def biweight(x, cst):
    Computes the biweight average and midvariance for a given 1D array.
    Returns a tuple (biweight mean, biweight variance).

    x: {ndarray}
        Input Array
    cst : {float} 
        Parameter controlling how outliers are censored.

    The function is restricted to 1D data only.
    assert (x.ndim == 1, "1D array only !")
    xmed = ma.median(x, 0)
    manom = x - xmed
    mad = ma.median(ma.absolute(manom))
    u_i = (manom/float(cst*mad))
    u_i *= ma.less_equal(ma.absolute(u_i), 1.).astype(float)
    w_i = (1-u_i**2)
    if ma.count(w_i) > 0:
        biw_m = xmed + ma.sum(manom * w_i**2)/ma.sum(w_i**2)
        biw_m = xmed
    biw_sd = ma.sqrt(ma.count(x)*ma.sum(manom**2 * w_i**4))
    biw_sd *= 1./ma.absolute(ma.sum(w_i * (1-5*u_i**2)))
    return (biw_m, biw_sd.item())
Beispiel #2
def rate_of_change(data, v, cfg):

    RoC = ma.masked_all_like(data[v])
    RoC[1:] = ma.diff(data[v])

    flag = np.zeros(data[v].shape, dtype='i1')
    flag[np.nonzero(ma.absolute(RoC) <= cfg)] = 1
    flag[np.nonzero(ma.absolute(RoC) > cfg)] = 4
    flag[ma.getmaskarray(data[v])] = 9

    return flag, RoC
Beispiel #3
 def test_testUfuncs1(self):
     # Test various functions such as sin, cos.
     (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d
     assert_(eq(np.cos(x), cos(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.cosh(x), cosh(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.sin(x), sin(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.sinh(x), sinh(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.tan(x), tan(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.tanh(x), tanh(xm)))
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         assert_(eq(np.sqrt(abs(x)), sqrt(xm)))
         assert_(eq(np.log(abs(x)), log(xm)))
         assert_(eq(np.log10(abs(x)), log10(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.exp(x), exp(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arcsin(z), arcsin(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arccos(z), arccos(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arctan(z), arctan(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arctan2(x, y), arctan2(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.absolute(x), absolute(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.equal(x, y), equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.not_equal(x, y), not_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.less(x, y), less(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.greater(x, y), greater(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.less_equal(x, y), less_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.greater_equal(x, y), greater_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.conjugate(x), conjugate(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, ym))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((x, y))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, y))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y, x)), concatenate((x, ym, x))))
Beispiel #4
    def test(self):
        self.flags = {}
            threshold = self.cfg['threshold']
        except KeyError:
                "Deprecated cfg format. It should contain a threshold item.")
            threshold = self.cfg

            flag_good = self.cfg['flag_good']
        except KeyError:
            flag_good = 1
            flag_bad = self.cfg['flag_bad']
        except KeyError:
            flag_bad = 4

        assert (np.size(threshold) == 1) \
            and (threshold is not None) \
            and (np.isfinite(threshold))

        flag = np.zeros([self.varname].shape, dtype='i1')
        feature = ma.absolute(self.features['rate_of_change'])
        flag[np.nonzero(feature > threshold)] = self.flag_bad
        flag[np.nonzero(feature <= threshold)] = self.flag_good
        flag[ma.getmaskarray([self.varname])] = 9
        self.flags['digit_roll_over'] = flag
Beispiel #5
 def count_number_of_variables(self):
     max_in_formula = 0
     for clause in self.formula:
         max_in_clause = max(absolute(clause))
         if max_in_clause > max_in_formula:
             max_in_formula = max_in_clause
     return max_in_formula
 def test_testUfuncs1(self):
     # Test various functions such as sin, cos.
     (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d
     assert_(eq(np.cos(x), cos(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.cosh(x), cosh(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.sin(x), sin(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.sinh(x), sinh(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.tan(x), tan(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.tanh(x), tanh(xm)))
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         assert_(eq(np.sqrt(abs(x)), sqrt(xm)))
         assert_(eq(np.log(abs(x)), log(xm)))
         assert_(eq(np.log10(abs(x)), log10(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.exp(x), exp(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arcsin(z), arcsin(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arccos(z), arccos(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arctan(z), arctan(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arctan2(x, y), arctan2(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.absolute(x), absolute(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.equal(x, y), equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.not_equal(x, y), not_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.less(x, y), less(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.greater(x, y), greater(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.less_equal(x, y), less_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.greater_equal(x, y), greater_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.conjugate(x), conjugate(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, ym))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((x, y))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, y))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y, x)), concatenate((x, ym, x))))
Beispiel #7
    def get_histogram_centers(self):
        diff_image = absolute(
            cv2.blur(self.images[1], (5, 5)) -
            cv2.blur(self.images[0], (5, 5)))
        # diff_image = absolute(self.images[1] - self.images[0])
        diff_image = cv2.cvtColor(diff_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        ret, mask = cv2.threshold(diff_image, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        mask_bool = mask.astype(np.bool)
        nonzero_pos = nonzero(mask)
        nonzero_num = len(nonzero_pos[0])
        if FRACTION_MIN * self.num_pixels < nonzero_num < FRACTION_MAX * self.num_pixels:
            data_set = np.vstack(nonzero_pos).T
            mask_label, self.centers = make_kmeans(data_set)
            mask_res = mask_bool.ravel()
            mask_int = np.arange(len(mask_res))

            mask0 = get_class_mask(mask_res, mask_label, mask_int, mask_bool,
            mask1 = get_class_mask(mask_res, mask_label, mask_int, mask_bool,

            self.histogram0 = get_histogram(self.images[1], mask0)
            self.histogram1 = get_histogram(self.images[1], mask1)

            if self._debug:
                self._debug_output(mask, mask0, mask1)
Beispiel #8
 def get_mask(self):
     diff_image = absolute(
         cv2.blur(self.images[1], (5, 5)) -
         cv2.blur(self.images[0], (5, 5)))
     # diff_image = absolute(self.images[1] - self.images[0])
     diff_image = cv2.cvtColor(diff_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
     ret, mask = cv2.threshold(diff_image, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
     return mask
Beispiel #9
def log_linear_vinterp(T,P,levs):
    # Author Charles Doutriaux
    # Version 1.1
    # Expect 2D field here so there''s no reorder which I suspect to do a memory leak
    # email: [email protected]
    # Converts a field from sigma levels to pressure levels
    # Log linear interpolation

    # Input
    # T :    temperature on sigma levels
    # P :    pressure field from TOP (level 0) to BOTTOM (last level)
    # levs : pressure levels to interplate to (same units as P)

    # Output
    # t :    temperature on pressure levels (levs)

    # External: Numeric'''
    import as MA
##     from import ones,Float,greater,less,logical_and,where,equal,log,asarray,Float16
    nsigma=sh[0] # Number of sigma levels
        nlev=len(levs)  # Number of pressure levels
        nlev=1  # if only one level len(levs) would breaks
    for ilv in range(nlev): # loop through pressure levels
            lev=levs[ilv] # get value for the level
            lev=levs  # only 1 level passed
#       print '          ......... level:',lev
        Tabv=-Pabv # Temperature on sigma level Above
        Tbel=-Pabv # Temperature on sigma level Below
        Pbel=-Pabv # Pressure on sigma level Below
        Pabv=-Pabv # Pressure on sigma level Above
        for isg in range(1,nsigma): # loop from second sigma level to last one
##             print 'Sigma level #',isg
            a = MA.greater(P[isg],  lev) # Where is the pressure greater than lev
            b = MA.less(P[isg-1],lev)    # Where is the pressure less than lev

            # Now looks if the pressure level is in between the 2 sigma levels
            # If yes, sets Pabv, Pbel and Tabv, Tbel
            Pabv=MA.where(MA.logical_and(a,b),P[isg],Pabv) # Pressure on sigma level Above
            Tabv=MA.where(MA.logical_and(a,b),T[isg],Tabv) # Temperature on sigma level Above
            Pbel=MA.where(MA.logical_and(a,b),P[isg-1],Pbel) # Pressure on sigma level Below
            Tbel=MA.where(MA.logical_and(a,b),T[isg-1],Tbel) # Temperature on sigma level Below
        # end of for isg in range(1,nsigma)
#       val=where(equal(Pbel,-1.),Pbel.missing_value,lev) # set to missing value if no data below lev if there is
        tl=MA.masked_where(MA.equal(Pbel,-1.),MA.log(lev/MA.absolute(Pbel))/MA.log(Pabv/Pbel)*(Tabv-Tbel)+Tbel) # Interpolation
        t.append(tl) # add a level to the output
    # end of for ilv in range(nlev)
    return asMA(t).astype(Numeric.Float32) # convert t to an array
Beispiel #10
def check_disjunction(clause, chromosome):
    result = 0
    for element in clause:
        variable_index = absolute(element) - 1
        if element > 0:
            result |= chromosome[variable_index]
            result |= not chromosome[variable_index]
    return result
Beispiel #11
def cum_rate_of_change(data, v, memory):

    output = ma.masked_all_like(data[v])
    output[1:] = ma.absolute(ma.diff(data[v]))

    for i in range(2, output.size):
        if output[i] < output[i-1]:
            output[i] = (1 - memory) * output[i] + memory * output[i-1]

    return output
def cum_rate_of_change(data, v, memory):

    output = ma.masked_all_like(data[v])
    output[1:] = ma.absolute(ma.diff(data[v]))

    for i in range(2, output.size):
        if output[i] < output[i - 1]:
            output[i] = (1 - memory) * output[i] + memory * output[i - 1]

    return output
Beispiel #13
def cum_rate_of_change(x, memory):

    y = ma.fix_invalid(np.ones_like(x) * np.nan)
    y[1:] = ma.absolute(ma.diff(x))

    for i in range(2, y.size):
        if y[i] < y[i - 1]:
            y[i] = (1 - memory) * y[i] + memory * y[i - 1]

    return y
Beispiel #14
def rate_of_change(data, v, cfg):

    RoC = ma.masked_all_like(data[v])
    RoC[1:] = ma.absolute(ma.diff(data[v]))

    flag = np.zeros(data[v].shape, dtype='i1')
    flag[np.nonzero(RoC <= cfg)] = 1
    flag[np.nonzero(RoC > cfg)] = 4
    flag[ma.getmaskarray(data[v])] = 9

    return flag, RoC
Beispiel #15
 def myfunction(d,mx,mn):
   from import maximum,minimum,masked_where,absolute,greater,count
     if count(d)==0 : return mx,mn
     for i in d:
   return mx,mn
Beispiel #16
 def myfunction(d, mx, mn):
     from import maximum, minimum, masked_where, absolute, greater, count
         d = masked_where(greater(absolute(d), 9.9E19), d)
         if count(d) == 0: return mx, mn
         mx = float(maximum(mx, float(maximum(d))))
         mn = float(minimum(mn, float(minimum(d))))
         for i in d:
             mx, mn = myfunction(i, mx, mn)
     return mx, mn
Beispiel #17
def woa_normbias(data, v, cfg):

    if ('LATITUDE' in data.keys()) and ('LONGITUDE' in data.keys()):
        if 'datetime' in data.keys():
            d = data['datetime']
        elif ('datetime' in data.attributes):
            d0 = data.attributes['datetime']
            if ('timeS' in data.keys()):
                d = [d0 + timedelta(seconds=s) for s in data['timeS']]
                d = [data.attributes['datetime']]*len(data['LATITUDE']),

        woa = woa_track_from_file(
    elif ('LATITUDE' in data.attributes.keys()) and \
            ('LONGITUDE' in data.attributes.keys()) and \
            ('PRES' in data.keys()):
                woa = woa_profile(v,

    if woa is None:
        # self.logger.warn("%s - WOA is not available at this site" %
        flag = np.zeros(data[v].shape, dtype='i1')
        woa_normbias = ma.masked_all(data[v].shape)
        return flag, woa_normbias

    woa_bias = ma.absolute(data[v] - woa['woa_an'])
    woa_normbias = woa_bias/woa['woa_sd']

    flag = np.zeros(data[v].shape, dtype='i1')

    ind = np.nonzero(woa_normbias <= cfg['sigma_threshold'])
    flag[ind] = 1   # cfg['flag_good']
    ind = np.nonzero(woa_normbias > cfg['sigma_threshold'])
    flag[ind] = 3   # cfg['flag_bad']

    # Flag as 9 any masked input value
    flag[ma.getmaskarray(data[v])] = 9

    return flag, woa_normbias
Beispiel #18
 def _make_verts(self, U, V):
     uv = ma.asarray(U+V*1j)
     a = ma.absolute(uv)
     if self.scale is None:
         sn = max(10, math.sqrt(self.N))
         scale = 1.8 * a.mean() * sn / self.span # crude auto-scaling
         self.scale = scale
     length = a/(self.scale*self.width)
     X, Y = self._h_arrows(length)
     # There seems to be a ma bug such that indexing
     # a masked array with one element converts it to
     # an ndarray.
     theta = np.angle(ma.asarray(uv[..., np.newaxis]).filled(0))
     xy = (X+Y*1j) * np.exp(1j*theta)*self.width
     xy = xy[:,:,np.newaxis]
     XY = ma.concatenate((xy.real, xy.imag), axis=2)
     return XY
Beispiel #19
    def test(self):
        self.flags = {}
            threshold = self.cfg["threshold"]
            print("Deprecated cfg format. It should contain a threshold item.")
            threshold = self.cfg

        assert ((np.size(threshold) == 1) and (threshold is not None)
                and (np.isfinite(threshold)))

        flag = np.zeros([self.varname].shape, dtype="i1")
        feature = ma.absolute(self.features["cum_rate_of_change"])
        flag[np.nonzero(feature > threshold)] = self.flag_bad
        flag[np.nonzero(feature <= threshold)] = self.flag_good
        flag[ma.getmaskarray([self.varname])] = 9
        self.flags["cum_rate_of_change"] = flag
Beispiel #20
 def _make_verts(self, U, V):
     uv = ma.asarray(U + V * 1j)
     a = ma.absolute(uv)
     if self.scale is None:
         sn = max(10, math.sqrt(self.N))
         scale = 1.8 * a.mean() * sn / self.span  # crude auto-scaling
         self.scale = scale
     length = a / (self.scale * self.width)
     X, Y = self._h_arrows(length)
     # There seems to be a ma bug such that indexing
     # a masked array with one element converts it to
     # an ndarray.
     theta = np.angle(ma.asarray(uv[..., np.newaxis]).filled(0))
     xy = (X + Y * 1j) * np.exp(1j * theta) * self.width
     xy = xy[:, :, np.newaxis]
     XY = ma.concatenate((xy.real, xy.imag), axis=2)
     return XY
Beispiel #21
def woa_normbias(data, v, cfg):

    if ('LATITUDE' in data.keys()) and ('LONGITUDE' in data.keys()):
        if 'datetime' in data.keys():
            d = data['datetime']
        elif ('datetime' in data.attributes):
            d0 = data.attributes['datetime']
            if ('timeS' in data.keys()):
                d = [d0 + timedelta(seconds=s) for s in data['timeS']]
                d = [data.attributes['datetime']] * len(data['LATITUDE']),

        woa = woa_track_from_file(d,
    elif ('LATITUDE' in data.attributes.keys()) and \
            ('LONGITUDE' in data.attributes.keys()) and \
            ('PRES' in data.keys()):
        woa = woa_profile(v, data.attributes['datetime'],
                          data.attributes['LONGITUDE'], data['PRES'], cfg)

    if woa is None:
        # self.logger.warn("%s - WOA is not available at this site" %
        flag = np.zeros(data[v].shape, dtype='i1')
        woa_normbias = ma.masked_all(data[v].shape)
        return flag, woa_normbias

    woa_bias = ma.absolute(data[v] - woa['woa_an'])
    woa_normbias = woa_bias / woa['woa_sd']

    flag = np.zeros(data[v].shape, dtype='i1')

    ind = np.nonzero(woa_normbias <= cfg['sigma_threshold'])
    flag[ind] = 1  # cfg['flag_good']
    ind = np.nonzero(woa_normbias > cfg['sigma_threshold'])
    flag[ind] = 3  # cfg['flag_bad']

    # Flag as 9 any masked input value
    flag[ma.getmaskarray(data[v])] = 9

    return flag, woa_normbias
Beispiel #22
def corr_proba(r, ndata, ndataset=2, dof=False):
    """Probability of rejecting correlations

    - **r**: Correlation coefficient
    - **ndata**: Number of records use for correlations
    - **ndataset**, optional:  Number of datasets (1 for autocorrelations, else 2) [default: 2]

    .. todo::

        This must be rewritten using :mod:`scipy.stats`
    # TODO: use scipy for betai and _gamma?
    from genutil.salstat import betai,_gammaln

    # Basic tests
    ndata = MA.masked_equal(ndata,0,copy=0)
    r = MV2.masked_where(MA.equal(MA.absolute(r),1.),r,copy=0)

    # Degree of freedom
    if dof:
        df = ndata
        df = ndata-2-ndataset

    # Advanced test: prevent extreme values by locally decreasing the dof
    reduc = N.ones(r.shape)
    z = None
    while z is None or MA.count(MA.masked_greater(z,-600.)):
        if z is not None:
            imax = MA.argmin(z.ravel())
            reduc.flat[imax] += 1
        dfr = df/reduc
        t = r*MV2.sqrt(dfr/((1.0-r)* (1.0+r)))
        a = 0.5*dfr
        b = 0.5
        x = df/(dfr+t**2)
        z = _gammaln(a+b)-_gammaln(a)-_gammaln(b)+a*MA.log(x)+b*MA.log(1.0-x)

    # Perfom the test and format the variable
    prob = MV2.masked_array(betai(a,b,x),axes=r.getAxisList())*100 = 'corr_proba' ; =
    prob.long_name = 'Probability of rejection'
    prob.units = '%'

    return prob
Beispiel #23
 def _make_verts(self, U, V):
     uv = ma.asarray(U + V * 1j)
     a = ma.absolute(uv)
     if self.scale is None:
         sn = max(10, math.sqrt(self.N))
         scale = 1.8 * a.mean() * sn / self.span  # crude auto-scaling
         self.scale = scale
     length = a / (self.scale * self.width)
     X, Y = self._h_arrows(length)
     if self.angles == 'xy':
         theta = self._angles(U, V).filled(0)[:, np.newaxis]
     elif self.angles == 'uv':
         theta = np.angle(ma.asarray(uv[..., np.newaxis]).filled(0))
         theta = ma.asarray(self.angles * np.pi / 180.0).filled(0)
     xy = (X + Y * 1j) * np.exp(1j * theta) * self.width
     xy = xy[:, :, np.newaxis]
     XY = ma.concatenate((xy.real, xy.imag), axis=2)
     return XY
Beispiel #24
def corr_proba(r, ndata, ndataset=2, dof=False):
    """Probability of rejecting correlations

    - **r**: Correlation coefficient
    - **ndata**: Number of records use for correlations
    - **ndataset**, optional:  Number of datasets (1 for autocorrelations, else 2) [default: 2]

    .. todo::

        This must be rewritten using :mod:`scipy.stats`

    # Basic tests
    ndata = MA.masked_equal(ndata,0,copy=0)
    r = MV2.masked_where(MA.equal(MA.absolute(r),1.),r,copy=0)

    # Degree of freedom
    if dof:
        df = ndata
        df = ndata-2-ndataset

    # Advanced test: prevent extreme values by locally decreasing the dof
    reduc = N.ones(r.shape)
    z = None
    while z is None or MA.count(MA.masked_greater(z,-600.)):
        if z is not None:
            imax = MA.argmin(z.ravel())
            reduc.flat[imax] += 1
        dfr = df/reduc
        t = r*MV2.sqrt(dfr/((1.0-r)* (1.0+r)))
        a = 0.5*dfr
        b = 0.5
        x = df/(dfr+t**2)
        z = _gammaln(a+b)-_gammaln(a)-_gammaln(b)+a*MA.log(x)+b*MA.log(1.0-x)

    # Perfom the test and format the variable
    prob = MV2.masked_array(betai(a,b,x),axes=r.getAxisList())*100 = 'corr_proba' ; =
    prob.long_name = 'Probability of rejection'
    prob.units = '%'

    return prob
Beispiel #25
 def _make_verts(self, U, V):
     uv = ma.asarray(U+V*1j)
     a = ma.absolute(uv)
     if self.scale is None:
         sn = max(10, math.sqrt(self.N))
         scale = 1.8 * a.mean() * sn / self.span # crude auto-scaling
         self.scale = scale
     length = a/(self.scale*self.width)
     X, Y = self._h_arrows(length)
     if self.angles == 'xy':
         theta = self._angles(U, V).filled(0)[:,np.newaxis]
     elif self.angles == 'uv':
         theta = np.angle(ma.asarray(uv[..., np.newaxis]).filled(0))
         theta = ma.asarray(self.angles*np.pi/180.0).filled(0)
     xy = (X+Y*1j) * np.exp(1j*theta)*self.width
     xy = xy[:,:,np.newaxis]
     XY = ma.concatenate((xy.real, xy.imag), axis=2)
     return XY
Beispiel #26
 def setcolorinterrupt(self):
     val =[-5000:]
     if val:
         from numpy import fft
         from import absolute
         val = [i - 128 for i in val]
         fur = absolute(fft.fft(val))
         freq = fft.fftfreq(len(val), d=1 / 44100)
         fur = fur[1:int(len(fur) / 2)]
         freq = freq[1:int(len(freq) / 2)]
         switch = {
             'Smooth': self.smooth,
             'Change': self.change,
             'Flash': self.flash,
             'Strob': self.strob
         switch[self.mode](fur, freq)
     timeout = 50 if self.mode == 'Smooth' else 200
Beispiel #27
    def test(self):
        self.flags = {}
            threshold = self.cfg["threshold"]
        except KeyError:
                "Deprecated cfg format. It should contain a threshold item.")
            threshold = self.cfg

        assert ((np.size(threshold) == 1) and (threshold is not None)
                and (np.isfinite(threshold)))

        feature = ma.absolute(self.features["rate_of_change"])

        flag = np.zeros(np.shape([self.varname]), dtype="i1")
        flag[feature > threshold] = self.flag_bad
        flag[feature <= threshold] = self.flag_good
        x = np.atleast_1d([self.varname])
        flag[ma.getmaskarray(x) | ~np.isfinite(x)] = 9
        self.flags["digit_roll_over"] = flag
Beispiel #28
def tukey53H(x):
    """Spike test Tukey 53H from Goring & Nikora 2002
    N = len(x)

    u1 = ma.masked_all(N)
    for n in range(N-4):
        if x[n:n+5].any():
            u1[n+2] = ma.median(x[n:n+5])

    u2 = ma.masked_all(N)
    for n in range(N-2):
        if u1[n:n+3].any():
            u2[n+1] = ma.median(u1[n:n+3])

    u3 = ma.masked_all(N)
    u3[1:-1] = 0.25*(u2[:-2] + 2*u2[1:-1] + u2[2:])

    Delta = ma.absolute(x-u3)

    return Delta
Beispiel #29
def tukey53H(x):
    """Spike test Tukey 53H from Goring & Nikora 2002
    N = len(x)

    u1 = ma.masked_all(N)
    for n in range(N - 4):
        if x[n:n + 5].any():
            u1[n + 2] = ma.median(x[n:n + 5])

    u2 = ma.masked_all(N)
    for n in range(N - 2):
        if u1[n:n + 3].any():
            u2[n + 1] = ma.median(u1[n:n + 3])

    u3 = ma.masked_all(N)
    u3[1:-1] = 0.25 * (u2[:-2] + 2 * u2[1:-1] + u2[2:])

    Delta = ma.absolute(x - u3)

    return Delta
Beispiel #30
    def evaluate(self, v, cfg):

        self.flags[v] = {}

        # Apply common flag for all points.
        if 'common' in self.flags:
            N = self.input[v].shape
            for f in self.flags['common']:
                self.flags[v][f] = self.flags['common'][f] * \
                        np.ones(N, dtype='i1')

        if self.saveauxiliary:
            if v not in self.auxiliary.keys():
                self.auxiliary[v] = {}

        if 'platform_identification' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate platform_identification()")

        if 'valid_geolocation' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate valid_geolocation()")

        if 'valid_speed' in cfg:
            # Think about. ARGO also has a test  valid_speed, but that is
            #   in respect to sucessive profiles. How is the best way to
            #   distinguish them here?
                if self.saveauxiliary:
                    self.flags[v]['valid_speed'], \
                            self.auxiliary[v]['valid_speed'] = \
                            possible_speed(self.input, cfg['valid_speed'])
                print("Fail on valid_speed")

        if 'global_range' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['global_range'] = global_range(
                    self.input, v, cfg['global_range'])

        if 'regional_range' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry, I'm no ready to evaluate regional_range()")

        if 'pressure_increasing' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry, I'm no ready to evaluate pressure_increasing()")

        if 'profile_envelop' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['profile_envelop'] = profile_envelop(
                    self.input, cfg['profile_envelop'], v)

        if 'gradient' in cfg:
            y = Gradient(self.input, v, cfg['gradient'])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['gradient'] = y.features['gradient']

            self.flags[v]['gradient'] = y.flags['gradient']

        if 'gradient_depthconditional' in cfg:
            cfg_tmp = cfg['gradient_depthconditional']
            g = gradient(self.input[v])
            flag = np.zeros(g.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            # ---- Shallow zone -----------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['shallow_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g <= threshold))] \
                    = 1
            # ---- Deep zone --------------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['deep_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g <= threshold))] \
                    = 1

            self.flags[v]['gradient_depthconditional'] = flag

        if 'spike' in cfg:
            y = Spike(self.input, v, cfg['spike'])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['spike'] = y.features['spike']

            self.flags[v]['spike'] = y.flags['spike']

        if 'spike_depthconditional' in cfg:
            cfg_tmp = cfg['spike_depthconditional']
            s = spike(self.input[v])
            flag = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            # ---- Shallow zone -----------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['shallow_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (s > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (s <= threshold))] \
                    = 1
            # ---- Deep zone --------------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['deep_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (s > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (s <= threshold))] \
                    = 1

            self.flags[v]['spike_depthconditional'] = flag

        if 'stuck_value' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate stuck_value()")

        if 'grey_list' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate grey_list()")

        if 'gross_sensor_drift' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate gross_sensor_drift()")

        if 'frozen_profile' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate frozen_profile()")

        if 'deepest_pressure' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate deepest_pressure()")

        if 'tukey53H_norm' in cfg:
            y = Tukey53H(self.input, v, cfg['tukey53H_norm'])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['tukey53H_norm'] = \

            self.flags[v]['tukey53H_norm'] = y.flags['tukey53H_norm']

        #if 'spike_depthsmooth' in cfg:
        #    from maud.window_func import _weight_hann as wfunc
        #    cfg_tmp = cfg['spike_depthsmooth']
        #    cfg_tmp['dzwindow'] = 10
        #    smooth = ma.masked_all(self.input[v].shape)
        #    z = ped['pressure']
        #    for i in range(len(self.input[v])):
        #        ind = np.nonzero(ma.absolute(z-z[i]) < \
        #                cfg_tmp['dzwindow'])[0]
        #        ind = ind[ind != i]
        #        w = wfunc(z[ind]-z[i], cfg_tmp['dzwindow'])
        #        smooth[i] = (T[ind]*w).sum()/w.sum()

        # ARGO, test #12. (10C, 5PSU)
        if 'digit_roll_over' in cfg:
            threshold = cfg['digit_roll_over']
            s = step(self.input[v])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['step'] = s

            flag = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9

            flag[np.nonzero(ma.absolute(s) > threshold)] = 4
            flag[np.nonzero(ma.absolute(s) <= threshold)] = 1

            self.flags[v]['digit_roll_over'] = flag

        if 'bin_spike' in cfg:
            y = Bin_Spike(self.input, v, cfg['bin_spike'])
            # y.test()

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['bin_spike'] = y.features['bin_spike']

            # self.flags[v]['bin_spike'] = y.flags['bin_spike']

        if 'density_inversion' in cfg:
                if self.saveauxiliary:
                    self.flags[v]['density_inversion'], \
                            self.auxiliary[v]['density_step'] = \
                    self.flags[v]['density_inversion'] = density_inversion(
                            self.input, cfg['density_inversion'])
                print("Fail on density_inversion")

        if 'woa_normbias' in cfg:
            y = WOA_NormBias(self.input, v, cfg['woa_normbias'])
            #        self.attributes)

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                for f in y.features:
                    self.auxiliary[v][f] = y.features[f]

            self.flags[v]['woa_normbias'] = y.flags['woa_normbias']

        #if 'pstep' in cfg:
        #    ind = np.isfinite(self.input[v])
        #    ind = ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])
        #    if self.saveauxiliary:
        #        self.auxiliary[v]['pstep'] = ma.concatenate(
        #                [ma.masked_all(1),
        #                    np.diff(self.input['PRES'][ind])])

        if 'rate_of_change' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['rate_of_change'], RoC = \
                    rate_of_change(self.input, v, cfg['rate_of_change'])
            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['rate_of_change'] = RoC

        if 'cum_rate_of_change' in cfg:
            x = cum_rate_of_change(self.input, v,
            self.flags[v]['cum_rate_of_change'] = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype='i1')
                    np.nonzero(x <= cfg['cum_rate_of_change']['threshold'])
                    ] = 1
                    np.nonzero(x > cfg['cum_rate_of_change']['threshold'])
                    ] = 4
                    ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9

        # FIXME: the Anomaly Detection and Fuzzy require some features
        #   to be estimated previously. Generalize this.
        if 'anomaly_detection' in  cfg:
            features = {}
            for f in cfg['anomaly_detection']['features']:
                if f == 'spike':
                    features['spike'] = spike(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'gradient':
                    features['gradient'] = gradient(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'tukey53H_norm':
                    features['tukey53H_norm'] = tukey53H_norm(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'rate_of_change':
                    RoC = ma.masked_all_like(self.input[v])
                    RoC[1:] = ma.absolute(ma.diff(self.input[v]))
                    features['rate_of_change'] = RoC
                elif (f == 'woa_normbias'):
                    y = WOA_NormBias(self.input, v, {})
                    features['woa_normbias'] = \
                    logging.error("Sorry, I can't evaluate anomaly_detection with: %s" % f)

            self.flags[v]['anomaly_detection'] = \
                    anomaly_detection(features, cfg['anomaly_detection'])

        if 'morello2014' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['morello2014'] = morello2014(

        if 'fuzzylogic' in  cfg:
            features = {}
            for f in cfg['fuzzylogic']['features']:
                if f == 'spike':
                    features['spike'] = spike(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'gradient':
                    features['gradient'] = gradient(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'tukey53H_norm':
                    features['tukey53H_norm'] = tukey53H_norm(self.input[v],
                elif f == 'rate_of_change':
                    RoC = ma.masked_all_like(data[v])
                    RoC[1:] = ma.absolute(ma.diff(data[v]))
                    features['rate_of_change'] = RoC
                elif (f == 'woa_normbias'):
                    y = WOA_NormBias(self.input, v, {})
                    features['woa_normbias'] = \
                    logging.error("Sorry, I can't evaluate fuzzylogic with: %s" % f)

            self.flags[v]['fuzzylogic'] = fuzzylogic(

        self.flags[v]['overall'] = combined_flag(self.flags[v])
Beispiel #31
pylab.plot(x[:100],Y[:100], 'o')
pylab.plot(x[:100],y1[:100], 'k--', lw=2)
pylab.plot(x[:100],y2[:100], 'k-.', lw=2)
pylab.plot(x[:100],y1[:100]+y2[:100], 'k', lw=2)

pylab.plot(x[:100],f1[:100], 'r', lw=1)
pylab.plot(x[:100],f2[:100], 'g', lw=1)
pylab.plot(x[:100],f3[:100], 'b', lw=1)
pylab.axhline(y=Y.mean(), c='0.7')

ff = np.fft.fft(Y)
ff1 = np.fft.fft(f1)
ff2 = np.fft.fft(f2)
ff3 = np.fft.fft(f3)

pylab.plot(T[1:N/2], ma.absolute(ff[1:N/2]), 'k')
pylab.plot(T[1:N/2], ma.absolute(ff1[1:N/2]),'r')
pylab.plot(T[1:N/2], ma.absolute(ff2[1:N/2]),'g')
pylab.plot(T[1:N/2], ma.absolute(ff3[1:N/2]),'b')

def amp(a_single_subRegion, special_parameters):
    # TODO: this 'special_parameters' maybe be useful

    amplitude = array(absolute(a_single_subRegion))

    return amplitude
Beispiel #33
    def evaluate(self, v, cfg):

        self.flags[v] = {}

        if self.saveauxiliary:
            if v not in self.auxiliary.keys():
                self.auxiliary[v] = {}

        if 'platform_identification' in cfg:
                "Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate platform_identification()")

        if 'valid_geolocation' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate valid_geolocation()")

        if 'valid_speed' in cfg:
            # Think about. ARGO also has a test  valid_speed, but that is
            #   in respect to sucessive profiles. How is the best way to
            #   distinguish them here?
                if self.saveauxiliary:
                    self.flags[v]['valid_speed'], \
                            self.auxiliary[v]['valid_speed'] = \
                            possible_speed(self.input, cfg['valid_speed'])
                print("Fail on valid_speed")

        if 'global_range' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['global_range'] = np.zeros(self.input[v].shape,
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            self.flags[v]['global_range'][ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            ind = (self.input[v] >= cfg['global_range']['minval']) & \
                    (self.input[v] <= cfg['global_range']['maxval'])
            self.flags[v]['global_range'][np.nonzero(ind)] = 1
            ind = (self.input[v] < cfg['global_range']['minval']) | \
                    (self.input[v] > cfg['global_range']['maxval'])
            self.flags[v]['global_range'][np.nonzero(ind)] = 4

        if 'regional_range' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry, I'm no ready to evaluate regional_range()")

        if 'pressure_increasing' in cfg:
                "Sorry, I'm no ready to evaluate pressure_increasing()")

        if 'profile_envelop' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['profile_envelop'] = profile_envelop(
                self.input, cfg['profile_envelop'], v)

        if 'gradient' in cfg:
            threshold = cfg['gradient']
            g = gradient(self.input[v])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['gradient'] = g

            flag = np.zeros(g.shape, dtype='i1')
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            flag[np.nonzero(g > threshold)] = 4
            flag[np.nonzero(g <= threshold)] = 1
            self.flags[v]['gradient'] = flag

        if 'gradient_depthconditional' in cfg:
            cfg_tmp = cfg['gradient_depthconditional']
            g = gradient(self.input[v])
            flag = np.zeros(g.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            # ---- Shallow zone -----------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['shallow_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g <= threshold))] \
                    = 1
            # ---- Deep zone --------------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['deep_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g <= threshold))] \
                    = 1

            self.flags[v]['gradient_depthconditional'] = flag

        if 'spike' in cfg:
            threshold = cfg['spike']
            s = spike(self.input[v])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['spike'] = s

            flag = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            flag[np.nonzero(s > threshold)] = 4
            flag[np.nonzero(s <= threshold)] = 1
            self.flags[v]['spike'] = flag

        if 'spike_depthconditional' in cfg:
            cfg_tmp = cfg['spike_depthconditional']
            s = spike(self.input[v])
            flag = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            # ---- Shallow zone -----------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['shallow_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g <= threshold))] \
                    = 1
            # ---- Deep zone --------------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['deep_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g <= threshold))] \
                    = 1

            self.flags[v]['spike_depthconditional'] = flag

        if 'stuck_value' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate stuck_value()")

        if 'grey_list' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate grey_list()")

        if 'gross_sensor_drift' in cfg:
                "Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate gross_sensor_drift()")

        if 'frozen_profile' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate frozen_profile()")

        if 'deepest_pressure' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate deepest_pressure()")

        if 'tukey53H_norm' in cfg:

                I slightly modified the Goring & Nikora 2002. It is
                  expected that CTD profiles has a typical depth
                  structure, with a range between surface and bottom.
            s = tukey53H_norm(self.input[v],

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['tukey53H_norm'] = s

            threshold = cfg['tukey53H_norm']['k']

            flag = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            flag[np.nonzero(s > threshold)] = 4
            flag[np.nonzero(s <= threshold)] = 1
            self.flags[v]['tukey53H_norm'] = flag

        #if 'spike_depthsmooth' in cfg:
        #    from maud.window_func import _weight_hann as wfunc
        #    cfg_tmp = cfg['spike_depthsmooth']
        #    cfg_tmp['dzwindow'] = 10
        #    smooth = ma.masked_all(self.input[v].shape)
        #    z = ped['pressure']
        #    for i in range(len(self.input[v])):
        #        ind = np.nonzero(ma.absolute(z-z[i]) < \
        #                cfg_tmp['dzwindow'])[0]
        #        ind = ind[ind != i]
        #        w = wfunc(z[ind]-z[i], cfg_tmp['dzwindow'])
        #        smooth[i] = (T[ind]*w).sum()/w.sum()

        # ARGO, test #12. (10C, 5PSU)
        if 'digit_roll_over' in cfg:
            threshold = cfg['digit_roll_over']
            s = step(self.input[v])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['step'] = s

            flag = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9

            flag[np.nonzero(ma.absolute(s) > threshold)] = 4
            flag[np.nonzero(ma.absolute(s) <= threshold)] = 1

            self.flags[v]['digit_roll_over'] = flag

        if 'bin_spike' in cfg:
            bin = bin_spike(self.input[v], cfg['bin_spike'])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['bin_spike'] = bin

        if 'density_inversion' in cfg:
                if self.saveauxiliary:
                    self.flags[v]['density_inversion'], \
                            self.auxiliary[v]['density_step'] = \
                    self.flags[v]['density_inversion'] = density_inversion(
                        self.input, cfg['density_inversion'])
                print("Fail on density_inversion")

        if 'woa_normbias' in cfg:
            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.flags[v]['woa_normbias'], \
                        self.auxiliary[v]['woa_relbias'] = \
                        woa_normbias(self.input, v, cfg['woa_normbias'])
                #for k in woa.keys():
                #    self.auxiliary[v][k] = woa[k]
                #self.auxiliary[v]['woa_bias'] = woa_bias
                #self.auxiliary[v]['woa_relbias'] = woa_bias/woa['woa_sd']
                self.flags[v]['woa_normbias'], \
                        tmp = \
                        woa_normbias(self.input, v, cfg['woa_normbias'])
                del (tmp)

        #if 'pstep' in cfg:
        #    ind = np.isfinite(self.input[v])
        #    ind = ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])
        #    if self.saveauxiliary:
        #        self.auxiliary[v]['pstep'] = ma.concatenate(
        #                [ma.masked_all(1),
        #                    np.diff(self.input['PRES'][ind])])

        if 'RoC' in cfg:
            x = ma.concatenate([ma.masked_all(1), ma.diff(self.input[v])])
            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['RoC'] = x
            self.flags[v]['RoC'] = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype='i1')
            self.flags[v]['RoC'][np.nonzero(x <= cfg['RoC'])] = 1
            self.flags[v]['RoC'][np.nonzero(x > cfg['RoC'])] = 4
            self.flags[v]['RoC'][ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9

        if 'anomaly_detection' in cfg:
            features = {}
            for f in cfg['anomaly_detection']['features']:
                if f == 'spike':
                    features['spike'] = spike(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'gradient':
                    features['gradient'] = gradient(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'tukey53H_norm':
                    features['tukey53H_norm'] = tukey53H_norm(self.input[v],
                        "Sorry, I can't evaluate anomaly_detection with: %s" %

            self.flags[v]['anomaly_detection'] = \
                    anomaly_detection(features, cfg['anomaly_detection'])

        if 'fuzzylogic' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['fuzzylogic'] = fuzzylogic(self.auxiliary[v], v,
Beispiel #34
    def evaluate(self, v, cfg):

        self.flags[v] = {}

        if self.saveauxiliary:
            if v not in self.auxiliary.keys():
                self.auxiliary[v] = {}

        if 'platform_identification' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate platform_identification()")

        if 'valid_geolocation' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate valid_geolocation()")

        if 'valid_speed' in cfg:
            # Think about. ARGO also has a test  valid_speed, but that is
            #   in respect to sucessive profiles. How is the best way to
            #   distinguish them here?
                if self.saveauxiliary:
                    self.flags[v]['valid_speed'], \
                            self.auxiliary[v]['valid_speed'] = \
                            possible_speed(self.input, cfg['valid_speed'])
                print("Fail on valid_speed")

        if 'global_range' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['global_range'] = np.zeros(self.input[v].shape,
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            self.flags[v]['global_range'][ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            ind = (self.input[v] >= cfg['global_range']['minval']) & \
                    (self.input[v] <= cfg['global_range']['maxval'])
            self.flags[v]['global_range'][np.nonzero(ind)] = 1
            ind = (self.input[v] < cfg['global_range']['minval']) | \
                    (self.input[v] > cfg['global_range']['maxval'])
            self.flags[v]['global_range'][np.nonzero(ind)] = 4

        if 'regional_range' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry, I'm no ready to evaluate regional_range()")

        if 'pressure_increasing' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry, I'm no ready to evaluate pressure_increasing()")

        if 'profile_envelop' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['profile_envelop'] = profile_envelop(
                    self.input, cfg['profile_envelop'], v)

        if 'gradient' in cfg:
            threshold = cfg['gradient']
            g = gradient(self.input[v])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['gradient'] = g

            flag = np.zeros(g.shape, dtype='i1')
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            flag[np.nonzero(g > threshold)] = 4
            flag[np.nonzero(g <= threshold)] = 1
            self.flags[v]['gradient'] = flag

        if 'gradient_depthconditional' in cfg:
            cfg_tmp = cfg['gradient_depthconditional']
            g = gradient(self.input[v])
            flag = np.zeros(g.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            # ---- Shallow zone -----------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['shallow_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g <= threshold))] \
                    = 1
            # ---- Deep zone --------------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['deep_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g <= threshold))] \
                    = 1

            self.flags[v]['gradient_depthconditional'] = flag

        if 'spike' in cfg:
            threshold = cfg['spike']
            s = spike(self.input[v])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['spike'] = s

            flag = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            flag[np.nonzero(s > threshold)] = 4
            flag[np.nonzero(s <= threshold)] = 1
            self.flags[v]['spike'] = flag

        if 'spike_depthconditional' in cfg:
            cfg_tmp = cfg['spike_depthconditional']
            s = spike(self.input[v])
            flag = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            # ---- Shallow zone -----------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['shallow_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g <= threshold))] \
                    = 1
            # ---- Deep zone --------------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['deep_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g <= threshold))] \
                    = 1

            self.flags[v]['spike_depthconditional'] = flag

        if 'stuck_value' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate stuck_value()")

        if 'grey_list' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate grey_list()")

        if 'gross_sensor_drift' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate gross_sensor_drift()")

        if 'frozen_profile' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate frozen_profile()")

        if 'deepest_pressure' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate deepest_pressure()")

        if 'tukey53H_norm' in cfg:

                I slightly modified the Goring & Nikora 2002. It is
                  expected that CTD profiles has a typical depth
                  structure, with a range between surface and bottom.
            s = tukey53H_norm(self.input[v],
                    k = cfg['tukey53H_norm']['k'],
                    l = cfg['tukey53H_norm']['l'])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['tukey53H_norm'] = s

            threshold = cfg['tukey53H_norm']['k']

            flag = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            flag[np.nonzero(s > threshold)] = 4
            flag[np.nonzero(s <= threshold)] = 1
            self.flags[v]['tukey53H_norm'] = flag

        #if 'spike_depthsmooth' in cfg:
        #    from maud.window_func import _weight_hann as wfunc
        #    cfg_tmp = cfg['spike_depthsmooth']
        #    cfg_tmp['dzwindow'] = 10
        #    smooth = ma.masked_all(self.input[v].shape)
        #    z = ped['pressure']
        #    for i in range(len(self.input[v])):
        #        ind = np.nonzero(ma.absolute(z-z[i]) < \
        #                cfg_tmp['dzwindow'])[0]
        #        ind = ind[ind != i]
        #        w = wfunc(z[ind]-z[i], cfg_tmp['dzwindow'])
        #        smooth[i] = (T[ind]*w).sum()/w.sum()

        # ARGO, test #12. (10C, 5PSU)
        if 'digit_roll_over' in cfg:
            threshold = cfg['digit_roll_over']
            s = step(self.input[v])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['step'] = s

            flag = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9

            flag[np.nonzero(ma.absolute(s) > threshold)] = 4
            flag[np.nonzero(ma.absolute(s) <= threshold)] = 1

            self.flags[v]['digit_roll_over'] = flag

        if 'bin_spike' in cfg:
            bin = bin_spike(self.input[v], cfg['bin_spike'])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['bin_spike'] = bin

        if 'density_inversion' in cfg:
                if self.saveauxiliary:
                    self.flags[v]['density_inversion'], \
                            self.auxiliary[v]['density_step'] = \
                    self.flags[v]['density_inversion'] = density_inversion(
                            self.input, cfg['density_inversion'])
                print("Fail on density_inversion")

        if 'woa_normbias' in cfg:
            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.flags[v]['woa_normbias'], \
                        self.auxiliary[v]['woa_relbias'] = \
                        woa_normbias(self.input, v, cfg['woa_normbias'])
                #for k in woa.keys():
                #    self.auxiliary[v][k] = woa[k]
                #self.auxiliary[v]['woa_bias'] = woa_bias
                #self.auxiliary[v]['woa_relbias'] = woa_bias/woa['woa_sd']
                self.flags[v]['woa_normbias'], \
                        tmp = \
                        woa_normbias(self.input, v, cfg['woa_normbias'])

        #if 'pstep' in cfg:
        #    ind = np.isfinite(self.input[v])
        #    ind = ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])
        #    if self.saveauxiliary:
        #        self.auxiliary[v]['pstep'] = ma.concatenate(
        #                [ma.masked_all(1),
        #                    np.diff(self.input['PRES'][ind])])

        if 'RoC' in cfg:
            x = ma.concatenate([ma.masked_all(1), ma.diff(self.input[v])])
            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['RoC'] = x
            self.flags[v]['RoC'] = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype='i1')
            self.flags[v]['RoC'][np.nonzero(x <= cfg['RoC'])] = 1
            self.flags[v]['RoC'][np.nonzero(x > cfg['RoC'])] = 4
            self.flags[v]['RoC'][ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9

        if 'anomaly_detection' in  cfg:
            features = {}
            for f in cfg['anomaly_detection']['features']:
                if f == 'spike':
                    features['spike'] = spike(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'gradient':
                    features['gradient'] = gradient(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'tukey53H_norm':
                    features['tukey53H_norm'] = tukey53H_norm(self.input[v],
                    logging.error("Sorry, I can't evaluate anomaly_detection with: %s" % f)

            self.flags[v]['anomaly_detection'] = \
                    anomaly_detection(features, cfg['anomaly_detection'])

        if 'fuzzylogic' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['fuzzylogic'] = fuzzylogic(
Beispiel #35
def log_linear_vinterp(T, P, levs):
    # Author Charles Doutriaux
    # Version 1.1
    # Expect 2D field here so there''s no reorder which I suspect to do a memory leak
    # email: [email protected]
    # Converts a field from sigma levels to pressure levels
    # Log linear interpolation

    # Input
    # T :    temperature on sigma levels
    # P :    pressure field from TOP (level 0) to BOTTOM (last level)
    # levs : pressure levels to interplate to (same units as P)

    # Output
    # t :    temperature on pressure levels (levs)

    # External: Numeric'''
    import as MA
    ##     from import ones,Float,greater,less,logical_and,where,equal,log,asarray,Float16
    sh = P.shape
    nsigma = sh[0]  # Number of sigma levels
        nlev = len(levs)  # Number of pressure levels
        nlev = 1  # if only one level len(levs) would breaks
    t = []
    for ilv in range(nlev):  # loop through pressure levels
            lev = levs[ilv]  # get value for the level
            lev = levs  # only 1 level passed
#       print '          ......... level:',lev
        Pabv = MA.ones(P[0].shape, Numeric.Float)
        Tabv = -Pabv  # Temperature on sigma level Above
        Tbel = -Pabv  # Temperature on sigma level Below
        Pbel = -Pabv  # Pressure on sigma level Below
        Pabv = -Pabv  # Pressure on sigma level Above
        for isg in range(1,
                         nsigma):  # loop from second sigma level to last one
            ##             print 'Sigma level #',isg
            a = MA.greater(P[isg],
                           lev)  # Where is the pressure greater than lev
            b = MA.less(P[isg - 1], lev)  # Where is the pressure less than lev

            # Now looks if the pressure level is in between the 2 sigma levels
            # If yes, sets Pabv, Pbel and Tabv, Tbel
            Pabv = MA.where(MA.logical_and(a, b), P[isg],
                            Pabv)  # Pressure on sigma level Above
            Tabv = MA.where(MA.logical_and(a, b), T[isg],
                            Tabv)  # Temperature on sigma level Above
            Pbel = MA.where(MA.logical_and(a, b), P[isg - 1],
                            Pbel)  # Pressure on sigma level Below
            Tbel = MA.where(MA.logical_and(a, b), T[isg - 1],
                            Tbel)  # Temperature on sigma level Below
        # end of for isg in range(1,nsigma)
#       val=where(equal(Pbel,-1.),Pbel.missing_value,lev) # set to missing value if no data below lev if there is

        tl = MA.masked_where(
            MA.equal(Pbel, -1.),
            MA.log(lev / MA.absolute(Pbel)) / MA.log(Pabv / Pbel) *
            (Tabv - Tbel) + Tbel)  # Interpolation
        t.append(tl)  # add a level to the output
    # end of for ilv in range(nlev)
    return asMA(t).astype(Numeric.Float32)  # convert t to an array
Beispiel #36
    def evaluate(self, v, cfg):

        self.flags[v] = {}

        # Apply common flag for all points.
        if 'common' in self.flags:
            N = self.input[v].shape
            for f in self.flags['common']:
                self.flags[v][f] = self.flags['common'][f] * \
                        np.ones(N, dtype='i1')

        if self.saveauxiliary:
            if v not in self.auxiliary.keys():
                self.auxiliary[v] = {}

        if 'platform_identification' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate platform_identification()")

        if 'valid_geolocation' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate valid_geolocation()")

        if 'valid_speed' in cfg:
            # Think about. ARGO also has a test  valid_speed, but that is
            #   in respect to sucessive profiles. How is the best way to
            #   distinguish them here?
                if self.saveauxiliary:
                    self.flags[v]['valid_speed'], \
                            self.auxiliary[v]['valid_speed'] = \
                            possible_speed(self.input, cfg['valid_speed'])
                print("Fail on valid_speed")

        if 'global_range' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['global_range'] = global_range(
                    self.input, v, cfg['global_range'])

        if 'regional_range' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry, I'm no ready to evaluate regional_range()")

        if 'pressure_increasing' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry, I'm no ready to evaluate pressure_increasing()")

        if 'profile_envelop' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['profile_envelop'] = profile_envelop(
                    self.input, cfg['profile_envelop'], v)

        if 'gradient' in cfg:
            y = Gradient(self.input, v, cfg['gradient'])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['gradient'] = y.features['gradient']

            self.flags[v]['gradient'] = y.flags['gradient']

        if 'gradient_depthconditional' in cfg:
            cfg_tmp = cfg['gradient_depthconditional']
            g = gradient(self.input[v])
            flag = np.zeros(g.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            # ---- Shallow zone -----------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['shallow_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g <= threshold))] \
                    = 1
            # ---- Deep zone --------------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['deep_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (g <= threshold))] \
                    = 1

            self.flags[v]['gradient_depthconditional'] = flag

        if 'spike' in cfg:
            y = Spike(self.input, v, cfg['spike'])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['spike'] = y.features['spike']

            self.flags[v]['spike'] = y.flags['spike']

        if 'spike_depthconditional' in cfg:
            cfg_tmp = cfg['spike_depthconditional']
            s = spike(self.input[v])
            flag = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9
            # ---- Shallow zone -----------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['shallow_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (s > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] <= cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (s <= threshold))] \
                    = 1
            # ---- Deep zone --------------------
            threshold = cfg_tmp['deep_max']
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (s > threshold))] \
                    = 4
            flag[np.nonzero( \
                    (self['PRES'] > cfg_tmp['pressure_threshold']) & \
                    (s <= threshold))] \
                    = 1

            self.flags[v]['spike_depthconditional'] = flag

        if 'stuck_value' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate stuck_value()")

        if 'grey_list' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate grey_list()")

        if 'gross_sensor_drift' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate gross_sensor_drift()")

        if 'frozen_profile' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate frozen_profile()")

        if 'deepest_pressure' in cfg:
            logging.warn("Sorry I'm not ready to evaluate deepest_pressure()")

        if 'tukey53H_norm' in cfg:
            y = Tukey53H(self.input, v, cfg['tukey53H_norm'])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['tukey53H_norm'] = \

            self.flags[v]['tukey53H_norm'] = y.flags['tukey53H_norm']

        #if 'spike_depthsmooth' in cfg:
        #    from maud.window_func import _weight_hann as wfunc
        #    cfg_tmp = cfg['spike_depthsmooth']
        #    cfg_tmp['dzwindow'] = 10
        #    smooth = ma.masked_all(self.input[v].shape)
        #    z = ped['pressure']
        #    for i in range(len(self.input[v])):
        #        ind = np.nonzero(ma.absolute(z-z[i]) < \
        #                cfg_tmp['dzwindow'])[0]
        #        ind = ind[ind != i]
        #        w = wfunc(z[ind]-z[i], cfg_tmp['dzwindow'])
        #        smooth[i] = (T[ind]*w).sum()/w.sum()

        # ARGO, test #12. (10C, 5PSU)
        if 'digit_roll_over' in cfg:
            threshold = cfg['digit_roll_over']
            s = step(self.input[v])

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['step'] = s

            flag = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype='i1')
            # Flag as 9 any masked input value
            flag[ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9

            flag[np.nonzero(ma.absolute(s) > threshold)] = 4
            flag[np.nonzero(ma.absolute(s) <= threshold)] = 1

            self.flags[v]['digit_roll_over'] = flag

        if 'bin_spike' in cfg:
            y = Bin_Spike(self.input, v, cfg['bin_spike'])
            # y.test()

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['bin_spike'] = y.features['bin_spike']

            # self.flags[v]['bin_spike'] = y.flags['bin_spike']

        if 'density_inversion' in cfg:
                if self.saveauxiliary:
                    self.flags[v]['density_inversion'], \
                            self.auxiliary[v]['density_step'] = \
                    self.flags[v]['density_inversion'] = density_inversion(
                            self.input, cfg['density_inversion'])
                print("Fail on density_inversion")

        if 'woa_normbias' in cfg:
            y = WOA_NormBias(self.input, v, cfg['woa_normbias'])
            #        self.attributes)

            if self.saveauxiliary:
                for f in y.features:
                    self.auxiliary[v][f] = y.features[f]

            self.flags[v]['woa_normbias'] = y.flags['woa_normbias']

        #if 'pstep' in cfg:
        #    ind = np.isfinite(self.input[v])
        #    ind = ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])
        #    if self.saveauxiliary:
        #        self.auxiliary[v]['pstep'] = ma.concatenate(
        #                [ma.masked_all(1),
        #                    np.diff(self.input['PRES'][ind])])

        if 'rate_of_change' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['rate_of_change'], RoC = \
                    rate_of_change(self.input, v, cfg['rate_of_change'])
            if self.saveauxiliary:
                self.auxiliary[v]['rate_of_change'] = RoC

        if 'cum_rate_of_change' in cfg:
            x = cum_rate_of_change(self.input, v,
            self.flags[v]['cum_rate_of_change'] = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype='i1')
                    np.nonzero(x <= cfg['cum_rate_of_change']['threshold'])
                    ] = 1
                    np.nonzero(x > cfg['cum_rate_of_change']['threshold'])
                    ] = 4
                    ma.getmaskarray(self.input[v])] = 9

        # FIXME: the Anomaly Detection and Fuzzy require some features
        #   to be estimated previously. Generalize this.
        if 'anomaly_detection' in  cfg:
            features = {}
            for f in cfg['anomaly_detection']['features']:
                if f == 'spike':
                    features['spike'] = spike(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'gradient':
                    features['gradient'] = gradient(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'tukey53H_norm':
                    features['tukey53H_norm'] = tukey53H_norm(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'rate_of_change':
                    RoC = ma.masked_all_like(self.input[v])
                    RoC[1:] = ma.absolute(ma.diff(self.input[v]))
                    features['rate_of_change'] = RoC
                elif (f == 'woa_normbias'):
                    y = WOA_NormBias(self.input, v, {})
                    features['woa_normbias'] = \
                    logging.error("Sorry, I can't evaluate anomaly_detection with: %s" % f)

            self.flags[v]['anomaly_detection'] = \
                    anomaly_detection(features, cfg['anomaly_detection'])

        if 'morello2014' in cfg:
            self.flags[v]['morello2014'] = morello2014(

        if 'fuzzylogic' in  cfg:
            features = {}
            for f in cfg['fuzzylogic']['features']:
                if f == 'spike':
                    features['spike'] = spike(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'gradient':
                    features['gradient'] = gradient(self.input[v])
                elif f == 'tukey53H_norm':
                    features['tukey53H_norm'] = tukey53H_norm(self.input[v],
                elif f == 'rate_of_change':
                    RoC = ma.masked_all_like(data[v])
                    RoC[1:] = ma.absolute(ma.diff(data[v]))
                    features['rate_of_change'] = RoC
                elif (f == 'woa_normbias'):
                    y = WOA_NormBias(self.input, v, {})
                    features['woa_normbias'] = \
                    logging.error("Sorry, I can't evaluate fuzzylogic with: %s" % f)

            self.flags[v]['fuzzylogic'] = fuzzylogic(

        self.flags[v]['overall'] = combined_flag(self.flags[v])