Beispiel #1
def view(A, offset=0):
    Get a view on the diagonal elements of a 2D array.

    This is actually a view (!) on the diagonal of the array, so you can
    in-place adjust the view.

    :param :class:`ndarray` A: 2 dimensional numpy array
    :param int offset: view offset to give back (negative entries allowed)
    :rtype: :class:`ndarray` view of diag(A)

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> X = np.arange(9).reshape(3,3)
    >>> view(X)
    array([0, 4, 8])
    >>> d = view(X)
    >>> d += 2
    >>> view(X)
    array([ 2,  6, 10])
    >>> view(X, offset=-1)
    array([3, 7])
    >>> subtract(X, 3, offset=-1)
    array([[ 2,  1,  2],
           [ 0,  6,  5],
           [ 6,  4, 10]])
    from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
    assert A.ndim == 2, "only implemented for 2 dimensions"
    assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1], "attempting to get the view of non-square matrix?!"
    if offset > 0:
        return as_strided(A[0, offset:], shape=(A.shape[0] - offset, ), strides=((A.shape[0]+1)*A.itemsize, ))
    elif offset < 0:
        return as_strided(A[-offset:, 0], shape=(A.shape[0] + offset, ), strides=((A.shape[0]+1)*A.itemsize, ))
        return as_strided(A, shape=(A.shape[0], ), strides=((A.shape[0]+1)*A.itemsize, ))
Beispiel #2
def test_subclasses():
    # test that subclass is preserved only if subok=True
    a = VerySimpleSubClass([1, 2, 3, 4])
    assert_(type(a) is VerySimpleSubClass)
    a_view = as_strided(a, shape=(2,), strides=(2 * a.itemsize,))
    assert_(type(a_view) is np.ndarray)
    a_view = as_strided(a, shape=(2,), strides=(2 * a.itemsize,), subok=True)
    assert_(type(a_view) is VerySimpleSubClass)
    # test that if a subclass has __array_finalize__, it is used
    a = SimpleSubClass([1, 2, 3, 4])
    a_view = as_strided(a, shape=(2,), strides=(2 * a.itemsize,), subok=True)
    assert_(type(a_view) is SimpleSubClass)
    assert_( == 'simple finalized')

    # similar tests for broadcast_arrays
    b = np.arange(len(a)).reshape(-1, 1)
    a_view, b_view = broadcast_arrays(a, b)
    assert_(type(a_view) is np.ndarray)
    assert_(type(b_view) is np.ndarray)
    assert_(a_view.shape == b_view.shape)
    a_view, b_view = broadcast_arrays(a, b, subok=True)
    assert_(type(a_view) is SimpleSubClass)
    assert_( == 'simple finalized')
    assert_(type(b_view) is np.ndarray)
    assert_(a_view.shape == b_view.shape)

    # and for broadcast_to
    shape = (2, 4)
    a_view = broadcast_to(a, shape)
    assert_(type(a_view) is np.ndarray)
    assert_(a_view.shape == shape)
    a_view = broadcast_to(a, shape, subok=True)
    assert_(type(a_view) is SimpleSubClass)
    assert_( == 'simple finalized')
    assert_(a_view.shape == shape)
Beispiel #3
 def meshgrid_as_strided(x, y, mask=None):
     """numpy.meshgrid without copying data (using as_strided)"""        
     if mask is None:            
         return (as_strided(x, strides=(0, x.strides[0]), shape=(y.size, x.size)),
                 as_strided(y, strides=(y.strides[0],0), shape=(y.size, x.size)))    
         return (, strides=(0, x.strides[0]), shape=(y.size, x.size)), mask=mask),
       , strides=(y.strides[0],0), shape=(y.size, x.size)), mask=mask))
Beispiel #4
def broadcasted_shape(shp1, shp2):
    # determine shape of array of shp1 and shp2 broadcast against one another.
    x = np.array([1])
    # trick to define array with certain shape that doesn't allocate all the
    # memory.
    a = as_strided(x, shape=shp1, strides=[0] * len(shp1))
    b = as_strided(x, shape=shp2, strides=[0] * len(shp2))
    return np.broadcast(a, b).shape
Beispiel #5
def disparity_ssd(L, R, window_size = 21):
    """Compute disparity map D(y, x) such that: L(y, x) = R(y, x + D(y, x))
    L: Grayscale left image, in range [0.0, 1.0]
    R: Grayscale right image, same size as L
    Returns: Disparity map, same size as L, R

    D = np.zeros(L.shape, dtype=np.float)

    # subtract 1 due to the starting pixel
    offset = (window_size) / 2
    L = cv2.copyMakeBorder(L, offset, offset, offset, offset, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,value=0)
    R = cv2.copyMakeBorder(R, offset, offset, offset, offset, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,value=0)

    shape = L.shape
    height = shape[0]
    width = shape[1]

    r_shape = (R.shape[0]-(window_size-1), R.shape[1]-(window_size-1), window_size, window_size)
    r_strides = (R.shape[1] * R.itemsize, R.itemsize, R.itemsize * R.shape[1], R.itemsize)
    r_strips = as_strided(R, r_shape, r_strides)

    for y in range(offset, height - offset):
        r_strip = r_strips[y-offset]
        for x in range(offset, width-offset):
            l_patch = get_patch(L, offset, offset, offset, offset, y, x)

            copy_patch = np.copy(l_patch)
            l_strip = as_strided(copy_patch, r_strip.shape, (0, copy_patch.itemsize*window_size, copy_patch.itemsize))
            ssd = ((l_strip - r_strip)**2).sum((1, 2))

            x_prime = np.argmin(ssd)
            D[y-offset][x-offset] = x_prime - x

    #print D.max()
    return D

# def test_disparity_ssd2(l_image, r_image, problem, window_size = 21):
#     L = cv2.imread(os.path.join('input', l_image), 0) * (1 / 255.0)  # grayscale, scale to [0.0, 1.0]
#     R = cv2.imread(os.path.join('input', r_image), 0) * (1 / 255.0)
#     # Compute disparity (using method disparity_ssd defined in
#     start = time.time()
#     D = disparity_ssd(L, R, window_size)  # TODO# : implemenet disparity_ssd()
#     print "first: " + str(time.time() - start)
#     start = time.time()
#     D2 = disparity_ssd_2(L, R, window_size)
#     print "second: " + str(time.time() - start)

    #print D == D2

    cv2.imwrite(os.path.join("output", "ps3-" + problem + ".png"), np.clip(D2, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
Beispiel #6
 def demosaic(self):
     if self._demo is None:
         # XXX Again, should take into account camera's vflip and hflip here
         # Construct representation of the bayer pattern
         bayer = np.zeros(self.array.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
         bayer[1::2, 0::2, 0] = 1 # Red
         bayer[0::2, 0::2, 1] = 1 # Green
         bayer[1::2, 1::2, 1] = 1 # Green
         bayer[0::2, 1::2, 2] = 1 # Blue
         # Allocate output array with same shape as data and set up some
         # constants to represent the weighted average window
         window = (3, 3)
         borders = (window[0] - 1, window[1] - 1)
         border = (borders[0] // 2, borders[1] // 2)
         # Pad out the data and the bayer pattern (np.pad is faster but
         # unavailable on the version of numpy shipped with Raspbian at the
         # time of writing)
         rgb = np.zeros((
             self.array.shape[0] + borders[0],
             self.array.shape[1] + borders[1],
             self.array.shape[2]), dtype=self.array.dtype)
             border[0]:rgb.shape[0] - border[0],
             border[1]:rgb.shape[1] - border[1],
             :] = self.array
         bayer_pad = np.zeros((
             self.array.shape[0] + borders[0],
             self.array.shape[1] + borders[1],
             self.array.shape[2]), dtype=bayer.dtype)
             border[0]:bayer_pad.shape[0] - border[0],
             border[1]:bayer_pad.shape[1] - border[1],
             :] = bayer
         bayer = bayer_pad
         # For each plane in the RGB data, construct a view over the plane
         # of 3x3 matrices. Then do the same for the bayer array and use
         # Einstein summation to get the weighted average
         self._demo = np.empty(self.array.shape, dtype=self.array.dtype)
         for plane in range(3):
             p = rgb[..., plane]
             b = bayer[..., plane]
             pview = as_strided(p, shape=(
                 p.shape[0] - borders[0],
                 p.shape[1] - borders[1]) + window, strides=p.strides * 2)
             bview = as_strided(b, shape=(
                 b.shape[0] - borders[0],
                 b.shape[1] - borders[1]) + window, strides=b.strides * 2)
             psum = np.einsum('ijkl->ij', pview)
             bsum = np.einsum('ijkl->ij', bview)
             self._demo[..., plane] = psum // bsum
     return self._demo
def test_internal_overlap_manual():
    # Stride tricks can construct arrays with internal overlap

    # We don't care about memory bounds, the array is not
    # read/write accessed
    x = np.arange(1).astype(np.int8)

    # Check low-dimensional special cases

    check_internal_overlap(x, False) # 1-dim
    check_internal_overlap(x.reshape([]), False) # 0-dim

    a = as_strided(x, strides=(3, 4), shape=(4, 4))
    check_internal_overlap(a, False)

    a = as_strided(x, strides=(3, 4), shape=(5, 4))
    check_internal_overlap(a, True)

    a = as_strided(x, strides=(0,), shape=(0,))
    check_internal_overlap(a, False)

    a = as_strided(x, strides=(0,), shape=(1,))
    check_internal_overlap(a, False)

    a = as_strided(x, strides=(0,), shape=(2,))
    check_internal_overlap(a, True)

    a = as_strided(x, strides=(0, -9993), shape=(87, 22))
    check_internal_overlap(a, True)

    a = as_strided(x, strides=(0, -9993), shape=(1, 22))
    check_internal_overlap(a, False)

    a = as_strided(x, strides=(0, -9993), shape=(0, 22))
    check_internal_overlap(a, False)
def test_as_strided():
    a = np.array([None])
    a_view = as_strided(a)
    expected = np.array([None])
    assert_array_equal(a_view, np.array([None]))

    a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
    a_view = as_strided(a, shape=(2,), strides=(2 * a.itemsize,))
    expected = np.array([1, 3])
    assert_array_equal(a_view, expected)

    a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
    a_view = as_strided(a, shape=(3, 4), strides=(0, 1 * a.itemsize))
    expected = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]])
    assert_array_equal(a_view, expected)
def moving_avg(a, halfwindow, mask=None):
    Performs a fast n-point moving average of (the last
    dimension of) array *a*, by using stride tricks to roll
    a window on *a*.

    Note that *halfwindow* gives the nb of points on each side,
    so that n = 2*halfwindow + 1.

    If *mask* is provided, values of *a* where mask = False are

    Returns an array of same size as *a* (which means that near
    the edges, the averaging window is actually < *npt*).
    # padding array with zeros on the left and on the right:
    # e.g., if halfwindow = 2:
    # a_padded    = [0 0 a0 a1 ... aN 0 0]
    # mask_padded = [F F ?  ?      ?  F F]

    if mask is None:
        mask = np.ones_like(a, dtype='bool')

    zeros = np.zeros(a.shape[:-1] + (halfwindow,))
    falses = zeros.astype('bool')

    a_padded = np.concatenate((zeros, np.where(mask, a, 0), zeros), axis=-1)
    mask_padded = np.concatenate((falses, mask, falses), axis=-1)

    # rolling window on padded array using stride trick
    # E.g., if halfwindow=2:
    # rolling_a[:, 0] = [0   0 a0 a1 ...    aN]
    # rolling_a[:, 1] = [0  a0 a1 a2 ... aN 0 ]
    # ...
    # rolling_a[:, 4] = [a2 a3 ...    aN  0  0]

    npt = 2 * halfwindow + 1  # total size of the averaging window
    rolling_a = as_strided(a_padded,
                           shape=a.shape + (npt,),
                           strides=a_padded.strides + (a.strides[-1],))
    rolling_mask = as_strided(mask_padded,
                              shape=mask.shape + (npt,),
                              strides=mask_padded.strides + (mask.strides[-1],))

    # moving average
    n = rolling_mask.sum(axis=-1)
    return np.where(n > 0, rolling_a.sum(axis=-1).astype('float') / n, np.nan)
Beispiel #10
Datei: Projekt: qdbp/qqq
def sl_window(arr: np.ndarray, window: int, stride: int, axis=0, sl_axis=0):
    Generates staggered windows of an array.

    Given an array a of dimension N, stride size `stride`, and window size
    `window`, returns an array of dimension N + 1 of `window`-sized windows,
    each offset by `stride` from the previous. The 'sliding' happens along
    `axis` and the windows lie along `sl_axis` of the output array.

        arr: array over which to generate windows
        window: window size
        stride: stride size
        axis: axis of `arr` along which to slide the window
        sl_axis: axis of output array along which windows will lie

        out: array of windows; shape nwindows on zeroth axis,
             w on axis corresponding to 'axis' argument, other
             dimensions unchanged

    num_windows = 1 + (arr.shape[axis] - window) // stride
    win_stride = stride * arr.strides[axis]

    new_shape = arr.shape[:axis] + (window,) + arr.shape[axis + 1 :]
    new_shape = new_shape[:sl_axis] + (num_windows,) + new_shape[sl_axis:]

    new_strides = arr.strides[:sl_axis] + (win_stride,) + arr.strides[sl_axis:]

    return as_strided(arr, new_shape, new_strides)
Beispiel #11
def split_into_subimgs(img, labels, sub_img_shape, debug, step=1):
    shape = (int(np.floor((img.shape[HEIGHT] - sub_img_shape[HEIGHT]) / step)),
             int(np.floor((img.shape[WIDTH] - sub_img_shape[WIDTH]) / step)),
    # shape = (lbl_array.shape[0], SUB_IMG_LAYERS, SUB_IMG_HEIGHT, SUB_IMG_WIDTH)
    result_array = as_strided(img, shape=shape,
                                  img.strides[1] * step + (img.shape[WIDTH] - sub_img_shape[WIDTH]) % step *
                                  img.strides[2] * step,
                                  img.strides[0], img.strides[1], img.strides[2]))

    lbl_array = np.zeros(shape=(result_array.shape[0], result_array.shape[1]))
    index = 0

    coords = dict()
    for i in range(lbl_array.shape[0]):
        for ii in range(lbl_array.shape[1]):
            # Rectangle = namedtuple('Rectangle', ['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax'])
            window = nn.Rectangle(ii * step, i * step, ii * step + sub_img_shape[HEIGHT],
                                  i * step + sub_img_shape[WIDTH])
            cover = np.array([compute_covering(window=window,
                                               label=nn.Rectangle(lbl[0], lbl[1], lbl[2], lbl[3])) for lbl in labels])
            is_cover = int(np.any(cover > COVER_PERCENT))

            lbl_array[i, ii] = is_cover
            coords[index] = window
            index += 1
    return result_array, lbl_array, coords
def test_internal_overlap_fuzz():
    # Fuzz check; the brute-force check is fairly slow

    x = np.arange(1).astype(np.int8)

    overlap = 0
    no_overlap = 0
    min_count = 100

    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)

    while min(overlap, no_overlap) < min_count:
        ndim = rng.randint(1, 4, dtype=np.intp)

        strides = tuple(rng.randint(-1000, 1000, dtype=np.intp)
                        for j in range(ndim))
        shape = tuple(rng.randint(1, 30, dtype=np.intp)
                      for j in range(ndim))

        a = as_strided(x, strides=strides, shape=shape)
        result = check_internal_overlap(a)

        if result:
            overlap += 1
            no_overlap += 1
def kron_id_view(vec, id_length, axis=-1):
    shape = (vec.shape[:axis] +
             (vec.shape[axis] - id_length + 1, id_length) +
             vec.shape[axis % vec.ndim + 1:])
    strides = vec.strides[:axis] + (vec.strides[axis],) + vec.strides[axis:]

    return as_strided(vec, shape=shape, strides=strides)
Beispiel #14
 def __init__(self, *shape):
     if len(shape) == 1 and isinstance(shape[0], tuple):
         shape = shape[0]
     x = as_strided(_nx.zeros(1), shape=shape,
     self._it = _nx.nditer(x, flags=['multi_index', 'zerosize_ok'],
Beispiel #15
    def __init__(self, which_set, context_len, data_mode, shuffle=True):
        del self.self

        # Load data into self._data (defined in PennTreebank)
        self._load_data(which_set, context_len, data_mode)

        self._data = as_strided(self._raw_data,
                                shape=(len(self._raw_data) - context_len,
                                       context_len + 1),

        super(PennTreebankNGrams, self).__init__(
            X=self._data[:, :-1],
            y=self._data[:, -1:],
            X_labels=self._max_labels, y_labels=self._max_labels

        if shuffle:
            warnings.warn("Note that the PennTreebank samples are only "
                          "shuffled when the iterator method is used to "
                          "retrieve them.")
            self._iter_subset_class = resolve_iterator_class(
Beispiel #16
def semicast(*arrays):
    Broadcast compatible ndarray shape prefixes.

    # establish the final prefix shape
    pre_ndim    = max(len(a.shape[:i]) for (a, i) in arrays)
    pre_padding = [(1,) * (pre_ndim - len(a.shape[:i])) for (a, i) in arrays]
    pre_shape   = tuple(map(max, *(p + a.shape[:i] for ((a, i), p) in zip(arrays, pre_padding))))

    # broadcast the arrays
    from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided

    casts = []

    for ((a, i), p) in zip(arrays, pre_padding):
        if i is None:
            i = len(a.shape)

        for (c, d) in zip(pre_shape[len(p):], a.shape[:i]):
            if c != d and d != 1:
                raise ValueError("array shapes incompatible for semicast")

        strides  = (0,) * len(p) + tuple(0 if d == 1 else s for (d, s) in zip(a.shape, a.strides))
        casts   += [as_strided(a, pre_shape + a.shape[i:], strides)]

    # repair dtypes (broken by as_strided)
    for ((a, _), cast) in zip(arrays, casts):
        cast.dtype = a.dtype

    # done
    return (pre_shape, casts)
Beispiel #17
    def __init__(self, label_image=None, connectivity=1, data=None, **attr):

        super(RAG, self).__init__(data, **attr)
        if self.number_of_nodes() == 0:
            self.max_id = 0
            self.max_id = max(self.nodes_iter())

        if label_image is not None:
            fp = ndi.generate_binary_structure(label_image.ndim, connectivity)
            # In the next ``ndi.generic_filter`` function, the kwarg
            # ``output`` is used to provide a strided array with a single
            # 64-bit floating point number, to which the function repeatedly
            # writes. This is done because even if we don't care about the
            # output, without this, a float array of the same shape as the
            # input image will be created and that could be expensive in
            # memory consumption.
                output=as_strided(np.empty((1,), dtype=np.float_),
                                  strides=((0,) * label_image.ndim)),
Beispiel #18
def energy(audioData, windowSize = 256):
    Compute the energy of the given audio data, using the given windowSize

    >>> from test import chirp
    >>> s = chirp()
    >>> e = energy(s)
    >>> e
    array([ 0.26917694,  0.26901879,  0.26918094, ...,  0.18757919,
            0.18656895,  0.18561012])
    N = len(audioData)

    window = numpy.hamming(windowSize)
    window.shape = (windowSize, 1)
    n = N - windowSize # number of windowed samples.

    # Create a view of audioData who's shape is (n, windowSize). Use stride_tricks such that each stide jumps only one item.
    p = numpy.power(audioData, 2)
    s = stride_tricks.as_strided(p, shape=(n, windowSize), strides=(audioData.itemsize, audioData.itemsize))
    e =, window) / windowSize
    e.shape = (e.shape[0], )
    return e
    def stride_help_array(self, data):
        """ Method to stride through the data matrix, extracting the outer array with nr of elements as Column length. """

        # Extract shapes from data.
        NE, NS, NM, NO, ND, Col = data.shape

        # Calculate how many small matrices.
        Nr_mat = NE * NS * NM * NO * ND

        # Define the shape for the stride view.
        shape = (Nr_mat, Col)
        # Get itemsize, Length of one array element in bytes. Depends on dtype. float64=8, complex128=16.
        itz = data.itemsize
        # Bytes_between_elements
        bbe = 1 * itz
        # Bytes between row. The distance in bytes to next row is number of Columns elements multiplied with itemsize.
        bbr = Col * itz
        # Make a tuple of the strides.
        strides = (bbr, bbe)

        # Make the stride view.
        data_view = as_strided(data, shape=shape, strides=strides)

        return data_view
Beispiel #20
def cross_correlation(x, y, maxlag):
    Cross correlation with a maximum number of lags.

    `x` and `y` must be one-dimensional numpy arrays with the same length.

    This computes the same result as
        numpy.correlate(x, y, mode='full')[len(a)-maxlag-1:len(a)+maxlag]

    The return vaue has length 2*maxlag + 1.

            Warren Weckesser
    from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided

    def _check_arg(x, xname):
        x = np.asarray(x)
        if x.ndim != 1:
            raise ValueError('%s must be one-dimensional.' % xname)
        return x

    x = _check_arg(x, 'x')
    y = _check_arg(y, 'y')
    py = np.pad(y.conj(), 2*maxlag, mode='constant')
    T = as_strided(py[2*maxlag:], shape=(2*maxlag+1, len(y) + 2*maxlag),
                   strides=(-py.strides[0], py.strides[0]))
    px = np.pad(x, maxlag, mode='constant')
def test_writeable():
    # broadcast_to should return a readonly array
    original = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    result = broadcast_to(original, (2, 3))
    assert_equal(result.flags.writeable, False)
    assert_raises(ValueError, result.__setitem__, slice(None), 0)

    # but the result of broadcast_arrays needs to be writeable (for now), to
    # preserve backwards compatibility
    for results in [broadcast_arrays(original),
                    broadcast_arrays(0, original)]:
        for result in results:
            assert_equal(result.flags.writeable, True)
    # keep readonly input readonly
    original.flags.writeable = False
    _, result = broadcast_arrays(0, original)
    assert_equal(result.flags.writeable, False)

    # regression test for GH6491
    shape = (2,)
    strides = [0]
    tricky_array = as_strided(np.array(0), shape, strides)
    other = np.zeros((1,))
    first, second = broadcast_arrays(tricky_array, other)
    assert_(first.shape == second.shape)
Beispiel #22
    def _fast_synthesize(frequency):
        """A faster way to synthesize a signal.
            Generate one cycle, and simulate arbitrary repetitions
            using array indexing tricks.
        # hack so that we can ensure an integer number of periods and samples
        # rounds frequency to 1st decimal, s.t. 10 * frequency will be an int
        frequency = np.round(frequency, n_dec)

        # Generate 10*frequency periods at this frequency
        # Equivalent to n_samples = int(n_periods * fs / frequency)
        # n_periods = 10*frequency is the smallest integer that guarantees
        # that n_samples will be an integer, since assuming 10*frequency
        # is an integer
        n_samples = int(10.0**n_dec * fs)

        short_signal = function(2.0 * np.pi * np.arange(n_samples) *
                                frequency / fs)

        # Calculate the number of loops we need to fill the duration
        n_repeats = int(np.ceil(length/float(short_signal.shape[0])))

        # Simulate tiling the short buffer by using stride tricks
        long_signal = as_strided(short_signal,
                                 shape=(n_repeats, len(short_signal)),
                                 strides=(0, short_signal.itemsize))

        # Use a flatiter to simulate a long 1D buffer
        return long_signal.flat
def stft(samples, frame_size, overlap=0.4, window=np.hanning):
    # First calculate our Hann (or other) weights
    win_weights = window(frame_size)

    # Calculate hop size
    hop = int(np.ceil((1-overlap)*frame_size))

    # Add zeros at the end to make sure we read the entire file
    samples = np.append(samples, np.zeros(frame_size))

    # Now we reshape our data using strides. If we had no overlap between our windows
    # we could simply make sure the length of our data is a multiple of frame_size
    # and then simply reshape as a (len(data)/frame_size, frame_size) matrix. But with
    # overlap it is a bit more complicated. Strides give us the number of bytes we have
    # to step to go the next item in an array. We can play with these numbers to get what
    # we want. As an example imagine an array of 1byte ints, a frame size of 10 and
    # overlap of 0.5. We want to reshape our array so that it takes 1 byte to move to the
    # next item in a row, but only 5 bytes to move to the next row.

    # First let's figure out the dimensions of our new data. The number of columns is simply
    # the frame size and the number of rows is:
    rows = np.ceil((len(samples) - frame_size) / float(hop)) + 1

    # Now let's reshape the data
    frames = as_strided(samples, shape=(rows, frame_size),
                        strides=(samples.strides[0] * hop, samples.strides[0]))

    # Finally let's scale each row by the window weights
    windowed_frames = []
    for row in frames:
        windowed_frames.append([x*y for x,y in zip(row, win_weights)])

    # And take the Fourier Transform
    return np.fft.rfft(windowed_frames), hop
def as_strided_writeable():
    arr = np.ones(10)
    view = as_strided(arr, writeable=False)
    assert_(not view.flags.writeable)

    # Check that writeable also is fine:
    view = as_strided(arr, writeable=True)
    view[...] = 3
    assert_array_equal(arr, np.full_like(arr, 3))

    # Test that things do not break down for readonly:
    arr.flags.writeable = False
    view = as_strided(arr, writeable=False)
    view = as_strided(arr, writeable=True)
    assert_(not view.flags.writeable)
Beispiel #25
def apply_kaiserbessel_window(X, alpha=6.5):
    Apply a Kaiser-Bessel window to X.

    X : ndarray, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
        Input array of samples

    alpha : float, optional (default=6.5)
        Tuning parameter for Kaiser-Bessel function. alpha=6.5 should make
        perfect reconstruction possible for MDCT.

    X_windowed : ndarray, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
        Windowed version of X.
    beta = np.pi * alpha
    win = sg.kaiser(X.shape[1], beta)
    row_stride = 0
    col_stride = win.itemsize
    strided_win = as_strided(win, shape=X.shape,
                             strides=(row_stride, col_stride))
    return X * strided_win
Beispiel #26
def convolve(A, B, axes=None, dot_axes=[(),()], mode='full'):
    assert mode in ['valid', 'full'], "Mode {0} not yet implemented".format(mode)
    if axes is None:
        axes = [list(range(A.ndim)), list(range(A.ndim))]
    wrong_order = any([B.shape[ax_B] < A.shape[ax_A] for ax_A, ax_B in zip(*axes)])
    if wrong_order:
        if mode=='valid' and not all([B.shape[ax_B] <= A.shape[ax_A] for ax_A, ax_B in zip(*axes)]):
                raise Exception("One array must be larger than the other along all convolved dimensions")
        elif mode != 'full' or B.size <= A.size: # Tie breaker
            i1 =      B.ndim - len(dot_axes[1]) - len(axes[1]) # B ignore
            i2 = i1 + A.ndim - len(dot_axes[0]) - len(axes[0]) # A ignore
            i3 = i2 + len(axes[0])
            ignore_B = list(range(i1))
            ignore_A = list(range(i1, i2))
            conv     = list(range(i2, i3))
            return convolve(B, A, axes=axes[::-1], dot_axes=dot_axes[::-1], mode=mode).transpose(ignore_A + ignore_B + conv)

    if mode == 'full':
        B = pad_to_full(B, A, axes[::-1])
    B_view_shape = list(B.shape)
    B_view_strides = list(B.strides)
    flipped_idxs = [slice(None)] * A.ndim
    for ax_A, ax_B in zip(*axes):
        B_view_shape.append(abs(B.shape[ax_B] - A.shape[ax_A]) + 1)
        B_view_shape[ax_B] = A.shape[ax_A]
        flipped_idxs[ax_A] = slice(None, None, -1)

    B_view = as_strided(B, B_view_shape, B_view_strides)
    A_view = A[flipped_idxs]
    all_axes = [list(axes[i]) + list(dot_axes[i]) for i in [0, 1]]
    return einsum_tensordot(A_view, B_view, all_axes)
    def stride_help_element(self, data):
        """ Method to stride through the data matrix, extracting the outer element. """

        # Extract shapes from data.
        NE, NS, NM, NO, Col = data.shape

        # Calculate how many small matrices.
        Nr_mat = NE * NS * NM * NO * Col

        # Define the shape for the stride view.
        shape = (Nr_mat, 1)
        # Get itemsize, Length of one array element in bytes. Depends on dtype. float64=8, complex128=16.
        itz = data.itemsize
        # FIXME: Explain this.
        bbe = Col * itz
        # FIXME: Explain this.
        bbr = 1 * itz
        # Make a tuple of the strides.
        strides = (bbr, bbe)

        # Make the stride view.
        data_view = as_strided(data, shape=shape, strides=strides)

        return data_view
Beispiel #28
def get_test_array(shape, dtype, strides=None, no_zeros=False, high=None):
    shape = wrap_in_tuple(shape)
    dtype = dtypes.normalize_type(dtype)

    if dtype.names is not None:
        result = numpy.empty(shape, dtype)
        for name in dtype.names:
            result[name] = get_test_array(shape, dtype[name], no_zeros=no_zeros, high=high)
        if dtypes.is_integer(dtype):
            low = 1 if no_zeros else 0
            if high is None:
                high = 100 # will work even with signed chars
            get_arr = lambda: numpy.random.randint(low, high, shape).astype(dtype)
            low = 0.01 if no_zeros else 0
            if high is None:
                high = 1.0
            get_arr = lambda: numpy.random.uniform(low, high, shape).astype(dtype)

        if dtypes.is_complex(dtype):
            result = get_arr() + 1j * get_arr()
            result = get_arr()

    if strides is not None:
        result = as_strided(result, result.shape, strides)

    return result
Beispiel #29
def diag_windows(x, n):
    from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
    if x.ndim != 2 or x.shape[0] != x.shape[1] or x.shape[0] < n:
        raise ValueError("Invalid input")
    w = as_strided(x, shape=(x.shape[0] - n + 1, n, n),
                   strides=(x.strides[0]+x.strides[1], x.strides[0], x.strides[1]))
    return w
Beispiel #30
def halfoverlap(X, window_size):
    Create an overlapped version of X using 50% of window_size as overlap.

    X : ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
        Input signal to window and overlap

    window_size : int
        Size of windows to take

    X_strided : shape=(n_windows, window_size)
        2D array of overlapped X
    if window_size % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("Window size must be even!")
    window_step = window_size // 2
    # Make sure there are an even number of windows before stridetricks
    append = np.zeros((window_size - len(X) % window_size))
    X = np.hstack((X, append))
    num_frames = len(X) // window_step - 1
    row_stride = X.itemsize * window_step
    col_stride = X.itemsize
    X_strided = as_strided(X, shape=(num_frames, window_size),
                           strides=(row_stride, col_stride))
    return X_strided
Beispiel #31
def view_as_blocks(arr_in, block_shape):
    """Block view of the input n-dimensional array (using re-striding).

    Blocks are non-overlapping views of the input array.

    arr_in: ndarray
        The n-dimensional input array.

    block_shape: tuple
        The shape of the block. Each dimension must divide evenly into the
        corresponding dimensions of `arr_in`.

    arr_out: ndarray
        Block view of the input array.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from skimage.util.shape import view_as_blocks
    >>> A = np.arange(4*4).reshape(4,4)
    >>> A
    array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
           [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
           [ 8,  9, 10, 11],
           [12, 13, 14, 15]])
    >>> B = view_as_blocks(A, block_shape=(2, 2))
    >>> B[0, 0]
    array([[0, 1],
           [4, 5]])
    >>> B[0, 1]
    array([[2, 3],
           [6, 7]])
    >>> B[1, 0, 1, 1]

    >>> A = np.arange(4*4*6).reshape(4,4,6)
    >>> A  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    array([[[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5],
            [ 6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11],
            [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17],
            [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]],
           [[24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29],
            [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35],
            [36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41],
            [42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]],
           [[48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53],
            [54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59],
            [60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65],
            [66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71]],
           [[72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77],
            [78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83],
            [84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89],
            [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95]]])
    >>> B = view_as_blocks(A, block_shape=(1, 2, 2))
    >>> B.shape
    (4, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2)
    >>> B[2:, 0, 2]  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    array([[[[52, 53],
             [58, 59]]],
           [[[76, 77],
             [82, 83]]]])

    # -- basic checks on arguments
    if not isinstance(block_shape, tuple):
        raise TypeError('block needs to be a tuple')

    block_shape = np.array(block_shape)
    if (block_shape <= 0).any():
        raise ValueError("'block_shape' elements must be strictly positive")

    if block_shape.size != arr_in.ndim:
        raise ValueError("'block_shape' must have the same length "
                         "as 'arr_in.shape'")

    arr_shape = np.array(arr_in.shape)
    if (arr_shape % block_shape).sum() != 0:
        raise ValueError("'block_shape' is not compatible with 'arr_in'")

    # -- restride the array to build the block view
    arr_in = np.ascontiguousarray(arr_in)

    new_shape = tuple(arr_shape / block_shape) + tuple(block_shape)
    new_strides = tuple(arr_in.strides * block_shape) + arr_in.strides

    arr_out = as_strided(arr_in, shape=new_shape, strides=new_strides)

    return arr_out
Beispiel #32
 def repeat_dim(X, dim, n):
     sh = list(X.shape)
     sh.insert(dim, n)
     st = list(X.strides)
     st.insert(dim, 0)
     return as_strided(X, sh, st)
Beispiel #33
def rolling(a, window):
    shape = (a.size - window + 1, window)
    strides = (a.itemsize, a.itemsize)
    return stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)
Beispiel #34
    def __call__(self,
                 time_grid_resolution=0.5 * u.hour,
        Compute the constraint for this class

        observer : `~astroplan.Observer`
            the observation location from which to apply the constraints
        targets : sequence of `~astroplan.Target`
            The targets on which to apply the constraints.
        times : `~astropy.time.Time`
            The times to compute the constraint.
        time_range : `~astropy.time.Time` (length = 2)
            Lower and upper bounds on time sequence.
        time_grid_resolution : `~astropy.units.quantity`
            Time-grid spacing
        grid_times_targets : bool
            if True, grids the constraint result with targets along the first
            index and times along the second. Otherwise, we rely on broadcasting
            the shapes together using standard numpy rules.
        constraint_result : 1D or 2D array of float or bool
            The constraints. If 2D with targets along the first index and times along
            the second.

        if times is None and time_range is not None:
            times = time_grid_from_range(time_range,

        if grid_times_targets:
            targets = get_skycoord(targets)
            # TODO: these broadcasting operations are relatively slow
            # but there is potential for huge speedup if the end user
            # disables gridding and re-shapes the coords themselves
            # prior to evaluating multiple constraints.
            if targets.isscalar:
                # ensure we have a (1, 1) shape coord
                targets = SkyCoord(np.tile(targets, 1))[:, np.newaxis]
                targets = targets[..., np.newaxis]
        times, targets = observer._preprocess_inputs(times,
        result = self.compute_constraint(times, observer, targets)

        # make sure the output has the same shape as would result from
        # broadcasting times and targets against each other
        if targets is not None:
            # broadcasting times v targets is slow due to
            # complex nature of these objects. We make
            # to simple numpy arrays of the same shape and
            # broadcast these to find the correct shape
            shp1, shp2 = times.shape, targets.shape
            x = np.array([1])
            a = as_strided(x, shape=shp1, strides=[0] * len(shp1))
            b = as_strided(x, shape=shp2, strides=[0] * len(shp2))
            output_shape = np.broadcast(a, b).shape
            if output_shape != np.array(result).shape:
                result = np.broadcast_to(result, output_shape)

        return result
def tile_array(a, b0, b1):
    r, c = a.shape  # number of rows/columns
    rs, cs = a.strides  # row/column strides
    x = as_strided(a, (r, b0, c, b1),
                   (rs, 0, cs, 0))  # view a as larger 4D array
    return x.reshape(r * b0, c * b1)
def Iota(dim: Dim, offset=0, floattype=dace.float64):
    arr = numpy.arange(offset, offset + dim.total_size).astype(floattype.type)
    byte_strides = [s * floattype.bytes for s in dim.strides]
    return as_strided(arr, shape=dim.shape, strides=byte_strides)
def Zeros(dim: Dim, floattype=dace.float64):
    arr = numpy.zeros(dim.total_size, dtype=floattype.type)
    byte_strides = [s * floattype.bytes for s in dim.strides]
    return as_strided(arr, shape=dim.shape, strides=byte_strides)
def _rolling_block(A, block=(3, 3)):
    """Applies sliding window to given matrix."""
    shape = (A.shape[0] - block[0] + 1, A.shape[1] - block[1] + 1) + block
    strides = (A.strides[0], A.strides[1]) + A.strides
    return as_strided(A, shape=shape, strides=strides)
Beispiel #39
def prepare_overlap_sequences(ms, vs, bk, l_size, o_lap, bsize):
        Method to prepare overlapping sequences of the given magnitude spectra.
            ms               : (2D Array)  Mixture magnitude spectra (Time frames times Frequency sub-bands).
            vs               : (2D Array)  Singing voice magnitude spectra (Time frames times Frequency sub-bands).
            bk               : (2D Array)  Background magnitude spectra (Time frames times Frequency sub-bands).
            l_size           : (int)       Length of the time-sequence.
            o_lap            : (int)       Overlap between spectrogram time-sequences
                                           (to recover the missing information from the context information).
            bsize            : (int)       Batch size.

            ms               : (3D Array)  Mixture magnitude spectra training data
                                           reshaped into overlapping sequences.
            vs               : (3D Array)  Singing voice magnitude spectra training data
                                           reshaped into overlapping sequences.
            bk               : (3D Array)  Background magnitude spectra training data
                                           reshaped into overlapping sequences.

    trim_frame = ms.shape[0] % (l_size - o_lap)
    trim_frame -= (l_size - o_lap)
    trim_frame = np.abs(trim_frame)
    # Zero-padding
    if trim_frame != 0:
        ms = np.pad(ms, ((0, trim_frame), (0, 0)),
                    constant_values=(0, 0))
        vs = np.pad(vs, ((0, trim_frame), (0, 0)),
                    constant_values=(0, 0))
        bk = np.pad(bk, ((0, trim_frame), (0, 0)),
                    constant_values=(0, 0))

    # Reshaping with overlap
    ms = stride_tricks.as_strided(ms,
                                  shape=(ms.shape[0] / (l_size - o_lap),
                                         l_size, ms.shape[1]),
                                  strides=(ms.strides[0] * (l_size - o_lap),
                                           ms.strides[0], ms.strides[1]))
    ms = ms[:-1, :, :]

    vs = stride_tricks.as_strided(vs,
                                  shape=(vs.shape[0] / (l_size - o_lap),
                                         l_size, vs.shape[1]),
                                  strides=(vs.strides[0] * (l_size - o_lap),
                                           vs.strides[0], vs.strides[1]))
    vs = vs[:-1, :, :]

    bk = stride_tricks.as_strided(bk,
                                  shape=(bk.shape[0] / (l_size - o_lap),
                                         l_size, bk.shape[1]),
                                  strides=(bk.strides[0] * (l_size - o_lap),
                                           bk.strides[0], bk.strides[1]))
    bk = bk[:-1, :, :]

    b_trim_frame = (ms.shape[0] % bsize)
    if b_trim_frame != 0:
        ms = ms[:-b_trim_frame, :, :]
        vs = vs[:-b_trim_frame, :, :]
        bk = bk[:-b_trim_frame, :, :]

    return ms, vs, bk
Beispiel #40
def binarize(input_files, filenames_no_extensions, ngram=None):
    By "binarize" we mean mapping from strings to indices
    :param input_files:
    :param filenames_no_extensions:
    :param ngram:
    if ngram is not None:
        assert numpy.iinfo(numpy.uint16).max > len(vocab)
        ngrams = numpy.empty(
            (sum(combined_counter.values()) + sum(sentence_counts), ngram),
    binarized_corpora = []
    total_ngram_count = 0
    for input_file, base_filename, sentence_count in \
            zip(input_files, filenames_no_extensions, sentence_counts):
        input_filename = os.path.basename("Binarizing %s." % (input_filename))
        binarized_corpus = []
        ngram_count = 0
        for sentence_count, sentence in enumerate(input_file):
            if args.lowercase:
                sentence = sentence.lower()
            if args.char:
                words = list(sentence.strip().decode('utf-8'))
                words = sentence.strip().split(' ')
            binarized_sentence = [vocab.get(word, 1) for word in words]
            if args.ngram:
                padded_sentence = numpy.asarray([0] * (args.ngram - 1) +
                                                binarized_sentence + [0])
                ngrams[total_ngram_count + ngram_count:
                       total_ngram_count + ngram_count + len(words) + 1] =  \
                        shape=(len(words) + 1, args.ngram),
            ngram_count += len(words) + 1
        # end for sentence in input_file

        # Output
        if args.each:
            if args.pickle:
                safe_pickle(binarized_corpus, base_filename + '.pkl')
            if args.ngram and args.split:
                if args.split >= 1:
                    rows = int(args.split)
                    rows = int(ngram_count * args.split)
      "Saving training set (%d samples) and validation "
                            "set (%d samples)." % (ngram_count - rows, rows))
                rows = numpy.random.choice(ngram_count, rows, replace=False)
                safe_hdf(ngrams[total_ngram_count + rows],
                         base_filename + '_valid')
                    ngrams[total_ngram_count + numpy.setdiff1d(
                        numpy.arange(ngram_count), rows, True)],
                    base_filename + '_train')
            elif args.ngram:
      "Saving n-grams to %s." % (base_filename + '.hdf'))
                safe_hdf(ngrams, base_filename)
        binarized_corpora += binarized_corpus
        total_ngram_count += ngram_count
    # endfor input_file in args.input
    if args.pickle:
        safe_pickle(binarized_corpora, args.binarized_text)
    if args.ngram and args.split:
        if args.split >= 1:
            rows = int(args.split)
            rows = int(total_ngram_count * args.split)"Saving training set (%d samples) and validation set (%d "
                    "samples)." % (total_ngram_count - rows, rows))
        rows = numpy.random.choice(total_ngram_count, rows, replace=False)
        safe_hdf(ngrams[rows], 'combined_valid')
            ngrams[numpy.setdiff1d(numpy.arange(total_ngram_count), rows,
                                   True)], 'combined_train')
    elif args.ngram:
        safe_hdf(ngrams, 'combined')
Beispiel #41
def generate_training_data_lstm(dataset,
	From Pandas DataFrame (timestep, watthour) generate all valid training examples and split respectivly; X and y
	are scaled to model scale.
    # load raw data, df for dataframe
    ds = dataset.copy(deep=True)
    ds.watthour = np.nan_to_num(ds.watthour.values)
    # 5mins load (288 loads for each day)

    scaling_factor = np.max(np.array(ds.watthour))

    nb_forecast_steps = int(
        dt.timedelta(minutes=forecast_horizon_mins).total_seconds() /

    nb_examples = len(np.array(
        ds.watthour)) - nb_forecast_steps - sliding_window_width

    #history_offset = sliding_window_width + nb_forecast_steps - 1

    #lagged_vals = np.array(list_5mins_load[-history_offset:])

    s = np.array(ds.watthour).itemsize

    lagged_vals = as_strided(np.array(ds.watthour),
                             shape=(nb_examples, sliding_window_width),
                             strides=(s, s))

    if sliding_window_width != 0:
        t0 = ds.index[sliding_window_width - 1:-nb_forecast_steps - 1]
        t0 = ds.index[:-nb_forecast_steps]

    if forecast_type == 'watthours':
        s = np.array(ds.watthour).itemsize
        watthour_intervals = as_strided(np.array(
                                        shape=(nb_examples, nb_forecast_steps),
                                        strides=(s, s))
        # print "fc_hor", watthour_intervals[2]
        # print "last_elem_of_sum", watthour_intervals[:,-1]
        # print "P_t1", ds.loc[t0+pd.Timedelta(minutes=self.forecast_horizon_mins)].watthour.values
        mask = np.unique(
            np.where(watthour_intervals != 0.0)[0]
        )  # np.where returns indices for nonzero values as [xi][yi]; take only unique row indices
        ground_truth = np.sum(
            watthour_intervals, axis=-1
        )  # integrate watthour over forecast horizon to get total energy in Wh
        # print y.shape
    elif forecast_type == 'watts':
        ground_truth = ds.watthour.values[sliding_window_width +
                                          nb_forecast_steps - 1:-1]
        #mask = np.array(np.where(y != 0.0)).reshape((-1))
        # print 'gt', ground_truth
        # print "P_t1", ds.loc[t0+pd.Timedelta(minutes=self.forecast_horizon_mins)].watthour.values
            'Unsupported forecast type. Please define forecast type as either \'watts\' or \'watthours\'.'

        # print(">>ground truth", ground_truth)
        # ground truth real values
    ground_truth = ground_truth.reshape(-1, 1)

    ground_truth = (ground_truth / scaling_factor)

    # generate_input_data
    X = generate_input_data(lagged_vals, t0, scaling_factor)

    # y is an vector with normalized energy consumption within the time interval
    y = generate_output_data(ground_truth)

    # print(">>ground truth", ground_truth)
    # print(">>output", y)

    if cleanse:
        ground_truth = ground_truth[mask]
        y = y[mask]  # cleansing the data leads to extreme performance drop
        X = X[mask, :]
        t0 = t0[mask]

    val_idx = int(len(y) * train_cv_test_split[0])
    test_idx = int(len(y) * (train_cv_test_split[0] + train_cv_test_split[1]))

    y_train = y[0:val_idx]
    X_train = X[0:val_idx, :]
    ground_truth_train = ground_truth[0:val_idx]
    t0_train = t0[0:val_idx]

    y_val = y[val_idx:test_idx]
    t0_val = t0[val_idx:test_idx]
    ground_truth_val = ground_truth[val_idx:test_idx]
    X_val = X[val_idx:test_idx, :]

    y_test = y[test_idx:]
    t0_test = t0[test_idx:]
    ground_truth_test = ground_truth[test_idx:]
    X_test = X[test_idx:, :]

    return (X_train, y_train, ground_truth_train, t0_train), \
           (X_val, y_val, ground_truth_val, t0_val), \
           (X_test, y_test, ground_truth_test, t0_test), \
Beispiel #42
    def create_f0_analysis(
        Generate F0 contour analysis.

        Calculate the frequency and harmonic ratio values of windowed segments
        of the audio file and save to disk.
        if hasattr(frames, '__call__'):
            frames = frames()
        if not M:
            M = int(round(0.016 * samplerate))

        hopSize = int(window_size - np.floor(overlapFac * window_size))

        # zeros at beginning (thus center of 1st window should be for sample nr. 0)
        samples = frames
        #samples = np.concatenate((np.zeros(np.floor(window_size/2.0)), frames))

        # cols for windowing
        cols = np.ceil((len(samples) - window_size) / float(hopSize)) + 1
        # zeros at end (thus samples can be fully covered by frames)
        samples = np.concatenate((samples, np.zeros(window_size)))

        frames = stride_tricks.as_strided(
            shape=(cols, window_size),
            strides=(samples.strides[0] * hopSize, samples.strides[0])).copy()

        # TODO: Replace this with zero crossing object.
        def feature_zcr(window):
            window2 = np.zeros(window.size)
            window2[1:-1] = window[0:-2]
            Z = (1 / (2 * window.size)) * np.sum(
                np.abs(np.sign(window) - np.sign(window2)))
            return Z

        def parabolic(f, x):
            Quadratic interpolation for estimating the true position of an
            inter-sample maximum when nearby samples are known.

            f is a vector and x is an index for that vector.

            Returns (vx, vy), the coordinates of the vertex of a parabola that
            goes through point x and its two neighbors.


            Defining a vector f with a local maximum at index 3 (= 6), find
            local maximum if points 2, 3, and 4 actually defined a parabola.

            In [3]: f = [2, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2, 3, 1]

            In [4]: parabolic(f, argmax(f))

            Out[4]: (3.2142857142857144, 6.1607142857142856)


            if x >= f.size - 1 or x <= 2:
                return x, f[x]

            xv = 1 / 2. * (f[x - 1] - f[x + 1]) / (f[x - 1] - 2 * f[x] +
                                                   f[x + 1]) + x
            yv = f[x] - 1 / 4. * (f[x - 1] - f[x + 1]) * (xv - x)
            return (xv, yv)

        def per_frame_f0(frames, m0, M):
            if not frames.any():
                HR = np.nan
                f0 = np.nan
                return f0, HR

            R = np.correlate(frames, frames, mode='full')
            g = R[frames.size]

            R = R[frames.size - 1:]

            if not m0:
                # estimate m0 (as the first zero crossing of R)
                m0 = np.argmin(np.diff(np.sign(R[1:]))) + 1
            if m0 == 1:
                m0 = R.size
            if M > R.size:
                M = R.size
            Gamma = np.zeros(M)

            CSum = np.cumsum(frames * frames)
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    Gamma[m0:M] = R[m0:M] / (np.sqrt([g * CSum[-m0:-M:-1]]) +
                except Warning:

            # compute T0 and harmonic ratio:
            if np.isnan(Gamma).any():
                HR = np.nan
                f0 = np.nan
                blag = np.argmax(Gamma)
                HR = Gamma[blag]
                interp, HR = parabolic(Gamma, blag)
                if not interp:
                    f0 = np.nan
                    HR = np.nan
                    # get fundamental frequency:
                    f0 = samplerate / interp
            if f0 > samplerate / 2:
                raise ValueError("F0 value ({0}) is above the nyquist rate "
                                 "({1}). This shouldn't happen...".format(
                                     f0, samplerate / 2))
            if HR >= 1:
                HR = 1
            return (f0, HR)

        output = np.apply_along_axis(per_frame_f0, 1, frames, m0, M)
        # output = np.empty((frames.shape[0], 2))
        # for ind, i in enumerate(frames):
        #     output[ind] = per_frame_f0(i, m0, M)

        return output
Beispiel #43
def get_activation(audio,
    audio : np.ndarray [shape=(N,) or (N, C)]
        The audio samples. Multichannel audio will be downmixed. 
    sr : int
        Sample rate of the audio samples. The audio will be resampled if
        the sample rate is not 16 kHz, which is expected by the model.
    model_capacity : 'tiny', 'small', 'medium', 'large', or 'full'
        String specifying the model capacity; see the docstring of
    center : boolean
        - If `True` (default), the signal `audio` is padded so that frame
          `D[:, t]` is centered at `audio[t * hop_length]`.
        - If `False`, then `D[:, t]` begins at `audio[t * hop_length]`
    step_size : int
        The step size in milliseconds for running pitch estimation.
    verbose : int
        Set the keras verbosity mode: 1 (default) will print out a progress bar
        during prediction, 0 will suppress all non-error printouts.

    activation : np.ndarray [shape=(T, 360)]
        The raw activation matrix
    model = build_and_load_model(model_capacity)

    if len(audio.shape) == 2:
        audio = audio.mean(1)  # make mono
    audio = audio.astype(np.float32)
    if sr != model_srate:
        # resample audio if necessary
        from resampy import resample
        audio = resample(audio, sr, model_srate)

    # pad so that frames are centered around their timestamps (i.e. first frame
    # is zero centered).
    if center:
        audio = np.pad(audio, 512, mode='constant', constant_values=0)

    # make 1024-sample frames of the audio with hop length of 10 milliseconds
    hop_length = int(model_srate * step_size / 1000)
    n_frames = 1 + int((len(audio) - 1024) / hop_length)
    frames = as_strided(audio,
                        shape=(1024, n_frames),
                        strides=(audio.itemsize, hop_length * audio.itemsize))
    frames = frames.transpose()

    # normalize each frame -- this is expected by the model
    frames -= np.mean(frames, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    frames /= np.std(frames, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    # run prediction and convert the frequency bin weights to Hz
    return model.predict(frames, verbose=verbose)
Beispiel #44
    def demosaic(self):
        Perform a rudimentary `de-mosaic`_ of ``self.array``, returning the
        result as a new array. The result of the demosaic is *always* three
        dimensional, with the last dimension being the color planes (see
        *output_dims* parameter on the constructor).

        .. _de-mosaic:
        if self._demo is None:
            # Construct 3D representation of Bayer data (if necessary)
            if self.output_dims == 2:
                array_3d = self._to_3d(self.array)
                array_3d = self.array
            # Construct representation of the bayer pattern
            bayer = np.zeros(array_3d.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
            ((ry, rx), (gy, gx), (Gy, Gx),
             (by, bx)) = PiBayerArray.BAYER_OFFSETS[self._header.bayer_order]
            bayer[ry::2, rx::2, 0] = 1  # Red
            bayer[gy::2, gx::2, 1] = 1  # Green
            bayer[Gy::2, Gx::2, 1] = 1  # Green
            bayer[by::2, bx::2, 2] = 1  # Blue
            # Allocate output array with same shape as data and set up some
            # constants to represent the weighted average window
            window = (3, 3)
            borders = (window[0] - 1, window[1] - 1)
            border = (borders[0] // 2, borders[1] // 2)
            # Pad out the data and the bayer pattern (np.pad is faster but
            # unavailable on the version of numpy shipped with Raspbian at the
            # time of writing)
            rgb = np.zeros((array_3d.shape[0] + borders[0],
                            array_3d.shape[1] + borders[1], array_3d.shape[2]),
            rgb[border[0]:rgb.shape[0] - border[0],
                border[1]:rgb.shape[1] - border[1], :] = array_3d
            bayer_pad = np.zeros(
                (array_3d.shape[0] + borders[0],
                 array_3d.shape[1] + borders[1], array_3d.shape[2]),
            bayer_pad[border[0]:bayer_pad.shape[0] - border[0],
                      border[1]:bayer_pad.shape[1] - border[1], :] = bayer
            bayer = bayer_pad
            # For each plane in the RGB data, construct a view over the plane
            # of 3x3 matrices. Then do the same for the bayer array and use
            # Einstein summation to get the weighted average
            self._demo = np.empty(array_3d.shape, dtype=array_3d.dtype)
            for plane in range(3):
                p = rgb[..., plane]
                b = bayer[..., plane]
                pview = as_strided(
                    shape=(p.shape[0] - borders[0], p.shape[1] - borders[1]) +
                    strides=p.strides * 2)
                bview = as_strided(
                    shape=(b.shape[0] - borders[0], b.shape[1] - borders[1]) +
                    strides=b.strides * 2)
                psum = np.einsum('ijkl->ij', pview)
                bsum = np.einsum('ijkl->ij', bview)
                self._demo[..., plane] = psum // bsum
        return self._demo
Beispiel #45
def strided_app(a, L, S):
    nrows = ((len(a) - L) // S) + 1
    n = a.strides[0]
    return as_strided(a, shape=(nrows, L), strides=(S * n, n))
Beispiel #46
def grid_patches(img,
    extract a grid of (overlapping) patches from an image
    as a 2D matrix of shape (n_rows*n_cols,n_patches)

    from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
    if not isinstance(img, (np.ndarray, np.core.memmap)):
        img = np.array(img)

    n_req_patches = n_patches
    # Check and get image dimensions
    if img.ndim == 3:
        (Ih, Iw, Ic) = img.shape
        patch_shape = (patch_size, patch_size, Ic)
    elif img.ndim == 2:
        (Ih, Iw) = img.shape
        img = img.reshape((Ih, Iw, -1))
        Ic = 1
        patch_shape = (patch_size, patch_size, Ic)
        raise ValueError('image must be a 2D or 3D np.array')

    if n_req_patches is not None:
        step_size = 1

    slices = [
        slice(None, None, step_size),
        slice(None, None, step_size),
        slice(None, None, step_size)
    n_patches_h, n_patches_w = compute_n_patches(Ih,
    n_patches = n_patches_h * n_patches_w

    patch_strides = img.strides
    indexing_strides = img[slices].strides
    #patch_indices_shape = np.array([n_patches_h,n_patches_w])
    patch_indices_shape = ((np.array(img.shape) - np.array(patch_shape)) //
                           np.array(step_size)) + 1

    shape = tuple(list(patch_indices_shape) + list(patch_shape))
    strides = tuple(list(indexing_strides) + list(patch_strides))

    patches = as_strided(img, shape=shape, strides=strides)

    if Ic == 1:
        patches = patches.reshape(
            (n_patches_h, n_patches_w, patch_size * patch_size))
        patches = patches.reshape((n_patches_h * n_patches_w, -1)).T
        patches = patches.reshape(
            (n_patches_h, n_patches_w, patch_size * patch_size * Ic))
        patches = patches.reshape((n_patches_h * n_patches_w, -1)).T

    if n_req_patches is not None:
        if n_req_patches < n_patches:
            if Ic <= 3:
                mean_intensity = np.mean(patches, axis=0)
                good_patches = np.arange(n_patches)
                patch_idxs = np.random.choice(good_patches,
                patch_idxs = np.random.choice(np.arange(n_patches),
            patches = patches[:, patch_idxs]

    return patches
def _update_dict(dictionary,
    """Update the dense dictionary factor in place.

    dictionary: array of shape (n_features, n_components)
        Value of the dictionary at the previous iteration.

    Y: array of shape (n_features, n_samples)
        Data matrix.

    code: array of shape (n_components, n_samples)
        Sparse coding of the data against which to optimize the dictionary.

        Degree of output the procedure will print.

    return_r2: bool
        Whether to compute and return the residual sum of squares corresponding
        to the computed solution.

    random_state: int or RandomState
        Pseudo number generator state used for random sampling.

    dictionary: array of shape (n_features, n_components)
        Updated dictionary.

    n_components = len(code)
    n_samples = Y.shape[0]
    random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
    # Residuals, computed 'in-place' for efficiency
    R =, code)
    R += Y
    R = np.asfortranarray(R)
    ger, = linalg.get_blas_funcs(('ger', ), (dictionary, code))
    for k in range(n_components):
        # R <- 1.0 * U_k * V_k^T + R
        R = ger(1.0, dictionary[:, k], code[k, :], a=R, overwrite_a=True)
        dictionary[:, k] =, code[k, :].T)
        # Scale k'th atom
        atom_norm_square =[:, k], dictionary[:, k])
        if atom_norm_square < 1e-20:
            if verbose == 1:
            elif verbose:
                print("Adding new random atom")
            dictionary[:, k] = random_state.randn(n_samples)
            # Setting corresponding coefs to 0
            code[k, :] = 0.0
            dictionary[:, k] /= sqrt([:, k], dictionary[:,
            dictionary[:, k] /= sqrt(atom_norm_square)
            # R <- -1.0 * U_k * V_k^T + R
            R = ger(-1.0, dictionary[:, k], code[k, :], a=R, overwrite_a=True)
    if return_r2:
        R **= 2
        # R is fortran-ordered. For numpy version < 1.6, sum does not
        # follow the quick striding first, and is thus inefficient on
        # fortran ordered data. We take a flat view of the data with no
        # striding
        R = as_strided(R, shape=(R.size, ), strides=(R.dtype.itemsize, ))
        R = np.sum(R)
        return dictionary, R
    return dictionary
Beispiel #48
def toeplitz(c, r=None):
    Construct a Toeplitz matrix.

    The Toeplitz matrix has constant diagonals, with c as its first column
    and r as its first row. If r is not given, ``r == conjugate(c)`` is

    c : array_like
        First column of the matrix.  Whatever the actual shape of `c`, it
        will be converted to a 1-D array.
    r : array_like, optional
        First row of the matrix. If None, ``r = conjugate(c)`` is assumed;
        in this case, if c[0] is real, the result is a Hermitian matrix.
        r[0] is ignored; the first row of the returned matrix is
        ``[c[0], r[1:]]``.  Whatever the actual shape of `r`, it will be
        converted to a 1-D array.

    A : (len(c), len(r)) ndarray
        The Toeplitz matrix. Dtype is the same as ``(c[0] + r[0]).dtype``.

    See Also
    circulant : circulant matrix
    hankel : Hankel matrix
    solve_toeplitz : Solve a Toeplitz system.

    The behavior when `c` or `r` is a scalar, or when `c` is complex and
    `r` is None, was changed in version 0.8.0. The behavior in previous
    versions was undocumented and is no longer supported.

    >>> from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
    >>> toeplitz([1,2,3], [1,4,5,6])
    array([[1, 4, 5, 6],
           [2, 1, 4, 5],
           [3, 2, 1, 4]])
    >>> toeplitz([1.0, 2+3j, 4-1j])
    array([[ 1.+0.j,  2.-3.j,  4.+1.j],
           [ 2.+3.j,  1.+0.j,  2.-3.j],
           [ 4.-1.j,  2.+3.j,  1.+0.j]])

    c = np.asarray(c).ravel()
    if r is None:
        r = c.conjugate()
        r = np.asarray(r).ravel()
    # Form a 1-D array containing a reversed c followed by r[1:] that could be
    # strided to give us toeplitz matrix.
    vals = np.concatenate((c[::-1], r[1:]))
    out_shp = len(c), len(r)
    n = vals.strides[0]
    return as_strided(vals[len(c) - 1:], shape=out_shp, strides=(-n, n)).copy()
Beispiel #49
def view_as_windows(arr_in, window_shape):
    """Rolling window view of the input n-dimensional array.

    Windows are overlapping views of the input array, with adjacent windows
    shifted by a single row or column (or an index of a higher dimension).

    arr_in: ndarray
        The n-dimensional input array.

    window_shape: tuple
        Defines the shape of the elementary n-dimensional orthotope
        (better know as hyperrectangle [1]_) of the rolling window view.

    arr_out: ndarray
        (rolling) window view of the input array.

    One should be very careful with rolling views when it comes to
    memory usage.  Indeed, although a 'view' has the same memory
    footprint as its base array, the actual array that emerges when this
    'view' is used in a computation is generally a (much) larger array
    than the original, especially for 2-dimensional arrays and above.

    For example, let us consider a 3 dimensional array of size (100,
    100, 100) of ``float64``. This array takes about 8*100**3 Bytes for
    storage which is just 8 MB. If one decides to build a rolling view
    on this array with a window of (3, 3, 3) the hypothetical size of
    the rolling view (if one was to reshape the view for example) would
    be 8*(100-3+1)**3*3**3 which is about 203 MB! The scaling becomes
    even worse as the dimension of the input array becomes larger.

    .. [1]

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from skimage.util.shape import view_as_windows
    >>> A = np.arange(4*4).reshape(4,4)
    >>> A
    array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
           [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
           [ 8,  9, 10, 11],
           [12, 13, 14, 15]])
    >>> window_shape = (2, 2)
    >>> B = view_as_windows(A, window_shape)
    >>> B[0, 0]
    array([[0, 1],
           [4, 5]])
    >>> B[0, 1]
    array([[1, 2],
           [5, 6]])

    >>> A = np.arange(10)
    >>> A
    array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
    >>> window_shape = (3,)
    >>> B = view_as_windows(A, window_shape)
    >>> B.shape
    (8, 3)
    >>> B
    array([[0, 1, 2],
           [1, 2, 3],
           [2, 3, 4],
           [3, 4, 5],
           [4, 5, 6],
           [5, 6, 7],
           [6, 7, 8],
           [7, 8, 9]])

    >>> A = np.arange(5*4).reshape(5, 4)
    >>> A
    array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
           [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
           [ 8,  9, 10, 11],
           [12, 13, 14, 15],
           [16, 17, 18, 19]])
    >>> window_shape = (4, 3)
    >>> B = view_as_windows(A, window_shape)
    >>> B.shape
    (2, 2, 4, 3)
    >>> B  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    array([[[[ 0,  1,  2],
             [ 4,  5,  6],
             [ 8,  9, 10],
             [12, 13, 14]],
            [[ 1,  2,  3],
             [ 5,  6,  7],
             [ 9, 10, 11],
             [13, 14, 15]]],
           [[[ 4,  5,  6],
             [ 8,  9, 10],
             [12, 13, 14],
             [16, 17, 18]],
            [[ 5,  6,  7],
             [ 9, 10, 11],
             [13, 14, 15],
             [17, 18, 19]]]])

    # -- basic checks on arguments
    if not isinstance(arr_in, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError("'arr_in' must be a numpy ndarray")
    if not isinstance(window_shape, tuple):
        raise TypeError("'window_shape' must be a tuple")
    if not (len(window_shape) == arr_in.ndim):
        raise ValueError("'window_shape' is incompatible with 'arr_in.shape'")

    arr_shape = np.array(arr_in.shape)
    window_shape = np.array(window_shape, dtype=arr_shape.dtype)

    if ((arr_shape - window_shape) < 0).any():
        raise ValueError("'window_shape' is too large")

    if ((window_shape - 1) < 0).any():
        raise ValueError("'window_shape' is too small")

    # -- build rolling window view
    arr_in = np.ascontiguousarray(arr_in)

    new_shape = tuple(arr_shape - window_shape + 1) + tuple(window_shape)
    new_strides = arr_in.strides + arr_in.strides

    arr_out = as_strided(arr_in, shape=new_shape, strides=new_strides)

    return arr_out
Beispiel #50
# Z_stop  = (P+Rs//2)+Rs%2

# R_start = (R_start - np.minimum(Z_start,0)).tolist()
# Z_start = (np.maximum(Z_start,0)).tolist()
# R_stop = np.maximum(R_start, (R_stop - np.maximum(Z_stop-Zs,0))).tolist()
# Z_stop = (np.minimum(Z_stop,Zs)).tolist()

# r = [slice(start,stop) for start,stop in zip(R_start,R_stop)]
# z = [slice(start,stop) for start,stop in zip(Z_start,Z_stop)]
# R[r] = Z[z]
# print (Z)
# print (R)

# 81. 考虑一个数组Z = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14],如何生成一个数组R = [[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5], [3,4,5,6], ...,[11,12,13,14]]?
x81 = np.arange(1, 15, dtype=np.uint32)
x81_R = stride_tricks.as_strided(x81, (11, 4), (4, 4))

# 82. 计算一个矩阵的秩
x82_Z = np.arange(16).reshape((4, 4))
x82_Z -= 1
U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(x82_Z)
rank = np.sum(S > 1e-10)

# 83. 如何找到一个数组中出现频率最高的值?
x83_Z = np.random.randint(0, 10, 50)

# 84. 从一个10x10的矩阵中提取出连续的3x3区块
Beispiel #51
def sliding_window(data, sf, window, step=None, axis=-1):
    """Calculate a sliding window of a 1D or 2D EEG signal.

    .. versionadded:: 0.1.7

    data : numpy array
        The 1D or 2D EEG data.
    sf : float
        The sampling frequency of ``data``.
    window : int
        The sliding window length, in seconds.
    step : int
        The sliding window step length, in seconds.
        If None (default), ``step`` is set to ``window``,
        which results in no overlap between the sliding windows.
    axis : int
        The axis to slide over. Defaults to the last axis.

    times : numpy array
        Time vector, in seconds, corresponding to the START of each sliding
        epoch in ``strided``.
    strided : numpy array
        A matrix where row in last dimension consists of one instance
        of the sliding window, shape (n_epochs, ..., n_samples).

    This is a wrapper around the
    :py:func:`numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided` function.


    With a 1-D array

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from yasa import sliding_window
    >>> data = np.arange(20)
    >>> times, epochs = sliding_window(data, sf=1, window=5)
    >>> times
    array([ 0.,  5., 10., 15.])

    >>> epochs
    array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4],
           [ 5,  6,  7,  8,  9],
           [10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
           [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]])

    >>> sliding_window(data, sf=1, window=5, step=1)[1]
    array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4],
           [ 2,  3,  4,  5,  6],
           [ 4,  5,  6,  7,  8],
           [ 6,  7,  8,  9, 10],
           [ 8,  9, 10, 11, 12],
           [10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
           [12, 13, 14, 15, 16],
           [14, 15, 16, 17, 18]])

    >>> sliding_window(data, sf=1, window=11)[1]
    array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10]])

    With a N-D array

    >>> np.random.seed(42)
    >>> # 4 channels x 20 samples
    >>> data = np.random.randint(-100, 100, size=(4, 20))
    >>> epochs = sliding_window(data, sf=1, window=10)[1]
    >>> epochs.shape  # shape (n_epochs, n_channels, n_samples)
    (2, 4, 10)

    >>> epochs
    array([[[  2,  79,  -8, -86,   6, -29,  88, -80,   2,  21],
            [-13,  57, -63,  29,  91,  87, -80,  60, -43, -79],
            [-50,   7, -46, -37,  30, -50,  34, -80, -28,  66],
            [ -9,  10,  87,  98,  71, -93,  74, -66, -20,  63]],
           [[-26, -13,  16,  -1,   3,  51,  30,  49, -48, -99],
            [-12, -52, -42,  69,  87, -86,  89,  89,  74,  89],
            [-83,  31, -12, -41, -87, -92, -11, -48,  29, -17],
            [-51,   3,  31, -99,  33, -47,   5, -97, -47,  90]]])
    from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
    assert axis <= data.ndim, "Axis value out of range."
    assert isinstance(sf, (int, float)), 'sf must be int or float'
    assert isinstance(window, (int, float)), 'window must be int or float'
    assert isinstance(step, (int, float, type(None))), ('step must be int, '
                                                        'float or None.')
    if isinstance(sf, float):
        assert sf.is_integer(), 'sf must be a whole number.'
        sf = int(sf)
    assert isinstance(axis, int), 'axis must be int.'

    # window and step in samples instead of points
    window *= sf
    step = window if step is None else step * sf

    if isinstance(window, float):
        assert window.is_integer(), 'window * sf must be a whole number.'
        window = int(window)

    if isinstance(step, float):
        assert step.is_integer(), 'step * sf must be a whole number.'
        step = int(step)

    assert step >= 1, "Stepsize may not be zero or negative."
    assert window < data.shape[axis], ("Sliding window size may not exceed "
                                       "size of selected axis")

    # Define output shape
    shape = list(data.shape)
    shape[axis] = np.floor(data.shape[axis] / step - window / step +

    # Calculate strides and time vector
    strides = list(data.strides)
    strides[axis] *= step
    strided = as_strided(data, shape=shape, strides=strides)
    t = np.arange(strided.shape[-2]) * (step / sf)

    # Swap axis: n_epochs, ..., n_samples
    if strided.ndim > 2:
        strided = np.rollaxis(strided, -2, 0)
    return t, strided
Beispiel #52
def rag_boundary(labels, edge_map, connectivity=2):
    """ Comouter RAG based on region boundaries

    Given an image's initial segmentation and its edge map this method
    constructs the corresponding Region Adjacency Graph (RAG). Each node in the
    RAG represents a set of pixels within the image with the same label in
    `labels`. The weight between two adjacent regions is the average value
    in `edge_map` along their boundary.

    labels : ndarray
        The labelled image.
    edge_map : ndarray
        This should have the same shape as that of `labels`. For all pixels
        along the boundary between 2 adjacent regions, the average value of the
        corresponding pixels in `edge_map` is the edge weight between them.
    connectivity : int, optional
        Pixels with a squared distance less than `connectivity` from each other
        are considered adjacent. It can range from 1 to `labels.ndim`. Its
        behavior is the same as `connectivity` parameter in

    >>> from skimage import data, segmentation, filters, color
    >>> from skimage.future import graph
    >>> img = data.chelsea()
    >>> labels = segmentation.slic(img)
    >>> edge_map = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(img))
    >>> rag = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edge_map)


    conn = ndi.generate_binary_structure(labels.ndim, connectivity)
    eroded = ndi.grey_erosion(labels, footprint=conn)
    dilated = ndi.grey_dilation(labels, footprint=conn)
    boundaries0 = (eroded != labels)
    boundaries1 = (dilated != labels)
    labels_small = np.concatenate((eroded[boundaries0], labels[boundaries1]))
    labels_large = np.concatenate((labels[boundaries0], dilated[boundaries1]))
    n = np.max(labels_large) + 1

    # use a dummy broadcast array as data for RAG
    ones = as_strided(np.ones((1,), dtype=np.float), shape=labels_small.shape,
    count_matrix = sparse.coo_matrix((ones, (labels_small, labels_large)),
                                     dtype=np.int_, shape=(n, n)).tocsr()
    data = np.concatenate((edge_map[boundaries0], edge_map[boundaries1]))

    data_coo = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (labels_small, labels_large)))
    graph_matrix = data_coo.tocsr() /=

    rag = RAG()

    for n in rag.nodes():
        rag.node[n].update({'labels': [n]})

    return rag
Beispiel #53
def stride_matrix(vector, n_lin, n_col, hop):

    data_matrix = stride_tricks.as_strided(vector, shape=(n_lin, n_col),
                        strides=(vector.strides[0]*hop, vector.strides[0]))

    return data_matrix
Beispiel #54
np.negative(Z, out=Z)

#Посчитать ранг матрицы
Z = np.random.uniform(0,1,(10,10))
rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(Z)

#Найти наиболее частое значение в массиве
Z = np.random.randint(0,10,50)

#Извлечь все смежные 3x3 блоки из 10x10 матрицы
Z = np.random.randint(0,5,(10,10))
n = 3
i = 1 + (Z.shape[0] - n)
j = 1 + (Z.shape[1] - n)
C = stride_tricks.as_strided(Z, shape=(i, j, n, n), strides=Z.strides + Z.strides)

#Рассмотрим множество матриц (n,n) и множество из p векторов (n,1). Посчитать сумму p произведений матриц (результат имеет размерность (n,1))
p, n = 10, 20
M = np.ones((p,n,n))
V = np.ones((p,n,1))
S = np.tensordot(M, V, axes=[[0, 2], [0, 1]])

#Дан массив 16x16, посчитать сумму по блокам 4x4
Z = np.ones((16,16))
k = 4
S = np.add.reduceat(np.add.reduceat(Z, np.arange(0, Z.shape[0], k), axis=0),
                                       np.arange(0, Z.shape[1], k), axis=1)
Beispiel #55
def frame(y, frame_length=2048, hop_length=512):
    '''Slice a time series into overlapping frames.

    This implementation uses low-level stride manipulation to avoid
    redundant copies of the time series data.

    y : np.ndarray [shape=(n,)]
        Time series to frame. Must be one-dimensional and contiguous
        in memory.

    frame_length : int > 0 [scalar]
        Length of the frame in samples

    hop_length : int > 0 [scalar]
        Number of samples to hop between frames

    y_frames : np.ndarray [shape=(frame_length, N_FRAMES)]
        An array of frames sampled from `y`:
        `y_frames[i, j] == y[j * hop_length + i]`

        If `y` is not contiguous in memory, framing is invalid.
        See `np.ascontiguous()` for details.

        If `hop_length < 1`, frames cannot advance.

    Extract 2048-sample frames from `y` with a hop of 64 samples per frame

    >>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.util.example_audio_file())
    >>> librosa.util.frame(y, frame_length=2048, hop_length=64)
    array([[ -9.216e-06,   7.710e-06, ...,  -2.117e-06,  -4.362e-07],
           [  2.518e-06,  -6.294e-06, ...,  -1.775e-05,  -6.365e-06],
           [ -7.429e-04,   5.173e-03, ...,   1.105e-05,  -5.074e-06],
           [  2.169e-03,   4.867e-03, ...,   3.666e-06,  -5.571e-06]], dtype=float32)


    if hop_length < 1:
        raise ParameterError('Invalid hop_length: {:d}'.format(hop_length))

    if not y.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
        raise ParameterError('Input buffer must be contiguous.')


    # Compute the number of frames that will fit. The end may get truncated.
    n_frames = 1 + int((len(y) - frame_length) / hop_length)

    if n_frames < 1:
        raise ParameterError('Buffer is too short (n={:d})'
                             ' for frame_length={:d}'.format(
                                 len(y), frame_length))

    # Vertical stride is one sample
    # Horizontal stride is `hop_length` samples
    y_frames = as_strided(y,
                          shape=(frame_length, n_frames),
                          strides=(y.itemsize, hop_length * y.itemsize))
    return y_frames
Beispiel #56
def _create_grid(nrow, ncol):
    """ Create bounds for vtk rendering

    nrow : int or array-like
        Number of rows. If array-like, must be an array with values in
        ascending order between 0 and 1.
    ncol : int or array-like
        Number of columns. If array-like, must be an array with values in
        ascending order between 0 and 1.

    grid: ndarray, shape = (nrow, ncol, 4)
        Grid for vtk rendering.

    >>> _create_grid(1, 2)
    array([[[0. , 0. , 0.5, 1. ],
            [0.5, 0. , 1. , 1. ]]])
    >>> _create_grid(1, [0, .5, 1])
    array([[[0. , 0. , 0.5, 1. ],
            [0.5, 0. , 1. , 1. ]]])
    >>> _create_grid(1, [0, .5, .9])
    array([[[0. , 0. , 0.5, 1. ],
            [0.5, 0. , 0.9, 1. ]]])
    >>> _create_grid(1, [0, .5, .9, 1])
    array([[[0. , 0. , 0.5, 1. ],
            [0.5, 0. , 0.9, 1. ],
            [0.9, 0. , 1. , 1. ]]])
    >>> _create_grid(2, [.5, .6, .7])
    array([[[0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 1. ],
            [0.6, 0.5, 0.7, 1. ]],

           [[0.5, 0. , 0.6, 0.5],
            [0.6, 0. , 0.7, 0.5]]])

    if not isinstance(nrow, int):
        nrow = np.atleast_1d(nrow)
        if nrow.size < 2 or np.any(np.sort(nrow) != nrow) or \
                nrow[0] < 0 or nrow[-1] > 1:
            raise ValueError('Incorrect row values.')

    if not isinstance(ncol, int):
        ncol = np.atleast_1d(ncol)
        if ncol.size < 2 or np.any(np.sort(ncol) != ncol) or \
                ncol[0] < 0 or ncol[-1] > 1:
            raise ValueError('Incorrect column values.')

    if isinstance(ncol, np.ndarray):
        x_min, x_max = ncol[:-1], ncol[1:]
        ncol = x_min.size
        dx = 1 / ncol
        x_min = np.arange(0, 1, dx)
        x_max = x_min + dx

    if isinstance(nrow, np.ndarray):
        y_min, y_max = nrow[:-1], nrow[1:]
        nrow = y_min.size
        dy = 1 / nrow
        y_min = np.arange(0, 1, dy)
        y_max = y_min + dy

    y_min = np.repeat(y_min, ncol)[::-1]
    y_max = np.repeat(y_max, ncol)[::-1]

    x_min = np.tile(x_min, nrow)
    x_max = np.tile(x_max, nrow)

    g = np.column_stack([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max])

    strides = (4 * g.itemsize * ncol, 4 * g.itemsize, g.itemsize)
    return as_strided(g, shape=(nrow, ncol, 4), strides=strides)
Beispiel #57
def firstpos(x, N=2):
    return as_strided(x, x.shape[:-N], x.strides[:-N])
Beispiel #58
def firstelement(x, N=2):
    return as_strided(x, x.shape[-N:], x.strides[-N:])
Beispiel #59
def toGrayVirtual(g):
    yres, xres= g.shape
    s0, s1 = g.strides
    G = as_strided(g,shape=(yres, xres, 3), strides=(s0,s1,0))
    return G
Beispiel #60
def enframe(y, frame_length=2048, hop_length=512):
    n_frames = 1 + int((len(y) - frame_length) / hop_length)
    y_frames = as_strided(y, shape=(n_frames, frame_length),
                          strides=(y.itemsize * hop_length, y.itemsize))
    return y_frames