Beispiel #1
 def run(self):
     _, cols = shape(self.pos_bm)
     top_scores = ones(cols)*-inf
     top_pos = ones(cols)*-inf
     top_neg = ones(cols)*-inf
     top_pattern = zeros(cols)
     for running_int in range(self._start, self._end):
         col_pattern = self._bin_array(running_int, cols)
         if npsum(col_pattern) > self.max_cluster:
         pos_score = npany(self.pos_bm * col_pattern, axis=1)
         neg_score = npany(self.neg_bm * col_pattern, axis=1)
         pattern_score = npsum(pos_score) - npsum(neg_score)
         if pattern_score > top_scores[sum(col_pattern)-1]:
             top_scores[sum(col_pattern)-1] = pattern_score
             top_pattern[sum(col_pattern)-1] = running_int
             top_pos[sum(col_pattern)-1] = npsum(pos_score)
             top_neg[sum(col_pattern)-1] = npsum(neg_score)
         if running_int % 10000 == 0:
             print((running_int - self._start)/(self._end - self._start))
     # Write the result to the score and pattern matrices.
     if self._score_queue:
Beispiel #2
def pareto_min(*args):
    r"""Determine if observation is a Pareto point

    Find the Pareto-efficient points that minimize the provided features.

        xi (iterable OR gr.Intention()): Feature to minimize; use -X to maximize

        np.array of boolean: Indicates if observation is Pareto-efficient

    # Check invariants
    lengths = map(len, args)
    if len(set(lengths)) > 1:
        raise ValueError("All arguments to pareto_min must be of equal length")

    # Compute pareto points
    costs = array([*args]).T
    is_efficient = ones(costs.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    for i, c in enumerate(costs):
        is_efficient[i] = npall(npany(costs[:i] > c, axis=1)) and npall(
            npany(costs[i + 1:] > c, axis=1))

    return is_efficient
Beispiel #3
def pareto_min_rel(X_test, X_base=None):
    r"""Determine if rows in X_test are optimal, compared to X_base

    Finds the Pareto-efficient test-points that minimize the column values,
    relative to a given set of base-points.

        X_test (2d numpy array): Test point observations; rows are observations, columns are features
        X_base (2d numpy array): Base point observations; rows are observations, columns are features

        array of boolean values: Indicates if test observation is Pareto-efficient, relative to base points

        Owen *Monte Carlo theory, methods and examples* (2013)
    # Compute Pareto points
    is_efficient = ones(X_test.shape[0], dtype=bool)

    if X_base is None:
        for i, x in enumerate(X_test):
            is_efficient[i] = npall(npany(X_test[:i] > x, axis=1)) and npall(
                npany(X_test[i + 1:] > x, axis=1))
        for i, x in enumerate(X_test):
            is_efficient[i] = not (npany(npall(x >= X_base, axis=1))
                                   and npany(npany(x > X_base, axis=1)))

    return is_efficient
Beispiel #4
 def set_offset(self, value):
     if value is not None:
         value = asarray(value)
         if npany(value != 0):
             self._offset = value
         self._offset = None
Beispiel #5
def remove_dependent_cols(X, tol=1e-6, verbose=False):
    r"""Remove dependent columns.

    Return a matrix with dependent columns removed.

    X : array_like
        Matrix to might have dependent columns.

        Full column rank matrix.
    from scipy.linalg import qr
    from numpy import abs as npabs
    from numpy import any as npany
    from numpy import where

    R = qr(X, mode="r")[0][: X.shape[1], :]
    I = npabs(R.diagonal()) > tol
    if npany(~I) and verbose:
        msg = "Columns " + str(where(~I)[0])
        print(msg + " have been removed because linear dependence")
        R = X[:, I]
        R = X.copy()
    return R
Beispiel #6
def zScale(tau_box, tau, isotau_flag=False, nan_flag=True):
    l = zeros_like(tau_box[:,:,0])
    z = []
    if isotau_flag:
        isotau = empty_like(tau_box)
    for i,t in zip(range(len(tau)),tau):
        print('Step: '+str(i))
        if isnan(t):
            if isotau_flag:
                isotau[:,:,i] = nan
            l = level(tau_box, t, l)
            if isotau_flag:
                isotau[:,:,i] = l
            if not nan_flag:
                if npany(isnan(l)):
                    if isotau_flag:
                        isotau[:,:,i] = nan
                    z += [nanmean(l)]
                z += [nanmean(l)]

    if isotau_flag:
        return asarray(z), isotau
    return asarray(z)
Beispiel #7
 def set_offset(self, value):
     if value is not None:
         value = asarray(value)
         if npany(value != 0):
             self._offset = value
         self._offset = None
Beispiel #8
def is_pareto_efficient(costs, return_mask=True):
    Find the pareto-efficient points
    :param costs: An (n_points, n_costs) array
    :param return_mask: True to return a mask
    :return: An array of indices of pareto-efficient points.
        If return_mask is True, this will be an (n_points, ) boolean array
        Otherwise it will be a (n_efficient_points, ) integer array of indices.
    is_efficient = arange(costs.shape[0])
    n_points = costs.shape[0]
    next_point_index = 0  # Next index in the is_efficient array to search for
    while next_point_index < len(costs):
        nondominated_point_mask = npany(costs < costs[next_point_index],
        nondominated_point_mask[next_point_index] = True
        # Remove dominated points
        is_efficient = is_efficient[nondominated_point_mask]
        costs = costs[nondominated_point_mask]
        next_point_index = npsum(
            nondominated_point_mask[:next_point_index]) + 1
    if return_mask:
        is_efficient_mask = zeros(n_points, dtype=bool)
        is_efficient_mask[is_efficient] = True
        return is_efficient_mask
        return is_efficient
Beispiel #9
    def _negative_log_likelihood(params, freq, rec, T, weights, penalizer_coef):

        if npany(asarray(params) <= 0.):
            return np.inf

        conditional_log_likelihood = ParetoNBDFitter._conditional_log_likelihood(params, freq, rec, T)
        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * sum(np.asarray(params) ** 2)

        return -(weights * conditional_log_likelihood).mean() + penalizer_term
Beispiel #10
    def convert(self, verbose=False, maxrows=None):
        """Method to loop through the data and convert it"""
        # docstring is extended below
        dataslice = slice(0, maxrows)
        info = LoopInfo(total=len([0, dataslice]),
        wrongvalues = 0
        wrongarea = 0

        for datatuple in izip(*[:, dataslice]):
            fields = npall(
                # normal gridcols
                    == datatuple[self.usecols.index(col)].astype(
                    for col in self.gridcols if col not in self.aliasdict
                ] +
                # alias cols
                    == self.aliasdict[col][datatuple[self.usecols.index(col)]]
                    for col in self.aliasdict
            itime = self.timefunc([
                for col in sorted(self.time.keys())
            for catcol in self.catadddict:
                for adderinstance in self.catadddict[catcol][tuple(
                        datatuple[self.usecols.index(col)] for col in catcol)]:
                        itime, fields, datatuple[self.usecols.index(
            for col in self.defaultadddict:
                for adderinstance in self.defaultadddict[col][datatuple[
                        itime, fields, datatuple[self.usecols.index(
            if not npany(fields):
                wrongvalues += 1
                wrongarea += float(datatuple[self.usecols.index(self.valcol)])
        if verbose:
            print('\nNumber of wrong values: %i' % wrongvalues)
            print('Missed Area [ha]: %6.4f' % wrongarea)
            print('Missed Area: %1.3e %%' %
                  (wrongarea / sum([self.usecols.index(
                      self.valcol)].astype(float)) * 100.))
Beispiel #11
    def _negative_log_likelihood(params, freq, rec, T, penalizer_coef):
        if npany(asarray(params) <= 0):
            return np.inf

        r, alpha, a, b = params

        A_1 = gammaln(r + freq) - gammaln(r) + r * log(alpha)
        A_2 = gammaln(a + b) + gammaln(b + freq + 1) - gammaln(b) - gammaln(a + b + freq + 1)
        A_3 = -(r + freq) * log(alpha + T)
        A_4 = log(a) - log(b + freq) + (r + freq) * (log(alpha + T) - log(alpha + rec))

        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * sum(np.asarray(params) ** 2)
        return -(A_1 + A_2 + A_3 + logaddexp(A_4, 0)).mean() + penalizer_term
Beispiel #12
    def _negative_log_likelihood(params, freq, rec, T, penalizer_coef):
        if npany(asarray(params) <= 0):
            return np.inf

        r, alpha, a, b = params

        A_1 = special.gammaln(r + freq) - special.gammaln(r) + r * log(alpha)
        A_2 = special.gammaln(a + b) + special.gammaln(b + freq + 1) - special.gammaln(b) - special.gammaln(a + b + freq + 1)
        A_3 = -(r + freq) * log(alpha + T)
        A_4 = log(a) - log(b + freq) + (r + freq) * (log(alpha + T) - log(alpha + rec))

        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * log(params).sum()
        return -(A_1 + A_2 + A_3 + log(exp(A_4) + 1.)).sum() + penalizer_term
Beispiel #13
    def latexify(self, var=None, idx=''):
        template_dict = copy(self.objective_vars)
        template_dict['idx'] = idx
        if var is not None:
            template_dict['var'] = var
        if hasattr(self, 'offset') and self.offset is not None and npany(self.offset != 0):
            template_dict['var'] = var + (r' - %(offset)s_{%(idx)s}' % template_dict)

        obj = self.objective_template % template_dict
        template_dict['obj'] = obj

        if not self.quadratic.iszero:
            return ' + '.join([obj, self.quadratic.latexify(var=var, idx=idx)])
        return obj
Beispiel #14
    def latexify(self, var=None, idx=''):
        template_dict = copy(self.objective_vars)
        template_dict['idx'] = idx
        if var is not None:
            template_dict['var'] = var
        if hasattr(self, 'offset') and self.offset is not None and npany(self.offset != 0):
            template_dict['var'] = (r'%(var)s - %(offset)s_{%(idx)s}' % template_dict)

        obj = self.objective_template % template_dict
        template_dict['obj'] = obj

        if not self.quadratic.iszero:
            return ' + '.join([obj, self.quadratic.latexify(var=var, idx=idx)])
        return obj
    def _negative_log_likelihood(params, freq, rec, T, weights, penalizer_coef):
        if npany(asarray(params) <= 0):
            return np.inf

        r, alpha, a, b = params

        A_1 = gammaln(r + freq) - gammaln(r) + r * log(alpha)
        A_2 = (gammaln(a + b) + gammaln(b + freq + 1) - gammaln(b) -
               gammaln(a + b + freq + 1))
        A_3 = -(r + freq) * log(alpha + T)
        A_4 = log(a) - log(b + freq) + (r + freq) * (log(alpha + T) -
                                                     log(alpha + rec))

        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * sum(np.asarray(params) ** 2)
        return -(weights * (A_1 + A_2 + A_3 + logaddexp(A_4, 0))).mean() + penalizer_term
Beispiel #16
 def _drop_missing(self) -> BoolArray:
     missing = self.dependent.isnull.to_numpy()
     missing |= self.exog.isnull.to_numpy()
     missing |=
     missing |= self._absorb_inter.cont.isnull().any(1).to_numpy()
     for interact in self._interaction_list:
         missing |= interact.isnull.to_numpy()
     if npany(missing):
         for interact in self._interaction_list:
     return missing
Beispiel #17
    def _negative_log_likelihood(params, freq, rec, T, penalizer_coef):
        if npany(asarray(params) <= 0):
            return np.inf

        r, alpha, a, b = params

        A_1 = special.gammaln(r + freq) - special.gammaln(r) + r * log(alpha)
        A_2 = special.gammaln(a + b) + special.gammaln(b + freq) - special.gammaln(b) - special.gammaln(a + b + freq)
        A_3 = -(r + freq) * log(alpha + T)

        d = vconcat[ones_like(freq), (freq > 0)]
        A_4 = log(a) - log(b + freq - 1) - (r + freq) * log(rec + alpha)
        A_4[isnan(A_4) | isinf(A_4)] = 0
        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * log(params).sum()
        return -(A_1 + A_2 + misc.logsumexp(vconcat[A_3, A_4], axis=1, b=d)).sum() + penalizer_term
Beispiel #18
    def _negative_log_likelihood(params, freq, rec, T, penalizer_coef):
        if npany(asarray(params) <= 0):
            return np.inf

        r, alpha, a, b = params

        A_1 = special.gammaln(r + freq) - special.gammaln(r) + r * log(alpha)
        A_2 = special.gammaln(a + b) + special.gammaln(
            b + freq + 1) - special.gammaln(b) - special.gammaln(a + b + freq +
        A_3 = -(r + freq) * log(alpha + T)
        A_4 = log(a) - log(b + freq) + (r + freq) * (log(alpha + T) -
                                                     log(alpha + rec))

        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * log(params).sum()
        return -(A_1 + A_2 + A_3 + log(exp(A_4) + 1.)).sum() + penalizer_term
Beispiel #19
    def _negative_log_likelihood(params, freq, rec, T, weights,
        Sums the conditional log-likelihood from the ``_conditional_log_likelihood`` function
        and applies a ``penalizer_coef``.

        if npany(asarray(params) <= 0.0):
            return np.inf

        conditional_log_likelihood = ParetoNBDFitter._conditional_log_likelihood(
            params, freq, rec, T)
        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * sum(np.asarray(params)**2)

        return -(weights * conditional_log_likelihood).sum() / weights.mean(
        ) + penalizer_term
Beispiel #20
    def _negative_log_likelihood(params, freq, rec, T, penalizer_coef):
        if npany(asarray(params) <= 0):
            return np.inf

        r, alpha, a, b = params

        A_1 = special.gammaln(r + freq) - special.gammaln(r) + r * log(alpha)
        A_2 = special.gammaln(a + b) + special.gammaln(
            b + freq) - special.gammaln(b) - special.gammaln(a + b + freq)
        A_3 = -(r + freq) * log(alpha + T)

        d = vconcat[ones_like(freq), (freq > 0)]
        A_4 = log(a) - log(b + freq - 1) - (r + freq) * log(rec + alpha)
        A_4[isnan(A_4) | isinf(A_4)] = 0
        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * log(params).sum()
        return -(A_1 + A_2 + misc.logsumexp(vconcat[A_3, A_4], axis=1,
                                            b=d)).sum() + penalizer_term
Beispiel #21
    def _negative_log_likelihood(params, freq, rec, T, penalizer_coef):

        if npany(asarray(params) <= 0.):
            return np.inf

        r, alpha, s, beta = params
        x = freq

        r_s_x = r + s + x

        A_1 = special.gammaln(r + x) - special.gammaln(r) + r * log(alpha) + s * log(beta)
        log_A_0 = ParetoNBDFitter._log_A_0(params, freq, rec, T)

        A_2 = logaddexp(-(r+x)*log(alpha+T) - s*log(beta+T), log(s) + log_A_0 - log(r_s_x))

        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * log(params).sum()
        return -(A_1 + A_2).sum() + penalizer_term
Beispiel #22
    def _negative_log_likelihood(params, freq, rec, T, penalizer_coef):

        if npany(asarray(params) <= 0.):
            return np.inf

        r, alpha, s, beta = params
        x = freq

        r_s_x = r + s + x

        A_1 = gammaln(r + x) - gammaln(r) + r * log(alpha) + s * log(beta)
        log_A_0 = ParetoNBDFitter._log_A_0(params, freq, rec, T)

        A_2 = logaddexp(-(r + x) * log(alpha + T) - s * log(beta + T),
                        log(s) + log_A_0 - log(r_s_x))

        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * sum(np.asarray(params)**2)
        return -(A_1 + A_2).mean() + penalizer_term
Beispiel #23
    def _negative_log_likelihood(params, freq, rec, T, penalizer_coef):
        if npany(asarray(params) <= 0):
            return np.inf

        r, alpha, a, b = params

        A_1 = gammaln(r + freq) - gammaln(r) + r * log(alpha)
        A_2 = (gammaln(a + b) + gammaln(b + freq) - gammaln(b) -
               gammaln(a + b + freq))
        A_3 = -(r + freq) * log(alpha + T)

        d = vconcat[ones_like(freq), (freq > 0)]
        A_4 = log(a) - log(b + where(freq == 0, 1, freq) - 1) - \
            (r + freq) * log(rec + alpha) if (a > 0 and (b + where(freq == 0, 1, freq) - 1) > 0 and (rec + alpha) > 0) else 0
        A_4[isnan(A_4) | isinf(A_4)] = 0
        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * sum(np.asarray(params)**2)
        return -(A_1 + A_2 + misc.logsumexp(vconcat[A_3, A_4], axis=1,
                                            b=d)).mean() + penalizer_term
Beispiel #24
    def random_walk(self, d=None, plot_h=None) -> None:
        '''Let all population walk randomly'''
        walk_left = self.move_per_day.copy()
        # Every day, people start from home
        pos = self.home.copy()
        # Some travel less, some more
        while npany(walk_left):
            walk_left -= 1

            # All randomly move an edge-length
            pos += nparray(npround(
                (nprandom.random(size=pos.shape) * 2 - 1) *
                self.rms_v.T[:, None]) * (walk_left != 0).T[:, None],

            # Can't jump beyond boundary
            # So, reflect exploration
            # pos = pos.clip(min=0, max=self.p_max-1)
            pos = nparray(npnot(pos > (self.p_max-1)) * npabs(pos),
                + nparray((pos > (self.p_max-1)) * (2 * (self.p_max - 1) - pos),
            for indiv in range(self.pop_size):
                # TODO: A ufunc or async map would have been faster
                if walk_left[indiv]:
                    self.calc_exposure(indiv, pos)
            if plot_h.contam_dots:
                strain_persist = self.strain_types[-1].persistence
                host_types = []
                    (pos *
                     (npnot([:, None]) * self.susceptible[:, None] >
                host_types.append((pos *[:, None]).tolist())
                    pos *
                    (npnot([:, None]) *
                     (self.susceptible[:, None] <= self.resist_def))).tolist())
                pathn_pers = []
                for pers in range(int(strain_persist))[::-1]:
                        npnonzero(self.space_contam == (pers + 1)))
                plot_h.update_contam(host_types, pathn_pers)
Beispiel #25
def listify(lst, dim):
    Flatten lists of indices and ensure bounded by a known dim.

    lst : list
        List of integer indices

    dim : tuple
        Bounds for indices
    if not all([l.dtype == int for l in lst]):
        raise ValueError("indices must be integers")

    if npany(asarray(lst) >= dim):
        raise ValueError("indices out of bounds for axis with size %s" % dim)

    return lst.flatten()
Beispiel #26
    def _negative_log_likelihood(self, params, freq, rec, T, penalizer_coef):

        if npany(asarray(params) <= 0.):
            return np.inf

        r, alpha, s, beta = params
        x = freq

        r_s_x = r + s + x

        A_1 = special.gammaln(r + x) - special.gammaln(
            r) + r * log(alpha) + s * log(beta)
        A_0 = self._A_0(params, freq, rec, T)

        A_2 = logaddexp(-(r + x) * log(alpha + T) - s * log(beta + T),
                        log(s) + log(A_0) - log(r_s_x))

        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * log(params).sum()
        return -(A_1 + A_2).sum() + penalizer_term
Beispiel #27
def listify(lst, dim):
    Flatten lists of indices and ensure bounded by a known dim.

    lst : list
        List of integer indices

    dim : tuple
        Bounds for indices
    if not all([l.dtype == int for l in lst]):
        raise ValueError("indices must be integers")

    if npany(asarray(lst) >= dim):
        raise ValueError("indices out of bounds for axis with size %s" % dim)

    return lst.flatten()
    def _negative_log_likelihood(self, params, freq, rec, T, weights,
        Sums the conditional log-likelihood from the ``_conditional_log_likelihood`` function
        and applies a ``penalizer_coef``.

        params = self._convert_parameters(params)

        if npany(np.hstack(list(params)) <= 0.0):
            return np.inf

        conditional_log_likelihood = ParetoNBDwithCovariatesFitter._conditional_log_likelihood(
            params, freq, rec, T)
        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * sum(

        return -(weights * conditional_log_likelihood).sum() / weights.mean(
        ) + penalizer_term
Beispiel #29
def cluster_union(clusters: NDArray) -> NDArray:
    Compute a set of clusters that is nested within 2 clusters

    clusters : ndarray
        A nobs by 2 array of integer values of cluster group membership.

        A nobs array of integer cluster group memberships
    sort_keys = lexsort(clusters.T)
    locs = arange(clusters.shape[0])
    lex_sorted = clusters[sort_keys]
    sorted_locs = locs[sort_keys]
    diff = npany(lex_sorted[1:] != lex_sorted[:-1], 1)
    union = cumsum(r_[0, diff])
    resort_locs = argsort(sorted_locs)
    return union[resort_locs]
Beispiel #30
 def _validate_locations(self):
     dist = self.env._r(array(self.loc).reshape((3, 1)), self.mics.mpos)
     if npany(dist < 1e-7):
         warn("Source and microphone locations are identical.",
Beispiel #31
def query(ra, dec, radius=2., unit='arcmin', z=0., cosmo=None,
          catalogs=None, return_single=True, squeeze=False,
    Query different catalogs for clusters close to a given set of coordinates.

        -possibility to return survey observables

      ra        : (array of) float or str
                  if float, should be the RA in decimal degrees; if str,
                  should be in hms format ('hh:mm:ss', requires astLib)
      dec       : (array of) float or str
                  if float, should be the Dec in decimal degrees; if str,
                  should be in dms format ('dd:mm:ss', requires astLib)
      radius    : float (default 2)
                  the search radius, in units given by argumetn "unit"
      unit      : {'arcmin', 'Mpc'}
                  the units of argument "radius". If Mpc, then argument "z"
                  must be larger than zero.
      z         : (array of) float (optional)
                  redshift(s) of the cluster(s). Must be >0 if unit=='Mpc'.
      cosmo     : module astro.cosmology (optional)
                  if the matching is done in physical distance then pass
                  this module to make sure all cosmological parameters are
                  used consistently with the parent code!
      catalogs  : str (optional)
                  list or comma-separated names of catalogs to be searched.
                  If not given, all available catalogs are searched. Allowed
                  values are:
                        * 'maxbcg' (Koester et al. 2007)
                        * 'gmbcg' (Hao et al. 2010)
                        * 'hecs2013' (Rines et al. 2013)
                        * 'hecs2016' (Rines et al. 2016) NOT YET
                        * 'orca' (Geach, Murphy & Bower 2011)
                        * 'psz1' (Planck Collaboration XXIX 2014)
                        * 'psz2' (Planck Collaboration XXVII 2016)
                        * 'redmapper' (Rykoff et al. 2014, v5.10)
                        * 'whl' (Wen, Han & Liu 2012, Wen & Han 2015)
      return_single : bool
                  whether to return the single closest matching cluster (if
                  within the search radius) or all those falling within the
                  search radius
      return_values : any subset of ('name','ra','dec','z','index','dist','dz')
                  what elements to return. 'index', 'dist' and 'dz' refer to
                  the index in the catalog and the distances of the matching
                  cluster(s) in arcmin and redshift space, respectively.
                  NOTE: altering the order of the elements in return_values
                  will have no effect in the order in which they are returned!
      squeeze   : bool
                  whether to return a list instead of a dictionary if only
                  one catalog is provided

      matches   : dict
                  matching elements per catalog. Each requested catalog is
                  a key of this dictionary if more than one catalog was
                  searched or if squeeze==False. If only one catalog was
                  provided and squeeze==True, then return a list with
                  matching entry/ies.
      withmatch : dict
                  for each searched catalog, contains hte indices of the
                  provided clusters for which at least one match was found.
                  The same formatting as for "matches" applies.

    available = ('maxbcg', 'gmbcg', 'hecs2013', 'orca', 'psz1', 'psz2',
                 'redmapper', 'whl')
    # some formatting for convenience
    if not hasattr(ra, '__iter__'):
        ra = [ra]
        dec = [dec]
    if not hasattr(z, '__iter__'):
        z = array([z])
    # in the case of matching by physical radius, demand z > 0
    if unit == 'Mpc' and npany(z <= 0):
        msg = "ERROR: in catalogs.query:"
        msg += " if unit=='Mpc' then z must be larger than 0"
        print msg
    if unit == 'Mpc':
        if cosmo is None:
            cosmo = cosmology
        dproj = cosmo.dProj
    # will this fail for numpy.string_?
    if isinstance(ra[0], basestring):
        ra = array([hms2decimal(x, ':') for x in ra])
        dec = array([dms2decimal(y, ':') for y in dec])
    if unit == 'arcmin':
        radius = ones(ra.size) * radius# / 60
        radius = array([dproj(zi, radius, input_unit='Mpc', unit='arcmin')
                        for zi in z])
    if catalogs is None:
        catalogs = available
            catalogs = catalogs.split(',')
        # if this happens then we assume catalogs is already a list
        except ValueError:
    for name in catalogs:
        if name not in available:
            msg = 'WARNING: catalog {0} not available'.format(name)
            print msg
    labels = {'maxbcg': 'maxBCG', 'gmbcg': 'GMBCG', 'hecs2013': 'HeCS',
              'hecs2016': 'HeCS-SZ', 'orca': 'ORCA', 'psz1': 'PSZ1',
              'psz2': 'PSZ2', 'redmapper': 'redMaPPer', 'whl': 'WHL'}
    filenames = {'maxbcg': 'maxbcg/maxBCG.fits',
                 'gmbcg': 'gmbcg/',
                 'hecs2013': 'hecs/2013/data.fits',
                 'orca': 'orca/fullstripe82.fits',
                 'psz1': osjoin('planck', 'PSZ-2013', 'PLCK-DR1-SZ',
                 'psz2': osjoin('planck', 'PSZ-2015',
                 'redmapper': 'redmapper/redmapper_dr8_public' + \
                 'whl': 'whl/whl2015.fits'}
    columns = {'maxbcg': 'none,RAJ2000,DEJ2000,zph',
               'gmbcg': 'OBJID,RA,DEC,PHOTOZ',
               'hecs2013': 'Name,RAJ2000,DEJ2000,z',
               'orca': 'ID,ra_bcg,dec_bcg,redshift',
               'psz1': 'NAME,RA,DEC,REDSHIFT',
               'psz2': 'NAME,RA,DEC,REDSHIFT',
               'redmapper': 'NAME,RA,DEC,Z_LAMBDA',
               'whl': 'WHL,RAJ2000,DEJ2000,zph'}
    for cat in catalogs:
        filenames[cat] = osjoin(path, filenames[cat])
        columns[cat] = columns[cat].split(',')
    matches = {}
    withmatch = {}
    for cat in available:
        if cat not in catalogs:
        data = getdata(filenames[cat], ext=1)
        aux = {}
        for name in data.names:
            aux[name] = data[name]
        data = aux
        # if the catalog doesn't give a name
        if columns[cat][0] == 'none':
            columns[cat][0] = 'Name'
            data['Name'] = chararray(data[columns[cat][1]].size, itemsize=4)
            data['Name'][:] = 'none'
        data = [data[v] for v in columns[cat]]
        name, xcat, ycat, zcat = data
        colnames = 'name,ra,dec,z'.split(',')
        close = [(abs(xcat - x) < 2*r/60.) & (abs(ycat - y) < 2*r/60.)
                 for x, y, r in izip(ra, dec, radius)]
        withmatch[cat] = [j for j, c in enumerate(close) if name[c].size]
        dist = [60 * calcAngSepDeg(xcat[j], ycat[j], x, y)
                for j, x, y in izip(close, ra, dec)]
        match = [(d <= r) for d, r in izip(dist, radius)]
        withmatch[cat] = array([w for w, m in izip(count(), match)
                                if w in withmatch[cat] and name[m].size])
        if return_single:
            match = [argmin(d) if d.size else None for d in dist]
        matches[cat] = {}
        # keeping them all now because they may be needed for other properties
        for name, x in izip(colnames, data):
            matches[cat][name] = array([x[j][mj] for w, j, mj
                                        in izip(count(), close, match)
                                        if w in withmatch[cat]])
        if 'index' in return_values:
            matches[cat]['index'] = array([arange(xcat.size)[j][m]
                                           for w, j, m in izip(count(),
                                                               close, match)
                                           if w in withmatch[cat]])
        if 'dist' in return_values:
            matches[cat]['dist'] = array([d[m] for w, d, m
                                          in izip(count(), dist, match)
                                          if w in withmatch[cat]])
            if unit == 'Mpc':
                matches[cat]['dist'] *= array([dproj(zi, 1, unit='Mpc',
                                               for zi in matches[cat]['z']])
        if 'dz' in return_values:
            matches[cat]['dz'] = array([zcat[j][m] - zj for w, j, m, zj
                                        in izip(count(), close, match, z)
                                        if w in withmatch[cat]])
        for key in matches[cat].keys():
            if key not in return_values:
        if not return_single and name[j][match].size == 1:
            for key in matches[cat].keys():
                matches[cat][key] = matches[cat][key][0]
    if len(catalogs) == 1 and squeeze:
        return matches[catalogs[0]], withmatch[catalogs[0]]
    return matches, withmatch
        greyscale = config['greyscale']
        greyscale = 'true'

    #output variables
    vars = [
        k for k in config.keys() if not npany([
    vars = sorted(vars)

    #this relates to 'mimo' and 'miso' modes that are planned for the future but not currently implemented
    auxin = [k for k in config.keys() if k.startswith('aux_in')]

    if len(auxin) > 0:
Beispiel #33
def qz(A, B, mode='complex'):
    QZ decompostion for generalized eigenvalues of a pair of matrices.

    A : array-like
    B : array-like
    mode : str {'real','complex'}

    AA, BB, Q.T, and Z

    If either A or B is a matrix, matrices are returned
    A = asanyarray(A)
    B = asanyarray(B)
    if isinstance(A,matrix) or isinstance(B, matrix):
        usematrix = True
        usematrix = False
    #NOTE: the first arguments to both are the selector functions but
    #sort = 'N' is hard coded in qz.pyf so both are ignored, but the
    #arguments are checked
    n = A.shape[1]
    if mode == 'real':
#        sort = lambda x,y,z: (x+y)/z <= 1.
            beta, Q, Z, work, info) = dgges(lambda x,y,z: None,A ,B)
    if mode == 'complex':
        rwork = zeros(8*n)
            Q, Z, work, info) = zgges(lambda x,y: None,A ,B,rwork)
        # note that it will mostly be given real arrays, so it should
        # return real arrays, check that this is the case and return the reals
        if not npany(iscomplex(AA)):
            AA = AA.real
        if not npany(iscomplex(BB)):
            BB = BB.real
        if not npany(iscomplex(Q)):
            Q = Q.real
        if not npany(iscomplex(Z)):
            Z = Z.real
    if info < 0:
        raise ValueError("Incorrect value at pos. "+str(abs(i))+"in _gges")
    elif info > 0 and info <= n:
        raise LinAlgError("QZ iteration failed, but ALPHA(j) and BETA(j) \
should be correct for j = %s,...,%s" % (str(i),str(n))) # not zero-based
    elif info > n: # shouldn't get to this because sort='N'
        raise LinAlgError("Something other than QZ iteration failed. \
Return INFO = %s.  See _GGES.f for more information." % str(info))
    #return Q.T to follow matlab convention
    if usematrix:
        AA = matrix(AA)
        BB = matrix(BB)
        Q = matrix(Q)
        Z = matrix(Z)
    return AA,BB,Q.T,Z
Beispiel #34
 def _check_constant(self) -> bool:
     col_delta = ptp(self.exog.ndarray, 0)
     has_constant = npany(col_delta == 0)
     self._const_col = where(col_delta == 0)[0][0] if has_constant else None
     return bool(has_constant)
Beispiel #35
def simulate(city,
             med_eff: float = 0.,
             med_recov: float = 0,
             vac_res: float = 0,
             vac_cov: float = 0.,
             movement_restrict: int = 0,
             contact_restrict: int = 0,
             lockdown_chunk: int = 0,
             lockdown_panic: int = 1,
             seed_inf: int = 0,
             zero_lock: bool = False,
             intervention: bool = False,
             plot_h=None) -> tuple:
    '''Recursive simulation of each day'''
    vaccine_discovery_date = 0
    drug_discovery_date = 0
    while not vaccine_discovery_date:
        for idx, k in enumerate(nprandom.random(size=(int(5 /
            if k < MED_DISCOVERY:
                vaccine_discovery_date = idx
    while not drug_discovery_date:
        for idx, k in enumerate(nprandom.random(size=(int(5 /
            if k < MED_DISCOVERY:
                drug_discovery_date = idx
    lockdown = 0
    next_lockdown = seed_inf * lockdown_panic
    # Track infection trends
    track: nparray = nparray([[]] * 0, dtype=npint64).reshape((0, 5))
    days = 0
    args = city.survey(simul_pop)
    newsboard = (
        "Total Population %d" % city.pop_size,
        "ICUs Available: %d/%d" %
        (city.infrastructure - args[3], city.infrastructure),
    reaction = (zero_lock, early_action, intervention,
                days > vaccine_discovery_date, days > drug_discovery_date)
    plot_h.update_epidem(days, args, newsboard, lockdown, *reaction)
    track = npappend(track, nparray(args).reshape((1, 5)), axis=0)
    print(*args, file=logfile, flush=True)
    city.pass_day(plot_h)  # IT STARTS!
    while npany(city.space_contam):  # Absent from persons and places
        if days == vaccine_discovery_date:
            city.vaccine_resist = vac_res
            city.vaccine_cov = vac_cov
        if days == drug_discovery_date:
            for idx, pathy in enumerate(city.strain_types):
                if pathy is not None:
                    city.strain_types[idx].inf_per_day /= med_recov
                    city.strain_types[idx].cfr *= med_eff
                    city.inf_per_day /= med_recov
                    city.cfr *= med_eff
        if early_action:
            if not days:
                # Restrict movement
                city.rms_v //= movement_restrict
                city.move_per_day //= contact_restrict
            elif days == zero_lock:
                # End of initial lockdown
                city.rms_v *= movement_restrict
                city.move_per_day *= contact_restrict
        days += 1
        args = city.survey(simul_pop)
        newsboard = (
            "Total Population %d" % city.pop_size,
            "ICUs Available: %d/%d" %
            (city.infrastructure - args[3], city.infrastructure),
        if days > drug_discovery_date:
            newsboard.append("Drug Discovered")
        if days > vaccine_discovery_date:
            newsboard.append("Vaccine Discovered")
        track = npappend(track, nparray(args).reshape((1, 5)), axis=0)
        print(*args, file=logfile, flush=True)
        reaction = (zero_lock, early_action, intervention,
                    days > vaccine_discovery_date, days > drug_discovery_date)
        plot_h.update_epidem(days, args, newsboard, lockdown, *reaction)
        if intervention and lockdown == 0 and (args[2] > next_lockdown):
            next_lockdown *= lockdown_panic
            # Panic by infection Spread
            lockdown = 1
            city.rms_v //= movement_restrict
            city.move_per_day //= contact_restrict
        if intervention and lockdown:
            lockdown += 1
        if intervention and lockdown > lockdown_chunk + 1:
            # Business as usual
            city.rms_v *= movement_restrict
            city.move_per_day *= contact_restrict
            lockdown = 0
    args = city.survey(simul_pop)
    newsboard = (
        "Total Population %d" % city.pop_size,
        "ICUs Available: %d/%d" %
        (city.infrastructure - args[3], city.infrastructure),
    if days > drug_discovery_date:
        newsboard.append("Drug Discovered")
    if days > vaccine_discovery_date:
        newsboard.append("Vaccine Discovered")
    track = npappend(track, nparray(args).reshape((1, 5)), axis=0)
    print(*args, file=logfile, flush=True)
    reaction = (zero_lock, early_action, intervention,
                days > vaccine_discovery_date, days > drug_discovery_date)
    plot_h.update_epidem(days, args, newsboard, lockdown, *reaction)