Beispiel #1
def find_rank_loop(sdpRelaxation, x_mat, base_level=0):
    """Helper function to detect rank loop in the solution matrix.

    :param sdpRelaxation: The SDP relaxation.
    :type sdpRelaxation: :class:`ncpol2sdpa.SdpRelaxation`.
    :param x_mat: The solution of the moment matrix.
    :type x_mat: :class:`numpy.array`.
    :param base_level: Optional parameter for specifying the lower level
                       relaxation for which the rank loop should be tested
    :type base_level: int.
    :returns: list of int -- the ranks of the solution matrix with in the
                             order of increasing degree.
    ranks = []
    from numpy.linalg import matrix_rank
    if sdpRelaxation.hierarchy != "npa":
        raise Exception("The detection of rank loop is only implemented for \
                         the NPA hierarchy")
    if base_level == 0:
        levels = range(1, sdpRelaxation.level + 1)
        levels = [base_level]
    for level in levels:
        base_monomials = \
          pick_monomials_up_to_degree(sdpRelaxation.monomial_sets[0], level)

    if x_mat.shape != (len(base_monomials), len(base_monomials)):
    return ranks
Beispiel #2
def binaryMatrixTest(n,e,M,Q): # e séquence binaire 
    epsilon= np.array([int(x) for x in list(e)]) # conversion string (entrée) en vecteur epsilon 
    N= n//(Q*M)
    slice=Q*M # taille choisie pour le découpage de la séquence binaire 
    Ranks += [matrix_rank(np.reshape(epsilon[0:slice],(M,Q)))] 
    # rang des matrices formées par les blocs du découpage rangés dans une liste
    for k in range(1,N):
        Ranks +=[matrix_rank(np.reshape(epsilon[k*slice +1 :(k+1)*slice+1],(M,Q)))]
#    print(Ranks) 
    #comptage des rangs valant M et M-1
    for i in range(len(Ranks)):
            FM +=1
            FM_1 +=1
    ki_carre= ((FM-0.2888*N)**2)/(0.2888*N)+(FM_1-0.5776*N)**2/(0.5776*N)+((N-FM-FM_1-0.1336*N)**2)/(0.1336*N)
    P_value= np.exp((-1)*ki_carre/2)
#    print(P_value)
    return P_value 
Beispiel #3
def test():
    from numpy.linalg import matrix_rank
    from mfpy.materials.linearelastic import LinearElastic

    # Test create
    nodes = [array((0,0)), array((1,0)), array((1,1)), array((0,1))]
    enm = [0,1,2,3]
    mat = LinearElastic(lmbda=0,mu=1.0,rho=1)
    elem = QuadRI(nodes, enm, mat, thickness=1)

    # Test internal force
    u = array([-1,0,
    fint = elem.calc_internal_force([], u)
    K = elem.calc_linear_stiffness([], u)
    print("Rank =", matrix_rank(K))

    elem = Quad(nodes, enm, mat, thickness=1)
    fint = elem.calc_internal_force([], u)
    K = elem.calc_linear_stiffness([], u)
    print("Rank =", matrix_rank(K))

    # Test lumped mass matrix
    M = elem.calc_lumped_mass()
Beispiel #4
def test_reduced_rank():
    # Test matrices with reduced rank
    rng = np.random.RandomState(20120714)
    for i in range(100):
        # Make a rank deficient matrix
        X = rng.normal(size=(40, 10))
        X[:, 0] = X[:, 1] + X[:, 2]
        # Assert that matrix_rank detected deficiency
        assert_equal(matrix_rank(X), 9)
        X[:, 3] = X[:, 4] + X[:, 5]
        assert_equal(matrix_rank(X), 8)
def read_train_images(_data,_class):
    # Read each image
    for i in _data:
        img = cv2.imread(i,0)
        img_flat = img.flatten()
        # Build our train_array list
    # Calculate the mean of the set
    mean = [sum(i) for i in zip(*train_array)]
    length = len(_data)
    mean = [float(i) / length for i in mean]
    # Substract mean to each image (this can be negative so python
    # transform each vector to int)
    # This is Omega
    list_norm_train = [i - mean for i in train_array]
    # Transform the list to an array
    norm_train_array = numpy.asarray(list_norm_train)
    # Compute the covariance matrix of the array
    cov =, norm_train_array.T)
    # This line will help us to define how many eigenvectors we
    # can calculate. # of eigs = rank -1 
    print matrix_rank(cov)
    eigval, eigvec = lin.eigs(cov, 38)
    print "size of the eigen vector " + str(len(eigvec[:, 0]))
    print "size of the eigen vector matrix" + str(len(eigvec))
    print "number of eigenvalues" + str(len(eigval))
    # Each eigvec[:,i] is an eigenvector of size 40
    # We need to find u_i = A * eigvec[:,i]
    A = norm_train_array.T
    for i in range(1,(len(eigvec[0]+1))):
    for i, val in enumerate(u):
        u[i] = u[i] / numpy.linalg.norm(u[i])
    # We're only keeping 75% of the number of eigenvector u[i]
    # This will correspond to the largest eigenvalues
    for i in range(1,(int(0.75*len(u))+4)):
    # u_reduced[i] are called Eigenfaces
    # Now lets represent each face in this basis
    sigma = []
    omega = []
    for i, val in enumerate(list_norm_train):
        for j, val in enumerate(u_reduced):
            w =[j].T,list_norm_train[i])
            sigma_array = numpy.asarray(sigma)
    #print omega
    print "size of eigenvector" + str(len(omega[0]))
    print "size of omega" + str(len(omega))
    #return eigval, eigvec
    return omega
def reachable_form(xsys):
    """Convert a system into reachable canonical form

    xsys : StateSpace object
        System to be transformed, with state `x`

    zsys : StateSpace object
        System in reachable canonical form, with state `z`
    T : matrix
        Coordinate transformation: z = T * x
    # Check to make sure we have a SISO system
    if not issiso(xsys):
        raise ControlNotImplemented(
            "Canonical forms for MIMO systems not yet supported")

    # Create a new system, starting with a copy of the old one
    zsys = StateSpace(xsys)

    # Generate the system matrices for the desired canonical form
    zsys.B = zeros(shape(xsys.B))
    zsys.B[0, 0] = 1.0
    zsys.A = zeros(shape(xsys.A))
    Apoly = poly(xsys.A)                # characteristic polynomial
    for i in range(0, xsys.states):
        zsys.A[0, i] = -Apoly[i+1] / Apoly[0]
        if (i+1 < xsys.states):
            zsys.A[i+1, i] = 1.0

    # Compute the reachability matrices for each set of states
    Wrx = ctrb(xsys.A, xsys.B)
    Wrz = ctrb(zsys.A, zsys.B)

    if matrix_rank(Wrx) != xsys.states:
        raise ValueError("System not controllable to working precision.")

    # Transformation from one form to another
    Tzx = solve(Wrx.T, Wrz.T).T  # matrix right division, Tzx = Wrz * inv(Wrx)

    # Check to make sure inversion was OK.  Note that since we are inverting
    # Wrx and we already checked its rank, this exception should never occur
    if matrix_rank(Tzx) != xsys.states:         # pragma: no cover
        raise ValueError("Transformation matrix singular to working precision.")

    # Finally, compute the output matrix
    zsys.C = solve(Tzx.T, xsys.C.T).T  # matrix right division, zsys.C = xsys.C * inv(Tzx)

    return zsys, Tzx
Beispiel #7
def fftconvolve(in1, in2):
    """Convolve two N-dimensional arrays using FFT.

    This is a modified version of the scipy.signal.fftconvolve.
    The new feature is derived from the fftconvolve algorithm used in the IDL package.

    in1 : array_like
        First input.
    in2 : array_like
        Second input. Should have the same number of dimensions as `in1`;
        if sizes of `in1` and `in2` are not equal then `in1` has to be the
        larger array.

    out : array
        An N-dimensional array containing a subset of the discrete linear
        convolution of `in1` with `in2`.

    in1 = asarray(in1)
    in2 = asarray(in2)

    if matrix_rank(in1) == matrix_rank(in2) == 0:  # scalar inputs
        return in1 * in2
    elif not in1.ndim == in2.ndim:
        raise ValueError("in1 and in2 should have the same rank")
    elif in1.size == 0 or in2.size == 0:  # empty arrays
        return array([])

    s1 = np.array(in1.shape)
    s2 = np.array(in2.shape)
    complex_result = (np.issubdtype(in1.dtype, np.complex) or
                      np.issubdtype(in2.dtype, np.complex))

    fsize = s1

    fslice = tuple([slice(0, int(sz)) for sz in fsize])
    if not complex_result:
        ret = irfftn(rfftn(in1, fsize) *
                     rfftn(in2, fsize), fsize)[fslice].copy()
        ret = ret.real
        ret = ifftn(fftn(in1, fsize) * fftn(in2, fsize))[fslice].copy()

    shift = array([int(floor(fsize[0]/2.0)), int(floor(fsize[1]/2.0))])
    ret   = roll(roll(ret, -shift[0], axis=0), -shift[1], axis=1)
    return ret
Beispiel #8
def geneigh(A,B,tol=1e-12):
    Solves the generalized eigenvalue problem also in the case where A and B share a common
    null-space. The eigenvalues corresponding to the null-space are given a Nan value.
    The null-space is defined with the tolereance tol.
    # first check if there is a null-space issue
    if lg.matrix_rank(B,tol)==np.shape(B)[0]:
        return eigh(A,B)
    # first diagonalize the overlap matrix B
    # rewrite the A matrix in the B-matrix eigenspace,,Bv))
    # detect shared null-space. that is given by the first n null eigenvalues of B
        idx=next(i for i,v in enumerate(Be) if v>tol)
    except StopIteration:
        raise(RuntimeError('geneigh: Rank of B < B.shape[0] but null-space could not be found!'))
    # check that the B matrix null-space is shared by A.
    if m>tol:
        warnings.warn('Maximum non-diagonal element in A written in B null-space is bigger than the tolerance \''+str(tol)+'\'.',UserWarning)
    # diagonalize the non-null-space part of the problem
    # define Ut, the change of basis in the non-truncated space
    return E,U
Beispiel #9
def f_test(V, R, beta, r, df_d):
    """Arbitrary F test.

        V (array): K-by-K variance-covariance matrix.
        R (array): K-by-K Test matrix.
        beta (array): Length-K vector of coefficient estimates.
        r (array): Length-K vector of null hypotheses.
        df_d (int): Denominator degrees of freedom.

        tuple: A tuple containing:
            - **F** (float): F-stat.
            - **pF** (float): p-score for ``F``.
    Rbr = ( - r)
    if Rbr.ndim == 1:
        Rbr = Rbr.reshape(-1, 1)

    middle = la.inv(
    df_n = matrix_rank(R)
    # Can't just squeeze, or we get a 0-d array
    F = ([0]
    pF = 1 - stats.f.cdf(F, df_n, df_d)
    return F, pF
Beispiel #10
def glm_diagnostics(B_4d, design, data_4d):
    Return a tuple of the MRSS in 3 dimensions, fitted values in 4 
    dimensions, and residuals in 4 dimensions. 
    B_4d: numpy array of 4 dimensions
        The estimated coefficients
    design: numpy array
        The design matrix used to get the estimated coefficients
    data_4d: numpy array of 4 dimensions 
        The corresponding image data
    diagnostics : tuple
        MRSS (3d), fitted values (4d), and residuals (4d).
    B_2d = np.reshape(B_4d, (-1, B_4d.shape[-1])).T
    data_2d = np.reshape(data_4d, (-1, data_4d.shape[-1]))
    fitted =
    residuals = data_2d.T - fitted
    df = design.shape[0] - npl.matrix_rank(design)
    MRSS = (residuals**2).sum(0)/df
    MRSS_3d = np.reshape(MRSS.T, data_4d.shape[:-1])
    fitted_4d = np.reshape(fitted.T, data_4d.shape)
    residuals_4d = np.reshape(residuals.T, data_4d.shape)
    return MRSS_3d, fitted_4d, residuals_4d
 def t_stat(self):
     """ betas, t statistic and significance test given data,
     design matix, contrast
     This is OLS estimation; we assume the errors to have independent
     and identical normal distributions around zero for each $i$ in
     $\e_i$ (i.i.d).
     if is None:
     if self.t_values is None:
         y =
         X =
         c = [0, 0, 1]
         c = np.atleast_2d(c).T
         beta = npl.pinv(X).dot(y)
         fitted =
         errors = y - fitted
         RSS = (errors**2).sum(axis=0)
         df = X.shape[0] - npl.matrix_rank(X)
         MRSS = RSS / df
         SE = np.sqrt(MRSS *
             SE[SE == 0] = np.amin(SE[SE != 0])
         except ValueError:
         t = / SE
         self.t_values = abs(t[0])
     self.t_indices = np.array(self.t_values).argsort(
     return self.t_indices
Beispiel #12
def significant(X,Y,beta):
    Calculates t statistic for the first two entries of given beta estimates. 
    Particularly, this is a function to calculate t values for beta gain and 
    beta loss for a single voxel.

    X: Design matrix
    Y: Data matrix for a single voxel
    beta: beta gain/loss estimates from OLS regression of a single voxel, 
    1-d array of length = 2 
    t1, t2: t value for beta gain, t value for beta loss, type: double

    Example use for ith voxel: significant(X, Y[:,i], beta[:,i]) 

    y_hat =
    residuals = Y - y_hat
    RSS = np.sum(residuals ** 2)
    df = X.shape[0] - npl.matrix_rank(X)
    MRSS = RSS / df
    s2 = MRSS
    v_cov = s2 * npl.inv(
    numerator1 = beta[0]
    denominator1 = np.sqrt(v_cov[0, 0])
    t1= numerator1 / denominator1
    numerator2 = beta[1]
    denominator2 = np.sqrt(v_cov[1, 1])
    t2= numerator2 / denominator2
    return t1,t2
Beispiel #13
def t_stat(data, X_matrix):
    Return the estimated betas, t-values, degrees of freedom, and p-values for the glm_multi regression
    data_4d: numpy array of 4 dimensions 
             The image data of one subject, one run
    X_matrix: numpy array 
       The design matrix for glm_multi
    Note that the fourth dimension of `data_4d` (time or the number 
    of volumes) must be the same as the number of rows that X has. 
    beta: estimated beta values
    t: t-values of the betas
    df: degrees of freedom
    p: p-values corresponding to the t-values and degrees of freedom

    beta = glm_beta(data, X_matrix)

    # Calculate the parameters - b hat
    beta = np.reshape(beta, (-1, beta.shape[-1])).T

    fitted =
    # Residual error
    y = np.reshape(data, (-1, data.shape[-1]))
    errors = y.T - fitted
    # Residual sum of squares
    RSS = (errors**2).sum(axis=0)
    df = X_matrix.shape[0] - npl.matrix_rank(X_matrix)
    # Mean residual sum of squares
    MRSS = RSS / df
    # calculate bottom half of t statistic

    SE =np.zeros(beta.shape)
    for i in range(X_matrix.shape[-1]):
        c = np.zeros(X_matrix.shape[-1])
        c = np.atleast_2d(c).T
        SE[i,:]= np.sqrt(MRSS*

    zeros = np.where(SE==0)
    SE[zeros] = 1
    t = beta / SE

    t[:,zeros] =0
    # Get p value for t value using CDF of t didstribution
    ltp = t_dist.cdf(abs(t), df)
    p = 1 - ltp # upper tail
    return beta.T, t, df, p
Beispiel #14
def __LDL__(A, combined=False):
    import numpy.linalg as nplinalg
    assert(A.shape[0] == A.shape[1])

    L = np.zeros(A.shape)
    D = np.zeros(A.shape)
    n = A.shape[0]

    for i in xrange(n):
        for j in xrange(n):
            if i == j:
                D[i, i] = A[i, i]
                for k in xrange(i):
                    D[i, i] -= (L[i, k] ** 2) * D[k, k]
                L[i, i] = 1
            elif j <= i:
                L[i, j] = A[i, j]
                for k in xrange(j):
                    L[i, j] -= L[i, k] * D[k, k] * L[j, k]
                L[i, j] *= 1/D[j, j]

    if combined:
        return, np.sqrt(D[:,:nplinalg.matrix_rank(A)]))
        return L, D
Beispiel #15
def comp(M):
    """Returns a basis for the space orthogonal
    to the range of M
    I = eye(M.shape[0])
    Q,R = qr(concatenate((M,I),axis=1))
    return Q[:,matrix_rank(M):]
def Regression_Calculation():
    Y = matrix( Get_Y_Matrix(con), dtype = float )
    X = matrix( Get_X_Matrix(con), dtype = float )
    if matrix_rank(X) == 32:
        return (X.T * X).I * X.T * Y.T
        return numpy.linalg.pinv(X) * Y.T
Beispiel #17
def test_glm():
    # Read in the image data.
    img = nib.load(pathtoclassdata + "ds114_sub009_t2r1.nii")
    data = img.get_data()[..., 4:]
    # Read in the convolutions. 
    convolved = np.loadtxt(pathtoclassdata + "ds114_sub009_t2r1_conv.txt")[4:]
    # Create design matrix. 
    actual_design = np.ones((len(convolved), 2))
    actual_design[:, 1] = convolved
    # Calculate betas, copied from the exercise. 
    data_2d = np.reshape(data, (-1, data.shape[-1]))
    actual_B = npl.pinv(actual_design).dot(data_2d.T)
    actual_B_4d = np.reshape(actual_B.T, img.shape[:-1] + (-1,))
    # Run function.
    exp_B_4d, exp_design = glm(data, convolved)
    assert_almost_equal(actual_B_4d, exp_B_4d)
    assert_almost_equal(actual_design, exp_design)

    # Pick a single voxel to check diagnostics. 
    # Calculate actual fitted values, residuals, and MRSS of voxel.
    actual_fitted =[42, 32, 19])
    actual_residuals = data[42, 32, 19] - actual_fitted
    actual_MRSS = np.sum(actual_residuals**2)/(actual_design.shape[0] - npl.matrix_rank(actual_design))
    # Calculate using glm_diagnostics function.
    exp_MRSS, exp_fitted, exp_residuals = glm_diagnostics(exp_B_4d, exp_design, data)
    assert_almost_equal(actual_fitted, exp_fitted[42, 32, 19])
    assert_almost_equal(actual_residuals, exp_residuals[42, 32, 19])
    assert_almost_equal(actual_MRSS, exp_MRSS[42, 32, 19])
Beispiel #18
def test_glm_mrss():
    img = nib.load(project_path + \
    data_int = img.get_data()
    data = data_int.astype(float)
    convolved1 = np.loadtxt(project_path + \
    X_matrix = np.ones((len(convolved1), 2))
    X_matrix[:, 1] = convolved1
    data_2d = np.reshape(data, (-1, data.shape[-1]))
    B = npl.pinv(X_matrix).dot(data_2d.T)
    B_4d = np.reshape(B.T, img.shape[:-1] + (-1,))
    test_B_4d = glm_beta(data, X_matrix)
    # Pick a single voxel to check mrss functiom.
    # Calculate actual fitted values, residuals, and MRSS of voxel.
    fitted =[12, 22, 10])
    residuals = data[12, 22, 10] - fitted
    MRSS = np.sum(residuals**2)/(X_matrix.shape[0] - npl.matrix_rank(X_matrix))
    # Calculate using glm_diagnostics function.
    test_MRSS, test_fitted, test_residuals = glm_mrss(test_B_4d, X_matrix, data)
    assert_almost_equal(MRSS, test_MRSS[12, 22, 10])
    assert_almost_equal(fitted, test_fitted[12, 22, 10])
    assert_almost_equal(residuals, test_residuals[12, 22, 10])
def glm_util(design_matrix, response):
    Fits a generalized linear model to a set of training data.

    design_matrix : np.ndarray
        2-D array with rows that correspond to observations and columns that
        correspond to regressors. Let the shape of design_matrix be (N, P)
    response : np.ndarray
        1- or 2-D array representing the response variable. Let the shape of
        response be (N, X)

    regression_coefficients : np.ndarray
        Array of shape (P, X) containing the coefficient of the regressor for
        the individual data point
    df : int
        Degrees of freedom, which is the difference of the number of independent
        regressors from the number of observations
    MRSS : float
        Mean residual sum of squares, a commmonly used measure of a predictive
        model's accuracy (lower is better)
    regression_coefficients = npl.pinv(design_matrix).dot(response)
    prediction =
    error = response - prediction
    RSS = (error ** 2).sum(0)
    df = int(design_matrix.shape[0] - npl.matrix_rank(design_matrix))
    MRSS = RSS / df
    return (regression_coefficients, df, MRSS)
Beispiel #20
def simplex(graph, wp_trajs, withODs=False):
    """Build simplex constraints from waypoint trajectories wp_trajs
    wp_trajs is given by WP.get_wp_trajs()[1]
    graph: Graph object
    wp_trajs: list of waypoint trajectories with paths along this trajectory [(wp_traj, path_list, flow)]
    if wp_trajs is None:
        return None, None
    n = len(wp_trajs)
    I, J, r, i = [], [], matrix(0.0, (n,1)), 0
    for wp_traj, path_ids, flow in wp_trajs:
        r[i] = flow
        for id in path_ids:
        i += 1
    U = spmatrix(1.0, I, J, (n, graph.numpaths))
    if not withODs: return U, r
        U1, r1 = path.simplex(graph)
        U, r = matrix([U, U1]), matrix([r, r1])
        if la.matrix_rank(U) < U.size[0]:
  'Remove redundant constraint(s)'); ind = find_basis(U.trans())
            return U[ind,:], r[ind]
        return U, r
def train(x,y):
		Build the linear least weight vector W
		:param x: NxD matrix containing N attributes vectors for training
		:param y: NxK matrix containing N class vectors for training
	# D = Number of attributes
	D = x.shape[1] + 1
	# K = Number of classes
	K = y.shape[1]
	# Build the sums of xi*xi' and xi*yi'
	sum1 = np.zeros((D,D)) # init placeholder
	sum2 = np.zeros((D,K))
	i = 0
	for x_i in x:						# loop over all vectors
		x_i = np.append(1, x_i) 		# augment vector with a 1 
		y_i = y[i]						
		sum1 += np.outer(x_i, x_i)		# find xi*xi'
		sum2 += np.outer(x_i, y_i)		# find xi*yi'
		i += 1
	# Check that condition number is finite
	# and therefore sum1 is nonsingular (invertable)
	while matrix_rank(sum1) != D:
		# Naive choice of sigma.
		# Could cause inaccuracies when sum1 has small values
		# However, in most cases the matrix WILL be invertable
		sum1 = sum1 + 0.001 * np.eye(D) 
	# Return weight vector
	# Weight vector multiplies sums and inverse of sum1
Beispiel #22
def geneigh(A,B,tol=1e-12):
    Solves the generalized eigenvalue problem also in the case where A and B share a common
    null-space. The eigenvalues corresponding to the null-space are given a Nan value.
    The null-space is defined with the tolereance tol.
    # first check if there is a null-space issue
    if matrix_rank(B,tol)==shape(B)[0]:
        return eigh(A,B)
    # first diagonalize the overlap matrix B
    # rewrite the A matrix in the B-matrix eigenspace
    # detect shared null-space. that is given by the first n null eigenvalues of B
    # check that the B matrix null-space is shared by A.
    if m>tol:
        warnings.warn('Maximum non-diagonal element in A written in B null-space is bigger than the tolerance \''+str(tol)+'\'.',UserWarning)
    # diagonalize the non-null-space part of the problem
    # define Ut, the change of basis in the non-truncated space
    return E,U
Beispiel #23
def qr_decomposition(X, job=1):
    """Performs the QR decomposition using LINPACK, BLAS and LAPACK
    Fortran subroutines.


    X : array_like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        The matrix to decompose

    job : int, optional (default=1)
        Whether to perform pivoting. 0 is False, any other value
        will be coerced to 1 (True).


    X : np.ndarray, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
        The matrix

    rank : int
        The rank of the matrix

    qraux : np.ndarray, shape=(n_features,)
        Contains further information required to recover
        the orthogonal part of the decomposition.

    pivot : np.ndarray, shape=(n_features,)
        The pivot array, or None if not ``job``

    X = check_array(X, dtype='numeric', order='F', copy=True)
    n, p = X.shape

    # check on size
    _validate_matrix_size(n, p)
    rank = matrix_rank(X)

    # validate job:
    job_ = 0 if not job else 1

    qraux, pivot, work = (np.zeros(p, dtype=np.double, order='F'),
                          # can't use arange, because need fortran order ('order' not kw in arange)
                          np.array([i for i in range(1, p + 1)],, order='F'),
                          np.zeros(p, dtype=np.double, order='F'))

    # sanity checks
    assert qraux.shape[0] == p, 'expected qraux to be of length %i' % p
    assert pivot.shape[0] == p, 'expected pivot to be of length %i' % p
    assert work.shape[0] == p, 'expected work to be of length %i' % p

    # call the fortran module IN PLACE
    _safecall(dqrsl.dqrdc, X, n, n, p, qraux, pivot, work, job_)

    # do returns
    return (X,
            (pivot - 1) if job_ else None)  # subtract one because pivot started at 1 for the fortran
def chi(matrix_P, matrix_Q, matrix_A):

    P = np.transpose(np.loadtxt(matrix_P))
    Q = np.transpose(np.loadtxt(matrix_Q))
    #flags for testing the entries
    test_size = True
    test_entry = True

    # testing the size of the entries, 
    # if bigger than 4x4 take the 4x4 upper left part of the matrix
    # if to small return that the test is false
    if (P.shape[0] >= 4 and P.shape[1] >= 4):
        P = P[0:4,0:4]
        test_size = False

    if (Q.shape[0] >= 4 and Q.shape[1] >= 4):
        Q = Q[0:4,0:4]
        test_size = False 

    # test if all the entries are integer,
    # if Q and P have the same determinant in absolute value
    # if P an Q are of full rank
    if test_size :
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(4):
                if P[i,j] != int(P[i,j]):
                    test_entry = False
                if Q[i,j] != int(Q[i,j]):
                    test_entry = False
        if abs(determinant(P,4)) != abs(determinant(Q,4)):
            test_entry = False
        if lin.matrix_rank(P)!=4 or lin.matrix_rank(Q)!=4 :
            test_entry = False

    # Compute the matrix A if P and Q passed all the test
    if test_size & test_entry :
        file = open(matrix_A,'w')
        list_A = matrix_computation(P, Q, file)
        print('Wrong Entries')
Beispiel #25
def w_update(weights, x_white, bias1, lrate1):
    """ Update rule for infomax
    This function recieves parameters to update W1
    * Input
    W1: unmixing matrix (must be a square matrix)
    Xwhite1: whitened data
    bias1: current estimated bias
    lrate1: current learning rate
    startW1: in case update blows up it will start again from startW1
    * Output
    W1: updated mixing matrix
    bias: updated bias
    lrate1: updated learning rate
    NVOX = x_white.shape[1]
    NCOMP = x_white.shape[0]
    block1 = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(NVOX / 3)))
    permute1 = permutation(NVOX)
    for start in range(0, NVOX, block1):
        if start + block1 < NVOX:
            tt2 = start + block1
            tt2 = NVOX
            block1 = NVOX - start

        # unmixed = dot(weights, x_white[:, permute1[start:tt2]]) + \
        #     dot(bias1, ib1[:, 0:block1])
        unmixed = dot(weights, x_white[:, permute1[start:tt2]]) + bias1
        logit = 1 - (2 / (1 + np.exp(-unmixed)))
        weights = weights + lrate1 * dot(block1 * np.eye(NCOMP) +
                                         dot(logit, unmixed.T), weights)
        bias1 = bias1 + lrate1 * logit.sum(axis=1).reshape(bias1.shape)
        # Checking if W blows up
        if (np.isnan(weights)).any() or np.max(np.abs(weights)) > MAX_W:
            print("Numeric error! restarting with lower learning rate")
            lrate1 = lrate1 * ANNEAL
            weights = np.eye(NCOMP)
            bias1 = np.zeros((NCOMP, 1))
            error = 1

            if lrate1 > 1e-6 and \
               matrix_rank(x_white) < NCOMP:
                print("Data 1 is rank defficient"
                      ". I cannot compute " +
                      str(NCOMP) + " components.")
                return (None, None, None, 1)

            if lrate1 < 1e-6:
                print("Weight matrix may"
                      " not be invertible...")
                return (None, None, None, 1)
            error = 0

    return(weights, bias1, lrate1, error)
Beispiel #26
def w_update(unmixer, x_white, bias1, lrate1):
    """ Update rule for infomax
    This function recieves parameters to update W1
    * Input
    W1: unmixing matrix (must be a square matrix)
    Xwhite1: whitened data
    bias1: current estimated bias
    lrate1: current learning rate
    startW1: in case update blows up it will start again from startW1
    * Output
    W1: updated mixing matrix
    bias: updated bias
    lrate1: updated learning rate
    nvox1 = x_white.shape[1]
    ncomp1 = x_white.shape[0]
    block1 = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(nvox1/3)))
    ib1 = np.ones((1, block1))
    permute1 = permutation(nvox1)
    for start in range(0, nvox1, block1):
        if start+block1 < nvox1:
            tt2 = start+block1
            tt2 = nvox1
            block1 = nvox1 - start

        unmixed = dot(unmixer, x_white[:, permute1[start:tt2]]) + \
            dot(bias1, ib1[:, 0:block1])
        logit = 1/(1 + np.exp(-unmixed))
        unmixer = unmixer + lrate1*dot(block1*np.eye(ncomp1) +
                                       dot(1-2*logit, unmixed.T), unmixer)
        bias1 = (bias1.T + lrate1*(1-2*logit).sum(axis=1)).T
        # Checking if W blows up
        if np.isnan(np.sum(unmixer)) or np.max(np.abs(unmixer)) > MAX_W:
            print "Numeric error! restarting with lower learning rate"
            lrate1 = lrate1 * ANNEAL
            unmixer = np.eye(ncomp1)
            bias1 = np.zeros((ncomp1, 1))
            error = 1

            if lrate1 > 1e-6 and \
               matrix_rank(x_white) < ncomp1:
                print("Data 1 is rank defficient"
                      ". I cannot compute " +
                      str(ncomp1) + " components.")
                return (None, None, None, 1)

            if lrate1 < 1e-6:
                print("Weight matrix may"
                      " not be invertible...")
                return (None, None, None, 1)
            error = 0

    return(unmixer, bias1, lrate1, error)
Beispiel #27
    def get_R_rank(self):
        """Get the rank of the R matrix.


        rank : int
            The rank of the R matrix
        return matrix_rank(self.get_R())
Beispiel #28
    def feedback(self, other=1, sign=-1):
        """Feedback interconnection between two LTI systems."""

        other = _convertToStateSpace(other)

        # Check to make sure the dimensions are OK
        if ((self.inputs != other.outputs) or (self.outputs != other.inputs)):
                raise ValueError("State space systems don't have compatible \
inputs/outputs for feedback.")

        # Figure out the sampling time to use
        if (self.dt == None and other.dt != None):
            dt = other.dt       # use dt from second argument
        elif (other.dt == None and self.dt != None) or \
                timebaseEqual(self, other):
            dt = self.dt        # use dt from first argument
            raise ValueError("Systems have different sampling times")

        A1 = self.A
        B1 = self.B
        C1 = self.C
        D1 = self.D
        A2 = other.A
        B2 = other.B
        C2 = other.C
        D2 = other.D

        F = eye(self.inputs) - sign * D2 * D1
        if matrix_rank(F) != self.inputs:
            raise ValueError("I - sign * D2 * D1 is singular to working precision.")

        # Precompute F\D2 and F\C2 (E = inv(F))
        # We can solve two linear systems in one pass, since the
        # coefficients matrix F is the same. Thus, we perform the LU
        # decomposition (cubic runtime complexity) of F only once!
        # The remaining back substitutions are only quadratic in runtime.
        E_D2_C2 = solve(F, concatenate((D2, C2), axis=1))
        E_D2 = E_D2_C2[:, :other.inputs]
        E_C2 = E_D2_C2[:, other.inputs:]

        T1 = eye(self.outputs) + sign * D1 * E_D2
        T2 = eye(self.inputs) + sign * E_D2 * D1

        A = concatenate(
                (A1 + sign * B1 * E_D2 * C1, sign * B1 * E_C2), axis=1),
                (B2 * T1 * C1, A2 + sign * B2 * D1 * E_C2), axis=1)),
        B = concatenate((B1 * T2, B2 * D1 * T2), axis=0)
        C = concatenate((T1 * C1, sign * D1 * E_C2), axis=1)
        D = D1 * T2

        return StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt)
Beispiel #29
 def __init__(self, A):
     if not isinstance(A, matrix):
         A   = mat(A)
     self.__A    = A
     self.__proj = None
     U, S, VH    = svd(A)
     rank        = matrix_rank(A)
     self.__rank = rank
     B           = U[:, 0:rank]
     self.__basis    = B
     self.__proj = Operator(func=lambda x: B * B.H*x)
def get_driver_nodes(G):
    """Return the driver nodes number and driver nodes of a (directed or undirected) graph G

    Basic Idea:
    Given a graph G, it have been proved that the number of driver nodes (N_D) is determined
    by the maximum geometric multiplicity of the adjacency matrix A. i.e.
        N_D = max{N - rank(\lambda_i I_N - A)} where \lambda_i is the eigenvalue of A 
    For undirected network, the above equation can be reduced to 
        N_D = max {\delta (\lambda_i)} the maximum algebraic multiplicity of \lambda_i

    G:  directed or undirected network

    ND:              the number of driver nodes
    driverNodes:     the list of driver nodes

    IF you only want get THE NUMBER of DRIVER NODES, but DONOT CARE which are driver nodes
    Please consider the other function get_number_of_driver_nodes(G), it is much more efficient.

    Yuan Z, Zhao C, Di Z, et al. Exact controllability of complex networks[J].
    Nature communications, 2013, 4.

    N = G.number_of_nodes()
    A = (nx.adjacency_matrix(G)).todense()          # get adjacency matrix A of G
    all_eigs = LA.eigvals(A)                        # get eigenvalues of A
    # which means any two eigenvalues less than 1e-8 will be considered as identical
    L = list(set(np.round(all_eigs,8)))

    ND = -1
    ND_lambda = 0.0
    IN = np.eye(N)
    for my_lambda in L:
        # get geometric multiplicity for each lambda of A
        miu_lambda = N - LA.matrix_rank(my_lambda * IN - A, tol=1E-8)
        if miu_lambda > ND:
            ND = miu_lambda
            ND_lambda = my_lambda
    middle_matrix = A - ND_lambda * np.eye(N)   # get the middle matrix A - \lambda * I_N
    middle_matrix = np.round(middle_matrix, 8);
    (reduced_matrix, pivot_array) = sympy.Matrix(middle_matrix).rref()  # rref get the reduced row echelon form
    all_nodes = G.nodes() 
    pivot_nodes = [all_nodes[i] for i in pivot_array]
    driver_nodes = [x for x in G.nodes() if x not in pivot_nodes]

    return (ND, driver_nodes)
# vector rank
from numpy import array
from numpy.linalg import matrix_rank
# rank
v1 = array([1, 2, 3])
vr1 = matrix_rank(v1)
# zero rank
v2 = array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
vr2 = matrix_rank(v2)
Beispiel #32
def testData(rank, n, A):
    #A = np.random.rand(n, n)
    print("Called with RANK = " + str(rank) + ", SIZE = " + str(n))

    B = low_rank_approx(A, rank)

    nTrain = 10000
    nTest = 1000

    #training data
    x_train = np.random.rand(nTrain, n)
    y_train = batch_mult(A, x_train)

    #test data
    x_test = np.random.rand(nTest, n)
    y_test = batch_mult(A, x_test)

    power = closestPower(n)
    #build neural net
    model = Sequential()
    model.add(Dense(n, input_dim=n, bias=False, init='he_normal'))

    model.add(Dense(n, bias=False, init='he_normal'))

    # model.add(Dense(power, bias=False, init='he_normal'))
    # model.add(Activation('linear'))
    model.add(Dense(n - 1, bias=False, init='he_normal'))
    # model.add(Dense(power/4, bias=False, init='he_normal'))
    # model.add(Activation('linear'))

    model.add(Dense(rank, bias=False, init='he_normal'))

    model.add(Dense(n - 1, bias=False, init='he_normal'))
    model.add(Dense(n - 1, bias=False, init='he_normal'))

    model.add(Dense(rank, bias=False, init='he_normal'))

    # model.add(Dense(power/4, bias=False, init='he_normal'))
    # model.add(Activation('linear'))
    # model.add(Dense(power/2, bias=False, init='he_normal'))
    # model.add(Activation('linear'))
    # model.add(Dense(power, bias=False, init='he_normal'))
    # model.add(Activation('linear'))

    model.add(Dense(n, bias=False, init='he_normal'))


    #train the neural net using the training data
    history =


    score = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, batch_size=30)
    print('\n score: ', score)

    C = model.predict(np.identity(n))

    print('Dylan\'s errors (SVD): ',
          np.linalg.norm(A - B, 2) / np.linalg.norm(A, 2),
          np.linalg.norm(A - B, 'fro') / np.linalg.norm(A, 'fro'))
    print('Dylan\'s errors (NN): ',
          np.linalg.norm(A - C.T, 2) / np.linalg.norm(A, 2),
          np.linalg.norm(A - C.T, 'fro') / np.linalg.norm(A, 'fro'))

    rankC = matrix_rank(C)
    rankB = matrix_rank(B)
    rankA = matrix_rank(A)
    print("\nNN Rank is " + str(rankC))
    print("SVD Rank is " + str(rankB))
    print("Original Rank is " + str(rankA))

    # return abs(np.linalg.norm(A-B, 2)/np.linalg.norm(A, 2) - np.linalg.norm(A-C.T, 2)/np.linalg.norm(A, 2))
    return C
Beispiel #33
def t_stat_mult_regression_single(data_4d, X, c=()):
    Return four values, the estimated beta, t-value, 
    degrees of freedom, and p-value for the given t-value
    data_4d: numpy array of 4 dimensions 
        The image data of one subject
    X: numpy array 
        the matrix to be put into the glm_mutiple function
    c: numpy array of 1 dimension
        The contrast vector fo the weights of the beta vector. 
        If not entered, it will be set as np.array([0,1,...]) which corresponds 
        to beta_1

    Note that the fourth dimension of `data_4d` (time or the number 
    of volumes) must be the same as the number of rows that X has. 
    beta: estimated beta values
    t: numpy array of 1 dimension (spe)
        t-value of the betas
    df: int
        degrees of freedom
    p: numpy array of 1 dimension
        p-value corresponding to the t-value and degrees of freedom

    # Make sure y, X, c are all arrays
    beta, X = glm_multiple(data_4d, X)

    # dealing with no c put in
    if c is ():
        c = np.zeros(X.shape[-1])
        c[1] = 1

    c = np.atleast_2d(c).T  # As column vector

    # Calculate the parameters - b hat
    beta = np.reshape(beta, (-1, beta.shape[-1])).T

    fitted =
    # Residual error
    y = np.reshape(data_4d, (-1, data_4d.shape[-1]))
    errors = y.T - fitted
    # Residual sum of squares
    RSS = (errors**2).sum(axis=0)

    df = X.shape[0] - npl.matrix_rank(X)
    # Mean residual sum of squares
    MRSS = RSS / df
    # calculate bottom half of t statistic

    SE = np.sqrt(MRSS *
    zeros = np.where(SE == 0)
    SE[zeros] = 1
    t = / SE

    t[:, zeros] = 0
    # Get p value for t value using cumulative density dunction
    # (CDF) of t distribution
    ltp = t_dist.cdf(abs(t), df)  # lower tail p
    p = 1 - ltp  # upper tail p

    return beta.T, t, df, p
Beispiel #34
solution = solveset(d, x)
l = len(solution)
solution = list(solution)

k = 0
store_c = zeros([n, n])
energy = empty(n)
for i in range(0, l):
    if i > 0:
        if abs(solution[i] - solution[i - 1]) < eps:

    M = con_M + E * float(solution[i])

    rank = matrix_rank(M)
    n_zero = n - rank
    for j in range(k, k + n_zero):
        energy[j] = solution[i]

    record_p = function.Gauss(M)

    flag = 0
    for I in range(k, k + n_zero):
        for J in range(0, n):
            if J == record_p[flag]:
                store_c[I, J] = 1
            elif J not in record_p:
                store_c[I, J] = -M[J, record_p[flag]] / M[J, J]
        flag += 1
    k += n_zero
Beispiel #35
def LinApp_Solve(AA, BB, CC, DD, FF, GG, HH, JJ, KK, LL, MM, NN, Z0, Sylv):
    This code takes Uhlig's original code and puts it in the form of a
    function.  This version outputs the policy function coefficients: PP,
    QQ and UU for X, and RR, SS and VV for Y.

    Inputs overview:
    The matrices of derivatives: AA - TT.
    The autoregression coefficient matrix NN from the law of motion for Z.
    Z0 is the Z-point about which the linearization is taken.  For
    linearizing about the steady state this is Zbar and normally Zbar = 0.
    Sylv is an indicator variable telling the program to use the built-in
    function sylvester() to solve for QQ and SS, if possible.  Default is
    to use Sylv=1.

    AA : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nx)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`A`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the Y equations with repsect to :math:`X_t`
    BB : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nx)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`B`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the Y equations with repsect to
    CC : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, ny)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`C`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the Y equations with repsect to :math:`Y_t`
    DD : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nz)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`C`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the Y equations with repsect to :math:`Z_t`
    FF : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nx)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`F`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`X_{t+1}`
    GG : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nx)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`G`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`X_t`
    HH : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nx)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`H`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`X_{t-1}`
    JJ : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, ny)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`J`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`Y_{t+1}`
    KK : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, ny)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`K`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`Y_t`
    LL : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nz)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`L`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`Z_{t+1}`
    MM : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nz)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`M`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`Z_t`
    NN : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nz, nz)
        The autocorrelation matrix for the exogenous state vector z.
    Z0 : array, dtype=float, shape=(nz,)
        the Z-point about which the linearization is taken.  For linearizing 
        about the steady state this is Zbar and normally Zbar = 0.
        QQ if true.
    Sylv: binary, dtype=int 
        an indicator variable telling the program to use the built-in
        function sylvester() to solve for QQ and SS, if possible.  Default is
        to use Sylv=1.

    P : 2D-array, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nx)
        The matrix :math:`P` in the law of motion for endogenous state
        variables described above.
    Q : 2D-array, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nz)
        The matrix :math:`Q` in the law of motion for exogenous state
        variables described above.
    R : 2D-array, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nx)
        The matrix :math:`R` in the law of motion for endogenous state
        variables described above.
    S : 2D-array, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nz)
        The matrix :math:`S` in the law of motion for exogenous state
        variables described above.
    .. [1] Uhlig, H. (1999): "A toolkit for analyzing nonlinear dynamic
       stochastic models easily," in Computational Methods for the Study
       of Dynamic Economies, ed. by R. Marimon, pp. 30-61. Oxford
       University Press.

    #The original coding we did used the np.matrix form for our matrices so we
    #make sure to set our inputs to numpy matrices.
    AA = np.matrix(AA)
    BB = np.matrix(BB)
    CC = np.matrix(CC)
    DD = np.matrix(DD)
    FF = np.matrix(FF)
    GG = np.matrix(GG)
    HH = np.matrix(HH)
    JJ = np.matrix(JJ)
    KK = np.matrix(KK)
    LL = np.matrix(LL)
    MM = np.matrix(MM)
    NN = np.matrix(NN)
    Z0 = np.array(Z0)
    #Tolerance level to use
    TOL = .000001

    # Here we use matrices to get pertinent dimensions.
    nx = FF.shape[1]
    l_equ = CC.shape[0]
    ny = CC.shape[1]
    nz = min(NN.shape)

    # The following if and else blocks form the
    # Psi, Gamma, Theta Xi, Delta mats
    if l_equ == 0:
        if CC.any():
            # This blcok makes sure you don't throw an error with an empty CC.
            CC_plus = la.pinv(CC)
            CC_0 = _nullSpaceBasis(CC.T)
            CC_plus = np.mat([])
            CC_0 = np.mat([])
        Psi_mat = FF
        Gamma_mat = -GG
        Theta_mat = -HH
        Xi_mat = np.mat(vstack((hstack((Gamma_mat, Theta_mat)),
                        hstack((eye(nx), zeros((nx, nx)))))))
        Delta_mat = np.mat(vstack((hstack((Psi_mat, zeros((nx, nx)))),
                           hstack((zeros((nx, nx)), eye(nx))))))

        CC_plus = la.pinv(CC)
        CC_0 = _nullSpaceBasis(CC.T)
        if l_equ != ny:
            Psi_mat = vstack((zeros((l_equ - ny, nx)), FF \
                            - dot(dot(JJ, CC_plus), AA)))
            Gamma_mat = vstack((dot(CC_0, AA), dot(dot(JJ, CC_plus), BB) \
                        - GG + dot(dot(KK, CC_plus), AA)))
            Theta_mat = vstack((dot(CC_0, BB), dot(dot(KK, CC_plus), BB) - HH))
            CC_inv = la.inv(CC)
            Psi_mat = FF - dot(, AA)
            Gamma_mat = dot(, BB) - GG + dot(dot(KK, CC_inv), AA)
            Theta_mat = dot(, BB) - HH
        Xi_mat = vstack((hstack((Gamma_mat, Theta_mat)), \
                            hstack((eye(nx), zeros((nx, nx))))))
        Delta_mat = vstack((hstack((Psi_mat, np.mat(zeros((nx, nx))))),\
                                hstack((zeros((nx, nx)), eye(nx)))))

    # Now we need the generalized eigenvalues/vectors for Xi with respect to
    # Delta. That is eVals and eVecs below.

    eVals, eVecs = la.eig(Xi_mat, Delta_mat)
    if npla.matrix_rank(eVecs) < nx:
        print("Error: Xi is not diagonalizable, stopping...")

    # From here to line 158 we Diagonalize Xi, form Lambda/Omega and find P.
        Xi_sortabs = np.sort(abs(eVals))
        Xi_sortindex = np.argsort(abs(eVals))
        Xi_sortedVec = np.array([eVecs[:, i] for i in Xi_sortindex]).T
        Xi_sortval = eVals[Xi_sortindex]
        Xi_select = np.arange(0, nx)
        if np.imag(Xi_sortval[nx - 1]).any():
            if (abs(Xi_sortval[nx - 1] - sp.conj(Xi_sortval[nx])) < TOL):
                drop_index = 1
                cond_1 = (abs(np.imag(Xi_sortval[drop_index-1])) > TOL)
                cond_2 = drop_index < nx
                while cond_1 and cond_2:
                    drop_index += 1
                if drop_index >= nx:
                    print("There is an error. Too many complex eigenvalues."
                          +" Quitting...")
                    print("Droping the lowest real eigenvalue. Beware of" +
                          " sunspots!")
                    Xi_select = np.array([np.arange(0, drop_index - 1),\
                                          np.arange(drop_index, nx + 1)])
        # Here Uhlig computes stuff if user chose "Manual roots" I skip it.
        if max(abs(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])) > 1 + TOL:
            print("It looks like we have unstable roots. This might not work...")
        if abs(max(abs(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])) - 1) < TOL:
            print("Check the model to make sure you have a unique steady" +
                  " state we are having problems with convergence.")
        Lambda_mat = np.diag(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])
        Omega_mat = Xi_sortedVec[nx:2 * nx, Xi_select]

        if npla.matrix_rank(Omega_mat) < nx:
            print("Omega matrix is not invertible, Can't solve for P; we" +
                    " proceed with QZ-method instead.")

            #~~~~~~~~~ QZ-method codes from SOLVE_QZ ~~~~~~~~#
            Delta_up,Xi_up,UUU,VVV=la.qz(Delta_mat,Xi_mat, output='complex')
            Xi_eigval = np.diag( np.diag(Xi_up)/np.maximum(np.diag(Delta_up),TOL))
            Xi_sortabs= np.sort(abs(np.diag(Xi_eigval)))
            Xi_sortindex= np.argsort(abs(np.diag(Xi_eigval)))
            Xi_sortval = Xi_eigval[Xi_sortindex, Xi_sortindex]
            Xi_select = np.arange(0, nx)
            stake = max(abs(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])) + TOL

            Delta_up, Xi_up, UUU, VVV = qzdiv(stake,Delta_up,Xi_up,UUU,VVV)
            #Check conditions from line 49-109
            if np.imag(Xi_sortval[nx - 1]).any():
                if (abs(Xi_sortval[nx - 1] - sp.conj(Xi_sortval[nx])) < TOL):
                    print("Problem: You have complex eigenvalues! And this means"+
                        " PP matrix will contain complex numbers by this method." )
                drop_index = 1
                cond_1 = (abs(np.imag(Xi_sortval[drop_index-1])) > TOL)
                cond_2 = drop_index < nx
                while cond_1 and cond_2:
                    drop_index += 1
                if drop_index >= nx:
                    print("There is an error. Too many complex eigenvalues."
                              +" Quitting...")
                    print("Dropping the lowest real eigenvalue. Beware of" +
                          " sunspots!")
                    for i in range(drop_index,nx+1):
                        Delta_up,Xi_up,UUU,VVV = qzswitch(i,Delta_up,Xi_up,UUU,VVV)
                    Xi_select1 = np.arange(0,drop_index-1)
                    Xi_select = np.append(Xi_select1, np.arange(drop_index,nx+1))

            if Xi_sortval[max(Xi_select)] < 1 - TOL:
                print('There are stable roots NOT used. Proceeding with the' +
                        ' smallest root.')
            if max(abs(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])) > 1 + TOL:
                print("It looks like we have unstable roots. This might not work...")
            if abs(max(abs(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])) - 1) < TOL:
                print("Check the model to make sure you have a unique steady" +
                          " state we are having problems with convergence.")
            #End of checking conditions
            #Lambda_mat = np.diag(Xi_sortval[Xi_select]) # to help sol_out.m
            VVV_2_1 = VVV[nx : 2*nx, 0 : nx]
            VVV_2_2 = VVV[nx : 2*nx, nx :2*nx]
            UUU_2_1 = UUU[nx : 2*nx, 0 : nx]
            VVV = VVV.conj().T
            if abs(la.det(UUU_2_1))< TOL:
                print("One necessary condition for computing P is NOT satisfied,"+
                    " but we proceed anyways...")
            if abs(la.det(VVV_2_1))< TOL:
                print("VVV_2_1 matrix, used to compute for P, is not invertible; we"+
                    " are in trouble but we proceed anyways...")
            PP = np.matrix( la.solve(- VVV_2_1, VVV_2_2) )
            PP_imag = np.imag(PP)
            PP = np.real(PP)
            if (sum(sum(abs(PP_imag))) / sum(sum(abs(PP))) > .000001).any():
                print("A lot of P is complex. We will continue with the" +
                      " real part and hope we don't lose too much information.")
            #~~~~~~~~~ End of QZ-method ~~~~~~~~~#

        #This follows the original file
            PP = dot(dot(Omega_mat, Lambda_mat), la.inv(Omega_mat))
            PP_imag = np.imag(PP)
            PP = np.real(PP)
            if (sum(sum(abs(PP_imag))) / sum(sum(abs(PP))) > .000001).any():
                print("A lot of P is complex. We will continue with the" +
                      " real part and hope we don't lose too much information.")
    # The code from here to the end was from he Uhlig file calc_qrs.m.
    # I think for python it fits better here than in a separate file.

    # The if and else below make RR and VV depending on our model's setup.
    if l_equ == 0:
        RR = zeros((0, nx))
        VV = hstack((kron(NN.T, FF) + kron(eye(nz), \
            (dot(FF, PP) + GG)), kron(NN.T, JJ) + kron(eye(nz), KK))) 

        RR = - dot(CC_plus, (dot(AA, PP) + BB))
        VV = sp.vstack((hstack((kron(eye(nz), AA), \
                        kron(eye(nz), CC))), hstack((kron(NN.T, FF) +\
                        kron(eye(nz), dot(FF, PP) + dot(JJ, RR) + GG),\
                        kron(NN.T, JJ) + kron(eye(nz), KK)))))

    # Now we use LL, NN, RR, VV to get the QQ, RR, SS, VV matrices.
    # first try using Sylvester equation solver
    if Sylv:
        if ny>0:
            PM = (FF-la.solve(,AA))
            if npla.matrix_rank(PM)< nx+ny:
                print("Sylvester equation solver condition is not satisfied;"\
                        +" proceed with the original method...")
            if npla.matrix_rank(FF)< nx:
                print("Sylvester equation solver condition is not satisfied;"\
                        +" proceed with the original method...")
        print("Using Sylvester equation solver...")
        if ny>0:
            Anew = la.solve(PM, (\
                    la.solve(, AA)) )
            Bnew = NN
            Cnew1 = la.solve(,, DD)-\
            Cnew = la.solve(PM, Cnew1)
            QQ = la.solve_sylvester(Anew,Bnew,Cnew)
            SS = la.solve(-CC, (
            Anew = la.solve(FF, (
            Bnew = NN
            Cnew = la.solve(FF, (
            QQ = la.solve_sylvester(Anew,Bnew,Cnew)
            SS = np.zeros((0,nz)) #empty matrix
    # then the Uhlig's way
        # This code is from Spencer Lypn's 2012 version
        q_eqns = sp.shape(FF)[0]
        m_states = sp.shape(FF)[1]
        l_equ = sp.shape(CC)[0]
        n_endog = sp.shape(CC)[1]
        k_exog = min(sp.shape(sp.mat(NN))[0], sp.shape(sp.mat(NN))[1])
        LLNN_plus_MM =,sp.mat(NN)) + sp.mat(MM.T)
        QQSS_vec =, sp.mat(LLNN_plus_MM))
        QQSS_vec = -QQSS_vec
        if max(abs(QQSS_vec)) == sp.inf:
            print("We have issues with Q and S. Entries are undefined. Probably
            because V is no inverible.")
        QQ = sp.reshape(QQSS_vec[0:m_states*k_exog],(m_states,k_exog))
        SS = sp.reshape(QQSS_vec[(m_states*k_exog):((m_states+n_endog)*k_exog)]
        # this code is from Yulong Li's 2015 version
        if (npla.matrix_rank(VV) < nz * (nx + ny)):
            print("Sorry but V is not invertible. Can't solve for Q and S;"+
                     " but we proceed anyways...")
        LL = sp.mat(LL)
        NN = sp.mat(NN)
        LLNN_plus_MM = dot(LL, NN) + MM

        if DD.any():
            impvec = vstack([DD, LLNN_plus_MM])
            impvec = LLNN_plus_MM

        impvec = np.reshape(impvec, ((nx + ny) * nz, 1), 'F')
        QQSS_vec = np.matrix(la.solve(-VV, impvec))

        if (max(abs(QQSS_vec)) == sp.inf).any():
            print("We have issues with Q and S. Entries are undefined." +
                      " Probably because V is no inverible.")

        #Build QQ SS
        QQ = np.reshape(np.matrix(QQSS_vec[0:nx * nz, 0]),
                            (nx, nz), 'F')

        SS = np.reshape(QQSS_vec[(nx * nz):((nx + ny) * nz), 0],\
                            (ny, nz), 'F')

    return np.array(PP), np.array(QQ), np.array(RR), np.array(SS)
Beispiel #36
 def _rank_test(S, Sjk):
     if len(Sjk) > S.shape[0] + 1:
         return False
         return len(Sjk) - matrix_rank(S[:, Sjk]) == 1
Beispiel #37
def linear_equation_solver():
    Solve a linear matrix equation, or system of linear scalar equations

    Solve the system of equations
    ``3 * x0 + x1 = 9``
    ``x0 + 2 * x1 = 8``
    you should input like this:
        N of variables: 2
        A: 3,1;1,2
        B: 9,8

    Solve the system of equations
    ``4 * x0 + 3 * x1 + 2 * x2 = 25``
    ``-2 * x0 + 2 * x1 3 * x2 = -10``
    ``3 * x0 - 5 * x1 + 2 * x2 = -4``
    you should input like this:
        N of variables: 3
        A: 4,3,2;-2,2,3;3,-5,2
        B: 25,-10,-4
    while True:
        N_of_vars = input('N of variables: ')
            N_of_vars = int(N_of_vars)
        except ValueError:
            print('Invalid input! try again!\n')
        if N_of_vars >= 2:
            print('N of variables should equal or greater than 2\n')

    while True:
        A = input('A: ')
            A = array([[int(j) for j in i.split(',')] for i in A.split(';')])
        except ValueError:
            print('Invalid input! try again!\n')

        if A.shape == (N_of_vars, N_of_vars):
            print('A is not a N-square!\n')

    while True:
        B = input('B: ')
            B = array([int(i) for i in B.split(',')])
        except ValueError:
            print('Invalid input! try again!\n')

        if B.shape == (N_of_vars, ):
            print('B is not N!\n')

    rank_A = matrix_rank(A)
    rank_A_B = matrix_rank(column_stack((A, B)))
    print('the system ', end='')
    if rank_A == rank_A_B:
        if rank_A == N_of_vars:
            print('has a unique solution: {}'.format(solve(A, B)))
        elif rank_A < N_of_vars:
            print('has infinitely many solutions.')
    elif rank_A < rank_A_B:
        print('is inconsistent.')
Beispiel #38
def t_stat_mult_regression(data_4d, X):
    Return four values, the estimated beta, t-value, 
    degrees of freedom, and p-value for the given t-value
    data_4d: numpy array of 4 dimensions 
        The image data of one subject
    X: numpy array 
        the matrix to be put into the glm_mutiple function

    Note that the fourth dimension of `data_4d` (time or the number 
    of volumes) must be the same as the number of rows that X has. 
    beta: estimated beta values
    t: numpy array of 2 dimensions
        t-value of the betas
    df: int
        degrees of freedom
    p: numpy array of 2 dimensions
        p-value corresponding to the t-value and degrees of freedom

    beta, X = glm_multiple(data_4d, X)

    # Calculate the parameters - b hat
    beta = np.reshape(beta, (-1, beta.shape[-1])).T

    fitted =
    # Residual error
    y = np.reshape(data_4d, (-1, data_4d.shape[-1]))
    errors = y.T - fitted
    # Residual sum of squares
    RSS = (errors**2).sum(axis=0)

    df = X.shape[0] - npl.matrix_rank(X)
    # Mean residual sum of squares
    MRSS = RSS / df
    # calculate bottom half of t statistic
    Cov_beta = npl.pinv(

    SE = np.zeros(beta.shape)
    for i in range(X.shape[-1]):
        c = np.zeros(X.shape[-1])
        c[i] = 1
        c = np.atleast_2d(c).T
        SE[i, :] = np.sqrt(MRSS *

    zeros = np.where(SE == 0)
    SE[zeros] = 1
    t = beta / SE

    t[:, zeros] = 0
    # Get p value for t value using cumulative density dunction
    # (CDF) of t distribution
    ltp = t_dist.cdf(abs(t), df)  # lower tail p
    p = 1 - ltp  # upper tail p

    return beta.T, t, df, p
Beispiel #39
def dense_matrix_rank(M):
    return matrix_rank(M)
Beispiel #40
# In[8]:


# In[9]:


# In[10]:

from numpy import linalg as la

# In[11]:


# In[ ]:

Beispiel #41
    def rand(self, dims=None):

        if dims is not None:
            dims = set(dims)

        hps = [
            hp for i, hp in enumerate(self)
            if (not hp.fixed) and ((dims is None) or (i in dims))

        mat = [np.ones([len(self.scores), 1])] + [hp.as_matrix() for hp in hps]
        mat = np.concatenate(mat, axis=1)
        d = mat.shape[1] - 1

        interactmat = []
        for i, vec1 in enumerate(mat.T):
            for j, vec2 in enumerate(mat.T):
                if i <= j:
                    interactmat.append((vec1 * vec2)[:, None])

        X = np.concatenate(interactmat, axis=1)
        n, d2 = X.shape
        I = np.eye(d2)
        I[0, 0] = 0
        XTXinv = la.inv( + .05 * I)
        # TODO maybe: L1 regularization on the interactions
        mean =
        H =
        epsilon_hat = self.scores -
        dof = np.trace(np.eye(n) - H)
        s_squared = / dof
        cov = s_squared * XTXinv
        eigenvals, eigenvecs = la.eig(cov)
        eigenvals = np.diag(np.abs(eigenvals))
        eigenvecs = np.real(eigenvecs)
        cov =
        cov += .05**2 * np.eye(len(cov))
        if la.matrix_rank(cov) < len(cov):
            print('WARNING: indefinite covariance matrix')
            return {}

        rand_dict = DefaultDict(dict)
        vals = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov)
        bias = vals[0]
        lins = vals[1:d + 1]
        bilins = np.zeros([d, d])
        bilins[np.tril_indices(d)] = vals[d + 1:]
        bilins = .5 * bilins + .5 * bilins.T
        eigenvals, eigenvecs = la.eig(bilins)
        eigenvals = -np.diag(np.abs(eigenvals))
        eigenvecs = np.real(eigenvecs)
        bilins =
        if la.matrix_rank(bilins) < len(bilins):
            print('WARNING: indefinite interaction matrix')
            return {}

        rand_dict = DefaultDict(dict)
        vals = np.clip(.5 * la.inv(bilins).dot(lins), 0, 1)
        i = 0
        for hp in hps:
            if isinstance(hp, NumericHyperparam):
                rand_dict[hp.section][hp.option] = hp.denormalize(vals[i])
                i += 1
                rand_dict[hp.section][hp.option] = hp.denormalize(
                    vals[i:i + len(hp.bounds) - 1])
                i += len(hp.bounds) - 1
        return rand_dict

##Creating the dataframe from the ratings data
ratings_df = pd.DataFrame(ratings_list,
                          columns=['UserID', 'BookID', 'Rating'],

## Normalizing the values of the ratings in betweeen 0 to 1
ratings_df.loc[:, 'Rating'] = sk.minmax_scale(ratings_df.loc[:, 'Rating'])

## Creating the user-item matrix form the dataframe and finding its rank to reduce the dimension of the matrix
R_df = ratings_df.pivot(index='UserID', columns='BookID',
U_R_matrix = R_df.as_matrix()
rank = matrix_rank(U_R_matrix)

## performing the truncated SVD on the user-item matrix
svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=rank, n_iter=7)
transformed_mat = svd.fit_transform(U_R_matrix)

Sigma_mat = np.diag(svd.singular_values_)

##printing the values of the decomposed components

##If we want to know the U component of the decomposition then we need to use the randomized_svd method which is used by the tuncated_svd in the implementation
##U, Sigma, VT = randomized_svd(U_R_matrix,n_components=rank)
Beispiel #43
                      [beta[i] * (alpha[i] - 1), beta[i] * alpha[i]]])
        G = np.array([[alpha[i]], [beta[i] * alpha[i]]])
        H = np.array([1, 1])
        w, v = LA.eig(F)
        print("eigenvalues of F")
        mags = np.absolute(w)
        if mags[0] > 1.0 or mags[1] > 1.0:
            print("These params are not stable")
            print("these params are stable")

        # determine observability
        max_iters = 5
        j = 1
        cur_obs = H
        O = H
        rank = 0
        while rank < 2 and j < max_iters:
            cur_obs =, F)
            O = np.vstack((O, cur_obs))
            rank = matrix_rank(O)
            print("rank is " + str(rank))
            j = j + 1

        if j < max_iters:
            print("system is observable with " + str(j) + " observations")
            print("system is not observable")
Beispiel #44
        %(d_path['type'] + str(name), str(k))+'.png')

    # Residuals
    MRSS_dict = {}
    MRSS_dict['ds005' + d_path['type']] = {}
    MRSS_dict['ds005' + d_path['type']]['drifts'] = {}
    MRSS_dict['ds005' + d_path['type']]['pca'] = {}
    for z in MRSS_dict['ds005' + d_path['type']]:
        MRSS_dict['ds005' + d_path['type']][z]['MRSS'] = []
    residuals = Y -
    df = X.shape[0] - npl.matrix_rank(X)
    MRSS = np.sum(residuals**2, axis=0) / df
    residuals_pca = Y -
    df_pca = X_pca.shape[0] - npl.matrix_rank(X_pca)
    MRSS_pca = np.sum(residuals_pca**2, axis=0) / df_pca
    MRSS_dict['ds005' + d_path['type']]['drifts']['mean_MRSS'] = np.mean(MRSS)
    MRSS_dict['ds005' + d_path['type']]['pca']['mean_MRSS'] = np.mean(MRSS_pca)
    # Save the mean MRSS values to compare the performance
    # of the design matrices
    for design_matrix, beta, mrss, name in \
        [(X, betas, MRSS, 'drifts'), (X_pca, B_pca, MRSS_pca, 'pca')]:
        MRSS_dict['ds005' + d_path['type']][name]['p-values'] = []
        MRSS_dict['ds005' + d_path['type']][name]['t-test'] = []
        with open(project_path+'txt_output/MRSS/ds005%s_MRSS.json'\
            %(d_path['type']), 'w') as file_out:
            json.dump(MRSS_dict, file_out)
Beispiel #45
# ga_ga_corr =, ga_map.T) / npix
# ga_ps_corr =, ps_map.T) / npix
# ga_cm_corr =, cm_map.T) / npix
# ps_ps_corr =, ps_map.T) / npix
# ps_cm_corr =, cm_map.T) / npix
cm_cm_corr =, cm_map.T) / npix

# fg_fg_corr =, fg_map.T) / npix
# fg_cm_corr =, cm_map.T) / npix

tt_tt_corr =, tt_map.T) / npix

rpca = R_pca(tt_tt_corr, mu=1.0e6, lmbda=None)
L, S =, max_iter=20000, iter_print=100)
print matrix_rank(L)
print matrix_rank(S)

# plt.figure()
# plt.subplot(221)
# plt.imshow(tt_tt_corr, origin='lower')
# plt.colorbar()
# plt.subplot(222)
# plt.imshow(tt_tt_corr-L-S, origin='lower')
# plt.colorbar()
# plt.subplot(223)
# plt.imshow(L, origin='lower')
# plt.colorbar()
# plt.subplot(224)
# plt.imshow(S, origin='lower')
# plt.colorbar()
Beispiel #46
def llr_pvalue(X, llrf):
    df_model = float(la.matrix_rank(X) - 1)
    return stats.chisqprob(llrf, df_model)
Beispiel #47
def LinApp_Solve(AA, BB, CC, DD, FF, GG, HH, JJ, KK, LL, MM, NN, Z0, Sylv):
    This code takes Uhlig's original code and puts it in the form of a
    function.  This version outputs the policy function coefficients: PP,
    QQ and UU for X, and RR, SS and VV for Y.

    Inputs overview:
    The matrices of derivatives: AA - MM.
    The autoregression coefficient matrix NN from the law of motion for Z.
    Z0 is the Z-point about which the linearization is taken.  For
    linearizing about the steady state this is Zbar and normally Zbar = 0.
    Sylv is an indicator variable telling the program to use the built-in
    function sylvester() to solve for QQ and SS, if possible.  Default is
    to use Sylv=1.  This option is now disabled and we always set Sylv=1.

    AA : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nx)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`A`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the Y equations with repsect to :math:`X_t`
    BB : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nx)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`B`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the Y equations with repsect to
    CC : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, ny)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`C`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the Y equations with repsect to :math:`Y_t`
    DD : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nz)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`C`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the Y equations with repsect to :math:`Z_t`
    FF : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nx)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`F`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`X_{t+1}`
    GG : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nx)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`G`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`X_t`
    HH : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nx)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`H`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`X_{t-1}`
    JJ : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, ny)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`J`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`Y_{t+1}`
    KK : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, ny)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`K`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`Y_t`
    LL : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nz)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`L`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`Z_{t+1}`
    MM : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nz)
        The matrix represetned above by :math:`M`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`Z_t`
    NN : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nz, nz)
        The autocorrelation matrix for the exogenous state vector z.
    Z0 : array, dtype=float, shape=(nz,)
        the Z-point about which the linearization is taken.  For linearizing 
        about the steady state this is Zbar and normally Zbar = 0.
        QQ if true.
    Sylv: binary, dtype=int 
        an indicator variable telling the program to use the built-in
        function sylvester() to solve for QQ and SS, if possible.  Default is
        to use Sylv=1.

    P : 2D-array, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nx)
        The matrix :math:`P` in the law of motion for endogenous state
        variables described above.
    Q : 2D-array, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nz)
        The matrix :math:`Q` in the law of motion for exogenous state
        variables described above.
    R : 2D-array, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nx)
        The matrix :math:`R` in the law of motion for endogenous state
        variables described above.
    S : 2D-array, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nz)
        The matrix :math:`S` in the law of motion for exogenous state
        variables described above.
    .. [1] Uhlig, H. (1999): "A toolkit for analyzing nonlinear dynamic
       stochastic models easily," in Computational Methods for the Study
       of Dynamic Economies, ed. by R. Marimon, pp. 30-61. Oxford
       University Press.

    # The coding for Uhlig's solution for QQ and SS gives incorrect results
    # So we will use numpy's Sylvester equation solver regardless of the value
    #  chosen for Sylv

    #The original coding we did used the np.matrix form for our matrices so we
    #make sure to set our inputs to numpy matrices.
    AA = np.matrix(AA)
    BB = np.matrix(BB)
    CC = np.matrix(CC)
    DD = np.matrix(DD)
    FF = np.matrix(FF)
    GG = np.matrix(GG)
    HH = np.matrix(HH)
    JJ = np.matrix(JJ)
    KK = np.matrix(KK)
    LL = np.matrix(LL)
    MM = np.matrix(MM)
    NN = np.matrix(NN)
    Z0 = np.array(Z0)
    #Tolerance level to use
    TOL = .000001

    # Here we use matrices to get pertinent dimensions.
    nx = FF.shape[1]
    l_equ = CC.shape[0]
    ny = CC.shape[1]
    nz = min(NN.shape)

    # The following if and else blocks form the
    # Psi, Gamma, Theta Xi, Delta mats
    if l_equ == 0:
        if CC.any():
            # This blcok makes sure you don't throw an error with an empty CC.
            CC_plus = la.pinv(CC)
            CC_0 = _nullSpaceBasis(CC.T)
            CC_plus = np.mat([])
            CC_0 = np.mat([])
        Psi_mat = FF
        Gamma_mat = -GG
        Theta_mat = -HH
        Xi_mat = np.mat(
                (Gamma_mat, Theta_mat)), hstack((eye(nx), zeros((nx, nx)))))))
        Delta_mat = np.mat(
            vstack((hstack((Psi_mat, zeros(
                (nx, nx)))), hstack((zeros((nx, nx)), eye(nx))))))

        CC_plus = la.pinv(CC)
        CC_0 = _nullSpaceBasis(CC.T)
        if l_equ != ny:
            Psi_mat = vstack((zeros((l_equ - ny, nx)), FF \
                            - dot(dot(JJ, CC_plus), AA)))
            Gamma_mat = vstack((dot(CC_0, AA), dot(dot(JJ, CC_plus), BB) \
                        - GG + dot(dot(KK, CC_plus), AA)))
            Theta_mat = vstack((dot(CC_0, BB), dot(dot(KK, CC_plus), BB) - HH))
            CC_inv = la.inv(CC)
            Psi_mat = FF - dot(, AA)
            Gamma_mat = dot(, BB) - GG + dot(dot(KK, CC_inv), AA)
            Theta_mat = dot(, BB) - HH
        Xi_mat = vstack((hstack((Gamma_mat, Theta_mat)), \
                            hstack((eye(nx), zeros((nx, nx))))))
        Delta_mat = vstack((hstack((Psi_mat, np.mat(zeros((nx, nx))))),\
                                hstack((zeros((nx, nx)), eye(nx)))))

    # Now we need the generalized eigenvalues/vectors for Xi with respect to
    # Delta. That is eVals and eVecs below.

    eVals, eVecs = la.eig(Xi_mat, Delta_mat)
    if npla.matrix_rank(eVecs) < nx:
        print("Error: Xi is not diagonalizable, stopping...")

    # From here to line 158 we Diagonalize Xi, form Lambda/Omega and find P.
        Xi_sortindex = np.argsort(abs(eVals))
        Xi_sortedVec = np.array([eVecs[:, i] for i in Xi_sortindex]).T
        Xi_sortval = eVals[Xi_sortindex]
        Xi_select = np.arange(0, nx)
        if np.imag(Xi_sortval[nx - 1]).any():
            if (abs(Xi_sortval[nx - 1] - sp.conj(Xi_sortval[nx])) < TOL):
                drop_index = 1
                cond_1 = (abs(np.imag(Xi_sortval[drop_index - 1])) > TOL)
                cond_2 = drop_index < nx
                while cond_1 and cond_2:
                    drop_index += 1
                if drop_index >= nx:
                    print("There is an error. Too many complex eigenvalues." +
                          " Quitting...")
                    print("Droping the lowest real eigenvalue. Beware of" +
                          " sunspots!")
                    Xi_select = np.array([np.arange(0, drop_index - 1),\
                                          np.arange(drop_index, nx + 1)])
        # Here Uhlig computes stuff if user chose "Manual roots" I skip it.
        if max(abs(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])) > 1 + TOL:
                "It looks like we have unstable roots. This might not work...")
        if abs(max(abs(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])) - 1) < TOL:
            print("Check the model to make sure you have a unique steady" +
                  " state we are having problems with convergence.")
        Lambda_mat = np.diag(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])
        Omega_mat = Xi_sortedVec[nx:2 * nx, Xi_select]

        if npla.matrix_rank(Omega_mat) < nx:
            print("Omega matrix is not invertible, Can't solve for P; we" +
                  " proceed with QZ-method instead.")

            #~~~~~~~~~ QZ-method codes from SOLVE_QZ ~~~~~~~~#
            Delta_up, Xi_up, UUU, VVV = la.qz(Delta_mat,
            UUU = UUU.T
            Xi_eigval = np.diag(
                np.diag(Xi_up) / np.maximum(np.diag(Delta_up), TOL))
            Xi_sortindex = np.argsort(abs(np.diag(Xi_eigval)))
            Xi_sortval = Xi_eigval[Xi_sortindex, Xi_sortindex]
            Xi_select = np.arange(0, nx)
            stake = max(abs(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])) + TOL

            Delta_up, Xi_up, UUU, VVV = qzdiv(stake, Delta_up, Xi_up, UUU, VVV)

            #Check conditions from line 49-109
            if np.imag(Xi_sortval[nx - 1]).any():
                if (abs(Xi_sortval[nx - 1] - sp.conj(Xi_sortval[nx])) < TOL):
                        "Problem: You have complex eigenvalues! And this means"
                        " PP matrix will contain complex numbers by this method."
                drop_index = 1
                cond_1 = (abs(np.imag(Xi_sortval[drop_index - 1])) > TOL)
                cond_2 = drop_index < nx
                while cond_1 and cond_2:
                    drop_index += 1
                if drop_index >= nx:
                    print("There is an error. Too many complex eigenvalues." +
                          " Quitting...")
                    print("Dropping the lowest real eigenvalue. Beware of" +
                          " sunspots!")
                    for i in range(drop_index, nx + 1):
                        Delta_up, Xi_up, UUU, VVV = qzswitch(
                            i, Delta_up, Xi_up, UUU, VVV)
                    Xi_select1 = np.arange(0, drop_index - 1)
                    Xi_select = np.append(Xi_select1,
                                          np.arange(drop_index, nx + 1))

            if Xi_sortval[max(Xi_select)] < 1 - TOL:
                print('There are stable roots NOT used. Proceeding with the' +
                      ' smallest root.')
            if max(abs(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])) > 1 + TOL:
                    "It looks like we have unstable roots. This might not work..."
            if abs(max(abs(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])) - 1) < TOL:
                print("Check the model to make sure you have a unique steady" +
                      " state we are having problems with convergence.")
            #End of checking conditions
            #Lambda_mat = np.diag(Xi_sortval[Xi_select]) # to help sol_out.m

            VVV = VVV.conj().T
            VVV_2_1 = VVV[nx:2 * nx, 0:nx]
            VVV_2_2 = VVV[nx:2 * nx, nx:2 * nx]
            UUU_2_1 = UUU[nx:2 * nx, 0:nx]
            VVV = VVV.conj().T

            if abs(la.det(UUU_2_1)) < TOL:
                    "One necessary condition for computing P is NOT satisfied,"
                    + " but we proceed anyways...")
            if abs(la.det(VVV_2_1)) < TOL:
                    "VVV_2_1 matrix, used to compute for P, is not invertible; we"
                    + " are in trouble but we proceed anyways...")

            PP = np.matrix(la.solve(-VVV_2_1, VVV_2_2))
            PP_imag = np.imag(PP)
            PP = np.real(PP)
            if (sum(sum(abs(PP_imag))) / sum(sum(abs(PP))) > .000001).any():
                    "A lot of P is complex. We will continue with the" +
                    " real part and hope we don't lose too much information.")
            #~~~~~~~~~ End of QZ-method ~~~~~~~~~#

        #This follows the original file
            PP = dot(dot(Omega_mat, Lambda_mat), la.inv(Omega_mat))
            PP_imag = np.imag(PP)
            PP = np.real(PP)
            if (sum(sum(abs(PP_imag))) / sum(sum(abs(PP))) > .000001).any():
                    "A lot of P is complex. We will continue with the" +
                    " real part and hope we don't lose too much information.")

    # The if and else below make RR depending on our model's setup.
    if l_equ == 0:
        RR = zeros((0, nx))  #empty matrix
        RR = -dot(CC_plus, (dot(AA, PP) + BB))

    # Now we use Sylvester equation solver to find QQ and SS matrices.
    This code written by Kerk Phillips 2020
    updated in July 2021

    CCinv = npla.inv(CC)
    # if ny>0:
    #     PM = npla.inv(FF-np.matmul(np.matmul(JJ,CCinv), AA))
    #     if npla.matrix_rank(PM)< nx+ny:
    #         print("Sylvester equation solver condition is not satisfied")
    # else:
    #     PM = npla.inv(FF)
    #     if npla.matrix_rank(FF)< nx:
    #         print("Sylvester equation solver condition is not satisfied")
    if ny > 0:
        JCAP = np.matmul(np.matmul(JJ, CCinv), np.matmul(AA, PP))
        JCB = np.matmul(np.matmul(JJ, CCinv), BB)
        KCA = np.matmul(np.matmul(KK, CCinv), AA)
        KCD = np.matmul(np.matmul(KK, CCinv), DD)
        JCDN = np.matmul(np.matmul(JJ, CCinv), np.matmul(DD, NN))
        Dnew = + GG - JCAP - JCB - KCA
        Fnew = FF - np.matmul(np.matmul(JJ, CCinv), AA)
        Gnew = NN
        Hnew = KCD - + JCDN - MM
        Asyl = npla.inv(Dnew).dot(Fnew)
        Bsyl = npla.inv(Gnew)
        Csyl = np.matmul(npla.inv(Dnew).dot(Hnew), npla.inv(Gnew))
        QQ = la.solve_sylvester(Asyl, Bsyl, Csyl)
        SS = la.solve(-CC, ( + DD))
        Dnew = + GG
        Fnew = FF
        Gnew = NN
        Hnew = - MM
        Asyl = npla.inv(Dnew).dot(Fnew)
        Bsyl = npla.inv(Gnew)
        Csyl = np.matmul(npla.inv(Dnew).dot(Hnew), npla.inv(Gnew))
        QQ = la.solve_sylvester(Asyl, Bsyl, Csyl)
        SS = np.zeros((0, nz))  #empty matrix

    return np.array(PP), np.array(QQ), np.array(RR), np.array(SS)
Beispiel #48
def FactorAnalysis(c2, d, k_):
    # This function computes the Low Rank Diagonal Conditional Correlation
    #  INPUT:
    # c2        :[matrix](n_ x n_) correlation matrix
    # d           :[matrix](m_ x n_) matrix of constraints
    # k_          :[scalar] rank of matrix beta.
    #  OP:
    # c2_LRD     :[matrix](n_ x n_) shrunk matrix of the form [email protected]+I-diag([email protected]) where beta is a n_ x k_ matrix
    # beta       :[matrix](n_ x k_) low rank matrix: n_ x k_
    # iter        :[scalar] number of iterations
    # constraint  :[scalar] boolean indicator, it is equal to 1 in case the constraint is satisfied, i.e. d@beta = 0

    # For details on the exercise, see here .
    ## Code

    if npsum(abs(d.flatten())) == 0:
        CONDITIONAL = 0

    n_ = c2.shape[0]

    if k_ > n_ - matrix_rank(d):
        raise Warning('k_ has to be <= rho.shape[0]-rank[d]')

    NmaxIter = 1000
    eps1 = 1e-9
    eta = 0.01
    gamma = 0.1
    constraint = 0

    #initialize output
    c2_LRD = c2
    dist = zeros
    iter = 0

    #0. Initialize
    Diag_lambda2, e = eig(c2)
    lambda2 = Diag_lambda2
    lambda2_ord, order = sort(lambda2)[::-1], argsort(lambda2)[::-1]
    lam = np.real(sqrt(lambda2_ord[:k_]))
    e_ord = e[:, order]

    beta = np.real(e_ord[:n_, :k_] @ np.diagflat(maximum(lam, eps1)))
    c = c2

    for j in range(NmaxIter):
        #1. Conditional PC
        a = c - eye(n_) + np.diagflat(diag(beta @ beta.T))
        if CONDITIONAL == 1:
            lambda2, E = ConditionalPC(a, d)
            lambda2 = lambda2[:k_]
            E = E[:, :k_]
            lam = sqrt(lambda2)
            #if there aren't constraints: standard PC using the covariance matrix
            Diag_lambda2, e = eig(a)
            lambda2 = Diag_lambda2
            lambda2_ord, order = sort(lambda2)[::-1], argsort(lambda2)[::-1]
            e_ord = e[:, order]
            E = e_ord[:, :k_]
            lam = sqrt(lambda2_ord[:k_])

        beta_new = E @ np.diagflat(maximum(lam, eps1))
        #3. Rows length
        l_n = sqrt(npsum(beta_new**2, 1))
        #4. Rows scaling
        beta_new[l_n > 1, :] = beta_new[l_n > 1, :] / tile(
            l_n[l_n > 1, np.newaxis] * (1 + gamma), (1, k_))
        #5. reconstruction
        c = beta_new @ beta_new.T + eye(n_, n_) - diag(
            diag(beta_new @ beta_new.T))
        #6. check for convergence
        distance = 1 / n_ * npsum(sqrt(npsum((beta_new - beta)**2, 1)))
        if distance <= eta:
            c2_LRD = c
            dist = distance
            iter = j
            beta = beta_new.copy()
            if d.shape == (1, 1):
                tol = npmax(abs(d * beta))
                tol = npmax(abs(
            if tol < 1e-9:
                constraint = 1
            beta = beta_new.copy()
            beta = np.real(beta)
            c2_LRD = np.real(c2_LRD)
            c2_LRD = (c2_LRD + c2_LRD.T) / 2
    return c2_LRD, beta, dist, iter, constraint
Beispiel #49
# --- Compute the SVD ---
U, S, VT = la.svd(G, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True)
V = np.transpose(VT)

# Display semilog plot of singular values
fig0, ax0 = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax0.semilogy(S, 'ko', mfc='None')
ax0.set_xticks(range(0, S.size+1, 5))

# --- Plot column of V corresponds to the smallest nonzero singular value ---
p = la.matrix_rank(G)
print('M =', M, 'and', 'N =', N)
print('System rank', 'p =', p, '\n')

fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax1.step(theta, V[:, p-1], 'k-', where='mid')
ax1.set_xlabel(r'$\theta$ [rad]')
ax1.set_xlim(-2, 2)

# --- Plot column of V corresponds to the largest nonzero singular value ---
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax2.step(theta, V[:, 0], 'k-', where='mid')
from numpy import array
from numpy.linalg import matrix_rank

M0 = array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
# [[0 0]
#  [0 0]]
mr0 = matrix_rank(M0)
# 0

M1 = array([[1, 2], [1, 2]])
# [[1 2]
#  [1 2]]
mr1 = matrix_rank(M1)
# 1

M2 = array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
# [[1 2]
#  [3 4]]
mr2 = matrix_rank(M2)
# 2
Beispiel #51
 def __contains__(self, x):
     '''If column vector x lies in Col(A), then __contains__ return True.'''
     C = hstack((self.__A, x))
     return matrix_rank(C) == self.__rank
Beispiel #52
def HCRB(rho, drho, W, eps=1e-8):
    Calculation of the Holevo Cramer-Rao bound (HCRB) via the semidefinite program (SDP).

    > **rho:** `matrix`
        -- Density matrix.

    > **drho:** `list`
        -- Derivatives of the density matrix on the unknown parameters to be 
        estimated. For example, drho[0] is the derivative vector on the first 

    > **W:** `matrix`
        -- Weight matrix.

    > **eps:** `float`
        -- Machine epsilon.

    **HCRB:** `float`
        -- The value of Holevo Cramer-Rao bound.

    if type(drho) != list:
        raise TypeError("Please make sure drho is a list!")

    if len(drho) == 1:
            "In single parameter scenario, HCRB is equivalent to QFI. This function will return the value of QFI."
        f = QFIM(rho, drho, eps=eps)
        return f
    elif matrix_rank(W) == 1:
            "For rank-one weight matrix, the HCRB is equivalent to QFIM. This function will return the value of Tr(WF^{-1})."
        F = QFIM(rho, drho, eps=eps)
        return np.trace(, np.linalg.pinv(F)))
        dim = len(rho)
        num = dim * dim
        para_num = len(drho)

        Lambda = [np.identity(dim)] + suN_generator(dim)
        Lambda = Lambda / np.sqrt(2)

        vec_drho = [[] for i in range(para_num)]
        for pi in range(para_num):
            vec_drho[pi] = np.array([
                np.real(np.trace([pi], Lambda[i])))
                for i in range(len(Lambda))

        S = np.zeros((num, num), dtype=np.complex128)
        for a in range(num):
            for b in range(num):
                S[a][b] = np.trace([a],[b], rho)))

        accu = len(str(int(1 / eps))) - 1
        lu, d, perm = sp.linalg.ldl(S.round(accu))
        R =, sp.linalg.sqrtm(d)).conj().T
        # ============optimization variables================
        V = cp.Variable((para_num, para_num))
        X = cp.Variable((num, para_num))
        # ================add constraints===================
        constraints = [
            cp.bmat([[V, X.T @ R.conj().T], [R @ X, np.identity(num)]]) >> 0
        for i in range(para_num):
            for j in range(para_num):
                if i == j:
                    constraints += [X[:, i].T @ vec_drho[j] == 1]
                    constraints += [X[:, i].T @ vec_drho[j] == 0]

        prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.trace(W @ V)), constraints)

        return prob.value
Beispiel #53

print(np.matmul(inputs, pesos.T))

#%% Exercício 25 - Desafio
# Use as duas matrizes abaixo para resulver os exercícios de 25 a 28
a = np.array([[3, 2, -1], [6, 4, -2], [5, 0, 3]])
b = np.array(([[2, 3, 2], [3, -4, -2], [4, -1, 1]]))

# Na álgebra linear, o Rank de uma matriz A é a dimensão do espaço vetorial gerado (ou estendido) por
# suas colunas. Isso corresponde ao número máximo de colunas linearmente independentes de A. Isso, por
# sua vez, é idêntico à dimensão do espaço ocupado por suas linhas. Rank é, portanto, uma medida
# da "não-degeneração" do sistema de equações lineares e transformação linear codificada por A. Existem
# várias definições equivalentes de Rank e o Rank de uma matriz é uma de suas caracteristicas mais fundamentais.


#%% Exercício 26 - Calcule a * b, b)

#%% Exercício 27 - Qual o segundo autovetor em B
eig_vals, eig_vecs = linalg.eig(b)
eig_vecs[:, 1]

#%% Exercicio 28 - Resolva Bx = b onde b= [14,-1,11]
_b = np.array([14, -1, 11])
linalg.solve(b, _b)

#%% Exercício 29 - Calcule a inversa da matriz abaixo
a_matriz = [[3,2,1],\
Beispiel #54
def t_stat(data_4d, convolved, c=[0, 1]):
    Return four values, the estimated beta, t-value, 
    degrees of freedom, and p-value for the given t-value
    data_4d: numpy array of 4 dimensions 
        The image data of one subject
    convolved: numpy array of 1 dimension
        The convolved time course
    c: numpy array of 1 dimension
        The contrast vector fo the weights of the beta vector. 
        Default is [0,1] which corresponds to beta_1

    Note that the fourth dimension of `data_4d` (time or the number 
    of volumes) must be the same as the length of `convolved`. 
    beta: estimated beta values
    t: numpy array of 1 dimension
        t-value of the betas
    df: int
        degrees of freedom
    p: numpy array of 1 dimension
        p-value corresponding to the t-value and degrees of freedom

    # Make sure y, X, c are all arrays
    beta, X = glm(data_4d, convolved)
    c = np.atleast_2d(c).T  # As column vector
    # Calculate the parameters - b hat
    beta = np.reshape(beta, (-1, beta.shape[-1])).T

    fitted =
    # Residual error
    y = np.reshape(data_4d, (-1, data_4d.shape[-1]))
    errors = y.T - fitted
    # Residual sum of squares
    RSS = (errors**2).sum(axis=0)

    df = X.shape[0] - npl.matrix_rank(X)
    # Mean residual sum of squares
    MRSS = RSS / df
    # calculate bottom half of t statistic

    SE = np.sqrt(MRSS *
    zeros = np.where(SE == 0)
    SE[zeros] = 1
    t = / SE

    t[:, zeros] = 0
    # Get p value for t value using cumulative density dunction
    # (CDF) of t distribution
    ltp = t_dist.cdf(abs(t), df)  # lower tail p
    p = 1 - ltp  # upper tail p

    return beta, t, df, p
Beispiel #55
def full_rank(M):
    return matrix_rank(M) == min(M.shape)
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as LA
A = np.arange(1, 17).reshape(4, 4)
B = np.eye(4, 4)
print("A的行列式为", LA.det(A))
print("A的秩", LA.matrix_rank(A))
print("A的转置为", A.transpose())
print("A的逆矩阵为:", LA.inv(A + 10 * B))
print("横联矩阵为", np.c_[A, B])
print("纵联矩阵为:", np.r_[A, B])
print("A1为", A[0:2, 0:2])
Beispiel #57
def solvePQRS(AA=None, BB=None, CC=None, DD=None, FF=None, GG=None, HH=None,
              JJ=None, KK=None, LL=None, MM=None, NN=None):
    This function mimics the behavior of Harald Uhlig's solve.m and
    calc_qrs.m files in Uhlig's toolkit.

    In order to use this function, the user must have log-linearized the
    model they are dealing with to be in the following form (assume that
    y corresponds to the model's "jump variables", z represents the
    exogenous state variables and x is for endogenous state variables.
    nx, ny, nz correspond to the number of variables in each category.)
    The inputs to this function are the matrices found in the following

    .. math::

        Ax_t + Bx_t-1 + Cy_t + Dz_t = 0

        E\{Fx_{t+1} + Gx_t + Hx_{t-1} + Jy_{t+1} +
           Ky_t + Lz_{t+1} Mz_t \} = 0

    The purpose of this function is to find the recursive equilibrium
    law of motion defined by the following equations.

    .. math::

        X_t = PX_{t-1} + Qz_t

        Y_t = RY_{t-1} + Sz_t

    Following outline given in Uhhlig (1997), we solve for :math:`P` and
    :math:`Q` using the following set of equations:

    .. math::

        FP^2 + Gg + H =0

        FQN + (FP+G)Q + (LN + M)=0

    Once :math:`P` and :math:`Q` are known, one ca solve for :math:`R`
    and :math:`S` using the following equations:

    .. math::

        R = -C^{-1}(AP + B)

        S = - C^{-1}(AQ + D)

    AA : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nx)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`A`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the Y equations with respect to :math:`X_t`
    BB : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nx)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`B`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the Y equations with respect to
    CC : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, ny)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`C`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the Y equations with respect to :math:`Y_t`
    DD : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nz)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`C`. It is the matrix of
        derivatives of the Y equations with respect to :math:`Z_t`
    FF : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nx)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`F`. It the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`X_{t+1}`
    GG : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nx)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`G`. It the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`X_t`
    HH : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nx)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`H`. It the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`X_{t-1}`
    JJ : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, ny)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`J`. It the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`Y_{t+1}`
    KK : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, ny)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`K`. It the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`Y_t`
    LL : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nz)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`L`. It the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`Z_{t+1}`
    MM : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nz)
        The matrix represented above by :math:`M`. It the matrix of
        derivatives of the model's characterizing equations with
        respect to :math:`Z_t`
    NN : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nz, nz)
        The autocorrelation matrix for the exogenous state
        vector z.

    P : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nx)
        The matrix :math:`P` in the law of motion for endogenous state
        variables described above.
    Q : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(nx, nz)
        The matrix :math:`P` in the law of motion for endogenous state
        variables described above.
    R : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nx)
        The matrix :math:`P` in the law of motion for endogenous state
        variables described above.
    S : array_like, dtype=float, shape=(ny, nz)
        The matrix :math:`P` in the law of motion for endogenous state
        variables described above.

    .. [1] Uhlig, H. (1999): "A toolkit for analyzing nonlinear dynamic
       stochastic models easily," in Computational Methods for the Study
       of Dynamic Economies, ed. by R. Marimon, pp. 30-61. Oxford
       University Press.

    # The original coding we did used the np.matrix form for our matrices so we
    # make sure to set our inputs to numpy matrices.
    AA = np.matrix(AA)
    BB = np.matrix(BB)
    CC = np.matrix(CC)
    DD = np.matrix(DD)
    FF = np.matrix(FF)
    GG = np.matrix(GG)
    HH = np.matrix(HH)
    JJ = np.matrix(JJ)
    KK = np.matrix(KK)
    LL = np.matrix(LL)
    MM = np.matrix(MM)
    NN = np.matrix(NN)
    # Tolerance level to use
    TOL = .000001

    # Here we use matrices to get pertinent dimensions.
    nx = FF.shape[1]
    l_equ = CC.shape[0]
    ny = CC.shape[1]
    nz = LL.shape[1]

    k_exog = min(NN.shape)

    # The following if and else blocks form the
    # Psi, Gamma, Theta Xi, Delta mats
    if l_equ == 0:
        if CC.any():
            # This blcok makes sure you don't throw an error with an empty CC.
            CC_plus = la.pinv(CC)
            CC_0 = _nullSpaceBasis(CC.T)
            CC_plus = np.mat([])
            CC_0 = np.mat([])
        Psi_mat = FF
        Gamma_mat = -GG
        Theta_mat = -HH
        Xi_mat = np.mat(vstack((hstack((Gamma_mat, Theta_mat)),
                                hstack((eye(nx), zeros((nx, nx)))))))
        Delta_mat = np.mat(vstack((hstack((Psi_mat, zeros((nx, nx)))),
                                   hstack((zeros((nx, nx)), eye(nx))))))

        CC_plus = la.pinv(CC)
        CC_0 = _nullSpaceBasis(CC.T)
        Psi_mat = vstack((zeros((l_equ - ny, nx)), FF
                          - dot(dot(JJ, CC_plus), AA)))
        if CC_0.size == 0:
            # This block makes sure you don't throw an error with an empty CC.
            Gamma_mat = vstack((dot(CC_0, AA), dot(dot(JJ, CC_plus), BB)
                                - GG + dot(dot(KK, CC_plus), AA)))
            Theta_mat = vstack((dot(CC_0, AA), dot(dot(KK, CC_plus), BB)
                                - HH))
            Gamma_mat = dot(dot(JJ, CC_plus), BB) - GG +\
                               dot(dot(KK, CC_plus), AA)
            Theta_mat = dot(dot(KK, CC_plus), BB) - HH
        Xi_mat = vstack((hstack((Gamma_mat, Theta_mat)),
                         hstack((eye(nx), zeros((nx, nx))))))
        Delta_mat = vstack((hstack((Psi_mat, np.mat(zeros((nx, nx))))),
                            hstack((zeros((nx, nx)), eye(nx)))))

    # Now we need the generalized eigenvalues/vectors for Xi with respect to
    # Delta. That is eVals and eVecs below.

    eVals, eVecs = la.eig(Xi_mat, Delta_mat)
    if npla.matrix_rank(eVecs) < nx:
        print('Error: Xi is not diagonalizable, stopping')

    # From here to line 158 we Diagonalize Xi, form Lambda/Omega and find P.
        Xi_sortabs = np.sort(abs(eVals))
        Xi_sortindex = np.argsort(abs(eVals))
        Xi_sortedVec = np.array([eVecs[:, i] for i in Xi_sortindex]).T
        Xi_sortval = Xi_sortabs
        Xi_select = np.arange(0, nx)
        if np.imag(Xi_sortedVec[nx - 1]).any():
            if (abs(Xi_sortval[nx - 1] - sp.conj(Xi_sortval[nx])) < TOL):
                drop_index = 1
                cond_1 = (abs(np.imag(Xi_sortval[drop_index])) > TOL)
                cond_2 = drop_index < nx
                while cond_1 and cond_2:
                    drop_index += 1
                if drop_index >= nx:
                    print('There is an error. Too many complex eigenvalues.'
                          + ' Quitting')
                    print('droping the lowest real eigenvalue. Beware of' +
                          ' sunspots')
                    Xi_select = np.array([np.arange(0, drop_index - 1),
                                          np.arange(drop_index + 1, nx)])

        if max(abs(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])) > 1 + TOL:
            print('It looks like we have unstable roots. This might not work')
        if abs(max(abs(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])) - 1) < TOL:
            print('Check the model to make sure you have a unique steady' +
                  ' state we are having problems with convergence.')
        Lambda_mat = np.diag(Xi_sortval[Xi_select])
        Omega_mat = Xi_sortedVec[nx:2 * nx, Xi_select]

        if npla.matrix_rank(Omega_mat) < nx:
            print("Omega matrix is not invertible, Can't solve for P")
            PP = dot(dot(Omega_mat, Lambda_mat), la.inv(Omega_mat))
            PP_imag = np.imag(PP)
            PP = np.real(PP)
            if (sum(sum(abs(PP_imag))) / sum(sum(abs(PP))) > .000001).any():
                print("A lot of P is complex. We will continue with the" +
                      " real part and hope we don't lose too much information")

    # The code from here to the end was from the Uhlig file cacl_qrs.m.

    # The if and else below make RR and VV depending on our model's setup.
    if l_equ == 0:
        RR = zeros((0, nx))
        VV = hstack((kron(NN.T, FF) + kron(eye(k_exog),
                                           (dot(FF, PP) + GG)), kron(NN.T, JJ) + kron(eye(k_exog), KK)))

        RR = - dot(CC_plus, (dot(AA, PP) + BB))
        VV = sp.vstack((hstack((kron(eye(k_exog), AA),
                                kron(eye(k_exog), CC))), hstack((kron(NN.T, FF) +
                                                                 kron(eye(k_exog), dot(FF, PP) + dot(JJ, RR) + GG),
                                                                 kron(NN.T, JJ) + kron(eye(k_exog), KK)))))

    # Now we use LL, NN, RR, VV to get the QQ, RR, SS matrices.
    if (npla.matrix_rank(VV) < k_exog * (nx + ny)):
        print("Sorry but V is not invertible. Can't solve for Q and S")
        LL = sp.mat(LL)
        NN = sp.mat(NN)
        LLNN_plus_MM = dot(LL, NN) + MM

        if DD.any():
            # impvec = vstack([DD.T, np.reshape(LLNN_plus_MM,
            #                                   (nx * k_exog, 1), 'F')])
            DD = np.array(DD).T.ravel().reshape((-1,1))
            LLNN_plus_MM = np.array(LLNN_plus_MM).reshape((-1,1))
            impvec = np.vstack((DD, LLNN_plus_MM))
            impvec = LLNN_plus_MM.flatten()

        QQSS_vec = np.matrix(la.solve(-VV, impvec))

        if (max(abs(QQSS_vec)) == sp.inf).any():
            print("We have issues with Q and S. Entries are undefined." +
                  " Probably because V is no inverible.")

        QQ = np.reshape(np.matrix(QQSS_vec[0:nx * k_exog, 0]),
                        (nx, k_exog), 'F')

        SS = np.reshape(QQSS_vec[(nx * k_exog):((nx + ny) * k_exog), 0],
                        (ny, k_exog), 'F')

        # Build WW - we don't use this, but Uhlig defines it so we do too.
        WW = sp.vstack((
            hstack((eye(nx), zeros((nx, k_exog)))),
            hstack((dot(RR, la.pinv(PP)), (SS - dot(dot(RR, la.pinv(PP)), QQ)))),
            hstack((zeros((k_exog, nx)), eye(k_exog)))))

    return PP, QQ, RR, SS
Beispiel #58
    def expectMax(self,
        Performs maximum likelihood to estimate the distribution parameters
        mu, Sigma, and w.

        X {N,D}: matrix of training data

        lnP_history: learning curve

        # debug: save training data
        # self.X = X

        N, dim = X.shape
        if dim != self.D:
            raise ValueError(
                'GMM: training data dimensions not compatible with GMM')

        if 'm' in init or 'c' in init:
            if N >= self.M:
                # k-means requires more observations than means to run
                clusters = cluster.KMeans(k=self.M).fit(X)

        # initialize distribution parameters
        if 'm' in init:
            if N >= self.M:
                # set means randomly from data
                iRandObs = np.random.randint(N, size=(self.M, self.D))
                iCol = np.tile(np.arange(self.D), (self.M, 1))
                self._setMu(X[iRandObs, iCol])

        if 'c' in init:
            # if more than one observation and not enough for kmeans, reinitialize with covariance of data
            if N > 1 and N < self.M:
                # each row represents a variable, each column an observation
                cov = np.cov(X.T)

                # corner case: for univariate gaussian, turn into array
                if self.D == 1:
                    cov = np.asarray([[cov]])

                # add constant along diagonal to rank-deficient covariance matrices
                # taken from GMM library netlab3.3 (matlab code)
                # GMM_WIDTH = 1.0 is arbitrary
                if nlinalg.matrix_rank(cov) < self.D:
                    cov += 1.0 * np.eye(self.D)

                self._setSigma(np.tile(cov, (self.M, 1, 1)))

            elif N >= self.M:
                # get cluster labels for training data
                labels = np.asarray(clusters.labels_,

                cov = np.zeros([self.M, self.D, self.D])

                # for each cluster
                for l in range(0, self.M):
                    # Pick out data points belonging to this centre
                    c = X[labels == l]

                    if len(c) > 0:
                        diffs = c - self._mu[l, :]
                        cov[l, :, :] =, diffs) / len(c)
                        # at this point self.M number of mixtures is probably too complex a model for the data
                        # continue anyways
                        # each row represents a variable, each column an observation
                        cov[l, :, :] = np.cov(X.T)

                        # corner case: for univariate gaussian, turn into array
                        if self.D == 1:
                            cov = np.asarray([[cov]])

                    # add constant along diagonal to rank-deficient covariance matrices
                    # taken from GMM library netlab3.3 (matlab code)
                    # GMM_WIDTH = 1.0 is arbitrary
                    if nlinalg.matrix_rank(cov[l, :, :]) < self.D:
                        cov[l, :, :] += 1.0 * np.eye(self.D)


        # Expectation Maximization
        lnP_history = []
        for i in range(maxIter):
            # Expectation step
            lnP, posteriors = self._expect(X, verbose)

            if verbose:
                print "EM iteration %d, lnP = %f" % (i, lnP_history[-1])

            if i > 0 and abs(lnP_history[-1] - lnP_history[-2]) < convEps:
                # if little improvement, stop training

            # Maximization Step
            self._maximize(X, posteriors, update)

        # only keep covariance diagonals
        if self.covType == 'diag':
            self._Sigma *= np.eye(self.D)

        if verbose:
            if i < maxIter - 1:
                print "EM converged in %d steps" % len(lnP_history)
                print "EM did not converge (maxIter reached)"

        return lnP_history
Beispiel #59
def calc_compression_ratio(square_mat, k):
    r = matrix_rank(square_mat)  # r=rank
    n = len(square_mat)
    return ((2 * k * n) + k) / ((2 * n * r) + n)
Beispiel #60
# R = r[1]
# print('Q:\n',Q)
# print("R:\n",R)
# print(np.matmul(Q, Q.T))  # 单位矩阵

r = la.svd(m)


print(np.matmul(r[0], r[0].T))

print(la.norm(m, 2))
print(la.cond(m, 2))  # m与逆矩阵的范数的乘积
0-范数: 矩阵中非0元素的个数。

