Beispiel #1
def THDN(signal, sample_rate, filename):

    signal = signal - mean(signal)  # this is so that the DC offset is not the peak in the case of PDM
    windowed = signal * blackmanharris(len(signal)) 


    # Find the peak of the frequency spectrum (fundamental frequency), and filter 
    # the signal by throwing away values between the nearest local minima
    f = rfft(windowed)

    #limit the bandwidth
    if len(f) > 24000:
       f[24000:len(f)] = 0

    bandwidth_limited = irfft(f)
    total_rms = rms_flat(bandwidth_limited)

    #for i in range(6000):
       #print abs(f[i])
    i = argmax(abs(f))

    #This will be exact if the frequency under test falls into the middle of an fft bin 
    print 'Frequency: %f Hz' % (sample_rate * (i / len(windowed)))
    lowermin, uppermin = find_range(abs(f), i)

    #notch out the signal
    f[lowermin: uppermin] = 0

    noise = irfft(f)
    THDN = rms_flat(noise) / total_rms
    print "THD+N:     %.12f%% or %.12f dB" % (THDN * 100, 20 * log10(THDN))
Beispiel #2
    def FFT(self):
        for o in self.object_list:
            x_list = []
            y_list = []
            # print o.chaincode
            print "----"
            print o.object_name + "_1 " + str(o.point_list[0][0]) + " " + str(o.point_list[0][1]) + " 1 1"
            for d in o.chaincode:
                print d,
            print "-1"
            print "----"
            x = y = 0
            for d in o.chaincode:
                x += DIRECTION_MATRIX[d][0]
                y -= DIRECTION_MATRIX[d][1]
            n_point = len(x_list)
            x_fft_result = fft.rfft(x_list)
            y_fft_result = fft.rfft(y_list)
            for i in range(20):
                x = x_fft_result[i]
                y = y_fft_result[i]
                print "%e %e %e %e" % ( x.real, x.imag, y.real, y.imag )

            x_list_2 = fft.irfft(x_fft_result[0:10], n_point)
            y_list_2 = fft.irfft(y_fft_result[0:10], n_point)

            print "x"
            print x_list
            print x_list_2
            print "y"
            print y_list
            print y_list_2
Beispiel #3
def filtered_cross_corr(signal1,signal2,bins,smoothing=10,timestep=1):
    """Get the cross-correlation between the signals, first filtering
    the fourier transforms (smoothed top-hat), chopping the fourier
    signals into "bins" bins"""
    signal1 -= signal1.mean()
    signal2 -= signal2.mean()
    x1 = rfft(signal1)
    x2 = rfft(signal2)
    assert len(x1)==len(x2)
    startfreq = arange(1,len(x1),len(x1)/(bins+1))
    position = arange(len(x1))
    freq = fftfreq(len(x1),timestep)
    freqout = zeros(bins)*1.
    out = zeros((bins,len(signal1)))*1.0
    att = ones(len(x1))*1.
    for i in range(bins):
        att[:startfreq[i]] = 0
        att[startfreq[i]:startfreq[i+1]] = 1
        att[startfreq[i+1]:] = 0
        freqout[i] = mean(freq*att[:len(freq)])
        att = smooth(att,smoothing)
        att[0] = 0
        x1dash = x1*att
        sig1dash = irfft(x1dash,len(signal1))
        x2dash = x2*att
        sig2dash = irfft(x2dash,len(signal2))
        out[i] = correlate(sig1dash,sig2dash,'same')
    lag = arange(-len(x2),len(x2),1.)*timestep
    return lag,freqout,out        
def filter_xyz(data): 
	xdata=[a[0] for a in data]
	ydata=[a[1] for a in data]
	zdata=[a[2] for a in data]

#-------------filtering part --------------

		raise ValueError('null value')
	data=[[nxdata[i],nydata[i],nzdata[i]] for i in range(size)]
	return data
 def to_time(self, data_type):
     parity = self.pulses_length % 2
     delta_t = 0.5 / ((self.pulses_length - parity) * self.delta_f)
     data1_time = irfft(self._data[self._data1])
     data2_time = irfft(self._data[self._data2])
     time_pulses_length = data1_time.shape[1]
     pulses_time = data_type(time_pulses_length, self.pulses_nb, delta_t)
     pulses_time._data['Valim'] = self.valim
     pulses_time._data[self._data1] = data1_time
     pulses_time._data[self._data2] = data2_time
     return pulses_time
    def single_step_propagation(self):
        Perform single step propagation. The final Wigner functions are not normalized.
        ################ p x -> theta x ################
        self.wigner_ge = fftpack.fft(self.wigner_ge, axis=0, overwrite_x=True)
        self.wigner_g = fftpack.fft(self.wigner_g, axis=0, overwrite_x=True)
        self.wigner_e = fftpack.fft(self.wigner_e, axis=0, overwrite_x=True)

        # Construct T matricies
        TgL, TgeL, TeL = self.get_T_left(self.t)
        TgR, TgeR, TeR = self.get_T_right(self.t)

        # Save previous version of the Wigner function
        Wg, Wge, We = self.wigner_g, self.wigner_ge, self.wigner_e

        # First update the complex valued off diagonal wigner function
        self.wigner_ge = (TgL*Wg + TgeL*Wge.conj())*TgeR + (TgL*Wge + TgeL*We)*TeR

        # Slice arrays to employ the symmetry (savings in speed)
        TgL, TgeL, TeL = self.theta_slice(TgL, TgeL, TeL)
        TgR, TgeR, TeR = self.theta_slice(TgR, TgeR, TeR)
        Wg, Wge, We = self.theta_slice(Wg, Wge, We)

        # Calculate the remaning real valued Wigner functions
        self.wigner_g = (TgL*Wg + TgeL*Wge.conj())*TgR + (TgL*Wge + TgeL*We)*TgeR
        self.wigner_e = (TgeL*Wg + TeL*Wge.conj())*TgeR + (TgeL*Wge + TeL*We)*TeR

        ################ Apply the phase factor ################
        self.wigner_ge *= self.expV
        self.wigner_g *= self.expV[:(1 + self.P_gridDIM//2), :]
        self.wigner_e *= self.expV[:(1 + self.P_gridDIM//2), :]

        ################ theta x -> p x ################
        self.wigner_ge = fftpack.ifft(self.wigner_ge, axis=0, overwrite_x=True)
        self.wigner_g = fft.irfft(self.wigner_g, axis=0)
        self.wigner_e = fft.irfft(self.wigner_e, axis=0)

        ################ p x  ->  p lambda ################
        self.wigner_ge = fftpack.fft(self.wigner_ge, axis=1, overwrite_x=True)
        self.wigner_g = fft.rfft(self.wigner_g, axis=1)
        self.wigner_e = fft.rfft(self.wigner_e, axis=1)

        ################ Apply the phase factor ################
        self.wigner_ge *= self.expK
        self.wigner_g *= self.expK[:, :(1 + self.X_gridDIM//2)]
        self.wigner_e *= self.expK[:, :(1 + self.X_gridDIM//2)]

        ################ p lambda  ->  p x ################
        self.wigner_ge = fftpack.ifft(self.wigner_ge, axis=1, overwrite_x=True)
        self.wigner_g = fft.irfft(self.wigner_g, axis=1)
        self.wigner_e = fft.irfft(self.wigner_e, axis=1)
Beispiel #7
    def output(self):
        """ """

        # One dimension
        if len(self._source.shape) == 1:
            source = self._actual_source
            # Use FFT convolution
            if self._fft:
                if not self._toric:
                    P = rfft(source,self._fft_shape[0])*self._fft_weights
                    R = irfft(P, self._fft_shape[0]).real
                    R = R[self._fft_indices]
                    P = rfft(source)*self._fft_weights
                    R = irfft(P,source.shape[0]).real

                # if self._toric:
                #     R  = ifft(fft(source)*self._fft_weights).real
                # else:
                #     n = source.shape[0]
                #     self._src_holder[n//2:n//2+n] = source
                #     R = ifft(fft(self._src_holder)*self._fft_weights)
                #     R = R.real[n//2:n//2+n]
            # Use regular convolution
                R = convolve1d(source, self._weights[::-1], self._toric)
            if self._src_rows is not None:
                R = R[self._src_rows]
            return R.reshape(self._target.shape)
        # Two dimensions
            source = self._actual_source
            # Use FFT convolution
            if self._fft:
                if not self._toric:
                    P = rfft2(source,self._fft_shape)*self._fft_weights
                    R = irfft2(P, self._fft_shape).real
                    R = R[self._fft_indices]
                    P = rfft2(source)*self._fft_weights
                    R = irfft2(P,source.shape).real

            # Use SVD convolution
                R = convolve2d(source, self._weights, self._USV, self._toric)
            if self._src_rows is not None and self._src_cols is not None:
                R = R[self._src_rows, self._src_cols]
        return R.reshape(self._target.shape)
Beispiel #8
 def autocorr(self, x):
   """ multi-dimensional autocorrelation with FFT """
   X = rfft(x, n=(x.shape[1]*2-1), axis=1)
   xr = irfft(X * X.conjugate(), axis=1).real
   xr = fftshift(xr, axes=1)
   xr = xr.sum(axis=1)
   return xr
Beispiel #9
def record2vecs(File):
    # Read the rr data (Note that it is sampled irregularly and
    # consists of the r-times in centiseconds) and return a high
    # frequency spectrogram.
    import cinc2000
    from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft
    data = []
    for line in File:
    # Now data[i] is an r-time in seconds.
    hrd = cinc2000.R_times2Dev(data)
    # hrd are heart rate deviations sampled at 2 Hz
    pad = np.zeros(((Glength+len(hrd)),),np.float64)
    pad[Gl_2:len(hrd)+Gl_2] = hrd
    # Now pad is hrd with Gl_2 zeros before and after
    N_out = len(hrd)//RDt
    result = np.zeros((N_out,Fw/2),np.float64)
    mags = []
    for k in range(N_out):
        i = int(RDt*k)
        WD = Gw*pad[i:i+Glength] # Multiply data by window fuction
        FT = rfft(WD,n=Fw)
        SP = np.conjugate(FT)*FT  # Periodogram
        temp = rfft(SP,n=Fw//2)
        SP = irfft(temp[0:int(0.1*Fw/2)],n=Fw/2)
        # Low pass filter in freq domain.  Pass below 0.1 Nyquist
        temp = SP.real[:Fw/2]
        mag = math.sqrt(,temp))
        result[k,:] = temp/mag
        # result[k,:] is a unit vector and a smoothed periodogram
    return [result,mags]
Beispiel #10
def deriv(var, periodic=False):
    """Take derivative of 1D array"""
    n = var.size
    if periodic:
        # Use FFTs to take derivatives
        f = rfft(var)
        f[0] = 0.0 # Zero constant term
        if n % 2 == 0:
            # Even n
            for i in arange(1,n/2):
                f[i] *= 2.0j * pi * float(i)/float(n)
            f[-1] = 0.0 # Nothing from Nyquist frequency
            # Odd n
            for i in arange(1,(n-1)/2 + 1):
                f[i] *= 2.0j * pi * float(i)/float(n)
        return irfft(f)
        # Non-periodic function
        result = zeros(n) # Create empty array
        if n > 2:
            for i in arange(1, n-1):
                # 2nd-order central difference in the middle of the domain
                result[i] = 0.5*(var[i+1] - var[i-1])
            # Use left,right-biased stencils on edges (2nd order)
            result[0]   = -1.5*var[0]   + 2.*var[1]   - 0.5*var[2]
            result[n-1] =  1.5*var[n-1] - 2.*var[n-2] + 0.5*var[n-3]
        elif n == 2:
            # Just 1st-order difference for both points
            result[0] = result[1] = var[1] - var[0]
        elif n == 1:
            result[0] = 0.0
        return result
Beispiel #11
    def shift(self,p=None,pdot=None,dm=None):
        if dm is None:
            dm = self.current_dm
        if p is None:
            p = self.current_p
        if pdot is None:
            pdot = self.current_pdot

        f = rfft(self.profs,axis=-1)

        # the sample at phase p is moved to phase p-dmdelays
        dmdelays = (psr_utils.delay_from_DM(dm,self.pfd.subfreqs) -
        start_times = self.pfd.start_secs
        pdelays = (start_times/self.original_fold_p) * (p-self.current_p)/self.original_fold_p
        pdotdelays = ((pdot-self.current_pdot)*start_times**2/2.)/self.original_fold_p
        f *= np.exp((2.j*np.pi)*
        f *= np.exp((2.j*np.pi)*

        self.profs = irfft(f)
        self.current_p = p
        self.current_dm = dm
        self.current_pdt = pdot
Beispiel #12
def bandpass_gaussian(data, dt, period, alpha):
    Bandpassing real data (in array *data*) with a Gaussian
    filter centered at *period* whose width is controlled
    by *alpha*:

      exp[-alpha * ((f-f0)/f0)**2],

    with f the frequency and f0 = 1 / *period*.
    *dt* is the sampling interval of the data.

    @type data: L{numpy.ndarray}
    @type dt: float
    @type period: float
    @type alpha: float
    @rtype: L{numpy.ndarray}
    # Fourier transform
    fft_data = rfft(data)
    # aray of frequencies
    freq = rfftfreq(len(data), d=dt)

    # bandpassing data
    f0 = 1.0 / period
    fft_data *= np.exp(-alpha * ((freq - f0) / f0) ** 2)

    # back to time domain
    return irfft(fft_data, n=len(data))
Beispiel #13
def lpc_python(x, order):
    def levinson(R, order):
        """ input: autocorrelation and order, output: LPC coefficients """
        a = np.zeros(order + 2)
        a[0] = -1
        k = np.zeros(order + 1)
        # step 1: initialize prediction error "e" to R[0]
        e = R[0]
        # step 2: iterate over [1:order]
        for i in range(1, order + 1):
            # step 2-1: calculate PARCOR coefficients
            k[i] = (R[i] - np.sum(a[1:i] * R[i - 1 : 0 : -1])) / e
            # step 2-2: update LPCs
            a[i] = np.copy(k[i])
            a_old = np.copy(a)
            for j in range(1, i):
                a[j] -= k[i] * a_old[i - j]
            # step 2-3: update prediction error "e"
            e = e * (1.0 - k[i] ** 2)
        return -1 * a[0 : order + 1], e, -1 * k[1:]

    # N: compute next power of 2
    n = x.shape[0]
    N = int(np.power(2, np.ceil(np.log2(2 * n - 1))))
    # calculate autocorrelation using FFT
    X = rfft(x, N)
    r = irfft(abs(X) ** 2)[: order + 1]
    return levinson(r, order)
Beispiel #14
def fft_multiply_repeated(h_fft, x, n_fft, cuda_dict):
    """Do FFT multiplication by a filter function (possibly using CUDA).

    h_fft : 1-d array or gpuarray
        The filtering array to apply.
    x : 1-d array
        The array to filter.
    n_fft : int
        The number of points in the FFT.
    cuda_dict : dict
        Dictionary constructed using setup_cuda_multiply_repeated().

    x : 1-d array
        Filtered version of x.
    if not cuda_dict['use_cuda']:
        # do the fourier-domain operations
        x = irfft(h_fft * rfft(x, n=n_fft), n_fft)
        cudafft = _get_cudafft()
        # do the fourier-domain operations, results in second param
        cudafft.fft(cuda_dict['x'], cuda_dict['x_fft'], cuda_dict['fft_plan'])
        _multiply_inplace_c128(h_fft, cuda_dict['x_fft'])
        # If we wanted to do it locally instead of using our own kernel:
        # cuda_seg_fft.set(cuda_seg_fft.get() * h_fft)
        cudafft.ifft(cuda_dict['x_fft'], cuda_dict['x'],
                     cuda_dict['ifft_plan'], False)
        x = np.array(cuda_dict['x'].get(), dtype=x.dtype, subok=True,
    return x
Beispiel #15
 def track_memory(self):
     Calculates the induced voltage energy kick to particles taking into
     account multi-turn induced voltage plus inductive impedance contribution.
     # Contribution from multi-turn induced voltage.
     self.array_memory *= np.exp(self.omegaj_array_memory * self.rev_time_array[self.counter_turn])
     induced_voltage = irfft(self.array_memory + rfft(self.slices.n_macroparticles, self.n_points_fft) * self.sum_impedances_memory, self.n_points_fft)
     self.induced_voltage = self.coefficient * induced_voltage[:self.slices.n_slices]
     self.array_memory = rfft(induced_voltage, self.n_points_fft)
     # Contribution from inductive impedance
     if self.inductive_impedance_on:  
         self.induced_voltage_list[self.index_inductive_impedance].induced_voltage_generation(self.beam, 'slice_frame')
         self.induced_voltage += self.induced_voltage_list[self.index_inductive_impedance].induced_voltage
     # Induced voltage energy kick to particles through linear interpolation
     # Counter update
     self.counter_turn += 1
Beispiel #16
def fft_lowpass(nelevation, low_bound, high_bound):
    """ Performs a low pass filter on the nelevation series.
    low_bound and high_bound specifes the boundary of the filter.
    import numpy.fft as F
    if len(nelevation) % 2:
        result = F.rfft(nelevation, len(nelevation))
        result = F.rfft(nelevation)
    freq = F.fftfreq(len(nelevation))[:len(nelevation)/2]
    factor = np.ones_like(result)
    factor[freq > low_bound] = 0.0
    sl = np.logical_and(high_bound < freq, freq < low_bound)
    a = factor[sl]
    # Create float array of required length and reverse
    a = np.arange(len(a) + 2).astype(float)[::-1]
    # Ramp from 1 to 0 exclusive
    a = (a/a[0])[1:-1]

    # Insert ramp into factor
    factor[sl] = a
    print factor[sl]
    result = result * factor
    print result
    print 'resultnog=', len(result)
    relevation = F.irfft(result, len(nelevation))
    print 'result=', len(relevation)
    return relevation
Beispiel #17
def STIFT(stft_windows, nfft, nskip):
  "Sum contributions from each window. No normalization."
  r = np.zeros(nskip * (len(stft_windows) - 1) + nfft)
  h = hamming(nfft)
  for w, w_0 in zip(stft_windows, xrange(0, r.size, nskip)):
    r[w_0 : w_0+nfft] += irfft(w, nfft) * h
  return r
 def macro_mismatch(self,p1,p2):
     Performs double convolution with two different periods to calculate
     macroscopic average of a charge density along the z-axis.
     from numpy.fft import rfft,irfft
     # Convert periods to direct units, if given in cartesian
     if p1 > 1.0:
         p1 = p1/self.unitcell.cell_vec[2,2]
     if p2 > 1.0:
         p2 = p2/self.unitcell.cell_vec[2,2]
     # Create xy-plane averaged density
     micro_z = self.integrate_z_density()
     # Create convolutions
     z_pos = np.linspace(0,1,len(micro_z))
     # Find index of lowest lower bound for p1
     low = 1.-p1/2.
     i1 = len(z_pos)-1
     while True:
         if z_pos[i1] <= low:
             i1 += 1
         i1 -= 1
     #Find index of lowest upper bound for p1
     high = p1/2.
     j1 = 0
     while True:
         if z_pos[j1] >= high:
             j1 -= 1
         j1 += 1
     # Find index of lowest lower bound for p2
     low = 1.-p2/2.
     i2 = len(z_pos)-1
     while True:
         if z_pos[i2] <= low:
             i2 += 1
         i2 -= 1
     #Find index of lowest upper bound for p2
     high = p2/2.
     j2 = 0
     while True:
         if z_pos[j2] >= high:
             j2 -= 1
         j2 += 1
     conv1 = np.zeros(len(micro_z))
     conv1[0:j1+1] = np.ones(j1+1)
     conv1[i1:] = np.ones(len(conv1[i1:]))
     conv2 = np.zeros(len(micro_z))
     conv2[0:j2+1] = np.ones(j2+1)
     conv2[i2:] = np.ones(len(conv2[i2:]))
     # Perform convolutions in Fourier Space
     f_micro_z = rfft(micro_z)
     f_conv1 = rfft(conv1)
     f_conv2 = rfft(conv2)
     f_macro = f_conv2*f_conv1*f_micro_z
     macro_z = irfft(f_macro)/float(np.sum(conv1))/float(np.sum(conv2))
     return macro_z
Beispiel #19
def smear_profile(prof,fac):
    nb = len(prof)
    bmax = int(1.0/fac/2.0)
    if bmax>nb/2: bmax=nb/2
    fprof = rfft(prof)
    fprof[bmax:] = 0.0
    return irfft(fprof)
Beispiel #20
def find_fast_fft_sizes(max_size = 4192, array_size = 1024*1024):

    from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft
    from time import clock
    from numpy import ones, single
    a = ones((array_size,), single)
    tl = []
    for s in range(2, max_size+1):
        n = array_size/s
        b = a[:s*n].reshape((n, s))
        c0 = clock()
        f = rfft(b)
        g = irfft(f)
        c1 = clock()
        t = (c1-c0)/n           # Average time for one fft
        if t < 0:
          # Python clock() wraps after 4295 seconds on 32-bit systems. Ugh.
          t += (256.0**4/1e6)/n
        print s, '%.4g' % (1e6*t)
    tmin,s = tl[0]
    fs = [s]
    for t,s in tl:
        if t < tmin:
            tmin = t
    return fs
Beispiel #21
def filterFromXFer(ds, dpathXFer='/', newpath='/filter', nyquist=5000):
	d = ds.getSubData(dpathXFer)
	fs, start = d.fs(), d.start()
	gain =[:,0]
	phase =[:,1]
	if not nyquist:
		nyquist = start + gain.shape[0]/fs
	if start:
		npad = int(round(start*fs))
		gain = concatenate([zeros(npad), gain])
		phase = concatenate([zeros(npad), phase])
	c = gain*exp(1j*phase)
	ts = irfft(c, nyquist*2)
	n = int(ts.shape[0]/2.0)
	ts = concatenate([ts[n:], ts[:n]])
	#phase correction by one sample point here. Why is that?
	#it seems that irfft doesn't use an odd number of Fourier points, and so the center of the 
	#spectrum gets shifted by one? Overtly specifying an odd number of transform points doesn't solve 
	#the problem though. using nyquist*2+1 
	head = {"SampleType":"timeseries", "SamplesPerSecond":nyquist*2}
	ds.createSubData(newpath, data=ts, head=head, delete=True)
	analyzeFilterWN(ds, dpathFilt=newpath, useWindowedFFT=True)
Beispiel #22
def gaussian_convolution(data, ijk_sdev, cyclic = False, cutoff = 5,
                         task = None):

  from numpy import array, single as floatc, multiply, swapaxes
  c = array(data, floatc)

  from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft
  for axis in range(3):           # Transform one axis at a time.
    size = c.shape[axis]
    sdev = ijk_sdev[2-axis]       # Axes i,j,k are 2,1,0.
    hw = min(size/2, int(cutoff*sdev+1)) if cutoff else size/2
    nzeros = 0 if cyclic else hw  # Zero-fill for non-cyclic convolution.
    if nzeros > 0:
      # FFT performance is much better (up to 10x faster in numpy 1.2.1)
      # than other sizes.
      nzeros = efficient_fft_size(size + nzeros) - size
    g = gaussian(sdev, size + nzeros)
    g[hw:-hw] = 0
    fg = rfft(g)                  # Fourier transform of 1-d gaussian.
    cs = swapaxes(c, axis, 2)     # Make axis 2 the FT axis.
    s0 = cs.shape[0]
    for p in range(s0):  # Transform one plane at a time.
      cp = cs[p,...]
        ft = rfft(cp, n=len(g))   # Complex128 result, size n/2+1
      except ValueError, e:
        raise MemoryError, e      # Array dimensions too large.
      multiply(ft, fg, ft)
      cp[:,:] = irfft(ft)[:,:size] # Float64 result
      if task:
        pct = 100.0 * (axis + float(p)/s0) / 3.0
        task.updateStatus('%.0f%%' % pct)
 def periodic_interp(self,data, zoomfact, window='hanning', alpha=6.0):
     Return a periodic, windowed, sinc-interpolation of the data which
     is oversampled by a factor of 'zoomfact'.
     zoomfact = int(zoomfact)
     if (zoomfact < 1):
         #print "zoomfact must be >= 1."
         return 0.0
     elif zoomfact==1:
         return data
     newN = len(data)*zoomfact
     # Space out the data
     comb = Num.zeros((zoomfact, len(data)), dtype='d')
     comb[0] += data
     comb = Num.reshape(Num.transpose(comb), (newN,))
     # Compute the offsets
     xs = Num.zeros(newN, dtype='d')
     xs[:newN/2+1] = Num.arange(newN/2+1, dtype='d')/zoomfact
     xs[-newN/2:]  = xs[::-1][newN/2-1:-1]
     # Calculate the sinc times window for the kernel
     if window.lower()=="kaiser":
         win = _window_function[window](xs, len(data)/2, alpha)
         win = _window_function[window](xs, len(data)/2)
     kernel = win * self.sinc(xs)
     if (0):
         print "would have plotted."
     return FFT.irfft(FFT.rfft(kernel) * FFT.rfft(comb))
Beispiel #24
def generalized_cross_correlation(d0, d1):
    # substract the means
    # (in order to get a normalized cross-correlation at the end)
    d0 -= d0.mean()
    d1 -= d1.mean()

    # Hann window to mitigate non-periodicity effects
    window = numpy.hanning(len(d0))

    # compute the cross-correlation
    D0 = rfft(d0 * window)
    D1 = rfft(d1 * window)
    D0r = D0.conjugate()
    G = D0r * D1
    # G = (G==0.)*1e-30 + (G<>0.)*G
    # W = 1. # frequency unweighted
    # W = 1./numpy.abs(G) # "PHAT"
    absG = numpy.abs(G)
    m = max(absG)
    W = 1. / (1e-10 * m + absG)
    # D1r = D1.conjugate(); G0 = D0r*D0; G1 = D1r*D1; W = numpy.abs(G)/(G0*G1) # HB weighted
    Xcorr = irfft(W * G)
    # Xcorr_unweighted = irfft(G)
    #"d0.npy", d0)
    #"d1.npy", d1)
    #"Xcorr.npy", Xcorr)

    return Xcorr
Beispiel #25
  def getview (self, view, pbar):
  # {{{
    import numpy 
    saxis = self.saxis
    # Get bounds of slice on smoothing axis
    ind = view.integer_indices[saxis]
    st, sp = numpy.min(ind), numpy.max(ind)
    # input is the whole range
    insl = slice(0, self.shape[saxis],1)
    # output is the required slice
    outsl = [ ind if i == saxis else slice(None) for i in range(self.naxes)]
    # Get source data
    aview = view.modify_slice(saxis, insl)
    src = aview.get(self.var, pbar=pbar)
    maxharm= self.maxharm
    smsl = [ slice(maxharm,None) if i == saxis else slice(None) for i in range(self.naxes)]
    # calculate harmonics and output required data
    from numpy import fft 
    if 'complex' in
      smsl=[ slice(maxharm,-maxharm+1) if i == saxis else slice(None) for i in range(self.naxes)] 
      st = fft.ifft(ct, self.shape[saxis], saxis)
      st = fft.irfft(ct, self.shape[saxis], saxis)

    return st[outsl].astype(self.dtype)
Beispiel #26
    def induced_voltage_generation(self, Beam, length = 'slice_frame'):
        *Method to calculate the induced voltage from the inverse FFT of the
        impedance times the spectrum (fourier convolution).*
        if self.recalculation_impedance:

        if self.save_individual_voltages:
            for i in range(self.len_impedance_source_list):
                self.matrix_save_individual_voltages[:,i] = - Beam.charge * e * Beam.ratio * irfft(self.matrix_save_individual_impedances[:,i] * self.slices.beam_spectrum)[0:self.slices.n_slices] * self.slices.beam_spectrum_freq[1] * 2*(len(self.slices.beam_spectrum)-1)
            self.induced_voltage = np.sum(self.matrix_save_individual_voltages,axis=0)     
            induced_voltage = - Beam.charge * e * Beam.ratio * irfft(self.total_impedance * self.slices.beam_spectrum) * self.slices.beam_spectrum_freq[1] * 2*(len(self.slices.beam_spectrum)-1) 
            self.induced_voltage = induced_voltage[0:self.slices.n_slices]
        if isinstance(length, int):
            max_length = len(induced_voltage)
            if length > max_length:
                induced_voltage = np.lib.pad(induced_voltage, (0, length-max_length), 'constant', constant_values=(0,0))
            return induced_voltage[0:length]
def phaseshuffle(input_signal):
    """phaseshuffle(input_signal) phaseshuffle shuffles the phases of the component frequencies of a real signal among each other, but preserving the phase of the DC component and any Nyquist element. Input is a matrix of channels x timesteps."""

    ## Fourier Transform to Get Component Frequencies' Phases and Magnitudes
    length_of_signal = input_signal.shape[1]
    from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft
    from numpy import angle, zeros, concatenate, exp
    from numpy.random import permutation
    print("Calculating component frequencies and their phases")
    y = rfft(input_signal, axis=1)
    magnitudes = abs(y)
    phases = angle(y)

## Shuffle Phases, Preserving DC component and Nyquist element (if present)
    number_of_channels, N = y.shape
    randomized_phases = zeros(y.shape)

    for j in range(number_of_channels):

        if N & 1: #If there are an odd number of elements
            #Retain the DC component and shuffle the remaining components.
            order = concatenate(([0], permutation(N-1)+1), axis=1)
            #Retain the DC and Nyquist element component and shuffle the remaining components. This makes the new signal real, instead of complex.
            order = concatenate(([0], permutation(N-2)+1, [-1]), axis=1)

        randomized_phases[j] = phases[j, order]

## Construct New Signal
    print("Constructing new signal")
    y1 = magnitudes*exp(1j*randomized_phases)
    output_signal = irfft(y1,n=length_of_signal, axis=1) #While the above code will produce a real signal when given a real signal, numerical issues sometimes make the output from ifft "complex", with a +/- 0i component. Since the imaginary component is accidental and meaningless, we remove it.
    return output_signal
Beispiel #28
    def ifft(self):
        """Compute the one-dimensional discrete inverse Fourier
        transform of this `FrequencySeries`.

        out : :class:`~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries`
            the normalised, real-valued `TimeSeries`.

        See Also
        :mod:`scipy.fftpack` for the definition of the DFT and conventions

        This method applies the necessary normalisation such that the
        condition holds:

        >>> timeseries = TimeSeries([1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0], sample_rate=1.0)
        >>> timeseries.fft().ifft() == timeseries
        from ..timeseries import TimeSeries
        nout = (self.size - 1) * 2
        # Undo normalization from TimeSeries.fft
        # The DC component does not have the factor of two applied
        # so we account for it here
        dift = npfft.irfft(self.value * nout) / 2
        new = TimeSeries(dift, epoch=self.epoch,,
                         unit=self.unit, dx=1/self.dx/nout)
        return new
Beispiel #29
def cross_correlate(histogram, template, n_harmonics=None, upsample=16):
    """Find the shift required to align histogram with template

    n = max(len(histogram),len(template))

    h_ft = rfft(histogram)
    t_ft = rfft(template)

    if len(h_ft)<len(t_ft):
        h_ft = concatenate((h_ft,zeros(len(t_ft)-len(h_ft))))
    elif len(t_ft)<len(h_ft):
        t_ft = concatenate((t_ft,zeros(len(h_ft)-len(t_ft))))

    if n_harmonics is not None:
    h_ft[0] = 0
    t_ft[0] = 0

    cross_correlations = irfft(conjugate(h_ft)*t_ft,n*upsample)
    shift = argmax(cross_correlations)/float(len(cross_correlations))

    assert 0<=shift<1

    #FIXME: warn if double-peaked

    return shift
Beispiel #30
def _genNoise(delta, npts, NM, velocity):
    Helper function for calculating random noise from noise model NM.
    delta = float(delta)
    Fnyq = 0.5/delta 
    f = interp1d(NM['T'], NM['dB'], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=-200)
    NPTS = 2**np.ceil(np.ceil(np.log2(npts)+1)) # make it longer than necessary so we can cut out middle bit
    freqs =  np.linspace(1./NPTS/delta,Fnyq,NPTS-1)
    Pxx = f(1/freqs)
    spectrum = np.zeros(NPTS)
    spectrum[1:NPTS] = np.sqrt(10**(Pxx/10) * NPTS / delta * 2)

    # phase is randomly generated
    phase = (rand(NPTS) - 0.5) * np.pi * 2

    NewX = spectrum * (np.cos(phase) + 1j * np.sin(phase))
    acceleration = irfft(NewX)

    start = int((NPTS-npts)/2)
    end = start + npts
    if velocity:
        velocity = cumtrapz(acceleration, dx=delta)
        velocity = velocity[start:end]
        velocity = velocity - np.mean(velocity)
        return velocity
        acceleration = acceleration[start:end]
        acceleration = acceleration - np.mean(acceleration)
        return acceleration
Beispiel #31
def bp_chunk(ts, new_srate, f_low, f_high):
    bp=sig.firwin(4*srate,[f_low, f_high],nyq=srate/2.,window='hann',pass_zero=False)
    padidx=4*int(new_srate) # Sample rate after irfft is twice desired
    return TimeSeries(irfft(tmp[:1+int(ts.duration.value*new_srate)])[padidx:-padidx:2],
Beispiel #32
def convert_template(template, nbins):
    """Convert template to match prof (in length)

    Either down- or up-sample template so that it is the same length
    as prof. Use the Fourier domain; either drop or pad with zero
    the extra Fourier coefficients.
    return irfft(rfft(template),nbins)*(float(nbins)/len(template))
Beispiel #33
 def test_front_back_4(self):
     s = np.random.randn(100)
         res = bm.irfft(bm.rfft(s, n=150), n=200)
     except AttributeError as e:
         self.skipTest('Not compiled with FFTW')
         res, fft.irfft(fft.rfft(s, n=150), n=200), 8)
Beispiel #34
def multS(s, v, L, TP=False):

    N = s.shape[0]
    vp = prepare_v(v, N, L, TP=TP)
    p = irfft(rfft(vp) * rfft(s))
    if not TP:
        return p[:L]
    return p[L - 1:]
Beispiel #35
def idct(a):
    N = len(a)
    c = empty(N + 1, complex)

    phi = exp(1j * pi * arange(N) / (2 * N))
    c[:N] = phi * a
    c[N] = 0.0
    return irfft(c)[:N]
Beispiel #36
def idst(a):
    n = len(a)
    c = np.empty(n + 1, complex)
    c[0] = c[n] = 0.0
    c[1:n] = -1j * a[1:]
    y = irfft(c)[:n]
    y[0] = 0.0
    return y
Beispiel #37
    def __generateSequence(self,T,seed=[]):
        # Set noise reproducibility seed
        if not isempty(seed):
        # Initialize sizes and data storage
        n = len(self._pd[:,0]);
        N = int(T/self._dt+1);
        wout = zeros((n,N));
        minsamps = int(1e6);
        # Generate random sequences (with white frequency)
        if self._d == 1: 
            w = random.normal(0,1,n*max([N,minsamps]));                
        elif self._d == 2: 
            w = random.uniform(-0.5,0.5,n*max([N,minsamps]));
        w = reshape(w,(n,max([N,minsamps])));

        # Include frequency characcteristics into sequences
        for i in range(0,n):
            if self._f == 1: # ... with 1 frequency
                wout[i,:] = w[i,0:N]; # sequence is already correct;
            elif self._f >= 2 and self._f <= 6:
                t_temp = linspace(0,max([N,minsamps])*self._dt, max([N,minsamps]));
                f = fft.rfftfreq(t_temp.shape[-1],self._dt)*2;
                A = fft.rfft(w[i,:]);
                for j in range(0,len(f)):
                    if f[j] != 0: A[j] = A[j]*(f[j]**(self._pf/20));
                w[i,:] = fft.irfft(A);
#                f,A = self.__myFFT(w[i,:],t_temp,1);
#                w[i,:] = fft.irfft(A);
                # Shorten sequence
                wout[i,:] = w[i,0:N];   
        # Include auto-correlation characteristics into sequences
        if self._a == 1: # No autocorrellation
        elif self._a == 2: # Causal integration
            for i in range(1,N):
                wout[:,i] = wout[:,i-1] + self._dt*wout[:,i]
        elif self._a == 3: # Gaussian auto-correlation
            wout = self.__correlateGaussian(wout);
        elif self._a == 4: # block auto-correlation
            wout = self.__correlateBlock(wout);
        # Rescale
        for i in range(0,n):
            wout[i,:] = wout[i,:]-mean(wout[i,:]); 
            if self._d == 1: 
                wout[i,:] = wout[i,:]/std(wout[i,:]);
            elif self._d == 2: 
                wout[i,:] = wout[i,:]/(max(wout[i,:])-min(wout[i,:]));
            wout[i,:] = self._pd[i,1]*wout[i,:] + self._pd[i,0];
        self._w = wout;
        return 0;
Beispiel #38
def interpolatePeriodicData(f,factor):
    nlat = len(f)*factor
    nk = nlat//2 + 1
    fk = rfft(f)
    nkPad = nk - len(fk)
    fk = np.concatenate( [fk,np.zeros(nkPad)] )
    fRefined = irfft(fk) # Add normalization in here

    return fRefined
Beispiel #39
def violet(N, power):
    orig_N = N
    # Because doing rfft->ifft produces different length outputs depending if its odd or even length inputs
    x = np.random.randn(N).astype(np.float32)
    X = rfft(x) / N
    S = np.arange(X.size)  # Filter
    y = irfft(X*S).real[0:orig_N]
    return normalise(y, power)
Beispiel #40
    def test_irfft_10(self):
        s = np.random.randn(100)
        o = fft.rfft(s)
            res = bm.irfft(o, n=101)
        except AttributeError as e:
            self.skipTest('Not compiled with FFTW')

        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(res, fft.irfft(o, n=101), 8)
Beispiel #41
def pink(N, power):
    orig_N = N
    # Because doing rfft->ifft produces different length outputs depending if its odd or even length inputs
    x = np.random.randn(N).astype(np.float32)
    X = rfft(x) / N
    S = np.sqrt(np.arange(X.size)+1.)  # +1 to avoid divide by zero
    y = irfft(X/S).real[:orig_N]
    return normalise(y, power)
Beispiel #42
def idst(a):
    # Type-I inverse DST of a
    N = len(a)
    c = zeros(N+1,dtype=complex_)
    c[0] = c[N] = 0.0
    c[1:N] = -1j*a[1:]
    y = irfft(c)[:N]
    y[0] = 0.0
    return y
Beispiel #43
def idst(a):
    N = len(a)
    c = np.empty(N+1)
    c[0] = c[N] = 0.0
    c[1:N] = -1j*a[1:]
    y = irfft(c)[:N]
    y[0] = 0.0

    return y
Beispiel #44
def GConvolveFFT(Decay, Time, Center, FWHM):
    length = len(Decay)
    from scipy.stats import norm
    Width = FWHM / 2.0 * (2.0 * log(2.0))**0.5
    CenteredIRF = norm.pdf(r_[Time, Time + Time[-1]], Center + Time[-1], Width)
    CenteredIRF = CenteredIRF / sum(CenteredIRF)
    #     from matplotlib.pylab import plot
    #     plot(CenteredIRF)
    return irfft(rfft(CenteredIRF) * rfft(r_[zeros(length), Decay]))[:length]
 def update_nmda_sum():
     for i in range(2):
         fft_s_NMDA = rfft(excit_pop[i * N_excitatory:(i + 1) *
         fft_s_NMDA_total = np.multiply(fft_presyn_weight_kernel,
         s_NMDA_tot = irfft(fft_s_NMDA_total)
         excit_pop[i * N_excitatory:(i + 1) *
                   N_excitatory].s_NMDA_total_ = s_NMDA_tot
Beispiel #46
def ConvolveFFT(IRF, Decay):
    length = len(Decay)
    CenteredIRF = r_[zeros(length), IRF]
    #     print argmax(CenteredIRF)
    #     print CenteredIRF
    CenteredIRF = roll(CenteredIRF, length - argmax(CenteredIRF))
    #     from matplotlib.pylab import plot
    #     plot(CenteredIRF)
    return irfft(rfft(CenteredIRF) * rfft(r_[zeros(length), Decay]))[:length]
Beispiel #47
def pink(N, data, state=None):
    state = np.random.RandomState() if state is None else state
    uneven = N%2
    X = state.randn(N//2+1+uneven) + 1j * state.randn(N//2+1+uneven)
    S = np.sqrt(np.arange(len(X))+1.) # +1 to avoid divide by zero
    y = (irfft(X/S)).real
    if uneven:
        y = y[:-1]
    return normalize(y, data)
Beispiel #48
def falpha(length=8192, alpha=1.0, fl=None, fu=None, mean=0.0, var=1.0):
    """Generate (1/f)^alpha noise by inverting the power spectrum.
    Generates (1/f)^alpha noise by inverting the power spectrum.
    Follows the algorithm described by Voss (1988) to generate
    fractional Brownian motion.
    length : int, optional (default = 8192)
        Length of the time series to be generated.
    alpha : float, optional (default = 1.0)
        Exponent in (1/f)^alpha.  Pink noise will be generated by
    fl : float, optional (default = None)
        Lower cutoff frequency.
    fu : float, optional (default = None)
        Upper cutoff frequency.
    mean : float, optional (default = 0.0)
        Mean of the generated noise.
    var : float, optional (default = 1.0)
        Variance of the generated noise.
    x : array
        Array containing the time series.
    As discrete Fourier transforms assume that the input data is
    periodic, the resultant series x_{i} (= x_{i + N}) is also periodic.
    To avoid this periodicity, it is recommended to always generate
    a longer series (two or three times longer) and trim it to the
    desired length.
    freqs = fft.rfftfreq(length)
    power = freqs[1:] ** -alpha
    power = np.insert(power, 0, 0)  # P(0) = 0

    if fl:
        power[freqs < fl] = 0

    if fu:
        power[freqs > fu] = 0

    # Randomize complex phases.
    phase = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random(len(freqs))
    y = np.sqrt(power) * np.exp(1j * phase)

    # The last component (corresponding to the Nyquist frequency) of an
    # RFFT with even number of points is always real.  (We don't have to
    # make the mean real as P(0) = 0.)
    if length % 2 == 0:
        y[-1] = np.abs(y[-1] * np.sqrt(2))

    x = fft.irfft(y, n=length)

    # Rescale to proper variance and mean.
    x = np.sqrt(var) * x / np.std(x)
    return mean + x - np.mean(x)
Beispiel #49
 def test_fourier_uniform_real01(self, shape, dtype, dec):
     a = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype)
     a[0, 0] = 1.0
     a = fft.rfft(a, shape[0], 0)
     a = fft.fft(a, shape[1], 1)
     a = ndimage.fourier_uniform(a, [5.0, 2.5], shape[0], 0)
     a = fft.ifft(a, shape[1], 1)
     a = fft.irfft(a, shape[0], 0)
     assert_almost_equal(ndimage.sum(a), 1.0, decimal=dec)
def idst(a):
    N = len(a)
    c = empty(N + 1, complex)
    c[0] = c[N] = 0.0
    c[1:N] = -1j * a[1:]
    y = irfft(c)[:N]
    y[0] = 0.0

    return y
 def transfer(self, signal, verbose=False):
     from numpy.fft import  irfft
     if not self.gotBode:
         from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
         fmax = self._fMax
         if self._stepSize == 4e6:
             step = 10
         if self._stepSize == 2e6:
             step = 20
             step = 10
         tmlBode = np.power(10,self._attenuation/20.)[::step]
         phase = self.dataDict['Phase'][::step]
         #tmlBode = tmlBode[:tmlBode.shape[0]/4:2]
         oldx = np.linspace(0,tmlBode.shape[0], num = tmlBode.shape[0], endpoint=True)
         fbode = interp1d(oldx, tmlBode, kind='cubic')
         fphase = interp1d(oldx, phase, kind='slinear')
         if signal.spectrum['Frequency'][len(signal.spectrum['Frequency'])-1] < fmax:
             sp = signal.spectrum['Frequency']
             sp = signal.spectrum['Frequency'][0:len(np.where(signal.spectrum['Frequency']<fmax)[0])]
         newx = np.linspace(0,tmlBode.shape[0], num = len(sp), endpoint = True)
         interpBode = fbode(newx)
         interpPhase = fphase(newx)
         #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
         #plt.plot(oldx, phase)
         #plt.plot(newx, interpPhase)
         self._bode = interpBode#/interpBode[0] 
         self.gotBode = True
         interpBode = self._bode
     wf = {}                
     complexBode = 1j*np.sin(2*np.pi*interpPhase)+np.cos(2*np.pi*interpPhase)
     complexBode *= interpBode
     for cnt in range(len(signal.waveform)-1):
         if verbose:
             printProgress(cnt, len(signal.waveform)-1, prefix = 'Transmitting wavefrom:', suffix = 'Complete', decimals=3, barLength = 50)            
         wf['Sample %s'%cnt] = {}
         if 'Single' in signal.waveform['Sample %s'%cnt].keys():
             fftwf = signal.spectrum['Data'][cnt]
             wf['Sample %s'%cnt]['Single'] = irfft(fftwf*np.append(complexBode,np.array([0.]*(fftwf.shape[0]-interpBode.shape[0]))), norm=None)
             wf['Sample %s'%cnt]['Single'] *= np.sqrt(2*len(fftwf))
             if signal._window == 'Hamming':
                 wf['Sample %s'%cnt]['Single'] /= signal._hamm
             elif signal._window == 'Tukey':
                 wf['Sample %s'%cnt]['Single'] /= signal._tuk
     wf['Time'] = signal.waveform['Time']
     return wf
Beispiel #52
    def _calcTimeSeries(self, ):
        Compute the u,v,w, timeseries based on the spectral, coherence
        and Reynold's stress models.

        This method performs the work of taking a specified spectrum
        and coherence function and transforming it into a spatial
        timeseries.  It performs the steps outlined in Veers84's [1]_
        equations 7 and 8.

        turb : the turbulent velocity timeseries array (3 x nz x ny x
               nt) for this PyTurbSim run.


        1) Veers84's equation 7 [1]_ is actually a 'Cholesky
        Factorization'.  Therefore, rather than writing this
        functionality explicitly we call 'cholesky' routines to do
        this work.

        2) This function uses one of two methods for computing the
        Cholesky factorization.  If the Fortran library tslib is
        available it is used (it is much more efficient), otherwise
        the numpy implementation of Cholesky is used.

        .. [1] Veers, Paul (1984) 'Modeling Stochastic Wind Loads on
               Vertical Axis Wind Turbines', Sandia Report 1909, 17

        grid = self.grid
        tmp = np.zeros((grid.n_comp, grid.n_z, grid.n_y, grid.n_f + 1),
        if dbg:
        # First calculate the 'base' set of random phases:
        phases = self.phase(self)
        # Now correlate the phases at each point to set the Reynold's stress:
        phases = self.stress.calc_phases(phases)
        # Now correlate the phases between points to set the spatial coherence:
        phases = self.cohere.calc_phases(phases)
        # Now multiply the phases by the spectrum...
        tmp[..., 1:] = np.sqrt(self.spec.array) * grid.reshape(phases)
        # and compute the inverse fft to produce the timeseries:
        ts = irfft(tmp)
        if dbg:
        # Select only the time period requested:
        # Grab a random number of where to cut the timeseries.
        i0_out = self.randgen.randint(grid.n_t - grid.n_t_out + 1)
        ts = ts[..., i0_out:i0_out + grid.n_t_out] / (grid.dt / grid.n_f)**0.5
        ts -= ts.mean(-1)[..., None]  # Make sure the turbulence has zero mean.
        return ts
Beispiel #53
 def uv2image(self, uv):
     Convert from uv space to pixel space by inverse FFT.
     assert (len(uv) == self.Nfft // 2 + 1)
     bigimage = irfft(uv)
     # Concatenate the last chunk of bigimage to first chunk of bigimage
     image = np.hstack((bigimage[-self.Npix_fft // 2:],
                        bigimage[:self.Npix_fft // 2 + 1]))
     return image
Beispiel #54
def irfft_adjusted_lower_limit(x, low_lim, indices):
    Compute the ifft of real matrix x with adjusted summation limits:

        y(j) = sum[k=-n-2, ... , -low_lim-1, low_lim, low_lim+1, ... n-2,
                   n-1] x[k] * exp(sqrt(-1)*j*k* 2*pi/n),
        j =-n-2, ..., -low_limit-1, low_limit, low_limit+1, ... n-2, n-1

    :param x: Single-sided real array to Fourier transform.
    :param low_lim: lower limit index of the array x.
    :param indices: list of indices of interest
    :return: Fourier transformed two-sided array x with adjusted lower limit.
             Retruns values.

    nf = 2 * (x.shape[1] - 1)
    a = (irfft(x, n=nf)[:, indices]) * nf
    b = (irfft(x[:, :low_lim], n=nf)[:, indices]) * nf
    return a - b
Beispiel #55
def idct(a):
    Inverse Direct Cosine Transform of 1D array.
    N = len(a)
    c = np.empty(N + 1, complex)
    phi = np.exp(1j * np.pi * np.arange(N) / (2 * N))
    c[:N] = phi * a
    c[N] = 0.0
    return irfft(c)[:N]
Beispiel #56
def generatePinkNoise(t, fs):
    N = int(t * fs)
    state_pink = np.random.RandomState()
    uneven = N % 2
    X = state_pink.randn(N // 2 + 1 +
                         uneven) + 1j * state_pink.randn(N // 2 + 1 + uneven)
    S = np.sqrt(np.arange(len(X)) + 1.)  # +1 to avoid divide by zero
    y_pink = (irfft(X / S)).real
    y_pink_norm = normalize(y_pink)
    return y_pink_norm
Beispiel #57
 def test_fourier_shift_real01(self, shape, dtype, dec):
     expected = numpy.arange(shape[0] * shape[1], dtype=dtype)
     expected.shape = shape
     a = fft.rfft(expected, shape[0], 0)
     a = fft.fft(a, shape[1], 1)
     a = ndimage.fourier_shift(a, [1, 1], shape[0], 0)
     a = fft.ifft(a, shape[1], 1)
     a = fft.irfft(a, shape[0], 0)
     assert_array_almost_equal(a[1:, 1:], expected[:-1, :-1], decimal=dec)
     assert_array_almost_equal(a.imag, numpy.zeros(shape), decimal=dec)
def compute_corr(f, g, conj=True):
	f_star = rfft(f)
	g_star = rfft(g)
	if conj:
		g_star_conj = np.conj(g_star)
		g_star_conj = g_star
	corr_star = f_star * g_star_conj
	corr = irfft(corr_star)
	return np.real(corr)
Beispiel #59
def sinc_lowpass(s, fs, cutoff):
    n = len(s)
    if n % 2 == 1:
        n = n - 1
    f = rfft(s, n) # f size: (n/2)+1
    nc = int((cutoff / fs) * n)
    if nc >= (n // 2) + 1:
        raise ValueError("Cutoff frequency is too high.")
    f[nc:] = 0.0
    return irfft(f)
Beispiel #60
def istft_single_channel(stft_signal,
    Calculated the inverse short time Fourier transform to exactly reconstruct
    the time signal.

        Be careful if you make modifications in the frequency domain (e.g.
        beamforming) because the synthesis window is calculated according to the
        unmodified! analysis window.

        stft_signal: Single channel complex STFT signal
            with dimensions frames times size/2+1.
        size: Scalar FFT-size.
        shift: Scalar FFT-shift. Typically shift is a fraction of size.
        window: Window function handle.
        fading: Removes the additional padding, if done during STFT.
        window_length: Sometimes one desires to use a shorter window than
            the fft size. In that case, the window is padded with zeros.
            The default is to use the fft-size as a window size.

        Single channel complex STFT signal
        Single channel time signal.
    assert stft_signal.shape[1] == size // 2 + 1, str(stft_signal.shape)

    if window_length is None:
        window = window(size)
        window = window(window_length)
        window = np.pad(window, (0, size - window_length), mode='constant')
    window = _biorthogonal_window_fastest(
        window, shift, use_amplitude_for_biorthogonal_window)
    if disable_sythesis_window:
        window = np.ones_like(window)

    time_signal = scipy.zeros(stft_signal.shape[0] * shift + size - shift)

    for j, i in enumerate(range(0, len(time_signal) - size + shift, shift)):
        time_signal[i:i + size] += window * np.real(irfft(stft_signal[j]))

    # Compensate fade-in and fade-out
    if fading:
        time_signal = time_signal[size - shift:len(time_signal) -
                                  (size - shift)]

    return time_signal