Beispiel #1
def genPolarBasisMatrix(beta, nmax,r,th):
    """Generate the n x k matrix of basis functions(k) for each pixel(n)
    beta: characteristic size of the shaeplets
    nmax: maximum decomposition order
    r: radius matrix of n pixels
    th: theta matrix of n pixels
    # Precompute the values for angular basis
    # as the complex exp computations are rather costly
    # now Y_{m=-1} can be accessed as Y[-1] or Y[(2*nmax-1) -1]
    Y0 = neval('exp(-1.j*th)')
    N0, N1 = Y0.shape[0], Y0.shape[1]
    Y_vec = []
    for mm in range(nmax) + range(-1*nmax+1, 0):

    bvals=np.empty((N0, N1, pvect_len(nmax)), dtype='complex128')
    L_vec_tmp = [0]*nmax # initializing an empty list
    pos = 0
    for nn in range(nmax):
        for mm in range(-1*nn,nn+1):
            if (nn%2==0 and abs(mm)%2==0) or (nn%2==1 and abs(mm)%2==1):
                Ym = wrap_idx(Y_vec, mm)
                # Using the fact that L_{n,-m} = L_{n, m}
                if mm <= 0:
                    Lnm = polar_basis_L(r,nn,mm, beta=beta)
                    L_vec_tmp[abs(mm)] = Lnm
                    Lnm = L_vec_tmp[mm]
                bvals[:,:,pos] = (neval('Ym*Lnm'))
                pos += 1

    return bvals.reshape((N0*N1,-1))
Beispiel #2
def polarArray(xc,size,rot=0.):
    """Return arrays of shape 'size' with radius and theta values centered on xc
    rot: radians in which to rotate the shapelet
    Y, X = np.indices(size, dtype='float64')
    X -= xc[0]
    Y -= xc[1]

    r  = neval('sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)')
    th = neval('arctan2(Y,X)+rot')
    return r, th
Beispiel #3
def convNx1d(src, kernels):
    """ND convolution using 1D kernels

       Trims borders by filter kernel width in each dimension.

       This version uses numerexpr and produces float32
       intermediate and final results regardless of input type.
    accum = src.astype('float32', copy=False)

    for d in range(len(kernels)):
        L = accum.shape[d]
        kernel = kernels[d]
        kernel_width = len(kernel)
        if (kernel_width % 2) != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('convNx1d on even-length kernel')
        kernel_radius = kernel_width / 2

        if kernel_radius < 1:
                "warning: dimension %d kernel %d is too small, has no effect" %
                (d, kernel_width))
        elif kernel_radius > L:
            raise ValueError("dimension %d length %d too small for kernel %d" %
                             (d, L, kernel_width))

        src1d = accum

        sum_dict = dict([("a%d" % i,
                          src1d[tuple([slice(None) for j in range(d)] +
                                      [slice(i, i + L - kernel_width + 1)] +
                         for i in range(kernel_width)] +
                        [("s%d" % i, float32(kernel[i]))
                         for i in range(kernel_width)])

        sum_terms = ["a%d * s%d" % (i, i) for i in range(kernel_width)]

        # numexpr cannot handle a large number of input variables
        K = 12
        tmp_accum = None
        while sum_terms:
            sum_expr = " + ".join(sum_terms[0:K])
            sum_terms = sum_terms[K:]
            if tmp_accum is not None:
                sum_dict['accum'] = tmp_accum
                sum_expr = "accum + " + sum_expr
            tmp_accum = neval(sum_expr, local_dict=sum_dict)

        accum = tmp_accum

    return accum
Beispiel #4
def polar_basis_L(r, n0, m0, beta=1.):
    """Polar dimensional basis function based on Laguerre polynomials of characteristic size beta
    phs: additional phase factor, used in the Fourier Transform"""
    m_a = abs(m0)
    n_m = (n0 - m_a)/2
    n_p = (n0 + m_a)/2

    # 2π  is missing here..
    norm = (-1.)**n_m/(beta**(m_a + 1))*(float(factorial(n_m))/factorial(n_p))**.5

    lag = eval_genlaguerre(n_m, m_a, (r/beta)**2)
    return neval('norm*lag*r**m_a*exp(-.5*(r/beta)**2)')
Beispiel #5
def array_mult(a1, a2):
    return neval("a1 * a2")