def reconstruct(data_matrix, missing_matrix):
    Reconstructs the data_matrix after the pixels indicated in the
    missing_matrix have been removed.
    flipped = (data_matrix.shape[0] < data_matrix.shape[1])
    if flipped:
        data_matrix = data_matrix.T
        missing_matrix = missing_matrix.T

    unknown_indices = nonzero(ravel(missing_matrix, order='F'))[0]
    known = matrix(data_matrix, dtype=float)
    known[nonzero(missing_matrix)] = 0.0
    u = len(unknown_indices)
    A = spmatrix(1.0, unknown_indices, range(u), (data_matrix.size, u))
    B = cvxmat(known)

    x = nrmapp(A, B)['x']
    if x is not None:
        Ax = reshape(array(A*cvxmat(x)), data_matrix.shape, order='F')
        retval = array(Ax + B, dtype=data_matrix.dtype)
        if flipped:
            retval = retval.T
        return retval
        raise Exception("Error during optimization.")
Beispiel #2
def reconstruct(data_matrix, missing_matrix):
    Reconstructs the data_matrix after the pixels indicated in the
    missing_matrix have been removed.
    flipped = (data_matrix.shape[0] < data_matrix.shape[1])
    if flipped:
        data_matrix = data_matrix.T
        missing_matrix = missing_matrix.T

    unknown_indices = nonzero(ravel(missing_matrix, order='F'))[0]
    known = matrix(data_matrix, dtype=float)
    known[nonzero(missing_matrix)] = 0.0
    u = len(unknown_indices)
    A = spmatrix(1.0, unknown_indices, range(u), (data_matrix.size, u))
    B = cvxmat(known)

    x = nrmapp(A, B)['x']
    if x is not None:
        Ax = reshape(array(A * cvxmat(x)), data_matrix.shape, order='F')
        retval = array(Ax + B, dtype=data_matrix.dtype)
        if flipped:
            retval = retval.T
        return retval
        raise Exception("Error during optimization.")
Beispiel #3

m, K = 2, 4
p, q, n = 3, 1, 8

U = np.random.randn(m, K)
A = np.zeros((p * q, n))
A[0, 1] = U[0, 0]
A[0, 2] = U[1, 0]
A[1, 3] = U[0, 0]
A[1, 4] = U[1, 0]
A[2, 5] = U[0, 0]
A[2, 6] = U[1, 0]

A = matrix(A)
B = matrix(np.zeros((p, q)))

G = np.zeros((1, n))
G[0, 0] = U[0, 0]
G[0, 1] = U[1, 0]
G = matrix(G)
h = matrix([.1])

# options['feastol'] = 1e-6
# options['refinement'] = 3

sol = nucnrm.nrmapp(A, B, G=G, h=h)

x = sol['x']
Z = sol['Z']
Beispiel #4
def sysid(y, u, vsig, svth=None):
    System identification using the subspace method and nuclear norm 
    optimization.  Estimate a linear time-invariant state-space model 
    given inputs and outputs.  The algorithm is described in [1].

    y       'd' matrix of size (p, N).  y are the measured outputs, p is 
            the number of outputs, and N is the number of data points 
    u       'd' matrix of size (m, N).  u are the inputs, m is the number 
            of inputs, and N is the number of data points.
    vsig    a weighting parameter in the nuclear norm optimization, its 
            value is approximately the 1-sigma output noise level
    svth    an optional parameter, if specified, the model order is 
            determined as the number of singular values greater than svth 
            times the maximum singular value.  The default value is 1E-3 
    sol     a dictionary with the following words
            -- 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' are the state-space matrices
            -- 'svN', the original singular values of the Hankel matrix
            -- 'sv', the optimized singular values of the Hankel matrix
            -- 'x0', the initial state x(0)
            -- 'n', the model order

    [1] Zhang Liu and Lieven Vandenberghe. "Interior-point method for 
        nuclear norm approximation with application to system 


    m, N, p = u.size[0], u.size[1], y.size[0]
    if y.size[1] != N:
        raise ValueError, "y and u must have the same length"

    # Y = G*X + H*U + V, Y has size a x b, U has size c x b, Un has b x d
    r = min(int(30 / p), int((N + 1.0) / (p + m + 1) + 1.0))
    a = r * p
    c = r * m
    b = N - r + 1
    d = b - c

    # construct Hankel matrix Y
    Y = Hankel(y, r, b, p=p, q=1)

    # construct Hankel matrix U
    U = Hankel(u, r, b, p=m, q=1)

    # compute Un = null(U) and YUn = Y*Un
    Vt = matrix(0.0, (b, b))
    Stemp = matrix(0.0, (c, 1))
    Un = matrix(0.0, (b, d))
    YUn = matrix(0.0, (a, d))
    lapack.gesvd(U, Stemp, jobvt='A', Vt=Vt)
    Un[:, :] = Vt.T[:, c:]
    blas.gemm(Y, Un, YUn)

    # compute original singular values
    svN = matrix(0.0, (min(a, d), 1))
    lapack.gesvd(YUn, svN)

    # variable, [y(1);...;y(N)]
    # form the coefficient matrices for the nuclear norm optimization
    # minimize | Yh * Un |_* + alpha * | y - yh |_F
    AA = Hankel_basis(r, b, p=p, q=1)
    A = matrix(0.0, (a * d, p * N))
    temp = spmatrix([], [], [], (a, b), 'd')
    temp2 = matrix(0.0, (a, d))
    for ii in xrange(p * N):
        temp[:] = AA[:, ii]
        base.gemm(temp, Un, temp2)
        A[:, ii] = temp2[:]
    B = matrix(0.0, (a, d))

    # flip the matrix if columns is more than rows
    if a < d:
        Itrans = [i + j * a for i in xrange(a) for j in xrange(d)]
        B[:] = B[Itrans]
        B.size = (d, a)
        for ii in xrange(p * N):
            A[:, ii] = A[Itrans, ii]

    # regularized term
    x0 = y[:]
    Qd = matrix(2.0 * svN[0] / p / N / (vsig**2), (p * N, 1))

    # solve the nuclear norm optimization
    sol = nrmapp(A, B, C=base.spdiag(Qd), d=-base.mul(x0, Qd))
    status = sol['status']
    x = sol['x']

    # construct YhUn and take the svd
    YhUn = matrix(B)
    blas.gemv(A, x, YhUn, beta=1.0)
    if a < d:
        YhUn = YhUn.T
    Uh = matrix(0.0, (a, d))
    sv = matrix(0.0, (d, 1))
    lapack.gesvd(YhUn, sv, jobu='S', U=Uh)

    # determine model order
    if svth is None:
        svth = 1E-3
    svthn = sv[0] * svth
    n = 1
    while sv[n] >= svthn and n < 10:
        n = n + 1

    # estimate A, C
    Uhn = Uh[:, :n]
    for ii in xrange(n):
        blas.scal(sv[ii], Uhn, n=a, offset=ii * a)
    syseC = Uhn[:p, :]
    Als = Uhn[:-p, :]
    Bls = Uhn[p:, :]
    lapack.gels(Als, Bls)
    syseA = Bls[:n, :]
    Als[:, :] = Uhn[:-p, :]
    Bls[:, :] = Uhn[p:, :]
    blas.gemm(Als, syseA, Bls, beta=-1.0)
    Aerr = blas.nrm2(Bls)

    # stabilize A
    Sc = matrix(0.0, (n, n), 'z')
    w = matrix(0.0, (n, 1), 'z')
    Vs = matrix(0.0, (n, n), 'z')

    def F(w):
        return (abs(w) < 1.0)

    Sc[:, :] = syseA
    ns = lapack.gees(Sc, w, Vs, select=F)
    while ns < n:
        #print "stabilize matrix A"
        w[ns:] = w[ns:]**-1
        Sc[::n + 1] = w
        Sc = Vs * Sc * Vs.H
        syseA[:, :] = Sc.real()
        Sc[:, :] = syseA
        ns = lapack.gees(Sc, w, Vs, select=F)

    # estimate B,D,x0 stored in vector [x0; vec(D); vec(B)]
    F1 = matrix(0.0, (p * N, n))
    F1[:p, :] = syseC
    for ii in xrange(1, N):
        F1[ii * p:(ii + 1) * p, :] = F1[(ii - 1) * p:ii * p, :] * syseA
    F2 = matrix(0.0, (p * N, p * m))
    ut = u.T
    for ii in xrange(p):
        F2[ii::p, ii::p] = ut
    F3 = matrix(0.0, (p * N, n * m))
    F3t = matrix(0.0, (p * (N - 1), n * m))
    for ii in xrange(1, N):
        for jj in xrange(p):
            for kk in xrange(n):
                F3t[jj:jj + (N - ii) * p:p,
                    kk::n] = ut[:N - ii, :] * F1[(ii - 1) * p + jj, kk]
        F3[ii * p:, :] = F3[ii * p:, :] + F3t[:(N - ii) * p, :]

    F = matrix([[F1], [F2], [F3]])
    yls = y[:]
    Sls = matrix(0.0, (F.size[1], 1))
    Uls = matrix(0.0, (F.size[0], F.size[1]))
    Vtls = matrix(0.0, (F.size[1], F.size[1]))
    lapack.gesvd(F, Sls, jobu='S', jobvt='S', U=Uls, Vt=Vtls)
    Frank = len([ii for ii in xrange(Sls.size[0]) if Sls[ii] >= 1E-6])
    #print 'Rank deficiency = ', F.size[1] - Frank
    xx = matrix(0.0, (F.size[1], 1))
    xx[:Frank] = Uls.T[:Frank, :] * yls
    xx[:Frank] = base.mul(xx[:Frank], Sls[:Frank]**-1)
    xx[:] = Vtls.T[:, :Frank] * xx[:Frank]
    blas.gemv(F, xx, yls, beta=-1.0)
    xxerr = blas.nrm2(yls)

    x0 = xx[:n]
    syseD = xx[n:n + p * m]
    syseD.size = (p, m)
    syseB = xx[n + p * m:]
    syseB.size = (n, m)

    return {'A': syseA, 'B': syseB, 'C': syseC, 'D': syseD, 'svN': svN, 'sv': \
        sv, 'x0': x0, 'n': n, 'Aerr': Aerr, 'xxerr': xxerr}
Beispiel #5
m, K = 2, 4
p, q, n = 3, 1, 8

U = np.random.randn(m,K)
A = np.zeros((p*q,n))
A[0,1] = U[0,0]
A[0,2] = U[1,0]
A[1,3] = U[0,0]
A[1,4] = U[1,0]
A[2,5] = U[0,0]
A[2,6] = U[1,0]
A = matrix(A)
B = matrix(np.zeros((p,q)))

G = np.zeros((1,n))
G[0,0] = U[0,0]
G[0,1] = U[1,0]
G = matrix(G)
h = matrix([.1])

# options['feastol'] = 1e-6
# options['refinement'] = 3

sol = nucnrm.nrmapp(A, B, G=G, h=h)

x = sol['x']
Z = sol['Z']
Beispiel #6
#    minimize || A(x) + B ||_*
# with n variables, and matrices A(x), B of size p x q.


p, q, n = 100, 100, 100
A = normal(p*q, n)
B = normal(p, q)

# options['feastol'] = 1e-6
# options['refinement'] = 3

sol = nucnrm.nrmapp(A, B)

x = sol['x']
Z = sol['Z']

s = matrix(0.0, (p,1))
X = matrix(A *x, (p, q)) + B
lapack.gesvd(+X, s)
nrmX = sum(s)
lapack.gesvd(+Z, s)
nrmZ = max(s)
res = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
blas.gemv(A, Z, res, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')

print "\nNuclear norm of A(x) + B: %e" %nrmX
print "Inner product of B and Z: %e", Z)
Beispiel #7
def sysid(y, u, vsig, svth = None):

    System identification using the subspace method and nuclear norm 
    optimization.  Estimate a linear time-invariant state-space model 
    given inputs and outputs.  The algorithm is described in [1].

    y       'd' matrix of size (p, N).  y are the measured outputs, p is 
            the number of outputs, and N is the number of data points 
    u       'd' matrix of size (m, N).  u are the inputs, m is the number 
            of inputs, and N is the number of data points.
    vsig    a weighting parameter in the nuclear norm optimization, its 
            value is approximately the 1-sigma output noise level
    svth    an optional parameter, if specified, the model order is 
            determined as the number of singular values greater than svth 
            times the maximum singular value.  The default value is 1E-3 
    sol     a dictionary with the following words
            -- 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' are the state-space matrices
            -- 'svN', the original singular values of the Hankel matrix
            -- 'sv', the optimized singular values of the Hankel matrix
            -- 'x0', the initial state x(0)
            -- 'n', the model order

    [1] Zhang Liu and Lieven Vandenberghe. "Interior-point method for 
        nuclear norm approximation with application to system 


    m, N, p = u.size[0], u.size[1], y.size[0]
    if y.size[1] != N:
        raise ValueError, "y and u must have the same length"
    # Y = G*X + H*U + V, Y has size a x b, U has size c x b, Un has b x d
    r = min(int(30/p),int((N+1.0)/(p+m+1)+1.0))
    a = r*p
    c = r*m
    b = N-r+1
    d = b-c
    # construct Hankel matrix Y
    Y = Hankel(y,r,b,p=p,q=1)
    # construct Hankel matrix U
    U = Hankel(u,r,b,p=m,q=1)
    # compute Un = null(U) and YUn = Y*Un
    Vt = matrix(0.0,(b,b))
    Stemp = matrix(0.0,(c,1))
    Un = matrix(0.0,(b,d))
    YUn = matrix(0.0,(a,d))
    Un[:,:] = Vt.T[:,c:]
    # compute original singular values
    svN = matrix(0.0,(min(a,d),1))
    # variable, [y(1);...;y(N)]
    # form the coefficient matrices for the nuclear norm optimization
    # minimize | Yh * Un |_* + alpha * | y - yh |_F
    AA = Hankel_basis(r,b,p=p,q=1)
    A = matrix(0.0,(a*d,p*N))
    temp = spmatrix([],[],[],(a,b),'d')
    temp2 = matrix(0.0,(a,d))
    for ii in xrange(p*N):
        temp[:] = AA[:,ii]
        A[:,ii] = temp2[:]
    B = matrix(0.0,(a,d))

    # flip the matrix if columns is more than rows
    if a < d:
        Itrans = [i+j*a for i in xrange(a) for j in xrange(d)]
        B[:] = B[Itrans]
        B.size = (d,a)
        for ii in xrange(p*N):
            A[:,ii] = A[Itrans,ii]
    # regularized term
    x0 = y[:]
    Qd = matrix(2.0*svN[0]/p/N/(vsig**2),(p*N,1))

    # solve the nuclear norm optimization
    sol = nrmapp(A, B, C = base.spdiag(Qd), d = -base.mul(x0, Qd))
    status = sol['status']
    x = sol['x']
    # construct YhUn and take the svd
    YhUn = matrix(B)
    if a < d:
        YhUn = YhUn.T
    Uh = matrix(0.0,(a,d))
    sv = matrix(0.0,(d,1))

    # determine model order
    if svth is None:
        svth = 1E-3
    svthn = sv[0]*svth
    while sv[n] >= svthn and n < 10:
    # estimate A, C
    Uhn = Uh[:,:n]
    for ii in xrange(n):
    syseC = Uhn[:p,:]
    Als = Uhn[:-p,:]
    Bls = Uhn[p:,:]
    syseA = Bls[:n,:]
    Als[:,:] = Uhn[:-p,:]
    Bls[:,:] = Uhn[p:,:]
    Aerr = blas.nrm2(Bls)
    # stabilize A
    Sc = matrix(0.0,(n,n),'z')
    w = matrix(0.0, (n,1), 'z')
    Vs = matrix(0.0, (n,n), 'z')
    def F(w):
        return (abs(w) < 1.0)
    Sc[:,:] = syseA
    ns = lapack.gees(Sc, w, Vs, select = F)
    while ns < n:
        #print "stabilize matrix A"
        w[ns:] = w[ns:]**-1
        Sc[::n+1] = w
        Sc = Vs*Sc*Vs.H
        syseA[:,:] = Sc.real()
        Sc[:,:] = syseA
        ns = lapack.gees(Sc, w, Vs, select = F)

    # estimate B,D,x0 stored in vector [x0; vec(D); vec(B)]
    F1 = matrix(0.0,(p*N,n))
    F1[:p,:] = syseC
    for ii in xrange(1,N):
        F1[ii*p:(ii+1)*p,:] = F1[(ii-1)*p:ii*p,:]*syseA
    F2 = matrix(0.0,(p*N,p*m))
    ut = u.T
    for ii in xrange(p):
        F2[ii::p,ii::p] = ut
    F3 = matrix(0.0,(p*N,n*m))
    F3t = matrix(0.0,(p*(N-1),n*m))
    for ii in xrange(1,N):
        for jj in xrange(p):
            for kk in xrange(n):
                F3t[jj:jj+(N-ii)*p:p,kk::n] = ut[:N-ii,:]*F1[(ii-1)*p+jj,kk]
        F3[ii*p:,:] = F3[ii*p:,:] + F3t[:(N-ii)*p,:]
    F = matrix([[F1],[F2],[F3]])
    yls = y[:]
    Sls = matrix(0.0,(F.size[1],1))
    Uls = matrix(0.0,(F.size[0],F.size[1]))
    Vtls = matrix(0.0,(F.size[1],F.size[1]))
    lapack.gesvd(F, Sls, jobu='S', jobvt='S', U=Uls, Vt=Vtls)
    Frank=len([ii for ii in xrange(Sls.size[0]) if Sls[ii] >= 1E-6])
    #print 'Rank deficiency = ', F.size[1] - Frank
    xx = matrix(0.0,(F.size[1],1))
    xx[:Frank] = Uls.T[:Frank,:] * yls
    xx[:Frank] = base.mul(xx[:Frank],Sls[:Frank]**-1)
    xx[:] = Vtls.T[:,:Frank]*xx[:Frank] 
    xxerr = blas.nrm2(yls)
    x0 = xx[:n]
    syseD = xx[n:n+p*m]
    syseD.size = (p,m)
    syseB = xx[n+p*m:]
    syseB.size = (n,m)
    return {'A': syseA, 'B': syseB, 'C': syseC, 'D': syseD, 'svN': svN, 'sv': \
        sv, 'x0': x0, 'n': n, 'Aerr': Aerr, 'xxerr': xxerr}
Beispiel #8
        p, q = a, d
    x0 = y[:]
S = matrix(0.0, (q,1))

# First, compute two initial points on the tradeoff curve
lamT = [50.0, 0.02]
nrmT = [0.0, 0.0]
errT = [0.0, 0.0]

for i in xrange(len(lamT)):
    Cd = matrix(2.0*lamT[i], (n,1))
    C = base.spdiag(Cd)
    d = -base.mul(Cd, x0)
    sol = nucnrm.nrmapp(A, B, C = C, d = d)
    x = sol['x']
    lapack.gesvd(matrix(A*x, (p,q)) + B, S)
    nrmT[i] = sum(S)
    errT[i] =, x-x0)
# plot the tradeoff curve upper/lower bounds with the initial 2 points
N = 200
slope = -matrix(lamT)
errM = matrix(errT)
nrmM = matrix(nrmT)
xx = matrix(range(N))*((errM[-1]-errM[0])/(N-1))+errM[0]
yy = (slope*xx.T + (nrmM-mul(slope,errM))*matrix(1.0, (1,N))).T
yymax = matrix([max(yy[i,:]) for i in xrange(yy.size[0])])
Beispiel #9
        p, q = a, d
    x0 = y[:]

S = matrix(0.0, (q, 1))

# First, compute two initial points on the tradeoff curve
lamT = [50.0, 0.02]
nrmT = [0.0, 0.0]
errT = [0.0, 0.0]

for i in xrange(len(lamT)):
    Cd = matrix(2.0 * lamT[i], (n, 1))
    C = base.spdiag(Cd)
    d = -base.mul(Cd, x0)

    sol = nucnrm.nrmapp(A, B, C=C, d=d)
    x = sol['x']

    lapack.gesvd(matrix(A * x, (p, q)) + B, S)
    nrmT[i] = sum(S)
    errT[i] = - x0, x - x0)

# plot the tradeoff curve upper/lower bounds with the initial 2 points
N = 200
slope = -matrix(lamT)
errM = matrix(errT)
nrmM = matrix(nrmT)
xx = matrix(range(N)) * ((errM[-1] - errM[0]) / (N - 1)) + errM[0]
yy = (slope * xx.T + (nrmM - mul(slope, errM)) * matrix(1.0, (1, N))).T
yymax = matrix([max(yy[i, :]) for i in xrange(yy.size[0])])
Beispiel #10
# Solves a randomly generated nuclear norm minimization problem
#    minimize || A(x) + B ||_*
# with n variables, and matrices A(x), B of size p x q.


p, q, n = 100, 100, 100
A = normal(p * q, n)
B = normal(p, q)

# options['feastol'] = 1e-6
# options['refinement'] = 3

sol = nucnrm.nrmapp(A, B)

x = sol['x']
Z = sol['Z']

s = matrix(0.0, (p, 1))
X = matrix(A * x, (p, q)) + B
lapack.gesvd(+X, s)
nrmX = sum(s)
lapack.gesvd(+Z, s)
nrmZ = max(s)
res = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
blas.gemv(A, Z, res, beta=1.0, trans='T')

print "\nNuclear norm of A(x) + B: %e" % nrmX
print "Inner product of B and Z: %e" %, Z)