Beispiel #1
for i in range(100):
    # ## Generate j_ = 100 arbitrary parameters
    m_x = rand(n_, 1)
    m_z = rand(k_, 1)
    a = rand(n_ + k_, n_ + k_)
    s2_xz = a @ a.T

    # ## Compute the coefficients of the classical formulation and the linear formulation

    # Classical formulation
    beta = s2_xz[:n_, n_:].dot(pinv(s2_xz[n_:, n_:]))
    alpha = m_x - beta @ m_z

    # Linear formulation parameters
    e_xz_tilde = r_['-1', m_x, s2_xz[:n_, n_:] + m_x @ m_z.T]
    e_z2_tilde = r_[r_['-1', array([[1]]), m_z.T],
                    r_['-1', m_z, s2_xz[n_:, n_:] + m_z @ m_z.T]]
    beta_tilde =

    # Frobenius distance
    dist[i] = linalgnorm(r_['-1', alpha, beta] - beta_tilde, ord='fro')
# -

# ## Plot the histogram of the Frobenius norms

# +
f, ax = subplots(1, 1)

# save_plot(ax=plt.gca(), extension='png', scriptname=os.path.basename('.')[:-3], count=plt.get_fignums()[-1])
Beispiel #2
        ff[i, :] = cumsum(f)

    for j in range(j_):
        # Randomize time series I
        m, _ = NormalScenarios(zeros((i_, 1)), c2_DGP[k], t_, 'Riccati')
        U1 = norm.cdf(m)
        if npsum(U1==0) >= 1:
        I = CopMargComb(y, ff, U1)

        # Evaluate the correlation estimators
        C2_hat[:,:, j] = corrcoef(I)  # sample correlation
        C2_bar[:,:, j] = real(FactorAnalysis(C2_hat[:,:, j], d, rank)[0])  # shrinkage correlation

        # Compute the losses
        L_hat[j] = linalgnorm(C2_hat[:,:, j]-c2_DGP[k], ord='fro')**2  # sample loss
        L_bar[j] = linalgnorm(C2_bar[:,:, j]-c2_DGP[k], ord='fro')**2  # shrinkage loss

    # Compute errors
    er_hat[k] = mean(L_hat)  # sample error
    er_bar[k] = mean(L_bar)  # shrinkage error

    # store loss's distribution and bias for the selected h-th DGP
    if k == h:
        # histograms
        nbins = int(round(10*log(j_)))
        hgram_hat, x_hat = histogram(L_hat, nbins)
        hgram_hat = hgram_hat / (nbins*(x_hat[1] - x_hat[0]))
        hgram_bar, x_bar = histogram(L_bar, nbins)
        hgram_bar = hgram_bar / (nbins*(x_bar[1] - x_bar[0]))
Beispiel #3
def GHCalibration(epsi, FP, Tolerance, Da0, Db0, Dg0, Dh0, MaxItex):
    # ## input
    # a,b,g,h :[vectors] (n_ x 1) parameters of GH distribution
    # SqDist  :[vector] (n_ x 1) square root of distance beetwen model and data
    # iter    :[vector] (n_ x 1) number of itarations
    # # output
    # epsi            :[matrix] (n_ x t_end) time series of invariants
    # FP              :[vector] (1 x t_end) flexible probabilities
    # Tolerance       :[scalar]
    # Da0,Db0,Dg0,Dh0 :[scalars] step of local search of a,b,g,h respectively
    # maxitex         :[scalar] maximun number of iterations

    n_ = epsi.shape[0]
    yy = zeros((epsi.shape))
    uu = zeros((epsi.shape))

    for nn in range(n_):
        yy[nn, :], idx = sort(epsi[nn, :]), argsort(epsi[nn, :])
        fp = FP[0, idx]
        uu[nn, :] = cumsum(fp)

    yy = yy[:, 1:-1]
    uu = uu[:, 1:-1]
    n_ = yy.shape[0]

    aGH = zeros((n_, 1))
    bGH = zeros((n_, 1))
    gGH = zeros((n_, 1))
    hGH = zeros((n_, 1))
    SSqDist = zeros((n_, 1))
    iiter = zeros((n_, 1))

    for k in range(n_):
        # parameter
        a0 = mean(yy[k, :])
        b0 = std(yy[k, :])
        g0 = 1.0e-03
        h0 = 1.0e-03
        input = norm.ppf(uu[k, :], 0, 1)
        Q_y = a0 + b0 * ((1 / g0) *
                         (exp(g0 * input) - 1) * exp(0.5 * h0 * input**2))
        SqDist = linalgnorm(Q_y - yy[k, :])
        SqDistfit = 0
        iter = 0

        while (abs((SqDist - SqDistfit)) > Tolerance) and iter < MaxItex:
            iter = iter + 1
            SqDistfit = SqDist
            aa = r_[(a0 - Da0), a0, (a0 + Da0)]
            bb = r_[(b0 - Db0), b0, (b0 + Db0)]
            gg = r_[(g0 - Dg0), g0, (g0 + Dg0)]
            hh = r_[(h0 - Dh0), h0, (h0 + Dh0)]
            DistQ_y = zeros((len(aa), len(bb), len(gg), len(hh)))
            for ka in range(len(aa)):
                for kb in range(len(bb)):
                    for kg in range(len(gg)):
                        for kh in range(len(hh)):
                            Q_y = aa[ka] + bb[kb] * (1 / gg[kg]) * (
                                exp(gg[kg] * input) - 1) * exp(
                                    0.5 * hh[kh] * input**2)
                            DistQ_y[ka, kb, kg,
                                    kh] = linalgnorm(Q_y - yy[k, :])

            for ka in range(len(aa)):
                for kb in range(len(bb)):
                    for kg in range(len(gg)):
                        for kh in range(len(hh)):
                            if DistQ_y[ka, kb, kg, kh] == npmin(DistQ_y):
                                SqDist = npmin(DistQ_y)
                                aka = ka
                                bkb = kb
                                gkg = kg
                                hkh = kh

            a0 = aa[aka]
            b0 = bb[bkb]
            g0 = gg[gkg]
            h0 = hh[hkh]

            if h0 < 0:
                h0 = 0
                Dh0 = Dh0 / 100

            if g0 < 0:
                g0 = 0
                Dg0 = Dg0 / 100

            if b0 < 0:
                b0 = b0 + Db0
                Db0 = Db0 / 100
        aGH[k] = a0
        bGH[k] = b0
        gGH[k] = g0
        hGH[k] = h0
        SSqDist[k] = SqDist
        iiter[k] = iter
    return aGH, bGH, gGH, hGH, SSqDist, iiter
Beispiel #4
sigma2_hist = cov(epsi)
# -

# ## Compute the jackknife estimators

# +
epsi_jack = {}
mu_jack = {}
sigma2_jack = {}
norm_cov = zeros(t_)
for t in range(t_):
    epsi_jack[t] = np.delete(epsi, t, axis=1)
    mu_jack[t] = mean(epsi_jack[t], 1, keepdims=True)  # jackknife mean
    sigma2_jack[t] = cov(epsi_jack[t])  # jackknife covariance
    norm_cov[t] = linalgnorm(
        sigma2_hist - sigma2_jack[t], ord='fro'
    )  # computation of the distance between the historical and the jackknife covariance estimators

# sort the covariance matrices so that the algorithm can select those
# which differ the most from the historical one
normsort, i_normsort = sort(norm_cov)[::-1], argsort(norm_cov)[::-1]
# -

# ## Generate figures comparing the historical ellipsoid defined by original data with the jackknife ellipsoid defined by perturbed data.

# +
k_ = 3  # number of figures

for k in range(k_):
    e_jack = epsi_jack[i_normsort[k_ + 1 - k]]
Beispiel #5
sigma2 = 5 * (rho * ones((i_)) + (1 - rho) * eye(i_))  # true covariance
t_ = 20  # len of time series
j_ = 10**4  # number of simulations

M = zeros((i_, j_))
L_M = zeros((1, j_))
Sigma2 = zeros((i_, i_, j_))
L_Sigma2 = zeros((1, j_))
for j in range(j_):
    I = mvnrnd(mu.flatten(), sigma2, t_).T  # i_ x t_end
    # compute the loss of sample mean
    M[:, j] = mean(I, 1)
    L_M[0, j] = npsum((mu - M[:, [j]])**2)
    # compute the loss of sample covariance
    Sigma2[:, :, j] = cov(I, ddof=1)
    L_Sigma2[0, j] = linalgnorm(sigma2 - Sigma2[:, :, j], ord='fro')**2
# -

# ## Compute error, bias and inefficiency of both estimators

# sample mean
E_M = mean(M, 1)
er_M = mean(L_M)
ineff2_M = mean(npsum((M - tile(E_M[..., np.newaxis], (1, j_)))**2, axis=0))
bias2_M = er_M - ineff2_M
# sample covariance
E_Sigma2 = mean(Sigma2, 2)
er_Sigma2 = mean(L_Sigma2)
ineff2_Sigma2 = mean(
    npsum((Sigma2 - tile(E_Sigma2[..., np.newaxis], (1, 1, j_)))**2,
          axis=(0, 1)))
Beispiel #6

from cov2corr import cov2corr
# -

# ## Choose an arbitrary n_ x n_ positive definite covariance matrix sigma2

# initial setup
n_ = 50
a = randn(n_, n_)
sigma2 = a @ a.T

# ## Compute the n_ x n_ positive definite correlation matrix c2

sigma_vec, c2 = cov2corr(sigma2)

# ## Perform the Cholesky decomposition of c2

l_tilde_c = cholesky(c2)

# ## Compute the symmetric and lower triangular matrix l_tilde_s

l_tilde_s = np.diagflat(sigma_vec) @ l_tilde_c

# ## Check that sigma2 = l_tilde_s@l_tilde_s.T is the Cholesky decomposition of sigma2

sigma2_chol = l_tilde_s @ l_tilde_s.T
check1 = linalgnorm(sigma2_chol - sigma2, ord='fro')
check2 = linalgnorm(l_tilde_s - cholesky(sigma2), ord='fro')
Beispiel #7
e = lambda theta: REnormLRD(theta, mu_, invs2_, n_, k_, matrix)[0]
e3 = lambda theta: REnormLRD(theta, mu_, invs2_, n_, k_, matrix)[2]
# -

# ## Main computations

err = zeros((j_, 1))
for j in trange(j_, desc='Simulations'):
    # Set random variables
    theta_ = randn(n_ + n_ * k_ + n_, 1)
    # Compute numerical Hessian
    numhess = numHess(e, theta_)[0]
    # Compute analytical Hessian
    anhess = e3(theta_)
    # Compute relative error in Frobenius norm
    err[j] = linalgnorm(anhess - numhess, ord='fro') / linalgnorm(anhess,

# ## Display the relative error

# +
nbins = int(round(10 * log(j_)))

p = ones((1, len(err))) / len(err)
option = namedtuple('option', 'n_bins')

option.n_bins = nbins
[n, x] = HistogramFP(err.T, p, option)
b = bar(x[:-1], n[0], width=x[1] - x[0], facecolor=[.7, .7, .7])
mu_HBFP[:, 0], sigma2_HBFP[:, :, 0], p_HBFP[0], v_HBFP[0], _ = HighBreakdownFP(
    epsi, p.copy(), 1)  # HBFP mean and covariance from original data
# -

# ## Detect points outside the HBFP ellipsoid

# +
lev = 1.2
Diag_lambda2, e = eig(sigma2_HBFP[:, :, 0])
y = zeros((n_, t_))
ynorm = zeros((1, t_))

for t in range(t_):
    y[:, t] = solve(e @ sqrt(diagflat(Diag_lambda2)),
                    epsi[:, t] - mu_HBFP[:, 0])
    ynorm[0, t] = linalgnorm(y[:, t], 2)

selection = where(ynorm > lev)
# -

# ## Shift points outside the HBFP-ellipsoid and compute HFP-mean/cov and HBFP-mean/cov from perturbed data

# +
print('Computing HFP - mean / cov and HBFP - mean / cov from perturbed data')

alpha = 2.9
gamma = 0.27
omega = 0.7

epsi_HBFP = zeros((4, epsi.shape[1]))
epsi_HBFP[0:2] = epsi.copy()