def reproduce(female_pop, male_pop, male_deg_l, male_fit, sort_by_degree):

    # Female and male is not like biological females and males.
    # It's just a solution allowing the algo to use different
    # populations for mating them. The female population is the
    # one that will be looped in, each individual from this pop
    # will have two children. The males are chosen in the male pop
    # that can be the same pop, they'll be chosen randomly with some rules.
    # Reproduction is made between genes coding for polynomials with the same
    # degree. It consists in a random number (1, 2 or 3) of crossovers.

    children = []

    for i in range(
                )):  # Each individual from population will produce 2 children
        # by crossing his gene with another parent producing the
        # same degree polynomial, chosen randomly with a weighted
        # probability based on the fitness.

        if sort_by_degree == 1:  # Case of intra-degrees reproduction
            indx = [j for j, x in enumerate(male_deg_l)
                    if x == male_deg_l[i]]  # indx is the index of parents
            # producing the same degree polynomial
            fitx = [male_fit[k]
                    for k in indx]  # fitx is the corresponding fitness
            fitx = [m / sum(fitx) for m in fitx]  # list to these parents
            d = male_pop[choose(indx,
                                p=fitx)][:]  # d is the male (father code)
            male_fit = [m / sum(male_fit) for m in male_fit]
            d = male_pop[choose(
                p=male_fit)]  # Case of inter-degrees reproduction
        c = female_pop[i][:]  # c is the female (mother) code

        cross = choice([1, 2, 3
                        ])  # cross is the randomly chosen number of successive
        for cr in range(cross):  # crossovers operation
            cut = choice(range(1, min(len(c), len(d))))
            cut = choice([-cut, cut])
            c = c[:cut] + d[cut:]
            d = d[:cut] + c[cut:]
            [c, d])  # The resulting two children are added to the population
        # Parent are not suppressed, at this point the population
        # triples. It will be reduced in selection()
    return female_pop
Beispiel #2
 def create_fake_profile(self, n_profile, verbose = False, ssn_sep_change = True):
     assert isinstance(n_profile, int), "Please enter an integer\
     for the number of generated profiles."
     self.n_profile = n_profile
     fake_profiles = dict()
     # use faker package to generate either a full/last name/first name.
     fake_profiles["Name"] = [choose([,\
                              for _ in range(self.n_profile)]
     # use faker to generate either a full/secondary/street address
     fake_profiles["Address"] = [choose([self.faker.address(),\
                                for _ in range(self.n_profile)]
     fake_profiles["SSN"] = [self.faker.ssn() for _ in range(self.n_profile)]
     fake_profiles["Email"] = [ for _ in range(self.n_profile)]
     fake_profiles["Plates"] = [self.faker.license_plate()\
                                for _ in range(self.n_profile)]
     fake_profiles["CreditCardNumber"] = [self.faker.credit_card_number()\
                                          for _ in range(self.n_profile)]
     fake_profiles["Phone_number"] = [self.faker.phone_number()\
                                      for _ in range(self.n_profile)]
     # change the separator in SSN data.
     if ssn_sep_change:
         fake_profiles["SSN"] = _random_sep_change(fake_profiles["SSN"])
     # change the separator in Address data from "/n" to " "
     fake_profiles['Address'] = [sep_change(each_address, init_sep = "\n" , after_sep = " ")\
                                for each_address in fake_profiles['Address'] ]
     self.fake_profiles = fake_profiles
     print("Finished creating fake profiles.")
     if verbose:
         return self.fake_profiles 
def generate_game_states():
	# rewards
	win = 10
	tie = 5
	loss = 0
	# randomly choose which side starts
	starting_side = random.choose([-1, 1])
Beispiel #4
 def _random_pii_insert(self):
     # randomly insert PII into the text
     for index, PII in enumerate(tqdm(self.pii_labels)):
         # choose a PII value from the dictionary according to the PII type.
         PII_value = choose(self.fake_profiles[PII])
         original_fake_text = self._init_fake_text_no_pii[index]
         tokenized_fake_text = original_fake_text.split(" ")
         # generate the position to fill in the PII value
         PII_position = choose(range(len(tokenized_fake_text)+1))
         tokenized_fake_text.insert(PII_position, PII_value)
         one_text_mixed_with_PII = " ".join(tokenized_fake_text)
         self.pii_with_text[index] = one_text_mixed_with_PII
         self.PII[index] = PII_value
def mutation(genes, rate=2):
    bases_num = len(genes) * len(genes[0])
    mut_num = sum([
        choose([0, 1], p=[1 - rate / 100, rate / 100])
        for i in range(bases_num)
    for mut in range(mut_num):
        gene = choice(*[range(len(genes))])
        cod = choice(*[range(len(genes[0]))])
        new = choice(
            [i for i in ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C'] if i != genes[gene][cod]])
        genes[gene] = genes[gene][:cod] + new + genes[gene][cod + 1:]
Beispiel #6
def _random_sep_change(data, init_sep = "-", after_sep = " ", percentage = 0.5 , seed = 7):
    A function to randomly change the SSN data's separator. 
    The input data is a list.
    # generate the index for replacing separator.
    replacing_indexes = choose(range(len(data)), int(len(data)*percentage))
    for each_replacing_index in replacing_indexes:
        # change the ssn data's separator from init_sep to after_sep
        data[each_replacing_index] = sep_change(data[each_replacing_index], init_sep, after_sep)
    return data
 def insert(gene):
     set = 3 * choice([*range(1, 5)])
     loc = choice([*range(len(gene))])
     ins = ''.join(choose(['A', 'T', 'G', 'C'], size=set))
     gene = gene[:loc] + ins + gene[loc:]
     return gene
def mutate(pop, code, spreading, mut_rate=0.005):

    # All different types of random mutations :
    mut_rate = mut_rate + 0.008 / (
        1 + spreading)  # spreading is the difference between the best and

    # the worst distances. The mutation rate will increase
    # as spreading becomes smaller. This helps the population
    # to keep on evolving and finding new solutions when
    # it becomes too much homogenic.
    def flip(gene):
        loc = choice([*range(len(gene))])
        gene = gene[:loc] + choice('ATGC') + gene[loc + 1:]
        return gene

    def swap(gene):
        loc_a = choice([*range(len(gene))])
        loc_b = choice([*range(loc_a, len(gene))])
        gene = gene[:loc_a] + gene[loc_b] + gene[loc_a + 1:loc_b] + gene[
            loc_a] + gene[loc_b + 1:]
        return gene

    def scramble(gene):
        set = choice([*range(len(gene) // 10)])
        loc = choice([*range(len(gene) - set)])
        rep = gene[loc:loc + set]
        gene = gene[:loc] + ''.join(sample(rep, k=len(rep))) + gene[loc + set:]
        return gene

    def inverse(gene):
        set = choice([*range(2, 11)])
        loc = choice([*range(len(gene) - set)])
        rep = gene[loc:loc + set]
        gene = gene[:loc] + rep[::-1] + gene[loc + set:]
        return gene

    def insert(gene):
        set = 3 * choice([*range(1, 5)])
        loc = choice([*range(len(gene))])
        ins = ''.join(choose(['A', 'T', 'G', 'C'], size=set))
        gene = gene[:loc] + ins + gene[loc:]
        return gene

    def delete(gene):
        set = 3 * choice([*range(1, 5)])
        loc = choice([*range(len(gene) - set)])
        gene = gene[:loc] + gene[loc + set:]
        return gene

    for i in range(
    ):  # mutations are possibly applied to each gene of the population.
        # The default rate is 0.005, 5 on 1000 bases probabiliy to occur
        # then the kind of mutation is randomly chosen
        gene = pop[i]
        mut = sum((choose([0, 1], size=len(pop[i]), p=[1 - mut_rate,
        for i in range(mut):
            gene = choose([
        if code[gene[:3]] == 'stop':
            gene = gene[3:]
        if code[gene[-3:]] == 'stop':
            gene = gene[:-3]
        pop[i] = gene

    return pop
Beispiel #9
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import choice as choose

species = ['dog', 'cat']
colors = ['black', 'red']

habitats = ['city', 'country']

N = 40
animals = []
for i in range(N // 2):

    animals.append({'specy': choose(species),
                    'color': choose(colors),
                    'habitat': choose(habitats),
                    'size': {'legs': np.random.rand(),
                            'head': np.random.rand()}})

    animals.append({'specy': choose(species),
                    'color': choose(colors),
                    'habitat': choose(habitats),
                    'size': {'paw': np.random.rand()}})

df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(animals, columns=('specy', 'color', 'habitat', 'size'))

df2 = df.drop('size', axis=1).join(pd.DataFrame(df['size'].values.tolist()))