Beispiel #1
 def compare(res):
     if precision is None:
         eq(arr_bytes, buffer_tobytes(res))
         res = ndarray_from_buffer(res, dtype=arr.dtype)
         res = res.reshape(arr.shape, order=order)
         assert_array_almost_equal(arr, res, decimal=precision)
Beispiel #2
def test_buffer_tobytes():
    bufs = [
        array.array('l', b'qwertyuiqwertyui')
    for buf in bufs:
        b = buffer_tobytes(buf)
        assert isinstance(b, bytes)
Beispiel #3
def check_encode_decode(arr, codec, precision=None):

    # N.B., watch out here with blosc compressor, if the itemsize of
    # the source buffer is different then the results of encoding
    # (i.e., compression) may be different. Hence we *do not* require that
    # the results of encoding be identical for all possible inputs, rather
    # we just require that the results of the encode/decode round-trip can
    # be compared to the original array.

    # setup
    arr_bytes = buffer_tobytes(arr)
    if arr.flags.f_contiguous:
        order = 'F'
        order = 'C'

    # function to compare result after encode/decode round-trip against
    # original array

    def compare(res):
        if precision is None:
            eq(arr_bytes, buffer_tobytes(res))
            res = ndarray_from_buffer(res, dtype=arr.dtype)
            res = res.reshape(arr.shape, order=order)
            assert_array_almost_equal(arr, res, decimal=precision)

    # encoding should support any object exporting the buffer protocol,
    # as well as array.array in PY2

    # test encoding of numpy array
    enc = codec.encode(arr)
    dec = codec.decode(enc)

    # test encoding of raw bytes
    buf = arr.tobytes(order='A')
    enc = codec.encode(buf)
    dec = codec.decode(enc)

    # test encoding of array.array
    buf = array.array('b', arr.tobytes(order='A'))
    enc = codec.encode(buf)
    dec = codec.decode(enc)

    # decoding should support any object exporting the buffer protocol,
    # as well as array.array in PY2

    # setup
    enc_bytes = buffer_tobytes(enc)

    # test decoding of raw bytes
    dec = codec.decode(enc_bytes)

    # test decoding of array.array
    buf = array.array('b', enc_bytes)
    dec = codec.decode(buf)

    # test decoding of numpy array
    buf = np.frombuffer(enc_bytes, dtype='u1')
    dec = codec.decode(buf)

    # test decoding directly into numpy array
    out = np.empty_like(arr)
    codec.decode(enc_bytes, out=out)

    # test decoding directly into bytearray
    out = bytearray(arr.nbytes)
    codec.decode(enc_bytes, out=out)
Beispiel #4
def check_backwards_compatibility(codec_id, arrays, codecs, precision=None, prefix=None):

    # setup directory to hold data fixture
    if prefix:
        fixture_dir = os.path.join('fixture', codec_id, prefix)
        fixture_dir = os.path.join('fixture', codec_id)
    if not os.path.exists(fixture_dir):  # pragma: no cover

    # save fixture data
    for i, arr in enumerate(arrays):
        arr_fn = os.path.join(fixture_dir, 'array.{:02d}.npy'.format(i))
        if not os.path.exists(arr_fn):  # pragma: no cover
  , arr)

    # load fixture data
    for arr_fn in glob(os.path.join(fixture_dir, 'array.*.npy')):

        # setup
        i = int(arr_fn.split('.')[-2])
        arr = np.load(arr_fn)
        arr_bytes = buffer_tobytes(arr)
        if arr.flags.f_contiguous:
            order = 'F'
            order = 'C'

        for j, codec in enumerate(codecs):

            # setup a directory to hold encoded data
            codec_dir = os.path.join(fixture_dir, 'codec.{:02d}'.format(j))
            if not os.path.exists(codec_dir):  # pragma: no cover

            # file with codec configuration information
            codec_fn = os.path.join(codec_dir, 'config.json')

            # one time save config
            if not os.path.exists(codec_fn):  # pragma: no cover
                with open(codec_fn, mode='w') as cf:
                    json.dump(codec.get_config(), cf, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

            # load config and compare with expectation
            with open(codec_fn, mode='r') as cf:
                config = json.load(cf)
                eq(codec, get_codec(config))

            enc_fn = os.path.join(codec_dir, 'encoded.{:02d}.dat'.format(i))

            # one time encode and save array
            if not os.path.exists(enc_fn):  # pragma: no cover
                enc = codec.encode(arr)
                with open(enc_fn, mode='wb') as ef:

            # load and decode data
            with open(enc_fn, mode='rb') as ef:
                enc =
                dec = codec.decode(enc)
                dec_arr = ndarray_from_buffer(dec, dtype=arr.dtype)
                dec_arr = dec_arr.reshape(arr.shape, order=order)
                if precision and precision[j] is not None:
                    assert_array_almost_equal(arr, dec_arr, decimal=precision[j])
                elif arr.dtype == 'object':
                    assert_array_items_equal(arr, dec_arr)
                    assert_array_equal(arr, dec_arr)
                    eq(arr_bytes, buffer_tobytes(dec))
Beispiel #5
def check_encode_decode(arr, codec, precision=None):

    # N.B., watch out here with blosc compressor, if the itemsize of
    # the source buffer is different then the results of encoding
    # (i.e., compression) may be different. Hence we *do not* require that
    # the results of encoding be identical for all possible inputs, rather
    # we just require that the results of the encode/decode round-trip can
    # be compared to the original array.

    # encoding should support any object exporting the buffer protocol,
    # as well as array.array in PY2

    # test encoding of numpy array
    enc = codec.encode(arr)
    dec = codec.decode(enc)
    compare_arrays(arr, dec, precision=precision)

    # test encoding of bytes
    buf = arr.tobytes(order='A')
    enc = codec.encode(buf)
    dec = codec.decode(enc)
    compare_arrays(arr, dec, precision=precision)

    # test encoding of bytearray
    buf = bytearray(arr.tobytes(order='A'))
    enc = codec.encode(buf)
    dec = codec.decode(enc)
    compare_arrays(arr, dec, precision=precision)

    # test encoding of array.array
    buf = array.array('b', arr.tobytes(order='A'))
    enc = codec.encode(buf)
    dec = codec.decode(enc)
    compare_arrays(arr, dec, precision=precision)

    # decoding should support any object exporting the buffer protocol,
    # as well as array.array in PY2

    # setup
    enc_bytes = buffer_tobytes(enc)

    # test decoding of raw bytes
    dec = codec.decode(enc_bytes)
    compare_arrays(arr, dec, precision=precision)

    # test decoding of bytearray
    dec = codec.decode(bytearray(enc_bytes))
    compare_arrays(arr, dec, precision=precision)

    # test decoding of array.array
    buf = array.array('b', enc_bytes)
    dec = codec.decode(buf)
    compare_arrays(arr, dec, precision=precision)

    # test decoding of numpy array
    buf = np.frombuffer(enc_bytes, dtype='u1')
    dec = codec.decode(buf)
    compare_arrays(arr, dec, precision=precision)

    # test decoding directly into numpy array
    out = np.empty_like(arr)
    codec.decode(enc_bytes, out=out)
    compare_arrays(arr, out, precision=precision)

    # test decoding directly into bytearray
    out = bytearray(arr.nbytes)
    codec.decode(enc_bytes, out=out)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    compare_arrays(arr, out, precision=precision)