Beispiel #1
def stretch(array: np.ndarray, min: int=0, max: int=1, fill_dtype=None) -> np.array:
    """'Stretch' the profile to the fit a new min and max value and interpolate in between.
    From:  exercise #17

    array: numpy.ndarray
        The numpy array to stretch.
    min : number
        The new minimum of the values.
    max : number
        The new maximum value.
    fill_dtype : numpy data type
        If None (default), the array will be stretched to the passed min and max.
        If a numpy data type (e.g. np.int16), the array will be stretched to fit the full range of values
        of that data type. If a value is given for this parameter, it overrides ``min`` and ``max``.
    new_max = max
    new_min = min
    if fill_dtype is not None:
            di = np.iinfo(fill_dtype)
        except ValueError:
            di = np.finfo(fill_dtype)
        new_max = di.max
        new_min = di.min
    # perfectly normalize the array (0..1)
    stretched_array = (array - array.min())/(array.max() - array.min())
    # stretch normalized array to new max/min
    stretched_array *= new_max
    stretched_array += new_min
    return stretched_array.astype(array.dtype)
Beispiel #2
 def norm_image(self, arr: np.ndarray):
     :param arr: 要处理的numpy数组
     :return: 值域在0~255之间的uint8数组
     if not arr.min() == arr.max():
         arr = (arr - arr.min()) / (arr.max() - arr.min()) * 255
     return np.array(arr, dtype=np.uint8)
Beispiel #3
    def __call__(self, data: np.ndarray, learning_rate: float =1.0,
                 steps: int =1000, db: bool =True) -> List[float]:
        """ `Learn` the parameters of best fit for the given data and model """

        _min = data.min()
        _max = data.max()

        # scale amplitude to [0, 1] = (data - _min) / (_max - _min)

        self.cubeX, self.cubeY = data.shape
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.steps = steps

        # perform the fit
        result = self.simplefit()

        # unscale amplitude of resultant
        result[0] = result[0] * (_max - _min) + _min

        result_as_list = result.tolist()

        self._counter += 1

        return result_as_list
Beispiel #4
def _create_cmap_scale(values_arr: np.ndarray, vega: dict, kwargs: dict):
    cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", DEFAULT_PALETTE)
    cmap_min = float(kwargs.pop("cmap_min", values_arr.min()))
    cmap_max = float(kwargs.pop("cmap_max", values_arr.max()))

    # TODO: Apply cmap_normalize parameter

            "name": "color",
            "type": "sequential",
            "domain": [cmap_min, cmap_max],
            "range": {"scheme": cmap},
            "zero": False,
            "nice": False
Beispiel #5
def sndwrite(samples:np.ndarray, sr:int, outfile:str, encoding:str='auto') -> None:
    samples  --> Array-like. the actual samples, shape=(nframes, channels)
    sr       --> Sampling-rate
    outfile  --> The name of the outfile. the extension will determine
                 the file-format.
                 The formats supported depend on the available backends
                 Without additional backends, only uncompressed formats
                 are supported (wav, aif)
    encoding --> one of:
                 - 'auto' or None: the encoding is determined from the format
                                   given by the extension of outfile, and
                                   from the data
                 - 'pcm16'
                 - 'pcm24'
                 - 'pcm32'
                 - 'flt32'

                 NB: not all file formats support all encodings.
                     Throws a SndfileError if the format does not support
                     the given encoding

          If set to 'auto', an encoding will be selected based on the
          file-format and on the data. The bitdepth of the data is
          measured, and if the file-format supports it, it will be used.
          For bitdepths of 8, 16 and 24 bits, a PCM encoding will be used.
          For a bitdepth of 32 bits, a FLOAT encoding will be used,
          or the next lower supported encoding
    if encoding in ('auto', None):
        encoding = _guessEncoding(samples, outfile)
    # normalize in the case where there would be clipping
    clipping = ((samples > 1).any() or (samples < -1).any())
    if encoding.startswith('pcm') and clipping:
        maxvalue = max(samples.max(), abs(samples.min()))
        samples = samples / maxvalue
    backend = _getWriteBackend(outfile, encoding)
    if not backend:
        raise SndfileError("No backend found to support the given format")
    logger.debug(f"sndwrite: using backend {}")
    return backend.write(samples, sr, outfile, encoding)
Beispiel #6
    def interpolate(self, lon: np.ndarray, lat: np.ndarray,
                    dates: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Interpolate the SSH to the required coordinates."""
        ds = self._select_ds(
            dates.min(),  # type: ignore
            dates.max())  # type: ignore

        assert np.all(np.diff(ds.ocean_time.values) == self._dt)
        assert np.all(np.diff(ds.lon_rho.values, axis=0) < 1e-10)
        assert np.all(np.diff(ds.lat_rho.values, axis=1) < 1e-10)

        t_axis = pyinterp.TemporalAxis(ds.ocean_time.values)

        grid3d = pyinterp.Grid3D(
            pyinterp.Axis(ds.lon_rho.values[0, :], is_circle=True),
            pyinterp.Axis(ds.lat_rho.values[:, 0]), t_axis,

        ssh = pyinterp.trivariate(grid3d,
        return ssh
Beispiel #7
    def _get_y_c(cls, x_k: np.ndarray, y_k: np.ndarray, x_s: np.ndarray,
                 y_s: np.ndarray, x_in_edge: np.ndarray, y_in_edge: np.ndarray,
                 x_out_edge: np.ndarray, y_out_edge: np.ndarray):
        """Возвращает координату центра сечения по оси y"""

        # разделение массивов координат входной кромки на две части по принадлежности к корыту и спинке
        x_s_in_edge, x_k_in_edge = np.split(
            x_in_edge, [list(x_in_edge).index(x_in_edge.min())])
        y_s_in_edge, y_k_in_edge = np.split(
            y_in_edge, [list(x_in_edge).index(x_in_edge.min())])

        # разделение массивов координат выходной кромки на две части по принадлежности к корыту и спинке
        x_k_out_edge, x_s_out_edge = np.split(
            x_out_edge, [list(x_out_edge).index(x_out_edge.max())])
        y_k_out_edge, y_s_out_edge = np.split(
            y_out_edge, [list(x_out_edge).index(x_out_edge.max())])

        # объединение массивов координат корыта и спинки
        x_k = np.array(list(x_k_in_edge) + list(x_k) + list(x_k_out_edge))
        y_k = np.array(list(y_k_in_edge) + list(y_k) + list(y_k_out_edge))
        x_s = np.array(list(x_s_in_edge) + list(x_s) + list(x_s_out_edge))
        y_s = np.array(list(y_s_in_edge) + list(y_s) + list(y_s_out_edge))

        # интерполяция
        y_k_int = interp1d(x_k, y_k)
        y_s_int = interp1d(x_s, y_s)

        # площадь
        square = quad(y_s_int, x_s.min(), x_s.max())[0] - quad(
            y_k_int, x_k.min(), x_k.max())[0]

        # статический момент относительно оси x
        s_x = 0.5 * (quad(lambda x: y_s_int(x)**2, x_s.min(), x_s.max())[0] -
                     quad(lambda x: y_k_int(x)**2, x_k.min(), x_k.max())[0])

        # координата y центра сечения
        y_c = s_x / square

        return y_c, square
Beispiel #8
    def setImage(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray) -> None:
        """Set data to be plotted as image.

        Clears the plot before creating a new image item that gets places in the
        plot and linked to the colorscale.

        :param x: x coordinates (as 2D meshgrid)
        :param y: y coordinates (as 2D meshgrid)
        :param z: data values (as 2D meshgrid)
        :return: None

        self.img = pg.ImageItem()
            QtCore.QRectF(x.min(), y.min(),
                          x.max() - x.min(),
                          y.max() - y.min()))

        self.colorbar.rounding = (z.max() - z.min()) * 1e-2
        self.colorbar.setLevels((z.min(), z.max()))
Beispiel #9
def print_ary_props(ary: np.ndarray) -> None:
    print('shape: ', ary.shape)
    print('data type: ', ary.dtype)
    print('minimum value: ', ary.min().asscalar())
    print('maximum value: ', ary.max().asscalar())
Beispiel #10
def to_mask(clipped: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    clipped -= clipped.min()
    clipped /= clipped.max()
    return clipped
Beispiel #11
def _check_slate_ope_inputs(
    slate_id: np.ndarray,
    reward: np.ndarray,
    position: np.ndarray,
    pscore: np.ndarray,
    evaluation_policy_pscore: np.ndarray,
    pscore_type: str,
) -> Optional[ValueError]:
    """Check inputs of Slate OPE estimators.

    slate_id: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Slate id observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback.

    reward: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Reward observed in each round and slot of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_{t}(k)`.

    position: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Positions of each round and slot in the given logged bandit feedback.

    pscore: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Action choice probabilities by a behavior policy (propensity scores).

    evaluation_policy_pscore: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (propensity scores).

    pscore_type: str
        Either "pscore", "pscore_item_position", or "pscore_cascade".

    # position
    if not isinstance(position, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("position must be ndarray")
    if position.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("position must be 1-dimensional")
    if not (position.dtype == int and position.min() >= 0):
        raise ValueError("position elements must be non-negative integers")

    # reward
    if not isinstance(reward, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("reward must be ndarray")
    if reward.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("reward must be 1-dimensional")

    # pscore
    if not isinstance(pscore, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError(f"{pscore_type} must be ndarray")
    if pscore.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError(f"{pscore_type} must be 1-dimensional")
    if np.any(pscore <= 0) or np.any(pscore > 1):
        raise ValueError(f"{pscore_type} must be in the range of (0, 1]")

    # evaluation_policy_pscore
    if not isinstance(evaluation_policy_pscore, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError(f"evaluation_policy_{pscore_type} must be ndarray")
    if evaluation_policy_pscore.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"evaluation_policy_{pscore_type} must be 1-dimensional")
    if np.any(evaluation_policy_pscore < 0) or np.any(
            evaluation_policy_pscore > 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"evaluation_policy_{pscore_type} must be in the range of [0, 1]")

    # slate id
    if not isinstance(slate_id, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("slate_id must be ndarray")
    if slate_id.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("slate_id must be 1-dimensional")
    if not (slate_id.dtype == int and slate_id.min() >= 0):
        raise ValueError("slate_id elements must be non-negative integers")
    if not (slate_id.shape[0] == position.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] ==
            pscore.shape[0] == evaluation_policy_pscore.shape[0]):
        raise ValueError(
            f"slate_id, position, reward, {pscore_type}, and evaluation_policy_{pscore_type} must be the same size."
Beispiel #12
def get_y_hetero_mesh(y: np.ndarray, num):
    size = y.max() - y.min()
    mesh = get_mesh(np.array(np.linspace(0, size, num)), y,
                    np.array([0, size / (num - 1)]))
    return mesh
Beispiel #13
 def _update_lims(self, X: numpy.ndarray):
     """Update the x axis boundaries to match the values of the plotted distribution."""
     self.xlim = (X.min(), X.max())
def Workflow_cardio_npm1_100x(
    struct_img: np.ndarray,
    rescale_ratio: float = -1,
    output_type: str = "default",
    output_path: Union[str, Path] = None,
    fn: Union[str, Path] = None,
    classic segmentation workflow wrapper for structure Cardio NPM1 100x

    struct_img: np.ndarray
        the 3D image to be segmented
    rescale_ratio: float
        an optional parameter to allow rescale the image before running the
        segmentation functions, default is no rescaling
    output_type: str
        select how to handle output. Currently, four types are supported:
        1. default: the result will be saved at output_path whose filename is
            original name without extention + "_struct_segmentaiton.tiff"
        2. array: the segmentation result will be simply returned as a numpy array
        3. array_with_contour: segmentation result will be returned together with
            the contour of the segmentation
        4. customize: pass in an extra output_func to do a special save. All the
            intermediate results, names of these results, the output_path, and the
            original filename (without extension) will be passed in to output_func.
    #   note that these parameters are supposed to be fixed for the structure
    #   and work well accross different datasets

    intensity_norm_param = [0.5, 2.5]
    gaussian_smoothing_sigma = 1
    gaussian_smoothing_truncate_range = 3.0
    dot_2d_sigma = 2
    # dot_2d_sigma_extra = 1
    # dot_2d_cutoff = 0.025
    minArea = 1
    low_level_min_size = 1000

    out_img_list = []
    out_name_list = []

    # intenisty normalization (min/max)
    struct_img = intensity_normalization(struct_img,


    # rescale if needed
    if rescale_ratio > 0:
        struct_img = zoom(struct_img, (1, rescale_ratio, rescale_ratio),

        struct_img = (struct_img - struct_img.min() +
                      1e-8) / (struct_img.max() - struct_img.min() + 1e-8)
        gaussian_smoothing_truncate_range = (
            gaussian_smoothing_truncate_range * rescale_ratio)

    # smoothing with gaussian filter
    structure_img_smooth = image_smoothing_gaussian_3d(


    # core algorithm

    # step 1: low level thresholding
    # global_otsu = threshold_otsu(structure_img_smooth)
    global_tri = threshold_triangle(structure_img_smooth)
    global_median = np.percentile(structure_img_smooth, 50)

    th_low_level = (global_tri + global_median) / 2

    # print(global_median)
    # print(global_tri)
    # print(th_low_level)
    # imsave('img_smooth.tiff', structure_img_smooth)

    bw_low_level = structure_img_smooth > th_low_level
    bw_low_level = remove_small_objects(bw_low_level,
    bw_low_level = dilation(bw_low_level, selem=ball(2))

    # step 2: high level thresholding
    local_cutoff = 0.333 * threshold_otsu(structure_img_smooth)
    bw_high_level = np.zeros_like(bw_low_level)
    lab_low, num_obj = label(bw_low_level, return_num=True, connectivity=1)
    for idx in range(num_obj):
        single_obj = lab_low == (idx + 1)
        local_otsu = threshold_otsu(structure_img_smooth[single_obj])
        if local_otsu > local_cutoff:
                structure_img_smooth > 1.2 * local_otsu, single_obj)] = 1

    # imsave('seg_coarse.tiff', bw_high_level.astype(np.uint8))


    response_bright = dot_slice_by_slice(structure_img_smooth,

    bw_extra = response_bright > 0.03  # dot_2d_cutoff
    bw_extra[~bw_low_level] = 0

    bw_final = np.logical_or(bw_extra, bw_high_level)
    # bw_final[holes]=0

    seg = remove_small_objects(bw_final,

    # output
    seg = seg > 0
    seg = seg.astype(np.uint8)
    seg[seg > 0] = 255


    if output_type == "default":
        # the default final output, simply save it to the output path
        save_segmentation(seg, False, Path(output_path), fn)
    elif output_type == "customize":
        # the hook for passing in a customized output function
        # use "out_img_list" and "out_name_list" in your hook to
        # customize your output functions
        output_func(out_img_list, out_name_list, Path(output_path), fn)
    elif output_type == "array":
        return seg
    elif output_type == "array_with_contour":
        return (seg, generate_segmentation_contour(seg))
        raise NotImplementedError("invalid output type: {output_type}")
Beispiel #15
def min_max_norm(y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    return (y - y.min()) / (y.max() - y.min())
def get_switch_correction(
    ant_s11: np.ndarray,
    internal_switch: io.SwitchingState,
    f_in: np.ndarray = np.zeros([0, 1]),
    resistance_m: float = 50.166,
    n_terms: [int, Tuple] = 7,
    model_type: str = "polynomial",
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, dict]:
    Compute the switch correction.

    ant_s11 : array_like
        Array of S11 measurements as a function of frequency
    internal_switch : :class:`io.SwitchingState` instance
        An internal switching state object.
    f_in : np.ndarray
        The input frequencies
    resistance_m : float
        The resistance of the switch.
    n_terms : int or tuple
        Specifies the order of the fitted polynomial for the S11 measurements.
        If a tuple, must be length 3, specifying the order for the s11, s12, s22
    model_type : str
        The type of model to fit to the S11.

    corr_ant_s11 : np.ndarray
        The corrected antenna S11.
    fits : dict
        Dictionary of fits to the reflection coefficients s11, s12 and s22.
    corrections, sw = _read_data_and_corrections(internal_switch)

    flow = f_in.min()
    fhigh = f_in.max()
    f_center = (fhigh + flow) / 2

    # Computation of S-parameters to the receiver input
    oa, sa, la = rc.agilent_85033E(internal_switch.freq * 1e6, resistance_m, 1)

    xx, s11, s12s21, s22 = rc.de_embed(

    # Frequency normalization
    fn = internal_switch.freq / f_center

    fn_in = f_in / f_center if len(f_in) > 10 else fn

    n_terms = (n_terms,) * 3 if not hasattr(n_terms, "__len__") else n_terms
    assert len(n_terms) == 3

    # Polynomial fits
    fits = {}
    model = Model._models[model_type.lower()](n_terms=n_terms[0], default_x=fn)
    for ikind, (kind, val, n) in enumerate(
        zip(["s11", "s12s21", "s22"], [s11, s12s21, s22], n_terms)

        fits[kind] = ModelFit(model, ydata=np.real(val)).evaluate(
        ) + 1j * ModelFit(model, ydata=np.imag(val)).evaluate(fn_in)

    # Corrected antenna S11
    return rc.gamma_de_embed(fits["s11"], fits["s12s21"], fits["s22"], ant_s11), fits
Beispiel #17
def p2z_hydrostatic(p: numpy.ndarray,
                    T: numpy.ndarray,
                    p0: (numpy.number, numbers.Number, numpy.ndarray),
                    z0: (numpy.number, numbers.Number, numpy.ndarray),
                    lat: (numpy.number, numbers.Number, numpy.ndarray) = 45,
                    z_acc: (numpy.number, numbers.Number, numpy.ndarray) = -1,
    """Calculate hydrostatic elevation

    Translated from

    WARNING: seems to get siginificant errors.  Testing with an ACE
    profile between 8.5 and 150 km, I get errors from 10 up to +100 metre
    between 10 and 50 km, increasing to +300 metre at 100 km, after which
    the bias changes sign, crosses 0 at 113 km and finally reaches -4000
    metre at 150 km.  This is not due to humidity.  Atmlabs pt2z version
    differs only 30 metre from mine.  In %, this error is below 0.3% up to
    100 km, then changes sign and reaching -3% at 150 km.  For many
    purposes this is good enough, though, and certainly better than

    :param array p: Pressure [Pa]
    :param array T: Temperature [K].  Must match the size of p.
    :param h2o: Water vapour [vmr].  If negligible, set to 0.  Must be
        either scalar, or match the size of p and T.
    :param p0:
    :param z0:
    :param lat: Latitude [degrees].  This has some effect on the vertical
        distribution of gravitational acceleration, leading to difference
        of some 500 metre at 150 km.  Defaults to 45°.
    :param z_acc: Up to what precision to iteratively calculate the
        z-profile.  If -1, run two iterations, which should be accurate,
        according to the comment below.
    :param str ellps: Ellipsoid to use.  The function relies on
        pyproj.Geod, which is an interface to the proj library.  For a
        full table of ellipsoids, run 'proj -le'.
    :param bool extend: If p0, z0 outside of p, z range, extend
        artificially.  WARNING: This will assume CONSTANT T, h2o!
    :returns array z: Array of altitudes [m].  Same size as p and T.
    #     Original description:
    # % PT2Z   Hydrostatic altitudes
    # %
    # %    Calculates altitudes fulfilling hydrostatic equilibrium, based on
    # %    vertical profiles of pressure, temperature and water vapour. Pressure
    # %    and altitude of a reference point must be specified.
    # %
    # %    Molecular weights and gravitational constants are hard coded and
    # %    function is only valid for the Earth.
    # %
    # %    As the gravitation changes with altitude, an iterative process is
    # %    needed. The accuracy can be controlled by *z_acc*. The calculations
    # %    are repeated until the max change of the altitudes is below *z_acc*. If
    # %    z_acc<0, the calculations are run twice, which should give an accuracy
    # %    better than 1 m.
    # %
    # % FORMAT   z = pt2z( p, t, h2o, p0, z0 [,lat,z_acc,refell] )
    # %
    # % OUT   z         Altitudes [m].
    # % IN    p         Column vector of pressures [Pa].
    # %       t         Column vector of temperatures [K].
    # %       h2o       Water vapour [VMR]. Vector or a scalar, e.g. 0.
    # %       p0        Pressure of reference point [Pa].
    # %       z0        Altitude of reference point [m].
    # %       lat       Latitude. Default is 45.
    # %       z_acc     Accuracy for z. Default is -1.
    # %       ellipsoid Reference ellipsoid data, see *ellipsoidmodels*.
    # %                 Default is data matching WGS84.
    # % 2005-05-11   Created by Patrick Eriksson.

    #32  function z = pt2z(p,t,h2o,p0,z0,varargin)
    #33  %
    #34  [lat,z_acc,ellipsoid] = optargs( varargin, { 45, -1, NaN } );
    #35  %
    ellipsoid = pyproj.Geod(ellps=ellps)
    #36  if isnan(ellipsoid)
    #37    ellipsoid = ellipsoidmodels('wgs84');
    #38  end
    #39                                                                              %&%
    #40  rqre_nargin( 5, nargin );                                                   %&%
    #41  rqre_datatype( p, @istensor1 );                                             %&%
    #42  rqre_datatype( t, @istensor1 );                                             %&%
    #43  rqre_datatype( h2o, @istensor1 );                                           %&%
    #44  rqre_datatype( p0, @istensor0 );                                            %&%
    #45  rqre_datatype( z0, @istensor0 );                                            %&%
    #46  rqre_datatype( lat, @istensor0 );                                           %&%

    if not p.size == T.size:
        raise ValueError("p and T must have same length")

    if p.min() < 0:
        raise ValueError("Found negative pressures")

    if T.min() < 0:
        raise ValueError("Found negative temperatures")

#47  np = length( p );
#48  if length(t) ~= np                                                          %&%
#49    error('The length of *p* and *t* must be identical.');                    %&%
#50  end                                                                         %&%

    if not (isinstance(h2o, numbers.Real) or h2o.size in (p.size, 1)):
        raise ValueError("h2o must have length of p or be scalar")

#51  if ~( length(h2o) == np  |  length(h2o) == 1 )                              %&%
#52    error('The length of *h2o* must be 1 or match *p*.');                     %&%
#53  end                                                                         %&%

# FIXME IS THIS NEEDED?  Yes — See e-mail Patrick 2014-08-11
    if p0 > p[0] or p0 < p[-1]:
        if extend:
            if p0 > p[0]:  # p[0] is largest pressure, p0 even larger
                extend = "below"
                p = numpy.hstack([p0, p])
                T = numpy.hstack([T[0], T])
                h2o = numpy.hstack([h2o[0], h2o])
            elif p0 < p[-1]:
                extend = "above"  # p[-1] is smallest pressure, p0 even smaller
                p = numpy.hstack([p, p0])
                T = numpy.hstack([T, T[-1]])
                h2o = numpy.hstack([h2o, h2o[-1]])
            raise ValueError(
                ("reference pressure ({:.2f}) must be "
                 "in total pressure range ({:.2f} -- {:.2f})").format(
                     p0, p[0], p[-1]))

#54  if p0 > p(1)  |  p0 < p(np)                                                 %&%
#55    error('Reference point (p0) can not be outside range of *p*.');           %&%
#56  end                                                                         %&%
#59  %= Expand *h2o* if necessary
#60  %
#61  if  length(h2o) == 1
#62    h2o = repmat( h2o, np, 1 );
#63  end
    if isinstance(h2o, numbers.Real) or h2o.size == 1:
        h2o = h2o * numpy.ones_like(p)

    if h2o.max() > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Found h2o vmr values up to {:.2f}.  Expected < 1.".format(
#66  %= Make rough estimate of *z*
#67  %
#68  z = p2z_simple( p );
    z = p2z_oversimplified(p)
    #69  z = shift2refpoint( p, z, p0, z0 );
    z = _shift2refpoint(p, z, p0, z0)
    #72  %= Set Earth radius and g at z=0
    #73  %
    #74  re = ellipsoidradii( ellipsoid, lat );
    # APPROXIMATION!  Approximate radius at latitude by linear
    # interpolation in cos(lat) between semi-major-axis and
    # semi-minor-axis
    # Get radius at latitude
    re = (ellipsoid.a * numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lat)) + ellipsoid.b *
          (1 - numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lat))))
    #75  g0 = lat2g0( lat );
    g0 = lat2g0(lat)
    #78  %= Gas constant and molecular weight of dry air and water vapour
    #79  %
    #80  r  = constants( 'GAS_CONST' );
    #81  md = 28.966;
    #82  mw = 18.016;
    #83  %
    #84  k  = 1-mw/md;        % 1 - eps
    k = 1 - M_w / M_d
    #85  rd = 1e3 * r / md;   % Gas constant for 1 kg dry air
    rd = 1e3 * R / M_d  # gas constant for 1 kg dry air
    #88  %= How to end iterations
    #89  %
    #90  if z_acc < 0
    #91    niter = 2;
    #92  else
    #93    niter = 99;
    #94  end
    niter = 2 if z_acc < 0 else 99
    #96  for iter = 1:niter
    for i in range(niter):
        #98    zold = z;
        zold = z
        #100   g = z2g( re, g0, z );
        g = z2g(re, g0, z)
        #102   for i = 1 : (np-1)
        for i in range(p.size - 1):
            #104         gp  = ( g(i) + g(i+1) ) / 2;
            gp = (g[i] + g[i + 1]) / 2
            #106         %-- Calculate average water VMR (= average e/p)
            #107         hm  = (h2o(i)+h2o(i+1)) / 2;
            hm = (h2o[i] + h2o[i + 1]) / 2
            #109         %--  The virtual temperature (no liquid water)
            #110         tv = (t(i)+t(i+1)) / ( 2 * (1-hm*k) );   % E.g. 3.16 in Wallace&Hobbs
            tv = (T[i] + T[i + 1]) / (2 * (1 - hm * k))

            #112         %-- The change in vertical altitude from i to i+1
            #113         dz = rd * (tv/gp) * log( p(i)/p(i+1) );
            dz = rd * (tv / gp) * numpy.log(p[i] / p[i + 1])
            #114         z(i+1) = z(i) + dz;
            z[i + 1] = z[i] + dz
#116   end
#118   %-- Match the altitude of the reference point
#119   z = shift2refpoint( p, z, p0, z0 );
        z = _shift2refpoint(p, z, p0, z0)
        #121   if z_acc >= 0 & max(abs(z-zold)) < z_acc
        #122     break;
        #123   end
        if z_acc >= 0 and max(abs(z - zold)) < z_acc:
#125 end
#127 return
# correct for extending
    if extend == "below":  # lowest pressure extra
        return z[1:]
    elif extend == "above":  # highest pressure extra
        return z[:-1]
        return z
Beispiel #18
def p2z_hydrostatic(p:numpy.ndarray,
    p0:(numpy.number, numbers.Number, numpy.ndarray),
    z0:(numpy.number, numbers.Number, numpy.ndarray),
    lat:(numpy.number, numbers.Number, numpy.ndarray)=45,
    z_acc:(numpy.number, numbers.Number, numpy.ndarray)=-1,
    """Calculate hydrostatic elevation

    Translated from

    WARNING: seems to get siginificant errors.  Testing with an ACE
    profile between 8.5 and 150 km, I get errors from 10 up to +100 metre
    between 10 and 50 km, increasing to +300 metre at 100 km, after which
    the bias changes sign, crosses 0 at 113 km and finally reaches -4000
    metre at 150 km.  This is not due to humidity.  Atmlabs pt2z version
    differs only 30 metre from mine.  In %, this error is below 0.3% up to
    100 km, then changes sign and reaching -3% at 150 km.  For many
    purposes this is good enough, though, and certainly better than

    :param array p: Pressure [Pa]
    :param array T: Temperature [K].  Must match the size of p.
    :param h2o: Water vapour [vmr].  If negligible, set to 0.  Must be
        either scalar, or match the size of p and T.
    :param p0:
    :param z0:
    :param lat: Latitude [degrees].  This has some effect on the vertical
        distribution of gravitational acceleration, leading to difference
        of some 500 metre at 150 km.  Defaults to 45°.
    :param z_acc: Up to what precision to iteratively calculate the
        z-profile.  If -1, run two iterations, which should be accurate,
        according to the comment below.
    :param str ellps: Ellipsoid to use.  The function relies on
        pyproj.Geod, which is an interface to the proj library.  For a
        full table of ellipsoids, run 'proj -le'.
    :param bool extend: If p0, z0 outside of p, z range, extend
        artificially.  WARNING: This will assume CONSTANT T, h2o!
    :returns array z: Array of altitudes [m].  Same size as p and T.
#     Original description:
# % PT2Z   Hydrostatic altitudes
# %
# %    Calculates altitudes fulfilling hydrostatic equilibrium, based on
# %    vertical profiles of pressure, temperature and water vapour. Pressure
# %    and altitude of a reference point must be specified.
# %
# %    Molecular weights and gravitational constants are hard coded and
# %    function is only valid for the Earth.
# %
# %    As the gravitation changes with altitude, an iterative process is
# %    needed. The accuracy can be controlled by *z_acc*. The calculations
# %    are repeated until the max change of the altitudes is below *z_acc*. If
# %    z_acc<0, the calculations are run twice, which should give an accuracy
# %    better than 1 m.
# %
# % FORMAT   z = pt2z( p, t, h2o, p0, z0 [,lat,z_acc,refell] )
# %       
# % OUT   z         Altitudes [m].
# % IN    p         Column vector of pressures [Pa].
# %       t         Column vector of temperatures [K].
# %       h2o       Water vapour [VMR]. Vector or a scalar, e.g. 0.
# %       p0        Pressure of reference point [Pa].
# %       z0        Altitude of reference point [m].
# %       lat       Latitude. Default is 45.
# %       z_acc     Accuracy for z. Default is -1.
# %       ellipsoid Reference ellipsoid data, see *ellipsoidmodels*.
# %                 Default is data matching WGS84.
# % 2005-05-11   Created by Patrick Eriksson.

#32  function z = pt2z(p,t,h2o,p0,z0,varargin)
#33  %
#34  [lat,z_acc,ellipsoid] = optargs( varargin, { 45, -1, NaN } );
#35  %
    ellipsoid = pyproj.Geod(ellps=ellps)
#36  if isnan(ellipsoid)
#37    ellipsoid = ellipsoidmodels('wgs84');
#38  end
#39                                                                              %&%
#40  rqre_nargin( 5, nargin );                                                   %&%
#41  rqre_datatype( p, @istensor1 );                                             %&%
#42  rqre_datatype( t, @istensor1 );                                             %&%
#43  rqre_datatype( h2o, @istensor1 );                                           %&%
#44  rqre_datatype( p0, @istensor0 );                                            %&%
#45  rqre_datatype( z0, @istensor0 );                                            %&%
#46  rqre_datatype( lat, @istensor0 );                                           %&%

    if not p.size == T.size:
        raise ValueError("p and T must have same length")

    if p.min() < 0:
        raise ValueError("Found negative pressures")

    if T.min() < 0:
        raise ValueError("Found negative temperatures")

#47  np = length( p );
#48  if length(t) ~= np                                                          %&%
#49    error('The length of *p* and *t* must be identical.');                    %&%
#50  end                                                                         %&%

    if not (isinstance(h2o, numbers.Real) or h2o.size in (p.size, 1)):
        raise ValueError("h2o must have length of p or be scalar")

#51  if ~( length(h2o) == np  |  length(h2o) == 1 )                              %&%
#52    error('The length of *h2o* must be 1 or match *p*.');                     %&%
#53  end                                                                         %&%

# FIXME IS THIS NEEDED?  Yes — See e-mail Patrick 2014-08-11
    if p0 > p[0] or p0 < p[-1]:
        if extend:
            if p0 > p[0]: # p[0] is largest pressure, p0 even larger
                extend = "below"
                p = numpy.hstack([p0, p])
                T = numpy.hstack([T[0], T])
                h2o = numpy.hstack([h2o[0], h2o])
            elif p0 < p[-1]:
                extend = "above" # p[-1] is smallest pressure, p0 even smaller
                p = numpy.hstack([p, p0])
                T = numpy.hstack([T, T[-1]])
                h2o = numpy.hstack([h2o, h2o[-1]])
            raise ValueError(("reference pressure ({:.2f}) must be "
           "in total pressure range ({:.2f} -- {:.2f})").format(
               p0, p[0], p[-1]))

#54  if p0 > p(1)  |  p0 < p(np)                                                 %&%
#55    error('Reference point (p0) can not be outside range of *p*.');           %&%
#56  end                                                                         %&%
#59  %= Expand *h2o* if necessary
#60  %
#61  if  length(h2o) == 1
#62    h2o = repmat( h2o, np, 1 );
#63  end
    if isinstance(h2o, numbers.Real) or h2o.size == 1:
        h2o = h2o * numpy.ones_like(p)

    if h2o.max() > 1:
        raise ValueError("Found h2o vmr values up to {:.2f}.  Expected < 1.".format(h2o.max()))
#66  %= Make rough estimate of *z*
#67  %
#68  z = p2z_simple( p );
    z = p2z_oversimplified(p)
#69  z = shift2refpoint( p, z, p0, z0 );
    z = _shift2refpoint(p, z, p0, z0)
#72  %= Set Earth radius and g at z=0
#73  %
#74  re = ellipsoidradii( ellipsoid, lat );
    # APPROXIMATION!  Approximate radius at latitude by linear
    # interpolation in cos(lat) between semi-major-axis and
    # semi-minor-axis
    # Get radius at latitude
    re = (ellipsoid.a * numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lat))
        + ellipsoid.b * (1-numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lat))))
#75  g0 = lat2g0( lat );
    g0 = lat2g0(lat)
#78  %= Gas constant and molecular weight of dry air and water vapour
#79  %
#80  r  = constants( 'GAS_CONST' );
#81  md = 28.966;
#82  mw = 18.016;
#83  %
#84  k  = 1-mw/md;        % 1 - eps         
    k = 1 - M_w/M_d
#85  rd = 1e3 * r / md;   % Gas constant for 1 kg dry air
    rd = 1e3 * R / M_d  # gas constant for 1 kg dry air
#88  %= How to end iterations
#89  %
#90  if z_acc < 0
#91    niter = 2;
#92  else
#93    niter = 99;
#94  end 
    niter = 2 if z_acc < 0 else 99
#96  for iter = 1:niter
    for i in range(niter):
#98    zold = z;
        zold = z
#100   g = z2g( re, g0, z );
        g = z2g(re, g0, z)
#102   for i = 1 : (np-1)
        for i in range(p.size-1):
#104         gp  = ( g(i) + g(i+1) ) / 2;
            gp = (g[i] + g[i+1]) / 2
#106         %-- Calculate average water VMR (= average e/p)
#107         hm  = (h2o(i)+h2o(i+1)) / 2;
            hm = (h2o[i] + h2o[i+1]) / 2
#109         %--  The virtual temperature (no liquid water)
#110         tv = (t(i)+t(i+1)) / ( 2 * (1-hm*k) );   % E.g. 3.16 in Wallace&Hobbs
            tv = (T[i] + T[i+1]) / (2 * (1 - hm*k))

#112         %-- The change in vertical altitude from i to i+1
#113         dz = rd * (tv/gp) * log( p(i)/p(i+1) );
            dz = rd * (tv/gp) * numpy.log(p[i]/p[i+1])
#114         z(i+1) = z(i) + dz;
            z[i+1] = z[i] + dz
#116   end
#118   %-- Match the altitude of the reference point
#119   z = shift2refpoint( p, z, p0, z0 );
        z = _shift2refpoint(p, z, p0, z0)
#121   if z_acc >= 0 & max(abs(z-zold)) < z_acc
#122     break;
#123   end
        if z_acc >= 0 and max(abs(z-zold)) < z_acc:
#125 end
#127 return
    # correct for extending
    if extend == "below": # lowest pressure extra
        return z[1:]
    elif extend == "above": # highest pressure extra
        return z[:-1]
        return z
Beispiel #19
def get_kde_img(vals: numpy.ndarray) -> str:
    fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(6, 4), tight_layout=True)
    seaborn.kdeplot(vals, ax=ax, clip=(vals.min(), vals.max()))
    return get_img(fig)
Beispiel #20
def peak_detect(values: np.ndarray, threshold: Union[float, int]=None, min_distance: Union[float, int]=10,
                max_number: int=None, search_region: Tuple[float, float]=(0.0, 1.0),
                find_min_instead: bool=False) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Find the peaks or valleys of a 1D signal.

    Uses the difference (np.diff) in signal to find peaks. Current limitations include:
        1) Only for use in 1-D data; 2D may be possible with the gradient function.
        2) Will not detect peaks at the very edge of array (i.e. 0 or -1 index)

    values : array-like
        Signal values to search for peaks within.
    threshold : int, float
        The value the peak must be above to be considered a peak. This removes "peaks"
        that are in a low-value region.
        If passed an int, the actual value is the threshold.
        E.g. when passed 15, any peak less with a value <15 is removed.
        If passed a float, it will threshold as a percent. Must be between 0 and 1.
        E.g. when passed 0.4, any peak <40% of the maximum value will be removed.
    min_distance : int, float
        If passed an int, parameter is the number of elements apart a peak must be from neighboring peaks.
        If passed a float, must be between 0 and 1 and represents the ratio of the profile to exclude.
        E.g. if passed 0.05 with a 1000-element profile, the minimum peak width will be 0.05*1000 = 50 elements.
    max_number : int
        Specify up to how many peaks will be returned. E.g. if 3 is passed in and 5 peaks are found, only the 3 largest
        peaks will be returned.
    find_min_instead : bool
        If False (default), peaks will be returned.
        If True, valleys will be returned.

    max_vals : numpy.array
        The values of the peaks found.
    max_idxs : numpy.array
        The x-indices (locations) of the peaks.

        If float not between 0 and 1 passed to threshold.
    peak_vals = []  # a list to hold the y-values of the peaks. Will be converted to a numpy array
    peak_idxs = []  # ditto for x-values (index) of y data.

    if find_min_instead:
        values = -values

    """Limit search to search region"""
    left_end = search_region[0]
    if is_float_like(left_end):
        left_index = int(left_end*len(values))
    elif is_int_like(left_end):
        left_index = left_end
        raise ValueError(f"{left_end} must be a float or int")

    right_end = search_region[1]
    if is_float_like(right_end):
        right_index = int(right_end * len(values))
    elif is_int_like(right_end):
        right_index = right_end
        raise ValueError(f"{right_end} must be a float or int")

    # minimum peak spacing calc
    if isinstance(min_distance, float):
        if 0 > min_distance >= 1:
            raise ValueError("When min_peak_width is passed a float, value must be between 0 and 1")
            min_distance = int(min_distance * len(values))

    values = values[left_index:right_index]

    """Determine threshold value"""
    if isinstance(threshold, float) and threshold < 1:
        data_range = values.max() - values.min()
        threshold = threshold * data_range + values.min()
    elif isinstance(threshold, float) and threshold >= 1:
        raise ValueError("When threshold is passed a float, value must be less than 1")
    elif threshold is None:
        threshold = values.min()

    """Take difference"""
    values_diff = np.diff(values.astype(float))  # y and y_diff must be converted to signed type.

    """Find all potential peaks"""
    for idx in range(len(values_diff) - 1):
        # For each item of the diff array, check if:
        # 1) The y-value is above the threshold.
        # 2) The value of y_diff is positive (negative for valley search), it means the y-value changed upward.
        # 3) The next y_diff value is zero or negative (or positive for valley search); a positive-then-negative diff value means the value
        # is a peak of some kind. If the diff is zero it could be a flat peak, which still counts.

        # 1)
        if values[idx + 1] < threshold:

        y1_gradient = values_diff[idx] > 0
        y2_gradient = values_diff[idx + 1] <= 0

        # 2) & 3)
        if y1_gradient and y2_gradient:
            # If the next value isn't zero it's a single-pixel peak. Easy enough.
            if values_diff[idx + 1] != 0:
                peak_vals.append(values[idx + 1])
                peak_idxs.append(idx + 1 + left_index)
            # elif idx >= len(y_diff) - 1:
            #     pass
            # Else if the diff value is zero, it could be a flat peak, or it could keep going up; we don't know yet.
                # Continue on until we find the next nonzero diff value.
                    shift = 0
                    while values_diff[(idx + 1) + shift] == 0:
                        shift += 1
                        if (idx + 1 + shift) >= (len(values_diff) - 1):
                    # If the next diff is negative (or positive for min), we've found a peak. Also put the peak at the center of the flat
                    # region.
                    is_a_peak = values_diff[(idx + 1) + shift] < 0
                    if is_a_peak:
                        peak_vals.append(values[int((idx + 1) + np.round(shift / 2))])
                        peak_idxs.append((idx + 1 + left_index) + np.round(shift / 2))
                except IndexError:

    # convert to numpy arrays
    peak_vals = np.array(peak_vals)
    peak_idxs = np.array(peak_idxs)

    """Enforce the min_peak_distance by removing smaller peaks."""
    # For each peak, determine if the next peak is within the min peak width range.
    index = 0
    while index < len(peak_idxs) - 1:

        # If the second peak is closer than min_peak_distance to the first peak, find the larger peak and remove the other one.
        if peak_idxs[index] > peak_idxs[index + 1] - min_distance:
            if peak_vals[index] > peak_vals[index + 1]:
                idx2del = index + 1
                idx2del = index
            peak_vals = np.delete(peak_vals, idx2del)
            peak_idxs = np.delete(peak_idxs, idx2del)
            index += 1

    """If Maximum Number passed, return only up to number given based on a sort of peak values."""
    if max_number is not None and len(peak_idxs) > max_number:
        sorted_peak_vals = peak_vals.argsort()  # sorts low to high
        peak_vals = peak_vals[sorted_peak_vals[-max_number:]]
        peak_idxs = peak_idxs[sorted_peak_vals[-max_number:]]

    # If we were looking for minimums, convert the values back to the original sign
    if find_min_instead:
        peak_vals = -peak_vals

    return peak_vals, peak_idxs
Beispiel #21
def _check_slate_ope_inputs(
    slate_id: np.ndarray,
    reward: np.ndarray,
    position: np.ndarray,
    pscore: np.ndarray,
    evaluation_policy_pscore: np.ndarray,
    pscore_type: str,
) -> Optional[ValueError]:
    """Check inputs of Slate OPE estimators.

    slate_id: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Slate id observed for each data in logged bandit data.

    reward: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Slot-level rewards, i.e., :math:`r_{i}(l)`.

    position: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Indices to differentiate positions in a recommendation interface where the actions are presented.

    pscore: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Action choice probabilities of the logging/behavior policy (propensity scores).

    evaluation_policy_pscore: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Action choice probabilities of the evaluation policy.

    pscore_type: str
        Either "pscore", "pscore_item_position", or "pscore_cascade".

    # position
    check_array(array=position, name="position", expected_dim=1)
    if not (position.dtype == int and position.min() >= 0):
        raise ValueError("`position` elements must be non-negative integers")

    # reward
    check_array(array=reward, name="reward", expected_dim=1)

    # pscore
    check_array(array=pscore, name=f"{pscore_type}", expected_dim=1)
    if np.any(pscore <= 0) or np.any(pscore > 1):
        raise ValueError(f"`{pscore_type}` must be in the range of (0, 1]")

    # evaluation_policy_pscore
    if np.any(evaluation_policy_pscore < 0) or np.any(
            evaluation_policy_pscore > 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"`evaluation_policy_{pscore_type}` must be in the range of [0, 1]"

    # slate id
    check_array(array=slate_id, name="slate_id", expected_dim=1)
    if not (slate_id.dtype == int and slate_id.min() >= 0):
        raise ValueError("slate_id elements must be non-negative integers")
    if not (slate_id.shape[0] == position.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] ==
            pscore.shape[0] == evaluation_policy_pscore.shape[0]):
        raise ValueError(
            f"`slate_id`, `position`, `reward`, `{pscore_type}`, and `evaluation_policy_{pscore_type}` "
            "must have the same number of samples.")
Beispiel #22
def normalize(values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    return (values - values.min()) / (values.max() - values.min())
Beispiel #23
def check_cascade_dr_inputs(
    n_unique_action: int,
    slate_id: np.ndarray,
    action: np.ndarray,
    reward: np.ndarray,
    position: np.ndarray,
    pscore_cascade: np.ndarray,
    evaluation_policy_pscore_cascade: np.ndarray,
    q_hat: np.ndarray,
    evaluation_policy_action_dist: np.ndarray,
) -> Optional[ValueError]:
    """Check inputs of SlateCascadeDoublyRobust.

    n_unique_action: int
        Number of unique actions.

    slate_id: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Indices to differentiate slates (i.e., ranking or list of actions)

    action: array-like, (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Actions observed at each slot in a ranking/slate in logged bandit data, i.e., :math:`a_{i}(l)`,
        which is chosen by the behavior policy :math:`\\pi_b`.

    reward: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Slot-level rewards observed for each data in logged bandit data, i.e., :math:`r_{i}(l)`.

    position: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Indices to differentiate slots/positions in a slate/ranking.

    pscore_cascade: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Probabilities of behavior policy selecting action :math:`a` at position (slot) `k` conditional on the previous actions (presented at position `1` to `k-1`)
        , i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_i(l) | x_i, a_i(1), \\ldots, a_i(l-1))`.

    evaluation_policy_pscore_cascade: array-like, shape (<= n_rounds * len_list,)
        Probabilities of evaluation policy selecting action :math:`a` at position (slot) `k` conditional on the previous actions (presented at position `1` to `k-1`)
        , i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_i(l) | x_i, a_i(1), \\ldots, a_i(l-1))`.

    q_hat: array-like (<= n_rounds * len_list * n_unique_actions, )
        :math:`\\hat{Q}_l` used in Cascade-DR.
        , i.e., :math:`\\hat{Q}_{i,l}(x_i, a_i(1), \\ldots, a_i(l-1), a_i(l)) \\forall a_i(l) \\in \\mathcal{A}`.

    evaluation_policy_action_dist: array-like (<= n_rounds * len_list * n_unique_actions, )
        Action choice probabilities of the evaluation policy for all possible actions
        , i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_i(l) | x_i, a_i(1), \\ldots, a_i(l-1)) \\forall a_i(l) \\in \\mathcal{A}`.

    check_array(array=action, name="action", expected_dim=1)
    if not (np.issubdtype(action.dtype, np.integer) and action.min() >= 0
            and action.max() < n_unique_action):
        raise ValueError(
            "`action` elements must be integers in the range of [0, n_unique_action)"
    if not (slate_id.shape[0] == action.shape[0] ==
            q_hat.shape[0] // n_unique_action ==
            evaluation_policy_action_dist.shape[0] // n_unique_action):
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected `slate_id.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == "
            "q_hat.shape[0] // n_unique_action == evaluation_policy_action_dist.shape[0] // n_unique_action`, "
            "but found it False")
    evaluation_policy_action_dist_ = evaluation_policy_action_dist.reshape(
        (-1, n_unique_action))
    if not np.allclose(
        raise ValueError(
            "`evaluation_policy_action_dist[i * n_unique_action : (i+1) * n_unique_action]` "
            "must sum up to one for all i.")
Beispiel #24
def _raw_eig_dist(
    eigs: ndarray,
    bins: int = 50,
    kde: bool = True,
    title: str = "Raw Eigenvalue Distribution",
    mode: PlotMode = "block",
    outfile: Path = None,
    fig: Figure = None,
    axes: Axes = None,
) -> PlotResult:
    """Plot a histogram of the raw eigenvalues.

    eigs: ndarray
        The eigenvalues to plot.

    bins: int
        the number of (equal-sized) bins to display and use for the histogram

    kde: boolean
        If False (default), do not display a kernel density estimate. If true, use
        with arguments {kernel="gau", bw="scott", cut=0} to compute and display
        the kde

    title: string
        The plot title string

    mode: "block" (default) | "noblock" | "save" | "return"
        If "block", call plot.plot() and display plot in a blocking fashion.
        If "noblock", attempt to generate plot in nonblocking fashion.
        If "save", save plot to pathlib Path specified in `outfile` argument
        If "return", return (fig, axes), the matplotlib figure and axes object
        for modification.

    outfile: Path
        If mode="save", save generated plot to Path specified in `outfile` argument.
        Intermediate directories will be created if needed.

    fig: Figure
        If provided with `axes`, configure plotting with the provided `fig`
        object instead of creating a new figure. Useful for creating subplots.

    axes: Axes
        If provided with `fig`, plot to the provided `axes` object. Useful for
        creating subplots.

    (fig, axes): (Figure, Axes)
        The handles to the matplotlib objects, only if `mode` is "return".
    fig, axes = _setup_plotting(fig, axes)
        bins=bins,  # doane
        label="Raw Eigenvalue Distribution",
    if kde:
        grid = np.linspace(eigs.min(), eigs.max(), 10000)
        _kde_plot(eigs, grid, axes)

    axes.set(title=title, ylabel="Density")
    return _handle_plot_mode(mode, fig, axes, outfile)
Beispiel #25
def scale_with_max(image: np.ndarray, max_val: float) -> np.ndarray:
    min_ = image.min()
    max_ = image.max()
    K = max_val / (max_ - min_)
    return K * (image - min_)
Beispiel #26
def normalize_gain(samples: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    min_ = samples.min()
    max_ = samples.max()
    return (samples - min_) / (max_ - min_)
Beispiel #27
def correlation(
    xs: np.ndarray,
    ys: np.ndarray,
    ax: Optional[axes.Axes] = None,
    xlabel: Optional[str] = None,
    ylabel: Optional[str] = None,
    labelsize: int = 14,
    label_length_limit: int = 50,
    pointsize: int = 50,
    linewidth: int = 2,
    font_src: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    if font_src is not None:
        prop = fm.FontProperties(fname=font_src, size=labelsize)
        prop = fm.FontProperties(size=labelsize)

    maxy = ys.max()
    miny = ys.min()

    ry = maxy - miny
    ryratio = 0.2

    mask = ~np.isnan(xs.reset_index(drop=True)) & ~np.isnan(

    tau, p = stats.kendalltau(

    s, i, _, _, _ = stats.linregress(xs[mask], ys[mask])
    xl = np.linspace(xs.min(), xs.max())

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    ax.scatter(xs.values, ys.values, s=pointsize, color="k")
    ax.plot(xl, xl * s + i, color="k", linewidth=linewidth)

    if maxy != miny and maxy > miny:
            top=maxy + (ry * ryratio),
            bottom=min(miny, (xs.min() * s) + i) - (ry * (ryratio / 2.0)),

    ylim_min, ylim_max = ax.get_ylim()
    ylim_mean = (ylim_max + ylim_min) / 2.0
    ylim_range = ylim_max - ylim_min

    minx, maxx = ax.get_xlim()
    rx = maxx - minx
    rxratio = 0.05

    tx = maxx - (rx * rxratio)
    ha = "right"
    if (ys[xs < ((xs.max() + xs.min()) / 2.0)].max() <
            ys[xs > ((xs.max() + xs.min()) / 2.0)].max()):
        tx = minx + (rx * rxratio)
        ha = "left"

        max(maxy + (ry * (ryratio / 2.0)), ylim_mean + (ylim_range * 0.4)),
        s=f"P: {p:.3f}\nTAU: {tau:.3f}",

    if xlabel is not None:
        ax.set_xlabel(label_simplify(xlabel, label_length_limit),

    if ylabel is not None:
        ax.set_ylabel(label_simplify(ylabel, label_length_limit),
Beispiel #28
def check_bandit_feedback_inputs(
    context: np.ndarray,
    action: np.ndarray,
    reward: np.ndarray,
    expected_reward: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    position: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    pscore: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    action_context: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
) -> Optional[ValueError]:
    """Check inputs for bandit learning or simulation.

    context: array-like, shape (n_rounds, dim_context)
        Context vectors in each round, i.e., :math:`x_t`.

    action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,)
        Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`.

    reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,)
        Observed rewards (or outcome) in each round, i.e., :math:`r_t`.

    expected_reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions), default=None
        Expected rewards (or outcome) in each round, i.e., :math:`\\mathbb{E}[r_t]`.

    position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,), default=None
        Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback.

    pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,), default=None
        Propensity scores, the probability of selecting each action by behavior policy,
        in the given logged bandit feedback.

    action_context: array-like, shape (n_actions, dim_action_context)
        Context vectors characterizing each action.

    if not isinstance(context, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("context must be ndarray")
    if context.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError("context must be 2-dimensional")
    if not isinstance(action, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("action must be ndarray")
    if action.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("action must be 1-dimensional")
    if not isinstance(reward, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("reward must be ndarray")
    if reward.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("reward must be 1-dimensional")
    if not (action.dtype == int and action.min() >= 0):
        raise ValueError("action elements must be non-negative integers")

    if expected_reward is not None:
        if not isinstance(expected_reward, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError("expected_reward must be ndarray")
        if expected_reward.ndim != 2:
            raise ValueError("expected_reward must be 2-dimensional")
        if not (context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] ==
            raise ValueError(
                "context, action, reward, and expected_reward must be the same size."
        if action.max() >= expected_reward.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError(
                "action elements must be smaller than the size of the second dimension of expected_reward"
    if pscore is not None:
        if not isinstance(pscore, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError("pscore must be ndarray")
        if pscore.ndim != 1:
            raise ValueError("pscore must be 1-dimensional")
        if not (context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] ==
            raise ValueError(
                "context, action, reward, and pscore must be the same size.")
        if np.any(pscore <= 0):
            raise ValueError("pscore must be positive")

    if position is not None:
        if not isinstance(position, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError("position must be ndarray")
        if position.ndim != 1:
            raise ValueError("position must be 1-dimensional")
        if not (context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] ==
            raise ValueError(
                "context, action, reward, and position must be the same size.")
        if not (position.dtype == int and position.min() >= 0):
            raise ValueError("position elements must be non-negative integers")
        if not (context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0]):
            raise ValueError(
                "context, action, and reward must be the same size.")
    if action_context is not None:
        if not isinstance(action_context, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError("action_context must be ndarray")
        if action_context.ndim != 2:
            raise ValueError("action_context must be 2-dimensional")
        if action.max() >= action_context.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                "action elements must be smaller than the size of the first dimension of action_context"
Beispiel #29
def get_node_connections_3d(conns: np.ndarray,
                            nextnode: np.ndarray,
                            num_planes: int = 8) -> dict:
    """For a given node, calculates the nodes it is directly connected to via triangles.
    Output is a dictionary with the reference node as the key and a list of directly connected vertices as the value.

    conns: Array of vertices in a triangle. shape = (num_triangles, 3),
    nextnode: Array that lists the vertex at the next plane.

    conn_dict: Dictionary. Key: vertex index. Value: List of vertex indices that a node connects to.

    Here is some mockup-code that is automated by this routine.

    # Total number of planes
    n_pl = 4
    # Vertices per plane
    n_per_pl = 8

    Create an array of vertices a reference vertex is connected to.
    The last two refer to entries from nextnode.
    i_0 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 2 + n_per_pl, 1 - n_per_pl])
    # Plane 1
    i_1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 2 + n_per_pl, 1 - n_per_pl]) + 1 * n_per_pl
    # Plane 2
    i_2 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 2 + n_per_pl, 1 - n_per_pl]) + 2 * n_per_pl
    # Plane 3
    i_3 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 2 + n_per_pl, 1 - n_per_pl]) + 3 * n_per_pl

    print(f"Plane 0: {i_0}")
    print(f"Plane 1: {i_1}")
    print(f"Plane 2: {i_2}")
    print(f"Plane 3: {i_3}")

    Plane 0: [ 1  2  3 10 -7]
    Plane 1: [ 9 10 11 18  1]
    Plane 2: [17 18 19 26  9]
    Plane 3: [25 26 27 34 17]

    We see that the array, describing connections in plane 0, refers to -7. A node
    in plane 3 (due to periodicity). The array  translated into plane 3, refers to
    node 34. We can map these indices onto the range of vertices, [0:31], by using mod:

    print(f"Plane 0, with mod: {np.mod(i_0, n_per_pl * n_pl)}")
    print(f"Plane 3, with mod: {np.mod(i_3, n_per_pl * n_pl)}")

    Plane 0, with mod: [ 1  2  3 10 25]
    Plane 3, with mod: [25 26 27  2 17]


    conn_dict = {}

    # This + 1 is important!
    vtx_per_plane = conns.max() + 1
    assert (conns.min() == 0)

    # Iterate over all vertices.
    for vertex in range(vtx_per_plane):
        # 1) Find all triangles which include the current vertex
        # Since each vertex occurs either 0 or 1 time in a triangle, each row
        # returned from np.argwhere is unique.
        idx_tri = np.argwhere(conns == vertex)[:, 0]

        # Now we have the triangles in which vertex occurs, identified as rows in conns.
        # Get the unique vertices for these triangles
        connected_vertices = np.unique(conns[idx_tri, :])

        # Now we need to find the cross-plane connections.
        # Find the first cross-plane connection via a direct look-up from nextnode
        connected_next_plane = nextnode[vertex] + vtx_per_plane
        # Find the previous one via a inverse look-up
            connected_prev_plane = np.argwhere(
                nextnode == vertex).item() - vtx_per_plane
            # This may actually fail. In this case we just assume a self-connection
            connected_prev_plane = vertex - vtx_per_plane

        conn_vtx_list = np.concatenate(
             np.array([connected_next_plane, connected_prev_plane])))

        # Now we insert conn_vtx_list into conn_dict as the value for the current vertex.
        # Do this for all planes and apply modulo for the first and last plane

        for idx_pl in range(num_planes):
            # We are inserting a vertex shifted to the plane at the current iteration
            vtx_shift = vertex + idx_pl * vtx_per_plane
            if ((idx_pl == 0) or (idx_pl == num_planes - 1)):
                    np.mod(conn_vtx_list + idx_pl * vtx_per_plane,
                           num_planes * vtx_per_plane)
                    {vtx_shift: conn_vtx_list + idx_pl * vtx_per_plane})

    return conn_dict
Beispiel #30
def plot_confusion_matrix(
    cm: np.ndarray,
    figsize=(16, 16),
    title="Confusion matrix",
    """Render the confusion matrix and return matplotlib's figure with it.
    Normalization can be applied by setting `normalize=True`.
    import matplotlib

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    accuracy = np.trace(cm) / float(np.sum(cm))
    misclass = 1 - accuracy

    if cmap is None:
        cmap =

    if normalize:
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            cm = cm.astype(np.float32) / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    f = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    plt.imshow(cm, interpolation="nearest", cmap=cmap)

    tick_marks = np.arange(len(class_names))
    plt.xticks(tick_marks, class_names, rotation=45, ha="right")
    plt.yticks(tick_marks, class_names)

    fmt = ".3f" if normalize else "d"
    thresh = (cm.max() + cm.min()) / 2.0
    for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])):
        if np.isfinite(cm[i, j]):
                format(cm[i, j], fmt),
                color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black",

    plt.ylabel("True label")
    plt.xlabel("Predicted label\nAccuracy={:0.4f}; Misclass={:0.4f}".format(
        accuracy, misclass))

    if fname is not None:
        plt.savefig(fname=fname, dpi=200)

    if not noshow:

    return f
Beispiel #31
    def plot(
        x: np.ndarray,
        y: np.ndarray,
        scatter_sample_ratio: float = 0.1,
        feature_names: List[str] = None,
        fig_height: float = 5.0,
        fig_width: float = 10.0,
    ) -> None:
        """Plots one-dimensional ridge functions and scatter plots."""
        if feature_names is None:
            feature_names = [f"x_{{{i}}}" for i in range(x.shape[1])]
        elif len(feature_names) != x.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Length of `feature_names` {len(feature_names)} differs from width of `x` {x.shape[1]}."

        def _coef_parser(idx, beta, name):
            tokens = [f"{np.abs(beta):.3f}", "\\cdot", name]
            if beta >= 0 and idx != 0:
                tokens = ["+"] + tokens
                tokens = ["-"] + tokens

            return " ".join(tokens)

        fig, axs = plt.subplots(self.n_stages,
                                         fig_height * self.n_stages))
        n_samples = x.shape[0]
        y_min, y_max = y.min(), y.max()
        y_span = y_max - y_min
        for stage in range(self.n_stages):
            xb = x @ self.projections[stage].beta
            xb_min = xb.min()
            xb_max = xb.max()
            xb_span = xb_max - xb_min

            # plot the ridge function
            xb_grid = np.linspace(
                start=xb_min - 0.05 * xb_span,
                stop=xb_max + 0.05 * xb_span,
            yhat_grid = self.ridge_functions[stage].predict(
                xb_grid.reshape(-1, 1))
                f"ridge function {type(self.ridge_functions[stage]).__name__}",

            # plot a subset of the data
            sample_indices = np.random.choice(n_samples,
                                              size=int(n_samples *
                label="projected data",

            # labeling
            projection_equation = " ".join([
                _coef_parser(idx=i, beta=b, name=feature_names[i])
                for i, b in enumerate(self.projections[stage].beta.ravel())
                if b != 0
                f"Stage {stage}: $\\langle x, \\beta\\rangle = {projection_equation}$"
            axs[stage].set_ylim(y_min - 0.5 * y_span, y_max + 0.5 * y_span)

def scale(x: np.ndarray):
    mean_x = x.mean()
    max_x = x.max()
    min_x = x.min()
    return (x - min_x) / (max_x - min_x)
Beispiel #33
def _legacy_filter_spectrum(
    catalog: Catalog,
    frequency: np.ndarray,
    intensity: np.ndarray,
    vlsr: float = 5.8,
    delta_v: float = 0.3,
    block_interlopers: bool = False,
    interloper_threshold: float = 6.0,
    sim_cutoff: float = 0.1,
    line_wash_threshold: float = 3.5,
    restfreqs = catalog.frequency
    int_sim = 10 ** catalog.logint
    max_int_sim = int_sim.max()"Thresholding catalog entries based on overlap and intensity.")"Intensity cutoff: {sim_cutoff * max_int_sim}")
    # get indices of catalogs that actually fall in the range of the data
    cat_mask = np.where(
        (restfreqs < frequency.max())
        & (restfreqs > frequency.min())
        & (int_sim > sim_cutoff * max_int_sim)
    restfreqs = restfreqs[cat_mask]"Min/Max catalog frequencies: {restfreqs.min():.4f},{restfreqs.max():.4f}")
    catalog_indices = list()
    relevant_freqs = np.zeros_like(frequency)
    relevant_intensity = np.zeros_like(intensity)
    relevant_yerrs = np.zeros_like(intensity)
    ignore_counter = 0
    for catalog_index, restfreq in zip(cat_mask, restfreqs):
        velocity = (restfreq - frequency) / restfreq * 300000
        mask = np.where((velocity < (delta_v + vlsr)) & (velocity > (-delta_v + vlsr)))
        if mask[0].size != 0:
            noise_mean, noise_std = compute.calc_noise_std(
                intensity[mask], line_wash_threshold
            if np.isnan(noise_mean) or np.isnan(noise_std):
      "NaNs found at {restfreq}")
            if (
                and intensity[mask].max() > interloper_threshold * noise_std
      "Found interloper at {restfreq}; ignoring.")
                ignore_counter += 1
                relevant_freqs[mask] = frequency[mask]
                relevant_intensity[mask] = intensity[mask]
                relevant_yerrs[mask] = np.sqrt(
                    noise_std ** 2.0 + (intensity[mask] * 0.1) ** 2.0
        f"Ignored a total of {ignore_counter} catalog entries due to interlopers."
    mask = relevant_freqs > 0
    relevant_freqs = relevant_freqs[mask]
    relevant_intensity = relevant_intensity[mask]
    relevant_yerrs = relevant_yerrs[mask]
    mask = np.zeros_like(catalog.frequency)
    mask[catalog_indices] = 1
    chunk = DataChunk(
    return chunk
Beispiel #34
def check_bandit_feedback_inputs(
    context: np.ndarray,
    action: np.ndarray,
    reward: np.ndarray,
    expected_reward: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    position: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    pscore: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    action_context: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
) -> Optional[ValueError]:
    """Check inputs for bandit learning or simulation.

    context: array-like, shape (n_rounds, dim_context)
        Context vectors observed for each data, i.e., :math:`x_i`.

    action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,)
        Actions sampled by the logging/behavior policy for each data in logged bandit data, i.e., :math:`a_i`.

    reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,)
        Rewards observed for each data in logged bandit data, i.e., :math:`r_i`.

    expected_reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions), default=None
        Expected reward of each data, i.e., :math:`\\mathbb{E}[r_i|x_i,a_i]`.

    position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,), default=None
        Indices to differentiate positions in a recommendation interface where the actions are presented.

    pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,)
        Action choice probabilities of the logging/behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_i|x_i)`.

    action_context: array-like, shape (n_actions, dim_action_context)
        Context vectors characterizing each action.

    check_array(array=context, name="context", expected_dim=2)
    check_array(array=action, name="action", expected_dim=1)
    check_array(array=reward, name="reward", expected_dim=1)
    if expected_reward is not None:
        if not (context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] ==
            raise ValueError(
                "Expected `context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] == expected_reward.shape[0]`"
                ", but found it False")
        if not (np.issubdtype(action.dtype, np.integer) and action.min() >= 0
                and action.max() < expected_reward.shape[1]):
            raise ValueError(
                "`action` elements must be integers in the range of [0, `expected_reward.shape[1]`)"
        if not (np.issubdtype(action.dtype, np.integer) and action.min() >= 0):
            raise ValueError("`action` elements must be non-negative integers")
    if pscore is not None:
        check_array(array=pscore, name="pscore", expected_dim=1)
        if not (context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] ==
            raise ValueError(
                "Expected `context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] == pscore.shape[0]`"
                ", but found it False")
        if np.any(pscore <= 0):
            raise ValueError("`pscore` must be positive")

    if position is not None:
        check_array(array=position, name="position", expected_dim=1)
        if not (context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] ==
            raise ValueError(
                "Expected `context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] == position.shape[0]`"
                ", but found it False")
        if not (np.issubdtype(position.dtype, np.integer)
                and position.min() >= 0):
            raise ValueError(
                "`position` elements must be non-negative integers")
        if not (context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0]):
            raise ValueError(
                "Expected `context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0]`"
                ", but found it False")
    if action_context is not None:
        if not (np.issubdtype(action.dtype, np.integer) and action.min() >= 0
                and action.max() < action_context.shape[0]):
            raise ValueError(
                "`action` elements must be integers in the range of [0, `action_context.shape[0]`)"
        if not (np.issubdtype(action.dtype, np.integer) and action.min() >= 0):
            raise ValueError("`action` elements must be non-negative integers")
Beispiel #35
 def apply(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
     ifac = 1 - .9 * self.fac
     return data.clip(data.min() * ifac, data.max() * ifac) * (.5 / ifac)
Beispiel #36
 def scale(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
     max_x = x.max()
     min_x = x.min()
     return (x - min_x) / (max_x - min_x)
Beispiel #37
def Workflow_cardio_myl7(
    struct_img: np.ndarray,
    rescale_ratio: float = -1,
    output_type: str = "default",
    output_path: Union[str, Path] = None,
    fn: Union[str, Path] = None,
    classic segmentation workflow wrapper for structure Cardio MYL7

    struct_img: np.ndarray
        the 3D image to be segmented
    rescale_ratio: float
        an optional parameter to allow rescale the image before running the
        segmentation functions, default is no rescaling
    output_type: str
        select how to handle output. Currently, four types are supported:
        1. default: the result will be saved at output_path whose filename is
            original name without extention + "_struct_segmentaiton.tiff"
        2. array: the segmentation result will be simply returned as a numpy array
        3. array_with_contour: segmentation result will be returned together with
            the contour of the segmentation
        4. customize: pass in an extra output_func to do a special save. All the
            intermediate results, names of these results, the output_path, and the
            original filename (without extension) will be passed in to output_func.
    #   note that these parameters are supposed to be fixed for the structure
    #   and work well accross different datasets

    intensity_norm_param = [8, 15.5]
    vesselness_sigma = [1]
    vesselness_cutoff = 0.01
    minArea = 15

    out_img_list = []
    out_name_list = []

    # intenisty normalization (min/max)
    struct_img = intensity_normalization(struct_img,


    # rescale if needed
    if rescale_ratio > 0:
        struct_img = zoom(struct_img, (1, rescale_ratio, rescale_ratio),

        struct_img = (struct_img - struct_img.min() +
                      1e-8) / (struct_img.max() - struct_img.min() + 1e-8)

    # smoothing with gaussian filter
    structure_img_smooth = edge_preserving_smoothing_3d(struct_img)


    # core algorithm

    # vesselness 3d
    response = vesselness3D(structure_img_smooth,
    bw = response > vesselness_cutoff

    seg = remove_small_objects(bw > 0,

    # output
    seg = seg > 0
    seg = seg.astype(np.uint8)
    seg[seg > 0] = 255


    if output_type == "default":
        # the default final output, simply save it to the output path
        save_segmentation(seg, False, Path(output_path), fn)
    elif output_type == "customize":
        # the hook for passing in a customized output function
        # use "out_img_list" and "out_name_list" in your hook to
        # customize your output functions
        output_func(out_img_list, out_name_list, Path(output_path), fn)
    elif output_type == "array":
        return seg
    elif output_type == "array_with_contour":
        return (seg, generate_segmentation_contour(seg))
        raise NotImplementedError("invalid output type: {output_type}")
Beispiel #38
def cover_space(samples: np.ndarray, tolerance=0.03) -> bool:
    return (np.allclose(samples.min(axis=0), -1, atol=tolerance) and
            np.allclose(samples.max(axis=0), 1, atol=tolerance))
Beispiel #39
 def apply_image(self, img: np.ndarray):
     return (img - img.min()) / (img.max() - img.min()) * self.range[1] + self.range[0]
    def _compute_num_spots_per_threshold(
            self, img: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[int]]:
        """Computes the number of detected spots for each threshold

        img : np.ndarray
            The image in which to count spots

        np.ndarray :
        List[int] :
            spot counts

        # thresholds to search over
        thresholds = np.linspace(img.min(), img.max(), num=100)

        # number of spots detected at each threshold
        spot_counts = []

        # where we stop our threshold search
        stop_threshold = None

        if self.verbose and StarfishConfig().verbose:
            threshold_iter = tqdm(thresholds)
            print('Determining optimal threshold ...')
            threshold_iter = thresholds

        for stop_index, threshold in enumerate(threshold_iter):
            spots = peak_local_max(img,

            # stop spot finding when the number of detected spots falls below min_num_spots_detected
            if len(spots) <= self.min_num_spots_detected:
                stop_threshold = threshold
                if self.verbose:
                        f'Stopping early at threshold={threshold}. Number of spots fell below: '

        if stop_threshold is None:
            stop_threshold = thresholds.max()

        if len(thresholds > 1):
            thresholds = thresholds[:stop_index]
            spot_counts = spot_counts[:stop_index]

        return thresholds, spot_counts