Beispiel #1
def image_transpose_exif(im: np.array) -> np.array:
    """Transpose smartphone images that mave be incorrectly oriented.

    Apply Image.transpose to ensure 0th row of pixels is at the visual
    top of the image, and 0th column is the visual left-hand side.
    Return the original image if unable to determine the orientation.

    As per CIPA DC-008-2012, the orientation field contains an integer,
    1 through 8. Other values are reserved.

    im: PIL.Image
       The image to be rotated.

    exif_orientation_tag = 0x0112
    exif_transpose_sequences = [  # Val  0th row  0th col
        [],  #  0    (reserved)
        [],  #  1   top      left
        [Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT],  #  2   top      right
        [Image.ROTATE_180],  #  3   bottom   right
        [Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM],  #  4   bottom   left
        [Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT, Image.ROTATE_90],  #  5   left     top
        [Image.ROTATE_270],  #  6   right    top
        [Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM, Image.ROTATE_90],  #  7   right    bottom
        [Image.ROTATE_90],  #  8   left     bottom

        seq = exif_transpose_sequences[im._getexif()[exif_orientation_tag]]
    except Exception:
        return im
        return functools.reduce(type(im).transpose, seq, im)