Beispiel #1
    def testFIR(self):
        smooth = np.array([0.25, 0.5, 0.25])
        d = np.arange(10)
        filtered = fir(d, smooth, zero_edge=False)
        print d, '--', smooth, '(keep edge) -->', filtered
        self.assertTrue(np.all( filtered == d))

        filtered = fir(d, smooth, zero_edge=True)
        print d, '--', smooth, '-->', filtered
        self.assertEquals(0, filtered[9])

        d = np.zeros(10)
        d[5] = 10
        filtered = fir(d, smooth)
        print d, '--', smooth, '-->', filtered
        self.assertEquals(5.0, filtered[5])

        d = np.zeros(10)
        d[5:10] = np.ones(5)
        filtered = fir(d, smooth)
        print d, '--', smooth, '-->', filtered
        self.assertEquals(0.0, filtered[3])
        self.assertEquals(0.25, filtered[4])
        self.assertEquals(0.75, filtered[5])
        self.assertEquals(1.0, filtered[6])
        diff = np.array([-0.5, 0, 0.5])
        filtered = fir(d, diff)
        print d, '--', diff, '-->', filtered
Beispiel #2
def makeshapes(x, y, type=None, z=None, m=None):
    Make shapes by x and y coordinates.
    :param x: (*array_like*) X coordinates.
    :param y: (*array_like*) Y coordinates.    
    :param type: (*string*) Shape type [point | line | polygon].
    :param z: (*array_like*) Z coordinates.
    :param m: (*array_like*) M coordinates.
    :returns: Shapes
    shapes = []
    if isinstance(x, (int, float)):
        shape = PointShape()
        shape.setPoint(PointD(x, y))
        x = np.asarray(x).array
        y = np.asarray(y).array
        if not z is None:
            if m is None:
                m = np.zeros(len(z)).array
                m = np.asarray(m).array
            z = np.asarray(z).array
        if type == 'point':
            if z is None:
                shapes = ShapeUtil.createPointShapes(x, y)
                shapes = ShapeUtil.createPointShapes(x, y, z, m)
        elif type == 'line':
            if z is None:
                shapes = ShapeUtil.createPolylineShapes(x, y)
                shapes = ShapeUtil.createPolylineShapes(x, y, z, m)
        elif type == 'polygon':
            if z is None:
                shapes = ShapeUtil.createPolygonShapes(x, y)
                shapes = ShapeUtil.createPolygonShape(x, y, z, m)
    return shapes
Beispiel #3
def fir(data, fir, zero_edge=True):
    """FIR filter
       @param data: Array data
       @param fir: FIR filter elements
       @param zero_edge: Set edge elements in result to 0, or preserve original data?
       @return: Filtered array 
    L = len(fir)
    N = len(data)
    mid = int(len(fir)/2)
    if zero_edge:
        result = np.zeros(N)
        result = np.array(data)
    for i in range(mid, N-mid):
        # index into 'data' at left edge of filter
        i0 = i-mid
        # print fir, data[i0:(i0+L)], fir * data[i0:(i0+L)], sum(fir * data[i0:(i0+L)])
        result[i] = sum(fir * data[i0:(i0+L)])
    return result