Beispiel #1
def shallUseStaticLibPython():
    """*bool* = "--static-libpython=yes|auto"

        Currently only Anaconda on non-Windows can do this and MSYS2.

    if options.static_libpython == "auto":
        if isWin32Windows() and os.path.exists(
                os.path.join(sys.prefix, "etc/")):
            return True

        # For Anaconda default to trying static lib python library, which
        # normally is just not available or if it is even unusable.
        if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(sys.prefix, "conda-meta"))
                and not isWin32Windows() and not getOS() == "Darwin"):
            return True

        options.static_libpython = "no"

        if getSystemStaticLibPythonPath() is not None:
                "Detected static libpython as existing, consider using '--static-libpython=yes'."

    return options.static_libpython == "yes"
Beispiel #2
def executePostProcessing(result_filename):

    if isWin32Windows():
        # Copy the Windows manifest from the CPython binary to the created
        # executable, so it finds "MSCRT.DLL". This is needed for Python2
        # only, for Python3 newer MSVC doesn't hide the C runtime.
        if python_version < 300 and not Options.shallMakeModule():

        assert os.path.exists(result_filename)

        # Attach the binary blob as a Windows resource.

    # Modules should not be executable, but Scons creates them like it, fix
    # it up here.
    if not isWin32Windows() and Options.shallMakeModule():
        old_stat = os.stat(result_filename)

        mode = old_stat.st_mode
        mode &= ~(stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)

        if mode != old_stat.st_mode:
            os.chmod(result_filename, mode)
Beispiel #3
def getNumpyCoreBinaries(module):
    """Return any binaries in numpy/core and/or numpy/.libs.

        This covers the special cases like MKL binaries.

        tuple of abspaths of binaries.
    numpy_dir = module.getCompileTimeDirectory()
    numpy_core_dir = os.path.join(numpy_dir, "core")
    base_prefix = getSystemPrefixPath()

    binaries = []

    # first look in numpy/.libs for binaries
    libdir = os.path.join(numpy_dir,
                          ".libs" if getOS() != "Darwin" else ".dylibs")
    suffix_start = len(libdir) + 1
    if os.path.isdir(libdir):
        dlls_pkg = os.listdir(libdir)
        binaries += [[os.path.join(libdir, f), suffix_start] for f in dlls_pkg]

    # then look for libraries in numpy.core package path
    # should already return the MKL files in ordinary cases

    re_anylib = re.compile(r"\w+\.(?:dll|so|dylib)", re.IGNORECASE)

    dlls_pkg = [f for f in os.listdir(numpy_core_dir) if re_anylib.match(f)]
    binaries += [[os.path.join(numpy_core_dir, f), suffix_start]
                 for f in dlls_pkg]

    # Also look for MKL libraries in folder "above" numpy.
    # This should meet the layout of Anaconda installs.

    if isWin32Windows():
        lib_dir = os.path.join(base_prefix, "Library", "bin")
        suffix_start = len(lib_dir) + 1
        lib_dir = os.path.join(base_prefix, "lib")
        suffix_start = len(lib_dir) + 1

    if not os.path.isdir(lib_dir):
        return binaries

    re_mkllib = re.compile(r"^(?:lib)?mkl\w+\.(?:dll|so|dylib)", re.IGNORECASE)

    for f in os.listdir(lib_dir):
        if isWin32Windows():
            if not (f.startswith(
                ("libi", "libm", "mkl")) and f.endswith(".dll")):
            if not re_mkllib.match(f):

        binaries.append([os.path.join(lib_dir, f), suffix_start])

    return binaries
Beispiel #4
def get_numpy_core_binaries():
    """ Return any binaries in numpy/core and/or numpy/.libs, whether or not actually used by our script.

        This covers the special cases like MKL binaries, which cannot be detected by dependency managers.

        tuple of abspaths of binaries

    base_prefix = get_sys_prefix()
    suffix_start = len(base_prefix) + 1
    binaries = []

    # first look in numpy/.libs for binaries
    _, pkg_dir = get_package_paths("numpy")
    libdir = os.path.join(pkg_dir, ".libs")
    suffix_start = len(libdir) + 1
    if os.path.isdir(libdir):
        dlls_pkg = [f for f in os.listdir(libdir)]
        binaries += [[os.path.join(libdir, f), suffix_start] for f in dlls_pkg]

    # then look for libraries in numpy.core package path
    # should already return the MKL files in ordinary cases
    _, pkg_dir = get_package_paths("numpy.core")
    re_anylib = re.compile(r"\w+\.(?:dll|so|dylib)", re.IGNORECASE)
    dlls_pkg = [f for f in os.listdir(pkg_dir) if re_anylib.match(f)]
    binaries += [[os.path.join(pkg_dir, f), suffix_start] for f in dlls_pkg]

    # Also look for MKL libraries in folder "above" numpy.
    # This should meet the layout of Anaconda installs.

    if isWin32Windows():
        lib_dir = os.path.join(base_prefix, "Library", "bin")
        suffix_start = len(lib_dir) + 1
        lib_dir = os.path.join(base_prefix, "lib")
        suffix_start = len(lib_dir) + 1

    if not os.path.isdir(lib_dir):
        return binaries

    re_mkllib = re.compile(r"^(?:lib)?mkl\w+\.(?:dll|so|dylib)", re.IGNORECASE)

    for f in os.listdir(lib_dir):
        if isWin32Windows():
            if not (f.startswith(
                ("libi", "libm", "mkl")) and f.endswith(".dll")):
            if not re_mkllib.match(f):

        binaries.append([os.path.join(lib_dir, f), suffix_start])

    return binaries
Beispiel #5
    def _getNumpyCoreBinaries(numpy_dir):
        """Return any binaries in numpy package.

            This covers the special cases like MKL binaries.

            tuple of abspaths of binaries.
        numpy_core_dir = os.path.join(numpy_dir, "core")

        # first look in numpy/.libs for binaries
        libdir = os.path.join(numpy_dir, ".libs" if not isMacOS() else ".dylibs")
        if os.path.isdir(libdir):
            for full_path, filename in listDir(libdir):
                yield full_path, filename

        # Then look for libraries in numpy.core package path
        # should already return the MKL files in ordinary cases
        re_anylib = re.compile(r"\w+\.(?:dll|so|dylib)", re.IGNORECASE)

        for full_path, filename in listDir(numpy_core_dir):
            if not re_anylib.match(filename):

            yield full_path, filename

        # Also look for MKL libraries in folder "above" numpy.
        # This should meet the layout of Anaconda installs.
        base_prefix = getSystemPrefixPath()

        if isWin32Windows():
            lib_dir = os.path.join(base_prefix, "Library", "bin")
            lib_dir = os.path.join(base_prefix, "lib")

        if os.path.isdir(lib_dir):
            re_mkllib = re.compile(r"^(?:lib)?mkl\w+\.(?:dll|so|dylib)", re.IGNORECASE)

            for full_path, filename in listDir(lib_dir):
                if isWin32Windows():
                    if not (
                        filename.startswith(("libi", "libm", "mkl"))
                        and filename.endswith(".dll")
                    if not re_mkllib.match(filename):

                yield full_path, filename
Beispiel #6
def shallUseStaticLibPython():
    """*bool* = derived from `sys.prefix` and ``

        Currently only Anaconda on non-Windows can do this.

    if isWin32Windows() and os.path.exists(
            os.path.join(sys.prefix, "etc/")):
        return True

    # For Anaconda default to trying static lib python library, which
    # normally is just not available or if it is even unusable.
    return (os.path.exists(os.path.join(sys.prefix, "conda-meta"))
            and not isWin32Windows() and not getOS() == "Darwin")
Beispiel #7
def _wasMsvcMode():
    if not isWin32Windows():
        return False

    return (getSconsReportValue(
        key="msvc_mode") == "True")
Beispiel #8
def isMSYS2MingwPython():
    if not isWin32Windows() or "GCC" not in sys.version:
        return False

    import sysconfig

    return "-mingw_" in sysconfig.get_config_var("SO")
Beispiel #9
    def createPreModuleLoadCode(module):
        """Method called when a module is being imported.

            If full name equals "PyQt?" we insert code to include the dist
            folder in the 'PATH' environment variable (on Windows only).

            module: the module object
            Code to insert and descriptive text (tuple), or (None, None).
        if not isWin32Windows():  # we are only relevant on Windows
            return None, None

        if module.getFullName() not in ("PyQt4", "PyQt5"):
            return None, None  # not for us

        code = """import os
path = os.environ.get("PATH", "")
if not path.startswith(__nuitka_binary_dir):
    os.environ["PATH"] = __nuitka_binary_dir + ";" + path
        return (
            "Adding binary folder to runtime 'PATH' environment variable for proper loading.",
Beispiel #10
def runValgrind(descr, tool, args, include_startup, save_logfilename=None):
    # Many cases to deal with, pylint: disable=too-many-branches

    if isWin32Windows():
        sys.exit("Error, valgrind is not available on Windows.")

    if descr:
        my_print(descr, tool, file=sys.stderr, end="... ")

    with withTemporaryFile() as log_file:
        log_filename =

        command = ["valgrind", "-q"]

        if tool == "callgrind":
            command += ("--tool=callgrind",
                        "--callgrind-out-file=%s" % log_filename)
        elif tool == "massif":
            command += ("--tool=massif", "--massif-out-file=%s" % log_filename)
            sys.exit("Error, no support for tool '%s' yet." % tool)

        # Do not count things before main module starts its work.
        if not include_startup:
            command += (


        _stdout_valgrind, stderr_valgrind, exit_valgrind = executeProcess(

        assert exit_valgrind == 0, stderr_valgrind
        if descr:
            my_print("OK", file=sys.stderr)

        if save_logfilename is not None:
            copyFile(log_filename, save_logfilename)

        max_mem = None

        for line in getFileContentByLine(log_filename):
            if tool == "callgrind" and line.startswith("summary:"):
                return int(line.split()[1])
            elif tool == "massif" and line.startswith("mem_heap_B="):
                mem = int(line.split("=")[1])

                if max_mem is None:
                    max_mem = 0

                max_mem = max(mem, max_mem)

        if tool == "massif" and max_mem is not None:
            return max_mem

        sys.exit("Error, didn't parse Valgrind log file successfully.")
Beispiel #11
    def createPreModuleLoadCode(module):
        """ This method is called with a module that will be imported.

            If the word "tkinter" occurs in its full name, we know that the correct
            setting of the TCL environment must be ensured before this happens.

            module: the module object
            Code to insert and None (tuple)
        if not isWin32Windows():  # we are only relevant on Windows
            return None, None

        # only insert code for tkinter related modules
        if not _isTkInterModule(module):
            return None, None

        # The following code will be executed before importing the module.
        # If required we set the respective environment values.
        code = """import os
if not os.environ.get("TCL_LIBRARY", None):
    os.environ["TCL_LIBRARY"] = os.path.join(__nuitka_binary_dir, "tcl")
    os.environ["TK_LIBRARY"] = os.path.join(__nuitka_binary_dir, "tk")"""
        return code, "Need to make sure we set environment variables for TCL."
Beispiel #12
def _shallUseStaticLibPython():
    # return driven, pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements

    if shallMakeModule():
        return False, "not used in module mode"

    if options.static_libpython == "auto":
        # Nuitka-Python is good to to static linking.
        if isNuitkaPython():
            return True, "Nuitka-Python is broken."

        # Debian packages with are usable if the OS is new enough
        from nuitka.utils.StaticLibraries import (
            isDebianSuitableForStaticLinking, )

        if (isDebianBasedLinux() and isDebianPackagePython()
                and isDebianSuitableForStaticLinking()
                and not isPythonDebug()):
            return True, "Nuitka on Debian-Python needs package '%s' installed." % (
                "python2-dev" if str is bytes else "python3-dev")

        if isMSYS2MingwPython():
            return True, "Nuitka on MSYS2 needs package 'python-devel' installed."

        # For Anaconda default to trying static lib python library, which
        # normally is just not available or if it is even unusable.
        if isAnacondaPython() and not isMacOS() and not isWin32Windows():
            return True, "Nuitka on Anaconda needs package 'libpython' installed."

        if isPyenvPython():
            return True, "Nuitka on pyenv should not use '--enable-shared'."

    return options.static_libpython == "yes", None
Beispiel #13
def enableProgressBar():
    global use_progress_bar  # singleton, pylint: disable=global-statement
    global tqdm  # singleton, pylint: disable=global-statement

    if isWin32Windows():
        colorama = importFromInlineCopy("colorama", must_exist=True)

    tqdm = importFromInlineCopy("tqdm", must_exist=False)

    if tqdm is None:
            # Cannot use import tqdm due to pylint bug.
            import tqdm as tqdm_installed  # pylint: disable=I0021,import-error

            tqdm = tqdm_installed
        except ImportError:
            # We handle the case without inline copy too, but it may be removed, e.g. on
            # Debian it's only a recommended install, and not included that way.

    # Tolerate the absence ignore the progress bar
    if tqdm is not None:
        tqdm = tqdm.tqdm

        use_progress_bar = True
Beispiel #14
def shallCreateCmdFileForExecution():
    """*bool* = derived from Python installation and modes

    Notes: Most for accerated mode on Windows with uninstalled python, to
    make sure they find their Python DLL.
    return isWin32Windows() and shallTreatUninstalledPython()
Beispiel #15
def packDistFolderToOnefileBootstrap(onefile_output_filename, dist_dir):
        "Creating single file from dist folder, this may take a while.")"Running bootstrap binary compilation via Scons.")

    # Now need to append to payload it, potentially compressing it.
    compressor_python = getCompressorPython()

    # First need to create the bootstrap binary for unpacking.
        quiet=not Options.isShowScons(),
        onefile_compression=compressor_python is not None,

    if isWin32Windows():
        executePostProcessingResources(manifest=None, onefile=True)


    if isMacOS():

Beispiel #16
    def onModuleEncounter(self, module_filename, module_name, module_kind):
        # Make sure
        if module_name.isBelowNamespace("webview.platforms"):
            if isWin32Windows():
                result = module_name in (
                reason = "Platforms package of webview used on '%s'." % getOS()
            elif isMacOS():
                result = module_name == "webview.platforms.cocoa"
                reason = "Platforms package of webview used on '%s'." % getOS()
            elif getActiveQtPlugin() is not None:
                result = module_name = "webview.platforms.qt"
                reason = ("Platforms package of webview used due to '%s'." %
                result = module_name = "webview.platforms.gtk"
                reason = (
                    "Platforms package of webview used on '%s' without Qt plugin enabled."
                    % getOS())

            return result, reason
Beispiel #17
    def createPreModuleLoadCode(self, module):
        """Method called when a module is being imported.

            If full name equals to the binding we insert code to include the dist
            folder in the 'PATH' environment variable (on Windows only).

            module: the module object
            Code to insert and descriptive text (tuple), or (None, None).

        # This isonly relevant on standalone mode for Windows
        if not isWin32Windows() or not Options.isStandaloneMode():
            return None

        full_name = module.getFullName()

        if full_name == self.binding_name:
            code = """import os
path = os.environ.get("PATH", "")
if not path.startswith(__nuitka_binary_dir):
    os.environ["PATH"] = __nuitka_binary_dir + ";" + path
            return (
                "Adding binary folder to runtime 'PATH' environment variable for proper loading.",
Beispiel #18
def getResultRunFilename(onefile):
    result = getResultFullpath(onefile=onefile)

    if isWin32Windows() and Options.shallTreatUninstalledPython():
        result = getResultBasepath(onefile=onefile) + ".cmd"

    return result
Beispiel #19
    def isRelevant():
        """ This method is called one time only to check, whether the plugin might make sense at all.

            True if this is a standalone compilation on Windows, else False.
        return Options.isStandaloneMode() and isWin32Windows()
Beispiel #20
def _openBinaryFileForAppending(onefile_output_filename):
    max_attempts = 5

    # TODO: This is code duplication with resource handling, should be unified
    # and with as a context manager.

    for attempt in range(1, max_attempts + 1):
            with open(onefile_output_filename, "ab") as output_file:
                yield output_file
        except OSError as e:
            # Only for Windows at this time, other platforms don't have the issue.
            if not isWin32Windows() and not isPosixWindows():

            if e.errno in (110, 13):
Failed to open binary for payload attachment in attempt %d.
Disable Anti-Virus, e.g. Windows Defender for build folders. Retrying after a second of delay."""
                                       % attempt)
Failed to open binary for payload attachment in attempt %d with error code %d.
Disable Anti-Virus, e.g. Windows Defender for build folders. Retrying after a second of delay."""
                                       % (attempt, e.errno))

            if attempt != 1:
                    "Succeeded to open binary for payload attachment in attempt %d."
                    % attempt)
Beispiel #21
    def createPreModuleLoadCode(module):
        """ This method is called with a module that will be imported.

            If the word "tkinter" occurs in its full name, we know that the correct
            setting of the TCL environment must be ensured before this happens.

            module: the module object
            Code to insert and None (tuple)
        if not isWin32Windows():  # we are only relevant on Windows
            return None, None

        # only insert code for tkinter related modules
        if not _isTkInterModule(module):
            return None, None

        # The following code will be executed before importing the module.
        # If required we set the respective environment values.
        code = """import os
if not os.environ.get("TCL_LIBRARY", None):
    os.environ["TCL_LIBRARY"] = os.path.join(__nuitka_binary_dir, "tcl")
    os.environ["TK_LIBRARY"] = os.path.join(__nuitka_binary_dir, "tk")"""
        return code, "Need to make sure we set environment variables for TCL."
Beispiel #22
    def isRelevant():
        """ This method is called one time only to check, whether the plugin might make sense at all.

            True if this is a standalone compilation on Windows, else False.
        return Options.isStandaloneMode() and isWin32Windows()
Beispiel #23
    def considerExtraDlls(self, dist_dir, module):
        """ Copy TCL libraries to the dist folder.

            We will copy the TCL/TK directories to the program's root directory.
            The general intention is that we return a tuple of file names.
            We need however two subdirectories inserted, and therefore do the
            copy ourselves and return an empty tuple.

            dist_dir: the name of the program's dist folder
            module: the module object (not used here)

        if not _isTkInterModule(module):
            return ()

        if not isWin32Windows():  # if not Windows notify wrong usage once
            info("tkinter plugin supported on Windows only")
            return ()

        if python_version < 340:  # last tk/tcl qualifyers Py 2
            tk_lq = "tk8.5"
            tcl_lq = "tcl8.5"
        else:  # last tk/tcl qualifyers Py 3+
            tk_lq = "tk8.6"
            tcl_lq = "tcl8.6"

        # check possible locations of the dirs
        sys_tcl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "tcl")
        tk = os.path.join(sys_tcl, tk_lq)
        tcl = os.path.join(sys_tcl, tcl_lq)

        # if this was not the right place, try this:
        if not (os.path.exists(tk) and os.path.exists(tcl)):
            tk = os.environ.get("TK_LIBRARY", None)
            tcl = os.environ.get("TCL_LIBRARY", None)
            if not (tk and tcl):
                info(" Could not find TK / TCL libraries")
                sys.exit("aborting standalone generation.")

        # survived the above, now do the copying to following locations
        tar_tk = os.path.join(dist_dir, "tk")
        tar_tcl = os.path.join(dist_dir, "tcl")

        info(" Now copying tk libraries from %r." % tk)  # just to entertain
        shutil.copytree(tk, tar_tk)
        info(" Now copying tkinter libraries from %r." %
             tcl)  # just to entertain
        shutil.copytree(tcl, tar_tcl)

        # Definitely don't need the demos, so remove them again.
        # TODO: Anything else?
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(tar_tk, "demos"), ignore_errors=True)

        return ()
Beispiel #24
def enableProgressBar():
    global use_progress_bar  # singleton, pylint: disable=global-statement

    if _getTqdmModule() is not None:
        use_progress_bar = True

        if isWin32Windows():
            colorama = importFromInlineCopy("colorama", must_exist=True)
Beispiel #25
def _getClcacheGuessedPaths(python_prefix):
    assert isWin32Windows()

    # Search the compiling Python, the Scons Python (likely the same, but not necessarily)
    # and then Anaconda, if an environment variable present from activated, or installed in
    # CI like Github actions.
    for python_dir in _getPythonDirCandidates(python_prefix):
        yield os.path.join(python_dir, "scripts", "clcache.exe")
        yield os.path.join(python_dir, "bin", "clcache.exe")
Beispiel #26
    def considerExtraDlls(self, dist_dir, module):
        """ Copy TCL libraries to the dist folder.

            We will copy the TCL/TK directories to the program's root directory.
            The general intention is that we return a tuple of file names.
            We need however two subdirectories inserted, and therefore do the
            copy ourselves and return an empty tuple.

            dist_dir: the name of the program's dist folder
            module: the module object (not used here)

        if not _isTkInterModule(module):
            return ()

        if not isWin32Windows():  # if not Windows notify wrong usage once
            info("tkinter plugin supported on Windows only")
            return ()

        if python_version < 340:  # last tk/tcl qualifyers Py 2
            tk_lq = "tk8.5"
            tcl_lq = "tcl8.5"
        else:  # last tk/tcl qualifyers Py 3+
            tk_lq = "tk8.6"
            tcl_lq = "tcl8.6"

        # check possible locations of the dirs
        sys_tcl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "tcl")
        tk = os.path.join(sys_tcl, tk_lq)
        tcl = os.path.join(sys_tcl, tcl_lq)

        # if this was not the right place, try this:
        if not (os.path.exists(tk) and os.path.exists(tcl)):
            tk = os.environ.get("TK_LIBRARY", None)
            tcl = os.environ.get("TCL_LIBRARY", None)
            if not (tk and tcl):
                info(" Could not find TK / TCL libraries")
                sys.exit("aborting standalone generation.")

        # survived the above, now do the copying to following locations
        tar_tk = os.path.join(dist_dir, "tk")
        tar_tcl = os.path.join(dist_dir, "tcl")

        info(" Now copying tk libraries from %r." % tk)  # just to entertain
        shutil.copytree(tk, tar_tk)
        info(" Now copying tkinter libraries from %r." % tcl)  # just to entertain
        shutil.copytree(tcl, tar_tcl)

        # Definitely don't need the demos, so remove them again.
        # TODO: Anything else?
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(tar_tk, "demos"), ignore_errors=True)

        return ()
Beispiel #27
def executePostProcessing(result_filename):

    # Copy the Windows manifest from the CPython binary to the created
    # executable, so it finds "MSCRT.DLL". This is needed for Python2
    # only, for Python3 newer MSVC doesn't hide the C runtime.
    if python_version < 300:
        if isWin32Windows() and not Options.shallMakeModule():
            copyResourcesFromFileToFile(sys.executable, result_filename, RT_MANIFEST)

    # Modules should not be executable, but Scons creates them like it, fix
    # it up here.
    if not isWin32Windows() and Options.shallMakeModule():
        old_stat = os.stat(result_filename)

        mode = old_stat.st_mode
        mode &= ~(stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)

        if mode != old_stat.st_mode:
            os.chmod(result_filename, mode)
Beispiel #28
def executePostProcessing(result_filename):

    # Copy the Windows manifest from the CPython binary to the created
    # executable, so it finds "MSCRT.DLL". This is needed for Python2
    # only, for Python3 newer MSVC doesn't hide the C runtime.
    if python_version < 300:
        if isWin32Windows() and not Options.shallMakeModule():
            copyResourcesFromFileToFile(sys.executable, result_filename,

    # Modules should not be executable, but Scons creates them like it, fix
    # it up here.
    if not isWin32Windows() and Options.shallMakeModule():
        old_stat = os.stat(result_filename)

        mode = old_stat.st_mode
        mode &= ~(stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)

        if mode != old_stat.st_mode:
            os.chmod(result_filename, mode)
Beispiel #29
def _getCcacheGuessedPaths(python_prefix):
    if isWin32Windows():
        # Search the compiling Python, the Scons Python (likely the same, but not necessarily)
        # and then Anaconda, if an environment variable present from activated, or installed in
        # CI like Github actions.
        for python_dir in _getPythonDirCandidates(python_prefix):
            yield os.path.join(python_dir, "bin", "ccache.exe")
            yield os.path.join(python_dir, "scripts", "ccache.exe")

    elif getOS() == "Darwin":
        # For macOS, we might find Homebrew ccache installed but not in PATH.
        yield "/usr/local/opt/ccache"
Beispiel #30
def get_numpy_core_binaries():
    """ Return any binaries in numpy/core and/or numpy/.libs, whether or not actually used by our script.

        This covers the special cases like MKL binaries, which cannot be detected by dependency managers.

        tuple of abspaths of binaries

    # covers/unifies cases, where sys.base_prefix does not deliver
    # everything we need and/or is not an abspath.
    base_prefix = getattr(sys, "real_prefix",
                          getattr(sys, "base_prefix", sys.prefix))

    base_prefix = os.path.abspath(base_prefix)

    binaries = []

    # first look in numpy/.libs for binaries
    _, pkg_dir = get_package_paths("numpy")
    libdir = os.path.join(pkg_dir, ".libs")
    if os.path.isdir(libdir):
        dlls_pkg = [f for f in os.listdir(libdir)]
        binaries += [(os.path.join(libdir, f), ".") for f in dlls_pkg]

    # then look for libraries in numpy.core package path
    # should already return the MKL DLLs in ordinary cases
    _, pkg_dir = get_package_paths("numpy.core")
    re_anylib = re.compile(r"\w+\.(?:dll|so|dylib)", re.IGNORECASE)
    dlls_pkg = [f for f in os.listdir(pkg_dir) if re_anylib.match(f)]
    binaries += [(os.path.join(pkg_dir, f), ".") for f in dlls_pkg]

    # Also look for MKL libraries in Python's lib directory if present.
    # Anything found here will have to land in the dist folder, because there
    # just is no logical other place, and hope for the best ...
    # TODO: not supported yet!
    if isWin32Windows():
        lib_dir = os.path.join(base_prefix, "Library", "bin")
        lib_dir = os.path.join(base_prefix, "lib")

    if os.path.isdir(lib_dir):
        re_mkllib = re.compile(r"^(?:lib)?mkl\w+\.(?:dll|so|dylib)",
        dlls_mkl = [f for f in os.listdir(lib_dir) if re_mkllib.match(f)]
        if dlls_mkl:
            info(" Additional MKL libraries found.")
            info(" Not copying MKL binaries in '%s' for numpy!" % libdir)
            # binaries += [(os.path.join(lib_dir, f), '.') for f in dlls_mkl]

    return binaries
Beispiel #31
def compileTree(main_module):
    source_dir = OutputDirectories.getSourceDirectoryPath()

    if not Options.shallOnlyExecCCompilerCall():
        if Options.isShowProgress() or Options.isShowMemory():
                "Total memory usage before generating C code: {memory}:".format(
        # Now build the target language code for the whole tree.

        frozen_code = generateBytecodeFrozenCode()

        if frozen_code is not None:
                filename=os.path.join(source_dir, "__frozen.c"), source_code=frozen_code

        if not isWin32Windows():
                filename=os.path.join(source_dir, "__constants.bin"),
        source_dir = OutputDirectories.getSourceDirectoryPath()

        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(source_dir, "__helpers.h")):
            sys.exit("Error, no previous build directory exists.")

    if Options.isShowProgress() or Options.isShowMemory():
            "Total memory usage before running scons: {memory}:".format(

    if Options.isShowMemory():

    if Options.isDebug():

    if Options.shallNotDoExecCCompilerCall():
        return True, {}

    # Run the Scons to build things.
    result, options = runScons(main_module=main_module, quiet=not Options.isShowScons())

    return result, options
Beispiel #32
def get_numpy_core_binaries():
    """ Return any binaries in numpy/core and/or numpy/.libs, whether or not actually used by our script.

        This covers the special cases like MKL binaries, which cannot be detected by dependency managers.

        tuple of abspaths of binaries

    # covers/unifies cases, where sys.base_prefix does not deliver
    # everything we need and/or is not an abspath.
    base_prefix = getattr(sys, "real_prefix", getattr(sys, "base_prefix", sys.prefix))

    base_prefix = os.path.abspath(base_prefix)

    binaries = []

    # first look in numpy/.libs for binaries
    _, pkg_dir = get_package_paths("numpy")
    libdir = os.path.join(pkg_dir, ".libs")
    if os.path.isdir(libdir):
        dlls_pkg = [f for f in os.listdir(libdir)]
        binaries += [(os.path.join(libdir, f), ".") for f in dlls_pkg]

    # then look for libraries in numpy.core package path
    # should already return the MKL DLLs in ordinary cases
    _, pkg_dir = get_package_paths("numpy.core")
    re_anylib = re.compile(r"\w+\.(?:dll|so|dylib)", re.IGNORECASE)
    dlls_pkg = [f for f in os.listdir(pkg_dir) if re_anylib.match(f)]
    binaries += [(os.path.join(pkg_dir, f), ".") for f in dlls_pkg]

    # Also look for MKL libraries in Python's lib directory if present.
    # Anything found here will have to land in the dist folder, because there
    # just is no logical other place, and hope for the best ...
    # TODO: not supported yet!
    if isWin32Windows():
        lib_dir = os.path.join(base_prefix, "Library", "bin")
        lib_dir = os.path.join(base_prefix, "lib")

    if os.path.isdir(lib_dir):
        re_mkllib = re.compile(r"^(?:lib)?mkl\w+\.(?:dll|so|dylib)", re.IGNORECASE)
        dlls_mkl = [f for f in os.listdir(lib_dir) if re_mkllib.match(f)]
        if dlls_mkl:
            info(" Additional MKL libraries found.")
            info(" Not copying MKL binaries in '%s' for numpy!" % libdir)
            # binaries += [(os.path.join(lib_dir, f), '.') for f in dlls_mkl]

    return binaries
Beispiel #33
    def considerExtraDlls(self, dist_dir, module):
        module_name = module.getFullName()

        if module_name == "zmq.libzmq" and isWin32Windows():
            # TODO: Very strange thing for zmq on Windows, needs the .pyd file in wrong dir too. Have
            # this done in a dedicated form somewhere.
                os.path.join(dist_dir, "zmq\\libzmq.pyd"),
                os.path.join(dist_dir, "libzmq" +

        return NuitkaPluginBase.considerExtraDlls(self,
Beispiel #34
 def _getResourcesTargetDir(self):
     """Where does the Qt bindings package expect the resources files."""
     if isMacOS():
         return "Content/Resources"
     elif isWin32Windows():
         if self.binding_name in ("PySide2", "PyQt5"):
             return "resources"
             # While PyQt6/PySide6 complains about these, they are not working
             # return os.path.join(self.binding_name, "resources")
             return "."
         if self.binding_name in ("PySide2", "PySide6", "PyQt6"):
             return "."
         elif self.binding_name == "PyQt5":
             return "resources"
             assert False
Beispiel #35
def get_scipy_core_binaries():
    """ Return binaries from the extra-dlls folder (Windows only).
    binaries = []
    if not isWin32Windows():
        return binaries
    extra_dll = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(get_module_file_attribute("scipy")), "extra-dll")
    if not os.path.isdir(extra_dll):
        return binaries

    netto_bins = os.listdir(extra_dll)

    for f in netto_bins:
        if not f.endswith(".dll"):
        binaries.append((os.path.join(extra_dll, f), "."))

    return binaries
Beispiel #36
def get_scipy_core_binaries():
    """ Return binaries from the extra-dlls folder (Windows only).
    binaries = []
    if not isWin32Windows():
        return binaries
    extra_dll = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(get_module_file_attribute("scipy")), "extra-dll"
    if not os.path.isdir(extra_dll):
        return binaries

    netto_bins = os.listdir(extra_dll)

    for f in netto_bins:
        if not f.endswith(".dll"):
        binaries.append((os.path.join(extra_dll, f), "."))

    return binaries