def __init__(self, input, n_in, n_out): """ Initialize the parameters of the logistic regression :type input: theano.tensor.TensorType :param input: symbolic variable that describes the input of the architecture (one minibatch) :type n_in: int :param n_in: number of input units, the dimension of the space in which the datapoints lie :type n_out: int :param n_out: number of output units, the dimension of the space in which the labels lie """ # initialize with 0 the weights W as a matrix of shape (n_in, n_out) self.W = theano.shared(value=numpy.zeros((n_in, n_out), dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='W', borrow=True) # initialize the baises b as a vector of n_out 0s self.b = theano.shared(value=numpy.zeros((n_out,), dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='b', borrow=True) # compute vector of class-membership probabilities in symbolic form self.p_y_given_x = T.nnet.softmax(, self.W) + self.b) # compute prediction as class whose probability is maximal in # symbolic form self.y_pred = T.argmax(self.p_y_given_x, axis=1) # parameters of the model self.params = [self.W, self.b]
def runLabeling(file_path, gps_filename, output_name, frames_to_skip, final_frame, lp, rp, pickle_loc): video_reader = WarpedVideoReader(file_path) #video_reader.setSubsample(True) video_reader.setPerspectives(pickle_loc) gps_reader = GPSReader(gps_filename) gps_dat = gps_reader.getNumericData() cam = getCameraParams() cam_to_use = cam[int(output_name[-1]) - 1] lp = pixelTo3d(lp, cam_to_use) rp = pixelTo3d(rp, cam_to_use) tr = GPSTransforms(gps_dat, cam_to_use) pitch = -cam_to_use['rot_x'] height = 1.106 R_camera_pitch = euler_matrix(cam_to_use['rot_x'], cam_to_use['rot_y'], cam_to_use['rot_z'], 'sxyz')[0:3, 0:3] Tc = np.eye(4) Tc[0:3, 0:3] = R_camera_pitch.transpose() Tc[0:3, 3] = [-0.2, -height, -0.5] lpts = np.zeros((lp.shape[0], 4)) rpts = np.zeros((rp.shape[0], 4)) for t in range(min(tr.shape[0], lp.shape[0])): lpts[t, :] =[t, :, :], np.linalg.solve(Tc, np.array([lp[t, 0], lp[t, 1], lp[t, 2], 1]))) rpts[t, :] =[t, :, :], np.linalg.solve(Tc, np.array([rp[t, 0], rp[t, 1], rp[t, 2], 1]))) ldist = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, np.concatenate((np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0]]), lpts[1:] - lpts[0:-1]))) rdist = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, np.concatenate((np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0]]), rpts[1:] - rpts[0:-1]))) start_frame = frames_to_skip runBatch(video_reader, gps_dat, cam_to_use, output_name, start_frame, final_frame, lpts, rpts, ldist, rdist, tr) print "Done with %s" % output_name
def make_video(events, t0=0.0, t1=None, dt_frame=0.01, tau=0.01): if t1 is None: t1 = events["t"].max() ts = events["t"] dt = 1e-3 nt = int((t1 - t0) / dt) + 1 # nt = min(nt, 1000) # cap at 1000 for now image = np.zeros((128, 128)) images = np.zeros((nt, 128, 128)) for i in range(nt): # --- decay image image *= np.exp(-dt / tau) if tau > 0 else 0 # image *= 0 # --- add events ti = t0 + i * dt add_to_image(image, events[close(ts, ti)]) images[i] = image # --- average in frames nt_frame = int(dt_frame / dt) nt_video = int(nt / nt_frame) video = np.zeros((nt_video, 128, 128)) for i in range(nt_video): slicei = slice(i * nt_frame, (i + 1) * nt_frame) video[i] = np.sum(images[slicei], axis=0) return video
def resample(oldrate,newrate,x,n,dtype,factor): print "Resampling from",oldrate,"Hz to",newrate,"Hz, amplification factor",factor rategcd = gcd(oldrate,newrate) uprate = newrate / rategcd dnrate = oldrate / rategcd oldcount = len(x) midcount = oldcount * uprate newcount = midcount / dnrate print "Upsampling by",uprate if uprate == 1: yout = np.asarray(x, dtype=dtype) else: yout = np.zeros(midcount, dtype=dtype) for i in range(0, oldcount-1): yout[i * uprate] = x[i] * uprate wl = min(1.0/uprate,1.0/dnrate) print "Antialias filtering at",wl midrate = oldrate * uprate filt = firfilter(0, (midrate * wl) / 2.0, midrate, n) y = signal.lfilter(filt, 1, yout) print "Downsampling by",dnrate if dnrate == 1: yout = np.asarray(y, dtype=dtype) else: yout = np.zeros(newcount, dtype=dtype) for i in range(0, newcount-1): yout[i] = y[i * dnrate] * factor return yout
def calculate_zernikes(self, workspace): zernike_indexes = cpmz.get_zernike_indexes(self.zernike_degree.value + 1) meas = workspace.measurements for o in self.objects: object_name = o.object_name.value objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(object_name) # # First, get a table of centers and radii of minimum enclosing # circles per object # ij = np.zeros((objects.count + 1, 2)) r = np.zeros(objects.count + 1) for labels, indexes in objects.get_labels(): ij_, r_ = minimum_enclosing_circle(labels, indexes) ij[indexes] = ij_ r[indexes] = r_ # # Then compute x and y, the position of each labeled pixel # within a unit circle around the object # ijv = objects.ijv l = ijv[:, 2] yx = (ijv[:, :2] - ij[l, :]) / r[l, np.newaxis] z = cpmz.construct_zernike_polynomials( yx[:, 1], yx[:, 0], zernike_indexes) for image_group in self.images: image_name = image_group.image_name.value image = workspace.image_set.get_image( image_name, must_be_grayscale=True) pixels = image.pixel_data mask = (ijv[:, 0] < pixels.shape[0]) & \ (ijv[:, 1] < pixels.shape[1]) mask[mask] = image.mask[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]] yx_ = yx[mask, :] l_ = l[mask] z_ = z[mask, :] if len(l_) == 0: for i, (n, m) in enumerate(zernike_indexes): ftr = self.get_zernike_magnitude_name(image_name, n, m) meas[object_name, ftr] = np.zeros(0) if self.wants_zernikes == Z_MAGNITUDES_AND_PHASE: ftr = self.get_zernike_phase_name(image_name, n, m) meas[object_name, ftr] = np.zeros(0) continue areas = scind.sum( np.ones(l_.shape, int), labels=l_, index=objects.indices) for i, (n, m) in enumerate(zernike_indexes): vr = scind.sum( pixels[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]] * z_[:, i].real, labels=l_, index=objects.indices) vi = scind.sum( pixels[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]] * z_[:, i].imag, labels=l_, index=objects.indices) magnitude = np.sqrt(vr * vr + vi * vi) / areas ftr = self.get_zernike_magnitude_name(image_name, n, m) meas[object_name, ftr] = magnitude if self.wants_zernikes == Z_MAGNITUDES_AND_PHASE: phase = np.arctan2(vr, vi) ftr = self.get_zernike_phase_name(image_name, n, m) meas[object_name, ftr] = phase
def __fen2tensor(self, fen): frdpos = np.zeros((9, 10, 16), dtype=OUT_TYPE) frdmove = np.zeros((9, 10, 16), dtype=OUT_TYPE) emypos = np.zeros((9, 10, 16), dtype=OUT_TYPE) emymove = np.zeros((9, 10, 16), dtype=OUT_TYPE) movelabel = np.zeros((9, 10, 16), dtype=OUT_TYPE) fenlist = fen.split('\t') frdpos, emypos = self.__f2tpos(fenlist[0], frdpos, emypos) frdmove = self.__f2tfrdmove(fenlist[1], frdmove, frdpos) label = fenlist[2].strip().split('-') layer = np.argmax(frdpos[self.__loca2i(label[0][0])][self.__loca2i(label[0][1])]) movelabel[self.__loca2i(label[1][0])][self.__loca2i(label[1][1])][layer] = 1 if fenlist[0].split()[1] == 'b': self.__switch_round(frdpos) self.__switch_round(frdmove) self.__switch_round(emypos) self.__switch_round(movelabel) # shuffle random self.__shuffle([frdpos, frdmove, movelabel], self.__shuffle_args()) self.__shuffle([emypos], self.__shuffle_args()) return frdpos, frdmove, emypos, movelabel
def kfold_cv(X_train, y_train,idx,k): kf = StratifiedKFold(y_train,n_folds=k) xx=[] count=0 ypred=np.zeros(X_train.shape[0]) for train_index, test_index in kf: count+=1 X_train_cv, X_test_cv = X_train[train_index,:],X_train[test_index,:] gc.collect() y_train_cv, y_test_cv = y_train[train_index],y_train[test_index] y_pred=np.zeros(X_test_cv.shape[0]) m=1 for j in range(m): clf=xgb_classifier(eta=0.01,min_child_weight=10,col=0.7,subsample=0.68,depth=5,num_round=500,seed=j*77,gamma=0) y_pred+=clf.train_predict(X_train_cv,(y_train_cv),X_test_cv,y_test=(y_test_cv)) yqq=y_pred/(1+j) print j,llfun(y_test_cv,yqq) y_pred/=m; #clf=RandomForestClassifier(n_jobs=-1,n_estimators=100,max_depth=100),(y_train_cv)) #y_pred=clf.predict_proba(X_test_cv).T[1] print y_pred.shape xx.append(llfun(y_test_cv,(y_pred))) ypred[test_index]=y_pred print xx[-1]#,y_pred.shape print xx,'average:',np.mean(xx),'std',np.std(xx) return ypred
def label_nodes_with_class(nodes_xyt, class_maps, pix): """ Returns: class_maps__: one-hot class_map for each class. node_class_label: one-hot class_map for each class, nodes_xyt.shape[0] x n_classes """ # Assign each pixel to a node. selem = skimage.morphology.disk(pix) class_maps_ = class_maps*1. for i in range(class_maps.shape[2]): class_maps_[:,:,i] = skimage.morphology.dilation(class_maps[:,:,i]*1, selem) class_maps__ = np.argmax(class_maps_, axis=2) class_maps__[np.max(class_maps_, axis=2) == 0] = -1 # For each node pick out the label from this class map. x = np.round(nodes_xyt[:,[0]]).astype(np.int32) y = np.round(nodes_xyt[:,[1]]).astype(np.int32) ind = np.ravel_multi_index((y,x), class_maps__.shape) node_class_label = class_maps__.ravel()[ind][:,0] # Convert to one hot versions. class_maps_one_hot = np.zeros(class_maps.shape, dtype=np.bool) node_class_label_one_hot = np.zeros((node_class_label.shape[0], class_maps.shape[2]), dtype=np.bool) for i in range(class_maps.shape[2]): class_maps_one_hot[:,:,i] = class_maps__ == i node_class_label_one_hot[:,i] = node_class_label == i return class_maps_one_hot, node_class_label_one_hot
def test_continuum_seismicity(self): ''' Tests the function hmtk.strain.shift.Shift.continuum_seismicity - the python implementation of the Subroutine Continuum Seismicity from the Fortran 90 code GSRM.f90 ''' self.strain_model = GeodeticStrain() # Define a simple strain model test_data = {'longitude': np.zeros(3, dtype=float), 'latitude': np.zeros(3, dtype=float), 'exx': np.array([1E-9, 1E-8, 1E-7]), 'eyy': np.array([5E-10, 5E-9, 5E-8]), 'exy': np.array([2E-9, 2E-8, 2E-7])} self.strain_model.get_secondary_strain_data(test_data) self.model = Shift([5.66, 6.66]) threshold_moment = moment_function(np.array([5.66, 6.66])) expected_rate = np.array([[-14.43624419, -22.48168502], [-13.43624419, -21.48168502], [-12.43624419, -20.48168502]]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( expected_rate, np.log10(self.model.continuum_seismicity( threshold_moment,['e1h'],['e2h'],['err'], BIRD_GLOBAL_PARAMETERS['OSRnor'])))
def makeHist(self, normalize = True, doPMF = True): if self.isDataPickled: return if not self.Dim == 1: raise TypeError('Variable # mismatch') z = self.z Nframes = len(z) bin_min = 0.98 * z.min(); bin_max = 1.02*z.max() delta = (bin_max - bin_min)/float(self.nbins) bin_centers = np.zeros(self.nbins) bin_vals = np.zeros(self.nbins) pmf = np.zeros(self.nbins) for i in range(self.nbins): bin_centers[i] = bin_min + (i+0.5) * delta frameStatus = pb(Text = 'Binning frame by frame', Steps = Nframes) for i in range(Nframes): assignment = int((z[i] - bin_min)/delta) bin_vals[assignment] += 1.0 frameStatus.Update(i) if normalize: #bin_vals /= (np.sum(bin_vals) * delta) bin_vals /= np.trapz(bin_vals, bin_centers, dx = delta) if doPMF: pmf = - np.log(bin_vals) hist = {'bin_centers': bin_centers, 'bin_vals': bin_vals, 'pmf' : pmf} pickle.dump(hist, open(, 'w')) self.isDataPickled = True
def train_set_loss_vars_for_cur_batches(self): """ Called via Engine.SeqTrainParallelControl. """ assert self.train_have_loss_for_cur_batches() # See EngineUtil.assign_dev_data for reference. from Dataset import Dataset n_time, n_batch = Dataset.index_shape_for_batches(self.train_batches) n_output_dim = self.output_layer.attrs['n_out'] output_loss = numpy.zeros((n_batch,), "float32") output_hat_y = numpy.zeros((n_time, n_batch, n_output_dim), "float32") offset_slice = 0 for batch in self.train_batches: for seq in batch.seqs: o = seq.batch_frame_offset q = seq.batch_slice + offset_slice l = seq.frame_length # input-data, input-index will also be set in this loop. That is data-key "data". for k in [self.output_target]: if l[k] == 0: continue loss, hat_y = self.get_loss_and_hat_y(seq.seq_idx) assert seq.seq_start_frame[k] < hat_y.shape[0] assert seq.seq_end_frame[k] <= hat_y.shape[0] output_loss[q] += loss * float(l[k]) / hat_y.shape[0] output_hat_y[o[k]:o[k] + l[k], q] = hat_y[seq.seq_start_frame[k]:seq.seq_end_frame[k]] self.output_var_loss.set_value(output_loss) self.output_var_hat_y.set_value(output_hat_y)
def divide_arrays(self, num_array, num_array_error, den_array, den_array_error): ''' This function calculates the ratio of two arrays and calculate the respective error values ''' nbr_elements = np.shape(num_array)[0] # calculate the ratio array ratio_array = np.zeros(nbr_elements) for i in range(nbr_elements): if den_array[i] is 0: _tmp_ratio = 0 else: _tmp_ratio = num_array[i] / den_array[i] ratio_array[i] = _tmp_ratio # calculate the error of the ratio array ratio_error_array = np.zeros(nbr_elements) for i in range(nbr_elements): if (num_array[i] == 0) or (den_array[i] == 0): ratio_error_array[i] = 0 else: tmp1 = pow(num_array_error[i] / num_array[i],2) tmp2 = pow(den_array_error[i] / den_array[i],2) ratio_error_array[i] = math.sqrt(tmp1+tmp2)*(num_array[i]/den_array[i]) return [ratio_array, ratio_error_array]
def photoz(s1100,e1100=0.,s14=0.,e14=0.,ntry=50000): ''' Determine the photometric redshift of a galaxy given the measured 1.4 cm and 1100 micron flux and uncertainty ''' z = np.arange(0,10,.05) ngal = 44 if s14 == 0: ratioin = -1 ratiosig = -1 else: ratioin = s1100/s14 ratiosig = (e1100/s1100**2+e14/s14**2)**.5 a ='fluxratio1100.sav') dat = a.get('data') zs = a.get('redshift') averatio = np.zeros(200) sigma = np.zeros(200) array = np.random.randn(ntry) array1 = np.random.randn(ntry) if s14 <= 0.: ydarts = (s1100+array*e1100)/(np.abs(array1*e14)) else: ydarts = array*ratiosig+ratioin xdarts = np.zeros(ntry) for i in range(ntry): jrangal = np.floor(ngal*np.random.rand(1))[0] testtrack = dat[:,jrangal] yval = ydarts[i] xdarts[i] = np.interp(yval,testtrack,z) return xdarts,ydarts
def backprop(self, x, y): activation = x activations = [x] zs = [] for weight, bias in zip(self.weights, self.biases): z =, weight)+bias zs.append(z) activation = sigmoid(z) activations.append(activation) delta = (activation-y)*sigmoid_prime(zs[-1]) nabla_weights = [np.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights] nabla_biases = [np.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases] nabla_weights[-1] =[-2].transpose(), delta) nabla_biases[-1] = delta for l in xrange(2, len(self.layers)): delta =, self.weights[-l+1].transpose())*sigmoid_prime(zs[-l]) nabla_weights[-l] =[-l-1].transpose(), delta) nabla_biases[-l] = delta return (nabla_weights, nabla_biases)
def __init__(self, featureDimension, lambda_, eta_, userNum, windowSize =20): self.windowSize = windowSize self.counter = 0 self.userNum = userNum self.lambda_ = lambda_ # Basic stat in estimating Theta self.A = lambda_*np.identity(n = featureDimension*userNum) self.b = np.zeros(featureDimension*userNum) self.UserTheta = np.zeros(shape = (featureDimension, userNum)) #self.UserTheta = np.random.random((featureDimension, userNum)) self.AInv = np.linalg.inv(self.A) #self.W = np.random.random((userNum, userNum)) self.W = np.identity(n = userNum) self.Wlong = vectorize(self.W) self.batchGradient = np.zeros(userNum*userNum) self.CoTheta =, self.W) self.BigW = np.kron(np.transpose(self.W), np.identity(n=featureDimension)) self.CCA = np.identity(n = featureDimension*userNum) self.BigTheta = np.kron(np.identity(n=userNum) , self.UserTheta) self.W_X_arr = [] self.W_y_arr = [] for i in range(userNum): self.W_X_arr.append([]) self.W_y_arr.append([])
def fix_labels(mnist_label, add_num): """ Args: label: [[int]] arary, class labels n: int, number of add data Returns: [[int]] array """ c_num = len(mnist_label[0]) # add one dimention fixed_label = np.c_[mnist_label, np.zeros(len(mnist_label))] assert len(fixed_label[0]) == c_num + 1 # generate new class label new_label = np.zeros(c_num + 1) new_label[c_num] = 1 new_label = np.array([new_label for i in range(add_num)]) # add new class label fixed_label = np.r_[fixed_label, new_label] assert len(fixed_label) == len(mnist_label) + add_num return fixed_label
def computeNumericalGradient(J,theta): # numgrad = computeNumericalGradient(J, theta) # theta: a vector of parameters # J: a function that outputs r. # Calling y = J(theta) will return the function value at theta. # Initialize numgrad with zeros numgrad = np.zeros(np.shape(theta)) ## ---------- YOUR CODE HERE -------------------------------------- # Instructions: # Implement numerical gradient checking, and return the result in numgrad. # (See Section 2.3 of the lecture notes.) # You should write code so that numgrad(i) is (the numerical approximation to) the # partial derivative of J with respect to the i-th input argument, evaluated at theta. # I.e., numgrad(i) should be the (approximately) the partial derivative of J with # respect to theta(i). # # Hint: You will probably want to compute the elements of numgrad one at a time. for i in range(0,numgrad.shape[0]): k = np.zeros(np.shape(theta)) k[i] = 0.0001 y1 = J(theta+k) y2 = J(theta - k) numgrad[i] = (y1-y2)/0.0002 ## --------------------------------------------------------------- return numgrad
def updateParameters(self, articlePicked, click, userID): self.counter +=1 self.Wlong = vectorize(self.W) featureDimension = len(articlePicked.featureVector) T_X = vectorize(np.outer(articlePicked.featureVector, self.W.T[userID])) self.A += np.outer(T_X, T_X) self.b += click*T_X self.AInv = np.linalg.inv(self.A) self.UserTheta = matrixize(, self.b), len(articlePicked.featureVector)) Xi_Matirx = np.zeros(shape = (featureDimension, self.userNum)) Xi_Matirx.T[userID] = articlePicked.featureVector W_X = vectorize(, Xi_Matirx)) self.batchGradient +=evaluateGradient(W_X, click, self.Wlong, self.lambda_, self.regu ) if self.counter%self.windowSize ==0: self.Wlong -= 1/(float(self.counter/self.windowSize)+1)*self.batchGradient self.W = matrixize(self.Wlong, self.userNum) self.W = normalize(self.W, axis=0, norm='l1') #print 'SVD', self.W self.batchGradient = np.zeros(self.userNum*self.userNum) # Use Ridge regression to fit W ''' plt.pcolor(self.W_b) plt.colorbar ''' if self.W.T[userID].any() <0 or self.W.T[userID].any()>1: print self.W.T[userID] self.CoTheta =, self.W) self.BigW = np.kron(np.transpose(self.W), np.identity(n=len(articlePicked.featureVector))) self.CCA = , self.AInv), np.transpose(self.BigW)) self.BigTheta = np.kron(np.identity(n=self.userNum) , self.UserTheta)
def value_of_policy(sigma): "Computes the value of following policy sigma." # Set up the stochastic kernel p_sigma as a 2D array: N = len(S) p_sigma = zeros((N, N)) for x in S: for y in S: p_sigma[x, y] = phi(y - sigma[x]) # Create the right Markov operator M_sigma: M_sigma = lambda h: dot(p_sigma, h) # Set up the function r_sigma as an array: r_sigma = array([U(x - sigma[x]) for x in S]) # Reshape r_sigma into a column vector: r_sigma = r_sigma.reshape((N, 1)) # Initialize v_sigma to zero: v_sigma = zeros((N,1)) # Initialize the discount factor to 1: discount = 1 for i in range(50): v_sigma = v_sigma + discount * r_sigma r_sigma = M_sigma(r_sigma) discount = discount * rho return v_sigma
def predictSoftmax(theta,data,label, numClasses,inputSize): theta = theta.reshape(numClasses,inputSize+1) y = np.zeros((data.shape[0], numClasses)) for i in range(len(label)): k = np.zeros(numClasses) k[label[i,0]] = 1 y[i] = (y[i] + k).astype(int) theta_1 =, theta.T) theta_1 = theta_1 - np.amax(theta_1, axis = 1).reshape(data.shape[0],1) prob = np.exp(theta_1) # 10000*724 * 724*10 = 10000*10 sum_prob = np.sum(prob, axis = 1).reshape(data.shape[0],1) # 10000*1 prob = prob/sum_prob #10000*10 predict = prob/np.amax(prob, axis = 1).reshape(data.shape[0],1) predict = (predict == 1.0 ).astype(float) k = 0 for i in range(len(label)): if np.array_equal(predict[i,:],y[i,:]): k = k+1 correctness = k/(len(label)) return correctness
def all_patches(padded_brain,i,predict_patchsize,obs_patchsize,num_channels): image = padded_brain[i] ishape_h , ishape_w = padded_brain.shape[1:3] #ipdb.set_trace() #ipdb.set_trace() half_obs_patchsize = obs_patchsize/2 half_predict_patchsize = predict_patchsize/2 extended_image = np.zeros((ishape_h+obs_patchsize-predict_patchsize,ishape_w+obs_patchsize-predict_patchsize,num_channels)) extended_image[half_obs_patchsize - half_predict_patchsize : -(half_obs_patchsize - half_predict_patchsize),half_obs_patchsize - half_predict_patchsize : -(half_obs_patchsize - half_predict_patchsize)]= image num_patches_rows = ishape_h // predict_patchsize num_patches_cols = ishape_w // predict_patchsize list_patches = np.zeros((num_patches_cols*num_patches_rows, obs_patchsize, obs_patchsize, num_channels)) index = 0 h_range = np.arange(obs_patchsize/2,ishape_h+obs_patchsize/2,predict_patchsize) #h_range = h_range[:-1] v_range = np.arange(obs_patchsize/2,ishape_w+obs_patchsize/2,predict_patchsize) #v_range = v_range[:-1] #ipdb.set_trace() for index_h in h_range: for index_w in v_range: patch_brian = extended_image[index_h-obs_patchsize/2: index_h+obs_patchsize/2 ,index_w-obs_patchsize/2: index_w+obs_patchsize/2,:] #if patch_brian.shape == (38,29,4): # ipdb.set_trace() list_patches[index,:,:,:] = patch_brian index += 1 #ipdb.set_trace() assert index == num_patches_rows*num_patches_cols return list_patches
def backprop(self, x, y): """Return a tuple ``(nabla_b, nabla_w)`` representing the gradient for the cost function C_x. ``nabla_b`` and ``nabla_w`` are layer-by-layer lists of numpy arrays, similar to ``self.biases`` and ``self.weights``.""" nabla_b = [np.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases] nabla_w = [np.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights] # feedforward activation = x activations = [x] # list to store all the activations, layer by layer zs = [] # list to store all the z vectors, layer by layer for b, w in zip(self.biases, self.weights): z =, activation)+b zs.append(z) activation = sigmoid(z) activations.append(activation) # backward pass delta = self.cost_derivative(activations[-1], y) * \ sigmoid_prime(zs[-1]) nabla_b[-1] = delta nabla_w[-1] =, activations[-2].transpose()) # Note that the variable l in the loop below is used a little # differently to the notation in Chapter 2 of the book. Here, # l = 1 means the last layer of neurons, l = 2 is the # second-last layer, and so on. It's a renumbering of the # scheme in the book, used here to take advantage of the fact # that Python can use negative indices in lists. for l in xrange(2, self.num_layers): z = zs[-l] sp = sigmoid_prime(z) delta =[-l+1].transpose(), delta) * sp nabla_b[-l] = delta nabla_w[-l] =, activations[-l-1].transpose()) return (nabla_b, nabla_w)
def test_reset_data_shape(self): shape1 = 10, 10, 10 shape3 = 10, 10, 10, 3 # Init data (explicit shape) data = np.zeros((10, 10, 10, 1), dtype=np.uint8) T = Texture3D(data=data) assert T.shape == (10, 10, 10, 1) assert T._format == gl.GL_LUMINANCE # Set data to rgb T.set_data(np.zeros(shape3, np.uint8)) assert T.shape == (10, 10, 10, 3) assert T._format == gl.GL_RGB # Set data to grayscale T.set_data(np.zeros(shape1, np.uint8)) assert T.shape == (10, 10, 10, 1) assert T._format == gl.GL_LUMINANCE # Set size to rgb T.resize(shape3) assert T.shape == (10, 10, 10, 3) assert T._format == gl.GL_RGB # Set size to grayscale T.resize(shape1) assert T.shape == (10, 10, 10, 1) assert T._format == gl.GL_LUMINANCE
def test_setitem_all_no_store(self): data = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.uint8) T = Texture(data=data, store=False) T[...] = np.ones((10, 10), np.uint8) assert len(T._pending_data) == 1 assert np.allclose(data, np.zeros((10, 10)))
def __init__(self): """ Setup tri33 cell. """ vertices = numpy.array([[-1.0, -1.0], [+1.0, -1.0], [-1.0, +1.0]]) quadPts = vertices[:] quadWts = numpy.array( [2.0/3.0, 2.0/3.0, 2.0/3.0]) # Compute basis fns and derivatives at quadrature points basis = numpy.zeros( (3, 3), dtype=numpy.float64) basisDeriv = numpy.zeros( (3, 3, 2), dtype=numpy.float64) iQuad = 0 for q in quadPts: basis[iQuad] = numpy.array([self.N0(q), self.N1(q), self.N2(q)], dtype=numpy.float64).reshape( (3,) ) deriv = numpy.array([[self.N0p(q), self.N0q(q)], [self.N1p(q), self.N1q(q)], [self.N2p(q), self.N2q(q)]]) basisDeriv[iQuad] = deriv.reshape((3, 2)) iQuad += 1 self.cellDim = 2 self.numCorners = len(vertices) self.numQuadPts = len(quadPts) self.vertices = vertices self.quadPts = quadPts self.quadWts = quadWts self.basis = basis self.basisDeriv = basisDeriv return
def _create_collision_coefficient_matrix(self): self.C_ul_interpolator = {} self.delta_E_matrices = {} self.g_ratio_matrices = {} collision_group = self.atom_data.collision_data.groupby(level=['atomic_number', 'ion_number']) for species in self.nlte_species: no_of_levels = self.atom_data.levels.ix[species].energy.count() C_ul_matrix = np.zeros( ( no_of_levels, no_of_levels, len(self.atom_data.collision_data_temperatures)) ) delta_E_matrix = np.zeros((no_of_levels, no_of_levels)) g_ratio_matrix = np.zeros((no_of_levels, no_of_levels)) for ( atomic_number, ion_number, level_number_lower, level_number_upper), line in ( collision_group.get_group(species).iterrows()): # line.columns : delta_e, g_ratio, temperatures ... C_ul_matrix[level_number_lower, level_number_upper, :] = line.values[2:] delta_E_matrix[level_number_lower, level_number_upper] = line['delta_e'] #TODO TARDISATOMIC fix change the g_ratio to be the otherway round - I flip them now here. g_ratio_matrix[level_number_lower, level_number_upper] = line['g_ratio'] self.C_ul_interpolator[species] = interpolate.interp1d( self.atom_data.collision_data_temperatures, C_ul_matrix) self.delta_E_matrices[species] = delta_E_matrix self.g_ratio_matrices[species] = g_ratio_matrix
def sort_assemblies(self, pattern, assemblies) : """ Sort the assemblies by reactivity. """ # TODO(robertsj): Consider a cleaner approach for this sorting. # We build a 2-d array of [index,kinf] pairs. Sorting this gives # permuted index in the first entry. The location of each # original index will become the new pattern. (Note that kinf # is negated so we get descending order of reactivity. It seems # argsort has no option for ascend/descend. pattern_length = len(pattern) index = np.zeros((pattern_length,2)) for i in range(0, pattern_length) : index[i][0] = i index[i][1] = -assemblies[i].kinf() index=index[index[:,1].argsort(),0] # Define the sorted pattern and assemblies using the permuted # indices. Note that each pattern element will be unique, even # if a small number of unique assemblies defined the pattern # initially. sorted_pattern = np.zeros(len(pattern),dtype='i') sorted_assemblies = [] for i in range(0, pattern_length) : sorted_pattern[i] = (np.where(index == i))[0][0] sorted_assemblies.append(assemblies[int(index[i])]) return sorted_pattern, sorted_assemblies
def conv3d_oneToMany(x, xShape, w, wShape, strideT, strideY, strideX, inName): [ntp, nyp, nxp, nifp, nofp] = wShape [nb, nt, ny, nx, nf] = xShape # stride must be divisible by both weights and input assert ntp % strideT == 0 assert nyp % strideY == 0 assert nxp % strideX == 0 assert nt % strideT == 0 assert ny % strideY == 0 assert nx % strideX == 0 assert nifp == nf print "Building weight indices for conv3d" # Build gather indices for weights # Must be in shape of target output weights weightIdxs = np.zeros( (int(ntp / strideT), int(nyp / strideY), int(nxp / strideX), nifp, nofp * strideT * strideX * strideY, 5) ).astype(np.int32) # Adding kernel number to end of features for itp in range(ntp): for iyp in range(nyp): for ixp in range(nxp): for iifp in range(nifp): for iofp in range(nofp): # Calculate output indices given input indices # Must reverse, as we're using conv2d as transpose conv2d otp = int((ntp - itp - 1) / strideT) oyp = int((nyp - iyp - 1) / strideY) oxp = int((nxp - ixp - 1) / strideX) oifp = iifp # Input features stay the same # oofp uses iofp as offset, plus an nf stride based on which kernel it belongs to kernelIdx = (itp % strideT) * strideY * strideX + (iyp % strideY) * strideX + (ixp % strideX) oofp = iofp + nofp * kernelIdx weightIdxs[otp, oyp, oxp, oifp, oofp, :] = [itp, iyp, ixp, iifp, iofp] print "Building output indices for conv3d" # Build gather indices for output # Must be in shape of target output data dataIdxs = np.zeros((nb, nt * strideT, ny * strideY, nx * strideX, nofp, 5)).astype(np.int32) for oob in range(nb): for oot in range(nt * strideT): for ooy in range(ny * strideY): for oox in range(nx * strideX): for oof in range(nofp): # Calculate input indices given output indices iib = oob iit = oot / strideT iiy = ooy / strideY iix = oox / strideX kernelIdx = (oot % strideT) * strideY * strideX + (ooy % strideY) * strideX + (oox % strideX) iif = oof + nofp * kernelIdx dataIdxs[oob, oot, ooy, oox, oof, :] = [iib, iit, iiy, iix, iif] # Build convolution structure w_reshape = tf.gather_nd(w, weightIdxs) o_reshape = tf.nn.conv3d(x, w_reshape, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], padding="SAME", name=inName) o = tf.gather_nd(o_reshape, dataIdxs) return o
def conv_backward_naive(dout, cache): """ A naive implementation of the backward pass for a convolutional layer. Inputs: - dout: Upstream derivatives. - cache: A tuple of (x, w, b, conv_param) as in conv_forward_naive Returns a tuple of: - dx: Gradient with respect to x - dw: Gradient with respect to w - db: Gradient with respect to b """ dx, dw, db = None, None, None x, w, b, conv_param = cache stride = conv_param['stride'] pad = conv_param['pad'] N, C, H, W = x.shape F, _, HH, WW = w.shape Hp = 1 + (H + 2 * pad - HH) / stride Wp = 1 + (W + 2 * pad - WW) / stride dx = np.zeros(x.shape) dw = np.zeros(w.shape) db = np.zeros(b.shape) for i in xrange(N): # for j in xrange(F): data = x[i] data = np.pad(data, ((0, 0), (pad, pad), (pad, pad)), 'constant') paded_dxi = np.pad(dx[i], ((0, 0), (pad, pad), (pad, pad)), 'constant') filter_vert_indices = 0 filter_hori_indices = 0 for s in xrange(Hp): filter_hori_indices = 0 for p in xrange(Wp): data_fragment = data[:, filter_vert_indices:filter_vert_indices+HH, filter_hori_indices:filter_hori_indices+WW] dw += np.einsum('i, jkl->ijkl', dout[i, :, s, p], data_fragment) # paded_dxi[:, filter_vert_indices:filter_vert_indices+HH, # filter_hori_indices:filter_hori_indices+WW] = \ # np.einsum('ijkl,i->jkl', w, dout[i, :, s, p]) # paded_dxi[:, filter_vert_indices:filter_vert_indices+HH, # filter_hori_indices:filter_hori_indices+WW] = \ # np.tensordot(w, dout[i, :, s, p], axes = ([0], [0])) for f in xrange(F): paded_dxi[:, filter_vert_indices:filter_vert_indices+HH, filter_hori_indices:filter_hori_indices+WW] \ += w[f] * dout[i, f, s, p] filter_hori_indices += stride filter_vert_indices += stride dx[i] = paded_dxi[:, pad:-pad, pad:-pad] db = np.einsum('ijkl->j', dout) # print(dx) ############################################################################# # TODO: Implement the convolutional backward pass. # ############################################################################# ############################################################################# # END OF YOUR CODE # ############################################################################# return dx, dw, db
def torgerson(distances, n_components=2): """ Perform classical mds (Torgerson scaling). ..note :: If the distances are euclidean then this is equivalent to projecting the original data points to the first `n` principal components. """ distances = np.asarray(distances) assert distances.shape[0] == distances.shape[1] N = distances.shape[0] # O ^ 2 D_sq = distances ** 2 # double center the D_sq rsum = np.sum(D_sq, axis=1, keepdims=True) csum = np.sum(D_sq, axis=0, keepdims=True) total = np.sum(csum) D_sq -= rsum / N D_sq -= csum / N D_sq += total / (N ** 2) B = np.multiply(D_sq, -0.5, out=D_sq) U, L, _ = np.linalg.svd(B) if n_components > N: U = np.hstack((U, np.zeros((N, n_components - N)))) L = np.hstack((L, np.zeros((n_components - N)))) U = U[:, :n_components] L = L[:n_components] D = np.diag(np.sqrt(L)) return, D)
def evaluate(self, v): """ Evaluate coefficients in standard 3D coordinate basis from those in 3D FB basis :param v: A coefficient vector (or an array of coefficient vectors) in FB basis to be evaluated. The first dimension must equal `self.count`. :return x: The evaluation of the coefficient vector(s) `x` in standard 3D coordinate basis. This is an array whose first three dimensions equal `` and the remaining dimensions correspond to dimensions two and higher of `v`. """ # make should the first dimension of v is self.count v, sz_roll = unroll_dim(v, 2) v = m_reshape(v, (self.count, -1)) # get information on polar grids from precomputed data n_theta = np.size(self._precomp['ang_theta_wtd'], 0) n_phi = np.size(self._precomp['ang_phi_wtd_even'][0], 0) n_r = np.size(self._precomp['radial_wtd'], 0) # number of 3D image samples n_data = np.size(v, 1) u_even = np.zeros((n_r, int(2 * self.ell_max + 1), n_data, int(np.floor(self.ell_max / 2) + 1)), dtype=v.dtype) u_odd = np.zeros((n_r, int(2 * self.ell_max + 1), n_data, int(np.ceil(self.ell_max / 2))), dtype=v.dtype) # go through each basis function and find corresponding coefficient # evaluate the radial parts for ell in range(0, self.ell_max + 1): k_max_ell = self.k_max[ell] radial_wtd = self._precomp['radial_wtd'][:, 0:k_max_ell, ell] ind = self._indices['ells'] == ell v_ell = m_reshape(v[ind, :], (k_max_ell, (2 * ell + 1) * n_data)) v_ell = radial_wtd @ v_ell v_ell = m_reshape(v_ell, (n_r, 2 * ell + 1, n_data)) if np.mod(ell, 2) == 0: u_even[:, int(self.ell_max - ell):int(self.ell_max + ell + 1), :, int(ell / 2)] = v_ell else: u_odd[:, int(self.ell_max - ell):int(self.ell_max + ell + 1), :, int((ell - 1) / 2)] = v_ell u_even = np.transpose(u_even, (3, 0, 1, 2)) u_odd = np.transpose(u_odd, (3, 0, 1, 2)) w_even = np.zeros((n_phi, n_r, n_data, 2 * self.ell_max + 1), dtype=v.dtype) w_odd = np.zeros((n_phi, n_r, n_data, 2 * self.ell_max + 1), dtype=v.dtype) # evaluate the phi parts for m in range(0, self.ell_max + 1): ang_phi_wtd_m_even = self._precomp['ang_phi_wtd_even'][m] ang_phi_wtd_m_odd = self._precomp['ang_phi_wtd_odd'][m] n_even_ell = np.size(ang_phi_wtd_m_even, 1) n_odd_ell = np.size(ang_phi_wtd_m_odd, 1) if m == 0: sgns = (1, ) else: sgns = (1, -1) for sgn in sgns: end = np.size(u_even, 0) u_m_even = u_even[end - n_even_ell:end, :, self.ell_max + sgn * m, :] end = np.size(u_odd, 0) u_m_odd = u_odd[end - n_odd_ell:end, :, self.ell_max + sgn * m, :] u_m_even = m_reshape(u_m_even, (n_even_ell, n_r * n_data)) u_m_odd = m_reshape(u_m_odd, (n_odd_ell, n_r * n_data)) w_m_even = ang_phi_wtd_m_even @ u_m_even w_m_odd = ang_phi_wtd_m_odd @ u_m_odd w_m_even = m_reshape(w_m_even, (n_phi, n_r, n_data)) w_m_odd = m_reshape(w_m_odd, (n_phi, n_r, n_data)) w_even[:, :, :, self.ell_max + sgn * m] = w_m_even w_odd[:, :, :, self.ell_max + sgn * m] = w_m_odd w_even = np.transpose(w_even, (3, 0, 1, 2)) w_odd = np.transpose(w_odd, (3, 0, 1, 2)) u_even = w_even u_odd = w_odd u_even = m_reshape(u_even, (2 * self.ell_max + 1, n_phi * n_r * n_data)) u_odd = m_reshape(u_odd, (2 * self.ell_max + 1, n_phi * n_r * n_data)) # evaluate the theta parts w_even = self._precomp['ang_theta_wtd'] @ u_even w_odd = self._precomp['ang_theta_wtd'] @ u_odd pf = w_even + 1j * w_odd pf = m_reshape(pf, (n_theta * n_phi * n_r, n_data)) # perform inverse non-uniformly FFT transformation back to 3D rectangular coordinates freqs = m_reshape(self._precomp['fourier_pts'], (3, n_r * n_theta * n_phi, -1)) x = np.zeros(([0],[1],[2], n_data), dtype=v.dtype) for isample in range(0, n_data): x[..., isample] = np.real(anufft3(pf[:, isample], freqs, # return the x with the first three dimensions of x = roll_dim(x, sz_roll) return x
def test_plot_raw_psd(): """Test plotting of raw psds.""" raw = _get_raw() # normal mode raw.plot_psd(average=False) # specific mode picks = pick_types(, meg='mag', eeg=False)[:4] raw.plot_psd(tmax=None, picks=picks, area_mode='range', average=False, spatial_colors=True) raw.plot_psd(tmax=20., color='yellow', dB=False, line_alpha=0.4, n_overlap=0.1, average=False) plt.close('all') ax = plt.axes() # if ax is supplied: pytest.raises(ValueError, raw.plot_psd, ax=ax, average=True) raw.plot_psd(tmax=None, picks=picks, ax=ax, average=True) plt.close('all') ax = plt.axes() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='2 axes must be supplied, got 1'): raw.plot_psd(ax=ax, average=True) plt.close('all') ax = plt.subplots(2)[1] raw.plot_psd(tmax=None, ax=ax, average=True) plt.close('all') # topo psd ax = plt.subplot() raw.plot_psd_topo(axes=ax) plt.close('all') # with channel information not available for idx in range(len(['chs'])):['chs'][idx]['loc'] = np.zeros(12) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='locations not available'): raw.plot_psd(spatial_colors=True, average=False) # with a flat channel raw[5, :] = 0 for dB, estimate in itertools.product((True, False), ('power', 'amplitude')): with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='[Infinite|Zero]'): fig = raw.plot_psd(average=True, dB=dB, estimate=estimate) ylabel = fig.axes[1].get_ylabel() ends_dB = ylabel.endswith('mathrm{(dB)}$') if dB: assert ends_dB, ylabel else: assert not ends_dB, ylabel if estimate == 'amplitude': assert r'fT/cm/\sqrt{Hz}' in ylabel, ylabel else: assert estimate == 'power' assert '(fT/cm)²/Hz' in ylabel, ylabel ylabel = fig.axes[0].get_ylabel() if estimate == 'amplitude': assert r'fT/\sqrt{Hz}' in ylabel else: assert 'fT²/Hz' in ylabel # test reject_by_annotation raw = _get_raw() raw.set_annotations(Annotations([1, 5], [3, 3], ['test', 'test'])) raw.plot_psd(reject_by_annotation=True) raw.plot_psd(reject_by_annotation=False) plt.close('all') # test fmax value checking with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='not exceed one half the sampling'): raw.plot_psd(fmax=50000) # test xscale value checking with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid value for the 'xscale'"): raw.plot_psd(xscale='blah') # gh-5046 raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True).crop(0, 1) picks = pick_types(, meg=True) raw.plot_psd(picks=picks, average=False) raw.plot_psd(picks=picks, average=True) plt.close('all') raw.set_channel_types({'MEG 0113': 'hbo', 'MEG 0112': 'hbr', 'MEG 0122': 'fnirs_cw_amplitude', 'MEG 0123': 'fnirs_od'}, verbose='error') fig = raw.plot_psd() assert len(fig.axes) == 10 plt.close('all') # gh-7631 data = 1e-3 * np.random.rand(2, 100) info = create_info(['CH1', 'CH2'], 100) raw = RawArray(data, info) picks = pick_types(, misc=True) raw.plot_psd(picks=picks, spatial_colors=False) plt.close('all')
def create_object(): return np.zeros(int(object_size), dtype=np.uint8)
# create own image with drawing import numpy as np import cv2 # initialize image array pic = np.zeros((500, 500, 3), dtype='uint8') # uint8 means 0 - 255 color = (255, 255, 255) # create a rectangle # cv2.rectangle( # pic, # image # (0, 0), # point 1 # (500, 150), # point 2 # (123, 200, 98), # color # 3, # thickness # lineType=8, # lineType # shift=0 # shift # ) # draw a line # cv2.line(pic, (200, 200), (500, 500), color) # draw a circle, (250, 250), 100, color) cv2.imshow('Image', pic) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def kmeans(datafile, K): df = pd.read_csv(datafile, header=None, names=["label", "x", "y"]) df['c'] = 0 df['dc'] = 0.0 n_df = df.shape[0] df = df.reset_index(drop=True) # Intial K points k0_i = np.random.choice(range(n_df), K, replace=False).tolist() k0 = np.array(df.iloc[k0_i, 1:3]) centroids_old = np.zeros([K, 2]) centroids_new = k0 # classes = df['label'].iloc[k0_i] #xy = np.array(k0[['x','y']]) # check if no changes or if counter has reached 50 counter = 0 while sum(sum( (np.array(centroids_new) - np.array(centroids_old))**2)) > 1e-3: #while list(centroids_new) != list(centroids_old): counter += 1 # assign labels for i in range(n_df): px = np.array(df.iloc[i, 1:3]) # c,dc = pick_k(px, centroids_new) df.loc[i, 'c'], df.loc[i, 'dc'] = pick_k(px, centroids_new) centroids_old = np.array(centroids_new) # print(list(centroids_old)) for j in range(K): k_cluster = df.loc[df['c'] == j] xc = k_cluster['x'].mean() yc = k_cluster['y'].mean() centroids_new[j] = [xc, yc] if counter > 50: break #calculate WC-SSD WC_SSD = sum(np.array(df.dc)**2) #calculate SC pn = np.array(df[['x', 'y']]) dij = DPnxn(pn, n_df) S = [] # K # find index sets for K clusters for i in range(K): S_i = df[df.c == i].index.values S.append(S_i) SCi = [] # for i in range(n_df): ci = df.c[i] a = dij[i, :][S[ci]].mean() b = dij[i, :][list(set(range(n_df)) - set(S[ci]))].mean() SCi.append((b - a) / max(a, b)) SC = np.array(SCi).mean() SC = metrics.silhouette_score(pn, df.label) NMI = normalized_mutual_info_score(df.label, df.c) return WC_SSD, SC, NMI
def DPnxn(pn, n): dij = np.zeros((n, n)) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): dij[i][j] = d2(pn[i], pn[j]) return dij
def lowess(endog, exog, frac=2./3, it=3): """ LOWESS (Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing) A lowess function that outs smoothed estimates of endog at the given exog values from points (exog, endog) Parameters ---------- endog: 1-D numpy array The y-values of the observed points exog: 1-D numpy array The x-values of the observed points frac: float Between 0 and 1. The fraction of the data used when estimating each y-value. it: int The number of residual-based reweightings to perform. Returns ------- out: numpy array A numpy array with two columns. The first column is the sorted x values and the second column the associated estimated y-values. Notes ----- This lowess function implements the algorithm given in the reference below using local linear estimates. Suppose the input data has N points. The algorithm works by estimating the true ``y_i`` by taking the frac*N closest points to ``(x_i,y_i)`` based on their x values and estimating ``y_i`` using a weighted linear regression. The weight for ``(x_j,y_j)`` is `_lowess_tricube` function applied to ``|x_i-x_j|``. If ``iter > 0``, then further weighted local linear regressions are performed, where the weights are the same as above times the `_lowess_bisquare` function of the residuals. Each iteration takes approximately the same amount of time as the original fit, so these iterations are expensive. They are most useful when the noise has extremely heavy tails, such as Cauchy noise. Noise with less heavy-tails, such as t-distributions with ``df > 2``, are less problematic. The weights downgrade the influence of points with large residuals. In the extreme case, points whose residuals are larger than 6 times the median absolute residual are given weight 0. Some experimentation is likely required to find a good choice of frac and iter for a particular dataset. References ---------- Cleveland, W.S. (1979) "Robust Locally Weighted Regression and Smoothing Scatterplots". Journal of the American Statistical Association 74 (368): 829-836. Examples -------- The below allows a comparison between how different the fits from `lowess` for different values of frac can be. >>> import numpy as np >>> import statsmodels.api as sm >>> lowess = sm.nonparametric.lowess >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=-2*np.pi, high=2*np.pi, size=500) >>> y = np.sin(x) + np.random.normal(size=len(x)) >>> z = lowess(y, x) >>> w = lowess(y, x, frac=1./3) This gives a similar comparison for when it is 0 vs not. >>> import scipy.stats as stats >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=-2*np.pi, high=2*np.pi, size=500) >>> y = np.sin(x) + stats.cauchy.rvs(size=len(x)) >>> z = lowess(y, x, frac= 1./3, it=0) >>> w = lowess(y, x, frac=1./3) """ x = exog if exog.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('exog must be a vector') if endog.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('endog must be a vector') if endog.shape[0] != x.shape[0] : raise ValueError('exog and endog must have same length') n = exog.shape[0] fitted = np.zeros(n) k = int(frac * n) index_array = np.argsort(exog) x_copy = np.array(exog[index_array]) #, dtype ='float32') y_copy = endog[index_array] fitted, weights = _lowess_initial_fit(x_copy, y_copy, k, n) for i in range(it): _lowess_robustify_fit(x_copy, y_copy, fitted, weights, k, n) out = np.array([x_copy, fitted]).T out.shape = (n,2) return out
def extract_muons_from_run( input_run_path, output_run_path, output_run_header_path ): """ Detects and extracts muon candidate events from a run. The muon candidate events are exported into a new output run. In addidion a header for the muon candidates is exported. Parameter --------- input_run_path Path to the input run. output_run_path Path to the output run of muon candidates. output_run_header_path Path to the binary output run header. Binary Output Format Run Header ------------------------------- for each muon candidate: 1) uint32 Night 2) uint32 Run ID 3) uint32 Event ID 4) uint32 unix time seconds [s] 5) uint32 unix time micro seconds modulo full seconds [us] 6) float32 Pointing zenith distance [deg] 7) float32 Pointing azimuth [deg] 8) float32 muon ring center x [deg] 9) float32 muon ring center y [deg] 10) float32 muon ring radius [deg] 11) float32 mean arrival time muon cluster [s] 12) float32 muon ring overlapp with field of view (0.0 to 1.0) [1] 13) float32 number of photons muon cluster [1] """ run = ps.EventListReader(input_run_path) with, 'wt') as f_muon_run, \ open(output_run_header_path, 'wb') as f_muon_run_header: for event in run: if ( event.observation_info.trigger_type == FACT_PHYSICS_SELF_TRIGGER ): photon_clusters = ps.PhotonStreamCluster(event.photon_stream) muon_features = detection(event, photon_clusters) if muon_features['is_muon']: # EXPORT EVENT in JSON event_dict = json.dump(event_dict, f_muon_run) f_muon_run.write('\n') # EXPORT EVENT header head1 = np.zeros(5, dtype=np.uint32) head1[0] = event.observation_info.night head1[1] = head1[2] = event.observation_info.event head1[3] = event.observation_info._time_unix_s head1[4] = event.observation_info._time_unix_us head2 = np.zeros(8, dtype=np.float32) head2[0] = event.zd head2[1] = head2[2] = muon_features['muon_ring_cx']*rad2deg head2[3] = muon_features['muon_ring_cy']*rad2deg head2[4] = muon_features['muon_ring_r']*rad2deg head2[5] = muon_features['mean_arrival_time_muon_cluster'] head2[6] = muon_features[ 'muon_ring_overlapp_with_field_of_view' ] head2[7] = muon_features['number_of_photons'] f_muon_run_header.write(head1.tobytes()) f_muon_run_header.write(head2.tobytes())
def calc_flow(depth_src, pose_src, pose_tgt, K, depth_tgt, thresh=3e-3, standard_rep=False): """ project the points in source corrd to target corrd :param standard_rep: :param depth_src: depth image of source(m) :param pose_src: pose matrix of soucre, [R|T], 3x4 :param depth_tgt: depth image of target :param pose_tgt: pose matrix of target, [R|T], 3x4 :param K: intrinsic_matrix :param depth_tgt: depth image of target(m) :return: visible: whether points in source can be viewed in target :return: flow: flow from source to target """ height = depth_src.shape[0] width = depth_src.shape[1] visible = np.zeros(depth_src.shape[:2]).flatten() X = backproject_camera(depth_src, intrinsic_matrix=K) transform = np.matmul(K, se3_mul(pose_tgt, se3_inverse(pose_src))) Xp = np.matmul( transform, np.append(X, np.ones([1, X.shape[1]], dtype=np.float32), axis=0)) pz = Xp[2] + 1e-15 pw = Xp[0] / pz ph = Xp[1] / pz valid_points = np.where(depth_src.flatten() != 0)[0] depth_proj_valid = pz[valid_points] pw_valid_raw = np.round(pw[valid_points]).astype(int) pw_valid = np.minimum(np.maximum(pw_valid_raw, 0), width - 1) ph_valid_raw = np.round(ph[valid_points]).astype(int) ph_valid = np.minimum(np.maximum(ph_valid_raw, 0), height - 1) p_within = np.logical_and( np.logical_and(pw_valid_raw >= 0, pw_valid_raw < width), np.logical_and(ph_valid_raw >= 0, ph_valid_raw < height), ) depth_tgt_valid = depth_tgt[ph_valid, pw_valid] p_within = np.logical_and( p_within, np.abs(depth_tgt_valid - depth_proj_valid) < thresh) p_valid = np.abs(depth_tgt_valid) > 1e-10 fg_points = valid_points[np.logical_and(p_within, p_valid)] visible[fg_points] = 1 visible = visible.reshape(depth_src.shape[:2]) w_ori, h_ori = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, width - 1, width), np.linspace(0, height - 1, height)) if standard_rep: flow = np.dstack([ pw.reshape(depth_src.shape[:2]) - w_ori, ph.reshape(depth_src.shape[:2]) - h_ori ]) else: # depleted version, only used in old code flow = np.dstack([ ph.reshape(depth_src.shape[:2]) - h_ori, pw.reshape(depth_src.shape[:2]) - w_ori ]) flow[np.dstack([visible, visible]) != 1] = 0 assert np.isnan(flow).sum() == 0 X_valid = np.array([c[np.where(visible.flatten())] for c in X]) return flow, visible, X_valid
def __init__(self, s_size, a_size, scope, optimizer): with tf.variable_scope(scope): # input and visual encoding layers self.inputs = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, s_size], dtype=tf.float32) self.image_in = tf.reshape(self.inputs, shape=[-1, 84, 84, 1]) self.conv1 = slim.conv2d(activation_fn=tf.nn.elu, inputs=self.image_in, num_outputs=16, kernel_size=[8, 8], stride=[4, 4], padding='VALID') self.conv2 = slim.conv2d(activation_fn=tf.nn.elu, inputs=self.conv1, num_outputs=32, kernel_size=[4, 4], stride=[2, 2], padding='VALID') hidden = slim.fully_connected(slim.flatten(self.conv2), 256, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu) # Recurrent network for temporal dependencies lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(256, state_is_tuple=True) c_init = np.zeros((1, lstm_cell.state_size.c), np.float32) h_init = np.zeros((1, lstm_cell.state_size.h), np.float32) self.state_init = [c_init, h_init] c_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, lstm_cell.state_size.c]) h_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, lstm_cell.state_size.h]) self.state_in = (c_in, h_in) rnn_in = tf.expand_dims(hidden, [0]) step_size = tf.shape(self.image_in)[:1] state_in = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(c_in, h_in) lstm_outputs, lstm_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(lstm_cell, rnn_in, initial_state=state_in, sequence_length=step_size, time_major=False) lstm_c, lstm_h = lstm_state self.state_out = (lstm_c[:1, :], lstm_h[:1, :]) rnn_out = tf.reshape(lstm_outputs, [-1, 256]) # output layers for policy and value estimations self.policy = slim.fully_connected(rnn_out, a_size, activation_fn=tf.nn.softmax, weights_initializer=normalized_columns_initializer(0.01), biases_initializer=None) self.value = slim.fully_connected(rnn_out, 1, activation_fn=None, weights_initializer=normalized_columns_initializer(1.0), biases_initializer=None) # only the worker network needs ops for loss and gradient update if scope != 'global': self.actions = tf.placeholder(shape=[None], dtype=tf.int32) self.actions_onehot = tf.one_hot(self.actions, a_size, dtype=tf.float32) self.target_v = tf.placeholder(shape=[None], dtype=tf.float32) self.advantages = tf.placeholder(shape=[None], dtype=tf.float32) self.responsible_outputs = tf.reduce_sum(self.policy * self.actions_onehot, [1]) # loss functions self.value_loss = 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(self.target_v - tf.reshape(self.value, [-1]))) self.entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(self.policy * tf.log(self.policy)) self.policy_loss = -tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(self.responsible_outputs) * self.advantages) self.loss = 0.5 * self.value_loss + self.policy_loss - self.entropy * 0.01 # get gradients from local network using local losses local_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope) self.gradients = tf.gradients(self.loss, local_vars) self.var_norms = tf.global_norm(local_vars) grads, self.grad_norms = tf.clip_by_global_norm(self.gradients, 40.) # apply local gradients to global network global_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, 'global') self.apply_grads = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, global_vars))
X = np.log(np.abs(X) / (1 - np.abs(X))) #X=sp.stats.zscore(X) #pca = PCA(n_components=2) #Xred=pca.components_.T #Xred=sp.stats.zscore(Xred) #vectvox=np.random.randint(0,X.shape[1],100) #vectvox=np.random.permutation(100) #Xred=X[:,vectvox_app_fewer[vectvox[1:50]]] Xred = X NVox = Xred.shape[1] SizeLayer = int(NVox / 10) res = np.zeros(100) for iiter in range(100): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(Xred, Y, train_size=0.75) scaler = StandardScaler() # doctest: +SKIP # doctest: +SKIP X_train = scaler.transform(X_train) # doctest: +SKIP X_test = scaler.transform(X_test) # doctest: +SKIP clf = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(SizeLayer), activation='relu', max_iter=500).fit(X_train, y_train) res[iiter] = clf.score(X_test, y_test) plt.hist(res)
fig = plt.figure() plt.axis("off") fig.add_subplot(2, 4, 1) plt.imshow(im_src) fig.add_subplot(2, 4, 2) plt.imshow(im_tgt) fig.add_subplot(2, 4, 3) plt.imshow(depth_src) fig.add_subplot(2, 4, 4) plt.imshow(depth_tgt) fig.add_subplot(2, 4, 5) height = depth_src.shape[0] width = depth_src.shape[1] img_tgt = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8) img_src = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8) for h in range(height): for w in range(width): if visible[h, w]: cur_flow = flow[h, w, :] img_src = cv2.line( img_src, (np.round(w).astype(int), np.round(h).astype(int)), (np.round(w).astype(int), np.round(h).astype(int)), (255, h * 255 / height, w * 255 / width), 5, ) img_tgt = cv2.line( img_tgt, (np.round(w + cur_flow[1]).astype(int),
def compute_cell_information(self, obj_model_dict): cached_information = dict() # First we obtain a sample from the Pareto Frontier of NUM_POINTS_FRONTIER moop = MOOP(obj_model_dict, obj_model_dict, self.input_space, False) grid = sobol_grid.generate(self.input_space.num_dims, self.input_space.num_dims * GRID_SIZE) if USE_GRID_ONLY == True: moop.solve_using_grid(grid) for i in range(len(obj_model_dict.keys())): result = self.find_optimum_gp(obj_model_dict[ obj_model_dict.keys()[ i ] ], grid) moop.append_to_population(result) else: assert NSGA_POP > len(obj_model_dict.keys()) + 1 moop.solve_using_grid(grid) for i in range(len(obj_model_dict.keys())): result = self.find_optimum_gp(obj_model_dict[ obj_model_dict.keys()[ i ] ], grid) moop.append_to_population(result) pareto_set = moop.compute_pareto_front_and_set_summary(NSGA_POP)['pareto_set'] moop.initialize_population(np.maximum(NSGA_POP - pareto_set.shape[ 0 ], 0)) for i in range(pareto_set.shape[ 0 ]): moop.append_to_population(pareto_set[ i, : ]) moop.evolve_population_only(NSGA_EPOCHS) for i in range(pareto_set.shape[ 0 ]): moop.append_to_population(pareto_set[ i, : ]) result = moop.compute_pareto_front_and_set_summary(NUM_POINTS_FRONTIER) print 'Inner multi-objective problem solved!' means_objectives = np.zeros((obj_model_dict[ obj_model_dict.keys()[ 0 ] ].inputs.shape[ 0 ], len(obj_model_dict))) k = 0 for obj in obj_model_dict: means_objectives[ :, k ] = obj_model_dict[ obj ].predict(obj_model_dict[ obj ].inputs)[ 0 ] k += 1 v_inf = np.ones((1, len(obj_model_dict))) * np.inf v_ref = np.ones((1, len(obj_model_dict))) * 1e3 # We add the non-dominated prediction and the observed inputs to the frontier frontier = result['frontier'] frontier = np.vstack((frontier, means_objectives)) frontier = frontier[ _cull_algorithm(frontier), ] # We remove repeated entries from the pareto front X = frontier[ 0 : 1, : ] for i in range(frontier.shape[ 0 ]): if np.min(cdist(frontier[ i : (i + 1), : ], X)) > 1e-8: X = np.vstack((X, frontier[ i, ])) frontier = X cached_information['frontier'] = frontier # We sort the entries in the pareto frontier frontier_sorted = np.vstack((-v_inf, cached_information['frontier'], v_ref, v_inf)) for i in range(len(obj_model_dict)): frontier_sorted[ :, i ] = np.sort(frontier_sorted[ :, i ]) # Now we build the info associated to each cell n_repeat = (frontier_sorted.shape[ 0 ] - 2) ** frontier_sorted.shape[ 1 ] cached_information['cells'] = dict() added_cells = 0 for i in range(n_repeat): cell = dict() indices = np.zeros(len(obj_model_dict)).astype(int) j = i for k in range(len(obj_model_dict)): indices[ k ] = int(j % (frontier_sorted.shape[ 0 ] - 2)) j = np.floor(j / (frontier_sorted.shape[ 0 ] - 2)) u = np.zeros(len(obj_model_dict)) for k in range(len(obj_model_dict)): u[ k ] = frontier_sorted[ int(indices[ k ] + 1), k ] l = np.zeros(len(obj_model_dict)) for k in range(len(obj_model_dict)): l[ k ] = frontier_sorted[ indices[ k ], k ] # If the cell is dominated we discard it is_dominated = False for k in range(frontier.shape[ 0 ]): if np.all(l >= frontier[ k, : ]): is_dominated = True if is_dominated: continue # We find the vector v v = np.zeros(len(obj_model_dict)) for k in range(len(obj_model_dict)): l_tmp = np.copy(l) for j in range(int(frontier_sorted.shape[ 0 ] - indices[ k ] - 1)): l_tmp[ k ] = frontier_sorted[ indices[ k ] + j, k ] dominates_all = True for h in range(frontier.shape[ 0 ]): if np.all(frontier[ h, : ] <= l_tmp): dominates_all = False break if dominates_all == False: break if dominates_all == False: v[ k ] = l_tmp[ k ] else: v[ k ] = v_ref[ 0, k ] # We compute the quantities required for evaluating the gain in hyper-volume # We find the points dominated by u dominated_by_u = frontier h = 0 while (h < dominated_by_u.shape[ 0 ]): if (not np.any(u < dominated_by_u[ h, : ])) and (not np.all(u == dominated_by_u[ h, : ])): dominated_by_u = np.delete(dominated_by_u, (h), axis = 0) else: h+= 1 # The value of minusQ2plusQ3 is given by the hypervolume of the dominated points with reference v if dominated_by_u.shape[ 0 ] == 0: minusQ2plusQ3 = 0.0 else: hv = HyperVolume(v.tolist()) minusQ2plusQ3 = -hv.compute(dominated_by_u.tolist()) cell['u'] = u cell['l'] = l cell['v'] = v cell['dominated_by_u'] = dominated_by_u cell['minusQ2plusQ3'] = minusQ2plusQ3 cached_information['cells'][ str(added_cells) ] = cell added_cells += 1 n_cells = added_cells cached_information['n_cells'] = n_cells cached_information['v_ref'] = v_ref[ 0, : ] cached_information['n_objectives'] = len(obj_model_dict) # self.print_cell_info(cached_information) return cached_information
def test_net(): ''' Evaluate the network ''' # Make result directory and the result file. result_dir = os.path.join(cfg.DIR.OUT_PATH, cfg.TEST.EXP_NAME) if not os.path.exists(result_dir): os.makedirs(result_dir) result_fn = os.path.join(result_dir, 'result.mat') print("Exp file will be written to: " + result_fn) # Make a network and load weights NetworkClass = load_model(cfg.CONST.NETWORK_CLASS) #print('Network definition: \n') #print(inspect.getsource(NetworkClass.network_definition)) net = NetworkClass() net.cuda() solver = Solver(net) solver.load(cfg.CONST.WEIGHTS) # set constants batch_size = cfg.CONST.BATCH_SIZE # set up testing data process. We make only one prefetching process. The # process will return one batch at a time. queue = Queue(cfg.QUEUE_SIZE) data_pair = category_model_id_pair(dataset_portion=cfg.TEST.DATASET_PORTION) processes = make_data_processes(queue, data_pair, 1, repeat=False, train=False) num_data = len(processes[0].data_paths) num_batch = int(num_data / batch_size) # prepare result container results = {'cost': np.zeros(num_batch), 'mAP': np.zeros((num_batch, batch_size))} # Save results for various thresholds for thresh in cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH: results[str(thresh)] = np.zeros((num_batch, batch_size, 5)) # Get all test data batch_idx = 0 for batch_img, batch_voxel in get_while_running(processes[0], queue): if batch_idx == num_batch: break #activations is a list of torch.cuda.FloatTensor pred, loss, activations = solver.test_output(batch_img, batch_voxel) #convert pytorch tensor to numpy array pred = loss = for j in range(batch_size): # Save IoU per thresh for i, thresh in enumerate(cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH): r = evaluate_voxel_prediction(pred[j, ...], batch_voxel[j, ...], thresh) results[str(thresh)][batch_idx, j, :] = r # Compute AP precision = sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score( batch_voxel[j, 1].flatten(), pred[j, 1].flatten()) results['mAP'][batch_idx, j] = precision # record result for the batch results['cost'][batch_idx] = float(loss) print('%d/%d, costs: %f, mAP: %f' % (batch_idx, num_batch, loss, np.mean(results['mAP'][batch_idx]))) batch_idx += 1 print('Total loss: %f' % np.mean(results['cost'])) print('Total mAP: %f' % np.mean(results['mAP'])) sio.savemat(result_fn, results)
def psnr(target, ref): # assume RGB image target_data = np.array(target, dtype=float) ref_data = np.array(ref, dtype=float) diff = ref_data - target_data diff = diff.flatten('C') rmse = math.sqrt(np.mean(diff ** 2.)) return 20 * math.log10(255. / rmse) def interpolation(noisy , SNR , Number_of_pilot , interp) noisy_image = np.zeros((40000,72,14,2)) noisy_image[:,:,:,0] = np.real(noisy) noisy_image[:,:,:,1] = np.imag(noisy) if (Number_of_pilot == 48): idx = [14*i for i in range(1, 72,6)]+[4+14*(i) for i in range(4, 72,6)]+[7+14*(i) for i in range(1, 72,6)]+[11+14*(i) for i in range(4, 72,6)] elif (Number_of_pilot == 16): idx= [4+14*(i) for i in range(1, 72,9)]+[9+14*(i) for i in range(4, 72,9)] elif (Number_of_pilot == 24): idx = [14*i for i in range(1,72,9)]+ [6+14*i for i in range(4,72,9)]+ [11+14*i for i in range(1,72,9)] elif (Number_of_pilot == 8): idx = [4+14*(i) for i in range(5,72,18)]+[9+14*(i) for i in range(8,72,18)] elif (Number_of_pilot == 36): idx = [14*(i) for i in range(1,72,6)]+[6+14*(i) for i in range(4,72,6)] + [11+14*i for i in range(1,72,6)]
#30-A #(1) import numpy as np a=np.zeros(10) print(a) #결과 [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] #(2) a[4]=1 print(a) #결과 [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] #(3) a=np.arange(10,50) print(a) #결과 [10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49] #(4) a=np.arange(0,25) b=a.reshape(5,5) print(b) #결과
def draw_pose(self, object_name: str, vectors_3D: np.ndarray): """ Draw poses as directional axes on the image. Parameters ---------- object_name : str Name of the object vectors_3D : numpy.ndarray The 3D directional vectors. """ p_image = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype=np.int32) coordinates = None for i, vec in enumerate(vectors_3D): coordinates = self.project3dToPixel(vec) if np.isnan(coordinates).any(): break p_image[i] = coordinates if coordinates is not None: p_image[3] = p_image[0] - (p_image[3] - p_image[0]) # z = c + (z-c)*(norm(x-c)/norm(z-c)) p_image[3] = p_image[0] + (p_image[3] - p_image[0])*(norm( p_image[1] - p_image[0])/norm( p_image[3] - p_image[0] ) ) colors_ = [(0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0)] for i in range(1, 4): cv2.line( self.viz_frame, tuple(p_image[0]), tuple(p_image[i]), colors_[i-1], thickness=2 ) x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.calc_vertexes(p_image[0], p_image[i]) cv2.line( self.viz_frame, tuple(p_image[i]), (x1, y1), colors_[i-1], thickness=2 ) cv2.line( self.viz_frame, tuple(p_image[i]), (x2, y2), colors_[i-1], thickness=2 ) # Put object label aligned to the object's in-plane planar rotation text_loc = np.array( [p_image[2, 0] - (p_image[1, 0] - p_image[0, 0])/2, p_image[2, 1] - 20], dtype=np.int16 ) base, tangent = p_image[1] - p_image[0] text_angle = np.arctan2(-tangent, base)*180/np.pi self.viz_frame = draw_angled_text( object_name, text_loc, text_angle, self.viz_frame )
def __init__(self, game_name, agent_num, action_range=(-10, 10)): self.game_name = game_name self.agent_num = agent_num self.action_range = action_range game_list = DifferentialGame.get_game_list() if not self.game_name in game_list: raise EnvironmentNotFound(f"The game {self.game_name} doesn't exists") expt_num_agent = game_list[self.game_name]['agent_num'] if expt_num_agent != self.agent_num: raise WrongNumberOfAgent(f"The number of agent \ required for {self.game_name} is {expt_num_agent}") self.action_spaces = MASpace(tuple(Box(low=-1., high=1., shape=(1,)) for _ in range(self.agent_num))) self.observation_spaces = MASpace(tuple(Box(low=-1., high=1., shape=(1,)) for _ in range(self.agent_num))) self.env_specs = MAEnvSpec(self.observation_spaces, self.action_spaces) self.t = 0 self.payoff = {} if self.game_name == 'zero_sum': self.payoff[0] = lambda a1, a2: a1 * a2 self.payoff[1] = lambda a1, a2: -a1 * a2 elif self.game_name == 'trigonometric': self.payoff[0] = lambda a1, a2: np.cos(a2) * a1 self.payoff[1] = lambda a1, a2: np.sin(a1) * a2 elif self.game_name == 'mataching_pennies': self.payoff[0] = lambda a1, a2: (a1-0.5)*(a2-0.5) self.payoff[1] = lambda a1, a2: (a1-0.5)*(a2-0.5) elif self.game_name == 'rotational': self.payoff[0] = lambda a1, a2: 0.5 * a1 * a1 + 10 * a1 * a2 self.payoff[1] = lambda a1, a2: 0.5 * a2 * a2 - 10 * a1 * a2 elif self.game_name == 'wolf': def V(alpha, beta, payoff): u = payoff[(0, 0)] - payoff[(0, 1)] - payoff[(1, 0)] + payoff[(1, 1)] return alpha * beta * u + alpha * (payoff[(0, 1)] - payoff[(1, 1)]) + beta * ( payoff[(1, 0)] - payoff[(1, 1)]) + payoff[(1, 1)] payoff_0 = np.array([[0, 3], [1, 2]]) payoff_1 = np.array([[3, 2], [0, 1]]) self.payoff[0] = lambda a1, a2: V(a1, a2, payoff_0) self.payoff[1] = lambda a1, a2: V(a1, a2, payoff_1) elif self.game_name == 'ma_softq': h1 = 0.8 h2 = 1. s1 = 3. s2 = 1. x1 = -5. x2 = 5. y1 = -5. y2 = 5. c = 10. def max_f(a1, a2): f1 = h1 * (-(np.square(a1 - x1) / s1) - (np.square(a2 - y1) / s1)) f2 = h2 * (-(np.square(a1 - x2) / s2) - (np.square(a2 - y2) / s2)) + c return max(f1, f2) self.payoff[0] = lambda a1, a2: max_f(a1, a2) self.payoff[1] = lambda a1, a2: max_f(a1, a2) else: raise EnvironmentNotFound(f"The game {self.game_name} doesn't exists") self.rewards = np.zeros((self.agent_num,))
def _precomp(self): """ Precomute the basis functions on a polar Fourier 3D grid Gaussian quadrature points and weights are also generated in radical and phi dimensions. """ n_r = int(self.ell_max + 1) n_theta = int(2 *[0]) n_phi = int(self.ell_max + 1) r, wt_r = lgwt(n_r, 0.0, self.kcut) z, wt_z = lgwt(n_phi, -1, 1) r = m_reshape(r, (n_r, 1)) wt_r = m_reshape(wt_r, (n_r, 1)) z = m_reshape(z, (n_phi, 1)) wt_z = m_reshape(wt_z, (n_phi, 1)) phi = np.arccos(z) wt_phi = wt_z theta = 2 * pi * np.arange(n_theta).T / (2 * n_theta) theta = m_reshape(theta, (n_theta, 1)) # evaluate basis function in the radial dimension radial_wtd = np.zeros(shape=(n_r, np.max(self.k_max), self.ell_max + 1)) for ell in range(0, self.ell_max + 1): k_max_ell = self.k_max[ell] rmat = r * self.r0[0:k_max_ell, ell].T / self.kcut radial_ell = np.zeros_like(rmat) for ik in range(0, k_max_ell): radial_ell[:, ik] = sph_bessel(ell, rmat[:, ik]) nrm = np.abs(sph_bessel(ell + 1, self.r0[0:k_max_ell, ell].T) / 4) radial_ell = radial_ell / nrm radial_ell_wtd = r**2 * wt_r * radial_ell radial_wtd[:, 0:k_max_ell, ell] = radial_ell_wtd # evaluate basis function in the phi dimension ang_phi_wtd_even = [] ang_phi_wtd_odd = [] for m in range(0, self.ell_max + 1): n_even_ell = int( np.floor((self.ell_max - m) / 2) + 1 - np.mod(self.ell_max, 2) * np.mod(m, 2)) n_odd_ell = int(self.ell_max - m + 1 - n_even_ell) phi_wtd_m_even = np.zeros((n_phi, n_even_ell), dtype=phi.dtype) phi_wtd_m_odd = np.zeros((n_phi, n_odd_ell), dtype=phi.dtype) ind_even = 0 ind_odd = 0 for ell in range(m, self.ell_max + 1): phi_m_ell = norm_assoc_legendre(ell, m, z) nrm_inv = np.sqrt(0.5 / pi) phi_m_ell = nrm_inv * phi_m_ell phi_wtd_m_ell = wt_phi * phi_m_ell if np.mod(ell, 2) == 0: phi_wtd_m_even[:, ind_even] = phi_wtd_m_ell[:, 0] ind_even = ind_even + 1 else: phi_wtd_m_odd[:, ind_odd] = phi_wtd_m_ell[:, 0] ind_odd = ind_odd + 1 ang_phi_wtd_even.append(phi_wtd_m_even) ang_phi_wtd_odd.append(phi_wtd_m_odd) # evaluate basis function in the theta dimension ang_theta = np.zeros((n_theta, 2 * self.ell_max + 1), dtype=theta.dtype) ang_theta[:, 0:self.ell_max] = np.sqrt(2) * np.sin( theta @ m_reshape(np.arange(self.ell_max, 0, -1), (1, self.ell_max))) ang_theta[:, self.ell_max] = np.ones(n_theta, dtype=theta.dtype) ang_theta[:, self.ell_max + 1:2 * self.ell_max + 1] = np.sqrt(2) * np.cos( theta @ m_reshape(np.arange(1, self.ell_max + 1), (1, self.ell_max))) ang_theta_wtd = (2 * pi / n_theta) * ang_theta theta_grid, phi_grid, r_grid = np.meshgrid(theta, phi, r, sparse=False, indexing='ij') fourier_x = m_flatten(r_grid * np.cos(theta_grid) * np.sin(phi_grid)) fourier_y = m_flatten(r_grid * np.sin(theta_grid) * np.sin(phi_grid)) fourier_z = m_flatten(r_grid * np.cos(phi_grid)) fourier_pts = 2 * pi * np.vstack( (fourier_x[np.newaxis, ...], fourier_y[np.newaxis, ...], fourier_z[np.newaxis, ...])) return { 'radial_wtd': radial_wtd, 'ang_phi_wtd_even': ang_phi_wtd_even, 'ang_phi_wtd_odd': ang_phi_wtd_odd, 'ang_theta_wtd': ang_theta_wtd, 'fourier_pts': fourier_pts }
def estimate_pose( self, object_name: str, bbox: list, pc_sub: PointCloud2 ): """ Estimates planar pose of detected objects and updates the stored pose. Parameters ---------- object_name: str Name of the object. bbox : list Contains the coordinates of the bounding box of the detected object. pc_sub : PointCloud2 A pointcloud object containing the 3D locations in terms of the frame `self.frame_id` """ bbox = np.array(bbox) # Compute the center, the mid point of the right # and top segment of the bounding box c = (bbox[0] + bbox[2]) // 2 x = (bbox[2] + bbox[3]) // 2 y = (bbox[0] + bbox[3]) // 2 points = np.array([c, x, y]).tolist() vectors_3D = np.zeros((3, 3)) try: # Get the corresponding 3D location of c, x, y for pt_count, dt in enumerate( pc2.read_points( pc_sub, field_names={'x', 'y', 'z'}, skip_nans=False, uvs=points ) ): # If any point returns nan, return if np.any(np.isnan(dt)): if object_name in self.object_pose_info.keys(): del self.object_pose_info[object_name] rospy.loginfo('No corresponding 3D point found') return else: vectors_3D[pt_count] = dt if pt_count == 2: self.vectors_3D = vectors_3D except struct.error as err: rospy.loginfo(err) return try: # 3D position of the object c_3D = self.vectors_3D[0] # Center the vectors to the origin x_vec = self.vectors_3D[1] - c_3D x_vec /= norm(x_vec) y_vec = self.vectors_3D[2] - c_3D y_vec /= norm(y_vec) # Take the cross product of x and y vector # to generate z vector. z_vec = np.cross(x_vec, y_vec) z_vec /= norm(z_vec) # Recompute x vector to make it truly orthognal x_vec_orth = np.cross(y_vec, z_vec) x_vec_orth /= norm(x_vec_orth) except RuntimeWarning as w: rospy.loginfo(w) return if self.viz_pose: self.draw_pose(object_name, np.vstack((self.vectors_3D, z_vec))) # Compute Euler angles i.e. roll, pitch, yaw roll = np.arctan2(y_vec[2], z_vec[2]) pitch = np.arctan2(-x_vec_orth[2], np.sqrt(1 - x_vec_orth[2]**2)) # pitch = np.arcsin(-x_vec_orth[2]) yaw = np.arctan2(x_vec_orth[1], x_vec_orth[0]) [qx, qy, qz, qw] = self.euler_to_quaternion(roll, pitch, yaw) # Generate Pose message. pose_msg = Pose() pose_msg.position.x = c_3D[0] pose_msg.position.y = c_3D[1] pose_msg.position.z = c_3D[2] # Make sure the quaternion is valid and normalized pose_msg.orientation.x = qx pose_msg.orientation.y = qy pose_msg.orientation.z = qz pose_msg.orientation.w = qw self.object_pose_info[object_name] = { 'position': c_3D.tolist(), 'orientation': [qx, qy, qz, qw] } return pose_msg
Iy = cv2.Scharr(gray, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1) Ixx = cv2.Scharr(Ix, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0) Ixy = cv2.Scharr(Ix, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1) Iyy = cv2.Scharr(Iy, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1) Iyx = cv2.Scharr(Iy, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0) detector = (cv2.GaussianBlur(Ixy, (5, 5), 0) * cv2.GaussianBlur(Iyx, (5, 5), 0) - cv2.GaussianBlur(Ixx, (5, 5), 0) * cv2.GaussianBlur(Iyy, (5, 5), 0)) print(type(detector)) slice1 = np.array([1, 5, 8, 6, 2]) slice2 = np.array([1, 5, 8, 6, 2]) print(img[slice1, slice2]) print(np.sort(detector), np.min(detector)) detector_norm = np.zeros(detector.shape, dtype=np.float32) print(detector_norm) cv2.normalize(np.abs(detector), detector_norm, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) print(np.max(detector_norm), "dhjfkljdkljfmdksf,") points = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(detector, maxCorners=100, qualityLevel=0.1, minDistance=5, blockSize=3) points_int = points.astype(, 2)) print(np.where(detector_norm)) cv2.namedWindow("normimage", 0) cv2.imshow("normimage", detector_norm) for center in points_int: i, j = center img[j, i] = [255, 0, 0]
def evaluate_t(self, x): """ Evaluate coefficient in FB basis from those in standard 3D coordinate basis :param x: The coefficient array in the standard 3D coordinate basis to be evaluated. The first three dimensions must equal ``. :return v: The evaluation of the coefficient array `v` in the FB basis. This is an array of vectors whose first dimension equals `self.count` and whose remaining dimensions correspond to higher dimensions of `x`. """ # ensure the first three dimensions with size of x, sz_roll = unroll_dim(x, self.ndim + 1) x = m_reshape(x, ([0],[1],[2], -1)) n_data = np.size(x, 3) n_r = np.size(self._precomp['radial_wtd'], 0) n_phi = np.size(self._precomp['ang_phi_wtd_even'][0], 0) n_theta = np.size(self._precomp['ang_theta_wtd'], 0) # resamping x in a polar Fourier gird using nonuniform discrete Fourier transform pf = np.zeros((n_theta * n_phi * n_r, n_data), dtype=complex) for isample in range(0, n_data): pf[..., isample] = nufft3(x[..., isample], self._precomp['fourier_pts'], pf = m_reshape(pf, (n_theta, n_phi * n_r * n_data)) # evaluate the theta parts u_even = self._precomp['ang_theta_wtd'].T @ np.real(pf) u_odd = self._precomp['ang_theta_wtd'].T @ np.imag(pf) u_even = m_reshape(u_even, (2 * self.ell_max + 1, n_phi, n_r, n_data)) u_odd = m_reshape(u_odd, (2 * self.ell_max + 1, n_phi, n_r, n_data)) u_even = np.transpose(u_even, (1, 2, 3, 0)) u_odd = np.transpose(u_odd, (1, 2, 3, 0)) w_even = np.zeros((int(np.floor(self.ell_max / 2) + 1), n_r, 2 * self.ell_max + 1, n_data), dtype=x.dtype) w_odd = np.zeros((int(np.ceil( self.ell_max / 2)), n_r, 2 * self.ell_max + 1, n_data), dtype=x.dtype) # evaluate the phi parts for m in range(0, self.ell_max + 1): ang_phi_wtd_m_even = self._precomp['ang_phi_wtd_even'][m] ang_phi_wtd_m_odd = self._precomp['ang_phi_wtd_odd'][m] n_even_ell = np.size(ang_phi_wtd_m_even, 1) n_odd_ell = np.size(ang_phi_wtd_m_odd, 1) if m == 0: sgns = (1, ) else: sgns = (1, -1) for sgn in sgns: u_m_even = u_even[:, :, :, self.ell_max + sgn * m] u_m_odd = u_odd[:, :, :, self.ell_max + sgn * m] u_m_even = m_reshape(u_m_even, (n_phi, n_r * n_data)) u_m_odd = m_reshape(u_m_odd, (n_phi, n_r * n_data)) w_m_even = ang_phi_wtd_m_even.T @ u_m_even w_m_odd = ang_phi_wtd_m_odd.T @ u_m_odd w_m_even = m_reshape(w_m_even, (n_even_ell, n_r, n_data)) w_m_odd = m_reshape(w_m_odd, (n_odd_ell, n_r, n_data)) end = np.size(w_even, 0) w_even[end - n_even_ell:end, :, self.ell_max + sgn * m, :] = w_m_even end = np.size(w_odd, 0) w_odd[end - n_odd_ell:end, :, self.ell_max + sgn * m, :] = w_m_odd w_even = np.transpose(w_even, (1, 2, 3, 0)) w_odd = np.transpose(w_odd, (1, 2, 3, 0)) # evaluate the radial parts v = np.zeros((self.count, n_data), dtype=x.dtype) for ell in range(0, self.ell_max + 1): k_max_ell = self.k_max[ell] radial_wtd = self._precomp['radial_wtd'][:, 0:k_max_ell, ell] if np.mod(ell, 2) == 0: v_ell = w_even[:, int(self.ell_max - ell):int(self.ell_max + 1 + ell), :, int(ell / 2)] else: v_ell = w_odd[:, int(self.ell_max - ell):int(self.ell_max + 1 + ell), :, int((ell - 1) / 2)] v_ell = m_reshape(v_ell, (n_r, (2 * ell + 1) * n_data)) v_ell = radial_wtd.T @ v_ell v_ell = m_reshape(v_ell, (k_max_ell * (2 * ell + 1), n_data)) # TODO: Fix this to avoid lookup each time. ind = self._indices['ells'] == ell v[ind, :] = v_ell v = roll_dim(v, sz_roll) return v
def main(): # MAIN -- TRADES + EMCEE # READ COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS cli = get_args() # STARTING TIME start = time.time() # RENAME working_path = cli.full_path nthreads=cli.nthreads np.random.RandomState(cli.seed) # INITIALISE TRADES WITH SUBROUTINE WITHIN TRADES_LIB -> PARAMETER NAMES, MINMAX, INTEGRATION ARGS, READ DATA ... pytrades_lib.pytrades.initialize_trades(working_path, cli.sub_folder, nthreads) # RETRIEVE DATA AND VARIABLES FROM TRADES_LIB MODULE #global n_bodies, n_planets, ndata, npar, nfit, dof, inv_dof n_bodies = pytrades_lib.pytrades.n_bodies # NUMBER OF TOTAL BODIES OF THE SYSTEM n_planets = n_bodies - 1 # NUMBER OF PLANETS IN THE SYSTEM ndata = pytrades_lib.pytrades.ndata # TOTAL NUMBER OF DATA AVAILABLE npar = pytrades_lib.pytrades.npar # NUMBER OF TOTAL PARAMATERS ~n_planets X 6 nfit = pytrades_lib.pytrades.nfit # NUMBER OF PARAMETERS TO FIT nfree = pytrades_lib.pytrades.nfree # NUMBER OF FREE PARAMETERS (ie nrvset) dof = pytrades_lib.pytrades.dof # NUMBER OF DEGREES OF FREEDOM = NDATA - NFIT global inv_dof #inv_dof = np.float64(1.0 / dof) inv_dof = pytrades_lib.pytrades.inv_dof # READ THE NAMES OF THE PARAMETERS FROM THE TRADES_LIB AND CONVERT IT TO PYTHON STRINGS #reshaped_names = pytrades_lib.pytrades.parameter_names.reshape((10,nfit), order='F').T #parameter_names = [''.join(reshaped_names[i,:]).strip() for i in range(0,nfit)] #parameter_names = anc.convert_fortran2python_strarray(pytrades_lib.pytrades.parameter_names, nfit, str_len=10) #trades_names = anc.convert_fortran2python_strarray(pytrades_lib.pytrades.parameter_names, #nfit, str_len=10 #) ##parameter_names = anc.trades_names_to_emcee(trades_names) str_len = pytrades_lib.pytrades.str_len temp_names = pytrades_lib.pytrades.get_parameter_names(nfit,str_len) trades_names = anc.convert_fortran_charray2python_strararray(temp_names) parameter_names = trades_names if(cli.trades_previous is not None): temp_names, trades_parameters = anc.read_fitted_file(cli.trades_previous) if(nfit != np.shape(trades_parameters)[0]): anc.print_both(' NUMBER OF PARAMETERS (%d) IN TRADES-PREVIOUS FILE DOES NOT' \ 'MATCH THE CURRENT CONFIGURATION nfit=%d\nSTOP' \ %(np.shape(trades_parameters)[0], nfit) ) sys.exit() del temp_names else: # INITIAL PARAMETER SET (NEEDED ONLY TO HAVE THE PROPER ARRAY/VECTOR) #fitting_parameters = pytrades_lib.pytrades.fitting_parameters trades_parameters = pytrades_lib.pytrades.fitting_parameters # save initial_fitting parameters into array original_fit_parameters = trades_parameters.copy() #fitting_parameters = anc.e_to_sqrte_fitting(trades_parameters, trades_names) fitting_parameters = trades_parameters trades_minmax = pytrades_lib.pytrades.parameters_minmax # PARAMETER BOUNDARIES parameters_minmax = trades_minmax.copy() #parameters_minmax[:,0] = anc.e_to_sqrte_fitting(parameters_minmax[:,0], trades_names) #parameters_minmax[:,1] = anc.e_to_sqrte_fitting(parameters_minmax[:,1], trades_names) # RADIAL VELOCITIES SET n_rv = pytrades_lib.pytrades.nrv n_set_rv = pytrades_lib.pytrades.nrvset # TRANSITS SET n_t0 = pytrades_lib.pytrades.nt0 #n_t0_sum = np.sum(n_t0) n_t0_sum = pytrades_lib.pytrades.ntts n_set_t0 = 0 for i in range(0, n_bodies): #if (np.sum(n_t0[i]) > 0): n_set_t0 += 1 if (n_t0[i] > 0): n_set_t0 += 1 # compute global constant for the loglhd global ln_err_const #try: ## fortran variable RV in python will be rv!!! #e_RVo = np.array(pytrades_lib.pytrades.ervobs[:], dtype=np.float64) #except: #e_RVo = np.array([0.], dtype=np.float64) #try: #e_T0o = np.array(pytrades_lib.pytrades.et0obs[:,:], dtype=np.float64).reshape((-1)) #except: #e_T0o = np.array([0.], dtype=np.float64) #ln_err_const = anc.compute_ln_err_const(dof, e_RVo, e_T0o, cli.ln_flag) ln_err_const = pytrades_lib.pytrades.ln_err_const # SET EMCEE PARAMETERS: nwalkers, nruns, nsave, npost = get_emcee_arguments(cli,nfit) # INITIALISE SCRIPT FOLDER/LOG FILE working_folder, run_log, of_run = init_folder(working_path, cli.sub_folder) anc.print_both('',of_run) anc.print_both(' ======== ',of_run) anc.print_both(' pyTRADES' ,of_run) anc.print_both(' ======== ',of_run) anc.print_both('',of_run) anc.print_both(' WORKING PATH = %s' %(working_path),of_run) anc.print_both(' NUMBER OF THREADS = %d' %(nthreads),of_run) anc.print_both(' dof = ndata(%d) - nfit(%d) - nfree(%d) = %d' %(ndata, nfit, nfree, dof),of_run) anc.print_both(' Total N_RV = %d for %d set(s)' %(n_rv, n_set_rv),of_run) anc.print_both(' Total N_T0 = %d for %d out of %d planet(s)' %(n_t0_sum, n_set_t0, n_planets),of_run) anc.print_both(' %s = %.7f' %('log constant error = ', ln_err_const),of_run) anc.print_both(' %s = %.7f' %('IN FORTRAN log constant error = ', pytrades_lib.pytrades.ln_err_const),of_run) anc.print_both(' seed = %s' %(str(cli.seed)), of_run) if(cli.trades_previous is not None): anc.print_both('\n ******\n INITIAL FITTING PARAMETERS FROM PREVIOUS' \ ' TRADES-EMCEE SIM IN FILE:\n %s\n ******\n' %(cli.trades_previous), of_run ) anc.print_both(' ORIGINAL PARAMETER VALUES -> 0000', of_run) fitness_0000, lgllhd_0000, check_0000 = pytrades_lib.pytrades.write_summary_files(0, original_fit_parameters) anc.print_both(' ', of_run) #anc.print_both(' TESTING LNPROB_SQ ...', of_run) lgllhd_zero = lnprob(trades_parameters) #lgllhd_sq_zero = lnprob(fitting_parameters, parameter_names) anc.print_both(' ', of_run) anc.print_both(' %15s %23s %23s' %('trades_names', 'original_trades', 'trades_par'), of_run) for ifit in range(0, nfit): anc.print_both(' %15s %23.16e %23.16e' %(trades_names[ifit], original_fit_parameters[ifit], trades_parameters[ifit]), of_run) anc.print_both(' ', of_run) anc.print_both(' %15s %23.16e %23.16e' %('lnprob', lgllhd_0000,lgllhd_zero), of_run) anc.print_both(' ', of_run) # INITIALISES THE WALKERS if(cli.emcee_previous is not None): anc.print_both(' Use a previous emcee simulation: %s' %(cli.emcee_previous), of_run) last_p0, old_nwalkers, last_done = anc.get_last_emcee_iteration(cli.emcee_previous, nwalkers) if(not last_done): anc.print_both('**STOP: USING A DIFFERENT NUMBER OF WALKERS (%d) W.R.T. PREVIOUS EMCEE SIMULATION (%d).' %(nwalkers, old_nwalkers), of_run) sys.exit() p0 = last_p0 else: p0 = compute_initial_walkers(nfit, nwalkers, fitting_parameters, parameters_minmax, parameter_names, cli.delta_sigma, of_run) anc.print_both(' emcee chain: nwalkers = %d nruns = %d' %(nwalkers, nruns), of_run) anc.print_both(' sampler ... ',of_run) # old version with threads #sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, nfit, lnprob, threads=nthreads) #sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, nfit, lnprob_sq, threads=nthreads, args=[parameter_names]) threads_pool = emcee.interruptible_pool.InterruptiblePool(nthreads) sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, nfit, lnprob, pool=threads_pool) anc.print_both(' ready to go', of_run) anc.print_both(' with nsave = %s' %(str(nsave)), of_run) sys.stdout.flush() #sys.exit() if (nsave != False): # save temporary sampling during emcee every nruns*10% #if(os.path.exists(os.path.join(working_folder, 'emcee_temp.hdf5')) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(working_folder, 'emcee_temp.hdf5'))): #os.remove(os.path.join(working_folder, 'emcee_temp.hdf5')) if(os.path.exists(os.path.join(working_folder, 'emcee_summary.hdf5')) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(working_folder, 'emcee_summary.hdf5'))): os.remove(os.path.join(working_folder, 'emcee_summary.hdf5')) f_hdf5 = h5py.File(os.path.join(working_folder, 'emcee_summary.hdf5'), 'a') f_hdf5.create_dataset('parameter_names', data=parameter_names, dtype='S10') f_hdf5.create_dataset('boundaries', data=parameters_minmax, dtype=np.float64) temp_dset = f_hdf5.create_dataset('chains', (nwalkers, nruns, nfit), dtype=np.float64) f_hdf5['chains'].attrs['nwalkers'] = nwalkers f_hdf5['chains'].attrs['nruns'] = nruns f_hdf5['chains'].attrs['nfit'] = nfit f_hdf5['chains'].attrs['nfree'] = nfree temp_lnprob = f_hdf5.create_dataset('lnprobability', (nwalkers, nruns), dtype=np.float64) temp_lnprob.attrs['ln_err_const'] = ln_err_const temp_acceptance = f_hdf5.create_dataset('acceptance_fraction', data=np.zeros((nfit)), dtype=np.float64) temp_acor = f_hdf5.create_dataset('autocor_time', data=np.zeros((nfit)), dtype=np.float64) f_hdf5.close() pos = p0 nchains = int(nruns/nsave) state=None anc.print_both(' Running emcee with temporary saving', of_run) sys.stdout.flush() for i in range(0, nchains): anc.print_both('', of_run) anc.print_both(' iter: %6d ' %(i+1), of_run) aaa = i*nsave bbb = aaa+nsave pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, N=nsave, rstate0=state) anc.print_both('completed %d steps of %d' %(bbb, nruns), of_run) f_hdf5 = h5py.File(os.path.join(working_folder, 'emcee_summary.hdf5'), 'a') temp_dset = f_hdf5['chains'] #[:,:,:] temp_dset[:,aaa:bbb,:] = sampler.chain[:, aaa:bbb, :] temp_dset.attrs['completed_steps'] = bbb temp_lnprob = f_hdf5['lnprobability'] #[:,:] temp_lnprob[:, aaa:bbb] = sampler.lnprobability[:, aaa:bbb] shape_lnprob = sampler.lnprobability.shape acceptance_fraction = sampler.acceptance_fraction temp_acceptance = f_hdf5['acceptance_fraction'] temp_acceptance = acceptance_fraction #f_hdf5.create_dataset('acceptance_fraction', data=acceptance_fraction, dtype=np.float64) mean_acceptance_fraction = np.mean(acceptance_fraction) #temp_chains_T = np.zeros((bbb, nwalkers, nfit)) #for ifit in range(0,nfit): #temp_chains_T[:,:,ifit] = sampler.chain[:, :bbb, ifit].T #acor_time = anc.compute_autocor_time(temp_chains_T, walkers_transposed=True) acor_time = anc.compute_acor_time(sampler, steps_done=bbb) temp_acor = f_hdf5['autocor_time'] temp_acor[...] = acor_time #f_hdf5.create_dataset('autocor_time', data=np.array(acor_temp, dtype=np.float64), dtype=np.float64) #f_hdf5.create_dataset('autocor_time', data=np.array(sampler.acor, dtype=np.float64), dtype=np.float64) # not working #print 'aaa = %6d bbb = %6d -> sampler.lnprobability.shape = (%6d , %6d)' %(aaa, bbb, shape_lnprob[0], shape_lnprob[1]) f_hdf5.close() sys.stdout.flush() anc.print_both('', of_run) anc.print_both('...done with saving temporary total shape = %s' %(str(np.shape(sampler.chain))), of_run) anc.print_both('', of_run) sys.stdout.flush() # RUN EMCEE AND RESET AFTER REMOVE BURN-IN #pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, npost) #sampler.reset() #sampler.run_mcmc(pos, nruns, rstate0=state) else: # GOOD COMPLETE SINGLE RUNNING OF EMCEE, WITHOUT REMOVING THE BURN-IN anc.print_both(' Running full emcee ...', of_run) sys.stdout.flush() sampler.run_mcmc(p0, nruns) anc.print_both('done', of_run) anc.print_both('', of_run) sys.stdout.flush() flatchains = sampler.chain[:, :, :].reshape((nwalkers*nruns, nfit)) # full chain values acceptance_fraction = sampler.acceptance_fraction mean_acceptance_fraction = np.mean(acceptance_fraction) #autocor_time = sampler.acor temp_chains_T = np.zeros((bbb, nwalkers, nfit)) for ifit in range(0,nfit): temp_chains_T[:,:,ifit] = sampler.chain[:, :, ifit].T #acor_time = anc.compute_autocor_time(temp_chains_T, walkers_transposed=True) acor_time = anc.compute_acor_time(sampler) lnprobability = sampler.lnprobability # save chains with original shape as hdf5 file f_hdf5 = h5py.File(os.path.join(working_folder, 'emcee_summary.hdf5'), 'w') f_hdf5.create_dataset('chains', data=sampler.chain, dtype=np.float64) f_hdf5['chains'].attrs['nwalkers'] = nwalkers f_hdf5['chains'].attrs['nruns'] = nruns f_hdf5['chains'].attrs['nfit'] = nfit f_hdf5['chains'].attrs['nfree'] = nfree f_hdf5['chains'].attrs['completed_steps'] = nruns f_hdf5.create_dataset('parameter_names', data=parameter_names, dtype='S10') f_hdf5.create_dataset('boundaries', data=parameters_minmax, dtype=np.float64) f_hdf5.create_dataset('acceptance_fraction', data=acceptance_fraction, dtype=np.float64) f_hdf5.create_dataset('autocor_time', data=acor_time, dtype=np.float64) f_hdf5.create_dataset('lnprobability', data=lnprobability, dtype=np.float64) f_hdf5['lnprobability'].attrs['ln_err_const'] = ln_err_const f_hdf5.close() anc.print_both(" Mean_acceptance_fraction should be between [0.25-0.5] = %.6f" %(mean_acceptance_fraction), of_run) anc.print_both('', of_run) # close the pool of threads threads_pool.close() threads_pool.terminate() threads_pool.join() anc.print_both('COMPLETED EMCEE', of_run) elapsed = time.time() - start elapsed_d, elapsed_h, elapsed_m, elapsed_s = anc.computation_time(elapsed) anc.print_both('', of_run) anc.print_both(' pyTRADES: EMCEE FINISHED in %2d day %02d hour %02d min %.2f sec - bye bye' %(int(elapsed_d), int(elapsed_h), int(elapsed_m), elapsed_s), of_run) anc.print_both('', of_run) of_run.close() pytrades_lib.pytrades.deallocate_variables() return
def compute_similarity_matrix(text1, text2): distance_matrix = np.zeros([len(text1), len(text2)]) for i, w1 in enumerate(text1): for j, w2 in enumerate(text2): distance_matrix[i, j] = word_similarity(w1, w2) return distance_matrix
def test_mesh_construction_pygmsh(): pygmsh = pytest.importorskip("pygmsh") if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0: geom = pygmsh.opencascade.Geometry() geom.add_ball([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 1.0, char_length=0.2) pygmsh_mesh = pygmsh.generate_mesh(geom) points, cells = pygmsh_mesh.points, pygmsh_mesh.cells else: points = np.zeros([0, 3]) cells = { "tetra": np.zeros([0, 4], dtype=np.int64), "triangle": np.zeros([0, 3], dtype=np.int64), "line": np.zeros([0, 2], dtype=np.int64) } mesh = Mesh(MPI.comm_world, dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.tetrahedron, points, cells['tetra'], [], cpp.mesh.GhostMode.none) assert == 1 assert mesh.geometry.dim == 3 assert mesh.topology.dim == 3 mesh = Mesh(MPI.comm_world, dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.triangle, points, cells['triangle'], [], cpp.mesh.GhostMode.none) assert == 1 assert mesh.geometry.dim == 3 assert mesh.topology.dim == 2 mesh = Mesh(MPI.comm_world, dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.interval, points, cells['line'], [], cpp.mesh.GhostMode.none) assert == 1 assert mesh.geometry.dim == 3 assert mesh.topology.dim == 1 if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0: print("Generate mesh") geom = pygmsh.opencascade.Geometry() geom.add_ball([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 1.0, char_length=0.2) pygmsh_mesh = pygmsh.generate_mesh( geom, extra_gmsh_arguments=['-order', '2']) points, cells = pygmsh_mesh.points, pygmsh_mesh.cells print("End Generate mesh", cells.keys()) else: points = np.zeros([0, 3]) cells = { "tetra10": np.zeros([0, 10], dtype=np.int64), "triangle6": np.zeros([0, 6], dtype=np.int64), "line3": np.zeros([0, 3], dtype=np.int64) } mesh = Mesh(MPI.comm_world, dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.tetrahedron, points, cells['tetra10'], [], cpp.mesh.GhostMode.none) assert == 2 assert mesh.geometry.dim == 3 assert mesh.topology.dim == 3 mesh = Mesh(MPI.comm_world, dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.triangle, points, cells['triangle6'], [], cpp.mesh.GhostMode.none) assert == 2 assert mesh.geometry.dim == 3 assert mesh.topology.dim == 2
def beat_extraction(short_features, window_size, plot=False): """ This function extracts an estimate of the beat rate for a musical signal. ARGUMENTS: - short_features: a np array (n_feats x numOfShortTermWindows) - window_size: window size in seconds RETURNS: - bpm: estimates of beats per minute - ratio: a confidence measure """ # Features that are related to the beat tracking task: selected_features = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] max_beat_time = int(round(2.0 / window_size)) hist_all = np.zeros((max_beat_time,)) # for each feature for ii, i in enumerate(selected_features): # dif threshold (3 x Mean of Difs) dif_threshold = 2.0 * (np.abs(short_features[i, 0:-1] - short_features[i, 1::])).mean() if dif_threshold <= 0: dif_threshold = 0.0000000000000001 # detect local maxima [pos1, _] = utilities.peakdet(short_features[i, :], dif_threshold) position_diffs = [] # compute histograms of local maxima changes for j in range(len(pos1)-1): position_diffs.append(pos1[j+1]-pos1[j]) histogram_times, histogram_edges = \ np.histogram(position_diffs, np.arange(0.5, max_beat_time + 1.5)) hist_centers = (histogram_edges[0:-1] + histogram_edges[1::]) / 2.0 histogram_times = \ histogram_times.astype(float) / short_features.shape[1] hist_all += histogram_times if plot: plt.subplot(9, 2, ii + 1) plt.plot(short_features[i, :], 'k') for k in pos1: plt.plot(k, short_features[i, k], 'k*') f1 = plt.gca() f1.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) f1.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) if plot: plt.figure() # Get beat as the argmax of the agregated histogram: max_indices = np.argmax(hist_all) bpms = 60 / (hist_centers * window_size) bpm = bpms[max_indices] # ... and the beat ratio: ratio = hist_all[max_indices] / (hist_all.sum() + eps) if plot: # filter out >500 beats from plotting: hist_all = hist_all[bpms < 500] bpms = bpms[bpms < 500] plt.plot(bpms, hist_all, 'k') plt.xlabel('Beats per minute') plt.ylabel('Freq Count') return bpm, ratio
return mag ## change these parameters for a smaller (faster) simulation nt = 88 # number of temperature points N = 16 # size of the lattice, N x N eqSteps = 1024 # number of MC sweeps for equilibration mcSteps = 1024 # number of MC sweeps for calculation FileEnergy = "Data_Energy_fast.txt" FileMagnet = "Data_Magnet_fast.txt" FileC = "Data_SpHeat_fast.txt" FileX = "Data_Suscep_fast.txt" FileFigure = "Fig_total_fast.png" T = np.linspace(1.5, 3.3, nt); E,M,C,X = np.zeros(nt), np.zeros(nt), np.zeros(nt), np.zeros(nt) iNSite = 1.0/(N*N) # divide by number of samples, and by system size to get intensive values #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN PART OF THE CODE #---------------------------------------------------------------------- for tt in range(nt): E1 = M1 = E2 = M2 = 0 config = initialstate(N) iT=1.0/T[tt]; iT2=iT*iT; P_2D = np.zeros(2) P_2D[0] = np.exp(-4*iT) P_2D[1] = P_2D[0] * P_2D[0]
def fit_to_size(matrix, shape): res = np.zeros(shape) slices = [slice(0,min(dim,shape[e])) for e, dim in enumerate(matrix.shape)] res[slices] = matrix[slices] return res
def to_scrip(self, scripFileName): # {{{ ''' Given an MPAS mesh file, create a SCRIP file based on the mesh. Parameters ---------- scripFileName : str The path to which the SCRIP file should be written ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis self.scripFileName = scripFileName inFile = netCDF4.Dataset(self.fileName, 'r') outFile = netCDF4.Dataset(scripFileName, 'w') # Get info from input file latCell = inFile.variables['latCell'][:] lonCell = inFile.variables['lonCell'][:] latVertex = inFile.variables['latVertex'][:] lonVertex = inFile.variables['lonVertex'][:] verticesOnCell = inFile.variables['verticesOnCell'][:] nEdgesOnCell = inFile.variables['nEdgesOnCell'][:] nCells = len(inFile.dimensions['nCells']) maxVertices = len(inFile.dimensions['maxEdges']) areaCell = inFile.variables['areaCell'][:] sphereRadius = float(inFile.sphere_radius) _create_scrip(outFile, grid_size=nCells, grid_corners=maxVertices, grid_rank=1, units='radians', meshName=self.meshName) grid_area = outFile.createVariable('grid_area', 'f8', ('grid_size', )) grid_area.units = 'radian^2' # SCRIP uses square radians grid_area[:] = areaCell[:] / (sphereRadius**2) outFile.variables['grid_center_lat'][:] = latCell[:] outFile.variables['grid_center_lon'][:] = lonCell[:] outFile.variables['grid_dims'][:] = nCells outFile.variables['grid_imask'][:] = 1 # grid corners: grid_corner_lon = numpy.zeros((nCells, maxVertices)) grid_corner_lat = numpy.zeros((nCells, maxVertices)) for iVertex in range(maxVertices): cellIndices = numpy.arange(nCells) # repeat the last vertex wherever iVertex > nEdgesOnCell localVertexIndices = numpy.minimum(nEdgesOnCell - 1, iVertex) vertexIndices = verticesOnCell[cellIndices, localVertexIndices] - 1 grid_corner_lat[cellIndices, iVertex] = latVertex[vertexIndices] grid_corner_lon[cellIndices, iVertex] = lonVertex[vertexIndices] outFile.variables['grid_corner_lat'][:] = grid_corner_lat[:] outFile.variables['grid_corner_lon'][:] = grid_corner_lon[:] # Update history attribute of netCDF file if hasattr(inFile, 'history'): newhist = '\n'.join( [getattr(inFile, 'history'), ' '.join(sys.argv[:])]) else: newhist = sys.argv[:] setattr(outFile, 'history', newhist) inFile.close() outFile.close() # }}}
batch_x_val = batch_x_val.cpu().data.numpy() batch_y_val = batch_y_val.cpu().data.numpy() output_val = output_val.cpu().data.numpy() output_val = np.moveaxis(output_val, 1, -1) seg_val = np.argmax(output_val[0], axis=-1) input_3D = batch_x_val[0][0] seed_3D = batch_x_val[0][1] truth_3D = batch_y_val[0] seg_3D = seg_val intersect = truth_3D + seg_3D combined = np.zeros(np.shape(seg_3D)) combined[truth_3D > 0] = 1 combined[seg_3D > 0] = 2 combined[intersect > 1] = 3 # plt.figure(); # ma = np.amax(combined, axis=0) # plt.imshow(ma, cmap='magma') """ Get sklearn metric """ from sklearn.metrics import jaccard_score #jacc_new = jaccard_score(truth_3D.flatten(), seg_3D.flatten())