print("\nPlotting Nanowire Phase Aid...") W = 7 N = 20 M = 0.1 added = False ## SOI terms ## al = .4 print("Also, SO Coupling = %1.1f ..." % (al)) ## Set up Nanowire Object ## nanowire = nwObjects.Nanowire(width=W, noMagnets=N, alpha=al, M=M, addedSinu=added) ## Phase ## data = nanowire.phaseAid( bValues=np.linspace(.0, .2, 41), muValues=np.linspace(.1, .8, 71) # add 24 ) ## Plot individual ## plt.figure() plt.plot(data["B"], data["Eb"]) plt.xlabel("Zeeman field Str [B]") plt.ylabel("Energies [t]") plt.ylim([-.12, .12])
print("\nGenerating Nanowire Data (noMagnets = %i --> %i) for M = %1.2f and added: %r" %(minN,maxN,M,added)) ## SOI terms ## eM=.5 mu=.22 al=.0 print("Also, Effective Mass = %1.2f, Chemical Potential = %1.2f, and SO Coupling = %1.1f ..." %(eM,mu,al)) for i in range(np.size(Ns)): ## Set up Nanowire Object ## nanowire = nwObjects.Nanowire(width=W, noMagnets=Ns[i], effectMass=eM, muSc=mu, alpha=al, M=M, addedSinu=added ) ## Spectrum ## pickle.dump(nanowire.spectrum(bValues=np.linspace(0, .4, 81)), open("data/spec_" + "w%i_no%i_eM%1.2f_mu%1.2f_al%1.1f_M%1.2f_added%i" %(W, Ns[i], eM, mu, al, M, int(added)) + ".dat", "wb")) ## Conductance ## pickle.dump(nanowire.conductances(bValues=np.linspace(0, .4, 81)), open("data/cond_" + "w%i_no%i_eM%1.2f_mu%1.2f_al%1.1f_M%1.2f_added%i" %(W, Ns[i], eM, mu, al, M, int(added)) + ".dat", "wb"))