Beispiel #1
def test_scope():
    def fn():
        return numpyro.sample('x', dist.Normal())

    with handlers.trace() as trace:
        with handlers.seed(rng_seed=1):
            with handlers.scope(prefix='a'):
            with handlers.scope(prefix='b'):
                with handlers.scope(prefix='a'):

    assert 'a/x' in trace
    assert 'b/a/x' in trace
Beispiel #2
def test_scope():
    def fn():
        return numpyro.sample("x", dist.Normal())

    with handlers.trace() as trace:
        with handlers.seed(rng_seed=1):
            with handlers.scope(prefix="a"):
            with handlers.scope(prefix="b"):
                with handlers.scope(prefix="a"):

    assert "a/x" in trace
    assert "b/a/x" in trace
Beispiel #3
def birthdays_model(
    intercept = sample("intercept", dist.Normal(0, 1))
    f1 = scope(trend_gp, "trend")(x, L, M1)
    f2 = scope(year_gp, "year")(x, w0, M2)
    g3 = scope(trend_gp,
               "week-trend")(x, L, M3)  # length ~ lognormal(-1, 1) in original
    weekday = scope(weekday_effect, "week")(day_of_week)
    yearday = scope(yearday_effect, "day")(day_of_year)

    # # --- special days
    memorial = scope(special_effect, "memorial")(memorial_days_indicator)
    labour = scope(special_effect, "labour")(labour_days_indicator)
    thanksgiving = scope(special_effect,

    day = yearday + memorial + labour + thanksgiving
    # --- Combine components
    f = deterministic("f", intercept + f1 + f2 + jnp.exp(g3) * weekday + day)
    sigma = sample("sigma", dist.HalfNormal(0.5))
    with plate("obs", x.shape[0]):
        sample("y", dist.Normal(f, sigma), obs=y)
Beispiel #4
    def body_fn(wrapped_carry, x, prefix=None):
        i, rng_key, carry = wrapped_carry
        init = True if (not_jax_tracer(i) and i == 0) else False
        rng_key, subkey = random.split(rng_key) if rng_key is not None else (None, None)

        seeded_fn = handlers.seed(f, subkey) if subkey is not None else f
        for subs_type, subs_map in substitute_stack:
            subs_fn = partial(_subs_wrapper, subs_map, i, length)
            if subs_type == 'condition':
                seeded_fn = handlers.condition(seeded_fn, condition_fn=subs_fn)
            elif subs_type == 'substitute':
                seeded_fn = handlers.substitute(seeded_fn, substitute_fn=subs_fn)

        if init:
            with handlers.scope(prefix="_init"):
                new_carry, y = seeded_fn(carry, x)
                trace = {}
            with handlers.block(), packed_trace() as trace, promote_shapes(), enum(), markov():
                # Like scan_wrapper, we collect the trace of scan's transition function
                # `seeded_fn` here. To put time dimension to the correct position, we need to
                # promote shapes to make `fn` and `value`
                # at each site have the same batch dims (e.g. if `fn.batch_shape = (2, 3)`,
                # and value's batch_shape is (3,), then we promote shape of
                # value so that its batch shape is (1, 3)).
                new_carry, y = config_enumerate(seeded_fn)(carry, x)

            # store shape of new_carry at a global variable
            nonlocal carry_shape_at_t1
            carry_shape_at_t1 = [jnp.shape(x) for x in tree_flatten(new_carry)[0]]
            # make new_carry have the same shape as carry
            # FIXME: is this rigorous?
            new_carry = tree_multimap(lambda a, b: jnp.reshape(a, jnp.shape(b)),
                                      new_carry, carry)
        return (i + jnp.array(1), rng_key, new_carry), (PytreeTrace(trace), y)
Beispiel #5
    def body_fn(wrapped_carry, x, prefix=None):
        i, rng_key, carry = wrapped_carry
        init = True if (not_jax_tracer(i)
                        and i in range(unroll_steps)) else False
        rng_key, subkey = random.split(rng_key) if rng_key is not None else (
            None, None)

        # we need to tell unconstrained messenger in potential energy computation
        # that only the item at time `i` is needed when transforming
        fn = handlers.infer_config(
            f, config_fn=lambda msg: {"_scan_current_index": i})

        seeded_fn = handlers.seed(fn, subkey) if subkey is not None else fn
        for subs_type, subs_map in substitute_stack:
            subs_fn = partial(_subs_wrapper, subs_map, i, length)
            if subs_type == "condition":
                seeded_fn = handlers.condition(seeded_fn, condition_fn=subs_fn)
            elif subs_type == "substitute":
                seeded_fn = handlers.substitute(seeded_fn,

        if init:
            # handler the name to match the pattern of sakkar_bilmes product
            with handlers.scope(prefix="_PREV_" * (unroll_steps - i),
                new_carry, y = config_enumerate(seeded_fn)(carry, x)
                trace = {}
            # Like scan_wrapper, we collect the trace of scan's transition function
            # `seeded_fn` here. To put time dimension to the correct position, we need to
            # promote shapes to make `fn` and `value`
            # at each site have the same batch dims (e.g. if `fn.batch_shape = (2, 3)`,
            # and value's batch_shape is (3,), then we promote shape of
            # value so that its batch shape is (1, 3)).
            # Here we will promote `fn` shape first. `value` shape will be promoted after scanned.
            # We don't promote `value` shape here because we need to store carry shape
            # at this step. If we reshape the `value` here, output carry might get wrong shape.
            with _promote_fn_shapes(), packed_trace() as trace:
                new_carry, y = config_enumerate(seeded_fn)(carry, x)

            # store shape of new_carry at a global variable
            if len(carry_shapes) < (history + 1):
                    [jnp.shape(x) for x in tree_flatten(new_carry)[0]])
            # make new_carry have the same shape as carry
            # FIXME: is this rigorous?
            new_carry = tree_multimap(
                lambda a, b: jnp.reshape(a, jnp.shape(b)), new_carry, carry)
        return (i + 1, rng_key, new_carry), (PytreeTrace(trace), y)
Beispiel #6
def test_scope_frames():
    def model(y):
        mu = numpyro.sample("mu", dist.Normal())
        sigma = numpyro.sample("sigma", dist.HalfNormal())

        with numpyro.plate("plate1", y.shape[0]):
            numpyro.sample("y", dist.Normal(mu, sigma), obs=y)

    scope_prefix = "scope"
    scoped_model = handlers.scope(model, prefix=scope_prefix)

    obs = np.random.normal(size=(10,))

    trace = handlers.trace(handlers.seed(model, 0)).get_trace(obs)
    scoped_trace = handlers.trace(handlers.seed(scoped_model, 0)).get_trace(obs)

    assert trace["y"]["cond_indep_stack"][0].name in trace
    assert scoped_trace[f"{scope_prefix}/y"]["cond_indep_stack"][0].name in scoped_trace