Beispiel #1
def dis2hom(xd,
    takes ccd cordinates and projects to homogenpus coords and undistorts
    xd, yd, distCoeffs = [f64(xd), f64(yd), f64(distCoeffs)]

    # Hay notacion confusa a veces a xd se la refiere como d o pp
    # a xh se la refiere como p; a ccd matrix como k y a distors como f o k

    Cdbool = anny(Cd)
    Ckbool = anny(Ck)

    if Cdbool or Ckbool:  # no hay incertezas Ck ni Cd
        q, _, Jh_d, Jh_k = dis2hom_ratioJacobians(xd, yd, distCoeffs, model)
        xh = xd / q  # undistort in homogenous coords
        yh = yd / q

        Ch = zeros((len(xh), 2, 2))

        if Cdbool:  # incerteza Cd
            Jh_dResh = Jh_d.reshape((-1, 2, 1, 2, 1))
            Ch += (Jh_dResh * Cd.reshape(
                (-1, 1, 2, 2, 1)) * Jh_dResh.transpose((0, 4, 3, 2, 1))).sum(
                    (2, 3))

        if Ckbool:  # incerteza Ck
            nk = Jh_k.shape[-1]  # nro de param distorsion
            Jp_fResh = Jh_k.reshape((-1, 2, 1, nk, 1))
            Ch += (Jp_fResh * Ck.reshape(
                (1, 1, nk, nk, 1)) * Jp_fResh.transpose((0, 4, 3, 2, 1))).sum(
                    (2, 3))

        if anny(Cfk) and anny(Jd_f):  # si hay covarianza cruzada
            # jacobiano de xh respecto a ccd matrix
            Jh_f = (Jd_f.reshape((-1, 1, 2, 4)) * Jh_d.reshape(
                (-1, 2, 2, 1))).sum(2)
            # ahora agrego termino cruzado
            Jh_fResh = Jh_f.reshape((-1, 2, 4, 1, 1))
            Jh_kResh = transpose(Jh_k.reshape((-1, 1, 1, 2, nk)),
                                 (0, 1, 2, 4, 3))
            Ch += 2 * (Jh_fResh * Cfk.reshape(
                (1, 1, nk, 4, 1)) * Jh_kResh).sum((2, 3))

        # calculate ratio of distortion
        rd = norm([xd, yd], axis=0)
        q, _ = undistort[model](rd, distCoeffs, quot=True, der=False)

        xh = xd / q  # undistort in homogenous coords
        yh = yd / q
        Ch = False

    return xh, yh, Ch
Beispiel #2
def ccd2hom(imagePoints, cameraMatrix, Cccd=False, Cf=False):
    must provide covariances for every point if cov is not None
    Cf is the covariance matrix of intrinsic linear parameters fx, fy, u, v
    (in that order).
    # undo CCD projection, asume diagonal ccd rescale
    xpp = (imagePoints[:, 0] - cameraMatrix[0, 2]) / cameraMatrix[0, 0]
    ypp = (imagePoints[:, 1] - cameraMatrix[1, 2]) / cameraMatrix[1, 1]

    Cccdbool = anny(Cccd)
    Cfbool = anny(Cf)

    if Cccdbool or Cfbool:
        Cpp = zeros((xpp.shape[0], 2, 2))  # create covariance matrix
        Jd_i, Jd_k = ccd2homJacobian(imagePoints, cameraMatrix)

        if Cccdbool:
            Jd_iResh = Jd_i.reshape((-1, 2, 2, 1, 1))
            Cpp += (Jd_iResh * Cccd.reshape(
                (-1, 1, 2, 2, 1)) * Jd_iResh.transpose((0, 4, 3, 2, 1))).sum(
                    (2, 3))

        if Cfbool:
            # propagate uncertainty via Jacobians
            Jd_kResh = Jd_k.reshape((-1, 2, 4, 1, 1))
            Cpp += (Jd_kResh * Cf.reshape(
                (-1, 1, 4, 4, 1)) * Jd_kResh.transpose((0, 4, 3, 2, 1))).sum(
                    (2, 3))
        Cpp = False  # return without covariance matrix

    return xpp, ypp, Cpp
Beispiel #3
def dis2hom(xd, yd, distCoeffs, model, Cd=False, Ck=False, Cfk=False,
    takes ccd cordinates and projects to homogenpus coords and undistorts
    xd, yd, distCoeffs = [f64(xd), f64(yd), f64(distCoeffs)]

    # Hay notacion confusa a veces a xd se la refiere como d o pp
    # a xh se la refiere como p; a ccd matrix como k y a distors como f o k

    Cdbool = anny(Cd)
    Ckbool = anny(Ck)

    if Cdbool or Ckbool:  # no hay incertezas Ck ni Cd
        q, _, Jh_d, Jh_k = dis2hom_ratioJacobians(xd, yd, distCoeffs, model)
        xh = xd / q  # undistort in homogenous coords
        yh = yd / q

        Ch = zeros((len(xh), 2, 2))

        if Cdbool:  # incerteza Cd
            Jh_dResh = Jh_d.reshape((-1, 2, 1, 2, 1))
            Ch += (Jh_dResh *
                   Cd.reshape((-1, 1, 2, 2, 1)) *
                   Jh_dResh.transpose((0, 4, 3, 2, 1))
                   ).sum((2, 3))

        if Ckbool:  # incerteza Ck
            nk = Jh_k.shape[-1]  # nro de param distorsion
            Jp_fResh = Jh_k.reshape((-1, 2, 1, nk, 1))
            Ch += (Jp_fResh *
                   Ck.reshape((1, 1, nk, nk, 1)) *
                   Jp_fResh.transpose((0, 4, 3, 2, 1))
                   ).sum((2, 3))

        if anny(Cfk) and anny(Jd_f):  # si hay covarianza cruzada
            # jacobiano de xh respecto a ccd matrix
            Jh_f = (Jd_f.reshape((-1, 1, 2, 4)) *
                    Jh_d.reshape((-1, 2, 2, 1))
            # ahora agrego termino cruzado
            Jh_fResh = Jh_f.reshape((-1, 2, 4, 1, 1))
            Jh_kResh = transpose(Jh_k.reshape((-1, 1, 1, 2, nk)),
                                 (0, 1, 2, 4, 3))
            Ch += 2 * (Jh_fResh *
                       Cfk.reshape((1, 1, nk, 4, 1)) *
                       Jh_kResh).sum((2, 3))

        # calculate ratio of distortion
        rd = norm([xd, yd], axis=0)
        q, _ = undistort[model](rd, distCoeffs, quot=True, der=False)

        xh = xd / q  # undistort in homogenous coords
        yh = yd / q
        Ch = False

    return xh, yh, Ch
Beispiel #4
def xyhToZplane(xh, yh, rV, tV, Ch=False, Crt=False):
    projects a point from homogenous undistorted to 3D asuming z=0
    xh, yh, rV, tV = [f64(xh), f64(yh), f64(rV), f64(tV)]

    if prod(rV.shape) == 3:
        R = Rodrigues(rV)[0]

    # auxiliar calculations
    a = R[0, 0] - R[2, 0] * xh
    b = R[0, 1] - R[2, 1] * xh
    c = tV[0] - tV[2] * xh
    d = R[1, 0] - R[2, 0] * yh
    e = R[1, 1] - R[2, 1] * yh
    f = tV[1] - tV[2] * yh
    q = a*e - d*b

    xm = (f*b - c*e) / q
    ym = (c*d - f*a) / q

    Chbool = anny(Ch)
    Crtbool = anny(Crt)
    if Chbool or Crtbool:  # no hay incertezas
        Cm = zeros((xm.shape[0], 2, 2), dtype=float64)
        # calculo jacobianos
        JXm_Xp, JXm_rtV = jacobianosHom2Map(xh, yh, rV, tV)

        if Crtbool:  # contribucion incerteza Crt
            JXm_rtVResh = JXm_rtV.reshape((2, 6, 1, 1, -1))
            Cm += (JXm_rtVResh *
                   Crt.reshape((1, 6, 6, 1, 1)) *
                   JXm_rtVResh.transpose((3, 2, 1, 0, 4))
                   ).sum((1, 2)).transpose((2, 0, 1))

        if Chbool:  # incerteza Ch
            JXm_XpResh = JXm_Xp.reshape((2, 2, 1, 1, -1))
            Cm += (JXm_XpResh *
                   Ch.T.reshape((1, 2, 2, 1, -1)) *
                   JXm_XpResh.transpose((3, 2, 1, 0, 4))
                   ).sum((1, 2)).transpose((2, 0, 1))

        Cm = False  # return None covariance

    return xm, ym, Cm
Beispiel #5
def xyhToZplane(xh, yh, rV, tV, Ch=False, Crt=False):
    projects a point from homogenous undistorted to 3D asuming z=0
    xh, yh, rV, tV = [f64(xh), f64(yh), f64(rV), f64(tV)]

    if prod(rV.shape) == 3:
        R = Rodrigues(rV)[0]

    # auxiliar calculations
    a = R[0, 0] - R[2, 0] * xh
    b = R[0, 1] - R[2, 1] * xh
    c = tV[0] - tV[2] * xh
    d = R[1, 0] - R[2, 0] * yh
    e = R[1, 1] - R[2, 1] * yh
    f = tV[1] - tV[2] * yh
    q = a * e - d * b

    xm = (f * b - c * e) / q
    ym = (c * d - f * a) / q

    Chbool = anny(Ch)
    Crtbool = anny(Crt)
    if Chbool or Crtbool:  # no hay incertezas
        Cm = zeros((xm.shape[0], 2, 2), dtype=float64)
        # calculo jacobianos
        JXm_Xp, JXm_rtV = jacobianosHom2Map(xh, yh, rV, tV)

        if Crtbool:  # contribucion incerteza Crt
            JXm_rtVResh = JXm_rtV.reshape((2, 6, 1, 1, -1))
            Cm += (JXm_rtVResh * Crt.reshape(
                (1, 6, 6, 1, 1)) * JXm_rtVResh.transpose((3, 2, 1, 0, 4))).sum(
                    (1, 2)).transpose((2, 0, 1))

        if Chbool:  # incerteza Ch
            JXm_XpResh = JXm_Xp.reshape((2, 2, 1, 1, -1))
            Cm += (JXm_XpResh * Ch.T.reshape(
                (1, 2, 2, 1, -1)) * JXm_XpResh.transpose((3, 2, 1, 0, 4))).sum(
                    (1, 2)).transpose((2, 0, 1))

        Cm = False  # return None covariance

    return xm, ym, Cm
Beispiel #6
def xypToZplane(xp, yp, rV, tV, Cp=False, Crt=False):
    projects a point from homogenous undistorted to 3D asuming z=0
    if prod(rV.shape) == 3:
        R = Rodrigues(rV)[0]

    # auxiliar calculations
    a = R[0, 0] - R[2, 0] * xp
    b = R[0, 1] - R[2, 1] * xp
    c = tV[0] - tV[2] * xp
    d = R[1, 0] - R[2, 0] * yp
    e = R[1, 1] - R[2, 1] * yp
    f = tV[1] - tV[2] * yp
    q = a * e - d * b

    xm = (f * b - c * e) / q
    ym = (c * d - f * a) / q

    Cpbool = anny(Cp)
    Crtbool = anny(Crt)
    if Cpbool or Crtbool:  # no hay incertezas
        Cm = zeros((xm.shape[0], 2, 2))
        # calculo jacobianos
        JXm_Xp, JXm_rtV = jacobianosHom2Map(xp, yp, rV, tV)

        if Crtbool:  # contribucion incerteza Crt
            JXm_rtVResh = JXm_rtV.reshape((2, 6, 1, 1, -1))
            Cm += (JXm_rtVResh * Crt.reshape(
                (1, 6, 6, 1, 1)) * JXm_rtVResh.transpose((3, 2, 1, 0, 4))).sum(
                    (1, 2)).transpose((2, 0, 1))

        if Cpbool:  # incerteza Cp
            Cp = Cp.transpose((1, 2, 0))
            JXm_XpResh = JXm_Xp.reshape((2, 2, 1, 1, -1))
            Cm += (JXm_XpResh * Cp.reshape(
                (1, 2, 2, 1, -1)) * JXm_XpResh.transpose((3, 2, 1, 0, 4))).sum(
                    (1, 2)).transpose((2, 0, 1))

        Cm = False  # return None covariance

    return xm, ym, Cm
Beispiel #7
def ccd2dis(xi, yi, cameraMatrix, Ci=False, Cf=False):
    maps from CCd, image to homogenous distorted coordiantes.

    must provide covariances for every point if cov is not None

    Cf: is the covariance matrix of intrinsic linear parameters fx, fy, u, v
    (in that order).
    xi, yi, cameraMatrix = [f64(xi), f64(yi), f64(cameraMatrix)]

    # undo CCD projection, asume diagonal ccd rescale
    xd = (xi - cameraMatrix[0, 2]) / cameraMatrix[0, 0]
    yd = (yi - cameraMatrix[1, 2]) / cameraMatrix[1, 1]

    Cibool = anny(Ci)
    Cfbool = anny(Cf)

    if Cibool or Cfbool:
        Cd = zeros((xd.shape[0], 2, 2), dtype=float64)  # create cov matrix
        Jd_i, Jd_f = ccd2disJacobian(xi, yi, cameraMatrix)

        if Cibool:
            Jd_iResh = Jd_i.reshape((-1, 2, 2, 1, 1))
            Cd += (Jd_iResh *
                   Ci.reshape((-1, 1, 2, 2, 1)) *
                   Jd_iResh.transpose((0, 4, 3, 2, 1))
                   ).sum((2, 3))

        if Cfbool:
            # propagate uncertainty via Jacobians
            Jd_fResh = Jd_f.reshape((-1, 2, 4, 1, 1))
            Cd += (Jd_fResh *
                   Cf.reshape((-1, 1, 4, 4, 1)) *
                   Jd_fResh.transpose((0, 4, 3, 2, 1))
                   ).sum((2, 3))
        Cd = False  # return without covariance matrix
        Jd_f = False

    return xd, yd, Cd, Jd_f
Beispiel #8
def ccd2dis(xi, yi, cameraMatrix, Ci=False, Cf=False):
    maps from CCd, image to homogenous distorted coordiantes.

    must provide covariances for every point if cov is not None

    Cf: is the covariance matrix of intrinsic linear parameters fx, fy, u, v
    (in that order).
    xi, yi, cameraMatrix = [f64(xi), f64(yi), f64(cameraMatrix)]

    # undo CCD projection, asume diagonal ccd rescale
    xd = (xi - cameraMatrix[0, 2]) / cameraMatrix[0, 0]
    yd = (yi - cameraMatrix[1, 2]) / cameraMatrix[1, 1]

    Cibool = anny(Ci)
    Cfbool = anny(Cf)

    if Cibool or Cfbool:
        Cd = zeros((xd.shape[0], 2, 2), dtype=float64)  # create cov matrix
        Jd_i, Jd_f = ccd2disJacobian(xi, yi, cameraMatrix)

        if Cibool:
            Jd_iResh = Jd_i.reshape((-1, 2, 2, 1, 1))
            Cd += (Jd_iResh * Ci.reshape(
                (-1, 1, 2, 2, 1)) * Jd_iResh.transpose((0, 4, 3, 2, 1))).sum(
                    (2, 3))

        if Cfbool:
            # propagate uncertainty via Jacobians
            Jd_fResh = Jd_f.reshape((-1, 2, 4, 1, 1))
            Cd += (Jd_fResh * Cf.reshape(
                (-1, 1, 4, 4, 1)) * Jd_fResh.transpose((0, 4, 3, 2, 1))).sum(
                    (2, 3))
        Cd = False  # return without covariance matrix
        Jd_f = False

    return xd, yd, Cd, Jd_f
Beispiel #9
def errorCuadraticoImagen(imagePoints,
    el error asociado a una sola imagen

    if mahDist=True it returns the squared mahalanobis distance for the
    proyection points

    the result Er is such that the probability P:
    Er = - log(P)
    where n is the number of points, d is the number of dimensions
    the line where Er += log(det(Cm))  + pi2factor adds part of the
    normalising constant

    # hago la proyeccion
    xi, yi = imagePoints.T
    xm, ym, Cm = inverse(xi, yi, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, model,
                         Ci, Cf, Ck, Crt, Cfk)

    # error
    er = ([xm, ym] - chessboardModel[:, :2].T).T

    Cmbool = anny(Cm)
    if Cmbool:
        # devuelvo error cuadratico pesado por las covarianzas
        S = inv(Cm)  # inverse of covariance matrix
        # distancia mahalanobis
        Er = sum(er.reshape((-1, 2, 1)) * S * er.reshape((-1, 1, 2)),
                 axis=(1, 2))

        if not mahDist:
            # add covariance normalisation error
            Er += log(det(Cm)) + pi2factor
            Er /= 2
        # error cuadratico sin pesos ni nada
        Er = sum(er**2, axis=1)

    return Er
Beispiel #10
def homDist2homUndist(xpp, ypp, distCoeffs, model, Cpp=False, Ck=False):
    takes ccd cordinates and projects to homogenpus coords and undistorts
    Cppbool = anny(Cpp)
    Ckbool = anny(Ck)

    if Cppbool or Ckbool:  # no hay incertezas Ck ni Cpp
        q, _, Jp_pp, Jp_k = homDist2homUndist_ratioJacobians(
            xpp, ypp, distCoeffs, model)
        xp = xpp / q  # undistort in homogenous coords
        yp = ypp / q

        Cp = zeros((len(xp), 2, 2))

        # nk = nparams[model] # distCoeffs.shape[0]  # unmber of dist coeffs
        if Cppbool:  # incerteza Cpp
            Jp_ppResh = Jp_pp.reshape((-1, 2, 1, 2, 1))
            Cp = (Jp_ppResh * Cpp.reshape(
                (-1, 1, 2, 2, 1)) * Jp_ppResh.transpose((0, 4, 3, 2, 1))).sum(
                    (2, 3))
        if Ckbool:  # incerteza Ck
            nk = Jp_k.shape[-1]
            Jp_kResh = Jp_k.reshape((-1, 2, 1, nk, 1))
            Cp += (Jp_kResh * Ck.reshape(
                (1, 1, nk, nk, 1)) * Jp_kResh.transpose((0, 4, 3, 2, 1))).sum(
                    (2, 3))

        # calculate ratio of undistortion
        rpp = norm([xpp, ypp], axis=0)
        q, _ = undistort[model](rpp, distCoeffs, quot=True, der=False)

        xp = xpp / q  # undistort in homogenous coords
        yp = ypp / q
        Cp = False

    return xp, yp, Cp
Beispiel #11
def errorCuadraticoImagen(Xext, Xint, Ns, params, j, mahDist=False):
    el error asociado a una sola imagen, es para un par rvec, tvec
    necesita tambien los paramatros intrinsecos

    if mahDist=True it returns the squared mahalanobis distance for the
    proyection points
    # saco los parametros de flat para que los use la func de projection
    cameraMatrix, distCoeffs = flat2int(Xint, Ns, params['model'])
    rvec, tvec = flat2ext(Xext)
    # saco los parametros auxiliares
    imagePoints = params["imagePoints"]
    model = params["model"]
    chessboardModel = params["chessboardModel"]
    Cccd = params["Cccd"]
    Cf = params["Cf"]
    Ck = params["Ck"]
    Crt = params["Crt"]
    Cfk = params["Cfk"]

    try:  # check if there is covariance for this image
        Cov = Cccd[j]
        Cov = None

    # hago la proyeccion
    xi, yi = imagePoints[j].T
    xm, ym, Cm = cl.inverse(xi, yi, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs,
                            model, Cov, Cf, Ck, Crt[j], Cfk)

    # error
    er = ([xm, ym] - chessboardModel[:, :2].T).T

    Cmbool = anny(Cm)
    if Cmbool:
        # devuelvo error cuadratico pesado por las covarianzas
        S = np.linalg.inv(Cm)  # inverse of covariance matrix
        # distancia mahalanobis
        Er = np.sum(er.reshape((-1, 2, 1)) * S * er.reshape((-1, 1, 2)),
                    axis=(1, 2))

        if not mahDist:
            # add covariance normalisation error
            Er += np.linalg.det(Cm)
        # error cuadratico sin pesos ni nada
        Er = np.sum(er**2, axis=1)

    return Er
Beispiel #12
def errorCuadraticoImagen(Xext, Xint, Ns, params, j):
    el error asociado a una sola imagen, es para un par rvec, tvec
    necesita tambien los paramatros intrinsecos
    # saco los parametros de flat para que los use la func de projection
    cameraMatrix, distCoeffs = flat2int(Xint, Ns)
    rvec, tvec = flat2ext(Xext)
    # saco los parametros auxiliares
    n, m, imagePoints, model, chessboardModel, Ci = params

    try:  # check if there is covariance for this image
        Cov = Ci[j]
        Cov = None

    # hago la proyeccion
    xm, ym, Cm = cl.inverse(imagePoints[j, 0],
    # print(Cm)
    # error
    er = ([xm, ym] - chessboardModel[0, :, :2].T).T

    Cmbool = anny(Cm)

    if Cmbool:
        # devuelvo error cuadratico pesado por las covarianzas
        S = np.linalg.inv(Cm)  # inverse of covariance matrix
        # q1 = [np.sum(S[:, :, 0] * er.T, 1),  # fastest way I found to do product
        #       np.sum(S[:, :, 1] * er.T, 1)]

        # distancia mahalanobis
        Er = (er.reshape((-1, 2, 1)) * S * er.reshape((-1, 1, 2))).sum()
        Er += np.log(np.linalg.det(Cm)).sum()  # sumo termino de normalizacion
        # error cuadratico pelado, escalar
        Er = np.sum(er**2)

    return Er
Beispiel #13
def errorCuadraticoImagen(imagePoints, chessboardModel, rvec, tvec,
                          cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, model, Ci=False, Cf=False,
                          Ck=False, Crt=False, Cfk=False, mahDist=False):
    el error asociado a una sola imagen

    if mahDist=True it returns the squared mahalanobis distance for the
    proyection points

    the result Er is such that the probability P:
    Er = - log(P)
    where n is the number of points, d is the number of dimensions
    the line where Er += log(det(Cm))  + pi2factor adds part of the
    normalising constant

    # hago la proyeccion
    xi, yi = imagePoints.T
    xm, ym, Cm = inverse(xi, yi, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, model,
                         Ci, Cf, Ck, Crt, Cfk)

    # error
    er = ([xm, ym] - chessboardModel[:, :2].T).T

    Cmbool = anny(Cm)
    if Cmbool:
        # devuelvo error cuadratico pesado por las covarianzas
        S = inv(Cm)  # inverse of covariance matrix
        # distancia mahalanobis
        Er = sum(er.reshape((-1, 2, 1))
                 * S
                 * er.reshape((-1, 1, 2)), axis=(1, 2))

        if not mahDist:
            # add covariance normalisation error
            Er += log(det(Cm)) + pi2factor
            Er /= 2
        # error cuadratico sin pesos ni nada
        Er = sum(er**2, axis=1)

    return Er