Beispiel #1
def getE(g, k):
    m = 10 ^ -6
    KInv = linalg.inv(k + numpy.eye(k.shape[1]) * m)
    Ktrans = linalg.transpose(k)
    KtransInv = linalg.inv(Ktrans + +numpy.eye(Ktrans.shape[1]) * m)
    e = KtransInv * g * KInv
    return e
Beispiel #2
def log_p_ml(dim, K, ln_lambda, beta0, betak, v0, vk, m0, mk, w0, wk):

    :param dim:
    :param K:
    :param ln_lambda:
    :param beta0:
    :param betak:
    :param v0:
    :param vk:
    :param m0:
    :param mk:
    :param w0:
    :param wk:
    diff = mk - m0   #[K, dim]
    s1 = np.einsum('ki, kij, kj->k', diff, wk, diff)
    s1 = beta0*np.multiply(vk, s1) #[K,]

    s2 = np.einsum('ij, kji->k', inv(w0), wk)  #[K,]
    s2 = np.multiply(vk, s2) #[K,]

    sum = (v0 - dim)*ln_lambda - dim*beta0*np.reciprocal(betak) + \
          dim*np.log(0.5*beta0 / np.pi) - s1 - s2  #[K,]
    sum = 0.5*sum.sum() #float

    (_, minus_log_b) = slogdet(w0)
    minus_log_b = 0.5*v0*(minus_log_b + dim*np.log(2)) + 0.25*dim*(dim-1.0)*np.log(np.pi)
    minus_log_b += np.sum([gammaln((v0 + 1 - i) / 2.0) for i in range(dim)])

    sum -= K*minus_log_b

    return sum
Beispiel #3
 def get_f_by_comp(self, V):
     V_ = V[0:V.shape[0] - 1, :]
     v = V[V.shape[0] - 1, :]
     g = inv(dot(transpose(V_), V_))
     a = dot(v, g)
     P = dot(a, transpose(V_))
     return P
    def learn_matrix_factorization(self):
        # Initialize Sj and tj but note that Sj is initialized implicitly
        t = [numpy.zeros([self.n,]) for _ in range(self.J)] # initialize tj = 0, Sj
        for j in range(self.J): # Initialize Sj = diag(1/pl)
            self.S[j] = diag(1/self.rho)

        # for i = 1:I, update Phi_i and ui
        for i in range(self.I):
            self.compute_phi(i) # Compute Phi_i
            self.update_u(i) # Update ui
            # For j in N(i)
            for j in self.rated_movie_by_user[i]:
                # Sj = Sj + (phi+uu')/tau
                self.S[j] = self.S[j]+(self.Phi[i]+outer(self.U[i,:],self.U[i,:]))/self.tau
                # tj = tj+m_ij ui/tau
                t[j] += self.R[i][j]*self.U[i,:]/self.tau

        # Update sigma

        # For j = 1:J update Q(vj)
        for j in range(self.J):
            self.Psi[j] = inv(self.S[j])
            self.update_v(j, t)

        # Update tau
Beispiel #5
def dual_simplex_method2(a, b, c, jb):
    m, n = len(a), len(c)
    ab = a[:, jb]
    ab_inv = linalg.inv(ab)
    y =[c[i] for i in jb], ab_inv)
    koplan =, a) - c
    if any([i < -eps for i in koplan]):
        return None

    while True:
        kapa_b =, b)
        if min(kapa_b) > -eps:
            kapa = [0] * n
            for j, i in zip(kapa_b, jb):
                kapa[i] = j
            return kapa, jb,, kapa)
        k = np.argmin(kapa_b)
        j_n = [j for j in range(n) if j not in jb]
        e = np.zeros(m)
        e[k] = 1
        mu =
        if all(mu[i] >= 0 for i in j_n):
            return None
        s = [np.inf] * n
        for j in j_n:
            if mu[j] < 0:
                s[j] = -koplan[j] / mu[j]
        j0 = np.argmin(s)
        y = y + (s[j0] * e).dot(b)
        koplan = koplan + s[j0] * mu
        jb[k] = j0
        ab_inv = inv_matrix(ab_inv, k, a[:, j0], m)
Beispiel #6
def mnk(xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.array, tau):
    n = len(xs)
    _xs = np.array([xs[i].tolist() + [1] for i in range(n)])
    ws =, _xs) + tau * np.eye(len(_xs[1]))),
               _xs.T), ys)
    return ws
Beispiel #7
def calibrateImages(images):
    for image in images:'IMAGE {}:Calibrating images...')
        ins = image.ins
        ex = image.ex
        pmat = ins @ ex
        R = np.array([[ex[0][0], ex[0][1], ex[0][2]],
                      [ex[1][0], ex[1][1], ex[1][2]],
                      [ex[2][0], ex[2][1], ex[2][2]]])
        t = np.array([ex[0][3], ex[1][3], ex[2][3]])
        center = -inv(R) @ t
        center = np.array([center[0], center[1], center[2], 1])
        zaxis = np.array(pmat[2])
        zaxis[3] = 0
        ftmp = norm(zaxis)
        zaxis /= ftmp
        zaxis = np.array([zaxis[0], zaxis[1], zaxis[2]])
        xaxis = np.array([pmat[0][0], pmat[0][1], pmat[0][2]])
        yaxis = cross(zaxis, xaxis)
        yaxis /= norm(yaxis)
        xaxis = cross(yaxis, zaxis)

        image.pmat = pmat = center
        image.xaxis = xaxis
        image.yaxis = yaxis
        image.zaxis = zaxis
Beispiel #8
def calcW(K,W0,xd,NK,m0,XDim,beta0,S):
    Winv = [None for _ in range(K)]
    for k in range(K): 
        Winv[k]  = inv(W0) + NK[k]*S[k]
        Q0 = reshape(xd[k,:] - m0, (XDim,1))
        q = dot(Q0,Q0.T)
        Winv[k] += (beta0*NK[k] / (beta0 + NK[k]) ) * q
        assert shape(q)==(XDim,XDim)
    W = []
    for k in range(K):
        except linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
            print 'Winv[%i]'%k, Winv[k]
            raise linalg.linalg.LinAlgError()
    return W
Beispiel #9
 def fit(self, func, params_dist, pre_X = None, pre_y = None):
     time_start = time.time()
     if self.random_state is not None: np.random.seed(self.random_state)
     grid, grid_scaled = self.get_grid(params_dist)
     mu       = np.zeros(self.n_grid) + self.mu_prior
     sigma    = np.ones(self.n_grid)*self.sigma_prior
     X        = np.zeros((self.max_iter, self.n_params))
     X_scaled = np.matrix(np.zeros((self.max_iter, self.n_params)))
     y        = np.zeros(self.max_iter)
     if (pre_X is not None) and (pre_y is not None):
         pre_X_mat, pre_X_scaled = self.scale(pre_X, pre_y, params_dist)
         X        = np.vstack([pre_X_mat, X]) 
         X_scaled = np.vstack([pre_X_scaled, X_scaled])
         y        = np.concatenate([pre_y, y])
         pre_len  = len(pre_y)
     else: pre_len = 0
     if self.verbose:
         params_name = [i[:9] for i in self.params_name]'%4s|%9s|%9s|%9s', 'Iter','Func','Max',
                 '|'.join(['{:9s}'.format(i) for i in params_name]))
     for i in xrange(pre_len, pre_len + self.max_iter):
         #beta        = (i + 1)**2
         if self.beta_mode == 'log':
             d       = len(self.params_name)
             beta    = 2*np.log(2 *(i + 1)**2 * np.pi**2 /.3) + \
                       2*d*np.log( (i+1)**2 * d * 2)
         elif self.beta_mode == 'linear':
             beta    = i + 1
         elif self.beta_mode == 'square':
             beta    = (i + 1)**2
             logger.error("What The Hell. Change Beta Parameter")
         idx         = np.argmax(mu + np.sqrt(beta)*sigma)
         X[i,:]      = grid[idx]
         X_scaled[i] = grid_scaled[idx]
         y[i]        = func(**dict(zip(self.params_name, X[i])))
         KT          = self.kernel(X_scaled[:(i + 1)], X_scaled[:(i + 1)])*\
         invKT       = inv(KT + self.sig**2*identity(i + 1))
         grid, grid_scaled = self.get_grid(params_dist)
         kT          = self.kernel(X_scaled[:(i + 1)], grid_scaled)*\
         mu          = self.mu_prior + \
             [:(i + 1)] - self.mu_prior)
         sigma2      = np.ones(self.n_grid)*self.sigma_prior**2 - \
         sigma       = np.sqrt(sigma2)
         ### Save Data
         if self.verbose:
   '%4d|%9.4g|%9.4g|%s', i, y[i], np.max(y[:(i + 1)]),
                     '|'.join(['{:9.4g}'.format(ii) for ii in X[i]]))
         if time.time() - time_start > self.time_budget:
     self.X      = X[:(i + 1)]
     self.y      = y[:(i + 1)]     = mu
     self.beta   = beta
     self.sigma  = sigma
     self.grid   = grid
Beispiel #10
    def getBucklingInfo(self, structureDir):
        poscar = open(structureDir + '/POSCAR', 'r')
        poscarLines = [line.strip() for line in poscar]

        contcar = open(structureDir + '/DOS/CONTCAR', 'r')
        contcarLines = [line.strip() for line in contcar]

        poscarCounts = [int(count) for count in poscarLines[5].strip().split()]

        oldCpos = []
        for line in poscarLines[7:7 + poscarCounts[0]]:
            stringPos = line.split()
            floatPos = [float(comp) for comp in stringPos]

        contcarCounts = [
            int(count) for count in contcarLines[6].strip().split()

        newCpos = []
        for line in self.relaxedPositions[:contcarCounts[0]]:

        NNpairs = self.getNNPairs(oldCpos)

        buckleDistances = []
        for pair in NNpairs:
            ind1 = pair[0]
            ind2 = pair[1]

            pos1 = newCpos[ind1]
            pos2 = newCpos[ind2]

            zpos1 = pos1[2]

            trialPos2 = []
            pos2Dir = dot(inv(transpose(self.relaxedVecs)), transpose(pos2))
            for i in [-1, 0, 1]:
                for j in [-1, 0, 1]:
                    for k in [-1, 0, 1]:
                        newPos = [
                            pos2Dir[0] + i, pos2Dir[1] + j, pos2Dir[2] + k
                        newCartPos = dot(transpose(self.relaxedVecs),

            trialDistances = []
            for pos in trialPos2:
                zpos2 = pos[2]

                distance = abs(zpos1 - zpos2)


        return sum(buckleDistances) / len(buckleDistances)
Beispiel #11
def inv0(X):
    #inverts X if it is a matrix, otherwise, it finds numerical inverse
        Xm1 = inv(X)
        return Xm1
    except IndexError:
        #print 'reverting to 1D for inverse matrix'
        return 1/float(X)
Beispiel #12
    def move_vec(self, vec):
        vec = np.array(vec)
        vec = vec * 0.001
        vec.resize(4, refcheck=False)
        vec =, (4, 4))), vec)

        return vec[0:3]
def print_matrix_with_meta_data(filename, matrix):, filename), matrix)
    details_file = open(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, filename + '.txt'), 'w')
        details_file.write(np.array2string(matrix) + "\n")
        details_file.write("\ndeterminer:                " +
                           str(linalg.det(matrix)) + "\n")
        details_file.write("inverse matrix determiner: " +
                           str(linalg.det(linalg.inv(matrix))) + "\n")
        details_file.write("euclidean norm:            " +
                           str(linalg.norm(matrix, 'fro')) + "\n")
        details_file.write("euclidean norm \nof inverse matrix:         " +
                           str(linalg.norm(linalg.inv(matrix), 'fro')) + "\n")
        details_file.write("condition number:          " +
                           str(linalg.cond(matrix, 'fro')))
Beispiel #14
	def move_vec( self , vec ) :
		vec = np.array(vec)
		vec = vec * 0.001
		vec.resize( 4 , refcheck=False )
		vec = la.inv( np.reshape(self.currmv,(4,4)) ) , vec )
		self.translate( *vec[0:3] )

		return vec[0:3]
Beispiel #15
def invertHomography(homography):
    """Returns an inverted homography
    Unnecessary for reprojection over camera image"""
    from numpy.linalg.linalg import inv

    invH = inv(homography)
    invH /= invH[2, 2]
    return invH
Beispiel #16
def inv0(X):
    #inverts X if it is a matrix, otherwise, it finds numerical inverse
        Xm1 = inv(X)
        return Xm1
    except IndexError:
        #print 'reverting to 1D for inverse matrix'
        return 1 / float(X)
Beispiel #17
def preconditioned_conjugate_gradient(A, x0, b, preconditioner, max_iterations):
    # Calculate the FFT of the first column on the circular of A
    gA = precompute_g(A)

    # Store initial solution
    x = x0

    # Calculate initial residuals
    residual = b - fftmul(gA, x0)

    # Norm of the initial residual
    norm_residual0 = norm(residual, ord=2)

    # Calculate M based on the preconditioner and get its inverse
    Minv = inv(dot(preconditioner, preconditioner.T))

    # Initial z vector
    z = dot(Minv, residual)

    # z^T*z
    zr = inner(z, residual)

    # Calculate initial direction
    direction = z

    for  i in range(max_iterations):
        if i % 10000 == 0:
  'Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient iteration {}, dimenstion {}'.format(i, A.shape[0]))

        # If residuals are too small, terminate the algorithm
        if norm(residual, ord=2)/norm_residual0 < 0.0000001:
  'Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient converged after {} iterations'.format(i))

        # Store previous residuals and direction
        old_residual = residual
        old_direction = direction
        old_z  = z
        old_zr = zr

        # Caclulate new update factor
        Ar = fftmul(gA, old_direction)
        a = old_zr / inner(old_direction, Ar)

        # Update solution
        x = x + a*old_direction

        # Update residuals
        residual = old_residual - a*Ar

        z = dot(Minv, residual)

        # Update direction
        zr = inner(z, residual)
        b = zr / old_zr
        direction = z + b*old_direction

    return x, i
Beispiel #18
 def get_f(self, r):
     if r > self.R:
         r = self.R
     V_ = self.V[0:self.V.shape[0] - 1, 0:r]
     v = self.V[self.V.shape[0] - 1, 0:r]
     g = inv(dot(transpose(V_), V_))
     a = dot(v, g)
     P = dot(a, transpose(V_))
     return P
def mahalanobis_distance(difference, num_random_features):
    num_samples, _ = np.shape(difference)
    sigma = np.cov(np.transpose(difference))

    mu = np.mean(difference, 0)

    if num_random_features == 1:
        stat = float(num_samples * mu ** 2) / float(sigma)
        except LinAlgError:
            print('covariance matrix is singular. Pvalue returned is 1.1')
            warnings.warn('covariance matrix is singular. Pvalue returned is 1.1')
            return 0
        stat = num_samples *, np.transpose(mu)))

    return chi2.sf(stat, num_random_features)
Beispiel #20
def mahalanobis_distance(difference, num_random_features):
    num_samples, _ = np.shape(difference)
    sigma = np.cov(np.transpose(difference))

    mu = np.mean(difference, 0)

    if num_random_features == 1:
        stat = float(num_samples * mu ** 2) / float(sigma)
        except LinAlgError:
            print('covariance matrix is singular. Pvalue returned is 1.1')
            warnings.warn('covariance matrix is singular. Pvalue returned is 1.1')
            return 0
        stat = num_samples *, np.transpose(mu)))

    return chi2.sf(stat, num_random_features)
def transform(tfmat,
    Most general form of applying a transformation matrix.

    Apply transformation matrix tfmat on vertices with coordinates specified in vert_frame (current/input frame of reference).
    Apply the transformation in the coordinate frame given by tf_frame
    Output the vertices in out_frame

    #1. Bring vertices to world frame
    vert = vert_frame.to_world(vert)
    #2. Bring vertices to tf frame
    vert = tf_frame.from_world(vert)
    #3. Apply the transformation matrix in tf frame
    vert = apply_matrix(tfmat, vert)
    #4. Bring vertices to world frame
    vert = tf_frame.to_world(vert)
    #5. Bring vertices to out frame
    vert = out_frame.from_world(vert)
    # if output frame is not specified, set it to input frame.
    if out_frame_mat is None:
        out_frame_mat = vert_frame_mat
    # if the frame of reference for transformation is not specified, perform transform in the vertex frame of reference.
    if tf_frame_mat is None:
        tf_frame_mat = vert_frame_mat
    if isinstance(vert_frame_mat, CoordFrame):
        vert_frame_mat = vert_frame_mat.m
    if isinstance(tf_frame_mat, CoordFrame):
        tf_frame_mat = tf_frame_mat.m
    if isinstance(out_frame_mat, CoordFrame):
        out_frame_mat = out_frame_mat.m
    # ensure 4x4
    vert_frame_mat = m4(vert_frame_mat)
    tf_frame_mat = m4(tf_frame_mat)
    out_frame_mat = m4(out_frame_mat)
    tfmat = m4(tfmat)

    mat = inv(out_frame_mat) @ tf_frame_mat @ tfmat @ inv(
        tf_frame_mat) @ vert_frame_mat
    return apply_matrix(mat, vert)
Beispiel #22
def regularised_ml_weights(inputmtx, targets, reg_coeff):
    This method returns the regularised weights that give the best linear fit between
    the processed inputs and the targets.
    Phi = np.matrix(inputmtx)
    targets = np.matrix(targets).reshape((len(targets), 1))
    I = np.identity(Phi.shape[1])
    weights = linalg.inv(I * reg_coeff +
                         Phi.transpose() * Phi) * Phi.transpose() * targets
    return np.array(weights).flatten()
Beispiel #23
def transformYIQ2RGB(imgYIQ: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Converts an YIQ image to RGB color space
    :param imgYIQ: An Image in YIQ
    :return: A RGB in image color space
    transform = np.array([[0.299, 0.587, 0.114], [0.596, -0.275, -0.321],
                          [0.212, -0.523, 0.311]])
    inverse_mat = linalg.inv(transform)  # inverse the transform matrix
    res =, inverse_mat.T)
    return res
Beispiel #24
 def pdf(self):
    """ Partially applied Gaussian pdf """
    dim     = self.mean.shape[0]
    const   = 1 / (((2*numpy.pi)**(dim/2.0)) * (det(self.cov)**0.5))
    inv_cov = inv(self.cov)
    def gauss_pdf(x):
       sub = x - self.mean
       exponent = -0.5* sub.T * inv_cov * sub
       if (numpy.shape(exponent) != (1,1)):
          raise AssertionError
       return const * (numpy.e ** exponent[0,0])
    return gauss_pdf  
Beispiel #25
    def getOriginalPositions(self, structureDir):
        # These are going to be in Cartesian coordinates

        fullStructPath = os.path.abspath(structureDir)
        poscar = open(fullStructPath + '/POSCAR', 'r')
        poscarLines = poscar.readlines()

        stringvecs = poscarLines[2:5]
        stringvecs = [line.strip().split() for line in stringvecs]

        self.origVecs = []
        for vec in stringvecs:
            newvec = [float(comp) for comp in vec]

        counts = poscarLines[5].strip().split()
        counts = [int(count) for count in counts]

        self.structureInfo = []
        self.structureInfo.append(counts[0] / 2)

        total = sum(counts)
        positionLines = poscarLines[7:7 + total]

        # Convert to Direct coordinates in terms of the !! NEW !! lattice vectors and then back to
        # Cartesian coordinates.
        positions = []
        for line in positionLines:
            newStringPosition = line.strip().split()
            newPosition = [float(comp) for comp in newStringPosition]

            directs = []
            r = dot(inv(transpose(self.relaxedVecs)),
                    transpose(newPosition))  # Change to direct coordinates.

            for i in [-1, 0, 1]:
                for j in [-1, 0, 1]:
                    for k in [-1, 0, 1]:
                        directs.append([r[0] + i, r[1] + j, r[2] + k])

            carts = []
            for pos in directs:
                rnew = dot(
                    transpose(pos))  # Change back to cartesian coordinates.


        return positions
Beispiel #26
 def apply_load(self, F, dT):
     ''' Obtain strains of stacking due to loading
     F = [n_x, n_y, n_xy, m_x, m_y, m_xy] in N/m
     :param: F: force vector
     :param: dT: delta temperature
     :return: eps0: vector of strains due to normal loads eps0=[eps_x, eps_y, eps_xy]
     :return: eps1: vector of strains due to bending loads eps1=[eps_x, eps_y, eps_xy]
     # Reddy, Eq. 3.3.40
     eps =, (F + self.QLAL * dT))
     eps0 = eps[0:3]
     eps1 = eps[3:6]
     return eps0, eps1
Beispiel #27
 def epComputeParams(self, K, KI, g):
     """calculate the ep Parameters
     K: plain kernel matrix
     g: [0,1]: natural parameter rep. [2]: 0. moment for lml
     #inverse of EP kernel matrix
     KepI = SP.diag(g[:, 1])
     Sigma = linalg.inv(KI + KepI)
     #however g[:,0] = mu/var... so that's all we need
     mu =, g[:, 0])
     #TODO: implement lml
     lml = 0
     return [Sigma, mu, lml]
Beispiel #28
def update_w(w0, nk, sk, xk, m0, beta0, betak):
    :param w0: [dim,dim]
    :param nk: [K,]
    :param sk: [K,dim,dim]
    :param xk: [K,dim]
    :param m0: [1,dim]
    :param beta0: scalar
    :param betak: [K,]
    :return: w, w_inv [k, dim, dim]

    diff = xk - m0 #[K, dim]
    diff = np.expand_dims(diff, axis=-1) #[K,dim,1]
    diff = np.einsum('kin,kjn->kij', diff, diff)  #[K, dim, dim]

    prefactor = beta0*np.divide(nk, betak)   #[K,]
    prefactor = np.expand_dims(prefactor, axis=-1)
    prefactor = np.expand_dims(prefactor, axis=-1)    #[K, 1, 1]

    diff = np.multiply(prefactor, diff) #[K, dim, dim]

    nk = np.expand_dims(nk, axis=-1)
    nk = np.expand_dims(nk, axis=-1)    #[K, 1, 1]

    w0_inv = np.expand_dims(inv(w0), axis=0) #[1,dim,dim]
    w_inv = np.multiply(nk, sk) + diff + w0_inv #[K,dim,dim]

    K = w_inv.shape[0]
    w = np.zeros(w_inv.shape)
    #Invert (safely)
    for k in range(K):
            w[k, :, :] = inv(w_inv[k, :, :])
        except linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
            print('w_inv = ', w_inv[k, :, :])
            raise linalg.linalg.LinAlgError()
    return w, w_inv
Beispiel #29
    def pdf(self):
        """ Partially applied Gaussian pdf """
        dim = self.mean.shape[0]
        const = 1 / (((2 * numpy.pi)**(dim / 2.0)) * (det(self.cov)**0.5))
        inv_cov = inv(self.cov)

        def gauss_pdf(x):
            sub = x - self.mean
            exponent = -0.5 * sub.T * inv_cov * sub
            if (numpy.shape(exponent) != (1, 1)):
                raise AssertionError
            return const * (numpy.e**exponent[0, 0])

        return gauss_pdf
Beispiel #30
def method_gomory(a, b, c):
    f_prev = np.inf
    iter = 0
    n_p = len(c)
    sol = solve_lp(a, b, c)
    while (sol):
        m, n = len(b), len(c)
        x, jb, f = sol
        print(f'\niter {iter}\nx {x}\njb {jb}\nf {f}')
        if n > n_p + 3:
            j_r = [j for j in jb if j >= n_p]
            if j_r:
                print(f'delete, j {j_r}')
                a, b, c, jb = correct_task(a, b, c, jb, j_r)
                m, n = len(b), len(c)

        j_k = get_j_k(f_prev, f, x, [j for j in jb if j < n_p])
        print('j_k', j_k)
        if j_k == -1:
            print(f'\nsol\nx {x[:n_p]}\nf {f}')

        k = jb.index(j_k)
        ab_inv = linalg.inv(a[:, jb])
        print('ab_inv', ab_inv)

        e = np.zeros(m)
        e[k] = 1
        y =, ab_inv)
        print('y', y)
        a_j =, a)
        print('a_j', a_j)
        betta =, b)
        print('betta', betta)

        f_j = [-(i - math.floor(i)) if not is_integer(i) else 0 for i in a_j]
        # f_j = [-(i % 1) if not is_integer(i) else 0 for i in a_j]
        if all([f_j[i] > -eps for i in range(n) if i not in jb]):
            print('нет решений')
        e = np.zeros((m + 1, 1))
        e[m] = 1
        a = np.vstack([a, f_j])
        a = np.hstack([a, e])
        b.append(-(betta - math.floor(betta)))
        f_prev = f
        sol = dual_simplex_method2(a, b, c, jb)
        iter += 1
Beispiel #31
def computeCenter(patch, cell):
    image = cell.image
    x = np.array([[0],[1], 1])
    R = np.array([[image.pmat[0][0], image.pmat[0][1], image.pmat[0][2]],
                  [image.pmat[1][0], image.pmat[1][1], image.pmat[1][2]],
                  [image.pmat[2][0], image.pmat[2][1], image.pmat[2][2]]])
    t = np.array([image.pmat[0][3], image.pmat[1][3], image.pmat[2][3]])
    X = inv(R) @ (x - t)
    X = np.array([X[0], X[1], X[2], 1])
    vect = X -
    t = -(patch.normal @ X - patch.normal @ / (
        patch.normal @ vect)

    return X + t * vect
Beispiel #32
 def pdf_mat(self):
    """ Return a partially applied Gaussian pdf that takes in a matrix whose columns are the input vectors"""
    dim     = self.mean.shape[0]
    const   = 1 / (((2*numpy.pi)**(dim/2.0)) * (det(self.cov)**0.5))
    inv_cov = inv(self.cov)
    def gauss_pdf_mat(x):
       """Partially applied Gaussian pdf that takes in a matrix whose columns are the input vectors"""
       sub = x - self.mean
       r0 = inv_cov * sub
       exponent = -0.5 * numpy.sum(sub.A * r0.A, axis=0)
       if (numpy.shape(exponent) != (x.shape[1],)):
          raise AssertionError("exponent has the wrong shape, should be (%d,), but is (%d,)" % x.shape[1], exponent.shape[0])
       g = const * (numpy.e ** exponent)
       return g
    return gauss_pdf_mat
Beispiel #33
def main():
    n = 3
    A = [[1, 0, 5], [2, 1, 6], [3, 4, 0]]  # дана вот такая матрица
    x = [2, 2, 2]  # собственно столбец x
    i = 1  # номер столбца, который в матрице будет заменён на данный нам столбец x
    A_inv = linalg.inv(
    )  # Дана ещё матрица, обратная матрице А. Для простоты я её так получал, а не вбивал

    # Задача следующая
    # Пусть мы в матрице А заменили i-ый столбец на столбец x. Обзовём полученную матрицу B
    # Нужно ответить на 2 вопроса:
    # 1. Является ли эта матрица B обратимой(то есть есть ли для неё обратная я так понимаю)
    # 2. Если обратима, то найти обратную

    method(A, A_inv, i, x, n)  # собственно сам метод
Beispiel #34
def resample_roi_array(target_affine: np.ndarray, target_shape: tuple,
                       source_affine: np.ndarray, source_shape: tuple,
                       source_data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Resamples source ROI array with affine matrices of both source space and target space.

    Since transformation is performed by matrix multiplications, target coordinate (i, j, k) is rounded to `int` type.
    It is probably acceptable for ROI data or other discrete data, but rather questionable for continuous data.
        target_affine (np.ndarray): Affine matrix of target space.
        target_shape (tuple): Shape of target.
        source_affine (np.ndarray): Affine matrix of source space.
        source_shape (tuple): Shape of source.
        source_data (np.ndarray): Source data.

        np.ndarray: Output in target shape.
    from numpy.linalg import linalg
    output_array = np.zeros(target_shape)
    output_array[:, :, :] = np.nan
    imax, jmax, kmax = target_shape
    imesh, jmesh, kmesh = np.meshgrid(np.arange(imax), np.arange(jmax),
    imesh, jmesh, kmesh = imesh.flatten(), jmesh.flatten(), kmesh.flatten()
    coordinates = np.row_stack(
        (imesh, jmesh, kmesh, np.ones([1, imax * jmax * kmax])))

    linear_transform = np.matmul(linalg.inv(source_affine), target_affine)
    new_coordinates = np.matmul(linear_transform,
                                coordinates)  # Apply transformation
    new_coordinates = np.round(new_coordinates[:3]).astype(
        int)  # Remove axis 3, retaining axis 0, 1, and 2

    # Remove indices lower than 0 or exceeding original data shape on any axis
    # A legal 3-D coordinate should satisfy following requirements:
    # 1. Not lower than 0;
    # 2. Not exceeding shape of source data
    legal = np.where(
        np.sum((new_coordinates >= 0) *
               (new_coordinates < np.array([source_shape]).T),
               axis=0) == 3)  # `legal` is a tuple
    output_array[(imesh[legal], jmesh[legal],
                  kmesh[legal])] = source_data[tuple(
                      new_coordinates[:, legal[0]])]

    return output_array
Beispiel #35
    def findObject(frameNum, x, y,):
        import cv2
        from numpy import array
        from numpy.core import dot
        from numpy.lib.function_base import append
        from numpy.linalg.linalg import inv
        from numpy import loadtxt

        homographyFilename = "laurier-homography.txt"
        homography = inv(loadtxt(homographyFilename))
        databaseFilename = "laurier.sqlite"
        trajectoryType = "object"
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture('laurier.avi')
        width = cap.get(3)
        height = cap.get(4)

        objects = storage.loadTrajectoriesFromSqlite(databaseFilename, trajectoryType)
        features = storage.loadTrajectoriesFromSqlite(databaseFilename, "feature")
        px = 0.2
        py = 0.2
        pixelThreshold = 800
        for obj in objects:
            if obj.existsAtInstant(frameNum):
                if obj.hasFeatures():
                    u = []
                    v = []
                    for f in obj.getFeatures():
                        if f.existsAtInstant(frameNum):
                            projectedPosition = f.getPositionAtInstant(frameNum).project(homography)
                    xmin = min(u)
                    xmax = max(u)
                    ymin = min(v)
                    ymax = max(v)
                    xMm = px * (xmax - xmin)
                    yMm = py * (ymax - ymin)
                    a = max(ymax - ymin + (2 * yMm), xmax - (xmin + 2 * xMm))
                    yCropMin = int(max(0, .5 * (ymin + ymax - a)))
                    yCropMax = int(min(height - 1, .5 * (ymin + ymax + a)))
                    xCropMin = int(max(0, .5 * (xmin + xmax - a)))
                    xCropMax = int(min(width - 1, .5 * (xmin + xmax + a)))
                    if yCropMax != yCropMin and xCropMax != xCropMin and (yCropMax - yCropMin) * (xCropMax - xCropMin) > pixelThreshold:
                        if x > xCropMin and x < xCropMax and y > yCropMin and y < yCropMax:
                            print obj.getNum()
Beispiel #36
    def calc_equivalent_modulus(self):
        """Calculates the equivalent laminate properties.

        The following attributes are calculated:
            e1, e2, g12, nu12, nu21

        if not self.lam3D:
            AI = np.matrix(self.ABD, dtype=DOUBLE).I
            a11, a12, a22, a33 = AI[0, 0], AI[0, 1], AI[1, 1], AI[2, 2]
            self.e1 = 1. / (self.t * a11)
            self.e2 = 1. / (self.t * a22)
            self.g12 = 1. / (self.t * a33)
            self.nu12 = -a12 / a11
            self.nu21 = -a12 / a22

            # Eq. 5.110 Ganesh/Rana Lecture19 Hygrothermal laminate theory
            # or Eq. 4.72 into Eg.4.64 with delta_T=1 (Kaw 2006)
            a = np.squeeze(np.array(, self.QLAL)))
            self.a1 = a[0]
            self.a2 = a[1]
            self.a12 = a[2]

            H = inv(self.C_general)  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 29

            self.e1 = 1. / H[0, 0]  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 30
            self.e2 = 1. / H[1, 1]  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 31
            self.e3 = 1. / H[2, 2]  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 32
            self.g23 = 1. / H[3, 3]  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 33
            self.g13 = 1. / H[4, 4]  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 34
            self.g12 = 1. / H[5, 5]  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 35
            self.nu23 = -H[1, 2] / H[1, 1]  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 36
            self.nu13 = -H[0, 2] / H[0, 0]  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 37
            self.nu12 = -H[0, 1] / H[0, 0]  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 38
            self.nu32 = -H[1, 2] / H[2, 2]  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 39
            self.nu31 = -H[0, 2] / H[2, 2]  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 40
            self.nu21 = -H[0, 1] / H[1, 1]  # Bogetti 1995 Eq. 41

            N = self.N
            self.a1 =[0, :], N)  # Bogetti Eq. 44
            self.a2 =[1, :], N)  # Bogetti Eq. 45
            self.a3 =[2, :], N)  # Bogetti Eq. 46
            self.a23 =[3, :], N)  # Bogetti Eq. 47
            self.a13 =[4, :], N)  # Bogetti Eq. 48
            self.a12 =[5, :], N)  # Bogetti Eq. 49
Beispiel #37
def get_synthetic_data(n_samples,
    Generate synthetic data using a covariance matrix obtained by inverting
    a randomly generated precision matrix.

        n_samples ([type]): [description]
        n_features ([type]): [description]
        precision_matrix ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
        alpha (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0.98.
        seed (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1.

        tuple: a tuple with two elements. The first is a pd.DataFrame
            represeting the data. The second is the precision matrix used to
            generate the data.
    prng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    if precision_matrix is None:
        prec = make_sparse_spd_matrix(n_features,
        prec = precision_matrix
    cov = linalg.inv(prec)
    d = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))
    cov /= d
    cov /= d[:, np.newaxis]
    prec *= d
    prec *= d[:, np.newaxis]
    X = prng.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(n_features), cov, size=n_samples)
    X -= X.mean(axis=0)
    X /= X.std(axis=0)

    X = pd.DataFrame(X)

    X.columns = ["gene" + str(i) for i in X.columns]
    X.index = ["sample" + str(i) for i in X.index]

    return X, prec
Beispiel #38
def gaussian_mvn_pdf(X, mean, cov):
    Return posterior probabilities approximated by a Gaussian with provided mean and covariance.
        X: Data to be classified (Dx1)
        mean: Mean vector of the data (Dx1)
        cov: Covariance matrix of the data (DxD)
        p: posterior probabilities
    D = det(cov)
    inv_cov = inv(cov)
    X_shift = X - mean
    p_1 = 1 / (((2 * np.pi)**(len(mean) / 2)) * (D**(1 / 2)))
    p_2 = (-1 / 2) * ((X_shift.T) @ (inv_cov) @ (X_shift))
    prior_prob = p_1 * np.exp(p_2)
    return prior_prob
Beispiel #39
    def ellipse(self, u, v, Marginal=False, M=500):
        '''In a 2-d subspace defined by vectors u and v and given
        covariance in terms self.cov_vecs and self.cov_vals, calculate
        and return sets of coefficients (x,y) that satisfy <x_i
        u,\Sigma^{-1}y_iv> = 1.  Default: Use conditional distribution
        in the subspace.  Alternative with Marginal=True: Use marginal
        distribution in the subspace.

        if Marginal:
            # First use spectral decomposition
            t =,v)), self.cov_vecs.T) # 2xL
            Q =*t, t.T) # covar of u and v
            QI = LA.inv(Q)
            '''The above is (E * W)^T * Lambda * E * W where W has columns
            u and v and the rows of E are the eigenvectors.  Next I verify
            that the following is equivalent:

            t = np.array((u,v))
            Q = self.inner(t, self.inner(self.Cov,t.T))
            t = np.array((u,v))
            Q = self.inner(t, self.inner(self.Cov,t.T))
            error = np.eye(2) -,QI)
            assert np.max(np.abs(error)) < 1e-10
            a = QI[0,0]
            b = QI[0,1]
            c = QI[1,1]
        else: # Use conditional variance
            def iqf(f,g):
                """ Inverse quadratic form <f,\Sigma^{-1}g>
                # get f and g in diagonal basis
                t =,g)), self.cov_vecs)
            a = iqf(u,u)
            b = iqf(u,v)
            c = iqf(v,v)
        step = 2*np.pi/M
        theta = np.arange(0,2*np.pi+0.5*step,step)
        sin = np.sin(theta)
        cos = np.cos(theta)
        rr = 1/(a*cos*cos + 2*b*cos*sin + c*sin*sin)
        r = np.sqrt(rr)
        return (r*cos,r*sin)
Beispiel #40
   def fit_model  ( self) :
      #N_stations = len(self.stations)
      N_stations = len(self.stat_select[:])
      N_times = len(self.times)
      N_sources = len(self.sources)
      N_pol = min(len(self.polarizations),2)
      G = kron(eye( N_sources ), ( eye( N_stations ) - ones((N_stations, N_stations)) / N_stations))

      if 'TECfit' in self.hdf5.root: self.hdf5.root.TECfit.remove()
      self.TECfit = self.hdf5.createArray(self.hdf5.root, 'TECfit', zeros(self.TEC[:].shape))
      if 'TECfit_white' in self.hdf5.root: self.hdf5.root.TECfit_white.remove()
      self.TECfit_white = self.hdf5.createArray(self.hdf5.root, 'TECfit_white', zeros(self.TEC[:].shape))
      self.offsets = zeros((len(self.n_list),N_pol))
      p = ProgressBar(len(self.n_list), "Fitting phase screen: ")
      for i in range(len(self.n_list)) :
         p.update( i )
         U = self.U_list[i]
         S = self.S_list[i]
         for pol in range(N_pol) :
            #print self.TEC[ self.n_list[i], :, :,pol].shape
            TEC = multiply(self.TEC[:][ self.n_list[i], self.stat_select[:], :,pol].swapaxes(0,1),
                           cos(za[i,:,:])).reshape( (N_sources * N_stations, 1) )
            TECfit = dot(U, dot(inv(dot(U.T, dot(G, U))), dot(U.T, dot(G, TEC))))
            TECfit_white = dot(U, dot(diag(1/S), dot(U.T, TECfit)))
            self.offsets[i,pol] = TECfit[0] - dot(self.C_list[i][0,:], TECfit_white)
            TECfit=reshape( TECfit,  (N_sources,N_stations) ).swapaxes(0,1)
            TECfit_white= reshape( TECfit_white,(N_sources,N_stations)  ).swapaxes(0,1)
            for istat,stat in enumerate(self.stat_select[:]):
               self.TECfit[i, stat, : ,pol] = TECfit[istat,:]
               self.TECfit_white[i,stat,: ,pol ] = TECfit_white[istat,:]

      self.TECfit_white.attrs.r_0 = self.r_0
      self.TECfit_white.attrs.beta = self.beta
      if 'offsets' in self.hdf5.root: self.hdf5.root.offsets.remove()
      self.hdf5.createArray(self.hdf5.root, 'offsets', self.offsets)
Beispiel #41
    def _enforce(self, q_warm):
        self.converged = False
        q_max = array([DOF_SCALE * dof.ulim for dof in self.active_dofs])
        q_min = array([DOF_SCALE * dof.llim for dof in self.active_dofs])
        I = eye(self.nb_active_dof)

        q = full_to_active(q_warm, self.active_dofs)

        for itnum in xrange(self.max_iter):
            conv_vect = array([norm(task.f()) for task in self.tasks])
            if numpy.all(conv_vect < self.conv_thres):
                self.converged = True
            if DEBUG_IK:
                conv = ["%10.8f" % x for x in conv_vect]
                print "   %4d: %s" % (itnum, ' '.join(conv))

            ker_proj = eye(self.nb_active_dof)
            dq = zeros(self.nb_active_dof)
            qd_max_reg = self.gain * (q_max - q)
            qd_min_reg = self.gain * (q - q_min)
            for i, task in enumerate(self.tasks):
                J = task.J()
                Jn = dot(J, ker_proj)
                b = -self.gain * task.f() - dot(J, dq)
                In = eye(Jn.shape[0])
                sr_inv = dot(Jn.T, linalg.inv(dot(Jn, Jn.T) + 1e-8 * In))
                dq += dot(sr_inv, b)
                ker_proj = dot(ker_proj, I - dot(linalg.pinv(Jn), Jn))

            qd_max_reg = self.gain * (q_max - q)
            qd_min_reg = self.gain * (q - q_min)
            q += solve_ineq(I, dq, I, qd_max_reg, qd_min_reg)

        return self.robot.rave.GetDOFValues()
def main():
    A = np.array([[4, 3, 4, 10], [2, -7, 3, 0], [-2, 11, 1, 3],
                  [3, -4, 0, 2]], dtype=np.float64)

    print("\nInverse matrix calculated by the Numpy API:")
    AinvNpy = linalg.inv(A)
    print("NumPy: A . Ainv = \n",, AinvNpy))
    print("NumPy: Ainv = \n", AinvNpy)

    print("\nInverse matrix calculated by the Gauss method:")
    AinvGauss = inverseGauss(A)
    print("Gauss: A . Ainv = \n",, AinvGauss))
    print("Gauss: Ainv = \n", AinvGauss)

    print("\nInverse matrix calculated by the Newton method:")
    AinvNewton, error, nIter = inverseNewton(A)
    print("Newtow: A . Ainv = \n",, AinvNewton))
    print("Newtow: Ainv = \n", AinvNewton)
    print("Number of iterations: ", nIter)
    print("Error from Numpy API results: ", error)

Beispiel #43
 def test_simple_array_operations(self):
     a = array([[1.,2.],
     numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(a.transpose(), array([[1.,3.],
     numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(trace(a), 5)
     inv_a = inv(a)
     b = array([[-2.,1.],
     i = dot(a,inv_a)
     numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(i, eye(2), 1)
     numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(inv_a, b)
     # system of linear equations
     a = array([[3,2,-1],
     b = array([1,-2,0])
     c = solve(a,b)
     d = dot(a,c)
     numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(b, d, 1)
     a = array([[.8,.3],
     eigen_values, eigen_vectors = eig(a)
     lambda_1 = eigen_values[0]
     x_1 = eigen_vectors[:,0]
     lambda_2 = eigen_values[1]
     x_2 = eigen_vectors[:,1]
Beispiel #44
def GPUCB(func = f, kernel = DoubleExponential,
        params_dist = {'x': Uniform(start = 0, end = 5)},
        prev_X = None, prev_y = None,
          sig = .1, mu_prior = 0, sigma_prior = 1, n_grid = 100, n_iter = 10,
          seed = 2, time_budget = 36000):
    time_start = time.time()
    n_params          = len(params_dist)
    params_name       = params_dist.keys()
    grid, grid_scaled = GetRandGrid(n_grid, params_dist)
    mu = np.zeros(n_grid) + mu_prior
    sigma = np.ones(n_grid)*sigma_prior
    X = np.empty((n_iter, n_params))
    X_scaled = np.matrix(np.empty((n_iter, n_params)))
    y = np.empty(n_iter)"%4s |%9s |%9s |%s", "Iter", "Func", "Max",
            '|'.join(['{:6s}'.format(i) for i in params_name]))
    for i in xrange(n_iter):
        #beta = 2*np.log((i+1)**2*2*np.pi**2/3/.1) + \
        #       2*n_params*np.log((i+1)**2*n_params)
        beta = (i+1)**2
        idx = np.argmax(mu + np.sqrt(beta)*sigma)
        X[i,:] = grid[idx]
        X_scaled[i] = grid_scaled[idx]
        y[i] = func(**dict(zip(params_name, X[i])))
        invKT = inv(kernel(X_scaled[:i+1], X_scaled[:i+1])*sigma_prior**2 + 
                    sig**2*identity(i + 1))
        grid, grid_scaled = GetRandGrid(n_grid, params_dist)
        kT = kernel(X_scaled[:i+1], grid_scaled)*sigma_prior**2
        mu = mu_prior +[:i+1] - mu_prior)
        sigma2 = np.ones(n_grid)*sigma_prior**2 - diag(
        sigma = np.sqrt(sigma2)"%4d |%9.4g |%9.4g |%s" , i, y[i], np.max(y[:i+1]),
                '|'.join(['{:6.2g}'.format(i) for i in X[i]]))
        if time.time() - time_start > time_budget:
        if True:
            figure(1); plt.clf(); xlim((0,5)); ylim(-4,10);
            index = np.argsort(grid[:,0])
            gr = grid[:,0]
            plot(gr[index], mu[index], color = 'red', label = "Mean")
            plot(gr[index], mu[index] + sigma[index], color = 'blue', 
                    label = "Mean + Sigma")
            plot(gr[index], mu[index] - sigma[index], color = 'blue',
                    label = "Mean - Sigma")
            plot(X[:i+1,0], y[:i+1], 'o', color = 'green', label = "Eval Points")
            plot(np.linspace(0,5, num = 500),func(np.linspace(0,5, num = 500)),
                    color = 'green', label = "True Func")
            plot(gr[index], mu[index] + sqrt(beta)*sigma[index], 
                    color = 'yellow', label = "Mean + sqrt(B)*Sigma")
            legend(loc = 2)
    return {'X': X,
            'y': y,
            'mu': mu,
            'beta': beta,
            'sigma': sigma,
            'grid': grid}
Beispiel #45
	return pts

if __name__ == "__main__":
	# Read image file names
	fileA ="uttower1.jpg"# raw_input("please read ur image name here: ")
	fileB ="uttower2.jpg"#raw_input("please read ur image name here: ")
	imageA = mpimg.imread(fileA)
	imageB = mpimg.imread(fileB)
	pts = getCorrespondence(imageA, imageB,8)
	#H=mos.getH_2(pts)#(pts[0], pts[1])
	#print H
	H=mos.getH(pts[0], pts[1])#(pts, 8)#(pts[0], pts[1])
	#    fig = plt.figure();
	for pt in pts[0]:,[pt[0],pt[1],1])
def M(t, nu):
    '''Two-level method''s symbol with nu pre-relaxations per cycle.'''
    return (np.eye(sum(1 for _ in harmonics(t))) - P(t) * inv(Ac(t)) * R(t) * A(t)) * matrix_power(S(t), nu) 
    if 0:
        #check gradients of warping function
        from pygp.optimize.optimize_base import checkgrad,OPT
        # derivative w.r.t. y
        # derivative w.r.t y psi
        def f1(x):
            return warping_function.f(x,hyperparams['warping'])
        def df1(x):
            return warping_function.fgrad_y(x,hyperparams['warping'])
        def f2(x):
	    return warping_function.fgrad_y(gp.y[10:11],x)
        def df2(x):
	    return warping_function.fgrad_y_psi(gp.y[10:11],x)

        C = linalg.inv(gp.get_covariances(hyperparams)['K'])
        Cs = C.copy()
	def f3(x):
	    return SP.double(warping_function.pLML(x,C,gp.y))
        def df3(x):
	    return warping_function.pLMLgrad(x,C,gp.y)

        def f4(x):
            hyperparams['warping'][:] = x
            return gp.LML(hyperparams,)
        def df4(x):
            hyperparams['warping'][:] = x
            return gp.LMLgrad(hyperparams)['warping']

        x = hyperparams['warping'].copy()       
parser.add_argument('--undistorted-multiplication', dest = 'undistortedImageMultiplication', help = 'undistorted image multiplication', type = float)
parser.add_argument('-u', dest = 'undistort', help = 'undistort the video (because features have been extracted that way)', action = 'store_true')
parser.add_argument('-f', dest = 'firstFrameNum', help = 'number of first frame number to display', type = int)
parser.add_argument('-r', dest = 'rescale', help = 'rescaling factor for the displayed image', default = 1., type = float)
parser.add_argument('-s', dest = 'nFramesStep', help = 'number of frames between each display', default = 1, type = int)
parser.add_argument('--save-images', dest = 'saveAllImages', help = 'save all images', action = 'store_true')
parser.add_argument('--last-frame', dest = 'lastFrameNum', help = 'number of last frame number to save (for image saving, no display is made)', type = int)

args = parser.parse_args()

if args.configFilename: # consider there is a configuration file
    params = storage.ProcessParameters(args.configFilename)
    videoFilename = params.videoFilename
    databaseFilename = params.databaseFilename
    if params.homography is not None:
        homography = inv(params.homography)
        homography = None
    intrinsicCameraMatrix = params.intrinsicCameraMatrix
    distortionCoefficients = params.distortionCoefficients
    undistortedImageMultiplication = params.undistortedImageMultiplication
    undistort = params.undistort
    firstFrameNum = params.firstFrameNum
    homography = None
    undistort = False
    intrinsicCameraMatrix = None
    distortionCoefficients = []
    undistortedImageMultiplication = None
    firstFrameNum = 0
Beispiel #49
import cv2
import storage
from numpy.linalg.linalg import inv
from numpy import loadtxt
import cvutils

databaseFilename = "laurier.sqlite"
objectNumber = [0]
trajectoryType = "feature"

objects = storage.loadTrajectoriesFromSqlite(databaseFilename, trajectoryType)
obj = objects[0]
print obj.existsAtInstant(5)
homographyFilename = "laurier-homography.txt"
homography = inv(loadtxt(homographyFilename))
fNo = 10

p = [150, 80]

def projectArray(homography, points):
    from numpy.core import dot
    from numpy.lib.function_base import append

    if points.shape[0] != 2:
        raise Exception('points of dimension {0} {1}'.format(points.shape[0], points.shape[1]))

    if (homography is not None) and homography.size>0:
        augmentedPoints = append(points,[[1]*points.shape[1]], 0)
        prod = dot(homography, augmentedPoints)
        return prod[0:2]/prod[2]
def road_user_traj(fig, filename, fps, homographyFile, roadImageFile):
    Plots all road-user trajectories.

    homography = inv(loadtxt(homographyFile))

    # print(homography)

    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    queryStatement = 'SELECT * FROM objects ORDER BY object_id'

    usertypes = []
    for row in cursor:

    queryStatement = 'SELECT * FROM object_trajectories ORDER BY object_id, frame'

    obj_id = 0
    obj_traj_x = []
    obj_traj_y = []

    # aplot = QTPLT()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    im = imread(roadImageFile)
    implot = ax.imshow(im)

    # colors = [(0,0,0), (0,0,1), (0,1,0), (1,0,1), (0,1,1), (1,1,0), (1,0,1)]
    userlist = ['unknown', 'car', 'pedestrian',
                'motorcycle', 'bicycle', 'bus', 'truck']
    colors = {'unknown': (0, 0, 0), 'car': (0, 0, 1), 'pedestrian': (0, 1, 0), 'motorcycle': (
        1, 0, 0), 'bicycle': (0, 1, 1), 'bus': (1, 1, 0), 'truck': (1, 0, 1)}

    for row in cursor:
        pos = Point(row[2], row[3])
        # xpos = row[2]
        # ypos = row[3]

        # usertype = usertypes[obj_id]

        # print pos.x, pos.y
        pos = pos.project(homography)
        # print pos.x, pos.y
        # print(obj_traj)

        if(row[0] != obj_id):
            # color = random.choice(colors)
            usertype = userlist[usertypes[obj_id]]

            ax.plot(obj_traj_x[:-1], obj_traj_y[:-1], ".-",
                    color=colors[usertype], label=usertype, linewidth=2, markersize=3)

            # print 'switching object to: ', row[0]
            obj_id = row[0]
            obj_traj_x = []
            obj_traj_y = []

    # Now add the legend with some customizations.

    # plot_handles = []
    # for user in userlist:
    #     handle = mpatches.Patch(color=colors[user], label=user)
    #     plt.legend(handles=handle, loc='upper right', shadow=True)

    colorlist = []
    recs = []
    for i in range(0, len(userlist)):
        recs.append(mpatches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colorlist[i]))
    ax.set_position([0.1, 0.1, 0.85, 0.85])
    # ax.legend(recs,userlist, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
    ax.legend(recs, userlist, loc=8, mode="expand",
              bbox_to_anchor=(-.5, -.5, .1, .1))

    box = ax.get_position()
        [box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.1, box.width, box.height * 0.9])

    # Put a legend below current axis
    ax.legend(recs, userlist, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(
        0.5, -0.05), fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=4)
    # ax.legend(recs, userlist, bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.)

    # legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True)

    ax.set_xlim([0, 1280])
    ax.set_ylim([0, 720])

    # ax.set_xlabel('X-Coordinate')
    # ax.set_ylabel('Y-Coordinate')
    ax.set_title('Road User Trajectories')


Beispiel #51
 def setParams(self,mu,cov): = mu
     self.cov = cov
     self._invCov = inv(self.cov)
     self._detCov = det(self.cov)
     self._multConst = 1 / sqrt((2 * pi) ** 3 * self._detCov)
Beispiel #52
def applyDICOV(msa=None, di=None, dca=None, psicov=None, **kwargs):
    """This function use a naïve Bayes classifier to combine DCA and PSICOV as
    described in [MW15]. The calculation is based on DI and PSICOV. You could
    provide these two matrices or the MSA. The PSICOV matrix should be the PPV
    scaled. You could use `buildPSICOV_expert` and use `use_raw_not_ppv`=0 option
    or use `applyPPV` to build it from the pre-PPV PSICOV matrix.

    [MW15] Mao W, Kaya C, Dutta A, et al. Comparative study of the effectiveness
    and limitations of current methods for detecting sequence coevolution[J].
    Bioinformatics, 2015: btv103."""

    from numpy import zeros_like, log, mgrid, fromfile, array, cov, diag, e, pi, trunc
    from numpy.linalg.linalg import inv
    from ..IO.output import printError
    from ..Constant import getconstantfunc

    if ((di == None and dca == None) or (psicov == None)) and msa == None:
        printError("DI and PSICOV matrices or MSA should be provided.")
        return None
    if di != None and dca != None and not (di == dca).all():
            "DI and DCA matrices are not the same, check it or just use one.")
        return None

    d = di if di != None else dca if dca != None else None
    p = psicov if psicov != None else None

    if d != None:
        if d.ndim != 2:
            printError("The dimension of DI matrix is wrong.")
            return None
        elif d.shape[0] != d.shape[1]:
            printError("DI matrix is not square.")
            return None
        elif p == None and getMSA(msa).shape[1] != d.shape[0]:
            printError("DI matrix does not fit the MSA.")
            return None
    if p != None:
        if p.ndim != 2:
            printError("The dimension of PSICOV matrix is wrong.")
            return None
        elif p.shape[0] != p.shape[1]:
            printError("PSICOV matrix is not square.")
            return None
        elif d == None and getMSA(msa).shape[1] != p.shape[0]:
            printError("PSICOV matrix does not fit the MSA.")
            return None
    if p != None and d != None:
        if p.shape[0] != d.shape[0]:
            printError("DI and PSICOV matrices have different sizes.")
            return None

    d = buildDI(msa) if d == None else d
    p = buildPSICOV_expert(msa, use_raw_not_ppv=0) if p == None else p

    n = di.shape[0]

    dicov = zeros_like(d)
    pplus = getconstantfunc('pplus')
    pminus = getconstantfunc('pminus')
    X, Y = mgrid[-5:0.05:0.05, -3:0.05:0.05]

    psigplus = getconstantfunc('psigplus')
    psigminus = getconstantfunc('psigminus')
    XX = mgrid[-5:0.05:0.05]

    prate = calcContactFrac(d.shape[0])
    qrate = 1.0 - prate

    pplus = pplus * prate
    psigplus = psigplus * prate
    pminus = pminus * qrate
    psigminus = psigminus * qrate

    cdouble = zeros_like(pplus)

    pos = []
    val = []
    for i in xrange(pplus.shape[0]):
        for j in xrange(pplus.shape[1]):
            if pplus[i][j] <= 1e-3 or pminus[i][j] <= 1e-3:
                cdouble[i][j] = -1
                cdouble[i][j] = pplus[i][j] / (pplus[i][j] + pminus[i][j])
                pos.append([X[i][j], Y[i][j]])
    pos = array(pos).T
    val = array(val)
    nn = val.shape[0]
    s = cov(pos)
    invs = inv(s)
    h = (nn ** (-1.0 / 6.0)) * (((2.0 ** (-1.0)) * (diag(s).sum())) ** .5)
    para1 = (-.5) * (h ** -2.)
    for i in xrange(pplus.shape[0]):
        for j in xrange(pplus.shape[1]):
            if cdouble[i][j] == -1:
                temp = array([X[i][j], Y[i][j]]).reshape((2, 1))
                temp = e ** (para1 *
                             (( - temp)) * (pos - temp)).sum(0)))
                cdouble[i][j] = ( / temp.sum()

    csingle = zeros_like(psigplus)
    pos = []
    val = []
    for i in xrange(psigplus.shape[0]):
        if psigplus[i] <= 1e-8 or psigminus[i] <= 1e-8:
            csingle[i] = -1
            csingle[i] = psigplus[i] / (psigplus[i] + psigminus[i])
    pos = array(pos).T
    val = array(val)
    nn = val.shape[0]
    s = pos.std()
    h = ((4.0 / 3) ** (.2)) * s * (nn ** -.2)
    para1 = 1. / (nn * h * ((2 * pi) ** .5))
    for i in xrange(psigplus.shape[0]):
        if csingle[i] == -1:
            temp = para1 * (e ** (-.5 * (((pos - XX[i]) / h) ** 2)))
            csingle[i] = ( / temp.sum()

    for i in xrange(n):
        for j in xrange(i + 1, n):
            if psicov[i][j] == 0:
                ldi = log(di[i][j]) / log(10)
                temp = int(trunc((ldi + 5) / .05))
                dicov[i][j] = dicov[j, i] = csingle[
                    temp] + (ldi - XX[temp]) / .05 * (csingle[temp + 1] - csingle[temp])
                ldi = log(di[i][j]) / log(10)
                lps = log(psicov[i][j]) / log(10)
                temp1 = int(trunc((ldi + 5) / .05))
                temp2 = int(trunc((lps + 3) / .05))
                val = array([[cdouble[temp1, temp2], cdouble[
                            temp1, temp2 + 1]], [cdouble[temp1 + 1, temp2], cdouble[temp1 + 1, temp2 + 1]]])
                dicov[i, j] = dicov[j, i] = array([X[temp1 + 1][temp2] - ldi, ldi - X[temp1][temp2]]).dot(
                    val).dot(array([Y[temp1][temp2 + 1] - lps, lps - Y[temp1][temp2]])) * 400

    return dicov
Beispiel #53
def fischer(dataset):
    colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']
    labels = dataset[1]
    label_names = dataset[2]
    # Obtenemos el promedio de cada columna
    for i in xrange(len(label_names)): # Para cada clase de hace un one vs all
        c1 = label_names[i]
        new_labels = []
        # Se crean nuevos labels para las clases: 0 y 1
        for label in labels:
            if label == c1:
        # Separacion de datos, nuevamente
        (separated_data, tranposed, data) = common.separate_data((dataset[0], new_labels, [0, 1]))
        #Calculo de medias
        means = [ separated_data[0].mean(0), separated_data[1].mean(0) ]
        # inicializamos las matrices de scatter
        s1 = [[0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]
        s2 = [[0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]
        # Simplemente sacamos los scatters
        for row in separated_data[0]:
            m1 = array([row- means[0]])
            m2 = array([row- means[0]]).transpose()
            s1 = s1 + dot(m2, m1)
        for row in separated_data[1]:
            m1 = array([row- means[1]])
            m2 = array([row- means[1]]).transpose()
            s2 = s2 + dot(m2, m1)
        # Within class scatter
        sw = s1 + s2
        inv_sw = inv(sw)
        mean_diff = array([means[0]-means[1]]) # mu1 - mu2, es necesario llevarlo a un "doble arreglo" para multiplicar matrices
        # Esta sera la direccion v optima
        direction = dot(inv_sw, mean_diff.T)
        p1 = [[],[]]
        for idx, row in enumerate(data):        
            p1[[0, 1].index(new_labels[idx])].append(dot(row,direction))
        # Ploteamos los datos proyectados
        print('Rojo: ' + c1)
        print('Azul: las otras')
        pyplot.plot(p1[0], zeros(len(p1[0])), 'or')
        pyplot.plot(p1[1], zeros(len(p1[1])), 'ob')
#! /usr/bin/env python

import argparse

import storage

from numpy.linalg.linalg import inv
from numpy import loadtxt

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='The program creates bounding boxes in image space around all features (for display and for comparison to ground truth in the form of bouding boxes.')
parser.add_argument('-d', dest = 'databaseFilename', help = 'name of the Sqlite database file', required = True)
parser.add_argument('-o', dest = 'homography', help = 'name of the image to world homography')

args = parser.parse_args()

homography = None
if args.homography is not None:
    homography = inv(loadtxt(args.homography))

storage.createBoundingBoxTable(args.databaseFilename, homography)

Beispiel #55
def getElectrodePositions(session,area):
    # now comes the hard part: identifying electrode locations in 
    # cortical space. We use the same mapping function as the video
    # this generates a basis, we still need to convert the array into 
    # that basis
    import pickle
    corners = pickle.load(open(CGID_PACKAGE+os.path.sep+'new_corners.p','rb'))
    # note: run to build this
    maps    = pickle.load(open(CGID_PACKAGE+os.path.sep+'maps.p','rb'))
    monkey  = session[:3]
    arrayChannelMap = maps[monkey][area]

    availableChannels = int32(zeros(96))
    foundchannels = set(ravel(arrayChannelMap))
    if -1 in foundchannels:

    def getMatrixFromAnatomicalToImage(monkey):
        scale = 3.6 # size of M1 array in MM 
        if monkey=='RUS':
            A,D,C,B = corners[monkey]['M1']
            origin = B
            y_vector = C-origin
            x_vector = A-B
            basis = array([x_vector,y_vector])
        if monkey=='SPK':
            A,D,C,B  = corners[monkey]['M1']   
            origin   = D
            y_vector = C-origin
            x_vector = A-D
            basis = array([x_vector,y_vector])
        basis /= scale
        return origin,basis

    # This quadrilateral defines the physical locations of four points of 
    # the array, starting at the top left, and proceeding counter-clockwise
    # around the array as specified in arrayChannelMap
    quad = array(corners[monkey][area])
    origin,basis = getMatrixFromAnatomicalToImage(monkey)
    anatomical = inv(basis)
    quad = (quad-origin)
    quad = (

    # Need to interpolate in the quadralateral to get electrode positions
    # consider making this a subroutine
    positions = {}
    nrows,ncols = shape(arrayChannelMap)
    topleft,bottomleft,bottomright,topright = quad
    for chi in find(availableChannels)+1:
        row = find([any(r==chi) for r in arrayChannelMap])
        col = find([any(c==chi) for c in arrayChannelMap.T])
        if prod(shape(row))<1 or prod(shape(col))<1:
            print 'error cannot locate channel %d'%chi
        # The *2+1 accounts for the fact that the electrodes are in 
        # the center of the square patches -- our quadrilateral defines the
        # outer boundary of the array, not the electrodes
        row_fraction = (row*2+1)/float(nrows*2)
        col_fraction = (col*2+1)/float(ncols*2)
        row_b = row_fraction*(bottomleft-topleft)
        col_b = col_fraction*(topright  -topleft)
        position = row_b+col_b+topleft
        positions[chi] = position
    return quad,positions
Beispiel #56
    def updateEP(self, K, logthetaL=None):
        """update a kernel matrix K using Ep approximation
        [K,t,C0] = updateEP(K,logthetaL)
        logthetaL: likelihood hyperparameters
        t: new means of training targets
        K: new effective kernel matrix
        C0:0th moments
        assert K.shape[0] == K.shape[1], "Kernel matrix must be square"
        assert K.shape[0] == self.n, "Kernel matrix has wrong dimension"
        #approximate site parmeters; 3 moments
        # note g is in natural parameter representation (1,2)
        g = SP.zeros([self.n, 2])
        # a copy for damping
        g2 = SP.zeros([self.n, 2])
        # 0. moment is just catptured in z 
        z = SP.zeros([self.n])
        # damping factors
        damp = SP.ones([self.n])
        #approx is
        #p(f) = N(f|mu,Sigma)
        # where Sigma = (K^{-1} + PI^{-1})^{-1}; PI is created from teh diaginal
        # entries in g; PI = diag(Var(g))
        # mu = Sigma*PI^{-1}Mean(g)
        # where \mu is form the site parameters in g also

        #add some gitter to make it invertible
        K += SP.eye(K.shape[0]) * 1E-6
        #initialize current approx. of full covariance
        Sigma = K.copy()
        #invert Kernel matrix; which is used later on
        #TODO: replace by chol
        KI = linalg.inv(K)
        #current approx. mean
        mu = SP.zeros([self.n])
        #conversion nat. parameter/moment representation
        n2mode = lambda x: SP.array([x[0] / x[1], 1 / x[1]])
        #set hyperparameter of likelihood object

        for nep in range(self.Nep):
            #get order of site function update
            perm = SP.random.permutation(self.n)
            perm = SP.arange(self.n)
            for ni in perm:
                #cavity as natural parameter representation
                cav_np = n2mode([mu[ni], Sigma[ni, ni]]) - g[ni]
                #ensure we don't have negative variances. good idea?
                cav_np[1] = abs(cav_np[1])
                #calculate expectation values (int_, int_y,int_y^2)
                ML = self.likelihood.calcExpectations(self.t[ni], cav_np, x=self.x[ni])
                #1. and 2. moment can be back-calculated to enw site parameters
                #update the site parameters;
                #in natural parameters this is just deviding out the site function; v. convenient
                gn = n2mode(ML[0:2]) - cav_np
                #delta gn in nat. parameters
                dg = gn - g[ni]
                #difference of second moment (old-new)
                ds2 = gn[1] - g[ni, 1]
                #update with damping factor damp[ni]
                g[ni] = g[ni] + damp[ni] * dg
                if(g[ni, 1] < 0):
                    g[ni, 1] = 1E-10
                z[ni] = ML[2]
                if 1:
                    #rank one updates
                    Sigma2 = Sigma
                    Sigma = Sigma - ds2 / (1 + ds2 * Sigma[ni, ni]) * SP.outer(Sigma[:, ni], Sigma[ni, :])
                    if 1:
                        #check that Sigma is still pos. definite, otherweise we need to to do some damping...
                            Csigma = linalg.cholesky(Sigma)
                        #except linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
                        except LinAlgError:
                            Sigma = Sigma2
                            g[ni] = g2[ni]
                            #increase damping factor
                            damp[ni] *= 0.9
                    #update mu; mu[i] = Sigma[i,i]*(1/Var(g[i]))*Mean(g[i])
                    #as go is in nat. parameter this is always like this
                    mu =, g[:, 0])
                    #slow updates
                    Sigma = linalg.inv(KI + SP.diag(g[:, 1]));
                    mu =, g[:, 0])
            #after every sweep recalculate entire covariance structure
            [Sigma, mu, lml] = self.epComputeParams(K, KI, g)
            #create a copy for damping
            g2 = g.copy()
        if nep == (self.Nep - 1):
            #LG.warn('maximum number of EP iterations reached')
        #update site parameters
        self.muEP = g[:, 0] / g[:, 1]
        self.vEP = 1 / g[:, 1]