def get_stack(self, image_data, outfile=None, mask_path=None): stack = None if mask_path: self.mask = self._get_mask_from_raster(mask_path) if isinstance(image_data, str): self.saved_array = image_data stack = load(image_data) elif isinstance(image_data, ImageStack): = image_data stack = self._get_stack_channels() if outfile: print('saving image stack {}'.format(outfile)) save(outfile, stack) self.final_shape = 1, stack.shape[1], stack.shape[2] stack = stack.reshape((stack.shape[0], stack.shape[1] * stack.shape[2])) stack[stack == 0.] = np.nan if mask_path: ms = self.mask.shape msk = np.repeat(self.mask.reshape((ms[0], ms[1] * ms[2])), stack.shape[0], axis=0) stack = marray(stack, mask=msk) self.masked_data_stack = marray(stack, mask=np.isnan(stack)) self.n = self.masked_data_stack.shape[0] del stack self.new_array = zeros((1, self.masked_data_stack.shape[1]), dtype=float16)
def run(self): if not self.vars: print 'depthManipNC:\tERROR:\tvariables to save are no use:', self.vars return if not exists(self.fni): print 'depthManipNC:\tERROR:\tinputfile name does not exists:', self.fni return if self.depthFlags == '': print 'depthManipNC:\tWARNING:\tNo depth flags given, assuming surface values only.' self.depthFlags = zeros(len(self.vars), dtype=int) if len(self.vars) != len(self.depthFlags): print 'depthManipNC:\tERROR:\tVariables do not match depth flags:', len( self.vars), '!=', len(self.depthFlags) return self.varflag = {} for var, flag in zip(self.vars, self.depthFlags): self.varflag[var] = flag if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tINFO:\topening dataset:\t', self.fni nci = Dataset(self.fni, 'r') #Quiet =True) #if self.depthFlags and 'zbnd' not in nci.variables.keys(): # print 'depthManipNC:\tERROR:\tdepthFlags is ',self.depthFlags,'but inputfile name does contain \'zbnd\'' # return #check that there are some overlap between input vars and nci: for v in self.vars: if v in nci.variables.keys(): continue print 'depthManipNC:\tERROR:\tvariable,', v, ', not found in ', self.fni return #create dataset and header. if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tINFO:\tCreating a new dataset:\t', self.fno nco = Dataset(self.fno, 'w') for a in nci.ncattrs(): if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tINFO:\tcopying attribute: \t\"' + a + '\":\t', nci.getncattr( a) nco.setncattr(a, nci.getncattr(a)) appendToDesc = 'Reprocessed on ' + todaystr() + ' by ' + getuser( ) + ' using' try: nco.Notes = nci.Notes + '\n\t\t' + appendToDesc except: nco.Notes = appendToDesc # list of variables to save, assuming some conventions save = list( set(nci.variables.keys()).intersection(set(self.alwaysInclude))) save = list(set(sorted(save + self.vars))) # create dimensions: for d in nci.dimensions.keys(): if d in [ 'time', ]: nco.createDimension(d, None) elif d in [ 'depth', 'z', ]: nco.createDimension(d, 1) else: nco.createDimension(d, len(nci.dimensions[d])) # create Variables: for var in save: nco.createVariable(var, nci.variables[var].dtype, nci.variables[var].dimensions, zlib=True, complevel=5) # Long Names: for var in save: varln = '' long_name = '' try: long_name = nci.variables[var].long_name except: if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tWarning:\tNo long_name for ', var if var in self.vars: long_name += ' ' + self.depthStrings[str(self.varflag[var])] if self.timemean: long_name.replace('Daily', '') if self.timemean: long_name.replace('Monthly', '') nco.variables[var].long_name = long_name if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tInfo:\tAdding long_name:', var, long_name # Units: for var in save: units = '' try: units = nci.variables[var].units except: if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tWarning:\tNo units for ', var if var in self.vars: if self.varflag[var] == 1: units = units.replace('m^3', 'm^2') nco.variables[var].units = units if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tInfo:\tAdding units:', var, units if 'zbnd' in nci.variables.keys(): self.zbnd = nci.variables['zbnd'][:] if 'bathymetry' in nci.variables.keys(): self.bathy = nci.variables['bathymetry'][:] # Fill Values: for var in save: if var not in self.vars: #no change arr = nci.variables[var][:] else: flag = self.varflag[var] if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tInfo:\tFilling var:', var, 'flag:', flag if flag == 1: arr = (nci.variables[var][:] * abs( (self.zbnd[:, :, :, :, 1] - self.zbnd[:, :, :, :, 0])) ).sum(1) arr = arr[:, None, :, :] elif flag in [-2, -1, 0]: arr = nci.variables[var][:, flag, :, :] elif flag in [ -15, ]: arr = self.bottomLayer(nci, var) else: arr = nci.variables[var][:, flag, :, :].mean(1) arr = arr[:, None, :, :] #while len(arr.shape) < len(nci.variables[var].dimensions): arr = marray(arr[None,:]) timeav = False if self.timemean and len( intersection(['time', 't'], nci.variables[var].dimensions)): timeav = True if timeav: if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tInfo:\tSaving time averaged var:', var arr = marray([ arr.mean(0), ]) while len(arr.shape) < len(nci.variables[var].dimensions): arr = marray(arr[None, :]) if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tInfo:\tSaving var:', var, arr.shape, '\tdims:', nci.variables[ var].dimensions nco.variables[var][:] = arr # Close netcdfs: nco.close() nci.close() if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tINFO:\tsuccessfully created:\t', self.fno return
def run(self): if not self.vars: print 'pruneNC:\tERROR:\tvariables to save are no use:', self.vars return if not exists(self.fni): print 'pruneNC:\tERROR:\tinputfile name does not exists:', self.fni return nci = Dataset(self.fni, 'r') #Quiet =True) if self.depthInt: print 'FAIL: maybe you should look at the class instead. This one only removes variables from a netcdf.' return #check that there are some overlap between input vars and nci: for v in self.vars: if v in nci.variables.keys(): continue print 'pruneNC:\tERROR:\tvariable,', v, ', not found in ', self.fni return #create dataset and header. if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\tINFO:\tCreating a new dataset:\t', self.fno nco = Dataset(self.fno, 'w') for a in nci.ncattrs(): if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\tINFO:\tcopying attribute: \t\"' + a + '\":\t', nci.getncattr( a) nco.setncattr(a, nci.getncattr(a)) appendToDesc = 'Reprocessed on ' + todaystr() + ' by ' + getuser( ) + ' using' try: nco.Notes = nci.Notes + '\n\t\t' + appendToDesc except: nco.Notes = appendToDesc # list of variables to save, assuming some conventions save = list(set(nci.variables.keys()).intersection(set(alwaysInclude))) save = list(set(sorted(save + self.vars))) # create dimensions: for d in nci.dimensions.keys(): if d in [ 'time', ]: nco.createDimension(d, None) else: nco.createDimension(d, len(nci.dimensions[d])) # create Variables: for var in save: nco.createVariable(var, nci.variables[var].dtype, nci.variables[var].dimensions, zlib=True, complevel=5) # Long Names: for var in save: try: long_name = nci.variables[var].long_name except: print 'pruneNC:\tWarning:\tNo long_name for ', var long_name = var #if self.timemean: long_name.replace('Daily', 'Monthly') nco.variables[var].long_name = long_name if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\t Adding long_name for ', var, long_name # Units: for var in save: try: nco.variables[var].units = nci.variables[var].units except: print 'pruneNC:\tWarning:\tNo units for ', var # Fill Values: for var in save: if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\tINFO:\tCopying ', var, ' ...' arr = nci.variables[var][:] if len(intersection(['time', 't'], nci.variables[var].dimensions)): ##### # Take the time mean of the whole file if self.timemean: if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\tInfo:\tSaving time averaged var:', var arr = marray([ arr.mean(0), ]) #while len(arr.shape) < len(nci.variables[var].dimensions): arr = marray(arr[None,:]) if self.timeindex == None: pass else: ##### # time index is an integer if type(self.timeindex) in [type(1), type(1.)]: arr = marray(arr[self.timeindex]) if self.debug: print "pruneNC:\t", self.timeindex, arr.shape ##### # time index is a slice if type(self.timeindex) == type(slice( 0, 1, )): arr = marray(arr[self.timeindex]).mean(0) # make sure it's the right shaped array while len(arr.shape) < len(nci.variables[var].dimensions): arr = marray(arr[None, ...]) if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\tInfo:\tSaving var:', var, arr.shape, '\tdims:', nci.variables[ var].dimensions nco.variables[var][:] = arr # Close netcdfs: nco.close() nci.close() if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\tINFO:\tsuccessfully created:\t', self.fno return
def run(self): if not self.vars: print 'depthManipNC:\tERROR:\tvariables to save are no use:', self.vars return if not exists(self.fni): print 'depthManipNC:\tERROR:\tinputfile name does not exists:', self.fni return if self.depthFlags =='': print 'depthManipNC:\tWARNING:\tNo depth flags given, assuming surface values only.' self.depthFlags = zeros(len(self.vars), dtype=int) if len(self.vars)!= len(self.depthFlags): print 'depthManipNC:\tERROR:\tVariables do not match depth flags:', len(self.vars), '!=', len(self.depthFlags) return self.varflag={} for var,flag in zip(self.vars, self.depthFlags):self.varflag[var] = flag if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tINFO:\topening dataset:\t', self.fni nci = Dataset(self.fni,'r')#Quiet =True) #if self.depthFlags and 'zbnd' not in nci.variables.keys(): # print 'depthManipNC:\tERROR:\tdepthFlags is ',self.depthFlags,'but inputfile name does contain \'zbnd\'' # return #check that there are some overlap between input vars and nci: for v in self.vars: if v in nci.variables.keys():continue print 'depthManipNC:\tERROR:\tvariable,' ,v,', not found in ',self.fni return #create dataset and header. if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tINFO:\tCreating a new dataset:\t', self.fno nco = Dataset(self.fno,'w') for a in nci.ncattrs(): if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tINFO:\tcopying attribute: \t\"'+a+'\":\t', nci.getncattr(a) nco.setncattr(a,nci.getncattr(a)) appendToDesc= 'Reprocessed on '+todaystr()+' by '+getuser()+' using' try: nco.Notes = nci.Notes + '\n\t\t'+appendToDesc except: nco.Notes = appendToDesc # list of variables to save, assuming some conventions alwaysInclude = ['time', 'lat','lon', 'latbnd', 'lonbnd'] save = list(set(nci.variables.keys()).intersection(set(alwaysInclude) ) ) save = list(set(sorted(save + self.vars))) # create dimensions: for d in nci.dimensions.keys(): if d in ['time',]: nco.createDimension(d, None) elif d in ['depth', 'z',]: nco.createDimension(d, 1) else: nco.createDimension(d, len(nci.dimensions[d])) # create Variables: for var in save: nco.createVariable(var, nci.variables[var].dtype, nci.variables[var].dimensions,zlib=True,complevel=5) # Long Names: for var in save: varln = '' long_name = '' try: long_name=nci.variables[var].long_name except: if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tWarning:\tNo long_name for ', var if var in self.vars: long_name += ' '+self.depthStrings[str(self.varflag[var])] if self.timemean: long_name.replace('Daily', '') if self.timemean: long_name.replace('Monthly', '') nco.variables[var].long_name = long_name if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tInfo:\tAdding long_name:',var,long_name # Units: for var in save: units = '' try: units=nci.variables[var].units except: if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tWarning:\tNo units for ', var if var in self.vars: if self.varflag[var] == 1: units = units.replace('m^3', 'm^2') nco.variables[var].units=units if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tInfo:\tAdding units:',var,units if 'zbnd' in nci.variables.keys(): self.zbnd =nci.variables['zbnd'][:] if 'bathymetry' in nci.variables.keys(): self.bathy =nci.variables['bathymetry'][:] # Fill Values: for var in save: if var not in self.vars: #no change arr=nci.variables[var][:] else: flag = self.varflag[var] if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tInfo:\tFilling var:',var, 'flag:', flag if flag == 1: arr = (nci.variables[var][:] * abs((self.zbnd[:,:,:,:,1]-self.zbnd[:,:,:,:,0]))).sum(1) arr= arr[:,None,:,:] elif flag in [-2,-1,0]: arr =nci.variables[var][:,flag,:,:] elif flag in [-15,]: arr =self.bottomLayer(nci, var) else: arr =nci.variables[var][:,flag,:,:].mean(1) arr= arr[:,None,:,:] #while len(arr.shape) < len(nci.variables[var].dimensions): arr = marray(arr[None,:]) timeav=False if self.timemean and len(intersection(['time','t'], nci.variables[var].dimensions)): timeav=True if timeav: if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tInfo:\tSaving time averaged var:',var arr = marray([arr.mean(0),]) while len(arr.shape) < len(nci.variables[var].dimensions): arr = marray(arr[None,:]) if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tInfo:\tSaving var:',var, arr.shape, '\tdims:', nci.variables[var].dimensions nco.variables[var][:] = arr # Close netcdfs: nco.close() nci.close() if self.debug: print 'depthManipNC:\tINFO:\tsuccessfully created:\t', self.fno return
def _saveNC_(self): print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tINFO:\tCreating a new dataset:\t', self.fno nco = Dataset(self.fno,'w') nco.setncattr('CreatedDate','This netcdf was created on the '+ucToStr( +' by '+getuser()+' using') nco.setncattr('Original File',self.fni) for att in self.attributes.keys(): print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tAdding Attribute:', att, self.attributes[att] nco.setncattr(ucToStr(att), ucToStr(self.attributes[att])) nco.createDimension('i', None) nco.createVariable('index', 'i4', 'i',zlib=True,complevel=5) for v in self.saveCols: if v in self.dataIsAString:continue print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tCreating var:',v,self.ncVarName[v], self.dataTypes[v] nco.createVariable(self.ncVarName[v], self.dataTypes[v], 'i',zlib=True,complevel=5) nco.variables['index'].long_name = 'Excel Row index' for v in self.saveCols: if v in self.dataIsAString:continue print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tAdding var long_name:',v,self.ncVarName[v], self.lineTitles[v] nco.variables[self.ncVarName[v]].long_name = self.lineTitles[v] nco.variables['index'].units = '' for v in self.saveCols: if v in self.dataIsAString:continue print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tAdding var units:',v,self.ncVarName[v], self.unitTitles[v] nco.variables[self.ncVarName[v]].units = self.unitTitles[v].replace('[','').replace(']','') nco.variables['index'].metadata = '' for v in self.saveCols: if v in self.dataIsAString:continue print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tAdding meta data:',v#, self.metadata[v] nco.variables[self.ncVarName[v]].metadata = self.metadata[v] nco.variables['index'].xl_column = '-1' for v in self.saveCols: if v in self.dataIsAString:continue print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tAdding excell column name:',v,self.ncVarName[v],':', self.colnames[v] nco.variables[self.ncVarName[v]].xl_column = self.colnames[v] arr=[] for a,val in enumerate(self.index.values()): if not self.saveRows[a]: continue if self.rowcounts[a] ==0 :continue arr.append(val+1) # accounting for python 0th position is excels = 1st row nco.variables['index'][:] = marray(arr) for v in self.saveCols: if v in self.dataIsAString:continue print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tSaving data:',v,self.ncVarName[v], arr = [] for a,val in enumerate([v]): if not self.saveRows[a]: continue if self.rowcounts[a]==0:continue arr.append(val) nco.variables[self.ncVarName[v]][:] = marray(arr) print len(arr) print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tCreated ',self.fno nco.close()
def _getData_(self): #loading file metadata header = [h.value for h in self.datasheet.row(self.headR)] units = [h.value for h in self.datasheet.row(self.unitR)] lastMetaColumn = 20 locator = [h.value for h in self.datasheet.row(self.locR)[:lastMetaColumn]] ckey={} for n,l in enumerate(locator): if l in [ 'time','t', 'Date& Time (local)']: ckey['time']=n if l.lower() in [ 'lat', 'latitude']: ckey['lat']=n if l.lower() in [ 'lon','long', 'longitude']: ckey['lon']=n if l in [ 'Depth of sample [m]']: ckey['z']=n if l in [ 'Depth of Sea [m]',]: ckey['bathy']=n if l in [ 'UTC offset',]: ckey['tOffset']=n if l in ['Institute',]: ckey['Institute']=n bad_cells = [xl_cellerror,xl_cellempty,xl_cellblank] metadataTitles = {r:h.value for r,h in enumerate(self.datasheet.col(self.metaC)[:self.maxMDR]) if h.ctype not in bad_cells} endofHeadRow=max(metadataTitles.keys()) #create excel coordinates for netcdf. colnames = {h: colname(h) for h,head in enumerate(self.datasheet.row(0))} # row number doesn't matter here # which columns are we saving? saveCols={} lineTitles={} unitTitles={} attributes={} for l,loc in enumerate(locator): if loc in ['', None]:continue print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tFOUND:\t',l,'\t',loc, 'in locator' saveCols[l] = True lineTitles[l]=loc unitTitles[l]='' if loc.find('[') > 0: unitTitles[l]=loc[loc.find('['):].replace(']','') if header[5].find('Note')>-1: attributes['Note'] = header[5] header[5]='' # flag for saving all columns: if 'all' in self.datanames: for head in header[lastMetaColumn:]: if head == '': continue self.datanames.append(head) # add data columns titles to output to netcdf. for h,head in enumerate(header): if head == '':continue if h in saveCols.keys(): continue for d in self.datanames: if h in saveCols.keys(): continue if head.lower().find(d.lower()) > -1: print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tFOUND:\t',h,'\t',d, 'in ',head saveCols[h] = True lineTitles[h] = header[h] unitTitles[h] = units[h] saveCols = sorted(saveCols.keys()) print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tInterograting columns:',saveCols # Meta data for those columns with only one value: ncVarName={} allNames=[] for h in saveCols: name = self._getNCvarName_(lineTitles[h]) #ensure netcdf variable keys are unique: if name in allNames:name+='_'+ucToStr(colnames[h]) allNames.append(name) ncVarName[h] = name # make an index to link netcdf back to spreadsheet index = {} for r in xrange(len(self.datasheet.col(saveCols[0])[self.maxMDR:])): index[r] = r+self.maxMDR #create data dictionary data={} tunit='seconds since 1900-00-00' unitTitles[ckey['time']] = tunit for d in saveCols: tmpdata= self.datasheet.col(d)[self.maxMDR:] arr = [] if d == ckey['time']: # time for a in tmpdata[:]: if a.ctype in bad_cells: arr.append(default_fillvals['i8']) else: try: arr.append(int64(date2num(parse(a.value),units=tunit))) except: try: arr.append(int(a.value)) print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tWarning: Can not read time effecitvely:',int(a.value) except: arr.append(default_fillvals['i8']) data[d] = marray(arr) continue isaString = self._isaString_(lineTitles[d]) if isaString: #strings for a in tmpdata[:]: if a.ctype in bad_cells: arr.append(default_fillvals['S1']) else: try: arr.append(ucToStr(a.value)) except: arr.append(default_fillvals['S1']) else: # data for a in tmpdata[:]: if a.ctype in bad_cells: arr.append(default_fillvals['f4']) else: try: arr.append(float(a.value)) except: arr.append(default_fillvals['f4']) data[d] = marray(arr) fillvals = default_fillvals.values() # count number of data in each column: print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tCount number of data in each column...' # can be slow datacounts = {d:0 for d in saveCols} for d in saveCols: for i in data[d][:]: if i in ['', None, ]: continue if i in fillvals: continue datacounts[d]+=1 print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tMax number of entries to in a column:', max(datacounts.values()) # list data columns with no data or only one value removeCol=[] for h in saveCols: if datacounts[h] == 0: print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tNo data for column ',h,lineTitles[h],'[',unitTitles[h],']' removeCol.append(h) continue col = sorted(data[h]) if col[0] == col[-1]: if col[0] in fillvals: print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tIgnoring masked column', h, lineTitles[h],'[',unitTitles[h],']' removeCol.append(h) continue print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tonly one "data": ',lineTitles[h],'[',unitTitles[h],']','value:', col[0] removeCol.append(h) attributes[makeStringSafe(ucToStr(lineTitles[h]))] = ucToStr(col[0]) for r in removeCol:saveCols.remove(r) print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tnew file attributes:', attributes print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tFigure out which rows should be saved...' saveRows = {a: False for a in index.keys()} #index.keys() are rows in data. #index.values are rows in excel. rowcounts = {a: 0 for a in index.keys()} for r in sorted(saveRows.keys()): if data[ckey['time']][r] in ['', None,]: print 'No time value:',r, data[ckey['time']][r] continue if data[ckey['time']][r] in fillvals: print 'No time value:',r, data[ckey['time']][r] continue for d in saveCols: if d<lastMetaColumn:continue if data[d][r] in ['', None, ]: continue if data[d][r] in fillvals: continue rowcounts[r] += 1 saveRows[r] = True print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tMaximum number of rows to save: ',max(rowcounts.values()) # #rowcounts = {d:0 for d in saveRows.keys()} #for r in sorted(rowcounts.keys()): # #if saveRows[r] == False: continue # for d in saveCols: # if d<20:continue # if data[d][r] in ['', None, ]:continue # if data[d][r] in fillvals: continue # rowcounts[r] += 1 # get data type (ie float, int, etc...): # netcdf4 requries some strange names for datatypes: # ie f8 instead of numpy.float64 dataTypes={} dataIsAString=[] for h in saveCols: dataTypes[h] = marray(data[h]).dtype print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\ttype: ',ncVarName[h], h,'\t',dataTypes[h] if dataTypes[h] == float64: dataTypes[h] = 'f8' elif dataTypes[h] == int32: dataTypes[h] = 'i4' elif dataTypes[h] == int64: dataTypes[h] = 'i8' else: dataTypes[h] = 'S1' dataIsAString.append(h) print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tInfo:\tCreate MetaData...' #create metadata. metadata = {} for h in saveCols: if h in dataIsAString:continue datacol = self.datasheet.col(h)[:] colmeta = {metadataTitles[mdk]: datacol[mdk] for mdk in metadataTitles.keys() if metadataTitles[mdk] not in ['', None]} md=' ' if len(colmeta.keys())> 20: print 'Too many metadata' print 'GreenSeasXLtoNC:\tWarning:\tMetadata reading failed. Please Consult original excel file for more info.' metadata[h] = 'Metadata reading failed. Please Consult original excel file for more info.' continue for mdt,mdc in zip(colmeta.keys(),colmeta.values() ): if mdc in ['', None]:continue md +=ucToStr(mdt)+':\t'+ucToStr(mdc)+'\n ' #print md metadata[h] = md # save all info as public variables, so that it can be accessed if netCDF creation fails: self.saveCols = saveCols self.saveRows = saveRows self.rowcounts=rowcounts self.ncVarName = ncVarName self.dataTypes = dataTypes self.dataIsAString=dataIsAString self.metadata=metadata self.colnames = colnames = data self.lineTitles = lineTitles self.unitTitles = unitTitles self.attributes = attributes self.index = index
def run(self): if not exists(self.fni): print 'convertToOneDNC:\tERROR:\tinputfile name does not exists:', self.fni return nci = Dataset(self.fni,'r') if not self.vars: self.vars = nci.variables.keys() # save all #check that there are some overlap between input vars and nci: for v in self.vars: if v in nci.variables.keys():continue print 'convertToOneDNC:\tERROR:\tvariable,' ,v,', not found in ',self.fni return #create dataset and header. if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCreating a new dataset:\t', self.fno nco = Dataset(self.fno,'w') for a in nci.ncattrs(): if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tcopying attribute: \t\"'+a+'\":\t', nci.getncattr(a) nco.setncattr(a,nci.getncattr(a)) appendToDesc= 'Reprocessed on '+todaystr()+' by '+getuser()+' using' try: nco.Notes = nci.Notes + '\n\t\t'+appendToDesc except: nco.Notes = appendToDesc save = list(set(nci.variables.keys()).intersection(set(alwaysInclude) ) ) save = sorted(list(set(sorted(save + self.vars)))) # test to find out which coordinates should be saved. if not self.dictToKeep: CoordsToKeep,save=getCoordsToKeep(nci,save,newMask=self.newMask,debug = self.debug) else: CoordsToKeep = self.dictToKeep # create dimensions: #for d in nci.dimensions.keys(): # if d in ['time',]: nco.createDimension(d, None) # else: nco.createDimension(d, len(nci.dimensions[d])) nco.createDimension('index', None) # create Variables: nco.createVariable('index', int64, ['index',],zlib=True,complevel=5)#,chunksizes=10000) nco.createVariable('index_t', int64, ['index',],zlib=True,complevel=5)#,chunksizes=10000) nco.createVariable('index_z', int64, ['index',],zlib=True,complevel=5)#,chunksizes=10000) nco.createVariable('index_y', int64, ['index',],zlib=True,complevel=5)#,chunksizes=10000) nco.createVariable('index_x', int64, ['index',],zlib=True,complevel=5)#,chunksizes=10000) for var in save: nco.createVariable(var, nci.variables[var].dtype, ['index',],zlib=True,complevel=5)#,chunksizes=10000) # Long Names: nco.variables['index'].long_name='index' nco.variables['index_t'].long_name='index - time' nco.variables['index_z'].long_name='index - depth' nco.variables['index_y'].long_name='index - latitude' nco.variables['index_x'].long_name='index - longitude' for var in save: try: long_name=nci.variables[var].long_name except: if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tWarning:\tNo long_name for ', var long_name = var nco.variables[var].long_name=long_name if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\t Adding long_name for ', var, long_name # Units: nco.variables['index'].units='' nco.variables['index_t'].units='' nco.variables['index_z'].units='' nco.variables['index_y'].units='' nco.variables['index_x'].units='' for var in save: try: nco.variables[var].units=nci.variables[var].units except: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tWarning:\tNo units for ', var # Fill Values: sorted_Coords = sorted(CoordsToKeep.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1)) data={} if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index ...' , len(sorted_Coords) # nco.variables['index'][:] = [ int(a[1]) for a in sorted_Coords] nco.variables['index'][:] = array([ a[1] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index t ...' nco.variables['index_t'][:] = array([a[0][0] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index z ...' nco.variables['index_z'][:] = array([a[0][1] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index y ...' nco.variables['index_y'][:] = array([a[0][2] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index x ...' nco.variables['index_x'][:] = array([a[0][3] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() for var in save: if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying ', var, ' ...' arr = nci.variables[var][:] outarr = [] if arr.ndim ==1: if var.lower() in ['time','time_counter','t']: d = 0 if var.lower() in ['depth','deptht',]: d = 1 if var.lower() in ['latbnd','lat','latitude']: d = 2 if var.lower() in ['lonbnd','lon','longitude']:d = 3 #for c in (CoordsToKeep.keys()): for c in sorted_Coords: outarr.append(arr[c[0][d]]) try: print var, d except: var, "not found" elif arr.ndim ==2: if var.lower() in ['nav_lat','nav_lon']: d = (2,3) print var, 'lendth : 2', d for c in sorted_Coords: #for c in sorted(CoordsToKeep.keys()): outarr.append(arr[(c[0][2:])]) else: #for c in sorted(CoordsToKeep.keys()): for c in sorted_Coords: outarr.append(arr[c[0]]) outarr= marray(outarr) if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tSaving var:',var, arr.shape, '->', outarr.shape , 'coords:',len(sorted_Coords) nco.variables[var][:] =outarr nco.sync() # Close netcdfs: nco.close() nci.close() if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tsuccessfully created:\t', self.fno return
def run(self): if not self.vars: print 'pruneNC:\tERROR:\tvariables to save are no use:', self.vars return if not exists(self.fni): print 'pruneNC:\tERROR:\tinputfile name does not exists:', self.fni return nci = Dataset(self.fni,'r')#Quiet =True) if self.depthInt: print 'FAIL: maybe you should look at the class instead. This one only removes variables from a netcdf.' return #check that there are some overlap between input vars and nci: for v in self.vars: if v in nci.variables.keys():continue print 'pruneNC:\tERROR:\tvariable,' ,v,', not found in ',self.fni return #create dataset and header. if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\tINFO:\tCreating a new dataset:\t', self.fno nco = Dataset(self.fno,'w') for a in nci.ncattrs(): if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\tINFO:\tcopying attribute: \t\"'+a+'\":\t', nci.getncattr(a) nco.setncattr(a,nci.getncattr(a)) appendToDesc= 'Reprocessed on '+todaystr()+' by '+getuser()+' using' try: nco.Notes = nci.Notes + '\n\t\t'+appendToDesc except: nco.Notes = appendToDesc # list of variables to save, assuming some conventions alwaysInclude = ['time', 'lat','lon', 'latbnd', 'lonbnd'] save = list(set(nci.variables.keys()).intersection(set(alwaysInclude) ) ) save = list(set(sorted(save + self.vars))) # create dimensions: for d in nci.dimensions.keys(): if d in ['time',]: nco.createDimension(d, None) else: nco.createDimension(d, len(nci.dimensions[d])) # create Variables: for var in save: nco.createVariable(var, nci.variables[var].dtype, nci.variables[var].dimensions,zlib=True,complevel=5) # Long Names: for var in save: try: long_name=nci.variables[var].long_name except: print 'pruneNC:\tWarning:\tNo long_name for ', var long_name = var if self.timemean: long_name.replace('Daily', 'Monthly') nco.variables[var].long_name=long_name if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\t Adding long_name for ', var, long_name # Units: for var in save: try: nco.variables[var].units=nci.variables[var].units except: print 'pruneNC:\tWarning:\tNo units for ', var # Fill Values: for var in save: if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\tINFO:\tCopying ', var, ' ...' arr = nci.variables[var][:] if self.timemean and len(intersection(['time','t'], nci.variables[var].dimensions)): if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\tInfo:\tSaving time averaged var:',var arr = marray([arr.mean(0),]) while len(arr.shape) < len(nci.variables[var].dimensions): arr = marray(arr[None,:]) if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\tInfo:\tSaving var:',var, arr.shape, '\tdims:', nci.variables[var].dimensions nco.variables[var][:] =arr # Close netcdfs: nco.close() nci.close() if self.debug: print 'pruneNC:\tINFO:\tsuccessfully created:\t', self.fno return
def run(self): if not exists(self.fni): print 'convertToOneDNC:\tERROR:\tinputfile name does not exists:', self.fni assert False return nci = Dataset(self.fni,'r') if not self.vars: self.vars = nci.variables.keys() # save all #check that there are some overlap between input vars and nci: for v in self.vars: if v in nci.variables.keys():continue print 'convertToOneDNC:\tERROR:\tvariable,' ,v,', not found in ',self.fni return #create dataset and header. if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCreating a new dataset:\t', self.fno nco = Dataset(self.fno,'w') for a in nci.ncattrs(): if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tcopying attribute: \t\"'+a+'\":\t', nci.getncattr(a) nco.setncattr(a,nci.getncattr(a)) appendToDesc= 'Reprocessed on '+todaystr()+' by '+getuser()+' using' try: nco.Notes = nci.Notes + '\n\t\t'+appendToDesc except: nco.Notes = appendToDesc save = list(set(nci.variables.keys()).intersection(set(alwaysInclude) ) ) save = sorted(list(set(sorted(save + self.vars)))) # test to find out which coordinates should be saved. if not self.dictToKeep: CoordsToKeep,save=getCoordsToKeep(nci,save,newMask=self.newMask,debug = self.debug) else: CoordsToKeep = self.dictToKeep print "convertToOneDNC:\tinfo:\tCoordsToKeep:", save#, self.dictToKeep # create dimensions: nco.createDimension('index', None) # create Variables: nco.createVariable('index', int64, ['index',],zlib=True,complevel=5)#,chunksizes=10000) nco.createVariable('index_t', int64, ['index',],zlib=True,complevel=5)#,chunksizes=10000) nco.createVariable('index_z', int64, ['index',],zlib=True,complevel=5)#,chunksizes=10000) nco.createVariable('index_y', int64, ['index',],zlib=True,complevel=5)#,chunksizes=10000) nco.createVariable('index_x', int64, ['index',],zlib=True,complevel=5)#,chunksizes=10000) for var in save: if var in ['index','index_t','index_z','index_y','index_x']:continue nco.createVariable(var, nci.variables[var].dtype, ['index',],zlib=True,complevel=5)#,chunksizes=10000) # Long Names: nco.variables['index'].long_name='index' nco.variables['index_t'].long_name='index - time' nco.variables['index_z'].long_name='index - depth' nco.variables['index_y'].long_name='index - latitude' nco.variables['index_x'].long_name='index - longitude' for var in save: try: long_name=nci.variables[var].long_name except: if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tWARNING:\tNo long_name for ', var long_name = var nco.variables[var].long_name=long_name if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tAdding long_name for ', var, '\t',long_name # Units: nco.variables['index'].units='' nco.variables['index_t'].units='' nco.variables['index_z'].units='' nco.variables['index_y'].units='' nco.variables['index_x'].units='' for var in save: try: nco.variables[var].units=nci.variables[var].units if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tAdding units for ', var, '\t',nci.variables[var].units except: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tWARNING:\tNo units for ', var # Fill Values: def itemsgetter(a): return a[1][0] sorted_Coords = sorted(CoordsToKeep.iteritems(), key=itemsgetter) print "convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tsorted_Coords:",sorted_Coords[0],sorted_Coords[-1] data={} if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index ...' , len(sorted_Coords) # nco.variables['index'][:] = [ int(a[1]) for a in sorted_Coords] nco.variables['index'][:] = array([ a[1][0] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() # 4D coordinates: if len(sorted_Coords[0][0]) ==4: print "4D:", sorted_Coords[0][0] if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index t ...' nco.variables['index_t'][:] = array([a[0][0] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index z ...' nco.variables['index_z'][:] = array([a[0][1] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index y ...' nco.variables['index_y'][:] = array([a[0][2] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index x ...' nco.variables['index_x'][:] = array([a[0][3] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() if len(sorted_Coords[0][0]) ==3: print "3D:", sorted_Coords[0][0] if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index t ...' nco.variables['index_t'][:] = array([a[0][0] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() #if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index z ...' nco.variables['index_z'][:] = zeros(len(sorted_Coords)) #nco.sync() if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index y ...' nco.variables['index_y'][:] = array([a[0][1] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying index x ...' #tempArr = [] #for a in sorted_Coords: # print a[0] # tempArr.append(a[0][2]) nco.variables['index_x'][:] = array([a[0][2] for a in sorted_Coords]) nco.sync() errorScript = "If it is failing here, then you need to check that your dimensions are names correctly in netcdf_manip/, depthNames, lonnames and latnames" for var in save: if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tCopying ', var, ' ...' arr = nci.variables[var][:] if len(arr)==0: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tWarning:\tIt looks like the netcdf ',self.fni,'does not contain the variable', var outarr = [] if arr.ndim ==1 and len(sorted_Coords[0][0]) == 4: if var.lower() in ['time','time_counter','t','month', 'time_centered']: d = 0 if var.lower() in timeNames: d = 0 if var.lower() in depthNames: d = 1 if var.lower() in latnames: d = 2 if var.lower() in lonnames: d = 3 print var, 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tndim: (1-4)',arr.ndim, var, sorted_Coords[0][0], d, #arr[0] for c in sorted_Coords: try: outarr.append(arr[c[0][d]]) except: raise AssertionError(errorScript) try: print var, d except: var, "not found" elif arr.ndim ==1 and len(sorted_Coords[0][0]) ==1: d = 0 print var, 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tndim: (1-1)',arr.ndim,var, sorted_Coords[0][0], d for c in sorted_Coords: try: outarr.append(arr[c[0][d]]) except: raise AssertionError(errorScript) try: print var, d except: var, "not found" elif arr.ndim ==1 and len(sorted_Coords[0][0]) ==3: if var.lower() in ['time','time_counter','t','month','time_centered',]: d = 0 if var.lower() in timeNames: d = 0 #if var.lower() in depthNames: d = 1 if var.lower() in latnames: d = 1 if var.lower() in lonnames: d = 2 #for c in (CoordsToKeep.keys()): print var, 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tndim: (1-3)',arr.ndim,var, sorted_Coords[0][0], d for c in sorted_Coords: try: outarr.append(arr[c[0][d]]) except: raise AssertionError(errorScript) try: print var, d except: var, "not found" elif arr.ndim ==2: if var.lower() in ['nav_lat','nav_lon']: d = (2,3) elif var.lower() in ['deptht','depthu','depthv','latitude','longitude','depth',]: d = (0,1) elif var.lower() in ['mask'] and len(sorted_Coords[0][0]) ==3: d = (1,2) # because of MLD datasets. else: d = (0,1) print var, 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tndim: (2)',arr.ndim,var, sorted_Coords[0][0], d for c in sorted_Coords: #for c in sorted(CoordsToKeep.keys()): try: outarr.append(arr[(c[0][d[0]],c[0][d[1]])]) except: raise AssertionError(errorScript) elif arr.ndim ==3: print var, 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tndim: (3)',arr.ndim,var, sorted_Coords[0][0] for c in sorted_Coords: if len(c[0]) == 4: outarr.append(arr[(c[0][0],c[0][2],c[0][3])]) if len(c[0]) == 3: outarr.append(arr[(c[0][0],c[0][1],c[0][2])]) elif arr.ndim ==4: print var, 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tndim: (4)',arr.ndim,var, sorted_Coords[0][0] for c in sorted_Coords: #print 'convertToOneD:',var, c, c[0], arr.shape, arr[c[0]] outarr.append(arr[ (c[0][0],c[0][1],c[0][2],c[0][3]) ]) else: print "How many dimensions?", arr.ndim, len(sorted_Coords[0][0]) assert False outarrnm = np.array(outarr) print var, [outarrnm.min(),outarrnm.max()], '(no mask)' outarr = marray(outarr) print var, [outarr.min(),outarr.max()], '(masked)' if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tSaving var:',var, arr.shape, '->', outarr.shape , 'coords:',len(sorted_Coords), [outarr.min(),outarr.max()] nco.variables[var][:] = outarr nco.sync() # Close netcdfs: nco.close() nci.close() if self.debug: print 'convertToOneDNC:\tINFO:\tsuccessfully created:\t', self.fno #nc = Dataset(self.fno, 'r') #lon = nc.variables['lon'][:] #print lon.min(), lon.max() #if self.fno.find('Model')>-1: assert 0 return