def testPromptWithTimeoutTimedOut(self, rawInputMock):

    # NOTE: py.test by default captures console output and patches console input
    # such that raw_input fails. Although not ideal, we have to patch
    # raw_input with something else that blocks and will be interrupted by
    # SIGINT.
    rawInputMock.side_effect = lambda *args: time.sleep(10)

    with self.assertRaises(prompt_utils.PromptTimeout):
      prompt_utils.promptWithTimeout(promptText="Ask user something",
def _warnAboutDestructiveAction():
  """Warn user about destructive action.

  :raises nta.utils.prompt_utils.PromptTimeout: if prompt timed out
  :raises UserAbortedOperation: if user chose to abort the operation
  expectedAnswer = "Yes-{randomNum}".format(randomNum=random.randint(1, 30),)

  promptText = (
    "ATTENTION!  You are about to reset Taurus Engine's message "
    "queues/exchanges, model checkpoints, and repository.\n"
    "To back out immediately without making any changes, feel free to type "
    "anything but \"{expectedAnswer}\" in the prompt below, and press "
    "return. (auto-abort in {timeout} seconds)\n"
    "Are you sure you want to continue? "
    .format(expectedAnswer=expectedAnswer, timeout=_WARNING_PROMPT_TIMEOUT_SEC))

  answer = prompt_utils.promptWithTimeout(

  if answer != expectedAnswer:
    raise UserAbortedOperation(
      "User aborted operation from warning prompt; "
      "expectedAnswer={expectedAnswer}, but got actual={actual}".format(
        expectedAnswer=expectedAnswer, actual=answer))
Beispiel #3
def _warnAboutDestructiveAction():
    """Warn user about destructive action.

  :raises nta.utils.prompt_utils.PromptTimeout: if prompt timed out
  :raises UserAbortedOperation: if user chose to abort the operation
    expectedAnswer = "Yes-{randomNum}".format(randomNum=random.randint(1,
                                                                       30), )

    promptText = (
        "ATTENTION!  You are about to reset Taurus Engine's message "
        "queues/exchanges, model checkpoints, and repository.\n"
        "To back out immediately without making any changes, feel free to type "
        "anything but \"{expectedAnswer}\" in the prompt below, and press "
        "return. (auto-abort in {timeout} seconds)\n"
        "Are you sure you want to continue? ".format(

    answer = prompt_utils.promptWithTimeout(
        promptText=promptText, timeout=_WARNING_PROMPT_TIMEOUT_SEC)

    if answer != expectedAnswer:
        raise UserAbortedOperation(
            "User aborted operation from warning prompt; "
            "expectedAnswer={expectedAnswer}, but got actual={actual}".format(
                expectedAnswer=expectedAnswer, actual=answer))
  def testPromptWithTimeoutNoTimeout(self, rawInputMock):
    rawInputMock.return_value = "Yes"

    answer = prompt_utils.promptWithTimeout(promptText="Ask user something",

    self.assertEqual(answer, "Yes")

    rawInputMock.assert_called_once_with("Ask user something")
def _warnAboutDestructiveAction(timeout, tickerSymbols, engineServer):
    """Prompt user about continuing with the destructive action

  :param float timeout: Timeout for the warning prompt
  :param sequence tickerSymbols: stock ticker symbols of companies to be
  :param str engineServer: dns name of ip addres of Taurus API server

  :raises WarningPromptTimeout: if warning prompt timed out
  :raises UserAbortedOperation: if user chose to abort the operation

    expectedAnswer = "Yes-{randomNum}".format(randomNum=random.randint(1,
                                                                       30), )

    if len(tickerSymbols) <= 5:
        tickersInPrompt = "[{tickers}]".format(
            tickers=", ".join(tickerSymbols))
        tickersInPrompt = "[{tickers}, ... and {more} more]".format(
            tickers=tickerSymbols[:5], more=len(tickerSymbols) - 5)

    promptText = (
        "Attention!  You are about to delete {total} companies {tickers} from "
        "Taurus Collector and their metrics/models from Taurus Engine {engine}\n"
        "To back out immediately without making any changes, feel free to type "
        "anything but \"{expectedAnswer}\" in the prompt below, and press "
        "return. (auto-abort in {timeout} seconds)\n"
        "Are you sure you want to continue? ".format(

        answer = prompt_utils.promptWithTimeout(promptText=promptText,
    except prompt_utils.PromptTimeout:
        raise WarningPromptTimeout("Warning prompt timed out")

    if answer.strip() != expectedAnswer:
        raise UserAbortedOperation(
            "User aborted operation from warning prompt")
def _warnAboutDestructiveAction(timeout, tickerSymbols, engineServer):
    """Prompt user about continuing with the destructive action

  :param float timeout: Timeout for the warning prompt
  :param sequence tickerSymbols: stock ticker symbols of companies to be
  :param str engineServer: dns name of ip addres of Taurus API server

  :raises WarningPromptTimeout: if warning prompt timed out
  :raises UserAbortedOperation: if user chose to abort the operation

    expectedAnswer = "Yes-{randomNum}".format(randomNum=random.randint(1, 30))

    if len(tickerSymbols) <= 5:
        tickersInPrompt = "[{tickers}]".format(tickers=", ".join(tickerSymbols))
        tickersInPrompt = "[{tickers}, ... and {more} more]".format(
            tickers=tickerSymbols[:5], more=len(tickerSymbols) - 5

    promptText = (
        "Attention!  You are about to delete {total} companies {tickers} from "
        "Taurus Collector and their metrics/models from Taurus Engine {engine}\n"
        "To back out immediately without making any changes, feel free to type "
        'anything but "{expectedAnswer}" in the prompt below, and press '
        "return. (auto-abort in {timeout} seconds)\n"
        "Are you sure you want to continue? ".format(

        answer = prompt_utils.promptWithTimeout(promptText=promptText, timeout=timeout)
    except prompt_utils.PromptTimeout:
        raise WarningPromptTimeout("Warning prompt timed out")

    if answer.strip() != expectedAnswer:
        raise UserAbortedOperation("User aborted operation from warning prompt")