Beispiel #1
def calcN(classKernels, trainLabels):
    N = zeros((len(trainLabels), len(trainLabels)))
    for i, l in enumerate(unique(trainLabels)):
        numExamplesWithLabel = len(where(trainLabels == l)[0])
        Idiff = identity(numExamplesWithLabel, Float64) - (1.0 / numExamplesWithLabel) * ones(numExamplesWithLabel, Float64)
        firstDot = dot(classKernels[i], Idiff)
        labelTerm = dot(firstDot, transpose(classKernels[i]))
        N += labelTerm
    N = nan_to_num(N)
    #make N more numerically stable
    #if I had more time, I would train this parameter, but I don't
    additionToN = ((mean(diag(N)) + 1) / 100.0) * identity(N.shape[0], Float64) 
    N += additionToN
    #make sure N is invertable
    for i in range(1000):
        except LinAlgError:
            #doing this to make sure the maxtrix is invertable
            #large value supported by section titled
            #"numerical issues and regularization" in the paper
            N += additionToN

    return N
Beispiel #2
 def fit(self, func, params_dist, pre_X = None, pre_y = None):
     time_start = time.time()
     if self.random_state is not None: np.random.seed(self.random_state)
     grid, grid_scaled = self.get_grid(params_dist)
     mu       = np.zeros(self.n_grid) + self.mu_prior
     sigma    = np.ones(self.n_grid)*self.sigma_prior
     X        = np.zeros((self.max_iter, self.n_params))
     X_scaled = np.matrix(np.zeros((self.max_iter, self.n_params)))
     y        = np.zeros(self.max_iter)
     if (pre_X is not None) and (pre_y is not None):
         pre_X_mat, pre_X_scaled = self.scale(pre_X, pre_y, params_dist)
         X        = np.vstack([pre_X_mat, X]) 
         X_scaled = np.vstack([pre_X_scaled, X_scaled])
         y        = np.concatenate([pre_y, y])
         pre_len  = len(pre_y)
     else: pre_len = 0
     if self.verbose:
         params_name = [i[:9] for i in self.params_name]'%4s|%9s|%9s|%9s', 'Iter','Func','Max',
                 '|'.join(['{:9s}'.format(i) for i in params_name]))
     for i in xrange(pre_len, pre_len + self.max_iter):
         #beta        = (i + 1)**2
         if self.beta_mode == 'log':
             d       = len(self.params_name)
             beta    = 2*np.log(2 *(i + 1)**2 * np.pi**2 /.3) + \
                       2*d*np.log( (i+1)**2 * d * 2)
         elif self.beta_mode == 'linear':
             beta    = i + 1
         elif self.beta_mode == 'square':
             beta    = (i + 1)**2
             logger.error("What The Hell. Change Beta Parameter")
         idx         = np.argmax(mu + np.sqrt(beta)*sigma)
         X[i,:]      = grid[idx]
         X_scaled[i] = grid_scaled[idx]
         y[i]        = func(**dict(zip(self.params_name, X[i])))
         KT          = self.kernel(X_scaled[:(i + 1)], X_scaled[:(i + 1)])*\
         invKT       = inv(KT + self.sig**2*identity(i + 1))
         grid, grid_scaled = self.get_grid(params_dist)
         kT          = self.kernel(X_scaled[:(i + 1)], grid_scaled)*\
         mu          = self.mu_prior + \
             [:(i + 1)] - self.mu_prior)
         sigma2      = np.ones(self.n_grid)*self.sigma_prior**2 - \
         sigma       = np.sqrt(sigma2)
         ### Save Data
         if self.verbose:
   '%4d|%9.4g|%9.4g|%s', i, y[i], np.max(y[:(i + 1)]),
                     '|'.join(['{:9.4g}'.format(ii) for ii in X[i]]))
         if time.time() - time_start > self.time_budget:
     self.X      = X[:(i + 1)]
     self.y      = y[:(i + 1)]     = mu
     self.beta   = beta
     self.sigma  = sigma
     self.grid   = grid
Beispiel #3
def doubleU(phi, l, tVector):
    #can't call lamba by it's name, because that's a reserved word in python
    #so I'm calling it l
    lIdentity = l*identity(phi.shape[1])
    phiDotPhi = dot(phi.transpose(), phi)
    firstTerm = inv(lIdentity + phiDotPhi)
    phiDotT = dot(phi.transpose(), tVector)
    return squeeze(dot(firstTerm, phiDotT))
Beispiel #4
 def __gmmEm__(self):
     self.mean = kmeans2(, self.K)[0]
     self.c = asarray([1.0/self.K]*self.K)
     self.covm = asarray([identity(self.K)]*self.K)
     self.p = ndarray((self.N,self.K),dtype='float32')
     while > 0: -=1
Beispiel #5
def trainKFD(trainKernel, trainLabels):
    classKernels = getClassKernels(trainKernel, trainLabels)
    M = calcM(classKernels, trainLabels)
    N = calcN(classKernels, trainLabels)
    print "train kernel:",trainKernel
    print "Class kernels:", classKernels
    print "M",M
    print "N",N
        solutionMatrix = dot(inv(N), M)
    except LinAlgError:
        #if we get a singular matrix here, there isn't much we can do about it
        #just skip this configuration
        solutionMatrix = identity(N.shape[0], Float64)
    solutionMatrix = nan_to_num(solutionMatrix)
    eVals, eVects = eig(solutionMatrix)
    #find the 'leading' term i.e. find the eigenvector with the highest eigenvalue
    alphaVect = eVects[:, absolute(eVals).argmax()].real.astype(Float64)
    trainProjections = dot(trainKernel, alphaVect)
    print 'alpha = ', alphaVect
    print 'train kernel = ', trainKernel
    print 'train projction = ', trainProjections
    #train sigmoid based on evaluation accuracy
    #accuracyError = lambda x: 100.0 - evaluations(trainLabels, classifyKFDValues(trainProjections, *list(x)))[0]
    accuracyError = lambda x: 100.0 - evaluations(trainLabels, classifyKFDValues(trainProjections, *x))[0]
    #get an initial guess by brute force
    #ranges = ((-100, 100, 1), (-100, 100, 1))
    #x0 = brute(accuracyError, ranges)
    #popt = minimize(accuracyError, x0.tolist(), method="Powell").x

    rc = LSFAIL
    niter = 0
    i = 0
        if i == 10:
        #get a 'smarter' x0
        #ranges = ((-1000, 1000, 100), (-1000, 1000, 100))
        ranges = ((-10**(i + 1), 10**(i + 1), 10**i),) * 2
        x0 = brute(accuracyError, ranges)
        (popt, niter, rc) = fmin_tnc(accuracyError, x0, approx_grad=True)
        #popt = fmin_tnc(accuracyError, x0.tolist(), approx_grad=True)[0]
        i += 1
    return (alphaVect, popt)
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 pose: Pose = Pose(),
                 init_pose: Pose = Pose(),
                 vel: ndarray = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
                 ang_vel: ndarray = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
                 ref_frame: str = None,
                 mass: float = 1.0,
                 inertia: matrix = identity(3),
                 ambient_color: list = None,
                 diffuse_color: list = None): = name
        self.pose = pose
        # the init pose is deep copied to be sure it won't be modified involuntary
        self.init_pose = cp.deepcopy(init_pose)

        self.vel = vel.astype(dtype=float).reshape(3, 1)
        self.ang_vel = ang_vel.astype(dtype=float).reshape(3, 1)

        if ref_frame is None:
            self.ref_frame = None
            self.frame = None

            self.ref_frame = ref_frame
            self.frame = Frame("frame_{0}".format(,

        self.mass = mass
        self.inertia = inertia

        if ambient_color is None:
            self.ambient_color = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            self.ambient_color = ambient_color

        if diffuse_color is None:
            self.diffuse_color = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            self.diffuse_color = diffuse_color
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 pose: Pose = Pose(),
                 init_pose: Pose = Pose(),
                 vel: ndarray = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
                 ang_vel: ndarray = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
                 ref_frame: str = None,
                 mass: float = 1.0,
                 inertia: matrix = identity(3),
                 ambient_color: list = None,
                 diffuse_color: list = None): = name
        self.pose = pose
        # the init pose is deep copied to be sure it won't be modified involuntary
        self.init_pose = cp.deepcopy(init_pose)

        self.vel = vel.astype(dtype=float).reshape(3, 1)
        self.ang_vel = ang_vel.astype(dtype=float).reshape(3, 1)

        if ref_frame is None:
            self.ref_frame = None
            self.frame = None

            self.ref_frame = ref_frame
            self.frame = Frame("frame_{0}".format(, self.pose,

        self.mass = mass
        self.inertia = inertia

        if ambient_color is None:
            self.ambient_color = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            self.ambient_color = ambient_color

        if diffuse_color is None:
            self.diffuse_color = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            self.diffuse_color = diffuse_color
Beispiel #8
def matrix_power(M, n, mod_val):
    # Implementation shadows numpy's matrix_power, but with modulo included
    M = asanyarray(M)
    if len(M.shape) != 2 or M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("input  must be a square array")
    #if not issubdtype(type(n), int):
    #    raise TypeError("exponent must be an integer")

    from numpy.linalg import inv

    if n==0:
        M = M.copy()
        M[:] = identity(M.shape[0])
        return M
    elif n<0:
        M = inv(M)
        n *= -1

    result = M % mod_val
    if n <= 3:
        for _ in range(n-1):
            result = dot(result, M) % mod_val
        return result

    # binary decompositon to reduce the number of matrix
    # multiplications for n > 3
    beta = binary_repr(n)
    Z, q, t = M, 0, len(beta)
    while beta[t-q-1] == '0':
        Z = dot(Z, Z) % mod_val
        q += 1
    result = Z
    for k in range(q+1, t):
        Z = dot(Z, Z) % mod_val
        if beta[t-k-1] == '1':
            result = dot(result, Z) % mod_val
    return result % mod_val
def matrix_power(M, n):
    Raise a square matrix to the (integer) power `n`.

    For positive integers `n`, the power is computed by repeated matrix
    squarings and matrix multiplications. If ``n == 0``, the identity matrix
    of the same shape as M is returned. If ``n < 0``, the inverse
    is computed and then raised to the ``abs(n)``.

    M : ndarray or matrix object
        Matrix to be "powered."  Must be square, i.e. ``M.shape == (m, m)``,
        with `m` a positive integer.
    n : int
        The exponent can be any integer or long integer, positive,
        negative, or zero.

    M**n : ndarray or matrix object
        The return value is the same shape and type as `M`;
        if the exponent is positive or zero then the type of the
        elements is the same as those of `M`. If the exponent is
        negative the elements are floating-point.

        If the matrix is not numerically invertible.

    See Also
        Provides an equivalent function as the exponentiation operator
        (``**``, not ``^``).

    >>> from numpy import linalg as LA
    >>> i = np.array([[0, 1], [-1, 0]]) # matrix equiv. of the imaginary unit
    >>> LA.matrix_power(i, 3) # should = -i
    array([[ 0, -1],
           [ 1,  0]])
    >>> LA.matrix_power(np.matrix(i), 3) # matrix arg returns matrix
    matrix([[ 0, -1],
            [ 1,  0]])
    >>> LA.matrix_power(i, 0)
    array([[1, 0],
           [0, 1]])
    >>> LA.matrix_power(i, -3) # should = 1/(-i) = i, but w/ f.p. elements
    array([[ 0.,  1.],
           [-1.,  0.]])

    Somewhat more sophisticated example

    >>> q = np.zeros((4, 4))
    >>> q[0:2, 0:2] = -i
    >>> q[2:4, 2:4] = i
    >>> q # one of the three quaternion units not equal to 1
    array([[ 0., -1.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.],
           [ 0.,  0., -1.,  0.]])
    >>> LA.matrix_power(q, 2) # = -np.eye(4)
    array([[-1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0., -1.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0., -1.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0., -1.]])

    M = asanyarray(M)
    if len(M.shape) != 2 or M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("input must be a square array")
    if not issubdtype(type(n), int):
        raise TypeError("exponent must be an integer")

    from numpy.linalg import inv

    if n == 0:
        M = M.copy()
        M[:] = identity(M.shape[0])
        return M
    elif n < 0:
        M = inv(M)
        n *= -1

    result = M
    if n <= 3:
        for _ in range(n - 1):
            result =, M)
        return result

    # binary decomposition to reduce the number of Matrix
    # multiplications for n > 3.
    beta = binary_repr(n)
    Z, q, t = M, 0, len(beta)
    while beta[t - q - 1] == '0':
        Z =, Z)
        q += 1
    result = Z
    for k in range(q + 1, t):
        Z =, Z)
        if beta[t - k - 1] == '1':
            result =, Z)
    return result
Beispiel #10
 def __init__(self, mean):
     self.mean = mean
     self.N, self.dim = mean.shape
     self.covm = asarray([identity(self.dim)] * self.N)
     self.c = asarray([1.0 / self.N] * self.N)
Beispiel #11
def GPUCB(func = f, kernel = DoubleExponential,
        params_dist = {'x': Uniform(start = 0, end = 5)},
        prev_X = None, prev_y = None,
          sig = .1, mu_prior = 0, sigma_prior = 1, n_grid = 100, n_iter = 10,
          seed = 2, time_budget = 36000):
    time_start = time.time()
    n_params          = len(params_dist)
    params_name       = params_dist.keys()
    grid, grid_scaled = GetRandGrid(n_grid, params_dist)
    mu = np.zeros(n_grid) + mu_prior
    sigma = np.ones(n_grid)*sigma_prior
    X = np.empty((n_iter, n_params))
    X_scaled = np.matrix(np.empty((n_iter, n_params)))
    y = np.empty(n_iter)"%4s |%9s |%9s |%s", "Iter", "Func", "Max",
            '|'.join(['{:6s}'.format(i) for i in params_name]))
    for i in xrange(n_iter):
        #beta = 2*np.log((i+1)**2*2*np.pi**2/3/.1) + \
        #       2*n_params*np.log((i+1)**2*n_params)
        beta = (i+1)**2
        idx = np.argmax(mu + np.sqrt(beta)*sigma)
        X[i,:] = grid[idx]
        X_scaled[i] = grid_scaled[idx]
        y[i] = func(**dict(zip(params_name, X[i])))
        invKT = inv(kernel(X_scaled[:i+1], X_scaled[:i+1])*sigma_prior**2 + 
                    sig**2*identity(i + 1))
        grid, grid_scaled = GetRandGrid(n_grid, params_dist)
        kT = kernel(X_scaled[:i+1], grid_scaled)*sigma_prior**2
        mu = mu_prior +[:i+1] - mu_prior)
        sigma2 = np.ones(n_grid)*sigma_prior**2 - diag(
        sigma = np.sqrt(sigma2)"%4d |%9.4g |%9.4g |%s" , i, y[i], np.max(y[:i+1]),
                '|'.join(['{:6.2g}'.format(i) for i in X[i]]))
        if time.time() - time_start > time_budget:
        if True:
            figure(1); plt.clf(); xlim((0,5)); ylim(-4,10);
            index = np.argsort(grid[:,0])
            gr = grid[:,0]
            plot(gr[index], mu[index], color = 'red', label = "Mean")
            plot(gr[index], mu[index] + sigma[index], color = 'blue', 
                    label = "Mean + Sigma")
            plot(gr[index], mu[index] - sigma[index], color = 'blue',
                    label = "Mean - Sigma")
            plot(X[:i+1,0], y[:i+1], 'o', color = 'green', label = "Eval Points")
            plot(np.linspace(0,5, num = 500),func(np.linspace(0,5, num = 500)),
                    color = 'green', label = "True Func")
            plot(gr[index], mu[index] + sqrt(beta)*sigma[index], 
                    color = 'yellow', label = "Mean + sqrt(B)*Sigma")
            legend(loc = 2)
    return {'X': X,
            'y': y,
            'mu': mu,
            'beta': beta,
            'sigma': sigma,
            'grid': grid}
Beispiel #12
def matrix_power(M, n):
    Raise a square matrix to the (integer) power `n`.

    For positive integers `n`, the power is computed by repeated matrix
    squarings and matrix multiplications. If ``n == 0``, the identity matrix
    of the same shape as M is returned. If ``n < 0``, the inverse
    is computed and then raised to the ``abs(n)``.

    M : ndarray or matrix object
        Matrix to be "powered."  Must be square, i.e. ``M.shape == (m, m)``,
        with `m` a positive integer.
    n : int
        The exponent can be any integer or long integer, positive,
        negative, or zero.

    M**n : ndarray or matrix object
        The return value is the same shape and type as `M`;
        if the exponent is positive or zero then the type of the
        elements is the same as those of `M`. If the exponent is
        negative the elements are floating-point.

        If the matrix is not numerically invertible.

    See Also
        Provides an equivalent function as the exponentiation operator
        (``**``, not ``^``).

    >>> from numpy import linalg as LA
    >>> i = np.array([[0, 1], [-1, 0]]) # matrix equiv. of the imaginary unit
    >>> LA.matrix_power(i, 3) # should = -i
    array([[ 0, -1],
           [ 1,  0]])
    >>> LA.matrix_power(np.matrix(i), 3) # matrix arg returns matrix
    matrix([[ 0, -1],
            [ 1,  0]])
    >>> LA.matrix_power(i, 0)
    array([[1, 0],
           [0, 1]])
    >>> LA.matrix_power(i, -3) # should = 1/(-i) = i, but w/ f.p. elements
    array([[ 0.,  1.],
           [-1.,  0.]])

    Somewhat more sophisticated example

    >>> q = np.zeros((4, 4))
    >>> q[0:2, 0:2] = -i
    >>> q[2:4, 2:4] = i
    >>> q # one of the three quarternion units not equal to 1
    array([[ 0., -1.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.],
           [ 0.,  0., -1.,  0.]])
    >>> LA.matrix_power(q, 2) # = -np.eye(4)
    array([[-1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0., -1.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0., -1.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0., -1.]])

    M = asanyarray(M)
    if len(M.shape) != 2 or M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("input must be a square array")
    if not issubdtype(type(n), int):
        raise TypeError("exponent must be an integer")

    from numpy.linalg import inv

    if n==0:
        M = M.copy()
        M[:] = identity(M.shape[0])
        return M
    elif n<0:
        M = inv(M)
        n *= -1

    result = M
    if n <= 3:
        for _ in range(n-1):
  , M)
        return result

    # binary decomposition to reduce the number of Matrix
    # multiplications for n > 3.
    beta = binary_repr(n)
    Z, q, t = M, 0, len(beta)
    while beta[t-q-1] == '0':
        Z =, Z)
        q += 1
    result = Z
    for k in range(q+1, t):
        Z =, Z)
        if beta[t-k-1] == '1':
            result =, Z)
    return result
Beispiel #13
def identity(n,typecode='l', dtype=None):
    """identity(n) returns the identity 2-d array of shape n x n.
    dtype = convtypecode(typecode, dtype)
    return nn.identity(n, dtype)
Beispiel #14
        gluSphere(quad, self.radius, 20, 20)

class Parallepiped(Solid):
    def __init__(self,
                 length: int = 1,
                 width: int = 1,
                 height: int = 1,
        Solid.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.length = length
        self.width = width
        self.height = height

    def draw(self, from_fixed_frame: bool = True):

        # draw parallelepiped
        quad = gluNewQuadric()
        gluQuadricDrawStyle(quad, GLU_FILL)
        gluQuadricTexture(quad, True)
        gluQuadricNormals(quad, GLU_SMOOTH)
        glScalef(self.length, self.width, self.height)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Beispiel #15
def SN(alpha, beta, phi):
    betaPhiTphi = beta * dot(phi.transpose(), phi)
    alphaI = alpha * identity(betaPhiTphi.shape[0])
    SNinverse = alphaI + betaPhiTphi
    return inv(SNinverse)
Beispiel #16
 def __init__(self,
              mass: float = 1.0,
              inertia: matrix = identity(3)):
     self.mass = mass
     self.inertia = inertia
Beispiel #17
        gluSphere(quad, self.radius, 20, 20)

class Parallepiped(Solid):
    def __init__(self,
                 length: int = 1,
                 width: int = 1,
                 height: int = 1,
        Solid.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.length = length
        self.width = width
        self.height = height

    def draw(self, from_fixed_frame: bool = True):

        # draw parallelepiped
        quad = gluNewQuadric()
        gluQuadricDrawStyle(quad, GLU_FILL)
        gluQuadricTexture(quad, True)
        gluQuadricNormals(quad, GLU_SMOOTH)
        glScalef(self.length, self.width, self.height)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Beispiel #18
def matrix_power(M,n):
    Raise a square matrix to the (integer) power n.

    For positive integers n, the power is computed by repeated matrix
    squarings and matrix multiplications. If n=0, the identity matrix
    of the same type as M is returned. If n<0, the inverse is computed
    and raised to the exponent.

    M : array_like
        Must be a square array (that is, of dimension two and with
        equal sizes).
    n : integer
        The exponent can be any integer or long integer, positive
        negative or zero.

    M to the power n
        The return value is a an array the same shape and size as M;
        if the exponent was positive or zero then the type of the
        elements is the same as those of M. If the exponent was negative
        the elements are floating-point.

        If the matrix is not numerically invertible, an exception is raised.

    See Also
    The matrix() class provides an equivalent function as the exponentiation

    >>> np.linalg.matrix_power(np.array([[0,1],[-1,0]]),10)
    array([[-1,  0],
           [ 0, -1]])

    M = asanyarray(M)
    if len(M.shape) != 2 or M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("input must be a square array")
    if not issubdtype(type(n),int):
        raise TypeError("exponent must be an integer")

    from numpy.linalg import inv

    if n==0:
        M = M.copy()
        M[:] = identity(M.shape[0])
        return M
    elif n<0:
        M = inv(M)
        n *= -1

    result = M
    if n <= 3:
        for _ in range(n-1):
        return result

    # binary decomposition to reduce the number of Matrix
    # multiplications for n > 3.
    beta = binary_repr(n)
    Z,q,t = M,0,len(beta)
    while beta[t-q-1] == '0':
        Z =,Z)
        q += 1
    result = Z
    for k in range(q+1,t):
        Z =,Z)
        if beta[t-k-1] == '1':
            result =,Z)
    return result