Beispiel #1
    def GetMatrix(self, root=None, instance=None, scale=True, transpose=True):
        if __debug__:
         if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
	"""Returns the matrix by which this object is transformed
scale = False: returns the rotation and translation. no scaling info included
               Used to save the transformed geom --> coords --> new pdb file
instance is a list of integer instance indices for all parents
        if root is None:
            root = self.viewer.rootObject

        if instance is None:
            instance = [0]
            p = self.parent
            while p:
                p = p.parent

        #print 'GetMatrix', instance
        self.BuildMat(self, root, scale, instance)
        m = Numeric.array(GL.glGetDoublev(GL.GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX)).astype('f')
        if Numeric.alltrue(m==Numeric.zeros(16).astype('f')):
            # this happens when Pmv has no GUI
            m = Numeric.identity(4)
        if transpose:
            return Numeric.transpose(Numeric.reshape(m, (4,4)))
            return Numeric.reshape(m, (4,4))
Beispiel #2
    def FrameTransform(self, camera=None):
        """Build the R an RI, the object's frame transformation and inverse"""

        self.Si = Numeric.ones((3, ))
        m = Numeric.reshape(self.object.rotation, (4, 4))
        upd = Numeric.reshape(Numeric.transpose(m), (16, ))
        self.Si = self.Si * self.object.Si / (self.object.scale *

        self.Ri = Numeric.array(GL.glGetDoublev(
        #self.Ri = Numeric.reshape(glCleanRotMat(self.Ri), (4,4) )
        self.Ri = glCleanRotMat(self.Ri)
        self.R = Numeric.reshape(Numeric.transpose(self.Ri),
                                 (16, )).astype('f')
        self.Ri = Numeric.reshape(self.Ri, (16, )).astype('f')

        if self.redirectXform: self.redirectXform.FrameTransform(camera)
        for o in self.copyXform:
Beispiel #3
def computeBlurCurvature(radii, coords, blobbiness, points):
    # Compute Blur curvatures analytically by UTmolderivatives (since Novemeber 2005)
    from UTpackages.UTmolderivatives import molderivatives
    import numpy.oldnumeric as Numeric
    # Read input
    npoints = len(points)
    numberOfGaussians = len(coords)
    gaussianCenters = Numeric.zeros((numberOfGaussians, 4)).astype('d')
    for i in range(numberOfGaussians):
        gaussianCenters[i, 0:3] = coords[i]
        gaussianCenters[i, 3] = radii[i]
    numberOfGridDivisions = 10  # as in Readme.htm of UTmolderivatives
    maxFunctionError = 0.001  # as in Readme.htm of UTmolderivatives

    # Compute HandK, normals, k1Vector, k2Vector
    HandK, normals, k1Vector, k2Vector = molderivatives.getGaussianCurvature(
        gaussianCenters, numberOfGridDivisions, maxFunctionError, blobbiness,

    k1Vector = Numeric.reshape(k1Vector, (npoints, 3))
    k2Vector = Numeric.reshape(k2Vector, (npoints, 3))
    HandK = Numeric.reshape(HandK, (npoints, 2))
    normals = Numeric.reshape(normals, (npoints, 3)) * (
        -1)  # change normal directions to outwards
    return normals
Beispiel #4
    def prepareBillboardAndNormalForAllTextLines(self):
        if self.billboard:
            m = self.GetMatrix()
            m = Numeric.reshape(m, (16, ))
            rot = glCleanRotMat(m)  #much faster than self.Decompose4x4(m)

            if self.includeCameraRotationInBillboard:
                # this permit billboarding even if the camera is not in the Z axis
                lCameraTransformation = self.viewer.currentCamera.GetMatrix()
                lCameraTransformation = Numeric.reshape(
                    lCameraTransformation, (16, ))
                lCameraRotation = glCleanRotMat(
                )  #much faster than self.Decompose4x4(m)
                lCameraRotation = Numeric.transpose(lCameraRotation)
                rot =, rot)

            rot = Numeric.reshape(rot, (16, ))
            self.billboardRotation = rot.astype('f')
            c = self.vertexSet.vertices.array
            n = self.vertexSet.normals.array
            lenn = len(n)
            if lenn > 0 and lenn != len(c):
                lMat = rotax.rotVectToVect(n[0], (0, 0, 1))
                self.orientation = [
                    lMat[0][0], lMat[0][1], lMat[0][2], lMat[0][3], lMat[1][0],
                    lMat[1][1], lMat[1][2], lMat[1][3], lMat[2][0], lMat[2][1],
                    lMat[2][2], lMat[2][3], lMat[3][0], lMat[3][1], lMat[3][2],
Beispiel #5
 def test_HSVBitmap(self):
     a = [j for i in range(16) for j in range(16)]
     b = [i for i in range(16) for j in range(16)]
     c = [max(i,j) for i in range(16) for j in range(16)]
     a = Numeric.reshape(a,(16,16)) / 255.0
     b = Numeric.reshape(b,(16,16)) / 255.0
     c = Numeric.reshape(c,(16,16)) / 255.0
     hsv = HSVBitmap(a,b,c)
Beispiel #6
 def test_HSVBitmap(self):
     a = [j for i in range(16) for j in range(16)]
     b = [i for i in range(16) for j in range(16)]
     c = [max(i, j) for i in range(16) for j in range(16)]
     a = Numeric.reshape(a, (16, 16)) / 255.0
     b = Numeric.reshape(b, (16, 16)) / 255.0
     c = Numeric.reshape(c, (16, 16)) / 255.0
     hsv = HSVBitmap(a, b, c)
Beispiel #7
    def End(self):
        import math

        # center the points around the origin
        sca = (1.0 / self.griddingSize) * self.gridToWorld
        points = Numeric.array(self.shape, 'f') * sca
        xsum, ysum = 0, 0
        if points:
            repeat = 0
            comp = points[-1] - points[0]
            if abs(comp[0]) < .01 and abs(comp[1]) < .01: repeat = -1
            for i in range(len(points) + repeat):
                xsum = xsum + points[i][0]
                ysum = ysum + points[i][1]
            xcenter = xsum / (len(points) + repeat)
            ycenter = ysum / (len(points) + repeat)
            origin = (xcenter, ycenter)
            points = points - origin
            points[:, 1:] = points[:, 1:] * -1

            # 3D
            o = Numeric.ones((len(points), 1))
            points = Numeric.concatenate((points, o), 1)

            # calculate normals to each side
            normals = Numeric.zeros((len(points) - 1, 3), 'f')
            for i in range(len(points) - 1):
                diff = points[i + 1] - points[i]
                if diff[1] == 0:
                    normals[i][0] = 0.0
                    normals[i][1] = diff[0] / abs(diff[0])
                    slope = -diff[0] / diff[1]
                    size = -math.sqrt(1 + slope**2) * (diff[1] / abs(diff[1]))
                    normals[i][0] = 1.0 / size
                    normals[i][1] = slope / size

            # duplicate vertices
            if self.dup.get():
                pts = Numeric.concatenate((points, points), 1)
                self.points = Numeric.reshape(pts, (2 * len(points), 3))
                norms1 = Numeric.concatenate(
                    (Numeric.reshape(normals[-1], (1, 3)), normals))
                norms2 = Numeric.concatenate(
                    (normals, Numeric.reshape(normals[0], (1, 3))))
                norms = Numeric.concatenate((norms1, norms2), 1)
                self.normals = Numeric.reshape(norms, (2 * len(points), 3))
            # single vertices: average normals
                self.points = points
                self.normals = Numeric.zeros((len(points), 3)).astype('f')
                for i in range(len(points) - 1):
                    n = (normals[i - 1] + normals[i]) / 2
                    self.normals[i] = n.astype('f')
                self.normals[len(points) - 1] = self.normals[0]
            print self.points
            self.points, self.normals = [], []
Beispiel #8
    def _FirstValues(self, data=None, shape=None, datatype=None):
        if __debug__:
            if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
        """Set the initial set of values, always returns a copy"""

        if data is not None:
            if len(data) == 0:
                self.ashape = (0, ) + self.ashape[1:]
                return Numeric.zeros(self.ashape, self.type)
            elif isarray(data):  # data is an Numeric array
                if not datatype:
                    if self.type: datatype = self.type
                    else: raise AttributeError('I Need a datatype')

                if data.typecode() == self.type:  # right type
                    if shape is None: self.ashape = data.shape
                    if data.shape == self.ashape: return Numeric.array(data)
                    else: return Numeric.reshape(data, shape)
                else:  # bad type
                    data = data.astype(datatype)
                    if shape is None: self.ashape = data.shape
                    #		    if data.shape == self.ashape: return Numeric.array(data)
                    if data.shape == self.ashape: return data
                    else: return Numeric.reshape(data, shape)

            else:  # data is not an array
                if datatype and shape:
                    data = Numeric.array(data, self.type)
                    return Numeric.reshape(data, shape)
                elif datatype:
                    d = Numeric.array(data, datatype)
                    self.ashape = d.shape
                    return d
                        d = Numeric.array(data, self.type)
                    except ValueError:
                        raise ValueError('Bad argument')
                    if d.dtype.char in Numeric.typecodes['Integer'] or \
                       d.dtype.char in Numeric.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']:
                        d = Numeric.array(data, viewerConst.IPRECISION)
                        d = Numeric.array(data, viewerConst.FPRECISION)
                    self.ashape = d.shape
                    return d

        else:  # No data
            if datatype and shape:
                d = Numeric.zeros((0, ), self.type)
                d.shape = shape
                return d
                raise AttributeError('I Need a datatype and a shape')
    def _FirstValues(self, data=None, shape=None, datatype=None):
        if __debug__:
         if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
	"""Set the initial set of values, always returns a copy"""

	if data is not None:
	    if len(data)==0:
	        self.ashape = (0,) + self.ashape[1:]
		return Numeric.zeros( self.ashape, self.type)
	    elif isarray(data):  # data is an Numeric array
		if not datatype:
		    if self.type: datatype = self.type
		    else: raise AttributeError('I Need a datatype')

		if data.typecode() == self.type: # right type
		    if shape is None: self.ashape = data.shape
		    if data.shape == self.ashape: return Numeric.array(data)
		    else: return Numeric.reshape(data, shape )
		else: # bad type
		    data = data.astype(datatype)
		    if shape is None: self.ashape = data.shape
#		    if data.shape == self.ashape: return Numeric.array(data)
		    if data.shape == self.ashape: return data
		    else: return Numeric.reshape(data, shape)

	    else: # data is not an array
		if datatype and shape:
		    data = Numeric.array( data, self.type)
		    return Numeric.reshape( data, shape )
		elif datatype:
		    d=Numeric.array( data, datatype)
		    self.ashape = d.shape
		    return d
                        d=Numeric.array( data,  self.type)
                    except ValueError:
                        raise ValueError('Bad argument')
		    if d.dtype.char in Numeric.typecodes['Integer'] or \
		       d.dtype.char in Numeric.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']:
			d=Numeric.array( data, viewerConst.IPRECISION)
			d=Numeric.array( data, viewerConst.FPRECISION)
		    self.ashape = d.shape
		    return d

	else: # No data
		if datatype and shape:
		    d = Numeric.zeros( (0,), self.type)
		    d.shape = shape
		    return  d
		    raise AttributeError('I Need a datatype and a shape')
Beispiel #10
 def __init__(self, points, k, normalization=NORM_NORM_T0_1, force=False):
     calculate k polynomials of degree 0 to k-1 orthogonal on a set of distinct points
     map points to interval [-1,1]
     INPUT:  points: array of dictinct points where polynomials are orthogonal
             k: number of polynomials of degree 0 to k-1
             force=True creates basis even if orthogonality is not satisfied due to numerical error
     USES:   x: array of points mapped to [-1,1]
             T_: matrix of values of polynomials calculated at x, shape (k,len(x))
             TT_ = T_ * Numeric.transpose(T_)
             TTinv_ = inverse(TT_)
             sc_: scaling factors
             a, b: coefficients for calculating T (2k-4 different from 0, i.e. 6 for k=5)
             n: number of points = len(points)
             normalization = {0|1|2}
     self.k = k  # number of basis polynomials of order 0 to k-1
     self._force = force
     self.points = Numeric.asarray(points, Numeric.Float)
     self.pointsMin = min(points)
     self.pointsMax = max(points)
     # scaling x to [-1,1] results in smaller a and b, T is not affected; overflow is NOT a problem!
     self.xMin = -1
     self.xMax = 1
     self.x = self._map(self.points, self.pointsMin, self.pointsMax, self.xMin, self.xMax)
     # calculate basis polynomials
     self.n = len(points) # the number of approximation points
     t = Numeric.zeros((k,self.n),Numeric.Float)
     a = Numeric.zeros((k,1),Numeric.Float)
     b = Numeric.zeros((k,1),Numeric.Float)
     t[0,:] = Numeric.ones(self.n,Numeric.Float)
     if k > 1: t[1,:] = self.x - sum(self.x)/self.n
     for i in range(1,k-1):
         a[i+1] = Numeric.innerproduct(self.x, t[i,:] * t[i,:]) / Numeric.innerproduct(t[i,:],t[i,:])
         b[i] = Numeric.innerproduct(t[i,:], t[i,:]) / Numeric.innerproduct(t[i-1,:],t[i-1,:])
         t[i+1,:] = (self.x - a[i+1]) * t[i,:] - b[i] * t[i-1,:]
     self.a = a
     self.b = b
     # prepare for approximation
     self._T0 = t
     # orthonormal
     _TT0 = Numeric.matrixmultiply(self._T0, Numeric.transpose(self._T0))
     self.sc1 = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.reshape(Numeric.diagonal(_TT0),(self.k,1))) # scaling factors = sqrt sum squared self._T0
     self._T1 = self._T0 / self.sc1
     # orthonormal and T[0] == 1
     self.sc2 = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.reshape(Numeric.diagonal(_TT0),(self.k,1)) / self.n) # scaling factors = sqrt 1/n * sum squared self._T0
     self._T2 = self._T0 / self.sc2
     # T[:,-1] == 1
     self.sc3 = Numeric.take(self._T0, (-1,), 1) # scaling factors = self._T0[:,-1]
     self._T3 = self._T0 / self.sc3
     # set the variables according to the chosen normalization
Beispiel #11
    def _ShapeValues(self, values):
        if __debug__:
            if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
        """Check type and shape, coerce if needed"""

        if isarray(values) and values.dtype.char == self.type:
            if values.shape[1:] == self.fixedShape:
                return values
                return Numeric.reshape(values, (-1, ) + self.fixedShape)
            values = Numeric.array(values, self.type)
            return Numeric.reshape(values, (-1, ) + self.fixedShape)
    def _ShapeValues(self, values):
        if __debug__:
         if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
	"""Check type and shape, coerce if needed"""

	if isarray(values) and values.dtype.char == self.type:
	    if values.shape[1:] == self.fixedShape:
		    return values
		    return Numeric.reshape( values, ( -1,) + self.fixedShape )
	    values = Numeric.array( values, self.type)
	    return Numeric.reshape( values, ( -1,) + self.fixedShape )
Beispiel #13
def random2DArray(matrix, ranNr=1, mask=None):
    Create randomized 2D array containing ones and zeros.

    @param matrix: matrix to randomize
    @type  matrix: 2D array
    @param mask: mask OR None (default: None)
    @type  mask: list(1|0)
    @param ranNr: number of matricies to add up (default: 1)
    @type  ranNr: integer

    @return: 2D array or |ranNr| added contact matricies
    @rtype:2D array

    @raise MathUtilError: if mask does not fit matrix
    ## get shape of matrix
    a, b = N.shape(matrix)

    ## get array from matrix that is to be randomized
    if mask is not None:
        if len(mask) == len(N.ravel(matrix)):
            array = N.compress(mask, N.ravel(matrix))

        if len(mask) != len(N.ravel(matrix)):
            raise MathUtilError(
                'MatUtils.random2DArray - mask of incorrect length' +
                '\tMatrix length: %i Mask length: %i'\
                %(len( N.ravel(matrix) ), len(mask)))

    if not mask:
        array = N.ravel(matrix)

    ## number of ones and length of array
    nOnes = int(N.sum(array))
    lenArray = len(array)
    ranArray = N.zeros(lenArray)

    ## create random array
    for n in range(ranNr):
        ranArray += randomMask(nOnes, lenArray)

    ## blow up to size of original matix
    if mask is not None:
        r = N.zeros(a * b)
        N.put(r, N.nonzero(mask), ranArray)
        return N.reshape(r, (a, b))

    if not mask:
        return N.reshape(ranArray, (a, b))
Beispiel #14
def random2DArray( matrix, ranNr=1, mask=None):
    Create randomized 2D array containing ones and zeros.

    @param matrix: matrix to randomize
    @type  matrix: 2D array
    @param mask: mask OR None (default: None)
    @type  mask: list(1|0)
    @param ranNr: number of matricies to add up (default: 1)
    @type  ranNr: integer

    @return: 2D array or |ranNr| added contact matricies
    @rtype:2D array

    @raise MathUtilError: if mask does not fit matrix
    ## get shape of matrix
    a,b = N.shape( matrix )

    ## get array from matrix that is to be randomized
    if mask is not None:
        if len(mask) == len( N.ravel(matrix) ):
            array = N.compress( mask, N.ravel(matrix) )

        if len(mask) != len( N.ravel(matrix) ):
            raise MathUtilError(
                'MatUtils.random2DArray - mask of incorrect length' +
                '\tMatrix length: %i Mask length: %i'\
                %(len( N.ravel(matrix) ), len(mask)))

    if not mask:
        array = N.ravel(matrix)

    ## number of ones and length of array
    nOnes = int( N.sum( array ) )
    lenArray = len( array )
    ranArray = N.zeros( lenArray )

    ## create random array
    for n in range(ranNr):
        ranArray += randomMask( nOnes, lenArray )

    ## blow up to size of original matix
    if mask is not None:
        r = N.zeros(a*b)
        N.put( r, N.nonzero(mask), ranArray)
        return N.reshape( r, (a,b) )

    if not mask:
        return  N.reshape( ranArray, (a,b) )
Beispiel #15
    def GetMatrixInverse(self, root=None, instance=None):
        if __debug__:
         if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
	"""Returns the inverse of the matrix used to transform this object"""

        if root is None:
            root = self.viewer.rootObject
        m = self.GetMatrix(root, instance)
        m = Numeric.reshape(Numeric.transpose(m), (16,)).astype('f')
        rot, transl, scale = self.Decompose4x4(m)
        sc = Numeric.concatenate((Numeric.reshape(scale,(3,1)), [[1]]))
        n = Numeric.reshape(rot, (4,4))/sc
        tr =, (transl[0], transl[1], transl[2],1) )
        n[:3,3] = -tr[:3].astype('f')
        return n
Beispiel #16
    def loadResContacts( self ):
        Uncompress residue contact matrix if necessary.
        @return: dict with contact matrix and parameters OR None
        @rtype: dict OR None
        ## Backwards compatibility
        if self.contacts != None and type( self.contacts ) == str:
            self.contacts = t.load( self.contacts )
            EHandler.warning("loading old-style pickled contacts.") 
            return self.contacts

        ## New, uncompression from list of indices into raveled array
        if self.contacts != None and \
           len( N.shape( self.contacts['result'])) == 1:

                lenRec, lenLig = self.contacts['shape']
                EHandler.warning("uncompressing contacts without shape")
                lenRec = self.rec().lenResidues()
                lenLig = self.lig().lenResidues()

            m = N.zeros( lenRec * lenLig )
            N.put( m, self.contacts['result'], 1 )

            self.contacts['result'] = N.reshape( m, (lenRec, lenLig) )

        return self.contacts
Beispiel #17
 def setUp(self):
     Uses topo/tests/unit/testbitmap.jpg in the unit tests directory
     miata ='topo/tests/unit/testbitmap.jpg'))
     miata = miata.resize((miata.size[0] / 2, miata.size[1] / 2))
     self.rIm, self.gIm, self.bIm = miata.split()
     self.rseq = self.rIm.getdata()
     self.gseq = self.gIm.getdata()
     self.bseq = self.bIm.getdata()
     self.rar = Numeric.array(self.rseq)
     self.gar = Numeric.array(self.gseq) = Numeric.array(self.bseq)
     self.ra = Numeric.reshape(self.rar, miata.size) / 255.0 = Numeric.reshape(self.gar, miata.size) / 255.0 = Numeric.reshape(, miata.size) / 255.0
Beispiel #18
 def update(self):
     vertices = self.geom.getVertices()
     normals = self.geom.getVNormals()
     pts = Numeric.concatenate((vertices, vertices + normals), 1)
     pts = Numeric.reshape(pts, (len(vertices), 2, -1)).astype('f')
    def derivatives(self):
        # make array of numbers
        depthString = self.getDepthString()
        self.depth = Numeric.array(depthString, 'c')[2::4].astype(Numeric.Int8)
        self.dsq = Numeric.reshape(self.depth, (self.w, self.h))
        self.fstD = Numeric.zeros((self.w, self.h), Numeric.Int8)
        self.sndD = Numeric.zeros((self.w, self.h), Numeric.Int8)
        self.deriv = Numeric.zeros((self.w, self.h), Numeric.Int8)

        for i in range(1, self.w-1):
            for j in range(1, self.h-1):
                a, b = self._derivatives(i,j)
                self.fstD[i][j] = a
                self.sndD[i][j] = b
                self.deriv[i][j] = max(a, b)
#        self.deriv = Numeric.choose( Numeric.greater(self.fstD,self.sndD),
#                                     (self.fstD,self.sndD) )

        self.fstDim = Image.fromstring('P', (self.w,self.h),

        self.sndDim = Image.fromstring('P', (self.w,self.h),
        self.derivim = Image.fromstring('P', (self.w,self.h),
                                        self.deriv.tostring() )
Beispiel #20
    def test_getSliceArray(self):

        assert hasattr(UTisocontour, 'getSliceArray')
        sh = (1,1, self.auC.NELEMENTS[0], self.auC.NELEMENTS[1], self.auC.NELEMENTS[2])
        da = Numeric.zeros(sh).astype('f')
        da[0][0] = Numeric.array( Numeric.reshape( Numeric.swapaxes( self.auC.array, 0, 2), self.auC.NELEMENTS ) ).astype('f')
        daSmall = Numeric.array(da[:,:,::step,::step,::step]).astype('f')
        center = Numeric.array(self.auC.CENTER).astype('f')
        dim = Numeric.array(self.auC.NELEMENTS).astype('f')
        span = Numeric.array(self.auC.SPACING).astype('f')
        print("span:", span)
        orig = center - ((dim-1)/2)*span
        print("orig: ", orig)
        the_data = UTisocontour.newDatasetRegFloat3D(daSmall,
                                        orig.astype('f'), (span*step,)*3 )
        #the_data = UTisocontour.newDatasetRegFloat3D(daSmall)

        sld = UTisocontour.getSliceArray(the_data, isovar,
                                       timestep, axis, sliceNum)
        print('sld.shape' ,sld.shape)
        assert sld.shape == (61, 41)
 def update(self):
     vertices = self.geom.getVertices()
     normals = self.geom.getVNormals()
     pts = Numeric.concatenate( (vertices, vertices+normals), 1)
     pts = Numeric.reshape( pts, (len(vertices),2,-1) ).astype('f')
     self.normalsGeom.Set(vertices = pts) 
Beispiel #22
    def parse_xyzrn( self, output ):
        Extract xyz and r from output.

        @param output: STDOUT from pdb_to_xyzrn
        @type  output: [str]

        @return: r, n - array with atom radii, list with atom names
        @rtype: array, array
        lines = output.split('\n')

        ## convert into lists that mslib will like
        xyzr = []
        n = []

        for l in lines:
            ## don't let the last empty line mess things up
            if len(l)!=0:
                l = string.split( l )
                xyzr += [ float(l[0]), float(l[1]), \
                          float(l[2]), float(l[3]) ]
                n += [ l[5] ]

        xyzr = N.reshape( xyzr, ( len(xyzr)/4, 4 ) )

        r = xyzr[:,3]

        ## xyz data is not passed on as it is not needed
        xyz = xyzr[:,:3]

        return r, n
Beispiel #23
    def compute(self,
        """ """
        self.nrib = nbrib
        self.coords = coords
        natoms = len(self.coords)
        self.width = width
        self.chords = nbchords
        self.offset = offset
        self.isHelix = isHelix
        # Create a ribbon2D object
        self.smooth = Ribbon.ribbon2D(nbrib, width, nbchords, offset, natoms,
                                      coords, isHelix, off_c)
        self.oldsmooth = self.smooth
        self.verts2D_flat = Numeric.array(
            Numeric.reshape(self.smooth, (-1, 4))[:, :3])

        path = (self.smooth[0, :, :3] + self.smooth[1, :, :3]) * 0.5
        self.path = path.astype('f')
        self.faces2D = self.computeFaces2D()
        self.binormals = self.computeBinormals()
        self.normals = self.computeNormals()
        self.matrixTransfo = self.buildTransformationMatrix(
            self.path, self.normals, self.binormals)
Beispiel #24
    def sortPoly(self, order=-1):
        if __debug__:
         if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
        """None <- sortPoly(order=-1)
Sorts the geometry polygons according to z values of polygon's
geomtric centers. Order=-1 sorts by furthest z first, order=1 sorts
by closest z first"""
        # FIXME will not work with instance matrices
        mat = self.GetMatrix()
        mat = Numeric.reshape(mat, (4,4))
        vt = self.vertexSet.vertices*mat
        if vt is None:
        triv = Numeric.take(vt, self.faceSet.faces.array)
        trig = Numeric.sum(triv,1)/3.
        trigz = trig[:,2]  #triangle's center of gravity z value
        ind = Numeric.argsort(trigz) # sorted indices
        if len(self.faceSet.faces.array):
            faces = Numeric.take(self.faceSet.faces.array, ind[::order])
            if self.shading==GL.GL_FLAT: # we also need to re-arrange the
                                       # face normals
                if self.normals is None:
                    normals = None
                    if len(self.normals)>1:
                        normals = Numeric.take(self.normals, ind[::order])
                        normals = self.normals
                normals = None

            self.Set(faces=faces, fnormals=normals)
Beispiel #25
    def derivatives(self):
        # make array of numbers
        depthString = self.getDepthString()
        self.depth = Numeric.array(depthString, 'c')[2::4].astype(Numeric.Int8)
        self.dsq = Numeric.reshape(self.depth, (self.w, self.h))
        self.fstD = Numeric.zeros((self.w, self.h), Numeric.Int8)
        self.sndD = Numeric.zeros((self.w, self.h), Numeric.Int8)
        self.deriv = Numeric.zeros((self.w, self.h), Numeric.Int8)

        for i in range(1, self.w - 1):
            for j in range(1, self.h - 1):
                a, b = self._derivatives(i, j)
                self.fstD[i][j] = a
                self.sndD[i][j] = b
                self.deriv[i][j] = max(a, b)

#        self.deriv = Numeric.choose( Numeric.greater(self.fstD,self.sndD),
#                                     (self.fstD,self.sndD) )

        self.fstDim = Image.fromstring('P', (self.w, self.h),

        self.sndDim = Image.fromstring('P', (self.w, self.h),

        self.derivim = Image.fromstring('P', (self.w, self.h),
Beispiel #26
def unpackBinaryMatrix( pcm, raveled=0 ):
    Uncompress array of 0 and 1 that was compressed with L{packBinaryMatrix}.

    @param pcm: {'shape':(X,Y,..), 'nonzero':[int]}
    @type  pcm: dict
    @param raveled: return raveled (default: 0)
    @type  raveled: 1|0

    @return: N.array(X by Y by ..) of int
    @rtype: 2D array
    if type( pcm ) != dict:
        return pcm

    s = pcm['shape']

    m = N.zeros( N.cumproduct( s )[-1], N.Int)
    pass  ## m.savespace( 1 )
    N.put( m, pcm['nonzero'], 1 )

    if raveled:
        return m

    return N.reshape( m, s )
    def doit(self, mobAtoms):
mobAtoms: AtomSet that is being frozen.
Assuming the AtomSet are from same molecule

        # fixme: need checking for mat (matrix) and mobAtoms
        geomContainer = mobAtoms[0].top.geomContainer
        mGeom = geomContainer.masterGeom
        mat = mGeom.rotation
        mat = Numeric.reshape(mat, (4, 4))

        # update coords
        mobAtoms = mobAtoms.findType(Atom)
        coords = mobAtoms.coords
        hCoords = Numeric.concatenate((coords,Numeric.ones((len(coords),1),\
                                                            'd')), 1)
        tCoords =, mat)[:, :3]
        tCoords = tCoords.tolist()
        mobAtoms.updateCoords(tCoords, 0)  # overwritten the original coords

        # reset the rotation matrix of masterGeom
        identity = Numeric.identity(4, 'f').ravel()
        mGeom.SetRotation(Numeric.identity(4, 'f').ravel())

        event = EditAtomsEvent('coords', mobAtoms)


Beispiel #28
def blurCoordsRadii(coords,
    """blur a set of coordinates with radii
    # Setup grid
    resX = resY = resZ = res
    if not dims:
        minb, maxb = blur.getBoundingBox(coords, radii, blobbyness, padding)
        Xdim = int(round((maxb[0] - minb[0]) / resX + 1))
        Ydim = int(round((maxb[1] - minb[1]) / resY + 1))
        Zdim = int(round((maxb[2] - minb[2]) / resZ + 1))
        Xdim, Ydim, Zdim = dims
    print "Xdim = %d, Ydim =%d, Zdim = %d" % (Xdim, Ydim, Zdim)
    # Generate blur map
    volarr, origin, span = blur.generateBlurmap(coords,
                                                radii, [Xdim, Ydim, Zdim],
    # Take data from blur map
    volarr.shape = [Zdim, Ydim, Xdim]
    volarr = Numeric.transpose(volarr).astype('f')
    origin = Numeric.array(origin).astype('f')
    stepsize = Numeric.array(span).astype('f')
    arrayf = Numeric.reshape(Numeric.transpose(volarr),
                             (1, 1) + tuple(volarr.shape))
    # Return data
    return arrayf, origin, stepsize
Beispiel #29
def loessMA(m, windowSize, axis=0, approxMasked=True, verbose=False, callback=None):
    """Returns a new array with values at the given axis smoothed by loess;
    if approxMasked==True: the masked values are approximated by loess;
    assumes equidistant spacing of points on the given axis.
    assert 0 < windowSize <= m.shape[axis]+0.1, "0 < windowSize[%s] <= 1 OR windowSize in range(1.1,m.shape[axis]+1) expected, got %f" % ("%", windowSize)
    m = MA.asarray(m)
    if m.dtype.char <> Numeric.Float:
        m = m.astype(Numeric.Float)
    shp_other = list(m.shape)
    # get a transposed and reshaped mask and data from m; if m.mask() == None, construct a new array of zeros
    mask = Numeric.reshape(Numeric.transpose(MA.getmaskarray(m), [axis] + range(0,axis) + range(axis+1,len(m.shape))), (m.shape[axis], Numeric.multiply.reduce(shp_other)))
    data = MA.reshape(MA.transpose(m, [axis] + range(0,axis) + range(axis+1,len(m.shape))), (m.shape[axis], Numeric.multiply.reduce(shp_other)))
    maskInv = -1*(mask-1)
    xall = Numeric.arange(data.shape[0])
    xallList = xall.tolist()
    for ii in Numeric.compress(Numeric.add.reduce(maskInv,0) > 1, range(data.shape[1])):    # run loess if the profile contains more than 2 values
            data[:,ii] = MA.array(statc.loess(zip(MA.compress(maskInv[:,ii], xall).tolist(), MA.compress(maskInv[:,ii], data[:,ii]).tolist()), xallList, windowSize))[:,1]
            if verbose:
                print "Warning: loessMA: could not loess axis %i index %i" % (axis, ii)
        if callback:
    if not approxMasked:
        data = MA.array(data, mask=mask)
    return MA.transpose(MA.reshape(data, [m.shape[axis]] + shp_other), [axis] + range(0,axis) + range(axis+1,len(m.shape)))
Beispiel #30
    def LoadData(self):
        #load colormap from file
        import os

        myfile = open("ct_head.rawiv", "rb")
        print(("myfile: ", myfile))
        if not myfile:
            print("Error: could not open file: ct_head.rawiv")
            #the header
            header =
            # unpack header following rawiv format,big endian
            h = unpack('>6f5I6f', header)
            width = int(h[8])
            height = int(h[9])
            depth = int(h[10])

            # load the data
            l = * height * depth)
   = Numeric.fromstring(l, Numeric.UnsignedInt8,
                                           (width * height * depth))
            self.size = (width, height, depth)
            print(("size: ", self.size))
   = Numeric.reshape(,(width,height,depth))

        myfile = open("", "rb")
        if not myfile:
            print("Error: Could not open file:")
            l = * 4)
            self.byte_map = Numeric.fromstring(l, Numeric.UnsignedInt8,
                                               (256 * 4))
            self.byte_map = Numeric.reshape(self.byte_map, (256, 4))
Beispiel #31
    def LoadData(self):
        #load colormap from file
	import os
	myfile = open("ct_head.rawiv", "rb" )
        print(("myfile: ", myfile))
        if not myfile:
            print("Error: could not open file: ct_head.rawiv")
            #the header
            # unpack header following rawiv format,big endian
            h = unpack('>6f5I6f',header)
            depth =int(h[10])

            # load the data
            l =*height*depth)
   = Numeric.fromstring(l, Numeric.UnsignedInt8,
                                           (width*height*depth) )
            self.size = (width, height, depth)
            print(("size: ", self.size))
   = Numeric.reshape(,(width,height,depth))
  	myfile = open("", "rb" )
        if not myfile:
            print("Error: Could not open file:")
            l =*4)
            self.byte_map =Numeric.fromstring(l,
                                              Numeric.UnsignedInt8, (256*4)) 
            self.byte_map = Numeric.reshape(self.byte_map,(256,4))
Beispiel #32
def unpackBinaryMatrix(pcm, raveled=0):
    Uncompress array of 0 and 1 that was compressed with L{packBinaryMatrix}.

    @param pcm: {'shape':(X,Y,..), 'nonzero':[int]}
    @type  pcm: dict
    @param raveled: return raveled (default: 0)
    @type  raveled: 1|0

    @return: N.array(X by Y by ..) of int
    @rtype: 2D array
    if type(pcm) != dict:
        return pcm

    s = pcm['shape']

    m = N.zeros(N.cumproduct(s)[-1], N.Int)
    pass  ## m.savespace( 1 )
    N.put(m, pcm['nonzero'], 1)

    if raveled:
        return m

    return N.reshape(m, s)
Beispiel #33
def inverse4X4(matrix):
    """ returns the inverse of the given 4x4 transformation matrix
t_1: the negetive of Translation vector
r_1: the inverse of rotation matrix

inversed transformation is
1) t_1 applied first
2) then r_1 is applied

to validate the result,, mat_inverse)==N.identity(4,'f')
    # check the shape
    if matrix.shape !=(4,4) and matrix.shape !=(16,) :
        raise ValueError("Argument must Numeric array of shape (4,4) or (16,)")
        return None
    if matrix.shape ==(16,):            
        matrix=N.reshape(matrix,(4,4))  # force the matrix to be (4,4)
    t_1[:2,3]= - matrix[:2, 3]
    r_1[:3,:3] = N.transpose(matrix[:3,:3]), t_1)
    #asert, mat_inverse) is N.identity(4,'f')
    return mat_inverse
def blurCoordsRadii(coords, radii, blobbyness=-0.1, res=0.5,
                    weights=None, dims=None, padding = 0.0):
    """blur a set of coordinates with radii
    # Setup grid
    resX = resY = resZ = res
    if not dims:
        minb, maxb = blur.getBoundingBox(coords, radii, blobbyness, padding)
        Xdim = int(round( (maxb[0] - minb[0])/resX + 1))
        Ydim = int(round( (maxb[1] - minb[1])/resY + 1))
        Zdim = int(round( (maxb[2] - minb[2])/resZ + 1))
        Xdim, Ydim, Zdim = dims
    print "Xdim = %d, Ydim =%d, Zdim = %d"%(Xdim, Ydim, Zdim)
    # Generate blur map
    volarr, origin, span = blur.generateBlurmap(
        coords, radii, [Xdim, Ydim, Zdim], blobbyness, weights=weights, padding=padding)
    # Take data from blur map 
    volarr.shape = [Zdim, Ydim, Xdim]
    volarr = Numeric.transpose(volarr).astype('f')
    origin = Numeric.array(origin).astype('f')
    stepsize = Numeric.array(span).astype('f')
    arrayf = Numeric.reshape( Numeric.transpose(volarr),
                              (1, 1)+tuple(volarr.shape) )
    # Return data
    return arrayf, origin, stepsize
Beispiel #35
    def setMatrixComponents(self, rot=None, trans=None, scale=None,
        if __debug__:
         if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
        """Define MatrixRot, MatrixTransl, MatrixScale and MatrixRotInv
from a rotation, translation and scale.
rot should be a 4x4 matrix defining a 3D 3x3 rotation 
trans should be a 3D translation vector
scale should be 3-vector of positive number larger than 0.0
        self._modified = True
        if rot is not None:
            assert rot.shape==(4,4)
            self.MatrixRot = rot.ravel()
            RotInv = Numeric.transpose(rot)
            self.MatrixRotInv = Numeric.reshape(RotInv, (16,))

        if trans is not None:
            assert len(trans)==3
            self.MatrixTransl = trans

        if scale is not None:
            assert len(scale)==3 and scale[0]>0. and scale[1]>0. and scale[2]>0.
            self.MatrixScale = scale

        if redo:
Beispiel #36
def inverse4X4(matrix):
    """ returns the inverse of the given 4x4 transformation matrix
t_1: the negetive of Translation vector
r_1: the inverse of rotation matrix

inversed transformation is
1) t_1 applied first
2) then r_1 is applied

to validate the result,, mat_inverse)==N.identity(4,'f')
    # check the shape
    if matrix.shape != (4, 4) and matrix.shape != (16, ):
        raise ValueError("Argument must Numeric array of shape (4,4) or (16,)")
        return None
    if matrix.shape == (16, ):
        matrix = N.array(matrix, 'f')
        matrix = N.reshape(matrix, (4, 4))  # force the matrix to be (4,4)
    t_1 = N.identity(4, 'f')
    t_1[:2, 3] = -matrix[:2, 3]
    r_1 = N.identity(4, 'f')
    r_1[:3, :3] = N.transpose(matrix[:3, :3])
    mat_inverse =, t_1)
    #asert, mat_inverse) is N.identity(4,'f')
    return mat_inverse
Beispiel #37
 def transform_vertices(self,verts):
     v = Numeric.asarray(verts)
     homog = make_homogeneous_coord_rows(v)
     r =,self.matrix)
     if len(homog.shape) > len(v.shape):
         r = Numeric.reshape(r,(4,))
     return r
Beispiel #38
 def setUp(self):
     Uses testbitmap.jpg in the topographica/tests directory
     miata ='tests/testbitmap.jpg'))
     miata = miata.resize((miata.size[0]/2,miata.size[1]/2))
     self.rIm, self.gIm, self.bIm = miata.split()
     self.rseq = self.rIm.getdata()
     self.gseq = self.gIm.getdata()
     self.bseq = self.bIm.getdata()
     self.rar = Numeric.array(self.rseq)
     self.gar = Numeric.array(self.gseq) = Numeric.array(self.bseq)
     self.ra = Numeric.reshape(self.rar,miata.size) / 255.0 = Numeric.reshape(self.gar,miata.size) / 255.0 = Numeric.reshape(,miata.size) / 255.0
Beispiel #39
    def ConcatTranslation(self, trans, redo=1):
        if __debug__:
         if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
        """Apply the translation trans to the object"""
        if self.redirectXform: obj = self.redirectXform
        else: obj = self
        obj._modified = True
# MS. Feb 22 '99 obj.R does not contain the scaling factor
#        d = obj.Si * Numeric.array( trans )
        #d = Numeric.array( trans )
        #d = Numeric.concatenate( (d, [1.0]) )  # go to homogenous coords
        d = list(trans)+[1.0]
        rot = Numeric.reshape( obj.R, (4,4) )
##         obj.translation = obj.translation + \
##                   rot, d )[:3]
        obj.translation = obj.translation + self.multMat4pt(rot, d)

        for o in self.copyXform: o.ConcatTranslation(trans)
        vi = self.viewer
        if vi.activeClippingPlanes > 0 or vi.activeScissor > 0 or \
          (vi.currentObject!=vi.rootObject and not \
           vi.redirectTransformToRoot) and redo and \
           not self.immediateRendering:
        event = translateEvent('translate',obj)
Beispiel #40
def normalize_homogeneous_rows(v):
    v = Numeric.asarray(v)
    homog = make_homogeneous_coord_rows(v)
    r = (homog/homog[:,3,Numeric.NewAxis])[:,:3]
    if len(homog.shape) > len(v.shape):
        r = Numeric.reshape(r,(3,))
    return r
    def doit(self,mobAtoms):
mobAtoms: AtomSet that is being frozen.
Assuming the AtomSet are from same molecule

        # fixme: need checking for mat (matrix) and mobAtoms
        geomContainer = mobAtoms[0].top.geomContainer
        mGeom = geomContainer.masterGeom
        mat = mGeom.rotation
        mat = Numeric.reshape(mat, (4,4))

        # update coords
        mobAtoms = mobAtoms.findType(Atom)
        coords = mobAtoms.coords
        hCoords = Numeric.concatenate((coords,Numeric.ones((len(coords),1),\
                                                            'd')), 1)
        tCoords =, mat)[:,:3]
        tCoords = tCoords.tolist()
        mobAtoms.updateCoords(tCoords, 0) # overwritten the original coords
        # reset the rotation matrix of masterGeom
        identity = Numeric.identity(4,'f').ravel()
        mGeom.SetRotation(Numeric.identity(4,'f').ravel() ) 

        event = EditAtomsEvent('coords', mobAtoms)
Beispiel #42
    def test_getSliceArray(self):

        assert hasattr(UTisocontour, 'getSliceArray')
        isovar = 0
        timestep = 0
        axis = 'x'
        sliceNum = 10
        step = 1
        sh = (1, 1, self.auC.NELEMENTS[0], self.auC.NELEMENTS[1],
        da = Numeric.zeros(sh).astype('f')
        da[0][0] = Numeric.array(
            Numeric.reshape(Numeric.swapaxes(self.auC.array, 0, 2),
        daSmall = Numeric.array(da[:, :, ::step, ::step, ::step]).astype('f')
        center = Numeric.array(self.auC.CENTER).astype('f')
        dim = Numeric.array(self.auC.NELEMENTS).astype('f')
        span = Numeric.array(self.auC.SPACING).astype('f')
        print("span:", span)
        orig = center - ((dim - 1) / 2) * span
        print("orig: ", orig)
        the_data = UTisocontour.newDatasetRegFloat3D(daSmall, orig.astype('f'),
                                                     (span * step, ) * 3)
        #the_data = UTisocontour.newDatasetRegFloat3D(daSmall)

        sld = UTisocontour.getSliceArray(the_data, isovar, timestep, axis,
        print('sld.shape', sld.shape)
        assert sld.shape == (61, 41)
 def compute(self, coords , isHelix, nbrib = 2,
             nbchords = 10,  width = 1.5, offset = 1.2, off_c = 0.5):
     """ """
     self.nrib = nbrib
     self.coords = coords
     natoms = len(self.coords)
     self.width = width
     self.chords = nbchords
     self.offset = offset
     self.isHelix = isHelix
     # Create a ribbon2D object
     self.smooth = Ribbon.ribbon2D(nbrib, width, nbchords,
                                   offset, natoms, coords,
                                   isHelix, off_c)
     self.oldsmooth = self.smooth
     self.verts2D_flat = Numeric.array(Numeric.reshape(self.smooth,
     path = (self.smooth[0,:,:3] + self.smooth[1,:,:3])*0.5
     self.path = path.astype('f')
     self.faces2D = self.computeFaces2D()
     self.binormals = self.computeBinormals()
     self.normals = self.computeNormals()
     self.matrixTransfo= self.buildTransformationMatrix(
         self.path, self.normals, self.binormals)
Beispiel #44
 def mul(self, coords, mat):
     shape = coords.shape
     assert shape[-1]==3
     #coords = Numeric.reshape(coords, (-1, shape[-1]))
     one = Numeric.ones((shape[0],1),'f')
     c = Numeric.concatenate((coords, one),1)
     coords = Numeric.array(Numeric.reshape(coords, shape))
     return Numeric.array(, Numeric.transpose(mat))[:,:3])
Beispiel #45
    def centers(self):
        Get 'center structure' for each cluster.

        @return: N.array( n_clusters x n_atoms_masked x 3 )
        @rtype: array
        lenAtoms = N.shape(self.fcCenters)[1] / 3
        return N.reshape(self.fcCenters, (self.n_clusters, lenAtoms, 3))
Beispiel #46
    def __frame( self ):
        """Collect next complete coordinate frame

        @return: coordinate frame
        @rtype: array
        """ = [ self.__nextLine() for i in range(self.lines_per_frame) ]

        return N.reshape(, ( self.n, 3 ) ).astype(N.Float32)
Beispiel #47
    def centers( self ):
        Get 'center structure' for each cluster.

        @return: N.array( n_clusters x n_atoms_masked x 3 )
        @rtype: array
        lenAtoms = N.shape( self.fcCenters )[1] / 3
        return N.reshape( self.fcCenters, ( self.n_clusters, lenAtoms, 3))
Beispiel #48
 def updateVector(self, mat):
     mat = Numeric.reshape(mat, (4,4))
     newPts = self.vector + [1]
     newPts = [newPts], mat )[0]
     self.vector = [newPts[0], newPts[1], newPts[2]]
     if self.continuous:
Beispiel #49
 def updateVector(self, mat):
     mat = Numeric.reshape(mat, (4, 4))
     newPts = self.vector + [1]
     newPts =[newPts], mat)[0]
     self.vector = [newPts[0], newPts[1], newPts[2]]
     if self.continuous:
    def __init__(self, name='Common2d3dObject', check=1, **kw):
        #self.newList = GL.glGenLists(1) = name
        self.viewer = None
        self.immediateRendering = False
        self.needsRedoDpyListOnResize = False
        self.protected = False      # False == not protected against deletion
        self.replace = True     # this is used to store in a geometry the 
          # desired behavior when adding the geom to the Viewer.
          # in AddObject, if replace is not specified, geom.replace will be
          # used
        self.isExpandedInObjectList = 1 # set to 1 when children of that geom
                                # are visible in ViewerGUI object list
        self.parent = None      # parent object
        self.fullName = name    # object's name including parent's name
        self.children = []      # list of children
        self.listed = True         # When true the name of this object appears
                                # in the GUI's object

        self.pickable = True       # when set the object can be picked

        self.pickNum = 0

        self.dpyList = None     # display list for drawing
        self.pickDpyList = None # display list for picking
        # FIXME: quick hack. Flag set by SetCurrentXxxx. When set object's
        # transformation and material are saved in log file
        self.hasBeenCurrent = False

        self.depthMask = 1 # 0: zbuffer is readOnly for transparent objects
                           # 1: zbuffer is read write for transparent objects
        self.srcBlendFunc = GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA
        #self.dstBlendFunc = GL.GL_ONE #GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR
        # ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA works for colorMapEditor
        self.dstBlendFunc = GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 

        self.transparent = False #viewerConst.NO
        self.visible = True

        m = Numeric.reshape( Numeric.identity(4), (1,16) )
        self.instanceMatricesFortran = m.astype('f')

        self.ownGui = None

        self.animatable = True

        apply( self.Set, (check, 0), kw)

        self._modified = False  # used to decide if we should save state
Beispiel #51
 def translateCropbox(self, event, matrix, transXY, transZ):
     # FIXME won't work with instance matrices
     m = self.masterObject.GetMatrixInverse()
     for i in range(3):
         m[i][3] = 0
     v = [transXY[0], transXY[1], 0, 1]
     v = Numeric.reshape(Numeric.array(v), (4, 1))
     t =, v)
     t = [t[0][0], t[1][0], t[2][0]]
    def FrameTransform(self, camera=None):
        if __debug__:
         if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName()
	"""Build the R an RI, the object's frame transformation and inverse"""

	self.Si = Numeric.ones( (3, ) )
	if hasattr(self, 'parent'):
            if self.inheritXform:
                parent = self.parent
                while (parent):
                    m = Numeric.reshape( parent.rotation, (4,4) )
                    upd = Numeric.reshape( Numeric.transpose(m), (16, ) )
                    self.Si = self.Si / parent.scale
                    self.Si = self.Si / parent.MatrixScale
                    # we have to test here because we need to take into
                    # account the first parent that does not inherit while
                    # building R and Ri
                    if not parent.inheritXform:
                    parent = parent.parent

	if camera:
	    m = Numeric.reshape( camera.rotation, (4,4) )
	    upd = Numeric.reshape( Numeric.transpose(m), (16, ) )
            self.Si = self.Si / camera.scale

	self.Ri = Numeric.array(GL.glGetDoublev(GL.GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX)).astype('f')
	self.Ri = glCleanRotMat(self.Ri).astype('f')
        self.Ri.shape = (4,4)
	self.R = Numeric.reshape( Numeric.transpose(self.Ri), (16, ) ).astype('f')
	self.Ri.shape = (16, )

	if self.redirectXform: self.redirectXform.FrameTransform(camera)
	for o in self.copyXform: o.FrameTransform(camera)