Beispiel #1
def execute_sum_on_gpu_via_CU(a, b):
    assert a.shape == b.shape
    cu = CU(target='gpu')
    result = np.zeros_like(a)
    d_result = cu.output(result)
    cu.enqueue(sum, ntid=result.size, args=(a, b, result))
    return result
Beispiel #2
def execute_sum_on_gpu_via_CU(a, b):
    assert a.shape == b.shape
    cu = CU(target='gpu')
    result = np.zeros_like(a)
    d_result = cu.output(result)
    cu.enqueue(sum, ntid=result.size, args=(a, b, result))
    return result
Beispiel #3
def monte_carlo_pricer(paths, dt, interest, volatility):
    n = paths.shape[0]
    cu = CU('gpu')
    with closing(cu): # <--- auto closing the cu
        # seed the cuRAND RNG
        cu.configure(builtins.random.seed, 1234)

        c0 = interest - 0.5 * volatility ** 2
        c1 = volatility * np.sqrt(dt)
        # Step 1. prepare data

        # -------- Exercise --------
        # allocate scratchpad memory on the device for noises
        d_noises = # fill in the RHS

        # allocate a in-out memory on the device for the initial prices
        # "paths" is a 2-D array with the 1st dimension as number of paths
        # the 2nd dimension as the number of time step.
        d_last_paths = cu.inout(paths[:, 0])

        # -- Step 2. simulation loop --
        # compute one step for all paths in each iteration
        for i in range(1, paths.shape[1]):
            # Allocate a in-out memory for the next batch of simulated prices
            d_paths = cu.inout(paths[:, i])

            # Use builtin kernel "builtins.random.normal"
            # to generate a sequence of normal distribution.
            cu.enqueue(builtins.random.normal,      # the kernel
                       ntid=n,                      # number of threads
                       args=(d_noises,))            # arguments

            # -------- Exercise --------
            # Enqueue the "step" kernel
            # Hints: The "tid" argument is automatically inserted.

            # prepare for next step
            d_last_paths = d_paths

        # wait the the task to complete