Beispiel #1
def inertia_eigenvectors(basepos, already_centered = False):
    Given basepos (an array of positions),
    compute and return (as a 2-tuple) the lists of eigenvalues and
    eigenvectors of the inertia tensor (computed as if all points had the same
    mass). These lists are always length 3, even for len(basepos) of 0,1, or 2,
    overlapping or colinear points, etc, though some evals will be 0 in these cases.
       Optional small speedup: if caller knows basepos is centered at the origin, it can say so.
    #bruce 060119 split this out of shakedown_poly_evals_evecs_axis() in
    basepos = A(basepos) # make sure it's a Numeric array
    if not already_centered and len(basepos):
        center = add.reduce(basepos)/len(basepos)
        basepos = basepos - center
    # compute inertia tensor
    tensor = zeros((3,3),Float)
    for p in basepos:
        rsq = dot(p, p)
        m= - multiply.outer(p, p)
        m[0,0] += rsq
        m[1,1] += rsq
        m[2,2] += rsq
        tensor += m
    evals, evecs = eigenvectors(tensor)
    assert len(evals) == len(evecs) == 3
    return evals, evecs
Beispiel #2
def inertia_eigenvectors(basepos, already_centered=False):
    Given basepos (an array of positions),
    compute and return (as a 2-tuple) the lists of eigenvalues and
    eigenvectors of the inertia tensor (computed as if all points had the same
    mass). These lists are always length 3, even for len(basepos) of 0,1, or 2,
    overlapping or colinear points, etc, though some evals will be 0 in these cases.
       Optional small speedup: if caller knows basepos is centered at the origin, it can say so.
    #bruce 060119 split this out of shakedown_poly_evals_evecs_axis() in
    basepos = A(basepos)  # make sure it's a Numeric array
    if not already_centered and len(basepos):
        center = add.reduce(basepos) / len(basepos)
        basepos = basepos - center
    # compute inertia tensor
    tensor = zeros((3, 3), Float)
    for p in basepos:
        rsq = dot(p, p)
        m = -multiply.outer(p, p)
        m[0, 0] += rsq
        m[1, 1] += rsq
        m[2, 2] += rsq
        tensor += m
    evals, evecs = eigenvectors(tensor)
    assert len(evals) == len(evecs) == 3
    return evals, evecs
Beispiel #3
def logm(P):
    """Returns logarithm of a matrix.

    This method should work if the matrix is positive definite and
    roots, ev = eigenvectors(P)
    evI = inverse(ev.T)
    evT = ev
    log_roots = log(roots)
    return innerproduct(evT * log_roots, evI)
Beispiel #4
def logm(P):
    """Returns logarithm of a matrix.

    This method should work if the matrix is positive definite and
    roots, ev = eigenvectors(P)
    evI = inverse(ev.T)
    evT = ev
    log_roots = log(roots)
    return innerproduct(evT * log_roots, evI)
Beispiel #5
def logm(P):
    """Returns logarithm of a matrix.

    This method should work if the matrix is positive definite and
    roots, ev = eigenvectors(P)
    evI = inverse(ev.T)
    evT = ev
    if not allclose(P, innerproduct(evT * roots, evI)):
        raise ArithmeticError("eigendecomposition failed")

    log_roots = log(roots)
    return innerproduct(evT * log_roots, evI)
Beispiel #6
def logm(P):
    """Returns logarithm of a matrix.

    This method should work if the matrix is positive definite and
    roots, ev = eigenvectors(P)
    evI = inverse(ev.T)
    evT = ev
    if not allclose(P, innerproduct(evT * roots, evI)):
        raise ArithmeticError("eigendecomposition failed")
    log_roots = log(roots)
    return innerproduct(evT * log_roots, evI)
Beispiel #7
def is_generator_unique(Q):
    """Conservatively tests whether a transition rate matrix uniquely yields
    its transition probability matrix"""
    if not Q.shape[0] in (3, 4):
        raise NotImplementedError("Only Q of 3x3 or 4x4 supported")
    assert _is_Q_ok(Q), "Q must be a valid transition rate matrix"

    e, V = eigenvectors(Q)
    n = len(e)

    # Assert that the matrix is diagonalisable
    if not allclose(, Q):
        raise ArithmeticError("matrix not diagonalisable")

    # Find the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue
    PF_EV = argmin([norm(ones(n) / n - v / v.sum()) for v in V.T])
    # Don't mess with the P-F eigenvalue - it has a special job to do
    ix = list(range(0, PF_EV)) + list(range(PF_EV + 1, n))

    real_close = []
    expe = exp(e)
    for i, j in combinations(ix, 2):
        if isclose(e.real[i], e.real[j]):
            real_close.append((i, j))

        # Can't deal with non-primary roots yet
        if isclose(expe[i], expe[j]):
            raise NotImplementedError("non-primary root detected:\n" + repr(Q))

    # If the real parts of the eigenvalues are distinct, we're ok
    # For each candidate complex conjugate pair, check for equivalent Qs
    for i, j in real_close:
        s = zeros(n)
        s[i] = 1.0
        s[j] = -1.0
        gen = 2.0 * pi * complex(0.0, 1.0) *
        Qtest = Q + gen
        if _is_Q_ok(Qtest):
            return False
        Qtest = Q - gen
        if _is_Q_ok(Qtest):
            return False

    return True
Beispiel #8
def is_generator_unique(Q):
    """Conservatively tests whether a transition rate matrix uniquely yields
    its transition probability matrix"""
    assert Q.shape[0] in (3, 4), 'Q must be 3x3 or 4x4'
    assert _is_Q_ok(Q), 'Q must be a valid transition rate matrix'

    e, V = eigenvectors(Q)
    n = len(e)

    # Assert that the matrix is diagonalisable
    if not allclose(, Q):
        raise ArithmeticError('matrix not diagonalisable')

    # Find the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue
    PF_EV = argmin([norm(ones(n)/n-v/v.sum()) for v in V.T])
    # Don't mess with the P-F eigenvalue - it has a special job to do
    ix = range(0,PF_EV) + range(PF_EV+1,n)

    real_close = []
    expe = exp(e)
    for i, j in combinations(ix, 2):
        if isclose(e.real[i], e.real[j]):
            real_close.append((i, j))

        # Can't deal with non-primary roots yet
        if isclose(expe[i], expe[j]):
            raise NotImplementedError('non-primary root detected:\n'+repr(Q))
    # If the real parts of the eigenvalues are distinct, we're ok
    # For each candidate complex conjugate pair, check for equivalent Qs 
    for i, j in real_close:
        s = zeros(n)
        s[i] = 1.
        s[j] = -1.
        gen = 2.*pi*complex(0.,1.)*
        Qtest = Q + gen
        if _is_Q_ok(Qtest):
            return False
        Qtest = Q - gen
        if _is_Q_ok(Qtest):
            return False

    return True
Beispiel #9
def slepian(M,width,sym=1):
    if (M*width > 27.38):
        raise ValueError, "Cannot reliably obtain slepian sequences for"\
              " M*width > 27.38."
    if M < 1:
        return array([])
    if M == 1:
        return ones(1,'d')
    odd = M % 2
    if not sym and not odd:
        M = M+1
    twoF = width/2.0
    alpha = (M-1)/2.0
    m = arange(0,M)-alpha
    n = m[:,NewAxis]
    k = m[NewAxis,:]
    AF = twoF*sinc(twoF*(n-k))
    [lam,vec] = la.eigenvectors(AF)
    ind = argmax(abs(lam))
    w = abs(vec[:,ind])
    w = w / max(w)
    if not sym and not odd:
        w = w[:-1]