Beispiel #1
    def derv(self, y, t):
        ''' Returns derivative of the state space at a given time-instant '''

        mu = get_mu(y, self.oldBasis, self.V, linP, redOrder, count)
        U = get_U(mu, self.UlinP)
        #print mu
        self.oldBasis = U
        #linPRed = obliqueprojection( U , V , list( linP ), fullD = True )
        #yNew = obliqueprojection( U , V , y , fullD = True)
        temp = 0
        sub1 = {
            state[str(input_list[k])]: (get_input_signals(t))[k]
            for k in range(len(input_list))
        inputM = numpy.concatenate(
            (Sym2NumArray(inputm.evalf(subs=sub1)), numpy.matrix(([1.0]))), 0)
        #print inputM
        weight = self.weights(y, mu)
        mutemp = 0
        for Mu in range(count):
            temp = 0
            for wei in range(count):
                temp = temp + weight[wei] * (
                    ([Mu][wei], y.reshape(
                        redOrder, 1))).reshape(redOrder, 1) +
                    ([Mu][wei], inputM)))

            mutemp = mutemp + mu[Mu] * numpy.array(temp)

        return ((nD(numpy.linalg.inv(nD(U.T, self.V)),
                    mutemp)).reshape(1, redOrder))[0]
Beispiel #2
 def get_STPWL_weights_Bound(self, mu):
     '''Calculates the numerical bound on the Weighing functions'''
     P = [
             (Matrix[linpt].linPJac).T, (Matrix[linpt].linPJac),
             -numpy.eye(order)) for linpt in range(count)
     Phat = [nD(nD((self.V).T, P[linpt]), self.V) for linpt in range(count)]
     MaxTerm = []
     MinTerm = []
     wStar = []
     for m in range(count):
         rowSpan = range(count)
         singluarValues = numpy.array([(numpy.array([
                 numpy.linalg.svd(nD(Phat[m], self.JacRed[k][i]),
                                  compute_uv=False)) for i in rowSpan
         ])).sum() for k in range(count)])
         MaxTerm.append(, singluarValues))
         MinTerm.append(mu[m] * min(
             numpy.linalg.svd(nD(Phat[m], self.JacRed[m][m]),
         wStar.append(MaxTerm[m] / (MaxTerm[m] + MinTerm[m]))
         #print MinTerm [ m ]
     return wStar
Beispiel #3
def get_MOR_Jac( Matrix , B ,linP,  count):
	''' Returns the order reduced Jacobian and new B '''
	Ulinp = get_U_linp( Matrix )
	V = get_redBasis( 2 , order , redOrder )

	linPJac_Red = [ [ nD( nD((Ulinp[k]).T, Matrix[ i ].linPJac ) , V )for i in range( count  ) ] for k in range( count ) ]

	Bnew = [ numpy.concatenate(( B[ linpt ] , Matrix[ linpt ].linPVal - ( Matrix[ i ].linPJac, linP[ i ] )).reshape( order ,1 ) ),1 ) for linpt in range( count ) ]

	BRed = [ [  nD( ( Ulinp[ k ] ).T, Bnew[ i ] ) for i in range( count  ) ] for k in range( count ) ]
	return linPJac_Red , BRed
Beispiel #4
def get_U_linp(Matrix):
    ''' Assumes stable system and returns a stable rowspace for MOR using lyapunov stability criterion. Builds lyapunov function using -I '''
    V = get_redBasis(2, order, redOrder)
    P = [
            (Matrix[linpt].linPJac), -numpy.eye(order))
        if max(numpy.array(numpy.linalg.eigvals(Matrix[linpt].linPJac))) < 0
        else numpy.eye(order, order) for linpt in range(count)
    U = [(nD(numpy.linalg.inv(nD(nD(V.T, P[linpt]), V)), nD(V.T, P[linpt]))).T
         for linpt in range(count)]
    return U
Beispiel #5
	def get_STPWL_weights_Bound( self, mu ):
		'''Calculates the numerical bound on the Weighing functions'''
		P = [ scipy.linalg.solve_sylvester( ( Matrix[ linpt ].linPJac ).T , ( Matrix[ linpt ].linPJac ) , -numpy.eye( order ) ) for linpt in range( count ) ]
		Phat = [ nD( nD( (self.V).T, P[ linpt ] ) , self.V ) for linpt in range( count ) ]
		MaxTerm = []
		MinTerm = []
		wStar = []
		for m in range( count ):
			rowSpan = range( count ) 
			rowSpan.remove( m )
			singluarValues = numpy.array( [ ( numpy.array( [ max( numpy.linalg.svd( nD( Phat[ m ] , self.JacRed[ k ] [ i ] ) , compute_uv= False ) ) for i in rowSpan ]) ).sum() for k in range( count ) ] )
			MaxTerm.append( ( numpy.array( mu ) , singluarValues ) )
			MinTerm.append( mu[ m ] * min ( numpy.linalg.svd( nD( Phat[ m ] , self.JacRed[ m ][ m ] ) , compute_uv=False ) ) )
			wStar.append( MaxTerm[ m ]  / ( MaxTerm[ m ]  + MinTerm[ m ]  ) )
			#print MinTerm [ m ] 
		return wStar
Beispiel #6
def get_MOR_Jac(Matrix, B, linP, count):
    ''' Returns the order reduced Jacobian and new B '''
    Ulinp = get_U_linp(Matrix)
    V = get_redBasis(2, order, redOrder)

    linPJac_Red = [[
        nD(nD((Ulinp[k]).T, Matrix[i].linPJac), V) for i in range(count)
    ] for k in range(count)]

    Bnew = [
            (B[linpt], Matrix[linpt].linPVal -
             ([i].linPJac, linP[i])).reshape(order, 1)), 1)
        for linpt in range(count)

    BRed = [[nD((Ulinp[k]).T, Bnew[i]) for i in range(count)]
            for k in range(count)]
    return linPJac_Red, BRed
Beispiel #7
def obliqueprojection(rowspace, columnspace, points, fullD=False):
    ''' Returns the result of the oblique projection with a given rowspace and columnpsace of the projection. The input can be a single vector or a list of vectors. 
	The result is returned in lower dimension unless full dimension is asked for'''
    proj = nD(numpy.linalg.inv(nD(rowspace.T, columnspace)), rowspace.T)
    if (type(points) == list):
        if not fullD:
            return [nD(proj, point) for point in points]
            return [nD(columnspace, nD(proj, point)) for point in points]
        if not fullD:
            return nD(proj, points)
            return nD(columnspace, nD(proj, points))
Beispiel #8
def obliqueprojection( rowspace, columnspace, points, fullD = False):
	''' Returns the result of the oblique projection with a given rowspace and columnpsace of the projection. The input can be a single vector or a list of vectors. 
	The result is returned in lower dimension unless full dimension is asked for'''
	proj = nD( numpy.linalg.inv( nD( rowspace.T , columnspace ) ) , rowspace.T )
	if ( type( points ) == list ) :
		if not fullD:
			return [ nD( proj , point ) for point in points ]
		else :
			return [ nD( columnspace, nD( proj , point ) ) for point in points ]
		if not fullD:
			return nD( proj , points )
		else :
			return nD( columnspace, nD(proj , points ) )
Beispiel #9
def controlability( B, A ):
	''' Returns the controllability matrix and also checks its rank
	False : if rank deficient
	True : if full rank '''
	start = [ B ] 
	order = (shape( A ))[ 0 ]
	for i in range( order -1 ):
		start.append( nD( A, start[ -1 ] ) )
	cont = nC( start,1 )
    	if ( matrix_rank( cont ) < order ):
		return cont, False
	else :
		return cont, True
Beispiel #10
	def derv(self, y , t ):
		''' Returns derivative of the state space at a given time-instant '''
		mu = get_mu(y ,self.oldBasis, self.V , linP ,redOrder , count )
		U = get_U( mu , self.UlinP )
		#print mu
		self.oldBasis = U
		#linPRed = obliqueprojection( U , V , list( linP ), fullD = True )
		#yNew = obliqueprojection( U , V , y , fullD = True)
		temp = 0 
		sub1 = { state[ str( input_list[ k ] ) ]  : (get_input_signals( t ))[ k ] for k in range( len( input_list ) ) }
		inputM = numpy.concatenate( (Sym2NumArray( inputm.evalf( subs = sub1) ) , numpy.matrix( ([ 1.0 ]) ) ) , 0) 
		#print inputM
		weight = self.weights( y, mu )
		mutemp = 0 
		for Mu in range( count ):
			temp = 0
			for wei in range(count):
				temp = temp +  weight[ wei ] * ( ( self.JacRed[ Mu ] [ wei ] , y.reshape( redOrder , 1 ) )).reshape( redOrder ,1 )  + ( self.BRed[ Mu ][ wei ], inputM ) ) )
			mutemp = mutemp + mu[ Mu ] * numpy.array( temp )
		return  ( ( nD( numpy.linalg.inv( nD( U.T , self.V ) ) , mutemp ) ).reshape( 1, redOrder )  ) [ 0 ]
Beispiel #11
def controlability(B, A):
    ''' Returns the controllability matrix and also checks its rank
	False : if rank deficient
	True : if full rank '''
    start = [B]
    order = (shape(A))[0]
    for i in range(order - 1):
        start.append(nD(A, start[-1]))
    cont = nC(start, 1)
    if (matrix_rank(cont) < order):
        return cont, False
        return cont, True
Beispiel #12
def observability( C , A  ):
	''' Checks for the observability of the system. 
	Observability matrix 
	True : if full rank
	False : if rank deficient '''

	start = [ C ]
	order = (shape( A ))[ 0 ]
	for i in range( order - 1 ) :
		start.append( nD( start[ -1 ], A ) )
	obs = nC( start , 0 )
	if( matrix_rank( obs) < order ) :
		return obs, False
		return obs, True
Beispiel #13
def observability(C, A):
    ''' Checks for the observability of the system. 
	Observability matrix 
	True : if full rank
	False : if rank deficient '''

    start = [C]
    order = (shape(A))[0]
    for i in range(order - 1):
        start.append(nD(start[-1], A))
    obs = nC(start, 0)
    if (matrix_rank(obs) < order):
        return obs, False
        return obs, True
Beispiel #14
def KBasisContObs( check_A, check_B, check_C ):
	''' This produces the Kalman Basis needed for a kalman decomposition of the system, which is used for a minimal realization of the state space Using a different algorithm than the one previously mentioned. This algorithm checks for controllability and then moves over to observability '''

	check_cont , bool_cont = controlability( check_B , check_A )
	check_obs, bool_obs = observability( check_C, check_A )

	range_cont = columspace( check_cont ) 
	null_obs = nullspace( check_obs )

	if bool_obs and bool_cont:
		print " Minimal realization already"
		return numpy.eye( max( shape( check_A ) ) ), max( shape( check_A ) ) , max( shape( check_A ) ),max( shape( check_A ) ),max( shape( check_A ) )

		Cont_A, Cont_B , Cont_C , Cont_col = ContSpace( check_A, check_B, check_C,False)
	#print Cont_A, Cont_B , Cont_C

	# Stage I : Checking for Controllablity

	C = matrix_rank( range_cont )

	ACont,BCont, CCont = Cont_A[ :C , :C] , Cont_B[ :C , : ],Cont_C[ : , :C ]

	AUncont, BUncont, CUncont = Cont_A[ C: , C: ] ,Cont_B[ C: , : ], Cont_C[ :, C: ]

#	print AUncont, BUncont, CUncont

	# Stage II : checking for Observability

		# Stage II ( a ) : Checking for Observablity of Controllable states

	check_obs , bool_obs = observability ( CCont, ACont )

	ObsACont, ObsBCont, ObsCCont , ObsCont_row = ObsSpace( ACont, BCont , CCont ,False ) # Observable from Controllable

	#print ObsACont, ObsBCont, ObsCCont
	O = matrix_rank( check_obs )

	AObsCont,BObsCont, CObsCont = ObsACont[ :O , :O],ObsBCont[ :O , : ] , ObsCCont[ : , :O ]

		# Stage II ( b ) : Checking for Observability of Uncontrollable states 

	check_obs , bool_obs = observability ( CUncont, AUncont ) 

	ObsAUncont, ObsBUncont, ObsCUncont , ObsUncont_row = ObsSpace( AUncont, BUncont , CUncont ,False ) # Observable from Uncontrollable

#	print ObsAUncont, ObsBUncont, ObsCUncont

	O = matrix_rank( check_obs )

	AObsUncont, BOBsUncont, CObsUncont = ObsAUncont[ :O , :O] ,ObsBUncont[ :O , : ] , ObsCUncont[ : , :O ]

	# Stage III : Putting it all together, finding the basis of transformation

	Z1 = numpy.matrix( numpy.zeros( ( shape( nI(ObsCont_row) ) [ 0 ] , shape( nI(ObsUncont_row) ) [ 1 ]) ) )
	Z2 = numpy.matrix( numpy.zeros( ( shape( nI(ObsUncont_row) ) [ 0 ] , shape( nI(ObsCont_row) ) [ 1 ]) ) )

	PO = nC( ( nC( (nI(ObsCont_row),Z1) ,1 ) , nC( (Z2,nI(ObsUncont_row)) ,1 ) ),0 )
	Kbasis = nD( PO , nI(Cont_col) )
	# Truncate output : AObsCont, BObsCont, CObsCont
	return Kbasis.I , max( shape( AObsCont ) ) , max( shape(BObsCont) ), max( shape( CObsCont ) )
Beispiel #15
def get_U_linp( Matrix ):
	''' Assumes stable system and returns a stable rowspace for MOR using lyapunov stability criterion. Builds lyapunov function using -I '''
	V = get_redBasis( 2 , order , redOrder )
	P = [ scipy.linalg.solve_sylvester( ( Matrix[ linpt ].linPJac ).T , ( Matrix[ linpt ].linPJac ) , -numpy.eye( order ) ) if max( numpy.array ( numpy.linalg.eigvals( Matrix[ linpt ].linPJac) ) ) < 0 else numpy.eye( order ,order ) for linpt in range( count ) ]
	U = [ ( nD( numpy.linalg.inv(nD( nD( V.T, P[ linpt ] ) , V ) ) , nD( V.T , P[ linpt ] ) ) ).T for linpt in range( count ) ]
	return U
Beispiel #16
def KBasisContObs(check_A, check_B, check_C):
    ''' This produces the Kalman Basis needed for a kalman decomposition of the system, which is used for a minimal realization of the state space Using a different algorithm than the one previously mentioned. This algorithm checks for controllability and then moves over to observability '''

    check_cont, bool_cont = controlability(check_B, check_A)
    check_obs, bool_obs = observability(check_C, check_A)

    range_cont = columspace(check_cont)
    null_obs = nullspace(check_obs)

    if bool_obs and bool_cont:
        print " Minimal realization already"
        return numpy.eye(max(shape(check_A))), max(shape(check_A)), max(
            shape(check_A)), max(shape(check_A)), max(shape(check_A))

        Cont_A, Cont_B, Cont_C, Cont_col = ContSpace(check_A, check_B, check_C,

    #print Cont_A, Cont_B , Cont_C

    # Stage I : Checking for Controllablity

    C = matrix_rank(range_cont)

    ACont, BCont, CCont = Cont_A[:C, :C], Cont_B[:C, :], Cont_C[:, :C]

    AUncont, BUncont, CUncont = Cont_A[C:, C:], Cont_B[C:, :], Cont_C[:, C:]

    #	print AUncont, BUncont, CUncont

    # Stage II : checking for Observability

    # Stage II ( a ) : Checking for Observablity of Controllable states

    check_obs, bool_obs = observability(CCont, ACont)

    ObsACont, ObsBCont, ObsCCont, ObsCont_row = ObsSpace(
        ACont, BCont, CCont, False)  # Observable from Controllable

    #print ObsACont, ObsBCont, ObsCCont

    O = matrix_rank(check_obs)

    AObsCont, BObsCont, CObsCont = ObsACont[:O, :
                                            O], ObsBCont[:O, :], ObsCCont[:, :

    # Stage II ( b ) : Checking for Observability of Uncontrollable states

    check_obs, bool_obs = observability(CUncont, AUncont)

    ObsAUncont, ObsBUncont, ObsCUncont, ObsUncont_row = ObsSpace(
        AUncont, BUncont, CUncont, False)  # Observable from Uncontrollable

    #	print ObsAUncont, ObsBUncont, ObsCUncont

    O = matrix_rank(check_obs)

    AObsUncont, BOBsUncont, CObsUncont = ObsAUncont[:O, :
                                                    O], ObsBUncont[:
                                                                   O, :], ObsCUncont[:, :

    # Stage III : Putting it all together, finding the basis of transformation

    Z1 = numpy.matrix(
        numpy.zeros((shape(nI(ObsCont_row))[0], shape(nI(ObsUncont_row))[1])))
    Z2 = numpy.matrix(
        numpy.zeros((shape(nI(ObsUncont_row))[0], shape(nI(ObsCont_row))[1])))

    PO = nC((nC((nI(ObsCont_row), Z1), 1), nC((Z2, nI(ObsUncont_row)), 1)), 0)
    Kbasis = nD(PO, nI(Cont_col))
    # Truncate output : AObsCont, BObsCont, CObsCont
    return Kbasis.I, max(shape(AObsCont)), max(shape(BObsCont)), max(