Beispiel #1
 def activate(self, mode=None):
     If there are no analysis parameters given, eg no user input of mean or sigma, we will update those based on the activation function.
     if self.activation_function == 'gauss':
         if mode == 'mean':
             return np.mean(self.universe)
         if mode == 'sigma':
             return np.sigma(self.universe)
     elif self.activation_function == 'composite_gauss':
         if mode == 'mean':
             return np.mean(self.universe)
         if mode == 'sigma':
             return np.sigma(self.universe)
         raise Exception("Hey man you need a proper activation function here")
def generate_data(nbr_iterations):
    dims = (3, 1)
    start_positions = np.array(np.sigma(0, 0.5))

    # Computing trajectory
    data = [start_positions]
    for iteration in range(nbr_iterations):
        previous_positions = data[-1]
        new_positions = np.array(sigma(iteration / (2 * np.pi), 0.5))
    return data
Beispiel #3
def cloudfilter(allprf, tarr, z, datestring):
	Cloud filter

	This function computes the cloud filter equations described in [Teschke (2008),Garcia-Franco (2017), Garcia-Franco (2018)]


	**allprf**: `np.nadarray`
	    backscattering matrix
	**tarr** : `np.array`
	    Time-array, usually decimal hours.
	**z** : `np.array`
		Height-array usually length 500, start=10, end=5000, t_step=10 [m]
	**datestring** : `string`
		String for date, typically %Y%m%d, e.g., 20160305

	:rtype: datetimearray, flag vector: temps returns all datetimes where cloud or precipitation
	has been found, flag vector is a numpy array with the dimensions of tarr where clouds are depicted
	as 1 and clear-sky conditions as 0.

	**Statistical filter**

	.. math:: \beta_\sigma (z,t)=B(z,t)\sigma(t)
	.. math:: \mu=\frac{1}{N_zN_t}\sum_z\sum_t\beta_\sigma(z,t)
	.. math:: \sum=\frac{1}{N_zN_t-1}\sum_z\sum_t[\beta_\sigma(z,t)-\mu]^2.
	.. math:: B_N=\mu+3\sqrt{\sum}

	* :math:`B(z,t)` Backscattering matrix
	* :math:`\sigma(t)` Variance over time $t$.
	* :math:`\mu` Global mean of \beta_\sigma(z,t)
	* :math:`\sum` Global variance of \beta_\sigma(z,t)
	* :math:`z_{max}` Maximum integration level [m]
	* :math:`B_N` Threshold for determining cloud or no cloud, function of both global mean and variance.

	`B_N` defines the threshold value used for determining whether or not a profile at time `t` presents
	cloud and precipiation or not. If B(z,t)>B_N then cloud and precipitation are present. Else, clear-sky conditions
	are considered.
    thrs = 1750.0
    day = datestring
    dia = int(day[6:8])
    year = int(day[0:4])
    mes = int(day[4:6])
    zi = np.where(z == 200.)
    zi = zi[0]
    zmax = np.where(z == 4000.)
    zmax = zmax[0]
    #print zi,zmax
    a = allprf[zi:zmax, :]
    nbs = []
    tmps = []
    sigma_t = np.sigma(tarr)
    count = len(tarr) * len(z[zi:zmax])
    sumi = 0
    for i, t in enumerate(tarr):

        for j, z1 in enumerate(z[zi:zmax]):
                sumi = sumi + a[j + zi, i]
            except IndexError:
                #			print fl
    mu = sumi / count
    deviat = 0
    for i, t in enumerate(tarr):
        for j, z1 in enumerate(z[zi:zmax]):

                deviat = deviat + ((a[j + zi, i] - mu)**2)
            except IndexError:

    sigma = deviat / (count - 1)
    ec = mu + (3 * np.sqrt(sigma))
    #	print 'media','sigma','3','s'
    #	print mu,sigma,three,two
    #if ec > 1400:
    #	print fl, ec

    for i, t in enumerate(tarr):
        cloud = False
        for j, z1 in enumerate(z[zi:zmax]):
                if a[j + zi, i] > ec or a[j + zi, i] > thrs:
                    horas = int(math.floor(t))
                    minutos = int(round((t - horas) * 60, -1))
                    tim = datetime.datetime(year, mes, dia, horas, minutos)
                    cloud = True
            except IndexError:
        if cloud:
#	print tmps
#	print nbs
    return tmps, nbs