Beispiel #1
    def concat( self, *traj ):
        Concatenate this with other trajectories. The ref model of the
        new Trajectory is a 'semi-deep' copy of this trajectorie's model.
        (see L{PDBModel.take()} )::
           concat( traj [, traj2, traj3, ..] ) -> Trajectory 

        @param traj: one or more Trajectory with identical atoms as this one
        @type  traj: Trajectories

        @return: concatenated trajecties
        @rtype: Trajectory
        if len( traj ) == 0:
            return self

        r = self.__class__()

        r.frames = N.concatenate( (self.frames, traj[0].frames), 0 )

        r.setRef( self.ref.clone())

        if self.frameNames and traj[0].frameNames:
            r.frameNames = self.frameNames + traj[0].frameNames

            if self.pc is not None and traj[0].pc is not None:
                r.pc['p'] = N.concatenate( (self.pc['p'], traj[0].pc['p']),0)
                r.pc['u'] = N.concatenate( (self.pc['u'], traj[0].pc['u']),0)
        except TypeError, why:
            EHandler.error('cannot concat PC '+str(why) )
Beispiel #2
    def __atom2residueMatrix( self, m ):
        Reduce binary matrix of n x k atoms to binary matrix of i x j residues.
        @param m: atom contact matrix,
                  array n x k with 1(contact) or 0(no contact)
        @type  m: array
        @return: residue contact matrix,
                 2-D numpy array(residues_receptor x residues_ligand)
        @rtype: array
        recInd = N.concatenate((self.rec().resIndex(),
                              [ self.rec().lenAtoms()] ))
        ligInd = N.concatenate((self.lig_model.resIndex(),
                              [ self.lig_model.lenAtoms() ] ))

        residueMatrix = N.zeros(( len(recInd)-1, len(ligInd)-1 ), N.Int)

        for r in range( len(recInd)-1 ):

            for l in range( len(ligInd)-1 ):

                res2res = m[ int(recInd[r]):int(recInd[r+1]),
                             int(ligInd[l]):int(ligInd[l+1]) ]

                if N.any( res2res ):
                    residueMatrix[r, l] = 1

        return residueMatrix
Beispiel #3
    def concat(self, *traj):
        Concatenate this with other trajectories. The ref model of the
        new Trajectory is a 'semi-deep' copy of this trajectorie's model.
        (see L{PDBModel.take()} )::
           concat( traj [, traj2, traj3, ..] ) -> Trajectory 

        @param traj: one or more Trajectory with identical atoms as this one
        @type  traj: Trajectories

        @return: concatenated trajecties
        @rtype: Trajectory
        if len(traj) == 0:
            return self

        r = self.__class__()

        r.frames = N.concatenate((self.frames, traj[0].frames), 0)


        if self.frameNames and traj[0].frameNames:
            r.frameNames = self.frameNames + traj[0].frameNames

            if self.pc is not None and traj[0].pc is not None:
                r.pc['p'] = N.concatenate((self.pc['p'], traj[0].pc['p']), 0)
                r.pc['u'] = N.concatenate((self.pc['u'], traj[0].pc['u']), 0)
        except TypeError, why:
            EHandler.error('cannot concat PC ' + str(why))
 def glQuadNormals(self, vertices, faces):
     """ gets normals for quads by converting a quad face into two triangle
     faces and calling TriangleNormals. """
     faces = Numeric.array(faces)
     f = Numeric.concatenate((faces[:,-2:], faces[:,:1]), 1)
     F = Numeric.concatenate((faces[:,:3], f), 0)
     n = TriangleNormals(vertices, F, 'PER_VERTEX')
     return n
Beispiel #5
 def glQuadNormals(self, vertices, faces):
     """ gets normals for quads by converting a quad face into two triangle
     faces and calling TriangleNormals. """
     faces = Numeric.array(faces)
     f = Numeric.concatenate((faces[:, -2:], faces[:, :1]), 1)
     F = Numeric.concatenate((faces[:, :3], f), 0)
     n = TriangleNormals(vertices, F, 'PER_VERTEX')
     return n
Beispiel #6
    def End(self):
        import math

        # center the points around the origin
        sca = (1.0 / self.griddingSize) * self.gridToWorld
        points = Numeric.array(self.shape, 'f') * sca
        xsum, ysum = 0, 0
        if points:
            repeat = 0
            comp = points[-1] - points[0]
            if abs(comp[0]) < .01 and abs(comp[1]) < .01: repeat = -1
            for i in range(len(points) + repeat):
                xsum = xsum + points[i][0]
                ysum = ysum + points[i][1]
            xcenter = xsum / (len(points) + repeat)
            ycenter = ysum / (len(points) + repeat)
            origin = (xcenter, ycenter)
            points = points - origin
            points[:, 1:] = points[:, 1:] * -1

            # 3D
            o = Numeric.ones((len(points), 1))
            points = Numeric.concatenate((points, o), 1)

            # calculate normals to each side
            normals = Numeric.zeros((len(points) - 1, 3), 'f')
            for i in range(len(points) - 1):
                diff = points[i + 1] - points[i]
                if diff[1] == 0:
                    normals[i][0] = 0.0
                    normals[i][1] = diff[0] / abs(diff[0])
                    slope = -diff[0] / diff[1]
                    size = -math.sqrt(1 + slope**2) * (diff[1] / abs(diff[1]))
                    normals[i][0] = 1.0 / size
                    normals[i][1] = slope / size

            # duplicate vertices
            if self.dup.get():
                pts = Numeric.concatenate((points, points), 1)
                self.points = Numeric.reshape(pts, (2 * len(points), 3))
                norms1 = Numeric.concatenate(
                    (Numeric.reshape(normals[-1], (1, 3)), normals))
                norms2 = Numeric.concatenate(
                    (normals, Numeric.reshape(normals[0], (1, 3))))
                norms = Numeric.concatenate((norms1, norms2), 1)
                self.normals = Numeric.reshape(norms, (2 * len(points), 3))
            # single vertices: average normals
                self.points = points
                self.normals = Numeric.zeros((len(points), 3)).astype('f')
                for i in range(len(points) - 1):
                    n = (normals[i - 1] + normals[i]) / 2
                    self.normals[i] = n.astype('f')
                self.normals[len(points) - 1] = self.normals[0]
            print self.points
            self.points, self.normals = [], []
    def AddMaterial(self, values, prop=1):
	"""Add materials to the current set"""

        assert prop in (0,1,2,3,4,5)
        values = array( values, 'f' )
	if prop < self.shini:
	    if values.shape[1] == 3:
		alpha = ones( (values.shape[0], 1), 'f' )
		values = concatenate( (values, alpha), 1 )

        self.prop[prop] = concatenate( (self.prop[prop], values) )
Beispiel #8
    def AddMaterial(self, values, prop=1):
        """Add materials to the current set"""

        assert prop in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

        values = array(values, 'f')
        if prop < self.shini:
            if values.shape[1] == 3:
                alpha = ones((values.shape[0], 1), 'f')
                values = concatenate((values, alpha), 1)

        self.prop[prop] = concatenate((self.prop[prop], values))
    def compute(self):
        if self.coords is not None:
            one = Numeric.ones( (self.coords.shape[0], 1), \
                                self.coords.dtype.char )
            c = Numeric.concatenate( (self.coords, one), 1 )

            for m in range(len(self.matrices)):
                newCoords.append(, \
                                   Numeric.transpose(self.matrices[m]))[:, :3])
            return Numeric.concatenate(newCoords)
Beispiel #10
    def concatAtoms( self, *traj ):
        Concatenate 2 trajectories of same (frame) length 'horizontally', i.e.
        for each frame the coordinates of one are appended to the coordinates
        of the other. The ref model of the new trajectory is a 'semi-deep' copy
        of this trajectory's model (see L{PDBModel.take()} )::
          concatAtoms( traj1 [traj2, traj3..]) -> Trajectory

        @param traj: one or more Trajectory of the same number of frames
        @type  traj: Trajectories

        @return: trajectory with concatenated atoms
        @rtype: Trajectory        
        if len( traj ) == 0:
            return self

        r = self.__class__()

        r.frames = N.concatenate( (self.frames, traj[0].frames), 1 )
        r.setRef( self.ref.concat( traj[0].getRef() ) )

        r.profiles = self.profiles.clone()

        r.frameNames = self.frameNames

        return r.concatAtoms( *traj[1:] )
Beispiel #11
    def concatAtoms(self, *traj):
        Concatenate 2 trajectories of same (frame) length 'horizontally', i.e.
        for each frame the coordinates of one are appended to the coordinates
        of the other. The ref model of the new trajectory is a 'semi-deep' copy
        of this trajectory's model (see L{PDBModel.take()} )::
          concatAtoms( traj1 [traj2, traj3..]) -> Trajectory

        @param traj: one or more Trajectory of the same number of frames
        @type  traj: Trajectories

        @return: trajectory with concatenated atoms
        @rtype: Trajectory        
        if len(traj) == 0:
            return self

        r = self.__class__()

        r.frames = N.concatenate((self.frames, traj[0].frames), 1)

        r.profiles = self.profiles.clone()

        r.frameNames = self.frameNames

        return r.concatAtoms(*traj[1:])
Beispiel #12
    def test_ComplexTraj(self):
        """Dock.ComplexTraj test"""

        import as T

        ## there is no complex trajectory in the test folder so will have
        ## to create a fake trajectory with a complex
        f =  [ T.testRoot()+ '/com/1BGS.pdb' ] * 5
        t = Trajectory( f, verbose=self.local )

        t = ComplexTraj( t, recChains=[0] )

        #if self.local:
            #print 'plotting contact density...'
            #t.plotContactDensity( step=2 )

        ## create a fake second chain in the ligand
        for i in range( 1093+98, 1968 ):
            t.ref.atoms['chain_id'][i] = 'B'

        t.ref.chainIndex( force=1, cache=1 ) = [1,2]

        r = N.concatenate((range(1093,1191), range(0,1093), range(1191,1968)))

        tt = t.takeAtoms( r )

        contactMat = tt.atomContacts( 1 )
        if self.local:
            print 'Receptor chains: %s    Ligand chains: %s'%(,
        self.assertEqual( N.sum(N.ravel(contactMat)), 308 )
Beispiel #13
    def __exposedResidues(self,
        Decide what is a surface exposed residue and what is not.
        sidechainCut, backboneCut, totalCut - float, cutoff value
        for what will be considered as a exposed residue. All
        three values have to pass the test.

        @param ASA_values: array with ASA values for side chains, backbone
                           and total calculated in L{__read_residueASA}.
        @type  ASA_values: array
        @param sidechainCut: cutoff ASA value for considering the side chain
                             to consider thew residue being exposed
                             (default: 0.0) 
        @type  sidechainCut: float
        @param backboneCut: cutoffvalue for back bone ASA
        @type  backboneCut: float 
        @param totalCut: cutoff for total ASA
        @type  totalCut: float   

        @return: residue mask, where 0 = burried
        @rtype: [1|0]
        col_0 = N.greater(N.transpose(ASA_values)[0], totalCut)
        col_1 = N.greater(N.transpose(ASA_values)[1], backboneCut)
        col_2 = N.greater(N.transpose(ASA_values)[2], sidechainCut)

        col_012 = N.concatenate(([col_0], [col_1], [col_2]))

        exposedList = N.greater(N.sum(col_012), 0)

        return exposedList
 def update(self):
     vertices = self.geom.getVertices()
     normals = self.geom.getVNormals()
     pts = Numeric.concatenate( (vertices, vertices+normals), 1)
     pts = Numeric.reshape( pts, (len(vertices),2,-1) ).astype('f')
     self.normalsGeom.Set(vertices = pts) 
Beispiel #15
 def update(self):
     vertices = self.geom.getVertices()
     normals = self.geom.getVNormals()
     pts = Numeric.concatenate((vertices, vertices + normals), 1)
     pts = Numeric.reshape(pts, (len(vertices), 2, -1)).astype('f')
Beispiel #16
    def SetMaterial(self, values, prop=1, tagModified=True):
        """Set the materials
WARNING: when back face colors are set, two sided lighting has to be enabled
we set RGB values for all properties except for shininess and opacity
If an alpha value are specified they will be ignored
Since IndexedGeomDSPL requires alpha values for all properties
we set them automatically to 1.0 for all properties except for
diffuse. The alpha channel of the diffuse component will be set later
in fixOpacity which should be called after all properties of the
material have been updated.
        if tagModified:
            self._modified = True

        if prop is None: prop = self.diff
        elif type(prop) is types.StringType:
            prop = getattr(self, prop)

        assert prop in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

        values = array(values, 'f')
        if prop < self.shini:
            assert len(values.shape) == 2 and values.shape[1] in [3, 4]
            alpha = ones((values.shape[0], 1), 'f')
            values = concatenate((values[:, :3], alpha), 1)
            if len(values.shape) != 1:
                values = array([values], 'f')

        self.prop[prop] = values
    def doit(self, atom1, atom2, angle, mov_atoms, returnVal=0):
        mol =
        if mov_atoms is None:
            mov_atoms = mol.subTree(atom1, atom2, mol.allAtoms)
        assert len(mov_atoms)
        mov_coords = Numeric.array(mov_atoms.coords)
        lenCoords = len(mov_coords)
        x = Numeric.array(atom1.coords)
        y = Numeric.array(atom2.coords)
        rot = (angle * 3.14159/180.)%(2 * Numeric.pi)
        matrix = rotax(x, y, rot)
        _ones = Numeric.ones(lenCoords, 'f')
        _ones.shape = (lenCoords,1)
        mov_coords = Numeric.concatenate((mov_coords, _ones),1)
        newcoords =, matrix)
        nc = newcoords[:,:3].astype('f')
        for i in range(lenCoords):
            at = mov_atoms[i]
            at._coords[at.conformation] = nc[i].tolist()

        event = EditAtomsEvent('coords', mov_atoms)

        #have to return nc for setTorsionGC
        if returnVal:
            return nc
Beispiel #18
def non_redundant_set(d, threshold):
    returns an array consisting of entries having
    a minimum pairwise distance of 'threshold'.

    Based on 

    Ref.: Hobohm et al. (1992). Prot. Sci. 1, 409-417

#    import random

    d = Numeric.array(d).astype(Float32)
    d = less(d, threshold)

    s = shape(d)
    d = Numeric.concatenate((reshape(range(s[0]),(-1,1)),d),1)

    ok = 1

    while ok:
        nNeighbours = Numeric.sum(d)-1
        if len(nNeighbours) <= 1: break
        maxx = max(nNeighbours[1:])
        others = nonzero(equal(nNeighbours[1:], maxx))+1
        candidate = random.choice(others)
        ok = nNeighbours[candidate]

        if ok:
            d = deleteRowAndColumn(d, candidate-1, candidate)
    #end while
    return d[:,0]
Beispiel #19
    def castHmmDic(self, hmmDic, repete, hmmGap, key):
        Blow up hmmDic to the number of repetes of the profile used.
        Correct scores for possible deletions in the search sequence.

        @param hmmDic: dictionary from L{getHmmProfile}
        @type  hmmDic: dict
        @param repete: repete information from L{align}
        @type  repete: int
        @param hmmGap: information about gaps from L{align}
        @type  hmmGap: [int]
        @param key: name of scoring method to adjust for gaps and repetes
        @type  key: str
        @return: dictionary with information about the profile
        @rtype: dict        
        s = hmmDic[key]

        for i in range(repete):
            mask = N.ones(len(s))
            N.put(mask, hmmGap[i], 0)
            if i == 0:
                score = N.compress(mask, s, 0)
            if i > 0:
                score = N.concatenate((N.compress(mask, s, 0), score))

        hmmDic[key] = score

        return hmmDic
Beispiel #20
    def doit(self, atom1, atom2, angle, mov_atoms, returnVal=0):
        mol =
        if mov_atoms is None:
            mov_atoms = mol.subTree(atom1, atom2, mol.allAtoms)
        assert len(mov_atoms)
        mov_coords = Numeric.array(mov_atoms.coords)
        lenCoords = len(mov_coords)
        x = Numeric.array(atom1.coords)
        y = Numeric.array(atom2.coords)
        rot = (angle * 3.14159 / 180.) % (2 * Numeric.pi)
        matrix = rotax(x, y, rot)
        _ones = Numeric.ones(lenCoords, 'f')
        _ones.shape = (lenCoords, 1)
        mov_coords = Numeric.concatenate((mov_coords, _ones), 1)
        newcoords =, matrix)
        nc = newcoords[:, :3].astype('f')
        for i in range(lenCoords):
            at = mov_atoms[i]
            at._coords[at.conformation] = nc[i].tolist()

        event = EditAtomsEvent('coords', mov_atoms)

        #have to return nc for setTorsionGC
        if returnVal:
            return nc
Beispiel #21
    def castHmmDic( self, hmmDic, repete, hmmGap, key ):
        Blow up hmmDic to the number of repetes of the profile used.
        Correct scores for possible deletions in the search sequence.

        @param hmmDic: dictionary from L{getHmmProfile}
        @type  hmmDic: dict
        @param repete: repete information from L{align}
        @type  repete: int
        @param hmmGap: information about gaps from L{align}
        @type  hmmGap: [int]
        @param key: name of scoring method to adjust for gaps and repetes
        @type  key: str
        @return: dictionary with information about the profile
        @rtype: dict        
        s = hmmDic[key]

        for i in range( repete ):
            mask = N.ones( len(s) )
            N.put( mask, hmmGap[i], 0 )
            if i == 0:
                score = N.compress( mask, s, 0 )
            if i > 0:
                score = N.concatenate( ( N.compress( mask, s, 0 ), score ) )

        hmmDic[key] = score

        return hmmDic
    def doit(self, mobAtoms):
mobAtoms: AtomSet that is being frozen.
Assuming the AtomSet are from same molecule

        # fixme: need checking for mat (matrix) and mobAtoms
        geomContainer = mobAtoms[0].top.geomContainer
        mGeom = geomContainer.masterGeom
        mat = mGeom.rotation
        mat = Numeric.reshape(mat, (4, 4))

        # update coords
        mobAtoms = mobAtoms.findType(Atom)
        coords = mobAtoms.coords
        hCoords = Numeric.concatenate((coords,Numeric.ones((len(coords),1),\
                                                            'd')), 1)
        tCoords =, mat)[:, :3]
        tCoords = tCoords.tolist()
        mobAtoms.updateCoords(tCoords, 0)  # overwritten the original coords

        # reset the rotation matrix of masterGeom
        identity = Numeric.identity(4, 'f').ravel()
        mGeom.SetRotation(Numeric.identity(4, 'f').ravel())

        event = EditAtomsEvent('coords', mobAtoms)


Beispiel #23
def atom_array_of_part(part):
    "Return an Array of all atoms in the Part. Try to be linear time."
    res = []
    for m in part.molecules:
        res.append( array(m.atlist) )
    # concatenate might fail for chunks with exactly 1 atom -- fix later ####@@@@
    return concatenate(res) ###k
Beispiel #24
    def display(self):
	GL.glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	GL.glColor3f( 1.0,1.0,0.0)
	self.x = self.x + self.move_x
	self.y = self.y + self.move_y
	self.age = self.age + 1
	which = Numeric.greater( self.age, MAX_AGE)
	self.x = Numeric.choose( which, (self.x, RandomArray.random( NUMDOTS)))
	selfy = Numeric.choose( which, (self.y, RandomArray.random( NUMDOTS)))
	self.age = Numeric.choose( which, (self.age, 0))
	self.x = Numeric.choose( Numeric.greater( self.x, 1.0), (self.x, self.x - 1.0)) 
	self.y = Numeric.choose( Numeric.greater( self.y, 1.0), (self.y, self.y - 1.0))
	x2 = RandomArray.random( NUMDOTS2)
	y2 = RandomArray.random( NUMDOTS2)
	v = Numeric.concatenate(
		(Numeric.transpose( Numeric.array( [self.x, self.y])),
		 Numeric.transpose( Numeric.array( [self.x - 0.005, self.y + 0.005])),
		 Numeric.transpose( Numeric.array( [self.x + 0.005, self.y - 0.005])),
		 Numeric.transpose( Numeric.array( [x2, y2]))))
        #from opengltk.util import GLdouble
        #av = bufarray.readArray( v, GLdouble)
	#GL.glVertexPointer( 2, av)
        GL.glVertexPointer( 2, v)
	GL.glEnableClientState( GL.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY)
	#glplus.DrawArrays( GL.POINTS, len( av))
        from opengltk import  glplus
        glplus.DrawArrays( GL.GL_POINTS, len( v))
	#GL.glDisableClientState( GL.VERTEX_ARRAY)
Beispiel #25
 def getAppxCoef2d_pVals(self, arr2d, maxNumCoef):
     """Returns[:,j] the probability that coef. j and all subsequent coef. are equal to 0.
     Reference: Ott, pp.606.
     Use only the first k appx. coef. with pvals below some alpha.
     The significance of the coef. estimated by comparing the variance drop of the model2 with the variance of the model1, where:
       model 1: complete model with maxNumCoef coef. different from 0
       model 2: reduced model with coef. in range (0,k) different from 0
     null hypothesis (H0): coef. k,k+1,...,maxNumCoef are equal to 0
         if H0 rejected (pval below some alpha (e.g. 0.05) -> there exist an important coef. among coef. k,k+1,...,maxNumCoef
     repeat the test for k=0,1,...maxNumCoef-1
     assert len(arr2d.shape) == 2, "2d array expected"
     assert 0 < maxNumCoef <= self.k
     coefMax = self.getAppxCoef(arr2d, maxNumCoef)
     curveMax = self.getAppxCurve(coefMax)
     SSE1 = Numeric.add.reduce((arr2d-curveMax)**2,1)
     MSE1 = SSE1 / (arr2d.shape[1]-maxNumCoef)
     #print "SSE1[0], MSE1[0]",SSE1[0], MSE1[0]
     pvals = Numeric.zeros((arr2d.shape[0], maxNumCoef), Numeric.Float)
     for k in range(maxNumCoef):  # test cofInd: [maxNum-1, maxNum-2, ..., minNum]
         #print "Keeping %i coeff" % (k)
         shpk = list(coefMax.shape)
         shpk[1] -= k
         coefk = Numeric.concatenate((coefMax[:,:k], Numeric.zeros((shpk), Numeric.Float)),1)
         curvek = self.getAppxCurve(coefk)
         SSE2 = Numeric.add.reduce((arr2d-curvek)**2,1)
         MSdrop =(SSE2-SSE1) / (maxNumCoef-k)
         F = MSdrop / MSE1
         #2007-10-11: F -> F.filled(???)
         pvals[:,k] = scipy.stats.fprob((maxNumCoef-k), arr2d.shape[1]-maxNumCoef, F.filled(ApproxOrthPolyBasis._F_fillValue))
     return pvals
    def SetMaterial(self, values, prop=1, tagModified=True):
	"""Set the materials
WARNING: when back face colors are set, two sided lighting has to be enabled
we set RGB values for all properties except for shininess and opacity
If an alpha value are specified they will be ignored
Since IndexedGeomDSPL requires alpha values for all properties
we set them automatically to 1.0 for all properties except for
diffuse. The alpha channel of the diffuse component will be set later
in fixOpacity which should be called after all properties of the
material have been updated.
        if tagModified:
            self._modified = True

        if prop is None: prop = self.diff
        elif type(prop) is types.StringType:
            prop = getattr(self, prop)

        assert prop in (0,1,2,3,4,5)

        values = array( values, 'f' )
	if prop < self.shini:
            assert len(values.shape)==2 and values.shape[1] in [3,4]
            alpha = ones( (values.shape[0], 1), 'f' )
            values = concatenate( (values[:,:3], alpha), 1 )
            if len(values.shape) != 1:
                values = array([values], 'f' )
        self.prop[prop] = values
Beispiel #27
    def __exposedResidues( self, ASA_values, sidechainCut=0.0,
                         backboneCut=0.0, totalCut=0.0  ):
        Decide what is a surface exposed residue and what is not.
        sidechainCut, backboneCut, totalCut - float, cutoff value
        for what will be considered as a exposed residue. All
        three values have to pass the test.

        @param ASA_values: array with ASA values for side chains, backbone
                           and total calculated in L{__read_residueASA}.
        @type  ASA_values: array
        @param sidechainCut: cutoff ASA value for considering the side chain
                             to consider thew residue being exposed
                             (default: 0.0) 
        @type  sidechainCut: float
        @param backboneCut: cutoffvalue for back bone ASA
        @type  backboneCut: float 
        @param totalCut: cutoff for total ASA
        @type  totalCut: float   

        @return: residue mask, where 0 = burried
        @rtype: [1|0]
        col_0 = N.greater( N.transpose(ASA_values)[0], totalCut )
        col_1 = N.greater( N.transpose(ASA_values)[1], backboneCut )
        col_2 = N.greater( N.transpose(ASA_values)[2], sidechainCut )

        col_012 = N.concatenate( ([col_0],[col_1],[col_2]) ) 

        exposedList = N.greater(N.sum(col_012), 0)

        return exposedList
    def doit(self,mobAtoms):
mobAtoms: AtomSet that is being frozen.
Assuming the AtomSet are from same molecule

        # fixme: need checking for mat (matrix) and mobAtoms
        geomContainer = mobAtoms[0].top.geomContainer
        mGeom = geomContainer.masterGeom
        mat = mGeom.rotation
        mat = Numeric.reshape(mat, (4,4))

        # update coords
        mobAtoms = mobAtoms.findType(Atom)
        coords = mobAtoms.coords
        hCoords = Numeric.concatenate((coords,Numeric.ones((len(coords),1),\
                                                            'd')), 1)
        tCoords =, mat)[:,:3]
        tCoords = tCoords.tolist()
        mobAtoms.updateCoords(tCoords, 0) # overwritten the original coords
        # reset the rotation matrix of masterGeom
        identity = Numeric.identity(4,'f').ravel()
        mGeom.SetRotation(Numeric.identity(4,'f').ravel() ) 

        event = EditAtomsEvent('coords', mobAtoms)
 def addFirstLastPoints(self):
     last = self.smooth.shape[1]
     ar2 = self.interpolateSmoothArray(last-2, last-1, self.chords)
     self.smooth = Numeric.concatenate((self.smooth[:, :-2, :],
                                        ar2, self.smooth[:, -1:, :] ),
Beispiel #30
def nonRedundantSet(d, threshold, distanceMatrix = 1):
    returns an array consisting of entries having
    a maximum similarity (or distance) of 'threshold'.
    distanceMatrix <> None means matrix elemens are similarities.

    Ref.: Hobohm et al. (1992). Prot. Sci. 1, 409-417

    gives somehow weired results.
    import whrandom #@UnresolvedImport

    d = Numeric.array(d).astype(Float32)
    if not distanceMatrix: d = less(d, threshold)
    else: d = greater(d, threshold)

    s = shape(d)
    d = Numeric.concatenate((reshape(range(s[0]),(-1,1)),d),1)

    ok = 1

    while ok:
        nNeighbours = Numeric.sum(d)
        if len(nNeighbours) <= 1: break
        maxx = max(nNeighbours[1:])
        others = Numeric.nonzero(equal(nNeighbours[1:], maxx))+1
        candidate = whrandom.choice(others)
        ok = nNeighbours[candidate]
        if ok: d = deleteRowAndColumn(d, candidate-1, candidate)
    # end while
    return d[:,0]
Beispiel #31
def nonRedundantSet(d, threshold, distanceMatrix=1):
    returns an array consisting of entries having
    a maximum similarity (or distance) of 'threshold'.
    distanceMatrix <> None means matrix elemens are similarities.

    Ref.: Hobohm et al. (1992). Prot. Sci. 1, 409-417

    gives somehow weired results.
    import whrandom  #@UnresolvedImport

    d = Numeric.array(d).astype(Float32)
    if not distanceMatrix: d = less(d, threshold)
    else: d = greater(d, threshold)

    s = shape(d)
    d = Numeric.concatenate((reshape(range(s[0]), (-1, 1)), d), 1)

    ok = 1

    while ok:
        nNeighbours = Numeric.sum(d)
        if len(nNeighbours) <= 1: break
        maxx = max(nNeighbours[1:])
        others = Numeric.nonzero(equal(nNeighbours[1:], maxx)) + 1
        candidate = whrandom.choice(others)
        ok = nNeighbours[candidate]
        if ok: d = deleteRowAndColumn(d, candidate - 1, candidate)
    # end while

    return d[:, 0]
Beispiel #32
def non_redundant_set(d, threshold):
    returns an array consisting of entries having
    a minimum pairwise distance of 'threshold'.

    Based on 

    Ref.: Hobohm et al. (1992). Prot. Sci. 1, 409-417

    #    import random

    d = Numeric.array(d).astype(Float32)
    d = less(d, threshold)

    s = shape(d)
    d = Numeric.concatenate((reshape(range(s[0]), (-1, 1)), d), 1)

    ok = 1

    while ok:
        nNeighbours = Numeric.sum(d) - 1
        if len(nNeighbours) <= 1: break
        maxx = max(nNeighbours[1:])
        others = nonzero(equal(nNeighbours[1:], maxx)) + 1
        candidate = random.choice(others)

        ok = nNeighbours[candidate]

        if ok:
            d = deleteRowAndColumn(d, candidate - 1, candidate)
    #end while
    return d[:, 0]
Beispiel #33
 def mul(self, coords, mat):
     shape = coords.shape
     assert shape[-1]==3
     #coords = Numeric.reshape(coords, (-1, shape[-1]))
     one = Numeric.ones((shape[0],1),'f')
     c = Numeric.concatenate((coords, one),1)
     coords = Numeric.array(Numeric.reshape(coords, shape))
     return Numeric.array(, Numeric.transpose(mat))[:,:3])
Beispiel #34
    def __parseBiomt(self, pdbFile, firstLine):
        line = firstLine
        biomtDict = {}
        moleculeNum = -1

        while line[0] == 'REMARK' and line[1].startswith(' 350'):
            # 5 = len(' 350 ')
            biomtLine = line[1][5:].lstrip()
            if biomtLine.startswith('BIOMOLECULE:'):  # start a new molecule

                if moleculeNum != -1:
                    # lets update the dictionary with what we've got
                    biomtDict[moleculeNum] = (targetChains, rtList)

                #12 = len('BIOMOLECULE:')
                moleculeNum = int(biomtLine[12:].strip())
                targetChains = []
                rotation = []
                translation = []
                rtList = []

                matrixLine = 0

            if biomtLine.startswith('APPLY THE FOLLOWING TO CHAINS:'):
                # parse targeted chains, we assume this comes after BIOMOLECULE line
                # 30 = len('APPLY THE FOLLOWING TO CHAINS:')
                                    for c in biomtLine[30:].split(','))
            if biomtLine.startswith('AND CHAINS:'):
                # 11 = len('AND CHAINS:')
                                    for c in biomtLine[11:].split(','))

            if biomtLine.startswith('BIOMT'):
                # parse rotate-translate matri{x/ces}, we assume this comes after BIOMOLECULE line
                matrixLine += 1
                # 6 = len('BIOMT#')
                rawCoords = biomtLine[6:].split()
                rotation.append([float(x) for x in rawCoords[1:4]])
                if matrixLine % 3 == 0:
                    rotation = N.array(rotation)
                    translation = N.transpose([translation])
                    rotation = N.concatenate((rotation, translation), axis=1)
                    ## rtList.append((rotation,translation))
                    rotation = []
                    translation = []

                line = pdbFile.readLine()
            except ValueError, what:
                self.log.add('Warning: Error parsing line %i of %s' %
                             (i, T.stripFilename(fname)))
                self.log.add('\tError: ' + str(what))
Beispiel #35
def make_homogeneous_coord_rows(v):
    """Convert vertex (or row-wise vertices) into homogeneous coordinates."""
    v = Numeric.array(v,typecode=Numeric.Float) # copy
    if len(v.shape) == 1:
        v = v[Numeric.NewAxis,:] # make a rank-2 array
    if v.shape[1] == 3:
        ws = Numeric.ones((v.shape[0],1),typecode=Numeric.Float)
        v = Numeric.concatenate( (v,ws), axis=1 )
    return v
Beispiel #36
 def getCoords(self, c):
     c = Numeric.array(c)
     x1 = c - (self.offset, 0, 0)
     x2 = c + (self.offset, 0, 0)
     y1 = c - (0, self.offset, 0)
     y2 = c + (0, self.offset, 0)
     z1 = c - (0, 0, self.offset)
     z2 = c + (0, 0, self.offset)
     return Numeric.concatenate((x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2))
Beispiel #37
    def __random_matrix(self):
        Random rotation matrix.

        @return: 4 x 4 array of float, random rotation and translation matrix
        @rtype: array
        r = ma.randomRotation()
        ##         r = N.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],'f')
        t = self.__random_translation()

        ## create 3 x 4 matrix: 0:3, 0:3 contains rot; 3,0:3 contains trans
        result = N.concatenate((r, N.transpose([t.tolist()])), 1)

        ## make it square
        result = N.concatenate((result, N.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]], N.Float32)), 0)

        return result
Beispiel #38
    def __random_matrix( self ):
        Random rotation matrix.

        @return: 4 x 4 array of float, random rotation and translation matrix
        @rtype: array
        r = ma.randomRotation()
##         r = N.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],'f')
        t = self.__random_translation()

        ## create 3 x 4 matrix: 0:3, 0:3 contains rot; 3,0:3 contains trans
        result = N.concatenate( (r, N.transpose( [ t.tolist() ] )), 1)

        ## make it square
        result = N.concatenate( (result, N.array([[0,0,0,1]], N.Float32)), 0 )

        return result
Beispiel #39
    def rtTuple2matrix( self, r, t):
        Put rotation and translation matrix into single 4x4 matrix.
        @param r: rotation matric, array 3x3 of float
        @type  r: array
        @param t: translation vector, array 1x3 of float
        @type  t: vector
        @return: rotation/translation matrix, array 4x4 of float
        @rtype: array
        ## create 3 x 4 matrix: 0:3, 0:3 contains rot; 3,0:3 contains trans
        result = N.concatenate( (r, N.transpose( [ t.tolist() ] )), 1)
        ## make it square
        result = N.concatenate( (result, N.array([[0,0,0,1]],N.Float32)), 0)

        return result.astype(N.Float32)
Beispiel #40
    def __parseBiomt( self, pdbFile, firstLine):
        line = firstLine
        biomtDict = {}
        moleculeNum = -1

        while line[0] == 'REMARK' and line[1].startswith(' 350'):
            # 5 = len(' 350 ')
            biomtLine = line[1][5:].lstrip()
            if biomtLine.startswith('BIOMOLECULE:'): # start a new molecule

                if moleculeNum != -1:   
                    # lets update the dictionary with what we've got
                    biomtDict[moleculeNum] = (targetChains,rtList)

                #12 = len('BIOMOLECULE:')
                moleculeNum = int(biomtLine[12:].strip())
                targetChains = []
                rotation = []
                translation = []
                rtList = []

                matrixLine = 0

            if biomtLine.startswith('APPLY THE FOLLOWING TO CHAINS:'):  
            # parse targeted chains, we assume this comes after BIOMOLECULE line
                # 30 = len('APPLY THE FOLLOWING TO CHAINS:')
                targetChains.extend(c.strip() for c in biomtLine[30:].split(','))
            if biomtLine.startswith('AND CHAINS:'):  
                # 11 = len('AND CHAINS:')
                targetChains.extend(c.strip() for c in biomtLine[11:].split(','))

            if biomtLine.startswith('BIOMT'):  
            # parse rotate-translate matri{x/ces}, we assume this comes after BIOMOLECULE line
                matrixLine += 1
                # 6 = len('BIOMT#')
                rawCoords = biomtLine[6:].split()
                rotation.append([float(x) for x in rawCoords[1:4]])
                if matrixLine % 3 == 0:
                    rotation = N.array( rotation )
                    translation = N.transpose( [ translation ] )
                    rotation = N.concatenate( (rotation, translation), axis=1 )
                    ## rtList.append((rotation,translation))
                    rotation = []
                    translation = []

                line = pdbFile.readLine()
            except ValueError, what:
                self.log.add('Warning: Error parsing line %i of %s' % 
                             (i, T.stripFilename( fname )) )
                self.log.add('\tError: '+str(what) )
Beispiel #41
    def rmsInterface( self, ref, cutoff=4.5, fit=1 ):
        Rmsd between this and reference interface. The interface is
        defined as any residue that has an atom which is within the
        distance given by |cutoff| from its partner.
        @param ref: reference complex
        @type  ref: Complex
        @param cutoff: atom distance cutoff for interface residue definition
                       (default: 4.5)
        @type  cutoff: float
        @param fit: least-squares fit before calculating the rms (default: 1)
        @type  fit: 1|0
        @return: interface rmad
        @rtype: float
        ## casting
        this = self
        if not ref.rec_model.equals( self.rec_model )[1] \
           or not ref.lig_model.equals( self.lig_model )[1]:

            m_rec, m_rec_ref, m_lig, m_lig_ref = self.equalAtoms( ref )
            this = self.compress( m_rec, m_lig )
            ref  = ref.compress( m_rec_ref, m_lig_ref )

        ## determine interface
        contacts = ref.resContacts( cutoff )

        if_rec = ref.rec_model.res2atomMask( N.sum( contacts, 1 ) )
        if_lig = ref.lig_model.res2atomMask( N.sum( contacts, 0 ) )

        mask_interface = N.concatenate( (if_rec, if_lig) )
        mask_heavy = N.concatenate( (ref.rec().maskHeavy(),
                                   ref.lig_model.maskHeavy()) )
        mask_interface = mask_interface * mask_heavy

        ## rms
        ref_model = ref.model()
        this_model= this.model()

        return ref_model.rms( this_model, mask_interface, fit=fit)
Beispiel #42
 def convertChainIdsCter( self, model, chains ):
     Convert normal chain ids to chain ids considering chain breaks.
     if len(chains) == 0: 
         return chains
     ## fetch last atom of given chains
     index = N.concatenate( (model.chainIndex(), [len(model)]) )
     i = N.take( index, N.array( chains ) + 1 ) - 1
     ## convert back to chain indices but this time including chain breaks
     return model.atom2chainIndices( i, breaks=1 )
Beispiel #43
    def __mul__(self, mat):
        if __debug__:
            if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
        """Apply the transformation matrix to the vertices"""

        assert self.array.shape[-1] == 3
        one = Numeric.ones((self.array.shape[0], 1), viewerConst.FPRECISION)
        c = Numeric.concatenate((self.array, one), 1)
        return, Numeric.transpose(mat))[:, :3]
    def __mul__(self, mat):
        if __debug__:
         if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
	"""Apply the transformation matrix to the vertices"""

	assert self.array.shape[-1]==3
	one = Numeric.ones( (self.array.shape[0], 1), viewerConst.FPRECISION )
	c = Numeric.concatenate( (self.array, one), 1 )
	return c, Numeric.transpose(mat) )[:, :3]
    def __init__(self, coords=None, radii=None, atnames=None, filename=None,
                 name='msms', maxnat=0, surfflags=None, hdflags=None):
        """MSMS <- MSMS(coords=None, radii=None, atnames=None, filename=None,
                        name='msms', maxnat=0, surfflags=None, hdflags=None)

    This class can be instantiated int a number of ways:

    - no arguments:
         m = MSMS()
    - with an array of Nx4 coordinates:
         m = MSMS(coords = c)
    - with an array of Nx3 centers and an array of radii:
         m = MSMS(coords = c, radii = r)
    - by specifying a filename from wich to load the xyzr and possibly names
         m = MSMS(filename)

    additional parameters are:
    name:    string to name that surface
    atnames: array of N atom names
    maxnat:  maximum number of atoms in the molecule. This number needs to be
             larger than largest number of atoms that surface will ever have.
        if filename:
            c, atnames, surfflags, hdflags = readxyzr(filename)
            nat = len(c)
            if name: self.surface_name = name
            else: self.surface_name = os.basename(filename)
            self.surface_name = name
            if coords:
                self.coords = Numeric.array(coords).astype('f')
                assert len(self.coords.shape)==2, "coordinates array of bad shape"
                if self.coords.shape[1] == 3:
                    self.radii = Numeric.array(radii).astype('f')
                    self.radii.shape = (self.radii.shape[0],1)
                    c = Numeric.concatenate( (self.coords, self.radii), 1 )
                    assert self.coords.shape[1]==4, "coordinates array of bad shape"
                    c = self.coords
                if not c.flags.contiguous or c.dtype.char!='f':
                    c = Numeric.array(c).astype('f')
                nat = len(c)
        if surfflags:
            assert len(surfflags)==len(c)
        if hdflags:
            assert len(hdflags)==len(c)

        msms.MOLSRF.__init__(self, name=name, coords=c, nat=nat,
                             maxat=maxnat, names=atnames, surfflags=surfflags,
        self.geometry = None
Beispiel #46
    def AddValues(self, values):
        if __debug__:
            if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
        """Add values"""

        if values is None: return
        if len(self.array) == 0:
            self.fixedShape = self.ashape[1:]
            self.array = Numeric.concatenate(
                (self.array, self._ShapeValues(values)))
            self.ashape = self.array.shape
Beispiel #47
 def __init__(self, crv1, crv2):
     if not isinstance(crv1, Crv.Crv):
         raise NURBSError, 'Parameter crv1 not derived from Crv class!'
     if not isinstance(crv2, Crv.Crv):
         raise NURBSError, 'Parameter crv2 not derived from Crv class!'
     # ensure both curves have a common degree
     d = max(,
     crv1.degelev(d -
     crv2.degelev(d -
     # merge the knot vectors, to obtain a common knot vector
     k1 = crv1.uknots
     k2 = crv2.uknots
     ku = []
     for item in k1:
         if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k2, item)):
             if item not in ku:
     for item in k2:
         if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k1, item)):
             if item not in ku:
     ku = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(ku, numerix.Float))
     n = ku.shape[0]
     ka = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
     kb = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
     for i in range(0, n):
         i1 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k1, ku[i]), k1).shape[0]
         i2 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k2, ku[i]), k2).shape[0]
         m = max(i1, i2)
         ka = numerix.concatenate((ka, ku[i] * numerix.ones(
             (m - i1, ), numerix.Float)))
         kb = numerix.concatenate((kb, ku[i] * numerix.ones(
             (m - i2, ), numerix.Float)))
     coefs = numerix.zeros((4, crv1.cntrl.shape[1], 2), numerix.Float)
     coefs[:, :, 0] = crv1.cntrl
     coefs[:, :, 1] = crv2.cntrl
     Srf.__init__(self, coefs, crv1.uknots, [0., 0., 1., 1.])
    def checkRamp(self, ramp):
        """Method to check the given ramp. If only rgb values given then 1
is added for the alpha values.
        #if no alpha values, add 1's
        if len(ramp[0]) == 4:
            return ramp
        if len(ramp[0]) == 3:
            lenRgb = len(ramp)
            _ones = Numeric.ones(lenRgb, 'f')
            _ones.shape = (lenRgb, 1)
            ramp = Numeric.concatenate((Numeric.array(ramp), _ones),1)
            return ramp.tolist()
    def AddValues(self, values):
        if __debug__:
         if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
	"""Add values"""

	if values is None: return
	if len(self.array)==0:
	    self.fixedShape = self.ashape[1:]
	    self.array = Numeric.concatenate( (self.array,
					       self._ShapeValues(values)) )
	    self.ashape = self.array.shape
Beispiel #50
    def checkRamp(self, ramp):
        """Method to check the given ramp. If only rgb values given then 1
is added for the alpha values.
        #if no alpha values, add 1's
        if len(ramp[0]) == 4:
            return ramp
        if len(ramp[0]) == 3:
            lenRgb = len(ramp)
            _ones = Numeric.ones(lenRgb, 'f')
            _ones.shape = (lenRgb, 1)
            ramp = Numeric.concatenate((Numeric.array(ramp), _ones), 1)
            return ramp.tolist()
Beispiel #51
    def __init__(self, refCoords, tolist=1):
        """refCoords is an nx3 list of n points
        resultCoords is set up and maintained as homogeneous coords
        if tolist then return the result coords as a python list
            self.refCoords = Numeric.array(Numeric.concatenate(
                (refCoords, Numeric.ones( (len(refCoords), 1), 'f')), 1))
        except TypeError:
            raise ValueError, "invalid input array"

        self.resultCoords = self.refCoords
        self.tolist = tolist
    def getMatrices(self):
        indicesComp = range(len(self.inMatrices))
        if self.indices[0] == []:
            self.indices[0] = indicesComp
            fullList = []
            fullList = Numeric.concatenate(self.indices)
            map( indicesComp.remove, fullList )

        for i in range(len(self.indices)):
            outMatrices.append(Numeric.take(self.inMatrices, self.indices[i]))
        return outMatrices
Beispiel #53
def cat(a, b):
    concatenate two arrays (the Numeric Python version is a mess)
    #bruce comment 050518: these boolean tests look like bugs!
    # I bet they should be testing the number of entries being 0, or so.
    # So I added some debug code to warn us if this happens.
    if not a.any():
        if (_DEBUG_QUATS or debug_flags.atom_debug):
            print "_DEBUG_QUATS: cat(a, b) with false a -- is it right?", a
        return b
    if not b.any():
        if (_DEBUG_QUATS or debug_flags.atom_debug):
            print "_DEBUG_QUATS: cat(a, b) with false b -- is it right?", b
        return a
    r1 = Numeric.shape(a)
    r2 = Numeric.shape(b)
    if len(r1) == len(r2):
        return Numeric.concatenate((a, b))
    if len(r1) < len(r2):
        return Numeric.concatenate((Numeric.reshape(a,(1,) + r1), b))
        return Numeric.concatenate((a, Numeric.reshape(b,(1,) + r2)))
Beispiel #54
 def __init__(self, crv1, crv2):
     if not isinstance(crv1, Crv.Crv):
             raise NURBSError, 'Parameter crv1 not derived from Crv class!'
     if not isinstance(crv2, Crv.Crv):
             raise NURBSError, 'Parameter crv2 not derived from Crv class!'
     # ensure both curves have a common degree
     d = max(,
     crv1.degelev(d -
     crv2.degelev(d -
     # merge the knot vectors, to obtain a common knot vector
     k1 = crv1.uknots
     k2 = crv2.uknots
     ku = []
     for item in k1:
         if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k2, item)):
             if item not in ku:
     for item in k2:
         if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k1, item)):
             if item not in ku:
     ku = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(ku, numerix.Float))
     n = ku.shape[0]
     ka = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
     kb = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
     for i in range(0, n):
         i1 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k1, ku[i]), k1).shape[0]
         i2 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k2, ku[i]), k2).shape[0]
         m = max(i1, i2)
         ka = numerix.concatenate((ka , ku[i] * numerix.ones((m - i1,), numerix.Float)))
         kb = numerix.concatenate((kb , ku[i] * numerix.ones((m - i2,), numerix.Float)))
     coefs = numerix.zeros((4, crv1.cntrl.shape[1], 2), numerix.Float)
     coefs[:,:,0] = crv1.cntrl
     coefs[:,:,1] = crv2.cntrl
     Srf.__init__(self, coefs, crv1.uknots, [0., 0., 1., 1.])
Beispiel #55
    def __init__(self, refCoords, tolist=1):
        """refCoords is an nx3 list of n points
        resultCoords is set up and maintained as homogeneous coords
        if tolist then return the result coords as a python list
            self.refCoords = Numeric.array(
                    (refCoords, Numeric.ones((len(refCoords), 1), 'f')), 1))
        except TypeError:
            raise ValueError, "invalid input array"

        self.resultCoords = self.refCoords
        self.tolist = tolist
Beispiel #56
    def GetMatrixInverse(self, root=None, instance=None):
        if __debug__:
         if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
	"""Returns the inverse of the matrix used to transform this object"""

        if root is None:
            root = self.viewer.rootObject
        m = self.GetMatrix(root, instance)
        m = Numeric.reshape(Numeric.transpose(m), (16,)).astype('f')
        rot, transl, scale = self.Decompose4x4(m)
        sc = Numeric.concatenate((Numeric.reshape(scale,(3,1)), [[1]]))
        n = Numeric.reshape(rot, (4,4))/sc
        tr =, (transl[0], transl[1], transl[2],1) )
        n[:3,3] = -tr[:3].astype('f')
        return n