def test_subclass_specialization(self):
     os = OverloadSelector()
     self.assertTrue(issubclass(types.Sequence, types.Container))
     os.append(1, (types.Container, types.Container,))
     lstty = types.List(types.boolean)
     self.assertEqual(os.find((lstty, lstty)), 1)
     os.append(2, (types.Container, types.Sequence,))
     self.assertEqual(os.find((lstty, lstty)), 2)
 def test_cache(self):
     os = OverloadSelector()
     self.assertEqual(len(os._cache), 0)
     os.append(1, (types.Any,))
     self.assertEqual(os.find((types.int32,)), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(os._cache), 1)
     os.append(2, (types.Integer,))
     self.assertEqual(len(os._cache), 0)
     self.assertEqual(os.find((types.int32,)), 2)
     self.assertEqual(len(os._cache), 1)
 def test_ambiguous_detection(self):
     os = OverloadSelector()
     # unambiguous signatures
     os.append(1, (types.Any, types.Boolean))
     os.append(2, (types.Integer, types.Boolean))
     self.assertEqual(os.find((types.boolean, types.boolean)), 1)
     # not implemented
     with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as raises:
         os.find((types.boolean, types.int32))
     # generic
     os.append(3, (types.Any, types.Any))
     self.assertEqual(os.find((types.boolean, types.int32)), 3)
     self.assertEqual(os.find((types.boolean, types.boolean)), 1)
     # add ambiguous signature; can match (bool, any) and (any, bool)
     os.append(4, (types.Boolean, types.Any))
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raises:
         os.find((types.boolean, types.boolean))
     self.assertIn('2 ambiguous signatures', str(raises.exception))
     # disambiguous
     os.append(5, (types.boolean, types.boolean))
     self.assertEqual(os.find((types.boolean, types.boolean)), 5)
Beispiel #4
class _OverloadWrapper(object):
    """This class does all the work of assembling and registering wrapped split
    def __init__(self, function, typing_key=None):
        assert function is not None
        self._function = function
        self._typing_key = typing_key
        self._BIND_TYPES = dict()
        self._selector = None
        self._TYPER = None
        # run to register overload, the intrinsic sorts out the binding to the
        # registered impls at the point the overload is evaluated, i.e. this
        # is all lazy.

    def _stub_generator(self, nargs, body_func, kwargs=None):
        """This generates a function that takes "nargs" count of arguments
        and the presented kwargs, the "body_func" is the function that'll
        type the overloaded function and then work out which lowering to
        def stub(tyctx):
            # body is supplied when the function is magic'd into life via glbls
            return body(tyctx)  # noqa: F821

        if kwargs is None:
            kwargs = {}
        # create new code parts
        stub_code = stub.__code__
        co_args = [stub_code.co_argcount + nargs + len(kwargs)]

        new_varnames = [*stub_code.co_varnames]
        new_varnames.extend([f'tmp{x}' for x in range(nargs)])
        new_varnames.extend([x for x, _ in kwargs.items()])
        from numba.core import utils
        if utils.PYVERSION >= (3, 8):
            stub_code.co_nlocals + nargs + len(kwargs), stub_code.co_stacksize,
            stub_code.co_flags, stub_code.co_code, stub_code.co_consts,
            tuple(new_varnames), stub_code.co_filename, stub_code.co_name,
            stub_code.co_firstlineno, stub_code.co_lnotab,
            stub_code.co_freevars, stub_code.co_cellvars

        new_code = pytypes.CodeType(*co_args)

        # get function
        new_func = pytypes.FunctionType(new_code, {'body': body_func})
        return new_func

    def wrap_typing(self):
        Use this to replace @infer_global, it records the decorated function
        as a typer for the argument `concrete_function`.
        if self._typing_key is None:
            key = self._function
            key = self._typing_key

        def inner(typing_class):
            # Note that two templates could be used for the same function, to
            # avoid @infer_global etc the typing template is copied. This is to
            # ensure there's a 1:1 relationship between the typing templates and
            # their keys.
            clazz_dict = dict(typing_class.__dict__)
            clazz_dict['key'] = key
            cloned = type(f"cloned_template_for_{key}", typing_class.__bases__,
            self._TYPER = cloned
            return typing_class

        return inner

    def wrap_impl(self, *args):
        Use this to replace @lower*, it records the decorated function as the
        lowering implementation
        assert self._TYPER is not None

        def inner(lowerer):
            self._BIND_TYPES[args] = lowerer
            return lowerer

        return inner

    def _assemble(self):
        """Assembles the OverloadSelector definitions from the registered
        typing to lowering map.
        from numba.core.base import OverloadSelector

        if self._typing_key is None:
            key = self._function
            key = self._typing_key


        self._selector = OverloadSelector()
        msg = f"No entries in the typing->lowering map for {self._function}"
        assert self._BIND_TYPES, msg
        for sig, impl in self._BIND_TYPES.items():
            self._selector.append(impl, sig)

    def _build(self):
        from numba.core.extending import overload, intrinsic

        @overload(self._function, strict=False)
        def ol_generated(*ol_args, **ol_kwargs):
            def body(tyctx):
                msg = f"No typer registered for {self._function}"
                if self._TYPER is None:
                    raise errors.InternalError(msg)
                typing = self._TYPER(tyctx)
                sig = typing.apply(ol_args, ol_kwargs)
                if sig is None:
                    # this follows convention of something not typeable
                    # returning None
                    return None
                if self._selector is None:
                lowering = self._selector.find(sig.args)
                msg = (f"Could not find implementation to lower {sig} for ",
                if lowering is None:
                    raise errors.InternalError(msg)
                return sig, lowering

            stub = self._stub_generator(len(ol_args), body, ol_kwargs)
            intrin = intrinsic(stub)

            # This is horrible, need to generate a jit wrapper function that
            # walks the ol_kwargs into the intrin with a signature that
            # matches the lowering sig. The actual kwarg var names matter,
            # they have to match exactly.
            arg_str = ','.join([f'tmp{x}' for x in range(len(ol_args))])
            kws_str = ','.join(ol_kwargs.keys())
            call_str = ','.join([x for x in (arg_str, kws_str) if x])
            # NOTE: The jit_wrapper functions cannot take `*args`
            # albeit this an obvious choice for accepting an unknown number
            # of arguments. If this is done, `*args` ends up as a cascade of
            # Tuple assembling in the IR which ends up with literal
            # information being lost. As a result the _exact_ argument list
            # is generated to match the number of arguments and kwargs.
            name = str(self._function)
            # This is to name the function with something vaguely identifiable
            name = ''.join([
                x if x not in {'>', '<', ' ', '-', '.'} else '_' for x in name
            gen = textwrap.dedent(("""
            def jit_wrapper_{}({}):
                return intrin({})
            """)).format(name, call_str, call_str)
            l = {}
            g = {'intrin': intrin}
            exec(gen, g, l)
            return l['jit_wrapper_{}'.format(name)]
Beispiel #5
class _OverloadWrapper(object):
    """This class does all the work of assembling and registering wrapped split
    def __init__(self, function, typing_key=None):
        assert function is not None
        self._function = function
        self._typing_key = typing_key
        self._BIND_TYPES = dict()
        self._selector = None
        self._TYPER = None
        # run to register overload, the intrinsic sorts out the binding to the
        # registered impls at the point the overload is evaluated, i.e. this
        # is all lazy.

    def _stub_generator(self, body_func, varnames):
        """This generates a function based on the argnames provided in
        "varnames", the "body_func" is the function that'll type the overloaded
        function and then work out which lowering to return"""
        def stub(tyctx):
            # body is supplied when the function is magic'd into life via glbls
            return body(tyctx)  # noqa: F821

        stub_code = stub.__code__
        new_varnames = [*stub_code.co_varnames]
        co_argcount = len(new_varnames)
        co_args = [co_argcount]
        additional_co_nlocals = len(varnames)

        from numba.core import utils
        if utils.PYVERSION >= (3, 8):
            stub_code.co_nlocals + additional_co_nlocals,
            stub_code.co_stacksize, stub_code.co_flags, stub_code.co_code,
            stub_code.co_consts, stub_code.co_names,
            tuple(new_varnames), stub_code.co_filename, stub_code.co_name,
            stub_code.co_firstlineno, stub_code.co_lnotab,
            stub_code.co_freevars, stub_code.co_cellvars

        new_code = pytypes.CodeType(*co_args)

        # get function
        new_func = pytypes.FunctionType(new_code, {'body': body_func})
        return new_func

    def wrap_typing(self):
        Use this to replace @infer_global, it records the decorated function
        as a typer for the argument `concrete_function`.
        if self._typing_key is None:
            key = self._function
            key = self._typing_key

        def inner(typing_class):
            # Note that two templates could be used for the same function, to
            # avoid @infer_global etc the typing template is copied. This is to
            # ensure there's a 1:1 relationship between the typing templates and
            # their keys.
            clazz_dict = dict(typing_class.__dict__)
            clazz_dict['key'] = key
            cloned = type(f"cloned_template_for_{key}", typing_class.__bases__,
            self._TYPER = cloned
            return typing_class

        return inner

    def wrap_impl(self, *args):
        Use this to replace @lower*, it records the decorated function as the
        lowering implementation
        assert self._TYPER is not None

        def inner(lowerer):
            self._BIND_TYPES[args] = lowerer
            return lowerer

        return inner

    def _assemble(self):
        """Assembles the OverloadSelector definitions from the registered
        typing to lowering map.
        from numba.core.base import OverloadSelector

        if self._typing_key is None:
            key = self._function
            key = self._typing_key


        self._selector = OverloadSelector()
        msg = f"No entries in the typing->lowering map for {self._function}"
        assert self._BIND_TYPES, msg
        for sig, impl in self._BIND_TYPES.items():
            self._selector.append(impl, sig)

    def _build(self):
        from numba.core.extending import overload, intrinsic

                  jit_options={'forceinline': True})
        def ol_generated(*ol_args, **ol_kwargs):
            def body(tyctx):
                msg = f"No typer registered for {self._function}"
                if self._TYPER is None:
                    raise errors.InternalError(msg)
                typing = self._TYPER(tyctx)
                sig = typing.apply(ol_args, ol_kwargs)
                if sig is None:
                    # this follows convention of something not typeable
                    # returning None
                    return None
                if self._selector is None:
                lowering = self._selector.find(sig.args)
                msg = (f"Could not find implementation to lower {sig} for ",
                if lowering is None:
                    raise errors.InternalError(msg)
                return sig, lowering

            # Need a typing context now so as to get a signature and a binding
            # for the kwarg order.
            from numba.core.target_extension import (dispatcher_registry,
            disp = dispatcher_registry[resolve_target_str(current_target())]
            typing_context = disp.targetdescr.typing_context
            typing = self._TYPER(typing_context)
            sig = typing.apply(ol_args, ol_kwargs)
            if not sig:
                # No signature is a typing error, there's no match, so report it
                raise errors.TypingError("No match")

            # The following code branches based on whether the signature has a
            # "pysig", if it does, it's from a CallableTemplate and
            # specialisation is required based on precise arg/kwarg names and
            # default values, if it does not, then it just requires
            # specialisation based on the arg count.
            # The "gen_var_names" function is defined to generate the variable
            # names at the call site of the intrinsic.
            # The "call_str_specific" is the list of args to the function
            # returned by the @overload, it has to have matching arg names and
            # kwargs names/defaults if the underlying typing template supports
            # it (CallableTemplate), else it has to have a matching number of
            # arguments (AbstractTemplate). The "call_str" is the list of args
            # that will be passed to the intrinsic that deals with typing and
            # selection of the lowering etc, so it just needs to be a list of
            # the argument names.

            if sig.pysig:  # CallableTemplate, has pysig
                pysig_params = sig.pysig.parameters

                # Define the var names
                gen_var_names = [x for x in pysig_params.keys()]
                # CallableTemplate, pysig is present so generate the exact thing
                # this is to permit calling with positional args specified by
                # name.
                buf = []
                for k, v in pysig_params.items():
                    if v.default is v.empty:  # no default ~= positional arg
                    else:  # is kwarg, wire in default
                        buf.append(f'{k} = {v.default}')
                call_str_specific = ', '.join(buf)
                call_str = ', '.join(pysig_params.keys())
            else:  # AbstractTemplate, need to bind 1:1 vars to the arg count
                # Define the var names
                gen_var_names = [f'tmp{x}' for x in range(len(ol_args))]
                # Everything is just passed by position, there should be no
                # kwargs.
                assert not ol_kwargs
                call_str_specific = ', '.join(gen_var_names)
                call_str = call_str_specific

            stub = self._stub_generator(body, gen_var_names)
            intrin = intrinsic(stub)

            # NOTE: The jit_wrapper functions cannot take `*args`
            # albeit this an obvious choice for accepting an unknown number
            # of arguments. If this is done, `*args` ends up as a cascade of
            # Tuple assembling in the IR which ends up with literal
            # information being lost. As a result the _exact_ argument list
            # is generated to match the number of arguments and kwargs.
            name = str(self._function)
            # This is to name the function with something vaguely identifiable
            name = ''.join([
                x if x not in {'>', '<', ' ', '-', '.'} else '_' for x in name
            gen = textwrap.dedent(("""
            def jit_wrapper_{}({}):
                return intrin({})
            """)).format(name, call_str_specific, call_str)
            l = {}
            g = {'intrin': intrin}
            exec(gen, g, l)
            return l['jit_wrapper_{}'.format(name)]