Beispiel #1
def _prepare_set_field(field, subfieldname, data, site=None,
                       scale_factor=1.0, normalise=False, check_site=False):
    Internal function used to make some sanity checks before setting a field.

    # 1-2 check size and shape of field
    _check_field(field, subfieldname, data, site)

    # 3 is the data of the right type --> done by ocaml

    # 4 check that the site type is a list
    if check_site and type(site) != types.ListType:
        raise NmagUserError("'site' has to be a list of integers. For "
                            "first order basis functions, there is only "
                            "one integer in the list, the node id.")

    # Now we can actually set the data.

    # Do we need to normalise?
    if normalise:
        data = normalised_vector(data)

    # Do we need to apply the scale factor
    if type(data) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType, types.BooleanType]:
      data *= float(scale_factor)

      # FIXME: this doesn't work with tensors!
      data = map(lambda x : x*float(scale_factor), data)

    return data
Beispiel #2
def _prepare_set_field(field, subfieldname, data, site=None,
                       scale_factor=1.0, normalise=False, check_site=False):
    Internal function used to make some sanity checks before setting a field.

    # We do a number of sanity checks for which we need some metadata
    list_of_subfield_and_shape_tuples = nfem.data_doftypes(field)

    # Gets all the shapes mapped by the subfield names
    shape_by_subfieldname = {}
    for sfname, shape in list_of_subfield_and_shape_tuples:
        shape_by_subfieldname[sfname] = shape

    # 1 Does the field have this subfield:
    if not subfieldname in shape_by_subfieldname.keys():
        subfields = shape_by_subfieldname.keys()
        msg = ("You want to set %s but I have only found subfield(s) '%s' "
               "in the field. By the way, your data is '%s'."
               % (_set_what_msg(subfieldname, site), subfields, data))
        raise NmagUserError(msg)

    # 2 Is the shape of the data right?
    shape = list(numpy.array(data).shape) # quite a silly way to get the
                                          # shape, but it works!
    if shape != shape_by_subfieldname[subfieldname]:
        msg = ("When trying to set %s we have a shape mismatch. The shape of "
               "the subfield data is '%s' but the shape of your data is '%s'."
               "By the way, your data is '%s'."
               % (_set_what_msg(subfieldname, site),
                  shape_by_subfieldname[subfieldname], shape, data))
        raise NmagUserError(msg)

    # 3 is the data of the right type --> done by ocaml

    # 4 check that the site type is a list
    if check_site and type(site) != types.ListType:
        raise NmagUserError("'site' has to be a list of integers. For "
                            "first order basis functions, there is only "
                            "one integer in the list, the node id.")

    # Now we can actually set the data.

    # Do we need to normalise?
    if normalise:
        data = normalised_vector(data)

    # Do we need to apply the scale factor
    if type(data) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType, types.BooleanType]:
      data *= float(scale_factor)

      # FIXME: this doesn't work with tensors!
      data = map(lambda x : x*float(scale_factor), data)

    return data
Beispiel #3
def _prepare_set_field(field,
    Internal function used to make some sanity checks before setting a field.

    # 1-2 check size and shape of field
    _check_field(field, subfieldname, data, site)

    # 3 is the data of the right type --> done by ocaml

    # 4 check that the site type is a list
    if check_site and type(site) != types.ListType:
        raise NmagUserError("'site' has to be a list of integers. For "
                            "first order basis functions, there is only "
                            "one integer in the list, the node id.")

    # Now we can actually set the data.

    # Do we need to normalise?
    if normalise:
        data = normalised_vector(data)

    # Do we need to apply the scale factor
    if type(data) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType, types.BooleanType]:
        data *= float(scale_factor)

        # FIXME: this doesn't work with tensors!
        data = map(lambda x: x * float(scale_factor), data)

    return data
Beispiel #4
def _prepare_set_field(field,
    Internal function used to make some sanity checks before setting a field.

    # We do a number of sanity checks for which we need some metadata
    list_of_subfield_and_shape_tuples = nfem.data_doftypes(field)

    # Gets all the shapes mapped by the subfield names
    shape_by_subfieldname = {}
    for sfname, shape in list_of_subfield_and_shape_tuples:
        shape_by_subfieldname[sfname] = shape

    # 1 Does the field have this subfield:
    if not subfieldname in shape_by_subfieldname.keys():
        subfields = shape_by_subfieldname.keys()
        msg = ("You want to set %s but I have only found subfield(s) '%s' "
               "in the field. By the way, your data is '%s'." %
               (_set_what_msg(subfieldname, site), subfields, data))
        raise NmagUserError(msg)

    # 2 Is the shape of the data right?
    shape = list(numpy.array(data).shape)  # quite a silly way to get the
    # shape, but it works!
    if shape != shape_by_subfieldname[subfieldname]:
        msg = ("When trying to set %s we have a shape mismatch. The shape of "
               "the subfield data is '%s' but the shape of your data is '%s'."
               "By the way, your data is '%s'." %
               (_set_what_msg(subfieldname, site),
                shape_by_subfieldname[subfieldname], shape, data))
        raise NmagUserError(msg)

    # 3 is the data of the right type --> done by ocaml

    # 4 check that the site type is a list
    if check_site and type(site) != types.ListType:
        raise NmagUserError("'site' has to be a list of integers. For "
                            "first order basis functions, there is only "
                            "one integer in the list, the node id.")

    # Now we can actually set the data.

    # Do we need to normalise?
    if normalise:
        data = normalised_vector(data)

    # Do we need to apply the scale factor
    if type(data) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType, types.BooleanType]:
        data *= float(scale_factor)

        # FIXME: this doesn't work with tensors!
        data = map(lambda x: x * float(scale_factor), data)

    return data