def __init__( self, numberOfCols=500, burnIn=2, # Used for evaluating the prediction score collectStats=False, # If true, collect training and inference stats seed=42, verbosity=VERBOSITY, predictionMethod='random', # "random" or "zeroth" **kwargs): # Init the base class TP.__init__(self, numberOfCols=numberOfCols, cellsPerColumn=1, burnIn=burnIn, collectStats=collectStats, seed=seed, verbosity=verbosity) self.predictionMethod = predictionMethod #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create basic data structures for keeping track of column statistics # Number of times each column has been active during learning self.columnCount = numpy.zeros(numberOfCols, dtype="int32") # Running average of input density self.averageDensity = 0.05
def testCheckpointMiddleOfSequence(self): # Create a model and give it some inputs to learn. tp1 = TP(numberOfCols=100, cellsPerColumn=12, verbosity=VERBOSITY) sequences = [self.generateSequence() for _ in xrange(5)] train = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sequences[:3] + [sequences[3][:5]])) for bottomUpInput in train: if bottomUpInput is None: tp1.reset() else: tp1.compute(bottomUpInput, True, True) # Serialize and deserialized the TP. checkpointPath = os.path.join(self._tmpDir, 'a') tp1.saveToFile(checkpointPath) tp2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tp1)) tp2.loadFromFile(checkpointPath) # Check that the TPs are the same. self.assertTPsEqual(tp1, tp2) # Feed some data into the models. test = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([sequences[3][5:]] + sequences[3:])) for bottomUpInput in test: if bottomUpInput is None: tp1.reset() tp2.reset() else: result1 = tp1.compute(bottomUpInput, True, True) result2 = tp2.compute(bottomUpInput, True, True) self.assertTPsEqual(tp1, tp2) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(result1, result2))
def __init__(self, numberOfCols=16384, cellsPerColumn=8, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.5, minThreshold=164, newSynapseCount=164, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.0, activationThreshold=164, pamLength=10, checkpointDir=None): = TP(numberOfCols=numberOfCols, cellsPerColumn=cellsPerColumn, initialPerm=initialPerm, connectedPerm=connectedPerm, minThreshold=minThreshold, newSynapseCount=newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=permanenceInc, permanenceDec=permanenceDec, # 1/2 of the on bits = (16384 * .02) / 2 activationThreshold=activationThreshold, globalDecay=0, burnIn=1, #verbosity=3, # who knows what this does... checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=pamLength) self.checkpointDir = checkpointDir self.checkpointPklPath = None self.checkpointDataPath = None self._initCheckpoint()
def __init__(self, numberOfCols =500, burnIn =2, # Used for evaluating the prediction score collectStats =False, # If true, collect training and inference stats seed =42, verbosity =VERBOSITY, predictionMethod = 'random', # "random" or "zeroth" **kwargs ): # Init the base class TP.__init__(self, numberOfCols = numberOfCols, cellsPerColumn = 1, burnIn = burnIn, collectStats = collectStats, seed = seed, verbosity = verbosity) self.predictionMethod = predictionMethod #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create basic data structures for keeping track of column statistics # Number of times each column has been active during learning self.columnCount = numpy.zeros(numberOfCols, dtype="int32") # Running average of input density self.averageDensity = 0.05
def reset(self): """ Reset the state of all cells. This is normally used between sequences while training. All internal states are reset to 0. """ if self.verbosity >= 3: print "TP Reset" self._setStatePointers() self.cells4.reset() TP.reset(self)
def testCheckpointMiddleOfSequence2(self): """More complex test of checkpointing in the middle of a sequence.""" tp1 = TP(2048, 32, 0.21, 0.5, 11, 20, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 0.0, 14, False, 5, 2, False, 1960, 0, False, '', 3, 10, 5, 0, 32, 128, 32, 'normal') tp2 = TP(2048, 32, 0.21, 0.5, 11, 20, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 0.0, 14, False, 5, 2, False, 1960, 0, False, '', 3, 10, 5, 0, 32, 128, 32, 'normal') with resource_stream(__name__, 'data/tp_input.csv') as fin: reader = csv.reader(fin) records = [] for bottomUpInStr in fin: bottomUpIn = numpy.array(eval('[' + bottomUpInStr.strip() + ']'), dtype='int32') records.append(bottomUpIn) i = 1 for r in records[:250]: print i i += 1 output1 = tp1.compute(r, True, True) output2 = tp2.compute(r, True, True) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(output1, output2)) print 'Serializing and deserializing models.' savePath1 = os.path.join(self._tmpDir, 'tp1.bin') tp1.saveToFile(savePath1) tp3 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tp1)) tp3.loadFromFile(savePath1) savePath2 = os.path.join(self._tmpDir, 'tp2.bin') tp2.saveToFile(savePath2) tp4 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tp2)) tp4.loadFromFile(savePath2) self.assertTPsEqual(tp1, tp3) self.assertTPsEqual(tp2, tp4) for r in records[250:]: print i i += 1 out1 = tp1.compute(r, True, True) out2 = tp2.compute(r, True, True) out3 = tp3.compute(r, True, True) out4 = tp4.compute(r, True, True) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(out1, out2)) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(out1, out3)) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(out1, out4)) self.assertTPsEqual(tp1, tp2) self.assertTPsEqual(tp1, tp3) self.assertTPsEqual(tp2, tp4)
def _initEphemerals(self): """ Initialize all ephemeral members after being restored to a pickled state. """ TP._initEphemerals(self) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cells4 specific initialization # If True, let C++ allocate memory for activeState, predictedState, and # learnState. In this case we can retrieve copies of these states but can't # set them directly from Python. If False, Python can allocate them as # numpy arrays and we can pass pointers to the C++ using setStatePointers self.allocateStatesInCPP = False # Set this to true for debugging or accessing learning states self.retrieveLearningStates = False if self.makeCells4Ephemeral: self.cells4 = Cells4( self.numberOfCols, self.cellsPerColumn, self.activationThreshold, self.minThreshold, self.newSynapseCount, self.segUpdateValidDuration, self.initialPerm, self.connectedPerm, self.permanenceMax, self.permanenceDec, self.permanenceInc, self.globalDecay, self.doPooling, self.seed, self.allocateStatesInCPP, self.checkSynapseConsistency, ) self.cells4.setVerbosity(self.verbosity) self.cells4.setPamLength(self.pamLength) self.cells4.setMaxAge(self.maxAge) self.cells4.setMaxInfBacktrack(self.maxInfBacktrack) self.cells4.setMaxLrnBacktrack(self.maxLrnBacktrack) self.cells4.setMaxSeqLength(self.maxSeqLength) self.cells4.setMaxSegmentsPerCell(self.maxSegmentsPerCell) self.cells4.setMaxSynapsesPerCell(self.maxSynapsesPerSegment) self._setStatePointers()
def _getEphemeralMembers(self): """ List of our member variables that we don't need to be saved """ e = TP._getEphemeralMembers(self) if self.makeCells4Ephemeral: e.extend(['cells4']) return e
def _initEphemerals(self): """ Initialize all ephemeral members after being restored to a pickled state. """ TP._initEphemerals(self) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cells4 specific initialization # If True, let C++ allocate memory for activeState, predictedState, and # learnState. In this case we can retrieve copies of these states but can't # set them directly from Python. If False, Python can allocate them as # numpy arrays and we can pass pointers to the C++ using setStatePointers self.allocateStatesInCPP = False # Set this to true for debugging or accessing learning states self.retrieveLearningStates = False if self.makeCells4Ephemeral: self.cells4 = Cells4(self.numberOfCols, self.cellsPerColumn, self.activationThreshold, self.minThreshold, self.newSynapseCount, self.segUpdateValidDuration, self.initialPerm, self.connectedPerm, self.permanenceMax, self.permanenceDec, self.permanenceInc, self.globalDecay, self.doPooling, self.seed, self.allocateStatesInCPP, self.checkSynapseConsistency) self.cells4.setVerbosity(self.verbosity) self.cells4.setPamLength(self.pamLength) self.cells4.setMaxAge(self.maxAge) self.cells4.setMaxInfBacktrack(self.maxInfBacktrack) self.cells4.setMaxLrnBacktrack(self.maxLrnBacktrack) self.cells4.setMaxSeqLength(self.maxSeqLength) self.cells4.setMaxSegmentsPerCell(self.maxSegmentsPerCell) self.cells4.setMaxSynapsesPerCell(self.maxSynapsesPerSegment) self._setStatePointers()
def _createTPs(numCols, cellsPerColumn=4, checkSynapseConsistency=True): """Create TP and TP10X instances with identical parameters. """ # Keep these fixed for both TP's: minThreshold = 4 activationThreshold = 4 newSynapseCount = 5 initialPerm = 0.6 connectedPerm = 0.5 permanenceInc = 0.1 permanenceDec = 0.001 globalDecay = 0.0 if VERBOSITY > 1: print "Creating TP10X instance" cppTp = TP10X2(numberOfCols=numCols, cellsPerColumn=cellsPerColumn, initialPerm=initialPerm, connectedPerm=connectedPerm, minThreshold=minThreshold, newSynapseCount=newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=permanenceInc, permanenceDec=permanenceDec, activationThreshold=activationThreshold, globalDecay=globalDecay, burnIn=1, seed=SEED, verbosity=VERBOSITY, checkSynapseConsistency=checkSynapseConsistency, pamLength=1000) if VERBOSITY > 1: print "Creating PY TP instance" pyTp = TP(numberOfCols=numCols, cellsPerColumn=cellsPerColumn, initialPerm=initialPerm, connectedPerm=connectedPerm, minThreshold=minThreshold, newSynapseCount=newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=permanenceInc, permanenceDec=permanenceDec, activationThreshold=activationThreshold, globalDecay=globalDecay, burnIn=1, seed=SEED, verbosity=VERBOSITY, pamLength=1000) return cppTp, pyTp
def setUp(self): self.tmPy = TemporalMemoryPy(columnDimensions=[2048], cellsPerColumn=32, initialPermanence=0.5, connectedPermanence=0.8, minThreshold=10, maxNewSynapseCount=12, permanenceIncrement=0.1, permanenceDecrement=0.05, activationThreshold=15) self.tmCPP = TemporalMemoryCPP(columnDimensions=[2048], cellsPerColumn=32, initialPermanence=0.5, connectedPermanence=0.8, minThreshold=10, maxNewSynapseCount=12, permanenceIncrement=0.1, permanenceDecrement=0.05, activationThreshold=15) = TP(numberOfCols=2048, cellsPerColumn=32, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.8, minThreshold=10, newSynapseCount=12, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.05, activationThreshold=15, globalDecay=0, burnIn=1, checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=1) self.tp10x2 = TP10X2(numberOfCols=2048, cellsPerColumn=32, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.8, minThreshold=10, newSynapseCount=12, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.05, activationThreshold=15, globalDecay=0, burnIn=1, checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=1) self.patternMachine = PatternMachine(2048, 40, num=100) self.sequenceMachine = SequenceMachine(self.patternMachine)
def _create_network(self, mean=128): """ :param mean: int, the mean of the frame pix value, will be used in BASE_ENCODE. """ # some rulers of creating network # the product of the shape's two dimensions is equal to inputDimensions # columnDimensions equal to numberOfCols self.enc = MatrixEncoder(shape=self.shape, mean=mean) self.sp = SpatialPooler( inputDimensions=self.shape[0] * self.shape[1], columnDimensions=self.column_dimensions, potentialRadius=self.potential_radius, numActiveColumnsPerInhArea=self.numActive_columns_perInhArea, globalInhibition=self.global_inhibition, synPermActiveInc=self.syn_perm_active_inc, potentialPct=self.potential_pct, synPermInactiveDec=self.synPermInactiveDec, synPermConnected=self.synPermConnected, seed=self.sp_seed, localAreaDensity=self.localAreaDensity, stimulusThreshold=self.stimulusThreshold, maxBoost=self.maxBoost) = TP(numberOfCols=self.column_dimensions, cellsPerColumn=self.cells_per_column, initialPerm=self.initial_perm, connectedPerm=self.connected_perm, minThreshold=self.min_threshold, newSynapseCount=self.new_synapse_count, permanenceInc=self.permanence_inc, permanenceDec=self.permanence_dec, activationThreshold=self.activation_threshold, globalDecay=self.global_decay, burnIn=self.burn_in, pamLength=self.pam_length, maxSynapsesPerSegment=self.maxSynapsesPerSegment, maxSegmentsPerCell=self.maxSegmentsPerCell, seed=self.tp_seed, maxAge=self.maxAge)
def setUp(self): self.tmPy = TemporalMemoryPy(columnDimensions=[2048], cellsPerColumn=32, initialPermanence=0.5, connectedPermanence=0.8, minThreshold=10, maxNewSynapseCount=12, permanenceIncrement=0.1, permanenceDecrement=0.05, activationThreshold=15) self.tmCPP = TemporalMemoryCPP(columnDimensions=[2048], cellsPerColumn=32, initialPermanence=0.5, connectedPermanence=0.8, minThreshold=10, maxNewSynapseCount=12, permanenceIncrement=0.1, permanenceDecrement=0.05, activationThreshold=15) = TP(numberOfCols=2048, cellsPerColumn=32, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.8, minThreshold=10, newSynapseCount=12, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.05, activationThreshold=15, globalDecay=0, burnIn=1, checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=1) self.tp10x2 = TP10X2(numberOfCols=2048, cellsPerColumn=32, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.8, minThreshold=10, newSynapseCount=12, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.05, activationThreshold=15, globalDecay=0, burnIn=1, checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=1) self.scalarEncoder = RandomDistributedScalarEncoder(0.88)
def _createTps(numCols): """Create two instances of temporal poolers ( and with identical parameter settings.""" # Keep these fixed: minThreshold = 4 activationThreshold = 5 newSynapseCount = 7 initialPerm = 0.3 connectedPerm = 0.5 permanenceInc = 0.1 permanenceDec = 0.05 globalDecay = 0 cellsPerColumn = 1 cppTp = TP10X2(numberOfCols=numCols, cellsPerColumn=cellsPerColumn, initialPerm=initialPerm, connectedPerm=connectedPerm, minThreshold=minThreshold, newSynapseCount=newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=permanenceInc, permanenceDec=permanenceDec, activationThreshold=activationThreshold, globalDecay=globalDecay, burnIn=1, seed=SEED, verbosity=VERBOSITY, checkSynapseConsistency=True, pamLength=1000) # Ensure we are copying over learning states for TPDiff cppTp.retrieveLearningStates = True pyTp = TP(numberOfCols=numCols, cellsPerColumn=cellsPerColumn, initialPerm=initialPerm, connectedPerm=connectedPerm, minThreshold=minThreshold, newSynapseCount=newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=permanenceInc, permanenceDec=permanenceDec, activationThreshold=activationThreshold, globalDecay=globalDecay, burnIn=1, seed=SEED, verbosity=VERBOSITY, pamLength=1000) return cppTp, pyTp
def testCheckpointMiddleOfSequence2(self): """More complex test of checkpointing in the middle of a sequence.""" tp1 = TP(2048, 32, 0.21, 0.5, 11, 20, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 0.0, 14, False, 5, 2, False, 1960, 0, False, '', 3, 10, 5, 0, 32, 128, 32, 'normal') tp2 = TP(2048, 32, 0.21, 0.5, 11, 20, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 0.0, 14, False, 5, 2, False, 1960, 0, False, '', 3, 10, 5, 0, 32, 128, 32, 'normal') with resource_stream(__name__, 'data/tp_input.csv') as fin: reader = csv.reader(fin) records = [] for bottomUpInStr in fin: bottomUpIn = numpy.array(eval('[' + bottomUpInStr.strip() + ']'), dtype='int32') records.append(bottomUpIn) for r in records[:250]: output1 = tp1.compute(r, True, True) output2 = tp2.compute(r, True, True) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(output1, output2)) tp3 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tp1)) tp4 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tp2)) i = 0 for r in records[250:]: print i i += 1 out1 = tp1.compute(r, True, True) out2 = tp2.compute(r, True, True) out3 = tp3.compute(r, True, True) out4 = tp4.compute(r, True, True) self.assertTPsEqual(tp1, tp2) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(out1, out2)) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(out1, out3)) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(out1, out4))
def __init__( self, numberOfCols=500, cellsPerColumn=10, initialPerm=0.11, # TODO: check perm numbers with Ron connectedPerm=0.50, minThreshold=8, newSynapseCount=15, permanenceInc=0.10, permanenceDec=0.10, permanenceMax=1.0, # never exceed this value globalDecay=0.10, activationThreshold=12, # 3/4 of newSynapseCount TODO make fraction doPooling=False, # allows to turn off pooling segUpdateValidDuration=5, burnIn=2, # Used for evaluating the prediction score collectStats=False, # If true, collect training and inference stats seed=42, verbosity=VERBOSITY, checkSynapseConsistency=False, # List (as string) of trivial predictions to compute alongside # the full TP. See for a list of allowed methods trivialPredictionMethods='', pamLength=1, maxInfBacktrack=10, maxLrnBacktrack=5, maxAge=100000, maxSeqLength=32, # Fixed size mode params maxSegmentsPerCell=-1, maxSynapsesPerSegment=-1, # Output control outputType='normal', ): #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Save our __init__ args for debugging self._initArgsDict = _extractCallingMethodArgs() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These two variables are for testing # If set to True, Cells4 will perform (time consuming) invariance checks self.checkSynapseConsistency = checkSynapseConsistency # If set to False, Cells4 will *not* be treated as an ephemeral member # and full TP10X pickling is possible. This is useful for testing # pickle/unpickle without saving Cells4 to an external file self.makeCells4Ephemeral = True #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Init the base class TP.__init__( self, numberOfCols=numberOfCols, cellsPerColumn=cellsPerColumn, initialPerm=initialPerm, connectedPerm=connectedPerm, minThreshold=minThreshold, newSynapseCount=newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=permanenceInc, permanenceDec=permanenceDec, permanenceMax=permanenceMax, # never exceed this value globalDecay=globalDecay, activationThreshold=activationThreshold, doPooling=doPooling, segUpdateValidDuration=segUpdateValidDuration, burnIn=burnIn, collectStats=collectStats, seed=seed, verbosity=verbosity, trivialPredictionMethods=trivialPredictionMethods, pamLength=pamLength, maxInfBacktrack=maxInfBacktrack, maxLrnBacktrack=maxLrnBacktrack, maxAge=maxAge, maxSeqLength=maxSeqLength, maxSegmentsPerCell=maxSegmentsPerCell, maxSynapsesPerSegment=maxSynapsesPerSegment, outputType=outputType, )
class Model(): def __init__(self, numberOfCols=16384, cellsPerColumn=8, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.5, minThreshold=164, newSynapseCount=164, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.0, activationThreshold=164, pamLength=10, checkpointDir=None): = TP(numberOfCols=numberOfCols, cellsPerColumn=cellsPerColumn, initialPerm=initialPerm, connectedPerm=connectedPerm, minThreshold=minThreshold, newSynapseCount=newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=permanenceInc, permanenceDec=permanenceDec, # 1/2 of the on bits = (16384 * .02) / 2 activationThreshold=activationThreshold, globalDecay=0, burnIn=1, #verbosity=3, # who knows what this does... checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=pamLength) self.checkpointDir = checkpointDir self.checkpointPklPath = None self.checkpointDataPath = None self._initCheckpoint() def _initCheckpoint(self): if self.checkpointDir: if not os.path.exists(self.checkpointDir): os.makedirs(self.checkpointDir) self.checkpointPklPath = self.checkpointDir + "/model.pkl" self.checkpointDataPath = self.checkpointDir + "/" def canCheckpoint(self): return self.checkpointDir != None def hasCheckpoint(self): return (os.path.exists(self.checkpointPklPath) and os.path.exists(self.checkpointDataPath)) def load(self): if not self.checkpointDir: raise(Exception("No checkpoint directory specified")) if not self.hasCheckpoint(): raise(Exception("Could not find checkpoint file")) with open(self.checkpointPklPath, 'rb') as f: = pickle.load(f) def save(self): if not self.checkpointDir: raise(Exception("No checkpoint directory specified")) with open(self.checkpointPklPath, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(, f) def feedTerm(self, term, learn=True): """ Feed a Term to model, returning next predicted Term """ tp = array = numpy.array(term.toArray(), dtype="uint32") tp.resetStats() tp.compute(array, enableLearn = learn, computeInfOutput = True) #print "ret: " + repr(ret) #if ret.all() == array.all(): # print "EQUAL to input" ret = tp.getStats() #ret = tp.printStates() print "ret: " + repr(ret) print print print "*****************************************" predictedCells = tp.getPredictedState() predictedColumns = predictedCells.max(axis=1) predictedBitmap = predictedColumns.nonzero()[0].tolist() return Term().createFromBitmap(predictedBitmap) def resetSequence(self): print "RESET"
class HTMNetwork(object): """ Attribute: shape: tuple -- set size of the encoder's output, for matrix_encoder, it has two int elements. """ def __init__( self, shape=(32, 32), # tuple -- two element inputDimensions=(1024, ), # tuple two element or int columnDimensions=1024, # int, tuple is not allowed globalInhibition=1, sp_seed=1960, potentialPct=0.8, synPermConnected=0.10, synPermActiveInc=0.05, synPermInactiveDec=0.0008, maxBoost=2.0, potentialRadius=16, numActiveColumnsPerInhArea=40.0, localAreaDensity=-1.0, stimulusThreshold=0, numberOfCols=1024, # int cellsPerColumn=16, # 32 is the official setting tp_seed=1960, newSynapseCount=20, maxSynapsesPerSegment=32, maxSegmentsPerCell=128, initialPerm=0.21, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.0, # 0.1 is the official setting globalDecay=0, maxAge=0, minThreshold=12, activationThreshold=12, pamLength=1, connectedPerm=0.5, burnIn=2, visible=1): # size insurance if type(inputDimensions) == int: self._assert_fun(shape, (inputDimensions, )) else: self._assert_fun(shape, inputDimensions) self._assert_fun((columnDimensions, ), (numberOfCols, )) self.shape = shape # the params of the sp self.input_dimensions = inputDimensions self.column_dimensions = columnDimensions self.potential_radius = potentialRadius self.numActive_columns_perInhArea = numActiveColumnsPerInhArea self.global_inhibition = globalInhibition self.syn_perm_active_inc = synPermActiveInc self.potential_pct = potentialPct self.synPermInactiveDec = synPermInactiveDec self.synPermConnected = synPermConnected self.sp_seed = sp_seed self.localAreaDensity = localAreaDensity self.stimulusThreshold = stimulusThreshold self.maxBoost = maxBoost # the params of the tp self.number_of_cols = numberOfCols self.cells_per_column = cellsPerColumn self.initial_perm = initialPerm self.connected_perm = connectedPerm self.min_threshold = minThreshold self.new_synapse_count = newSynapseCount self.permanence_inc = permanenceInc self.permanence_dec = permanenceDec self.activation_threshold = activationThreshold self.global_decay = globalDecay self.burn_in = burnIn self.pam_length = pamLength self.maxAge = maxAge self.maxSynapsesPerSegment = maxSynapsesPerSegment self.maxSegmentsPerCell = maxSegmentsPerCell self.tp_seed = tp_seed self.visible = visible self.label = "" # network self.enc = None self.sp = None = None self._create_network() def set_label(self, label): """ :param label: str -- the tag of the network """ self.label = label def get_label(self): return self.label def _assert_fun(self, param1, param2): """ :param param1, param2: tuple -- contain int type elements. make sure two params have a same size. """ product_elements1 = 1 product_elements2 = 1 for e in param1: product_elements1 = product_elements1 * e for i in param2: product_elements2 = product_elements2 * i assert product_elements1 == product_elements2 def _check_type(self): pass def view(self): pass def _create_network(self, mean=128): """ :param mean: int, the mean of the frame pix value, will be used in BASE_ENCODE. """ # some rulers of creating network # the product of the shape's two dimensions is equal to inputDimensions # columnDimensions equal to numberOfCols self.enc = MatrixEncoder(shape=self.shape, mean=mean) self.sp = SpatialPooler( inputDimensions=self.shape[0] * self.shape[1], columnDimensions=self.column_dimensions, potentialRadius=self.potential_radius, numActiveColumnsPerInhArea=self.numActive_columns_perInhArea, globalInhibition=self.global_inhibition, synPermActiveInc=self.syn_perm_active_inc, potentialPct=self.potential_pct, synPermInactiveDec=self.synPermInactiveDec, synPermConnected=self.synPermConnected, seed=self.sp_seed, localAreaDensity=self.localAreaDensity, stimulusThreshold=self.stimulusThreshold, maxBoost=self.maxBoost) = TP(numberOfCols=self.column_dimensions, cellsPerColumn=self.cells_per_column, initialPerm=self.initial_perm, connectedPerm=self.connected_perm, minThreshold=self.min_threshold, newSynapseCount=self.new_synapse_count, permanenceInc=self.permanence_inc, permanenceDec=self.permanence_dec, activationThreshold=self.activation_threshold, globalDecay=self.global_decay, burnIn=self.burn_in, pamLength=self.pam_length, maxSynapsesPerSegment=self.maxSynapsesPerSegment, maxSegmentsPerCell=self.maxSegmentsPerCell, seed=self.tp_seed, maxAge=self.maxAge) def _compute(self, a_frame, output, sp_enable_learn, tp_enable_learn): """ the essential proceeding of the network compute, the training and prediction is the iteration of it. :param a_frame: Array, a frame of the video. :param output: np.darray, be used to save the output of the sp. """ matrix = self.enc.encodeIntoArray(a_frame, encoder_model=matrix_encoder.K_MEANS) # TODO(kawawa): show the output encoder and sp. # image = (np.int16(matrix)-1)*(-255) # cv2.imshow("kkk", np.uint8(image)) # cv2.waitKey(10) self.sp.compute(inputVector=matrix, learn=sp_enable_learn, activeArray=output) # a = output, enableLearn=tp_enable_learn, computeInfOutput=None) def train(self, frames_matrix, sp_enable_learn=True, tp_enable_learn=True): """ tran the network by a series of frames :param frames_matrix: a array of the frames :param sp_enable_learn, tp_enable_learn: set the learning model """ output = np.zeros(self.column_dimensions, dtype=int) for i in range(len(frames_matrix)): self._compute(frames_matrix[i], output, sp_enable_learn, tp_enable_learn) def _formatRow(self, x): """make a print format""" s = '' for c in range(len(x)): if c > 0 and c % 10 == 0: s += ' ' s += str(x[c]) s += ' ' return s def predict_detect(self, frames_matrix, sp_enable_learn=False, tp_enable_learn=False): """ get frames, predict the next frame, compare the predicted one with the next input. and give a corresponding mark of them. :param frames_matrix: a array of the frames :param sp_enable_learn, tp_enable_learn: set the learning model :return: float -- the corresponding rank of prediction frames and input frames """ output = np.zeros(self.column_dimensions, dtype=int) score_list = [] self._compute(frames_matrix[0], output, sp_enable_learn, tp_enable_learn) pre_prediction = # view the prediction state if self.visible > 1:, printLearnState=False) self._formatRow(pre_prediction.max(axis=1).nonzero()) for i in range(len(frames_matrix))[1:]: self._compute(frames_matrix[i], output, sp_enable_learn, tp_enable_learn) score = self._give_a_mark(sp_output=output, tp_prediction=pre_prediction) score_list.append(score) pre_prediction = # view the prediction state if self.visible > 1:, printLearnState=False) self._formatRow(pre_prediction.max(axis=1).nonzero()) return sum(score_list) def getPredictedState(self): return def get_sp_active_cells_index(self, sp_cells_state): """ :return index of active cells/columns in format: (array([0, 2, 4], dtype=int64),) """ return sp_cells_state.nonzero() def get_tp_active_cells_index(self, tp_cells_state): """ eg: the tp_cells _state = [[1, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1] [0, 0] [1, 0]] is a np.ndarray :return: index of active columns in format: (array([0, 2, 4], dtype=int64),) """ return tp_cells_state.max(axis=1).nonzero() def get_tp_active_columns(self, sp_cells_state): """ eg: the tp_cells _state = [[1, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1] [0, 0] [1, 0]] is a np.ndarray :return: active columns coder [1, 0, 1, 0, 1] """ return sp_cells_state.max(axis=1) def _corresponding(self, sp_active_column, tp_active_column): """ compute number of bits where two binary array have the same '1' value. sp_active_column and tp_active_column have size 1-d binary array. """ sum = sp_active_column + tp_active_column corresponding_elements = sum / 2 return corresponding_elements.sum() def _give_a_mark(self, sp_output, tp_prediction): """ for two frames: next input and the prediction at this time. (num of same 1 value bit) / (num of 1 value bit in sp_output) :return: a int between 0-1, 1 means have good prediction """ tp_active_columns = self.get_tp_active_columns(tp_prediction) corresponding_num = self._corresponding(sp_output, tp_active_columns) return float(corresponding_num) / float(sum(sp_output))
# Create our NuPIC entities enc = ScalarEncoder(n=50, w=3, minval=0, maxval=100, clipInput=True, forced=True) tp = TP(numberOfCols=50, cellsPerColumn=4, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.5, minThreshold=5, newSynapseCount=5, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.1, activationThreshold=3, globalDecay=0.1, burnIn=1, checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=3) # Setup our PyAudio Stream p = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream =, channels=1, rate=int(p.get_device_info_by_index(0)['defaultSampleRate']), input=True, frames_per_buffer=1024 * 5)
def __init__(self, numberOfCols = 500, cellsPerColumn = 10, initialPerm = 0.11, # TODO: check perm numbers with Ron connectedPerm = 0.50, minThreshold = 8, newSynapseCount = 15, permanenceInc = 0.10, permanenceDec = 0.10, permanenceMax = 1.0, # never exceed this value globalDecay = 0.10, activationThreshold = 12, # 3/4 of newSynapseCount TODO make fraction doPooling = False, # allows to turn off pooling segUpdateValidDuration = 5, burnIn = 2, # Used for evaluating the prediction score collectStats = False, # If true, collect training and inference stats seed = 42, verbosity = VERBOSITY, checkSynapseConsistency = False, # List (as string) of trivial predictions to compute alongside # the full TP. See for a list of allowed methods trivialPredictionMethods = '', pamLength = 1, maxInfBacktrack = 10, maxLrnBacktrack = 5, maxAge = 100000, maxSeqLength = 32, # Fixed size mode params maxSegmentsPerCell = -1, maxSynapsesPerSegment = -1, # Output control outputType = 'normal', ): #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Save our __init__ args for debugging self._initArgsDict = _extractCallingMethodArgs() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These two variables are for testing # If set to True, Cells4 will perform (time consuming) invariance checks self.checkSynapseConsistency = checkSynapseConsistency # If set to False, Cells4 will *not* be treated as an ephemeral member # and full TP10X pickling is possible. This is useful for testing # pickle/unpickle without saving Cells4 to an external file self.makeCells4Ephemeral = True #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Init the base class TP.__init__(self, numberOfCols = numberOfCols, cellsPerColumn = cellsPerColumn, initialPerm = initialPerm, connectedPerm = connectedPerm, minThreshold = minThreshold, newSynapseCount = newSynapseCount, permanenceInc = permanenceInc, permanenceDec = permanenceDec, permanenceMax = permanenceMax, # never exceed this value globalDecay = globalDecay, activationThreshold = activationThreshold, doPooling = doPooling, segUpdateValidDuration = segUpdateValidDuration, burnIn = burnIn, collectStats = collectStats, seed = seed, verbosity = verbosity, trivialPredictionMethods = trivialPredictionMethods, pamLength = pamLength, maxInfBacktrack = maxInfBacktrack, maxLrnBacktrack = maxLrnBacktrack, maxAge = maxAge, maxSeqLength = maxSeqLength, maxSegmentsPerCell = maxSegmentsPerCell, maxSynapsesPerSegment = maxSynapsesPerSegment, outputType = outputType, )
def create_network(): enc = MatrixEncoder((64, 64)) sp = SpatialPooler(inputDimensions=4096, columnDimensions=1024) tp = TP(numberOfCols=1024) return enc, sp, tp
def basicTest2(self, tp, numPatterns=100, numRepetitions=3, activity=15, testTrimming=False, testRebuild=False): """Basic test (basic run of learning and inference)""" # Create PY TP object that mirrors the one sent in. tpPy = TP(numberOfCols=tp.numberOfCols, cellsPerColumn=tp.cellsPerColumn, initialPerm=tp.initialPerm, connectedPerm=tp.connectedPerm, minThreshold=tp.minThreshold, newSynapseCount=tp.newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=tp.permanenceInc, permanenceDec=tp.permanenceDec, permanenceMax=tp.permanenceMax, globalDecay=tp.globalDecay, activationThreshold=tp.activationThreshold, doPooling=tp.doPooling, segUpdateValidDuration=tp.segUpdateValidDuration, pamLength=tp.pamLength, maxAge=tp.maxAge, maxSeqLength=tp.maxSeqLength, maxSegmentsPerCell=tp.maxSegmentsPerCell, maxSynapsesPerSegment=tp.maxSynapsesPerSegment, seed=tp.seed, verbosity=tp.verbosity) # Ensure we are copying over learning states for TPDiff tp.retrieveLearningStates = True verbosity = VERBOSITY # Learn # Build up sequences sequence = fdrutils.generateCoincMatrix(nCoinc=numPatterns, length=tp.numberOfCols, activity=activity) for r in xrange(numRepetitions): for i in xrange(sequence.nRows()): #if i > 11: # setVerbosity(6, tp, tpPy) if i % 10 == 0: tp.reset() tpPy.reset() if verbosity >= 2: print "\n\n ===================================\nPattern:", print i, "Round:", r, "input:", sequence.getRow(i) y1 = tp.learn(sequence.getRow(i)) y2 = tpPy.learn(sequence.getRow(i)) # Ensure everything continues to work well even if we continuously # rebuild outSynapses structure if testRebuild: tp.cells4.rebuildOutSynapses() if testTrimming: tp.trimSegments() tpPy.trimSegments() if verbosity > 2: print "\n ------ CPP states ------ ", tp.printStates() print "\n ------ PY states ------ ", tpPy.printStates() if verbosity > 6: print "C++ cells: " tp.printCells() print "PY cells: " tpPy.printCells() if verbosity >= 3: print "Num segments in PY and C++", tpPy.getNumSegments(), \ tp.getNumSegments() # Check if the two TP's are identical or not. This check is slow so # we do it every other iteration. Make it every iteration for debugging # as needed. self.assertTrue(fdrutils.tpDiff2(tp, tpPy, verbosity, False)) # Check that outputs are identical self.assertLess(abs((y1 - y2).sum()), 3) print "Learning completed" self.assertTrue(fdrutils.tpDiff2(tp, tpPy, verbosity)) # TODO: Need to check - currently failing this #checkCell0(tpPy) # Remove unconnected synapses and check TP's again # Test rebuild out synapses print "Rebuilding outSynapses" tp.cells4.rebuildOutSynapses() self.assertTrue(fdrutils.tpDiff2(tp, tpPy, VERBOSITY)) print "Trimming segments" tp.trimSegments() tpPy.trimSegments() self.assertTrue(fdrutils.tpDiff2(tp, tpPy, VERBOSITY)) # Save and reload after learning print "Pickling and unpickling" tp.makeCells4Ephemeral = False pickle.dump(tp, open("test_tp10x.pkl", "wb")) tp2 = pickle.load(open("test_tp10x.pkl")) self.assertTrue(fdrutils.tpDiff2(tp, tp2, VERBOSITY, checkStates=False)) # Infer print "Testing inference" # Setup for inference tp.reset() tpPy.reset() setVerbosity(INFERENCE_VERBOSITY, tp, tpPy) patterns = numpy.zeros((40, tp.numberOfCols), dtype='uint32') for i in xrange(4): _RGEN.initializeUInt32Array(patterns[i], 2) for i, x in enumerate(patterns): x = numpy.zeros(tp.numberOfCols, dtype='uint32') _RGEN.initializeUInt32Array(x, 2) y = tp.infer(x) yPy = tpPy.infer(x) self.assertTrue( fdrutils.tpDiff2(tp, tpPy, VERBOSITY, checkLearn=False)) if abs((y - yPy).sum()) > 0: print "C++ output", y print "Py output", yPy assert False if i > 0: tp.checkPrediction2(patterns) tpPy.checkPrediction2(patterns) print "Inference completed" print "====================================" return tp, tpPy
def testCheckpointMiddleOfSequence2(self): """More complex test of checkpointing in the middle of a sequence.""" tp1 = TP(2048, 32, 0.21, 0.5, 11, 20, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 0.0, 14, False, 5, 2, False, 1960, 0, False, 3, 10, 5, 0, 32, 128, 32, 'normal') tp2 = TP(2048, 32, 0.21, 0.5, 11, 20, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 0.0, 14, False, 5, 2, False, 1960, 0, False, 3, 10, 5, 0, 32, 128, 32, 'normal') with open(resource_filename(__name__, 'data/tp_input.csv'), 'r') as fin: reader = csv.reader(fin) records = [] for bottomUpInStr in fin: bottomUpIn = numpy.array(eval('[' + bottomUpInStr.strip() + ']'), dtype='int32') records.append(bottomUpIn) i = 1 for r in records[:250]: print i i += 1 output1 = tp1.compute(r, True, True) output2 = tp2.compute(r, True, True) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(output1, output2)) print 'Serializing and deserializing models.' savePath1 = os.path.join(self._tmpDir, 'tp1.bin') tp1.saveToFile(savePath1) tp3 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tp1)) tp3.loadFromFile(savePath1) savePath2 = os.path.join(self._tmpDir, 'tp2.bin') tp2.saveToFile(savePath2) tp4 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tp2)) tp4.loadFromFile(savePath2) self.assertTPsEqual(tp1, tp3) self.assertTPsEqual(tp2, tp4) for r in records[250:]: print i i += 1 out1 = tp1.compute(r, True, True) out2 = tp2.compute(r, True, True) out3 = tp3.compute(r, True, True) out4 = tp4.compute(r, True, True) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(out1, out2)) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(out1, out3)) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(out1, out4)) self.assertTPsEqual(tp1, tp2) self.assertTPsEqual(tp1, tp3) self.assertTPsEqual(tp2, tp4)
def testInitDefaultTP(self): self.assertTrue(isinstance(TP(), TP))
import pyaudio import audioop import math from nupic.encoders import ScalarEncoder from nupic.research.TP import TP from termcolor import colored # Create our NuPIC entities enc = ScalarEncoder(n=50, w=3, minval=0, maxval=100, clipInput=True, forced=True) tp = TP(numberOfCols=50, cellsPerColumn=4, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.5, minThreshold=5, newSynapseCount=5, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.1, activationThreshold=3, globalDecay=0.1, burnIn=1, checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=3) # Setup our PyAudio Stream p = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream = = pyaudio.paInt16, channels = 1, rate = int(p.get_device_info_by_index(0)['defaultSampleRate']), input = True, frames_per_buffer = 1024*5) print "%-48s %48s" % (colored("DECIBELS","green"), colored("PREDICTION","red")) b = 0 while 1:
from nupic.research.TP import TP import numpy as np tp = TP(numberOfCols=20, cellsPerColumn=3, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.5, minThreshold=10, newSynapseCount=10, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.0, activationThreshold=6, globalDecay=0, burnIn=1, checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=10) list = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]]) list1 = np.array([]) for i in range(30): for j in range(len(list)): tp.compute(list[j], enableLearn=True, computeInfOutput=False) tp.reset()
def testCheckpointMiddleOfSequence2(self): """More complex test of checkpointing in the middle of a sequence.""" tp1 = TP( 2048, 32, 0.21, 0.5, 11, 20, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 0.0, 14, False, 5, 2, False, 1960, 0, False, "", 3, 10, 5, 0, 32, 128, 32, "normal", ) tp2 = TP( 2048, 32, 0.21, 0.5, 11, 20, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 0.0, 14, False, 5, 2, False, 1960, 0, False, "", 3, 10, 5, 0, 32, 128, 32, "normal", ) with resource_stream(__name__, "data/tp_input.csv") as fin: reader = csv.reader(fin) records = [] for bottomUpInStr in fin: bottomUpIn = numpy.array(eval("[" + bottomUpInStr.strip() + "]"), dtype="int32") records.append(bottomUpIn) for r in records[:250]: output1 = tp1.compute(r, True, True) output2 = tp2.compute(r, True, True) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(output1, output2)) tp3 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tp1)) tp4 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tp2)) i = 0 for r in records[250:]: print i i += 1 out1 = tp1.compute(r, True, True) out2 = tp2.compute(r, True, True) out3 = tp3.compute(r, True, True) out4 = tp4.compute(r, True, True) self.assertTPsEqual(tp1, tp2) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(out1, out2)) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(out1, out3)) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(out1, out4))
iterationOutput = numpy.zeros(shape=8, dtype="int") spatialPooler.compute(inputCategories[category], learn=True, activeArray=iterationOutput) print(category + ":").ljust(10), iterationOutput print "end iterating some test data\n" print "initializing temporal pooler" temporalPooler = TP( numberOfCols=15, cellsPerColumn=4, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.5, minThreshold=10, newSynapseCount=10, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.0, activationThreshold=3, globalDecay=0, burnIn=1, checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=1 #10 ) print "temporal pooler initialized, temporalPooler.numberOfCols = " + str( temporalPooler.numberOfCols) + "\n" #print "temporal pooler state:" #temporalPooler.printStates(printPrevious=False, printLearnState=False) #wait() trainTemporalPooler = True
# In[20]: for column in xrange(4): connected = np.zeros((24,), dtype="int") sp.getConnectedSynapses(column, connected) print connected print 'STARTING TEMPORAL POOLING' # In[21]: tp = TP(numberOfCols=50, cellsPerColumn=2, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.5, minThreshold=10, newSynapseCount=10, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.0, activationThreshold=8, globalDecay=0, burnIn=1, checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=10) # In[22]: for i in range(1): for note in encoded_list: tp.compute(note, enableLearn = True, computeInfOutput = False) # This function prints the segments associated with every cell.$$$$ # If you really want to understand the TP, uncomment this line. By following # every step you can get an excellent understanding for exactly how the TP # learns. # tp.printCells()
def _createTPs(self, numCols, fixedResources=False, checkSynapseConsistency=True): """Create an instance of the appropriate temporal pooler. We isolate all parameters as constants specified here.""" # Keep these fixed: minThreshold = 4 activationThreshold = 8 newSynapseCount = 15 initialPerm = 0.3 connectedPerm = 0.5 permanenceInc = 0.1 permanenceDec = 0.05 if fixedResources: permanenceDec = 0.1 maxSegmentsPerCell = 5 maxSynapsesPerSegment = 15 globalDecay = 0 maxAge = 0 else: permanenceDec = 0.05 maxSegmentsPerCell = -1 maxSynapsesPerSegment = -1 globalDecay = 0.0001 maxAge = 1 if g_testCPPTP: if g_options.verbosity > 1: print "Creating TP10X2 instance" cppTP = TP10X2( numberOfCols=numCols, cellsPerColumn=4, initialPerm=initialPerm, connectedPerm=connectedPerm, minThreshold=minThreshold, newSynapseCount=newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=permanenceInc, permanenceDec=permanenceDec, activationThreshold=activationThreshold, globalDecay=globalDecay, maxAge=maxAge, burnIn=1, seed=g_options.seed, verbosity=g_options.verbosity, checkSynapseConsistency=checkSynapseConsistency, pamLength=1000, maxSegmentsPerCell=maxSegmentsPerCell, maxSynapsesPerSegment=maxSynapsesPerSegment, ) # Ensure we are copying over learning states for TPDiff cppTP.retrieveLearningStates = True else: cppTP = None if g_options.verbosity > 1: print "Creating PY TP instance" pyTP = TP( numberOfCols=numCols, cellsPerColumn=4, initialPerm=initialPerm, connectedPerm=connectedPerm, minThreshold=minThreshold, newSynapseCount=newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=permanenceInc, permanenceDec=permanenceDec, activationThreshold=activationThreshold, globalDecay=globalDecay, maxAge=maxAge, burnIn=1, seed=g_options.seed, verbosity=g_options.verbosity, pamLength=1000, maxSegmentsPerCell=maxSegmentsPerCell, maxSynapsesPerSegment=maxSynapsesPerSegment, ) return cppTP, pyTP
def testCheckpointMiddleOfSequence(self): # Create a model and give it some inputs to learn. tp1 = TP(numberOfCols=100, cellsPerColumn=12, verbosity=VERBOSITY) sequences = [self.generateSequence() for _ in xrange(5)] train = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(sequences[:3] + [sequences[3][:5]])) for bottomUpInput in train: if bottomUpInput is None: tp1.reset() else: tp1.compute(bottomUpInput, True, True) # Serialize and deserialized the TP. checkpointPath = os.path.join(self._tmpDir, 'a') tp1.saveToFile(checkpointPath) tp2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tp1)) tp2.loadFromFile(checkpointPath) # Check that the TPs are the same. self.assertTPsEqual(tp1, tp2) # Feed some data into the models. test = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable([sequences[3][5:]] + sequences[3:])) for bottomUpInput in test: if bottomUpInput is None: tp1.reset() tp2.reset() else: result1 = tp1.compute(bottomUpInput, True, True) result2 = tp2.compute(bottomUpInput, True, True) self.assertTPsEqual(tp1, tp2) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(result1, result2))
def reset(self): """ Reset the state of all cells. This is normally used between sequences while training. All internal states are reset to 0. """ TP.reset(self)
def main(SEED, VERBOSITY): # TP 作成 tp = TP( numberOfCols = 100, cellsPerColumn = 1, initialPerm = 0.3, connectedPerm = 0.5, minThreshold = 4, newSynapseCount = 7, permanenceInc = 0.1, permanenceDec = 0.05, activationThreshold = 5, globalDecay = 0, burnIn = 1, seed = SEED, verbosity = VERBOSITY, checkSynapseConsistency = True, pamLength = 1000 ) print trainingSet = _getSimplePatterns(10, 10) for seq in trainingSet[0:5]: _printOneTrainingVector(seq) # TP学習 print print 'Learning 1 ... A->A->A' for _ in range(2): for seq in trainingSet[0:5]: for _ in range(10): #tp.learn(seq) tp.compute(seq, enableLearn = True, computeInfOutput=False) tp.reset() print print 'Learning 2 ... A->B->C' for _ in range(10): for seq in trainingSet[0:5]: tp.compute(seq, enableLearn = True, computeInfOutput=False) tp.reset() # TP 予測 # Learning 1のみだと, A->Aを出力するのみだが, # その後, Learning 2もやると, A->A,Bを出力するようになる. print print 'Running inference' for seq in trainingSet[0:5]: # tp.reset() # tp.resetStats() tp.compute(seq, enableLearn = False, computeInfOutput = True) tp.printStates(False, False)
def createTPs(includeCPP=True, includePy=True, numCols=100, cellsPerCol=4, activationThreshold=3, minThreshold=3, newSynapseCount=3, initialPerm=0.6, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.0, globalDecay=0.0, pamLength=0, checkSynapseConsistency=True, maxInfBacktrack=0, maxLrnBacktrack=0, **kwargs): """Create one or more TP instances, placing each into a dict keyed by name. Parameters: ------------------------------------------------------------------ retval: tps - dict of TP instances """ # Keep these fixed: connectedPerm = 0.5 tps = dict() if includeCPP: if VERBOSITY >= 2: print "Creating TP10X2 instance" cpp_tp = TP10X2( numberOfCols=numCols, cellsPerColumn=cellsPerCol, initialPerm=initialPerm, connectedPerm=connectedPerm, minThreshold=minThreshold, newSynapseCount=newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=permanenceInc, permanenceDec=permanenceDec, activationThreshold=activationThreshold, globalDecay=globalDecay, burnIn=1, seed=SEED, verbosity=VERBOSITY, checkSynapseConsistency=checkSynapseConsistency, collectStats=True, pamLength=pamLength, maxInfBacktrack=maxInfBacktrack, maxLrnBacktrack=maxLrnBacktrack, ) # Ensure we are copying over learning states for TPDiff cpp_tp.retrieveLearningStates = True tps['CPP'] = cpp_tp if includePy: if VERBOSITY >= 2: print "Creating PY TP instance" py_tp = TP( numberOfCols=numCols, cellsPerColumn=cellsPerCol, initialPerm=initialPerm, connectedPerm=connectedPerm, minThreshold=minThreshold, newSynapseCount=newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=permanenceInc, permanenceDec=permanenceDec, activationThreshold=activationThreshold, globalDecay=globalDecay, burnIn=1, seed=SEED, verbosity=VERBOSITY, collectStats=True, pamLength=pamLength, maxInfBacktrack=maxInfBacktrack, maxLrnBacktrack=maxLrnBacktrack, ) tps['PY '] = py_tp return tps
def basicTest2(self, tp, numPatterns=100, numRepetitions=3, activity=15, testTrimming=False, testRebuild=False): """Basic test (basic run of learning and inference)""" # Create PY TP object that mirrors the one sent in. tpPy = TP(numberOfCols=tp.numberOfCols, cellsPerColumn=tp.cellsPerColumn, initialPerm=tp.initialPerm, connectedPerm=tp.connectedPerm, minThreshold=tp.minThreshold, newSynapseCount=tp.newSynapseCount, permanenceInc=tp.permanenceInc, permanenceDec=tp.permanenceDec, permanenceMax=tp.permanenceMax, globalDecay=tp.globalDecay, activationThreshold=tp.activationThreshold, doPooling=tp.doPooling, segUpdateValidDuration=tp.segUpdateValidDuration, pamLength=tp.pamLength, maxAge=tp.maxAge, maxSeqLength=tp.maxSeqLength, maxSegmentsPerCell=tp.maxSegmentsPerCell, maxSynapsesPerSegment=tp.maxSynapsesPerSegment, seed=tp.seed, verbosity=tp.verbosity) # Ensure we are copying over learning states for TPDiff tp.retrieveLearningStates = True verbosity = VERBOSITY # Learn # Build up sequences sequence = fdrutils.generateCoincMatrix(nCoinc=numPatterns, length=tp.numberOfCols, activity=activity) for r in xrange(numRepetitions): for i in xrange(sequence.nRows()): #if i > 11: # setVerbosity(6, tp, tpPy) if i % 10 == 0: tp.reset() tpPy.reset() if verbosity >= 2: print "\n\n ===================================\nPattern:", print i, "Round:", r, "input:", sequence.getRow(i) y1 = tp.learn(sequence.getRow(i)) y2 = tpPy.learn(sequence.getRow(i)) # Ensure everything continues to work well even if we continuously # rebuild outSynapses structure if testRebuild: tp.cells4.rebuildOutSynapses() if testTrimming: tp.trimSegments() tpPy.trimSegments() if verbosity > 2: print "\n ------ CPP states ------ ", tp.printStates() print "\n ------ PY states ------ ", tpPy.printStates() if verbosity > 6: print "C++ cells: " tp.printCells() print "PY cells: " tpPy.printCells() if verbosity >= 3: print "Num segments in PY and C++", tpPy.getNumSegments(), \ tp.getNumSegments() # Check if the two TP's are identical or not. This check is slow so # we do it every other iteration. Make it every iteration for debugging # as needed. self.assertTrue(fdrutils.tpDiff2(tp, tpPy, verbosity, False)) # Check that outputs are identical self.assertLess(abs((y1 - y2).sum()), 3) print "Learning completed" self.assertTrue(fdrutils.tpDiff2(tp, tpPy, verbosity)) # TODO: Need to check - currently failing this #checkCell0(tpPy) # Remove unconnected synapses and check TP's again # Test rebuild out synapses print "Rebuilding outSynapses" tp.cells4.rebuildOutSynapses() self.assertTrue(fdrutils.tpDiff2(tp, tpPy, VERBOSITY)) print "Trimming segments" tp.trimSegments() tpPy.trimSegments() self.assertTrue(fdrutils.tpDiff2(tp, tpPy, VERBOSITY)) # Save and reload after learning print "Pickling and unpickling" tp.makeCells4Ephemeral = False pickle.dump(tp, open("test_tp10x.pkl", "wb")) tp2 = pickle.load(open("test_tp10x.pkl")) self.assertTrue(fdrutils.tpDiff2(tp, tp2, VERBOSITY, checkStates=False)) # Infer print "Testing inference" # Setup for inference tp.reset() tpPy.reset() setVerbosity(INFERENCE_VERBOSITY, tp, tpPy) patterns = numpy.zeros((40, tp.numberOfCols), dtype='uint32') for i in xrange(4): _RGEN.initializeUInt32Array(patterns[i], 2) for i, x in enumerate(patterns): x = numpy.zeros(tp.numberOfCols, dtype='uint32') _RGEN.initializeUInt32Array(x, 2) y = tp.infer(x) yPy = tpPy.infer(x) self.assertTrue(fdrutils.tpDiff2(tp, tpPy, VERBOSITY, checkLearn=False)) if abs((y - yPy).sum()) > 0: print "C++ output", y print "Py output", yPy assert False if i > 0: tp.checkPrediction2(patterns) tpPy.checkPrediction2(patterns) print "Inference completed" print "====================================" return tp, tpPy
def setUp(cls): tmPy = TemporalMemoryPy(columnDimensions=[2048], cellsPerColumn=32, initialPermanence=0.5, connectedPermanence=0.8, minThreshold=10, maxNewSynapseCount=12, permanenceIncrement=0.1, permanenceDecrement=0.05, activationThreshold=15) tmCPP = TemporalMemoryCPP(columnDimensions=[2048], cellsPerColumn=32, initialPermanence=0.5, connectedPermanence=0.8, minThreshold=10, maxNewSynapseCount=12, permanenceIncrement=0.1, permanenceDecrement=0.05, activationThreshold=15) tp = TP(numberOfCols=2048, cellsPerColumn=32, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.8, minThreshold=10, newSynapseCount=12, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.05, activationThreshold=15, globalDecay=0, burnIn=1, checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=1) tp10x2 = TP10X2(numberOfCols=2048, cellsPerColumn=32, initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.8, minThreshold=10, newSynapseCount=12, permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.05, activationThreshold=15, globalDecay=0, burnIn=1, checkSynapseConsistency=False, pamLength=1) def tmComputeFn(pattern, instance): instance.compute(pattern, True) def tpComputeFn(pattern, instance): array = cls._patternToNumpyArray(pattern) instance.compute(array, enableLearn=True, computeInfOutput=True) return ( ("TM (py)", tmPy, tmComputeFn), ("TM (C++)", tmCPP, tmComputeFn), ("TP", tp, tpComputeFn), ("TP10X2", tp10x2, tpComputeFn), )