Beispiel #1
 def Lnl(self, v, alpha):
     '''Nonlinear lift including post stall'''
     Lpeak = self.W * (self.vb / self.vStall) ** 2
     Lsteady = Lpeak * .67
     A = Lpeak - Lsteady
     w = 0.36 * self.alphaStall
     p = 2
     alphaTrans = rad(6.0 - 1.25)
     # after stall
     w2 = 1.0 * self.alphaStall
     p2 = 2.0
     # final drop coefficient
     c = 0.6
     alphaTrans3 = rad(25)
     # negative lift stall
     cn2 = 100.0
     B = 0.5
     shift = rad(2)
     if alpha < self.alphaNegStall + shift:
         x = abs(alpha - (self.alphaNegStall + shift))
         #             *Lsteady +
         L = self.W * (-B * (1 - exp(-x / w)) + exp(-x / w) * (1 + self.ralpha * alpha + cn2 * x ** 2)) * (
                     v / self.vb) ** 2  # negative stall
     #             sys.exit('Stop.  Negative lift stall.  Lift not calculated at angle {} deg'.format(deg(alpha)))
     elif self.alphaNegStall < alpha < alphaTrans:
         L = self.W * (1 + self.ralpha * alpha) * (v / self.vb) ** 2
     elif alpha < self.alphaStall:
         L = (Lsteady + A * exp(-(abs((alpha - self.alphaStall)) / w) ** p2)) * (v / self.vb) ** 2
     elif alpha < alphaTrans3:
         L = (Lsteady + A * exp(-(abs((alpha - self.alphaStall)) / w2) ** p2)) * (v / self.vb) ** 2
     else:  # a decline toward 90 degrees
         L = (Lsteady * (1 - c * (alpha - alphaTrans3) ** 1.5) + A * exp(
             -(abs((alpha - self.alphaStall)) / w2) ** p2)) * (v / self.vb) ** 2
     return L
Beispiel #2
def main(args):
    trAng5 = rad(5.0)
    trAng6 = rad(6.0)

    c_f_water = 1481.0
    c_air = 343

    c1 = c_f_water
    c2 = c_air

    ang5 = np.arcsin((c1 / c2) * trAng5)
    ang6 = np.arcsin((c1 / c2) * trAng6)

    print deg(ang5)
    print deg(ang6)

    d = 1.0/(tan(ang6)-tan(ang5))

    print d

    R = d*tan(ang5)

    print R

    return 0
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self):

        pan_lim = rospy.get_param('~pan_lim', 2.775)
        tilt_hi_lim = rospy.get_param('~tilt_hi_lim', 0.82)
        tilt_lo_lim = -rospy.get_param('~tilt_lo_lim', -0.52)
        tilt_scale = rospy.get_param('~tilt_scale', 1)
        pan_scale = rospy.get_param('~pan_scale', 1)
        self.pan_speed = rospy.get_param('~pan_speed', 1)
        self.tilt_speed = rospy.get_param('~tilt_speed', 1)

        self.ptu_button = rospy.get_param('~ptu_button', 2)
        self.home_button = rospy.get_param('~home_button', 7)

        # Desired PTU behaviour - set by joystick callback
        self.des_pan_vel = 0
        self.des_tilt_vel = 0
        self.ptu_changed = False
        self.ptu_reset = False
        pan_setpt = 0
        tilt_setpt = 0

        cmd_ptu_pub = rospy.Publisher('ptu/cmd', JointState)

        announce_pub = rospy.Publisher('/clearpath/announce/teleops',
                                       String, latch=True)

        rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, self.callback)
        freq = rospy.get_param('~hz',50)
        rate = rospy.Rate(freq)

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            if self.ptu_reset or self.des_pan_vel != 0 or self.des_tilt_vel != 0:
                ptu = JointState()
                # If we want to home, home
                if self.ptu_reset:
                    pan_setpt = 0
                    tilt_setpt = 0
                    pan_setpt += pan_scale*self.des_pan_vel*freq/1000.0
                    tilt_setpt += tilt_scale*self.des_tilt_vel*freq/1000.0
                    pan_setpt = min(pan_lim,pan_setpt)
                    pan_setpt = max(-pan_lim,pan_setpt)
                    tilt_setpt = min(tilt_hi_lim,tilt_setpt)
                    tilt_setpt = max(-tilt_lo_lim,tilt_setpt)
Beispiel #4
 def xcp(self, alpha):
     '''wing center of pressure measured vs leading edge'''
     alphaMin = -2 # deg
     alphaMax = 9.5 # deg
     if alpha < rad(alphaMin):
         alpha = rad(alphaMin)
     elif alpha > rad(alphaMax):
         alpha = rad(alphaMax)
     return self.xCP[0] + self.xCP[1] * deg(alpha) + self.xCP[2] * deg(alpha) ** 2 + self.xCP[3] * deg(alpha) ** 3
Beispiel #5
    def calculateArms(self):
        Method for calculating the arms required for getting the momments of
        each slice with respect to a rotation point.

        This function does not return any output, just modifies the structure
        of each slice by setting new attributes.
        import numpy as np
        from numpy import radians as rad
        from shapely.geometry import LineString

        for n, slice_ in enumerate(self.slices.slices):
            setattr(slice_, 'n', n)
            # Vertical linestring that splits the slice through the cetroid
            xMean = (slice_.xMin + slice_.xMax) / 2
            vertLine = LineString([(xMean, -self.slices.rotationPt[1]),
                                   (xMean, self.slices.rotationPt[1])])

            # Arms for external loads
            loadPt1 = np.array(slice_.terrainLS.intersection(vertLine))
            theta = np.arctan((self.slices.rotationPt[1] - loadPt1[1]) /
                              (self.slices.rotationPt[0] - loadPt1[0])) % np.pi
            alpha = abs(rad(slice_.w) - theta)
            loadPt2RotPt = np.linalg.norm(self.slices.rotationPt - loadPt1)
            proy = loadPt2RotPt * abs(np.cos(alpha))
            d = (loadPt2RotPt**2 - proy**2)**0.5
            if rad(slice_.w) < theta:
                d *= -1
            setattr(slice_, 'd', d)

            # Arms for normal loads at the base
            loadPt2 = slice_.slipSurfLS.intersection(vertLine)
            if loadPt2.type is not 'Point':
                loadPt2 = [xMean, loadPt1[1] - slice_.midHeight]
            loadPt2 = np.array(loadPt2)
            theta = np.arctan((self.slices.rotationPt[1] - loadPt2[1]) /
                              (self.slices.rotationPt[0] - loadPt2[0])) % np.pi
            alpha = abs(0.5 * np.pi - rad(slice_.alpha) - theta)
            loadPt2RotPt = np.linalg.norm(self.slices.rotationPt - loadPt2)
            proy = loadPt2RotPt * abs(np.cos(alpha))
            f = (loadPt2RotPt**2 - proy**2)**0.5
            if 0.5 * np.pi - rad(slice_.alpha) < theta:
                f *= -1
            setattr(slice_, 'f', f)
            setattr(slice_, 'R', proy)  # Arm for the mobilized shear force

            # Arms for horizontal seismic force
            e = self.slices.rotationPt[1] - (loadPt2[1] +
                                             0.5 * slice_.midHeight)
            setattr(slice_, 'e', e)

            # Arms for the weight of the slice
            x = self.slices.rotationPt[0] - xMean
            setattr(slice_, 'x', x)
Beispiel #6
 def alphaControl(self, t, time, setpoint, ti, tFiltPilot):
     if t > 7.1:
         dummy = True
     if gl.state == 'onGnd' and gl.theta >= gl.theta0 - rad(
             1):  # no elevator authority
         pp = 0
         pd = 0
         pint = 0
     elif gl.state == 'onGnd' and gl.theta < gl.theta0 - rad(1):
         pp = -0
         pd = -0
         pint = -0
         if self.tStartClimb is None:
             self.tStartClimb = t  # one-time switch to climb
         if gl.state == 'preClimb':
             pp = pr['alphaPreClimbpp']
             pd = pr['alphaPreClimbpd']
             pint = pr['alphaPreClimbpint']
         elif gl.state == 'initClimb':
             pp = pr['alphaInitClimbpp']
             pd = pr['alphaInitClimbpd']
             pint = pr['alphaInitClimbpint']
         elif gl.state == 'inRot':
             pp = pr['alphaInRotpp']
             pd = pr['alphaInRotpd']
             pint = pr['alphaInRotpint']
         elif gl.state in ['postRot', 'prepRelease'
                           ]:  #keep flying during prepRelease
             pp = pr['alphaPostRotpp']
             pd = pr['alphaPostRotpd']
             pint = pr['alphaPostRotpint']
             sys.exit('Stop.  Glider state is not recognized')
     k = array([pp, pd, pint])
     # kSmooth = k
     # if self.tStartClimb is not None:
     #     self.cCurr = k
     #     kSmooth = self.cCurr - (self.cCurr - self.cOld) * exp(-(t - self.tStartClimb) / self.pilotRespT)
     # else:
     #     kSmooth = k
     #     self.cOld = k
     if t > 5:
         dummy = True
     if all((k == 0)):
         [control, err, derr, interr] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
         [control, err, derr, interr] = pid(['alpha'], setpoint,
                                            rad(10), gl.elevLimits[1],
                                            time, k, ti, self.integTime,
         #(valueArr, valueSet, valueScale, controlScale, time, k, ti, tInteg, tfilt):[ti.i]['err'] = err[ti.i]['derr'] = derr[ti.i]['interr'] = interr
     return control
Beispiel #7
    def handle_ATTITUDE(self, angx, angy, heading):

        self.roll_pitch_yaw = rad(angx / 10), -rad(angy / 10), rad(heading)

        self.gotimu = True

        # As soon as we handle the callback from one request, send another
        # request, if receiver dialog is running
        if self.imu.running:
Beispiel #8
	class ldm_kbh:
		Name = 'ldm_kbh'
		f1 = 88.4596 
		f2 = 1.27 
		GrazingAngleDeg = 2 
		GrazingAngle = rad(GrazingAngleDeg)		
Beispiel #9
	class ldm_kbv:
		Name = 'ldm_kbv'
		f1 = 87.9102 
		f2 = 1.82 
		GrazingAngleDeg = 2
		GrazingAngle = rad(GrazingAngleDeg)
Beispiel #10
	class dpi_kbv:
		Name = 'dpi_kbh'
		f1 = 91.1066 
		f2 = 1.75 
		GrazingAngleDeg = 2
		GrazingAngle = rad(GrazingAngleDeg)
Beispiel #11
def draw_arc_arrow(ax, angle_, theta2_, center=(0., 0.), text="", text_offset=(0., 0.), radius=1., color='white', is_rad=True, flip=False):

        angle_ = deg(angle_)
        theta2_ = deg(theta2_)
        head_angle = 180+angle_
        direction = 1.
        arc = Arc([center[0],center[1]],radius*2.,radius*2.,angle=angle_,
                  theta1=0., theta2=theta2_-angle_, capstyle='round', 
                  linestyle='-', lw=1, color=color)
        head_angle = angle_
        direction = -1.
        arc = Arc([center[0],center[1]],radius*2.,radius*2.,angle=theta2_,
                  theta1=0., theta2=angle_-theta2_, capstyle='round', 
                  linestyle='-', lw=1, color=color)

    #========Create the arrow head
    arrow_scale = radius/30.
    delta_angle = arrow_scale/(radius)
    endX=center[0]+(radius)*(np.cos(rad(angle_) + direction*delta_angle) ) #Do trig to determine end position
    endY=center[1]+(radius)*(np.sin(rad(angle_) + direction*delta_angle) )

    ax.add_patch(                    #Create triangle as arrow head
            (endX, endY),            # (x,y)
            3,                       # number of vertices
            arrow_scale,                # radius
            rad(head_angle),     # orientation
    middle_angle = theta2_ - (theta2_ - angle_)/2.
    endX=center[0]+(radius*1.05)*(np.cos(rad(middle_angle)) )
    endY=center[1]+(radius*1.05)*(np.sin(rad(middle_angle)) )
    ax.text(endX+text_offset[0], endY+text_offset[1], text, size=20)
Beispiel #12
def out_of_range_condition(t):
    b = (t - joint_positions['shoulder']).length
    c = (31/b)*(t - joint_positions['shoulder']) + joint_positions['shoulder']  # new_elbow
    joint_positions['elbow'] = c

    theta_shoulder = arcsin(joint_positions['shoulder'][1]/13.7) # theta_shoulder = 0

# new_elbow judgement        
    theta3, theta_arm_oc = get_oc_angle()
    theta_arm_ud = get_ud_angle(theta3)

    if((deg(theta_arm_ud) > 32) or (deg(theta_arm_ud) < 0) or (deg(theta_arm_oc) > 30) or (deg(theta_arm_oc) < 0)):
        if(deg(theta_arm_ud) > 32):
            theta_arm_ud = rad(32)
        elif(deg(theta_arm_ud < 0)):
            theta_arm_ud = 0
        if(deg(theta_arm_oc) > 30):
            theta_arm_oc = rad(30)
        elif(deg(theta_arm_oc) < 0):
            theta_arm_oc = 0

        arr = get_elbow_position([theta_shoulder, theta_arm_ud, theta_arm_oc])
        joint_positions['elbow']= vector(arr)
        c = joint_positions['elbow']

    e = (t - c).length 
    f = (26.1/e)*(t - c) + c  # new_wrist
    joint_positions['wrist'] = f

# new_wrist judgement        
    theta_elbow = get_elbow_angle()
    theta_uturn = get_uturn_angle(theta_shoulder, theta_arm_ud, theta_arm_oc, theta_elbow)
    if ((deg(theta_uturn) > 90) or (deg(theta_uturn < 0))):
        if(deg(theta_uturn) > 90):
            theta_uturn = rad(90)
            theta_uturn = 0

        arr = get_wrist_position([theta_shoulder, theta_arm_ud, theta_arm_oc, theta_uturn, theta_elbow])
        f = vector(arr)
        joint_positions['wrist'] = f

    return(deg([theta_shoulder, theta_arm_ud, theta_arm_oc, theta_uturn, theta_elbow]))
Beispiel #13
 def R_AP(self):
         Rotation matrix to describe rotation with AP
         as axis.
     tilt_AP = rad(self.tilt_AP)
     return np.array([
         [cos(tilt_AP), -sin(tilt_AP), 0],
         [sin(tilt_AP), cos(tilt_AP), 0],
         [0, 0, 1],
Beispiel #14
 def R_ML(self):
         Rotation matrix to describe rotation with ML
         as axis.
     tilt_ML = rad(self.tilt_ML)
     return np.array([
         [1, 0, 0],
         [0, cos(tilt_ML), -sin(tilt_ML)],
         [0, sin(tilt_ML), cos(tilt_ML)],
Beispiel #15
    def __init__(self, pr, tEnd, ntime):
        # Rope parameters
        self.thetaMax = rad(pr['ropeThetaMax'])  # release angle of rope
        self.breakTime = pr['ropeBreakTime']
        self.breakAngle = rad(pr['ropeBreakAngle'])  # break angle of rope
        self.broken = False
        self.thetaCutThr = pr[
            'releasePrepFactor'] * self.thetaMax  #when to cut throttle (why not in engine control?)
        self.d = pr['d']  # rope diameter (m)
        self.A = pi * self.d**2 / 4  # rope area (m2)
        self.Apara = pr['Apara']  # drag area (m^2) of parachute along rope
        self.Ys = float(pr['Ys'])  # 2400*9.8/(pi*(0.005/2)^2)/0.035
        #  effective static Young's modulus 30 GPa for rope from Dyneema
        #                 datasheet 3.5% average elongation at break,
        #                 average breaking load of 2400 kg (5000 lbs)
        self.hystRate = pr[
            'hystRate']  # hysteresis rate (1/sec) for dynamic stiffness. To turn this effect off, make this rate large, not small
        self.Twl = pr['Twl']  #Newtons strength of weak link (Brown)
        self.a = pr['a']  # horizontal distance (m) of rope attachment below CG
        self.b = pr[
            'b']  # vertical distance (m) of rope attachment below CG                     #  horizontal distance (m) of rope attachment in front of CG, for Grob
        self.lo = pr['ropeLength']
        print('Rope length', self.lo)
        self.Cdr = pr['Cdr']  # rope drag coefficient, long cylinder = pr['mu']  # rope linear mass density (kg/meter)
        self.thetaRG = None

        # state variables
        self.T = 0
        # data = zeros(ntime, dtype=[('T', float), ('Tglider', float), ('torq', float), \
                                        ('theta', float), ('Pdeliv', float), ('Edeliv', float), ('sm', float), ('stretch', float)])
        if self.breakAngle < self.thetaMax:
            print('Rope break simulation at angle {} deg'.format(
        if self.breakTime < tEnd:
            print('Rope break simulation at time {} sec'.format(
Beispiel #16
    def calculateNormalForce(self, seedFS):
        Method for calculating the normal force to the base; this is done by
        using the Equation [16] of
        `Fredlund & Krahn (1977) <>`_.

        Since the normal forces are updated with each iteration, is necessary
        to input a factor of safety as a seed.

            seedFS (`int` or `float`): Seed factor of safety.

            (`list`): Values of all the normal forces at the slice's bases

            >>> from numpy import array
            >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope
            >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface
            >>> from pybimstab.watertable import WaterTable
            >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, Slices
            >>> from pybimstab.slopestabl import SlopeStabl
            >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=40, slopeDip=[2, 1],
            >>>                        crownDist=60, toeDist=30, depth=20)
            >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords,
            >>>                           dist1=45.838, dist2=158.726,
            >>>                           radius=80)
            >>> material = MaterialParameters(cohesion=600, frictAngle=20,
            >>>                               unitWeight=120,
            >>>                               wtUnitWeight=62.4)
            >>> slices = Slices(
            >>>     material=material, slipSurfCoords=surface.coords,
            >>>     slopeCoords=slope.coords, numSlices=5)
            >>> stabAnalysis = SlopeStabl(slices, seedFS=1, Kh=0)
            >>> stabAnalysis.calculateNormalForce(stabAnalysis.FS['fs'])
            [45009.409630951726, 68299.77910530512, 70721.13554871723,
             57346.7578530581, 22706.444365285253]
        from numpy import sin, cos, tan
        from numpy import radians as rad

        listP = list()
        for slice_ in self.slices.slices:
            # Calculating the normal force 'P' at the base of the slice_.
            c = slice_.material.cohesion
            phi = rad(slice_.material.frictAngle)
            if seedFS == 0:
                seedFS = 1
            mAlpha = cos(rad(slice_.alpha)) + sin(rad(slice_.alpha)) * \
                sin(rad(slice_.material.frictAngle)) / seedFS
            P = (slice_.weight + slice_.Xr - slice_.Xl -
                 (c * slice_.l - slice_.U * tan(phi)) * sin(rad(slice_.alpha))
                 / seedFS + slice_.extL * sin(rad(slice_.w))) / mAlpha
            setattr(slice_, 'P', P)
        return listP
Beispiel #17
 def findState(self, t, ti, rp, pl):
     '''Determine where in the launch the glider is'''
     gd =[ti.i]
     v = gd['v']
     climb = gd['gamma']
     # print(t, 'climb',deg(climb))
     # One-time switches:
     minHeightRotate = 2
     if not self.leftGround and gd['L'] > self.W:
         print('lift off at {:3.1f}s'.format(t))
         self.leftGround = True
     # state
     if not self.leftGround :
         self.state = 'onGnd'
     elif self.beforePreClimb and climb < self.preClimbAngle:
         self.state = 'preClimb'
         self.beforePreClimb = False
     # elif self.beforeInitClimb and self.theta >= rad(10):
     elif not self.beforePreClimb and self.beforeInitClimb and v > 25 and climb > self.initClimbAngle:
         self.state = 'initClimb'
         self.beforeInitClimb = False
     elif not self.beforeInitClimb and self.beforeInRot and climb > rad(20):  # and t > 7.5: #rad(30) < self.theta  < rad(40) and[ti.i]['theta'] < rp.thetaCutThr:
         self.state = 'inRot'
         self.beforeInRot = False
     elif not self.beforeInitClimb and self.beforeInRot and climb > rad(20):  # and t > 7.5: #rad(30) < self.theta  < rad(40) and[ti.i]['theta'] < rp.thetaCutThr:
         self.state = 'inRot'
         self.beforeInRot = False
     elif self.beforeDoneRot and not self.beforeInRot and abs(self.thetaD) < rad(0.5):  #deg/sec:
         self.state = 'postRot'
         self.beforeDoneRot = False
     elif[ti.i]['theta'] >= rp.thetaCutThr:
         self.state = 'prepRelease'
         pl.tPrepRelease = t
     if self.state != self.oldState:
         print('Glider state : {} at {:3.1f} s'.format(self.state, t))
         self.oldState = self.state
Beispiel #18
def get_uturn_angle(ts,tud,toc,te):
    a = get_0T3([ts, tud, toc])
    a11, a12 = a[0,0], a[0,1]
    a21, a22 = a[1,0], a[1,1]
    a31, a32 = a[2,0], a[2,1]
    zw, yw, xw = joint_positions['wrist'][2], joint_positions['wrist'][1], joint_positions['wrist'][0]
    ys, xs = joint_positions['shoulder'][1], joint_positions['shoulder'][0]

    lala1 = a11*(xw-xs) + a21*(yw-ys) + a31*zw
    lala2 = a12*(xw-xs) + a22*(yw-ys) + a32*zw
    denominator = -26.1*sin(te + np.pi)

        test_1 = -arccos(lala1/denominator)
        test_1 = 0

        test_2 = arcsin(lala2/denominator)
        test_2 = 0

    theta_uturn_c = test_1 + np.pi/2
    theta_uturn_s = test_2 + np.pi/2
    test_list = [theta_uturn_c, theta_uturn_s, 'stop']

    for i in test_list:
        if(i == 'stop'):
            theta_uturn = rad(-361)
            testing = [ts, tud, toc, i, te]
            test = vector(get_wrist_position(testing))
            if ((test - joint_positions['wrist']).length < 1):
                theta_uturn = i

    return theta_uturn
Beispiel #19
    def intersliceForces(self, seedFS, lambda_):
        Method for getting the shear and normal interslice forces, ; this is
        done by using the Equation of section 14.8 of
        `GeoSlope (2015) <>`_
        for the rigth normal force and the Equation [16] of
        `Fredlund & Krahn (1977) <>`_ for the
        shear force.

        Since the interslice forces are updated with each iteration, is
        necessary to input a factor of safety as a seed and the current value
        of lambda to relate the interslice normal force and the interslice
        force function with respect to the interslice shear force (Eq. [16] of
        `Fredlund & Krahn (1977) <>`_).

            seedFS (`int` or `float`): Seed factor of safety.
            lambda_ (`int` or `float`): Seed value of lambda. ``0`` is the
                default value.

            (`tuple`): tuple with the interslice forces. the first element\
                contains the normal interslice forces and the second contains\
                the shear interslice forces.

            >>> from numpy import array
            >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope
            >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface
            >>> from pybimstab.watertable import WaterTable
            >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, Slices
            >>> from pybimstab.slopestabl import SlopeStabl
            >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=40, slopeDip=[2, 1],
            >>>                        crownDist=60, toeDist=30, depth=20)
            >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords,
            >>>                           dist1=45.838, dist2=158.726,
            >>>                           radius=80)
            >>> material = MaterialParameters(cohesion=600, frictAngle=20,
            >>>                               unitWeight=120,
            >>>                               wtUnitWeight=62.4)
            >>> slices = Slices(
            >>>     material=material, slipSurfCoords=surface.coords,
            >>>     slopeCoords=slope.coords, numSlices=5)
            >>> stabAnalysis = SlopeStabl(slices, seedFS=1, Kh=0)
            >>> stabAnalysis.intersliceForces(stabAnalysis.FS['fs'],
            >>>                               stabAnalysis.FS['lambda'])
            ([0, -24561.260979675248, -42085.32887504204, -38993.844201424305,
              -18464.723052348225, -61.4153504520018],
             [0, -5511.202498703704, -15279.673506543182, -14157.266298947989,
              -4143.22489013017, -2.8712090198929304e-15])
        from numpy import tan, cos, sin
        from numpy import radians as rad

        forcesE = [self.slices.slices[0].El]
        forcesX = [self.slices.slices[0].Xl]
        for i in range(self.slices.numSlices):
            slice_ = self.slices.slices[i]
            c = slice_.material.cohesion
            phi = rad(slice_.material.frictAngle)
            Sm = (c * slice_.l + (slice_.P - slice_.U) * tan(phi)) / seedFS
            setattr(slice_, 'Sm', Sm)
            # Eq. [19] of Fredlund & Kranh (1977) does not work for now
            #            slice_.Er = slice_.El + (slice_.weight - slice_.Xr + slice_.Xl) *\
            #                tan(rad(slice_.alpha)) - Sm / cos(rad(slice_.alpha)) + \
            #                self.Kh * slice_.weight
            # Eq. gotten from the section 14.8 of GEO-SLOPE (2015)
            slice_.Er = slice_.El - slice_.P * sin(rad(slice_.alpha)) + \
                Sm * cos(rad(slice_.alpha)) - self.Kh * slice_.weight + \
                slice_.extL * cos(rad(slice_.w))
            slice_.Xr = slice_.Er * lambda_ * slice_.fR
            if i < self.slices.numSlices - 1:
                nextSlice = self.slices.slices[i + 1]
                nextSlice.El = slice_.Er
                nextSlice.Xl = slice_.Xr
        return (forcesE, forcesX)
Beispiel #20
    def getFf(self, seedFS, lambda_=0):
        Method for getting the factor of safety with respect to the forces
        equilimrium; this is done by using the Equation [23] of
        `Fredlund & Krahn (1977) <>`_.

        Since the factor of safety is updated with each iteration, is necessary
        to input a factor of safety as a seed and the current value of lambda
        to relate the interslice normal force and the interslice force function
        with respect to the interslice shear force (Eq. [16] of
        `Fredlund & Krahn (1977) <>`_).

            seedFS (`int` or `float`): Seed factor of safety.
            lambda_ (`int` or `float`): Seed value of lambda. ``0`` is the
                default value.

            (`dict`): Dictionary with the value of the factor of safety and a\
                tuple with the boolean that indicated if the toleranfe was\
                reached and the number of the iteration.

            >>> # Example Case 1 - Fig. 9 (Fredlund & Krahn, 1977)
            >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope
            >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface
            >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, Slices
            >>> from pybimstab.slopestabl import SlopeStabl
            >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=40, slopeDip=[2, 1],
            >>>                        crownDist=60, toeDist=30, depth=20)
            >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords,
            >>>                           dist1=45.838, dist2=158.726,
            >>>                           radius=80)
            >>> material = MaterialParameters(cohesion=600, frictAngle=20,
            >>>                               unitWeight=120,
            >>>                               wtUnitWeight=62.4)
            >>> slices = Slices(
            >>>     material=material, slipSurfCoords=surface.coords,
            >>>     slopeCoords=slope.coords, numSlices=50,
            >>>     watertabCoords=None, bim=None)
            >>> stabAnalysis = SlopeStabl(slices, seedFS=1, Kh=0, minLambda=0,
            >>>                           interSlcFunc=1, nLambda=10)
            >>> stabAnalysis.getFf(stabAnalysis.FS['fs'],
            >>>                    stabAnalysis.FS['lambda'])
            (2.0741545445738296, True)
        from numpy import tan, cos, sin
        from numpy import radians as rad

        # Doing the iteration
        toleraceReached = False
        fs = [seedFS]
        for i in range(self.maxIter):
            # Calculating the normal force at each base slice_.
            num = 0
            den1, den2, den3 = 0, 0, 0
            for slice_ in self.slices.slices:
                c = slice_.material.cohesion
                phi = rad(slice_.material.frictAngle)
                num += c * slice_.width + (slice_.P - slice_.U) * tan(phi) * \
                den1 += slice_.P * sin(rad(slice_.alpha))
                den2 += slice_.extL * cos(rad(slice_.w))
                den3 += self.Kh * slice_.weight
            fs.append(num / (den1 - den2 + den3))

            # Recalculating the interslice forces
            self.intersliceForces(fs[-1], lambda_)
            self.intersliceForces(fs[-1], lambda_)

            # Verifying if the tolerance is reached
            if i > 5 and all((fs[-1] - fs[-2], fs[-2] - fs[-3])) <= self.tol:
                toleraceReached = True
        return fs[-1], toleraceReached
Beispiel #21
def get_oc_angle():
    theta3 = -arccos((joint_positions['elbow'].length**2 - 1148.69) / (849.4*sin(rad(72))))
    return theta3, (theta3 + np.pi/2)
Beispiel #22
def get_ud_angle(t3):
    R = np.sqrt((sin(rad(72))*sin(t3))**2 + (cos(rad(72)))**2)
    phi = np.arctan(1/(sin(t3)*np.tan(rad(72))))

    return (arcsin(joint_positions['elbow'][2] / ((-31)*R)) + phi)
Beispiel #23
from numpy import cos as cos
from numpy import sin as sin
from numpy import radians as rad
from numpy import array as arr
from numpy import pi as pi
from vectormath import Vector3 as vector

oc = rad(72)
half = pi/2

def getTransformMatrix(theta, d, a, alpha):
    T = arr([[cos(theta) , -sin(theta)*cos(alpha) ,  sin(theta)*sin(alpha) , a*cos(theta)],
             [sin(theta) ,  cos(theta)*cos(alpha) , -cos(theta)*sin(alpha) , a*sin(theta)],
             [0          ,  sin(alpha)            ,  cos(alpha)            , d           ],
             [0          ,  0                     ,  0                     , 1           ]
    return T

def get_0T3(params):
    t_12 = getTransformMatrix(params[0]+half ,    0 , 0 , half)
    t_23 = getTransformMatrix(params[1]+pi   , 13.7 , 0 , half)
    t_34 = getTransformMatrix(params[2]-half ,    0 , 0 , oc)

    return (

def get_elbow_position(params):
    # Create the transformation matrices for the respective joints
    t_12 = getTransformMatrix(params[0]+half ,    0 , 0 , half)
    t_23 = getTransformMatrix(params[1]+pi   , 13.7 , 0 , half)
    t_34 = getTransformMatrix(params[2]-half ,    0 , 0 , oc)
    t_45 = getTransformMatrix(         -half ,  -31 , 0 , half)
Beispiel #24
        # set info for compute the baricentric correction
        iers          = GLOBALutils.JPLiers( baryc_dir, scmjd-999.0, scmjd+999.0 )
        obsradius, R0 = GLOBALutils.JPLR0( latitude, altitude)
        obpos         = GLOBALutils.obspos( longitude, obsradius, R0 )
        jplephem.set_ephemeris_dir( baryc_dir , ephemeris )
        jplephem.set_observer_coordinates( obpos[0], obpos[1], obpos[2] )
        res         = jplephem.doppler_fraction(RA/15.0, DEC, int(scmjd), scmjd%1, 1, 0.0)
        lbary_ltopo = 1.0 + res['frac'][0]
        bcvel_baryc = ( lbary_ltopo - 1.0 ) * 2.99792458E5  #This in the barycentric velocity
        res         = jplephem.pulse_delay(RA/15.0, DEC, int(scmjd), scmjd%1, 1, 0.0)
        scmbjd      = scmjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0) #This is the modified barycentric julian day of the observation

        # set observatory info to retrive info about the moon
        gobs = ephem.Observer() = 'VBT'  = rad(latitude)
        gobs.long = rad(longitude) = hd['UT-DATE'] + ' ' + hd['UT-TIME'].replace(':','_') = hd['DATE-OBS'].replace('T',' ')

        mephem = ephem.Moon()
        Mcoo = jplephem.object_track("Moon", int(scmjd), float(scmjd%1), 1, 0.0)
        Mp   = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Moon", int(scmjd), float(scmjd%1), 1, 0.0)
        Sp   = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Sun", int(scmjd), float(scmjd%1), 1, 0.0)
        res      = jplephem.object_doppler("Moon", int(scmjd), scmjd%1, 1, 0.0)
        lunation,moon_state,moonsep2,moonvel = GLOBALutils.get_lunar_props(ephem,gobs,Mcoo,Mp,Sp,res,RA,DEC)
        refvel = bcvel_baryc + moonvel  #This is the velocity of the spectrum of the moon with the applied barycentric correction in the direction of the target. 

        print '\t\t\tBarycentric velocity:',refvel
Beispiel #25
	class pm2a:
		z = 41.4427 
		GrazingAngleDeg = 2.5
		GrazingAngle = rad(GrazingAngleDeg )
Beispiel #26
def transform_motion(motion, newref, rotunit="deg"):
    Transform motion to new reference position.

    The following sequence of rotation is used: z-y-z (known as yaw-pitch-roll). For more detailed description,
    see or SIMO Theory Manual (ch. 6.2 in version 4.14.0).

    motion : tuple or np.ndarray
        Motion of old reference point, 6 dofs (hence shape (6, nt), where nt is number of time steps):
            - x (position of old reference point in global coord. system)
            - y (position of old reference point in global coord. system)
            - z (position of old reference point in global coord. system)
            - rx (rotation about local x-axis, aka. roll)
            - ry (rotation about local x-axis, aka. roll)
            - rz (rotation about local x-axis, aka. roll)
    newref : 3-tuple
        Position vector (in body coordinate system) of new reference point: (x, y, z).
    rotunit : {'deg', 'rad'}
        Unit of rotations. Default is degrees.

    xyz : np.ndarray
        Position vector for new reference position, shape (3, n).
    motion = np.asarray(motion)  # ensure motion is numpy array
    newref = np.asarray(
    )  # ensure newref is numpy array, for efficiency in loop with
    ndof, nt = motion.shape  # number of dofs and time steps
    assert ndof == 6, f"Motion must be of shape (6, nt) (6-dof motion), got {motion.shape}"
    assert newref.size == 3, f"Specified position must be list/tuple with three values, got {len(newref)}"

    # extract rotations, scale to radians if needed given as degrees
    if rotunit == "deg":
        rx, ry, rz = rad(motion[-3:, :])
    elif rotunit == "rad":
        rx, ry, rz = motion[-3:, :]
        raise ValueError(
            f"Parameter `rotunit` must be 'deg' or 'rad', not '{rotunit}'")

    # calculate transformation matrix -> shape (3, 3, nt)
    trans = np.array([
            cos(rz) * cos(ry),
            -sin(rz) * cos(rx) + cos(rz) * sin(ry) * sin(rx),
            sin(rz) * sin(rx) + cos(rz) * sin(ry) * cos(rx)
            sin(rz) * cos(ry),
            cos(rz) * cos(rx) + sin(rz) * sin(ry) * sin(rx),
            -cos(rz) * sin(rx) + sin(rz) * sin(ry) * cos(rx)
        [-sin(ry), cos(ry) * sin(rx),
         cos(ry) * cos(rx)],

    # transform to new reference position for each time step -> shape (3, nt)
    xyz = np.zeros((3, nt))
    for i in range(nt):
        xyz[:, i] =[:, :, i], newref)
    # ... and add xyz motion of old reference point
    xyz += motion[:3, :]

    return xyz
Beispiel #27
def plotsImp(figures, path, preppedData, pr, gl, ai, rp, dr, tc, en, op, pl):
    showPlot = pr['impPlotsShow']
    save = pr['impPlotsSave']
    path = os.path.join(path, 'imperial')
    if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path)
    lbsPernewt = 1 / 4.44822
    hpPerW = 1.34102 / 1000.0
    ftlbPerNm = 0.738
    ktPerms = 1.94384
    ftPerm = 3.28084
    rpmPerRadPs = 60 / 2 / pi
    g = 9.8
    [t, x, y, xD, yD, v, vD, alpha, theta, thetaD, gamma, elev, Sth, omegd, omege, L, D, T, Tg, vgw, \
     torqWing,torqStab, Me, Few, engP, omegrel, rdrum, tctorqueDrum, winP, ropP, gliP, gndTorq, ropeTheta, ropeTorq, \
     smRope, smStall, smStruct, smRecov, vGust, gData, dData, oData, pData, eData, rData, aData, tData] = preppedData

    iColor = 0  # counter for plots, so each variable has a different color

    # plot engine power and torque curves from model parameters
    if pr['plotPowerTorque']:
        omegeng = linspace(0, 1.1 * en.omegapeakP, 100)
        powr = linspace(0, 1.1 * en.omegapeakP, 100)
        torq = linspace(0, 1.1 * en.omegapeakP, 100)
        rpm = omegeng * 60 / 2.0 / pi
        for i, omegr in enumerate(omegeng):
            powr[i] = hpPerW * en.Pavail(omegr)
            torq[i] = ftlbPerNm * en.torqAvail(omegr)
            xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [rpm], [powr, torq],
               'Engine speed (rpm)', 'Power (HP), Torque(Ftlbs)',
               ['Pistons power', 'Pistons torque'], 'Engine curves'))

    if pr['plotLift']:  ##plot lift curve vs alpha at v_best
        alphaList = linspace(-20, 80, 100)
        lift = array([gl.Lnl(gl.vb, rad(alph)) for alph in alphaList])
        figures.append(xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [alphaList], [lift/gl.W], \
           'Angle of attack (deg)', 'Lift/Weight', [''], 'Lift vs angle of attack'))

        alphaList = linspace(-4, pr['alphaStallVsWing'], 100)
        drag = array([gl.coeffDrag(rad(alph)) for alph in alphaList])
        figures.append(xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [alphaList], [drag], \
           'Angle of attack (deg)', 'Drag coefficient', [''], 'Drag vs angle of attack'))

    if pr['plotTorqCov']:
        vrelList = linspace(0, 1.5, 100)
        tcGearingList = array([tc.torqMult(vrel) for vrel in vrelList])
        # tcEfficiencyList = array([vrel * tc.torqMult(vrel) for vrel in vrelList])
        tcInvKform = array([tc.invKform(vrel) for vrel in vrelList])
        figures.append(xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [vrelList], \
                          [tcGearingList, tcInvKform],
           'vDrum/vEngine', '' ,['torque factor','inverse capacity form'], 'Torque converter'))

    # def xy(holdOpen, showPlot, save, path, iColor, xs, ys, xlbl, ylbl, legendLabels, titlestr, xmin=None, xmax=None):

    #presentation figures
    #height, T, L, y vs x
        xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [ftPerm * x],
           [ftPerm * y, Tg / gl.W * 1000, L / gl.W * 1000], 'x (ft)',
           'y (ft), forces',
           ['height', 'tension/Weight x 1000', 'lift/Weight x 1000'],
           'Height and forces vs x'))

    # glider v, climb, alpha, elevator vs x
    figures.append(xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [ftPerm * x],
       [ktPerms*v, deg(alpha),deg(gamma), deg(elev)], \
       'x (ft)', 'velocity (kts), angles (deg)',
       ['v', 'angle of attack', 'climb', 'elevator'],
       'Glider speed and angles vs x'))

    # engine rpm, vrel, thr vs x
    figures.append(xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [ftPerm*x],
            [omege * 60 / 2 / pi/10, hpPerW*engP, 10 * 100 * omegrel,
             10 * 100 * Sth], \
            'x (ft)', 'Speeds (rpm,kts), %',
            ['eng rpm/10', 'engine HP', \
             'TC speed vs engine % x10', 'throttle % x10'],
            'Engine vs x'))

    #height, T, L, y vs t
        xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t],
           [ftPerm * y, Tg / gl.W * 1000, L / gl.W * 1000], 't (sec)',
           'y (ft), forces',
           ['height', 'tension/Weight  x 1000', 'lift/Weight x 1000'],
           'Height and forces vs t'))

    # glider v, climb, alpha, elevator vs t
    figures.append(xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t],
       [ktPerms*v, deg(alpha),deg(gamma), deg(elev)], \
       't (sec)', 'velocity (kts), angles (deg)',
       ['v', 'angle of attack', 'climb', 'elevator'],
       'Glider speed and angles vs t'))

    # engine rpm, vrel, thr vs t
    figures.append(xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t],
            [omege * 60 / 2 / pi/10, hpPerW*engP, 10 * 100 * omegrel,
             10 * 100 * Sth], \
            't (sec)', 'Speeds (rpm,kts), %',
            ['eng rpm/10', 'engine HP', \
             'TC speed vs engine % x10', 'throttle % x10'],
            'Engine vs t'))

    # glider position vs time
        xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t], [ftPerm * x, ftPerm * y],
           'time (sec)', 'position (ft)', ['x', 'y'],
           'Glider position vs time'))
        xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [ftPerm * x], [ftPerm * y],
           'x (ft)', 'y (ft)', [''], 'Glider y vs x'))
    # glider speed and angles
    figures.append(xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t],
       [ktPerms*xD, ktPerms*yD, ktPerms*v, deg(alpha), deg(theta), deg(gamma), deg(elev), deg(thetaD)], \
       'time (sec)', 'Velocity (kts), Angles (deg)',
       ['vx', 'vy', 'v', 'angle of attack', 'pitch', 'climb', 'elevator', 'pitch rate (deg/sec)'],
       'Glider velocities and angles'))

    # iColor = 0 #restart color cycle
    figures.append(xyy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t],
        [ktPerms*v, ktPerms * dr.rdrum * omegd, y/rp.lo, Tg/gl.W, L/gl.W, divide(L, D), deg(alpha), deg(gamma), deg(thetaD)], \
        [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'time (sec)', ['Velocity (kt), Angles (deg), L/D', 'Relative forces and height'],
        ['v (glider)', r'$v_r$ (rope)', \
         'height/' + r'$\l_o $', 'T/W at glider', 'L/W', 'L/D', 'angle of attack', 'climb angle', 'rot. rate (deg/sec)'],
        'Glider and rope'))
    # Forces
    figures.append(xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t, t], [L/gl.W, D/gl.W, T/gl.W, Tg/gl.W, Few/gl.W], \
       'time (sec)', 'Forces/Weight', ['lift', 'drag', 'tension at drum', 'tension at glider', 'tc-drum'],
    # torques
        xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t], [
            ftlbPerNm * ropeTorq, ftlbPerNm *
            (torqWing + torqStab), ftlbPerNm * Me, ftlbPerNm * gndTorq
        ], 'time (sec)', 'Torque (ft-lbs)',
           ['rope', 'stabilizer+wing', 'elevator', 'ground'],
           'Torques on glider'))

        xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t],
           [ftlbPerNm * torqWing, ftlbPerNm * torqStab], 'time (sec)',
           'Torque (ft-lbs)', ['wing', 'stabilizer'],
           'Torques wing and stabilzer'))

    # Engine, rope and drum
    figures.append(xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t, t, t, t], [ktPerms*multiply(omege,rdrum)/dr.gear/dr.diff, ktPerms*multiply(omegd,rdrum), \
                        ktPerms*vgw, deg(ropeTheta), ftlbPerNm * tctorqueDrum/10, -ftlbPerNm * multiply(T,rdrum)/10, 100 * Sth], 'time (sec)',
       'Speeds (effective: kt), Torque/10 (Ft-lbs) Angle (deg), Throttle %',
       ['engine speed', 'rope speed', 'glider radial speed', 'rope angle', 'TC torque on drum', 'Rope torque on drum','throttle'], 'Engine, drum and rope'))
    # Engine
    figures.append(xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t],
            [omege * 60 / 2 / pi/10, hpPerW*engP, ftlbPerNm*engP/(omege + 1e-6),
             ftlbPerNm*tctorqueDrum/dr.gear/ dr.diff,
             10 * 100 * omegrel,
             10 * 100 * Sth], \
            'time (sec)', 'Speeds (rpm,kts), Torque (ft-lbs), %',
            ['eng rpm/10', 'engine HP', 'engine torque', 'TC torque out',\
             'TC speed vs engine % x10', 'throttle % x10'],

        xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t], [
            eData['Edeliv'] / 1e6, dData['Edeliv'] / 1e6,
            rData['Edeliv'] / 1e6, gData['Edeliv'] / 1e6, gData['Emech'] / 1e6
        ], 'time (sec)', 'Energy (MJ)',
           ['to engine', 'to drum', 'to rope', 'to glider', 'in glider'],
           'Energy delivered and kept'))
        xy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t],
           [engP / en.Pmax, winP / en.Pmax, ropP / en.Pmax, gliP / en.Pmax],
           'time (sec)', 'Power/Pmax',
           ['to engine', 'to drum', 'to rope', 'to glider'],
           'Power delivered'))
    zoom = pr['zoom']
    if zoom:
        # if  not ai.startGust is None and 's' in ai.startGust:
        #     t1 = float(ai.startGust.split()[0])-0.5
        #     t2 = t1 + 2*ai.widthGust/2.05.0 + 2.0 -1.5
        [t1, t2] = zoom
    if ai.vGustPeak > 0 and not ai.startGust is None:
        # without safety margins
        iColor = 0  # restart color cycle
        figures.append(xyy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t, t, t],
            [ktPerms*v,ftPerm/10.0*y, deg(gamma), L/gl.W, T/gl.W, vGust], \
            [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], 'time (sec)', ['Velocity (kt), Height/10 (ft), Angle (deg)', "Relative forces"], \
            ['velocity', 'height', 'climb angle', 'L/W', 'T/W', 'vel gust'], 'Winch launch'))
        if zoom:
            iColor = 0  # restart color cycle
            figures.append(xyy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t, t, t],
                [ktPerms*v,ftPerm/10.0*y, deg(gamma), L/gl.W, T/gl.W, vGust], \
                [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], 'time (sec)', ['Velocity (kt), Height/10 (ft), Angle (deg)', "Relative forces"], \
                ['velocity', 'height', 'climb angle', 'L/W', 'T/W', 'vel gust'],
                'Winch launch expanded', t1, t2))
        # with safety margins (T/W is redundant)
        iColor = 0  # restart color cycle
        figures.append(xyy(False and not zoom, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t],
            [ktPerms*v,ftPerm/10.0*y, deg(gamma), L/gl.W, smStruct, smStall, smRope, smRecov, vGust], \
            [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], 'time (sec)',
            ['Velocity (kt), Height/10 (ft), Angle (deg)', "Relative forces"], \
            ['velocity', 'height', 'climb angle', 'L/W', 'struct margin', 'stall margin', 'rope margin',
             'recovery margin', 'vel gust'], 'Winch launch and safety margins'))
        if zoom:
            iColor = 0  # restart color cycle
            figures.append(xyy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t],
                [ktPerms*v,ftPerm/10.0*y, deg(gamma), L/gl.W, smStruct, smStall, smRope, smRecov, vGust], \
                [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], 'time (sec)',
                ['Velocity (kt), Height/10 (ft), Angle (deg)', "Relative forces"], \
                ['velocity', 'height', 'climb angle', 'L/W', 'struct margin', 'stall margin',
                 'rope margin', 'recovery margin', 'vel gust'], 'Winch launch and safety margins expanded', t1,
    else:  # without gusts
        # without safety margins
        if zoom:
            iColor = 0  # restart color cycle
            figures.append(xyy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t, t], [ktPerms*v,ftPerm/10.0*y, deg(gamma), L/gl.W, T/gl.W], \
                [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], 'time (sec)', ['Velocity (kt), Height/10 (ft), Angle (deg)', "Relative forces"], \
                ['velocity', 'height', 'climb angle', 'L/W', 'T/W'], 'Winch launch expanded', t1, t2))

        iColor = 0  # restart color cycle
        figures.append(xyy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t, t], [ktPerms*v,ftPerm/10.0*y, deg(gamma), L/gl.W, T/gl.W], \
            [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], 'time (sec)', ['Velocity (kt), Height/10 (ft), Angle (deg)', "Relative forces"], \
            ['velocity', 'height', 'climb angle', 'L/W', 'T/W'], 'Winch launch'))

        # with safety margins
        if zoom:
            iColor = 0  # restart color cycle
            figures.append(xyy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t],
                [ktPerms*v,ftPerm/10.0*y, deg(gamma), L/gl.W, smStruct, smStall, smRope, smRecov], \
                [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], 'time (sec)',
                ['Velocity (kt), Height/10 (ft), Angle (deg)', "Relative forces"], \
                ['velocity', 'height', 'climb angle', 'L/W', 'struct margin', 'stall margin',
                 'rope margin', 'recovery margin'], 'Winch launch and safety margins expanded', t1, t2))
        iColor = 0  # restart color cycle
        figures.append(xyy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t],
            [ktPerms*v,ftPerm/10.0*y, deg(gamma), L/gl.W, smStruct, smStall, smRope, smRecov], \
            [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], 'time (sec)', ['Velocity (kt), Height/10 (ft), Angle (deg)', "Relative forces"], \
            ['velocity', 'height', 'climb angle', 'L/W', 'struct margin', 'stall margin', 'rope margin',
             'recovery margin'], 'Winch launch and safety margins'))

        # safety margins alone
        if zoom:
            iColor = 6  # choose color cycle start
            figures.append(xyy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t], [smStruct, smStall, smRope, smRecov], \
                [1, 1, 1, 0], 'time (sec)', ['Velocity (kt), Height/10 (ft), Angle (deg)', "Relative forces"], \
                ['struct margin', 'stall margin', 'rope margin', 'recovery margin'], 'Safety margins expanded', t1,
        iColor = 6  # choose color cycle start
        figures.append(xyy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [t, t, t, t], [smStruct, smStall, smRope, smRecov], \
            [1, 1, 1, 0], 'time (sec)', ['Velocity (kt), Height/10 (ft), Angle (deg)', "Relative forces"], \
            ['struct margin', 'stall margin', 'rope margin', 'recovery margin'], 'Safety margins'))

    '''Looping over parameters is now done with multiprocessor pool.  Below are plots from old looping'''
    # plot loop results (saved in last parameter's folder
    # if loop:
    #     heightDiff = loopData['yfinal'] - min(loopData['yfinal'])  # vs minimum in loop
    #     iColor = 0  # restart color cycle
    #     figures.append(xyy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [loopData['alphaLoop']] * 12,
    #         [loopData['xRoll'], 10 * loopData['tRoll'], loopData['yfinal']/rp.lo * 100, heightDiff, loopData['vmax'],
    #          loopData['vDmax']/g, loopData['Sthmax'], loopData['Tmax'], loopData['Lmax'], loopData['alphaMax'],
    #          loopData['gammaMax'],
    #          loopData['thetaDmax']], \
    #         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], 'Angle of attack setting (deg)',
    #         ['Velocity (kt), Angles (deg), m, sec, %', "Relative forces,g's"], \
    #         ['x gnd roll', 't gnd roll x 10', 'height/rope %', 'height diff', r'$v_{max}$', "max g's", 'max throttle',
    #          r'$T_{max}/W$', r'$L_{max}/W$', r'$\alpha_{max}$', r'$\gamma_{max}$', 'rot. max (deg/sec)'],
    #         'Flight (all) vs target angle of attack'))
    #     # fewer results, for presentation
    #     iColor = 0  # restart color cycle
    #     figures.append(xyy(False, showPlot, save, path, iColor, [loopData['alphaLoop']] * 4,
    #         [loopData['vmax'], heightDiff, loopData['gammaMax'], loopData['Lmax']], \
    #         [0, 0, 0, 1], 'Angle of attack target (deg)',
    #         ['Velocity (kt), Angle (deg), Height/10 (ft), %', "Relative forces"], \
    #         [r'$v_{max}$', 'height diff', 'climb angle max', r'$L_{max}/W$'], 'Flight vs target angle of attack'))
    #     # With safety margins for presentation
    #     iColor = 4  # match colors in previous plot
    #     figures.append(xyy(False, [loopData['alphaLoop']] * 4,
    #         [loopData['smStructMin'], loopData['smStallMin'], loopData['smRopeMin'], loopData['smRecovMin']], \
    #         [1, 1, 1, 0], 'Target angle of attack (deg)', ['Recovery height margin (ft)', "Safety margin (g's)"], \
    #         ['struct margin', 'stall margin', 'rope margin', 'recovery margin'],
    #         'Safety margins vs target angle of attack'))

    # print('Stop program to close plots!')

    return figures
Beispiel #28
    def get_aoi(self, sun_zenith, sun_azimuth):

        if self.method == "pvlib":
            self.aoi = rad(self.syst.get_aoi(deg(sun_zenith),
Beispiel #29
	class presto:
		z = 49.8466 
		GrazingAngleDeg = 2.5
		GrazingAngle = rad(GrazingAngleDeg)
Beispiel #30
	class Kbv:
		f1 = 98.0 # orizzontale
		f2 = 1.750 # orizzontale
		M = f1/f2
		GrazingAngle = rad(2)
		Letter = 'v'
Beispiel #31
	class dpi_kbh:
		Name = 'dpi_kbh'
		f1 = 91.6566 
		f2 = 1.200 
		GrazingAngle = rad(2)