def export_framecurve_from_this_knob():
    fc_path = nuke.getFilename("Name the framecurve file to write to", "*.framecurve.txt", default="shot.framecurve.txt", favorites="", type="", multiple=False)
    fc = framecurve.Curve()
    curve_name_with_suffix = nuke.animations()[0]
    knob_name = curve_name_with_suffix.split(".")[0]
    this_knob = nuke.thisNode()[knob_name]
    with open(fc_path, "w") as fc_file:
        for curve in nuke.animations():
            for frame in all_script_frames():
                fc.append(framecurve.FrameCorrelation(at=frame, value=this_knob.getValueAt(frame)))
            framecurve.serialize(fc_file, framecurve.simplify(fc))
    def __init__(self, node):

        #get reference of tKey knob
        knob_names = nuke.animations()
        knob_name_with_suffix = knob_names[0]
        #print"knob_name_with_suffix "
        #print knob_name_with_suffix
        knob_name = getKnobName(knob_name_with_suffix)
        k = nuke.thisNode()[knob_name]

        #so that our default frame range can be the length of it's keyframes
        tFirst = first_keyframe_location(k)
        tLast = last_keyframe_location(k)

            self, 'Reduce keyframes in selected animation?')

        # CREATE KNOBS
        self.tFrameRange = nuke.String_Knob('tFrameRange', 'Frame Range',
                                            '%s-%s' % (tFirst, tLast))
        self.tErrorPercent = nuke.Double_Knob('tErrorPercent',
                                              'Error threshold (%)')
        self.tErrorPercent.setRange(1, 100)

        self.pcText = nuke.Text_Knob('%')

        # ADD KNOBS
        for k in (self.tFrameRange, self.tErrorPercent):
Beispiel #3
def animation_reverse():
    a = nuke.animations()
    for i in a:
        anim = nuke.animation(i, "expression")
        if anim is not None and anim == "curve(first_frame+last_frame-frame)":
            nuke.animation(i, "expression", ("curve", ))
            nuke.animation(i, "expression",
                           ("curve(first_frame+last_frame-frame)", ))
Beispiel #4
def animation_loop():
    p = nuke.Panel("Loop")
    p.addSingleLineInput("First frame of loop:", 1)
    p.addSingleLineInput("Last frame of loop:", nuke.animationEnd())
    result =
    if result:
        anim = nuke.animations()
        for i in anim:
            loopstart = p.value("First frame of loop:")
            loopend = p.value("Last frame of loop:")
            nuke.animation(i, "expression",
                           ("curve(((frame-" + loopstart + ")%(" + loopend +
                            "-" + loopstart + "+1))+" + loopstart + ")", ))
Beispiel #5
def getKnobIndex():

    # useful function by Ivan Busquets
    index = nuke.animations()

    if len(index) > 1:
        return -1
            if 'x' in index[0].split('.')[1]:
                return 0
                return 1
            return 0
Beispiel #6
def load_framecurve_into_focused_knob():
    Can be used as a callback on an animated knob in the Animation menu. It will replace
    the animation in the currently selected knob's curve with a curve loaded from Framecurve
    # Load the framecurve into tuples
    framecurve_path = grab_file()
    if framecurve_path == None:

    with open(framecurve_path) as fc_file:
        curve = load_and_validate_stream(fc_file)
        knob_names = nuke.animations()  # Returns the animations names under this knob
        for knob_name_with_suffix in knob_names:
            # Since the names are like "translate.x" what we gotta do is to chop off the suffix
            knob_name = knob_name_with_suffix.split(".")[0]
            # so that we can get at the knob object and do...
            k = nuke.thisNode()[knob_name]
            load_curve_into_knob(curve, k)
def doReduceKeyframes():

    p = doReduceKeyframesPanel(nuke.selectedNode())

    if p.showModalDialog():  #user did not hit cancel button

        undo = nuke.Undo()
        undo.begin("Reduce keyframes")

        tErrorPercent = p.tErrorPercent.value()

        if (tErrorPercent > 100):
            tErrorPercent = 100

        if (tErrorPercent < 0.000001):
            tErrorPercent = 0.000001

        #print "tErrorPercent " + str(tErrorPercent)

        tFrameRange = nuke.FrameRange(p.tFrameRange.value())
        tFirstFrame = tFrameRange.first()
        tLastFrame = tFrameRange.last()

        knob_names = nuke.animations(
        )  # Returns the animations names under this knob

        i = getKnobIndex(
        )  #find out if user only clicked on a single knob index, or the entire knob

        #print "knob index: " + str(i)

        j = 0  #index for knob

        for knob_name_with_suffix in knob_names:

            if (i > -1):
                j = i

            #print "for knob_name_with_suffix in knob_names:"

            knob_name = getKnobName(knob_name_with_suffix)

            # so that we can get at the knob object and do...
            k = nuke.thisNode()[knob_name]

            if (k.isAnimated(j)):

                tOriginalCurve = k.animation(j)

                tKeys = tOriginalCurve.keys()

                tOrigFirstFrame = tKeys[0].x

                tOrigLastFrame = tKeys[len(tKeys) - 1].x

                tOrigKeys = len(tOriginalCurve.keys())

                fErrorHeight = getCurveHeight(tOriginalCurve, tFirstFrame,

                tErrorThreshold = fErrorHeight * (tErrorPercent / 100)

                #print "tErrorThreshold " + str(tErrorThreshold)

                if (tOrigKeys > 2):  #no point in reducing a straight line!

                    x = nuke.selectedNode()

                    #create a temp knob to copy new keyframes into

                    tempname = "temp_" + knob_name + str(j)

                    tTempKnob = nuke.Double_Knob(tempname)




                    tTempCurve = tTempKnob.animation(0)

                    #if we are only reducing keyframes on a smaller frame range, then copy the original keyframes into the other frames

                    if (tFirstFrame > tOrigFirstFrame) | (tLastFrame <

                        tKeys = x[knob_name].animation(j).keys()

                        tCopyKeys = []

                        for tKey in tKeys:
                            if ((tKey.x < tFirstFrame) |
                                (tKey.x > tLastFrame)):

                    #do a quick check to see if 2 keyframes are enough
                    deltaH = (tLastFrame - tFirstFrame)
                    deltaV = (tTempKnob.getValueAt(tLastFrame) -
                    tMasterSlope = 90 - getAngle(deltaH, deltaV)
                    if (tMasterSlope < 0): tMasterSlope = tMasterSlope + 360

                    if (findErrorHeight(tOriginalCurve, tTempCurve,
                                        tFirstFrame, tLastFrame, tMasterSlope)
                            < tErrorThreshold):
                        print "Looks like this selection of frames was a straight line. Reduce the error threshold % if it isn't"

                        #otherwise we run the keyframe reducing function on the selected frame range
                        recursion = findGreatestErrorFrame(
                            tOriginalCurve, tFirstFrame, tLastFrame,
                            tErrorThreshold, tTempKnob, tTempCurve, 0)

                    #copy our reduced keyframes from the temp knob back into our original knob
                    x[knob_name].copyAnimation(j, tTempKnob.animation(0))

                    #calculate how much we have reduced number of keyframes
                    tFinalKeys = len(x[knob_name].animation(j).keys())
                    tReductionPC = int(
                        (float(tFinalKeys) / float(tOrigKeys)) * 100)

                    print knob_name + "[" + str(j) + "] had " + str(
                        tOrigKeys) + " keys reduced to " + str(
                            tFinalKeys) + " keys (" + str(tReductionPC) + "%)"


                print "No animation found in " + knob_name + " index " + str(j)

            #break the loop if we are only running script on single knob index
            if (i > -1):
                j = j + 1

Beispiel #8
def animation_negate():
    anim = nuke.animations()
    for i in anim:
        expr = "-(" + nuke.animation(i, "expression") + ")"
        nuke.animation(i, "expression", (expr, ))
Beispiel #9
def doFixGimbalFlip():

    p = doFixGimbalFlipPanel(nuke.selectedNode())

    if p.showModalDialog():  #user did not hit cancel button

        undo = nuke.Undo()
        undo.begin("Fix Gimbal Flip")

        tErrorPercent = p.tErrorPercent.value()

        if (tErrorPercent > 100):
            tErrorPercent = 100

        if (tErrorPercent < 0.000001):
            tErrorPercent = 0.000001

        tFrameRange = nuke.FrameRange(p.tFrameRange.value())
        tFirstFrame = tFrameRange.first()
        tLastFrame = tFrameRange.last()

        knob_names = nuke.animations(
        )  # Returns the animations names under this knob

        i = getKnobIndex(
        )  #find out if user only clicked on a single knob index, or the entire knob

        print "knob index: " + str(i)

        j = 0  #index for knob

        #print " knob_names " + str( knob_names)

        for knob_name_with_suffix in knob_names:

            #print "knob_name_with_suffix " + str(knob_name_with_suffix)

            if (i > -1):
                j = i

            #print "for knob_name_with_suffix in knob_names:"

            knob_name = getKnobName(knob_name_with_suffix)

            # so that we can get at the knob object and do...
            k = nuke.thisNode()[knob_name]

            print knob_name + "." + str(j)

            if (k.isAnimated(j)):

                tOriginalCurve = k.animation(j)

                tKeys = tOriginalCurve.keys()

                #tOrigFirstFrame = tKeys[0].x

                #tOrigLastFrame = tKeys[len(tKeys)-1].x

                tKeysLen = len(tKeys)

                tLastValue = tKeys[0].y

                #print "tErrorThreshold " + str(tErrorThreshold)

                n = nuke.selectedNode()

                for f in range(0, tKeysLen):

                    tFrame = tKeys[f].x

                    if (tFrame >= tFirstFrame) and (tFrame <= tLastFrame):

                        tValue = tKeys[f].y
                        #print "tValue " + str(tValue)
                        tLastDiff = tLastValue - tValue
                        tPredictedValue = tValue + tLastDiff
                        tDiff = tPredictedValue - tValue

                        #print str(tFrame) + " tLastValue " + str(tLastValue) + " tValue " + str(tValue) + " tLastDiff " + str(tLastDiff)

                        #print str(tFrame) + " tPredictedValue " + str(tPredictedValue) + " tValue " + str(tValue) + " tDiff " + str(tDiff)
                        if (tDiff >
                            (180 - tErrorPercent)) | (tDiff <
                                                      -(180 - tErrorPercent)):
                            print "gimbal flip at " + str(tFrame)
                            print str(tFrame) + " tPredictedValue " + str(
                                tPredictedValue) + " tValue " + str(
                                    tValue) + " tDiff " + str(tDiff)
                            #print "fixing keys " + str(i) + " to " + str(tKeysLen)
                            print "fixing frames " + str(
                                tKeys[f].x) + " to " + str(
                                    tKeys[tKeysLen - 1].x)
                            for k in range(f, tKeysLen):
                                tFixFrame = tKeys[k].x

                                if (tFixFrame >= tFirstFrame) and (tFixFrame <=

                                    tOldValue = tKeys[k].y

                                    if (tDiff > 0):
                                        tNewValue = tOldValue + 180
                                        tNewValue = tOldValue - 180

                                    #print str(tFixFrame) + " tOldValue " + str(tOldValue) + " tNewValue " + str(tNewValue)

                                    tOriginalCurve.setKey(tFixFrame, tNewValue)

                            if (tDiff > 0):
                                tLastValue = tValue + 180
                                tLastValue = tValue - 180

                            tLastValue = tValue


                print "No animation found in " + knob_name + " index " + str(j)

            #break the loop if we are only running script on single knob index
            if (i > -1):
                #print "breaking"
                j = j + 1
            #print "j " + str(j)
