Beispiel #1
    def getTrimedMap(self):
        """Obtains the contact map without unmapped regions."""

        if self._map is None:
            return None
        if np.isscalar(self.mask):
            return self._map

        M = ma.array(self._map)
        M.mask = np.diag(~self.mask)
        return ma.compress_rowcols(M)
def whitening_masked(Y, X_sig, F, S, W, P):
    Spectral whitening while ignoring a masked region.
    Note : doit pouvoir etre simplifie.
    :param ndarray Y: Hyperspectral, multiple observation datacube. Shape: (spatial,spatial,spectral,observation).    
    :param ndarray X_sig: region to ignore in the whitening. Shape: (spatial,spatial).
    :param ndarray F: FSF to consider in the 3D repliation process.
    :param int S: spatial size (Y is supposed isotropic, *i.e.* square).
    :param int W: number of spectral band.
    :param int P: number of observation

    if P != 1:
        # When there are multiple observations, the whitening is done by observation.
        Y_tout_snr_blanc = np.zeros(shape=Y.shape)

        for p in range(P):
            Y_pose = Y[:, :, :, p]

            # reshaping the datacube into an array.
            liste_vec = np.reshape(Y_pose, (S * S, Y_pose.shape[2]))
            liste_msk1d = np.reshape(X_sig, S * S)
            liste_msk = np.tile(liste_msk1d[:, np.newaxis], (1, W))

            liste_ext =,
                                           np.invert(liste_msk == 0))
            liste_ext = ma.compress_rowcols(liste_ext, axis=0)
            liste_ext = liste_ext[~np.isnan(liste_ext).all(1)]

            # Covariance estimation on the averaged datacube.
            Sig_init = np.cov(liste_ext, rowvar=0)
            Sig_inv_dem = la.inv(la.sqrtm(Sig_init))

            # Actual whitening:
            liste_blanc =, Sig_inv_dem)

            # Reshaping the whitened array into a datacube.
            Y_tout_snr_blanc[:, :, :, p] = np.reshape(liste_blanc, (S, S, W))

        Y_src = np.reshape(Y_tout_snr_blanc[:, :, :, :], (S, S, W * P))

        # Now we process data averaged over multiple observations, which will
        # used altogether with the multiple observation data.
        if Y.ndim == 4:
            Y_src_unip = np.mean(Y[:, :, :, :], axis=3)
            Y_src_unip = Y

        liste_vec = np.reshape(Y_src_unip, (S * S, Y_src_unip.shape[2]))
        liste_msk1d = np.reshape(X_sig, S * S)
        liste_msk = np.tile(liste_msk1d[:, np.newaxis], (1, W))

        liste_ext =, np.invert(liste_msk == 0))
        liste_ext = ma.compress_rowcols(liste_ext, axis=0)
        liste_ext = liste_ext[~np.isnan(liste_ext).all(1)]

        Sig_init = np.cov(liste_ext, rowvar=0)
        Sig_inv_dem = la.inv(la.sqrtm(Sig_init))
        liste_blanc =, Sig_inv_dem)
        Y_src_unip = np.reshape(liste_blanc, (S, S, W))

        D_unip = dp.gen_dic(W, P=1)
        Y_3d_unip, D_3d_unip = dp.replique_3d_pose(Y_src_unip, F, D_unip, P=1)
        D_3d_unip = D_3d_unip[:Y_3d_unip.shape[2], :]

        liste_vec_unip = Y_3d_unip.reshape(
            (Y_3d_unip.shape[0]**2, Y_3d_unip.shape[2]))

        # One observation. The process is the same as above.
        if Y.ndim == 4:
            Y_src = np.mean(Y[:, :, :, :], axis=3)
            Y_src = Y

        liste_vec = np.reshape(Y_src, (S * S, Y_src.shape[2]))
        liste_msk1d = np.reshape(X_sig, S * S)
        liste_msk = np.tile(liste_msk1d[:, np.newaxis], (1, W))

        liste_ext =, np.invert(liste_msk == 0))
        liste_ext = ma.compress_rowcols(liste_ext, axis=0)
        liste_ext = liste_ext[~np.isnan(liste_ext).all(1)]

        Sig_init = np.cov(liste_ext, rowvar=0)
        Sig_inv_dem = la.inv(la.sqrtm(Sig_init))
        liste_blanc =, Sig_inv_dem)
        Y_src = np.reshape(liste_blanc, (S, S, W))

        liste_vec_unip = 0
        D_3d_unip = 0

    return Y_src, liste_vec_unip, D_3d_unip
Beispiel #3
    def align(self, array, axis=None):
        if not isinstance(map, np.ndarray):
            array = np.array(array)

        ret = array = array.copy()

        if np.isscalar(self.mask):
            return ret

        mask = self.mask.copy()

        l_full = self.getCompleteMap().shape[0]
        l_trim = self.getTrimedMap().shape[0]

        if len(array.shape) == 0:
            raise ValueError('Aligned array cannot be empty.')
        elif len(array.shape) == 1:
            l = array.shape[0]
            if l == l_trim:
                N = len(mask)
                ret = np.zeros(N)
                ret[mask] = array
            elif l == l_full:
                ret = array[mask]
                raise ValueError('The length of the array (%d) does not '
                                 'match that of either the full (%d) '
                                 'or trimed (%d).' % (l, l_full, l_trim))
        elif len(array.shape) == 2:
            s = array.shape

            if axis is None:
                if s[0] != s[1]:
                    raise ValueError('The array must be a square matrix '
                                     'if axis is set to None.')
                if s[0] == l_trim:
                    N = len(mask)
                    whole_mat = np.zeros((N, N))
                    mask = np.outer(mask, mask)
                    whole_mat[mask] = array.flatten()
                    ret = whole_mat
                elif s[0] == l_full:
                    M = ma.array(array)
                    M.mask = np.diag(mask)
                    ret = ma.compress_rowcols(M)
                    raise ValueError('The size of the array (%d) does not '
                                     'match that of either the full (%d) '
                                     'or trimed (%d).' %
                                     (s[0], l_full, l_trim))
                new_shape = list(s)
                otheraxis = 0 if axis != 0 else 1
                if s[axis] == l_trim:
                    N = len(mask)
                    new_shape[axis] = N
                    whole_mat = np.zeros(new_shape)
                    mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=otheraxis)
                    mask = mask.repeat(s[otheraxis], axis=otheraxis)
                    whole_mat[mask] = array.flatten()
                    ret = whole_mat
                elif s[axis] == l_full:
                    mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=otheraxis)
                    mask = mask.repeat(s[otheraxis])
                    ret = self._map[mask]
                    raise ValueError('The size of the array (%d) does not '
                                     'match that of either the full (%d) '
                                     'or trimed (%d).' %
                                     (s[0], l_full, l_trim))

        return ret
Beispiel #4
v = np.linspace(min(prob_img.flatten()), max(prob_img.flatten()), 10, endpoint=True)     
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
caxEdges = divider.append_axes("right", size="20%", pad=0.05)
plt.colorbar(improb, cax=caxEdges, ticks=v) 
### 1) Extract lesion SI/enhancement
mask_queryVols = []
onlyROI = []
for k in range(5):
    mx = ma.masked_array(mriVols[k], mask=mx_query==0)
    print "masked lesionVol_%i, lesion mean SI/enhancement = %f" % (k, mx.mean())
    mask_queryVols.append( ma.filled(mx, fill_value=None) )
    onlyROI.append( ma.compress_rowcols( mask_queryVols[k][zslice,:,:] ))

# Compute SI difference
rSIvols = []
for k in range(1,len(onlyROI)):
     rSIvols.append( onlyROI[k] - onlyROI[0] )
     print "lesion rSIvol_s%i, lesion mean realative SI/enhancement = %f" % (k, rSIvols[k-1].mean())

# ROI network formation 
# get list of nodes       
allcoords_wv_redc = approximate_polygon(allcoords_wv, tolerance=0.01)      
nodepts = np.asarray( [allcoords_wv_redc[:, 1], allcoords_wv_redc[:, 0]]).transpose()
y = np.ascontiguousarray(nodepts).view(np.dtype((np.void, nodepts.dtype.itemsize * nodepts.shape[1])))
_, idx = np.unique(y, return_index=True)