Beispiel #1
 def set_data(self, arr):
     arr = np.asarray(arr)
     self.src_format, self.dst_format = fmts_from_shape(arr.shape,
     # Float is default type
     if arr.dtype == np.uint8:
         arr = np.ascontiguousarray(arr)
         self.src_type = gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE
     elif arr.dtype == np.float32:
         arr = np.ascontiguousarray(arr)
         self.src_type = gl.GL_FLOAT
         arr = np.astype(np.float32)
         self.src_type = gl.GL_FLOAT
     self._arr = arr
     if self._id:
         gl.glDeleteTextures(1, gl.byref(self._id))
     id = gl.GLuint()
     gl.glGenTextures(1, gl.byref(id))
     self._id = id
     gl.glPixelStorei (gl.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1)
     gl.glPixelStorei (gl.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1)
     gl.glBindTexture (, self._id)
     gl.glTexParameterf (,
                         gl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.GL_NEAREST)
     gl.glTexParameterf (,
                         gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.GL_NEAREST)
     gl.glTexParameterf (, gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.GL_CLAMP)
     gl.glTexParameterf (, gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.GL_CLAMP)
Beispiel #2
    def axis_identify_indexes(self, di, axis_n):
        "return indexes that are aligned with the phase and step of axis.index_domain - limited to whole numbers for now"
        di = self.to_index_array(di, axis_n)
        im = self.interp_mode
        if im == "floor":
            return np.floor(di).astype(np.int_)
        elif im == "ceil":
            return np.ceil(di).astype(np.int_)
        elif im == "round":
            return np.round(di).astype(np.int_)
        elif im == "throw":
            if ((di % 1) != 0).any():
                raise IndexError
            return np.astype(np.int_)
        elif im in interpolated.interp_order:
            selector = (di % 1) == 0
            constantset = di[selector]
            interpset = di[~selector]
            af = np.floor(interpset)
            ac = np.ceil(interpset)
            tmp = []
            for j in range(interpolated.interp_order[im]):
                tmp.append(af - j)
                tmp.append(ac + j)
            interpset = np.concatenate(tmp)


            ii = np.union1d(constantset, interpset).astype(np.int_)

            return ii
            raise NotImplementedError
def ideallens(wlength, focal_length, center, fshift, diameter, dx, dy, M, N):
    Create function of a ideal paraxial lens
    INPUTS : 
        wlength -> wavelength of the optical signal
        f -> 2-by-1 list contains -> focal length in x and focal length in y
        center -> 2-by-1 list contains -> central shift of whole lens func. in x and y
        fshift -> lateral off-axis shift on the focal plane
        dia -> diameter of lens aperture
        dx,dy -> sampling intervals in space
        M,N -> size of simulation window
        lensfunc -> numerical lensfunction defined in space
    x = (np.arange(M) - (M - 1) / 2) * dx
    y = (np.arange(N) - (N - 1) / 2) * dy
    x0, y0 = center[0], center[1]
    xf, yf = fshift[0], fshift[1]
    Lxy2 = (np.outer(
        (x - x0)**2, np.ones(N)) + np.outer(np.ones(M), (y - y0)**2))
    D = Lxy2 <= (diameter**2)
    D = np.astype('int')
    sq = np.outer((x - xf)**2, np.ones(N)) + np.outer(np.ones(M), (y - yf)**2)
    R = (sq + focal_length**2)**(0.5)
    lensfunc = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi / wlength * R) * D
    lensfunc = tf.convert_to_tensor(lensfunc, dtype=tf.complex64)
    lensfunc = tf.reshape(lensfunc, shape=[1, M * N], name='lens')
    return lensfunc
Beispiel #4
def ovrRead(dataset,
    '''Read an image block from overviews of all spacified bands.

    This function read a data block from the overview corresponding to
    *ovrindex* for all *bcount* raster bands starting drom the
    *bstart*\ th one.


    dataset: GDAL dataset object
        the GDAL dataset to read from
    x, y: int
        origin of the box to read in overview coordinates
    w, h: int
        size of the box to read in overview coordinates
    ovrindex: int
        index of the overview to read from.
        If the overview index is `None` data are retrieved directly
        from the raster band instead of overviews.
    bstart: int
        raster band start index (default 1).
    bcount: int or None
        raster band count (defaut all starting from *bstart*)


    data: ndarray
        the array of data read with shape (h, w, bcount)


    # @TODO: check RasterColorInterpretation

    if bcount is None:
        bcount = dataset.RasterCount

    assert bstart > 0
    assert bstart - 1 + bcount <= dataset.RasterCount

    #data = np.zeros((h, w, dataset.RasterCount), np.ubyte)
    channels = []
    for bandindex in range(bstart, bstart + bcount):
        band = dataset.GetRasterBand(bandindex)
        if ovrindex is not None:
            band = band.GetOverview(ovrindex)
        channels.append(band.ReadAsArray(x, y, w, h))

    data = np.dstack(channels)
    if dtype and dtype != data.dtype:
        return np.astype(data)
        return data
Beispiel #5
    def df_over_f_THEIA(self, images, take_lowest_percentile=5):
        """ Calculates the delta F over F for a image series

        :param images: the images to process
        :param take_lowest_percentile: the lowest percentile of brightness to
        take as F0
        :return: processed images
        F0 = np.percentile(images, take_lowest_percentile, 0)
        return (np.astype(images, np.float32) - F0) / F0
Beispiel #6
    def testJaxRoundTrip(self, shape, dtype):
        rng = jtu.rand_default()
        np = rng(shape, dtype)
        x = jnp.array(np)
        dlpack = jax.dlpack.to_dlpack(x)
        y = jax.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack)
        self.assertAllClose(np.astype(x.dtype), y, check_dtypes=True)

                               "DLPack tensor may be consumed at most once",
                               lambda: jax.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack))
Beispiel #7
def ovrRead(dataset, x=0, y=0, w=None, h=None, ovrindex=None,
            bstart=1, bcount=None, dtype=None):
    '''Read an image block from overviews of all spacified bands.

    This function read a data block from the overview corresponding to
    *ovrindex* for all *bcount* raster bands starting drom the
    *bstart*\ th one.


    dataset: GDAL dataset object
        the GDAL dataset to read from
    x, y: int
        origin of the box to read in overview coordinates
    w, h: int
        size of the box to read in overview coordinates
    ovrindex: int
        index of the overview to read from.
        If the overview index is `None` data are retrieved directly
        from the raster band instead of overviews.
    bstart: int
        raster band start index (default 1).
    bcount: int or None
        raster band count (defaut all starting from *bstart*)


    data: ndarray
        the array of data read with shape (h, w, bcount)


    # @TODO: check RasterColorInterpretation

    if bcount is None:
        bcount = dataset.RasterCount

    assert bstart > 0
    assert bstart - 1 + bcount <= dataset.RasterCount

    #data = np.zeros((h, w, dataset.RasterCount), np.ubyte)
    channels = []
    for bandindex in range(bstart, bstart + bcount):
        band = dataset.GetRasterBand(bandindex)
        if ovrindex is not None:
            band = band.GetOverview(ovrindex)
        channels.append(band.ReadAsArray(x, y, w, h))

    data = np.dstack(channels)
    if dtype and dtype != data.dtype:
        return np.astype(data)
        return data
    def testJaxRoundTrip(self, shape, dtype, take_ownership):
        rng = jtu.rand_default(self.rng())
        np = rng(shape, dtype)
        x = jnp.array(np)
        dlpack = jax.dlpack.to_dlpack(x, take_ownership=take_ownership)
        self.assertEqual(take_ownership, x.device_buffer.is_deleted())
        y = jax.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack)
        self.assertAllClose(np.astype(x.dtype), y)

                               "DLPack tensor may be consumed at most once",
                               lambda: jax.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack))
Beispiel #9
    def testJaxRoundTrip(self, shape, dtype, take_ownership):
        if jax.lib.version < (0, 1, 57) and not take_ownership:
            raise unittest.SkipTest("Requires jaxlib >= 0.1.57")
        rng = jtu.rand_default(self.rng())
        np = rng(shape, dtype)
        x = jnp.array(np)
        dlpack = jax.dlpack.to_dlpack(x, take_ownership=take_ownership)
        self.assertEqual(take_ownership, x.device_buffer.is_deleted())
        y = jax.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack)
        self.assertAllClose(np.astype(x.dtype), y)

                               "DLPack tensor may be consumed at most once",
                               lambda: jax.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack))
 def forward(self, bottom, top):
     from scipy import ndimage
         seg = predict_seg(bottom)
         seg = np.uint8(seg * 255)
         rgb = bottom[0].data
         depth = bottom[1]
         cont = np.gradient(seg)
         cont = cont[0] * cont[0] + cont[1] * cont[1]
         cont = np.astype(float)
         cont = 1 / (1 + cont)
         cont = np.transpose(cont, (2, 0, 1))
         #  top[0].data[...] = rgb + cont.reshape(1,*cont.shape)
         act = cont[:, :, 0]
         #  rgb = bottom[0].data
         top[0].data[...] = rgb
         epsilon = np.ones(depth)
         epsilon = np.astype(float)
         var = np.log10(np.var(, act)))
         print var
         epsilon *= np.log2(var)
     except Exception as e:
         print e
Beispiel #11
def draw_image(img,windowsize=None,zoomaxes=None):

    # get axes if not input
    if zoomaxes is None:
        zoomaxes = [0,img.shape[1]-1,0,img.shape[0]-1]
    # check to make sure valid
    if (int(zoomaxes[3]) < int(zoomaxes[2])) or (int(zoomaxes[1]) < int(zoomaxes[0])):
        raise ValueError('Invalid zoom axes input')
    # crop image
    scale_img = img.copy()
    scale_img = scale_img[int(zoomaxes[2]):int(zoomaxes[3]+1),int(zoomaxes[0]):int(zoomaxes[1]+1)]
    # resize image so that it fits in the window
    if windowsize is not None:
        scale_x = float(windowsize[1])/float(scale_img.shape[1])
        scale_y = float(windowsize[0])/float(scale_img.shape[0])
        if scale_x < scale_y:
            size_x = windowsize[1]
            size_y = scale_img.shape[0]*scale_x
            resize = scale_x
            size_y = windowsize[0]
            size_x = scale_img.shape[1]*scale_y
            resize = scale_y
        scale_img = imresize(scale_img,(int(size_y),int(size_x)))

    # create an rgb image out of img
    if scale_img.ndim == 3:
        if not (scale_img.dtype == 'uint8'):
            scale_img = scale_img.astype('uint8')
    elif scale_img.dtype == 'uint8':
        scale_img = to_rgb8('MONO8',scale_img)
    elif scale_img.dtype == 'double':
        # scale to between 0 and 255
        scale_img = num.astype(img_normalize(scale_img)*255.,'uint8')
        scale_img = to_rgb8('MONO8',scale_img)

    #print 'image shape:'
    #print scale_img.shape
    #print 'resize: %f'%resize
    # create a bitmap out of image
    h,w,three = scale_img.shape
    img_size = [h,w]
    image = wx.EmptyImage(w,h)
    image.SetData( scale_img.tostring() )
    bmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(image)

    return (bmp,resize,img_size)
Beispiel #12
def draw_image(img,windowsize=None,zoomaxes=None):

    # get axes if not input
    if zoomaxes is None:
        zoomaxes = [0,img.shape[1]-1,0,img.shape[0]-1]
    # check to make sure valid
    if (int(zoomaxes[3]) < int(zoomaxes[2])) or (int(zoomaxes[1]) < int(zoomaxes[0])):
        raise ValueError('Invalid zoom axes input')
    # crop image
    scale_img = img.copy()
    scale_img = scale_img[int(zoomaxes[2]):int(zoomaxes[3]+1),int(zoomaxes[0]):int(zoomaxes[1]+1)]
    # resize image so that it fits in the window
    if windowsize is not None:
        scale_x = float(windowsize[1])/float(scale_img.shape[1])
        scale_y = float(windowsize[0])/float(scale_img.shape[0])
        if scale_x < scale_y:
            size_x = windowsize[1]
            size_y = scale_img.shape[0]*scale_x
            resize = scale_x
            size_y = windowsize[0]
            size_x = scale_img.shape[1]*scale_y
            resize = scale_y
        scale_img = imresize(scale_img,(int(size_y),int(size_x)))

    # create an rgb image out of img
    if scale_img.ndim == 3:
        if not (scale_img.dtype == 'uint8'):
            scale_img = scale_img.astype('uint8')
    elif scale_img.dtype == 'uint8':
        scale_img = to_rgb8('MONO8',scale_img)
    elif scale_img.dtype == 'double':
        # scale to between 0 and 255
        scale_img = num.astype(img_normalize(scale_img)*255.,'uint8')
        scale_img = to_rgb8('MONO8',scale_img)

    #print 'image shape:'
    #print scale_img.shape
    #print 'resize: %f'%resize
    # create a bitmap out of image
    h,w,three = scale_img.shape
    img_size = [h,w]
    image = wx.EmptyImage(w,h)
    image.SetData( scale_img.tostring() )
    bmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(image)

    return (bmp,resize,img_size)
  def testJaxRoundTrip(self, shape, dtype, take_ownership, gpu):
    rng = jtu.rand_default(self.rng())
    np = rng(shape, dtype)
    if gpu and jax.default_backend() == "cpu":
      raise unittest.SkipTest("Skipping GPU test case on CPU")
    device = jax.devices("gpu" if gpu else "cpu")[0]
    x = jax.device_put(np, device)
    dlpack = jax.dlpack.to_dlpack(x, take_ownership=take_ownership)
    self.assertEqual(take_ownership, x.device_buffer.is_deleted())
    y = jax.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack)
    self.assertEqual(y.device(), device)
    self.assertAllClose(np.astype(x.dtype), y)

                           "DLPack tensor may be consumed at most once",
                           lambda: jax.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack))
Beispiel #14
def body_per_bins(i, total_conv, w_spatial, co_matrix, x, input_index,
                  vec_input_index, strides):
    the function is a body of the loop that run on the size of a co-occurrence matrix
    :param i: iteration number
    :param total_conv: final variable that contains the result
    :param w_spatial: the spatial filter
    :param co_matrix: the co-occurrence matrix
    :param x: the input of the layer
    :param input_index: the quantized input for the bins of co-occurrence matrix
    :param vec_input_index: reshaped input_index
    :param strides: optionally can be implemented stride
    # shape of input data
    x_shape = np.shape(x)
    w_shape = np.shape(w_spatial)
    # fx, fy, fin, fout = w_spatial.get_shape().as_list()
    # take only the line with specific bin
    bin_row = co_matrix[i, :]

    cof_matrix_bin = np.reshape(np.take(bin_row, vec_input_index), x_shape)

    # temp_mask = np.tile(temp_mask, [1, 1, 1, fout])# num_output_channels])

    temp_input = np.multiply(x, cof_matrix_bin)
    temp_input = np.expand_dims(temp_input, axis=4)
    w_3d = np.reshape(w_spatial, [w_shape[0], w_shape[1], w_shape[2], 1, 1])
    strid = strides.get_shape().as_list()
    temp_mask = np.astype(np.equal(input_index, i), float)
    temp_mask = np.expand_dims(temp_mask, axis=4)

    "Following lines don't change temp_mask value"
    # filter_ones = np.ones([1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
    # temp_mask = np.nn.conv3d(temp_mask, filter_ones, strides=[1, strid[0], strid[0], 1, 1], padding="SAME") //TODO: Downsampaling instead od 3D convolution

    temp_result = fftconvolve(temp_input, w_3d, mode="SAME")
    # temp_result = np.reduce_sum(temp_result, axis=4)
    temp_result = np.multiply(temp_result[:, :, :, :, 0], temp_mask[:, :, :, :,
    total_conv = total_conv + temp_result

    return i + 1, total_conv, w_spatial, co_matrix, x, input_index, vec_input_index, strides
Beispiel #15
def non_max_suppression(confidences, bboxes, overlapThresh=0.6):
    # if there are no boxes, return an empty list
    if len(bboxes) == 0:
        return []

    # if the bounding boxes integers, convert them to floats --
    # this is important since we'll be doing a bunch of divisions
    if bboxes.dtype.kind == "i":
        bboxes = np.astype(bboxes, np.float32)

    # initialize the list of picked indexes
    pick = []

    idxs = [(c, i) for i, c in enumerate(confidences)]
    idxs = sorted(idxs, key=lambda x: x[0])
    _, idxs = zip(*idxs)
    idxs = list(idxs)
    # keep looping while some indexes still remain in the indexes
    # list
    while len(idxs) > 0:
        # grab the last index in the indexes list and add the
        # index value to the list of picked indexes
        last = len(idxs) - 1
        i = idxs[last]
        del idxs[last]


        mark_deleted = []
        for k, j in enumerate(idxs):
            overlap = get_iou(bboxes[i], bboxes[j])
            if overlap >= overlapThresh or bbox_in_bbox(
                    bboxes[i], bboxes[j], 1 - (1 - overlapThresh)**2):

        for k in reversed(mark_deleted):
            del idxs[k]

    # return only the bounding boxes that were picked using the
    # integer data type
    return pick
Beispiel #16
 def __call__(self, sample):
     a, b, c = np.astype(self.scale * np.pi * np.abs(np.random.normal(size=3))), dtype='float')
     R = RandomRotation.get_matrix(a, b, c)
     res =, sample)
     return res
Beispiel #17
def draw_annotated_image(img,pointlists=None,linelists=None,circlelists=None,

    #print 'in draw_annotated_image'

    # get axes if not input
    if zoomaxes is None:
        zoomaxes = [0,img.shape[1]-1,0,img.shape[0]-1]
    # check to make sure valid
    if (int(zoomaxes[3]) < int(zoomaxes[2])) or (int(zoomaxes[1]) < int(zoomaxes[0])):
        raise ValueError('Invalid zoom axes input')
    # crop image
    scale_img = img.copy()
    scale_img = scale_img[int(zoomaxes[2]):int(zoomaxes[3]+1),int(zoomaxes[0]):int(zoomaxes[1]+1)]
    xoffset = -zoomaxes[0]
    yoffset = -zoomaxes[2]

    #print 'zoomaxes = ' + str(zoomaxes)

    # resize image so that it fits in the window
    if windowsize is not None:
        scale_x = float(windowsize[1])/float(scale_img.shape[1])
        scale_y = float(windowsize[0])/float(scale_img.shape[0])
        if scale_x < scale_y:
            size_x = windowsize[1]
            size_y = scale_img.shape[0]*scale_x
            resize = scale_x
            size_y = windowsize[0]
            size_x = scale_img.shape[1]*scale_y
            resize = scale_y
        scale_img = imresize(scale_img,(int(size_y),int(size_x)))

    #print 'current size of scale_img = ' + str(scale_img.shape)

    # create an rgb image out of img
    if scale_img.ndim == 3:
        if not (scale_img.dtype == 'uint8'):
            scale_img = scale_img.astype('uint8')
    elif scale_img.dtype == 'uint8':
        scale_img = to_rgb8('MONO8',scale_img)
    elif scale_img.dtype == 'double':
        # scale to between 0 and 255
        scale_img = num.astype(img_normalize(scale_img)*255.,'uint8')
        scale_img = to_rgb8('MONO8',scale_img)

    #print 'image shape after converting to rgb:'
    #print scale_img.shape
    #print 'resize: %f'%resize
    # create a bitmap out of image
    h,w,three = scale_img.shape
    img_size = [h,w]
    image = wx.EmptyImage(w,h)

    #print 'created empty image of size (%d,%d)'%(w,h)
    image.SetData( scale_img.tostring() )

    #print 'set the data'
    bmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(image)

    #print 'created bmp'

    # draw into bmp
    drawDC = wx.MemoryDC()
    drawDC.SelectObject( bmp ) # draw into bmp
    # set default point color
    drawDC.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.Colour(255,255,255), wx.TRANSPARENT))
    # by default set point radius to 8

    #print 'starting to draw stuff'

    if pointlists is not None:
        pointcolor = 'GREEN'
        for i,points in enumerate(pointlists):
            # set color
            if (pointcolors is not None) and (len(pointcolors) > i):
                pointcolor = wx.Colour(pointcolors[i][0],pointcolors[i][1],pointcolors[i][2])
            if (pointsizes is not None) and (len(pointsizes) > i):
                point_radius = pointsizes[i]
            # set radius
            for j,pt in enumerate(points):
                # draw a circle
                x = int((xoffset+pt[0])*resize)
                y = int((yoffset+pt[1])*resize)
                if (x >= 0) and (x < img_size[1]) and \
                   (y >= 0) and (y < img_size[0]):

    #print 'finished drawing points'

    if linelists is not None:
        # set default line color
        linecolor = 'GREEN'
        # set default line width
        if linewidth is None:
            linewidth = 1

        for i,lines in enumerate(linelists):

            #print i

            # create a list of wxPoints
            points = []
            for j,pt in enumerate(lines):
                x = int((xoffset+pt[0])*resize)
                y = int((yoffset+pt[1])*resize)
                newpoint = wx.Point(x,y)
                if (j < 1) or not (newpoint == lastpoint):
                    lastpoint = newpoint

            if len(points) == 0:
            if len(points) == 1:

            # set color
            if (linecolors is not None) and (len(linecolors) > i):
                linecolor = wx.Colour(linecolors[i][0],linecolors[i][1],


            #print 'drawing line with color'
            #print linecolor
            #print 'width'
            #print linewidth
            #print 'points'
            #print points

            # draw the lines

    #print 'finished drawing lines'

    if circlelists is not None:
        circlecolor = 'GREEN'
        for i,circles in enumerate(circlelists):
            # set color
            if (circlecolors is not None) and (len(circlecolors) > i):
                circlecolor = wx.Colour(circlecolors[i][0],circlecolors[i][1],circlecolors[i][2])
            if (circlewidths is not None) and (len(circlewidths) > i):
                circlewidth = circlewidths[i]
            # set radius
            if (circlewidths is not None) and (len(circlewidths) > i):
                circlewidth = circlewidths[i]
            for j,circle in enumerate(circles):
                # draw a circle
                x = int((xoffset+circle[0])*resize)
                y = int((yoffset+circle[1])*resize)
                r = int(circle[2]*resize)
                if (x >= 0) and (x < img_size[1]) and \
                   (y >= 0) and (y < img_size[0]):

    #print 'finished drawing circles'
    #print 'leaving draw_annotated_image'

    return (bmp,resize,img_size)
Beispiel #18
    marker = marker.astype("Int64")
    genotyp2 = Input.iloc[marker]
    genotyp2 = genotyp2.transpose()
    genotyp2 = genotyp2.astype("Int64") #Dieser Datentyp wird für GBLUP und Netzwerke benötigt
    genotyp2 = Input.iloc[marker]
    return genotyp2
FT10 = pd.read_csv("../BachelorThesis/Data/imputed_full/genos_f/FT10.csv", index_col=0)
pheno = pd.read_csv("../BachelorThesis/Data/imputed_full/phenos_f/FT10.csv", index_col=0)
index = pheno.iloc[:,0]
FT10.index = index
lat = pd.read_csv("../BachelorThesis/Data/Simulation/Latitude.csv", index_col=0)
accessions_all = lat.iloc[:,0]
filter = np.isin(accessions_all,index)
possible_acc = accessions_all[filter]
x = np.arange(0, 100)
x = x.astype("str")
for k in x:
    sample = np.random.choice(possible_acc,300) #Auswahl von Accessions
    sample = np.unique(sample)
    sample = sample[:200]
    sample = np.asarray(sample)
    sample = np.astype("int")
    genos = FT10.loc[sample]
    genotyp = set_geno(Input=genos, Input_filter=genos, number=20)  #Auswahl der Marker
    genotyp = genotyp.astype("Int64")
    name = "S" + k + ".csv"
    path = "../BachelorThesis/Data/Simulation/genos_f/" + name
Beispiel #19
import numpy as n
from pylab import figure, show
import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as colors

fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
Ntotal = 1000
N, bins, patches = ax.hist(n.random.random((Ntotal,2)), 20)

#I'll color code by height, but you could use any scalar

# we need to normalize the data to 0..1 for the full
# range of the colormap
fracs = [n.astype(float)/n.max() for n in N]
norm = [colors.normalize(frac.min(), frac.max()) for frac in fracs ]

for i, (thisfrac, thispatch) in enumerate( zip(fracs, patches) ):
    color = cm.jet(norm[i](thisfrac))
    for p in thispatch:

Beispiel #20
def _smooth_array(arr, affine, fwhm=None, ensure_finite=True, copy=True):
    """Smooth images by applying a Gaussian filter.

    Apply a Gaussian filter along the three first dimensions of arr.

    arr: numpy.ndarray
        4D array, with image number as last dimension. 3D arrays are also

    affine: numpy.ndarray
        (4, 4) matrix, giving affine transformation for image. (3, 3) matrices
        are also accepted (only these coefficients are used).

    fwhm: scalar or numpy.ndarray
        Smoothing strength, as a full-width at half maximum, in millimeters.
        If a scalar is given, width is identical on all three directions.
        A numpy.ndarray must have 3 elements, giving the FWHM along each axis.
        If fwhm is None, no filtering is performed (useful when just removal
        of non-finite values is needed)

    ensure_finite: bool
        if True, replace every non-finite values (like NaNs) by zero before

    copy: bool
        if True, input array is not modified. False by default: the filtering
        is performed in-place.

    filtered_arr: numpy.ndarray
        arr, filtered.

    This function is most efficient with arr in C order.

    if arr.dtype.kind == 'i':
        if arr.dtype == np.int64:
            arr = np.astype(arr, np.float64)
            # We don't need crazy precision
            arr = np.astype(arr, np.float32)
    if copy:
        arr = arr.copy()

    # Keep only the scale part.
    affine = affine[:3, :3]

    if ensure_finite:
        # SPM tends to put NaNs in the data outside the brain
        arr[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(arr))] = 0

    if fwhm is not None:
        # Convert from a FWHM to a sigma:
        # Do not use /=, fwhm may be a numpy scalar
        fwhm = fwhm / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2))
        vox_size = np.sqrt(np.sum(affine ** 2, axis=0))
        sigma = fwhm / vox_size
        for n, s in enumerate(sigma):
            ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(arr, s, output=arr, axis=n)

    return arr
Beispiel #21
def draw_annotated_image(img,pointlists=None,linelists=None,circlelists=None,

    #print 'in draw_annotated_image'

    # get axes if not input
    if zoomaxes is None:
        zoomaxes = [0,img.shape[1]-1,0,img.shape[0]-1]
    # check to make sure valid
    if (int(zoomaxes[3]) < int(zoomaxes[2])) or (int(zoomaxes[1]) < int(zoomaxes[0])):
        raise ValueError('Invalid zoom axes input')
    # crop image
    scale_img = img.copy()
    scale_img = scale_img[int(zoomaxes[2]):int(zoomaxes[3]+1),int(zoomaxes[0]):int(zoomaxes[1]+1)]
    xoffset = -zoomaxes[0]
    yoffset = -zoomaxes[2]

    #print 'zoomaxes = ' + str(zoomaxes)

    # resize image so that it fits in the window
    if windowsize is not None:
        scale_x = float(windowsize[1])/float(scale_img.shape[1])
        scale_y = float(windowsize[0])/float(scale_img.shape[0])
        if scale_x < scale_y:
            size_x = windowsize[1]
            size_y = scale_img.shape[0]*scale_x
            resize = scale_x
            size_y = windowsize[0]
            size_x = scale_img.shape[1]*scale_y
            resize = scale_y
        scale_img = imresize(scale_img,(int(size_y),int(size_x)))

    #print 'current size of scale_img = ' + str(scale_img.shape)

    # create an rgb image out of img
    if scale_img.ndim == 3:
        if not (scale_img.dtype == 'uint8'):
            scale_img = scale_img.astype('uint8')
    elif scale_img.dtype == 'uint8':
        scale_img = to_rgb8('MONO8',scale_img)
    elif scale_img.dtype == 'double':
        # scale to between 0 and 255
        scale_img = num.astype(img_normalize(scale_img)*255.,'uint8')
        scale_img = to_rgb8('MONO8',scale_img)

    #print 'image shape after converting to rgb:'
    #print scale_img.shape
    #print 'resize: %f'%resize
    # create a bitmap out of image
    h,w,three = scale_img.shape
    img_size = [h,w]
    image = wx.EmptyImage(w,h)

    #print 'created empty image of size (%d,%d)'%(w,h)
    image.SetData( scale_img.tostring() )

    #print 'set the data'
    bmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(image)

    #print 'created bmp'

    # draw into bmp
    drawDC = wx.MemoryDC()
    drawDC.SelectObject( bmp ) # draw into bmp
    # set default point color
    drawDC.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.Colour(255,255,255), wx.TRANSPARENT))
    # by default set point radius to 8

    #print 'starting to draw stuff'

    if pointlists is not None:
        pointcolor = 'GREEN'
        for i,points in enumerate(pointlists):
            # set color
            if (pointcolors is not None) and (len(pointcolors) > i):
                pointcolor = wx.Colour(pointcolors[i][0],pointcolors[i][1],pointcolors[i][2])
            if (pointsizes is not None) and (len(pointsizes) > i):
                point_radius = pointsizes[i]
            # set radius
            for j,pt in enumerate(points):
                # draw a circle
                x = int((xoffset+pt[0])*resize)
                y = int((yoffset+pt[1])*resize)
                if (x >= 0) and (x < img_size[1]) and \
                   (y >= 0) and (y < img_size[0]):

    #print 'finished drawing points'

    if linelists is not None:
        # set default line color
        linecolor = 'GREEN'
        # set default line width
        linewidth = 1

        for i,lines in enumerate(linelists):

            #print i

            # create a list of wxPoints
            points = []
            for j,pt in enumerate(lines):
                x = int((xoffset+pt[0])*resize)
                y = int((yoffset+pt[1])*resize)
                newpoint = wx.Point(x,y)
                if (j < 1) or not (newpoint == lastpoint):
                    lastpoint = newpoint

            if len(points) == 0:
            if len(points) == 1:

            # set color
            if (linecolors is not None) and (len(linecolors) > i):
                linecolor = wx.Colour(linecolors[i][0],linecolors[i][1],
            # set width
            if (linewidths is not None) and (len(linewidths) > i):
                linewidth = linewidths[i]

            #print 'drawing line with color'
            #print linecolor
            #print 'width'
            #print linewidth
            #print 'points'
            #print points

            # draw the lines

    #print 'finished drawing lines'

    if circlelists is not None:
        circlecolor = 'GREEN'
        for i,circles in enumerate(circlelists):
            # set color
            if (circlecolors is not None) and (len(circlecolors) > i):
                circlecolor = wx.Colour(circlecolors[i][0],circlecolors[i][1],circlecolors[i][2])
            if (circlewidths is not None) and (len(circlewidths) > i):
                circlewidth = circlewidths[i]
            # set radius
            if (circlewidths is not None) and (len(circlewidths) > i):
                circlewidth = circlewidths[i]
            for j,circle in enumerate(circles):
                # draw a circle
                x = int((xoffset+circle[0])*resize)
                y = int((yoffset+circle[1])*resize)
                r = int(circle[2]*resize)
                if (x >= 0) and (x < img_size[1]) and \
                   (y >= 0) and (y < img_size[0]):

    #print 'finished drawing circles'
    #print 'leaving draw_annotated_image'

    return (bmp,resize,img_size)
Beispiel #22
def _smooth_array(arr, affine, fwhm=None, ensure_finite=True, copy=True):
    """Smooth images by applying a Gaussian filter.

    Apply a Gaussian filter along the three first dimensions of arr.

    arr: numpy.ndarray
        4D array, with image number as last dimension. 3D arrays are also

    affine: numpy.ndarray
        (4, 4) matrix, giving affine transformation for image. (3, 3) matrices
        are also accepted (only these coefficients are used).

    fwhm: scalar or numpy.ndarray
        Smoothing strength, as a full-width at half maximum, in millimeters.
        If a scalar is given, width is identical on all three directions.
        A numpy.ndarray must have 3 elements, giving the FWHM along each axis.
        If fwhm is None, no filtering is performed (useful when just removal
        of non-finite values is needed)

    ensure_finite: bool
        if True, replace every non-finite values (like NaNs) by zero before

    copy: bool
        if True, input array is not modified. False by default: the filtering
        is performed in-place.

    filtered_arr: numpy.ndarray
        arr, filtered.

    This function is most efficient with arr in C order.

    if arr.dtype.kind == 'i':
        if arr.dtype == np.int64:
            arr = np.astype(arr, np.float64)
            # We don't need crazy precision
            arr = np.astype(arr, np.float32)
    if copy:
        arr = arr.copy()

    # Keep only the scale part.
    affine = affine[:3, :3]

    if ensure_finite:
        # SPM tends to put NaNs in the data outside the brain
        arr[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(arr))] = 0

    if fwhm is not None:
        # Convert from a FWHM to a sigma:
        # Do not use /=, fwhm may be a numpy scalar
        fwhm = fwhm / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2))
        vox_size = np.sqrt(np.sum(affine**2, axis=0))
        sigma = fwhm / vox_size
        for n, s in enumerate(sigma):
            ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(arr, s, output=arr, axis=n)

    return arr