def glow(src, dst): graph = size = graph.size width = size[0] height = size[1] source = graph.convert('RGB') Gauss = graph.convert('RGB') source = ny.double(ny.array(source)) Gauss = Gauss.filter(MyGaussianBlur(radius=15)) Gauss = ny.double(ny.array(source)) Result = ny.zeros([height, width, 3]) for row in range(height): for col in range(width): for k in range(3): if source[row, col, k] <= 128: value = Gauss[row, col, k] * source[row, col, k] / 128 Result[row, col, k] = min(255, max(0, value)) else: value = 255 - (255 - Gauss[row, col, k]) * (255 - source[row, col, k]) / 128 Result[row, col, k] = min(255, max(0, value)) result = Image.fromarray(ny.uint8(Result)).convert('RGB') return 0
def sig_lmc(C, A): ''' This a function that using Lumped Markov chain to calculate the significance of clusters in a give communinity structure. refer to "Piccardi 2011 in PloS one". Here we normalize the original definition of persistence by the size of the corresponding cluster to get a better INPUT: "A" is a N-by-N weighted adjacency matrix "C" is a N-by-1 partition(cluster) vector OUTPUT: normalized persistence probability of all clusters ''' ''' Transition Matrix ''' C = np.asarray(C) A = np.double(A) P = np.linalg.solve(np.diag(np.sum(A,axis = 1)),A) [eval, evec] = linalg.eigs(P.T, 1) if min(evec)<0: evec = -evec pi = np.double(evec.T) num_node = np.double(np.shape(A)[0]) cl_label = np.double(np.unique(C)) num_cl = len(cl_label) H = np.zeros((num_node, num_cl),dtype = np.double) for i in range(num_cl): H[:, i] = np.double((C==cl_label[i])) # Transition matrix of the lumped Markov chain Q =,H).flatten()),H.T),np.diag(pi.flatten())),P),H) persistence = np.multiply(np.divide(np.diag(Q), np.sum(H,axis = 0)),np.sum(H)) return persistence
def apodization( name = 'butter.32', shape= [2048,2048], radius=None ): """ apodization( name = 'butter.32', size = [2048,2048], radius=None ) Provides a 2-D filter or apodization window for Fourier filtering or image clamping. Radius = None defaults to shape/2 Valid names are: 'hann' - von Hann cosine window on radius 'hann_square' as above but on X-Y 'hamming' - good for apodization, nonsense as a filter 'butter.X' Butterworth multi-order filter where X is the order of the Lorentzian 'butter_square.X' Butterworth in X-Y 'gauss_trunc' - truncated gaussian, higher performance (smaller PSF) than hann filter 'gauss' - regular gaussian NOTE: There are windows in scipy.signal for 1D-filtering... WARNING: doesn't work properly for odd image dimensions """ # Make meshes shape = np.asarray( shape ) if radius is None: radius = shape/2.0 else: radius = np.asarray( radius, dtype='float' ) # DEBUG: Doesn't work right for odd numbers [xmesh,ymesh] = np.meshgrid( np.arange(-shape[1]/2,shape[1]/2), np.arange(-shape[0]/2,shape[0]/2) ) r2mesh = xmesh*xmesh/( np.double(radius[0])**2 ) + ymesh*ymesh/( np.double(radius[1])**2 ) try: [name, order] = name.lower().split('.') order = np.double(order) except ValueError: order = 1 if name == 'butter': window = np.sqrt( 1.0 / (1.0 + r2mesh**order ) ) elif name == 'butter_square': window = np.sqrt( 1.0 / (1.0 + (xmesh/radius[1])**order))*np.sqrt(1.0 / (1.0 + (ymesh/radius[0])**order) ) elif name == 'hann': cropwin = ((xmesh/radius[1])**2.0 + (ymesh/radius[0])**2.0) <= 1.0 window = cropwin.astype('float') * 0.5 * ( 1.0 + np.cos( 1.0*np.pi*np.sqrt( (xmesh/radius[1])**2.0 + (ymesh/radius[0])**2.0 ) ) ) elif name == 'hann_square': window = ( (0.5 + 0.5*np.cos( np.pi*( xmesh/radius[1]) ) ) * (0.5 + 0.5*np.cos( np.pi*( ymesh/radius[0] ) ) ) ) elif name == 'hamming': cropwin = ((xmesh/radius[1])**2.0 + (ymesh/radius[0])**2.0) <= 1.0 window = cropwin.astype('float') * ( 0.54 + 0.46*np.cos( 1.0*np.pi*np.sqrt( (xmesh/radius[1])**2.0 + (ymesh/radius[0])**2.0 ) ) ) elif name == 'hamming_square': window = ( (0.54 + 0.46*np.cos( np.pi*( xmesh/radius[1]) ) ) * (0.54 + 0.46*np.cos( np.pi*( ymesh/radius[0] ) ) ) ) elif name == 'gauss' or name == 'gaussian': window = np.exp( -(xmesh/radius[1])**2.0 - (ymesh/radius[0])**2.0 ) elif name == 'gauss_trunc': cropwin = ((0.5*xmesh/radius[1])**2.0 + (0.5*ymesh/radius[0])**2.0) <= 1.0 window = cropwin.astype('float') * np.exp( -(xmesh/radius[1])**2.0 - (ymesh/radius[0])**2.0 ) elif name == 'lanczos': print( "TODO: Implement Lanczos window" ) return else: print( "Error: unknown filter name passed into apodization" ) return return window
def reconstruct(pitch,fs,coffs,syllable): gain = coffs[0] coffs[0] = 1; x = np.double(fs)/np.double(pitch) num = np.ceil((pitch*3)/10.0) #300ms thus if syllable != "s": ex_input = np.zeros(num*x) for i in range (0,int(num)): ex_input[(i*x)-1] = 1 # Filtering the signal out = signal.filtfilt([gain],coffs,ex_input) d_num = [1] d_den = [1,-0.9] out = signal.filtfilt(d_num,d_den,out) # De-emphasis out = np.int16(out/np.max(np.abs(out)) * 32767) else: ex_input = np.random.normal(0,1,num) out = signal.filtfilt([gain],coffs,ex_input) out = np.int16(out/np.max(np.abs(out)) * 32767) return out
def openDATfile(filename,ftype,srate=25000): fh = open(filename,'r') if ftype == 'amp': data = np.fromfile(fh, dtype=np.int16) fh.close() data = np.double(data) data *= 0.195 # according the Intan, the output should be multiplied by 0.195 to be converted to micro-volts elif ftype == 'adc': data = np.fromfile(fh, dtype=np.uint16) fh.close() data = np.double(data) data *= 0.000050354 # according the Intan, the output should be multiplied by 0.195 to be converted to micro-volts data -= np.mean(data) elif ftype == 'aux': data = np.fromfile(fh, dtype=np.uint16) fh.close() data = np.double(data) data *= 0.0000748 # according the Intan, the output should be multiplied by 0.195 to be converted to micro-volts elif ftype == 'time': data = np.fromfile(fh, dtype=np.int32) fh.close() data = np.double(data) data /= srate # according the Intan, the output should be multiplied by 0.195 to be converted to micro-volts return data
def _save_hdf5_object(object, filename): """ Save a class object in hdf5 format. Parameters ---------- object: class instance A class object whose attributes would be saved in a dictionary format. filename: str The file name to save to """ items = vars(object) attrs = [name for name in items] with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as hf: for attr in attrs: data = items[attr] # If data is a single number, store as an attribute. if _isattribute(data): if isinstance(data, np.longdouble): data = np.double(data) utils.simon("Casting data as double instead of longdouble.") hf.attrs[attr] = data # If data is a numpy array, create a dataset. else: if isinstance(data[0], np.longdouble): data = np.double(data) utils.simon("Casting data as double instead of longdouble.") hf.create_dataset(attr, data=data)
def fastColumnWiseCorrcoef(O, P): #P = age_mtx = 1 x n, O = subjects_vertices_mtx = n x m n = P.size DO = O - (np.einsum('ij->j',O) / np.double(n)) P -= (np.einsum('i->',P) / np.double(n)) tmp = np.einsum('ij,ij->j',DO,DO) tmp *= np.einsum('i,i->',P,P) return, DO) / np.sqrt(tmp)
def estOE(d): gt = d['gt']['graph'] gt = bfu.undersample(gt, 1) e = gk.OCE(d['estimate'], gt) N = np.double(len(gk.edgelist(gt))) +\ np.double(len(gk.bedgelist(gt))) return (e['directed'][0] + e['bidirected'][0]) / N
def test_high_precision_split2(self): C_I, C_F, C_l, k = \"C", np.double(1.01), 8) assert C_I == 1 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(C_F, np.double(0.01), 6) assert C_l == 0 assert k == "double"
def get_precision_recall_values(predictionImage, labelImage, threshLevels, doPlot): # normalize images predictionImage = predictionImage / np.double(np.max(predictionImage)) labelImage = labelImage > 0 precisionValues = np.zeros(threshLevels) recallValues = np.zeros(threshLevels) counter = 0 # get sufficient number of thresholds threshValues = np.linspace(0.01,0.99,threshLevels) for thresh in threshValues: #threshold the prediction image threshPrediction = predictionImage>thresh truePositives = np.double(np.sum(np.logical_and(labelImage, threshPrediction))) falsePositives = np.double(np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(labelImage), threshPrediction))) falseNegatives = np.double(np.sum(np.logical_and(labelImage, np.logical_not(threshPrediction)))) precision = truePositives / (truePositives + falsePositives) recall = truePositives / (truePositives + falseNegatives) precisionValues[counter] = precision recallValues[counter] = recall counter += 1 if doPlot: plt.figure('Precision vs Recall') plt.plot(precisionValues, recallValues, 'o') plt.xlabel("Precision") plt.ylabel("Recall") return (precisionValues, recallValues)
def threshold(frame, threshold = 0.5, normalized_threshold = True, threshold_type = cv2.THRESH_BINARY, debug = False): """ tresholding an image: the input type has to be either np.uint8 or np.float32 returns a uint8 image """ fmin = np.double( np.nanmin(frame) ) fmax = np.double( np.nanmax(frame) ) if debug: print "fmin: ", fmin print "fmax: ", fmax floatframe = ( (1.0 - 0.0) / (fmax - fmin) * (np.double(frame) - fmin) ).astype(np.float32) if debug: print "floatframe: ", floatframe.dtype print "min: ", np.nanmin(floatframe) print "max: ", np.nanmax(floatframe) if not normalized_threshold: threshold = 1.0 / (fmax - fmin) * (threshold - fmin) if debug: print "normalized threshold: ", threshold retval, t = cv2.threshold(floatframe, thresh = threshold, maxval = 255, type = threshold_type) return t
def get_fn_likelihood(residuals, sigma_w, sigma_r, gamma=1.0): like=0.0 # Arrays of zeros to be passed to the likelihood function aa,bb,M = Wavelets.getDWT(residuals) # Calculate the g(gamma) factor used in Carter & Winn... if(gamma==1.0): g_gamma=1.0/(2.0*np.log(2.0)) # (value assuming gamma=1) else: g_gamma=(2.0)-(2.0)**gamma # log-Likelihood of the aproximation coefficients sigmasq_S=(sigma_r**2)*g_gamma+(sigma_w)**2 tau_a = 1.0/sigmasq_S like += normal_like( bb[0], 0.0 , tau_a ) k=long(0) SS=range(M) for ii in SS: # log-Likelihood of the detail coefficients with m=i... if(ii==0): sigmasq_W=(sigma_r**2)*(2.0**(-gamma*np.double(1.0)))+(sigma_w)**2 tau=1.0/sigmasq_W like += normal_like( bb[1], 0.0, tau ) else: sigmasq_W=(sigma_r**2)*(2.0**(-gamma*np.double(ii+1)))+(sigma_w)**2 tau=1.0/sigmasq_W for j in range(2**ii): like += normal_like( aa[k], 0.0 , tau ) k=k+1 return like
def gen_backbone(CDFmat, alpha=0.05, S=None): """ Returns a backbone network given a CDF matrix and significance value and an optional similarity matrix for weights. Finds all entries in the matrix s.t. 1-alpha < CDF matrix entry """ # do some input checking if type(CDFmat) != N.matrix: raise TypeError('gen_backbone: Invalid input type -- must be numpy.matrix') # now find the size of this matrix sz = CDFmat.shape # check for correct dimensions if sz[0] != sz[1]: raise ValueError('gen_ecdf_matrix: Invalid input -- matrix is not square') # now make sure the matrix is of doubles CDFmat = N.double(CDFmat) # convenience renaming n = sz[0] # now we need to find the entries BBout = N.double(CDFmat > 1-alpha) # add weights if desired print type(S) if S != None: print '######## Adding weights to matrix...' BBout = N.multiply(BBout,S) else: print '######## NO weights specified...' return BBout
def split_numbers(number): """ Split high precision number(s) into doubles. TODO: Consider the option of using a third number to specify shift. Parameters ---------- number: long double The input high precision number which is to be split Returns ------- number_I: double First part of high precision number number_F: double Second part of high precision number """ if isinstance(number, collections.Iterable): mods = [math.modf(n) for n in number] number_F = [f for f,_ in mods] number_I = [i for _,i in mods] else: number_F, number_I = math.modf(number) return np.double(number_I), np.double(number_F)
def get_mappings(mesh, rotations, is_shift=np.zeros(3, dtype='intc'), is_time_reversal=True, qpoints=np.double([])): """ Return k-point map to the irreducible k-points and k-point grid points . The symmetry is searched from the input rotation matrices in real space. is_shift=[0, 0, 0] gives Gamma center mesh and the values 1 give half mesh distance shifts. """ mapping = np.zeros(, dtype='intc') rot_mapping = np.zeros(, dtype="intc") mesh_points = np.zeros((, 3), dtype='intc') qpoints = np.double(qpoints).copy() if qpoints.shape == (3,): qpoints = np.double([qpoints]) spg.stabilized_reciprocal_mesh(mesh_points, mapping, rot_mapping, np.intc(mesh).copy(), np.intc(is_shift), is_time_reversal * 1, np.intc(rotations).copy(), np.double(qpoints)) return mapping, rot_mapping
def best_match(dominf, key, rng): """compute rms, pos, s and o such that |i'*s + o - rng| is minimal where i' is a submatrix of domain that has shape = rng.shape and upper left corner at pos . """ n, m = rng.shape N = np.double(n) * np.double(m) dom = dominf.doms[key] c = np.sum(rng ** 2) / N mean = np.sum(rng) / N b = all_dot(rng, dom) / N dom_a = dominf.get_mean(key, rng.shape[0]) dom_mean = dominf.get_meansq(key, rng.shape[0]) denom = (dom_a - dom_mean ** 2) denom[abs(denom) < allmost0] = allmost0 s = (b - mean * dom_mean) / denom o = (mean * dom_a - b * dom_mean) / denom # mean square error ms = (dom_a * s ** 2 + o ** 2 + c + 2 * s * o * dom_mean - 2 * s * b - 2 * o * mean) # penalty for too big s: ms[np.logical_not(abs(s) <= limit_s)] = np.inf # best domain index = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(ms), ms.shape) rms = np.sqrt(np.max((0.0, ms[index]))) return (rms, index, s[index], o[index])
def jaccard_distance(u, v): """return jaccard distance""" u = numpy.asarray(u) v = numpy.asarray(v) return (numpy.double(numpy.bitwise_and((u != v), numpy.bitwise_or(u != 0, v != 0)).sum()) / numpy.double(numpy.bitwise_or(u != 0, v != 0).sum()))
def load_snotel_list(snotel_list_file): """Load station name/location information from a text file example file: ID Site Name Latitude Longitude Elevation 05J04S PHANTOM VALLEY 40.38333 -105.83333 2752.4 05J05S WILD BASIN 40.20000 -105.60000 2913.9 05J06S DEADMAN HILL 40.80000 -105.76667 3115.1 """ with open(snotel_list_file) as f: for i in range(1) outputlist=[] for l in f: try: line=l.split() name=line[0].strip() lat=np.double(line[-3]) lon=np.double(line[-2]) outputlist.append(Bunch(name=name,lat=lat,lon=lon)) except Exception as e: print(e) print(l) return outputlist
def handle_read(self): try: data = self.recv(1024) if not data: return datalist = data.split(',') timestamp = datalist[2] for i in range( (len(datalist) - 3 )/4): if str(self.order) == datalist[ 3 + i*4]: x = np.double(datalist[4 + i*4]) y = np.double(datalist[5 + i*4]) """ create and pubish tranmerc """ gps_message = gpgga_tranmerc() gps_message.time = timestamp gps_message.northing = y/100 gps_message.easting = x/100 gps_message.fix = np.uint8(4) gps_message.sat = np.uint8(6) gps_message.hdop = np.double(1.0) self.gps_pub.publish(gps_message) except: pass
def price(self, Sl, Su, K, scheme=PenaltyRannacherScheme, **kwargs): """ Price the payoff for prices in range [Sl, Su], and K increments, using the given FD scheme, and possibility using exponential increments (zspace) for the price range. """ Sl = np.double(Sl) Su = np.double(Su) K = P = FDEModel.Value(self.V.T, self.N, Sl, Su, K) S = P.S ds = P.S[1] - P.S[0] Sl = P.S * self.dS.fde_l() # Terminal stock price and derivative value P.C[-1] = C = P.V[-1] = V = self.V.terminal(S) + C P.I[-1] = I = V # Discount price backwards t = P.t scheme = scheme(self.dS, self.dt, ds, S, **kwargs) for i in range(self.N - 1, -1, -1): # Discount previous derivative value P.C[i] = C =[i]) P.X[i] = X = self.V.default(t[i], Sl) V, I = scheme(t[i], V, X, C, self.V.transient) P.V[i] = V P.I[i] = I return P
def CG(Afun, B, x0, par=None, callback=None): """ Conjugate gradients solver. Parameters ---------- Afun : Matrix, LinOper, or numpy.array of shape (n, n) it stores the matrix data of linear system and provides a matrix by vector multiplication B : VecTri or numpy.array of shape (n,) it stores a right-hand side of linear system x0 : VecTri or numpy.array of shape (n,) initial approximation of solution of linear system par : dict parameters of the method callback : Returns ------- x : VecTri or numpy.array of shape (n,) resulting unknown vector res : dict results """ if par is None: par = dict() if 'tol' not in list(par.keys()): par['tol'] = 1e-6 if 'maxiter' not in list(par.keys()): par['maxiter'] = int(1e3) scal=get_scal(B, par) res = dict() xCG = x0 Ax = Afun(x0) R = B - Ax P = R rr = scal(R,R) res['kit'] = 0 res['norm_res'] = np.double(rr)**0.5 # /np.norm(E_N) norm_res_log = [] norm_res_log.append(res['norm_res']) while (res['norm_res'] > par['tol']) and (res['kit'] < par['maxiter']): res['kit'] += 1 # number of iterations AP = Afun(P) alp = float(rr/scal(P,AP)) xCG = xCG + alp*P R = R - alp*AP rrnext = scal(R,R) bet = rrnext/rr rr = rrnext P = R + bet*P res['norm_res'] = np.double(rr)**0.5 norm_res_log.append(res['norm_res']) if callback is not None: callback(xCG) if res['kit'] == 0: res['norm_res'] = 0 return xCG, res
def apply_bc_A(self): """ account for boundary conditions at x = 0 & x = L - additionally, the stiffness matrix [K] is modified to maintain symmetry => positive definiteness """ # apply BC at x = 0 if self.BC_type[0] != 0: # essential BC self.A[0, 0:2] = np.array([1, 0]) # modifies first equation self.A[1, 0] = 0 # modification to mainatin symmetry elif self.BC_type[0] == 0: # natural BC, Flux (Q*) n = -1.0 # unit outward normal dT = self.BC_0 / (self.kA * n) # modifies [K] first equation self.A[0, 0:2] = self.kA/np.double(self.h)**2 * np.array([1, -1]) # apply BC at x = L if self.BC_type[1] != 0: # essential BC self.A[-1][-2:] = np.array([0, 1]) # modifies last equation self.A[-2][-1] = 0 # modification to mainatin symmetry elif self.BC_type[1] == 0: # natural BC, flux (Q*) n = 1.0 # unit outward normal dT = self.BC_L / (self.kA * n) self.A[-1][-2:] = self.kA/np.double(self.h)**2 *\ np.array([-1, 1]) # modifies last equation return self.A
def matchesWithReference(data, expected_data, data_name, precision): # ok if exactly equal (including strings or lists of strings) try : if expected_data == data: return True except: pass # If numbers: try: double_data = np.array(np.double(data), ndmin=1) if precision is not None: error = np.abs( double_data-np.array(np.double(expected_data), ndmin=1) ) max_error_location = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(error), error.shape) max_error = error[max_error_location] if max_error < precision: return True print( "Reference quantity '"+data_name+"' does not match the data (required precision "+str(precision)+")") print( "Max error = "+str(max_error)+" at index "+str(max_error_location)) else: if np.all(double_data == np.double(expected_data)): return True print( "Reference quantity '"+data_name+"' does not match the data") except Exception as e: print( "Reference quantity '"+data_name+"': unable to compare to data") print( e ) return False
def genARbasis(numberFrequencyBins, sizeOfFourier, Fs, \ formantsRange=None, \ bwRange=None, \ numberOfAmpsPerPole=5, \ numberOfFreqPerPole=60, \ maxF0 = 1000.0): if formantsRange is None: formantsRange = {} formantsRange[0] = [80.0, 1400.0] formantsRange[1] = [300.0, 4000.0] formantsRange[2] = [1100.0, 6000.0] formantsRange[3] = [6100.0, 20000.0] numberOfFormants = len(formantsRange) if bwRange is None: bwMin = maxF0 bwMax = np.maximum(0.1 * Fs, bwMin) bwRange = np.arange(numberOfAmpsPerPole, dtype=np.double) \ * (bwMax - bwMin) / \ np.double(numberOfAmpsPerPole-1.0) + \ bwMin freqRanges = np.zeros([numberOfFormants, numberOfFreqPerPole]) for n in range(numberOfFormants): freqRanges[n] = np.arange(numberOfFreqPerPole) \ * (formantsRange[n][1] - formantsRange[n][0]) / \ np.double(numberOfFreqPerPole-1.0) + \ formantsRange[n][0] totNbElements = numberOfFreqPerPole * \ numberOfFormants * numberOfAmpsPerPole poleAmp = np.zeros(totNbElements) poleFrq = np.zeros(totNbElements) WGAMMA = np.zeros([numberFrequencyBins, totNbElements]) cplxExp = np.exp(-1j * 2.0 * np.pi * \ np.arange(numberFrequencyBins) / \ np.double(sizeOfFourier)) for n in range(numberOfFormants): for w in range(numberOfFreqPerPole): for a in range(numberOfAmpsPerPole): elementNb = n * numberOfAmpsPerPole * numberOfFreqPerPole + \ w * numberOfAmpsPerPole + \ a poleAmp[elementNb] = np.exp(-bwRange[a] / np.double(Fs)) poleFrq[elementNb] = freqRanges[n][w] ## pole = poleAmp[elementNb] * \ ## np.exp(1j * 2.0 * np.pi * \ ## poleFrq[elementNb] / np.double(Fs)) WGAMMA[:,elementNb] = 1 / \ np.abs(1 - \ 2.0 * \ poleAmp[elementNb] * \ np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * poleFrq[elementNb] / \ np.double(Fs)) * cplxExp + (poleAmp[elementNb] * cplxExp) ** 2\ ) ** 2 return bwRange, freqRanges, poleAmp, poleFrq, WGAMMA
def data2AB(data, x0=None): n = data.shape[0] T = data.shape[1] YY =[:, 1:], data[:, 1:].T) XX =[:, :-1], data[:, :-1].T) YX =[:, 1:], data[:, :-1].T) model = VAR(data.T) r = A = r.coefs[0,:,:] # A = np.ones((n,n)) B = np.ones((n, n)) np.fill_diagonal(B, 0) B[np.triu_indices(n)] = 0 K = a_idx = np.where(A != 0) b_idx = np.where(B != 0) np.fill_diagonal(B, 1) try: s = x0.shape x = x0 except AttributeError: x = np.r_[A.flatten(), 0.1*scipy.randn(K)] o = optimize.fmin_bfgs(nllf2, x, args=(np.double(A), np.double(B), YY, XX, YX, T, a_idx, b_idx), gtol=1e-12, maxiter=500, disp=False, full_output=True) A, B = x2M(o[0], np.double(A), np.double(B), a_idx, b_idx) B = B+B.T return A, B
def calculate_gh_at_sigma_and_temp(self): import anharmonic._phono3py as phono3c if self._is_precondition: out = self._collision_out[self._isigma, :, self._itemp] out_reverse = np.where(self._frequencies>self._cutoff_frequency, 1 / out, 0) self._z[self._isigma, :, self._itemp] = self._r[self._isigma, :, self._itemp] * out_reverse[..., np.newaxis] else: self._z[self._isigma, :, self._itemp] = self._r[self._isigma, :, self._itemp] self._z[:, np.where(np.any(np.abs(self._qpoints) > self._pp._criteria, axis=1))] = 0 zr0 = np.zeros(3, dtype="double") phono3c.phonon_3_multiply_dvector_gb3_dvector_gb3(zr0, self._z_prev[self._isigma,:,self._itemp].copy(), self._r_prev[self._isigma,:,self._itemp].copy(), np.intc(self._irr_index_mapping).copy(), np.intc(self._kpoint_operations[self._rot_mappings]), np.double(np.linalg.inv(self._primitive.get_cell())).copy()) #Flexibly preconditioned CG: r(i+1)-r(i) instead of r(i+1) r = self._r[self._isigma,:,self._itemp] - self._r_prev[self._isigma,:,self._itemp] # r = self._r[self._isigma,:,self._itemp] zr1 = np.zeros(3, dtype="double") phono3c.phonon_3_multiply_dvector_gb3_dvector_gb3(zr1, self._z[self._isigma,:,self._itemp].copy(), r.copy(), np.intc(self._irr_index_mapping).copy(), np.intc(self._kpoint_operations[self._rot_mappings]), np.double(np.linalg.inv(self._primitive.get_cell())).copy()) zr1_over_zr0 = np.where(np.abs(zr0>0), zr1/zr0, 0) self._p[self._isigma,:,self._itemp] = self._z[self._isigma,:,self._itemp] +\ zr1_over_zr0 * self._p_prev[self._isigma,:,self._itemp] self._p[:, np.where(np.any(np.abs(self._qpoints) > self._pp._criteria, axis=1))] = 0
def getCDF(temp_response): """ This function calculates voting score of response magnitude. The score is calculated as the rank of sorted magnitude. Parameters ---------- temp_response: numpy array Input batch response matrix """ shape = temp_response.shape nrow = shape[0] ncol = shape[1] len_hist = nrow*ncol resp_arr = temp_response.reshape((len_hist,)) sorted_arr = np.sort(resp_arr) cdf = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.double) for r in range(nrow): for c in range(ncol): index = np.where(sorted_arr==temp_response[r,c]) cdf[r,c] = np.double(index[0][0])/np.double(len_hist) return cdf
def train_perceptron(self, n_epochs): """Trains the parser by running the averaged perceptron algorithm for n_epochs.""" self.weights = np.zeros(self.features.n_feats) total = np.zeros(self.features.n_feats) for epoch in range(n_epochs): print "Epoch {0}".format(epoch+1) n_mistakes = 0 n_tokens = 0 n_instances = 0 for instance in self.reader.train_instances: feats = self.features.create_features(instance) scores = self.features.compute_scores(feats, self.weights) if self.projective: heads_pred = self.decoder.parse_proj(scores) else: heads_pred = self.decoder.parse_nonproj(scores) for m in range(np.size(heads_pred)): if heads_pred[m] != instance.heads[m]: # mistake for f in feats[instance.heads[m]][m]: if f < 0: continue self.weights[f] += 1.0 for f in feats[heads_pred[m]][m]: if f < 0: continue self.weights[f] -= 1.0 n_mistakes += 1 n_tokens += 1 n_instances += 1 print "Training accuracy: {0}".format(np.double(n_tokens-n_mistakes) / np.double(n_tokens)) total += self.weights self.weights = total / np.double(n_epochs)
def pattern_distance_jaccard(a, b): """ Computes a distance measure for two binary patterns based on their Jaccard-Needham distance, defined as .. math:: d_J(a,b) = 1 - J(a,b) = \\frac{|a \\cup b| - |a \\cap b|}{|a \\cup b|}. The similarity measure takes values on the closed interval [0, 1], where a value of 1 is attained for disjoint, i.e. maximally dissimilar patterns a and b and a value of 0 for the case of :math:`a=b`. Parameters ---------- a : list or array, int or bool Input pattern b : list or array, int or bool Input pattern Returns ------- dist : double Jaccard distance between `a` and `b`. """ # Note: code taken from scipy. Duplicated as only numpy references wanted for base functionality a = np.atleast_1d(a).astype(bool) b = np.atleast_1d(b).astype(bool) dist = (np.double(np.bitwise_and((a != b), np.bitwise_or(a != 0, b != 0)).sum()) / np.double(np.bitwise_or(a != 0, b != 0).sum())) return dist
def __init__(self, mean, stddev, minval, maxval): self.memoized_moments = [1.0] # 0th moment self.mean = np.double(mean) self.stddev = np.double(stddev) # NOTE(ringwalt): The formula doesn't handle infinite values. self.minval = np.double(max(-10, minval)) self.maxval = np.double(min(10, maxval))
def env_reset(): global thita global g_drl_th_val global g_eql_th_val global g_rnd_th_val global thita_3db global P_max_macro global MC_power global slots_slots global sub global A_m global R_m global num_U global num_M global M_x global M_y global M_cell_beam global M_cell_associated_user_id global U_x global U_y global U_association_macro global U_neighbor global U_neighbor_sector global M_cell_region_x global M_cell_region_y global U_macro_distance global U_macro_power global M_cell_txblock_power global P_macro_subband global U_received_power_subband global U_throughput_subband global U_SINR_subband global U_CQI_subband global g_action global g_cntr global current_throughput global previous_throughput global g_counter global k_m_n global v_k_old global u_k_old global w_k_old global v_k_new global u_k_new global w_k_new k_m_n = [] v_k_old = [] u_k_old = [] w_k_old = [] v_k_new = [] u_k_new = [] w_k_new = [] g_counter = 0 current_throughput = [] previous_throughput = 0 g_drl_th_val = 0 g_eql_th_val = 0 g_rnd_th_val = 0 M_cell_beam = [] M_cell_associated_user_id = [] M_cell_region_x = [] M_cell_region_y = [] M_cell_txblock_power = [] U_x = [] U_y = [] U_association_macro = [] U_neighbor = [] U_neighbor_sector = [] U_macro_distance = [] U_macro_power = [] U_throughputt = [] P_macro_subband = [] U_received_power_subband = [] U_throughput_subband = [] U_SINR_subband = [] U_CQI_subband = [] itr = 0 for i in range(len(M_x)): M_cell_beam.append(random_beam()) M_cell_associated_user_id.append([]) for j in range(num_U): M_cell_associated_user_id[i].extend([itr + 1]) U_association_macro.append(i + 1) itr = itr + 1 # [x, y] = random_allocation(M_x[i], M_y[i], 360, 0.2 * R_m, R_m, num_U) # U_x.extend(x) # U_y.extend(y) # *********************************************************************************************************************** # g_data_x.append(U_x) # g_data_y.append(U_y) if g_cntr < g_data_len: U_x = data_set['arr_0'][g_cntr].tolist() # print(U_x) U_y = data_set['arr_1'][g_cntr].tolist() else: for i in range(len(M_x)): [x, y] = random_allocation(M_x[i], M_y[i], 360, 0.2 * R_m, R_m, num_U) U_x.extend(x) U_y.extend(y) g_data_x.append(U_x) g_data_y.append(U_y) g_cntr = g_cntr + 1 print(g_cntr) # *********************************************************************************************************************** for i in range(len(U_x)): U_neighbor.append([]) U_neighbor_sector.append([]) for i in range(len(M_x)): M_cell_region_x.append([[], [], []]) M_cell_region_y.append([[], [], []]) for j in range(3): [a, b] = find_points_in_angle(M_x[i], M_y[i], U_x, U_y, M_cell_beam[i][j], i + 1, j + 1) M_cell_region_x[i][j].extend(a) M_cell_region_y[i][j].extend(b) thita = np.zeros((len(U_x), len(M_x))) for i in range(len(U_x)): U_macro_distance.append([]) U_macro_power.append([]) for j in range(len(M_x)): U_macro_distance[i].append(find_dis(U_x[i], U_y[i], M_x[j], M_y[j])) angl = M_cell_beam[j][U_neighbor_sector[i][j] - 1] thita[i][j] = find_angl(M_x[j], M_y[j], U_x[i], U_y[i], angl) a = transmit_power(thita[i][j], thita_3db, A_m, power_watt_dbm(P_max_macro)) U_macro_power[i].append(pw_m_hata(a, U_macro_distance[i][j])) for i in range(len(M_x)): M_cell_txblock_power.append( profile_power(sub, slots_slots, MC_power, P_max_macro)) P_macro_subband.append(M_cell_txblock_power[i]) generate_power_matrix_macro() throughput() temp_var = [] for i in range(num_M * num_U): temp_var.extend(U_CQI_subband[i]) temp_var.append( np.double( U_macro_distance[i][U_association_macro[i] - 1] / R_m >= 0.5)) return np.array(temp_var)
from Smilei import * import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.special import erf as erf path = "temperature_isotropization1" sim = Smilei(path) density_electron = np.double(sim.namelist.Species["electron1"].charge_density) coulomb_log = np.double(sim.namelist.Collisions[0].coulomb_log) dt = np.double(sim.namelist.Main.timestep) / (2 * np.pi) re_ = 2.8179403267e-15 # meters wavelength = 1e-6 # meters c = 3e8 coeff = (2. * np.pi / wavelength)**2 * re_ * c / (2. * np.sqrt(np.pi)) times = sim.ParticleDiagnostic(diagNumber=0).getAvailableTimesteps() electrons0 = sim.ParticleDiagnostic(0, slice={"x": "all"}).get() vx = electrons0["vx"] electrons1 = sim.ParticleDiagnostic(1, slice={"x": "all"}).get() vy = electrons1["vy"] electrons2 = sim.ParticleDiagnostic(2, slice={"x": "all"}).get() vz = electrons2["vz"] e_Tpar = np.zeros(len(times)) e_Tperp = np.zeros(len(times)) fig = None #fig = plt.figure(1) if fig: fig.clf()
# the data. # print('\nVisualizing Neural Network... \n') # # displayData(Theta1[:,1:]) # input('\nProgram paused. Press enter to continue.\n') ## ================= Part 10: Implement Predict ================= # After training the neural network, we would like to use it to predict # the labels. You will now implement the "predict" function to use the # neural network to predict the labels of the training set. This lets # you compute the training set accuracy. pred = (predict(Theta1, Theta2, X) + 1) % 10 print('\nTraining Set Accuracy: %f\n' % (np.mean(np.double(pred == y.T)) * 100)) # rp = np.random.permutation(m) # # for i in range(m): # # Display # print('\nDisplaying Example Image\n') # t = np.array([X[rp[i]]]) # displayData(t) # # pred = predict(Theta1, Theta2, t) # print('\nNeural Network Prediction: %d (digit %d)\n'%(pred, (pred+1)%10)) # # input('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n')
def preprocess(): """ Input: Although this function doesn't have any input, you are required to load the MNIST data set from file 'mnist_all.mat'. Output: train_data: matrix of training set. Each row of train_data contains feature vector of a image train_label: vector of label corresponding to each image in the training set validation_data: matrix of training set. Each row of validation_data contains feature vector of a image validation_label: vector of label corresponding to each image in the training set test_data: matrix of training set. Each row of test_data contains feature vector of a image test_label: vector of label corresponding to each image in the testing set Some suggestions for preprocessing step: - divide the original data set to training, validation and testing set with corresponding labels - convert original data set from integer to double by using double() function - normalize the data to [0, 1] - feature selection""" mat = loadmat('D:\Machine Learning\mnist_all.mat' ) #loads the MAT object as a Dictionary #Pick a reasonable size for validation data train_data = np.array([]) test_data = np.array([]) validation_data = np.array([]) validation_label = np.array([]) test_data = np.array([]) test_label = np.array([]) validation_label = np.zeros(shape=(1000, 1)) trainx = mat.get('train0') test_data = mat.get('test0') a = range(trainx.shape[0]) aperm = np.random.permutation(a) validation_data = trainx[aperm[0:1000], :] train_data = trainx[aperm[1000:], :] train_label = np.zeros(shape=((trainx.shape[0] - 1000), 1)) test_label = np.zeros(shape=(test_data.shape[0], 1)) for i in range(1, 10): trainx = mat.get('train' + str(i)) testx = mat.get('test' + str(i)) a = range(trainx.shape[0]) aperm = np.random.permutation(a) validation_data = np.concatenate( ((validation_data, trainx[aperm[0:1000], :])), axis=0) b = np.zeros(shape=(1000, 1)) b[:] = i validation_label = np.concatenate((validation_label, b), axis=0) train_data = np.concatenate((train_data, trainx[aperm[1000:], :]), axis=0) c = np.zeros(shape=((trainx.shape[0] - 1000), 1)) c[:] = i train_label = np.concatenate((train_label, c), axis=0) d = np.zeros(shape=((testx.shape[0]), 1)) d[:] = i test_label = np.concatenate((test_label, d), axis=0) test_data = np.concatenate((test_data, testx), axis=0) train_data = np.double(train_data) test_data = np.double(test_data) validation_data = np.double(validation_data) train_data /= 255.0 test_data /= 255.0 validation_data /= 255.0 return train_data, train_label, validation_data, validation_label, test_data, test_label
def stFeatureExtraction(signal, Fs, Win, Step): """ This function implements the shor-term windowing process. For each short-term window a set of features is extracted. This results to a sequence of feature vectors, stored in a numpy matrix. ARGUMENTS signal: the input signal samples Fs: the sampling freq (in Hz) Win: the short-term window size (in samples) Step: the short-term window step (in samples) RETURNS stFeatures: a numpy array (numOfFeatures x numOfShortTermWindows) """ Win = int(Win) Step = int(Step) # Signal normalization signal = numpy.double(signal) signal = signal / (2.0**15) DC = signal.mean() MAX = (numpy.abs(signal)).max() signal = (signal - DC) / MAX N = len(signal) # total number of samples curPos = 0 countFrames = 0 nFFT = Win / 2 [fbank, freqs] = mfccInitFilterBanks( Fs, nFFT ) # compute the triangular filter banks used in the mfcc calculation nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma = stChromaFeaturesInit(nFFT, Fs) numOfTimeSpectralFeatures = 8 numOfHarmonicFeatures = 0 nceps = 13 numOfChromaFeatures = 13 totalNumOfFeatures = numOfTimeSpectralFeatures + nceps + numOfHarmonicFeatures + numOfChromaFeatures # totalNumOfFeatures = numOfTimeSpectralFeatures + nceps + numOfHarmonicFeatures stFeatures = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.float64) while (curPos + Win - 1 < N): # for each short-term window until the end of signal countFrames += 1 x = signal[curPos:curPos + Win] # get current window curPos = curPos + Step # update window position X = abs(fft(x)) # get fft magnitude X = X[0:nFFT] # normalize fft X = X / len(X) if countFrames == 1: Xprev = X.copy() # keep previous fft mag (used in spectral flux) curFV = numpy.zeros((totalNumOfFeatures, 1)) curFV[0] = stZCR(x) # zero crossing rate curFV[1] = stEnergy(x) # short-term energy curFV[2] = stEnergyEntropy(x) # short-term entropy of energy [curFV[3], curFV[4] ] = stSpectralCentroidAndSpread(X, Fs) # spectral centroid and spread curFV[5] = stSpectralEntropy(X) # spectral entropy curFV[6] = stSpectralFlux(X, Xprev) # spectral flux curFV[7] = stSpectralRollOff(X, 0.90, Fs) # spectral rolloff curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures:numOfTimeSpectralFeatures + nceps, 0] = stMFCC(X, fbank, nceps).copy() # MFCCs chromaNames, chromaF = stChromaFeatures(X, Fs, nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma) curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures + nceps:numOfTimeSpectralFeatures + nceps + numOfChromaFeatures - 1] = chromaF curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures + nceps + numOfChromaFeatures - 1] = chromaF.std() # curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures+nceps+numOfChromaFeatures-1] = numpy.nonzero( chromaF > 2.0 * chromaF.mean() )[0].shape[0] # temp = numpy.sort(chromaF[:,0]) # curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures+numOfChromaFeatures] = temp[-1] / numpy.mean(temp[0:5]) # temp = numpy.sort(chromaF[:,0]) # if countFrames==10 or countFrames==30: # A = int(temp[-1] / numpy.mean(temp[0:5]))/10 # for a in range(A): # print("|"), # print # if countFrames==20: # print numpy.nonzero(chromaF > 5*chromaF.mean())[0].shape[0] #HR, curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures+nceps] = stHarmonic(x, Fs) # curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures+nceps+1] = freq_from_autocorr(x, Fs) if countFrames == 1: stFeatures = curFV # initialize feature matrix (if first frame) else: stFeatures = numpy.concatenate((stFeatures, curFV), 1) # update feature matrix Xprev = X.copy() return numpy.array(stFeatures)
def stSpectogram(signal, Fs, Win, Step, PLOT=False): """ Short-term FFT mag for spectogram estimation: Returns: a numpy array (nFFT x numOfShortTermWindows) ARGUMENTS: signal: the input signal samples Fs: the sampling freq (in Hz) Win: the short-term window size (in samples) Step: the short-term window step (in samples) PLOT: flag, 1 if results are to be ploted RETURNS: """ Win = int(Win) Step = int(Step) signal = numpy.double(signal) signal = signal / (2.0**15) DC = signal.mean() MAX = (numpy.abs(signal)).max() signal = (signal - DC) / (MAX - DC) N = len(signal) # total number of signals curPos = 0 countFrames = 0 nfft = int(Win / 2) specgram = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.float64) while (curPos + Win - 1 < N): countFrames += 1 x = signal[curPos:curPos + Win] curPos = curPos + Step X = abs(fft(x)) X = X[0:nfft] X = X / len(X) if countFrames == 1: specgram = X**2 else: specgram = numpy.vstack((specgram, X)) FreqAxis = [((f + 1) * Fs) / (2 * nfft) for f in range(specgram.shape[1])] TimeAxis = [(t * Step) / Fs for t in range(specgram.shape[0])] if (PLOT): fig, ax = plt.subplots() imgplot = plt.imshow(specgram.transpose()[::-1, :]) Fstep = int(nfft / 5.0) FreqTicks = range(0, int(nfft) + Fstep, Fstep) FreqTicksLabels = [ str(Fs / 2 - int((f * Fs) / (2 * nfft))) for f in FreqTicks ] ax.set_yticks(FreqTicks) ax.set_yticklabels(FreqTicksLabels) TStep = countFrames / 3 TimeTicks = range(0, countFrames, TStep) TimeTicksLabels = ['%.2f' % (float(t * Step) / Fs) for t in TimeTicks] ax.set_xticks(TimeTicks) ax.set_xticklabels(TimeTicksLabels) ax.set_xlabel('time (secs)') ax.set_ylabel('freq (Hz)') imgplot.set_cmap('jet') plt.colorbar() return (specgram, TimeAxis, FreqAxis)
def stChromagram(signal, Fs, Win, Step, PLOT=False): """ Short-term FFT mag for spectogram estimation: Returns: a numpy array (nFFT x numOfShortTermWindows) ARGUMENTS: signal: the input signal samples Fs: the sampling freq (in Hz) Win: the short-term window size (in samples) Step: the short-term window step (in samples) PLOT: flag, 1 if results are to be ploted RETURNS: """ Win = int(Win) Step = int(Step) signal = numpy.double(signal) signal = signal / (2.0**15) DC = signal.mean() MAX = (numpy.abs(signal)).max() signal = (signal - DC) / (MAX - DC) N = len(signal) # total number of signals curPos = 0 countFrames = 0 nfft = int(Win / 2) nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma = stChromaFeaturesInit(nfft, Fs) chromaGram = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.float64) while (curPos + Win - 1 < N): countFrames += 1 x = signal[curPos:curPos + Win] curPos = curPos + Step X = abs(fft(x)) X = X[0:nfft] X = X / len(X) chromaNames, C = stChromaFeatures(X, Fs, nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma) C = C[:, 0] if countFrames == 1: chromaGram = C.T else: chromaGram = numpy.vstack((chromaGram, C.T)) FreqAxis = chromaNames TimeAxis = [(t * Step) / Fs for t in range(chromaGram.shape[0])] if (PLOT): fig, ax = plt.subplots() chromaGramToPlot = chromaGram.transpose()[::-1, :] Ratio = chromaGramToPlot.shape[1] / (3 * chromaGramToPlot.shape[0]) chromaGramToPlot = numpy.repeat(chromaGramToPlot, Ratio, axis=0) imgplot = plt.imshow(chromaGramToPlot) Fstep = int(nfft / 5.0) # FreqTicks = range(0, int(nfft) + Fstep, Fstep) # FreqTicksLabels = [str(Fs/2-int((f*Fs) / (2*nfft))) for f in FreqTicks] ax.set_yticks(range(Ratio / 2, len(FreqAxis) * Ratio, Ratio)) ax.set_yticklabels(FreqAxis[::-1]) TStep = countFrames / 3 TimeTicks = range(0, countFrames, TStep) TimeTicksLabels = ['%.2f' % (float(t * Step) / Fs) for t in TimeTicks] ax.set_xticks(TimeTicks) ax.set_xticklabels(TimeTicksLabels) ax.set_xlabel('time (secs)') imgplot.set_cmap('jet') plt.colorbar() return (chromaGram, TimeAxis, FreqAxis)
def run_tracker(p, net_type, net_base_path, model_name): """ run tracker, return bounding result and speed """ # load model # IF QUANTISED net = SiamNet(net_type) net.load_state_dict(torch.load( os.path.join("/home/vision/orig_dp/siamtrackopt/FINN", net_base_path, model_name))['state_dict']) net = # evaluation mode net.eval() # load sequence img_list, target_position, target_size, gt_list = load_sequence(p.seq_base_path, # first frame img_uint8 = cv2.imread(img_list[0]) img_uint8 = cv2.cvtColor(img_uint8, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img_double = np.double(img_uint8) # uint8 to float # compute avg for padding avg_chans = np.mean(img_double, axis=(0, 1)) wc_z = target_size[1] + p.context_amount * sum(target_size) hc_z = target_size[0] + p.context_amount * sum(target_size) s_z = np.sqrt(wc_z * hc_z) scale_z = p.examplar_size / s_z # crop examplar z in the first frame z_crop = get_subwindow_tracking(img_double, target_position, p.examplar_size, round(s_z), avg_chans) z_crop = np.uint8(z_crop) # you need to convert it to uint8 # convert image to tensor z_crop_tensor = 255.0 * F.to_tensor(z_crop).unsqueeze(0) d_search = (p.instance_size - p.examplar_size) / 2 pad = d_search / scale_z s_x = s_z + 2 * pad # arbitrary scale saturation min_s_x = p.scale_min * s_x max_s_x = p.scale_max * s_x # generate cosine window if p.windowing == 'cosine': window = np.outer(np.hanning(p.score_size * p.response_UP), np.hanning(p.score_size * p.response_UP)) elif p.windowing == 'uniform': window = np.ones((p.score_size * p.response_UP, p.score_size * p.response_UP)) window = window / sum(sum(window)) # pyramid scale search scales = p.scale_step**np.linspace(-np.ceil(p.num_scale/2), np.ceil(p.num_scale/2), p.num_scale) # extract feature for examplar z z_features = net.conv_features(Variable(z_crop_tensor).to(device)) z_features = z_features.repeat(p.num_scale, 1, 1, 1) # do tracking bboxes = np.zeros((len(img_list), 4), dtype=np.double) # save tracking result stats = Stats() recorder = Recorder(str(net_type), start_time = for i in tqdm(range(0, len(img_list))): if i > 0: # do detection # currently, we only consider RGB images for tracking img_uint8 = cv2.imread(img_list[i]) img_uint8 = cv2.cvtColor(img_uint8, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img_double = np.double(img_uint8) # uint8 to float scaled_instance = s_x * scales scaled_target = np.zeros((2, scales.size), dtype = np.double) scaled_target[0, :] = target_size[0] * scales scaled_target[1, :] = target_size[1] * scales # extract scaled crops for search region x at previous target position x_crops = make_scale_pyramid(img_double, target_position, scaled_instance, p.instance_size, avg_chans, p) # get features of search regions x_crops_tensor = torch.FloatTensor(x_crops.shape[3], x_crops.shape[2], x_crops.shape[1], x_crops.shape[0]) # response_map = SiameseNet.get_response_map(z_features, x_crops) for k in range(x_crops.shape[3]): tmp_x_crop = x_crops[:, :, :, k] tmp_x_crop = np.uint8(tmp_x_crop) # numpy array to tensor x_crops_tensor[k, :, :, :] = 255.0 * F.to_tensor(tmp_x_crop).unsqueeze(0) # get features of search regions x_features = net.conv_features(Variable(x_crops_tensor).to(device)) # evaluate the offline-trained network for exemplar x features target_position, new_scale = tracker_eval(net, round(s_x), z_features, x_features, target_position, window, p) # scale damping and saturation s_x = max(min_s_x, min(max_s_x, (1 - p.scale_LR) * s_x + p.scale_LR * scaled_instance[int(new_scale)])) target_size = (1 - p.scale_LR) * target_size + p.scale_LR * np.array([scaled_target[0, int(new_scale)], scaled_target[1, int(new_scale)]]) rect_position = np.array([target_position[1]-target_size[1]/2, target_position[0]-target_size[0]/2, target_size[1], target_size[0]]) if p.visualization: if not recorder.is_initialized: recorder.set_options(img_uint8) save_info = {"net_type": str(net_type), "video_name":, "save_to_file": p.save_to_file, "save_to_video": p.save_to_video} visualize_tracking_result(img_uint8, rect_position, 1, i, gt_list[i], save_info, stats, recorder) # output bbox in the original frame coordinates o_target_position = target_position o_target_size = target_size bboxes[i,:] = np.array([o_target_position[1]-o_target_size[1]/2, o_target_position[0]-o_target_size[0]/2, o_target_size[1], o_target_size[0]]) if p.visualization: recorder.close() # print(stats.meanIoU()) # print(stats.meanCenterError()) # print(stats.meanPrecision()) end_time = fps = len(img_list)/max(1.0, (end_time-start_time).seconds) return bboxes, fps
def _rho(beta, nxkx, N, K): kappa = beta * K rx = np.array([_rhoi(x, nxkx, beta) for x in nxkx]) return / rf(kappa, np.double(N))
shp_gpd = gpd.read_file(shp_path) print("adapting to our needs..") lunghezza = lines_length(shp_gpd['geometry']) solo_remi=[1 if i=='Rio Blu' else 0 for i in shp_gpd['BARCHE_A_R']] # normativa: to be done # c'è anche la stazza, ma per il momento non ci interessa (10t) vel_max=shp_gpd['VEL_MAX'][:] vel_max_mp=shp_gpd['VEL_MAX_MP'][:] larghezza=shp_gpd['LARGHEZZA_'] senso_unico=shp_gpd['ONEWAY'][:] orario_senso_start=gpd.GeoSeries(np.zeros([larghezza.size], dtype=np.int8)) orario_senso_end=gpd.GeoSeries(np.ones([larghezza.size], dtype=np.int8)*24) orario_chiuso_start=gpd.GeoSeries(np.ones([larghezza.size], dtype=np.int8)*24) orario_chiuso_end=gpd.GeoSeries(np.ones([larghezza.size], dtype=np.int8)*24) altezza=np.double(np.ones_like(solo_remi))*1000 lista_sensi_inversi=["DE SAN LUCA - ROSSINI", "DE PALAZZO - CANONICA", "DE LA FAVA","DE LA PIETA' - SANT'ANTONIN","DE SAN GIUSEPPE", "DE LA TETA - SAN GIOVANNI LATERANO RAMO BASSO", "DE SAN GIACOMO DALL'ORIO","DE SAN VIO"] lista_limiti_sette=["GRANDE","DE CANNAREGIO"] lista_no_info_per_non_dimenticare=["DE LE GALEAZZE", "SCUOLA GABELLI","DE LA VERONA - MENUO" ] lista_limiti_laguna=["DE LA RANA", "MOLO B", "DI CAMPALTO","COA DI LATTE","MORTO - MAZZORBO","CARBONERA","ALTINO","MONTIRON","DE SANT'ANTONIO","DEL COLPO", "DI BOSSOLARO", "LA ROTTA","CAMPANA", "BOMBAE", "PORTOSECCO","DE LA CAVA","CODA REZIOL"] vel_laguna=10 lista_limiti_centro=["SCUOLA GABELLI","A. CANAL","DE LA SACA DE LA MISERICORDIA","ARSENAL VECHIO"] # in realtà sono quasi tutti al lido lista_divieti_0_24 = ["ARSENAL VECHIO"]################## caso particolare, gli altri hanno il divieto di transito nella colonna giusta! # canali con limite per canoe e simili dalle 8 alle 15 lunedì-venerdì e dalle 8 alle 13 il sabato lista_no_remetti = ["Canal Grande", "Cannaregio", "Giardini", "Greci - San Lorenzo", "- Santa Giustina - Sant’Antonin – Pietà", "Noale", "Novo", "Ca’ Foscari", "Santi Apostoli - Gesuiti"] # nomi da correggere vel_centro=5 ponte_codes_list=[] epsilon=0.001 for index,canal in shp_gpd.iterrows():
def triangulateCallback(self, p_left, p_right): t = p_left.header.stamp.to_time() if self.start == 0: self.start = t if len(p_left.polygon.points) == 0 or len(p_right.polygon.points) == 0: if self.tracker: if self.tracker.updateNotFound() >= 15: rospy.loginfo("Lost!") self.tracker = None try: data = "%.9f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%d,%.3f,%.3f" % ( t - self.start, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.writer.writerow(data.split(',')) except csv.Error as e: sys.exit('File %s, line %d: %s' % (self.file_name, self.writer.line_num, e)) else: try: data = "%.9f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%d,%.3f,%.3f" % ( t - self.start, self.tracker.pos[0], self.tracker.pos[1], self.tracker.pos[2], self.tracker.isTracked, 0, 0) self.writer.writerow(data.split(',')) except csv.Error as e: sys.exit('File %s, line %d: %s' % (self.file_name, self.writer.line_num, e)) else: try: data = "%.9f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%d,%.3f,%.3f" % ( t - self.start, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.writer.writerow(data.split(',')) except csv.Error as e: sys.exit('File %s, line %d: %s' % (self.file_name, self.writer.line_num, e)) return psi_beta_list_left = [] psi_beta_list_right = [] for point in p_left.polygon.points: u = point.x v = point.y x = (u - u01) / mu1 y = (v - v01) / mv1 phi = np.arctan2(y, x) r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) p = coeffs1[:] p.append(-r) thetas = np.roots(p) for theta in thetas: if np.imag(theta) == 0: if 0 < np.real(theta) < np.pi / 2: theta = np.double(np.real(theta)) break else: print "Unable to find theta" return None u_cam = np.array([[np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)], [np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)], [np.cos(theta)]]) rect_r =, u_cam) psi = np.arcsin(rect_r[0, 0]) beta = np.arctan2(rect_r[1, 0], rect_r[2, 0]) psi_beta_list_left.append((psi, beta, point.z)) for point in p_right.polygon.points: u = point.x v = point.y x = (u - u02) / mu2 y = (v - v02) / mv2 phi = np.arctan2(y, x) r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) p = coeffs1[:] p.append(-r) thetas = np.roots(p) for theta in thetas: if np.imag(theta) == 0: if 0 < np.real(theta) < np.pi / 2: theta = np.double(np.real(theta)) break else: print "Unable to find theta" return None u_cam = np.array([[np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)], [np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)], [np.cos(theta)]]) rect_r =, u_cam) psi = np.arcsin(rect_r[0, 0]) beta = np.arctan2(rect_r[1, 0], rect_r[2, 0]) psi_beta_list_right.append((psi, beta, point.z)) psi_beta_list_left = sorted(psi_beta_list_left, key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True) psi_beta_list_right = sorted(psi_beta_list_right, key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True) i = 0 j = 0 found = False while not found: z1 = psi_beta_list_left[i][2] z2 = psi_beta_list_right[j][2] if z1 == 0 and z2 == 0: rospy.loginfo("No match") if self.tracker: if self.tracker.updateNotFound() >= 15: rospy.loginfo("Lost!") self.tracker = None break # 0 should not be matched with zero, just end if z1 < z2: # right camera has better membership value #rospy.loginfo("j = %d, %f", j, z2) (psi2, beta2, z2) = psi_beta_list_right[j] for (psi1, beta1, z1) in psi_beta_list_left: if abs(beta1 - beta2) < 0.06: # On the same epipolar line if psi1 <= psi2: # In the stereo vision, psi1 must be more than psi2 for the same object continue rho = baseline * np.cos(psi2) / np.sin(psi1 - psi2) if rho > 10: # 15 meters away from the camera, that is impossible and would be a misdetection continue x_out = rho * np.sin(psi1) y_out = rho * np.cos(psi1) * np.sin(beta1) z_out = rho * np.cos(psi1) * np.cos(beta1) if not self.tracker: self.tracker = Tracker(x_out, y_out, z_out) else: self.tracker.predict() if self.tracker.distance( (x_out, y_out, z_out)) > 0.36: continue self.tracker.updateTrack((x_out, y_out, z_out)) self.broadcaster.sendTransform( self.tracker.pos, tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0),, '/blimp', '/world') print z1, z2 found = True break else: # Arriving here means there is no match, increase index of right camera j += 1 else: # left camera has better membership value #rospy.loginfo("i = %d, %f", i, z1) (psi1, beta1, z1) = psi_beta_list_left[i] for (psi2, beta2, z2) in psi_beta_list_right: if abs(beta1 - beta2) < 0.06: # On the same epipolar line if psi1 <= psi2: # In the stereo vision, psi1 must be more than psi2 for the same object continue rho = baseline * np.cos(psi2) / np.sin(psi1 - psi2) if rho > 10: # 15 meters away from the camera, that is impossible and would be a misdetection continue x_out = rho * np.sin(psi1) y_out = rho * np.cos(psi1) * np.sin(beta1) z_out = rho * np.cos(psi1) * np.cos(beta1) if not self.tracker: self.tracker = Tracker(x_out, y_out, z_out) else: self.tracker.predict() if self.tracker.distance( (x_out, y_out, z_out)) > 0.36: continue self.tracker.updateTrack((x_out, y_out, z_out)) self.broadcaster.sendTransform( self.tracker.pos, tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0),, '/blimp', '/world') print z1, z2 found = True break else: # Arriving here means there is no match, increase index of right camera i += 1 if i >= len(psi_beta_list_left) or j >= len(psi_beta_list_right): rospy.loginfo("No match") if self.tracker: if self.tracker.updateNotFound() >= 15: rospy.loginfo("Lost!") self.tracker = None break if self.tracker: try: data = "%.9f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%d,%.3f,%.3f" % ( t - self.start, self.tracker.pos[0], self.tracker.pos[1], self.tracker.pos[2], self.tracker.isTracked, z1, z2) self.writer.writerow(data.split(',')) except csv.Error as e: sys.exit('File %s, line %d: %s' % (self.file_name, self.writer.line_num, e)) else: try: data = "%.9f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%d,%.3f,%.3f" % (t - self.start, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.writer.writerow(data.split(',')) except csv.Error as e: sys.exit('File %s, line %d: %s' % (self.file_name, self.writer.line_num, e))
def main(): global lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a global hz_ire_scale, minn global f_deemp_b, f_deemp_a global deemp_t1, deemp_t2 global Bcutr, Acutr global Inner global blocklen outfile = sys.stdout #.buffer audio_mode = 0 CAV = 0 byte_start = 0 byte_end = 0 f_seconds = False optlist, cut_argv = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:D:hLCaAwSs:") for o, a in optlist: if o == "-d": deemp_t1 = np.double(a) if o == "-D": deemp_t2 = np.double(a) if o == "-a": audio_mode = 1 blocklen = blocklen * 4 if o == "-L": Inner = 1 if o == "-A": CAV = 1 Inner = 1 if o == "-h": # use full spec deemphasis filter - will result in overshoot, but higher freq resonse f_deemp_b = [3.778720395899611e-01, -2.442559208200777e-01] f_deemp_a = [1.000000000000000e+00, -8.663838812301168e-01] if o == "-C": Bcutr, Acutr = sps.butter(1, [2.50 / (freq / 2), 3.26 / (freq / 2)], btype='bandstop') Bcutr, Acutr = sps.butter(1, [2.68 / (freq / 2), 3.08 / (freq / 2)], btype='bandstop') if o == "-w": hz_ire_scale = (9360000 - 8100000) / 100 minn = 8100000 + (hz_ire_scale * -60) if o == "-S": f_seconds = True if o == "-s": ia = int(a) if ia == 0: lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter( 5, (4.2 / (freq / 2)), 'low') if ia == 1: lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter( 5, (4.4 / (freq / 2)), 'low') if ia == 2: lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter( 6, (4.6 / (freq / 2)), 'low') lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter( 6, (4.6 / (freq / 2)), 'low') deemp_t1 = .825 deemp_t2 = 2.35 if ia == 3: # high frequency response - and ringing. choose your poison ;) lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter( 10, (5.0 / (freq / 2)), 'low') lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter( 7, (5.0 / (freq / 2)), 'low') if ia == 4: lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter( 10, (5.3 / (freq / 2)), 'low') lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter( 7, (5.3 / (freq / 2)), 'low') if ia >= 30: lpfreq = ia / 10.0 lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter( 5, (lpfreq / (freq / 2)), 'low') # set up deemp filter [tf_b, tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf(-deemp_t2 * (10**-8), -deemp_t1 * (10**-8), deemp_t1 / deemp_t2) [f_deemp_b, f_deemp_a] = sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, 1 / (freq_hz / 2)) # test() argc = len(cut_argv) if argc >= 1: infile = open(cut_argv[0], "rb") else: infile = sys.stdin byte_start = 0 if (argc >= 2): byte_start = float(cut_argv[1]) if (argc >= 3): byte_end = float(cut_argv[2]) limit = 1 else: limit = 0 if f_seconds: byte_start *= (freq_hz * 2) byte_end *= (freq_hz * 2) else: byte_end += byte_start byte_end -= byte_start byte_start = int(byte_start) byte_end = int(byte_end) if (byte_start > 0): if CAV and byte_start > 11454654400: CAV = 0 Inner = 0 # set up deemp filter [tf_b, tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf(-deemp_t2 * (10**-8), -deemp_t1 * (10**-8), deemp_t1 / deemp_t2) [f_deemp_b, f_deemp_a] = sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, 1 / (freq_hz / 2)) total = toread = blocklen inbuf = * 2) indata = np.fromstring(inbuf, 'int16', toread) + 32768 total = 0 total_prevread = 0 total_read = 0 while (len(inbuf) > 0): toread = blocklen - indata.size if toread > 0: inbuf = * 2) indata = np.append( indata, np.fromstring(inbuf, 'int16', len(inbuf) // 2) + 32768) if indata.size < blocklen: exit() if audio_mode: output, osamp = process_audio(indata) nread = osamp outfile.write(output) else: output_16 = process_video(indata) outfile.write(output_16) nread = len(output_16) total_pread = total_read total_read += nread if CAV: if (total_read + byte_start) > 11454654400: CAV = 0 Inner = 0 indata = indata[nread:len(indata)] if limit == 1: byte_end -= toread if (byte_end < 0): inbuf = ""
def main(args): if args.input.append(args.output) df = pd.concat( (star.parse_star(inp, augment=args.augment) for inp in args.input), join="inner") dfaux = None if args.cls is not None: df = star.select_classes(df, args.cls) if if star.is_particle_star(df) and star.Relion.CLASS in df.columns: c = df[star.Relion.CLASS].value_counts() print("%s particles in %d classes" % ("{:,}".format(df.shape[0]), len(c))) print(" ".join([ '%d: %s (%.2f %%)' % (i, "{:,}".format(s), 100. * s / c.sum()) for i, s in iteritems(c.sort_index()) ])) elif star.is_particle_star(df): print("%s particles" % "{:,}".format(df.shape[0])) if star.Relion.MICROGRAPH_NAME in df.columns: mgraphcnt = df[star.Relion.MICROGRAPH_NAME].value_counts() print( "%s micrographs, %s +/- %s particles per micrograph" % ("{:,}".format(len(mgraphcnt)), "{:,.3f}".format( np.mean(mgraphcnt)), "{:,.3f}".format(np.std(mgraphcnt)))) try: print("%f A/px (%sX magnification)" % (star.calculate_apix(df), "{:,.0f}".format( df[star.Relion.MAGNIFICATION][0]))) except KeyError: pass if len(df.columns.intersection(star.Relion.ORIGINS3D)) > 0: print("Largest shift is %f pixels" % np.max( np.abs(df[df.columns.intersection( star.Relion.ORIGINS3D)].values))) return 0 if args.drop_angles: df.drop(star.Relion.ANGLES, axis=1, inplace=True, errors="ignore") if args.drop_containing is not None: containing_fields = [ f for q in args.drop_containing for f in df.columns if q in f ] if args.invert: containing_fields = df.columns.difference(containing_fields) df.drop(containing_fields, axis=1, inplace=True, errors="ignore") if args.offset_group is not None: df[star.Relion.GROUPNUMBER] += args.offset_group if args.restack is not None: if not args.augment: star.augment_star_ucsf(df, inplace=True) star.set_original_fields(df, inplace=True) df[star.UCSF.IMAGE_PATH] = args.restack df[star.UCSF.IMAGE_INDEX] = np.arange(df.shape[0]) if args.subsample_micrographs is not None: if args.bootstrap is not None: print("Only particle sampling allows bootstrapping") return 1 mgraphs = df[star.Relion.MICROGRAPH_NAME].unique() if args.subsample_micrographs < 1: args.subsample_micrographs = max(np.round(args.subsample_micrographs * len(mgraphs)), 1)) else: args.subsample_micrographs = ind = np.random.choice(len(mgraphs), size=args.subsample_micrographs, replace=False) mask = df[star.Relion.MICROGRAPH_NAME].isin(mgraphs[ind]) if args.auxout is not None: dfaux = df.loc[~mask] df = df.loc[mask] if args.subsample is not None and args.suffix == "": if args.subsample < 1: args.subsample = max(np.round(args.subsample * df.shape[0]), 1)) else: args.subsample = ind = np.random.choice(df.shape[0], size=args.subsample, replace=False) mask = df.index.isin(ind) if args.auxout is not None: dfaux = df.loc[~mask] df = df.loc[mask] if args.copy_angles is not None: angle_star = star.parse_star(args.copy_angles, augment=args.augment) df = star.smart_merge(df, angle_star, fields=star.Relion.ANGLES, key=args.merge_key) if args.copy_alignments is not None: align_star = star.parse_star(args.copy_alignments, augment=args.augment) df = star.smart_merge(df, align_star, fields=star.Relion.ALIGNMENTS, key=args.merge_key) if args.copy_reconstruct_images is not None: recon_star = star.parse_star(args.copy_reconstruct_images, augment=args.augment) df[star.Relion.RECONSTRUCT_IMAGE_NAME] = recon_star[ star.Relion.IMAGE_NAME] if args.transform is not None: if args.transform.count(",") == 2: r = geom.euler2rot( *np.deg2rad([np.double(s) for s in args.transform.split(",")])) else: r = np.array(json.loads(args.transform)) df = star.transform_star(df, r, inplace=True) if args.invert_hand: df[star.Relion.ANGLEROT] = -df[star.Relion.ANGLEROT] df[star.Relion.ANGLETILT] = 180 - df[star.Relion.ANGLETILT] if args.copy_paths is not None: path_star = star.parse_star(args.copy_paths) star.set_original_fields(df, inplace=True) df[star.Relion.IMAGE_NAME] = path_star[star.Relion.IMAGE_NAME] if args.copy_ctf is not None: ctf_star = pd.concat((star.parse_star(inp, augment=args.augment) for inp in glob.glob(args.copy_ctf)), join="inner") df = star.smart_merge(df, ctf_star, star.Relion.CTF_PARAMS, key=args.merge_key) if args.copy_micrograph_coordinates is not None: coord_star = pd.concat( (star.parse_star(inp, augment=args.augment) for inp in glob.glob(args.copy_micrograph_coordinates)), join="inner") df = star.smart_merge(df, coord_star, fields=star.Relion.MICROGRAPH_COORDS, key=args.merge_key) if args.scale is not None: star.scale_coordinates(df, args.scale, inplace=True) star.scale_origins(df, args.scale, inplace=True) star.scale_magnification(df, args.scale, inplace=True) if args.scale_particles is not None: star.scale_origins(df, args.scale_particles, inplace=True) star.scale_magnification(df, args.scale_particles, inplace=True) if args.scale_coordinates is not None: star.scale_coordinates(df, args.scale_coordinates, inplace=True) if args.scale_origins is not None: star.scale_origins(df, args.scale_origins, inplace=True) if args.scale_magnification is not None: star.scale_magnification(df, args.scale_magnfication, inplace=True) if args.recenter: df = star.recenter(df, inplace=True) if args.zero_origins: df = star.zero_origins(df, inplace=True) if args.pick: df.drop(df.columns.difference(star.Relion.PICK_PARAMS), axis=1, inplace=True, errors="ignore") if args.subsample is not None and args.suffix != "": if args.subsample < 1: print("Specific integer sample size") return 1 nsamplings = args.bootstrap if args.bootstrap is not None else df.shape[ 0] / inds = np.random.choice(df.shape[0], size=(nsamplings,, replace=args.bootstrap is not None) for i, ind in enumerate(inds): star.write_star( os.path.join( args.output, os.path.basename(args.input[0])[:-5] + args.suffix + "_%d" % (i + 1)), df.iloc[ind]) if args.to_micrographs: gb = df.groupby(star.Relion.MICROGRAPH_NAME) mu = gb.mean() df = mu[[ c for c in star.Relion.CTF_PARAMS + star.Relion.MICROSCOPE_PARAMS + [star.Relion.MICROGRAPH_NAME] if c in mu ]].reset_index() if args.micrograph_range: df.set_index(star.Relion.MICROGRAPH_NAME, inplace=True) m, n = [int(tok) for tok in args.micrograph_range.split(",")] mg = df.index.unique().sort_values() outside = list(range(0, m)) + list(range(n, len(mg))) dfaux = df.loc[mg[outside]].reset_index() df = df.loc[mg[m:n]].reset_index() if args.micrograph_path is not None: df = star.replace_micrograph_path(df, args.micrograph_path, inplace=True) if args.min_separation is not None: gb = df.groupby(star.Relion.MICROGRAPH_NAME) dupes = [] for n, g in gb: nb = algo.query_connected( g[star.Relion.COORDS], args.min_separation / star.calculate_apix(df)) dupes.extend(g.index[~np.isnan(nb)]) dfaux = df.loc[dupes] df.drop(dupes, inplace=True) if args.merge_source is not None: if args.merge_fields is not None: if "," in args.merge_fields: args.merge_fields = args.merge_fields.split(",") else: args.merge_fields = [args.merge_fields] else: print("Merge fields must be specified using --merge-fields") return 1 if args.merge_key is not None: if "," in args.merge_key: args.merge_key = args.merge_key.split(",") merge_star = star.parse_star(args.merge_source, augment=args.augment) df = star.smart_merge(df, merge_star, fields=args.merge_fields, key=args.merge_key) if args.split_micrographs: dfs = star.split_micrographs(df) for mg in dfs: star.write_star( os.path.join(args.output, os.path.basename(mg)[:-4]) + args.suffix, dfs[mg]) return 0 if args.auxout is not None and dfaux is not None: star.write_star(args.auxout, dfaux, simplify=args.augment_output) if args.output is not None: star.write_star(args.output, df, simplify=args.augment_output) return 0
def _rhoi(x, nxkx, beta): return power(rf(beta, np.double(x)), nxkx[x])
np.short() np.intc() np.intp() np.int0() np.int_() np.longlong() np.ubyte() np.ushort() np.uintc() np.uintp() np.uint0() np.uint() np.ulonglong() np.half() np.single() np.double() np.float_() np.longdouble() np.longfloat() np.csingle() np.singlecomplex() np.cdouble() np.complex_() np.cfloat() np.clongdouble() np.clongfloat() np.longcomplex()
dNm = midRange[1] - midRange[0] highRange = np.round(np.interp(highband, F, np.arange(NTmax))) dNh = highRange[1] - highRange[0] dN = max(dNl, dNm, dNh) print 'NTmax', NTmax print 'NLmax', NLmax print 'NTleft', NTleft print 'Nread', Nread plt.hold(True) lastImgLine = 0 # Remember last line, which was filled in Rrgb array. for i in range(int(Nread)): if i == Nread - 1: R = np.double(dataset[(i) * NTmax:, 0:NLmax]) T = np.arange((i) * NTmax, dataset.shape[0]) / fp F = np.linspace(0, fp, num=NTleft) lowRange = np.round(np.interp(lowband, F, np.arange(NTleft))) dNl = lowRange[1] - lowRange[0] midRange = np.round(np.interp(midband, F, np.arange(NTleft))) dNm = midRange[1] - midRange[0] highRange = np.round(np.interp(highband, F, np.arange(NTleft))) dNh = highRange[1] - highRange[0] dN = max(dNl, dNm, dNh) else: R = dataset[(i) * NTmax:(i + 1) * NTmax, 0:NLmax] T = np.arange((i) * NTmax, (i + 1) * NTmax) / fp S = sp.fft(R, axis=0) Rl = sp.ifft(S[int(lowRange[0]): int(lowRange[1]), :], n=int(dN), axis = 0)
# Sample training estimation batch (for initial scale and batchnorm parameters) beta0_list = [] for i, (sampler, embedder) in enumerate(zip(sampler_list, embedder_list)): Tp_est, Tv_est, Ap_est, Av_est = sampler.sample( args.est_batch_size[0], numpy.inf, args.fract_inside[0], xvalset='train', update_epoch=False) # get all neighbors for estimation Tp_est = normalize_patches(args.patch_norm[0], Tp_est) Ap_est = normalize_patches(args.patch_norm[0], Ap_est) Y_est = numpy.double(Av_est == Tv_est) # # Estimate initial scale parameter print('estimating initial scale parameter') global scale_vars # scale for the original method l2n = id_net.get_l2n(Tp_est, Ap_est) scale_vars = (l2n, Y_est) beta0_list.append( minimize(labfus, 0.001, method='Nelder-Mead', tol=1e-6).x) embedder.beta0 = beta0_list[-1] # add beta0 to model
import numpy as np from keras.layers import Input from keras.layers import MaxPooling2D, UpSampling2D, Conv2D from keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from keras.datasets import mnist #load data img_rows, img_cols = 28, 28 input_shape = [28, 28, 1] (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() x_train = np.double(np.reshape(x_train, (len(x_train), img_rows, img_cols, 1))) / 255 x_test = np.double(np.reshape(x_test, (len(x_test), img_rows, img_cols, 1))) / 255 # construct a convolutional stack autoencoder auto_encoder = Sequential() auto_encoder.add( Conv2D(15, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', input_shape=input_shape)) # (?, 28, 28, 32) auto_encoder.add(MaxPooling2D((2, 2), padding='same')) # (?, 14, 14, 32) auto_encoder.add( Conv2D(10, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', input_shape=input_shape)) # (?, 28, 28, 32) auto_encoder.add(MaxPooling2D((2, 2), padding='same')) # (?, 14, 14, 32)
def domain2polygons(zlonc_target, zlatc_target, wk_proj="wgs84", data=None): nzonal_target, nmerid_target = zlonc_target[:-1, :-1].shape if data is not None: nbands = data.shape[0] # Reference projections wgs84 = osr.SpatialReference() wgs84.ImportFromProj4("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") wgs84_pyproj = Proj(init="epsg:4326") if wk_proj == "wgs84": ref_proj = osr.SpatialReference() ref_proj.ImportFromProj4( "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") ref_pyproj = Proj(init="epsg:4326") else: ref_proj = osr.SpatialReference() ref_proj.ImportFromProj4(wk_proj) ref_pyproj = Proj(wk_proj) # Convert lon/lat domain coordinates to reference coordinate system xc, yc = transform(wgs84_pyproj, ref_pyproj, zlonc_target, zlatc_target) # define the layer vector_grid_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("MEMORY") vector_grid_ds = vector_grid_driver.CreateDataSource("memData") vector_grid_layer = vector_grid_ds.CreateLayer("grid", ref_proj, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) if data is not None: for iband in range(nbands): idField = ogr.FieldDefn("field_{}".format(iband), ogr.OFTReal) vector_grid_layer.CreateField(idField) featureDefn = vector_grid_layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(nmerid_target): for j in range(nzonal_target): lon_tmp = [ xc[j, i], xc[j, i + 1], xc[j + 1, i + 1], xc[j + 1, i], xc[j, i], ] if wk_proj == "wgs84": lon_tmp = np.unwrap(lon_tmp, discont=180) # Create ring ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) _ = ring.AddPoint(lon_tmp[0], yc[j, i]) _ = ring.AddPoint(lon_tmp[1], yc[j, i + 1]) _ = ring.AddPoint(lon_tmp[2], yc[j + 1, i + 1]) _ = ring.AddPoint(lon_tmp[3], yc[j + 1, i]) _ = ring.AddPoint(lon_tmp[4], yc[j, i]) # Create polygon poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) # Add feature to layer feature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) feature.SetGeometry(poly) # Add data if any if data is not None: for iband in range(nbands): feature.SetField("field_{}".format(iband), np.double(data[iband, j, i])) vector_grid_layer.CreateFeature(feature) feature = None return vector_grid_driver, vector_grid_ds, vector_grid_layer
def maxent_edge_sampling(model, theta_g, block, l, psi, beta, x_out): """ :param model: GNM and parameters :type model: dict :param theta_g: parameters for marginal distribution of network structure P(G) :type theta_g: matrix :param block: sample block from penultimate iteration of mKPGM :type block: matrix :param psi: edge types :type psi: list :param beta: fraction of edges of each type :type beta: list :param x_out: node attributes :type x_out: list :return: graphOut (output graph, contains num. of vertices and edge list) :rtype: tuple """ # U = unique probabilities # T = edge locations # (3) U, T = get_unique_prob_edge_location(model, theta_g, block, psi, x_out) # N_e = 0 Nus = [] # for each unique prob. pi_u for pi_u in U: # (5) Draw num. edges to sample per unique prob. n_u = np.random.binomial(len(T[pi_u]), pi_u) Nus.append(n_u) # (6) # Accum. total num. edges to be sampled # N_e += n_u N_e = sum(Nus) # (7) Draw num. edges per edge-type to match rho_IN gamma = list(np.random.multinomial(n=N_e, pvals=beta, size=1)) # n = Number of experiments (int) # pvals = Probabilities of each of the p different outcomes (sequence of floats, length p) # size = Output shape (int or tuple of ints, optional) E_OUT = [] for i, u in enumerate(U): # (9) Draw num. edges per edge type for pi_u Y = list( np.random.multinomial(n=Nus[i], pvals=[np.double(g) / N_e for g in gamma[0]], size=1)) # (10 - 14) for j, p in enumerate(psi): # (11) Sampling Y_j edges at random from T_uj possible locations possible_edges = list(T[u][p]) random.shuffle(possible_edges) edges = possible_edges[:Y[0][j]] E_OUT.extend(edges) # (12) gamma[0][j] -= Y[0][j] # (13) N_e -= Y[0][j] # (14) # vertices = len(block[0]) vertices = pow(model['b'], model['K']) return vertices, E_OUT
dates = years * 10000 + months * 100 + days co2file = options.co2file if co2file != '': co2reader = csv.reader(open(co2file), delimiter=',') co2data = [] cnt = 0 for row in co2reader: if cnt: year, jday, co2 = row d = datetime.datetime(int(year), 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(int(jday) - 1) co2data.append( [d.year * 10000 + d.month * 100 +, double(co2)]) cnt += 1 co2data = array(co2data) co2interp = interp(dates, co2data[:, 0], co2data[:, 1]) # linear interpolate to dates else: co2interp = None # no co2 data firstyear = years[0] lastyear = years[-1] yeartostop = lastyear - 30 + 1 cnt = 1 for i in range(firstyear, yeartostop + 1, 5): idx = indices(dates, i, i + 49) data = alldata[idx]
def preprocess(): """ Input: Although this function doesn't have any input, you are required to load the MNIST data set from file 'mnist_all.mat'. Output: train_data: matrix of training set. Each row of train_data contains feature vector of a image train_label: vector of label corresponding to each image in the training set validation_data: matrix of training set. Each row of validation_data contains feature vector of a image validation_label: vector of label corresponding to each image in the training set test_data: matrix of training set. Each row of test_data contains feature vector of a image test_label: vector of label corresponding to each image in the testing set Some suggestions for preprocessing step: - feature selection""" mat = loadmat('mnist_all.mat') # loads the MAT object as a Dictionary # Pick a reasonable size for validation data # ------------Initialize preprocess arrays----------------------# train_preprocess = np.zeros(shape=(50000, 784)) validation_preprocess = np.zeros(shape=(10000, 784)) test_preprocess = np.zeros(shape=(10000, 784)) train_label_preprocess = np.zeros(shape=(50000,)) validation_label_preprocess = np.zeros(shape=(10000,)) test_label_preprocess = np.zeros(shape=(10000,)) # ------------Initialize flag variables----------------------# train_len = 0 validation_len = 0 test_len = 0 train_label_len = 0 validation_label_len = 0 # ------------Start to split the data set into 6 arrays-----------# for key in mat: # -----------when the set is training set--------------------# if "train" in key: label = key[-1] # record the corresponding label tup = mat.get(key) sap = range(tup.shape[0]) tup_perm = np.random.permutation(sap) tup_len = len(tup) # get the length of current training set tag_len = tup_len - 1000 # defines the number of examples which will be added into the training set # ---------------------adding data to training set-------------------------# train_preprocess[train_len:train_len + tag_len] = tup[tup_perm[1000:], :] train_len += tag_len train_label_preprocess[train_label_len:train_label_len + tag_len] = label train_label_len += tag_len # ---------------------adding data to validation set-------------------------# validation_preprocess[validation_len:validation_len + 1000] = tup[tup_perm[0:1000], :] validation_len += 1000 validation_label_preprocess[validation_label_len:validation_label_len + 1000] = label validation_label_len += 1000 # ---------------------adding data to test set-------------------------# elif "test" in key: label = key[-1] tup = mat.get(key) sap = range(tup.shape[0]) tup_perm = np.random.permutation(sap) tup_len = len(tup) test_label_preprocess[test_len:test_len + tup_len] = label test_preprocess[test_len:test_len + tup_len] = tup[tup_perm] test_len += tup_len # ---------------------Shuffle,double and normalize-------------------------# train_size = range(train_preprocess.shape[0]) train_perm = np.random.permutation(train_size) train_data = train_preprocess[train_perm] train_data = np.double(train_data) train_data = train_data / 255.0 train_label = train_label_preprocess[train_perm] validation_size = range(validation_preprocess.shape[0]) vali_perm = np.random.permutation(validation_size) validation_data = validation_preprocess[vali_perm] validation_data = np.double(validation_data) validation_data = validation_data / 255.0 validation_label = validation_label_preprocess[vali_perm] test_size = range(test_preprocess.shape[0]) test_perm = np.random.permutation(test_size) test_data = test_preprocess[test_perm] test_data = np.double(test_data) test_data = test_data / 255.0 test_label = test_label_preprocess[test_perm] # Feature selection # Your code here. tot_data = np.vstack((train_data,validation_data,test_data)) # combining train, validation and test ftr_indices=np.all(tot_data == tot_data[0,:], axis = 0) fltrd_data = tot_data[:,~ftr_indices] # removing columns which are similar to the first one by performing shift operations on false columns tr_len = len(train_data) va_len = len(validation_data) tst_len = len(test_data) train_data = fltrd_data[0:tr_len,:] # separating train data from the filtered data validation_data = fltrd_data[tr_len: (tr_len + va_len),:] # separating validation data from the filtered data test_data = fltrd_data[(tr_len + va_len): (tr_len + va_len + tst_len),:] # separating test data from the filtered data print('preprocess done') return train_data, train_label, validation_data, validation_label, test_data, test_label
## plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('image', cmap='jet') plt.ion() windowSizeInSamples = 2048 hopsize = 256 NFT = 2048 niter = 50 # TODO: also process these as options: minF0 = 80 maxF0 = 500 Fs = 44100.0 maxFinFT = 8000.0 F = np.ceil(maxFinFT * NFT / np.double(Fs)) stepNotes = 16 # this is the number of F0s within one semitone K = 10 # number of spectral shapes for the filter part R = 0 # number of spectral shapes for the accompaniment P = 30 # number of elements in dictionary of smooth filters # number of chirped spectral shapes between each F0 # this feature should be further studied before # we find a good way of doing that. chirpPerF0 = 1 # Create the harmonic combs, for each F0 between minF0 and maxF0: F0Table, WF0 = \ generate_WF0_chirped(minF0, maxF0, Fs, Nfft=NFT,
from scipy.spatial.transform import Slerp from scipy import interpolate curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(curr_path,'../')) from flightgoggles.utils import * from flightgoggles.env import flightgoggles_env parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='FlightGoggles log2video') parser.add_argument('-f', "--file_path", help="assign log file path", default=os.path.join(curr_path,"example_log.csv")) parser.add_argument('-o', "--output", help="assign output video name", default=os.path.join(curr_path,"test.avi")) args = parser.parse_args() print("Reading log file from {}".format(args.file_path)) data = pd.read_csv(args.file_path, sep=',', header=None).values[1:,:] data = np.double(data) save_path = os.path.join(curr_path,"./tmp") if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) env = flightgoggles_env(cfg_fgclient="FlightGogglesClient_debug_env.yaml") # pos_curr = env.get_state("uav1")["position"] # yaw_curr = env.get_state("uav1")["attitude_euler_angle"][2] FPS_VIDEO = 60 # Interpolation time_array = data[:,0]*1e-9 total_time = time_array[-1] t_new = np.arange(time_array[0], total_time, 1.0/FPS_VIDEO)
print(debug_J) print('training neural network...') # 随机初始化参数 initialTheta1 = randInitializeWeights(hidden_layer_size, input_layer_size) initialTheta2 = randInitializeWeights(num_labels, hidden_layer_size) initialParams = np.r_[initialTheta1.flatten(), initialTheta2.flatten()] lamb = 1 # 优化参数 tnc = minimize(costFunction, initialParams, args=(input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels, X, y_m, lamb), jac=gradientVectorized, method='TNC', options={'maxiter': 500}) print(tnc) nn_params = tnc.x Theta1 = nn_params[:initialTheta1.size].reshape(initialTheta1.shape) Theta2 = nn_params[initialTheta1.size:].reshape(initialTheta2.shape) displayData(Theta1[:, 1:]) pre_y = predict(Theta1, Theta2, X) print('Train Accuracy: ', np.mean(np.double(pre_y == y)) * 100)
i_map = 0 i_rprec = 0 i_p10 = 0 map_array = np.empty([50, 4]) rprec_array = np.empty([50, 4]) p10_array = np.empty([50, 4]) # file parsing for line in open('measuresrun1ignore.txt', 'r'): # create map matrix if ' map ' in line: line = line.split(" ") map_array[i_map, 0] = np.double(line[23]) i_map += 1 # create Rprec matrix if 'Rprec ' in line: line = line.split(" ") rprec_array[i_rprec, 0] = np.double(line[19]) i_rprec += 1 # create Precision at 10 Matrix if ' P_10 ' in line: line = line.split(" ") p10_array[i_p10, 0] = np.double(line[22]) i_p10 += 1 i_map = 0
lat2 = 90. - latdelta * latidx lon1 = -180. + londelta * (lonidx - 1) lon2 = -180. + londelta * lonidx if lat > lat1 or lat < lat2 or lon < lon1 or lon > lon2: raise Exception('Not in cell!') return latidx, lonidx if len(sys.argv) != 6: print 'Usage: latidx1 lonidx1 lat_delta1[,lon_delta1] lat_delta2[,lon_delta2] weathdir2' sys.exit(1) latidx = int(sys.argv[1]) lonidx = int(sys.argv[2]) delta1 = [double(d) / 60. for d in sys.argv[3].split(',')] # arcminutes -> degrees delta2 = [double(d) / 60. for d in sys.argv[4].split(',')] weathdir2 = sys.argv[5] if len(delta1) == 1: latdelta1 = londelta1 = delta1[0] else: latdelta1, londelta1 = delta1 if len(delta2) == 1: latdelta2 = londelta2 = delta2[0] else: latdelta2, londelta2 = delta2 latrat, lonrat = latdelta2 / latdelta1, londelta2 / londelta1 latd = [0.5, 0, 1, 0, 1] # start at center
imlow = cv2.normalize(imlow.astype('float'), None, 0.0, 1.0, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) ## laplacian = cv2.Laplacian(imlow,cv2.CV_64F) ## laplacian1 = np.absolute(laplacian) ## laplacian2 = np.uint8(laplacian1) kernel = np.array([[-1, 0, 1]]) dst = cv2.filter2D(imlow, -1, kernel) dst[dst < 0] = 0 # Where values are low dst[dst > 1] = 1 # Where values are high dst = dst * 255 dst = np.uint8(dst) ret, th3 = cv2.threshold(dst, 20, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) lines = cv2.HoughLines(th3, 1, np.pi / 180, 1) lines = np.double(lines) condition11 = 1 condition12 = 1 if lines != []: for rho, theta in lines[:, 0, :]: if (theta < 80 * npi) & (theta > 0 * npi) & (condition11 == 1): thetaL = theta rhoL = rho condition11 = 0 if (theta > 120 * npi) & (theta < 180 * npi) & (condition12 == 1): thetaR = theta rhoR = rho condition12 = 0 if (condition11 == 0) & (condition12 == 0):
flag_betterspecanal = int(sys.argv[2]) if (flag_betterspecanal == 0): print('Enter BlockSize: ') block_size = int(input()) im = print('Read ' + img_name) print('Image size: ', im.size) # Display image object by PIL.'image') # Import Image Data into Numpy array. # The matrix x contains a 2-D array of 8-bit gray scale values. x = np.array(im) print('Data type: ', x.dtype) # Display numpy array by matplotlib. plt.imshow(x, plt.title('Image') # Set colorbar location. [left, bottom, width, height]. cax = plt.axes([0.9, 0.15, 0.04, 0.7]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax) x = np.double(x) / 255.0 if flag_betterspecanal == 0: SpecAnal(x, 99, 99, block_size, base_name) else: BetterSpecAnal(x, base_name)
def preprocess(): """ Input: Although this function doesn't have any input, you are required to load the MNIST data set from file 'mnist_all.mat'. Output: train_data: matrix of training set. Each row of train_data contains feature vector of a image train_label: vector of label corresponding to each image in the training set validation_data: matrix of training set. Each row of validation_data contains feature vector of a image validation_label: vector of label corresponding to each image in the training set test_data: matrix of training set. Each row of test_data contains feature vector of a image test_label: vector of label corresponding to each image in the testing set Some suggestions for preprocessing step: - feature selection""" mat = loadmat('/Users/chenshihchia/PycharmProjects/MLassignment1/mnist_all.mat') # loads the MAT object as a Dictionary # Pick a reasonable size for validation data # ------------Initialize preprocess arrays----------------------# train_preprocess = np.zeros(shape=(50000, 784)) validation_preprocess = np.zeros(shape=(10000, 784)) test_preprocess = np.zeros(shape=(10000, 784)) train_label_preprocess = np.zeros(shape=(50000,)) validation_label_preprocess = np.zeros(shape=(10000,)) test_label_preprocess = np.zeros(shape=(10000,)) # ------------Initialize flag variables----------------------# train_len = 0 validation_len = 0 test_len = 0 train_label_len = 0 validation_label_len = 0 # ------------Start to split the data set into 6 arrays-----------# for key in mat: # -----------when the set is training set--------------------# if "train" in key: label = key[-1] # record the corresponding label tup = mat.get(key) sap = range(tup.shape[0]) tup_perm = np.random.permutation(sap) tup_len = len(tup) # get the length of current training set tag_len = tup_len - 1000 # defines the number of examples which will be added into the training set # ---------------------adding data to training set-------------------------# train_preprocess[train_len:train_len + tag_len] = tup[tup_perm[1000:], :] train_len += tag_len train_label_preprocess[train_label_len:train_label_len + tag_len] = label train_label_len += tag_len # ---------------------adding data to validation set-------------------------# validation_preprocess[validation_len:validation_len + 1000] = tup[tup_perm[0:1000], :] validation_len += 1000 validation_label_preprocess[validation_label_len:validation_label_len + 1000] = label validation_label_len += 1000 # ---------------------adding data to test set-------------------------# elif "test" in key: label = key[-1] tup = mat.get(key) sap = range(tup.shape[0]) tup_perm = np.random.permutation(sap) tup_len = len(tup) test_label_preprocess[test_len:test_len + tup_len] = label test_preprocess[test_len:test_len + tup_len] = tup[tup_perm] test_len += tup_len # ---------------------Shuffle,double and normalize-------------------------# train_size = range(train_preprocess.shape[0]) train_perm = np.random.permutation(train_size) train_data = train_preprocess[train_perm] train_data = np.double(train_data) train_data = train_data / 255.0 train_label = train_label_preprocess[train_perm] validation_size = range(validation_preprocess.shape[0]) vali_perm = np.random.permutation(validation_size) validation_data = validation_preprocess[vali_perm] validation_data = np.double(validation_data) validation_data = validation_data / 255.0 validation_label = validation_label_preprocess[vali_perm] test_size = range(test_preprocess.shape[0]) test_perm = np.random.permutation(test_size) test_data = test_preprocess[test_perm] test_data = np.double(test_data) test_data = test_data / 255.0 test_label = test_label_preprocess[test_perm] # Feature selection # Your code here. selected_features = np.zeros(shape=(784, 1)) j = 0 all_data = np.concatenate((train_data, validation_data,test_data), axis=0) all_data_vstack = np.array(np.vstack((all_data))) all_data_reduced = np.all(all_data_vstack == all_data_vstack[0, :], axis=0) for i in range(all_data_reduced.shape[0]): if (bool(all_data_reduced[i])): selected_features[j] = i j = j+1 all_data = all_data[:, ~all_data_reduced] train_data = all_data[0:train_data.shape[0],:] validation_data = all_data[train_data.shape[0]:train_data.shape[0]+validation_data.shape[0],:] test_data = all_data[train_data.shape[0]+validation_data.shape[0]:all_data.shape[0],:] print('preprocess done') return train_data, train_label, validation_data, validation_label, test_data, test_label, selected_features