Beispiel #1
 def done(self):
     if args.append:
         for i,v in enumerate(np_convolve(args.function, [findNumber(val[args.column]) for val in self.vals], mode=args.mode)):
             if args.mode == 
             args.outfile.write(self.vals[i] + [v])
         for v in np_convolve(args.function, self.vals, mode=args.mode):
             args.outfile.write(self.tup + [v])
#analisi in frequenza
#fft data0
from scipy import fftpack

f_s = 30000  #sampling frequency

###### FIR FILTER  ######
from scipy.signal import firwin
from numpy import convolve as np_convolve

# b coefficient (order, [band], ..,..,sampling freq)
b = firwin(10, [300, 3000], width=0.05, pass_zero='bandpass', fs=f_s)
###### CONVOLUTION  ######
datafir = np.array(
    list(map(lambda x: np_convolve(x, b, mode='valid'), dat[0:CH, :])))
datafir0 = datafir[0, :]
Beispiel #3
w = [0] * len(time)
v = [0] * len(time)
error = [0] * len(time)

#Create a FIR filter
b = firwin(5, 0.9)
#b = [-0.0161, 0.5161, 0.5161, -0.0161]
print b

for t in time:
    csum[ind(t)] = cumsum(norm_msg, ind(t))

for t in time:
    fmmsg[ind(t)] = exp(1j * (2 * pi * fc * t + 2 * pi * kf * csum[ind(t)]))

fconv = np_convolve(fmmsg, b)

print fmmsg[0:10]

conv_offtime = len(b) / 2
print fconv[conv_offtime:conv_offtime + 10]

for t in time:
    y[ind(t)] = fconv[ind(t) + conv_offtime] * exp(-1j * 2 * pi * fc *
                                                   (1 - demod_fc_error) * t)

itertime = iter(time)
for t in itertime:
    w[ind(t)] = y[ind(t)] * conj(y[ind(t) - 1])
Beispiel #4
diff_list = []
diff2_list = []
diff3_list = []

ntaps_list = 2**np.arange(2, 14)

for ntaps in ntaps_list:
    # Create a FIR filter.
    b = firwin(ntaps, [0.05, 0.95], width=0.05, pass_zero=False)
    # Signal convolve.
    tstart = time.time()
    conv_result = sig_convolve(x, b[np.newaxis, :], mode="valid")
    conv_time.append(time.time() - tstart)
    # --- numpy.convolve ---
    tstart = time.time()
    npconv_result = np.array([np_convolve(xi, b, mode="valid") for xi in x])
    npconv_time.append(time.time() - tstart)
    # fft convolve (fast fourier transform) convolution.
    tstart = time.time()
    fftconv_result = fftconvolve(x, b[np.newaxis, :], mode="valid")
    fftconv_time.append(time.time() - tstart)
    # 1-dimensional (one-dimensional) convolution.
    tstart = time.time()
    # convolve1d doesn"t have a "valid" mode, so we expliclity slice out
    # the valid part of the result.
    conv1d_result = convolve1d(x, b)[:, (len(b) - 1) // 2:-(len(b) // 2)]
    conv1d_time.append(time.time() - tstart)
    tstart = time.time()
    lfilt_result = lfilter(b, [1.0], x)[:, len(b) - 1:]
    lfilt_time.append(time.time() - tstart)
    diff = np.abs(fftconv_result - lfilt_result).max()
def artificialRaw():
    int215 = 2**15
    # Whether to add voltage spikes at the upward square wave transition.
    addSpikes = True
    doFilter = False
    ntaps = 1001
    cutoff = 10  # (Hz)
    if addSpikes:
        descript = 'spikes'
        descript = 'no spikes'
    if doFilter:
        descript += ' filtered'
        descript += ' unfiltered'
    at = cs.emptyClass()
    at.descript = descript
    folderPath = os.path.join(
    # Change .
    rawFolderPath = os.path.join(folderPath, 'rawData')
    at.fileDateStr = '190415'  # folderName[:6]
    at.fileNum = 2
    fileName = '%s_%d.txt' % (at.fileDateStr, at.fileNum)
    filePath = os.path.join(rawFolderPath, fileName)

    if doFilter:
        at.minor = '%.0f Hz cutoff, %d taps' % (cutoff, ntaps)
        at.minor = 'None.'

    at.major = ''
    at.scanChCount = 8
    at.writeChCount = 8
    at.n = 8192
    at.fs = 8192  # (Hz)
    at.xmitFund = 4  # (Hz)
    at.rCurrentMeas = 1.25  # (Ohm)
    at.rExtraSeries = 0  # (Ohm)

    at.measStr = at.writeChCount * ['N/A']
    at.measStr[0] = 'currentMeas'
    at.measStr[1] = 'voltage'

    at.In5BHi = sp.array([10, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1, 10, 10])
    at.In5BHi = at.In5BHi[:at.writeChCount]
    at.Out5BHi = sp.array([5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5])
    at.Out5BHi = at.Out5BHi[:at.writeChCount]
    at.ALoadQHi = at.Out5BHi

    # Artificially generate raw current and voltage waveforms.
    if False:
        at.pktCount = 1
        at.raw = sp.zeros((at.writeChCount, at.pktCount, at.n))
        oilFolderPath = r'C:\Users\Public\Documents\oil_data'
        oilFilePath = os.path.join(oilFolderPath, at.descript + 'i.txt')
        at.raw[0, 0, :] = readOilFile(oilFilePath, at.n)
        oilFilePath = os.path.join(oilFolderPath, at.descript + 'd.txt')
        at.raw[1, 0, :] = readOilFile(oilFilePath, at.n)
    elif True:
        # Number of packets saved to the file.
        at.pktCount = 1
        # Time series.
        timeVec = sp.linspace(0, at.n / at.fs, at.n, endpoint=False)
        # Add a time offset from zero.
        timeVec += 0.1
        # Basic wave parameters to work from.
        amp = 6  # (%)
        freq = 4  # (Hz)
        # Wave phases by channel.
        phaseVec = sp.array(7 * [17]) / 1000  # (rad)
        phaseVec = sp.hstack((sp.zeros(1), phaseVec))

        # Measurment string.
        for ch in range(at.writeChCount):
            if addSpikes:
                if ch == 0:
                    at.measStr[ch] = 'Ch %d. No Spikes.' % ch
                    at.measStr[ch] = 'Ch %d. With Spikes.' % ch
                at.measStr[ch] = 'Ch %d. No Spikes.' % ch
        listTime = at.scanChCount * [timeVec]
        for ch in range(at.writeChCount):
            # Add channel skew error.
            deltaT = ch / (at.fs * at.scanChCount)  # (s)
            listTime[ch] = timeVec + deltaT
        at.raw = sp.zeros((at.writeChCount, at.pktCount, at.n))
        for p in range(at.pktCount):
            for ch in range(at.writeChCount):
                at.raw[ch, p, :] = amp * sp.signal.square(
                    2 * sp.pi * freq * listTime[ch] + phaseVec[ch])
                # Add voltage spikes to 100% at the transition from negative to
                # positive.
                if addSpikes and ch != 0:
                    lastSign = at.raw[ch, p, 0] > 0
                    for tIdx in range(1, len(at.raw[ch, p, :])):
                        newSign = at.raw[ch, p, tIdx] > 0
                        if newSign and (newSign != lastSign):
                            at.raw[ch, p, tIdx] = 100
                        lastSign = newSign

        # Convert from percentages of a range to a 16-bit integer scale.
        at.raw = scaleAndShift(at.raw)

        if doFilter:
            # Create an FIR filter.
            filtWin = firwin(ntaps, cutoff, fs=at.fs, pass_zero=True)

            # Apply the FIR filter to each channel.
            for p in range(at.pktCount):
                for ch in range(at.writeChCount):
                    #                filteredSig = sig_convolve(at.raw[ch, p, :],
                    #                                      filtWin)
                    x = at.raw[ch, p, :]
                    x = x[sp.newaxis, :]
                    filteredSig = np.array(
                        [np_convolve(xi, filtWin, mode='same') for xi in x])
                    at.raw[ch, p, :] = filteredSig.copy()

    with open(filePath, 'w') as f:
        # Write the file header.
        line = '%s,%d\n' % (at.fileDateStr, at.fileNum)
        line = '%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (at.descript, at.minor, at.major)
        line = '%d,%d,%d,%d,%.2f\n' % (at.scanChCount, at.writeChCount, at.n,
                                       at.fs, at.xmitFund)
        line = '%.1f,%.1f\n' % (at.rCurrentMeas, at.rExtraSeries)
        line = ''
        for ch in range(at.writeChCount):
            line = line + at.measStr[ch] + ','
        # Remove the last comma, and include a carriage return line feed.
        line = line[:-1] + '\n'
        line = float2lineStr(at.In5BHi, 3)
        line = float2lineStr(at.Out5BHi, 3)
        line = float2lineStr(at.ALoadQHi, 3)

        # Write packets of data to the file.
        cpuTimeStr = '133130.621'
        gpsDateStr = '000000'
        gpsTimeStr = '000000.000'
        lat = 'NaN'
        longi = 'NaN'
        maskUp = at.raw >= int215
        maskDn = at.raw < int215
        for p in range(at.pktCount):
            line = '$%d\n' % (p + 1)
            line = '\'%s,%s\n' % (at.fileDateStr, cpuTimeStr)
            line = '@%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % (gpsDateStr, gpsTimeStr, lat, longi)
            clipHi = sp.sum(at.raw[:, p, :] == (2**16 - 1), axis=1)
            line = float2lineStr(clipHi, 0)
            clipLo = sp.sum(at.raw[:, p, :] == 0, axis=1)
            line = float2lineStr(clipLo, 0)
            mean = sp.mean(at.raw[:, p, :], axis=1)
            mean = shiftAndScale(mean, int215)
            line = float2lineStr(mean, 1)
            meanUp = sp.zeros(at.writeChCount)
            meanDn = sp.zeros(at.writeChCount)
            for ch in range(at.writeChCount):
                meanUp[ch] = sp.mean(at.raw[ch, p, maskUp[ch, p, :]])
                meanDn[ch] = sp.mean(at.raw[ch, p, maskDn[ch, p, :]])
            meanUp = shiftAndScale(meanUp, int215)
            meanDn = shiftAndScale(meanDn, int215)
            line = float2lineStr(meanUp, 1)
            line = float2lineStr(meanDn, 1)
            countUp = sp.sum(maskUp[:, p, :], 1)
            line = float2lineStr(countUp, 0)
            countDn = sp.sum(maskDn[:, p, :], 1)
            line = float2lineStr(countDn, 0)
            for s in range(at.n):
                line = float2lineStr(at.raw[:, p, s], 0)
            # Asterisk character to end the packet.
            line = '*\n'
Beispiel #6
#     num_read += read_size
# if samples.size > N:
#     samples = samples[:N]  # I think that slice expression is correct, would have to verify
end = time.time()
print("Reading time: ", end - start)

start = time.time()
# To mix the data down, generate a digital complex exponential
# (with the same length as x1) with phase -F_offset/Fs
fc1 = np.exp(-1.0j * 2.0 * np.pi * F_offset / Fs * np.arange(len(samples)))
# Now, just multiply x1 and the digital complex expontential
samples2 = samples * fc1
print("Downconversion time: ", end - start)

start = time.time()
filtered = np_convolve(b, samples2)
end = time.time()
print("Filter time: ", end - start)

start = time.time()
decimated = filtered[0::downsample_rate]
end = time.time()
print("Decimate time: ", end - start)

start = time.time()
v = [0] * len(decimated)
prev_s = 0

for i, s in enumerate(decimated):
    w = s * conj(prev_s)
    v[i] = np.arctan2(w.imag, w.real)
for ntaps in ntaps_list:
    # Create a FIR filter.
    b = firwin(ntaps, [0.05, 0.95], width=0.05, pass_zero=False)

    if ntaps <= 2 ** 9:
        # --- signal.convolve ---
        # We know this is slower than the others when ntaps is
        # large, so we only compute it for small values.
        tstart = time.time()
        conv_result = sig_convolve(x, b[np.newaxis, :], mode='valid')
        conv_time.append(time.time() - tstart)

    # --- numpy.convolve ---
    tstart = time.time()
    npconv_result = np.array([np_convolve(xi, b, mode='valid') for xi in x])
    npconv_time.append(time.time() - tstart)

    # --- signal.fftconvolve ---
    tstart = time.time()
    fftconv_result = fftconvolve(x, b[np.newaxis, :], mode='valid')
    fftconv_time.append(time.time() - tstart)

    # --- convolve1d ---
    tstart = time.time()
    # convolve1d doesn't have a 'valid' mode, so we expliclity slice out
    # the valid part of the result.
    conv1d_result = convolve1d(x, b)[:, (len(b)-1)//2 : -(len(b)//2)]
    conv1d_time.append(time.time() - tstart)

    # --- lfilter ---
print "coefficients type:",

print "Data lenght:", n
print "Input data size:", inputData.size
print "FIR lenght:", len(coefficients)

iterations = 3 if not debug else 1
print "iterations:", iterations

print "numpy.convolve computation times in seconds"

# --- numpy.convolve ---
npconv_time = []
for iteration in xrange(1,iterations+1):
    tstart = time.time()
    npconv_result = np_convolve(inputData, coefficients, mode='valid')
    duration = time.time() - tstart
    print "#%d duration: %.6f" % (iteration, duration)

    if debug:
        print "coeffs:", coefficients
        print "intput:", inputData
        print "result length:", npconv_result.size
        print "result:", npconv_result

# pprint.pprint(npconv_time)