Beispiel #1
def map_operator(name, inplace_name, op):
    op_func = getattr(operator, name)

    @lower(op_func, types.VarArg(types.Any))
    def binop_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
        impl = context.get_function(op, sig)
        return impl(builder, args)

    if inplace_name:
        op_func = getattr(operator, inplace_name)

        @lower(op_func, types.VarArg(types.Any))
        def binop_inplace_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
            first = sig.args[0]
            if first.mutable:
                impl = context.get_function(op + '=', sig)
                impl = context.get_function(op, sig)
            return impl(builder, args)
Beispiel #2
 def _implement_method(self, registry, attr):
     @registry.lower((types.ClassInstanceType, attr),
                     types.ClassInstanceType, types.VarArg(types.Any))
     def imp(context, builder, sig, args):
         instance_type = sig.args[0]
         method = instance_type.jitmethods[attr]
         disp_type = types.Dispatcher(method)
         call = context.get_function(disp_type, sig)
         out = call(builder, args)
         return imputils.impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type,
Beispiel #3
 def implement_method(self, registry, instance_type, attr):
     # TODO: we should be able to refactor this so that the registration
     #       can be at the top-level instead of at per instance type.
     @imputils.implement((instance_type, attr), types.VarArg(types.Any))
     def imp(context, builder, sig, args):
         method = instance_type.jitmethods[attr]
         call = self.targetctx.get_function(types.Dispatcher(method), sig)
         out = call(builder, args)
         return imputils.impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type,
Beispiel #4
        def _getsetitem_gen(getset):
            _dunder_meth = "__%s__" % getset
            op = getattr(operator, getset)

            class GetSetItem(templates.AbstractTemplate):
                def generic(self, args, kws):
                    instance = args[0]
                    if isinstance(instance, types.ClassInstanceType) and \
                            _dunder_meth in instance.jitmethods:
                        meth = instance.jitmethods[_dunder_meth]
                        disp_type = types.Dispatcher(meth)
                        sig = disp_type.get_call_type(self.context, args, kws)
                        return sig

            # lower both {g,s}etitem and __{g,s}etitem__ to catch the calls
            # from python and numba
            imputils.lower_builtin((types.ClassInstanceType, _dunder_meth),
            imputils.lower_builtin(op, types.ClassInstanceType,
Beispiel #5
def map_operator(name, inplace_name, op):
    op_func = getattr(operator, name)

    reverse_args = (op == 'in')

    @lower(op_func, types.VarArg(types.Any))
    def binop_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
        if reverse_args:
            args = args[::-1]
            sig = typing.signature(sig.return_type, *sig.args[::-1])
        impl = context.get_function(op, sig)
        return impl(builder, args)

    if inplace_name:
        op_func = getattr(operator, inplace_name)

        @lower(op_func, types.VarArg(types.Any))
        def binop_inplace_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
            first = sig.args[0]
            if first.mutable:
                impl = context.get_function(op + '=', sig)
                impl = context.get_function(op, sig)
            return impl(builder, args)
Beispiel #6
    def _implement_method(self, registry, attr):
        # create a separate instance of imp method to avoid closure clashing
        def get_imp():
            def imp(context, builder, sig, args):
                instance_type = sig.args[0]
                method = instance_type.jitmethods[attr]
                disp_type = types.Dispatcher(method)
                call = context.get_function(disp_type, sig)
                out = call(builder, args)
                _add_linking_libs(context, call)
                return imputils.impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder,
                                                 sig.return_type, out)

            return imp

        def _getsetitem_gen(getset):
            _dunder_meth = "__%s__" % getset
            op = getattr(operator, getset)

            class GetSetItem(templates.AbstractTemplate):
                def generic(self, args, kws):
                    instance = args[0]
                    if isinstance(instance, types.ClassInstanceType) and \
                            _dunder_meth in instance.jitmethods:
                        meth = instance.jitmethods[_dunder_meth]
                        disp_type = types.Dispatcher(meth)
                        sig = disp_type.get_call_type(self.context, args, kws)
                        return sig

            # lower both {g,s}etitem and __{g,s}etitem__ to catch the calls
            # from python and numba
            imputils.lower_builtin((types.ClassInstanceType, _dunder_meth),
            imputils.lower_builtin(op, types.ClassInstanceType,

        dunder_stripped = attr.strip('_')
        if dunder_stripped in ("getitem", "setitem"):
                (types.ClassInstanceType, attr), types.ClassInstanceType,
Beispiel #7
@lower("print_item", types.CharSeq)
def print_charseq(context, builder, sig, args):
    [tx] = sig.args
    [x] = args
    py = context.get_python_api(builder)
    xp = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, x.type), xp)
    byteptr = builder.bitcast(xp, Type.pointer(
    size = context.get_constant(types.intp, tx.count)
    cstr = py.bytes_from_string_and_size(byteptr, size)
    res = context.get_dummy_value()
    return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)

@lower(print, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def print_varargs(context, builder, sig, args):
    py = context.get_python_api(builder)
    for i, (argtype, argval) in enumerate(zip(sig.args, args)):
        signature = typing.signature(types.none, argtype)
        imp = context.get_function("print_item", signature)
        imp(builder, [argval])
        if i < len(args) - 1:
            py.print_string(' ')

    res = context.get_dummy_value()
    return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Beispiel #8
def get_defaults(context):
    Get the default values for a slice's members:
    (start for positive step, start for negative step,
     stop for positive step, stop for negative step, step)
    maxint = (1 << (context.address_size - 1)) - 1
    return (0, maxint, maxint, -maxint - 1, 1)

# The slice structure

@lower_builtin(slice, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def slice_constructor_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    default_start_pos, default_start_neg, default_stop_pos, default_stop_neg, default_step = \
        [context.get_constant(types.intp, x) for x in get_defaults(context)]

    slice_args = [None] * 3

    # Fetch non-None arguments
    if len(args) == 1 and sig.args[0] is not types.none:
        slice_args[1] = args[0]
        for i, (ty, val) in enumerate(zip(sig.args, args)):
            if ty is not types.none:
                slice_args[i] = val

    # Fill omitted arguments
Beispiel #9

typ_to_format = {
    types.int32: 'd',
    types.uint32: 'u',
    types.int64: 'lld',
    types.uint64: 'llu',
    types.float32: 'f',
    types.float64: 'lf',

ll.add_symbol('print_str', hstr_ext.print_str)
ll.add_symbol('print_char', hstr_ext.print_char)

@lower_builtin(cprint, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def cprint_lower(context, builder, sig, args):
    from sdc.str_ext import string_type, char_type

    for i, val in enumerate(args):
        typ = sig.args[i]
        if typ == string_type:
            fnty = lir.FunctionType(lir.VoidType(),
            fn = builder.module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="print_str")
  , [val])
            cgutils.printf(builder, " ")
        if typ == char_type:
            fnty = lir.FunctionType(lir.VoidType(), [lir.IntType(8)])
            fn = builder.module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="print_char")
Beispiel #10
# builtin `zip` implementation

def make_zip_cls(zip_type):
    Return the Structure representation of the given *zip_type* (an
    instance of types.ZipType).
    return cgutils.create_struct_proxy(zip_type)

@implement(zip, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def make_zip_object(context, builder, sig, args):
    zip_type = sig.return_type

    assert len(args) == len(zip_type.source_types)

    zipcls = make_zip_cls(zip_type)
    zipobj = zipcls(context, builder)

    for i, (arg, srcty) in enumerate(zip(args, sig.args)):
        zipobj[i] = call_getiter(context, builder, srcty, arg)

    return zipobj._getvalue()

Beispiel #11
@implement(types.print_item_type, types.Kind(types.CharSeq))
def print_charseq(context, builder, sig, args):
    [x] = args
    py = context.get_python_api(builder)
    xp = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, x.type), xp)
    byteptr = builder.bitcast(xp, Type.pointer(
    size = context.get_constant(types.intp, x.type.elements[0].count)
    cstr = py.bytes_from_string_and_size(byteptr, size)
    return context.get_dummy_value()

@implement(types.print_type, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def print_varargs(context, builder, sig, args):
    py = context.get_python_api(builder)
    for i, (argtype, argval) in enumerate(zip(sig.args, args)):
        signature = typing.signature(types.none, argtype)
        imp = context.get_function(types.print_item_type, signature)
        imp(builder, [argval])
        if i == len(args) - 1:
            py.print_string(' ')

    return context.get_dummy_value()
Beispiel #12

# The slice structure

def make_slice(context, builder, typ, value=None):
    Create a slice structure, optionally initialized from the given LLVM
    cls = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)
    return cls(context, builder, value=value)

@implement(types.slice_type, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def slice_constructor_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    slice_args = []
    for ty, val, default in zip_longest(sig.args, args, get_defaults(context)):
        if ty in (types.none, None):
            # Omitted or None
            slice_args.append(context.get_constant(types.intp, default))
    start, stop, step = slice_args

    ty = sig.return_type
    sli = make_slice(context, builder, sig.return_type)
    sli.start = start
    sli.stop = stop
    sli.step = step
Beispiel #13
0, enum.count)

    srcres = call_iternext(context, builder, enumty.source_type, enum.iter)
    is_valid = srcres.is_valid()

    with builder.if_then(is_valid):
        srcval = srcres.yielded_value()
        result.yield_(context.make_tuple(builder, enumty.yield_type,
                                         [count, srcval]))

# builtin `zip` implementation

@lower_builtin(zip, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def make_zip_object(context, builder, sig, args):
    zip_type = sig.return_type

    assert len(args) == len(zip_type.source_types)

    zipobj = context.make_helper(builder, zip_type)

    for i, (arg, srcty) in enumerate(zip(args, sig.args)):
        zipobj[i] = call_getiter(context, builder, srcty, arg)

    res = zipobj._getvalue()
    return impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)

@lower_builtin('iternext', types.ZipType)
Beispiel #14
def iternext_numpy_nditer(context, builder, sig, args, result):
    [nditerty] = sig.args
    [nditer] = args

    nditercls = make_array_ndenumerate_cls(nditerty)
    nditer = nditercls(context, builder, value=nditer)

    arrty = nditerty.array_type
    arrcls = context.make_array(arrty)
    arr = arrcls(context, builder, value=builder.load(nditer.array))

    nditer.iternext_specific(context, builder, arrty, arr, result)

@implement(numpy.ndindex, types.VarArg(types.Kind(types.Integer)))
def make_array_ndindex(context, builder, sig, args):
    shape = [
        context.cast(builder, arg, argty, types.intp)
        for argty, arg in zip(sig.args, args)

    nditercls = make_ndindex_cls(types.NumpyNdIndexType(len(shape)))
    nditer = nditercls(context, builder)
    nditer.init_specific(context, builder, shape)

    return nditer._getvalue()

Beispiel #15
            if not isinstance(on, types.StringLiteral):
                raise ValueError(
                    "'on' argument to rolling() should be constant string")
            on = on.literal_value

        selection = list(df.columns)
        if on is not None:

        out_typ = RollingType(df, on, tuple(selection), False)
        return signature(out_typ, *args)

# dummy lowering to avoid overload errors, remove after overload inline PR
# is merged
@lower_builtin(rolling_dummy, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def lower_rolling_dummy(context, builder, sig, args):
    return context.get_constant_null(sig.return_type)

class GetItemDataFrameRolling2(AbstractTemplate):
    key = 'static_getitem'

    def generic(self, args, kws):
        rolling, idx = args
        # df.rolling('A')['B', 'C']
        if isinstance(rolling, RollingType):
            if isinstance(idx, tuple):
                assert all(isinstance(c, str) for c in idx)
                selection = idx
        builder = llvmir.IRBuilder(dtor_fn.append_basic_block())

        alloc_fe_type = instance_type.get_data_type()
        alloc_type = context.get_value_type(alloc_fe_type)

        ptr = builder.bitcast(dtor_fn.args[0], alloc_type.as_pointer())
        data = context.make_helper(builder, alloc_fe_type, ref=ptr)

        context.nrt.decref(builder, alloc_fe_type, data._getvalue())


    return dtor_fn

@ClassBuilder.class_impl_registry.lower(types.ClassType, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def ctor_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    Generic constructor (__new__) for jitclasses.
    # Allocate the instance
    inst_typ = sig.return_type
    alloc_type = context.get_data_type(inst_typ.get_data_type())
    alloc_size = context.get_abi_sizeof(alloc_type)

    meminfo = context.nrt.meminfo_alloc_dtor(
        context.get_constant(types.uintp, alloc_size),
        imp_dtor(context, builder.module, inst_typ),
    data_pointer = context.nrt.meminfo_data(builder, meminfo)
Beispiel #17
        alloc_fe_type = instance_type.get_data_type()
        alloc_type = context.get_value_type(alloc_fe_type)

        data_struct = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(alloc_fe_type)

        ptr = builder.bitcast(dtor_fn.args[0], alloc_type.as_pointer())
        data = data_struct(context, builder, ref=ptr)

        context.nrt_decref(builder, alloc_fe_type, data._getvalue())


    return dtor_fn

@imputils.implement(types.ClassType, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def ctor_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    # Allocate the instance
    inst_typ = sig.return_type
    alloc_type = context.get_data_type(inst_typ.get_data_type())
    alloc_size = context.get_abi_sizeof(alloc_type)

    meminfo = context.nrt_meminfo_alloc_dtor(
        context.get_constant(types.uintp, alloc_size),
        imp_dtor(context, builder.module, inst_typ),
    data_pointer = context.nrt_meminfo_data(builder, meminfo)
    data_pointer = builder.bitcast(data_pointer, alloc_type.as_pointer())

    # Nullify all data
Beispiel #18
        alloc_fe_type = instance_type.get_data_type()
        alloc_type = context.get_value_type(alloc_fe_type)

        ptr = builder.bitcast(dtor_fn.args[0], alloc_type.as_pointer())
        data = context.make_helper(builder, alloc_fe_type, ref=ptr)

        context.nrt_decref(builder, alloc_fe_type, data._getvalue())


    return dtor_fn

def ctor_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    Generic constructor (__new__) for jitclasses.
    # Allocate the instance
    inst_typ = sig.return_type
    alloc_type = context.get_data_type(inst_typ.get_data_type())
    alloc_size = context.get_abi_sizeof(alloc_type)

    meminfo = context.nrt_meminfo_alloc_dtor(
        context.get_constant(types.uintp, alloc_size),
        imp_dtor(context, builder.module, inst_typ),
    data_pointer = context.nrt_meminfo_data(builder, meminfo)
Beispiel #19
def box_df(names, arrs):
    return pd.DataFrame()

class BoxDfTyper(AbstractTemplate):
    def generic(self, args, kws):
        assert not kws
        assert len(args) % 2 == 0, "name and column pairs expected"
        col_names = [a.literal_value for a in args[:len(args)//2]]
        col_types =  [a.dtype for a in args[len(args)//2:]]
        df_typ = PandasDataFrameType(col_names, col_types)
        return signature(df_typ, *args)

BoxDfTyper.support_literals = True

@lower_builtin(box_df, types.Literal, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def lower_box_df(context, builder, sig, args):
    assert len(sig.args) % 2 == 0, "name and column pairs expected"
    n_cols = len(sig.args)//2
    col_names = [a.literal_value for a in sig.args[:n_cols]]
    col_arrs = [a for a in args[n_cols:]]
    arr_typs = [a for a in sig.args[n_cols:]]

    pyapi = context.get_python_api(builder)
    env_manager = context.get_env_manager(builder)
    c = numba.pythonapi._BoxContext(context, builder, pyapi, env_manager)
    gil_state = pyapi.gil_ensure()  # acquire GIL

    mod_name = context.insert_const_string(c.builder.module, "pandas")
    class_obj = pyapi.import_module_noblock(mod_name)
    res = pyapi.call_method(class_obj, "DataFrame", ())
Beispiel #20
    total_size =, call_args)
    items = [
        builder.load(recv_disp), total_size
    out_tuple_typ = types.Tuple([
        c_buffer_type, c_buffer_type, c_buffer_type, c_buffer_type, types.intp
    return context.make_tuple(builder, out_tuple_typ, items)

@lower_builtin(shuffle_data, c_buffer_type, c_buffer_type, c_buffer_type,
               c_buffer_type, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def lower_shuffle(context, builder, sig, args):
    # assuming there are 4 buffer arguments, column vars, send arrs, recv arrs
    assert (len(args) - 4) % 3 == 0
    num_cols = (len(args) - 4) // 3
    send_counts, recv_counts, send_disp, recv_disp = args[:4]
    col_names = ["c" + str(i) for i in range(num_cols)]
    send_names = ["send_c" + str(i) for i in range(num_cols)]
    # create send buffer building function
    func_text = "def f(send_disp, {}, {}):\n".format(",".join(col_names),
    func_text += "    n_pes = hpat.distributed_api.get_size()\n"
    func_text += "    tmp_count = np.zeros(n_pes, dtype=np.int64)\n"
    func_text += "    for i in range(len(c0)):\n"
    func_text += "        node_id = c0[i] % n_pes\n"
    func_text += "        ind = send_disp[node_id] + tmp_count[node_id]\n"
Beispiel #21
            if isinstance(as_index, sdc.utilities.utils.BooleanLiteral):
                as_index = as_index.literal_value
                # XXX as_index type is just bool when value not passed. Therefore,
                # we assume the default True value.
                # TODO: more robust fix or just check
                as_index = True

            out_typ = DataFrameGroupByType(df, keys, tuple(selection),
                                           as_index, False)
            return signature(out_typ, *args)

    # dummy lowering to avoid overload errors, remove after overload inline PR
    # is merged
    @lower_builtin(groupby_dummy, types.VarArg(types.Any))
    def lower_groupby_dummy(context, builder, sig, args):
        return context.get_constant_null(sig.return_type)

    class GetItemDataFrameGroupBy2(AbstractTemplate):
        key = 'static_getitem'

        def generic(self, args, kws):
            grpby, idx = args
            # df.groupby('A')['B', 'C']
            if isinstance(grpby, DataFrameGroupByType):
                if isinstance(idx, tuple):
                    assert all(isinstance(c, str) for c in idx)
                    selection = idx
                elif isinstance(idx, str):
Beispiel #22
                lambda x: None,
            _names = name

        levels_and_codes_pairs = sdc_tuple_map_elementwise(
            _multi_index_create_levels_and_codes, levels, codes, _names)

        _levels, _codes = sdc_tuple_unzip(levels_and_codes_pairs)
        return init_multi_index(_levels, _codes)

    return pd_multi_index_ctor_impl

@lower_builtin(MultiIndexTypeRef, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def multi_index_typeref_call_impl(context, builder, sig, args):

    # FIXME_Numba#7111: this uses low-level API as a workaround for numba issue
    # TO-DO: remove and use @overload(MultiIndexTypeRef), once issue is fixed
    # and now we do the following:
    # (1) lookup function type for the actual ctor (sdc_pandas_multi_index_ctor)
    # (2) get compiled implementation for provided args (hardcodes 0 as selected overload template,
    #     i.e. we rely on the fact that sdc_pandas_multi_index_ctor was overloaded only once)
    # (3) get the function descriptor from compiled result and emit the call to it
    call_sig = context.typing_context._resolve_user_function_type(
        sdc_pandas_multi_index_ctor, sig.args, {})
    fnty = context.typing_context._lookup_global(sdc_pandas_multi_index_ctor)
    disp = fnty.templates[0](context.typing_context)._get_impl(
        call_sig.args, {})
    cres = disp[0].get_compile_result(call_sig)