Beispiel #1
    def sample(self, density, deviation, add_source_point=True, seed=None):

        try: seed = int(seed)
        except: seed = None
        self.sample_seed = seed
        points = set()
        for k, node in self.K.items():
            if node.parent is None: continue
            parent = self.K[node.parent]
            avg_radius = (node.radius + parent.radius) / 2
            axis = node.pos - parent.pos
            surf = 2 * pi * avg_radius * linalg.norm(axis)
            n = int(round(density * surf))
            p1 = parent.pos
            p2 = node.pos
            p = np_random.randn(3)
            r = cross(p-p1, p2-p1)
            r /= linalg.norm(r)
            s = cross(r, p2-p1)
            s /= linalg.norm(s)
            for i in range(n):
                theta = np_random.uniform(0, radians(360))
                d = np_random.uniform() # relative distance of the point, on line between p1 and p2
                t = p1 + d * axis
                interp_radius = (node.radius - parent.radius) * d + parent.radius
                if deviation:
                    interp_radius += np_random.exponential(deviation)
                q = harray([t[0] + interp_radius * cos(theta) * r[0] + interp_radius * sin(theta) * s[0],
                           t[1] + interp_radius * cos(theta) * r[1] + interp_radius * sin(theta) * s[1],
                           t[2] + interp_radius * cos(theta) * r[2] + interp_radius * sin(theta) * s[2]])
        if add_source_point:
        self.P = vstack(points)
Beispiel #2
def width_uniform(max_width, num_profiles, num_samples):
    """Uniform width distribution

    Generates halfwidths in U[0, max_width]
    halfwidths = rand.uniform(0, max_width, num_profiles)
    return rand.uniform(-halfwidths, halfwidths, (num_samples, num_profiles)).T
Beispiel #3
Datei: Projekt: j-fu/gr
    def expose(self, widget, event):

        cr = widget.window.cairo_create()

        environ["GKS_WSTYPE"] = "142"
        pc = PyCairoContext.from_address(id(cr))
        environ['GKSconid'] = "%lu" % pc.ctx

        cr.move_to(15, 15)
        cr.show_text("Contour Plot using Gtk ...")

        xd = uniform(-2, 2, 100)
        yd = uniform(-2, 2, 100)
        zd = xd * np.exp(-xd**2 - yd**2)

        gr.setviewport(0.15, 0.95, 0.1, 0.9)
        gr.setwindow(-2, 2, -2, 2)
        gr.setspace(-0.5, 0.5, 0, 90)
        gr.settextalign(2, 0)
        gr.settextfontprec(3, 0)

        x, y, z = gr.gridit(xd, yd, zd, 200, 200)
        h = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 20)
        gr.surface(x, y, z, 5)
        gr.contour(x, y, h, z, 0)
        gr.polymarker(xd, yd)
        gr.axes(0.25, 0.25, -2, -2, 2, 2, 0.01)

def make_random_transform():
    transform_type = rand.randint(0,3)

    if transform_type == 0:
        axis = 'freq'  # FIXME generalize later
        nbins = rand.randint(1, 5)
        nt_chunk = 8 * rand.randint(5, 11)
        epsilon = rand.uniform(3.0e-4, 1.0e-3)

        return rf_pipelines.spline_detrender(nt_chunk, axis, nbins, epsilon)

    elif transform_type == 1:
        # intensity_clipper
        axis = rand.randint(0,2) if (rand.uniform() < 0.66) else None
        Df = 2**rand.randint(0,4)
        Dt = 2**rand.randint(0,4)
        sigma = rand.uniform(1.3, 1.7)
        niter = rand.randint(1,5)
        iter_sigma = rand.uniform(1.8, 2.0)
        nt_chunk = Dt * 8 * rand.randint(1,8)
        two_pass = True if rand.randint(0,2) else False

        return rf_pipelines.intensity_clipper(nt_chunk, axis, sigma, niter, iter_sigma, Df, Dt, two_pass)

        # std_dev_clipper
        axis = rand.randint(0,2)
        Df = 2**rand.randint(0,4)
        Dt = 2**rand.randint(0,4)
        sigma = rand.uniform(1.3, 1.7)
        nt_chunk = Dt * 8 * rand.randint(1,8)
        two_pass = True if rand.randint(0,2) else False

        return rf_pipelines.std_dev_clipper(nt_chunk, axis, sigma, Df, Dt, two_pass)
 def PSO_global(self):
     _list = [rd.uniform(self.low_bound, self.up_bound, self.dimension) for x in range(0, self.particles_count, 1)]
     g_best = _list[0]
     position = _list
     vel = []
     for x in position:
         if self.function(x) < self.function(g_best):
             g_best = x
         vel.append(rd.uniform(-(abs(self.up_bound - self.low_bound)), abs(self.up_bound -self. low_bound), self.dimension))
     count = 0
     while count < self.stop_case:
         for x in range(len(_list)):
             for y in xrange(self.dimension):
                 r_g, r_p = rd.random(1), rd.random(1)
                 vel[x][y] = self.w * vel[x][y] + self.especial_param_p * r_p * (position[x][y] - _list[x][y]) + self.especial_param_g \
                                                                                                       * r_g * (
                                                                                                           g_best[y] -
             _list[x] += vel[x]
             if self.function(_list[x]) < self.function(position[x]):
                 position[x] = _list[x]
                 if self.function(position[x]) < self.function(g_best):
                     g_best = position[x]
         count += 1
     return g_best
Beispiel #6
def _create_plot_component():

    # Create a random scattering of XY pairs
    x = random.uniform(0.0, 10.0, 50)
    y = random.uniform(0.0, 5.0, 50)
    pd = ArrayPlotData(x=x, y=y)
    plot = Plot(pd, border_visible=True, overlay_border=True)

    scatter = plot.plot(("x", "y"), type="scatter", color="lightblue")[0]

    # Tweak some of the plot properties
    plot.set(title="Scatter Inspector Demo", padding=50)

    # Attach some tools to the plot

    # Attach the inspector and its overlay
    overlay = ScatterInspectorOverlay(

    return plot
 def _build(self):
     '''Create populations.'''
     if self._open_bc:
         ldict_s = {'elements': 'iaf_psc_alpha',
                    'positions': [[self._x_d, self._y_d]],
                    'extent': [self._L] * self._dimensions,
                    'edge_wrap': False}
         x = rnd.uniform(-self._L / 2., self._L / 2., self._N)
         y = rnd.uniform(-self._L / 2., self._L / 2., self._N)
         pos = list(zip(x, y))
         ldict_t = {'elements': 'iaf_psc_alpha', 'positions': pos,
                    'extent': [self._L] * self._dimensions,
                    'edge_wrap': False}
         self._ls = topo.CreateLayer(ldict_s)
         self._lt = topo.CreateLayer(ldict_t)
         self._driver = nest.GetLeaves(self._ls)[0]
         ldict_s = {'elements': 'iaf_psc_alpha',
                    'positions': [[0.] * self._dimensions],
                    'extent': [self._L] * self._dimensions,
                    'edge_wrap': True}
         x = rnd.uniform(-self._L / 2., self._L / 2., self._N)
         y = rnd.uniform(-self._L / 2., self._L / 2., self._N)
         if self._dimensions == 3:
             z = rnd.uniform(-self._L / 2., self._L / 2., self._N)
             pos = list(zip(x, y, z))
             pos = list(zip(x, y))
         ldict_t = {'elements': 'iaf_psc_alpha', 'positions': pos,
                    'extent': [self._L] * self._dimensions,
                    'edge_wrap': True}
         self._ls = topo.CreateLayer(ldict_s)
         self._lt = topo.CreateLayer(ldict_t)
         self._driver = topo.FindCenterElement(self._ls)
Beispiel #8
def generateHaarFeatures(number):
    prototype = np.array(
        [0, 0, 1, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5])

    scale = random.uniform(0.15, 0.6, (number, 1))

    protoypes = np.tile(prototype, (number, 1)) * scale

    translation = random.uniform(0, 0.8, (number, 2))
    protoypes[:, 0:2] += translation
    protoypes[:, 4:6] += translation

    # If generated features lies outside of range [0,1] translate it back
    # inside
    for row in protoypes:
        if row[0] + row[2] > 1:
            move = row[0] + row[2] - 1
            row[0] -= move
            row[4] -= move
        if row[1] + row[3] > 1:
            move = row[1] + row[3] - 1
            row[1] -= move
            row[5] -= move

    protoypes[:,2:4] = protoypes[:,2:4] + protoypes[:,0:2]
    protoypes[:,6:8] = protoypes[:,6:8] + protoypes[:,4:6]

    for row in protoypes:
        for i in range(row.shape[0]):
            if(row[i] > 1):
                row[i] = 1

    return protoypes.astype(np.float32)
def shift_vertices(vertices, s):
	for i,(x,y) in enumerate(vertices):
		x += random.uniform(-s/2.,s/2.)
		y += random.uniform(-s/2.,s/2.)
		vertices[i,0] = x
		vertices[i,1] = y
	return vertices
 def randomize(self):
     '''Randomize with uniform distribution within bounds.'''
     # Iterate over self.pts
     for i, (lowerbound, upperbound) in enumerate(self.constraints):
         self.pts[i]  = uniform(lowerbound, upperbound)
         absrange = abs(upperbound-lowerbound)
         self.spds[i] = uniform(-absrange, absrange)
Beispiel #11
	def test_random_positions_lim_fraction(self):
		R = uniform(0,1)
		N = uniform(0,1000)

		x = random_positions(R,N)
		r = dot(x,x)
def gen_traffic_list(time_serial_num,traffic_num,traffic_data_mean_size):
    traffic_list = [0]*time_serial_num
    mu = int(random.uniform(0, time_serial_num))
    sigma = random.uniform(1,6)
    i = 0
    while (i<time_serial_num): 
        tmp_time_serial = int(random.gauss(mu, sigma))
        if tmp_time_serial < time_serial_num and tmp_time_serial >=0:
            traffic_list[tmp_time_serial] = traffic_list[tmp_time_serial]+1
    mu = traffic_data_mean_size
    sigma = traffic_data_mean_size*0.1
    floor_data_size = mu - 3*sigma
    ceil_data_size = mu + 3*sigma

    for index,k in enumberate(traffic_list):
        while (i<k):
            data_size = int(random.gauss(mu, sigma))
            if data_size>floor_data_size and data_size < ceil_data_size :  
    return traffic_entity_list
Beispiel #13
def load_linear_dataset(n, d, noise_stdev, xmax):
    signs = rand.choice([-1, 1], size=(d,))
    B =, rand.uniform(size=(d,)))
    errors = noise_stdev * rand.normal(size=(d,))
    X = xmax * rand.uniform(size=(d, n))
    y =, B) + errors
    return X, y, (B, errors)
Beispiel #14
    def test_no_zenith(self):
        """Azimuths are irrelevant when from the Zenith"""

        azimuth1 = random.uniform(-pi, pi, 10000)
        azimuth2 = random.uniform(-pi, pi, 10000)
        angle = utils.angle_between(0, azimuth1, 0, azimuth2)
        self.assertTrue(all(angle == 0))
Beispiel #15
    def test_single_values(self):
        """Other tests use arrays, check if single values also work"""

        zenith = random.uniform(0, pi / 2)
        azimuth = random.uniform(-pi, pi)
        angle = utils.angle_between(zenith, azimuth, zenith, azimuth)
        self.assertTrue(angle == 0)
Beispiel #16
 def InitiateCataract(self):
     key = int((self.Attribute['Age'] -50)/5)
     cataractRisk = random.triangular(1.5,2.7,4.9)
     if self.medicalRecords['NumberTrabeculectomy'] == 0:  
         if self.Attribute['Gender'] == 1:
             if key < 7: 
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation[key]/1000)
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation[7]/1000)
             if key < 7: 
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation_female[key]/1000)
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation_female[7]/1000)
         if self.Attribute['Gender'] == 1:
             if key < 7: 
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation[key]/1000)*cataractRisk
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation[7]/1000)*cataractRisk
             if key < 7: 
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation_female[key]/1000)*cataractRisk
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation_female[7]/1000)*cataractRisk
     if random.uniform(0,1) <RateCataract:
         self.medicalRecords['Cataract'] = True
     if random.uniform(0,1) < random.beta(123,109) and self.medicalRecords['Cataract'] == True:
         self.medicalRecords['SurgeryCataract'] += 1
         self.medicalRecords['Cataract'] = False
Beispiel #17
def pcolorRandom():
    "Makes a pcolormesh plot of randomly generated data pts."
    # make up some randomly distributed data
    npts = 100
    x = uniform(-3, 3, npts)
    y = uniform(-3, 3, npts)
    z = x * N.exp(-x ** 2 - y ** 2)

    # define grid.
    xi = N.arange(-3.1, 3.1, 0.05)
    yi = N.arange(-3.1, 3.1, 0.05)

    # grid the data.
    zi = griddata(x, y, z, xi, yi)

    # contour the gridded data, plotting dots at the randomly spaced data points.
    plt.pcolormesh(xi, yi, zi)	
    #CS = plt.contour(xi,yi,zi,15,linewidths=0.5,colors='k')
    #CS = plt.contourf(xi,yi,zi,15,
    plt.colorbar() # draw colorbar

    # plot data points.
    plt.scatter(x, y, marker='o', c='b', s=5)
    plt.xlim(-3, 3)
    plt.ylim(-3, 3)
    plt.title('griddata test (%d points)' % npts)
def make_init_file(start_lon,start_lat,npts,position_init_file):
    xyz[:,0]= [random.uniform(start_lon-0.5,start_lon+0.5) for _ in xrange(npts)] # x index 100 points
    xyz[:,1]= [random.uniform(start_lat-0.5,start_lat+0.5) for _ in xrange(npts)] # y index 100 points
    xyz[:,2]=23 # at k=20 level, z level will be overwritten if the target_density in the namelist is larger than 0.
    xyz.T.astype('>f8').tofile('particle_init.bin') #the saving sequence should be x[:], y[:], z[:], not [x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2]...
def slice_sampler(px, N = 1, x = None):
    Provides samples from a user-defined distribution.
    slice_sampler(px, N = 1, x = None)
    px = A discrete probability distribution.
    N  = Number of samples to return, default is 1
    x  = Optional list/array of observation values to return, where prob(x) = px.
    If x=None (default) or if len(x) != len(px), it will return an array of integers
    between 0 and len(px)-1. If x is supplied, it will return the
    samples from x according to the distribution px.    
    values = np.zeros(N,
    samples = np.arange(len(px))
    px = np.array(px) / (1.*sum(px))
    u = uniform(0, max(px))
    for n in xrange(N):
        included = px>=u
        choice = random.sample(range(np.sum(included)), 1)[0]
        values[n] = samples[included][choice]
        u = uniform(0, px[included][choice])
    if x:
        if len(x) == len(px):
            values = x[values]
            print "px and x are different lengths. Returning index locations for px."
    if N == 1:
        return values[0]
    return values
Beispiel #20
    def astep(self, q0, logp):
        """q0 : current state
        logp : log probability function

        # Draw from the normal prior by multiplying the Cholesky decomposition
        # of the covariance with draws from a standard normal
        chol = draw_values([self.prior_chol])
        nu =, nr.randn(chol.shape[0]))
        y = logp(q0) - nr.standard_exponential()

        # Draw initial proposal and propose a candidate point
        theta = nr.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
        theta_max = theta
        theta_min = theta - 2 * np.pi
        q_new = q0 * np.cos(theta) + nu * np.sin(theta)

        while logp(q_new) <= y:
            # Shrink the bracket and propose a new point
            if theta < 0:
                theta_min = theta
                theta_max = theta
            theta = nr.uniform(theta_min, theta_max)
            q_new = q0 * np.cos(theta) + nu * np.sin(theta)

        return q_new
Beispiel #21
 def MakeHexagons(self):
     print "Building %i Hexagons"%NumHexagons
     # get a list of colors for random colors
     self.colors = wx.lib.colourdb.getColourList()
     print "Max colors:", len(self.colors) 
     Canvas = self.Canvas
     D = 1.0
     h = D *N.sqrt(3)/2
     Hex = N.array(((D   , 0),
                  (D/2 , -h),
                  (-D/2, -h),
                  (-D  , 0),
                  (-D/2, h),
                  (D/2 , h),
     Centers = uniform(-100, 100, (NumHexagons, 2))
     for center in Centers:
         # scale the hexagon
         Points = Hex * uniform(5,20)
         #print Points
         # shift the hexagon
         Points = Points + center
         #print Points
         cf = random.randint(0,len(self.colors)-1)
         #cf = 55
         H = Canvas.AddPolygon(Points, LineColor = None, FillColor = self.colors[cf])
         #print "BrushList is: %i long"%len(H.BrushList)
         H.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.HexHit)
         print "BrushList is: %i long"%len(H.BrushList)
Beispiel #22
    def evaluation_function(self, X):
        # write voltages and algorithm parameters into
        # the database so that working nodes can access
        # this data.

        # wait for Rs to calculate target functions
        dont_have_target_function = True
        print 'waiting to recieve target functions from R'
        t0 = time.time()
        while dont_have_target_function:
            target_function = get_target_functions_from_db(len(X))
            if len(target_function) == len(X):
                dont_have_target_function = False
                print target_function
                return target_function
            print target_function
            print random.uniform(0,1)
Beispiel #23
 def downRp(self,myslice,base=0,noise=1,gradient=0.2, noise_type = 'gauss'):
     """Replace Time series myslice with downward trend control chart pattern 
     myslice is a tuple (i,j) of the start and end point. Uses Python syntax 
     i <= x < j 
     All values edited are those of x
     if noise_type == 'gauss':
         series = normal(base,noise,myslice[1]-myslice[0])
     elif noise_type == 'uni' :
         series = uniform(0-noise,noise,myslice[1]-myslice[0]) + base 
     elif noise_type == 'none' :
         series =  array([base] * myslice)
     series = uniform(0-noise,noise,myslice[1]-myslice[0]) + base 
     for i in range(len(series)):  
         series[i] = series[i] - gradient*i
     a = self[:myslice[0]]
     b = self[myslice[1]:]
     self = a.extend(series)
     self = self.extend(b)
     return self
Beispiel #24
def pillbox_sunshape_directions(num_rays, ang_range):
	Calculates directions for a ray bundles with ``num_rays`` rays, distributed
	as a pillbox sunshape shining toward the +Z axis, and deviating from it by
	at most ang_range, such that if all rays have the same energy, the flux
	distribution comes out right.
	num_rays - number of rays to generate directions for.
	ang_range - in radians, the maximum deviation from +Z.
	A (3, num_rays) array whose each column is a unit direction vector for one
		ray, distributed to match a pillbox sunshape.
	# Diffuse divergence from +Z:
	# development based on eq. 2.12  from [1]
	xi1 = random.uniform(high=2.*N.pi, size=num_rays) # Phi
	xi2 = random.uniform(size=num_rays) # Rtheta
	#theta = N.arcsin(N.sin(ang_range)*N.sqrt(xi2))
	#sin_th = N.sin(theta)
	#a = N.vstack((N.cos(xi1)*sin_th, N.sin(xi1)*sin_th , N.cos(theta)))

	sinsqrt = N.sin(ang_range)*N.sqrt(xi2)	 

	a = N.vstack((N.cos(xi1)*sinsqrt, N.sin(xi1)*sinsqrt , N.sqrt(1.-sinsqrt**2.)))

	return a
def SimpleMC(f, nIter, nVar, upper, lower):
    Description: Finds the Minimum of a function using the Simple Monte-Carlo method (all non-improving moves are discarded)

    Inputs :
           f     : Function to be minimized
           nIter : Number of Global iterations to perform the search over
           nVar  : Number of variables involved in function f
           upper : Upper search limit
           lower : Lower search limit

            Returns a list with 2 elements
             i) fist element   : The minimum value of f
            ii) second element : List of coordinates corresponding to the minimum
    Note: Values are obtained after max(100 x nIter) search attempts. 
    bestVal = [] ; bestCoord = []
    for n in range(nIter):
        for i in range(100):
            if i == 0 :
                step = [float(uniform(lower,upper,1)) for m in range(nVar)]; min_Coord = [m for m in step]
                minVal = E = f(min_Coord)
                if any(m > upper or m < lower for m in step ):break
                step = [m + float(uniform(-1,1,1)) for m in step] ; E_new = f(step)
                deltaE = E_new - E
                if deltaE < 0 : minVal = E = E_new ; min_Coord = [m for m in step]
        bestVal.append(minVal); bestCoord.append(min_Coord)
    index = min(enumerate(bestVal),key = itemgetter(1))[0]
    return [bestVal[index],bestCoord[index]]
 def set_interest(self, household, firm):
     # Set nominal interest rate as 0,1,2,...,i,i+1,... where  i stands for 0.1*i percent and announce to the public
     #current_coefs = [self.alp_i, self.alp_p]
     current_irate = self.irate
     Tremble = uniform() < self.TrblActn
     Inertia = uniform() < self.inertia
     satisficing_output = self.val_output >= self.sl_output
     satisficing_infltn = self.val_infltn >= self.sl_infltn
     if not(Inertia):
         if Tremble or not(satisficing_output) or not(satisficing_infltn):
                 self.irate = uniform_range(max(self.min_irate, self.irate-(, self.irate+(
             self.irate = uniform_range(max(self.min_irate, self.irate-(, self.irate+(
     # self.irate = min(self.irate, int(self.max_irate/self.unit))
     if current_irate == self.irate:
         self.ActionChanged = False
     # if not(Inertia):
     #     if (Tremble or not(satisficing_output) or not(satisficing_infltn)):
     #         self.alp_i = randint(max(-2, self.alp_i -, min(5, self.alp_i +
     #         self.alp_p = randint(max(-2, self.alp_p -, min(5, self.alp_p +
     # # Rule for random choice randint(max(0, self.irate -, self.irate +
     # self.irate = int(min(max(0, self.alp_i*household.c[irate_node] 
     #     + self.alp_p*self.inflation), self.max_irate/self.unit))
     # if current_coefs == [self.alp_i, self.alp_p] :
     #     self.ActionChanged = False
     Tremble = uniform() < self.TrbSatLv
     lamda = uniform()**self.gamma
     if not(Tremble):
         self.sl_output += lamda*self.LAMBDA*min(self.val_output - self.sl_output, 0)
         self.sl_infltn += lamda*self.LAMBDA*min(self.val_infltn - self.sl_infltn, 0)
         self.sl_output += lamda*(self.val_output-self.sl_output)
         self.sl_infltn += lamda*(self.val_infltn-self.sl_infltn)
     household.irate = firm.irate = self.irate
Beispiel #27
def edge_rays_bundle(num_rays,  center,  direction,  radius, ang_range, flux=None, radius_in=0.):

	radius = float(radius)
	radius_in = float(radius_in)
	a = edge_rays_directions(num_rays, ang_range)
	# Rotate to a frame in which <direction> is Z:
	perp_rot = rotation_to_z(direction)
	directions = N.sum(perp_rot[...,None] * a[None,...], axis=1)
	# Locations:
	# See [1]
	xi1 = random.uniform(size=num_rays)
	thetas = random.uniform(high=2.*N.pi, size=num_rays)
	rs = N.sqrt(radius_in**2.+xi1*(radius**2.-radius_in**2.))
	xs = rs * N.cos(thetas)
	ys = rs * N.sin(thetas)

	# Rotate locations to the plane defined by <direction>:
	vertices_local = N.vstack((xs, ys, N.zeros(num_rays)))
	vertices_global =, vertices_local)

	rayb = RayBundle(vertices=vertices_global + center, directions=directions)
	if flux != None:
	return rayb
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            AdaggerA_X -- list of ne expressions for the coordinate dependent product of the dissipator
            apply_A -- list of the functions applying the operator A onto the wavefunction

            BdaggerB_P -- list of ne expressions for the coordinate dependent product of the dissipator
            apply_B -- list of the functions applying the operator B onto the wavefunction
        # Extract and save the list of dissipators
        AdaggerA_X = kwargs.pop("AdaggerA_X", [])
        self.apply_A = kwargs.pop("apply_A", [])
        assert len(self.apply_A) == len(AdaggerA_X), "Lengths of AdaggerA_X and apply_A must be equal"

        BdaggerB_P = kwargs.pop("BdaggerB_P", [])
        self.apply_B = kwargs.pop("apply_B", [])
        assert len(self.apply_B) == len(BdaggerB_P), "Lengths of BdaggerB_P and apply_B must be equal"

        # Put the operators in the brackets, just to be on safe side for compilation
        AdaggerA_X = ["({})".format(_) for _ in AdaggerA_X]
        BdaggerB_P = ["({})".format(_) for _ in BdaggerB_P]

        # ne codes for calculating lambda_{A_k}(t) = < A_k^\dagger A_k (x) >
        self.code_lambda_A = ["sum({} * abs(wavefunction) ** 2)".format(_) for _ in AdaggerA_X]

        # ne codes for calculating lambda_{B_k}(t) = < B_k^\dagger B_k (p) >
        self.code_lambda_B = ["sum({} * density)".format(_) for _ in BdaggerB_P]

        # Set the arrays for P_A and P_B
        self.P_A = np.ones(len(AdaggerA_X), dtype=np.float)
        self.r_A = uniform(0., 1., len(AdaggerA_X))

        self.P_B = np.ones(len(BdaggerB_P), dtype=np.float)
        self.r_B = uniform(0., 1., len(BdaggerB_P))

        # Modify the potential energy with the contribution \
        # from the coordinate dependent dissipators
        kwargs["V"] = "{} -0.5j * ({})".format(
            ("+ ".join(AdaggerA_X) if AdaggerA_X else "0.")

        # the save for the kinetic energy
        kwargs["K"] = "{} -0.5j * ({})".format(
            ("+ ".join(BdaggerB_P) if BdaggerB_P else "0.")

        # Call the parent constructor

        if BdaggerB_P:
            # Allocate a copy of the wavefunction for storing the wavefunction in the momentum representation
            # if the momentum dependent dissipator is given
            self.wavefunction_p = np.zeros_like(self.wavefunction)
            # and also for density
            self.density = np.zeros(self.wavefunction_p.shape, dtype=np.float)

        self.AdaggerA_X = AdaggerA_X
        self.BdaggerB_P = BdaggerB_P
 def set_price(self, bank, household):     # set price and announce it to the public
     irate_node = self.irate_node(self.irate)
     self.current_price = self.price[irate_node]
     Tremble = uniform() < self.TrblActn
     Inertia = uniform() < self.inertia
     Satisficing = self.Val[irate_node] >= self.SatLv[irate_node]
     # print 'price range:', self.price[irate_node]*(, self.price[irate_node]*(
     if not(Inertia):
         if Tremble or not(Satisficing):
                 self.price[irate_node] = uniform_range(self.price[irate_node]*(, self.price[irate_node]*(
     if self.current_price != self.price[irate_node]:
     # if self.ActionChanged or self.current_price != self.price[irate_node]:            
         self.ActionChanged = True        
     # current_markup = self.markup[irate_node]
     # Tremble = uniform() < self.TrblActn
     # Inertia = uniform() < self.inertia
     # Satisficing = self.Val[irate_node] >= self.SatLv[irate_node]
     # if not(Inertia):
     #     if Tremble or not(Satisficing):
     #         self.markup[irate_node] = uniform_range(max(0, self.markup[irate_node]*(, self.markup[irate_node]*(
     # if self.ActionChanged or current_markup != self.markup[irate_node]:
     #     self.ActionChanged = True
     # price = (1+self.markup[irate_node])*(self.irate*self.unit)*(**(1-self.capital_power))/(self.capital_power*
     household.price = bank.price = max(0.01, self.price[irate_node])
     Tremble = uniform() < self.TrbSatLv
     lamda = uniform()**self.gamma
     if not(Tremble):
         self.SatLv[irate_node] += lamda*self.LAMBDA*min(self.Val[irate_node] - self.SatLv[irate_node], 0)
         self.SatLv[irate_node] += lamda*(self.Val[irate_node] - self.SatLv[irate_node])
Beispiel #30
def test_write_output(output_dir):
    render the basemap
    r = Renderer(bna_star,
                 image_size=(600, 600),


    BB = r.map_BB
    (min_lon, min_lat) = BB[0]
    (max_lon, max_lat) = BB[1]

    N = 100
    # create some random particle positions:
    lon = random.uniform(min_lon, max_lon, (N, ))
    lat = random.uniform(min_lat, max_lat, (N, ))

    # create a sc
    sc = sample_sc_release(num_elements=N)
    sc['positions'][:, 0] = lon
    sc['positions'][:, 1] = lat

    r.cache = FakeCache(sc)

    r.save_foreground(os.path.join(output_dir, 'map_and_elements.png'))

    r.draw_back_to_fore = False
    r.save_foreground(os.path.join(output_dir, 'just_elements.png'))
 def __call__(self, image):
     if random.randint(2):
         delta = random.uniform(,
         image += delta
     return image
    def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None):
        height, width, _ = image.shape
        while True:
            # randomly choose a mode
            mode = random.choice(self.sample_options)
            if mode is None:
                return image, boxes, labels

            min_iou, max_iou, min_scale = mode
            if min_iou is None:
                min_iou = float('-inf')
            if max_iou is None:
                max_iou = float('inf')

            # max trails (50)
            for _ in range(50):
                current_image = image

                w = random.uniform(min_scale * width, width)
                h = random.uniform(min_scale * height, height)

                # aspect ratio constraint b/t .5 & 2
                if h / w < 0.5 or h / w > 1.3:

                left = random.uniform(width - w)
                top = random.uniform(height - h)

                # convert to integer rect x1,y1,x2,y2
                rect = np.array(
                     int(left + w),
                     int(top + h)])

                # calculate IoU (jaccard overlap) b/t the cropped and gt boxes
                overlap = jaccard_numpy(boxes, rect)

                # is min and max overlap constraint satisfied? if not try again
                if overlap.min() < min_iou or max_iou < overlap.max():  #TODO

                # cut the crop from the image
                current_image = current_image[rect[1]:rect[3],
                                              rect[0]:rect[2], :]

                # keep overlap with gt box IF center in sampled patch
                centers = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2.0

                # mask in all gt boxes that above and to the left of centers
                m1 = (rect[0] < centers[:, 0]) * (rect[1] < centers[:, 1])

                # mask in all gt boxes that under and to the right of centers
                m2 = (rect[2] > centers[:, 0]) * (rect[3] > centers[:, 1])

                # mask in that both m1 and m2 are true
                mask = m1 * m2

                # have any valid boxes? try again if not
                if not mask.any():  #TODO LP is not work

                # take only matching gt boxes
                current_boxes = boxes[mask, :].copy()

                # take only matching gt labels
                current_labels = labels[mask]

                # should we use the box left and top corner or the crop's
                current_boxes[:, :2] = np.maximum(current_boxes[:, :2],
                # adjust to crop (by substracting crop's left,top)
                current_boxes[:, :2] -= rect[:2]

                current_boxes[:, 2:] = np.minimum(current_boxes[:, 2:],
                # adjust to crop (by substracting crop's left,top)
                current_boxes[:, 2:] -= rect[:2]

                return current_image, current_boxes, current_labels
 def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None):
     if random.randint(2):
         delta = random.uniform(,
         image += delta
     return image, boxes, labels
 def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None):
     if random.randint(2):
         alpha = random.uniform(self.lower, self.upper)
         image *= alpha
     return image, boxes, labels
 def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None):
     if random.randint(2):
         image[:, :, 0] += random.uniform(,
         image[:, :, 0][image[:, :, 0] > 360.0] -= 360.0
         image[:, :, 0][image[:, :, 0] < 0.0] += 360.0
     return image, boxes, labels
    def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None):
        if random.randint(2):
            image[:, :, 1] *= random.uniform(self.lower, self.upper)

        return image, boxes, labels
    def __call__(self, image):
        if random.randint(2):
            image[:, :, 1] *= random.uniform(self.lower, self.upper)

        return image
Beispiel #38
 def next(self):
     if self.num < self.num_samples:
         self.num = self.num + 1
         return random.uniform(0, 1, self.num_parameters)
         raise StopIteration()
Beispiel #39
        output.write(insert_template %
                     ((current, ) + tuple(tuples[current][tix])))
        tix += 1

    #Caclulate progress along the line normalized to the interval [0...1]
    progress = (dir_vector[0] / (clusters - history) -
                (centers[current][0] - base[0])) / (dir_vector[0] /
                                                    (clusters - history))
    #Calculate probabilities for querying each cluster
    if (workloadtype == "insert_delete"):
        probs = mc.calc_prob(current, progress, max_prob, clusters,
                             current - history)
        probs = mc.calc_prob(current, progress, max_prob, clusters, 0)

    #Pick target clusters for queries
    query_centers = random.choice(clusters, queries_per_step, p=probs)

    #Generate queries
    queries = []
    for i in query_centers:
        c = centers[i] + random.normal(0, sigma, (dimension))
        rng = random.uniform(0, 3 * sigma, dimension)

        low = c - rng
        high = c + rng

        output.write(query_template % tuple(mc.createBoundsList(low, high)))

 def __call__(self, image):
     if random.randint(2):
         alpha = random.uniform(self.lower, self.upper)
         image *= alpha
     return image
def getSamples():
    n = 2000
    alpha = 0.1
    global dim
    #x = [0.]*dim
    vec = []
    resl = []
    iter = 100
    #for j in range(iter):
    x = np.concatenate(
            10.0, 30.0, [iter, 6]), nprand.uniform(
                -0.3, 0.3, [iter, 42]), nprand.uniform(0.0, 30.0, [iter, 1]),
         [[-3.5] * 4] * iter, nprand.uniform(
             -30.0, 30.0, [iter, 1]), nprand.uniform(
                 0.0, 0.3, [iter, 6]), nprand.uniform(5.0, 20.0, [iter, 6])),
    #x = nprand.uniform(low=0.0, high=10.0, size=[iter,dim])
    noise = np.concatenate(
            -0.2, 0.2, [n, 6]), nprand.uniform(
                -0.006, 0.006, [n, 42]), nprand.uniform(-0.3, 0.3, [n, 1]),
         [[0.0] * 4] * n, nprand.uniform(
             -0.6, 0.6, [n, 1]), nprand.uniform(
                 -0.003, 0.003, [n, 6]), nprand.uniform(-0.15, 0.15, [n, 6])),
    for i in xrange(1, n):
        can = x + noise[i]  #candidate
        can[:, 0:6] = np.clip(can[:, 0:6], 10.0, 30.0)
        can[:, 6:48] = np.clip(can[:, 6:48], -0.3, 0.3)
        can[:, 48:49] = np.clip(can[:, 48:49], 0.0, 30.0)
        can[:, 53:54] = np.clip(can[:, 53:54], -30.0, -30.0)
        can[:, 54:60] = np.clip(can[:, 54:60], 0.0, 0.3)
        can[:, 60:66] = np.clip(can[:, 60:66], 5.0, 20.0)
        #can=[[max(min(u,10.0),0.0) for u in yy] for yy in can]
        #can=map(lambda x: map(lambda y: max(0.0,min(10.0,y)), x), can)
        #can=map(lambda x: map(lambda y: max(0.0,y), x), can)
        k = sdnorm(can)
        k2 = sdnorm(x)
        aprob = map(lambda a, b: min([1., a / b]), k2,
                    k)  #acceptance probability
        u = nprand.uniform(0, 1, iter)
        for j in range(iter):
            if u[j] < aprob[j]:
                x[j] = can[j]
    return [vec, resl]
Beispiel #42
from plot_clone_tool import PlotCloneTool, MPPlotCloneTool
from data_source_button import ButtonController, DataSourceButton
from mp_move_tool import MPMoveTool
from mp_viewport_pan_tool import MPViewportPanTool
#from canvas_grid import CanvasGrid

# Multitouch imports
    from mptools import MPPanTool, MPDragZoom, MPLegendTool, \
            MPPanZoom, MPRangeSelection
    #AxisTool = MPAxisTool
    PlotCloneTool = MPPlotCloneTool

DATA = {
    "GOOG": random.uniform(-2.0, 10.0, NUMPOINTS),
    "MSFT": random.uniform(-2.0, 10.0, NUMPOINTS),
    "AAPL": random.uniform(-2.0, 10.0, NUMPOINTS),
    "YHOO": random.uniform(-2.0, 10.0, NUMPOINTS),
    "CSCO": random.uniform(-2.0, 10.0, NUMPOINTS),
    "INTC": random.uniform(-2.0, 10.0, NUMPOINTS),
    "ORCL": random.uniform(-2.0, 10.0, NUMPOINTS),
    "HPQ": random.uniform(-2.0, 10.0, NUMPOINTS),
    "DELL": random.uniform(-2.0, 10.0, NUMPOINTS),

def add_basic_tools(plot):, drag_button="right"))
    zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)
Beispiel #43
    true_data = sample_Poisson(1, 100)

    # initialize algorithm
    theta1 = 6
    theta2 = 0.5
    current_model = 2

    # MH algorithm parameters
    num_of_iter = 1
    total_iter = 5000

    # number of times visit M1
    visits = 0

    while num_of_iter <= total_iter:
        u = nprand.uniform(low=0, high=1)
        if current_model == 1:
            visits += 1
            theta2 = nprand.uniform(low=0, high=1)
            numerator = like_M2(theta2, true_data) * eval_lognormal(theta1)
            denom = like_M1(theta1, true_data) * np.exp(-theta1)
            print('likeM1', like_M1(theta1, true_data))
            print('theta1', theta1)
            print('theta2', theta2)
            print('likeM2', like_M2(theta2, true_data))
            ratio = float(numerator / denom)
            alpha = min(1.0, ratio)
            if u < alpha:
                current_model = 2

        elif current_model == 2:
Beispiel #44
 def get_uniform_mab_env(bounds: Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]) -> 'MabEnv':
     return MabEnv(
         [lambda c=c, d=d: uniform(c, d, 1)[0] for c, d in bounds])
def uniform_distribution(x, dx):
    from numpy.random import uniform
    return uniform(x - dx, x + dx)
#def f(x):
#	global dim
#	a=[5.0]*dim
#	z=(x[:,0]-a[0])**2.0
#   	for i in range(1,len(x[0])):
#		z=z+(x[:,i]-a[i])**2.0
#	return z
#def f(x):
#return (x[:,0]-5.0)**2.0+(x[:,1]-5.0)**2.0+(x[:,2]-5.0)**2.0+(x[:,3]-5.0)**2.0+(x[:,4]-5.0)**2.0

#X=np.atleast_2d([[8.0,0.0,4.0,6.0,9.0,1.0,7.5,9.8,4.2,0.8],[1.0, 9.0, 2.0,7.0,3.0,6.0,2.3,8.2,3.9,7.0]])
dim = 66
#X=nprand.uniform(low=0.0, high=10.0, size=[2,dim])
X = np.concatenate(
    (nprand.uniform(10.0, 30.0, [2, 6]), nprand.uniform(-0.3, 0.3, [2, 42]),
     nprand.uniform(0.0, 30.0, [2, 1]), [[-3.5] * 4] * 2,
     nprand.uniform(-30.0, 30.0, [2, 1]), nprand.uniform(
         0.0, 0.3, [2, 6]), nprand.uniform(5.0, 20.0, [2, 6])),
maxprev = X[0]
y = np.asarray([f1(X[0]), f1(X[1])])
prevmax1 = y[0]
#y = f(X).ravel()
x1 = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
#v1,v2,v3,v4,v5= np.meshgrid(x1,x1,x1,x1,x1[0])
gp = gaussian_process.GaussianProcess(theta0=1e-2, thetaL=1e-4, thetaU=1e-1)
def init_particle(x_range, y_range, N):
    particles = np.empty((N, 2))
    particles[:, 0] = uniform(x_range[0], x_range[1], size=N)
    particles[:, 1] = uniform(y_range[0], y_range[1], size=N)
    return particles
Beispiel #48
for i in range(N):

for k in sorted(word_entropy.keys(),key=lambda x:word_entropy[x]):

M = [[sum(sound_ind[i, x[0]:x[1]]) for x in s_breaks]
     for i in range(len(sound_ind))]

full_prior_ln = []
full_prior_ln_T = []
for t in range(T):
    alpha = uniform(0, 100)
    while alpha == 0:
        alpha = uniform(0, 100)
    theta_star = np.array(
        [np.random.dirichlet([alpha, alpha]) for l in range(L)])
    psi_star = np.array(
        [np.random.multivariate_normal([0] * S, Sigma * 10) for k in range(K)])
    phi_star = np.array([
            (softmax([psi_star[k][s_breaks[x][0]:s_breaks[x][1]]])[0]**10) /
            for x in range(X)
        ]) for k in range(K)
    p_z = np.exp(, log(theta_star)))
Beispiel #49
#!/usr/bin/env python

import SamplePdf
import numpy as np
import os
from numpy.random import uniform
import pickle as pkl

num_samples = 5000

uni_samples = np.zeros(num_samples)

# TODO: draw uniform samples
uni_samples = uniform(size=num_samples)

# create instance of our new PDF sampler
my_pdf_sampler = SamplePdf.SamplePdf(num_samples)

# feed the uniform samples and create our custom ones
# TODO this function needs to be implemented in
new_samples = my_pdf_sampler.sample_pdf(uni_samples)


# safe the result in a struct
pkl.dump(new_samples, open("results.pkl", 'wb'))
Beispiel #50
# N vienmieriigi sadaliiti gadiijuma skaitlji
# N uniformly distributed random numbers

from numpy import random

N = 10000
a = 0
b = 5

#pseido-gadiijuma skaitlju generatora grauds

x = random.uniform(a, b, N)
#x = random.normal(a,b,N)

k = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
for i in range(N):
    if x[i] < 1:
        k[0] = k[0] + 1
    elif x[i] < 2:
        k[1] = k[1] + 1
    elif x[i] < 3:
        k[2] = k[2] + 1
    elif x[i] < 4:
        k[3] = k[3] + 1
        k[4] = k[4] + 1
Beispiel #51
def perturbParticle(params, priors, kernel, kernel_type, special_cases):
    np = len(priors)
    prior_prob = 1

    if special_cases == 1:
        # this is the case where kernel is uniform and all priors are uniform
        ind = 0
        for n in kernel[0]:
            lflag = (params[n] + kernel[2][ind][0]) < priors[n][1]
            uflag = (params[n] + kernel[2][ind][1]) > priors[n][2]

            lower = kernel[2][ind][0]
            upper = kernel[2][ind][1]
            if lflag == True:
                lower = -(params[n] - priors[n][1])
            if uflag == True:
                upper = priors[n][2] - params[n]

            delta = 0
            positive = False
            if lflag == False and uflag == False:
                # proceed as normal
                delta = rnd.uniform(low=kernel[2][ind][0],
                # decide if the particle is to be perturbed positively or negatively
                positive = rnd.uniform(0,
                                       1) > abs(lower) / (abs(lower) + upper)

                if positive == True:
                    # theta = theta + U(0, min(prior,kernel) )
                    delta = rnd.uniform(low=0, high=upper)
                    # theta = theta + U( max(prior,kernel), 0 )
                    delta = rnd.uniform(low=lower, high=0)

            params[n] = params[n] + delta
            ind += 1

        # this is not the actaul value of the pdf but we only require it to be non zero
        return 1.0

        if kernel_type == 1:
            ind = 0
            # n refers to the index of the parameter (integer between 0 and np-1)
            # ind is an integer between 0 and len(kernel[0])-1 which enables to determine the kernel to use
            for n in kernel[0]:
                params[n] = params[n] + rnd.uniform(low=kernel[2][ind][0],
                ind += 1

        if kernel_type == 2:
            ind = 0
            # n refers to the index of the parameter (integer between 0 and np-1)
            # ind is an integer between 0 and len(kernel[0])-1 which enables to determine the kernel to use
            for n in kernel[0]:
                params[n] = rnd.normal(params[n], numpy.sqrt(kernel[2][ind]))
                ind += 1

        if kernel_type == 3:
            mean = list()
            for n in kernel[0]:
            tmp = statistics.mvnd_gen(mean, kernel[2])
            ind = 0
            for n in kernel[0]:
                params[n] = tmp[ind]
                ind = ind + 1

        if (kernel_type == 4 or kernel_type == 5):
            mean = list()
            for n in kernel[0]:
            D = kernel[2]
            tmp = statistics.mvnd_gen(mean, D[str(params)])
            ind = 0
            for n in kernel[0]:
                params[n] = tmp[ind]
                ind = ind + 1

        # compute the likelihood
        prior_prob = 1
        for n in range(np):
            x = 1.0
            #if priors[n][0]==1:
            #    x=statistics.getPdfGauss(priors[n][1], numpy.sqrt(priors[n][2]), params[n])
            # if we do not care about the value of prior_prob, then here: x=1.0

            if priors[n][0] == 2:
                x = statistics.getPdfUniform(priors[n][1], priors[n][2],

            #if priors[n][0]==3:
            #    x=statistics.getPdfLognormal(priors[n][1],priors[n][2],params[n])
            # if we do not care about the value of prior_prob, then here: x=1.0 if params[n]>=0 and 0 otherwise

            prior_prob = prior_prob * x

        return prior_prob
     testSeq['ctpd'] = condsList[len(condsList)-i-1]['ctpd_prime']
     testSeq['dtype'] = cond['dtype_test'] 
     testSeq['dsd'] = cond['dsd_test']
     testSeq['seq_type'] = 'probe'
     testSeq['set_size'] = cond['test_set_size']
 for blockN, block in enumerate(conds):
     block['blockN'] = blockN
     block['blockRepN'] = blockRepN
     block['totBlockN'] = totBlockN
     if block['seq_type']=='prime':
         dmean = random.uniform(0, 360)
         # we use different bin sizes at different CTPDs so we have a bit more precision closer to the mean, where we actually expect to see differences
         if abs(prev_ctpd)==80:
             targetOri = prev_dmean+np.sign(prev_ctpd)*random.uniform(70,90)
         elif abs(prev_ctpd)==60:
             targetOri = prev_dmean+np.sign(prev_ctpd)*random.uniform(50,70)
         elif abs(prev_ctpd)==40:
             targetOri = prev_dmean+np.sign(prev_ctpd)*random.uniform(35,50)
             targetOri = prev_dmean+prev_ctpd+random.uniform(-5,5)
     if totBlockN>1:
         block['prevDistrMean'] = prev_dmean
         block['prevDistrCTPD'] = prev_ctpd
         block['prevDistrType'] = prev_dtype
     prev_dmean = dmean
Beispiel #53
    def onemove(self, x, u, xp, up):
        """One move of the twalk.  This is basically the raw twalk kernel.
		   It is usefull if the twalk is needed inside a more complex MCMC.

		   onemove(x, u, xp, up),
		   x, xp, two points WITHIN the support ***each entry of x0 and xp0 must be different***.
		   and the value of the objective at x, and xp
		   u=U(x), up=U(xp).

		   It returns: [y, yp, ke, A, u_prop, up_prop]
		   y, yp: the proposed jump
		   ke: The kernel used, 0=nothing, 1=Walk, 2=Traverse, 3=Blow, 4=Hop
		   A: the M-H ratio
		   u_prop, up_prop: The values for the objective func. at the proposed jumps

        #### Make local references for less writing
        n = self.n
        U = self.U
        Supp = self.Supp
        Fw = self.Fw

        ker = uniform()  ### To choose the kernel to be used
        ke = 1
        A = 0

        ## Kernel nothing exchange x with xp, not used
        if ((0.0 <= ker) & (ker < Fw[0])):
            ke = 0
            y = xp.copy()
            up_prop = u
            yp = x.copy()
            u_prop = up
            ### A is the MH acceptance ratio
            A = 1.0
            #always accepted

        ## The Walk move
        if ((Fw[0] <= ker) & (ker < Fw[1])):

            ke = 1

            dir = uniform()

            if ((0 <= dir) & (dir < 0.5)):  ## x as pivot

                yp = self.SimWalk(xp, x)

                y = x.copy()
                u_prop = u

                if ((Supp(yp)) & (all(abs(yp - y) > 0))):
                    up_prop = U(yp)
                    A = exp(up - up_prop)
                    up_prop = None
                    A = 0
                    ##out of support, not accepted

            else:  ## xp as pivot

                y = self.SimWalk(x, xp)

                yp = xp.copy()
                up_prop = up

                if ((Supp(y)) & (all(abs(yp - y) > 0))):
                    u_prop = U(y)
                    A = exp(u - u_prop)
                    u_prop = None
                    A = 0
                    ##out of support, not accepted

        #### The Traverse move
        if ((Fw[1] <= ker) & (ker < Fw[2])):

            ke = 2
            dir = uniform()

            if ((0 <= dir) & (dir < 0.5)):  ## x as pivot

                beta = self.Simbeta()
                yp = self.SimTraverse(xp, x, beta)

                y = x.copy()
                u_prop = u

                if Supp(yp):
                    up_prop = U(yp)
                    if (self.nphi == 0):
                        A = 1  ###Nothing moved
                        A = exp((up - up_prop) + (self.nphi - 2) * log(beta))
                    up_prop = None
                    A = 0  ##out of support, not accepted
            else:  ## xp as pivot

                beta = self.Simbeta()
                y = self.SimTraverse(x, xp, beta)

                yp = xp.copy()
                up_prop = up

                if Supp(y):
                    u_prop = U(y)
                    if (self.nphi == 0):
                        A = 1  ###Nothing moved
                        A = exp((u - u_prop) + (self.nphi - 2) * log(beta))
                    u_prop = None
                    A = 0  ##out of support, not accepted

        ### The Blow move
        if ((Fw[2] <= ker) & (ker < Fw[3])):

            ke = 3
            dir = uniform()

            if ((0 <= dir) & (dir < 0.5)):  ## x as pivot
                yp = self.SimBlow(xp, x)

                y = x.copy()
                u_prop = u
                if ((Supp(yp)) & all(yp != x)):
                    up_prop = U(yp)
                    W1 = self.GBlowU(yp, xp, x)
                    W2 = self.GBlowU(xp, yp, x)
                    A = exp((up - up_prop) + (W1 - W2))
                    up_prop = None
                    A = 0  ##out of support, not accepted
            else:  ## xp as pivot
                y = self.SimBlow(x, xp)

                yp = xp.copy()
                up_prop = up
                if ((Supp(y)) & all(y != xp)):
                    u_prop = U(y)
                    W1 = self.GBlowU(y, x, xp)
                    W2 = self.GBlowU(x, y, xp)
                    A = exp((u - u_prop) + (W1 - W2))
                    u_prop = None
                    A = 0  ##out of support, not accepted

        ### The Hop move
        if ((Fw[3] <= ker) & (ker < Fw[4])):

            ke = 4
            dir = uniform()

            if ((0 <= dir) & (dir < 0.5)):  ## x as pivot
                yp = self.SimHop(xp, x)

                y = x.copy()
                u_prop = u
                if ((Supp(yp)) & all(yp != x)):
                    up_prop = U(yp)
                    W1 = self.GHopU(yp, xp, x)
                    W2 = self.GHopU(xp, yp, x)
                    A = exp((up - up_prop) + (W1 - W2))
                    up_prop = None
                    A = 0  ##out of support, not accepted
            else:  ## xp as pivot
                y = self.SimHop(x, xp)

                yp = xp.copy()
                up_prop = up
                if ((Supp(y)) & all(y != xp)):
                    u_prop = U(y)
                    W1 = self.GHopU(y, x, xp)
                    W2 = self.GHopU(x, y, xp)
                    A = exp((u - u_prop) + (W1 - W2))
                    u_prop = None
                    A = 0  ##out of support, not accepted

        return [y, yp, ke, A, u_prop, up_prop]
def stablernd(alpha, size=1):
    # cf Devroye, 2009, Equation (2)
    U = npr.uniform(low=0.0, high=np.pi, size=size)
    E = npr.exponential(size=size)
    samples = (zolotarev(U, alpha) / E)**((1 - alpha) / alpha)
    return samples
Beispiel #55
def generate_fake_fits_observation(event_list=None, filename=None,
                                   instr='FPMA', gti=None, tstart=None,
                                   tstop=None, mission='NUSTAR',
                                   livetime=None, additional_columns={}):
    """Generate fake NuSTAR data.

    Takes an event list (as a list of floats)
    All inputs are None by default, and can be set during the call.

    event_list : list-like
        :class:`` object. If left None, 1000
        random events will be generated, for a total length of 1025 s or the
        difference between tstop and tstart.
    filename : str
        Output file name

    hdulist : FITS hdu list
        FITS hdu list of the output file

    Other Parameters
    mjdref : float
        Reference MJD. Default is 55197.00076601852 (NuSTAR)
    pi : list-like
        The PI channel of each event
    tstart : float
        Start of the observation (s from mjdref)
    tstop : float
        End of the observation (s from mjdref)
    instr : str
        Name of the instrument. Default is 'FPMA'
    livetime : float
        Total livetime. Default is tstop - tstart
    from import fits
    import numpy.random as ra

    if event_list is None:
        tstart = assign_value_if_none(tstart, 8e+7)
        tstop = assign_value_if_none(tstop, tstart + 1025)
        ev_list = sorted(ra.uniform(tstart, tstop, 1000))
        ev_list = event_list.time

    if hasattr(event_list, 'pi'):
        pi = event_list.pi
        pi = ra.randint(0, 1024, len(ev_list))

    tstart = assign_value_if_none(tstart, np.floor(ev_list[0]))
    tstop = assign_value_if_none(tstop, np.ceil(ev_list[-1]))
    gti = assign_value_if_none(gti, np.array([[tstart, tstop]]))
    filename = assign_value_if_none(filename, 'events.evt')
    livetime = assign_value_if_none(livetime, tstop - tstart)

    if livetime > tstop - tstart:
        raise ValueError('Livetime must be equal or smaller than '
                         'tstop - tstart')

    # Create primary header
    prihdr = fits.Header()
    prihdr['OBSERVER'] = 'Edwige Bubble'
    prihdr['TELESCOP'] = (mission, 'Telescope (mission) name')
    prihdr['INSTRUME'] = (instr, 'Instrument name')
    prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr)

    # Write events to table
    col1 = fits.Column(name='TIME', format='1D', array=ev_list)
    col2 = fits.Column(name='PI', format='1J', array=pi)

    allcols = [col1, col2]

    if mission.lower().strip() == 'xmm':
        ccdnr = np.zeros(len(ev_list)) + 1
        ccdnr[1] = 2  # Make it less trivial
        ccdnr[10] = 7
        allcols.append(fits.Column(name='CCDNR', format='1J',

    for c in additional_columns.keys():
        col = fits.Column(name=c, array=additional_columns[c]["data"],

    cols = fits.ColDefs(allcols)
    tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) = 'EVENTS'

    # ---- Fake lots of information ----
    tbheader = tbhdu.header
    tbheader['OBSERVER'] = 'Edwige Bubble'
    tbheader['COMMENT'] = ("FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is"
                           " defined in 'Astronomy and Astrophysics', volume"
                           " 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H")
    tbheader['TELESCOP'] = (mission, 'Telescope (mission) name')
    tbheader['INSTRUME'] = (instr, 'Instrument name')
    tbheader['OBS_ID'] = ('00000000001', 'Observation ID')
    tbheader['TARG_ID'] = (0, 'Target ID')
    tbheader['OBJECT'] = ('Fake X-1', 'Name of observed object')
    tbheader['RA_OBJ'] = (0.0, '[deg] R.A. Object')
    tbheader['DEC_OBJ'] = (0.0, '[deg] Dec Object')
    tbheader['RA_NOM'] = (0.0,
                          'Right Ascension used for barycenter corrections')
    tbheader['DEC_NOM'] = (0.0,
                           'Declination used for barycenter corrections')
    tbheader['RA_PNT'] = (0.0, '[deg] RA pointing')
    tbheader['DEC_PNT'] = (0.0, '[deg] Dec pointing')
    tbheader['PA_PNT'] = (0.0, '[deg] Position angle (roll)')
    tbheader['EQUINOX'] = (2.000E+03, 'Equinox of celestial coord system')
    tbheader['RADECSYS'] = ('FK5', 'Coordinate Reference System')
    tbheader['TASSIGN'] = ('SATELLITE', 'Time assigned by onboard clock')
    tbheader['TIMESYS'] = ('TDB', 'All times in this file are TDB')
    tbheader['MJDREFI'] = (int(mjdref),
                           'TDB time reference; Modified Julian Day (int)')
    tbheader['MJDREFF'] = (mjdref - int(mjdref),
                           'TDB time reference; Modified Julian Day (frac)')
    tbheader['TIMEREF'] = ('SOLARSYSTEM',
                           'Times are pathlength-corrected to barycenter')
    tbheader['CLOCKAPP'] = (False, 'TRUE if timestamps corrected by gnd sware')
    tbheader['COMMENT'] = ("MJDREFI+MJDREFF = epoch of Jan 1, 2010, in TT "
                           "time system.")
    tbheader['TIMEUNIT'] = ('s', 'unit for time keywords')
    tbheader['TSTART'] = (tstart,
                          'Elapsed seconds since MJDREF at start of file')
    tbheader['TSTOP'] = (tstop,
                         'Elapsed seconds since MJDREF at end of file')
    tbheader['LIVETIME'] = (livetime, 'On-source time')
    tbheader['TIMEZERO'] = (0.000000E+00, 'Time Zero')
    tbheader['COMMENT'] = (
        "Generated with HENDRICS by {0}".format(os.getenv('USER')))

    # ---- END Fake lots of information ----

    # Fake GTIs

    start = gti[:, 0]
    stop = gti[:, 1]

    col1 = fits.Column(name='START', format='1D', array=start)
    col2 = fits.Column(name='STOP', format='1D', array=stop)
    allcols = [col1, col2]
    cols = fits.ColDefs(allcols)
    gtinames = ['GTI']
    if mission.lower().strip() == 'xmm':
        gtinames = ['STDGTI01', 'STDGTI02', 'STDGTI07']

    all_new_hdus = [prihdu, tbhdu]
    for name in gtinames:
        gtihdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) = name

    thdulist = fits.HDUList(all_new_hdus)

    thdulist.writeto(filename, overwrite=True)
    return thdulist
Beispiel #56
 def Simbeta(self):
     at =
     if (uniform() < (at - 1.0) / (2.0 * at)):
         return exp(1.0 / (at + 1.0) * log(uniform()))
         return exp(1.0 / (1.0 - at) * log(uniform()))
    def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None):
        height, width, _ = image.shape
        while True:
            # randomly choose a mode
            mode = random.choice(self.sample_options)

            boxes_rect = []
            for i in range(len(boxes)):
                    min(boxes[i, ::2]),
                    min(boxes[i, 1::2]),
                    max(boxes[i, ::2]),
                    max(boxes[i, 1::2])
            boxes_rect = np.array(boxes_rect)

            if mode is None or len(boxes_rect) == 0:
                return image, boxes, labels

            min_boxes, max_boxes = mode
            if min_boxes is None:
                min_boxes = float('-inf')
            if max_boxes is None:
                max_boxes = float('inf')

            # max trails (50)
            for _ in range(50):
                current_image = image

                w = random.uniform(0.1 * width, width)
                h = random.uniform(0.1 * height, height)

                # aspect ratio constraint b/t .5 & 2
                if h / w < 0.5 or h / w > 2:

                left = random.uniform(width - w)
                top = random.uniform(height - h)

                # convert to integer rect x1,y1,x2,y2
                rect = np.array(
                     int(left + w),
                     int(top + h)])

                # calculate IoU (jaccard overlap) b/t the cropped and gt boxes
                overlap = modified_jaccard_numpy(boxes_rect, rect)

                if (overlap > 0.9).sum() <= min_boxes or (
                        overlap > 0.9).sum() >= max_boxes:

                # cut the crop from the image
                current_image = current_image[rect[1]:rect[3],
                                              rect[0]:rect[2], :]
                """ No Mask """
                current_boxes = boxes.copy()
                num_pt = int(current_boxes.shape[1] / 2)
                current_boxes[:, :2 * num_pt] -= rect[:2].tolist() * num_pt

                current_labels = labels

                return current_image, current_boxes, current_labels
Beispiel #58
    def Run(self, T, x0, xp0):
        """Run the twalk.

		   Run( T, x0, xp0),
		   T = Number of iterations.
		   x0, xp0, two initial points within the support,
		   ***each entry of x0 and xp0 most be different***.

        sec = time()
        print "pytwalk: Running the twalk with %d iterations." % (
            T, ), strftime("%a, %d %b %Y, %H:%M.", localtime(sec))

        ### Check x0 and xp0 are in the support
        [rt, u, up] = self._SetUpInitialValues(x0, xp0)

        if (not (rt)):
            return 0

        ### send an estimation for the duration of the sampling if
        ### evaluating the ob. func. twice (in self._SetUpInitialValues) takes more than one second

        sec2 = time()  # last time we sent a message
        print "	   " + Remain(T, 2, sec, sec2)

        x = x0  ### Use x and xp by reference, so we can retrive the last values used
        xp = xp0

        ### Set the array to place the iterations and the U's ... we donot save up's
        self.Output = zeros((T + 1, self.n + 1))
        self.T = T + 1
        self.Acc = zeros(6)
        kercall = zeros(6)  ## Times each kernel is called

        #### Make local references for less writing
        n = self.n
        Output = self.Output
        U = self.U
        Supp = self.Supp
        Acc = self.Acc
        Fw = self.Fw

        Output[0, 0:n] = x.copy()
        Output[0, n] = u

        j1 = 1
        j = 0

        ### Sampling
        for it in range(T):

            y, yp, ke, A, u_prop, up_prop = self.onemove(x, u, xp, up)

            kercall[ke] += 1
            kercall[5] += 1
            if (uniform() < A):
                x = y.copy()  ### Accept the propolsal y
                u = u_prop
                xp = yp.copy()  ### Accept the propolsal yp
                up = up_prop

                Acc[ke] += 1
                Acc[5] += 1

            ### To retrive the current values
            self.x = x
            self.xp = xp
            self.u = u
            self.up = up

            Output[it + 1, 0:n] = x.copy()
            Output[it + 1, n] = u

            ### Estimate the remaing time, every 2**j1 iterations
            if ((it % (1 << j1)) == 0):

                j1 += 1
                j1 = min(
                    10)  # check the time at least every 2^10=1024 iterations
                ax = time()
                if ((ax - sec2) > (1 << j) *
                        self.WAIT):  # Print an estimation every WAIT*2**j

                    print "pytwalk: %10d iterations so far. " % (
                        it, ) + Remain(T, it, sec, ax)
                    sec2 = ax
                    j += 1
                    j1 -= 1  # check the time as often

        if (Acc[5] == 0):
            print "pytwalk: WARNING,  all propolsals were rejected!"
            print strftime("%a, %d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S.", localtime(time()))
            return 0
            print "pytwalk: finished, " + strftime("%a, %d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S.",

        for i in range(6):
            if kercall[i] != 0:
                Acc[i] /= kercall[i]
        return 1
Beispiel #59
    def __call__(self, results):
        img, boxes, labels = [
            results[k] for k in ('img', 'gt_bboxes', 'gt_labels')
        h, w, c = img.shape
        while True:
            mode = random.choice(self.sample_mode)
            if mode == 1:
                return results

            min_iou = mode
            for i in range(50):
                new_w = random.uniform(self.min_crop_size * w, w)
                new_h = random.uniform(self.min_crop_size * h, h)

                # h / w in [0.5, 2]
                if new_h / new_w < 0.5 or new_h / new_w > 2:

                left = random.uniform(w - new_w)
                top = random.uniform(h - new_h)

                patch = np.array(
                    (int(left), int(top), int(left + new_w), int(top + new_h)))
                overlaps = bbox_overlaps(
                    patch.reshape(-1, 4), boxes.reshape(-1, 4)).reshape(-1)
                if overlaps.min() < min_iou:

                # center of boxes should inside the crop img
                center = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2
                mask = ((center[:, 0] > patch[0]) * (center[:, 1] > patch[1]) *
                        (center[:, 0] < patch[2]) * (center[:, 1] < patch[3]))
                if not mask.any():
                boxes = boxes[mask]
                labels = labels[mask]

                # adjust boxes
                img = img[patch[1]:patch[3], patch[0]:patch[2]]
                boxes[:, 2:] = boxes[:, 2:].clip(max=patch[2:])
                boxes[:, :2] = boxes[:, :2].clip(min=patch[:2])
                boxes -= np.tile(patch[:2], 2)

                results['img'] = img
                results['gt_bboxes'] = boxes
                results['gt_labels'] = labels

                if 'gt_masks' in results:
                    valid_masks = [
                        results['gt_masks'][i] for i in range(len(mask))
                        if mask[i]
                    results['gt_masks'] = np.stack([
                        gt_mask[patch[1]:patch[3], patch[0]:patch[2]]
                        for gt_mask in valid_masks

                # not tested
                if 'gt_semantic_seg' in results:
                    results['gt_semantic_seg'] = results['gt_semantic_seg'][
                        patch[1]:patch[3], patch[0]:patch[2]]
                return results
# First do it with no incentive

expected_payoffs = []
for bid in bids:
    ep = (bid[0], utility(bid[1], activation_threshold, 0, 0))

pos_expected_payoffs = [payoff for payoff in expected_payoffs if payoff[1] > 0]

count_A = 0
count_B = 0
proportion_A = [0]

count = 0
while len(pos_expected_payoffs) > 0:
    rand_pick = int(round(uniform(0, len(pos_expected_payoffs) - 1)))
    picked_tuple = pos_expected_payoffs[rand_pick]

    picked_agent = picked_tuple[0]
    picked_payoff = picked_tuple[1]
    picked_bids_list = [bid for bid in bids if bid[0] == picked_agent]
    picked_bid = picked_bids_list[0][1]

    if agents[picked_agent] == 'A':
        count_A += 1
        count_B += 1
    count = count + 1

    proportion_A.append(float(count_A) / float(count_A + count_B))