def plot_spectral(n, stats, data, link): ''' The spectral variable plot of central tendency and members of a given cluster.''' #from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile max_points = amax(data, axis=0) min_points = amin(data, axis=0) data = ainsert(data, norm[0], norm[1], axis=1) x, y = deque(), deque() x_out, y_out = deque(), deque() plt.figure(figsize=(10,9)) plt.ylim(ylim[0],ylim[1]) plt.xlim(axis[0]-0.1, axis[-1]+0.1) plt.xlabel(*xtitle) plt.ylabel(*ytitle) plt.title('Clump '+str(n)+' Na='+str(data.shape[0])) for item in data: if any([True for I, Q in izip(item,max_points) if I == Q]) or any([True for I, Q in izip(item,min_points) if I == Q]): for xy in izip(pairwise(item),pairwise(axis)): y_out.extend(xy[0]) y_out.append(None) x_out.extend(xy[1]) x_out.append(None) else: for xy in izip(pairwise(item),pairwise(axis)): y.extend(xy[0]) y.append(None) x.extend(xy[1]) x.append(None) plt.plot(x, y, 'k-', alpha=0.5) plt.plot(x_out, y_out, 'go-', linewidth=2) #plt.plot(axis, min_points, 'k-') #Cluster boxplot: ct, dev = stats[0], stats[1] axis_box = list() axis_box.extend(axis) axis_box.pop(norm[0]) plt.errorbar(axis_box,ct,yerr = dev,fmt='o',color='r',ecolor='r', linewidth= 2, elinewidth=3) #plt.boxplot(data, notch=True, positions=axis_box) #, usermedians=stats[0]) # Save figures: if n == 0: else: try: plt.savefig(pathjoin("TESTS",link,"plots",'clump'+str(n)+'_'+link+'.png'),format='png', dpi=60) #plt.savefig(pathjoin("TESTS",label,'Graph'+str(n)+'.png'),format='png') except OverflowError: pass plt.clf()
def mosaic(cluster_members, data, link): ''' Make a boxplot of central tendency and members of each cluster.''' import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec from math import sqrt, ceil kwargs = {'markersize':0.7, 'linestyle':'-','linewidth':0.5} data = ainsert(data, norm[0], norm[1], axis=1) grid = int(ceil(sqrt(len(cluster_members)))) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(grid, grid) xy = list(product(range(grid), range(grid))) for n, members in enumerate(cluster_members): sub = plt.subplot(gs[xy[n][0],xy[n][1]]) meas = data[members] x, y = deque(), deque() for item in meas: for line in izip(pairwise(item),pairwise(axis)): y.extend(line[0]) y.append(None) x.extend(line[1]) x.append(None) plt.plot(x, y, 'k-', alpha=0.5, **kwargs) plt.errorbar(axis, median(meas, axis=0), fmt='bo-', yerr=std(meas, axis=0), label=str(len(members)), **kwargs) if xy[n][0] == int((grid-1)/2) and xy[n][1] == 0: plt.ylabel('Normalized Reflectance',fontsize=10,fontweight='black') if xy[n][1] == 0: vis1 = True else: vis1 = False plt.setp(sub.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=6, visible=vis1) plt.setp(sub.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=6, visible=True) plt.ylim(ylim[0],ylim[1]) plt.xlim(axis[0]-0.1, axis[-1]+0.1) plt.legend(loc=4, title=str(n+1), prop={'size':5,'weight':'black'}, numpoints=1,frameon=False) plt.suptitle('Wavelength ($microns$)',fontsize=10,fontweight='black') try: plt.savefig(pathjoin("TESTS",link,"plots","mosaic_"+link+".png"),format='png', dpi=300) except OverflowError: pass