Beispiel #1
def dist_filter(array, distance):
    Iterate through array and remove spurious tracks

    :param array: A numpy array of positions (same format as the plotting function)
    :param distance: Movement greater than this distance is removed
    :return: The filtered array
    navg = 5
    nfilt = 0
    for dim in range(1, array.shape[1], 2):
        for npoint in range(navg, array.shape[0] - navg):
            point = array[npoint, dim:(dim + 2)]
            if np.isnan(point[0]):
                # Compute mean positions for last and next num_avg frames
                last_set = array[(npoint - navg):npoint, dim:(dim + 2)]
                last_set = last_set[np.invert(np.isnan(last_set[:, 0])), :]  # wow, numpy is awkward to use
                last_mean = last_set.mean(axis=0)
                next_set = array[(npoint + 1):(npoint + 6), dim:(dim + 2)]
                next_set = next_set[np.invert(np.isnan(next_set[:, 0])), :]  # wow, numpy is awkward to use
                next_mean = next_set.mean(axis=0)

                # If the tracks move more than the threshold, erase it
                if (not np.isnan(last_mean[0]) and dist.euclidean(point, last_mean) > distance) or \
                        (not np.isnan(next_mean[0]) and dist.euclidean(point, next_mean) > distance):
                    array[npoint, dim:(dim + 2)] = np.nan
                    nfilt += 1

    print(nfilt, ' false tracks removed from the dataset.')
    return array
Beispiel #2
    def filter(self, intensity_stack, convert_dtype=False):
        I = intensity_stack
        I_dtype = I.dtype if not convert_dtype else self.dtype

        mask = self._get_mask(I.shape)

        I = np.abs(np.array(I).astype(float))
        if self.sci_psf is not None:
            I = self.sci_qe * conv(np.random.poisson(I).astype(float), self.sci_psf)
        if self.psf is not None:
            I = conv(I, self.psf)

        # convert to well counts
        Iel = np.random.poisson(I * self.qe).astype(float)
        # add shot noise
        Iel += np.abs(np.random.standard_normal(I.shape) * self.shot_noise)
        overexposed = Iel >= self.full_well
        Iel[overexposed] = self.full_well
        Iel[Iel < 0.0] = 0.0
        DU = Iel // self.adu
        dt = self.dtype
        if self.on_limit == "clip":
            mx = np.iinfo(dt).max
            DU[DU > mx] = mx

        DU[np.invert(mask)] = 0.0
        mask &= np.invert(overexposed)

        return DU.astype(I_dtype), mask
Beispiel #3
 def test_seasonal_get_grouping(self):
     dates = get_date_list(dt(2012,4,1),dt(2012,10,31),1)
     td = TemporalDimension(value=dates)
     ## standard seasonal group
     calc_grouping = [[6,7,8]]
     tg = td.get_grouping(calc_grouping)
     selected_months = [s.month for s in td.value[tg.dgroups[0]].flat]
     not_selected_months = [s.month for s in td.value[np.invert(tg.dgroups[0])]]
     ## seasons different sizes
     calc_grouping = [[4,5,6,7],[8,9,10]]
     tg = td.get_grouping(calc_grouping)
     ## crosses year boundary
     calc_grouping = [[11,12,1]]
     dates = get_date_list(dt(2012,10,1),dt(2013,3,31),1)
     td = TemporalDimension(value=dates)
     tg = td.get_grouping(calc_grouping)
     selected_months = [s.month for s in td.value[tg.dgroups[0]].flat]
     ## grab real data
     rd = self.test_data.get_rd('cancm4_tas')
     field = rd.get()
     td = TemporalDimension(value=field.temporal.value_datetime)
     tg = td.get_grouping([[3,4,5]])
Beispiel #4
 def ScoreSimilarity(ideal, pattern):
   inverted_ideal = np.invert(ideal)
   inverted_pattern = np.invert(pattern)
   white = np.sum(np.bitwise_and(ideal, pattern))
   black = np.sum(np.bitwise_and(inverted_ideal, inverted_pattern))
   return white + black                           
Beispiel #5
def _make_image_mask(outlines, pos, res):
    """Aux function

    mask_ = np.c_[outlines['mask_pos']]
    xmin, xmax = (np.min(np.r_[np.inf, mask_[:, 0]]),
                  np.max(np.r_[-np.inf, mask_[:, 0]]))
    ymin, ymax = (np.min(np.r_[np.inf, mask_[:, 1]]),
                  np.max(np.r_[-np.inf, mask_[:, 1]]))

    inside = _inside_contour(pos, mask_)
    outside = np.invert(inside)
    outlier_points = pos[outside]
    while np.any(outlier_points):  # auto shrink
        pos *= 0.99
        inside = _inside_contour(pos, mask_)
        outside = np.invert(inside)
        outlier_points = pos[outside]
    image_mask = np.zeros((res, res), dtype=bool)
    xi_mask = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, res)
    yi_mask = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, res)
    Xi_mask, Yi_mask = np.meshgrid(xi_mask, yi_mask)

    pos_ = np.c_[Xi_mask.flatten(), Yi_mask.flatten()]
    inds = _inside_contour(pos_, mask_)
    image_mask[inds.reshape(image_mask.shape)] = True

    return image_mask, pos
def tri_flat(array, UPPER=True):
    Flattens the upper/lower triangle of a square matrix.
    array : np.ndarray
        square matrix
    UPPER : boolean
        Upper or lower triangle to flatten (defaults to upper). If
        the matrix is symmetric, this parameter is unnecessary.
    array : np.ndarray
        vector representation of the upper / lower triangle
    C = array.shape[0]
    if UPPER:
        mask = np.asarray(np.invert(np.tri(C,C,dtype=bool)),dtype=float)
        mask = np.asarray(np.invert(np.tri(C,C,dtype=bool).transpose()),dtype=float)
    x,y = mask.nonzero()
    return array[x,y]
Beispiel #7
def three_dim_pos_bundle(table, key1, key2, key3, 
    return_complement=False, **kwargs):
    Method returns 3d positions of particles in 
    the standard form of the inputs used by many of the 
    functions in the `~halotools.mock_observables`. 

    table : data table 
        `~astropy.table.Table` object 

    key1, key2, key3: strings 
        Keys used to access the relevant columns of the data table. 

    mask : array, optional 
        array used to apply a mask over the input ``table``. Default is None. 

    return_complement : bool, optional 
        If set to True, method will also return the table subset given by the inverse mask. 
        Default is False. 

    if 'mask' in kwargs.keys():
        mask = kwargs['mask']
        x, y, z = table[key1][mask], table[key2][mask], table[key3][mask]
        if return_complement is True:
            x2, y2, z2 = table[key1][np.invert(mask)], table[key2][np.invert(mask)], table[key3][np.invert(mask)]
            return np.vstack((x, y, z)).T, np.vstack((x2, y2, z2)).T
            return np.vstack((x, y, z)).T 
        x, y, z = table[key1], table[key2], table[key3]
        return np.vstack((x, y, z)).T
Beispiel #8
    def evaluate(self, X, y, method='f1'):
        yhat = self.predict(X)
        accurate = y == yhat
        positive = np.sum(y == 1)
        hatpositive = np.sum(yhat == 1)
        tp = np.sum(yhat[accurate] == 1)

        #F1 score
        if method == 'f1':
            recall = 1.*tp/positive if positive > 0 else 0.
            precision = 1.*tp/hatpositive if hatpositive > 0 else 0.
            f1 = (2.*precision*recall)/(precision+recall) if (precision+recall) > 0 else 0.
            return f1
        #simple accuracy measure
        elif method == 'acc':
            return (1.*np.sum(accurate))/len(yhat)
        #matthews correlation coefficient
        elif method == 'matthews':
            tn = np.sum(yhat[accurate] == 0)
            fp = np.sum(yhat[np.invert(accurate)] == 1)
            fn = np.sum(yhat[np.invert(accurate)] == 0)
            denominator = np.sqrt( (tp+fp)*(tp+fn)*(tn+fp)*(tn*fn) )
            mat = 1.*((tp*tn)-(fp*fn)) / denominator if denominator > 0 else 0.
            return mat
            warnings.warn("Wrong evaluation method specified, defaulting to F1 score", RuntimeWarning)
            return self.evaluate(X,y)
def archive_human_masks(human_directory, new_directory, work_directory):
	For a directory of hand-drawn masks, mask out everything in the accompanying bright-field file except for the worm itself and a 100-pixel surrounding area to save disk space. Also, re-compress all images to maximize compression and space efficiency.
	for a_subdir in os.listdir(human_directory):
		if os.path.isdir(human_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir):
			folderStuff.ensure_folder(new_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir)
			for a_file in os.listdir(human_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir):
				if a_file.split(' ')[-1] == 'hmask.png':
					if not os.path.isfile(new_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + a_file):
						print('Up to ' + a_subdir + ' ' + a_file + '.')
						my_stem = a_file.split(' ')[0]
						my_mask = + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + my_stem + ' ' + 'hmask.png')
						bf_path = human_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + my_stem + ' ' + 'bf.png'
						if os.path.isfile(bf_path):
							my_image =
							my_image =, work_directory))
						area_mask = my_mask.copy().astype('bool')
						distance_from_mask = scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(np.invert(area_mask)).astype('uint16')
						area_mask[distance_from_mask > 0] = True
						area_mask[distance_from_mask > 100] = False
						my_image[np.invert(area_mask)] = False
						freeimage.write(my_image, new_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + my_stem + ' ' + 'bf.png', flags = freeimage.IO_FLAGS.PNG_Z_BEST_COMPRESSION)					
						freeimage.write(my_mask, new_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + my_stem + ' ' + 'hmask.png', flags = freeimage.IO_FLAGS.PNG_Z_BEST_COMPRESSION)					
				elif a_file.split('.')[-1] == 'json':					
					shutil.copyfile(human_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + a_file, new_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + a_file)
Beispiel #10
    def extract_local_sparse_matrix(self, target_rank):
        logger.debug("Extract local sparse matrix for rank{}".format(target_rank))

        t_rank = target_rank
        dsts = self.dsts
        srcs = self.srcs
        wgts = self.wgts
        rank_dsts = self.rank_dsts
        rank_srcs = self.rank_srcs

        t_rank_dsts = rank_dsts == t_rank  # bool type array
        t_rank_srcs = rank_srcs == t_rank

        local_idxs = np.where(t_rank_dsts * t_rank_srcs)[0]
        send_idxs = np.where(np.invert(t_rank_dsts) * t_rank_srcs)[0]
        recv_idxs = np.where(t_rank_dsts * np.invert(t_rank_srcs))[0]

        arr_dict = dict()
        arr_dict["spmat_size"] = self.spmat_size

        arr_dict["local_dsts"] = dsts[local_idxs]
        arr_dict["local_srcs"] = srcs[local_idxs]
        arr_dict["local_wgts"] = wgts[local_idxs]

        arr_dict["send_ranks"] = rank_dsts[send_idxs]
        arr_dict["send_dsts"] = dsts[send_idxs]
        arr_dict["send_srcs"] = srcs[send_idxs]
        arr_dict["send_wgts"] = wgts[send_idxs]

        arr_dict["recv_ranks"] = rank_srcs[recv_idxs]
        arr_dict["recv_dsts"] = dsts[recv_idxs]

        return arr_dict
Beispiel #11
	def get_combined_calibration(self, nbc_disc, nbc_bulge, split_half=2, names=["m", "c1", "c2"]):
		print "Will combine bulge and disc calibration fits."
		if split_half==0:
			for bias in names:
				self.res = arr.add_col(self.res, bias, np.zeros_like(self.res['e1']))
				bulge = self.res["is_bulge"].astype(bool)
				print "column : %s, bulge : %d/%d, disc : %d/%d"%(bias, self.res[bulge].size, self.res.size, self.res[np.invert(bulge)].size, self.res.size)
					self.res[bias][bulge] = nbc_bulge.res[bias][bulge]
					import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
				self.res[bias][np.invert(bulge)] = nbc_disc.res[bias][np.invert(bulge)]

			com ="""
for i, bias in enumerate(names):
	bulge = self.res['is_bulge'].astype(bool)
	if i==0: print 'bulge :', self.res[bulge].size, 'disc : ', self.res[np.invert(bulge)].size, 'total : ', self.res.size
	self.res = arr.add_col(self.res, bias, np.zeros_like(self.res['e1']))

	print 'column : ', bias
	self.res[bias][bulge] = nbc_bulge.res[bias][bulge]
	self.res[bias][np.invert(bulge)] = nbc_disc.res[bias][np.invert(bulge)]""".replace("res", "res%d"%split_half)
		print "done"
Beispiel #12
def multiple_auc(Y_actual, Y_pred, return_individual=False):
        Calculates the averaged ROC for each class
            Y_actual: true values of the labels shape:(n , 1)
            Y_pred: predicted values of the labels shape:(n , 1)
            [0] roc_auc for each class (dict)
            [1] averaged_roc amongst classes (float)
    uniques = np.unique(Y_actual)
#     print uniques
    roc_aucs = {}
    for label in uniques:
#         print label
        Y_a = Y_actual.copy()
        Y_p = Y_pred.copy()
        matches = Y_a == label
        Y_a[matches] = -1
        Y_a[np.invert(matches)] = 0
        Y_a[Y_a == -1] = 1
        matches = Y_p == label
        Y_p[matches] = -1
        Y_p[np.invert(matches)] = 0
        Y_p[Y_p == -1] = 1
        roc_aucs[label] = roc_auc_score(Y_a, Y_p)
    averaged_roc = np.mean(roc_aucs.values())
    if return_individual:
        return roc_aucs, averaged_roc
        return averaged_roc
Beispiel #13
def _poisson_exp_dense(X, counts, alpha, bias,
                       beta=None, use_empty_entries=False):
    m, n = X.shape
    d = euclidean_distances(X)
    if use_empty_entries:
        mask = (np.invert(np.tri(m, dtype=np.bool)))
        mask = np.invert(np.tri(m, dtype=np.bool)) & (counts != 0) & (d != 0)

    bias = bias.reshape(-1, 1)
    if beta is None:
        beta = counts[mask].sum() / (
            (d[mask] ** alpha) * (bias * bias.T)[mask]).sum()

    g = beta * d ** alpha
    g *= bias * bias.T
    g = g[mask]

    ll = counts[mask] * np.log(beta) + \
        alpha * counts[mask] * np.log(d[mask]) + \
        counts[mask] * np.log(bias * bias.T)[mask]
    ll -= g
    # We are trying to maximise, so we need the opposite of the log likelihood
    if np.isnan(ll.sum()):
        raise ValueError("Objective function is Not a Number")
    return - ll.sum()
Beispiel #14
def enrichment_apply_fn(row, timepoints):
    :py:meth:`pandas.DataFrame.apply` apply function for calculating 
    enrichment scores and r-squared values.
    if math.isnan(row[0]):
        # not present in input library
        score = float("NaN")
        r_sq = float("NaN")
        row = row.values
        ratios = row[np.invert(np.isnan(row))]
        times = timepoints[np.invert(np.isnan(row))]
        if len(ratios) == 1:
            # only present in input library
            score = float("NaN")
            r_sq = float("NaN")
        elif len(ratios) == 2:
            # rise over run
            score = (ratios[1] - ratios[0]) / (times[1] - times[0])
            r_sq = float("NaN")
            score, _, r, _, _ = stats.linregress(times, ratios)
            r_sq = r ** 2

    return pd.Series({'score' : score, 'r_sq' : r_sq})
Beispiel #15
    def baseline_recovery_test(self, model):

        baseline_method = getattr(model, 'baseline_'+model._method_name_to_decorate)
        baseline_result = baseline_method(halo_table = self.toy_halo_table2)

        method = getattr(model, model._method_name_to_decorate)
        result = method(halo_table = self.toy_halo_table2)

        mask = self.toy_halo_table2['halo_zform_percentile'] >= model._split_ordinates[0]
        oldmean = result[mask].mean()
        youngmean = result[np.invert(mask)].mean()
        baseline_mean = baseline_result.mean()
        assert oldmean != youngmean
        assert oldmean != baseline_mean
        assert youngmean != baseline_mean 

        param_key = model._method_name_to_decorate + '_assembias_param1'
        param = model.param_dict[param_key]
        if param > 0:
            assert oldmean > youngmean 
        elif param < 0: 
            assert oldmean < youngmean
            assert oldmean == youngmean 

        split = model.percentile_splitting_function(halo_table = self.toy_halo_table2)
        split = np.where(mask, split, 1-split)
        derived_result = split*oldmean
        derived_result[np.invert(mask)] = split[np.invert(mask)]*youngmean
        derived_mean = derived_result[mask].mean() + derived_result[np.invert(mask)].mean()
        baseline_mean = baseline_result.mean()
        np.testing.assert_allclose(baseline_mean, derived_mean, rtol=1e-3)
def debug_segmentation(ROI):
    # image init, and conversion to gray and then threshold it
    img = ROI[:, :, 0:3]

    cell_list = []

    # Watershed to find individual cells
    #img_fine, ret_fine, markers_fine, markers_nuc, joined_mask, cells_to_remove = Klara_test.cell_watershed(img)
    cytoplasm_cont, nuclei_mask = Klara_test.cell_watershed(img)
    # Put all the objects in the cell_list
    #cell_list = modify_cell_list(ROI,ret_fine,markers_fine,markers_nuc,cell_list)
    cell_list = Klara_test.modify_cell_list(img, cytoplasm_cont, nuclei_mask)
    # Basic classification to RBC and labels these cells
    cell_list = RBC_classification(cell_list)

    rbc_counter = rbc_cell_extraction(cell_list)

    # Also extract image
    for cell in cell_list:
        if cell.label == "RBC":
            subroi = ROI[cell.y:cell.y+cell.h, cell.x:cell.x+cell.w, :]
            subroi[:, :, 0] = subroi[:, :, 0]*np.invert(cell.mask.astype(bool))
            subroi[:, :, 1] = subroi[:, :, 1]*np.invert(cell.mask.astype(bool))
            subroi[:, :, 2] = subroi[:, :, 2]*np.invert(cell.mask.astype(bool))
            ROI[cell.y:cell.y+cell.h, cell.x:cell.x+cell.w, :] = subroi
            #ROI[cell.mask.astype(int)] = 0

    return rbc_counter, ROI
    def predict(self, data, modes):
        """predict whether a list of position follows atrain route by detecting
        the nearest train stops. Input is the pandas data frame of
        measurements and an array of current mode predictions.  Returns
        an array of predicted modes of the same size as the input data
        frame has rows.

        # extract lat/lon from data frame
        lat = data['WLATITUDE'].values
        lon = data['WLONGITUDE'].values

        # chunk is a tuple (start_idx, end_idx, mode)
        for start_idx, end_idx, _ in ifilter(lambda chunk: chunk[2] in [MODE_CAR, MODE_BUS, MODE_TRAIN],
                                             chunks(modes, include_values=True)):
            # test for distance first
            lat_seg = lat[start_idx:end_idx]
            lon_seg = lon[start_idx:end_idx]
            valid_lat_seg = lat_seg[np.where(np.invert(np.isnan(lat_seg)))[0]]
            valid_lon_seg = lon_seg[np.where(np.invert(np.isnan(lon_seg)))[0]]

            if len(valid_lon_seg) == 0:
            # TODO: parameters have to be tuned carefully
            is_train = predict_mode_by_location(valid_lat_seg,
                                                dist_thre = 400,
                                                dist_pass_thres = 7, 
                                                num_stops_thre = 3,
                                                dist_pass_thres_perc = 0.7)

            #check entry point distance
            entry_pt_near = -1
            exit_pt_near = -1

            if start_idx-1>=0:
                if not np.isnan(lat[start_idx-1]):
                    nearest_station = find_nearest_station(lat[start_idx-1], lon[start_idx-1], self.train_location_tree, self.dist_thres_entry_exit)
                    if len(nearest_station)!=0:
                        entry_pt_near = 1
                        entry_pt_near = 0

            if end_idx < len(modes):
                if not np.isnan(lat[end_idx]):
                    nearest_station = find_nearest_station(lat[end_idx],lon[end_idx],
                    if len(nearest_station)!=0:
                        exit_pt_near = 1
                        exit_pt_near = 0
            if is_train or entry_pt_near + exit_pt_near == 2:
                modes[start_idx:end_idx] = MODE_TRAIN
                modes[start_idx:end_idx] = MODE_CAR
        return modes
Beispiel #18
def calcStats(photoz, specz, verbose=True):
    cut = np.logical_and(specz >= 0., photoz >= 0.)
    photoz = photoz[cut]
    specz = specz[cut]
    dz = photoz - specz
    sigma_all = np.sqrt( np.sum((dz/(1+specz))**2) / float(len(dz)))
    nmad = 1.48 * np.median( np.abs((dz - np.median(dz)) / (1+specz)))
    #nmad = 1.48 * np.median( np.abs(dz) / (1+specz))
    bias = np.median(dz/(1+specz))
    ol1 = (np.abs(dz)/(1+specz) > 0.2 )
    OLF1 = np.sum( ol1 ) / float(len(dz))
    sigma_ol1 = np.sqrt( np.sum((dz[np.invert(ol1)]/(1+specz[np.invert(ol1)]))**2) / float(len(dz[np.invert(ol1)])))
    ol2 = (np.abs(dz)/(1+specz) > 5*nmad )
    OLF2 = np.sum( ol2 ) / float(len(dz))
    sigma_ol2 = np.sqrt( np.sum((dz[np.invert(ol2)]/(1+specz[np.invert(ol2)]))**2) / float(len(dz[np.invert(ol2)])))
    KSscore = ks_2samp(specz, photoz)[0]
    if verbose:
        print('Sigma_all: {0:.3f}'.format(sigma_all))
        print('Sigma_NMAD: {0:.3f}'.format(nmad))
        print('Bias: {0:.3f}'.format(bias))
        print('OLF: Def1 = {0:.3f} Def2 = {1:0.3f}'.format(OLF1, OLF2))
        print('Sigma_OL: Def 1 = {0:.3f} Def2 = {1:0.3f}'.format(sigma_ol1, sigma_ol2))
        print('KS: {0:.3f}'.format(KSscore))

    return [sigma_all, nmad, bias, OLF1, sigma_ol1, OLF2, sigma_ol2, KSscore]
def _conn_comp_VI(binary_image1, binary_image2,edge_image=True):
    # Replaced by _varinfo
    if edge_image:
        seg1, n1 = _get_segmentation(np.invert(binary_image1))
        seg2, n2 = _get_segmentation(np.invert(binary_image2))
        seg1, n1 = _get_segmentation(binary_image1)
        seg2, n2 = _get_segmentation(binary_image2)
    score_ = 0.
    n = np.size(binary_image1)
    for val in range(1,n1+1):
        for val2 in range(1,n2+1):
            id1 = seg1==val
            id2 = seg2==val2
            nx = np.sum(id1)*1.
            ny = np.sum(id2)*1.
            #rxy = np.sum(np.logical_and(id1,id2))*1./n
            rxyn = np.sum(np.logical_and(id1,id2))*1.
            if rxyn > 0.:
                score_ -= rxyn*(np.log(rxyn/nx)+np.log(rxyn/ny))/n
            #if stop:
                #print 'n: %d, nx: %f, ny: %f, rxy: %f, score_diff: %f' % (n,nx,ny,rxy,rxy*(np.log(rxy/nx)+np.log(rxy/ny)))
    return score_    
Beispiel #20
    def segment(self, src):
        image = src.ndarray[:]
        if self.use_adaptive_threshold:
            block_size = 25
            markers = threshold_adaptive(image, block_size) * 255
            markers = invert(markers)

            markers = zeros_like(image)
            markers[image < self.threshold_low] = 1
            markers[image > self.threshold_high] = 255

        elmap = sobel(image, mask=image)
        wsrc = watershed(elmap, markers, mask=image)

#        elmap = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(image)
#        local_maxi = is_local_maximum(elmap, image,
#                                      ones((3, 3))
#                                      )
#        markers = ndimage.label(local_maxi)[0]
#        wsrc = watershed(-elmap, markers, mask=image)
#        fwsrc = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(out)
#        return wsrc
        if self.use_inverted_image:
            out = invert(wsrc)
            out = wsrc

#        time.sleep(1)
#        do_later(lambda:self.show_image(image, -elmap, out))
        return out
def measure_autofluorescence(fluorescent_image, worm_mask, time_series):
	Measure fluorescence characteristics of a worm at the time corresponding to the information given.
	my_fluorescence = fluorescent_image[worm_mask].copy()
	(intensity_50, intensity_60, intensity_70, intensity_80, intensity_90, intensity_95, intensity_100) = np.percentile(my_fluorescence, np.array([50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 100]).astype('float64'))
	integrated_50 = np.sum(my_fluorescence[my_fluorescence > intensity_50])
	integrated_60 = np.sum(my_fluorescence[my_fluorescence > intensity_60])
	integrated_70 = np.sum(my_fluorescence[my_fluorescence > intensity_70])
	integrated_80 = np.sum(my_fluorescence[my_fluorescence > intensity_80])
	integrated_90 = np.sum(my_fluorescence[my_fluorescence > intensity_90])
	integrated_95 = np.sum(my_fluorescence[my_fluorescence > intensity_95])
	integrated_0 = np.sum(my_fluorescence)
	time_series.loc[['intensity_50', 'intensity_60', 'intensity_70', 'intensity_80', 'intensity_90', 'intensity_95', 'intensity_100', 'integrated_50', 'integrated_60', 'integrated_70', 'integrated_80', 'integrated_90', 'integrated_95', 'integrated_0']] = (intensity_50, intensity_60, intensity_70, intensity_80, intensity_90, intensity_95, intensity_100, integrated_50, integrated_60, integrated_70, integrated_80, integrated_90, integrated_95, integrated_0)
	over_0_mask = np.zeros(worm_mask.shape).astype('bool')
	over_50_mask = np.zeros(worm_mask.shape).astype('bool')
	over_60_mask = np.zeros(worm_mask.shape).astype('bool')
	over_70_mask = np.zeros(worm_mask.shape).astype('bool')
	over_80_mask = np.zeros(worm_mask.shape).astype('bool')
	over_90_mask = np.zeros(worm_mask.shape).astype('bool')
	over_0_mask[worm_mask] = True
	over_50_mask[fluorescent_image > intensity_50] = True
	over_50_mask[np.invert(worm_mask)] = False
	over_60_mask[fluorescent_image > intensity_60] = True
	over_60_mask[np.invert(worm_mask)] = False
	over_70_mask[fluorescent_image > intensity_70] = True
	over_70_mask[np.invert(worm_mask)] = False
	over_80_mask[fluorescent_image > intensity_80] = True
	over_80_mask[np.invert(worm_mask)] = False
	over_90_mask[fluorescent_image > intensity_90] = True
	over_90_mask[np.invert(worm_mask)] = False
	colored_areas = color_features([over_0_mask, over_50_mask, over_60_mask, over_70_mask, over_80_mask, over_90_mask])	
	return (time_series, colored_areas)
def extract_coordinates():

	data = np.loadtxt(config_variables.name_of_time_series_promoter_file_for_TSS_start, dtype = str,  delimiter = '\t')	
	plus_strand = data[:, 4] == '+'
	minus_strand = np.invert(plus_strand)

	promoter_data = np.zeros_like(data).astype(int)[:,:4]
	promoter_data[plus_strand, 1] = data[plus_strand, 1].astype(int) - upstream_validation
	promoter_data[plus_strand, 2] = data[plus_strand, 1].astype(int) + downstream_validation
	promoter_data[minus_strand, 2] = data[minus_strand, 2].astype(int) + upstream_validation
	promoter_data[minus_strand, 1] = data[minus_strand, 2].astype(int) - downstream_validation

	promoter_data = promoter_data.astype(str)
	promoter_data[:, 0] = data[:, 0]

	ER_promoters = np.loadtxt("{0}ER_controled_promoters_pindexed.txt".format(temp_output), dtype = str, delimiter = '\t')
	Non_ER_promoters = np.loadtxt("{0}Non_ER_controled_promoters_pindexed.txt".format(temp_output), dtype = str, delimiter = '\t')
	def un_string(array_to_clean):  return np.array(map(lambda x: int(re.findall('\d+', x)[0]), array_to_clean))
	ER_promoters_indexes = un_string(ER_promoters[:, 3])

	ER_promoters_indexes_mask = np.zeros(len(data), bool)
	ER_promoters_indexes_mask[ER_promoters_indexes] = True 

	promoter_data[np.invert(ER_promoters_indexes_mask), 3] = Non_ER_promoters[:,-1]
	promoter_data[ER_promoters_indexes_mask, 3] = ER_promoters[:,-1]
	np.savetxt("{0}ER_controled_promoters_pindexed_2.txt".format(temp_output), promoter_data[ER_promoters_indexes_mask], fmt = "%s", delimiter = "\t")
	np.savetxt("{0}Non_ER_controled_promoters_pindexed_2.txt".format(temp_output), promoter_data[np.invert(ER_promoters_indexes_mask)], fmt = "%s", delimiter = "\t")
Beispiel #23
def data_checker_mask(loader):
	X, Y = next(loader.get())
	X, Y = X[:100].squeeze(), Y[:100]

	X, Y = X.transpose([1, 2, 0]), Y.transpose([1, 2, 0])

	stride = 60
	pos_x = np.arange(0, 600, stride)
	pos_y = np.arange(0, 600, stride)
	vx, vy = np.meshgrid(pos_x, pos_y)
	pos = np.stack([vx, vy]).reshape((2, -1)).transpose([1,0])+stride//2

	real, binary = np.zeros((600, 600)), np.zeros((600, 600))

	real[patch_interface(pos[:,0], pos[:,1], stride//2)] = X
	binary[patch_interface(pos[:,0], pos[:,1], stride//2)] = Y

	binary = binary.astype('bool')

	# print(real.max(), binary.max(), binary.sum(), binary.size)

	img = np.stack([real]*3, axis=2)+500
	img[:,:, 0] = img[:,:, 0]*binary 
	img[:,:, 1] = img[:,:, 1]*np.invert(binary)
	img[:,:, 2] = img[:,:, 2]*np.invert(binary)
	imwrite(rescale_intensity(img.astype('uint8')), "./save/data_check.png")
Beispiel #24
    def __init__(self, myrank, spfile, ranks, lids):
        # Classify Destination, source, weight from the sparse matrix
        logger.debug('Classify the meta indices grouped for rank%d'%myrank)

        dsts = spfile.dsts
        srcs = spfile.srcs
        wgts = spfile.wgts

        rank_dsts = ranks[dsts]                 # rank number of destinations
        rank_srcs = ranks[srcs]                 # rank number of sources
        myrank_dsts = (rank_dsts == myrank)     # bool type array
        myrank_srcs = (rank_srcs == myrank)

        local_idxs = np.where( myrank_dsts * myrank_srcs )[0]
        send_idxs = np.where( np.invert(myrank_dsts) * myrank_srcs )[0]
        recv_idxs = np.where( myrank_dsts * np.invert(myrank_srcs) )[0]

        dsw_list = [(dsts[i],srcs[i],wgts[i]) for i in local_idxs]
        rdsw_list = [(rank_dsts[i],dsts[i],srcs[i],wgts[i]) for i in send_idxs]
        rds_list = [(rank_srcs[i],dsts[i],srcs[i]) for i in recv_idxs]

        # packaging variables
        self.data_dict = data_dict = dict()

        data_dict['myrank'] = myrank
        data_dict['lids'] = lids
        data_dict['dsw_list'] = dsw_list
        data_dict['rdsw_list'] = rdsw_list
        data_dict['rds_list'] = rds_list
def distance_combinatorics(Dorig,FDR,resolution,n,th,tl,as_str=True,mode=0,res_diff=1.):
	D = np.copy(Dorig)
	D[((D > tl) & (D < th))] = 1
	D[(FDR == 0)] = 1
	Dmerged = defaultdict(list)
	Dmax = np.zeros(D.shape[1])
	for low,high in itertools.combinations(range(D.shape[0]),2):
		if resolution[low]/resolution[high] < res_diff:
			Dcurrent = np.zeros(D.shape[1])
		elif mode == 1:
			# positive low, negative high
			# zeros where one or both signs incorrect
			Dcurrent = (1./(high - low))/(1./4 + 1./(high - low))*((D[high] - 1)*(1 - D[low]))**.5
			Dcurrent[np.invert((1 - D[high] < 0)*(1 - D[low] > 0))] = 0
		elif mode == 2:
			# positive low, positive high
			Dcurrent = (1./4 + 1./(high - low))/(1./(high - low))*((1 - D[high])*(1 - D[low]))**.5
			Dcurrent[np.invert((1 - D[high] > 0)*(1 - D[low] > 0))] = 0
		Dmax = np.array([Dmax,Dcurrent]).max(0)
		#Dmax[np.isnan(Dmax)] = 0
		del Dcurrent
	for i,idx in enumerate(itertools.combinations(xrange(n),2)):
		d = Dmax[i]
		if d > .0:
			if as_str:
				Dmerged[idx[0]].append('%d:%f' % (idx[1],d))
				Dmerged[idx[1]].append('%d:%f' % (idx[0],d))
	return Dmerged
Beispiel #26
 def pcols(self, pheno):
     Requires a list.
     expt_cols = []
     pheno_cols = []
     if pheno is None:
         self._experimentcolumns = self.columns
         self._phenocolumns = None
     if not isinstance(pheno, list):
         raise TypeError("A list is required for setting pheno columns")
     # Create a column name dict for quick lookups
     col_dict = dict(zip(self.columns, range(0, len(self.columns))))
     is_pheno = array([c in pheno for c in col_dict])
     is_expt = invert(is_pheno)
     num_pheno = sum(is_pheno)
     num_expt = sum(is_expt)
     # Sanity check!
     if num_pheno + num_expt != len(self.columns):
         raise ValueError("Not all phenotype columns could be found in \
         the GenomeFrame.")
     # Assign values
     if num_pheno > 0:
         pheno_cols = self.columns[is_pheno].tolist()
     if num_expt > 0:
         expt_cols = self.columns[invert(is_pheno)].tolist()
     self._phenocolumns = pheno_cols
     self._experimentcolumns = expt_cols
Beispiel #27
def derivative_G(propensities,V,X,w,deter_vector,stoc_positions, positions, valid):
	# just the deterministics
	X_d = X[deter_vector,:].copy()
	temp_eta = np.zeros((np.sum(deter_vector),X.shape[1]))
	j = 0
	for i in range(len(stoc_positions)):
		# If x-\nu_i is non zero
		if stoc_positions[i] == True:
			if np.sum(valid[:,j]) != 0:
				#print(" X shape: " + str(X.shape))
				#print(" w shape: " + str(w.shape))
				#print("test :" + str(map(propensities[i],*X[:,positions[valid[:,j]][:,j]])))
				temp_eta[:,valid[:,j]] += (X_d[:,positions[valid[:,j]][:,j]] 
							    - X_d[:,valid[:,j]] +
							  )*map(propensities[i],* X[:,positions[valid[:,j]][:,j]])*w[positions[valid[:,j]][:,j]]
			j += 1
			temp_eta[:,:] += (V[i][deter_vector][:,np.newaxis])*map(propensities[i],* X)*w
	return_X = np.zeros(X.shape)
	return_X[deter_vector,:] = temp_eta
	return_X[np.invert(deter_vector),:] = X[np.invert(deter_vector),:].copy()
	return return_X
Beispiel #28
 def uniform():
     bits_to_get = fast_random_bool((self.psize, self.numbit))
     pop_part = self.pop_part_rec  # if fitness function is too hard, then it could be faster to take best children only for some part of population
     # When pop_part = 1.0 it is slower, but based on few tests it's better to leave the children with max fit. Maybe with some probability?
     bound = int(self.psize * pop_part)
     buff1 = np.empty((1, self.numbit), dtype=int)
     buff2 = np.empty((1, self.numbit), dtype=int)
     for p_index in range(bound):
         buff1[0] = ([self.parents[2 * p_index]] & bits_to_get[p_index]) + (
   [self.parents[2 * p_index + 1]] & (np.invert(bits_to_get[p_index]) + 2))
         buff2[0] = ([self.parents[2 * p_index + 1]] & bits_to_get[p_index]) + (
   [self.parents[2 * p_index]] & (np.invert(bits_to_get[p_index]) + 2))
         if self.fitness_function(buff1[0]) > self.fitness_function(buff2[0]):
             self.children[p_index] = buff1[0]
             self.children[p_index] = buff2[0]
     if bound != self.psize:
         # choose just first child, not necessarily the best
         self.children[bound:self.psize] = ([self.parents[2 * bound::2]] & bits_to_get[
                                                                                    bound:self.psize]) + (
                                     [self.parents[2 * bound + 1::2]] & (
                                                   np.invert(bits_to_get[bound:self.psize]) + 2))
     del buff1
     del buff2
Beispiel #29
def query_by_bagging(X, y, current_model, batch_size, rng, base_model=SVC(C=1, kernel='linear'), n_bags=5, method="KL", D=None):
    :param base_model: Model that will be  **fitted every iteration**
    :param n_bags: Number of bags on which train n_bags models
    :param method: 'entropy' or 'KL'
    assert method == 'entropy' or method == 'KL'
    eps = 0.0000001
    if method == 'KL':
        assert hasattr(base_model, 'predict_proba'), "Model with probability prediction needs to be passed to this strategy!"
    clfs = BaggingClassifier(base_model, n_estimators=n_bags, random_state=rng)[y.known], y[y.known])
    pc = clfs.predict_proba(X[np.invert(y.known)])
    # Settles page 17
    if method == 'entropy':
        pc += eps
        fitness = np.sum(pc * np.log(pc), axis=1)
        ids =  np.argsort(fitness)[:batch_size]
    elif method == 'KL':
        p = np.array([clf.predict_proba(X[np.invert(y.known)]) for clf in clfs.estimators_])
        fitness = np.mean(np.sum(p * np.log(p / pc), axis=2), axis=0)
        ids = np.argsort(fitness)[-batch_size:]

    return y.unknown_ids[ids], fitness/np.max(fitness)
Beispiel #30
    def rank_S2_predictions(self, forcefields, indices):

        norms = {}
        means = {}
        SDs   = {}

        for simName in self.S2.keys():

            s2 = self.S2[simName]
            diff = s2 - self.S2exp

            norms[simName] = np.linalg.norm(diff[np.invert(np.isnan(diff))])
            means[simName] = diff[np.invert(np.isnan(diff))].mean()
            SDs[simName]   = diff[np.invert(np.isnan(diff))].std()

        data = means
        fig = plt.figure()
        i = 0
        for ff in forcefields:
            x = []; y = []
            for index in indices:
                simName = "{:s}_2IL6_{:d}".format(ff, index)
                i += 1
            plt.plot(x,y, 'o', 'MarkerSize', 2)
Beispiel #31
def evaluate_sysu(distmat, q_pids, g_pids, q_camids, g_camids, max_rank=20):
    """Evaluation with sysu metric
    Key: for each query identity, its gallery images from the same camera view are discarded.
    num_q, num_g = distmat.shape
    if num_g < max_rank:
        max_rank = num_g
        print("Note: number of gallery samples is quite small, got {}".format(
    indices = np.argsort(distmat, axis=1)
    pred_label = g_pids[indices]
    matches = (g_pids[indices] == q_pids[:, np.newaxis]).astype(np.int32)

    # compute cmc curve for each query
    new_all_cmc = []
    all_cmc = []
    all_AP = []
    num_valid_q = 0.  # number of valid query
    for q_idx in range(num_q):
        # get query pid and camid
        q_pid = q_pids[q_idx]
        q_camid = q_camids[q_idx]

        # remove gallery samples that have the same pid and camid with query
        order = indices[q_idx]
        remove = (q_camid == 3) & (g_camids[order] == 2)
        keep = np.invert(remove)

        # compute cmc curve
        # the cmc calculation is different from standard protocol
        # we follow the protocol of the author's released code
        new_cmc = pred_label[q_idx][keep]
        new_index = np.unique(new_cmc, return_index=True)[1]
        new_cmc = [new_cmc[index] for index in sorted(new_index)]

        new_match = (new_cmc == q_pid).astype(np.int32)
        new_cmc = new_match.cumsum()

        orig_cmc = matches[q_idx][
            keep]  # binary vector, positions with value 1 are correct matches
        if not np.any(orig_cmc):
            # this condition is true when query identity does not appear in gallery

        cmc = orig_cmc.cumsum()
        cmc[cmc > 1] = 1

        num_valid_q += 1.

        # compute average precision
        # reference:
        num_rel = orig_cmc.sum()
        tmp_cmc = orig_cmc.cumsum()
        tmp_cmc = [x / (i + 1.) for i, x in enumerate(tmp_cmc)]
        tmp_cmc = np.asarray(tmp_cmc) * orig_cmc
        AP = tmp_cmc.sum() / num_rel

    assert num_valid_q > 0, "Error: all query identities do not appear in gallery"

    all_cmc = np.asarray(all_cmc).astype(np.float32)
    all_cmc = all_cmc.sum(0) / num_valid_q

    new_all_cmc = np.asarray(new_all_cmc).astype(np.float32)
    new_all_cmc = new_all_cmc.sum(0) / num_valid_q
    mAP = np.mean(all_AP)

    return new_all_cmc, mAP
Beispiel #32
            w1 = h
            w = h
            diff = math.floor((w - w1) / 2)
            x = x - diff

        cntImg = bwImg[y:y + h, x:x + w]
        cntImg1 = cv.copyMakeBorder(cntImg,
                                    round(h / 14),
                                    round(h / 14),
                                    round(w / 14),
                                    round(w / 14),
                                    value=(255, 255, 255))

        invImg = cv.resize(cntImg1, (28, 28))
        invImg = np.invert([invImg])
        finalImg = invImg.reshape(1, 28, 28, 1)
        prediction = model.predict(finalImg)
        predictionDict = {}

        for i in range(3):
            predictionDict["ans" + str(i)] = [
            prediction[0][np.argmax(prediction)] = 0

        for z in predictionDict.keys():
            print(f"{(predictionDict[z])[0]} {(predictionDict[z])[1]}")

Beispiel #33
def state_to_features(game_state: dict) -> np.array:
    *This is not a required function, but an idea to structure your code.*

    Converts the game state to the input of your model, i.e.
    a feature vector.

    You can find out about the state of the game environment via game_state,
    which is a dictionary. Consult 'get_state_for_agent' in to see
    what it contains.

    :param game_state:  A dictionary describing the current game board.
    :return: np.array
    # This is the dict before the game begins and after it ends
    if game_state is None:
        return None
    #                           Read game state                                #

    # extract the field, coin positions and agent information
    field = game_state['field']
    coins = game_state['coins']
    name, score, bomb, location = game_state['self']
    bombs = game_state['bombs']
    bombs_location = [bomb[0] for bomb in bombs]
    enemies = game_state['others']

    #print('Field explosion_map: ', np.flip(np.flip(game_state['explosion_map'], axis=0).T,axis=1))

    # Copy of field to change
    field_ = field.copy()
    # Find if bombs are blocking tiles
    if len(bombs) > 0:
        #bombs_location = [bomb[0] for bomb in bombs]
        bombs_ticker = np.array([bomb[1] for bomb in bombs])
        # An old bomb blocks the tile

        bombs_location_not_self = [
            for i in np.where(location not in bombs_location)[0]
        for i, j in bombs_location_not_self:
            field_[i, j] = -1
    field_toagent = field_.copy()

    # agent movements (top - right - down - left)
    area = [(0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0)]

    if len(enemies) > 0:
        enemy_location = [enemy[3] for enemy in enemies]
        for eloc in enemy_location:
            for direction in area:
                neighbor = tuple(map(sum, zip(eloc, direction)))
                if location != neighbor:
                    field_[neighbor[0], neighbor[1]] = -1

    # get info for the surroundings of the agent (N-E-S-W)
    sur = [tuple(map(sum, zip(location, n))) for n in area]
    idx = np.where([s in bombs_location for s in sur])[0]
    sur_val = np.array([field[c[0], c[1]] for c in sur])

    if len(idx) > 0:
        sur_val[idx] = -1

    #                              Field graphs                                #
    graph_walkable = make_field_graph(field_)
    #print('graph_walkable: ', graph_walkable)
    #                        Enemy related features                            #
    # Distance to all enemies
    if len(enemies) > 0:
        graph_walkable_to_agent = make_field_graph(field_toagent)
        #enemy_location = [enemy[3] for enemy in enemies]
        # calculate distance to each enemy
        enemy_dist = [
            BFS_SP(graph_walkable_to_agent, location, enemy, return_path=False)
            for enemy in enemy_location
        # if path is blocked by a bomb or crate then distance is returned as None
        enemy_dist = np.array([1000 if d is None else d for d in enemy_dist])
        enemy_reldis = np.array(enemy_location) - np.array(location)[None, ]
        idx = np.argsort(enemy_dist)[0]

        if enemy_dist[idx] == 1000:
            # this only works if tracking 1
            enemyf = np.zeros(4)
            # Number of targeted enemies
            enemies_to_explode = []
            for direction in area:
                loc = location
                for i in range(1, 4):
                    neighbor = tuple(map(sum, zip(loc, direction)))
                    if field[neighbor[0], neighbor[1]] == -1:
                    if neighbor in enemy_location:
                    loc = neighbor
            enemies_to_explode = np.array(
                (len(enemies_to_explode) > 0) * 1)  # simplified only 1 and 0
            #enemies_to_explode = np.array(len(enemies_to_explode)) # real n of enemies
            enemyf = np.hstack((enemy_dist[idx, None], enemy_reldis[idx, :],
        enemyf = np.zeros(4)

    #                        Coin related features                             #
    # Distance to all coins
    if len(coins) > 0:
        # calculate distance to each coin
        coin_dist = [
            BFS_SP(graph_walkable, location, coin, return_path=False)
            for coin in coins
        # if path is blocked by a bomb or crate then distance is returned as None
        coin_dist = np.array([1000 if d is None else d for d in coin_dist])
        coin_reldis = np.array(coins) - np.array(location)[None, ]
        idx = np.argsort(coin_dist)[0]
        if coin_dist[idx] == 1000:
            # this only works if tracking 1 coind
            coinf = np.zeros(3)
            #coin_dist[coin_dist == 1000] = 0
            coinf = np.hstack(
                (coin_dist[idx, None], coin_reldis[idx, :])).flatten()

        # coinf, best_coin_pos = look_for_targets_dist(field_ == 0, location, coins)
        # coinf[0] = BFS_SP(graph_walkable, location, best_coin_pos, return_path=False)
        coinf = np.zeros(3)

    #to_fill = trackNcoins*3 - len(coinf)
    #coinf = np.hstack((coinf, np.repeat(0, to_fill)))
    #print('coinf: ', coinf)
    #coinf = np.hstack((coinf, np.repeat(np.nan, to_fill)))

    #                        Crate related features                            #
    # Filter our those crates that will explode by an active bomb
    # Set crates that will explode to -1
    for bomb in bombs_location:
        for direction in area:
            loc = bomb
            for i in range(1, 4):
                neighbor = tuple(map(sum, zip(loc, direction)))
                if field[neighbor[0], neighbor[1]] == -1:
                if field[neighbor[0], neighbor[1]] == 1:
                    field_[neighbor[0], neighbor[1]] = -1
                loc = neighbor
    # Create graph with paths to all crates
    graph_empty_field = make_field_graph(np.invert(field_ >= 0) * 1)
    #print('Field target crates -1: ', np.flip(np.flip(field_, axis=0).T,axis=1))

    # Distance to 3 closest crates and number of crates that can be blown away at current position
    xcrate, ycrate = np.where(field_ == 1)
    crates = [(xcrate[i], ycrate[i]) for i in range(len(xcrate))]

    if len(crates) > 0:
        # Look for closest crate
        #print("Target crate:", look_for_targets_dist(field_ >= 0, location, crates))
        #cratef = look_for_targets_dist(field_ >= 0, location, crates)
        crate_reldis = np.array(crates) - np.array(location)[None, ]
        idx = np.argsort(np.sum(np.abs(crate_reldis),
                                axis=1))[0:6]  # look at the 6 closest crates
        crate_reldis = crate_reldis[idx]
        crates2 = [crates[i] for i in idx]
        crate_dist = [
            BFS_SP(graph_empty_field, location, crate, return_path=False)
            for crate in crates2
        # if path is blocked by a bomb or crate then distance is returned as None
        crate_dist = np.array([1000 if d is None else d for d in crate_dist])
        idx = np.argsort(crate_dist)[0]  # select the closest crate
        if crate_dist[idx] == 1000:
            # this only works if tracking 1 coind
            cratef = np.zeros(3)
            #coin_dist[coin_dist == 1000] = 0
            cratef = np.hstack(
                (crate_dist[idx, None], crate_reldis[idx, :])).flatten()
        cratef = np.zeros(3)

    # Number of crates that will explode
    crates_to_explode = []
    for direction in area:
        loc = location
        for i in range(1, 4):
            neighbor = tuple(map(sum, zip(loc, direction)))
            if field[neighbor[0], neighbor[1]] == -1:
            if neighbor in crates:
            loc = neighbor
    cratef = np.hstack((cratef, np.array(len(crates_to_explode))))

    #                           Bomb related features                          #
    #trackNbombs = len(game_state['others']) + 1
    #trackNbombs =  4
    # if the bomb will harm you, this features applies to all boms
    # ticker, this feature applies to only one bomb
    # relative distance to bomb, aplies to only one bomb
    if len(bombs) > 0:
        #Relative distance to bomb in X and Y axis
        bomb_reldis = np.array(bombs_location) - np.array(location)[None, ]
        # Find if the bomb can harm the player
        bomb_harm = np.array(
            explosion_zone(field, bomb_reldis, bombs_location, location))
        bomb_harm = (np.sum(bomb_harm) > 0) * 1
        # Features
        idx = np.argsort(np.sum(np.abs(bomb_reldis), axis=1))
        bombsf = np.hstack(
            (bombs_ticker[idx, None], bomb_reldis[idx, :])).flatten()

        bombsf = []
        bomb_harm = np.zeros(1)

    bombav = np.array(game_state['self'][2] *
                      1)  # if the BOMB action is available
    if trackBombLoca is True:
        to_fill = trackNbombs * 3 - len(bombsf)
        if to_fill > 0:
            #print('bombsf to_fill:', to_fill)
            #print('bombsf nofill:', bombsf)
            # we have to choose if nan or a high number
            #bombsf = np.hstack((bombsf, np.repeat(np.nan, to_fill)))
            bombsf = np.hstack((bombsf, np.repeat(0, to_fill)))

        bombsf = np.hstack((bombav, bomb_harm, bombsf))
        bombsf = np.hstack((bombav, bomb_harm))
    #print('bombsf:', bombsf)

    #                         Bomb placement features                          #
    # Find if this is a good location for dropping a bomb
    # Also returns the direction of scape

    # filter out free fields in agent radius of 4
    free_tiles = list(graph_walkable.keys())
    tile_dis = np.abs(np.array(free_tiles) - np.array(location)[None, ])
    idx = np.where(np.sum(tile_dis <= 4, axis=1) == 2)[0]
    free_tiles = [free_tiles[i] for i in idx]

    # calculate if they are accessible and if yes, the shortest path
    # Returns a list of tupples, each tupple has:
    # distance to target, second node in path
    free_tile_dist_and_escape = [
        BFS_SP(graph_walkable, location, tile) for tile in free_tiles
    #idx = np.where(np.array(free_tile_dist_and_escape) != None)[0]
    idx = np.where([elem != None for elem in free_tile_dist_and_escape])[0]
    free_tile_dist_and_escape = [free_tile_dist_and_escape[i] for i in idx]
    #print('free_tile_dist_and_escape', free_tile_dist_and_escape)
    free_tile_dist = [freetile[0]
                      for freetile in free_tile_dist_and_escape]  # Distance
    free_tile_escape = [freetile[1]
                        for freetile in free_tile_dist_and_escape]  # Paths
    #print('free_tile_dist', free_tile_dist)

    free_tiles = [free_tiles[i] for i in idx]

    # long_escapes = np.where(np.array(free_tile_dist) >= 40)[0]
    # short_scapes = np.where(np.sum(np.array(free_tiles) == np.array(location), axis=1) == 0)[0]
    long_escapes = np.array(free_tile_dist) >= 4  # This is a good spot 4 tiles
    short_scapes = np.sum(np.array(free_tiles) == np.array(location),
                          axis=1) == 0  # This is a good spot for escape route
    good_spot = 1 if any(long_escapes) or any(
        short_scapes) else 0  # good spot =1, bad spot = 0
    good_spot = good_spot if len(crates_to_explode) > 0 or enemyf[
        3] > 0 else 0  # if no target on sight is a bad spot

    #print('free_tile_escape', free_tile_escape)

    #                           Bomb escape features                           #
    # Safe path is a path that you can reach before bomb explodes
    # len of path should be less or equal than ticker
    # If the end point of the path is the explotion range, then it is not a good path
    movement_action = [(0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, 0)]
    # Find which routes to a free tile are a trap!
    if len(bombs) > 0:
        # Filter out bombs out of reach, non threatening
        # bombs that are not threatening for any of the 5 possible positions
        bad_bombs_idx = []
        for i in range(len(bombs_location)):
            x = []
            for j in range(len(movement_action)):
                a_location = tuple(map(sum, zip(location, movement_action[j])))
                    explosion_zone(field, bomb_reldis[i], [bombs_location[i]],
                #print('a_location', a_location, 'bombs_location[i]', bombs_location[i], 'danger', x)
            # Bad bomb is targetting one of the possible future steps
            bad_bombs_idx.append(i) if 1 in x else None
        #print('bombs_location', bombs_location, 'bad bombs:', bad_bombs_idx)

        # Filter out paths that are not reachable before bomb goes off

        # returns a list for each path, 1 Harm, 0 No harm
        #print('free_tile_escape:', free_tile_escape)
        danger_last_tiles = []
        #print("bombs_ticker[i]", bombs_ticker, 'path len', [len(t) for t in free_tile_escape])
        for tile_path in free_tile_escape:
            x = []
            for i in bad_bombs_idx:
                issafe = explosion_zone(field, bomb_reldis[i],
                                        [bombs_location[i]], tile_path[-1])
                if 0 in issafe and len(tile_path) - 1 <= bombs_ticker[i] + 1:
                    # you can walk to safe tile before bomb goes off
                elif 0 in issafe and len(tile_path) - 1 > bombs_ticker[i] + 1:
                    # "Dead end"
                elif 0 in issafe:
                    # is safe

        #danger_last_tiles = [explosion_zone(field, bomb_reldis, bombs_location, tile_path[-1]) for tile_path in free_tile_escape]
        # if there are no harmful bombs in the last tile
        no_danger_last_tiles = np.where([
            1 not in danger_last_tile for danger_last_tile in danger_last_tiles
        good_escape_routes = [
            free_tile_escape[i] for i in no_danger_last_tiles
        # get the next step in the good escape routes
        # If the path is len 1, then the best option for this route is to staty still
        good_next_tiles = [
            route[1] if len(route) > 1 else route[0]
            for route in good_escape_routes
        good_next_tiles = list(
            set(good_next_tiles))  # the the unique good tiles

        #print('good_next_tiles:', good_next_tiles)
        # List of tupples with relative coordinates of next good step
        if len(good_next_tiles) > 0:
            good_step = list(
                    np.array(good_next_tiles) - np.array(location)[None, ]))
            good_step = np.array(
                [0 if n in good_step else -1 for n in movement_action])
            good_step = np.repeat(-1, 5)
        #print('good_next_ step features to pos:',  good_step)
        good_step = np.hstack((np.abs(sur_val) * -1, 0))
        #good_step = np.repeat(np.nan, 5)
    # sum available spaces at this positions use sur

    # This chunk helps to find dead ends:
    # values of:
    # -1: no good way,
    # 0 : good way but dead end
    # 1 : good way and free way
    # If false values will be just -1 (bad) and 0 (good)
    if find_dead_end is True:
        # agent movements (top - right - down - left - wait)
        #movement_action = [(0,-1), (1,0), (0,1), (-1,0)]
        # get info for the surroundings of the agent
        field_[location[0], location[1]] = -1  # cannot move back
        for i in range(len(good_step) - 1):
            if good_step[i] == 0:
                future_loc = tuple(map(sum, zip(location, movement_action[i])))

                sur = [tuple(map(sum, zip(future_loc, n))) for n in area]
                sur_val = np.array([field_[c[0], c[1]] for c in sur])
                # 1 if no dead end, 0 if dead end
                good_step[i] = (np.sum(np.abs(sur_val) == 0) > 0) * 1

    #            Check if new bombs are targetting you but not old ones        #
    if len(bombs) > 0:
        x = [
            bombs_ticker[i] == 3 and location != bombs_location[i]
            for i in range(len(bombs_ticker))
        new_bombs_idx = np.where(x)[0]
        old_bombs_idx = np.where(np.invert(x))[0]

        if len(new_bombs_idx) > 0:
            target_bad_bomb = explosion_zone(
                field, bomb_reldis[i],
                [bombs_location[i] for i in new_bombs_idx], location)
            target_new_bomb = 1 if 1 in target_bad_bomb else 0

            if 1 in target_bad_bomb and len(old_bombs_idx) > 0:
                target_old_bomb = explosion_zone(
                    field, bomb_reldis[i],
                    [bombs_location[i] for i in old_bombs_idx], location)
                target_new_bomb = 0 if 1 in target_old_bomb else 1

            target_new_bomb = 0
        target_new_bomb = 0

    #                         Return state to features                         #
    # print('Feature good_step n: ', good_step.shape, good_step)
    # print('Feature coinf n: ', coinf.shape, coinf)
    # print('Feature cratef n: ', cratef.shape, cratef)
    # print('Feature bombsf n: ', bombsf.shape, bombsf)
    # print('Feature enemyf n: ', enemyf.shape, enemyf)
    features = np.hstack(
        (good_step[0:4], coinf, cratef, bombsf, np.array(good_spot),
         good_step[4], enemyf, target_new_bomb))
    #print('features: ', features)
    return features.reshape(1, -1)
Beispiel #34
plt.xlabel('TF (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Cluster count')
if save_figures:
    # Saving figure
    save_name = 'Summary_image_TF_selected_clusters_%s' % (imageID)
    plt.savefig('%s.png' % save_name, bbox_inches='tight')
    print('Figure saved')

all_epoch_ind = np.arange(np.shape(MaxResp_matrix_without_edge)[1])
non_edge_epoch_ind = np.zeros(np.shape(MaxResp_matrix_without_edge)[1],dtype=bool)
if edge_exists:
    for i, iEpoch in enumerate(edge_epochs):
        non_edge_epoch_ind = (all_epoch_ind == iEpoch) | non_edge_epoch_ind
non_edge_epoch_ind = np.invert(non_edge_epoch_ind)

selected_cluster_TF_tuning_all = MaxResp_matrix_without_edge[selected_cluster_indices,:]
selected_cluster_TF_tuning_no_edge = selected_cluster_TF_tuning_all[:,non_edge_epoch_ind]

uniq_freq_nums = len(np.where(np.unique(stimulus_information['epoch_frequency'])>0)[0])
selected_cluster_TF_tuning_no_edge = np.zeros(shape=(len(selected_cluster_indices),uniq_freq_nums))
for ind,iCluster in enumerate(selected_cluster_indices):
    curr_max_epoch = maxEpochIdx_matrix_all[iCluster]
    current_dir = stimulus_information['epoch_dir'][curr_max_epoch]
    current_epoch_type = stimulus_information['stim_type'][curr_max_epoch]
    required_epoch_array = \
    def extension(self, start_n_dim, start_deg):
        """ Take information from spectral sequence class, and calculate
        extension coefficients for a given position (start_deg, start_n_dim).

        death_radii = self.Hom[self.no_pages-1][start_n_dim][
            start_deg].barcode[:, 1]
        Hom_reps = local_chains.copy_seq(
            self.Hom_reps[self.no_pages - 1][start_n_dim][start_deg])
        # bars for extension problem of infty page classes
        barcode_extension = np.ones((len(death_radii), 2))
        barcode_extension[:, 0] = death_radii
        barcode_extension[:, 1] *= self.max_r
        # if death_radii is equal to max_r, no need to compute ext coefficients
        ext_bool = death_radii < self.max_r
        # initialize extension matrices as zero matrices
        Sdeg = start_deg
        Sn_dim = start_n_dim
        for chains in Hom_reps:
            Sdeg += 1
            Sn_dim -= 1
        # end for
        # if there are no extension coefficients to compute, return
        if not np.any(ext_bool):
        # zero out representatives not in ext_bool
        for chains in Hom_reps:
            for k, local_ref in enumerate(chains.ref):
                if len(local_ref) > 0 and np.any(
                    chains.coord[k][np.invert(ext_bool[local_ref])] *= 0
                # end if
            # end for
        # end for
        # go through all diagonal
        Sdeg = start_deg
        Sn_dim = start_n_dim
        for idx, chains in enumerate(Hom_reps):
            # lift to infinity page and substract betas
            Betas, _ = self.first_page_lift(Sn_dim, Sdeg, chains,
            # go up to target_page
            Betas, _ = self.lift_to_page(Sn_dim, Sdeg, self.no_pages, Betas,
            self.extensions[start_n_dim][start_deg][idx] = Betas.T
            if np.any(Betas):
                for ext_deg, Schains in enumerate(
                        self.Hom_reps[self.no_pages - 1][Sn_dim][Sdeg]):
                    # compute chains using betas and substract to reps
                    # problem with local sums!!!
                    local_chains_beta = local_chains.sums(Schains, -Betas)
                    for k, local_coord in enumerate(
                            Hom_reps[ext_deg + idx].coord):
                        local_ref = Hom_reps[ext_deg + idx].ref[k]
                        if (len(local_ref)) > 0 and (
                                len(local_chains_beta.ref[k]) > 0):
                            if not np.array_equal(
                                    local_ref, local_chains_beta.ref[k]):
                                raise ValueError
                            Hom_reps[ext_deg + idx].coord[k] = (
                                local_coord + local_chains_beta.coord[k]
                                ) % self.p
                        elif len(local_chains_beta.ref[k]) > 0:
                            Hom_reps[ext_deg + idx].ref[
                                k] = local_chains_beta.ref[k]
                            Hom_reps[ext_deg + idx].coord[
                                k] = local_chains_beta.coord[k]
                        # end elif
                    # end for
                # end for
            # end if
            # reduce up to 1st page using gammas
            for target_page in range(self.no_pages, 1, -1):
                # get coefficients on first page
                Betas, _ = self.first_page_lift(Sn_dim, Sdeg, chains,
                # go up to target_page
                Betas, Gammas = self.lift_to_page(
                    Sn_dim, Sdeg, target_page, Betas, barcode_extension)
                # if lift target_page is nonzero, raise an error
                if np.any(Betas):
                # MODIFY TOTAL COMPLEX REPS using GAMMAS
                if np.any(Gammas):
                    # compute coefficients of Gammas in 1st page
                    image_classes = np.matmul(
                    # look for bars that might be already zero
                    if target_page == 2:
                        # obtain coefficients for gammas
                        image_chains = local_chains(
                        prev = 0
                        for nerv_idx, next in enumerate(self.cycle_dimensions[
                            if prev < next:
                                    nerv_idx, range(np.size(Gammas, 0)),
                            prev = next
                        # end for
                        image_chains = local_chains.sums(
                    # end else
                    chains += image_chains
                # end if
            # end for
            # lift to first page
            Betas, lift_coord = self.first_page_lift(Sn_dim, Sdeg, chains,

            # correct sign of lift_coord and trivialise references
            # end for
            # if lift to first page is nonzero, raise an error
            if np.any(Betas):

            if Sn_dim > 0:
                # compute Cech differential of lift_coord
                # and add to current reps
                image_chains = self.cech_diff(Sn_dim - 1, Sdeg + 1, lift_coord)
                Hom_reps[idx+1] = Hom_reps[idx + 1] + image_chains
            # advance reduction position
            Sdeg += 1
            Sn_dim -= 1
Beispiel #36
def pca_trace(xinit_in,
    Use a PCA model to determine the best object (or slit edge) traces for echelle spectrographs.

      xinit:  ndarray, (nspec, norders)
         Array of input traces that one wants to PCA model. For object finding this will be the traces for orders where
         an object was detected. If an object was not detected on some orders (see ech_objfind), the standard star
         (or order boundaries)  will be  assigned to these orders at the correct fractional slit position, and a joint PCA
         fit will be performed to the detected traces and the standard/slit traces.

    spec_min_max: float or int ndarray, (2, norders), default=None.
         This is a 2-d array which defines the minimum and maximum of each order in the
         spectral direction on the detector. This should only be used for echelle spectrographs for which the orders do not
         entirely cover the detector, and each order passed in for xinit_in is a succession of orders on the detector.
         The code will re-map the traces such that they all have the same length, compute the PCA, and then re-map the orders
         back. This improves performanc for echelle spectrographs by removing the nonlinear shrinking of the orders so that
         the linear pca operation can better predict the traces. THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE. INITIAL TESTS WITH
    predict: ndarray, bool (norders,), default = None
         Orders which have True are those that will be predicted by extrapolating the fit of the PCA coefficents for those
         orders which have False set in this array. The default is None, which means that the coefficients of all orders
         will be fit simultaneously and no extrapolation will be performed. For object finding, we use the standard star
         (or slit boundaries) as the input for orders for which a trace is not identified and fit the coefficients of all
         simultaneously. Thus no extrapolation is performed. For tracing slit boundaries it may be useful to perform
    npca: int, default = None
         number of PCA components to be kept. The maximum number of possible PCA components would be = norders, which is to say
         that no PCA compression woulud be performed. For the default of None, npca will be automatically determinedy by
         calculating the minimum number of components required to explain 99% (pca_explained_var) of the variance in the different orders.
    pca_explained_var: float, default = 99
         Amount of explained variance cut used to determine where to truncate the PCA, i.e. to determine npca.
    coeff_npoly: int, default = None
         Order of polynomial fits used for PCA coefficients fitting. The defualt is None, which means that coeff_noly
         will be automatically determined by taking the number of orders into account. PCA components that explain
         less variance (and are thus much noiser) are fit with lower order.
    coeff_weights (np.ndarray): shape = (norders,), default=None
         If input these weights will be used for the polynomial fit to the PCA coefficients. Even if you are predicting
         orders and hence only fitting a subset of the orders != norders, the shape of coeff_weights must be norders.
         Just give the orders you don't plan to fit a weight of zero. This option is useful for fitting object
         traces since the weights can be set to (S/N)^2 of each order.
         TODO: Perhaps we should get rid of the predict option and simply allow the user to set the weights of the orders
         they want predicted to be zero. That would be more straightforward, but would require a rework of the code.

    debug: bool, default = False
         Show plots useful for debugging.

    pca_fit:  ndarray, float (nspec, norders)
        Array with the same size as xinit, which contains the pca fitted orders.

    nspec, norders = xinit_in.shape

    if order_vec is None:
        order_vec = np.arange(norders, dtype=float)

    if predict is None:
        predict = np.zeros(norders, dtype=bool)

    # use_order = True orders used to predict the predict = True bad orders
    use_order = np.invert(predict)
    ngood = np.sum(use_order)

    if ngood < 2:
            'There are no good traces to PCA fit. There is probably a bug somewhere. Exiting and returning input traces.'
        return xinit_in, {}, None, None

    if spec_min_max is not None:
        xinit = remap_orders(xinit_in, spec_min_max)
        xinit = xinit_in

    # Take out the mean position of each input trace
    if xinit_mean is None:
        xinit_mean = np.mean(xinit, axis=0)

    xpca = xinit - xinit_mean
    xpca_use = xpca[:, use_order].T
    pca_full = PCA()
    var = np.cumsum(
        np.round(pca_full.explained_variance_ratio_, decimals=6) * 100)
    npca_full = var.size
    if npca is None:
        if var[0] >= pca_explained_var:
            npca = 1
                'The first PCA component contains more than {:5.3f} of the information'
            npca = int(
                    np.interp(pca_explained_var, var,
                              np.arange(npca_full) + 1)))
                'Truncated PCA to contain {:5.3f}'.format(pca_explained_var) +
                '% of the total variance. ' +
                'Number of components to keep is npca = {:d}'.format(npca))
        npca = int(npca)
        var_trunc = np.interp(float(npca), np.arange(npca_full) + 1.0, var)'Truncated PCA with npca={:d} components contains {:5.3f}'.
                  format(npca, var_trunc) + '% of the total variance.')

    if npca_full < npca:
            'Not enough good traces for a PCA fit of the requested dimensionality. The full (non-compressing) PCA has size: '
            'npca_full = {:d}'.format(npca_full) +
            ' is < npca = {:d}'.format(npca))
            'Using the input trace for now. But you should lower npca <= npca_full'
        return xinit_in, {}, None, None

    if coeff_npoly is None:
        coeff_npoly = int(
            np.fmin(np.fmax(np.floor(3.3 * ngood / norders), 1.0), 3.0))

    # Polynomial coefficient for PCA coefficients
    npoly_vec = np.zeros(npca, dtype=int)
    # Fit first pca dimension (with largest variance) with a higher order npoly depending on number of good orders.
    # Fit all higher dimensions (with lower variance) with a line
    # Cascade down and use lower order polynomial for PCA directions that contain less variance
    for ipoly in range(npca):
        npoly_vec[ipoly] = np.fmax(coeff_npoly - ipoly, 1)

        pca = PCA(n_components=npca)
        pca_coeffs_use = pca.fit_transform(xpca_use)
        pca_vectors = pca.components_

    pca_coeffs_new = np.zeros((norders, npca))
    fit_dict = {}
    # Now loop over the dimensionality of the compression and perform a polynomial fit to
    for idim in range(npca):
        # Only fit the use_order orders, then use this to predict the others
        xfit = order_vec[use_order]
        yfit = pca_coeffs_use[:, idim]
        ncoeff = npoly_vec[idim]
        # Apply a 10% relative error to each coefficient. This performs better than use_mad, since larger coefficients
        # will always be considered inliers, if the coefficients vary rapidly with order as they sometimes do.
        sigma = np.fmax(0.1 * np.abs(yfit), 0.1)
        invvar = utils.inverse(sigma**2)
        use_weights = coeff_weights[
            use_order] if coeff_weights is not None else None
        # TODO Note that we are doing a weighted fit using the coeff_weights, but the rejection is still done
        # usnig the ad-hoc invvar created in the line above. I cannot think of a better way.
        msk_new, poly_out = utils.robust_polyfit_djs(xfit,
        # ToDO robust_poly_fit needs to return minv and maxv as outputs for the fits to be usable downstream
        pca_coeffs_new[:, idim] = utils.func_val(poly_out, order_vec,
        fit_dict[str(idim)] = {}
        fit_dict[str(idim)]['coeffs'] = poly_out
        fit_dict[str(idim)]['minv'] = minv
        fit_dict[str(idim)]['maxv'] = maxv
        if debug:
            # Evaluate the fit
            xvec = np.linspace(order_vec.min(), order_vec.max(), num=100)
            robust_mask_new = msk_new == 1
                     label='pca coeff')
                     label='robust_polyfit_djs rejected')
                     utils.func_val(poly_out, xvec, 'polynomial'),
                     label='Polynomial fit of order={:d}'.format(ncoeff))
            plt.xlabel('Order Number', fontsize=14)
            plt.ylabel('PCA Coefficient', fontsize=14)
            plt.title('PCA Fit for Dimension #{:d}/{:d}'.format(
                idim + 1, npca))

    pca_model = np.outer(pca.mean_, np.ones(norders)) + (
        pca_coeffs_new, pca_vectors)).T
    #   pca_model_mean = np.mean(pca_model,0)
    #   pca_fit = np.outer(np.ones(nspec), xinit_mean) + (pca_model - pca_model_mean)
    #   JFH which is correct?
    pca_fit = np.outer(np.ones(nspec), xinit_mean) + (pca_model)

    if spec_min_max is not None:
        pca_out = remap_orders(pca_fit, spec_min_max, inverse=True)
        pca_out = pca_fit

    return pca_out, fit_dict, pca.mean_, pca_vectors
Beispiel #37
def iter_tracefit(image,
    """ Utility routine for object find to iteratively trace and fit. Used by both objfind and ech_objfind

    image: ndaarray, float
        Image of objects to be traced
    xinit_in: ndarray, float
        Initial guesses for spatial direction trace. This can either be an 2-d  array with shape
        (nspec, nTrace) array, or a 1-d array with shape (nspec) for the case of a single trace.
    ncoeff: int
        Order of polynomial fits to trace

    Optional Parameter
    inmask: ndarray, bool
        Input mask for the image
    trc_inmask: ndarray, bool
        Input mask for the trace, i.e. places where you know the trace is going to be bad that you always want to mask in the
        fits. Same size as xinit_in (nspec, nTrace)
    fwhm: float
        fwhm width parameter for the flux or gaussian weighted tracing. For flux weighted trace the code does a third
        of the iterations with window 1.3*fwhm, a third with 1.1*fwhm, and a third with fwhm. For Gaussian weighted tracing
        it uses the fwhm to determine the sigma of the Gausisan which is used for all iterations.
    gweight: bool, default = False
        If gweight is True the routine does Gaussian weighted tracing, if it is False it will do flux weighted tracing.
        Normally the approach is to do a round of flux weighted tracing first, and then refine the traces with Gaussian
        weighted tracing.
    show_fits: bool, default = False
        Will plot the data and the fits.
    idx: ndarray of strings, default = None
        Array of idx IDs for each object. Used only if show_fits is true for the plotting.
    xmin: float, default = None
        Lower reference for robust_polyfit polynomial fitting. Default is to use zero
    xmax: float, defualt = None
        Upper refrence for robust_polyfit polynomial fitting.  Default is to use the image size in nspec direction
    xpos: ndarray, float
       The output has the same size as xinit_in and contains the fit to the spatial direction of trace for each

    Revision History
    23-June-2018  Written by J. Hennawi

    if inmask is None:
        inmask = np.ones_like(image, dtype=bool)

    # Allow for single vectors as input as well:
    nspec = xinit_in.shape[0]

    if xmin is None:
        xmin = 0.0
    if xmax is None:
        xmax = float(nspec - 1)

    # Deal with the possibility of vectors as inputs instead of 2d arrays
    if xinit_in.ndim == 1:
        nobj = 1
        xinit = xinit_in.reshape(nspec, 1)
        if trc_inmask is not None:
            trc_inmask_out = trc_inmask.reshape(nspec, 1)
            trc_inmask_out = np.ones_like(xinit, dtype=bool)
        nobj = xinit_in.shape[1]
        xinit = xinit_in
        if trc_inmask is not None:
            trc_inmask_out = trc_inmask
            trc_inmask_out = np.ones_like(xinit, dtype=bool)

    spec_vec = np.arange(nspec)

    if verbose:'Fitting the object traces')

    # Iterate flux weighted centroiding
    fwhm_vec = np.zeros(niter)
    fwhm_vec[0:niter // 3] = 1.3 * fwhm
    fwhm_vec[niter // 3:2 * niter // 3] = 1.1 * fwhm
    fwhm_vec[2 * niter // 3:] = fwhm

    if gweight:
        title_text = 'Gaussian Weighted'
        title_text = 'Flux Weighted'

    xfit1 = np.copy(xinit)

    for iiter in range(niter):
        if gweight:
            xpos1, xerr1 = trace_slits.trace_gweight(
                image * inmask,
                sigma=fwhm / 2.3548)
            xpos1, xerr1 = trace_slits.trace_fweight(
                image * inmask,

        # If a trc_inmask was input, always set the masked values to the initial input crutch. The point is that the crutch
        # initially comes from either the standard or the slit boundaries, and if we continually replace it for all iterations
        # we will naturally always extraplate the trace to match the shape of a high S/N ratio fit (i.e. either the standard)
        # or the flat which was used to determine the slit edges.
        xpos1[np.invert(trc_inmask_out)] = xinit[np.invert(trc_inmask_out)]

        # Do not do any kind of masking based on xerr1. Trace fitting is much more robust when masked pixels are simply
        # replaced by the tracing crutch. We thus do not do weighted fits, i.e. uniform weights, but we set the relative
        # weight of the trc_inmask pixels to be lower. This way they still get a say but do not overly influence the fit.
        xinvvar = np.ones_like(xpos1.T)
        xinvvar[np.invert(trc_inmask_out.T)] = 0.1
        pos_set1 = pydl.xy2traceset(
            np.outer(np.ones(nobj), spec_vec),
            #inmask = trc_inmask_out.T,
        xfit1 = pos_set1.yfit.T
        # bad pixels have errors set to 999 and are returned to lie on the input trace. Use this only for plotting below
        #errmask = (xerr1 > 990.0)  # bad pixels have errors set to 999 and are returned to lie on the input trace
        outmask = pos_set1.outmask.T
        # Plot all the points that were not masked initially
        if (show_fits) & (iiter == niter - 1):
            for iobj in range(nobj):
                # The sum of all these masks adds up to the number of pixels.
                inmask_trc = np.invert(
                    trc_inmask_out[:, iobj])  # masked on the way in
                errmask = xerr1[:,
                                iobj] > 990.0  # masked by fweight or gweight, was set to input trace and still fit
                rejmask = np.invert(outmask[:, iobj]) & np.invert(
                )  # was good on the way in, masked by the poly fit
                nomask = outmask[:, iobj] & np.invert(
                )  # was actually fit and not replaced to input trace
                         xpos1[nomask, iobj],
                         label=title_text + ' Centroid')
                         xinit[:, iobj],
                         label='initial guess')
                         xfit1[:, iobj],
                         label='fit to trace')
                if np.any(errmask):
                             xfit1[errmask, iobj],
                             label='masked by tracing, set to init guess')
                if np.any(rejmask):
                             xpos1[rejmask, iobj],
                             label='masked by polynomial fit')
                if np.any(inmask_trc):
                             xpos1[inmask_trc, iobj],
                             label='input masked points, not fit')
                    plt.title(title_text +
                              ' Centroid to object {:s}.'.format(idx[iobj]))
                except TypeError:
                    plt.title(title_text +
                              ' Centroid to object {:d}.'.format(iobj))
                plt.ylim((0.995 * xfit1[:, iobj].min(),
                          1.005 * xfit1[:, iobj].max()))
                plt.xlabel('Spectral Pixel')
                plt.ylabel('Spatial Pixel')

    # Returns the fit, the actual weighted traces, and the pos_set1 object
    return xfit1, xpos1, xerr1, pos_set1
Beispiel #38
def _render(axes, mark, context):

    dimension1 =
        [mark._table[key] for key in mark._coordinates[0::2]])
    dimension2 =
        [mark._table[key] for key in mark._coordinates[1::2]])
    if mark._coordinate_axes[0] == "x":
        X = axes.project("x", dimension1)
        Y = axes.project("y", dimension2)
    elif mark._coordinate_axes[0] == "y":
        X = axes.project("x", dimension2)
        Y = axes.project("y", dimension1)

    # group styles with common values
    shared_styles, unique_styles = split_styles(mark)

    # create root Scatterplot element
    mark_xml = xml.SubElement(
        attrib={"class": "toyplot-mark-Scatterplot"},

    mvectors = [
        [mark._table[key] for key in mark._marker],
        [mark._table[key] for key in mark._mtitle],

    for x, y, marker, mtitle in zip(*mvectors):
        not_null = numpy.invert(

        # create a Series element to hold all data points
        series_xml = xml.SubElement(
                "class": "toyplot-Series",
                "style": shared_styles,

        # subselect markers for missing data
        vals = [
        for idx, dx, dy, dmarker, dtitle in zip(*vals):
            marker = toyplot.marker.create(size=dmarker.size,
            marker_xml = _draw_marker(
            # print xml.tostring(marker_xml)
            # print ""
            if marker.label:
def plotLOQRunOrder(targetedData, addCalibration=True, compareBatch=True, title='', savePath=None, figureFormat='png', dpi=72, figureSize=(11, 7)):
    Visualise ratio of LLOQ and ULOQ by run order, separated by batch. Option to add barchart that summarises across batch

    :param TargetedDataset targetedData: TargetedDataset object
    :param bool addCalibration: If ``True`` add calibration samples
    :param bool compareBatch: If ``True`` add barchart across batch, separated by SampleType
    :param str title: Title for the plot
    :param savePath: If ``None`` plot interactively, otherwise save the figure to the path specified
    :type savePath: None or str
    :param str figureFormat: If saving the plot, use this format
    :param int dpi: Plot resolution
    :param figureSize: Dimensions of the figure
    :type figureSize: tuple(float, float)
    :raises ValueError: if targetedData does not satisfy to the TargetedDataset definition for QC
    :raises ValueError: if :py:attr:`calibration` does not match the number of batch
    # Monitored features are plotted in a different color (own featureMask)
    # Count <LLOQ / normal / >ULOQ in features not monitored
    # Hatch SP and ER with sampleMask
    # If addCalibration, add single color bars (max height)
    # If more than one batch, create a subplot for each batch
    # If compareBatch, add subplot with batch average values for each subgroup. If not compare batch a single legend is plotted
    # Prepare all the data first, find the plotting parameters common to all subplots (x-axis, legend), then plot
    # x-axis width delta(min max), bar width and legend are shared across all subplots

    # Check dataset is fit for plotting
    validDataset = targetedData.validateObject(verbose=False, raiseError=False, raiseWarning=False)
    if not validDataset['QC']:
        raise ValueError('Import Error: targetedData does not satisfy to the TargetedDataset definition for QC')

    # Check addCalibration is possible
    if addCalibration:
        if isinstance(targetedData.calibration, dict):
            if 'Acquired Time' not in targetedData.calibration['calibSampleMetadata'].columns:
                addCalibration = False
        elif isinstance(targetedData.calibration, list):
            if 'Acquired Time' not in targetedData.calibration[0]['calibSampleMetadata'].columns:
                addCalibration = False

    # Init
    batches = sorted((numpy.unique(targetedData.sampleMetadata.loc[:, 'Batch'].values[~numpy.isnan(targetedData.sampleMetadata.loc[:, 'Batch'].values)])).astype(int))
    number_of_batch = len(batches)
    sns.set_style("ticks", {'axes.linewidth': 0.75})
    # If more than 1 batch, plot batch summary
    if (number_of_batch > 1) & compareBatch:
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(number_of_batch + 1, 5)
        nbRow = number_of_batch + 1
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(number_of_batch, 5)
        nbRow = number_of_batch
    # Set plot size
    nbRowByHeight = 3
    newHeight = int(numpy.ceil((figureSize[1]/nbRowByHeight) * nbRow))
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figureSize[0], newHeight), dpi=dpi)
    batch_data    = []
    batch_summary = {'SS': {'LLOQ': [], 'normal': [], 'ULOQ': []}, 'SP': {'LLOQ': [], 'normal': [], 'ULOQ': []}, 'ER': {'LLOQ': [], 'normal': [], 'ULOQ': []}}
    color_monitored = 'C7'
    color_LLOQ      = 'C3'
    color_normal    = 'C2'  # 'white'
    color_ULOQ      = 'C1'
    color_calib     = 'C0'

    # Prepare and store data for each batch
    for i in range(number_of_batch):
        out_data = dict()

        # Batch sample mask
        batchMask = (targetedData.sampleMetadata['Batch'].values == batches[i])

        # Define feature mask for Monitored and or not
        monitoredFeatureMask = (targetedData.featureMetadata['quantificationType'] == QuantificationType.Monitored).values
        quantifiedFeatureMask = (targetedData.featureMetadata['quantificationType'] != QuantificationType.Monitored).values

        # Define sample types
        SPMask = (targetedData.sampleMetadata['SampleType'].values == SampleType.StudyPool) & (targetedData.sampleMetadata['AssayRole'].values == AssayRole.PrecisionReference) & batchMask
        ERMask = (targetedData.sampleMetadata['SampleType'].values == SampleType.ExternalReference) & (targetedData.sampleMetadata['AssayRole'].values == AssayRole.PrecisionReference) & batchMask

        # x axis
        x    = targetedData.sampleMetadata.loc[batchMask, 'Acquired Time'].tolist()
        x_SP = targetedData.sampleMetadata.loc[SPMask, 'Acquired Time'].tolist()
        x_ER = targetedData.sampleMetadata.loc[ERMask, 'Acquired Time'].tolist()
        # make sure x_axis is datetime, if it's already a datetime it will trigger an AttributeError
            x    = [xtime.to_pydatetime() for xtime in x]
            x_SP = [xtime.to_pydatetime() for xtime in x_SP]
            x_ER = [xtime.to_pydatetime() for xtime in x_ER]
        except AttributeError:
        out_data['x']    = x
        out_data['x_SP'] = x_SP
        out_data['x_ER'] = x_ER

        if addCalibration:
            # list of calibration expected if more than 1 batch
            if isinstance(targetedData.calibration, list) & (number_of_batch != 1):
                x_calib = targetedData.calibration[i]['calibSampleMetadata']['Acquired Time'].tolist()
            # single calibration if only one batch
            elif isinstance(targetedData.calibration, dict) & (number_of_batch == 1):
                x_calib = targetedData.calibration['calibSampleMetadata']['Acquired Time'].tolist()
                raise ValueError('Calibration does not match the number of batch')
            out_data['x_calib'] = x_calib

        # y-axis (Subclass values)
        # Will plots all sample colors in y_, SP and ER are transparent and cover it
        y_monitored  = numpy.repeat(sum(monitoredFeatureMask), len(x))
        y_LLOQ       = (targetedData._intensityData[:, quantifiedFeatureMask][batchMask, :] == -numpy.inf).sum(1)
        y_normal     = ((targetedData._intensityData[:, quantifiedFeatureMask][batchMask, :] != -numpy.inf) & (targetedData._intensityData[:, quantifiedFeatureMask][batchMask, :] != numpy.inf)).sum(1)
        y_ULOQ       = (targetedData._intensityData[:, quantifiedFeatureMask][batchMask, :] == numpy.inf).sum(1)
        height_total = y_monitored + y_LLOQ + y_normal + y_ULOQ
        height_total = numpy.unique(height_total)
        if len(height_total) != 1:
            raise ValueError('Number of features do not match across samples')
            height_total = height_total[0]
        y_SP = numpy.repeat(height_total, len(x_SP))
        y_ER = numpy.repeat(height_total, len(x_ER))
        out_data['y_monitored'] = y_monitored
        out_data['y_LLOQ']      = y_LLOQ
        out_data['y_normal']    = y_normal
        out_data['y_ULOQ']      = y_ULOQ
        out_data['y_SP']        = y_SP
        out_data['y_ER']        = y_ER
        if addCalibration:
            y_calib = numpy.repeat(height_total, len(x_calib))
            out_data['y_calib'] = y_calib

        # Store values to compare across batch
        tmp_SPMask = (targetedData.sampleMetadata.loc[batchMask, 'SampleType'].values == SampleType.StudyPool) & (targetedData.sampleMetadata.loc[batchMask, 'AssayRole'].values == AssayRole.PrecisionReference)
        tmp_ERMask = (targetedData.sampleMetadata.loc[batchMask, 'SampleType'].values == SampleType.ExternalReference) & (targetedData.sampleMetadata.loc[batchMask, 'AssayRole'].values == AssayRole.PrecisionReference)
        tmp_SSMask = numpy.invert(tmp_SPMask | tmp_ERMask)
        # check some SS exist
        if sum(tmp_SSMask) != 0:
        # check some SP exist
        if sum(tmp_SPMask) != 0:
        # check some ER exist
        if sum(tmp_ERMask) != 0:

        # Axes parameters
        # Width of 1 sample (min difference between 2 samples). Diff is in second, matplotlib width use 1=1day
            timeList = sorted(x)
            timeDiff = [j - i for i, j in zip(timeList[:-1], timeList[1:])]
            acquisitionLength = min(timeDiff).seconds  # convert to seconds
        except ValueError:
            timeDiff = [datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)]
            acquisitionLength = 900                    # 15 min, if not enough points to calculate the diff
        interval = acquisitionLength / (24 * 60 * 60)  # acquisition length in day
        # width = 0.75*interval
        out_data['width'] = 0.6 * interval
        # Time range of this batch
        if addCalibration:
            x_full = x + x_calib
            x_full = x
        minX = min(x_full) - min(timeDiff)  # widen left and right so bars aren't cut
        maxX = max(x_full) + min(timeDiff)
        out_data['minX']  = minX
        out_data['maxX']  = maxX
        out_data['delta'] = maxX - minX
        # Legend parameters - check legends need it
        legend = {'has_SP': False, 'has_ER': False, 'has_calib': False}
        if len(x_SP) != 0:
            legend['has_SP'] = True
        if len(x_ER) != 0:
            legend['has_ER'] = True
        if addCalibration:
            if len(x_calib) != 0:
                legend['has_calib'] = True
        out_data['legend'] = legend

        # Store data

    # Get common x-axis parameters
    common_width = min([i['width'] for i in batch_data])
    common_delta = max([i['delta'] for i in batch_data])
    delta = numpy.array([common_delta], dtype="timedelta64[us]")[0]  # convert from datetime.timedelta to numpy.timedelta64 #from numpy.timedelta64 "This will be fully compatible with the datetime class of the datetime module of Python only when using a time unit of microseconds"
    days = delta.astype('timedelta64[D]')
    days = days / numpy.timedelta64(1, 'D')
    # check width to add minor tick if <48hr. If >48hr do not tick the weekend
    if days < 2:
        detailedTick = True
        detailedTick = False
    # Get common legend parameters
    common_has_SP    = [i['legend']['has_SP'] for i in batch_data]
    common_has_ER    = [i['legend']['has_ER'] for i in batch_data]
    common_has_calib = [i['legend']['has_calib'] for i in batch_data]
    has_SP    = (True in common_has_SP)
    has_ER    = (True in common_has_ER)
    has_calib = (True in common_has_calib)

    # Plot each batch in its subplot
    for i in range(number_of_batch):
        # Allow for legend space if not compareBatch
        if (number_of_batch > 1) & compareBatch:
            ax = plt.subplot(gs[i, :])
            ax = plt.subplot(gs[i, :-1])

        # Plot
        height_cumulative = numpy.zeros(len(batch_data[i]['x']))

        # Monitored
        p_monitored =[i]['x'], batch_data[i]['y_monitored'], common_width, color=color_monitored)
        height_cumulative += batch_data[i]['y_monitored']
        # LLOQ
        p_LLOQ =[i]['x'], batch_data[i]['y_LLOQ'], common_width, bottom=height_cumulative, color=color_LLOQ)
        height_cumulative += batch_data[i]['y_LLOQ']
        # Normal
        p_normal =[i]['x'], batch_data[i]['y_normal'], common_width, bottom=height_cumulative, color=color_normal, alpha=0.3)  # , edgecolor='grey', linewidth=0.2)
        height_cumulative += batch_data[i]['y_normal']
        # ULOQ
        p_ULOQ =[i]['x'], batch_data[i]['y_ULOQ'], common_width, bottom=height_cumulative, color=color_ULOQ)
        height_cumulative += batch_data[i]['y_ULOQ']
        # SP
        edgecolor_SP = ['black'] * len(batch_data[i]['x_SP'])
        p_SP =[i]['x_SP'], batch_data[i]['y_SP'], common_width, fill=False, edgecolor=edgecolor_SP, hatch='/')
        # ER
        edgecolor_ER = ['black'] * len(batch_data[i]['x_ER'])
        p_ER =[i]['x_ER'], batch_data[i]['y_ER'], common_width, fill=False, edgecolor=edgecolor_ER, hatch='\\')
        # Calibration
        if addCalibration:
            edgecolor_calib = [color_calib] * len(batch_data[i]['x_calib'])
            p_calib =[i]['x_calib'], batch_data[i]['y_calib'], common_width, color=color_calib, edgecolor=edgecolor_calib)

        # Annotate Figure
        # Annotate axis
        if i == number_of_batch - 1:  # only x-tick for the last batch
            ax.set_xlabel('Acquisition Date')
        ax.set_ylabel('Number of features')
        ax.set_xlim(batch_data[i]['minX'], batch_data[i]['minX'] + common_delta)  # all batch cover the same range
        # ax.set_xticklabels(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45)
        # x-axis tick mark
        if detailedTick:  # Major tick (day) + minor tick (6hr)
            majorLoc = WeekdayLocator(byweekday=(MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU))
            majorFormatter = DateFormatter('%d/%m/%y')
            minorLoc = HourLocator(byhour=[6, 12, 18], interval=1)
            minorFormatter = DateFormatter('%H:%M')
        else:  # Major tick (weekday) only
            majorLoc = WeekdayLocator(byweekday=(MO, TU, WE, TH, FR))
            majorFormatter = DateFormatter('%d/%m/%y')

        # Legend
        legendBox = []
        legendText = []
        # basic color
        legendBox.extend([p_monitored[0], p_LLOQ[0], p_normal[0], p_ULOQ[0]])
        legendText.extend(['Monitored', '<LLOQ', 'Normal', '>ULOQ'])
        if has_SP:
        if has_ER:
        if has_calib:
        # Legend to the right only if single batch, or multibatch without compareBatch. Title in multiBatch
        if (number_of_batch == 1):
            ax.legend(legendBox, legendText, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))
        elif (i == 0) & (not compareBatch):
            ax.legend(legendBox, legendText, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))
            ax.set_title('Batch ' + str(batches[i]))
            ax.set_title('Batch ' + str(batches[i]))
    # end of Batch subplots

    # Summary plot across batch
    # If more than 1 batch, plot batch summary
    if (number_of_batch > 1) & compareBatch:
        x_summary = batches
        empty_sampleType = {'LLOQ': numpy.repeat(0, number_of_batch).tolist(),
                            'normal': numpy.repeat(0, number_of_batch).tolist(),
                            'ULOQ': numpy.repeat(0, number_of_batch).tolist()}
        xi_pos = 0
        width = 0.9
        # SS
        if batch_summary['SS'] != empty_sampleType:
            axSS = plt.subplot(gs[number_of_batch, xi_pos])
  , batch_summary['SS']['LLOQ'], width, color=color_LLOQ)
  , batch_summary['SS']['normal'], width, color=color_normal, alpha=0.3, bottom=batch_summary['SS']['LLOQ'])
  , batch_summary['SS']['ULOQ'], width, color=color_ULOQ, bottom=[sum(x) for x in zip(batch_summary['SS']['LLOQ'], batch_summary['SS']['normal'])])
            axSS.set_ylabel('Number of features')
            xi_pos += 1
        # SP
        if batch_summary['SP'] != empty_sampleType:
            axSP = plt.subplot(gs[number_of_batch, xi_pos])
  , batch_summary['SP']['LLOQ'], width, color=color_LLOQ)
  , batch_summary['SP']['normal'], width, color=color_normal, alpha=0.3, bottom=batch_summary['SP']['LLOQ'])
  , batch_summary['SP']['ULOQ'], width, color=color_ULOQ, bottom=[sum(x) for x in zip(batch_summary['SP']['LLOQ'], batch_summary['SP']['normal'])])
            xi_pos += 1
        # ER
        if batch_summary['ER'] != empty_sampleType:
            axER = plt.subplot(gs[number_of_batch, xi_pos])
  , batch_summary['ER']['LLOQ'], width, color=color_LLOQ)
  , batch_summary['ER']['normal'], width, color=color_normal, alpha=0.3, bottom=batch_summary['ER']['LLOQ'])
  , batch_summary['ER']['ULOQ'], width, color=color_ULOQ, bottom=[sum(x) for x in zip(batch_summary['ER']['LLOQ'], batch_summary['ER']['normal'])])
            xi_pos += 1
        # Legend
        axLeg = plt.subplot(gs[number_of_batch, 4])
        axLeg.legend(legendBox, legendText, loc='center')

    # Title and layout

    # Save or output
    if savePath:
        plt.savefig(savePath, bbox_inches='tight', format=figureFormat, dpi=dpi)
Beispiel #40
        mic2mic_distmat[channel_mica, channel_micb] = distance

#%% make the matrix symmetric across the diagonal the 'tedious' way:

upper_or_lower = {0: 'lower', 1: 'upper'}
for i in range(mic2mic_distmat.shape[0]):
    for j in range(mic2mic_distmat.shape[0]):
        lower = mic2mic_distmat[i, j]
        upper = mic2mic_distmat[j, i]

        are_nans = [np.isnan(lower), np.isnan(upper)]

        if sum(are_nans) == 0:
        elif sum(are_nans) == 1:
            non_nan_value = int(np.argwhere(np.invert(are_nans)))
            if upper_or_lower[non_nan_value] == 'lower':
                mic2mic_distmat[j, i] = mic2mic_distmat[i, j]
            elif upper_or_lower[non_nan_value] == 'upper':
                mic2mic_distmat[i, j] = mic2mic_distmat[j, i]
        elif sum(are_nans) == 2:

distmat = pd.DataFrame(mic2mic_distmat)
distmat.columns = ['channel' + str(each + 1) for each in range(len(good_mics))]
distmat.index = ['channel' + str(each + 1) for each in range(len(good_mics))]

#%% Write the distance matrix -- commented out for consistency
# distmat.to_csv('mic2mic_RAW_2018-08-17.csv',na_rep='NaN')
Beispiel #41
def create_min_ndvi_mosaic(dataset_in,
    Method for calculating the pixel value for the min ndvi value.

    dataset_in: xarray.Dataset
        A dataset retrieved from the Data Cube; should contain:
        coordinates: time, latitude, longitude
        variables: variables to be mosaicked (e.g. red, green, and blue bands)
    clean_mask: np.ndarray
        An ndarray of the same shape as `dataset_in` - specifying which values to mask out.
        If no clean mask is specified, then all values are kept during compositing.
    no_data: int or float
        The no data value.
    dtype: str or numpy.dtype
        A string denoting a Python datatype name (e.g. int, float) or a NumPy dtype (e.g.
        np.int16, np.float32) to convert the data to.

    dataset_out: xarray.Dataset
        Compositited data with the format:
        coordinates: latitude, longitude
        variables: same as dataset_in
    dataset_in = dataset_in.copy(deep=True)

    # Default to masking nothing.
    if clean_mask is None:
        clean_mask = create_default_clean_mask(dataset_in)

    # Save dtypes because masking with Dataset.where() converts to float64.
    band_list = list(dataset_in.data_vars)
    dataset_in_dtypes = {}
    for band in band_list:
        dataset_in_dtypes[band] = dataset_in[band].dtype

    # Mask out clouds and scan lines.
    dataset_in = dataset_in.where((dataset_in != -9999) & clean_mask)

    if intermediate_product is not None:
        dataset_out = intermediate_product.copy(deep=True)
        dataset_out = None

    time_slices = range(len(dataset_in.time))
    for timeslice in time_slices:
        dataset_slice = dataset_in.isel(time=timeslice).drop('time')
        ndvi = (dataset_slice.nir - / (dataset_slice.nir +
        ndvi.values[np.invert(clean_mask)[timeslice, ::]] = 1000000000
        dataset_slice['ndvi'] = ndvi
        if dataset_out is None:
            dataset_out = dataset_slice.copy(deep=True)
            for key in list(dataset_slice.data_vars):
                    dataset_slice.ndvi.values <
                    dataset_out.ndvi.values] = dataset_slice[key].values[
                        dataset_slice.ndvi.values < dataset_out.ndvi.values]
    # Handle datatype conversions.
    dataset_out = restore_or_convert_dtypes(dtype, band_list,
                                            dataset_in_dtypes, dataset_out,
    return dataset_out
    def generate(self,
                 x: np.ndarray,
                 y: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
                 **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
        Generate adversarial samples and return them in an array.

        :param x: An array with the original inputs.
        :param y: Target values (class labels) one-hot-encoded of shape `(nb_samples, nb_classes)` or indices of shape
                  (nb_samples,). Only provide this parameter if you'd like to use true labels when crafting adversarial
                  samples. Otherwise, model predictions are used as labels to avoid the "label leaking" effect
                  (explained in this paper: Default is `None`.
        :param mask: An array with a mask broadcastable to input `x` defining where to apply adversarial perturbations.
                     Shape needs to be broadcastable to the shape of x and can also be of the same shape as `x`. Any
                     features for which the mask is zero will not be adversarially perturbed.
        :type mask: `np.ndarray`
        :return: An array holding the adversarial examples.
        mask = kwargs.get("mask")

        y = check_and_transform_label_format(y, self.estimator.nb_classes)

        if y is None:
            if self.targeted:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Target labels `y` need to be provided for a targeted attack."
            y = get_labels_np_array(
                self.estimator.predict(x, batch_size=self.batch_size)).astype(

        if self.estimator.nb_classes == 2 and y.shape[1] == 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "This attack has not yet been tested for binary classification with a single output classifier."

        x_adv = x.astype(ART_NUMPY_DTYPE)

        for _ in trange(max(1, self.nb_random_init),
                        desc="AutoPGD - restart",
                        disable=not self.verbose):
            # Determine correctly predicted samples
            y_pred = self.estimator.predict(x_adv)
            if self.targeted:
                sample_is_robust = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1) != np.argmax(
                    y, axis=1)
            elif not self.targeted:
                sample_is_robust = np.argmax(y_pred,
                                             axis=1) == np.argmax(y, axis=1)

            if np.sum(sample_is_robust) == 0:

            x_robust = x_adv[sample_is_robust]
            y_robust = y[sample_is_robust]
            x_init = x[sample_is_robust]

            n = x_robust.shape[0]
            m =[1:]).item()
            random_perturbation = (random_sphere(
                n, m, self.eps,

            x_robust = x_robust + random_perturbation

            if self.estimator.clip_values is not None:
                clip_min, clip_max = self.estimator.clip_values
                x_robust = np.clip(x_robust, clip_min, clip_max)

            perturbation = projection(x_robust - x_init, self.eps, self.norm)
            x_robust = x_init + perturbation

            # Compute perturbation with implicit batching
            for batch_id in trange(
                    int(np.ceil(x_robust.shape[0] / float(self.batch_size))),
                    desc="AutoPGD - batch",
                    disable=not self.verbose,
                self.eta = 2 * self.eps_step
                batch_index_1, batch_index_2 = batch_id * self.batch_size, (
                    batch_id + 1) * self.batch_size
                x_k = x_robust[batch_index_1:batch_index_2].astype(
                x_init_batch = x_init[batch_index_1:batch_index_2].astype(
                y_batch = y_robust[batch_index_1:batch_index_2]

                p_0 = 0
                p_1 = 0.22
                var_w = [p_0, p_1]

                while True:
                    p_j_p_1 = var_w[-1] + max(var_w[-1] - var_w[-2] - 0.03,
                    if p_j_p_1 > 1:

                var_w = [math.ceil(p * self.max_iter) for p in var_w]

                eta = self.eps_step
                self.count_condition_1 = 0

                for k_iter in trange(self.max_iter,
                                     desc="AutoPGD - iteration",
                                     disable=not self.verbose):

                    # Get perturbation, use small scalar to avoid division by 0
                    tol = 10e-8

                    # Get gradient wrt loss; invert it if attack is targeted
                    grad = self.estimator.loss_gradient(
                        x_k, y_batch) * (1 - 2 * int(self.targeted))

                    # Apply norm bound
                    if self.norm in [np.inf, "inf"]:
                        grad = np.sign(grad)
                    elif self.norm == 1:
                        ind = tuple(range(1, len(x_k.shape)))
                        grad = grad / (np.sum(
                            np.abs(grad), axis=ind, keepdims=True) + tol)
                    elif self.norm == 2:
                        ind = tuple(range(1, len(x_k.shape)))
                        grad = grad / (np.sqrt(
                            np.sum(np.square(grad), axis=ind, keepdims=True)) +
                    assert x_k.shape == grad.shape

                    perturbation = grad

                    if mask is not None:
                        perturbation = perturbation * (

                    # Apply perturbation and clip
                    z_k_p_1 = x_k + eta * perturbation

                    if self.estimator.clip_values is not None:
                        clip_min, clip_max = self.estimator.clip_values
                        z_k_p_1 = np.clip(z_k_p_1, clip_min, clip_max)

                    if k_iter == 0:
                        x_1 = z_k_p_1
                        perturbation = projection(x_1 - x_init_batch, self.eps,
                        x_1 = x_init_batch + perturbation

                        f_0 = self.estimator.compute_loss(x=x_k,
                        f_1 = self.estimator.compute_loss(x=x_1,

                        self.eta_w_j_m_1 = eta
                        self.f_max_w_j_m_1 = f_0

                        if f_1 >= f_0:
                            self.f_max = f_1
                            self.x_max = x_1
                            self.x_max_m_1 = x_init_batch
                            self.count_condition_1 += 1
                            self.f_max = f_0
                            self.x_max = x_k.copy()
                            self.x_max_m_1 = x_init_batch

                        # Settings for next iteration k
                        x_k_m_1 = x_k.copy()
                        x_k = x_1

                        perturbation = projection(z_k_p_1 - x_init_batch,
                                                  self.eps, self.norm)
                        z_k_p_1 = x_init_batch + perturbation

                        alpha = 0.75

                        x_k_p_1 = x_k + alpha * (z_k_p_1 - x_k) + (
                            1 - alpha) * (x_k - x_k_m_1)

                        if self.estimator.clip_values is not None:
                            clip_min, clip_max = self.estimator.clip_values
                            x_k_p_1 = np.clip(x_k_p_1, clip_min, clip_max)

                        perturbation = projection(x_k_p_1 - x_init_batch,
                                                  self.eps, self.norm)
                        x_k_p_1 = x_init_batch + perturbation

                        f_k_p_1 = self.estimator.compute_loss(x=x_k_p_1,

                        if f_k_p_1 == 0.0:
                            x_k = x_k_p_1.copy()

                        if (not self.targeted and f_k_p_1 > self.f_max) or (
                                self.targeted and f_k_p_1 < self.f_max):
                            self.count_condition_1 += 1
                            self.x_max = x_k_p_1
                            self.x_max_m_1 = x_k
                            self.f_max = f_k_p_1

                        if k_iter in var_w:

                            rho = 0.75

                            condition_1 = self.count_condition_1 < rho * (
                                k_iter - var_w[var_w.index(k_iter) - 1])
                            condition_2 = self.eta_w_j_m_1 == eta and self.f_max_w_j_m_1 == self.f_max

                            if condition_1 or condition_2:
                                eta = eta / 2
                                x_k_m_1 = self.x_max_m_1
                                x_k = self.x_max
                                x_k_m_1 = x_k
                                x_k = x_k_p_1.copy()

                            self.count_condition_1 = 0
                            self.eta_w_j_m_1 = eta
                            self.f_max_w_j_m_1 = self.f_max

                            x_k_m_1 = x_k
                            x_k = x_k_p_1.copy()

                y_pred_adv_k = self.estimator.predict(x_k)
                if self.targeted:
                    sample_is_not_robust_k = np.invert(
                        np.argmax(y_pred_adv_k, axis=1) != np.argmax(y_batch,
                elif not self.targeted:
                    sample_is_not_robust_k = np.invert(
                        np.argmax(y_pred_adv_k, axis=1) == np.argmax(y_batch,

                    sample_is_not_robust_k] = x_k[sample_is_not_robust_k]

            x_adv[sample_is_robust] = x_robust

        return x_adv
def model_eval(X,y):
    batch =64
    epochs = 20  
    rep = 1         # K fold procedure can be repeated multiple times
    Kfold = 5
    Ntrain = 8528 # number of recordings on training set
    Nsamp = int(Ntrain/Kfold) # number of recordings to take as validation        
    # Need to add dimension for training
    X = np.expand_dims(X, axis=2)
    classes = ['A', 'N', 'O', '~']
    Nclass = len(classes)
    cvconfusion = np.zeros((Nclass,Nclass,Kfold*rep))
    cvscores = []       
    counter = 0
    # repetitions of cross validation
    for r in range(rep):
        print("Rep %d"%(r+1))
        # cross validation loop
        for k in range(Kfold):
            print("Cross-validation run %d"%(k+1))
            # Callbacks definition
            callbacks = [
                # Early stopping definition
                EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=3, verbose=1),
                # Decrease learning rate by 0.1 factor
                AdvancedLearnignRateScheduler(monitor='val_loss', patience=1,verbose=1, mode='auto', decayRatio=0.1),            
                # Saving best model
                ModelCheckpoint('weights-best_k{}_r{}.hdf5'.format(k,r), monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True, verbose=1),
            # Load model
            model = ResNet_model(WINDOW_SIZE)
            # split train and validation sets
            idxval = np.random.choice(Ntrain, Nsamp,replace=False)
            idxtrain = np.invert(np.in1d(range(X_train.shape[0]),idxval))
            ytrain = y[np.asarray(idxtrain),:]
            Xtrain = X[np.asarray(idxtrain),:,:]         
            Xval = X[np.asarray(idxval),:,:]
            yval = y[np.asarray(idxval),:]
            # Train model
  , ytrain,
                      validation_data=(Xval, yval),
                      epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch,callbacks=callbacks)
            # Evaluate best trained model
            ypred = model.predict(Xval)
            ypred = np.argmax(ypred,axis=1)
            ytrue = np.argmax(yval,axis=1)
            cvconfusion[:,:,counter] = confusion_matrix(ytrue, ypred)
            F1 = np.zeros((4,1))
            for i in range(4):
                print("F1 measure for {} rhythm: {:1.4f}".format(classes[i],F1[i,0]))            
            cvscores.append(np.mean(F1)* 100)
            print("Overall F1 measure: {:1.4f}".format(np.mean(F1)))            
            config = tf.ConfigProto()
            sess = tf.Session(config=config)
            counter += 1
    # Saving cross validation results'xval_results.mat',mdict={'cvconfusion': cvconfusion.tolist()})  
    return model
Beispiel #44
def create_mosaic(dataset_in,
    Creates a most-recent-to-oldest mosaic of the input dataset.

    dataset_in: xarray.Dataset
        A dataset retrieved from the Data Cube; should contain:
        coordinates: time, latitude, longitude
        variables: variables to be mosaicked (e.g. red, green, and blue bands)
    clean_mask: np.ndarray
        An ndarray of the same shape as `dataset_in` - specifying which values to mask out.
        If no clean mask is specified, then all values are kept during compositing.
    no_data: int or float
        The no data value.
    dtype: str or numpy.dtype
        A string denoting a Python datatype name (e.g. int, float) or a NumPy dtype (e.g.
        np.int16, np.float32) to convert the data to.

    dataset_out: xarray.Dataset
        Compositited data with the format:
        coordinates: latitude, longitude
        variables: same as dataset_in
    dataset_in = dataset_in.copy(deep=True)

    # Default to masking nothing.
    if clean_mask is None:
        clean_mask = create_default_clean_mask(dataset_in)

    # Mask data with clean_mask. All values where clean_mask==False are set to no_data.
    for key in list(dataset_in.data_vars):
        dataset_in[key].values[np.invert(clean_mask)] = no_data

    # Save dtypes because masking with Dataset.where() converts to float64.
    band_list = list(dataset_in.data_vars)
    dataset_in_dtypes = {}
    for band in band_list:
        dataset_in_dtypes[band] = dataset_in[band].dtype

    if intermediate_product is not None:
        dataset_out = intermediate_product.copy(deep=True)
        dataset_out = None

    time_slices = reversed(range(len(
        dataset_in.time))) if 'reverse_time' in kwargs else range(
    for index in time_slices:
        dataset_slice = dataset_in.isel(time=index).drop('time')
        if dataset_out is None:
            dataset_out = dataset_slice.copy(deep=True)
            for key in list(dataset_in.data_vars):
                dataset_out[key].values[dataset_out[key].values ==
                                        -9999] = dataset_slice[key].values[
                                            dataset_out[key].values == -9999]
                dataset_out[key].attrs = OrderedDict()

    # Handle datatype conversions.
    dataset_out = restore_or_convert_dtypes(dtype, band_list,
                                            dataset_in_dtypes, dataset_out,
    return dataset_out
Beispiel #45
    Qs1 = Qs1 + cos(w * (NV - 0.5)) * np.array(
        (cos(w * (NV - 0.5)))).transpose()

Qs1 = ws1 * Qs1 / (Ns_s1 + 1)

Qs2 = np.zeros(NH, NH)

for iw in range(Ns_s2):
    w = ws2 + iw * deltaw
    Qs2 = Qs2 + cos(w * (NV - 0.5)) * np.array(
        (cos(w * (NV - 0.5)))).transpose()

Qs2 = (pi - ws2) * Qs2 / (Ns_s2 + 1)

Q = Qp + Qs1 + Qs2
A = -0.5 * np.invert(Q) * P

h = np.zeros(N, 1)
h[1:NH] = 0.5 * np.flipud(A)
h[NH + 1:N] = 0.5 * A

# figure, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(2, 2)

# ax1.stem([0:N-1], h)

# plt.stem([0:N-1], h)

plt.stem(range(N), h)

plt.ylabel('Impulse response')
Beispiel #46
def flag_cr(sci_image, blot_image, **pars):
    """Masks outliers in science image.

    Mask blemishes in dithered data by comparing a science image
    with a model image and the derivative of the model image.

    sci_image : ImageModel
        the science data

    blot_image : ImageModel
        the blotted median image of the dithered science frames

    pars : dict
        the user parameters for Outlier Detection

    Default parameters:

    grow     = 1               # Radius to mask [default=1 for 3x3]
    ctegrow  = 0               # Length of CTE correction to be applied
    snr      = "5.0 4.0"       # Signal-to-noise ratio
    scale    = "1.2 0.7"       # scaling factor applied to the derivative
    backg    = 0               # Background value

    grow = pars.get('grow', 1)
    ctegrow = pars.get('ctegrow', 0)  # not provided by outlierpars
    backg = pars.get('backg', 0)
    snr1, snr2 = [float(val) for val in pars.get('snr', '5.0 4.0').split()]
    scl1, scl2 = [float(val) for val in pars.get('scale', '1.2 0.7').split()]

    if not sci_image.meta.background.subtracted:
        # Include background back into blotted image for comparison
        subtracted_background = sci_image.meta.background.level
        log.debug("Subtracted background: {}".format(subtracted_background))
    if subtracted_background is None:
        subtracted_background = backg

    exptime = sci_image.meta.exposure.exposure_time

    sci_data = * exptime
    blot_data = * exptime
    blot_deriv = abs_deriv(blot_data)

    err_data = np.nan_to_num(sci_image.err)

    # Define output cosmic ray mask to populate
    cr_mask = np.zeros(sci_image.shape, dtype=np.uint8)

    # Model the noise and create a CR mask
    diff_noise = np.abs(sci_data - blot_data)
    # ta = np.sqrt(np.abs(blot_data + subtracted_background) + rn ** 2)
    ta = np.sqrt(np.abs(blot_data + subtracted_background) + err_data**2)
    t2 = scl1 * blot_deriv + snr1 * ta

    tmp1 = np.logical_not(np.greater(diff_noise, t2))

    # Convolve mask with 3x3 kernel
    kernel = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    tmp2 = np.zeros(tmp1.shape, dtype=np.int32)
    ndimage.convolve(tmp1, kernel, output=tmp2, mode='nearest', cval=0)

    # Create a second CR Mask
    xt2 = scl2 * blot_deriv + snr2 * ta

    np.logical_not(np.greater(diff_noise, xt2) & np.less(tmp2, 9), cr_mask)

    # Flag additional cte 'radial' and 'tail' pixels surrounding CR
    # pixels as CRs

    # In both the 'radial' and 'length' kernels below, 0=good and
    # 1=bad, so that upon convolving the kernels with cr_mask, the
    # convolution output will have low->bad and high->good from which
    # 2 new arrays are created having 0->bad and 1->good. These 2 new
    # arrays are then AND'ed to create a new cr_mask.

    # recast cr_mask to int for manipulations below; will recast to
    # Bool at end
    cr_mask_orig_bool = cr_mask.copy()
    cr_mask = cr_mask_orig_bool.astype(np.int8)

    # make radial convolution kernel and convolve it with original cr_mask
    cr_grow_kernel = np.ones((grow, grow))
    cr_grow_kernel_conv = cr_mask.copy()
    ndimage.convolve(cr_mask, cr_grow_kernel, output=cr_grow_kernel_conv)

    # make tail convolution kernel and (shortly) convolve it with
    # original cr_mask
    cr_ctegrow_kernel = np.zeros((2 * ctegrow + 1, 2 * ctegrow + 1))
    cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv = cr_mask.copy()

    # which pixels are masked by tail kernel depends on readout direction
    # We could put useful info in here for CTE masking if needed.  Code
    # remains below.  For now, we set to zero, which turns off CTE masking.
    ctedir = 0
    if (ctedir == 1):
        cr_ctegrow_kernel[0:ctegrow, ctegrow] = 1
    if (ctedir == -1):
        cr_ctegrow_kernel[ctegrow + 1:2 * ctegrow + 1, ctegrow] = 1
    if (ctedir == 0):

    # finally do the tail convolution
    ndimage.convolve(cr_mask, cr_ctegrow_kernel, output=cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv)

    # select high pixels from both convolution outputs; then 'and' them to
    # create new cr_mask
    where_cr_grow_kernel_conv = np.where(cr_grow_kernel_conv < grow * grow, 0,
    where_cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv = np.where(cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv < ctegrow,
                                            0, 1)

    # combine masks and cast back to Bool
    np.logical_and(where_cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv, where_cr_grow_kernel_conv,
    cr_mask = cr_mask.astype(bool)

    count_sci = np.count_nonzero(sci_image.dq)
    count_cr = np.count_nonzero(cr_mask)
    log.debug("Pixels in input DQ: {}".format(count_sci))
    log.debug("Pixels in cr_mask:  {}".format(count_cr))

    # Update the DQ array in the input image in place
    np.bitwise_or(sci_image.dq, np.invert(cr_mask) * CRBIT, sci_image.dq)
Beispiel #47
def get_image(filename):
        return np.invert(np.array("L"))) / 255
    except IOError:
        print("Error in getting image file: File not available!")
Beispiel #48
def event_extraction_and_comparison(sr):

    # it took 8 min to run that for 6 min of data, all 300 ish channels
    # silent channels for Guido's set:
    # [36,75,112,151,188,227,264,303,317,340,379,384]

    # sr,sync=get_ephys_data(sync_test_folder)
    this function first finds the times of square signal fronts in ephys and
    compares them to corresponding ones in the sync signal.
    Iteratively for small data chunks
    """'starting event_extraction_and_comparison')
    period_duration = 30000  # in observations, 30 kHz
    BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES = period_duration  # in observations, 30 kHz

    # only used to find first pulse
    wg = dsp.WindowGenerator(sr.ns, BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES, overlap=1)

    # if the data is needed as well, loop over the file
    # raw data contains raw ephys traces, while raw_sync contains the 16 sync
    # traces

    rawdata, _ = sr.read_samples(0, BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES)
    _, chans = rawdata.shape

    chan_fronts = {}
    sync_fronts = {}

    sync_fronts['fpga up fronts'] = []
    sync_fronts['fpga down fronts'] = []

    for j in range(chans):
        chan_fronts[j] = {}
        chan_fronts[j]['ephys up fronts'] = []
        chan_fronts[j]['ephys down fronts'] = []

    # find time of first pulse (take first channel with square signal)
    for i in range(chans):


            # assuming a signal in the first minute
            for first, last in list(wg.firstlast)[:120]:

                rawdata, rawsync = sr.read_samples(first, last)

                diffs = np.diff(rawsync.T[0])
                sync_up_fronts = np.where(diffs == 1)[0] + first

                if len(sync_up_fronts) != 0:

            assert len(sync_up_fronts) != 0
            Channel = i

        except BaseException:
            print('channel %s shows no pulse signal, checking next' % i)
            assert i < 10, \
                "something wrong, \
                the first 10 channels don't show a square signal"


    start_of_chopping = sync_up_fronts[0] - period_duration / 4

    k = 0

    # assure there is exactly one pulse per cut segment

    for pulse in range(500):  # there are 500 square pulses
        first = int(start_of_chopping + period_duration * pulse)
        last = int(first + period_duration)

        if k % 100 == 0:
            print('segment %s of %s' % (k, 500))

        k += 1

        rawdata, rawsync = sr.read_samples(first, last)

        # get fronts for sync signal
        diffs = np.diff(rawsync.T[0])  # can that thing be a global variable?
        sync_up_fronts = np.where(diffs == 1)[0] + first
        sync_down_fronts = np.where(diffs == -1)[0] + first
        sync_fronts['fpga up fronts'].append(sync_up_fronts)
        sync_fronts['fpga down fronts'].append(sync_down_fronts)

        # get fronts for only one valid ephys channel
        obs, chans = rawdata.shape

        i = Channel

        Mean = np.median(rawdata.T[i])
        Std = np.std(rawdata.T[i])

        ups = np.invert(rawdata.T[i] > Mean + 6 * Std)
        downs = np.invert(rawdata.T[i] < Mean - 6 * Std)

        up_fronts = []
        down_fronts = []
        # Activity front at least 10 samples long (empirical)

        up_fronts.append(first_occ_index(ups, 20) + first)
        down_fronts.append(first_occ_index(downs, 20) + first)

        chan_fronts[i]['ephys up fronts'].append(up_fronts)
        chan_fronts[i]['ephys down fronts'].append(down_fronts)

    return chan_fronts, sync_fronts  # all differences
def eval_cuhk03(distmat, q_pids, g_pids, q_camids, g_camids, max_rank, N=100):
    """Evaluation with cuhk03 metric
    Key: one image for each gallery identity is randomly sampled for each query identity.
    Random sampling is performed N times (default: N=100).
    num_q, num_g = distmat.shape
    if num_g < max_rank:
        max_rank = num_g
        print("Note: number of gallery samples is quite small, got {}".format(
    indices = np.argsort(distmat, axis=1)

    # 重要的matches
    matches = (g_pids[indices] == q_pids[:, np.newaxis]).astype(np.int32)

    # compute cmc curve for each query
    all_cmc = []
    all_AP = []
    num_valid_q = 0.  # number of valid query
    for q_idx in range(num_q):
        # get query pid and camid
        q_pid = q_pids[q_idx]
        q_camid = q_camids[q_idx]

        # remove gallery samples that have the same pid and camid with query
        order = indices[q_idx]
        remove = (g_pids[order] == q_pid) & (g_camids[order] == q_camid)
        keep = np.invert(remove)

        # compute cmc curve
        orig_cmc = matches[q_idx][
            keep]  # binary vector, positions with value 1 are correct matches
        # embed()
        if not np.any(orig_cmc):
            # this condition is true when query identity does not appear in gallery

        kept_g_pids = g_pids[order][keep]
        g_pids_dict = defaultdict(list)
        for idx, pid in enumerate(kept_g_pids):

        cmc, AP = 0., 0.
        for repeat_idx in range(N):
            mask = np.zeros(len(orig_cmc), dtype=np.bool)
            for _, idxs in g_pids_dict.items():
                # randomly sample one image for each gallery person
                rnd_idx = np.random.choice(idxs)
                mask[rnd_idx] = True
            masked_orig_cmc = orig_cmc[mask]
            _cmc = masked_orig_cmc.cumsum()
            _cmc[_cmc > 1] = 1
            cmc += _cmc[:max_rank].astype(np.float32)
            # compute AP
            num_rel = masked_orig_cmc.sum()
            tmp_cmc = masked_orig_cmc.cumsum()
            tmp_cmc = [x / (i + 1.) for i, x in enumerate(tmp_cmc)]
            tmp_cmc = np.asarray(tmp_cmc) * masked_orig_cmc
            AP += tmp_cmc.sum() / num_rel
        cmc /= N
        AP /= N
        num_valid_q += 1.

    assert num_valid_q > 0, "Error: all query identities do not appear in gallery"

    all_cmc = np.asarray(all_cmc).astype(np.float32)
    all_cmc = all_cmc.sum(0) / num_valid_q
    mAP = np.mean(all_AP)

    return all_cmc, mAP
def ON_bayesian_constant(device, duration, thresh):

    # device = matrix which is output of aka ON OFF Missing data matrix
    # duration = time duration in minutes for state to be decided wether ON OFF
    # thresh = threshold to PMF to decide device is ON or OFF

    #################   Time axis  #####################
    time_min = np.arange(1, device.shape[-1] + 1) * duration

    mask = device.copy()
    mask[device > -1] = 0
    mask = np.abs(mask)

    #### days were whole day data collected  #######
    active = np.invert(mask.any(axis=1))

    device = device[active, :]

    #    np.random.shuffle(device)

    ind = int(len(device) * 0.3)

    dev_test_org = device[-ind:, :]  #.flatten() # test data

    previous_prior = np.sum(device[:ind, :], axis=0,
                            dtype='float32')  #1 # constant prior
    previous_prior = previous_prior / previous_prior.sum()

    dev_test_pred = []
    Acc = []
    F1Score = []
    Preci = []
    for itr in range(ind):

        likely_hood = np.sum(device[ind:-ind + itr, :],

        #likely_hood = likely_hood/likely_hood.sum()
        dev_test_day = likely_hood * previous_prior

        dev_test_day[dev_test_day >= thresh] = 1
        dev_test_day[dev_test_day < thresh] = 0


        Acc.append(round(accuracy_score(dev_test_org[itr, :], dev_test_day),
        F1Score.append(round(f1_score(dev_test_org[itr, :], dev_test_day), 4))
            round(precision_score(dev_test_org[itr, :], dev_test_day), 4))

    dev_test_pred = np.array(dev_test_pred, np.float32).flatten()

    conf_mat = confusion_matrix(dev_test_org.flatten(), dev_test_pred)

    CM_Acc_F1_Prec = [

    # this will give day wise what time data collected
    observed_data = device.copy()
    observed_data[observed_data > -1] = 1
    observed_data[observed_data < 1] = 0
    plt_obser = np.sum(observed_data,axis=0)
    # this will give day wise what time device is ON
    on_data = device.copy()
    on_data[on_data < 1] = 0
    plt_on = np.sum(on_data,axis=0)

    return time_min, previous_prior, CM_Acc_F1_Prec
Beispiel #51
    def _write_poisson_parameters(self, spec, graph, placement, routing_info,
                                  vertex_slice, machine_time_step,
        """ Generate Neuron Parameter data for Poisson spike sources

        :param spec: the data specification writer
        :param key: the routing key for this vertex
        :param vertex_slice:\
            the slice of atoms a machine vertex holds from its application\
        :param machine_time_step: the time between timer tick updates.
        :param time_scale_factor:\
            the scaling between machine time step and real time
        :return: None
        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
            "\nWriting Neuron Parameters for {} poisson sources:\n".format(

        # Set the focus to the memory region 2 (neuron parameters):

        # Write Key info for this core:
        key = routing_info.get_first_key_from_pre_vertex(
            placement.vertex, constants.SPIKE_PARTITION_ID)
        spec.write_value(data=1 if key is not None else 0)
        spec.write_value(data=key if key is not None else 0)

        # Write the incoming mask if there is one
        in_edges = graph.get_edges_ending_at_vertex_with_partition_name(
            placement.vertex, constants.LIVE_POISSON_CONTROL_PARTITION_ID)
        if len(in_edges) > 1:
            raise ConfigurationException(
                "Only one control edge can end at a Poisson vertex")
        incoming_mask = 0
        if len(in_edges) == 1:
            in_edge = in_edges[0]

            # Get the mask of the incoming keys
            incoming_mask = \
            incoming_mask = ~incoming_mask & 0xFFFFFFFF

        # Write the offset value
        max_offset = (machine_time_step *
                      time_scale_factor) // _MAX_OFFSET_DENOMINATOR
            int(math.ceil(max_offset / self.__n_subvertices)) *
        self.__n_data_specs += 1

        # Write the number of microseconds between sending spikes
        total_mean_rate = numpy.sum(self.__rate)
        if total_mean_rate > 0:
            max_spikes = numpy.sum(
                scipy.stats.poisson.ppf(1.0 - (1.0 / self.__rate),
            spikes_per_timestep = (
                max_spikes / (MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND // machine_time_step))
            # avoid a possible division by zero / small number (which may
            # result in a value that doesn't fit in a uint32) by only
            # setting time_between_spikes if spikes_per_timestep is > 1
            time_between_spikes = 1.0
            if spikes_per_timestep > 1:
                time_between_spikes = (
                    (machine_time_step * time_scale_factor) /
                    (spikes_per_timestep * 2.0))

            # If the rate is 0 or less, set a "time between spikes" of 1
            # to ensure that some time is put between spikes in event
            # of a rate change later on

        # Write the number of seconds per timestep (unsigned long fract)
        spec.write_value(data=float(machine_time_step) /

        # Write the number of timesteps per second (accum)
        spec.write_value(data=MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND /

        # Write the slow-rate-per-tick-cutoff (accum)

        # Write the lo_atom id

        # Write the number of sources

        # Write the random seed (4 words), generated randomly!
        kiss_key = (vertex_slice.lo_atom, vertex_slice.hi_atom)
        if kiss_key not in self.__kiss_seed:
            if self.__rng is None:
                self.__rng = numpy.random.RandomState(self.__seed)
            self.__kiss_seed[kiss_key] = [
                self.__rng.randint(-0x80000000, 0x7FFFFFFF) + 0x80000000
                for _ in range(4)
        for value in self.__kiss_seed[kiss_key]:

        # Compute the start times in machine time steps
        start = self.__start[vertex_slice.as_slice]
        start_scaled = self._convert_ms_to_n_timesteps(start,

        # Compute the end times as start times + duration in machine time steps
        # (where duration is not None)
        duration = self.__duration[vertex_slice.as_slice]
        end_scaled = numpy.zeros(len(duration), dtype="uint32")
        none_positions = numpy.isnan(duration)
        positions = numpy.invert(none_positions)
        end_scaled[none_positions] = 0xFFFFFFFF
        end_scaled[positions] = self._convert_ms_to_n_timesteps(
            start[positions] + duration[positions], machine_time_step)

        # Get the rates for the atoms
        rates = self.__rate[vertex_slice.as_slice].astype("float")

        # Compute the spikes per tick for each atom
        spikes_per_tick = (
            rates * (float(machine_time_step) / MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND))

        # Determine which sources are fast and which are slow
        is_fast_source = spikes_per_tick > SLOW_RATE_PER_TICK_CUTOFF

        # Compute the e^-(spikes_per_tick) for fast sources to allow fast
        # computation of the Poisson distribution to get the number of spikes
        # per timestep
        exp_minus_lambda = numpy.zeros(len(spikes_per_tick), dtype="float")
        exp_minus_lambda[is_fast_source] = numpy.exp(
            -1.0 * spikes_per_tick[is_fast_source])
        # Compute the inter-spike-interval for slow sources to get the average
        # number of timesteps between spikes
        isi_val = numpy.zeros(len(spikes_per_tick), dtype="float")
        elements = numpy.logical_not(is_fast_source) & (spikes_per_tick > 0)
        isi_val[elements] = 1.0 / spikes_per_tick[elements]

        # Get the time to spike value
        time_to_spike = self.__time_to_spike[vertex_slice.as_slice]
        changed_rates = (
            & elements)
        time_to_spike[changed_rates] = 0.0

        # Merge the arrays as parameters per atom
        data = numpy.dstack(
            (start_scaled.astype("uint32"), end_scaled.astype("uint32"),
             (exp_minus_lambda * (2**32)).astype("uint32"),
             (isi_val * (2**15)).astype("uint32"),
             (time_to_spike * (2**15)).astype("uint32")))[0]

def eval_market1501(distmat, q_pids, g_pids, q_camids, g_camids, max_rank):
    """Evaluation with market1501 metric
    Key: for each query identity, its gallery images from the same camera view(来自同一个镜头视角视角的)are discarded.

    print('------start eval_market1501------')
    num_q, num_g = distmat.shape
    if num_g < max_rank:  # max_rank=50
        max_rank = num_g
        print("Note: number of gallery samples is quite small, got {}".format(
    # 做排序,对相似度做排序
    indices = np.argsort(distmat, axis=1)
    # 将query集中的每一张图像与gallery集中的图像进行匹配,属于同一id的标为1,换言之,找出pid相同的query和gallery图像
    matches = (g_pids[indices] == q_pids[:, np.newaxis]).astype(np.int32)
    # embed()
    # 打个断点,测试一下
    # embed()

    # compute cmc curve for each query
    all_cmc = []
    all_AP = []
    num_valid_q = 0.  # number of valid query,有效的query数据,这个怎么理解?
    for q_idx in range(num_q):
        # get query pid and camid
        q_pid = q_pids[q_idx]
        q_camid = q_camids[q_idx]

        # remove gallery samples that have the same pid and camid with query(除掉gallery集中与query图像同时有相同的pid和camid的图像)
        order = indices[q_idx]
        remove = (g_pids[order] == q_pid) & (g_camids[order] == q_camid)
        keep = np.invert(remove)  # np.invert()按位NOT

        # compute cmc curve
        orig_cmc = matches[q_idx][
            keep]  # binary vector, positions with value 1 are correct matches
        # embed()

        # if not np.any(orig_cmc):
        #     # this condition is true when query identity does not appear in gallery
        #     continue
        # embed()
        cmc = orig_cmc.cumsum()
        # embed()
        cmc[cmc > 1] = 1

        num_valid_q += 1.
        # embed()
        # compute average precision
        # reference:
        num_rel = orig_cmc.sum()
        tmp_cmc = orig_cmc.cumsum()
        tmp_cmc = [x / (i + 1.) for i, x in enumerate(tmp_cmc)]
        tmp_cmc = np.asarray(tmp_cmc) * orig_cmc
        AP = tmp_cmc.sum() / num_rel
        # 检查num_rel是否为0值
        # embed()

    assert num_valid_q > 0, "Error: all query identities do not appear in gallery"

    # 查看一下all_cmc前后的shape
    # embed()

    all_cmc = np.asarray(all_cmc).astype(np.float32)
    all_cmc = all_cmc.sum(0) / num_valid_q
    # embed()
    mAP = np.mean(all_AP)

    # embed()
    print('all_cmc', all_cmc)
    print('mAp', mAP)
    print('------end eval_market1501------')
    return all_cmc, mAP
Beispiel #53
    def write_scrip(self, filename, mask=None, write_test_scrip=True, history=''):
        Write out grid in SCRIP format.


        f = nc.Dataset(filename, 'w')

        x = self.x_t
        y = self.y_t

        clat = self.clat_t
        clon = self.clon_t
        num_points = self.num_lat_points * self.num_lon_points

        f.createDimension('grid_size', num_points)
        f.createDimension('grid_corners', 4)
        f.createDimension('grid_rank', 2)

        grid_dims = f.createVariable('grid_dims', 'i4', ('grid_rank'))
        # SCRIP likes lon, lat
        grid_dims[:] = [self.num_lon_points, self.num_lat_points]

        center_lat = f.createVariable('grid_center_lat', 'f8', ('grid_size'))
        center_lat.units = 'degrees'
        center_lat[:] = y[:].flatten()

        center_lon = f.createVariable('grid_center_lon', 'f8', ('grid_size'))
        center_lon.units = 'degrees'
        center_lon[:] = x[:].flatten()

        imask = f.createVariable('grid_imask', 'i4', ('grid_size'))
        imask.units = 'unitless'

        # Invert the mask. SCRIP uses zero for points that do not
        # participate.
        if mask is not None:
            mask = mask
            mask = self.mask

        if len(mask.shape) == 2:
            imask[:] = np.invert(mask[:]).flatten()
            imask[:] = np.invert(mask[0, :, :]).flatten()

        corner_lat = f.createVariable('grid_corner_lat', 'f8',
                                      ('grid_size', 'grid_corners'))
        corner_lat.units = 'degrees'
        corner_lat[:] = clat[:].flatten()

        corner_lon = f.createVariable('grid_corner_lon', 'f8',
                                      ('grid_size', 'grid_corners'))
        corner_lon.units = 'degrees'
        corner_lon[:] = clon[:].flatten()

        f.title = self.description
        f.history = history

        if write_test_scrip:
            self.write_test_scrip(filename + '_test')
import numpy as np
from skimage.transform import resize
from skimage import measure
from skimage.measure import regionprops
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import platedetection

license_plate = np.invert(platedetection.plate_similar[0])
labelled_plate = measure.label(license_plate)

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1)
ax1.imshow(license_plate, cmap="gray")

char_dims = (0.35*license_plate.shape[0], 0.60*license_plate.shape[0], 0.05*license_plate.shape[1], 0.15*license_plate.shape[1])
min_height, max_height, min_width, max_width = char_dims

characters = []
column_list = []
for regions in regionprops(labelled_plate):
    y0, x0, y1, x1 = regions.bbox
    height = y1 - y0
    width = x1 - x0

    if height > min_height and height < max_height and width > min_width and width < max_width:
        roi = license_plate[y0:y1, x0:x1]
        border = patches.Rectangle((x0, y0), x1 - x0, y1 - y0, edgecolor="blue",
                                       linewidth=2, fill=False)
Beispiel #55
    def refresh_tids(self, tids):
        """ Sync documents with `['tid']` in the list of `tids` from the
        database (not *to* the database).

        Local trial documents whose tid is not in `tids` are not
        affected by this call.  Local trial documents whose tid is in `tids` may

        * *deleted* (if db no longer has corresponding document), or
        * *updated* (if db has an updated document) or,
        * *left alone* (if db document matches local one).

        Additionally, if the db has a matching document, but there is no
        local trial with a matching tid, then the db document will be
        *inserted* into the local collection.

        exp_key = self._exp_key
        if exp_key != None:
            query = {"exp_key": exp_key}
            query = {}
        t0 = time.time()
        query["state"] = {"$ne": JOB_STATE_ERROR}
        if tids is not None:
            query["tid"] = {"$in": list(tids)}
        orig_trials = getattr(self, "_trials", [])
        _trials = orig_trials[:]  # copy to make sure it doesn't get screwed up
        if _trials:
            db_data = list(, projection=["_id", "version"]))
            # -- pull down a fresh list of ids from mongo
            if db_data:
                # make numpy data arrays
                db_data = numpy.rec.array(
                    [(x["_id"], int(x["version"])) for x in db_data],
                    names=["_id", "version"],
                db_data.sort(order=["_id", "version"])
                db_data = db_data[get_most_recent_inds(db_data)]

                existing_data = numpy.rec.array(
                    [(x["_id"], int(x["version"])) for x in _trials],
                    names=["_id", "version"],
                existing_data.sort(order=["_id", "version"])

                # which records are in db but not in existing, and vice versa
                db_in_existing = fast_isin(db_data["_id"], existing_data["_id"])
                existing_in_db = fast_isin(existing_data["_id"], db_data["_id"])

                # filtering out out-of-date records
                _trials = [_trials[_ind] for _ind in existing_in_db.nonzero()[0]]

                # new data is what's in db that's not in existing
                new_data = db_data[numpy.invert(db_in_existing)]

                # having removed the new and out of data data,
                # concentrating on data in db and existing for state changes
                db_data = db_data[db_in_existing]
                existing_data = existing_data[existing_in_db]
                    assert len(db_data) == len(existing_data)
                    assert (existing_data["_id"] == db_data["_id"]).all()
                    assert (existing_data["version"] <= db_data["version"]).all()
                    report_path = os.path.join(
                        + str(numpy.random.randint(1e8))
                        + ".pkl",
                        "HYPEROPT REFRESH ERROR: writing error file to %s" % report_path
                    _file = open(report_path, "w")
                        {"db_data": db_data, "existing_data": existing_data}, _file

                same_version = existing_data["version"] == db_data["version"]
                _trials = [_trials[_ind] for _ind in same_version.nonzero()[0]]
                version_changes = existing_data[numpy.invert(same_version)]

                # actually get the updated records
                update_ids = new_data["_id"].tolist() + version_changes["_id"].tolist()
                num_new = len(update_ids)
                update_query = copy.deepcopy(query)
                update_query["_id"] = {"$in": update_ids}
                updated_trials = list(
                num_new = 0
                _trials = []
            # this case is for performance, though should be able to be removed
            # without breaking correctness.
            _trials = list(
            if _trials:
                _trials = [_trials[_i] for _i in get_most_recent_inds(_trials)]
            num_new = len(_trials)

            "Refresh data download took %f seconds for %d ids"
            % (time.time() - t0, num_new)

        if tids is not None:
            # -- If tids were given, then _trials only contains
            #    documents with matching tids. Here we augment these
            #    fresh matching documents, with our current ones whose
            #    tids don't match.
            new_trials = _trials
            tids_set = set(tids)
            assert all(t["tid"] in tids_set for t in new_trials)
            old_trials = [t for t in orig_trials if t["tid"] not in tids_set]
            _trials = new_trials + old_trials

        # -- reassign new trials to self, in order of increasing tid
        jarray = numpy.array([j["_id"] for j in _trials])
        jobsort = jarray.argsort()
        self._trials = [_trials[_idx] for _idx in jobsort]
        self._specs = [_trials[_idx]["spec"] for _idx in jobsort]
        self._results = [_trials[_idx]["result"] for _idx in jobsort]
        self._miscs = [_trials[_idx]["misc"] for _idx in jobsort]
Beispiel #56
    def extract_column_from_tables(self,
        Extract data from files built as an roi_set

        The data are assumed to be in a set of files with names like

        sky_crds : array-like (2,ndir)
            Directions to extract data for

        filestr : str
            Name of file within each ROI sub-directory

        basedir : str
            Path to top-level directory

        tabname : str
            Name of table containing data to extract

        colname : std
            Name of column to extract

        out_array : ~numpy.ndarray(shape)
            Array with the extracted data
        nbin = kwargs.get('nbin', None)

        # Mask out the stuff outide the projections
        mask = np.invert(np.isnan(sky_crds)).any(1)
        good_sky = sky_crds[mask]

        if nbin is not None:
            full_mask = np.expand_dims(mask, -1) * np.ones((nbin), bool)
            full_mask = full_mask.reshape((full_mask.size))
            full_mask = mask

        # This is the array we are filling
        out_array = np.zeros(shape)
        out_array.flat[np.invert(full_mask.flat)] = np.nan

        # Figure out which ROI each direction belongs to
        rois = self.lb_to_idx(good_sky[0:, 0], good_sky[0:, 1])

        # This is an array of only the pixels inside the projection
        if nbin is None:
            copy_array = np.zeros((mask.sum()))
            copy_array = np.zeros((mask.sum(), nbin))

        # Loop over ROIs
        min_roi = rois.min()
        max_roi = rois.max()

        for iroi in range(min_roi, max_roi + 1):
            # progress
            if iroi % 10 == 0:

            # Mask out the directions for this ROI
            local_mask = rois == iroi

            if not local_mask.any():

            # Open the corresonding file
            filepath = os.path.join(basedir, "%s%05i" % (self.prefix, iroi),

            # Extract the data for this ROI
            copy_array[local_mask] = extract_column_data_from_file(
                filepath, good_sky[0:, 0][local_mask],
                good_sky[0:, 1][local_mask], **kwargs)

        out_array.flat[full_mask] = copy_array.flat
        return out_array
Beispiel #57
def _gradient_descent(objective,
    """Batch gradient descent with momentum and individual gains.

    objective : function or callable
        Should return a tuple of cost and gradient for a given parameter
        vector. When expensive to compute, the cost can optionally
        be None and can be computed every n_iter_check steps using
        the objective_error function.

    p0 : array-like, shape (n_params,)
        Initial parameter vector.

    it : int
        Current number of iterations (this function will be called more than
        once during the optimization).

    n_iter : int
        Maximum number of gradient descent iterations.

    n_iter_check : int
        Number of iterations before evaluating the global error. If the error
        is sufficiently low, we abort the optimization.

    objective_error : function or callable
        Should return a tuple of cost and gradient for a given parameter

    n_iter_without_progress : int, optional (default: 30)
        Maximum number of iterations without progress before we abort the

    momentum : float, within (0.0, 1.0), optional (default: 0.5)
        The momentum generates a weight for previous gradients that decays

    learning_rate : float, optional (default: 1000.0)
        The learning rate should be extremely high for t-SNE! Values in the
        range [100.0, 1000.0] are common.

    min_gain : float, optional (default: 0.01)
        Minimum individual gain for each parameter.

    min_grad_norm : float, optional (default: 1e-7)
        If the gradient norm is below this threshold, the optimization will
        be aborted.

    min_error_diff : float, optional (default: 1e-7)
        If the absolute difference of two successive cost function values
        is below this threshold, the optimization will be aborted.

    verbose : int, optional (default: 0)
        Verbosity level.

    args : sequence
        Arguments to pass to objective function.

    kwargs : dict
        Keyword arguments to pass to objective function.

    p : array, shape (n_params,)
        Optimum parameters.

    error : float

    i : int
        Last iteration.
    if args is None:
        args = []
    if kwargs is None:
        kwargs = {}

    p = p0.copy().ravel()
    update = np.zeros_like(p)
    gains = np.ones_like(p)
    error = np.finfo(np.float).max
    best_error = np.finfo(np.float).max
    best_iter = 0

    for i in range(it, n_iter):
        new_error, grad = objective(p, *args, **kwargs)
        grad_norm = linalg.norm(grad)

        inc = update * grad >= 0.0
        dec = np.invert(inc)
        gains[inc] += 0.05
        gains[dec] *= 0.95
        np.clip(gains, min_gain, np.inf)
        grad *= gains
        update = momentum * update - learning_rate * grad
        p += update

        if (i + 1) % n_iter_check == 0:
            if new_error is None:
                new_error = objective_error(p, *args)
            error_diff = np.abs(new_error - error)
            error = new_error

            if verbose >= 2:
                m = "[t-SNE] Iteration %d: error = %.7f, gradient norm = %.7f"
                print(m % (i + 1, error, grad_norm))

            if error < best_error:
                best_error = error
                best_iter = i
            elif i - best_iter > n_iter_without_progress:
                if verbose >= 2:
                    print("[t-SNE] Iteration %d: did not make any progress "
                          "during the last %d episodes. Finished." %
                          (i + 1, n_iter_without_progress))
            if grad_norm <= min_grad_norm:
                if verbose >= 2:
                    print("[t-SNE] Iteration %d: gradient norm %f. Finished." %
                          (i + 1, grad_norm))
            if error_diff <= min_error_diff:
                if verbose >= 2:
                    m = "[t-SNE] Iteration %d: error difference %f. Finished."
                    print(m % (i + 1, error_diff))

        if new_error is not None:
            error = new_error

    return p, error, i
    batch_x, batch_y = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size),
                 X: batch_x,
                 Y: batch_y,
                 keep_prob: dropout
    #	print	loss	and	accuracy	(per	minibatch)
    if i % 100 == 0:
        minibatch_loss, minibatch_accuracy =
            [cross_entropy, accuracy],
                X: batch_x,
                Y: batch_y,
                keep_prob: 1.0
        print("Iteration", str(i), "\t|	Loss	=", str(minibatch_loss),
              "\t|	Accuracy	=", str(minibatch_accuracy))

test_accuracy =,
                             X: mnist.test.images,
                             Y: mnist.test.labels,
                             keep_prob: 1.0
print("\nAccuracy	on	test	set:", test_accuracy)

img = np.invert("test_img.png").convert('L')).ravel()
prediction =, 1), feed_dict={X: [img]})
print("Prediction	for	test	image:", np.squeeze(prediction))
    def _check_done(self):
        Check if the episode is done
        This is in terms of the ego car
        For our case, whether the car ends up close enough to the starting point
        And if accumulated time is over the timeout
        return true if done, false if not
        This assumes start is always (0, 0)

        # TODO: start not always 0, 0
        # dist_to_start = math.sqrt((self.x-self.start_x) ** 2 + (self.y-self.start_y) ** 2)
        left_t = 1.5
        right_t = 5
        timeout = self.current_time >= self.timeout
        if self.double_finish:
            poses_x = np.array(self.all_x)-self.start_xs
            poses_y = np.array(self.all_y)-self.start_ys
            delta_pt =, np.stack((poses_x, poses_y), axis=0))
            temp_y = delta_pt[1,:]
            idx1 = temp_y > left_t
            idx2 = temp_y < -right_t
            temp_y[idx1] -= left_t
            temp_y[idx2] = -right_t - temp_y[idx2]
            temp_y[np.invert(np.logical_or(idx1, idx2))] = 0

            dist2 = delta_pt[0,:]**2 + temp_y**2
            closes = dist2 <= 0.1
            for i in range(self.num_agents):
                if closes[i] and not self.near_starts[i]:
                    self.near_starts[i] = True
                    self.toggle_list[i] += 1
                elif not closes[i] and self.near_starts[i]:
                    self.near_starts[i] = False
                    self.toggle_list[i] += 1
            done = (self.in_collision | (timeout) | np.all(self.toggle_list >= 4))
            # only for two cars atm
            self.lap_counts[0] = np.floor(self.toggle_list[0] / 2)
            self.lap_counts[1] = np.floor(self.toggle_list[1] / 2)
            if self.toggle_list[0] < 4:
                self.lap_times[0] = self.current_time
            if self.toggle_list[1] < 4:
                self.lap_times[1] = self.current_time
            return done, self.toggle_list >= 4

        delta_pt =, np.array([self.x-self.start_x, self.y-self.start_y]))
        if delta_pt[1] > left_t: # left
            temp_y = delta_pt[1]-left_t
        elif delta_pt[1] < -right_t: # right
            temp_y = -right_t - delta_pt[1]
            temp_y = 0
        dist2 = delta_pt[0]**2 + temp_y**2
        close = dist2 <= 0.1
        # close = dist_to_start <= self.start_thresh
        if close and not self.near_start:
            self.near_start = True
            self.num_toggles += 1
        elif not close and self.near_start:
            self.near_start = False
            self.num_toggles += 1
        done = (self.in_collision | (timeout) | (self.num_toggles >= 4))
        return done
Beispiel #60
def calculate_antenna_params(filename,
    """Calculates antenna parameters - incident, reflected and total volatges and currents; s11, (s21) and input impedance.

        filename (string): Filename (including path) of output file.
        tltxnumber (int): Transmitter antenna - transmission line number
        tlrxnumber (int): Receiver antenna - transmission line number
        rxnumber (int): Receiver antenna - output number
        rxcomponent (str): Receiver antenna - output electric field component

        antennaparams (dict): Antenna parameters.

    # Open output file and read some attributes
    f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
    dxdydz = f.attrs['dx, dy, dz']
    dt = f.attrs['dt']
    iterations = f.attrs['Iterations']

    # Calculate time array and frequency bin spacing
    time = np.linspace(0, 1, iterations)
    time *= (iterations * dt)
    df = 1 / np.amax(time)

    print('Time window: {:g} s ({} iterations)'.format(np.amax(time),
    print('Time step: {:g} s'.format(dt))
    print('Frequency bin spacing: {:g} Hz'.format(df))

    # Read/calculate voltages and currents from transmitter antenna
    tltxpath = '/tls/tl' + str(tltxnumber) + '/'

    # Incident voltages/currents
    Vinc = f[tltxpath + 'Vinc'][:]
    Iinc = f[tltxpath + 'Iinc'][:]

    # Total (incident + reflected) voltages/currents
    Vtotal = f[tltxpath + 'Vtotal'][:]
    Itotal = f[tltxpath + 'Itotal'][:]

    # Reflected voltages/currents
    Vref = Vtotal - Vinc
    Iref = Itotal - Iinc

    # If a receiver antenna is used (with a transmission line or receiver), get received voltage for s21
    if tlrxnumber:
        tlrxpath = '/tls/tl' + str(tlrxnumber) + '/'
        Vrec = f[tlrxpath + 'Vtotal'][:]

    elif rxnumber:
        rxpath = '/rxs/rx' + str(rxnumber) + '/'
        availableoutputs = list(f[rxpath].keys())

        if rxcomponent not in availableoutputs:
            raise CmdInputError(
                '{} output requested, but the available output for receiver {} is {}'
                .format(rxcomponent, rxnumber, ', '.join(availableoutputs)))

        rxpath += rxcomponent

        # Received voltage
        if rxcomponent == 'Ex':
            Vrec = f[rxpath][:] * -1 * dxdydz[0]
        elif rxcomponent == 'Ey':
            Vrec = f[rxpath][:] * -1 * dxdydz[1]
        elif rxcomponent == 'Ez':
            Vrec = f[rxpath][:] * -1 * dxdydz[2]

    # Frequency bins
    freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(Vinc.size, d=dt)

    # Delay correction - current lags voltage, so delay voltage to match current timestep
    delaycorrection = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * freqs * (dt / 2))

    # Calculate s11 and (optionally) s21
    s11 = np.abs(np.fft.fft(Vref) / np.fft.fft(Vinc))
    if tlrxnumber or rxnumber:
        s21 = np.abs(np.fft.fft(Vrec) / np.fft.fft(Vinc))

    # Calculate input impedance
    zin = (np.fft.fft(Vtotal) * delaycorrection) / np.fft.fft(Itotal)

    # Calculate input admittance
    yin = np.fft.fft(Itotal) / (np.fft.fft(Vtotal) * delaycorrection)

    # Convert to decibels (ignore warning from taking a log of any zero values)
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
        Vincp = 20 * np.log10(np.abs((np.fft.fft(Vinc) * delaycorrection)))
        Iincp = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(np.fft.fft(Iinc)))
        Vrefp = 20 * np.log10(np.abs((np.fft.fft(Vref) * delaycorrection)))
        Irefp = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(np.fft.fft(Iref)))
        Vtotalp = 20 * np.log10(np.abs((np.fft.fft(Vtotal) * delaycorrection)))
        Itotalp = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(np.fft.fft(Itotal)))
        s11 = 20 * np.log10(s11)

    # Replace any NaNs or Infs from zero division
    Vincp[np.invert(np.isfinite(Vincp))] = 0
    Iincp[np.invert(np.isfinite(Iincp))] = 0
    Vrefp[np.invert(np.isfinite(Vrefp))] = 0
    Irefp[np.invert(np.isfinite(Irefp))] = 0
    Vtotalp[np.invert(np.isfinite(Vtotalp))] = 0
    Itotalp[np.invert(np.isfinite(Itotalp))] = 0
    s11[np.invert(np.isfinite(s11))] = 0

    # Create dictionary of antenna parameters
    antennaparams = {
        'time': time,
        'freqs': freqs,
        'Vinc': Vinc,
        'Vincp': Vincp,
        'Iinc': Iinc,
        'Iincp': Iincp,
        'Vref': Vref,
        'Vrefp': Vrefp,
        'Iref': Iref,
        'Irefp': Irefp,
        'Vtotal': Vtotal,
        'Vtotalp': Vtotalp,
        'Itotal': Itotal,
        'Itotalp': Itotalp,
        's11': s11,
        'zin': zin,
        'yin': yin
    if tlrxnumber or rxnumber:
        with np.errstate(
        ):  # Ignore warning from taking a log of any zero values
            s21 = 20 * np.log10(s21)
        s21[np.invert(np.isfinite(s21))] = 0
        antennaparams['s21'] = s21

    return antennaparams