Beispiel #1
def longest_ones(x):
    return the indicies of the longest stretch of contiguous ones in x,
    assuming x is a vector of zeros and ones.

    If there are two equally long stretches, pick the first
    x = asarray(x)
    if len(x) == 0: return array([])

    #print 'x', x
    ind = find(x == 0)
    if len(ind) == 0: return arange(len(x))
    if len(ind) == len(x): return array([])

    y = zeros((len(x) + 2, ), Int)
    y[1:-1] = x
    d = diff(y)
    #print 'd', d
    up = find(d == 1)
    dn = find(d == -1)

    #print 'dn', dn, 'up', up,
    ind = find(dn - up == max(dn - up))
    # pick the first
    if iterable(ind): ind = ind[0]
    ind = arange(up[ind], dn[ind])

    return ind
Beispiel #2
    def _initialize_x_y(self, z, origin, extent):
        Return X, Y arrays such that contour(Z) will match imshow(Z)
        if origin is not None.
        The center of pixel Z[i,j] depends on origin:
        if origin is None, x = j, y = i;
        if origin is 'lower', x = j + 0.5, y = i + 0.5;
        if origin is 'upper', x = j + 0.5, y = Nrows - i - 0.5
        If extent is not None, x and y will be scaled to match,
        as in imshow.
        if len(shape(z)) != 2:
            raise TypeError("Input must be a 2D array.")
            Ny, Nx = shape(z)
        if origin is None:
            return meshgrid(arange(Nx), arange(Ny))

        if extent is None:
            x0, x1, y0, y1 = (0, Nx, 0, Ny)
            x0, x1, y0, y1 = extent
        dx = float(x1 - x0) / Nx
        dy = float(y1 - y0) / Ny
        x = x0 + (arange(Nx) + 0.5) * dx
        y = y0 + (arange(Ny) + 0.5) * dy
        if origin == 'upper':
            y = y[::-1]
        return meshgrid(x, y)
Beispiel #3
def longest_ones(x):
    return the indicies of the longest stretch of contiguous ones in x,
    assuming x is a vector of zeros and ones.

    If there are two equally long stretches, pick the first
    x = asarray(x)
    if len(x)==0: return array([])

    #print 'x', x
    ind = find(x==0)
    if len(ind)==0:  return arange(len(x))
    if len(ind)==len(x): return array([])

    y = zeros( (len(x)+2,), Int)
    y[1:-1] = x
    d = diff(y)
    #print 'd', d
    up = find(d ==  1);
    dn = find(d == -1);

    #print 'dn', dn, 'up', up, 
    ind = find( dn-up == max(dn - up))
    # pick the first
    if iterable(ind): ind = ind[0]
    ind = arange(up[ind], dn[ind])

    return ind
Beispiel #4
def filled_regions(epsoutfile):
    x = arange(0.0, 10.0, 0.1)
    phi = arange(0.0, 2.0*pi, 0.1)
    x_circ = cos(phi)-1.5
    y_circ = sin(phi)-1.0

    x_ell = 1.5*cos(phi)+1.0
    y_ell = 0.5*sin(phi)+0.5

    g=pyxgraph(xlabel=r"$x$", ylabel=r"$y$", xlimits=(-3.0, 3.0),
               ylimits=(-4.0, 4.0), key=False)      
    g.pyxplot((x, -sin(x)-1.0), style="p", title=None)  # we need at least one plot!!
                                                   # even if invisible
    p1 = convert_to_path(g, x_circ, y_circ)
    g.stroke(p1, [pyx.deco.filled([pyx.color.rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)])])

    p2 = convert_to_path(g, x_ell, y_ell)
    g.stroke(p2, [pyx.deco.stroked([pyx.color.rgb(0.8, 0.2, 0.0)]),
                 pyx.deco.filled([pyx.color.rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)]),

    # a more funny shape
    p3 = convert_to_path(g, phi/2.0/pi*x_ell-2.4, 3*y_ell+0.5)
    g.fill(p3, [pyx.deco.filled([pyx.color.rgb(0.2, 0.8, 0.2)]),

Beispiel #5
    def __call__(self):
        'Return the locations of the ticks'
        b = self._base

        vmin, vmax = self.viewInterval.get_bounds()
        vmin = math.log(vmin) / math.log(b)
        vmax = math.log(vmax) / math.log(b)

        if vmax < vmin:
            vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
        ticklocs = []

        numdec = math.floor(vmax) - math.ceil(vmin)

        if self._subs is None:  # autosub
            if numdec > 10: subs = array([1.0])
            elif numdec > 6: subs = arange(2.0, b, 2.0)
            else: subs = arange(2.0, b)
            subs = self._subs

        stride = 1
        while numdec / stride + 1 > self.numticks:
            stride += 1

        for decadeStart in b**arange(math.floor(vmin),
                                     math.ceil(vmax) + stride, stride):
            ticklocs.extend(subs * decadeStart)

        return array(ticklocs)
Beispiel #6
    def __call__(self):
        'Return the locations of the ticks'

        vmin, vmax = self.viewInterval.get_bounds()
        vmin = math.log(vmin)/math.log(b)
        vmax = math.log(vmax)/math.log(b)

        if vmax<vmin:
            vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
        ticklocs = []

        numdec = math.floor(vmax)-math.ceil(vmin)
        if self._subs is None: # autosub
            if numdec>10: subs = array([1.0])
            elif numdec>6: subs = arange(2.0, b, 2.0)
            else: subs = arange(2.0, b)
            subs = self._subs
        for decadeStart in b**arange(math.floor(vmin),math.ceil(vmax)):
            ticklocs.extend( subs*decadeStart )

        if(len(subs) and subs[0]==1.0):

        ticklocs = array(ticklocs)
        ind = nonzero(logical_and(ticklocs>=b**vmin ,

        ticklocs = take(ticklocs,ind)
        return ticklocs
Beispiel #7
    def __call__(self):
        'Return the locations of the ticks'

        vmin, vmax = self.viewInterval.get_bounds()
        vmin = math.log(vmin)/math.log(b)
        vmax = math.log(vmax)/math.log(b)

        if vmax<vmin:
            vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
        ticklocs = []

        numdec = math.floor(vmax)-math.ceil(vmin)

        if self._subs is None: # autosub
            if numdec>10: subs = array([1.0])
            elif numdec>6: subs = arange(2.0, b, 2.0)
            else: subs = arange(2.0, b)
            subs = self._subs

        stride = 1
        while numdec/stride+1 > self.numticks:
            stride += 1

        for decadeStart in b**arange(math.floor(vmin),math.ceil(vmax)+stride, stride):
            ticklocs.extend( subs*decadeStart )

        return array(ticklocs)
Beispiel #8
    def _initialize_x_y(self, z):
        Return X, Y arrays such that contour(Z) will match imshow(Z)
        if origin is not None.
        The center of pixel Z[i,j] depends on origin:
        if origin is None, x = j, y = i;
        if origin is 'lower', x = j + 0.5, y = i + 0.5;
        if origin is 'upper', x = j + 0.5, y = Nrows - i - 0.5
        If extent is not None, x and y will be scaled to match,
        as in imshow.
        if len(shape(z)) != 2:
            raise TypeError("Input must be a 2D array.")
            Ny, Nx = shape(z)
        if self.origin is None:
            return meshgrid(arange(Nx), arange(Ny))

        if self.extent is None:
            x0,x1,y0,y1 = (0, Nx, 0, Ny)
            x0,x1,y0,y1 = self.extent
        dx = float(x1 - x0)/Nx
        dy = float(y1 - y0)/Ny
        x = x0 + (arange(Nx) + 0.5) * dx
        y = y0 + (arange(Ny) + 0.5) * dy
        if self.origin == 'upper':
            y = y[::-1]
        return meshgrid(x,y)
Beispiel #9
def get_xyz_where(Z, Cond):
    Z and Cond are MxN matrices.  Z are data and Cond is a boolean
    matrix where some condition is satisfied.  Return value is x,y,z
    where x and y are the indices into Z and z are the values of Z at
    those indices.  x,y,z are 1D arrays

    M, N = Z.shape
    z = ravel(Z)
    ind = nonzero(ravel(Cond))

    x = arange(M)
    x.shape = M, 1
    X = repeat(x, N, 1)
    x = ravel(X)

    y = arange(N)
    y.shape = 1, N
    Y = repeat(y, M)
    y = ravel(Y)

    x = take(x, ind)
    y = take(y, ind)
    z = take(z, ind)
    return x, y, z
Beispiel #10
def colorbars(epsoutfile):
    x = (arange(50.0)-25)/2.0
    y = (arange(50.0)-25)/2.0
    r = sqrt(x[:,NewAxis]**2+y**2)
    z = 5.0*cos(r)  

    colmap = ColMapper.ColorMapper("yellow-red", exponent=0.55, brightness=0.5)
    lut = colmap.generate_lut()

    c = pyx.canvas.canvas()
    g = pyxgraph(xlimits=(min(x), max(x)), ylimits=(min(y), max(y)),
                 width=6, height=6)
    g.pyxplot("y(x)=sin(x)", style="p")  # FIXME: can't do empty plots!
    g.pyxplotarray(z, colmap=lut)

    minz = minvalue=min(ravel(z))
    maxz = maxvalue=max(ravel(z))

    # --- vertical bars
    dist = 1.2
    for orientation, position in [("vertical", "right"),
                                  ("vertical", "middle"),
                                  ("vertical2", "middle")]:
        cb = pyxcolorbar(lut=lut, frame=g,
                         pos=(dist, 0),
                         orientation = orientation,
                         position = position,
                         minvalue = minz, maxvalue=maxz)
        # add a short note on the style:
        txt = orientation[0]
        if "2" in orientation:
            txt += "2"
        txt += ", "+position[0]            
        cb.pyxlabel( (0.0, 1.3), txt, style=[pyx.text.halign.left])

        dist = dist + 0.5

    # horizontal ones:
    dist = -0.3
    for orientation, position in [("horizontal", "middle"),
                                  ("horizontal2", "middle")]:
        cb = pyxcolorbar(lut=lut, frame=g, pos=(0.0, dist),
                         orientation = orientation,
                         position = position,
                         minvalue = minz, maxvalue=maxz)
        # add a short note on the style:
        txt = orientation[0]
        if "2" in orientation:
            txt += "2"
        txt += ", "+position[0]            
        cb.pyxlabel( (1.3, 0.5), txt, style=[pyx.text.halign.left])

        dist = dist - 0.3
    pyxsave(c, epsoutfile)
Beispiel #11
    def _set_clip(self):

        if not self._useDataClipping: return
        #self._logcache = None

            self._xmin, self._xmax
        except AttributeError:
            indx = arange(len(self._x))
            if not hasattr(self, '_xsorted'):
                self._xsorted = self._is_sorted(self._x)
            if len(self._x) == 1:
                indx = [0]
            elif self._xsorted:
                # for really long signals, if we know they are sorted
                # on x we can save a lot of time using search sorted
                # since the alternative approach requires 3 O(len(x) ) ops
                indMin, indMax = searchsorted(self._x,
                                              array([self._xmin, self._xmax]))
                indMin = max(0, indMin - 1)
                indMax = min(indMax + 1, len(self._x))
                skip = 0
                if self._lod:
                    # if level of detail is on, decimate the data
                    # based on pixel width
                    raise NotImplementedError('LOD deprecated')
                    l, b, w, h = self.get_window_extent().get_bounds()
                    skip = int((indMax - indMin) / w)
                if skip > 0: indx = arange(indMin, indMax, skip)
                else: indx = arange(indMin, indMax)
                indx = nonzero(
                    logical_and(self._x >= self._xmin, self._x <= self._xmax))

        self._xc = take(self._x, indx)
        self._yc = take(self._y, indx)

        # y data clipping for connected lines can introduce horizontal
        # line artifacts near the clip region.  If you really need y
        # clipping for efficiency, consider using plot(y,x) instead.
        if (self._yc.shape == self._xc.shape and self._linestyle is None):
                self._ymin, self._ymax
            except AttributeError:
                indy = arange(len(self._yc))
                indy = nonzero(
                    logical_and(self._yc >= self._ymin,
                                self._yc <= self._ymax))
            indy = arange(len(self._yc))

        self._xc = take(self._xc, indy)
        self._yc = take(self._yc, indy)
Beispiel #12
    def _set_clip(self):

        if not self._useDataClipping:
        # self._logcache = None

            self._xmin, self._xmax
        except AttributeError:
            indx = arange(len(self._x))
            if not hasattr(self, "_xsorted"):
                self._xsorted = self._is_sorted(self._x)
            if len(self._x) == 1:
                indx = [0]
            elif self._xsorted:
                # for really long signals, if we know they are sorted
                # on x we can save a lot of time using search sorted
                # since the alternative approach requires 3 O(len(x) ) ops
                indMin, indMax = searchsorted(self._x, array([self._xmin, self._xmax]))
                indMin = max(0, indMin - 1)
                indMax = min(indMax + 1, len(self._x))
                skip = 0
                if self._lod:
                    # if level of detail is on, decimate the data
                    # based on pixel width
                    raise NotImplementedError("LOD deprecated")
                    l, b, w, h = self.get_window_extent().get_bounds()
                    skip = int((indMax - indMin) / w)
                if skip > 0:
                    indx = arange(indMin, indMax, skip)
                    indx = arange(indMin, indMax)
                indx = nonzero(logical_and(self._x >= self._xmin, self._x <= self._xmax))

        self._xc = take(self._x, indx)
        self._yc = take(self._y, indx)

        # y data clipping for connected lines can introduce horizontal
        # line artifacts near the clip region.  If you really need y
        # clipping for efficiency, consider using plot(y,x) instead.
        if self._yc.shape == self._xc.shape and self._linestyle is None:
                self._ymin, self._ymax
            except AttributeError:
                indy = arange(len(self._yc))
                indy = nonzero(logical_and(self._yc >= self._ymin, self._yc <= self._ymax))
            indy = arange(len(self._yc))

        self._xc = take(self._xc, indy)
        self._yc = take(self._yc, indy)
Beispiel #13
def array_example1(epsoutfile):
    x = (arange(100.0)-50)/25.0
    y = (arange(100.0)-50)/25.0
    # Important: z[y, x] -- y first!
    z = 5.0*sin(2*x[NewAxis, :]) + 3.0*cos(3*y[:, NewAxis])

    g=pyxgraph(xlimits=(min(x), max(x)), ylimits=(min(y), max(y)),
               width=6, height=6, key=False)
    g.pyxplotcontour(z, x, y, levels=15, colors='map',
                                                exponent=1.0, brightness=0.2))
Beispiel #14
def array_example1(epsoutfile):
    x = (arange(50.0)-25)/2.0
    y = (arange(50.0)-25)/2.0
    r = sqrt(x[:,NewAxis]**2+y**2)
    z = 5.0*sin(r)  

    g=pyxgraph(xlimits=(min(x), max(x)), ylimits=(min(y), max(y)),
               width=6, height=6, key=False)
    # WARNING: if key is not specified to be False, one gets a weird
    # error ....
    #g.pyxplot("y(x)=sin(x)", style="p")  # FIXME: can't do empty plots!
    g.pyxplotarray(z, colmap=ColMapper.ColorMapper("yellow-red",
                                                exponent=0.55, brightness=0.5))
Beispiel #15
def specgram(x,
    Compute a spectrogram of data in x.  Data are split into NFFT
    length segements and the PSD of each section is computed.  The
    windowing function window is applied to each segment, and the
    amount of overlap of each segment is specified with noverlap

    See pdf for more info.

    The returned times are the midpoints of the intervals over which
    the ffts are calculated
    x = asarray(x)
    assert (NFFT > noverlap)
    if log(NFFT) / log(2) != int(log(NFFT) / log(2)):
        raise ValueError, 'NFFT must be a power of 2'

    # zero pad x up to NFFT if it is shorter than NFFT
    if len(x) < NFFT:
        n = len(x)
        x = resize(x, (NFFT, ))
        x[n:] = 0

    # for real x, ignore the negative frequencies
    if typecode(x) == Complex: numFreqs = NFFT
    else: numFreqs = NFFT // 2 + 1

    windowVals = window(ones((NFFT, ), typecode(x)))
    step = NFFT - noverlap
    ind = arange(0, len(x) - NFFT + 1, step)
    n = len(ind)
    Pxx = zeros((numFreqs, n), Float)
    # do the ffts of the slices

    for i in range(n):
        thisX = x[ind[i]:ind[i] + NFFT]
        thisX = windowVals * detrend(thisX)
        fx = absolute(fft(thisX))**2
        # Scale the spectrum by the norm of the window to compensate for
        # windowing loss; see Bendat & Piersol Sec 11.5.2
        Pxx[:, i] = divide(fx[:numFreqs], norm(windowVals)**2)
    t = 1 / Fs * (ind + NFFT / 2)
    freqs = Fs / NFFT * arange(numFreqs)

    return Pxx, freqs, t
Beispiel #16
def test_bar2D():
    ax = Axes3D()

    for c,z in zip(['r','g','b','y'],[30,20,10,0]):
        xs = nx.arange(20)
        ys = [random.random() for x in xs],ys,z=z,dir='y',color=c)
Beispiel #17
    def __init__(self,
                 rotation = 0 ,
                 sizes = (1,),
        Draw a regular polygon with numsides.  sizes gives the area of
        the circle circumscribing the regular polygon and rotation is
        the rotation of the polygon in radians.

        offsets are a sequence of x,y tuples that give the centers of
        the polygon in data coordinates, and transOffset is the
        Transformation instance used to transform the centers onto the

        dpi is the figure dpi instance, and is required to do the area
        self._sizes = asarray(sizes)
        self._dpi = dpi

        r = 1.0/math.sqrt(math.pi)  # unit area

        theta = (2*math.pi/numsides)*arange(numsides) + rotation
        self._verts = zip( r*sin(theta), r*cos(theta) )
Beispiel #18
def test_polys():
    from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection, PolyCollection
    from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter

    cc = lambda arg: colorConverter.to_rgba(arg, alpha=0.6)

    ax = Axes3D()
    xs = nx.arange(0,10,0.4)
    verts = []
    zs = [0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0]
    for z in zs:
        ys = [random.random() for x in xs]
        ys[0],ys[-1] = 0,0

    poly = PolyCollection(verts, facecolors = [cc('r'),cc('g'),cc('b'),
    #patches = art3d.Poly3DCollectionW(poly, zs=zs, dir='y')
    #poly = PolyCollection(verts)
    ax.plot(xs,ys, z=z, dir='y', c='r')
Beispiel #19
    def __call__(self):
        'Return the locations of the ticks'
        vmin, vmax = self.viewInterval.get_bounds()
        vmin = math.log(vmin)/math.log(b)
        vmax = math.log(vmax)/math.log(b)

        if vmax<vmin:
            vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
        ticklocs = []
        for decadeStart in b**arange(math.floor(vmin),math.ceil(vmax)):
            ticklocs.extend( subs*decadeStart )

        if(len(subs) and subs[0]==1.0):

        ticklocs = array(ticklocs)
        ind = nonzero(logical_and(ticklocs>=b**vmin ,

        ticklocs = take(ticklocs,ind)
        return ticklocs
Beispiel #20
def psd(x, NFFT=256, Fs=2, detrend=detrend_none,
        window=window_hanning, noverlap=0):
    The power spectral density by Welches average periodogram method.
    The vector x is divided into NFFT length segments.  Each segment
    is detrended by function detrend and windowed by function window.
    noperlap gives the length of the overlap between segments.  The
    absolute(fft(segment))**2 of each segment are averaged to compute Pxx,
    with a scaling to correct for power loss due to windowing.  Fs is
    the sampling frequency.

    -- NFFT must be a power of 2
    -- detrend and window are functions, unlike in matlab where they are
    -- if length x < NFFT, it will be zero padded to NFFT

    Returns the tuple Pxx, freqs

      Bendat & Piersol -- Random Data: Analysis and Measurement
        Procedures, John Wiley & Sons (1986)


    if NFFT % 2:
        raise ValueError, 'NFFT must be a power of 2'

    # zero pad x up to NFFT if it is shorter than NFFT
    if len(x)<NFFT:
        n = len(x)
        x = resize(x, (NFFT,))
        x[n:] = 0

    # for real x, ignore the negative frequencies
    if x.typecode()==Complex: numFreqs = NFFT
    else: numFreqs = NFFT//2+1
    windowVals = window(ones((NFFT,),x.typecode()))
    step = NFFT-noverlap
    ind = range(0,len(x)-NFFT+1,step)
    n = len(ind)
    Pxx = zeros((numFreqs,n), Float)
    # do the ffts of the slices
    for i in range(n):
        thisX = x[ind[i]:ind[i]+NFFT]
        thisX = windowVals*detrend(thisX)
        fx = absolute(fft(thisX))**2
        Pxx[:,i] = divide(fx[:numFreqs], norm(windowVals)**2)

    # Scale the spectrum by the norm of the window to compensate for
    # windowing loss; see Bendat & Piersol Sec 11.5.2
    if n>1:
       Pxx = mean(Pxx,1)

    freqs = Fs/NFFT*arange(numFreqs)
    Pxx.shape = len(freqs),

    return Pxx, freqs
Beispiel #21
    def __init__(self,
                 rotation = 0 ,
                 sizes = (1,),
        Draw a regular polygon with numsides.  sizes gives the area of
        the circle circumscribing the regular polygon and rotation is
        the rotation of the polygon in radians.

        offsets are a sequence of x,y tuples that give the centers of
        the polygon in data coordinates, and transOffset is the
        Transformation instance used to transform the centers onto the

        dpi is the figure dpi instance, and is required to do the area
        self._sizes = asarray(sizes)
        self._dpi = dpi

        r = 1.0/math.sqrt(math.pi)  # unit area

        theta = (2*math.pi/numsides)*arange(numsides) + rotation
        self._verts = zip( r*sin(theta), r*cos(theta) )
Beispiel #22
    def __call__(self):
        'Return the locations of the ticks'
        vmin, vmax = self.viewInterval.get_bounds()
        vmin = math.log(vmin)/math.log(b)
        vmax = math.log(vmax)/math.log(b)

        if vmax<vmin:
            vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
        ticklocs = []
        for decadeStart in b**arange(math.floor(vmin),math.ceil(vmax)):
            ticklocs.extend( subs*decadeStart )

        if(len(subs) and subs[0]==1.0):

        ticklocs = array(ticklocs)
        ind = nonzero(logical_and(ticklocs>=b**vmin ,

        ticklocs = take(ticklocs,ind)
        return ticklocs
Beispiel #23
    def _draw_circle(self, renderer, gc, xt, yt, point=False):

        w = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        if point:
            w *= self._point_size_reduction

        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()

        if self._newstyle:
            N = 50.0
            r = w/2.
            rads = (2*math.pi/N)*arange(N)
            xs = r*cos(rads)
            ys = r*sin(rads)
            # todo: use curve3!
            path = agg.path_storage()
            path.move_to(xs[0], ys[0])
            for x, y in zip(xs[1:], ys[1:]):
                path.line_to(x, y)

            renderer.draw_markers(gc, path, rgbFace, xt, yt, self._transform)
            for (x,y) in zip(xt, yt):
                renderer.draw_arc(gc, rgbFace,
                                  x, y, w, w, 0.0, 360.0)
Beispiel #24
def psd(x, NFFT=256, Fs=2, detrend=detrend_none,
        window=window_hanning, noverlap=0):
    The power spectral density by Welches average periodogram method.
    The vector x is divided into NFFT length segments.  Each segment
    is detrended by function detrend and windowed by function window.
    noperlap gives the length of the overlap between segments.  The
    absolute(fft(segment))**2 of each segment are averaged to compute Pxx,
    with a scaling to correct for power loss due to windowing.  Fs is
    the sampling frequency.

    -- NFFT must be a power of 2
    -- detrend and window are functions, unlike in matlab where they are
    -- if length x < NFFT, it will be zero padded to NFFT

    Returns the tuple Pxx, freqs

      Bendat & Piersol -- Random Data: Analysis and Measurement
        Procedures, John Wiley & Sons (1986)


    if NFFT % 2:
        raise ValueError, 'NFFT must be a power of 2'

    # zero pad x up to NFFT if it is shorter than NFFT
    if len(x)<NFFT:
        n = len(x)
        x = resize(x, (NFFT,))
        x[n:] = 0

    # for real x, ignore the negative frequencies
    if x.typecode()==Complex: numFreqs = NFFT
    else: numFreqs = NFFT//2+1
    windowVals = window(ones((NFFT,),x.typecode()))
    step = NFFT-noverlap
    ind = range(0,len(x)-NFFT+1,step)
    n = len(ind)
    Pxx = zeros((numFreqs,n), Float)
    # do the ffts of the slices
    for i in range(n):
        thisX = x[ind[i]:ind[i]+NFFT]
        thisX = windowVals*detrend(thisX)
        fx = absolute(fft(thisX))**2
        Pxx[:,i] = divide(fx[:numFreqs], norm(windowVals)**2)

    # Scale the spectrum by the norm of the window to compensate for
    # windowing loss; see Bendat & Piersol Sec 11.5.2
    if n>1:
       Pxx = mean(Pxx,1)

    freqs = Fs/NFFT*arange(numFreqs)
    Pxx.shape = len(freqs),

    return Pxx, freqs
Beispiel #25
def specgram(x, NFFT=256, Fs=2, detrend=detrend_none,
             window=window_hanning, noverlap=128):
    Compute a spectrogram of data in x.  Data are split into NFFT
    length segements and the PSD of each section is computed.  The
    windowing function window is applied to each segment, and the
    amount of overlap of each segment is specified with noverlap

    See pdf for more info.

    The returned times are the midpoints of the intervals over which
    the ffts are calculated

    if log(NFFT)/log(2) != int(log(NFFT)/log(2)):
       raise ValueError, 'NFFT must be a power of 2'

    # zero pad x up to NFFT if it is shorter than NFFT
    if len(x)<NFFT:
        n = len(x)
        x = resize(x, (NFFT,))
        x[n:] = 0

    # for real x, ignore the negative frequencies
    if x.typecode()==Complex: numFreqs = NFFT
    else: numFreqs = NFFT//2+1
    windowVals = window(ones((NFFT,),x.typecode()))
    step = NFFT-noverlap
    ind = arange(0,len(x)-NFFT+1,step)
    n = len(ind)
    Pxx = zeros((numFreqs,n), Float)
    # do the ffts of the slices

    for i in range(n):
        thisX = x[ind[i]:ind[i]+NFFT]
        thisX = windowVals*detrend(thisX)
        fx = absolute(fft(thisX))**2
        # Scale the spectrum by the norm of the window to compensate for
        # windowing loss; see Bendat & Piersol Sec 11.5.2
        Pxx[:,i] = divide(fx[:numFreqs], norm(windowVals)**2)
    t = 1/Fs*(ind+NFFT/2)
    freqs = Fs/NFFT*arange(numFreqs)

    return Pxx, freqs, t
Beispiel #26
    def plot_surface(self, X, Y, Z, *args, **kwargs):
        had_data = self.has_data()

        rows, cols = Z.shape
        tX,tY,tZ = nx.transpose(X), nx.transpose(Y), nx.transpose(Z)
        rstride = cbook.popd(kwargs, 'rstride', 10)
        cstride = cbook.popd(kwargs, 'cstride', 10)
        polys = []
        boxes = []
        for rs in nx.arange(0,rows,rstride):
            for cs in nx.arange(0,cols,cstride):
                ps = []
                corners = []
                for a,ta in [(X,tX),(Y,tY),(Z,tZ)]:
                    ztop = a[rs][cs:min(cols-1,cs+cstride)]
                    zleft = ta[min(cols-1,cs+cstride)][rs:min(rows,rs+rstride+1)]
                    zbase = a[min(rows-1,rs+rstride)][cs:min(cols,cs+cstride+1):]
                    zbase = zbase[::-1]
                    zright = ta[cs][rs:min(rows-1,rs+rstride):]
                    zright = zright[::-1]
                    z = nx.concatenate((ztop,zleft,zbase,zright))
        lines = []
        shade = []
        for box in boxes:
            n = proj3d.cross(box[0]-box[1],
            n = n/proj3d.mod(n)*5
        color = nx.array([0,0,1,1])
        norm = normalize(min(shade),max(shade))
        colors = [color * (0.5+norm(v)*0.5) for v in shade]
        for c in colors: c[3] = 1
        polyc = art3d.Poly3DCollection(polys, facecolors=colors, *args, **kwargs)
        polyc._zsort = 1
        self.auto_scale_xyz(X,Y,Z, had_data)
        return polyc
Beispiel #27
def array_example2(epsoutfile):
    x = (arange(100.0)-50)/25.0
    y = (arange(100.0)-50)/25.0
    # Important: z[y, x] -- y first!
    z = 5.0*sin(2*x[NewAxis, :]) + 3.0*cos(3*y[:, NewAxis])

    colmap = ColMapper.ColorMapper("yellow-red", invert=1, exponent=0.55,
    #lut = colmap.generate_lut()

#    c = pyx.canvas.canvas()
    g = pyxgraph(xlimits=(min(x), max(x)), ylimits=(min(y), max(y)),
                 width=6, height=6, key=False)
    g.pyxplotarray(z[::-1,:], colmap=colmap)
    g.pyxplotcontour(z, x, y, colors='color', color='black', labels=True)
    pyxsave(g, epsoutfile)
Beispiel #28
def drange(dstart, dend, delta):
    Return a date range as float gregorian ordinals.  dstart and dend
    are datetime instances.  delta is a datetime.timedelta instance
    step = delta.days + delta.seconds/SECONDS_PER_DAY + delta.microseconds/MUSECONDS_PER_DAY
    f1 = _to_ordinalf(dstart)
    f2 = _to_ordinalf(dend)
    return arange(f1, f2, step)
Beispiel #29
def frange(xini, xfin=None, delta=None, **kw):
    """frange([start,] stop[, step, keywords]) -> array of floats

    Return a Numeric array() containing a progression of floats. Similar to
    arange(), but defaults to a closed interval.

    frange(x0, x1) returns [x0, x0+1, x0+2, ..., x1]; start defaults to 0, and
    the endpoint *is included*. This behavior is different from that of
    range() and arange(). This is deliberate, since frange will probably be
    more useful for generating lists of points for function evaluation, and
    endpoints are often desired in this use. The usual behavior of range() can
    be obtained by setting the keyword 'closed=0', in this case frange()
    basically becomes arange().

    When step is given, it specifies the increment (or decrement). All
    arguments can be floating point numbers.

    frange(x0,x1,d) returns [x0,x0+d,x0+2d,...,xfin] where xfin<=x1.

    frange can also be called with the keyword 'npts'. This sets the number of
    points the list should contain (and overrides the value 'step' might have
    been given). arange() doesn't offer this option.

    >>> frange(3)
    array([ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.])
    >>> frange(3,closed=0)
    array([ 0.,  1.,  2.])
    >>> frange(1,6,2)
    array([1, 3, 5])
    >>> frange(1,6.5,npts=5)
    array([ 1.   ,  2.375,  3.75 ,  5.125,  6.5  ])

    kw.setdefault('closed', 1)
    endpoint = kw['closed'] != 0

    # funny logic to allow the *first* argument to be optional (like range())
    # This was modified with a simpler version from a similar frange() found
    # at
    if xfin == None:
        xfin = xini + 0.0
        xini = 0.0

    if delta == None:
        delta = 1.0

    # compute # of points, spacing and return final list
        npts = kw['npts']
        delta = (xfin - xini) / float(npts - endpoint)
    except KeyError:
        # round() gets npts right even with the vagaries of floating point.
        npts = int(round((xfin - xini) / delta + endpoint))

    return arange(npts) * delta + xini
Beispiel #30
def rk4(derivs, y0, t):
    Integrate 1D or ND system of ODEs from initial state y0 at sample
    times t.  derivs returns the derivative of the system and has the

     dy = derivs(yi, ti)

    Example 1 :

        ## 2D system
        # Numeric solution
        def derivs6(x,t):
            d1 =  x[0] + 2*x[1]
            d2 =  -3*x[0] + 4*x[1]
            return (d1, d2)
        dt = 0.0005
        t = arange(0.0, 2.0, dt)
        y0 = (1,2)
        yout = rk4(derivs6, y0, t)

    Example 2:

        ## 1D system
        alpha = 2
        def derivs(x,t):
            return -alpha*x + exp(-t)

        y0 = 1
        yout = rk4(derivs, y0, t)


        Ny = len(y0)
    except TypeError:
        yout = zeros((len(t), ), Float)
        yout = zeros((len(t), Ny), Float)

    yout[0] = y0
    i = 0

    for i in arange(len(t) - 1):

        thist = t[i]
        dt = t[i + 1] - thist
        dt2 = dt / 2.0
        y0 = yout[i]

        k1 = asarray(derivs(y0, thist))
        k2 = asarray(derivs(y0 + dt2 * k1, thist + dt2))
        k3 = asarray(derivs(y0 + dt2 * k2, thist + dt2))
        k4 = asarray(derivs(y0 + dt * k3, thist + dt))
        yout[i + 1] = y0 + dt / 6.0 * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)
    return yout
Beispiel #31
def frange(xini,xfin=None,delta=None,**kw):
    """frange([start,] stop[, step, keywords]) -> array of floats

    Return a Numeric array() containing a progression of floats. Similar to
    arange(), but defaults to a closed interval.

    frange(x0, x1) returns [x0, x0+1, x0+2, ..., x1]; start defaults to 0, and
    the endpoint *is included*. This behavior is different from that of
    range() and arange(). This is deliberate, since frange will probably be
    more useful for generating lists of points for function evaluation, and
    endpoints are often desired in this use. The usual behavior of range() can
    be obtained by setting the keyword 'closed=0', in this case frange()
    basically becomes arange().

    When step is given, it specifies the increment (or decrement). All
    arguments can be floating point numbers.

    frange(x0,x1,d) returns [x0,x0+d,x0+2d,...,xfin] where xfin<=x1.

    frange can also be called with the keyword 'npts'. This sets the number of
    points the list should contain (and overrides the value 'step' might have
    been given). arange() doesn't offer this option.

    >>> frange(3)
    array([ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.])
    >>> frange(3,closed=0)
    array([ 0.,  1.,  2.])
    >>> frange(1,6,2)
    array([1, 3, 5])
    >>> frange(1,6.5,npts=5)
    array([ 1.   ,  2.375,  3.75 ,  5.125,  6.5  ])

    endpoint = kw['closed'] != 0
    # funny logic to allow the *first* argument to be optional (like range())
    # This was modified with a simpler version from a similar frange() found
    # at
    if xfin == None:
        xfin = xini + 0.0
        xini = 0.0
    if delta == None:
        delta = 1.0

    # compute # of points, spacing and return final list
    except KeyError:
        # round() gets npts right even with the vagaries of floating point.

    return arange(npts)*delta+xini
Beispiel #32
def rk4(derivs, y0, t):
    Integrate 1D or ND system of ODEs from initial state y0 at sample
    times t.  derivs returns the derivative of the system and has the

     dy = derivs(yi, ti)

    Example 1 :

        ## 2D system
        # Numeric solution
        def derivs6(x,t):
            d1 =  x[0] + 2*x[1]
            d2 =  -3*x[0] + 4*x[1]
            return (d1, d2)
        dt = 0.0005
        t = arange(0.0, 2.0, dt)
        y0 = (1,2)
        yout = rk4(derivs6, y0, t)

    Example 2:

        ## 1D system
        alpha = 2
        def derivs(x,t):
            return -alpha*x + exp(-t)

        y0 = 1
        yout = rk4(derivs, y0, t)

    try: Ny = len(y0)
    except TypeError:
        yout = zeros( (len(t),), Float)
        yout = zeros( (len(t), Ny), Float)
    yout[0] = y0
    i = 0
    for i in arange(len(t)-1):

        thist = t[i]
        dt = t[i+1] - thist
        dt2 = dt/2.0
        y0 = yout[i]

        k1 = asarray(derivs(y0, thist))
        k2 = asarray(derivs(y0 + dt2*k1, thist+dt2))
        k3 = asarray(derivs(y0 + dt2*k2, thist+dt2))
        k4 = asarray(derivs(y0 + dt*k3, thist+dt))
        yout[i+1] = y0 + dt/6.0*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)
    return yout
Beispiel #33
def drange(dstart, dend, delta):
    Return a date range as float gregorian ordinals.  dstart and dend
    are datetime instances.  delta is a datetime.timedelta instance
    step = delta.days + delta.seconds/SECONDS_PER_DAY + delta.microseconds/MUSECONDS_PER_DAY
    f1 = _to_ordinalf(dstart)
    f2 = _to_ordinalf(dend)
    return arange(f1, f2, step)
Beispiel #34
def levypdf(x, gamma, alpha):
    "Returm the levy pdf evaluated at x for params gamma, alpha"

    N = len(x)

    if N % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError, 'x must be an event length array; try\n' + \
              'x = linspace(minx, maxx, N), where N is even'

    dx = x[1] - x[0]

    f = 1 / (N * dx) * arange(-N / 2, N / 2, Float)

    ind = concatenate([arange(N / 2, N, Int), arange(N / 2, Int)])
    df = f[1] - f[0]
    cfl = exp(-gamma * absolute(2 * pi * f)**alpha)

    px = fft(take(cfl, ind) * df).astype(Float)
    return take(px, ind)
Beispiel #35
def contour_nogrid(z, levels):
    '''calculate the contours of z on a rectangular, equispaced grid at levels.

    z[y, x] holds the value of some scalar function on that
    grid. y and x are taken equispaced with a step length of 1.
    levels is a list of float values for which the contours shall be

    Returns a list of equal length to levels. Each entry is a set of contour
    lines for the corresponding level value.

    A set of contour lines is a list which contains 2-element lists
    [xarr, yarr]. xarr and yarr hold the points of one contour line in cartesic
    xarr = result[levidx][lineidx][0]
    yarr = result[levidx][lineidx][1]'''
    return contour_rectgrid(arange(z.shape[1]), arange(z.shape[0]), z, levels)
Beispiel #36
def longest_contiguous_ones(x):
    return the indicies of the longest stretch of contiguous ones in x,
    assuming x is a vector of zeros and ones.
    if len(x) == 0: return array([])

    ind = find(x == 0)
    if len(ind) == 0: return arange(len(x))
    if len(ind) == len(x): return array([])

    y = zeros((len(x) + 2, ), typecode(x))
    y[1:-1] = x
    dif = diff(y)
    up = find(dif == 1)
    dn = find(dif == -1)
    ind = find(dn - up == max(dn - up))
    ind = arange(take(up, ind), take(dn, ind))

    return ind
Beispiel #37
def longest_contiguous_ones(x):
    return the indicies of the longest stretch of contiguous ones in x,
    assuming x is a vector of zeros and ones.
    if len(x)==0: return array([])

    ind = find(x==0)
    if len(ind)==0:  return arange(len(x))
    if len(ind)==len(x): return array([])

    y = zeros( (len(x)+2,),  x.typecode())
    y[1:-1] = x
    dif = diff(y)
    up = find(dif ==  1);
    dn = find(dif == -1);
    ind = find( dn-up == max(dn - up))
    ind = arange(take(up, ind), take(dn, ind))

    return ind
Beispiel #38
def array_example3(epsoutfile):
    x = (arange(200.0) - 100) / 10.0
    y = (arange(200.0) - 100) / 10.0
    r = sqrt(x[:, NewAxis] ** 2 + y ** 2)
    z = 5.0 * cos(r)

    colmap1 = ColMapper.ColorMapper("red")
    colmap1.exponent = 0.9
    colmap1.invert = True

    colmap2 = ColMapper.ColorMapper("green")
    colmap2.exponent = 0.9

    colmap3 = ColMapper.ColorMapper("green")
    colmap3.invert = True
    colmap3.exponent = 0.9

    colmap4 = ColMapper.ColorMapper("blue")
    colmap4.exponent = 0.9

    colmap = ColMapper.SegmentedColorMapping(
        [(-5.0, -2.5, colmap1), (-2.5, 0.0, colmap2), (0.0, 2.5, colmap3), (2.5, 5.0, colmap4)], -5.0, 5.0

    #     colmap = ColMapper.example_SegmentedColorMapping(min(ravel(z)),max(ravel(z)))
    lut = colmap.generate_lut()

    pilbitmap = ColMapper.Array2PIL(z, lut=lut)

    c = pyx.canvas.canvas()
    g = pyxgraph(xlimits=(min(x), max(x)), ylimits=(min(y), max(y)), width=6, height=6, key=False)
    g.pyxplot("y(x)=sin(x)+20", style="p")  # FIXME: can't do empty plots!



    cb = pyxcolorbar(lut=lut, frame=g, pos=(1.1, 0.0), minvalue=min(ravel(z)), maxvalue=max(ravel(z)))

    pyxsave(c, epsoutfile)
Beispiel #39
    def __call__(self):
        'Return the locations of the ticks'

        vmin, vmax = self.viewInterval.get_bounds()
        if vmax<vmin:
            vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
        vmin =
        locs =  arange(vmin, vmax+0.001*self.base.get_base(), self.base.get_base())

        return locs
Beispiel #40
def detrend_linear(x):
    "Return x minus best fit line; 'linear' detrending "

    # I'm going to regress x on xx=range(len(x)) and return x -
    # (b*xx+a).  Now that I have polyfit working, I could convert the
    # code here, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
    xx = arange(float(len(x)))
    X = transpose(array([xx] + [x]))
    C = cov(X)
    b = C[0, 1] / C[0, 0]
    a = mean(x) - b * mean(xx)
    return x - (b * xx + a)
Beispiel #41
def symbols(epsoutfile):
    y = arange(5)/5.0+0.1
    g = pyxgraph(xlimits=(-1, 25), ylimits=(0, 1),           
                 xticks=(0, 24, 2), yticks=(0, 1, 1), key=None) 
    for i in xrange(25):
        x = zeros(5)+i   
        g.pyxplot((x, y), style="p", pt=i)   # ``pt=i`` can be omitted
                                             # (then the next symbol is choosen
                                             #  automatically)
Beispiel #42
def detrend_linear(x):
    "Return x minus best fit line; 'linear' detrending "

    # I'm going to regress x on xx=range(len(x)) and return x -
    # (b*xx+a).  Now that I have polyfit working, I could convert the
    # code here, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
    xx = arange(float(len(x)))
    X = transpose(array([xx]+[x]))
    C = cov(X)
    b = C[0,1]/C[0,0]
    a = mean(x) - b*mean(xx)
    return x-(b*xx+a)
Beispiel #43
def array_example2(epsoutfile):
    x = (arange(50.0)-25)/2.0
    y = (arange(50.0)-25)/2.0
    r = sqrt(x[:,NewAxis]**2+y**2)
    z = 5.0*cos(r)  

    colmap = ColMapper.ColorMapper("yellow-red", exponent=0.55, brightness=0.5)
    lut = colmap.generate_lut()

    c = pyx.canvas.canvas()
    g = pyxgraph(xlimits=(min(x), max(x)), ylimits=(min(y), max(y)),
                 width=6, height=6)
    g.pyxplot("y(x)=sin(x)", style="p")  # FIXME: can't do empty plots!
    g.pyxplotarray(z, colmap=lut)

    cb = pyxcolorbar(lut=lut, frame=g, pos=(1.1,0.0),
                     minvalue=min(ravel(z)), maxvalue=max(ravel(z)))
    pyxsave(c, epsoutfile)
Beispiel #44
def styles_example2(epsoutfile):
    x = arange(2.0, 10.0, 0.1)
    y = 0.0 * x
    y[::2] = 1.0

    g = pyxgraph(xlimits=(0, 10), ylimits=(-1, 6), key=None, width=8)

    # lines for comparison:
    x2 = arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.1)
    for i in xrange(6):
        g.pyxplot((x2, 0 * x2 + i), color=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6), style="l", lt=0, lw=0.25)

    g.pyxplot((x, y), style="l", lt=0)  # is default
    g.pyxplot((x, y + 2), style="l", lt=0, lineattrs=[])
    g.pyxplot((x, y + 4), style="l", lt=0, lineattrs=[])

    txtstyle = [pyx.text.halign.left, pyx.text.valign.middle]
    g.pyxlabel((0.5, 0.5), "miter", txtstyle, graphcoords=True)
    g.pyxlabel((0.5, 2.5), "bevel", txtstyle, graphcoords=True)
    g.pyxlabel((0.5, 4.5), "round", txtstyle, graphcoords=True)
Beispiel #45
    def __call__(self):
        'Return the locations of the ticks'

        vmin, vmax = self.viewInterval.get_bounds()
        if vmax<vmin:
            vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
        vmin =
        locs =  arange(vmin, vmax+0.001*self.base.get_base(), self.base.get_base())

        return locs
Beispiel #46
def get_test_data(delta=0.05):
    from mlab import meshgrid, bivariate_normal
    x = y = nx.arange(-3.0, 3.0, delta)
    X, Y = meshgrid(x,y)

    Z1 = bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    Z2 = bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1.5, 0.5, 1, 1)
    Z = Z2-Z1

    X = X * 10
    Y = Y * 10
    Z = Z * 500
    return X,Y,Z
Beispiel #47
def levypdf(x, gamma, alpha):
   "Returm the levy pdf evaluated at x for params gamma, alpha"

   N = len(x)

   if N%2 != 0:
      raise ValueError, 'x must be an event length array; try\n' + \
            'x = linspace(minx, maxx, N), where N is even'

   dx = x[1]-x[0]

   f = 1/(N*dx)*arange(-N/2, N/2, Float)

   ind = concatenate([arange(N/2, N, Int),
   df = f[1]-f[0]
   cfl = exp(-gamma*absolute(2*pi*f)**alpha)

   px = fft(take(cfl,ind)*df).astype(Float)
   return take(px, ind)
Beispiel #48
def unmasked_index_ranges(mask, compressed = True):
    Calculate the good data ranges in a masked 1-D array, based on mask.

    Returns Nx2 array with each row the start and stop indices
    for slices of the compressed array corresponding to each of N
    uninterrupted runs of unmasked values.
    If optional argument compressed is False, it returns the
    start and stop indices into the original array, not the
    compressed array.
    In either case, an empty array is returned if there are no
    unmasked values.


    y = ma.array(arange(5), mask = [0,0,1,0,0])
    #ii = unmasked_index_ranges(y.mask())
    ii = unmasked_index_ranges(ma.getmask(y))
        # returns [[0,2,] [2,4,]]

        # returns array [3,4,]
        # (The 'filled()' method converts the masked array to a numerix array.)

    #i0, i1 = unmasked_index_ranges(y.mask(), compressed=False)
    i0, i1 = unmasked_index_ranges(ma.getmask(y), compressed=False)
        # returns [[0,3,] [2,5,]]

        # returns array [3,4,]

    m = concatenate(((1,), mask, (1,)))
    indices = arange(len(mask) + 1)
    mdif = m[1:] - m[:-1]
    i0 = compress(mdif == -1, indices)
    i1 = compress(mdif == 1, indices)
    assert len(i0) == len(i1)
    if not compressed:
        if len(i1):
            return concatenate((i0[:, ma.NewAxis], i1[:, ma.NewAxis]), axis=1)
            return zeros((0,0), 'i')
    seglengths = i1 - i0
    breakpoints = cumsum(seglengths)
        ic0 = concatenate(((0,), breakpoints[:-1]))
        ic1 = breakpoints
        return concatenate((ic0[:, ma.NewAxis], ic1[:, ma.NewAxis]), axis=1)
        return zeros((0,0), 'i')
def makeMappingArray(N, data):
    """Create an N-element 1-d lookup table

    data represented by a list of x,y0,y1 mapping correspondences.
    Each element in this list represents how a value between 0 and 1
    (inclusive) represented by x is mapped to a corresponding value
    between 0 and 1 (inclusive). The two values of y are to allow
    for discontinuous mapping functions (say as might be found in a
    sawtooth) where y0 represents the value of y for values of x
    <= to that given, and y1 is the value to be used for x > than
    that given). The list must start with x=0, end with x=1, and
    all values of x must be in increasing order. Values between
    the given mapping points are determined by simple linear interpolation.

    The function returns an array "result" where result[x*(N-1)]
    gives the closest value for values of x between 0 and 1.
        adata = array(data)
        raise TypeError("data must be convertable to an array")
    shape = adata.shape
    if len(shape) != 2 and shape[1] != 3:
        raise ValueError("data must be nx3 format")

    x  = adata[:,0]
    y0 = adata[:,1]
    y1 = adata[:,2]

    if x[0] != 0. or x[-1] != 1.0:
        raise ValueError(
           "data mapping points must start with x=0. and end with x=1")
    if sometrue(sort(x)-x):
        raise ValueError(
           "data mapping points must have x in increasing order")
    # begin generation of lookup table
    x = x * (N-1)
    lut = zeros((N,), Float)
    xind = arange(float(N))
    ind = searchsorted(x, xind)[1:-1]

    lut[1:-1] = ( divide(xind[1:-1] - take(x,ind-1),
                         take(x,ind)-take(x,ind-1) )
                  *(take(y0,ind)-take(y1,ind-1)) + take(y1,ind-1))
    lut[0] = y1[0]
    lut[-1] = y0[-1]
    # ensure that the lut is confined to values between 0 and 1 by clipping it
    clip(lut, 0.0, 1.0)
    #lut = where(lut > 1., 1., lut)
    #lut = where(lut < 0., 0., lut)
    return lut
Beispiel #50
def unmasked_index_ranges(mask, compressed=True):
    Calculate the good data ranges in a masked 1-D array, based on mask.

    Returns Nx2 array with each row the start and stop indices
    for slices of the compressed array corresponding to each of N
    uninterrupted runs of unmasked values.
    If optional argument compressed is False, it returns the
    start and stop indices into the original array, not the
    compressed array.
    In either case, an empty array is returned if there are no
    unmasked values.


    y = ma.array(arange(5), mask = [0,0,1,0,0])
    #ii = unmasked_index_ranges(y.mask())
    ii = unmasked_index_ranges(ma.getmask(y))
        # returns [[0,2,] [2,4,]]

        # returns array [3,4,]
        # (The 'filled()' method converts the masked array to a numerix array.)

    #i0, i1 = unmasked_index_ranges(y.mask(), compressed=False)
    i0, i1 = unmasked_index_ranges(ma.getmask(y), compressed=False)
        # returns [[0,3,] [2,5,]]

        # returns array [3,4,]

    m = concatenate(((1, ), mask, (1, )))
    indices = arange(len(mask) + 1)
    mdif = m[1:] - m[:-1]
    i0 = compress(mdif == -1, indices)
    i1 = compress(mdif == 1, indices)
    assert len(i0) == len(i1)
    if not compressed:
        if len(i1):
            return concatenate((i0[:, ma.NewAxis], i1[:, ma.NewAxis]), axis=1)
            return zeros((0, 0), 'i')
    seglengths = i1 - i0
    breakpoints = cumsum(seglengths)
        ic0 = concatenate(((0, ), breakpoints[:-1]))
        ic1 = breakpoints
        return concatenate((ic0[:, ma.NewAxis], ic1[:, ma.NewAxis]), axis=1)
        return zeros((0, 0), 'i')
Beispiel #51
def makeMappingArray(N, data):
    """Create an N-element 1-d lookup table
    data represented by a list of x,y0,y1 mapping correspondences.
    Each element in this list represents how a value between 0 and 1
    (inclusive) represented by x is mapped to a corresponding value
    between 0 and 1 (inclusive). The two values of y are to allow 
    for discontinuous mapping functions (say as might be found in a
    sawtooth) where y0 represents the value of y for values of x
    <= to that given, and y1 is the value to be used for x > than
    that given). The list must start with x=0, end with x=1, and 
    all values of x must be in increasing order. Values between
    the given mapping points are determined by simple linear interpolation.
    The function returns an array "result" where result[x*(N-1)]
    gives the closest value for values of x between 0 and 1.
        adata = array(data)
        raise TypeError("data must be convertable to an array")
    shape = adata.shape
    if len(shape) != 2 and shape[1] != 3:
        raise ValueError("data must be nx3 format")

    x  = adata[:,0]
    y0 = adata[:,1]
    y1 = adata[:,2]

    if x[0] != 0. or x[-1] != 1.0:
        raise ValueError(
           "data mapping points must start with x=0. and end with x=1")
    if sometrue(sort(x)-x):
        raise ValueError(
           "data mapping points must have x in increasing order")
    # begin generation of lookup table
    x = x * (N-1)
    lut = zeros((N,), Float)
    xind = arange(float(N))
    ind = searchsorted(x, xind)[1:-1]
    lut[1:-1] = ( divide(xind[1:-1] - take(x,ind-1),
                         take(x,ind)-take(x,ind-1) )
                  *(take(y0,ind)-take(y1,ind-1)) + take(y1,ind-1))
    lut[0] = y1[0]
    lut[-1] = y0[-1]
    # ensure that the lut is confined to values between 0 and 1 by clipping it
    lut = where(lut > 1., 1., lut)
    lut = where(lut < 0., 0., lut)
    return lut
Beispiel #52
def test_plot():
    ax = Axes3D()
    xs = nx.arange(0,4*nx.pi+0.1,0.1)
    ys = nx.sin(xs)
    ax.plot(xs,ys, label='zl')
    ax.plot(xs,ys,dir='x', label='xl')
    ax.plot(xs,ys,dir='x', z=max(xs),label='xh')
    ax.plot(xs,ys,dir='y', label='yl')
    ax.plot(xs,ys,dir='y', z=max(xs), label='yh')
Beispiel #53
 def _initialize_x_y(self, z):
     Return X, Y arrays such that contour(Z) will match imshow(Z)
     if origin is not None.
     The center of pixel Z[i,j] depends on origin:
     if origin is None, x = j, y = i;
     if origin is 'lower', x = j + 0.5, y = i + 0.5;
     if origin is 'upper', x = j + 0.5, y = Nrows - i - 0.5
     If extent is not None, x and y will be scaled to match,
     as in imshow.
     If origin is None and extent is not None, then extent
     will give the minimum and maximum values of x and y.
     if len(shape(z)) != 2:
         raise TypeError("Input must be a 2D array.")
         Ny, Nx = shape(z)
     if self.origin is None:  # Not for image-matching.
         if self.extent is None:
             return meshgrid(arange(Nx), arange(Ny))
             x0, x1, y0, y1 = self.extent
             x = linspace(x0, x1, Nx)
             y = linspace(y0, y1, Ny)
             return meshgrid(x, y)
     # Match image behavior:
     if self.extent is None:
         x0, x1, y0, y1 = (0, Nx, 0, Ny)
         x0, x1, y0, y1 = self.extent
     dx = float(x1 - x0) / Nx
     dy = float(y1 - y0) / Ny
     x = x0 + (arange(Nx) + 0.5) * dx
     y = y0 + (arange(Ny) + 0.5) * dy
     if self.origin == 'upper':
         y = y[::-1]
     return meshgrid(x, y)
Beispiel #54
def get_xyz_where(Z, Cond):
    Z and Cond are MxN matrices.  Z are data and Cond is a boolean
    matrix where some condition is satisfied.  Return value is x,y,z
    where x and y are the indices into Z and z are the values of Z at
    those indices.  x,y,z are 1D arrays
    M,N = Z.shape
    z = ravel(Z)
    ind = nonzero( ravel(Cond) )

    x = arange(M); x.shape = M,1
    X = repeat(x, N, 1)
    x = ravel(X)

    y = arange(N); y.shape = 1,N
    Y = repeat(y, M)
    y = ravel(Y)

    x = take(x, ind)
    y = take(y, ind)
    z = take(z, ind)
    return x,y,z
Beispiel #55
    def __init__(self, xy, numVertices, radius=5, orientation=0, **kwargs):

        Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        self.xy = xy
        self.numVertices = numVertices
        self.radius = radius
        self.orientation = orientation

        theta = 2*pi/self.numVertices*arange(self.numVertices) + \
        r = self.radius
        xs = self.xy[0] + r * cos(theta)
        ys = self.xy[1] + r * sin(theta)

        self.verts = zip(xs, ys)
Beispiel #56
    def __init__(self, center, r, theta1, theta2, dtheta=0.1, **kwargs):
        Draw a wedge centered at x,y tuple center with radius r that
        sweeps theta1 to theta2 (angles)

        kwargs are Polygon keyword args

        dtheta is the resolution in degrees

        xc, yc = center
        rads = (math.pi / 180.) * arange(theta1, theta2 + 0.1 * dtheta, dtheta)
        xs = r * cos(rads) + xc
        ys = r * sin(rads) + yc
        verts = [center]
        verts.extend([(x, y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys)])

        Polygon.__init__(self, verts, **kwargs)
Beispiel #57
    def bin_boundaries(self, vmin, vmax):
        nbins = self._nbins
        scale, offset = scale_range(vmin, vmax, nbins)
        vmin -= offset
        vmax -= offset
        raw_step = (vmax-vmin)/nbins
        scaled_raw_step = raw_step/scale

        for step in self._steps:
            if step < scaled_raw_step:
            step *= scale
            best_vmin = step*divmod(vmin, step)[0]
            best_vmax = best_vmin + step*nbins
            if (best_vmax >= vmax):
        if self._trim:
            extra_bins = int(divmod((best_vmax - vmax), step)[0])
            nbins -= extra_bins
        return (arange(nbins+1) * step + best_vmin + offset)
Beispiel #58
    def _draw_circle(self, renderer, gc, xt, yt):

        w = h = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()

        if self._newstyle:
            N = 50.0
            r = w/2.
            rads = (2*math.pi/N)*arange(N)
            xs = r*cos(rads)
            ys = r*sin(rads)
            verts = [(MOVETO, xs[0], ys[0])]
            verts.extend([(LINETO, x, y) for x, y in zip(xs[1:], ys[1:])])
            CLOSE = self._get_close(rgbFace)
            renderer.draw_markers(gc, verts, xt, yt, self._transform)
            for (x,y) in zip(xt, yt):
                renderer.draw_arc(gc, rgbFace,
                                  x, y, w, h, 0.0, 360.0)