Beispiel #1
import warnings

import numpy as np

from numba import unittest_support as unittest
from numba import jit, errors
from .support import TestCase, tag
from .matmul_usecase import matmul_usecase, needs_matmul, needs_blas

    import scipy.linalg.cython_lapack
    has_lapack = True
except ImportError:
    has_lapack = False

needs_lapack = unittest.skipUnless(has_lapack,
                                   "LAPACK needs Scipy 0.16+")

def dot2(a, b):
    return, b)

def dot3(a, b, out):
    return, b, out=out)

def vdot(a, b):
    return np.vdot(a, b)

class TestProduct(TestCase):
    Tests for dot products.
import math
import numpy as np
import subprocess
import numbers
import importlib
import sys
import re
from itertools import chain, combinations

import numba
from numba import prange, unittest_support as unittest
from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags
from numba.six import exec_
from .support import TestCase, tag, override_env_config

needs_svml = unittest.skipUnless(numba.config.USING_SVML,
                                 "SVML tests need SVML to be present")

# a map of float64 vector lenghs with corresponding CPU architecture
vlen2cpu = {2: 'nehalem', 4: 'haswell', 8: 'skylake-avx512'}

# K: SVML functions, V: python functions which are expected to be SIMD-vectorized
# using SVML, explicit references to Python functions here are mostly for sake of
# instant import checks.
# TODO: [] and comments below mean unused/untested SVML function, it's to be
#       either enabled or to be replaced with the explanation why the function
#       cannot be used in Numba
# TODO: this test does not support functions with more than 1 arguments yet
# The test logic should be modified if there is an SVML function being used under
# different name or module from Python
svml_funcs = {
    "sin":     [np.sin, math.sin],
Beispiel #3
def skip_unless_cudasim(reason):
    return unittest.skipUnless(config.ENABLE_CUDASIM, reason)
Beispiel #4
    def imatmul_usecase(x, y):
        x @= y
        return x
    co = compile(code, "<string>", "exec")
    ns = {}
    eval(co, globals(), ns)
    del code, co, ns

    matmul_usecase = None
    imatmul_usecase = None

needs_matmul = unittest.skipUnless(
    "the matrix multiplication operator needs Python 3.5+ and Numpy 1.10+")

needs_blas = unittest.skipUnless(has_blas, "BLAS needs Scipy 0.16+")

class DumbMatrix(object):

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __matmul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, DumbMatrix):
            return DumbMatrix(self.value * other.value)
        return NotImplemented
Beispiel #5
def skip_unless_conda_cudatoolkit(reason):
    return unittest.skipUnless(get_conda_ctk() is not None, reason)
Beispiel #6
        # Check that the cause of the exception is due to access/permission
        # as per
        eno = getattr(e, 'errno', None)
        if eno in (errno.EACCES, errno.EPERM):
            # errno reports access/perm fail so access prevention via
            # `chmod 500` works for this user.
            ret = True
        os.chmod(test_dir, 0o775)
    return ret

_access_preventable = check_access_is_preventable()
_access_msg = "Cannot create a directory to which writes are preventable"
skip_bad_access = unittest.skipUnless(_access_preventable, _access_msg)

class TestDispatcher(BaseTest):
    def test_dyn_pyfunc(self):
        def foo(x):
            return x

        [cr] = foo.overloads.values()
        # __module__ must be match that of foo
        self.assertEqual(cr.entry_point.__module__, foo.py_func.__module__)

    def test_no_argument(self):
Beispiel #7
    _HAVE_TBB_POOL = False

    from numba.npyufunc import omppool
    _HAVE_OMP_POOL = True
except ImportError:
    _HAVE_OMP_POOL = False

    import scipy.linalg.cython_lapack  # noqa: F401
    _HAVE_LAPACK = True
except ImportError:
    _HAVE_LAPACK = False

# test skipping decorators
skip_no_omp = unittest.skipUnless(_HAVE_OMP_POOL, "OpenMP threadpool required")
skip_no_tbb = unittest.skipUnless(_HAVE_TBB_POOL, "TBB threadpool required")

_gnuomp = _HAVE_OMP_POOL and omppool.openmp_vendor == "GNU"
skip_unless_gnu_omp = unittest.skipUnless(_gnuomp, "GNU OpenMP only tests")

_windows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
_osx = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
_32bit = sys.maxsize <= 2**32
_parfors_unsupported = _32bit

_HAVE_OS_FORK = not _windows

# some functions to jit

Beispiel #8
    _HAVE_TBB_POOL = False

    from numba.npyufunc import omppool
    _HAVE_OMP_POOL = True
except ImportError:
    _HAVE_OMP_POOL = False

    import scipy.linalg.cython_lapack
    _HAVE_LAPACK = True
except ImportError:
    _HAVE_LAPACK = False

# test skipping decorators
skip_no_omp = unittest.skipUnless(_HAVE_OMP_POOL, "OpenMP threadpool required")
skip_no_tbb = unittest.skipUnless(_HAVE_TBB_POOL, "TBB threadpool required")

_gnuomp = _HAVE_OMP_POOL and omppool.openmp_vendor == "GNU"
skip_unless_gnu_omp = unittest.skipUnless(_gnuomp, "GNU OpenMP only tests")

skip_unless_py3 = unittest.skipUnless(utils.PYVERSION >= (3, 0),
                                      "Test runs on Python 3 only")

_windows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
_osx = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
_windows_py27 = (sys.platform.startswith('win32') and
                 sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 7))
_32bit = sys.maxsize <= 2 ** 32
_parfors_unsupported = _32bit or _windows_py27
Beispiel #9
import ctypes
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np

from numba import unittest_support as unittest
from numba import cfunc, carray, farray, types, typing, utils, njit
from numba import cffi_support, numpy_support
from .support import TestCase, tag, captured_stderr
from .test_dispatcher import BaseCacheTest

skip_cffi_unsupported = unittest.skipUnless(
    "CFFI not supported -- please install the cffi module",

def add_usecase(a, b):
    return a + b

def div_usecase(a, b):
    c = a / b
    return c

def square_usecase(a):
    return a ** 2

add_sig = "float64(float64, float64)"
Beispiel #10
import sys

import numpy as np

from numba import unittest_support as unittest
from numba import jit, errors
from .support import TestCase
from .matmul_usecase import matmul_usecase, needs_matmul, needs_blas

    import scipy.linalg.cython_lapack
    has_lapack = True
except ImportError:
    has_lapack = False

needs_lapack = unittest.skipUnless(has_lapack, "LAPACK needs Scipy 0.16+")

def dot2(a, b):
    return, b)

def dot3(a, b, out):
    return, b, out=out)

def vdot(a, b):
    return np.vdot(a, b)

class TestProduct(TestCase):
Beispiel #11
def skip_unless_conda_cudatoolkit(reason):
    return unittest.skipUnless(get_conda_ctk() is not None, reason)
Beispiel #12
def skip_unless_cudasim(reason):
    return unittest.skipUnless(config.ENABLE_CUDASIM, reason)
Beispiel #13
_msg = "SciPy needed for test"
skip_unless_scipy = unittest.skipIf(scipy is None, _msg)

_lnx_reason = 'linux only test'
linux_only = unittest.skipIf(not sys.platform.startswith('linux'), _lnx_reason)

_is_armv7l = platform.machine() == 'armv7l'

    import scipy.linalg.cython_lapack
    has_lapack = True
except ImportError:
    has_lapack = False

needs_lapack = unittest.skipUnless(has_lapack,
                                   "LAPACK needs SciPy 1.0+")

    import scipy.linalg.cython_blas
    has_blas = True
except ImportError:
    has_blas = False

needs_blas = unittest.skipUnless(has_blas, "BLAS needs SciPy 1.0+")

class CompilationCache(object):
    A cache of compilation results for various signatures and flags.
    This can make tests significantly faster (or less slow).
Beispiel #14
from numba import njit, gdb, gdb_init, gdb_breakpoint, prange, errors
from numba import jit
from numba import unittest_support as unittest
from numba.targets.gdb_hook import _confirm_gdb

from .support import (TestCase, captured_stdout, tag)
from .test_parfors import skip_unsupported as parfors_skip_unsupported

_platform = sys.platform

_unix_like = (_platform.startswith('linux')
              or _platform.startswith('darwin')
              or ('bsd' in _platform))

unix_only = unittest.skipUnless(_unix_like, "unix-like OS is required")
not_unix = unittest.skipIf(_unix_like, "non unix-like OS is required")

_arch_name = platform.machine()
_is_arm = _arch_name in {'aarch64', 'armv7l'}
not_arm = unittest.skipIf(_is_arm, "testing disabled on ARM")

_gdb_cond = os.environ.get('GDB_TEST', None) == '1'
needs_gdb_harness = unittest.skipUnless(_gdb_cond, "needs gdb harness")

# check if gdb is present and working
    _HAVE_GDB = True
except Exception:
    _HAVE_GDB = False
Beispiel #15
    def imatmul_usecase(x, y):
        x @= y
        return x
    co = compile(code, "<string>", "exec")
    ns = {}
    eval(co, globals(), ns)
    del code, co, ns

    matmul_usecase = None
    imatmul_usecase = None

needs_matmul = unittest.skipUnless(
    has_matmul, "the matrix multiplication operator needs Python 3.5+")

needs_blas = unittest.skipUnless(has_blas, "BLAS needs Scipy 0.16+")

class DumbMatrix(object):

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __matmul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, DumbMatrix):
            return DumbMatrix(self.value * other.value)
        return NotImplemented

    def __imatmul__(self, other):
    _HAVE_TBB_POOL = False

    from numba.npyufunc import omppool
    _HAVE_OMP_POOL = True
except ImportError:
    _HAVE_OMP_POOL = False

    import scipy.linalg.cython_lapack
    _HAVE_LAPACK = True
except ImportError:
    _HAVE_LAPACK = False

# test skipping decorators
skip_no_omp = unittest.skipUnless(_HAVE_OMP_POOL, "OpenMP threadpool required")
skip_no_tbb = unittest.skipUnless(_HAVE_TBB_POOL, "TBB threadpool required")

_gnuomp = _HAVE_OMP_POOL and omppool.openmp_vendor == "GNU"
skip_unless_gnu_omp = unittest.skipUnless(_gnuomp, "GNU OpenMP only tests")

skip_unless_py3 = unittest.skipUnless(utils.PYVERSION >= (3, 0),
                                      "Test runs on Python 3 only")

_windows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
_osx = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
_windows_py27 = (sys.platform.startswith('win32')
                 and sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 7))
_32bit = sys.maxsize <= 2**32
_parfors_unsupported = _32bit or _windows_py27
Beispiel #17
    except (OSError, IOError) as e:
        # Check that the cause of the exception is due to access/permission
        # as per
        eno = getattr(e, 'errno', None)
        if eno in (errno.EACCES, errno.EPERM):
            # errno reports access/perm fail so access prevention via
            # `chmod 500` works for this user.
            ret = True
        os.chmod(test_dir, 0o775)
    return ret

_access_preventable = check_access_is_preventable()
_access_msg = "Cannot create a directory to which writes are preventable"
skip_bad_access = unittest.skipUnless(_access_preventable, _access_msg)

class TestDispatcher(BaseTest):

    def test_dyn_pyfunc(self):
        def foo(x):
            return x

        [cr] = foo.overloads.values()
        # __module__ must be match that of foo
        self.assertEqual(cr.entry_point.__module__, foo.py_func.__module__)

    def test_no_argument(self):