Beispiel #1
def mag2fluxcal( mag, magerr=0 ):
    """ convert magnitudes into SNANA-style FLUXCAL units
    (fixed zero point of 27.5 for all bands) """
    from numpy import iterable, abs, array, zeros, any
    if not iterable( mag ) : 
        mag = array( [ mag ] )
        magerr = array( [ magerr ] )
    if not iterable( magerr ) : 
        magerr = zeros( len(mag) ) 

    fluxcal, fluxcalerr = [],[]
    for m,me in zip( mag, magerr) : 
        if me < 0 : 
            fluxcal.append( 0 ) 
            fluxcalerr.append( 10**(-0.4*(m-27.5)) )
        else : 
            fluxcal.append( 10**(-0.4*(m-27.5)) )
            fluxcalerr.append( 0.92103 * me * fluxcal[-1] )
    fluxcal = array( fluxcal )
    fluxcalerr = array( fluxcalerr )

    if len(mag)==1 : 
        fluxcal = fluxcal[0]
        fluxcalerr = fluxcalerr[0] 

    if any( magerr ) : return( fluxcal, fluxcalerr ) 
    else : return( fluxcal )
Beispiel #2
def importance_sample_var(x, est, p_gen, p_tar, log_weight_lim=float('inf'),
    # TODO normalize not used?
    x = np.asarray(x)
    N = len(x)
    log_weight_lim = float(log_weight_lim)    

    if not np.iterable(p_gen):
        p_gen = np.full(N, p_gen)
        p_gen = np.asarray(p_gen)

    if not np.iterable(p_tar):
        p_tar = np.full(N, p_tar)
        p_tar = np.asarray(p_tar)

    log_weights = p_tar - p_gen
    valid = np.logical_and(log_weights > -log_weight_lim,
                           log_weights < log_weight_lim)
    if not np.any(valid):
        return float('inf'), 0

    weights = np.exp(log_weights[valid])
    x = x[valid]

    deltas = x - est
    outers = np.asarray([np.outer(d, d) for d in deltas])
    norm_weights = weights / np.sum(weights)

    est_var = np.sum((norm_weights * norm_weights) * outers.T, axis=-1).T
    ess = np.sum(norm_weights ** 2) ** 2 / np.sum(norm_weights ** 4)
    return est_var, ess
Beispiel #3
def write_arrays(filename, args, fields=None, sep=" ", comment="#", clobber=False, linebreak="\n", format="%g"):

    if os.path.isfile(filename) and not clobber:
        raise IOErr("filefound", filename)

    if not numpy.iterable(args) or len(args) == 0:
        raise IOErr("noarrayswrite")

    if not numpy.iterable(args[0]):
        raise IOErr("noarrayswrite")

    size = len(args[0])
    for arg in args:
        if not numpy.iterable(arg):
            raise IOErr("noarrayswrite")
        elif len(arg) != size:
            raise IOErr("arraysnoteq")

    args = numpy.column_stack(numpy.asarray(args))

    f = file(filename, "w")

    if fields is not None:
        f.write(comment + sep.join(fields) + linebreak)

    lines = []
    for arg in args:
        line = [format % elem for elem in arg]


    # add a newline at end
def Min3(a,b,c):
    code = """
    for(int i=0;i<ntot;i++) {
        double av = *(a+i);
    if iterable(b):
        code += """
        double bv = *(b+i);
        code += """
        double bv = b;
    if iterable(c):
        code += """
        double cv = *(c+i);
        code += """
        double cv = c;
    code += """
        *(result+i) = (av<bv) ? ((cv<av) ? cv:av) : ((cv<bv) ? cv:bv);
    ntot = a.size
    result = GridArray.GridArray.empty(a.shape)
    W.inline(code, ['a','b','c','result','ntot'], extra_compile_args=["-w"])
    return result
def dict_diff(dict1, dict2):
    """Return the difference between two dictionaries as a dictionary of key: [val1, val2] pairs.
    Keys unique to either dictionary are included as key: [val1, '-'] or key: ['-', val2]."""
    diff_keys = []
    common_keys = np.intersect1d(dict1.keys(), dict2.keys())
    for key in common_keys:
        if np.iterable(dict1[key]) or np.iterable(dict2[key]):
            if not np.array_equal(dict1[key], dict2[key]):
            if dict1[key] != dict2[key]:

    dict1_unique = [key for key in dict1.keys() if key not in common_keys]
    dict2_unique = [key for key in dict2.keys() if key not in common_keys]

    diff = {}
    for key in diff_keys:
        diff[key] = [dict1[key], dict2[key]]

    for key in dict1_unique:
        diff[key] = [dict1[key], '-']

    for key in dict2_unique:
        diff[key] = ['-', dict2[key]]

    return diff
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, mesh, material1=None, material2=None, surface=None, color=0x33ffffff):
        self.mesh = mesh

        if np.iterable(material1):
            if len(material1) != len(mesh.triangles):
                raise ValueError('shape mismatch')
            self.material1 = np.array(material1, dtype=np.object)
            self.material1 = np.tile(material1, len(self.mesh.triangles))

        if np.iterable(material2):
            if len(material2) != len(mesh.triangles):
                raise ValueError('shape mismatch')
            self.material2 = np.array(material2, dtype=np.object)
            self.material2 = np.tile(material2, len(self.mesh.triangles))

        if np.iterable(surface):
            if len(surface) != len(mesh.triangles):
                raise ValueError('shape mismatch')
            self.surface = np.array(surface, dtype=np.object)
            self.surface = np.tile(surface, len(self.mesh.triangles))

        if np.iterable(color):
            if len(color) != len(mesh.triangles):
                raise ValueError('shape mismatch')
            self.color = np.array(color, dtype=np.uint32)
            self.color = np.tile(color, len(self.mesh.triangles)).astype(np.uint32)

        self.unique_materials = \
            np.unique(np.concatenate([self.material1, self.material2]))

        self.unique_surfaces = np.unique(self.surface)
def test_kernel_clone():
    """ Test that sklearn's clone works correctly on kernels. """
    for kernel in kernels:
        kernel_cloned = clone(kernel)

        assert_equal(kernel, kernel_cloned)
        assert_not_equal(id(kernel), id(kernel_cloned))
        for attr in kernel.__dict__.keys():
            attr_value = getattr(kernel, attr)
            attr_value_cloned = getattr(kernel_cloned, attr)
            if attr.startswith("hyperparameter_"):
            elif np.iterable(attr_value):
                for i in range(len(attr_value)):
                    if np.iterable(attr_value[i]):
                        assert_equal(attr_value[i], attr_value_cloned[i])
                assert_equal(attr_value, attr_value_cloned)
            if not isinstance(attr_value, Hashable):
                # modifiable attributes must not be identical
                assert_not_equal(id(attr_value), id(attr_value_cloned))
Beispiel #8
def set_arrays(filename, args, fields=None, ascii=True, clobber=False):

    if os.path.isfile(filename) and not clobber:
        raise IOErr("filefound", filename)

    if not numpy.iterable(args) or len(args) == 0:
        raise IOErr('noarrayswrite')

    if not numpy.iterable(args[0]):
        raise IOErr('noarrayswrite')

    size = len(args[0])
    for arg in args:
        if not numpy.iterable(arg):
            raise IOErr('noarrayswrite')
        elif len(arg) != size:
            raise IOErr('arraysnoteq')

    if ascii and '[' not in filename and ']' not in filename:
        filename += "[opt kernel=text/simple]"

    tbl = pycrates.TABLECrate()

    if fields is None:
        fields = ['col%i' % (ii+1) for ii in range(len(args))]

    if len(args) != len(fields):
        raise IOErr('toomanycols', str(len(fields)), str(len(args)))

    for val, name in izip(args, fields):
        _set_column(tbl, name, val)

    pycrates.write_file(tbl, filename, clobber=True)
    def _set_values_to_brick(self, brick_guid, brick_slice, values, value_slice=None):
        brick_file_path = os.path.join(self.brick_path, '{0}.hdf5'.format(brick_guid))
        log.trace('Brick slice to fill: %s', brick_slice)
        log.trace('Value slice to extract: %s', value_slice)

        # Create the HDF5 dataset that represents one brick
        bD = tuple(self.brick_domains[1])
        cD = self.brick_domains[2]
        if value_slice is not None:
            vals = values[value_slice]
            vals = values

        if values.ndim == 0 and len(values.shape) == 0 and np.iterable(vals): # Prevent single value strings from being iterated
            vals = [vals]

        # Check for object type
        data_type = self.dtype
        fv = self.fill_value

        # Check for object type
        if data_type == '|O8':
            if np.iterable(vals):
                vals = [pack(x) for x in vals]
                vals = pack(vals)

        if self.inline_data_writes:
            if data_type == '|O8':
                data_type = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)
            if 0 in cD or 1 in cD:
                cD = True
            with HDFLockingFile(brick_file_path, 'a') as f:
                # TODO: Due to usage concerns, currently locking chunking to "auto"
                f.require_dataset(brick_guid, shape=bD, dtype=data_type, chunks=None, fillvalue=fv)
                f[brick_guid][brick_slice] = vals
            work_key = brick_guid
            work = (brick_slice, vals)
            work_metrics = (brick_file_path, bD, cD, data_type, fv)
            log.trace('Work key: %s', work_key)
            log.trace('Work metrics: %s', work_metrics)
            log.trace('Work[0]: %s', work[0])

            # If the brick file doesn't exist, 'touch' it to make sure it's immediately available
            if not os.path.exists(brick_file_path):
                if data_type == '|O8':
                    data_type = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)
                if 0 in cD or 1 in cD:
                    cD = True
                with HDFLockingFile(brick_file_path, 'a') as f:
                    # TODO: Due to usage concerns, currently locking chunking to "auto"
                    f.require_dataset(brick_guid, shape=bD, dtype=data_type, chunks=None, fillvalue=fv)

            if self.auto_flush:
                # Immediately submit work to the dispatcher
                self.brick_dispatcher.put_work(work_key, work_metrics, work)
                # Queue the work for later flushing
                self._queue_work(work_key, work_metrics, work)
Beispiel #10
def broadcast_indices(indices):
    """ if any array index is present, broadcast all arrays and integer indices on the same shape
    aindices = []

    # convert all booleans, and scan the indices to get the size
    size = None
    for i, ix in enumerate(indices):

        if np.iterable(ix) and np.asarray(ix).dtype is np.dtype(bool):
            ix = np.where(ix)[0]

        if np.iterable(ix):

            if size is None:
                size = np.size(ix)

            # consistency check
            elif size != np.size(ix):
                print size, np.size(ix)
                raise ValueError(
                    "array-indices could not be broadcast on the same shape (got {} and {}, try box[...] or take(..., broadcast_arrays=False) if you intend to sample values along several dimensions independently)".format(
                        size, np.size(ix)


    # Now convert all integers to the same size, if applicable
    if size is not None:
        for i, ix in enumerate(aindices):
            if not np.iterable(ix) and not type(ix) is slice:
                aindices[i] = np.zeros(size, dtype=type(ix)) + ix

    return aindices
 def clone_with_param(self, new_length_scale):
     if np.iterable(self.length_scale):
         if not np.iterable(new_length_scale):
             raise Exception("new_legnth_scale is not iterable")
         if len(self.length_scale) != len(new_length_scale):
             raise Exception("new_length_scale mismatched")
     return RBFKernel(new_length_scale, self.length_scale_bounds)
    def integrate_prop_odeint(self, D, eps, x,t1,t2):
        integrate the lineage propagator, accounting for non branching. THIS USES THE SCIPY ODE INTEGRATOR
        D   --  dimensionless diffusion constant
        eps --  initial condition for the generating function, corresponding to the sampling probability
        x   --  fitness at the "closer to the present" end of the branch
        t1  --  time closer to the present
        t2  --  times after which to evaluate the propagator, either a float or iterable of floats
        if not np.iterable(t2):  # if only one value is provided, produce a list with this value
        else:                    # otherwise, cast to list. This is necessary to concatenate with with t1

        if np.iterable(x):
            xdim = len(x)
            xdim = 1
        # allocate array for solution: dimensions: #time points, #late fitness values, #fitness grid points
        sol = np.zeros((len(t2)+1, len(x), self.L))
        # loop over late fitness values
        for ii, x_val in enumerate(x):
            # find index in fitness grid
            xi = np.argmin(x_val >self.fitness_grid)
            # init as delta function, normized
            prop0 = np.zeros(self.L)
            prop0[xi] = self.dxinv
            # propagate backwards and save in correct row
            sol[:,ii,:] = odeint(self.dprop_backward, prop0, [t1]+t2,args=((D,eps),), 
                                 rtol = 0.001,atol = 1e-5, h0=1e-2,hmin = 1e-4, printmessg=False)

        return np.maximum(non_negativity_cutoff,sol)
Beispiel #13
    def _get_k_variables(self, k, m, c=None, coord="k"):
        From a raw array in k, mass, returns concentration,

        c : same shape as m

        K : 1d or 2d array
            Dimensionless scale parameter, shape (r,[m]).
        if c is None:
            c = self.cm_relation(m)
        r_s = self._rs_from_m(m, c)

        if coord == "k":
            if np.iterable(k) and np.iterable(r_s):
                K = np.outer(k, r_s)
                K = k*r_s
        elif coord == "kappa":
            K = k

        return c, K
Beispiel #14
def point_displ(pt1, pt2):
    """ Calculate the displacement vector between two n-D points.

    pt1 - pt2

    .. todo:: Complete point_disp docstring


    import numpy as np

    # Make iterable
    if not np.iterable(pt1):
        pt1 = np.float64(np.array([pt1]))
        pt1 = np.float64(np.array(pt1).squeeze())
    ## end if
    if not np.iterable(pt2):
        pt2 = np.float64(np.array([pt2]))
        pt2 = np.float64(np.array(pt2).squeeze())
    ## end if

    # Calculate the displacement vector and return
    displ = np.matrix(np.subtract(pt2, pt1)).reshape(3,1)
    return displ
Beispiel #15
def _values_equal(a, b):
    "Test equality, taking into account array values"
    if a is b:
        return True
    elif type(a) is not type(b):
        return False
    a_iterable = np.iterable(a)
    b_iterable = np.iterable(b)
    if a_iterable != b_iterable:
        return False
    elif not a_iterable:
        return a == b
    elif len(a) != len(b):
        return False
    elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
        if a.shape == b.shape:
            return (a == b).all()
            return False
    elif isinstance(a, (tuple, list)):
        return all(_values_equal(a_, b_) for a_, b_ in zip(a, b))
    elif isinstance(a, dict):
        if a.keys() == b.keys():
            return all(_values_equal(a[k], b[k]) for k in a)
            return False
    elif isinstance(a,
        return isinstance(b, a.__class__) and _values_equal(,
        return a == b
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self):
        # Seed RNG if specified
        seed = rospy.get_param('~random_seed', None)
        if seed is None:
            rospy.loginfo('No random seed specified. Using default behavior.')
            rospy.loginfo('Initializing with random seed: ' + str(seed))

        self.save_period = rospy.get_param('~save_period', 1)

        self.input_dim = rospy.get_param('~input_dimension')
        self.input_lower = rospy.get_param('~input_lower_bound')
        self.input_upper = rospy.get_param('~input_upper_bound')
        if not np.iterable(self.input_lower):
            self.input_lower = [self.input_lower]*self.input_dim
        self.input_lower = np.asarray(self.input_lower)
        if not np.iterable(self.input_upper):
            self.input_upper = [self.input_upper]*self.input_dim
        self.input_upper = np.asarray(self.input_upper)

        checker_func = self.check_input

        self.prog_path = rospy.get_param('~progress_path', None)
        self.out_path = rospy.get_param('~output_path')

        crossover_rate = rospy.get_param('~crossover_rate', 0.5)
        crossover_func = lambda x, y: optgen.uniform_crossover(x, y, crossover_rate)

        mutate_cov = float(rospy.get_param('~mutate_cov', 0.1))
        mutate_func = lambda x: optgen.gaussian_mutate(x, mutate_cov)

        selection_k = rospy.get_param('~selection_k', None)
        selection_func = lambda N, w: optgen.tournament_selection(N, w, selection_k)

        crossover_prob = rospy.get_param('~crossover_prob', 0.6)
        init_popsize = rospy.get_param('~init_popsize')
        run_popsize = rospy.get_param('~run_popsize', init_popsize)
        elitist = rospy.get_param('~elitist', False)
        verbose = rospy.get_param('~verbose', False)

        self.max_iters = rospy.get_param('~convergence/max_iters', 100)
        self.iter_counter = 0

        self.optimizer = optgen.GeneticOptimizer(crossover_func=crossover_func,
                                                 # elitist=elitist,
        initial_pop = [self.sample_input() for i in range(init_popsize)]

        self.rounds = []
        self.prog_path = rospy.get_param('~progress_path', None)
        self.out_path = rospy.get_param('~output_path')
Beispiel #17
def get_season(year, month, return_month=2):
    Apply `_get_season` to a scalar or sequence. See `_get_season`.
    if not np.iterable(year) or not np.iterable(month):
        year = np.asarray([year])
        month = np.asarray([month])
    ym = np.asarray([_get_season(y, m, return_month) for y, m in zip(year, month)])
    return ym[:,0], ym[:,1]
Beispiel #18
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if type(key) == tuple:
            selector = key[0]
            selector = key

        # Try using the selector to select data from the internal DataFrame:
            idx = self.sel.get_index(, selector,

        # If the select fails, try to create new rows with the index specified
        # by the selector and load them with the specified data:
        except ValueError:
                idx = self.sel.make_index(selector,
                raise ValueError('cannot create index with '
                                 'selector %s and column names %s' \
                                 % (selector, str(
                found = False
            found = True

        # If the data specified is not a dict, convert it to a dict:
        if type(key) == tuple and len(key) > 1:
            if np.isscalar(value):
                data = {k:value for k in key[1:]}
            elif type(value) == dict:
                data = value
            elif np.iterable(value) and len(value) <= len(key[1:]):
                data={k:v for k, v in zip(key[1:], value)}
                raise ValueError('cannot assign specified value')
            if np.isscalar(value):
                data = {[0]: value}
            elif type(value) == dict:
                data = value
            elif np.iterable(value) and len(value) <= len(
                data={k:v for k, v in zip(, value)}
                raise ValueError('cannot assign specified value')

        if found:
            for k, v in data.iteritems():
      [k].ix[idx] = v
            new_data =, index=idx, 

            # Validate updated DataFrame's index before updating the instance's
            # data attribute:
   = new_data
Beispiel #19
    def fit(self, outfile=None, clobber=False):
        dep, staterror, syserror =
        if not iterable(dep) or len(dep) == 0:
            #raise FitError('no noticed bins found in data set')
            raise FitErr( 'nobins' )

        if ((iterable(staterror) and 0.0 in staterror) and
            isinstance(self.stat, Chi2) and
            type(self.stat) != Chi2 and
            type(self.stat) != Chi2ModVar):
            #raise FitError('zeros found in uncertainties, consider using' +
            #               ' calculated uncertainties')
            raise FitErr( 'binhas0' )

        if (getattr(, 'subtracted', False) and
            isinstance(self.stat, Likelihood) ):
            #raise FitError('%s statistics cannot be used with background'
            #               % + ' subtracted data')
            raise FitErr( 'statnotforbackgsub', )

        init_stat = self.calc_stat()
        # output = ...
        output =, clobber),
        # LevMar always calculate chisquare, so call calc_stat
        # just in case statistics is something other then chisquare
        self.model.thawedpars = output[1]
        tmp = list(output)
        tmp[2] = self.calc_stat()
        output = tuple(tmp)
        # end of the gymnastics 'cause one cannot write to a tuple

        # check if any parameter values are at boundaries,
        # and warn user.
        tol = finfo(float32).eps
        param_warnings = ""
        for par in
            if not par.frozen:
                if sao_fcmp(par.val, par.min, tol) == 0:
                    param_warnings += ("WARNING: parameter value %s is at its minimum boundary %s\n" %
                                      (par.fullname, str(par.min)))
                if sao_fcmp(par.val, par.max, tol) == 0:
                    param_warnings += ("WARNING: parameter value %s is at its maximum boundary %s\n" %
                                      (par.fullname, str(par.max)))

        if self._iterfit._file is not None:
            vals = ['%5e %5e' % (self._iterfit._nfev, tmp[2])]
            vals.extend(['%5e' % val for val in self.model.thawedpars])
            print >> self._iterfit._file, ' '.join(vals)

        return FitResults(self, output, init_stat, param_warnings.strip("\n"))
Beispiel #20
    def stokes(self, bead, gain, output='stokes_avg.dat', template=None, path='Stokes'):
	stokes(bead, gain, output='stokes_avg.dat', template=None, path='Stokes')

	Loads data from stokes dat files. You can override the default template.

	bead & gain: similar to file_list in usage, but specificly fills out the first and
	second template positions for stokes drag templates

	Saves averaged data to filename given by output
	template = template or self.templates['stokes']

	#if type(bead) != list:
	if not iterable(bead):
	    bead = fullrange(bead)[1:]
	#if type(gain) != list:
	if not iterable(gain):
	    gain = fullrange(gain)[1:]

	stokes_k = []
	stokes_gain = []
	for g in gain:
	    files = [ os.path.join(self.path, path, template) % (b,g) for b in bead ]
	    print "Loading files: " + str(files), "\n"

	    # Load data from each Stokes file
	    # and calculate stiffness. Store
	    # values in object variables
	    k = []
	    for file in files:
		    with open(file, 'r') as f:
			header = [ f.readline() for dummy in range(9) ]
			vel, x, y = loadtxt(f, unpack=True)
		except IOError, (errno, errstr):
		    if errno == 2:
			print "File %s not found! Skipping..." % file
		    pfit = polyfit(vel*1000, y, 1)
		    k.append(self.bead_size * 9.42e-6 / pfit[0])
		    print file, "=", str(poly1d(pfit, variable='v')).strip(), "stiffness = %.3f" % k[-1]

	    if k == []:

	    k = -average(k)
	    stokes_gain += [ int(header[4].split()[2]) ]
	    print "\nAverage k for gain %.1f: %f" % (stokes_gain[-1], k), "\n--------\n"
Beispiel #21
def jd_from_date(y, m, d):
    Given year, month, day, return the Julian Day.

    If d is an integer, the JD number for that day is returned
    as an integer; if d is floating point, it is assumed to be
    day + fraction, and the corresponding floating point JDN is
    returned.  Note that the fractional part of this is zero at
    noon, so

    int(jd_from_date(2000, 10, 10.5)) == jd_from_date(2000, 10, 10)

    Vectorized: y, m, d can be broadcast-compatible sequences.

    Note: for scalars, a python scalar version would be much faster;
    but this optimization would likely not matter in practice.

    if np.iterable(y) or np.iterable(m) or np.iterable(d):
        scalar = False
        scalar = True
    y, m, d = np.atleast_1d(y, m, d)
    y = y.astype(int)
    m = m.astype(int)
    if d.dtype.kind in 'iu':
        day_offset = 1721119
        day_offset = 1721118.5

    cond = m < 3
    if cond.any():
        m += 12
        y -= 1
    mm3 = m - 3
    c7 = y // 400
    x6 = y % 400
    c6 = x6 // 100
    x5 = x6 % 100
    c5 = x5 // 4
    c4 = x5 % 4
    c3 = mm3 // 5
    x2 = mm3 % 5
    c2 = x2 // 2
    c1 = x2 % 2
    jd = (146097 * c7 + 36524 * c6 + 1461 * c5 + 365 * c4 + 153 * c3
            + 61 * c2 + 31 * c1 + d + day_offset)

    if scalar:
        jd = jd[0]
    return jd
Beispiel #22
def photonPeaks(x,amps=None,sigma=1,gain=5):
  res = np.zeros_like(x)
  if np.iterable(amps[0]):
    ns,amps = zip(*amps)
    ns = xrange(len(amps))
  if np.iterable(sigma):
    for n,amp,sig in zip(ns,amps,sigma):
      res += gauss(x,amp,n*gain,sig)
    for n,amp in zip(ns,amps):
      res += gauss(x,amp,n*gain,sigma)
  return res
Beispiel #23
def check_vector2_arg(arg, n):
    if not np.iterable(arg):
        return [(arg, arg)] * n
    if arg is None:
        raise ValueError('Received none but need 1 or 2 or %d scalars' % n)
    if len(arg) == n:
        if np.iterable(arg[0]):
            return arg
            return [(ai,ai) for ai in arg]
    if len(arg) == 2:
        return [arg] * n
    return arg
Beispiel #24
def set_xlim(ax, lim=None, labels=[], show_lim=True, size=tick_label_size, axis='x',):
    """ Set x-lim 
    if np.iterable(ax) and np.iterable(show_lim):
        ax_ls = ax
        show_lim_ls = show_lim
        for ax, show_lim in izip(ax_ls, show_lim_ls):
            set_xlim(ax, lim, labels=labels, show_lim=show_lim, size=size, 
    elif np.iterable(ax):
        ax_ls = ax
        for ax in ax_ls:
            set_xlim(ax, lim, labels=labels, show_lim=show_lim, size=size, 
        # get axis-dependent functions
        if axis == 'x':
            ticklabel_fn = ax.set_xticklabels
            lim_fn = ax.set_xlim
            tick_fn = ax.set_xticks
            get_ticks = ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks
            tick_alignment = ['left', 'right']
            align_dim = 'set_ha'
            if lim == None: lim = ax.get_xlim()
        elif axis == 'y':
            ticklabel_fn = ax.set_yticklabels
            lim_fn = ax.set_ylim
            tick_fn = ax.set_yticks
            get_ticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks
            tick_alignment = ['bottom', 'top']
            align_dim = 'set_va'
            if lim == None: lim = ax.get_ylim()

        if len(labels) > 0: 
            ticklabel_fn(labels, size=size)
        elif show_lim:
            ticklabel_fn(lim, size=size)
            ticklabel_fn([], size=size)
        ticks = get_ticks()
            getattr(ticks[0].label1, align_dim)(tick_alignment[0])
            getattr(ticks[-1].label1, align_dim)(tick_alignment[1])
Beispiel #25
    def _get_k_variables(self, k, m, c=None, coord="k"):

        if c is None:
            c = self.cm_relation(m)
        r_s = self._rs_from_m(m, c)

        if coord == "k":
            if np.iterable(k) and np.iterable(r_s):
                K = np.outer(k, r_s)
                K = k * r_s
        elif coord == "kappa":
            K = k

        return c, np.atleast_1d(K)
Beispiel #26
def print_params(params):
    """ Print supplied parameters of type dict. """

    for (name, value) in params.items():
        if name == 'ks':
            if np.iterable(value):
                print('{0:5}: {1!s}'.format('Ks', value))
                print('{:5}: {: .8g}'.format('Ks', value))
            if np.iterable(value):
                print('{0:5}: {1!s}'.format(name, value))
                print('{:5}: {: .8g}'.format(name, value))
Beispiel #27
        def randomVector(key, seed, k):
            if not np.iterable(key):
                key = [key]

            # input checking

            #  create unique key
            uniqueKey = list(key)

            # generate random output
            return np.random.rand(k)
Beispiel #28
 def load_features(cm, _cxs=None, force_recomp=False):
     if _cxs is None:
         cxs = cm.get_valid_cxs()
     elif type(_cxs) is types.ListType:
         cxs = np.array(_cxs)
     elif type(_cxs) in [types.IntType, types.LongType, np.uint32]:
         cxs = np.array([_cxs])
         cxs = _cxs
     count_feat = 0
     is_dirty  = np.bitwise_or(cm.cx2_dirty_bit[cxs], force_recomp)
     num_samp  = cxs.size
     num_dirty = np.sum(is_dirty)
     # HACKS
     if not np.iterable(is_dirty):
         is_dirty = np.array([is_dirty])
     if not np.iterable(cxs):
         cxs = np.array([cxs])
     load_cx   = cxs[is_dirty]
     num_clean = num_samp - num_dirty
     #logdbg('Loading Features: Dirty=%d ; #Clean=%d' % (num_dirty, num_clean))
     if num_dirty == 0:
     logio('Loading %d Feature Reps' % num_dirty)
     am =
     for cx in iter(load_cx):
         cid = cm.cx2_cid[cx]
         if cid <= 0:
             logwarn('WARNING: IX='+str(cx)+' is invalid'); continue
         chiprep_fpath = cm.hs.iom.get_chiprep_fpath(cid)
         # Ensure that the features exists
         if force_recomp or not os.path.exists(chiprep_fpath):
             logio('Computing and saving features of cid='+str(cid))
             hotspotter.ChipFunctions.precompute_chipreps(cm.hs, [cx], num_procs=1, force_recompute=force_recomp)
         # Load the features
         logdbg('Loading features in '+chiprep_fpath)
         npz  = np.load(chiprep_fpath)
         fpts = npz['arr_0'] 
         fdsc = npz['arr_1']
         cm.cx2_fpts[cx]  = fpts
         cm.cx2_fdsc[cx]  = fdsc
         cm.cx2_dirty_bit[cx] = False
         count_feat += len(fpts)
     logdbg('* Loaded '+str(count_feat)+' keypoints and fdscriptors' )
     return True
Beispiel #29
def ylabel(ax, label, **kwargs):
    # kwargs['offset'] = kwargs.pop('offset', -0.03)
    if np.iterable(ax):
        map(lambda x: ylabel(x, label, **kwargs), ax)
        kwargs.pop('axis', 'y')
        return axis_label(ax, label, axis='y', **kwargs)
Beispiel #30
def cutout(yx, half_size, shape=None):
    """Return a slice to cut out a subarray from an array.

    yx : array of ints
      The center of the cutout.
    half_size : int or array of ints
      The half_size of the array.  The cut out will have shape `2 *
      half_size + 1`.
    shape : tuple, optional
      If provided, then the slice will not extend beyond the lengths
      of the axes.

    s : slice


    if shape is None:
        shape = (inf, inf)
    if not np.iterable(half_size):
        half_size = (half_size, half_size)

    s = np.s_[max(yx[0] - half_size[0], 0):
              min(yx[0] + half_size[0] + 1, shape[0]),
              max(yx[1] - half_size[1], 0):
              min(yx[1] + half_size[1] + 1, shape[1])]
    return s
Beispiel #31
    def _call(
        X: np.ndarray,
        Y: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
        eval_gradient: bool = False,
        active: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
        """Return the kernel k(X, Y) and optionally its gradient.

        X : [array-like, shape=(n_samples_X, n_features)]
            Left argument of the returned kernel k(X, Y)
        Y : [array-like, shape=(n_samples_Y, n_features) or None(default)]
            Right argument of the returned kernel k(X, Y). If None, k(X, X)
            if evaluated instead.
        eval_gradient : [bool, False(default)]
            Determines whether the gradient with respect to the kernel
            hyperparameter is determined. Only supported when Y is None.
        active : np.ndarray (n_samples_X, n_features) (optional)
            Boolean array specifying which hyperparameters are active.

        K : [array-like, shape=(n_samples_X, n_samples_Y)]
            Kernel k(X, Y)

        K_gradient : [array-like, shape=(n_samples_X, n_samples_X, n_dims)]
            The gradient of the kernel k(X, X) with respect to the
            hyperparameter of the kernel. Only returned when eval_gradient
            is True.

        Code partially copied from skopt (
        Made small changes to only compute necessary values and use scikit-learn helper functions.

        X = np.atleast_2d(X)
        length_scale = sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels._check_length_scale(
            X, self.length_scale)

        if Y is None:
            Y = X
        elif eval_gradient:
            raise ValueError("gradient can be evaluated only when Y != X")
            Y = np.atleast_2d(Y)

        indicator = np.expand_dims(X, axis=1) != Y
        K = (-1 / (2 * length_scale**2) * indicator).sum(axis=2)
        K = np.exp(K)

        if active is not None:
            K = K * active

        if eval_gradient:
            # dK / d theta = (dK / dl) * (dl / d theta)
            # theta = log(l) => dl / d (theta) = e^theta = l
            # dK / d theta = l * dK / dl

            # dK / dL computation
            if np.iterable(length_scale) and length_scale.shape[0] > 1:
                grad = (np.expand_dims(K, axis=-1) *
                        np.array(indicator, dtype=np.float32))
                grad = np.expand_dims(K * np.sum(indicator, axis=2), axis=-1)

            grad *= (1 / length_scale**3)

            return K, grad
        return K
Beispiel #32
    def sliding_window_view(x,
        Create a sliding window view into the array with the given window shape.

        Also known as rolling or moving window, the window slides across all
        dimensions of the array and extracts subsets of the array at all window

        .. versionadded:: 1.20.0

        x : array_like
            Array to create the sliding window view from.
        window_shape : int or tuple of int
            Size of window over each axis that takes part in the sliding window.
            If `axis` is not present, must have same length as the number of input
            array dimensions. Single integers `i` are treated as if they were the
            tuple `(i,)`.
        axis : int or tuple of int, optional
            Axis or axes along which the sliding window is applied.
            By default, the sliding window is applied to all axes and
            `window_shape[i]` will refer to axis `i` of `x`.
            If `axis` is given as a `tuple of int`, `window_shape[i]` will refer to
            the axis `axis[i]` of `x`.
            Single integers `i` are treated as if they were the tuple `(i,)`.
        subok : bool, optional
            If True, sub-classes will be passed-through, otherwise the returned
            array will be forced to be a base-class array (default).
        writeable : bool, optional
            When true, allow writing to the returned view. The default is false,
            as this should be used with caution: the returned view contains the
            same memory location multiple times, so writing to one location will
            cause others to change.

        view : ndarray
            Sliding window view of the array. The sliding window dimensions are
            inserted at the end, and the original dimensions are trimmed as
            required by the size of the sliding window.
            That is, ``view.shape = x_shape_trimmed + window_shape``, where
            ``x_shape_trimmed`` is ``x.shape`` with every entry reduced by one less
            than the corresponding window size.
        window_shape = (tuple(window_shape) if np.iterable(window_shape) else
                        (window_shape, ))
        # first convert input to array, possibly keeping subclass
        x = np.array(x, copy=False, subok=subok)

        window_shape_array = np.array(window_shape)
        if np.any(window_shape_array < 0):
            raise ValueError("`window_shape` cannot contain negative values")

        if axis is None:
            axis = tuple(range(x.ndim))
            if len(window_shape) != len(axis):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Since axis is `None`, must provide "
                    f"window_shape for all dimensions of `x`; "
                    f"got {len(window_shape)} window_shape elements "
                    f"and `x.ndim` is {x.ndim}.")
            axis = normalize_axis_tuple(axis, x.ndim, allow_duplicate=True)
            if len(window_shape) != len(axis):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Must provide matching length window_shape and "
                    f"axis; got {len(window_shape)} window_shape "
                    f"elements and {len(axis)} axes elements.")

        out_strides = x.strides + tuple(x.strides[ax] for ax in axis)

        # note: same axis can be windowed repeatedly
        x_shape_trimmed = list(x.shape)
        for ax, dim in zip(axis, window_shape):
            if x_shape_trimmed[ax] < dim:
                raise ValueError(
                    "window shape cannot be larger than input array shape")
            x_shape_trimmed[ax] -= dim - 1
        out_shape = tuple(x_shape_trimmed) + window_shape
        return as_strided(x,
Beispiel #33
def regularized_function(x, y, func, bins=100, brange=None):
    """Compute *func()* over data aggregated in bins.
    ``(x,y) --> (x', func(Y'))``  with ``Y' = {y: y(x) where x in x' bin}``
    First the data is collected in bins x' along x and then *func* is
    applied to all data points Y' that have been collected in the bin.
    .. function:: func(y) -> float
       *func* takes exactly one argument, a numpy 1D array *y* (the
       values in a single bin of the histogram), and reduces it to one
       scalar float.
    .. Note:: *x* and *y* must be 1D arrays.
          abscissa values (for binning)
          ordinate values (func is applied)
          a numpy ufunc that takes one argument, func(Y')
          number or array
          limits (used with number of bins)
          function and edges (``midpoints = 0.5*(edges[:-1]+edges[1:])``)
    (This function originated as
    _x = numpy.asarray(x)
    _y = numpy.asarray(y)

    if len(_x.shape) != 1 or len(_y.shape) != 1:
        raise TypeError("Can only deal with 1D arrays.")

    # setup of bins (taken from numpy.histogram)
    if (brange is not None):
        mn, mx = brange
        if (mn > mx):
            raise AttributeError(
                'max must be larger than min in range parameter.')

    if not numpy.iterable(bins):
        if brange is None:
            brange = (_x.min(), _x.max())
        mn, mx = [float(mi) for mi in brange]
        if mn == mx:
            mn -= 0.5
            mx += 0.5
        bins = numpy.linspace(mn, mx, bins + 1, endpoint=True)
        bins = numpy.asarray(bins)
        if (numpy.diff(bins) < 0).any():
            raise ValueError('bins must increase monotonically.')

    sorting_index = numpy.argsort(_x)
    sx = _x[sorting_index]
    sy = _y[sorting_index]

    # boundaries in SORTED data that demarcate bins; position in bin_index is the bin number
    bin_index = numpy.r_[sx.searchsorted(bins[:-1], 'left'),
                         sx.searchsorted(bins[-1], 'right')]

    # naive implementation: apply operator to each chunk = sy[start:stop] separately
    # It's not clear to me how one could effectively block this procedure (cf
    # block = 65536 in numpy.histogram) because there does not seem to be a
    # general way to combine the chunks for different blocks, just think of
    # func=median
    F = numpy.zeros(len(bins) - 1)  # final function
    F[:] = [
        for start, stop in izip(bin_index[:-1], bin_index[1:])
    return F, bins
Beispiel #34
    def add(self,
            connect=(0, 0),
        Add a simple Sankey diagram with flows at the same hierarchical level.

        patchlabel : str
            Label to be placed at the center of the diagram.
            Note that *label* (not *patchlabel*) can be passed as keyword
            argument to create an entry in the legend.

        flows : list of float
            Array of flow values.  By convention, inputs are positive and
            outputs are negative.

            Flows are placed along the top of the diagram from the inside out
            in order of their index within *flows*.  They are placed along the
            sides of the diagram from the top down and along the bottom from
            the outside in.

            If the sum of the inputs and outputs is
            nonzero, the discrepancy will appear as a cubic Bezier curve along
            the top and bottom edges of the trunk.

        orientations : list of {-1, 0, 1}
            List of orientations of the flows (or a single orientation to be
            used for all flows).  Valid values are 0 (inputs from
            the left, outputs to the right), 1 (from and to the top) or -1
            (from and to the bottom).

        labels : list of (str or None)
            List of labels for the flows (or a single label to be used for all
            flows).  Each label may be *None* (no label), or a labeling string.
            If an entry is a (possibly empty) string, then the quantity for the
            corresponding flow will be shown below the string.  However, if
            the *unit* of the main diagram is None, then quantities are never
            shown, regardless of the value of this argument.

        trunklength : float
            Length between the bases of the input and output groups (in
            data-space units).

        pathlengths : list of float
            List of lengths of the vertical arrows before break-in or after
            break-away.  If a single value is given, then it will be applied to
            the first (inside) paths on the top and bottom, and the length of
            all other arrows will be justified accordingly.  The *pathlengths*
            are not applied to the horizontal inputs and outputs.

        prior : int
            Index of the prior diagram to which this diagram should be

        connect : (int, int)
            A (prior, this) tuple indexing the flow of the prior diagram and
            the flow of this diagram which should be connected.  If this is the
            first diagram or *prior* is *None*, *connect* will be ignored.

        rotation : float
            Angle of rotation of the diagram in degrees.  The interpretation of
            the *orientations* argument will be rotated accordingly (e.g., if
            *rotation* == 90, an *orientations* entry of 1 means to/from the
            left).  *rotation* is ignored if this diagram is connected to an
            existing one (using *prior* and *connect*).

            The current `.Sankey` instance.

        Other Parameters
           Additional keyword arguments set `matplotlib.patches.PathPatch`
           properties, listed below.  For example, one may want to use
           ``fill=False`` or ``label="A legend entry"``.


        See Also
        # Check and preprocess the arguments.
        if flows is None:
            flows = np.array([1.0, -1.0])
            flows = np.array(flows)
        n = flows.shape[0]  # Number of flows
        if rotation is None:
            rotation = 0
            # In the code below, angles are expressed in deg/90.
            rotation /= 90.0
        if orientations is None:
            orientations = 0
            orientations = np.broadcast_to(orientations, n)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The shapes of 'flows' {np.shape(flows)} and 'orientations' "
                f"{np.shape(orientations)} are incompatible") from None
            labels = np.broadcast_to(labels, n)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The shapes of 'flows' {np.shape(flows)} and 'labels' "
                f"{np.shape(labels)} are incompatible") from None
        if trunklength < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "'trunklength' is negative, which is not allowed because it "
                "would cause poor layout")
        if np.abs(np.sum(flows)) > self.tolerance:
                "The sum of the flows is nonzero (%f; patchlabel=%r); "
                "is the system not at steady state?", np.sum(flows),
        scaled_flows = self.scale * flows
        gain = sum(max(flow, 0) for flow in scaled_flows)
        loss = sum(min(flow, 0) for flow in scaled_flows)
        if prior is not None:
            if prior < 0:
                raise ValueError("The index of the prior diagram is negative")
            if min(connect) < 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "At least one of the connection indices is negative")
            if prior >= len(self.diagrams):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The index of the prior diagram is {prior}, but there "
                    f"are only {len(self.diagrams)} other diagrams")
            if connect[0] >= len(self.diagrams[prior].flows):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The connection index to the source diagram is {}, but "
                    "that diagram has only {} flows".format(
                        connect[0], len(self.diagrams[prior].flows)))
            if connect[1] >= n:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The connection index to this diagram is {connect[1]}, "
                    f"but this diagram has only {n} flows")
            if self.diagrams[prior].angles[connect[0]] is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The connection cannot be made, which may occur if the "
                    f"magnitude of flow {connect[0]} of diagram {prior} is "
                    f"less than the specified tolerance")
            flow_error = (self.diagrams[prior].flows[connect[0]] +
            if abs(flow_error) >= self.tolerance:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The scaled sum of the connected flows is {flow_error}, "
                    f"which is not within the tolerance ({self.tolerance})")

        # Determine if the flows are inputs.
        are_inputs = [None] * n
        for i, flow in enumerate(flows):
            if flow >= self.tolerance:
                are_inputs[i] = True
            elif flow <= -self.tolerance:
                are_inputs[i] = False
                    "The magnitude of flow %d (%f) is below the tolerance "
                    "(%f).\nIt will not be shown, and it cannot be used in a "
                    "connection.", i, flow, self.tolerance)

        # Determine the angles of the arrows (before rotation).
        angles = [None] * n
        for i, (orient, is_input) in enumerate(zip(orientations, are_inputs)):
            if orient == 1:
                if is_input:
                    angles[i] = DOWN
                elif not is_input:
                    # Be specific since is_input can be None.
                    angles[i] = UP
            elif orient == 0:
                if is_input is not None:
                    angles[i] = RIGHT
                if orient != -1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"The value of orientations[{i}] is {orient}, "
                        f"but it must be -1, 0, or 1")
                if is_input:
                    angles[i] = UP
                elif not is_input:
                    angles[i] = DOWN

        # Justify the lengths of the paths.
        if np.iterable(pathlengths):
            if len(pathlengths) != n:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The lengths of 'flows' ({n}) and 'pathlengths' "
                    f"({len(pathlengths)}) are incompatible")
        else:  # Make pathlengths into a list.
            urlength = pathlengths
            ullength = pathlengths
            lrlength = pathlengths
            lllength = pathlengths
            d = dict(RIGHT=pathlengths)
            pathlengths = [d.get(angle, 0) for angle in angles]
            # Determine the lengths of the top-side arrows
            # from the middle outwards.
            for i, (angle, is_input,
                    flow) in enumerate(zip(angles, are_inputs, scaled_flows)):
                if angle == DOWN and is_input:
                    pathlengths[i] = ullength
                    ullength += flow
                elif angle == UP and not is_input:
                    pathlengths[i] = urlength
                    urlength -= flow  # Flow is negative for outputs.
            # Determine the lengths of the bottom-side arrows
            # from the middle outwards.
            for i, (angle, is_input, flow) in enumerate(
                    reversed(list(zip(angles, are_inputs, scaled_flows)))):
                if angle == UP and is_input:
                    pathlengths[n - i - 1] = lllength
                    lllength += flow
                elif angle == DOWN and not is_input:
                    pathlengths[n - i - 1] = lrlength
                    lrlength -= flow
            # Determine the lengths of the left-side arrows
            # from the bottom upwards.
            has_left_input = False
            for i, (angle, is_input, spec) in enumerate(
                            zip(angles, are_inputs,
                                zip(scaled_flows, pathlengths))))):
                if angle == RIGHT:
                    if is_input:
                        if has_left_input:
                            pathlengths[n - i - 1] = 0
                            has_left_input = True
            # Determine the lengths of the right-side arrows
            # from the top downwards.
            has_right_output = False
            for i, (angle, is_input, spec) in enumerate(
                    zip(angles, are_inputs, list(zip(scaled_flows,
                if angle == RIGHT:
                    if not is_input:
                        if has_right_output:
                            pathlengths[i] = 0
                            has_right_output = True

        # Begin the subpaths, and smooth the transition if the sum of the flows
        # is nonzero.
        urpath = [
                    ( - trunklength / 2.0),  # Upper right
                    gain / 2.0
            (Path.LINETO, [( - trunklength / 2.0) / 2.0, gain / 2.0]),
            (Path.CURVE4, [( - trunklength / 2.0) / 8.0, gain / 2.0]),
            (Path.CURVE4, [(trunklength / 2.0 - / 8.0, -loss / 2.0]),
            (Path.LINETO, [(trunklength / 2.0 - / 2.0, -loss / 2.0]),
            (Path.LINETO, [(trunklength / 2.0 -, -loss / 2.0])
        llpath = [
                    (trunklength / 2.0 -,  # Lower left
                    loss / 2.0
            (Path.LINETO, [(trunklength / 2.0 - / 2.0, loss / 2.0]),
            (Path.CURVE4, [(trunklength / 2.0 - / 8.0, loss / 2.0]),
            (Path.CURVE4, [( - trunklength / 2.0) / 8.0, -gain / 2.0]),
            (Path.LINETO, [( - trunklength / 2.0) / 2.0, -gain / 2.0]),
            (Path.LINETO, [( - trunklength / 2.0), -gain / 2.0])
        lrpath = [(
                (trunklength / 2.0 -,  # Lower right
                loss / 2.0
        ulpath = [(
       - trunklength / 2.0,  # Upper left
                gain / 2.0

        # Add the subpaths and assign the locations of the tips and labels.
        tips = np.zeros((n, 2))
        label_locations = np.zeros((n, 2))
        # Add the top-side inputs and outputs from the middle outwards.
        for i, (angle, is_input, spec) in enumerate(
                zip(angles, are_inputs, list(zip(scaled_flows, pathlengths)))):
            if angle == DOWN and is_input:
                tips[i, :], label_locations[i, :] = self._add_input(
                    ulpath, angle, *spec)
            elif angle == UP and not is_input:
                tips[i, :], label_locations[i, :] = self._add_output(
                    urpath, angle, *spec)
        # Add the bottom-side inputs and outputs from the middle outwards.
        for i, (angle, is_input, spec) in enumerate(
                        zip(angles, are_inputs,
                            list(zip(scaled_flows, pathlengths)))))):
            if angle == UP and is_input:
                tip, label_location = self._add_input(llpath, angle, *spec)
                tips[n - i - 1, :] = tip
                label_locations[n - i - 1, :] = label_location
            elif angle == DOWN and not is_input:
                tip, label_location = self._add_output(lrpath, angle, *spec)
                tips[n - i - 1, :] = tip
                label_locations[n - i - 1, :] = label_location
        # Add the left-side inputs from the bottom upwards.
        has_left_input = False
        for i, (angle, is_input, spec) in enumerate(
                        zip(angles, are_inputs,
                            list(zip(scaled_flows, pathlengths)))))):
            if angle == RIGHT and is_input:
                if not has_left_input:
                    # Make sure the lower path extends
                    # at least as far as the upper one.
                    if llpath[-1][1][0] > ulpath[-1][1][0]:
                            (Path.LINETO, [ulpath[-1][1][0],
                    has_left_input = True
                tip, label_location = self._add_input(llpath, angle, *spec)
                tips[n - i - 1, :] = tip
                label_locations[n - i - 1, :] = label_location
        # Add the right-side outputs from the top downwards.
        has_right_output = False
        for i, (angle, is_input, spec) in enumerate(
                zip(angles, are_inputs, list(zip(scaled_flows, pathlengths)))):
            if angle == RIGHT and not is_input:
                if not has_right_output:
                    # Make sure the upper path extends
                    # at least as far as the lower one.
                    if urpath[-1][1][0] < lrpath[-1][1][0]:
                            (Path.LINETO, [lrpath[-1][1][0],
                    has_right_output = True
                tips[i, :], label_locations[i, :] = self._add_output(
                    urpath, angle, *spec)
        # Trim any hanging vertices.
        if not has_left_input:
        if not has_right_output:

        # Concatenate the subpaths in the correct order (clockwise from top).
        path = (urpath + self._revert(lrpath) + llpath + self._revert(ulpath) +
                [(Path.CLOSEPOLY, urpath[0][1])])

        # Create a patch with the Sankey outline.
        codes, vertices = zip(*path)
        vertices = np.array(vertices)

        def _get_angle(a, r):
            if a is None:
                return None
                return a + r

        if prior is None:
            if rotation != 0:  # By default, none of this is needed.
                angles = [_get_angle(angle, rotation) for angle in angles]
                rotate = Affine2D().rotate_deg(rotation * 90).transform_affine
                tips = rotate(tips)
                label_locations = rotate(label_locations)
                vertices = rotate(vertices)
            text =, 0, s=patchlabel, ha='center', va='center')
            rotation = (self.diagrams[prior].angles[connect[0]] -
            angles = [_get_angle(angle, rotation) for angle in angles]
            rotate = Affine2D().rotate_deg(rotation * 90).transform_affine
            tips = rotate(tips)
            offset = self.diagrams[prior].tips[connect[0]] - tips[connect[1]]
            translate = Affine2D().translate(*offset).transform_affine
            tips = translate(tips)
            label_locations = translate(rotate(label_locations))
            vertices = translate(rotate(vertices))
            kwds = dict(s=patchlabel, ha='center', va='center')
            text =*offset, **kwds)
        if rcParams['_internal.classic_mode']:
            fc = kwargs.pop('fc', kwargs.pop('facecolor', '#bfd1d4'))
            lw = kwargs.pop('lw', kwargs.pop('linewidth', 0.5))
            fc = kwargs.pop('fc', kwargs.pop('facecolor', None))
            lw = kwargs.pop('lw', kwargs.pop('linewidth', None))
        if fc is None:
            fc = next(['color']
        patch = PathPatch(Path(vertices, codes), fc=fc, lw=lw, **kwargs)

        # Add the path labels.
        texts = []
        for number, angle, label, location in zip(flows, angles, labels,
            if label is None or angle is None:
                label = ''
            elif self.unit is not None:
                quantity = self.format % abs(number) + self.unit
                if label != '':
                    label += "\n"
                label += quantity
        # Text objects are placed even they are empty (as long as the magnitude
        # of the corresponding flow is larger than the tolerance) in case the
        # user wants to provide labels later.

        # Expand the size of the diagram if necessary.
        self.extent = (min(np.min(vertices[:, 0]),
                           np.min(label_locations[:, 0]), self.extent[0]),
                       max(np.max(vertices[:, 0]),
                           np.max(label_locations[:, 0]), self.extent[1]),
                       min(np.min(vertices[:, 1]),
                           np.min(label_locations[:, 1]), self.extent[2]),
                       max(np.max(vertices[:, 1]),
                           np.max(label_locations[:, 1]), self.extent[3]))
        # Include both vertices _and_ label locations in the extents; there are
        # where either could determine the margins (e.g., arrow shoulders).

        # Add this diagram as a subdiagram.

        # Allow a daisy-chained call structure (see docstring for the class).
        return self
Beispiel #35
    def fit(self, X, y):
        """Fit Gaussian process regression model.

        X : array-like, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
            Training data

        y : array-like, shape = (n_samples, [n_output_dims])
            Target values

        self : returns an instance of self.
        if self.kernel is None:  # Use an RBF kernel as default
            self.kernel_ = C(1.0, constant_value_bounds="fixed") \
                * RBF(1.0, length_scale_bounds="fixed")
            self.kernel_ = clone(self.kernel)

        self._rng = check_random_state(self.random_state)

        X, y = check_X_y(X, y, multi_output=True, y_numeric=True)

        # Normalize target value
        if self.normalize_y:
            self._y_train_mean = np.mean(y, axis=0)
            # demean y
            y = y - self._y_train_mean
            self._y_train_mean = np.zeros(1)

        if np.iterable(self.alpha) \
           and self.alpha.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
            if self.alpha.shape[0] == 1:
                self.alpha = self.alpha[0]
                raise ValueError(
                    "alpha must be a scalar or an array"
                    " with same number of entries as y.(%d != %d)" %
                    (self.alpha.shape[0], y.shape[0]))

        self.X_train_ = np.copy(X) if self.copy_X_train else X
        self.y_train_ = np.copy(y) if self.copy_X_train else y

        if self.optimizer is not None and self.kernel_.n_dims > 0:
            # Choose hyperparameters based on maximizing the log-marginal
            # likelihood (potentially starting from several initial values)
            def obj_func(theta, eval_gradient=True):
                if eval_gradient:
                    lml, grad = self.log_marginal_likelihood(
                        theta, eval_gradient=True)
                    return -lml, -grad
                    return -self.log_marginal_likelihood(theta)

            # First optimize starting from theta specified in kernel
            optima = [(self._constrained_optimization(obj_func,

            # Additional runs are performed from log-uniform chosen initial
            # theta
            if self.n_restarts_optimizer > 0:
                if not np.isfinite(self.kernel_.bounds).all():
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Multiple optimizer restarts (n_restarts_optimizer>0) "
                        "requires that all bounds are finite.")
                bounds = self.kernel_.bounds
                for iteration in range(self.n_restarts_optimizer):
                    theta_initial = \
                        self._rng.uniform(bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1])
                        self._constrained_optimization(obj_func, theta_initial,
            # Select result from run with minimal (negative) log-marginal
            # likelihood
            lml_values = list(map(itemgetter(1), optima))
            self.kernel_.theta = optima[np.argmin(lml_values)][0]
            self.log_marginal_likelihood_value_ = -np.min(lml_values)
            self.log_marginal_likelihood_value_ = \

        # Precompute quantities required for predictions which are independent
        # of actual query points
        K = self.kernel_(self.X_train_)
        K[np.diag_indices_from(K)] += self.alpha
            self.L_ = cholesky(K, lower=True)  # Line 2
            # self.L_ changed, self._K_inv needs to be recomputed
            self._K_inv = None
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError as exc:
            exc.args = ("The kernel, %s, is not returning a "
                        "positive definite matrix. Try gradually "
                        "increasing the 'alpha' parameter of your "
                        "GaussianProcessRegressor estimator." %
                        self.kernel_, ) + exc.args
        self.alpha_ = cho_solve((self.L_, True), self.y_train_)  # Line 3
        return self
Beispiel #36
def _is_list_like(obj):
    # Consider namedtuples to be not list like as they are useful as indices
    return (np.iterable(obj)
            and not isinstance(obj, basestring)
            and not (isinstance(obj, tuple) and type(obj) is not tuple))
Beispiel #37
    def __init__(self,
                 date_format='%x %X',
        """Create the data cursor and connect it to the relevant figure.

        artists : a matplotlib artist or sequence of artists.
            The artists to make selectable and display information for.
        tolerance : number, optional
            The radius (in points) that the mouse click must be within to
            select the artist.
        formatter : function, optional
            A function that accepts arbitrary kwargs and returns a string that
            will be displayed with annotate. The `x`, `y`, `event`, `ind`, and
            `label` kwargs will always be present. See the
            ``mpldatacursor.datacursor`` function docstring for more
        point_labels : sequence or dict, optional
            Labels for "subitems" of an artist, passed to the formatter
            function as the `point_label` kwarg.  May be either a single
            sequence (used for all artists) or a dict of artist:sequence pairs.
        display : {'one-per-axes', 'single', 'multiple'}, optional
            Controls whether more than one annotation box will be shown.
        draggable : boolean, optional
            Controls whether or not the annotation box will be interactively
            draggable to a new location after being displayed. Default: False.
        hover : boolean, optional
            If True, the datacursor will "pop up" when the mouse hovers over an
            artist.  Defaults to False.  Enabling hover also sets
            `display="single"` and `draggable=False`.
        props_override : function, optional
            If specified, this function customizes the parameters passed into
            the formatter function and the x, y location that the datacursor
            "pop up" "points" to.  This is often useful to make the annotation
            "point" to a specific side or corner of an artist, regardless of
            the position clicked. The function is passed the same kwargs as the
            `formatter` function and is expected to return a dict with at least
            the keys "x" and "y" (and probably several others).
            Expected call signature: `props_dict = props_override(**kwargs)`
        keybindings : boolean or dict, optional
            By default, the keys "d" and "t" will be bound to hiding/showing
            all annotation boxes and toggling interactivity for datacursors,
            respectively.  "<shift> + <right>" and "<shift> + <left>" will be
            bound to moving the datacursor to the next and previous item in the
            sequence for artists that support it. If keybindings is False, the
            ability to hide/toggle datacursors interactively will be disabled.
            Alternatively, a dict mapping "hide", "toggle", "next", and
            "previous" to matplotlib key specifications may specified to
            customize the keyboard shortcuts.  Note that hitting the "hide" key
            once will hide datacursors, and hitting it again will show all of
            the hidden datacursors.
        date_format : string, optional
            The strftime-style formatting string for dates. Used only if the x
            or y axes have been set to display dates. Defaults to "%x %X".
        display_button: int, optional
            The mouse button that will triggers displaying an annotation box.
            Defaults to 1, for left-clicking. (Common options are
            1:left-click, 2:middle-click, 3:right-click)
        hide_button: int or None, optional
            The mouse button that triggers hiding the selected annotation box.
            Defaults to 3, for right-clicking. (Common options are
            1:left-click, 2:middle-click, 3:right-click, None:hiding disabled)
        keep_inside : boolean, optional
            Whether or not to adjust the x,y offset to keep the text box inside
            the figure. This option has no effect on draggable datacursors.
            Defaults to True. Note: Currently disabled on OSX and
            NbAgg/notebook backends.
        **kwargs : additional keyword arguments, optional
            Additional keyword arguments are passed on to annotate.
        def filter_artists(artists):
            """Replace ContourSets, etc with their constituent artists."""
            output = []
            for item in artists:
                if isinstance(item, ContourSet):
                    output += item.collections
                elif isinstance(item, Container):
                    children = item.get_children()
                    for child in children:
                        child._mpldatacursor_label = item.get_label()
                        child._mpldatacursor_parent = item
                    output += children
            return output

        if not np.iterable(artists):
            artists = [artists]

        #-- Deal with contour sets... -------------------------------------
        # These are particularly difficult, as the original z-value array
        # is never associated with the ContourSet, and they're not "normal"
        # artists (they're not actually added to the axes). Not only that, but
        # the PatchCollections created by filled contours don't even fire a
        # pick event for points inside them, only on their edges. At any rate,
        # this is a somewhat hackish way of handling contours, but it works.
        self.artists = filter_artists(artists)
        self.contour_levels = {}
        for cs in [x for x in artists if isinstance(x, ContourSet)]:
            for z, artist in zip(cs.levels, cs.collections):
                self.contour_levels[artist] = z

        valid_display_options = ['single', 'one-per-axes', 'multiple']
        if display in valid_display_options:
            self.display = display
            raise ValueError('"display" must be one of the following: '\
                             ', '.join(valid_display_options))
        self.hover = hover
        if self.hover:
            self.display = 'single'
            self.draggable = False

        self.keep_inside = keep_inside
        self.tolerance = tolerance
        self.point_labels = point_labels
        self.draggable = draggable
        self.date_format = date_format
        self.props_override = props_override
        self.display_button = display_button
        self.hide_button = hide_button
        self.axes = tuple(set(art.axes for art in self.artists))
        self.figures = tuple(set(ax.figure for ax in self.axes))
        self._mplformatter = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False, useMathText=True)
        self._hidden = False
        self._last_event = None
        self._last_annotation = None

        if self.draggable:
            # If we're dealing with draggable cursors, don't try to override
            # the x,y position.  Otherwise, dragging the cursor outside the
            # figure will have unexpected consequences.
            self.keep_inside = False

        if formatter is None:
            self.formatter = self._formatter
            self.formatter = formatter

        self._annotation_kwargs = kwargs
        self.annotations = {}
        if self.display is not 'multiple':
            for ax in self.axes:
                self.annotations[ax] = self.annotate(ax, **kwargs)
                # Hide the annotation box until clicked...

        if keybindings:
            if keybindings is True:
                self.keybindings = self.default_keybindings
                self.keybindings = self.default_keybindings.copy()
            for fig in self.figures:
                fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self._on_keypress)


        # We need to make sure the DataCursor isn't garbage collected until the
        # figure is.  Matplotlib's weak references won't keep this DataCursor
        # instance alive in all cases.
        for fig in self.figures:
            except AttributeError:
                fig._mpldatacursors = [self]
Beispiel #38
def merge(sources, bounds=None, res=None, nodata=None, precision=7):
    """Copy valid pixels from input files to an output file.

    All files must have the same number of bands, data type, and
    coordinate reference system.

    Input files are merged in their listed order using the reverse
    painter's algorithm. If the output file exists, its values will be
    overwritten by input values.

    Geospatial bounds and resolution of a new output file in the
    units of the input file coordinate reference system may be provided
    and are otherwise taken from the first input file.

    sources: list of source datasets
        Open rasterio RasterReader objects to be merged.
    bounds: tuple, optional
        Bounds of the output image (left, bottom, right, top).
        If not set, bounds are determined from bounds of input rasters.
    res: tuple, optional
        Output resolution in units of coordinate reference system. If not set,
        the resolution of the first raster is used. If a single value is passed,
        output pixels will be square.
    nodata: float, optional
        nodata value to use in output file. If not set, uses the nodata value
        in the first input raster.


        Two elements:

            dest: numpy ndarray
                Contents of all input rasters in single array.

            out_transform: affine.Affine()
                Information for mapping pixel coordinates in `dest` to another
                coordinate system
    first = sources[0]
    first_res = first.res
    nodataval = first.nodatavals[0]
    dtype = first.dtypes[0]

    # Extent from option or extent of all inputs.
    if bounds:
        dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n = bounds
        # scan input files.
        xs = []
        ys = []
        for src in sources:
            left, bottom, right, top = src.bounds
            xs.extend([left, right])
            ys.extend([bottom, top])
        dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n = min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys)

    logger.debug("Output bounds: %r", (dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n))
    output_transform = Affine.translation(dst_w, dst_n)
    logger.debug("Output transform, before scaling: %r", output_transform)

    # Resolution/pixel size.
    if not res:
        res = first_res
    elif not np.iterable(res):
        res = (res, res)
    elif len(res) == 1:
        res = (res[0], res[0])
    output_transform *= Affine.scale(res[0], -res[1])
    logger.debug("Output transform, after scaling: %r", output_transform)

    # Compute output array shape. We guarantee it will cover the output
    # bounds completely.
    output_width = int(math.ceil((dst_e - dst_w) / res[0]))
    output_height = int(math.ceil((dst_n - dst_s) / res[1]))

    # Adjust bounds to fit.
    dst_e, dst_s = output_transform * (output_width, output_height)
    logger.debug("Output width: %d, height: %d", output_width, output_height)
    logger.debug("Adjusted bounds: %r", (dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n))

    # create destination array
    dest = np.zeros((first.count, output_height, output_width), dtype=dtype)

    if nodata is not None:
        nodataval = nodata
        logger.debug("Set nodataval: %r", nodataval)

    if nodataval is not None:
        # Only fill if the nodataval is within dtype's range.
        inrange = False
        if np.dtype(dtype).kind in ('i', 'u'):
            info = np.iinfo(dtype)
            inrange = (info.min <= nodataval <= info.max)
        elif np.dtype(dtype).kind == 'f':
            info = np.finfo(dtype)
            inrange = (info.min <= nodataval <= info.max)
        if inrange:
                "Input file's nodata value, %s, is beyond the valid "
                "range of its data type, %s. Consider overriding it "
                "using the --nodata option for better results." % (
                    nodataval, dtype))
        nodataval = 0

    for src in sources:
        # Real World (tm) use of boundless reads.
        # This approach uses the maximum amount of memory to solve the
        # problem. Making it more efficient is a TODO.

        # 1. Compute spatial intersection of destination and source.
        src_w, src_s, src_e, src_n = src.bounds

        int_w = src_w if src_w > dst_w else dst_w
        int_s = src_s if src_s > dst_s else dst_s
        int_e = src_e if src_e < dst_e else dst_e
        int_n = src_n if src_n < dst_n else dst_n

        # 2. Compute the source window.
        src_window = windows.from_bounds(
            int_w, int_s, int_e, int_n, src.transform)
        logger.debug("Src %s window: %r",, src_window)

        src_window = src_window.round_shape()

        # 3. Compute the destination window.
        dst_window = windows.from_bounds(
            int_w, int_s, int_e, int_n, output_transform)

        # 4. Initialize temp array.
        tcount = first.count
        trows, tcols = (
            int(round(dst_window.height)), int(round(dst_window.width)))

        temp_shape = (tcount, trows, tcols)

        temp =, window=src_window,
                        boundless=False, masked=True)

        # 5. Copy elements of temp into dest.
        roff, coff = (
            int(round(dst_window.row_off)), int(round(dst_window.col_off)))

        region = dest[:, roff:roff + trows, coff:coff + tcols]

            region, temp,
            where=np.logical_and(region == nodataval,

    return dest, output_transform
Beispiel #39
def polyint(c, m=1, k=[], lbnd=0, scl=1, axis=0):
    Integrate a polynomial.

    Returns the polynomial coefficients `c` integrated `m` times from
    `lbnd` along `axis`.  At each iteration the resulting series is
    **multiplied** by `scl` and an integration constant, `k`, is added.
    The scaling factor is for use in a linear change of variable.  ("Buyer
    beware": note that, depending on what one is doing, one may want `scl`
    to be the reciprocal of what one might expect; for more information,
    see the Notes section below.) The argument `c` is an array of
    coefficients, from low to high degree along each axis, e.g., [1,2,3]
    represents the polynomial ``1 + 2*x + 3*x**2`` while [[1,2],[1,2]]
    represents ``1 + 1*x + 2*y + 2*x*y`` if axis=0 is ``x`` and axis=1 is

    c : array_like
        1-D array of polynomial coefficients, ordered from low to high.
    m : int, optional
        Order of integration, must be positive. (Default: 1)
    k : {[], list, scalar}, optional
        Integration constant(s).  The value of the first integral at zero
        is the first value in the list, the value of the second integral
        at zero is the second value, etc.  If ``k == []`` (the default),
        all constants are set to zero.  If ``m == 1``, a single scalar can
        be given instead of a list.
    lbnd : scalar, optional
        The lower bound of the integral. (Default: 0)
    scl : scalar, optional
        Following each integration the result is *multiplied* by `scl`
        before the integration constant is added. (Default: 1)
    axis : int, optional
        Axis over which the integral is taken. (Default: 0).

        .. versionadded:: 1.7.0

    S : ndarray
        Coefficient array of the integral.

        If ``m < 1``, ``len(k) > m``, ``np.ndim(lbnd) != 0``, or
        ``np.ndim(scl) != 0``.

    See Also

    Note that the result of each integration is *multiplied* by `scl`.  Why
    is this important to note?  Say one is making a linear change of
    variable :math:`u = ax + b` in an integral relative to `x`. Then
    :math:`dx = du/a`, so one will need to set `scl` equal to
    :math:`1/a` - perhaps not what one would have first thought.

    >>> from numpy.polynomial import polynomial as P
    >>> c = (1,2,3)
    >>> P.polyint(c) # should return array([0, 1, 1, 1])
    array([0.,  1.,  1.,  1.])
    >>> P.polyint(c,3) # should return array([0, 0, 0, 1/6, 1/12, 1/20])
     array([ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.16666667,  0.08333333, # may vary
             0.05      ])
    >>> P.polyint(c,k=3) # should return array([3, 1, 1, 1])
    array([3.,  1.,  1.,  1.])
    >>> P.polyint(c,lbnd=-2) # should return array([6, 1, 1, 1])
    array([6.,  1.,  1.,  1.])
    >>> P.polyint(c,scl=-2) # should return array([0, -2, -2, -2])
    array([ 0., -2., -2., -2.])

    c = np.array(c, ndmin=1, copy=True)
    if c.dtype.char in '?bBhHiIlLqQpP':
        # astype doesn't preserve mask attribute.
        c = c + 0.0
    cdt = c.dtype
    if not np.iterable(k):
        k = [k]
    cnt = pu._deprecate_as_int(m, "the order of integration")
    iaxis = pu._deprecate_as_int(axis, "the axis")
    if cnt < 0:
        raise ValueError("The order of integration must be non-negative")
    if len(k) > cnt:
        raise ValueError("Too many integration constants")
    if np.ndim(lbnd) != 0:
        raise ValueError("lbnd must be a scalar.")
    if np.ndim(scl) != 0:
        raise ValueError("scl must be a scalar.")
    iaxis = normalize_axis_index(iaxis, c.ndim)

    if cnt == 0:
        return c

    k = list(k) + [0] * (cnt - len(k))
    c = np.moveaxis(c, iaxis, 0)
    for i in range(cnt):
        n = len(c)
        c *= scl
        if n == 1 and np.all(c[0] == 0):
            c[0] += k[i]
            tmp = np.empty((n + 1, ) + c.shape[1:], dtype=cdt)
            tmp[0] = c[0] * 0
            tmp[1] = c[0]
            for j in range(1, n):
                tmp[j + 1] = c[j] / (j + 1)
            tmp[0] += k[i] - polyval(lbnd, tmp)
            c = tmp
    c = np.moveaxis(c, 0, iaxis)
    return c
Beispiel #40
def lagint(c, m=1, k=[], lbnd=0, scl=1, axis=0):
    Integrate a Laguerre series.

    Returns the Laguerre series coefficients `c` integrated `m` times from
    `lbnd` along `axis`. At each iteration the resulting series is
    **multiplied** by `scl` and an integration constant, `k`, is added.
    The scaling factor is for use in a linear change of variable.  ("Buyer
    beware": note that, depending on what one is doing, one may want `scl`
    to be the reciprocal of what one might expect; for more information,
    see the Notes section below.)  The argument `c` is an array of
    coefficients from low to high degree along each axis, e.g., [1,2,3]
    represents the series ``L_0 + 2*L_1 + 3*L_2`` while [[1,2],[1,2]]
    represents ``1*L_0(x)*L_0(y) + 1*L_1(x)*L_0(y) + 2*L_0(x)*L_1(y) +
    2*L_1(x)*L_1(y)`` if axis=0 is ``x`` and axis=1 is ``y``.

    c : array_like
        Array of Laguerre series coefficients. If `c` is multidimensional
        the different axis correspond to different variables with the
        degree in each axis given by the corresponding index.
    m : int, optional
        Order of integration, must be positive. (Default: 1)
    k : {[], list, scalar}, optional
        Integration constant(s).  The value of the first integral at
        ``lbnd`` is the first value in the list, the value of the second
        integral at ``lbnd`` is the second value, etc.  If ``k == []`` (the
        default), all constants are set to zero.  If ``m == 1``, a single
        scalar can be given instead of a list.
    lbnd : scalar, optional
        The lower bound of the integral. (Default: 0)
    scl : scalar, optional
        Following each integration the result is *multiplied* by `scl`
        before the integration constant is added. (Default: 1)
    axis : int, optional
        Axis over which the integral is taken. (Default: 0).

        .. versionadded:: 1.7.0

    S : ndarray
        Laguerre series coefficients of the integral.

        If ``m < 0``, ``len(k) > m``, ``np.ndim(lbnd) != 0``, or
        ``np.ndim(scl) != 0``.

    See Also

    Note that the result of each integration is *multiplied* by `scl`.
    Why is this important to note?  Say one is making a linear change of
    variable :math:`u = ax + b` in an integral relative to `x`.  Then
    :math:`dx = du/a`, so one will need to set `scl` equal to
    :math:`1/a` - perhaps not what one would have first thought.

    Also note that, in general, the result of integrating a C-series needs
    to be "reprojected" onto the C-series basis set.  Thus, typically,
    the result of this function is "unintuitive," albeit correct; see
    Examples section below.

    >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagint
    >>> lagint([1,2,3])
    array([ 1.,  1.,  1., -3.])
    >>> lagint([1,2,3], m=2)
    array([ 1.,  0.,  0., -4.,  3.])
    >>> lagint([1,2,3], k=1)
    array([ 2.,  1.,  1., -3.])
    >>> lagint([1,2,3], lbnd=-1)
    array([11.5,  1. ,  1. , -3. ])
    >>> lagint([1,2], m=2, k=[1,2], lbnd=-1)
    array([ 11.16666667,  -5.        ,  -3.        ,   2.        ]) # may vary

    c = np.array(c, ndmin=1, copy=True)
    if c.dtype.char in '?bBhHiIlLqQpP':
        c = c.astype(np.double)
    if not np.iterable(k):
        k = [k]
    cnt = pu._deprecate_as_int(m, "the order of integration")
    iaxis = pu._deprecate_as_int(axis, "the axis")
    if cnt < 0:
        raise ValueError("The order of integration must be non-negative")
    if len(k) > cnt:
        raise ValueError("Too many integration constants")
    if np.ndim(lbnd) != 0:
        raise ValueError("lbnd must be a scalar.")
    if np.ndim(scl) != 0:
        raise ValueError("scl must be a scalar.")
    iaxis = normalize_axis_index(iaxis, c.ndim)

    if cnt == 0:
        return c

    c = np.moveaxis(c, iaxis, 0)
    k = list(k) + [0] * (cnt - len(k))
    for i in range(cnt):
        n = len(c)
        c *= scl
        if n == 1 and np.all(c[0] == 0):
            c[0] += k[i]
            tmp = np.empty((n + 1, ) + c.shape[1:], dtype=c.dtype)
            tmp[0] = c[0]
            tmp[1] = -c[0]
            for j in range(1, n):
                tmp[j] += c[j]
                tmp[j + 1] = -c[j]
            tmp[0] += k[i] - lagval(lbnd, tmp)
            c = tmp
    c = np.moveaxis(c, 0, iaxis)
    return c
Beispiel #41
def draw_networkx_edges(
    """Draw the edges of the graph G. Adjusted from networkx."""
        from numbers import Number

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
        from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter, Colormap, Normalize
        from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("Matplotlib required for draw()")
    except RuntimeError:
        print("Matplotlib unable to open display")

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    if edgelist is None:
        edgelist = list(G.edges())

    if not edgelist or len(edgelist) == 0:  # no edges!
        return None

    if nodelist is None:
        nodelist = list(G.nodes())

    # FancyArrowPatch handles color=None different from LineCollection
    if edge_color is None:
        edge_color = "k"

    # set edge positions
    edge_pos = np.asarray([(pos[e[0]], pos[e[1]]) for e in edgelist])

    # Check if edge_color is an array of floats and map to edge_cmap.
    # This is the only case handled differently from matplotlib
    if (np.iterable(edge_color) and (len(edge_color) == len(edge_pos))
            and np.alltrue([isinstance(c, Number) for c in edge_color])):
        if edge_cmap is not None:
            assert isinstance(edge_cmap, Colormap)
            edge_cmap = plt.get_cmap()
        if edge_vmin is None:
            edge_vmin = min(edge_color)
        if edge_vmax is None:
            edge_vmax = max(edge_color)
        color_normal = Normalize(vmin=edge_vmin, vmax=edge_vmax)
        edge_color = [edge_cmap(color_normal(e)) for e in edge_color]

    if not G.is_directed() or not arrows:
        edge_collection = LineCollection(
            antialiaseds=(1, ),

        edge_collection.set_clim(edge_vmin, edge_vmax)

        edge_collection.set_zorder(1)  # edges go behind nodes

        return edge_collection

    arrow_collection = None

    if G.is_directed() and arrows:
        # Note: Waiting for someone to implement arrow to intersection with
        # marker.  Meanwhile, this works well for polygons with more than 4
        # sides and circle.

        def to_marker_edge(marker_size, marker):
            if marker in "s^>v<d":  # `large` markers need extra space
                return np.sqrt(2 * marker_size) / 2
                return np.sqrt(marker_size) / 2

        # Draw arrows with `matplotlib.patches.FancyarrowPatch`
        arrow_collection = []
        mutation_scale = arrowsize  # scale factor of arrow head

        # FancyArrowPatch doesn't handle color strings
        arrow_colors = colorConverter.to_rgba_array(edge_color, alpha)
        for i, (src, dst) in enumerate(edge_pos):
            x1, y1 = src
            x2, y2 = dst
            shrink_source = 0  # space from source to tail
            shrink_target = 0  # space from  head to target
            if np.iterable(node_size):  # many node sizes
                source, target = edgelist[i][:2]
                source_node_size = node_size[nodelist.index(source)]
                target_node_size = node_size[nodelist.index(target)]
                shrink_source = to_marker_edge(source_node_size, node_shape)
                shrink_target = to_marker_edge(target_node_size, node_shape)
                shrink_source = shrink_target = to_marker_edge(
                    node_size, node_shape)

            if shrink_source < min_source_margin:
                shrink_source = min_source_margin

            if shrink_target < min_target_margin:
                shrink_target = min_target_margin

            if len(arrow_colors) == len(edge_pos):
                arrow_color = arrow_colors[i]
            elif len(arrow_colors) == 1:
                arrow_color = arrow_colors[0]
            else:  # Cycle through colors
                arrow_color = arrow_colors[i % len(arrow_colors)]

            if np.iterable(width):
                if len(width) == len(edge_pos):
                    line_width = width[i]
                    line_width = width[i % len(width)]
                line_width = width

            arrow = FancyArrowPatch(
                (x1, y1),
                (x2, y2),
            )  # arrows go behind nodes

            # There seems to be a bug in matplotlib to make collections of
            # FancyArrowPatch instances. Until fixed, the patches are added
            # individually to the axes instance.

    # update view
    minx = np.amin(np.ravel(edge_pos[:, :, 0]))
    maxx = np.amax(np.ravel(edge_pos[:, :, 0]))
    miny = np.amin(np.ravel(edge_pos[:, :, 1]))
    maxy = np.amax(np.ravel(edge_pos[:, :, 1]))

    w = maxx - minx
    h = maxy - miny
    padx, pady = 0.05 * w, 0.05 * h
    corners = (minx - padx, miny - pady), (maxx + padx, maxy + pady)


    return arrow_collection
Beispiel #42
def rdmds(fnamearg,itrs=-1,machineformat='b',rec=None,fill_value=0,
    """ a     = rdmds(fname,...)
    a     = rdmds(fname,itrs,...)
    a,its,meta = rdmds(fname,...,returnmeta=True)

    Read meta-data files as written by MITgcm.

    Without itrs, will try to read

      fname.meta or fname.001.001.meta, ...

    If itrs is a list of integers of an integer, it will read the corresponding

      fname.000000iter.meta, ...

    If itrs is NaN, it will read all iterations for which files are found.
    If itrs is Inf, it will read the highest iteration found.

    fname may contain shell wildcards, which is useful for tile files organized
    into directories, e.g.,

      T = rdmds('prefix*/T', 2880)

    will read prefix0000/T.0000002880.*, prefix0001/T.0000002880.*, ...
    (and any others that match the wildcard, so be careful how you name things!)


        a    :: numpy array of the data read
        its  :: list of iteration numbers read (only if itrs=NaN or Inf)
        meta :: dictionary of metadata (only if returnmeta=True)

    Keyword arguments:

        machineformat :: endianness ('b' or 'l', default 'b')
        rec           :: list of records to read (default all)
                         useful for pickups and multi-field diagnostics files
        fill_value    :: fill value for missing (blank) tiles (default 0)
        astype        :: data type to return (default: double precision)
                         None: keep data type/precision of file
        region        :: (x0,x1,y0,y1) read only this region (default (0,nx,0,ny))
        lev           :: list of levels to read, or, for multiple dimensions
                         (excluding x,y), tuple(!) of lists (see examples below)
        usememmap     :: if True, use a memory map for reading data (default False)
                         recommended when using lev, or region with global files
                         to save memory and, possibly, time


        XC = rdmds('XC')
        XC = rdmds('res_*/XC')
        T = rdmds('T.0000002880')
        T = rdmds('T',2880)
        T2 = rdmds('T',[2880,5760])
        T,its = rdmds('T',numpy.Inf)
        VVEL = rdmds('pickup',2880,rec=range(50,100))
        a5 = rdmds('diags',2880,rec=0,lev=[5])
        a = rdmds('diags',2880,rec=0,lev=([0],[0,1,5,6,7]))
        from numpy import r_
        a = rdmds('diags',2880,rec=0,lev=([0],r_[:2,5:8]))  # same as previous
        a = rdmds('diags',2880,rec=0)[0, [0,1,5,6,7], ...]  # same, but less efficient
        a = rdmds('diags',2880)[0, 0, [0,1,5,6,7], ...]     # even less efficient
    usememmap = usememmap or mm
    if usememmap:
        readdata = np.memmap
        readdata = fromfileshape

    # add iteration number to file name unless itrs is -1
    additrs = itrs != -1
    if itrs is np.nan:
        # all iterations
        itrs = scanforfiles(fnamearg)
        warning('Reading {0} time levels: '.format(len(itrs)), *itrs)
        returnits = True
        itrsislist = True
    elif itrs is np.inf:
        # last iteration
        itrs = scanforfiles(fnamearg)
        if len(itrs):
            warning('Found {0} time levels, reading'.format(len(itrs)), itrs[-1])
            warning('Found 0 time levels for {}'.format(fnamearg))
        itrs = itrs[-1:]
        returnits = True
        itrsislist = False
        returnits = False
        itrsislist = np.iterable(itrs)

    # always make itrs a list
    itrs = aslist(itrs)

    allrec = rec is None
    reclist = aslist(rec)
    if not isinstance(lev,tuple):
        lev = (lev,)
    levs = tuple( aslist(l) for l in lev )
    levdims = tuple(len(l) for l in levs)
    levinds = np.ix_(*levs)
    nlev = len(levdims)

    if usememmap:
        recsatonce = True
        readdata = np.memmap
        recsatonce = allrec
        readdata = fromfileshape

        typepre = _typeprefixes[machineformat]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('Allowed machineformats: ' + ' '.join(_typeprefixes))

    arr = None
    metaref = {}
    timeStepNumbers = []
    timeIntervals = []
    for iit,it in enumerate(itrs):
        if additrs:
            fname = fnamearg + '.{0:010d}'.format(int(it))
            fname = fnamearg

        metafiles = glob.glob(fname + 2*('.'+3*'[0-9]') + '.meta') or glob.glob(fname+'.meta')
        if len(metafiles) == 0:
            raise IOError('No files found for ' + fname + '.meta')


        if debug: warning('Found',len(metafiles),'metafiles for iteration',it)

        for metafile in metafiles:
            gdims,i0s,ies,timestep,timeinterval,map2gl,meta = readmeta(metafile)
            if arr is None:
                # initialize, allocate
                    dataprec, = meta['dataprec']
                except KeyError:
                    dataprec, = meta['format']
                tp = typepre + _typesuffixes[dataprec]
                size = np.dtype(tp).itemsize
                if astype is None: astype = tp
                recshape = tuple( ie-i0 for i0,ie in zip(i0s,ies) )
                count = reduce(mul, recshape)
                nrecords, = meta['nrecords']
                tileshape = (nrecords,) + recshape
                if allrec:
                    reclist = range(nrecords)
                    recinds = np.s_[:,] + levinds
                    recinds = np.ix_(reclist, *levs)

                if region is None:
                    ri0,rie,rj0,rje = 0,gdims[-1],0,gdims[-2]
                    ri0,rie,rj0,rje = region
                    if ri0 < 0: ri0 += gdims[-1]
                    if rie < 0: rie += gdims[-1]
                    if rj0 < 0: rj0 += gdims[-2]
                    if rje < 0: rje += gdims[-2]

                assert nlev+2 <= len(gdims)
                rdims = levdims + gdims[len(levdims):-2] + (rje-rj0,rie-ri0)
                # always include itrs and rec dimensions and squeeze later
                arr = np.empty((len(itrs),len(reclist))+rdims, astype)
                arr[...] = fill_value
                metaref = meta
                if meta != metaref:
                    raise ValueError('Meta files not compatible')

            datafile = metafile[:-4] + 'data'

            if region is not None:
                if map2gl is None:
                    # overlap of tile with region:
                    i0 = min(rie, max(ri0, i0s[-1]))
                    ie = min(rie, max(ri0, ies[-1]))
                    j0 = min(rje, max(rj0, i0s[-2]))
                    je = min(rje, max(rj0, ies[-2]))
                    # source indices
                    I0 = i0 - i0s[-1]
                    Ie = ie - i0s[-1]
                    J0 = j0 - i0s[-2]
                    Je = je - i0s[-2]
                    # target indices
                    i0s[-1] = i0 - ri0
                    ies[-1] = ie - ri0
                    i0s[-2] = j0 - rj0
                    ies[-2] = je - rj0
                    raise NotImplementedError('Region selection is not implemented for map2glob != [0,1]')

            sl = tuple( slice(i0,ie) for i0,ie in zip(i0s,ies) )
            if map2gl is None:
                # part of arr that will receive tile (all records)
                arrtile = arr[(iit,slice(None))+sl]
                ny,nx = arr.shape[-2:]
                i0 = i0s[-1]
                j0 = i0s[-2]
                ie = ies[-1]
                je = ies[-2]
                # "flat" stride for j
                jstride = map2gl[1]*nx + map2gl[0]
                n = (je-j0)*jstride
                # start of a jstride by je-j0 block that contains this tile
                ii0 = min(i0+nx*j0, nx*ny-n)
                # tile starts at ioff+i0
                ioff = nx*j0 - ii0
                # flatten x,y dimensions
                arrflat = arr.reshape(arr.shape[:-2]+(nx*ny,))
                # extract tile
                arrmap = arrflat[...,ii0:ii0+n].reshape(arr.shape[:-2]+(je-j0,jstride))[...,:,ioff+i0:ioff+ie]
                # slice non-x,y dimensions (except records)
                arrtile = arrmap[(iit,slice(None))+sl[:-2]]
                del arrflat,arrmap

            if recsatonce:
                if region is None:
                    arrtile[...] = readdata(datafile, tp, shape=tileshape)[recinds]
                    if Ie > I0 and Je > J0:
                        if debug: message(datafile, I0,Ie,J0,Je)
                        arrtile[...] = readdata(datafile, tp, shape=tileshape)[recinds + np.s_[...,J0:Je,I0:Ie]]
                f = open(datafile)
                for irec,recnum in enumerate(reclist):
                    if recnum < 0: recnum += nrecords
                    if region is None:
                        arrtile[irec] = np.fromfile(f, tp, count=count).reshape(recshape)[levinds]
                        if Ie > I0 and Je > J0:
                            if debug: message(datafile, I0,Ie,J0,Je)
                            tilerec = np.fromfile(f, tp, count=count).reshape(recshape)
                            arrtile[irec] = tilerec[levinds + np.s_[...,J0:Je,I0:Ie]]

        if timestep is not None:

        if timeinterval is not None:

    # put list of iteration numbers back into metadata dictionary
    if len(timeStepNumbers):
        metaref['timeStepNumber'] = timeStepNumbers

    if len(timeIntervals):
        metaref['timeInterval'] = timeIntervals

    if arr is None:
        arr = np.array([])
        # squeeze singleton iteration, record and level dimensions like matlab version
        dims = (len(itrs),len(reclist)) + levdims
        if squeeze:
            # squeeze all singleton dimensions
            squeezed = tuple( d for d in dims if d > 1 )
            # squeeze all that came from scalar arguments
            keepers = [itrsislist, np.iterable(rec)] + [np.iterable(l) for l in lev]
            squeezed = tuple( d for d,keep in zip(dims, keepers) if keep )

        arr = arr.reshape(squeezed+arr.shape[2+nlev:])

    if returnmeta:
        meta = dict((k.lower(),v) for k,v in metaref.items())
        return arr,itrs,meta
#    elif returnits:
#        return arr,itrs
        return arr
Beispiel #43
def legend_elements(self,
                    func=lambda x: x,
    Create legend handles and labels for a PathCollection.

    Each legend handle is a `.Line2D` representing the Path that was drawn,
    and each label is a string what each Path represents.

    This is useful for obtaining a legend for a `~.Axes.scatter` plot;

        scatter = plt.scatter([1, 2, 3],  [4, 5, 6],  c=[7, 2, 3])

    creates three legend elements, one for each color with the numerical
    values passed to *c* as the labels.

    Also see the :ref:`automatedlegendcreation` example.

    prop : {"colors", "sizes"}, default: "colors"
        If "colors", the legend handles will show the different colors of
        the collection. If "sizes", the legend will show the different
        sizes. To set both, use *kwargs* to directly edit the `.Line2D`
    num : int, None, "auto" (default), array-like, or `~.ticker.Locator`
        Target number of elements to create.
        If None, use all unique elements of the mappable array. If an
        integer, target to use *num* elements in the normed range.
        If *"auto"*, try to determine which option better suits the nature
        of the data.
        The number of created elements may slightly deviate from *num* due
        to a `~.ticker.Locator` being used to find useful locations.
        If a list or array, use exactly those elements for the legend.
        Finally, a `~.ticker.Locator` can be provided.
    fmt : str, `~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter`, or None (default)
        The format or formatter to use for the labels. If a string must be
        a valid input for a `~.StrMethodFormatter`. If None (the default),
        use a `~.ScalarFormatter`.
    func : function, default: ``lambda x: x``
        Function to calculate the labels.  Often the size (or color)
        argument to `~.Axes.scatter` will have been pre-processed by the
        user using a function ``s = f(x)`` to make the markers visible;
        e.g. ``size = np.log10(x)``.  Providing the inverse of this
        function here allows that pre-processing to be inverted, so that
        the legend labels have the correct values; e.g. ``func = lambda
        x: 10**x``.
        Allowed keyword arguments are *color* and *size*. E.g. it may be
        useful to set the color of the markers if *prop="sizes"* is used;
        similarly to set the size of the markers if *prop="colors"* is
        used. Any further parameters are passed onto the `.Line2D`
        instance. This may be useful to e.g. specify a different
        *markeredgecolor* or *alpha* for the legend handles.

    handles : list of `.Line2D`
        Visual representation of each element of the legend.
    labels : list of str
        The string labels for elements of the legend.
    import warnings

    import matplotlib as mpl

    mlines = mpl.lines

    handles = []
    labels = []

    if prop == "colors":
        arr = self.get_array()
        if arr is None:
            warnings.warn("Collection without array used. Make sure to "
                          "specify the values to be colormapped via the "
                          "`c` argument.")
            return handles, labels
        _size = kwargs.pop("size", mpl.rcParams["lines.markersize"])

        def _get_color_and_size(value):
            return self.cmap(self.norm(value)), _size

    elif prop == "sizes":
        arr = self.get_sizes()
        _color = kwargs.pop("color", "k")

        def _get_color_and_size(value):
            return _color, np.sqrt(value)

        raise ValueError("Valid values for `prop` are 'colors' or "
                         f"'sizes'. You supplied '{prop}' instead.")

    # Get the unique values and their labels:
    values = np.unique(arr)
    label_values = np.asarray(func(values))
    label_values_are_numeric = np.issubdtype(label_values.dtype, np.number)

    # Handle the label format:
    if fmt is None and label_values_are_numeric:
        fmt = mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False, useMathText=True)
    elif fmt is None and not label_values_are_numeric:
        fmt = mpl.ticker.StrMethodFormatter("{x}")
    elif isinstance(fmt, str):
        fmt = mpl.ticker.StrMethodFormatter(fmt)

    if num == "auto":
        num = 9
        if len(values) <= num:
            num = None

    if label_values_are_numeric:
        label_values_min = label_values.min()
        label_values_max = label_values.max()
        fmt.set_bounds(label_values_min, label_values_max)

        if num is not None:
            # Labels are numerical but larger than the target
            # number of elements, reduce to target using matplotlibs
            # ticker classes:
            if isinstance(num, mpl.ticker.Locator):
                loc = num
            elif np.iterable(num):
                loc = mpl.ticker.FixedLocator(num)
                num = int(num)
                loc = mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=num,
                                             min_n_ticks=num - 1,
                                             steps=[1, 2, 2.5, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10])

            # Get nicely spaced label_values:
            label_values = loc.tick_values(label_values_min, label_values_max)

            # Remove extrapolated label_values:
            cond = (label_values >= label_values_min) & (label_values <=
            label_values = label_values[cond]

            # Get the corresponding values by creating a linear interpolant
            # with small step size:
            values_interp = np.linspace(values.min(), values.max(), 256)
            label_values_interp = func(values_interp)
            ix = np.argsort(label_values_interp)
            values = np.interp(label_values, label_values_interp[ix],
    elif num is not None and not label_values_are_numeric:
        # Labels are not numerical so modifying label_values is not
        # possible, instead filter the array with nicely distributed
        # indexes:
        if type(num) == int:
            loc = mpl.ticker.LinearLocator(num)
            raise ValueError(
                "`num` only supports integers for non-numeric labels.")

        ind = loc.tick_values(0, len(label_values) - 1).astype(int)
        label_values = label_values[ind]
        values = values[ind]

    # Some formatters requires set_locs:
    if hasattr(fmt, "set_locs"):

    # Default settings for handles, add or override with kwargs:
    kw = dict(markeredgewidth=self.get_linewidths()[0], alpha=self.get_alpha())

    for val, lab in zip(values, label_values):
        color, size = _get_color_and_size(val)
        h = mlines.Line2D([0], [0],

    return handles, labels
Beispiel #44
    def fit(self, X_l, y_l, X_h, y_h):
        """Fit Gaussian process regression model.

        X_l : array-like, shape = (n_l_samples, n_features)
            Training data

        y_l : array-like, shape = (n_l_samples, [n_output_dims])
            Target values

        X_h : array-like, shape = (n_h_samples, n_features)
            Training data

        y_h : array-like, shape = (n_h_samples, [n_output_dims])
            Target values

        self : returns an instance of self.
        if self.kernel is None:  # Use an RBF kernel as default
            self.kernel_l_ = C(1.0, constant_value_bounds="fixed") \
                * RBF(1.0, length_scale_bounds="fixed")
            self.kernel_l_ = clone(self.kernel)
        self.kernel_d_ = clone(self.kernel_l_)

        self.rng = check_random_state(self.random_state)

        X_l, y_l = check_X_y(X_l, y_l, multi_output=True, y_numeric=True)
        X_h, y_h = check_X_y(X_h, y_h, multi_output=True, y_numeric=True)
        self.n_l_ = len(X_l)

        # Normalize target value
        if self.normalize_y:
            self._y_l_train_mean = np.mean(y_l, axis=0)
            self._y_h_train_mean = np.mean(y_h, axis=0)
            # demean y
            y_l = y_l - self._y_l_train_mean
            y_h = y_h - self._y_h_train_mean
            self._y_l_train_mean = np.zeros(1)
            self._y_h_train_mean = np.zeros(1)

        if np.iterable(self.alpha) \
           and self.alpha.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
            if self.alpha.shape[0] == 1:
                self.alpha = self.alpha[0]
                raise ValueError("alpha must be a scalar or an array"
                                 " with same number of entries as y.(%d != %d)"
                                 % (self.alpha.shape[0], y.shape[0]))

        self.X_train_ = np.vstack((X_l, X_h))
        self.y_train_ = np.hstack((y_l, y_h))

        theta_initial = np.hstack((np.array([self.rho]), self.kernel_l_.theta, self.kernel_d_.theta))
        if self.optimizer is not None and self.kernel_l_.n_dims > 0:
            # Choose hyperparameters based on maximizing the log-marginal
            # likelihood (potentially starting from several initial values)
            def obj_func(theta, eval_gradient=self.eval_gradient):
                if eval_gradient:
                    raise Warning("eval_gradient = True mode is not implemented yet!")
                    lml, grad = self.log_marginal_likelihood(
                        theta, eval_gradient=True)
                    return -lml, -grad
                    return -self.log_marginal_likelihood(theta)

            theta_bounds = np.r_[np.array(self.rho_bounds)[np.newaxis],
            # First optimize starting from theta specified in kernel
            optima = [(self._constrained_optimization(obj_func,

            # Additional runs are performed from log-uniform chosen initial
            # theta
            if self.n_restarts_optimizer > 0:
                if not (np.isfinite(self.kernel_l_.bounds).all() and np.isfinite(self.kernel_d_.bounds).all() and np.isfinite(self.rho_bounds).all()):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Multiple optimizer restarts (n_restarts_optimizer>0) "
                        "requires that all bounds are finite.")
                bounds = np.vstack((np.array(self.rho_bounds).reshape(1, -1), self.kernel_l_.bounds, self.kernel_d_.bounds))
                for iteration in range(self.n_restarts_optimizer):
                    theta_initial = np.hstack((
                                        self.rng.uniform(bounds[0, 0], bounds[0, 1]),
                                        np.exp(self.rng.uniform(bounds[1:, 0], bounds[1:, 1]))
                        self._constrained_optimization(obj_func, theta_initial,
                                                       bounds, self.eval_gradient))
            # Select result from run with minimal (negative) log-marginal
            # likelihood
            lml_values = list(map(itemgetter(1), optima))
            best_hyperparams = optima[np.argmin(lml_values)][0]
            self.rho = best_hyperparams[0]
            self.kernel_l_.theta = best_hyperparams[1:1 + len(self.kernel_l_.theta)]
            self.kernel_d_.theta = best_hyperparams[1 + len(self.kernel_l_.theta):]
            self.log_marginal_likelihood_value_ = -np.min(lml_values)
            self.log_marginal_likelihood_value_ = \

        # Precompute quantities required for predictions which are independent
        # of actual query points
        K_lf = self.kernel_l_(self.X_train_[:self.n_l_])
        K = np.vstack((
                    np.hstack(( self.kernel_l_(self.X_train_[:self.n_l_]), 
                                self.rho * self.kernel_l_(self.X_train_[:self.n_l_], self.X_train_[self.n_l_:]) )),
                    np.hstack(( self.rho * self.kernel_l_(self.X_train_[self.n_l_:], self.X_train_[:self.n_l_]), 
                                self.rho**2 *self.kernel_l_(self.X_train_[self.n_l_:]) + self.kernel_d_(self.X_train_[self.n_l_:]) ))
        K_lf[np.diag_indices_from(K_lf)] += self.alpha
        K[np.diag_indices_from(K)] += self.alpha
            self.L_lf_ = cholesky(K_lf, lower=True)  # Line 2 (lf)
            self.L_ = cholesky(K, lower=True)  # Line 2 
            # self.L_ changed, self._K_inv needs to be recomputed
            self._K_inv = None
            self._K_lf_inv = None
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError as exc:
            exc.args = ("The kernel is not returning a "
                        "positive definite matrix. Try gradually "
                        "increasing the 'alpha' parameter of your "
                        "GaussianProcessRegressor estimator.",) + exc.args
        self.alpha_lf_ = cho_solve((self.L_lf_, True), self.y_train_[:self.n_l_])  # Line 3 (Lf)
        self.alpha_ = cho_solve((self.L_, True), self.y_train_)  # Line 3
        return self
Beispiel #45
def cut(x,
    Bin values into discrete intervals.

    Use `cut` when you need to segment and sort data values into bins. This
    function is also useful for going from a continuous variable to a
    categorical variable. For example, `cut` could convert ages to groups of
    age ranges. Supports binning into an equal number of bins, or a
    pre-specified array of bins.

    x : array-like
        The input array to be binned. Must be 1-dimensional.
    bins : int, sequence of scalars, or pandas.IntervalIndex
        The criteria to bin by.

        * int : Defines the number of equal-width bins in the range of `x`. The
          range of `x` is extended by .1% on each side to include the minimum
          and maximum values of `x`.
        * sequence of scalars : Defines the bin edges allowing for non-uniform
          width. No extension of the range of `x` is done.
        * IntervalIndex : Defines the exact bins to be used. Note that
          IntervalIndex for `bins` must be non-overlapping.

    right : bool, default True
        Indicates whether `bins` includes the rightmost edge or not. If
        ``right == True`` (the default), then the `bins` ``[1, 2, 3, 4]``
        indicate (1,2], (2,3], (3,4]. This argument is ignored when
        `bins` is an IntervalIndex.
    labels : array or bool, optional
        Specifies the labels for the returned bins. Must be the same length as
        the resulting bins. If False, returns only integer indicators of the
        bins. This affects the type of the output container (see below).
        This argument is ignored when `bins` is an IntervalIndex.
    retbins : bool, default False
        Whether to return the bins or not. Useful when bins is provided
        as a scalar.
    precision : int, default 3
        The precision at which to store and display the bins labels.
    include_lowest : bool, default False
        Whether the first interval should be left-inclusive or not.
    duplicates : {default 'raise', 'drop'}, optional
        If bin edges are not unique, raise ValueError or drop non-uniques.

        .. versionadded:: 0.23.0

    out : pandas.Categorical, Series, or ndarray
        An array-like object representing the respective bin for each value
        of `x`. The type depends on the value of `labels`.

        * True (default) : returns a Series for Series `x` or a
          pandas.Categorical for all other inputs. The values stored within
          are Interval dtype.

        * sequence of scalars : returns a Series for Series `x` or a
          pandas.Categorical for all other inputs. The values stored within
          are whatever the type in the sequence is.

        * False : returns an ndarray of integers.

    bins : numpy.ndarray or IntervalIndex.
        The computed or specified bins. Only returned when `retbins=True`.
        For scalar or sequence `bins`, this is an ndarray with the computed
        bins. If set `duplicates=drop`, `bins` will drop non-unique bin. For
        an IntervalIndex `bins`, this is equal to `bins`.

    See Also
    qcut : Discretize variable into equal-sized buckets based on rank
        or based on sample quantiles.
    pandas.Categorical : Array type for storing data that come from a
        fixed set of values.
    Series : One-dimensional array with axis labels (including time series).
    pandas.IntervalIndex : Immutable Index implementing an ordered,
        sliceable set.

    Any NA values will be NA in the result. Out of bounds values will be NA in
    the resulting Series or pandas.Categorical object.

    Discretize into three equal-sized bins.

    >>> pd.cut(np.array([1, 7, 5, 4, 6, 3]), 3)
    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    [(0.994, 3.0], (5.0, 7.0], (3.0, 5.0], (3.0, 5.0], (5.0, 7.0], ...
    Categories (3, interval[float64]): [(0.994, 3.0] < (3.0, 5.0] ...

    >>> pd.cut(np.array([1, 7, 5, 4, 6, 3]), 3, retbins=True)
    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ([(0.994, 3.0], (5.0, 7.0], (3.0, 5.0], (3.0, 5.0], (5.0, 7.0], ...
    Categories (3, interval[float64]): [(0.994, 3.0] < (3.0, 5.0] ...
    array([0.994, 3.   , 5.   , 7.   ]))

    Discovers the same bins, but assign them specific labels. Notice that
    the returned Categorical's categories are `labels` and is ordered.

    >>> pd.cut(np.array([1, 7, 5, 4, 6, 3]),
    ...        3, labels=["bad", "medium", "good"])
    [bad, good, medium, medium, good, bad]
    Categories (3, object): [bad < medium < good]

    ``labels=False`` implies you just want the bins back.

    >>> pd.cut([0, 1, 1, 2], bins=4, labels=False)
    array([0, 1, 1, 3])

    Passing a Series as an input returns a Series with categorical dtype:

    >>> s = pd.Series(np.array([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]),
    ...               index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
    >>> pd.cut(s, 3)
    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    a    (1.992, 4.667]
    b    (1.992, 4.667]
    c    (4.667, 7.333]
    d     (7.333, 10.0]
    e     (7.333, 10.0]
    dtype: category
    Categories (3, interval[float64]): [(1.992, 4.667] < (4.667, ...

    Passing a Series as an input returns a Series with mapping value.
    It is used to map numerically to intervals based on bins.

    >>> s = pd.Series(np.array([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]),
    ...               index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
    >>> pd.cut(s, [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10], labels=False, retbins=True, right=False)
    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    (a    0.0
     b    1.0
     c    2.0
     d    3.0
     e    4.0
     dtype: float64, array([0, 2, 4, 6, 8]))

    Use `drop` optional when bins is not unique

    >>> pd.cut(s, [0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 10], labels=False, retbins=True,
    ...    right=False, duplicates='drop')
    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    (a    0.0
     b    1.0
     c    2.0
     d    3.0
     e    3.0
     dtype: float64, array([0, 2, 4, 6, 8]))

    Passing an IntervalIndex for `bins` results in those categories exactly.
    Notice that values not covered by the IntervalIndex are set to NaN. 0
    is to the left of the first bin (which is closed on the right), and 1.5
    falls between two bins.

    >>> bins = pd.IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5)])
    >>> pd.cut([0, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 4.5], bins)
    [NaN, (0, 1], NaN, (2, 3], (4, 5]]
    Categories (3, interval[int64]): [(0, 1] < (2, 3] < (4, 5]]
    # NOTE: this binning code is changed a bit from histogram for var(x) == 0

    # for handling the cut for datetime and timedelta objects
    x_is_series, series_index, name, x = _preprocess_for_cut(x)
    x, dtype = _coerce_to_type(x)

    if not np.iterable(bins):
        if is_scalar(bins) and bins < 1:
            raise ValueError("`bins` should be a positive integer.")

        try:  # for array-like
            sz = x.size
        except AttributeError:
            x = np.asarray(x)
            sz = x.size

        if sz == 0:
            raise ValueError('Cannot cut empty array')

        rng = (nanops.nanmin(x), nanops.nanmax(x))
        mn, mx = [mi + 0.0 for mi in rng]

        if np.isinf(mn) or np.isinf(mx):
            # GH 24314
            raise ValueError('cannot specify integer `bins` when input data '
                             'contains infinity')
        elif mn == mx:  # adjust end points before binning
            mn -= .001 * abs(mn) if mn != 0 else .001
            mx += .001 * abs(mx) if mx != 0 else .001
            bins = np.linspace(mn, mx, bins + 1, endpoint=True)
        else:  # adjust end points after binning
            bins = np.linspace(mn, mx, bins + 1, endpoint=True)
            adj = (mx - mn) * 0.001  # 0.1% of the range
            if right:
                bins[0] -= adj
                bins[-1] += adj

    elif isinstance(bins, IntervalIndex):
        if bins.is_overlapping:
            raise ValueError('Overlapping IntervalIndex is not accepted.')

        bins = np.asarray(bins)
        bins = _convert_bin_to_numeric_type(bins, dtype)
        if (np.diff(bins) < 0).any():
            raise ValueError('bins must increase monotonically.')

    fac, bins = _bins_to_cuts(x,

    return _postprocess_for_cut(fac, bins, retbins, x_is_series, series_index,
                                name, dtype)
Beispiel #46
def sliding_window_view(x,
    Create a sliding window view into the array with the given window shape.

    Also known as rolling or moving window, the window slides across all
    dimensions of the array and extracts subsets of the array at all window
    .. versionadded:: 1.20.0

    x : array_like
        Array to create the sliding window view from.
    window_shape : int or tuple of int
        Size of window over each axis that takes part in the sliding window.
        If `axis` is not present, must have same length as the number of input
        array dimensions. Single integers `i` are treated as if they were the
        tuple `(i,)`.
    axis : int or tuple of int, optional
        Axis or axes along which the sliding window is applied.
        By default, the sliding window is applied to all axes and
        `window_shape[i]` will refer to axis `i` of `x`.
        If `axis` is given as a `tuple of int`, `window_shape[i]` will refer to
        the axis `axis[i]` of `x`.
        Single integers `i` are treated as if they were the tuple `(i,)`.
    subok : bool, optional
        If True, sub-classes will be passed-through, otherwise the returned
        array will be forced to be a base-class array (default).
    writeable : bool, optional
        When true, allow writing to the returned view. The default is false,
        as this should be used with caution: the returned view contains the
        same memory location multiple times, so writing to one location will
        cause others to change.

    view : ndarray
        Sliding window view of the array. The sliding window dimensions are
        inserted at the end, and the original dimensions are trimmed as
        required by the size of the sliding window.
        That is, ``view.shape = x_shape_trimmed + window_shape``, where
        ``x_shape_trimmed`` is ``x.shape`` with every entry reduced by one less
        than the corresponding window size.

    See Also
    lib.stride_tricks.as_strided: A lower-level and less safe routine for
        creating arbitrary views from custom shape and strides.
    broadcast_to: broadcast an array to a given shape.

    For many applications using a sliding window view can be convenient, but
    potentially very slow. Often specialized solutions exist, for example:

    - `scipy.signal.fftconvolve`

    - filtering functions in `scipy.ndimage`

    - moving window functions provided by
      `bottleneck <>`_.

    As a rough estimate, a sliding window approach with an input size of `N`
    and a window size of `W` will scale as `O(N*W)` where frequently a special
    algorithm can achieve `O(N)`. That means that the sliding window variant
    for a window size of 100 can be a 100 times slower than a more specialized

    Nevertheless, for small window sizes, when no custom algorithm exists, or
    as a prototyping and developing tool, this function can be a good solution.

    >>> x = np.arange(6)
    >>> x.shape
    >>> v = sliding_window_view(x, 3)
    >>> v.shape
    (4, 3)
    >>> v
    array([[0, 1, 2],
           [1, 2, 3],
           [2, 3, 4],
           [3, 4, 5]])

    This also works in more dimensions, e.g.

    >>> i, j = np.ogrid[:3, :4]
    >>> x = 10*i + j
    >>> x.shape
    (3, 4)
    >>> x
    array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
           [10, 11, 12, 13],
           [20, 21, 22, 23]])
    >>> shape = (2,2)
    >>> v = sliding_window_view(x, shape)
    >>> v.shape
    (2, 3, 2, 2)
    >>> v
    array([[[[ 0,  1],
             [10, 11]],
            [[ 1,  2],
             [11, 12]],
            [[ 2,  3],
             [12, 13]]],
           [[[10, 11],
             [20, 21]],
            [[11, 12],
             [21, 22]],
            [[12, 13],
             [22, 23]]]])

    The axis can be specified explicitly:

    >>> v = sliding_window_view(x, 3, 0)
    >>> v.shape
    (1, 4, 3)
    >>> v
    array([[[ 0, 10, 20],
            [ 1, 11, 21],
            [ 2, 12, 22],
            [ 3, 13, 23]]])

    The same axis can be used several times. In that case, every use reduces
    the corresponding original dimension:

    >>> v = sliding_window_view(x, (2, 3), (1, 1))
    >>> v.shape
    (3, 1, 2, 3)
    >>> v
    array([[[[ 0,  1,  2],
             [ 1,  2,  3]]],
           [[[10, 11, 12],
             [11, 12, 13]]],
           [[[20, 21, 22],
             [21, 22, 23]]]])

    Combining with stepped slicing (`::step`), this can be used to take sliding
    views which skip elements:

    >>> x = np.arange(7)
    >>> sliding_window_view(x, 5)[:, ::2]
    array([[0, 2, 4],
           [1, 3, 5],
           [2, 4, 6]])

    or views which move by multiple elements

    >>> x = np.arange(7)
    >>> sliding_window_view(x, 3)[::2, :]
    array([[0, 1, 2],
           [2, 3, 4],
           [4, 5, 6]])

    A common application of `sliding_window_view` is the calculation of running
    statistics. The simplest example is the
    `moving average <>`_:

    >>> x = np.arange(6)
    >>> x.shape
    >>> v = sliding_window_view(x, 3)
    >>> v.shape
    (4, 3)
    >>> v
    array([[0, 1, 2],
           [1, 2, 3],
           [2, 3, 4],
           [3, 4, 5]])
    >>> moving_average = v.mean(axis=-1)
    >>> moving_average
    array([1., 2., 3., 4.])

    Note that a sliding window approach is often **not** optimal (see Notes).
    window_shape = (tuple(window_shape) if np.iterable(window_shape) else
                    (window_shape, ))
    # first convert input to array, possibly keeping subclass
    x = np.array(x, copy=False, subok=subok)

    window_shape_array = np.array(window_shape)
    if np.any(window_shape_array < 0):
        raise ValueError('`window_shape` cannot contain negative values')

    if axis is None:
        axis = tuple(range(x.ndim))
        if len(window_shape) != len(axis):
            raise ValueError(f'Since axis is `None`, must provide '
                             f'window_shape for all dimensions of `x`; '
                             f'got {len(window_shape)} window_shape elements '
                             f'and `x.ndim` is {x.ndim}.')
        axis = normalize_axis_tuple(axis, x.ndim, allow_duplicate=True)
        if len(window_shape) != len(axis):
            raise ValueError(f'Must provide matching length window_shape and '
                             f'axis; got {len(window_shape)} window_shape '
                             f'elements and {len(axis)} axes elements.')

    out_strides = x.strides + tuple(x.strides[ax] for ax in axis)

    # note: same axis can be windowed repeatedly
    x_shape_trimmed = list(x.shape)
    for ax, dim in zip(axis, window_shape):
        if x_shape_trimmed[ax] < dim:
            raise ValueError(
                'window shape cannot be larger than input array shape')
        x_shape_trimmed[ax] -= dim - 1
    out_shape = tuple(x_shape_trimmed) + window_shape
    return as_strided(x,
Beispiel #47
def main(argv=None):

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]

    header = get_colored_header()
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description=header, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
    parser.add_argument('datafile', help='data file')
                        help='extension to consider for visualization',

    if len(argv) == 0:

    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    filename = os.path.abspath(args.datafile)
    extension = args.extension
    params = CircusParser(filename)
    if os.path.exists(params.logfile):
    logger = init_logging(params.logfile)
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    mytest = StrictVersion(phycontrib.__version__) >= StrictVersion("1.0.12")
    if not mytest:
            ['You need to update phy-contrib to the latest git version'],
            'error', logger)

    if not test_patch_for_similarities(params, extension):
            ['You should re-export the data because of a fix in 0.6'], 'error',
        continue_anyway = query_yes_no(
            Fore.WHITE + "Continue anyway (results may not be fully correct)?",
        if not continue_anyway:

    data_file = params.get_data_file()
    data_dtype = data_file.data_dtype
    if hasattr(data_file, 'data_offset'):
        data_offset = data_file.data_offset
        data_offset = 0

    file_format = data_file.description
    file_out_suff = params.get('data', 'file_out_suff')

    if file_format not in supported_by_phy:
            "File format %s is not supported by phy. TraceView disabled" %
        ], 'info', logger)

    if numpy.iterable(data_file.gain):
            ['Multiple gains are not supported, using a default value of 1'],
            'info', logger)
        gain = 1
        if data_file.gain != 1:
                "Gain of %g is not supported by phy. Expecting a scaling mismatch"
                % data_file.gain
            ], 'info', logger)
            gain = data_file.gain

    probe = params.probe
    if extension != '':
        extension = '-' + extension
    output_path = params.get('data', 'file_out_suff') + extension + '.GUI'

    if not os.path.exists(output_path):
            ['Data should be first exported with the converting method!'],
            'error', logger)

        print_and_log(["Launching the phy GUI..."], 'info', logger)

        gui_params = {}
        if file_format in supported_by_phy:
            if not params.getboolean('data', 'overwrite'):
                gui_params['dat_path'] = params.get('data',
                if params.get('data', 'stream_mode') == 'multi-files':
                    data_file = params.get_data_file(source=True,
                    gui_params['dat_path'] = ' '.join(
                    gui_params['dat_path'] = params.get('data', 'data_file')
            gui_params['dat_path'] = 'giverandomname.dat'
        gui_params['n_channels_dat'] = params.nb_channels
        gui_params['n_features_per_channel'] = 5
        gui_params['dtype'] = data_dtype
        gui_params['offset'] = data_offset
        gui_params['sample_rate'] = params.rate
        gui_params['dir_path'] = output_path
        gui_params['hp_filtered'] = True

        controller = TemplateController(**gui_params)
        gui = controller.create_gui()
        del gui
Beispiel #48
def neighborhoods(positions,
    """Build a list of lists or padded array of neighborhoods around each point

    select neighbors by any combination of three basic choices:
        Voronoi/Delaunay, distance/ball, count/nearest/number

    positions : array with shape (N, 2) or fields 'x' and 'y'
    voronoi : whether to require pairs to be voronoi or delaunay neighbors
    size : maximum size for each neighborhood excluding center/self
    reach : maximum distance to search (exclusive).  scalar for distance/ball
        for other criteria, it may be an array of distances or a str such as
        '[min|max|mean]*{factor}' where the function is of neighbor distances
    tess, tree : optionally provide spatial.Delaunay or spatial.KDTree instance

    neighbors : list of lists (or padded array) with shape (npoints, size)
        neighbors[i] gives indices in positions to neighbors of positions[i]
        i.e., the coordinates for all neighbors of positions[i] are given by
        positions[neighbors[i]], with shape (size, 2)
    mask : True if not a real neighbor
    distances : distance to the neighbor, only calculated if needed.
        fewest, most = size
    except TypeError:
        fewest, most = None, size
    need_dist = True
    filter_reach = reach is not None
        dub = float(reach)
        filter_reach = False
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        dub = np.inf
    if voronoi:
        tess = tess or Delaunay(positions)
        neighbors = get_neighbors(tess, 'all')
    elif most is not None:
        tree = tree or KDTree(positions)
        distances, neighbors = tree.query(positions,
                                          np.max(most) + 1,
        distances, neighbors = distances[:, 1:], neighbors[:,
                                                           1:]  # remove self
        mask = np.isinf(distances)
        neighbors[mask] = np.where(mask)[0]
        need_dist = False
    elif reach is None:
        raise ValueError("No limits on neighborhood selection applied")
        tree = tree or KDTree(positions)
        neighbors = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, dub)
        for i in xrange(len(neighbors)):
            neighbors[i].remove(i)  # remove self
    if need_dist:
        ix = np.arange(len(positions))[:, None]
        neighbors, mask = helpy.pad_uneven(neighbors, ix, True, int)
        distances = distance.cdist(positions, positions)[ix, neighbors]
        distances[mask] = np.inf
        sort = distances.argsort(1)
        distances, neighbors = distances[ix, sort], neighbors[ix, sort]
    if isinstance(reach, basestring):
        fun, fact = reach.split('*') if '*' in reach else (reach, 1)
        ix = np.arange(len(positions))
        fun = {
            'mean': np.nanmean,
            'min': np.nanmin,
            'max': np.nanmax,
            'median': np.nanmedian
        fact = float(fact)
        reach = fun(np.where(mask, np.nan, distances), 1, keepdims=True) * fact
    if filter_reach:
        mask[distances >= reach] = True
        distances[mask] = np.inf
    if fewest is not None:
        mask[(~mask).sum(1) < fewest] = True
    if np.iterable(most):
        extra = np.clip(mask.shape[1] - most, 0, None)
        i = np.where(extra)
        extra = extra[i]
        i = np.repeat(i[0], extra)
        j = mask.shape[1] - np.concatenate(map(range, extra)) - 1
        mask[i, j] = True
        most = most.max()
    return neighbors[:, :most], mask[:, :most], distances[:, :most]
Beispiel #49
def histogram(a,
    """Enhanced histogram.

    This is a histogram function that enables the use of more sophisticated
    algorithms for determining bins.

    a : array_like
        Input data. The histogram is computed over the flattened array.
    range : (float, float), optional
        The lower and upper range of the bins.  If not provided, range
        is simply ``(a.min(), a.max())``.  Values outside the range are
        ignored. The first element of the range must be less than or
        equal to the second. `range` affects the automatic bin
        computation as well. While bin width is computed to be optimal
        based on the actual data within `range`, the bin count will fill
        the entire range including portions containing no data.
    weights : array_like, optional
        An array of weights, of the same shape as `a`.  Each value in
        `a` only contributes its associated weight towards the bin count
        (instead of 1). This is currently not used by any of the bin estimators,
        but may be in the future.
    **kwargs :
        Passed to :py:func:`numpy.histogram`

    hist : array
        The values of the histogram. See `normed` and `weights` for a
        description of the possible semantics.
    bin_edges : array of dtype float
        Return the bin edges ``(length(hist)+1)``.

    See Also
    * :py:func:`numpy.histogram`

    if isinstance(a, da.Array):
        return histogram_dask(a,

    if isinstance(bins, str):
        _deprecated_bins = {"scotts": "scott", "freedman": "fd"}
        new_bins = _deprecated_bins.get(bins, None)
        if new_bins:
                f"`bins='{bins}'` has been deprecated and will be removed "
                f"in HyperSpy 2.0. Please use `bins='{new_bins}'` instead.",
            bins = new_bins

    _old_bins = bins

    if isinstance(bins, str) and bins in ["knuth", "blocks"]:
        # if range is specified, we need to truncate
        # the data for these bin-finding routines
        if range is not None:
            a = a[(a >= range[0]) & (a <= range[1])]

        if bins == "knuth":
            _, bins = knuth_bin_width(a,
        elif bins == "blocks":
            bins = bayesian_blocks(a)
        bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(a,

    _bins_len = bins if not np.iterable(bins) else len(bins)

    if _bins_len > max_num_bins:
        # To avoid memory errors such as that detailed in
        # we log a warning and cap the number of bins at
        # a sensible value.
            f"Estimated number of bins using `bins='{_old_bins}'` "
            f"is too large ({_bins_len}). Capping the number of bins "
            f"at `max_num_bins={max_num_bins}`. Consider using an "
            "alternative method for calculating the bins such as "
            "`bins='scott'`, or increasing the value of the "
            "`max_num_bins` keyword argument.")
        bins = max_num_bins

    return np.histogram(a, bins=bins, **kwargs)
Beispiel #50
 def inverse_transform(D):
     if np.iterable(D):
         return Anscombe.inverse_transform_jit(D)
         return approximate_inverse_transform(D)
Beispiel #51
    def fit(self, X, y):
        """Fit Gaussian process regression model.

        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) or list of object
            Feature vectors or other representations of training data.

        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets)
            Target values.

        self : object
            GaussianProcessRegressor class instance.
        if self.kernel is None:  # Use an RBF kernel as default
            self.kernel_ = C(1.0, constant_value_bounds="fixed") * RBF(
                1.0, length_scale_bounds="fixed")
            self.kernel_ = clone(self.kernel)

        self._rng = check_random_state(self.random_state)

        if self.kernel_.requires_vector_input:
            dtype, ensure_2d = "numeric", True
            dtype, ensure_2d = None, False
        X, y = self._validate_data(

        # Normalize target value
        if self.normalize_y:
            self._y_train_mean = np.mean(y, axis=0)
            self._y_train_std = _handle_zeros_in_scale(np.std(y, axis=0),

            # Remove mean and make unit variance
            y = (y - self._y_train_mean) / self._y_train_std

            shape_y_stats = (y.shape[1], ) if y.ndim == 2 else 1
            self._y_train_mean = np.zeros(shape=shape_y_stats)
            self._y_train_std = np.ones(shape=shape_y_stats)

        if np.iterable(self.alpha) and self.alpha.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
            if self.alpha.shape[0] == 1:
                self.alpha = self.alpha[0]
                raise ValueError(
                    "alpha must be a scalar or an array with same number of "
                    f"entries as y. ({self.alpha.shape[0]} != {y.shape[0]})")

        self.X_train_ = np.copy(X) if self.copy_X_train else X
        self.y_train_ = np.copy(y) if self.copy_X_train else y

        if self.optimizer is not None and self.kernel_.n_dims > 0:
            # Choose hyperparameters based on maximizing the log-marginal
            # likelihood (potentially starting from several initial values)
            def obj_func(theta, eval_gradient=True):
                if eval_gradient:
                    lml, grad = self.log_marginal_likelihood(
                        theta, eval_gradient=True, clone_kernel=False)
                    return -lml, -grad
                    return -self.log_marginal_likelihood(theta,

            # First optimize starting from theta specified in kernel
            optima = [(self._constrained_optimization(obj_func,

            # Additional runs are performed from log-uniform chosen initial
            # theta
            if self.n_restarts_optimizer > 0:
                if not np.isfinite(self.kernel_.bounds).all():
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Multiple optimizer restarts (n_restarts_optimizer>0) "
                        "requires that all bounds are finite.")
                bounds = self.kernel_.bounds
                for iteration in range(self.n_restarts_optimizer):
                    theta_initial = self._rng.uniform(bounds[:, 0], bounds[:,
                        self._constrained_optimization(obj_func, theta_initial,
            # Select result from run with minimal (negative) log-marginal
            # likelihood
            lml_values = list(map(itemgetter(1), optima))
            self.kernel_.theta = optima[np.argmin(lml_values)][0]

            self.log_marginal_likelihood_value_ = -np.min(lml_values)
            self.log_marginal_likelihood_value_ = self.log_marginal_likelihood(
                self.kernel_.theta, clone_kernel=False)

        # Precompute quantities required for predictions which are independent
        # of actual query points
        # Alg. 2.1, page 19, line 2 -> L = cholesky(K + sigma^2 I)
        K = self.kernel_(self.X_train_)
        K[np.diag_indices_from(K)] += self.alpha
            self.L_ = cholesky(K, lower=GPR_CHOLESKY_LOWER, check_finite=False)
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError as exc:
            exc.args = (
                f"The kernel, {self.kernel_}, is not returning a positive "
                "definite matrix. Try gradually increasing the 'alpha' "
                "parameter of your GaussianProcessRegressor estimator.",
            ) + exc.args
        # Alg 2.1, page 19, line 3 -> alpha = L^T \ (L \ y)
        self.alpha_ = cho_solve(
            (self.L_, GPR_CHOLESKY_LOWER),
        return self
Beispiel #52
def polyint(cs, m=1, k=[], lbnd=0, scl=1):
    Integrate a polynomial.

    Returns the polynomial `cs`, integrated `m` times from `lbnd` to `x`.
    At each iteration the resulting series is **multiplied** by `scl` and
    an integration constant, `k`, is added.  The scaling factor is for use
    in a linear change of variable.  ("Buyer beware": note that, depending
    on what one is doing, one may want `scl` to be the reciprocal of what
    one might expect; for more information, see the Notes section below.)
    The argument `cs` is a sequence of coefficients, from lowest order
    term to highest, e.g., [1,2,3] represents the polynomial
    ``1 + 2*x + 3*x**2``.

    cs : array_like
        1-d array of polynomial coefficients, ordered from low to high.
    m : int, optional
        Order of integration, must be positive. (Default: 1)
    k : {[], list, scalar}, optional
        Integration constant(s).  The value of the first integral at zero
        is the first value in the list, the value of the second integral
        at zero is the second value, etc.  If ``k == []`` (the default),
        all constants are set to zero.  If ``m == 1``, a single scalar can
        be given instead of a list.
    lbnd : scalar, optional
        The lower bound of the integral. (Default: 0)
    scl : scalar, optional
        Following each integration the result is *multiplied* by `scl`
        before the integration constant is added. (Default: 1)

    S : ndarray
        Coefficients of the integral.

        If ``m < 1``, ``len(k) > m``.

    See Also

    Note that the result of each integration is *multiplied* by `scl`.
    Why is this important to note?  Say one is making a linear change of
    variable :math:`u = ax + b` in an integral relative to `x`.  Then
    :math:`dx = du/a`, so one will need to set `scl` equal to :math:`1/a`
    - perhaps not what one would have first thought.

    >>> from numpy import polynomial as P
    >>> cs = (1,2,3)
    >>> P.polyint(cs) # should return array([0, 1, 1, 1])
    array([ 0.,  1.,  1.,  1.])
    >>> P.polyint(cs,3) # should return array([0, 0, 0, 1/6, 1/12, 1/20])
    array([ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.16666667,  0.08333333,
            0.05      ])
    >>> P.polyint(cs,k=3) # should return array([3, 1, 1, 1])
    array([ 3.,  1.,  1.,  1.])
    >>> P.polyint(cs,lbnd=-2) # should return array([6, 1, 1, 1])
    array([ 6.,  1.,  1.,  1.])
    >>> P.polyint(cs,scl=-2) # should return array([0, -2, -2, -2])
    array([ 0., -2., -2., -2.])

    cnt = int(m)
    if not np.iterable(k):
        k = [k]

    if cnt != m:
        raise ValueError("The order of integration must be integer")
    if cnt < 0:
        raise ValueError("The order of integration must be non-negative")
    if len(k) > cnt:
        raise ValueError("Too many integration constants")

    # cs is a trimmed copy
    [cs] = pu.as_series([cs])
    if cnt == 0:
        return cs

    k = list(k) + [0] * (cnt - len(k))
    for i in range(cnt):
        n = len(cs)
        cs *= scl
        if n == 1 and cs[0] == 0:
            cs[0] += k[i]
            tmp = np.empty(n + 1, dtype=cs.dtype)
            tmp[0] = cs[0] * 0
            tmp[1:] = cs / np.arange(1, n + 1)
            tmp[0] += k[i] - polyval(lbnd, tmp)
            cs = tmp
    return cs
Beispiel #53
def histogram_dask(a, bins="fd", max_num_bins=250, **kwargs):
    """Enhanced histogram for dask arrays.

    The range keyword is ignored. Reads the data at most two times - once to
    determine best bins (if required), and second time to actually calculate
    the histogram.

    a : array_like
        array of data to be histogrammed
    bins : int or list or str, default 10
        If bins is a string, then it must be one of:

        'fd' (Freedman Diaconis Estimator)
            Robust (resilient to outliers) estimator that takes into
            account data variability and data size.

            Less robust estimator that that takes into account data
            variability and data size.

    **kwargs :
        Passed to :py:func:`dask.histogram`

    hist : array
        The values of the histogram. See `normed` and `weights` for a
        description of the possible semantics.
    bin_edges : array of dtype float
        Return the bin edges ``(length(hist)+1)``.

    See Also
    * :py:func:`dask.histogram`
    * :py:func:`numpy.histogram`

    if not isinstance(a, da.Array):
        raise TypeError("Expected a dask array")

    if a.ndim != 1:
        a = a.flatten()

    if isinstance(bins, str):
        _deprecated_bins = {"scotts": "scott", "freedman": "fd"}
        new_bins = _deprecated_bins.get(bins, None)
        if new_bins:
                f"`bins='{bins}'` has been deprecated and will be removed "
                f"in HyperSpy 2.0. Please use `bins='{new_bins}'` instead.",
            bins = new_bins

    _old_bins = bins

    if isinstance(bins, str):
        if bins == "scott":
            _, bins = _scott_bw_dask(a, True)
        elif bins == "fd":
            _, bins = _freedman_bw_dask(a, True)
            raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized 'bins' argument: got {bins}")
    elif not np.iterable(bins):
        kwargs["range"] = da.compute(a.min(), a.max())

    _bins_len = bins if not np.iterable(bins) else len(bins)

    if _bins_len > max_num_bins:
        # To avoid memory errors such as that detailed in
        # we log a warning and cap the number of bins at
        # a sensible value.
            f"Estimated number of bins using `bins='{_old_bins}'` "
            f"is too large ({_bins_len}). Capping the number of bins "
            f"at `max_num_bins={max_num_bins}`. Consider using an "
            "alternative method for calculating the bins such as "
            "`bins='scott'`, or increasing the value of the "
            "`max_num_bins` keyword argument.")
        bins = max_num_bins
        kwargs["range"] = da.compute(a.min(), a.max())

    h, bins = da.histogram(a, bins=bins, **kwargs)

    return h.compute(), bins
Beispiel #54
    def __init__(
        spacing='uniform',  # uniform or proportional
    ): = ax

        if cmap is None:
            cmap = cm.get_cmap()
        if norm is None:
            norm = colors.Normalize()
        self.alpha = alpha
        cm.ScalarMappable.__init__(self, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
        self.values = values
        self.boundaries = boundaries
        self.extend = extend
        self.spacing = spacing
        self.orientation = orientation
        self.drawedges = drawedges
        self.filled = filled

        # artists
        self.solids = None
        self.lines = None
        self.dividers = None
        self.extension_patch1 = None
        self.extension_patch2 = None

        if orientation == "vertical":
            self.cbar_axis =
            self.cbar_axis =

        if format is None:
            if isinstance(self.norm, colors.LogNorm):
                # change both axis for proper aspect
                formatter = ticker.LogFormatter()
                formatter = None
        elif isinstance(format, str):
            formatter = ticker.FormatStrFormatter(format)
            formatter = format  # Assume it is a Formatter

        if formatter is None:
            formatter = self.cbar_axis.get_major_formatter()

        if np.iterable(ticks):
        elif ticks is not None:



Beispiel #55
def dopythonphot(image,
                 skyannarcsec=[6.0, 12.0],
    """ Measure the flux through aperture(s) and/or psf fitting using the
    PythonPhot package.

      image :  string giving image file name OR a list or 2-tuple giving
               the header and data array as  [hdr,data]
      xc,yc  :  aperture center in pixel coordinates
      aparcsec : aperture radius in arcsec, or a string with a comma-separated
                 list of aperture radii
      psfimage : filename for a fits file containing a psf model
      system :  report AB or Vega mags ('AB','Vega')
      snthresh :  If the measured flux is below <snthresh>*fluxerr then the
                resulting magnitude is reported as a lower limit.
      zeropoint : fix the zeropoint (if not provided, we look it up from
      hardcoded tables)
      skyannarcsec : inner and outer radius of the sky annulus (in arcsec)
      target : name of the target object (for printing in snanastyle)
      printstyle :  None or 'default' = report MJD, filter, and photometry
                    'verbose' or 'long' = include target name and position
                    'snana' = report mags in the format of a SNANA .dat file.
      fitsconvention : xc,yc position follows the fits convention with (1,1)
             as the lower left pixel.  Otherwise, follow the python/pyfits
             convention with (0,0) as the lower left pixel.
      returnflux : instead of returning a list of strings containing all the
             flux and magnitude information, simply return a single flux val
    Note :  No recentering is done (i.e. this does forced photometry at the
       given pixel position)
    from PythonPhot import photfunctions

    if debug == 1:
        import pdb

    imhdr, imdat = getheaderanddata(image, ext=ext)
    if imfilename is None:
        if isinstance(image, str):
            imfilename = image
        elif 'FILENAME' in imhdr:
            imfilename = imhdr['FILENAME']
            imfilename = 'unknown'

    if imdat.dtype != 'float64':
        imdat = imdat.astype('float64', copy=False)
    if not filtername:
        if 'FILTER1' in imhdr:
            if 'CLEAR' in imhdr['FILTER1']:
                filtername = imhdr['FILTER2']
                filtername = imhdr['FILTER1']
            filtername = imhdr['FILTER']

    if not exptime:
        if 'EXPTIME' in imhdr:
            exptime = imhdr['EXPTIME']
            raise exceptions.RuntimeError(
                "Cannot determine exposure time for %s" % imfilename)

    if not pixscale:
        pixscale = getpixscale(imhdr, ext=ext)
        if not np.iterable(aparcsec):
            aparcsec = np.array([aparcsec])
        elif not isinstance(aparcsec, np.ndarray):
            aparcsec = np.array(aparcsec)

    appix = np.array([ap / pixscale for ap in aparcsec])
    skyannpix = np.array([skyrad / pixscale for skyrad in skyannarcsec])
    if len(appix) >= 1:
        assert skyannpix[0] >= np.max(
            appix), "Sky annulus must be >= largest aperture."
    camera = getcamera(imhdr)

    # Define the conversion factor from the values in this image
    # to photons : photons per ADU.
    if phpadu is None:
        if 'BUNIT' not in imhdr:
            if camera == 'WFC3-IR' and 'EXPTIME' in imhdr:
                phpadu = imhdr['EXPTIME']
                phpadu = 1
        elif imhdr['BUNIT'].lower() in ['cps', 'electrons/s']:
            phpadu = imhdr['EXPTIME']
        elif imhdr['BUNIT'].lower() in ['counts', 'electrons']:
            phpadu = 1
        assert (phpadu
                is not None), "Can't determine units from the image header."

    if fitsconvention:
        xpy, ypy = xc - 1, yc - 1
        xpy, ypy = xc, yc

    if recenter:
        xim, yim = getxycenter([imhdr, imdat],
        if verbose:
            print("Recentered position (x,y) : %.2f %.2f" % (xim, yim))
            ra, dec = xy2radec(imhdr, xim, yim)
            print("Recentered position (ra,dec) : %.6f %.6f" % (ra, dec))

    output_PythonPhot = photfunctions.get_flux_and_err(
        psfimage, [xpy, ypy],
    apflux, apfluxerr, psfflux, psffluxerr, sky, skyerr = output_PythonPhot

    if not np.iterable(apflux):
        apflux = np.array([apflux])
        apfluxerr = np.array([apfluxerr])

    # Define aperture corrections for each aperture
    if zeropoint is not None:
        zpt = zeropoint
        apcor = np.zeros(len(aparcsec))
        aperr = np.zeros(len(aparcsec))
        zpt = hstzpt_apcorr.getzpt(image, system=system)
        if camera == 'WFC3-IR':
            # TODO: allow user to choose an alternate EE table?
            apcor, aperr = hstzpt_apcorr.apcorrWFC3IR(filtername, aparcsec)
        elif camera == 'WFC3-UVIS':
            apcor, aperr = hstzpt_apcorr.apcorrWFC3UVIS(filtername, aparcsec)
        elif camera == 'ACS-WFC':
            apcor, aperr = hstzpt_apcorr.apcorrACSWFC(filtername, aparcsec)

    # record the psf flux as a final infinite aperture for printing purposes
    if psfimage is not None:
        aparcsec = np.append(aparcsec, np.inf)
        apflux = np.append(apflux, [psfflux])
        apfluxerr = np.append(apfluxerr, [psffluxerr])
        apcor = np.append(apcor, 0)

    # apply aperture corrections to flux and mags
    # and define upper limit mags for fluxes with significance <snthresh
    mag, magerr = np.zeros(len(apflux)), np.zeros(len(apflux))
    for i in range(len(apflux)):
        if np.isfinite(aparcsec[i]):
            # For actual aperture measurements (not the psf fitting flux),
            # apply aperture corrections to the measured fluxes
            # Flux rescaled to larger aperture:
            apflux[i] *= 10**(0.4 * apcor[i])
            # Flux error rescaled:
            df = apfluxerr[i] * 10**(0.4 * apcor[i])
            #  Systematic err from aperture correction :
            dfap = 0.4 * np.log(10) * apflux[i] * aperr[i]
            apfluxerr[i] = np.sqrt(df**2 + dfap**2)  # total flux err
            if verbose > 1:
                print(" FERRTOT  FERRSTAT   FERRSYS")
                print(" %.5f  %.5f  %.5f" % (apfluxerr[i], df, dfap))

        if apflux[i] < abs(apfluxerr[i]) * snthresh:
            # no real detection. Report mag as an upper limit
            sigmafactor = snthresh or 3
            mag[i] = -2.5 * np.log10(sigmafactor * abs(apfluxerr[i])) \
                     + zpt - apcor[i]
            magerr[i] = -9.0
            # Good detection. convert to a magnitude (ap correction already
            # applied)
            mag[i] = -2.5 * np.log10(apflux[i]) + zpt
            magerr[i] = 1.0857 * apfluxerr[i] / apflux[i]

    if debug:
        import pdb

    if returnflux:
        return apflux

    if 'EXPSTART' in imhdr and 'EXPEND' in imhdr:
        mjdobs = (imhdr['EXPEND'] + imhdr['EXPSTART']) / 2.
        mjdobs = 0.0

    if verbose and printstyle == 'snana':
        # Convert to SNANA fluxcal units and Construct a SNANA-style OBS
        # line, e.g.
        # OBS: 56456.500  H  wol    0.000    8.630   25.160   -9.000
        fluxcal = apflux * 10**(0.4 * (27.5 - zpt))
        fluxcalerr = apfluxerr * 10**(0.4 * (27.5 - zpt))
              'MAGERR   ZPT')
    elif verbose:
        if printstyle.lower() in ['long', 'verbose']:
            print('#  TARGET                RA         DEC       MJD  FILTER '
                  ' APER       FLUX  FLUXERR         MAG   MAGERR  MAGSYS    '
                  '   ZP      SKY SKYERR  IMAGE')
            print('# MJD     FILTER  APER      FLUX   FLUXERR       MAG     '
                  'MAGERR  MAGSYS    ZP       SKY   SKYERR')

    if printstyle is not None:
        printstyle = printstyle.lower()
    ra, dec = 0, 0
    if (printstyle is not None
            and printstyle.lower() in ['snana', 'long', 'verbose']):
        if not target and 'FILENAME' in imhdr.keys():
            target = imhdr['FILENAME'].split('_')[0]
        elif not target:
            target = 'target'
        ra, dec = xy2radec(imhdr, xc, yc, ext=ext)

    maglinelist = []
    for iap in range(len(aparcsec)):
        if printstyle == 'snana':
            magline = 'OBS: %8.2f   %6s   %s %8.3f %8.3f    '\
                      '%8.3f %8.3f   %.3f' % (
                          float(mjdobs), FilterAlpha[filtername], target,
                          fluxcal[iap], fluxcalerr[iap], mag[iap], magerr[iap],
        elif printstyle in ['long', 'verbose']:
            magline = '%-15s  %10.5f  %10.5f  %.3f  %6s  %4.2f  %9.4f %8.4f  '\
                      ' %9.4f %8.4f  %5s   %7.4f  %7.4f %6.4f  %s' % (
                          target, ra, dec, float(mjdobs), filtername,
                          apflux[iap], apfluxerr[iap], mag[iap], magerr[iap],
                          zpt, sky, skyerr, imfilename)
            magline = '%.3f  %6s  %4.2f  %9.4f %8.4f   %9.4f %8.4f  %5s   ' \
                      '%7.4f  %7.4f %6.4f' % (
                          float(mjdobs), filtername, aparcsec[iap],
                          apflux[iap], apfluxerr[iap], mag[iap], magerr[iap],
                          zpt, sky, skyerr)

    return maglinelist
Beispiel #56
def merge(datasets,
    """Copy valid pixels from input files to an output file.

    All files must have the same number of bands, data type, and
    coordinate reference system.

    Input files are merged in their listed order using the reverse
    painter's algorithm (default) or another method. If the output file exists,
    its values will be overwritten by input values.

    Geospatial bounds and resolution of a new output file in the
    units of the input file coordinate reference system may be provided
    and are otherwise taken from the first input file.

    datasets: list of dataset objects opened in 'r' mode
        source datasets to be merged.
    bounds: tuple, optional
        Bounds of the output image (left, bottom, right, top).
        If not set, bounds are determined from bounds of input rasters.
    res: tuple, optional
        Output resolution in units of coordinate reference system. If not set,
        the resolution of the first raster is used. If a single value is passed,
        output pixels will be square.
    nodata: float, optional
        nodata value to use in output file. If not set, uses the nodata value
        in the first input raster.
    precision: float, optional
        Number of decimal points of precision when computing inverse transform.
    indexes : list of ints or a single int, optional
        bands to read and merge
    method : str or callable
        pre-defined method:
            first: reverse painting
            last: paint valid new on top of existing
            min: pixel-wise min of existing and new
            max: pixel-wise max of existing and new
        or custom callable with signature:

        def function(old_data, new_data, old_nodata, new_nodata):

            old_data : array_like
                array to update with new_data
            new_data : array_like
                data to merge
                same shape as old_data
            old_nodata, new_data : array_like
                boolean masks where old/new data is nodata
                same shape as old_data


        Two elements:

            dest: numpy ndarray
                Contents of all input rasters in single array

            out_transform: affine.Affine()
                Information for mapping pixel coordinates in `dest` to another
                coordinate system
    first = datasets[0]
    first_res = first.res
    nodataval = first.nodatavals[0]
    dtype = first.dtypes[0]

    if method not in MERGE_METHODS and not callable(method):
        raise ValueError(
            'Unknown method {0}, must be one of {1} or callable'.format(
                method, MERGE_METHODS))

    # Determine output band count
    if indexes is None:
        output_count = first.count
    elif isinstance(indexes, int):
        output_count = 1
        output_count = len(indexes)

    # Extent from option or extent of all inputs
    if bounds:
        dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n = bounds
        # scan input files
        xs = []
        ys = []
        for src in datasets:
            left, bottom, right, top = src.bounds
            xs.extend([left, right])
            ys.extend([bottom, top])
        dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n = min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys)

    logger.debug("Output bounds: %r", (dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n))
    output_transform = Affine.translation(dst_w, dst_n)
    logger.debug("Output transform, before scaling: %r", output_transform)

    # Resolution/pixel size
    if not res:
        res = first_res
    elif not np.iterable(res):
        res = (res, res)
    elif len(res) == 1:
        res = (res[0], res[0])
    output_transform *= Affine.scale(res[0], -res[1])
    logger.debug("Output transform, after scaling: %r", output_transform)

    # Compute output array shape. We guarantee it will cover the output
    # bounds completely
    output_width = int(math.ceil((dst_e - dst_w) / res[0]))
    output_height = int(math.ceil((dst_n - dst_s) / res[1]))

    # Adjust bounds to fit
    dst_e, dst_s = output_transform * (output_width, output_height)
    logger.debug("Output width: %d, height: %d", output_width, output_height)
    logger.debug("Adjusted bounds: %r", (dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n))

    # create destination array
    dest = np.zeros((output_count, output_height, output_width), dtype=dtype)

    if nodata is not None:
        nodataval = nodata
        logger.debug("Set nodataval: %r", nodataval)

    if nodataval is not None:
        # Only fill if the nodataval is within dtype's range
        inrange = False
        if np.dtype(dtype).kind in ('i', 'u'):
            info = np.iinfo(dtype)
            inrange = (info.min <= nodataval <= info.max)
        elif np.dtype(dtype).kind == 'f':
            info = np.finfo(dtype)
            if np.isnan(nodataval):
                inrange = True
                inrange = (info.min <= nodataval <= info.max)
        if inrange:
            warnings.warn("Input file's nodata value, %s, is beyond the valid "
                          "range of its data type, %s. Consider overriding it "
                          "using the --nodata option for better results." %
                          (nodataval, dtype))
        nodataval = 0

    if method == 'first':

        def copyto(old_data, new_data, old_nodata, new_nodata):
            mask = np.logical_and(old_nodata, ~new_nodata)
            old_data[mask] = new_data[mask]

    elif method == 'last':

        def copyto(old_data, new_data, old_nodata, new_nodata):
            mask = ~new_nodata
            old_data[mask] = new_data[mask]

    elif method == 'min':

        def copyto(old_data, new_data, old_nodata, new_nodata):
            mask = np.logical_and(~old_nodata, ~new_nodata)
            old_data[mask] = np.minimum(old_data[mask], new_data[mask])

            mask = np.logical_and(old_nodata, ~new_nodata)
            old_data[mask] = new_data[mask]

    elif method == 'max':

        def copyto(old_data, new_data, old_nodata, new_nodata):
            mask = np.logical_and(~old_nodata, ~new_nodata)
            old_data[mask] = np.maximum(old_data[mask], new_data[mask])

            mask = np.logical_and(old_nodata, ~new_nodata)
            old_data[mask] = new_data[mask]

    elif callable(method):
        copyto = method

        raise ValueError(method)

    for src in datasets:
        # Real World (tm) use of boundless reads.
        # This approach uses the maximum amount of memory to solve the
        # problem. Making it more efficient is a TODO.

        # 1. Compute spatial intersection of destination and source
        src_w, src_s, src_e, src_n = src.bounds

        int_w = src_w if src_w > dst_w else dst_w
        int_s = src_s if src_s > dst_s else dst_s
        int_e = src_e if src_e < dst_e else dst_e
        int_n = src_n if src_n < dst_n else dst_n

        # 2. Compute the source window
        src_window = windows.from_bounds(int_w,
        logger.debug("Src %s window: %r",, src_window)

        src_window = src_window.round_shape()

        # 3. Compute the destination window
        dst_window = windows.from_bounds(int_w,

        dst_window = dst_window.round_shape()

        # 4. Read data in source window into temp
        trows, tcols = (int(round(dst_window.height)),
        temp_shape = (output_count, trows, tcols)
        temp =,

        # 5. Copy elements of temp into dest
        roff, coff = (int(round(dst_window.row_off)),

        region = dest[:, roff:roff + trows, coff:coff + tcols]
        if np.isnan(nodataval):
            region_nodata = np.isnan(region)
            temp_nodata = np.isnan(temp)
            region_nodata = region == nodataval
            temp_nodata = temp.mask

        copyto(region, temp, region_nodata, temp_nodata)

    return dest, output_transform
Beispiel #57
def lowess(x, y, x0, deg=1, kernel=epanechnikov, l=1, robust=False,):
    Locally smoothed regression with the LOWESS algorithm.
    x: float n-d array  
       Values of x for which f(x) is known (e.g. measured). The shape of this
       is (n, j), where n is the number the dimensions and j is the
       number of distinct coordinates sampled.
    y: float array
       The known values of f(x) at these points. This has shape (j,) 
    x0: float or float array.
        Values of x for which we estimate the value of f(x). This is either a
        single scalar value (only possible for the 1d case, in which case f(x0)
        is estimated for just that one value of x), or an array of shape (n, k).
    deg: int
        The degree of smoothing functions. 0 is locally constant, 1 is locally
        linear, etc. Default: 1.
    kernel: callable
        A kernel function. {'epanechnikov', 'tri_cube', 'bi_square'}
    l: float or float array with shape = x.shape
       The metric window size for the kernel
    robust: bool
        Whether to apply the robustification procedure from [Cleveland79], page
    The function estimated at x0. 
    The solution to this problem is given by equation 6.8 in Hastie
    Tibshirani and Friedman (2008). The Elements of Statistical Learning
    (Chapter 6). 
    >>> import lowess as lo
    >>> import numpy as np
    # For the 1D case:
    >>> x = np.random.randn(100)
    >>> f = np.cos(x) + 0.2 * np.random.randn(100)
    >>> x0 = np.linspace(-1, 1, 10)
    >>> f_hat = lo.lowess(x, f, x0)
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    >>> ax.scatter(x, f)
    >>> ax.plot(x0, f_hat, 'ro')
    # 2D case (and more...)
    >>> x = np.random.randn(2, 100)
    >>> f = -1 * np.sin(x[0]) + 0.5 * np.cos(x[1]) + 0.2*np.random.randn(100)
    >>> x0 = np.mgrid[-1:1:.1, -1:1:.1]
    >>> x0 = np.vstack([x0[0].ravel(), x0[1].ravel()])
    >>> f_hat = lo.lowess(x, f, x0, kernel=lo.tri_cube)
    >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    >>> fig = plt.figure()
    >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    >>> ax.scatter(x[0], x[1], f)
    >>> ax.scatter(x0[0], x0[1], f_hat, color='r')
    if robust:
        # We use the procedure described in Cleveland1979
        # Start by calling this function with robust set to false and the x0
        # input being equal to the x input:
        y_est = lowess(x, y, x, kernel=epanechnikov, l=l, robust=False)
        resid = y_est - y
        median_resid = np.nanmedian(np.abs(resid))
        # Calculate the bi-cube function on the residuals for robustness
        # weights: 
        robustness_weights = bi_square(resid / (6 * median_resid))
    # For the case where x0 is provided as a scalar: 
    if not np.iterable(x0):
       x0 = np.asarray([x0])
    ans = np.zeros(x0.shape[-1]) 
    # We only need one design matrix for fitting:
    B = [np.ones(x.shape[-1])]
    for d in range(1, deg+1):
        B.append(x ** deg)

    B = np.vstack(B).T
    for idx, this_x0 in enumerate(x0.T):
        # This is necessary in the 1d case (?):
        if not np.iterable(this_x0):
            this_x0 = np.asarray([this_x0])
        # Different weighting kernel for each x0:
        W = np.diag(do_kernel(this_x0, x, l=l, kernel=kernel))
        # XXX It should be possible to calculate W outside the loop, if x0 and
        # x are both sampled in some regular fashion (that is, if W is the same
        # matrix in each iteration). That should save time.

        if robust:
            # We apply the robustness weights to the weighted least-squares
            # procedure:
            robustness_weights[np.isnan(robustness_weights)] = 0
            W =, np.diag(robustness_weights))
        # Equation 6.8 in HTF:
        BtWB =, W), B)
        BtW =, W)
        # Get the params:
        beta =, BtW), y.T)
        # We create a design matrix for this coordinat for back-predicting:
        B0 = [1]
        for d in range(1, deg+1):
            B0 = np.hstack([B0, this_x0 ** deg])
        B0 = np.vstack(B0).T
        # Estimate the answer based on the parameters:
        ans[idx] +=, beta)
    # If we are trying to sample far away from where the function is
    # defined, we will be trying to invert a singular matrix. In that case,
    # the regression should not work for you and you should get a nan:
        #except la.LinAlgError :
        #    ans[idx] += np.nan
    return ans.T
Beispiel #58
 def get_chip(hs, cx_input):
     rchip_path = hs.get_rchip_path(cx_input)
     if np.iterable(cx_input):
         return [hs._read_chip(fpath) for fpath in rchip_path]
         return hs._read_chip(rchip_path)
Beispiel #59
def year2int(year, day=15):
    """Decimal year to integer representation -> YYYMMDD."""
    if not np.iterable(year):
        year = np.asarray([year])
    ym = [year2ym(y) for y in year]
    return [int(y * 10000 + m * 100 + day) for y, m in ym]
Beispiel #60
    def rotate(self, alpha):
            Rotate PT array. Change the rotation angles attribute respectively.

            Rotation angle must be given in degrees. All angles are referenced to 
			geographic North, positive in clockwise direction. 
			(Mathematically negative!)

            In non-rotated state, X refs to North and Y to East direction.


        if self._pt is None :
            print 'pt-array is "None" - I cannot rotate that'
        if np.iterable(self.rotation_angle) == 0:
            self.rotation_angle = np.array([self.rotation_angle 
                                             for ii in])

        #check for iterable list/set of angles - if so, it must have length 1 
        #or same as len(pt):
        if np.iterable(alpha) == 0:
                degreeangle = float(alpha%360)
                print '"Angle" must be a valid number (in degrees)'

            #make an n long list of identical angles
            lo_angles = [degreeangle for i in]
            if len(alpha) == 1:
                    degreeangle = float(alpha%360)
                    print '"Angle" must be a valid number (in degrees)'
                #make an n long list of identical angles
                lo_angles = [degreeangle for i in]
                    lo_angles = [ float(i%360) for i in alpha]
                    print '"Angles" must be valid numbers (in degrees)'
        self.rotation_angle = list((np.array(lo_angles) + \

        if len(lo_angles) != len(self._pt):
            print 'Wrong number Number of "angles" - need %i '%(len(self._pt))
            self.rotation_angle = 0.
        pt_rot = copy.copy(self._pt)
        pt_err_rot = copy.copy(self._pt_err)
        for idx_freq in range(len(self._pt)):
            angle = lo_angles[idx_freq]
            if np.isnan(angle):
                angle = 0.

            if self.pt_err is not None:
                pt_rot[idx_freq], pt_err_rot[idx_freq] = MTcc.rotatematrix_incl_errors([idx_freq,:,:], angle, self.pt_err[idx_freq,:,:])
                pt_rot[idx_freq], pt_err_rot = MTcc.rotatematrix_incl_errors([idx_freq,:,:], angle)

        #--> set the rotated tensors as the current attributes
        self._pt = pt_rot
        self._pt_err = pt_err_rot