): self.nse = Nse()
class TestCoreAPIs(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.nse = Nse() def test_string_representation(self): self.assertEqual(str(self.nse), "Driver Class for National Stock Exchange (NSE)") def test_instantiate_abs_class(self): class Exchange(AbstractBaseExchange): pass with self.assertRaises(TypeError): exc = Exchange() def test_nse_headers(self): ret = self.nse.nse_headers() self.assertIsInstance(ret, dict) def test_nse_opener(self): ''' should not raise any exception ''' opener = self.nse.nse_opener() def test_build_url_for_quote(self): test_code = 'infy' url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code) # 'test_code' should be present in the url self.assertIsNotNone(, url)) def test_negative_build_url_for_quote(self): negative_codes = [1, None] with self.assertRaises(Exception): for test_code in negative_codes: url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code) def test_response_cleaner(self): test_dict = { 'a': '10', 'b': '10.0', 'c': '1,000.10', 'd': 'vsjha18', 'e': 10, 'f': 10.0, 'g': 1000.10, 'h': True, 'i': None, 'j': u'10', 'k': u'10.0', 'l': u'1,000.10' } expected_dict = { 'a': 10, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 1000.10, 'd': 'vsjha18', 'e': 10, 'f': 10.0, 'g': 1000.10, 'h': True, 'i': None, 'j': 10, 'k': 10.0, 'l': 1000.10 } ret_dict = self.nse.clean_server_response(test_dict) self.assertDictEqual(ret_dict, expected_dict) def test_get_stock_codes(self): sc = self.nse.get_stock_codes() self.assertIsNotNone(sc) self.assertIsInstance(sc, dict) # test the json format return sc_json = self.nse.get_stock_codes(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(sc_json, str) # reconstruct the dict from json and compare six.assertCountEqual(self, sc, json.loads(sc_json)) # TODO: use mock and create one test where response contains a blank line # TODO: use mock and create one test where response doesnt contain a csv # TODO: use mock and create one test where return is null # TODO: test the cache feature def test_negative_get_quote(self): wrong_code = 'inf' self.assertIsNone(self.nse.get_quote(wrong_code)) def test_get_quote(self): code = 'infy' resp = self.nse.get_quote(code) self.assertIsInstance(resp, dict) # test json response json_resp = self.nse.get_quote(code, as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(json_resp, str) # reconstruct the original dict from json # this test may raise false alarms in case the # the price changed in that very moment. self.assertDictEqual(resp, json.loads(json_resp)) def test_is_valid_code(self): code = 'infy' self.assertTrue(self.nse.is_valid_code(code)) def test_negative_is_valid_code(self): wrong_code = 'in' self.assertFalse(self.nse.is_valid_code(wrong_code)) def test_get_top_gainers(self): res = self.nse.get_top_gainers() self.assertIsInstance(res, list) # test json response res = self.nse.get_top_gainers(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(res, str) def test_get_top_losers(self): res = self.nse.get_top_losers() self.assertIsInstance(res, list) def test_render_response(self): d = {'fname':'vivek', 'lname':'jha'} resp_dict = self.nse.render_response(d) resp_json = self.nse.render_response(d, as_json=True) # in case of dict, response should be a python dict self.assertIsInstance(resp_dict, dict) # in case of json, response should be a json string self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str) # and on reconstruction it should become same as original dict self.assertDictEqual(d, json.loads(resp_json)) def test_advances_declines(self): resp = self.nse.get_advances_declines() # it should be a list of dictionaries self.assertIsInstance(resp, list) # get the json version resp_json = self.nse.get_advances_declines(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str) # load the json response and it should have same number of # elements as in case of first response self.assertEqual(len(resp), len(json.loads(resp_json))) def test_is_valid_index(self): code = 'NIFTY BANK' self.assertTrue(self.nse.is_valid_index(code)) # test with invalid string code = 'some junk stuff' self.assertFalse(self.nse.is_valid_index(code)) # test with lower case code = 'nifty bank' self.assertTrue(self.nse.is_valid_index(code)) def test_get_index_quote(self): code = 'NIFTY BANK' self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict) # with json response self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code, as_json=True), str) # with wrong code code = 'wrong code' self.assertIsNone(self.nse.get_index_quote(code)) # with lower case code code = 'nifty bank' self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict) def test_get_index_list(self): index_list = self.nse.get_index_list() index_list_json = self.nse.get_index_list(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(index_list, list) # test json response type self.assertIsInstance(index_list_json, str) # reconstruct list from json and match self.assertListEqual(index_list, json.loads(index_list_json)) def test_jsadptor(self): buffer = 'abc:true, def:false, ghi:NaN, jkl:none' expected_buffer = 'abc:True, def:False, ghi:"NaN", jkl:None' ret = js_adaptor(buffer) self.assertEqual(ret, expected_buffer) def test_byte_adaptor(self): if six.PY2: from StringIO import StringIO buffer = 'nsetools' fbuffer = StringIO(buffer) else: from io import BytesIO buffer = b'nsetools' fbuffer = BytesIO(buffer) ret_file_buffer = byte_adaptor(fbuffer) self.assertIsInstance(ret_file_buffer, six.StringIO) def test_nse_lot_sizes(self): data = self.nse.get_fno_lot_sizes() self.assertIsInstance(data, dict) def test_6th_Dec_1994(self): data = self.nse.download_bhavcopy('1994-12-06') self.assertIsInstance(self, data, bytes) def test_top_fno_gainers_losers(self): fno_gainer = self.nse.get_top_fno_gainers() self.assertIsInstance(fno_gainer, list) fno_gainer_json = self.nse.get_top_fno_gainers(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(fno_gainer_json, str) fno_loser = self.nse.get_top_fno_losers() self.assertIsInstance(fno_loser, list) fno_loser_json = self.nse.get_top_fno_losers(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(fno_loser_json, str) def test_statistics(self): active = self.nse.get_active_monthly() self.assertIsInstance(active, list) active_json = self.nse.get_active_monthly(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(active_json, str) yr_high = self.nse.get_year_high() self.assertIsInstance(yr_high, list) yr_high_json = self.nse.get_year_high(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(yr_high_json, str) yr_low = self.nse.get_year_low() self.assertIsInstance(yr_low, list) yr_low_json = self.nse.get_year_low(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(yr_low_json, str) preopen = self.nse.get_preopen_nifty() self.assertIsInstance(preopen, list) preopen_json = self.nse.get_preopen_nifty(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(preopen_json, str) preopen_nb = self.nse.get_preopen_niftybank() self.assertIsInstance(preopen_nb, list) preopen_nb_json = self.nse.get_preopen_niftybank(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(preopen_nb_json, str) preopen_fno = self.nse.get_preopen_fno() self.assertIsInstance(preopen_fno, list) preopen_fno_json = self.nse.get_preopen_fno(as_json=True) self.assertIsInstance(preopen_fno_json, str)
#imports from nsetools import Nse from datetime import datetime import json from pprint import pprint #initializations nse = Nse() i = 0 all_stock_codes = nse.get_stock_codes() #1626 with open('files/stock_data_min.json') as f : min_stock_data = json.load(f) # print(json.dumps(min_stock_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) # TODO: make this multithreaded for stock_code in all_stock_codes : try: stock_data = nse.get_quote(stock_code) except Exception as e: print(str(e), " for ", stock_code) continue today_date ='%Y-%m-%d') data_for_today = {} data_for_today[today_date] = { "open": stock_data["open"], "high": stock_data["dayHigh"], "low" : stock_data["dayLow"], "close": stock_data["closePrice"]
from pprint import pprint from nsetools import Nse nse = Nse() index_codes = nse.get_index_list() pprint(index_codes)
from nsetools import Nse import json import cx_Oracle import sys nse = Nse() q = nse.get_quote('L&TFH') parsed_json = json.loads(json.dumps(q)) v_open = parsed_json['open'] v_high = parsed_json['dayHigh'] v_low = parsed_json['dayLow'] v_quantitytraded = parsed_json['quantityTraded'] v_lastprice = parsed_json['lastPrice'] v_averageprice = parsed_json['averagePrice'] v_previousClose = parsed_json['previousClose'] con = cx_Oracle.connect('EQUITY/[email protected]/XE') cur = con.cursor() cur.callproc('DILLIP_FORMULA_PRC', ('L&TFH', v_open, v_high, v_low, v_quantitytraded, v_lastprice, v_averageprice, v_previousClose)) cur.close()
from pprint import pprint from nsetools import Nse nse = Nse() top_gainers = nse.get_top_gainers() pprint(top_gainers) top_losers = nse.get_top_losers() pprint(top_losers)